badassque · 1 year
Lots of Axoa recipes will tell you to use a glass of white wine in the broth. For me, there are three glasses of wine involved in the making of Axoa. One for the soup, one for the Gods, and one for me :).
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latribune · 2 months
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amcooking · 11 months
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ted2biel · 6 years
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Menu de ce soir #cuisinebasque #axoa #axoadeveau maison cuite au #cookeo #Axoacookeo #dinertonight #Basquecountrycuisine this #Specialtybasque #Axoaofveal #homemade (à Aquitaine, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btbm8NOl_3k/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qls4olekugl6
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tenrose · 3 years
I have accepted to work on a Saturday, on the bloody 8th may and later I have been invented to go spend the weekend in the Pays-Basque which I desperately have wanted to for over a year now, and it's sunny as hell. And now my tired ass is working for a stupid holiday bonus. Bad timing at its finest from my side. I'm so frustrated.
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philoursmars · 6 years
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L’heure de la bouffe !!! Un grand festin avec moult entrées, entremets et desserts !  Le sud-ouest et l’Auvergne...
- Tel un Triton (la majuscule est ici primordiale !), je déguste un abricot dans un torrent du plateau du Soussouéou (Pyrénées Béarnaises)
- Biarritz -Bistrot des Halles ( je dégustais, je crois, un superbe axoa)
- Sainte-Engrâce - au café Berriex 
- Pau - Sapho sentant la viande sous les légumes (comme moi !)
- Les Bains de Secours (près de Pau) pour les 60 ans de Christine  
- un méchoui à Vichel
- Boudes (Auvergne) - "Au Boudes la Vigne"- un extraordinaire sorbet au bleu  
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belphegor1982 · 2 years
Update from the frankenskirt! It’s coming along nicely: it is now one big piece of fabric and has pockets ^^
I ended up doing a couple of pleats on the front panel and gathering very slightly the back panels, because I didn’t account for the fact that putting the pockets just slightly to the front rather than on either side of the hips is more comfortable. I also made a belt (from two pieces, not enough fabric for one piece). So now my to-do list is to figure out how and where to sew a button and its buttonhole and the zipper - not necessarily in that order!
Here’s a peek at my work station, aka the kitchen table, featuring an empty jar of veal axoa (pronounced [ashwa], it’s a Basque stew), the salt and pepper, the box of an avocado pressing device we haven’t used yet, and one of the pockets peeking out :D
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What are some differences between Basque food & those of Spanish plus the French?
Basque cuisine is a very humble one, based on the quality of ingredients more than on their quantity. In fact, traditional Basque dishes have very very few ingredients.
That said, what people consider Spanish and French cuisine are vaste and diverse terms, and that the famous, world-renown Spanish and French dishes are nothing but a very tiny example: Valencian paella is completely different to Asturian fabada, and aligot from L’Aubrac has nothing in common with Basque axoa.
So the differences between Basque traditional food compared to Spanish or French cuisine is impossible to make, actually. We’ll have to compare it with each region to be fair.
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spooky-frog · 3 years
time to clog your ask box again
anywayyy out of pure spite i've decided i'll be calling the dogy 'axoa croquembouche baguette bouillabaisse croissant brioche'
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artist's rendition of the Boy
i'll get to go see him in like a week or two i'm–
THATS SO EXCITING IM SO HAPPY FOR U!!!! i demand pictures of the boy…<3
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joeyjoeylee · 4 years
Music Ask Meme
Tagged by @bourbon-ontherocks, @roxy206, @whiskeyjack, @mego42 (Thank you, guys!)
You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to.
Put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs then tag ten people! No skipping! (or maybe some skipping. I’m not your dad, do what feels right)
Putting this under a cut because, well, I do not know the meaning of the word restraint and also, I’m not strictly following the rules of this Ask here (and by “strictly,” I mean “at all”).  
First, I think this meme is exactly right and you CAN tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to.  The problem is that I don’t really listen to music and therefore I’m deeply afraid of what people will be able to “tell a lot” about me from this fact (e.g., I want to eat your liver with fava beans; I am Orin from Parks and Rec; etc. etc.)
So I don’t have any playlists and I don’t have 10 songs…or do I?  Awhile back @mego42 challenged me to just name 10 songs.  I think she meant this as like when you try to play chess with a 5-year-old and end up agreeing that they can jump the pieces like checkers just to get the game over with.  
But regardless, I CAN name 10 songs (although seriously, this took me a really long time to do, like, an embarrassingly long time.  But it’s Presidents Day and I hate my fan fic writing at the moment so am desperate to practice avoidance and avoid boredom at the same time so here goes.)  
1.     Like a Rock – This song plays non-stop during Chevy commercials during football games.  I only know the first 3 words “Like A Rock” but I can sing them over and over perfectly in tune.  
2.     WAP – The other day there was a post that said that if a TikTok is really good, it’ll breach the containment field of TikTok (I am still not 100% sure what TikTok is tbh) and cross over into other mediums. So too do popular songs do this for me, when they breach the Music World and enter Pop Culture World.  This summer, I started seeing the word “WAP” everywhere, although since I was reading it, I pronounced it to rhyme with “rap.” Somehow feminism and male v. female artists’ lyric appropriateness was involved with it?  And Kylie Jenner? But also somehow Joe Biden?  Intrigued, I googled and this is how I actually listened to (and enjoyed!) a 2020 song.  
3.     Mr. Clean jingle – This song is sung during Mr. Clean commercials.  It is a straight up banger and the lyrics are really really good as well.  
4.     No Rain (Blind Melon) – My college roommate was going through a Time what with homesickness and culture shock and she played one song on repeat for what felt like our entire freshman year. I can hear the first line in my brain and see the CD cover like it was yesterday (speaking metaphorically here because again, when I close my eyes I see only the back of my eyelids).  Once again I had to turn to Google for this (my google search = “All I can say is that my life is pretty plain” and bee costume girl song) and I am told this was No Rain by Blind Melon.  
5.     Take Me Out to the Ball Game/Baby Shark – I probably heard these two songs the most in all of 2019 since they play the first one during the 7th Inning stretch at every Nationals baseball game (and other baseball parks obvi) and then Baby Shark because it was the walk-up music for a wildly popular player that then morphed into a cultural phenom (everyone standing up, imitating shark mouths with our arms, etc.).  Man, I miss pre-pandemic baseball summer life 😩
6.      The Sound of Music (all songs) – I’m not totally uncultured, I want that to be known. I’ve seen The Sound of Music roughly 100 times (my bestie from college and I used to come home drunk from the bars and fire it up at 3 am and sing along loudly to the joy of our neighbors) and I know all these songs, even the boring ones like the Mother Superior looking pensively out the window one (Climb Ev’ry Mountain – not this film’s greatest work, I’m not gonna lie).  
7.     Auld Lang Syne – Pretty impossible for me to have my rom com New Years Eve kiss moment one day if I don’t know the words to this song and am not prepared to sing it with a sparkler during a dramatic countdown to the New Year/New Life.  (Also, it’s in the ending of It’s A Wonderful Life, another movie I’ve seen umpteen times so it’s baked into my DNA).
8.     Keep on the Sunny Side – Literally I was obsessed with this Michelob Ultra commercial (https://www.ispot.tv/ad/AXOA/michelob-ultra-weather ) to the point of downloading Shazam (SHAZAM PEOPLE!) to try to identify the song.  
9.     Despacito – Another song that jumped the Music-Pop Culture blood/brain barrier was when I started seeing people everywhere write “That’s so sad.  Alexa, play Despacito.”  I googled, then actually took the time and trouble to download it from iTunes.  I then drove around just blasting Despacito (lol, check out me using the past tense here like I don’t still do this). I gather that this song isn’t cool any more (if it ever was) by the pitying look my friend gave me when he got in my car awhile back and by the fact that he straight up said, “really? Despacito? Really?” but I don’t care because I love it.  Oh!  So I do in fact have a playlist and it has one song on it - Despacito (so I guess I could have just done Despacito 1-10 here).  
10.  Can’t Take My Eyes Off You (Frankie Valli) – Can’t even be flippant about this one, I love it so much I put it in my fan fic! My parents loved the Oldies Station on the radio so if we were driving anywhere growing up, pretty good chance you’d hear it.  So pretty, tugs at my heart with the yearning and affection.
There you go, Meg, 10+ songs!  And I hope this fulfilled the spirit if not the letter of the tag for you guys - THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME!
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ikasdu64 · 5 years
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Espelette Veal Axoa recipe 😍😋 https://euskalbideak.wordpress.com/2020/01/01/espelette-veal-axoa-recipe/
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ymp2000 · 5 years
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Axoa de boeuf バスク風牛のラグー 付け合わせはハーブと共に炊いた米 バスク地方名産品の唐辛子がいい仕事してくれます ※メニューではありません staffへのご飯です。 (祝)前日 AUDISCO 夕方、夜営業も お待ちしています❗ AUDISCO 11:30~23:00 #AUDISCO #kyoto #11 (AU DISCO) https://www.instagram.com/p/B33lZ8RgFDb/?igshid=100cy9w5b3eww
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jbrasseul · 5 years
Ascain, Sare, Aïnhoa, Espelette, quatre villages charmants entre l’océan et les Pyrénées. Cette maison est à Ascain, près du pont romain, elle n’a rien de basque évidemment mais tient plutôt des indiens Pueblos du Nouveau Mexique (ou de l’ancien, l’actuel), ou encore des bâtiments du Sahel, mosquées maliennes ou autres. Elle rappelle aussi l’architecture de Gaudi. En fait il s’agit de la demeure d’un personnage d’Hollywood des années 1930, Ferdinand Pinney Earle, qui y a fait venir tout le gratin de l’époque : Marlene Dietrich, Charlie Chaplin, Abel Gance, Louis Jouvet, Mistinguett, Joséphine Baker, Maurice Ravel, Le Corbusier, Ewige Feuillère, etc. En 1940, il quitte la France face à l’avancée allemande, et il fera construire la même maison en plus grand à Malibu.
C’est une curiosité qu’on découvre par hasard en se baladant dans le charmant patelin. Vue du ciel, la maison a une forme de revolver, un pari du propriétaire avec le fameux architecte Frank Lloyd Wright :
Ascain et ses fameux disques pour les tombes, une origine phénicienne ? Il y a aussi un port, sans doute le plus petit en Europe, sur la Nivelle, l’embouchure du petit fleuve est à 7km à St Jean de Luz.
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Le “port” sur la Nivelle
Le pont romain
Eroen Etxea
Sare et Aïnhoa :
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Eglise de Sare
Eglise d’Aïnhoa
Maisons à Aïnoha
Espelette tranche avec les trois autres villages par son côté extrêmement touristique qui le rend moins authentique. C’est très léché, une image de carte postale, cossu aussi, les boutiques sont resplendissantes, le musée du piment aussi, l’office du tourisme digne d’une métropole. On comprend que le lieu ait été choisi pour une visite des conjointes (et pas le conjoint) des chefs d’Etat lors du dernier G7 à Biarritz (août 2019) :
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Restaurant Etorri à Ascain, simple, fameux, cuisine locale, pas cher, par un chef écossais ! Axoa délicieux :
Quatuor basque Ascain, Sare, Aïnhoa, Espelette, quatre villages charmants entre l'océan et les Pyrénées. Cette maison est à Ascain, près du pont romain, elle n'a rien de basque évidemment mais tient plutôt…
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profesorfp-blog · 6 years
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#Repost @lyceejeandrouant_paris (@get_repost) ・・・ Nos étudiants de mise à niveau ont mis en avant la gastronomie Basque. Axoa et gâteau Basque étaient au rendez vous dans un cadre au couleur locale! #ecolehotelieredeparis #lyceejeandrouant #paysbasque #axoa #gateaubasque https://www.instagram.com/p/BqKOEOJAV2J/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bwra8hoklika
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kitchfr-blog · 7 years
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#Axoa de #veau🐄 prêt pour ce midi... au #Kitch. #food #foodporn #yum #instafood #yummy #amazing #instagood #sweet #foodpic #foodpics #foodgasm #restaurant (à Hôtel - Restaurant "Le Kitch")
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krupa-photo · 8 years
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Comme une odeur de printemps au Pays Basque 🌍 Saint-Jean-de-Luz - France #saintjeandeluz #paysbasque #euskadi #foodporn #restaurant #voyage #travel #tourism #village #soupedepoissons #axoa (à Playa De Saint Jean De Luz)
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