#axolotl warrior
Has anyone made the Axolotl Yellowfang joke yet showing up with Bill back in Gravity Falls like "He only loved too much."
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clayclayton332 · 24 days
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I think hed make mary sue style warrior cats characters
What do you guys think Bill would name his warrior sona? I settled on Goldfang since he likes teeth but i feel like there's a way better one i havent thought of
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ipfy-dot-tif · 3 months
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wuatever. massive doodle dump
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marshmallow-fluffy · 2 years
Ok, day 6 of Amphibuary by @amphibianaday! Today's prompt was imaginary, so I decided to do this interactive piece! Imagine an amphibian in my sketchbook! Go on!
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Kidding. Here's my actual piece! They are playing warrior cats. Also I just went off on worldbuilding in the tags. Did not plan on doing that lol
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And here's my mom's piece. His name is Hank, and he's inspired by the opossum she saw earlier today
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westwiiind · 4 months
I understand not agreeing w the common opinion on thw's ending, but how do you feel about its animation; specifically toothless' less detailed design?
i looove how vibrant the animation in thw is. it makes it feel very whimsical which, to me, is reminiscent of the books, which helps bring things full circle and bridge the two. i love it. the only beef i think i have with the animation is how they took away some of the texture in hiccups face. rip his freckles😔 i dont understand why there’s such a fuss on tumblr about toothless’ design though. i never noticed any changes other than some subtle aging and “domestication,” both of which make sense for the story. his changes remind me of how cats change when they’re rescued from the wild u know what i mean?? so i have no problem with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i also like how HUGE he gets. by the time of the epilogue he is MASSIVE i love it!!!
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furryeaglebarbarian · 3 months
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Mapel the axolbard
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bigfrogdraws · 1 year
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final round of oc icons in preparation for artfight! you can find my artfight account here!: https://artfight.net/~bigfrog4231
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spaceumbredoggos · 6 months
So Much For stardust chapter Twenty One
I woke up groggily in a nest of moss and leaves. A blue grey tabby tom with blind blue eyes was sorting plants with a dark red tom with amber eyes. My head spun as I tried to stand up, but collapsed as soon as I got an inch off the ground. Two burly cats guarded the entrance of the den. My mind was fuzzy and my legs and arms didn’t work, something I only remember happening after sedation in the past.
A dark ginger she cat with a white forepaw walked forward. Flanking her was the same grey and white tabby she cat and golden tabby tom from the clan border. I gazed into the dark ginger she cat’s eyes, barely holding my head up. “Jayfeather, how many poppy seeds did you give the twoleg?”
Poppy seeds? My head spun. The blind grey tom responded with a voice similar to Ford’s. “I gave them two heads.”
“Did he just say two heads?” My face tingled and itched as I panted. “You’re bigger than cats are and—“
“I have a really low tolerance to things that put beings to sleep.” My ears rung as I laid on the floor. “A low tolerance?”
“Twolegs use things like herbs all the time. They take the juice from the poppy seed heads and use it to put other humans to sleep. Sometimes, they produce a pleasant feeling in twolegs and therefore, cause twolegs to become extremely agitated off of it. It happened to my mother. However, poppy seeds make me sick by making my face tingle and my body incredibly dizzy. Where am I?” I laid down on my side, shivering in the cold. “It gets cold at night. I can’t handle cold temperatures well.”
The grey tom gave me a ball of moss. “Put it through your teeth and suck.” I sucked the ball of moss dry. Surprisingly, it tasted better than most bottled water and tap water. “I don’t get moss water often. It tastes good. I’m sure most twolegs would disagree, but I’m not like most twolegs.” My breathing slowed down as I started to slur my speech. “Great StarClan. You must be cold.”
“Lionblaze! Get the elders and queens to gather around the twoleg. Along with a couple of warriors.” The dark ginger she cat seemed to be the one in charge. “We need to warm them up.”
Several cats followed the golden tabby tom into the den, laying on me. “I never thought being smothered by wild cats would be a thing I’d ever do. Much less having full on conversations with them.”
A small grey she kit walked up to my face. “Do all twolegs get cold outside, or is it just you?”
“Bristlekit! Don’t bother them!!”
“She’s not bothering me. I’m used to little ones asking me a million questions.” I felt a cat start biscuit making on my shoulder. “Who’s doing that?”
“I’m so sorry. Stemkit! You don’t knead on twolegs.”
“But their shoulders are so squishy.” A ginger tom kit curled up on his mother. “I guess you’re not in a state to answer our questions.” The dark ginger she cat sighed, giving her paws a wash. “My family must be combing the woods looking for me.”
“Twolegs don’t come this way often. My patrols are on the lookout.”
“Please let me go home. I have a sick friend who really needs me right now.” I begged the she cat, who sighed. “We can’t let you go exposing clan secrets to other twolegs. They could come to the lake and start destroying our camp.”
“A lot of twolegs know about Clan life. It’s written down in books.” I felt a nip on my neck. “Oww!!!”
“What’s all those dark marks on your neck?” The ginger kit asked, to which he was picked up by his mother. “Stop asking so many questions and go to sleep, Stemkit.” His mother, a spotted grey she cat with blue eyes, gazed at me. “I apologize for my kits. They’ve never seen a twoleg before. We’re usually taught not to trust twolegs.”
“Twolegs are usually taught not to trust strange cats. But they take them in anyways.” I buried my face in the moss. “Are you comfortable? I know for a fact that twolegs don’t sleep on the ground.”
“I’ve slept on the ground countless times.” I panted, purring. “Kenz? Is that your name?”
“I’m Squirrelstar. ThunderClan’s leader.” I nodded, noticing how Squirrelstar was gazing at the bite marks and hickeys on my neck which still haven’t faded. “What happened to your neck? And your leg?”
“It’s not important.” I tucked my leg in beneath me. “Let my medicine cats look at your leg and neck.” Squirrelstar seemed adamant about this. With a reluctant sigh, I tucked my leg out and flopped my neck.”
“Alderheart, you take the leg. I’ll examine the neck.” The blind grey tom ran his paws on my neck. His paws were cold and stung against the bite wounds and hickeys. “Hmm. Looks like a common injury that she cats sometimes get when toms get too rough.”
Squirrelstar’s eyes widened in horror. A dark brown tabby tom got up off of me, examining the wounds with his widened amber eyes. “Ashfur used to inflict those types of wounds on your neck, didn’t he, Squirrelstar?”
“Brambleclaw, don’t make them upset.” I bit back at the horror of the memory of making out with Dipper, who was possessed by Bill. I felt the grey tom rub something in the wounds of my neck. “Is there a tom twoleg that’s hurting you where you live?”
“It’s a complicated and long story.” I stifled a whine as the tourniquet that Bipper wrapped around my leg was cut off, exposing the wound to open air. “Those scratches are deep.”
Why does Alderheart sound so much like Dipper? I watched as the two cats wrapped my wounds in poultices and cobwebs. I stopped shivering, but still laid there in a daze. “The entire history of the clans is documented in books. Humans, er, I mean twolegs, think it’s all fiction. That none of this actually exists. However, some twolegs know the truth. But I can assure you that they value your culture enough to not cause damage. They keep the secret of your existence as so will I.” I gazed at Jayfeather. “Some of the Twolegs use your herbal remedies. We had a bought of human greencough recently that wouldn’t have subsided without the remedy.”
“So some twolegs know we exist and choose to not intervene?”
“That is correct.” I sighed. “Are you familiar with a disease that is spread through bites of an infected animal that cause the infected to lose their mind and develop a fear of water, Jayfeather?”
“ShadowClan had to deal with that illness. But we have a cure.”
“So it isn’t always fatal?”
“Not without water madness weed.” Jayfeather pulled out a stalk of a plant with purple flowers and arrow like leaves. “It only grows in moist areas near the ShadowClan border. Use it sparingly with catmint.”
“How do you get them to swallow it?”
“You have to restrain the infected by the scruff and force it down their throat.” I grimaced. “Look. If you’re going to interrogate me, can you do it later once I’ve gotten a full night of sleep?”Squirrelstar nodded as I fell asleep.
I tossed and turned, yelping with every breath. Images of a blood red sky appeared in front of me, causing my head to sting and hurt. A blood moon. A sun eclipsed with blackness. A glowing yellow eye in the sky. Memories of Bill’s abuse flooded my head, bringing tears to my eyes. I woke up from it all in pain, gazing at a starlit black she cat with green eyes. “A triangle has three sides. Threes will start and threes will end.”
I woke up again as the she cats words echoed in my mind. It all comes in threes. My head throbbed as I gasped. Jayfeather woke up with a jolt, noticing that I was hyperventilating. The rest of the cats on top of me were fast asleep.
“Rough dream?”
“A little. I miss my own bed. I need to help my friend.” I gazed at the clear sky. “When’s Squirrelstar gonna let me go?”
“It’s up to her, really.” Jayfeather sorted out some herbs as I shivered. “And if other hu- twolegs find me before she makes up her mind…”
“She’s not usually keen on giving up.”
“But twolegs are dangerous to cats. They have weapons such as guns. Now, my family doesn’t condone animal cruelty, but if they sense that I was in danger—“ I shook my head to clear the thought. “Never mind. I’m sure they’ll leave you alone.” I yawned, going back to sleep.
The same black she cat with green eyes appeared in my dream again. “Greetings Kenz.”
“How do you know my name?” Behind the she cat was a giant axolotl. “I told her.” The she cat disappeared into the forest as the axolotl walked up to me. “You’re the Axolotl.”
“Why are you in my dreams?” The Axolotl didn’t respond. He turned around and walked into the fog, disappearing in a crystal pool. “Wait!!!”
I jolted awake, panting. The morning sunlight filtered through the den. I was still shivering, and the cats had left to their nests. Only Jayfeather, the dark red tom, and the two cats guarding the entrance to the den were here. I panted as Jayfeather approached me.
“Still having weird dreams?”
“I think it’s the poppy seeds.” I moaned, still dazed and out of it. “You know that feeling when you have too much catmint?”
“Is that what you’re feeling now?” I nodded, glaring at Jayfeather. “If you didn’t feed me two whole poppy heads I wouldn’t be tripping balls about black she cats with stars in their fur and axolotls.”
“Wait, you had a dream with a cat with stars in her fur?” Jayfeather’s interest peaked. I shivered, hiding in the mulch. “It’s just a trip.”
“You didn’t fall.”
“No. A trip is when you take too much herbs and you start seeing things.”
“Kenz. That was a sign from StarClan.” Jayfeather looked startled. “I don’t know why StarClan would visit a twoleg. And I don’t know what an ‘axolotl’ is.”
I buried my head in the moss and leaves. My ears rang. I just want to sleep this off.
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blank-mange · 1 year
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k-kaez · 6 months
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ah, a 10 foot tall ocean queen warrior who is the prophesized blue axolotl, is strong and canonically a powerhouse of pure power and her husband who is a good builder ☺️
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pinkestmenace · 5 months
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Edit: Expanded reference sheet
WOOOO! Done just in time! @kirbyoctournament
Name: Olympea, the Pummeling Peacekeeper
Gender: She-himbo, She/Her
Age: Never ask a woman her age! (She's an adult.)
Occupation: Warrior/Hero of Yore
Species: Puffball/Starborn/Star Child/whatever the Kirby species is called.
Uh-oh, due to a temporal anomaly the Hero of Yore Olympea suddenly finds herself transported alive and well from Ancient Halcandra to the Kirby OC tournament! She doesn't know what's going on, but she'll roll with the punches and treat it like a fun dream vacation of sorts. She does like meeting all sorts of new people and trying new foods, weapons and technology. She'll have so many stories to tell her friends when she returns! It's probably for the best if she doesn't learn what disaster befell the four heroes in the regular timeline, though...
Some ground rules, just in case:
I would love seeing people's OC's interact with her! Asking Olympea questions is okay, but this is not an ask blog/rp blog and I'm not looking for extended roleplay. I may not answer your question. If I see potential for an interesting interaction I may draw it, but I can't promise anything. (Keep in mind if I don't respond right away -> 1: I'm timid and get anxious easily. 2: I may not have figured out that part of her story/the history of Ancient Halcandra yet. 3: The answer would have contained a spoiler for my fics. 4: I'm very slow at drawing.)
I'm joining this tournament for fun, so thank you for understanding!
Propaganda and Answered Asks:
Found cupcake!
Ask (Giant upcake): quanblovk
Ask (Kettlebell): graycoin
Ask (Pet rock): anonymous
Ask (Punching): anonymous
Bonus: Punch!
Ask (Green bean): maybeher0
Ask (Fic canonicity): anonymous
Propaganda/gift art for my competitor: zeros-witness and Rimuri
Ask (Unexpected cursed hands): morp
Off to the loser's bracket
'Tis pride month! Thou knowest what that meaneth.
Bonus: Rock Rider Olympea
Weatherproof outfits
Ask (The Gospel Of The Lamp™): the-chaos-axolotl
Bonus: So Moth It Be
Olympea's Space Gauntlet
Ask (Grip strength): cauli-flawa
Bonus: Wanya-fication
Bonus: Noddyfication
Ask game: Graycoin 💫🥘☀️🐛
Ask game: Anonymous ⚔️🧋⚙️
Ask game: Anonymous 🥀 (Asks about Soul forms so CW: discussion of body horror and death!)
Propaganda/gift art for my competitors: Inufaiya and Cauliarty
Bonus: Star Allies icon
Bonus: Keigo's P.E.T.R.O.C.K. interface
Bonus: Fake Dream Buffet Costume
While she's not very big, intellectual or attuned to magic, she is unbeatably chipper and physically strong. She loves fighting and gleefully uses a variety of lovely accessories/weapons like a giant club, enchanted glaive, magitech gauntlets, etc. Her left glove allows her to access a dimensional storage. Teases hard, punches even harder. Actually quite feminine when off the clock. Loves magitech gadgets a lot. Doesn't think science or magic is better, because their society needs both. She's definitely not insecure about her height. She'd also never conjure a giant squeaky hammer to bop you over the head if you call her short.
Likes: Vegetables, Nectar, Trying new foods, The colour green, Flowers, Butterflies and moths, Pretty/cool/badass women, Her club, Brass knuckles, Tinkering, New gadgets, Teasing her friends, Seeing a certain winged magenta knight open up and feel genuine joy
Dislikes: Being mistaken for a child, Being called stupid, Stuck-up people, Seeing her friends being hurt, Strangers flicking her antennae, How much dust and scales her wings leave behind
Abilities: Able to fly. Very physically strong. Innately has access to Suplex and Hammer, but mainly uses her trusty club. Her boots and gauntlets let her emulate elements of Hi-jump, Laser and Mecha. (The boosted jump, laser finger guns and palm blasts, respectively.)
Weaknesses: Can't fly quickly. Stubby little arms limit her great strength with little reach. Distractable and a little naive. Can't resist eating strange and exotic snacks no matter the source. Seeing cute girls (she HAS to show off).
Fighting Style:
Her gauntlets are good for punching and the palms can release blasts of energy as well. They're mainly so she can hold large weapons well, since her actual hands aren't very big.
Her moth wings aren't very big either, so while she can normally fly and can still break her fall when she's armoured, she prefers to zip around close to the ground. It's often faster and easier to run and jump when she's fighting. Especially when she's wielding her heavy club. Her boots help her boost and maneuver quickly.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that because she prefers close range combat and isn't proficient with magic she can't attack at a distance. Her gauntlets possess finger laser guns and she can use her left glove (which she also wears under her gauntlet) to access her weapon hoard at all times. Who knows what else she keeps in there?
Even her civilian outfit isn't harmless. She still has access to her innate Suplex and Hammer abilities, after all. And those shoes have steel toes! Of course, the platform heels are just to keep her delicate wings from scraping across the ground when folded. No other reasons. (Like being taller.)
Design Thoughts:
Olympea is the first of the Heroes of Yore who came to me. I was thinking about how to describe the Heroes of Yore and knew I wanted at least one to be a woman. Suddenly her name resounded through my head! Then I just started associating. Olympea sounds like Olympics, so she must be strong. Pea calls to mind small, round and green, so what if she's (mostly) the same species as Galacta Knight? Peas are famous for research on genetics and alleles, so what if she was born, not formed like him? Maybe she doesn't have a lot of magical affinity. Then she needs weapons. Pea, peace, pea shooters, peas in a pod, peacemaker, pea-smacker. Let's give her a hammer, no, a club! She's strong, so what if she packs a punch? How about some gauntlets for punching? She can have a gun, wait, let's put the gun (pea shooter!) in her gauntlet's finger! She needs storage for her weapon hoard (girl needs to accessorise!) so what if her enchanted gauntlets let her access dimensional storage (peas in a pod)? Hmmm, does she have wings? There's a bug called a pea moth, so she has moth wings now. Her ponytail is twisted like a dried pea pod and not-so-coincidentally looks a bit like a cocoon when down and a boxing glove while up in a bun.
I maaay have gone completely overboard with the whole pea thing, but such is life. Although there is a bit of Hammer Lord in there as well. She doesn't hate magic, she just doesn't have a lot of affinity for it. She does enjoy tinkering and building weapons. This is how she ended up relying mostly on technology instead of magic.
She's not a knight and has no mask, because while many people depict all adult puffballs as masked knights (probably influenced by the Star Warriors from the K:RBAY anime) I personally don't think this has to be universal for their kind. How sad it would be if all they were destined for was fighting! ...And then I made her a warrior anyway. Oh well.
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miasmaclockworks · 7 months
Inhale (killk me)
kinito pet au ideas (all mine now)
Pirate au, swap/opposite au, frenzy au, beach vally au, valentines au, broken computer virus (BCV) au, house care au, real virus au, mimic au, best friend au, candyland au, light's out au, time traveler au, steam punk au, ghost au, phasmophobia au, dragon barrier au, librarian au, magical forest au, fruit au, fruit au, furry au, sailor moon au, pride au, obsessed au, ice cream au, midnight starlight au, AHIT au, star collector au, broken heart au, rejected friend au, accepted friend au, Poppy Playtime au, Five Nights At Freddys au, Warrior cats au, Midnight driver, killer au, prince of the night au, pool swimmer, Magical boy au, Critical au, Escape room au, god au, AU god au, Au hunter AU, scream au, Mii au, plane crash au, pilot au, mc donalds worker au, driver au, smile tapes au, nightmare au, night gamer au, artist au, over eater au, roblox au, creator au, caseoh au, wii au, wand au, childhood friend au, possessed au, apple core au, string worm au, drunkie au, caretaker au, love maniac au, drier au, washing machine au, Im a pretty princess au, venting au, among us au, gentle man au, Youtuber au, Actual axolotl au, you are what you eat au, mince meat butcher au, butcher au, doxxed au, sally the witch au, autistic au, ADHD au, Autistic and ADHD au, Motherborn au, alien au, Mother Mother au, soul au, dragon born au, vampire au, vampire hunter au, it was all just a dream? au, sunshine au, digital circus au, clockwork au, gymnastics au, rainbow factory au, twisted and turned au, patchworks au, unseen au, joker au, minimum wage worker au, skinwalker au, kinito darling au, forever and ever, everlasting pain, story teller au, time teller au, zoo keeper au, smiling critter au, truth be told au, rizzler au, farmer au, anthro au, Digital pop up au, backfired au, chef au, cuphead au, BABQFTIM au, carnival au, internet explorer au, kidnapper au, robber au, parental figure au, parent au, father au, apple picker au, trans au, siren au, mermaid au, cloud critters, monster energy au, emo au, goth au, alt goth, prince au, princess au, priest au, reality au, Epic the musical au, bass voice au, prince of the sea au, stranger au, never used au, stranger things au, abandoned au, hazbin hotel au, lemon and lime au, softie au, grunge au, sugar crush au, rainbow friends au, block break friends au, sugar crush au, sweet tooth au, undertale au, heartless au, toxic au, waist au, epic au, error au, fresh au, reaper au, horror au, other sans aus, medical au, high school au, ruby and max au, little horrors au, planter au, plant au, crystal au, glass crystal au, rockstar au, ancient Greek au, mario au, shroomba au, sonic the hedgehog au, snowday au, cave monster au, dinosaur au, game show hoster au, lunar moon au, bloodmoon au, eclipse au, sundrop au, moondrop au, dignity au, angels gaurd au, demons gaurd au, king of hell, king of the sea au, mother nature au, king of the land, landlord au, your boyfriend au, planetary au, leopard gecko au, leopard au, train conductor au, mountain lion au, polar bear au, Mad Scientist au, don't die au, raindrops au, seraph au, always watching au, teacher au, birthday party au, husk au, royal au, gummy bear au, cannibal au, discord au, My little pony au, bumblebee au, cat au, animal au, sweet treat au, warzone au, warframe au, roblox au, unicorn au, factory worker au, you au, dihedra au, pee au, every au I forget, Deleted forever au (not really), sleep tight au, Fire borne, dragon au, mythical animals au, goodbye friend, rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles au, Replicate au, smartie pants au, femboy au, backrooms au, gurlie au, too silly au, silly au, TADC au, lovesick au, grand master au, crazy au, lab monster au, (insert every animal here) au, Monster under your bed au, sloozy au, nightmare monster au, aroace king au, your imagination au, salamander au, desktop pet au, ukagaka au, he knows what you are au, roller blades au, you can run but you can't hide au, poison rain au, dementia au, mr worldwide mr 305 au, anime au, welcome home au, Yume Nikki au, gacha life au, gacha club au, Battle blocks au,
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watcheraurora · 4 months
A Life UnRemembered
Author's Note: Hermitcraft is... unique 1.7k words
Based on all the art of character!Joel not seeming to know why he built a shrine to the Ocean Queen. It's all gorgeous
Joel wandered his base. He liked how it was coming along. He enjoyed the resource gathering and the building. He enjoyed spending time with the Hermits. They were all so comfortable with each other that he couldn't help but feel welcome even though he was new.
But there was something needling at him. Something he couldn't quite remember.
He strolled down the stairs to the temple he'd built. The empty dais in the center where something should be enshrined. Pulling some clay out of his inventory, he slapped it down onto the dais and started to sculpt. It had been a long time since he sculpted anything.
He turned his brain off and let his hands just go where they wanted. Somewhere else in the world, Cleo would be proud of him. As the other major small-scale sculptor, they knew how much work it took to make statues this small, rather than huge with blocks. That was the easy way. Small amounts of clay around an armor stand were much harder and more fiddly.
Hours passed while he tugged at that needling feeling that he'd forgotten something. Trying to free it from where it was buried.
Nothing. He couldn't remember what it was he'd forgotten.
Two hours after beginning, he leaned back from his sculpture, stretching his back. Clay was caked under his fingernails.
Before him, he'd made a statue not quite to the scale he felt it should be, but he hadn't brought enough clay.
The statue was a woman. Tall. Lithe. Powerful. She had the regal bearing of a queen in some coastal kingdom far away from his cherry tree mountain. A trident slung casually in the crook of one elbow. A circlet resting above her brow that he'd jammed a diamond into the clay for effect while sculpting. The circlet had coral branches twining off at the woman's temples. She had long, flowing hair. He needed to paint the sculpture, but he already knew her hair would be pink. Her eyes and skin would be blue. The flowing gown a soft... lavender, maybe? Lilac?
A long axolotl tail extended from the base of her spine and up into the air, coral fanning off its ends.
And held gently in her arms, a much smaller man. Joel knew he'd paint the man's shirt purple. The crown in his hair gold with an emerald embedded just above his forehead. The sash green.
Why he knew those colors as easily as he knew his own hands, he wasn't sure.
Before he could lose the inspiration, he flew to the shopping district, landing hard at Pearl's dye shop. He scrambled to get his diamonds out of his Ender chest and bought every color he'd need. Dye wasn't exactly paint, but if he mixed it with a few other ingredients, he could make it work.
His Elytra's membrane snapped in the wind with the speed of his flight. He ran into his landing in the little hut he'd started his base in, scrounged up the last of the materials he'd need from his unbelievably disorganized chests—not his fault someone had come and messed with them—and soared back down to the shrine.
He painted quickly. Faster than he sculpted and certainly faster than he built.
When he finally stepped back, he was covered in paint and there was dried clay all over him. Creative projects were always messy with him.
He was breathing a little hard in the heat of the mid-afternoon, hair clumped on his forehead with sweat.
"There you are," he breathed, a tiny smile touching the corners of his mouth. He set his paints and brushes down.
The woman had come to life, in the clay and the color. Her deep blue eyes glittered. The gills on her neck looked delicate, despite being made of clay. The coral fans on the end of her tail were vibrant pink, her hair pastel. Her face shone with love and kindness, yet the fierceness of a true warrior of unknown power.
"Who are you? Why don't you leave my mind? Why don't you leave me?"
Because the smaller man in her arms, with his royal purple doublet and green sash—
He'd sculpted and painted himself.
The green in his hair that refused to dye out, only just starting to maybe grow in pink with this new world he found himself on, if he looked hard in the mirror (though he admitted that could have been an irritated scalp from him pulling so hard to try and dye it). The shape of his nose and his face. He'd sculpted himself without meaning to or trying.
Why the crown? Why the sash?
"Who was I then? Who were you to me?" he asked the statue.
The woman didn't respond.
Joel knelt before the statue on one knee. Even that felt oddly familiar. Like he'd taken a knee before this woman before. Maybe more than once.
"No..." He looked down at his hand. At the ring that remained on his finger no matter how many times he respawned or the situation that caused him to respawn. Simple and strong. If he took it off to build and then fell, the ring would be there when he came back. Always.
Tango had hypothesized it was a wedding ring. He had one himself. Tango had lived in Hermitcraft for a lot longer than a good portion of its other members. Since the second incarnation of the world. He hadn't always had his ring—gold and solid with a flaming red ruby and pale sky blue sapphire nestled against one another. It had appeared only a few years ago in the middle of a season after a jaunt off-world. Around the same time Joel and Etho met, though the memories were blurry. But since Tango had been on Hermitcraft for so long, he had lots of hypotheses. The world was isolated from the greater multiverse. Even the creative version of each Hermitcraft incarnation ran so closely parallel to the real world, its effects were the same.
But Tango had spent a late night telling Joel about his ideas of the multiverse while everyone else slept—the two of them awake to build a redstone machine and finish a building respectively. Each of them could create their own worlds elsewhere. And Hermitcraft's effects would no longer apply to them out there. But they all struggled to remember anything beyond Hermitcraft when they came back.
Tango thought they both might have a spouse. Somewhere out there on another world. Waiting for them. Spouses that the barrier between Hermitcraft and the rest of the universe didn't let them remember.
Could she be...?
Joel looked up at the statue.
The woman had webbed hands. She couldn't wear a ring.
"Are you my wife?" he asked. "Were you my wife? In another life? Or are you still? Somewhere out in the multiverse?"
The statue continued to be silent, looking down on the tiny version of himself with a face full of love and care. But the still-wet paint made those deep blue eyes glitter. Almost bittersweet.
Joel reached up, as though to cradle her face. To reassure her that It's alright, love. It won't be forever. I'll always come back to—
He couldn't reach her face. He'd made her too tall on the dais for him to reach without his scaffolding—that he'd already torn down.
He pulled out his communicator.
/w PearlescentMoon: Want to come see what I did? I think you'll like it
He didn't expect her response to arrive so fast.
<PearlescentMoon> whispers to you: Sure! OMW!
He only waited for a few minutes before he heard the snapping of Elytra membrane and Pearl ran to a stop on the flat area before his stairs. "Joel? Where are ya, mate?"
"In the temple!" Joel called back.
Pearl appeared at the entrance after a moment. "Hey!" she greeted, taming her long hair after her flight.
"Hi," Joel replied. He gestured to the statue. "I'm not as much an artist as you are, but I tried."
Pearl approached it curiously. "Oh my... mate, this is incredible. It's beautiful."
"Thanks," he said.
"How'd you pick the Ocean Queen?"
"The what?"
"Well that's who she is, isn't she? The Ocean Queen? Demigoddess of unlimited power over the sea?"
"I have no idea who... what?"
"Oh. Did you just come up with it, then?"
"I just let my instincts guide me through it."
"Hm. Maybe she's calling to you, mate. From beyond the stars." Pearl looked toward the setting sun, hidden as it was through the temple's structure.
"Maybe." Joel was less than convinced. "Tell me the story?"
"It's an old legend. From... I dunno, thousand years ago? Surprised you've never heard of it." Pearl leaned against the entryway frame, folding her arms. "Does the Cod King ring any bells?"
"That's the Ocean Queen's baby brother. She watched over his egg before he hatched after their mother died..."
"Lizzie?" Joel called, pushing open the door to Lizzie's base on SOS. "I'm home!"
Thundering footsteps met his ears. Lizzie appeared, the last of her armor falling off of her, a few bits of sculk caught on its edges. "About time!" she exclaimed, rushing across her kitchen and throwing her arms around him. "How's Hermitcraft been?"
"Fun," Joel said. He didn't have much to say beyond that. His memories of Hermitcraft were... hazy. At best. He remembered emotions. Some jokes. Lots of laughs. The vague shenanigan here or there. But nothing detailed. "I've really missed you." He held onto her tight, burying his nose in her hair. It smelled vaguely like sea salt and coconut. The cool metal of her wedding ring rested against the skin of his neck where her fingers threaded into his hair.
"I'm glad you're here. How long are you staying?"
"As long as I can. We knew when I accepted the invitation that it would be hard for me to travel more. But this was an opportunity too good to miss."
"I know. And I'm proud of you. But I miss you."
"I miss you too." He kissed the side of her head. "I'll stay for at least a month."
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c-rowlesdraws · 1 year
"unusually great size and strength" is that like how if you severely stress out an irl axolotl theyll turn into actual salamanders? thats really cool worldbuilding
oohh, I actually hadn't thought of that idea, but I love it! I'm definitely adopting that as one ancient-and-now-taboo method of "creating" warriors-- forcing a brave volunteer to metamorphose does make them bigger and stronger, but apart from being a traumatic process, it also shortens their lifespan and makes them unable to breathe underwater, which cuts them off from participating fully in community life. They might be better able to defend their community in a conflict than their friends and family are, but the cost is significant.
The other method of creating a stronger warrior that I had already come up with is by encouraging, through deprivation of other food, a newly-hatched tadpole to consume a number of its siblings as it grows. In the old days, a clutch or two every generation would be conceived especially for this purpose, so the parents and community could sort of emotionally prepare for what they were getting into, but it was still a pretty grim scene. The cannibal tadpole would grow up into an adult of exceptional size and strength, with (mercifully) little to no memory of how they'd started life, but there would always be a stigma around them, and it was definitely an "at-what-cost" sort of practice. These days, it's an unthinkable taboo.
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Chrysanthemum was found as a tadpole in the stagnant shallows of her ruined village by her adoptive human dad, with not a sibling in sight. He's told her all her life that she must have been a single overlooked egg when her family was forced out of their territory, and caught bugs until he came along.
He knows better.
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zoeyslament · 5 months
𝕚’𝕞 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕖 𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕤𝕜𝕖𝕕 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥~
*ೃ༄ name hoard: lex, glory, noel, inez, astrid, jemilla, rika, hilda, popplio, espeon, lavender and any nicknames derived from those
*ೃ༄ pronouns: it/he/she/dove/doe/doll/deer/pop (pls no they/them)
minor ✰ taurus ✰ enfp ✰ 6w5 ✰ adhd ✰ cougar + siamese cat
𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 lesbian ✰ genderqueer 𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊
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*ೃ༄ fandoms: hatchetfield/starkid, rtc, various other plays and musicals, stardew valley, pokémon, animal crossing, warriors
*ೃ༄ hi! i’m glory but i also go by all those names up there so thats cool, im a theatre kid and currently hyperfixated on hatchetfield!
*ೃ༄ i would appreciate it if you would tag any zoey chambers x [any character] and anything zoey-negative at all as ‘glory dont look’ so i can filter it out please and thank you! also, PLEASE tag for tokophobia. just look it up.
*ೃ༄ my ao3 is .zoeyslament as well. i run @zoey-chambers, my moodboard account. vents on @lexpeon, or use the tag #glory vents if you wanna block that
*ೃ༄ dni if: proship, zoo/pedo/necro, bigot, terf, believe that anyone with npd/bpd/hpd/aspd is inherently abusive. also if you dislike zoey chambers. sorry shes my fave, we love her here
*ೃ༄ the most amazing tumblr siblings in the world: .bellqmione, .raspberrysmoon, .cherrieguroo, .ellaashmore, .theiloveyousong (my family who i love very much!)
*ೃ༄ friends: armydreamerr, .margo-mania, .thecrabbybarista, .eldritch-flame, .meowydoe, .gay-little-axolotl, .felt-squirrels, .kittieshauntedourfantasy, .nerdyratz, .kingphineasofthecinnamonrolls, .sydneyofalltrades
*ೃ༄ irl besties with .eliosfuntimefactory and .sparklywafflefry <3
TAKEN ANON MARKERS: 🌱🦤🦖🦋🐌☢️🎢🪻🦇🪶🍋🏹🦈🛹🕸️
header made by frankenruth, blinkie by cherrieguroo!
prns page
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gayfraggle · 6 months
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@amphibifish @raedioactive @ink-the-axolotl-rabbit @cloudydays69 @drunkbeefstudio @batesmotelofficial @s0t1z1k01978 @j3sterc0re @smoo-draws @mysafespaceblog13 @bunkless-bed @shadowwing-warriors
BESTIES I DID IT!!!!!! <333333
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