tropicalscream · 10 months
Im sorry but if a Demon Lord I made a deal with said this to me
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I'm on a fast track to hell thats fuckin romantic as fuck
Sorry Hellboy but your dad can GET IT
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indigovigilance · 1 year
Baraqiel and Azazel
Disclaimer: DO NOT ask Neil Gaiman to confirm or deny any of this. He doesn't want you to ask. I don't want you to ask.
Edit: Neil confirmed this theory and it's not my fault: see the reblog
Now, on with the meta.
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Thesis and evidence below the cut:
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Angel of the Sky...
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Hair an eye-burning ginger, eyebrows like grisly slugs, often draped in red…
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Occasionally damp...
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Most likely singed…
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Most likely singed…
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Most likely singed…
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Most likely singed…
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So that's everything from purely within Good Omens canon.
Baraqiel is described, additionally, in the Book of Enoch as:
Lord of Lightning
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Who taught the forbidden knowledge of astronomy:
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He is also the overseer of the Second Heaven, wherein lies the prison of Fallen Angels. More on that later.
The story of Baraqiel’s ejection from Heaven is contained in the Book of Enoch, but he’s not a main character. In fact, he’s only one of twenty major fallen angels, specifically, the ninth. The tenth is Azazel.
Who, then, is Azazel?
Firstly, Azazel is a fallen angel:
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Who is damned because he introduces humans to forbidden knowledge, specifically, the knowledge of swords [and other devices of warfare]:
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And also the knowledge of adornment, specifically, “the art of making up the eyes, and of beautifying the eyelids, and the most precious stones, and all kinds of coloured dyes.”
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And insofar as Azazel is synonymous with Azzael, he denounces the authority of the Metatron:
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In fact, Azazel is given all the blame for revealing the secrets of Heaven: “​​the whole Earth has been ruined by the teaching of the works of Azazel; and against him write: ALL SIN.”
and God orders Raphael punish Azazel: “And further the Lord said to Raphael: "Bind Azazel by his hands and his feet and throw him into the darkness. And split open the desert, which is in Dudael, and throw him there.””
We never learn in the Book of Enoch that Raphael actually does this (based on my reading), but it was commanded. In fact, Raphael would have had to throw Azazel into that prison which was in the domain of Baraqiel.
This puts Baraqiel!Crowley and Azazel!Aziraphale among the ranks of angels that went to Earth and delighted in Earthly pleasures, which caused them to be “fallen,” that God refused to speak to from then on, that Enoch!Metatron was ordered by God to tell that they were unforgiven and would never be forgiven.
It’s worth noting that there seems to be some disagreement among rabbinical scholars over whether Samyaza, Azza, Azzael, and Azazel are separate entities or if these are different names for the same entity. We should also remember that in the universe of Good Omens, entities change names when they ascend to or fall from Heaven.
Tying this all back to the Metatron: In 3 Enoch, the book which describes the ascent of Enoch the man to Metatron the angel, we learn that the overseer of the Second Heaven is Baraqiel, angel of lightning. The description of the prison in the Second Heaven and the angels trapped within it is terrifying, but not more than Enoch’s own actions when he is there.
At this point Enoch has not been transfigured into the Metatron yet, but when he passes by, the angels ask him to pray for them to the Lord; and he refuses, for “who am I, a mortal man, that I may pray for angels?” He is told about them again in the Fifth Heaven, about their sins, how they followed Satan, and that they will be punished on Judgment Day.
So we have a lot of reasons here to see that there would be enmity directly between the Metatron and Azazel, for questioning his authority before God, and between Baraqiel and Enoch!Metatron, for either Baraqiel was guarding the prison or already in it when the human who would become Metatron was supplicated for prayers of redemption and refused. Either way, the Metatron is responsible for Baraqiel’s fall, most directly because he refused to take the petition of the fallen angels before God and instead relied on his interpretation of a dream.
There’s been a lot of implication and even exposition throughout S2 that memory is vulnerable to erasure. We’ve gotten some direct hints that Crowley doesn’t remember all of his past, but I would venture to propose that Aziraphale has a very troubled past that he does not remember, that the Metatron (and possibly Crowley) does, and that further, because his memory was [partially] removed, his name was changed to Aziraphale, for which we see precedent in Jimbriel and all the demons.
My absolutely unhinged, unsubstantiated S3 prediction is that Angel!Crowley sacrificed himself to rescue Azazel from damnation, and the price of Azazel remaining an angel was losing the memories of his transgressions, including (and especially) those he formed with Angel!Crowley. That at the Garden of Eden, Crawley!Crowley knew that these things had been erased, and that he was probably talking to a husk of his former friend, the way that Jim was a husk of Gabriel, but that when he learned that Aziraphale had given away the sword, realized that the soul of the person he loved was still in there.
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Partner post: For a meta on why we should believe that Enoch!Metatron aka Human!Metatron is a possibility, go here.
Edit: I read the Book of Enoch from front to back, twice, but if you want to check my work (or write a response meta!) you can find the source material here and here.
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hapalopus · 10 months
It's so fucking tragic though. Spoilers for the Hellboy in Hell comics, I guess, but he was born a completely normal, healthy baby cambion. He could've had a normal life with his human mother. But his demon father severed this tiny innocent sweet baby's arm and replaced it with a doomsday weapon. Hellboy wasn't destined to be the Antichrist or anything. He was just a regular half-demon. But because of his selfish power-hungry asshole of a father, he was forced to play a part in Ragnarok. I want to kill Azzael for real.
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anestofocs · 3 months
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"Tell me, humanity. Why shouldn't I free my, no- Our god? Isn't the plannet itself not crying out for divine intervention? Face it without Azzael you have all lost your way."
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forsakensnakeskin · 2 years
The name Azazel only occurs one time in all of the canonical Bible, in Leviticus 16:8-10. As the Catholic Encyclopedia records, this passage explains the ceremony that the Jewish people should perform as part of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
As a personification of evil, the Jewish Encyclopedia refers to Azazel as "in some degree a preparation" for the idea of Satan. The figure of Azazel is likely pre-Israelite in origin and is probably closely tied to a communal fear for the mountainous desert region that he came to personify.
According to the Nahmanides the scapegoat rite is a symbolic expression of the idea that the people's sins and their evil consequences were to be sent back to the spirit of desolation and ruin, the source of all impurity.
1 Enoch portrays Azazel as responsible for teaching people to make weapons and cosmetics, for which he was cast out of heaven.
In the extra-canonical text the Apocalypse of Abraham (c.1st CE), Azazel appears as an unclean bird who came down upon the sacrifice which Abraham prepared. (This is in reference to Genesis 15:11: "Birds of prey came down on the carcasses, but Abram drove them away" [NIV]).
In the Apocalypse of Abraham, Azazel is described with his own Kavod (Magnificence), a term usually used for the Divine in apocalyptic literature, already indicating the devil as anti-thesis of God, with the devil's kingdom on earth and God's kingdom in heaven. Azazel is also identified with the serpent which tempted Eve.
In De occulta philosophia (1509-1510), Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Scale of quaternary: Four Princes of devils in the elements: Azazel: Air
In later lore, he is fallen and is punished by having his nose pierced.
The word "scapegoat" has developed to indicate a person who is blamed and punished for the actions of others.
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The illustration depicts him with horns, a pitchfork, a banner, and, of course, a goat. There's a frog on the banner. From Dictionnaire Infernal by Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy
Alternative Spellings
Hebrew: עֲזָאזֵל ʿAzāʾzēl
Arabic: عزازيل, romanized: ʿAzāzīl
The Adversary
The Angel of Darkness
Blender of Eyeshadows
The Crafty Adversary
The Crafty Worm
The Cunning Worm
The Fallen Archangel
Forger of Swords
Guardian of Goats
The Lawless One
The Rebel Angel
Seducer of Mankind
Identified With
The Devil
[Apocalypse of Abraham] Here there is the idea that God's heritage (the created world) is largely under the dominion of evil – i.e., it is "shared with Azazel" (Abr. 20:5), again identifying him with the devil, who was called "the prince of this world" by Jesus. (John 12:31 niv)
Gadriel and Rameel
Some of the fallen angels that are given in 1 Enoch have other names, such as Rameel ('morning of God'), who becomes Azazel, and is also called Gadriel ('wall of God') in Chapter 68. (A source is not cited for this)
Gadreel (Hebrew: גדר האל, romanized: Gader ha-el, lit. 'Wall of God') is listed as one of the chiefs of the fallen Watchers. He is said to have been responsible for deceiving Eve. Schmidt lists the name as meaning 'the helper of God.'
In Islamic lore, Azazel or Azazeel was the name of Iblis before he disobeyed God by not bowing to humans and was sent from the Earth.
Origen ("Contra Celsum," vi. 43) identifies Azazel with Satan.
Azaz, as in Azazel, means strength, so the name Azazel can refer to 'strength of God'. But the sense in which it is used most probably means 'impudent' (showing strength towards), which results in 'arrogant to God'. This is also a key point in modern thought that Azazel is Satan. Also important in this identification is the fact that the original name Rameel, is very similar in meaning to the word Lucifer ('Morning Star') which is a common Latin name of Satan in Christianity.
Associated With
Antimony (use of)
Coloring tinctures
The earthly realm
Forbidden knowledge
Freedom of choice
Dye making
Mirror making
Occult arts
Ornamenting the body
Self preservation
Sensual experiences
Weapon making
Abyss, hole, pit
Banner with a frog on it
Coats of mail
Dudael, Dûdâêl (God's Kettle/Crucible/Cauldron)
Fallen/falling star
Goat, goat skulls, goat bones
Grapes, grapevine
Metalsmithing tools
Mount Azazel (Jabel Munttar) in the Judaen Desert
Nose piercing
Precious stones
Rough and jagged rocks
Unclean bird, bird of prey, carrion bird
Uninhabited places
His form is described as a dragon with "hands and feet like a man's, on his back six wings on the right and six on the left." (23:7)
Originally, Azazel was one of heaven’s angels, a gloriously beautiful man with wings on his back.
Today, like many demons, Azazel is drawn with red skin, glowing yellow eyes, and a barbed tail. He may also be found wearing goat skulls or dressed in goat bones.
He is a shape-shifter and may appear in any form, including a winged angel.
An unclean bird, bird of prey, carrion bird
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mossizi · 6 months
~ Azzael/sassyassblog
Azz, I will actually go ham and press that Boop button as if my life was on the line.
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coldbloodeddevil · 5 months
Canon Divergence Info
Just so there's a nice post to collect all the differences between our Kazuya and Canon Kaz.
The most important being that Devil wasn't completely subjugated at the end of 4. It still lurked inside of Kazuya's mind, waiting for a moment to retake control.
Now in a rough, chaotic order.
Kazuya is Autistic, this so called "flaw" in Heihachi's eyes further fulled the latter's disdain and hatred for the former.
His realtionship with Lee Chaolan is more complicaited, He simutainously dislikes and cares for him as only other one who understood what it was like living under Hehiachi's abusive roof. Yet pretends to hate Lee out of a twisted sense of protection, He feared that just like with his mother and grandfather, Heihachi would kill Lee if he dared to openly show love for his younger brother.
Genuinely views Anna and Bruce as his close and only friends
Finds Paul's "Rvilary" with him amusing, No he doesn't have a crush,shut up.
Angel isn't gone, She's still has some connection to Kazuya.
Married Jun in sceret, as a way to both protect her and to show his devoution.
After dying and being reived, he spent ten of the twenty years comatose,
Devil did not spilt himself in half, his plan was to absorb Devil Jin and remove a poteinal good connection for Kazuya.
Kazuya, at first wanted a connection with Jin, But the events of 4, then Jinpachi seemingly "dying" at his hand soured that.
This blog follows demonsfate' headcanon that it was DJ who started WW3, not Jin.
As such, Kazuya intinally was furious at Jin seemingly abandoning his Mother's teachings after rejecting the Mishima style and teachings. Until he realised it wasn't Jin.
His motivations were a mix of canon (Wanting to have the world for himself) and wanting to stop DJ from puppeting Jin.
Has 0 issues with Lars, doesn't view him as Hehiachi 2.0
Still Canon: Had 0 issues with having the previous board of G Corperation killed. If they wanted to live they shouldn't have tried to kill him first. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Is in Denail about Kazumi sending Akuma to kill him.
During 8, Devil finally remerged. Derailing Kazuya's own plans for control of the world. It was the one to absorb Azzael, The deaths of Kazuya's own men and other atrocties were Devil's doing.
That said Kazuya is still guilty of trying to take over the world.
During 8's end, Though Kazuya was prufied of Azzael, Devil's remenants still remained. It retook over when Kazuya tried to walk away from the final battle.
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dzthenerd490 · 14 days
File: Hellboy
Code Name: Red, Agent of PENTAGRAM
Object Class: Prodosa
Universe of Origin: Υ-17: "Broken Masquerade"
Special Containment Procedures: PENTAGRAM has failed multiple times to keep SCP-AJX in line and has often led to civilians getting hurt and unnecessary exposure to the anomalous world. This is why SCP-AJX is labeled as Object Class Prodosa despite being in the custody of an organization that answers to the Global Occult Coalition who is an ally of the Foundation. Regardless he is still in the custody of another organization and has no interest in going to another: as such, no containment procedures will be made.
Description: SCP-AJX is the hell spawn of Azzael, a demon of witchcraft and ritual. He was originally born to be the harbinger of the Abyss to be able to bring forth all sorts of powerful demons and Chaos Gods onto earth that would turn the planet into their image. His mother who was a witch of unknown identity was killed before he could be born centuries ago but he was able to be resurrected if the proper conditions were met. 
Back during their prime, Group of Interest: Obskurakorps attempted to resurrect him as a means to bend the Chaos Gods to their will and have the world cleansed of all humans except those of the Aryan race. However, they failed thanks to early PENTAGRAM agents utilizing the US military to take down Obskurakorps. SCP-AJX did get resurrected, but he instead fell into the custody of PENTAGRAM and was raised by Trevor Broom, the main director of the occult research division of PENTAGRAM. 
SCP-AJX was discovered in the same year that he was adopted by Travor Broom in 1944 on a Scottish Island. Through reports made by PENTAGRAM it was revealed that SCP-AJX has red skin and yellowish red eyes. Despite looking and acting completely human he had two horns on his head which he regularly shaved down to prevent Azzael from taking control of his mind. He also has a large stone gauntlet that replaces his right arm and acts as his primary weapon and his key to enact the ritual that will unleash the Chaos Gods to our world. Thankfully his love for humanity and his shaved down horns are why he will never enact this ritual. 
Since then, SCP-AJX has been raised to become an agent that takes down paranormal threats found in the US as in accordance with the goals of PENTAGRAM. However, he has often proven to be very rebellious and likes having attention even when he is supposed to be working in the shadows. Granted there are many Meta Humans who have been exposed to the anomalous world but those that have not yet been exposed are to remain in the darkness until the ACPA has deemed the public ready. SCP-AJX is on the list of anomalies that are not to be exposed yet, despite this he continuously tries to get public exposure. 
The Foundation and Global Occult Coalition have made multiple attempts to punish PENTAGRAM enough to encourage them to keep SCP-AJX in line. Though there recently has been the growing argument among members of both organizations that he should be allowed to be placed on one of the exposure lists. This continues to be a great debate even among Foundation staff despite the Global Occult Coalition having the final say, being the superior organization of PENTAGRAM.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.
I already served you an angst.
Thank you, have a great day!
~ Azzael. (sassyassblog).
Already read it! Damn girl, if this goes well, then there would be a catastrophic war between humanity and Titans, saved those from Monarch.
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rainbowchewynuggets · 2 years
Hellboy & The Gatekeeper (pt 5)
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(This section contains important spoilers for the plot of the Hellboy comics.)
G: This is my burden. I’ll handle it alone. You should go back before it’s too late.
Hellboy and the Gateekeeper are officially somewhere else now. They pass into dappled shadow as they enter a forest of coral that forms a sort of tunnel. Purple fires burn in the distance, winking through gaps in the freeform lattice.
H: No dice. I’ve got a job to do, too.
G: You’re a Gatekeeper?
H: Special investigator. I protect people from paranormal stuff. Like, uh…
G: *dejected* Like me?
H: No, no. Not like you.
Hellboy grasps at what to say. He draws a blank.
Figures from his past seize the opportunity to possess his mind. Rasputin, the mad monk who tried to use him to begin the apocalypse with his stone hand. His demon father, Azzael, who created him as a tool of such destruction and power. Hecate, the witch goddess with a body made of snakes who tried to force him to fulfill his destiny after he refused it.
Rasputin: Bring the end.
Azzael and Hecate: Bring us the end.
Flashes of frogs, hooks, tentacles, serpents, blood, and fire.
The figures press in behind Hellboy. He walks without acknowledging them, but the long curved red horns and flaming crown on his head betray the grave reality of their words. Their speech bubbles crowd his head oppressively.
Rasputin, Azzael, and Hecate: Your destiny is coming. You will bring the end of man. The end of order. The return of the dragon.
The seven enormous squirming spiked octopic beasts they’re talking about break through their crystal cages, far off in space. They reach downward, pressing down on Hellboy from above.
Other creatures and humans stare from the void, those who have wanted to take the Right Hand of Doom or the crown of Armageddon for themselves, or have attempted to wrest control over their futures from him in other ways. Among them is Malcolm Frost, who was present at Hellboy’s arrival on Earth as a child. He was so convinced of the evil of the little boy’s presence that he spent the rest of his life trying to have him killed. The man whispers in motionless terror from one corner.
Frost: Destroyer.
Hellboy refocuses on the present, his horns cut and crown out of sight, walking next to this kid in the cold dark passage.
H: Chaos. I protect them from chaos.
G: Oh.
The coral starts forming a more implausibly natural structure: a temple. Dense formations have been shaved down into pillars, long skinny support rods that crisscross the chambered ceilings, and decorative willowy carvings. (Imagine something halfway between the Kandariaya Mahadeva temple and a Greek acropolis, made of stone mesh and full of holes.) Its corridors stretch as far as the eye can see, with purple-white hazy light filling the distance of every direction.
Hellboy looks out a window.
Far below, an intricate city of clay, stone, and coral lies in a great valley in the dark. Robed people of the same race as the Keeper and Advisor go about their business with their own farms and trades, though uneasily. They seem aware of the trouble brewing in the temple on the hill. A spirit or two float their way up from wherever their bodies passed away in the vast city.
Hellboy and the Keeper pass under an archway with the gate symbol carved into it (the same one on the Keeper and Advisor’s necks) and into a small junction of pathways.
G: We’re here.
H: Okay, which way do we–
The rumbling begins again. Dust rains down from above. From a nearby passage, a horde of possessed robed people appear–none quite as large as the Advisor, but more intimidating in number. The Gate carvings on their necks are stretched and distorted. They all start shouting aggressively at the Keeper as the rumbling subsides.
Horde: Bastard! Traitor! Kill them!
Hellboy: Come on. Lay off, already!
The horde rushes forward. Hellboy reels his stone hand back in readiness.
The Keeper instantly climbs one of the porous walls and doesn’t stop until they’re near to the ceiling. They press themself on a shallow ledge as the fight below ignites.
(Next post in a few days!)
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ao3feed-spirk · 2 years
Son of vulcan
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/44583283
by HellgirlFurrys04
"Supreme Goddess, oh my children, you gave me the joy of living on Sat'ro, my heart beats faster with every love that my Kaikais give me"
Words: 1264, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series, Original Work
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Hellboy (Hellboy), Azzael (Hellboy), Original Female Character(s), Flora
Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock, James T. Kirk & Spock, Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Alien Planet, New Planets, United Federation of Planets (Star Trek), Mother-Son Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Sounding, Forests, Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters, Brother-Sister Relationships, Husbands, Aliens, Alien Mythology/Religion, Alien Flora & Fauna, Vulcan Biology, Alternate Universe, Period-Typical Racism
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/44583283
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obscurushydrae · 5 months
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[ Reliquary Masterpost ]
A Hell-forged crown. Plain and unadorned, almost unassuming in design. When placed upon the proper head, it will be wreathed in flames. Bearing it gives on control of an army of souls capable of conquering the other realms.
Forged in Hell at the insistence of Azzael, Duke of Hell, House of the Fly for his son, Anung un Rama– of whom he had plans for much to Hell’s dismay. The Duke paid for his actions, stripped of his title and frozen alive in ice.
All the while the smith who forged the crown, a blind titan enslaved when the demons conquered Hell from Titankind, continues his work. Taking souls of the damned, he forges them into soldiers, waiting for the day when Anung un Rama, a flaming crown upon his brow, and flaming sword in hand, calls upon his army. As his call has not come, his army ever grows.
Hellboy– Anung un Rama– had forsaken the crown and the title after a run-in with the Grand Duke Astaroth. Taking the crown, it was left on the throne of Azzael in Pandemonium. With it was his father’s sword, and a ring representing the House of the Fly.
Years later, when the situation in Hell had become more unstable, Kar took it upon herself to make an expedition to Pandemonium. For the crown would be too much temptation to demons desperately stuck in a power vacuum. Due to its great power, she sealed it away in a bubble dimension and denies any claim of owning it, giving rumor it was lost in the fray in Hell, among others in order to distract and misdirect unwanted attention as a form of cosmic balancing.
To even have knowledge of her possessing it is a trusted secret enough. To bear it would be an extreme act of trust, spurred on by a dire situation. If one were to say, gain her trust just to access and use it, it would be very likely that reign would be a short one. (You. Will. Die.)
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mcmcntomorl · 8 months
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In a world of the supernatural, you will find the name “ AZZAEL ” being whispered in admiration & fear. Once worshipped like a God by Witches & the occult of the remote villages of: Lancastershire, Abbotsbury, East Bromwich, & Favorsham. The powerful Archdemon was cast forever into a block of eternal ice as punishment after a haunting relationship with one such Witch named Sarah Hughes, who attempted to redeem herself with God and was instead impregnated by Azzael with his son, Anung Un Rama … whom would be otherwise known as HELLBOY.
A POWERFUL DEVELOPMENT that relates to Hellboy & Liz Sherman’s TWINS was on the night that the Piper lured them to the forests of Boyle, IRE, the Piper was one of Azzael’s ancient followers, leading the girls’ to a coven who had heard of their birth & took it upon themselves to “bless” the girls, with the wishes of their Master. Both given a destiny to fulfill at the command of their own grandfather. Azzael’s followers were attempting on that night to lure the twins to the Hell, so that they may aid their father into the destruction of the world. This, of course, was not succeeded. Before the coven could finish the RITUAL, underestimating the true power that was contained within the twins, Valeria burst into flames & set the village ablaze along with its forests in pure reaction. Luciana, acting upon instinct as well, was able to mimic the Witches power & manipulate it into her own. Something she hasn’t been able to recreate. Yet it is worth noting this was the first time the twins had shown any signs of being Demonic in their nature, barely scraping the surfaces of their powers, they were found still in their trance & TRANSFORMED. Though they aren’t red - skinned like their father, in their complete form they are able to sprout horns from their skulls ( theirs are shorter than Hellboy’s, but that also might be in part due to their age ) their teeth sharpen to points & their fingernails grow, fading into black - tipped claws.
This was a night neither of the girls really REMEMBER in its entirety, except the nightmares that come with the subconscious memories of burning oak and hemlock. They don’t remember the chanting, or the ancient words of Babylon being sung with names given to them by Azzael’s “ blessing. ” Even if they did, they would not accept it. Their names are Luciana & Valeria, those are their BIRTH names, & none other will be accepted by them.
I do think when Hellboy & Liz finally found them when the girls were still in their demonic trance, but I don’t believe they would have told them anything about that night to save them from the full extent of the traumatic experience. Not until they felt they were old enough to handle it. THAT SAID. I don't think they realize the extent in which Hell had done. Other than the fallen themselves & the hierarchy of Hell's demons ... their names remain quiet amongst the world, it would certainly be an interesting subject to explore if their CHOSEN NAMES were uttered considering it might become a powerful invocation of their full potential.
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anestofocs · 2 months
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"All proceeds according to my design."
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"Soon my Lord Azzael will rise and humanity shall perish by a hand pretending to save it."
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hellboysource · 6 years
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The Chained Coffin by Mike Mignola
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travisellisor · 6 years
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page 5 from Hellboy In Hell #3 by Mike Mignola, Dave Stewart and Clem Robins
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