#b!g maud
porcelainvino · 1 month
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b!g art to celebrate b!g content tmw
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coryosmin · 8 months
coriolanus snow sfw alphabet
A = Affection (How affectionate they are)
this definitely depends on coriolanus’s mood but i think he wouldn’t be too affectionate. he would want to wait to be affectionate until he genuinely feels the need to be. usually early mornings are when he’s most affectionate. i can see him being such a touchy feely person in the morning.
B = Best Friend (what they would be like as a best friend)
coryo as your best friend would be very protective. if you go to him exclaiming that you’re really upset over something, he will be there for you and listen to you. he may judge you a bit but he will listen to you. and if someone messed with you, he would threaten to kill that individual lol.
C = Cuddles (Do they like cuddles?)
coryo loves cuddles! i think he would pretend as though he doesn’t but he’s naturally very cold (comes with years of poor diet) so when you’re next to him, he just wants to cling to you like a koala because you’re so warm and it makes him feel so good. he’s especially cuddly in the mornings.
D = Domestic (do they want to settle down, how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
coryo is the type to want to settle down and get married. however, i don’t think he would be a good cook. i think he would try but it would be pretty bad. and he would go “well at least it’s edible, better than nothing.” as for cleaning, he craves control and power and cleaning gives him that control and power so he would be very good at it.
E = Ending (if they broke up with their partner, how would they do it?)
probably in a very nonchalant sort of way. he would look them in the eye and just go “i don’t want to be with you anymore.” with no further explanation. or it could go really toxic. i think it all just depends on the reasoning for the breakup tbh.
F = Fiancé(e) (how do they feel about commitment?)
coryo loves the idea of commitment. someone being so totally down bad for him that they want to marry him? he’ll likely propose within a year of the relationship because he wants to have a wife or significant other someday. whether he feels for that person or not doesn’t particularly matter to him.
G = Gentle (how gentle they are emotionally and physically)
coryo isn’t too gentle emotionally and physically. he’s very impulsive and doesn’t communicate well. so i think when he expresses himself, it comes off much harsher than anticipated. same goes with physical things as well. like if he wants you close to him, he will indeed just grab you and pulled you towards him lol.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? What are their hugs like?)
coryo loves hugs but will never admit it. his favorite kind are just walking up to you and wrapping his arms around you while his chin rests on your shoulder. his hugs are actually either gentle or very tight. and regardless, he gives good hugs.
I = I love yous (how fast they say the L word)
giggles. he’d be the type to say it really fast whether he means it or not. he just wants you to stay with him. and to do that, he would tell you he loves you within a few weeks to a month of him being with you.
J = Jealousy (how jealous do they get?)
he’s so jealous!! coryo is a very possessive person. when someone is his, they’re his only. so he would get very jealous.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? where do they kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
ugh okay so his kisses are literally the best kisses ever. he kisses you like he’s a starving man that needs you to breathe. like you are his air. you could easily get lost in just kissing coryo. he loves kissing your lips and he loves when you kiss his cheek.
L = Little Ones (how are they around children, do they want children?)
coryo would want children for sure. and i actually think he would be a really good dad. in the book, he was really good with maude ivory who is just a child. so i think coryo would be really sweet with his own children. he would never let them see into his world and world want his kids to be happy and healthy.
M = Morning (how they are in the mornings)
coryo is so cuddly in the mornings. he’s to type to just koala cling himself to you just to get you to stay in bed with him. and if he has to get himself ready, he would be very pouty while he does so. he’s not much of a morning person as he prefers to stay up at night. but he’s super cuddly in the mornings.
N = Nights (How they are at night)
coryo is very intimate at night. and that is all i will say about that lol
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
coryo isn’t too open about himself in general. it would take a long while before he opened up emotionally. like he will need to make sure you’re 100% loyal to him and that he can trust you with his whole being before he could say anything about his childhood or his inner thoughts. he isn’t trusting of people.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
coryo is easily angered i feel. he is quick to resort to being annoyed and frustrated when things don’t go his way.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
he has a really good memory and would remember the things you love or the things you do. he may forget stuff here and there but he will always remember the things such as your favorite flowers, how you like your tea, how you like your coffee, your favorite meal, what jewelry you like and such. he will remember the small details that makes him love you.
R = Remember (Favorite memory about your relationship)
coryo’s favorite memory would be before you guys got together emotionally. whether you’re already in an arranged marriage, best friends, or rivals, there would’ve been this one time where he had fallen ill. and you took care of him by bringing him home or to your place and you just had him rest. and it meant so much to him.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
coryo is very protective. it may get annoying at times because you’ll be like out shopping and when you get home, he would ask you each store you went to. but it’s just because he’s paranoid and doesn’t want to lose you or have you get hurt in any way, shape, or form.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
coryo is so good at dates, anniversaries, gifts, etc. he wants you to be completely infatuated with him and so he does everything necessary to ensure that. you want to create meaningful gifts for your anniversary? he’s got it covered. you want to go on the most romantic, candlelit dinner ever? done. he sees flowers that he thinks you will like? he’s already bought them.
U = Ugly (What are some of their bad habits?)
coryo’s bad habits are: manipulative, possessiveness, jealousy, grabbing your shoulders a little too aggressively, etc. but he has really good habits too!
V = Vanity (How concerned are they about their looks?)
coryo is very concerned with his looks. it is what helped him get through being so poor.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
this definitely depends on the dynamic but once he’s in love with you, you’re in his heart forever and he cannot let go. so if you guys end up not together any longer, he would feel empty and would see signs of you everywhere.
X = Xtra (Random headcanon)
there was this time when you guys visited district four after he became president and you went to the ocean together. and you definitely pushed him into the water so he pushed you into the water and you guys just forgot about your lives for awhile.
Y = Yuck (What are some of the things they don’t like?)
coryo doesn’t like beating around the bush. he needs things to be blunt and direct. he also doesn’t like when you’re not taken care of at all. i also feel like he’s the type to not like messes outside of what you guys do sexually
Z = Zzz (Sleeping habits)
coryo’s sleeping habits include him just holding you while he sleeps on his side. but he also likes it when you hold him. he wants to be the little spoon sometimes
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ruknowhere · 3 months
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“A is for Amy who fell down the stairs.
B is for Basil assaulted by bears.
C is for Clara who wasted away.
D is for Desmond thrown out of a sleigh.
E is for Ernest who choked on a peach.
F is for Fanny sucked dry by a leech.
G is for George smothered under a rug.
H is for Hector done in by a thug.
I is for Ida who drowned in a lake.
J is for James who took lye by mistake.
K is for Kate who was struck with an axe.
L is for Leo who swallowed some tacks.
M is for Maud who was swept out to sea.
N is for Neville who died of ennui.
O is for Olive run through with an awl.
P is for Prue trampled flat in a brawl.
Q is for Quentin who sank in a mire.
R is for Rhoda consumed by a fire.
S is for Susan who perished of fits.
T is for Titus who flew into bits.
U is for Una who slipped down a drain.
V is for Victor squashed under a train.
W is for Winnie embedded in ice.
X is for Xerxes devoured by mice.
Y is for Yorick whose head was knocked in.
Z is for Zillah who drank too much gin.”
Edward Gorey ~ “The Gashlycrumb Tinies”
source: Hell And Earth
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onenakedfarmer · 1 year
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EDWARD GOREY The Gashlycrumb Tinies
A is for Amy who fell down the stairs. B is for Basil assaulted by bears. C is for Clara who wasted away. D is for Desmond thrown out of a sleigh. E is for Ernest who choked on a peach. F is for Fanny sucked dry by a leech. G is for George smothered under a rug. H is for Hector done in by a thug. I is for Ida who drowned in a lake. J is for James who took lye by mistake. K is for Kate who was struck with an axe. L is for Leo who swallowed some tacks. M is for Maud who was swept out to sea. N is for Neville who died of ennui. O is for Olive run through with an awl. P is for Prue trampled flat in a brawl. Q is for Quentin who sank in a mire. R is for Rhoda consumed by a fire. S is for Susan who perished of fits. T is for Titus who flew into bits. U is for Una who slipped down a drain. V is for Victor squashed under a train. W is for Winnie embedded in ice. X is for Xerxes devoured by mice. Y is for Yorick whose head was knocked in. Z is for Zillah who drank too much gin.
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hollow-prior · 1 month
All MLP Characters
Simply because I'm rewatching and enjoy making lists :)
Angel (Bunny)
Apple Bloom (Earth Pony)
Apple Brown Bake (Earth Pony)
Apple Bumpkin (Earth Pony)
Apple Cinnamon Crisp (Earth Pony)
Apple Frias (Earth Pony)
Apple Fritter (Earth Pony)
Applejack (Earth Pony)
Apple Rose (Earth Pony)
Applesauce (Earth Pony)
Apple Strudel (Earth Pony)
Apple Tart (Earth Pony)
Babs Seed (Earth Pony)
Baked Apples (Earth Pony)
Big Macintosh (Earth Pony)
Blossomforth (Pegasus)
[Prince] Blueblood (Unicorn)
Braeburn (Earth Pony)
Bulk Biceps (Pegasus)
[Princess] Cadence (Alicorn)
Caramel Apple (Earth Pony)
Carrot Cake (Earth Pony)
[Princess] Celestia (Alicorn)
Cerberus (Three-Headed Dog)
Cheerilee (Earth Pony)
Cheese Sandwich (Earth Pony)
Cloud Chaser (Pegasus)
Clover [the Clever] (Unicorn)
Coco Pommel (Earth Pony)
Crackle (Dragon)
Cranky Doodle Donkey (Donkey)
Cup Cake (Earth Pony)
Daisy (Earth Pony)
Daisy Jo (Cow)
Daring Do (Pegasus)
Diamond Tiara (Earth Pony)
Discord (Draconequus)
Ditzy Doo (Pegasus)
[Commander] Easy Glider (Pegasus)
[Admiral] Fairy Flight (Pegasus)
Fancy Pants (Unicorn)
Featherweight (Pegasus)
Filthy Rich (Earth Pony)
[General] Firefly (Pegasus)
Flam (Unicorn)
[General] Flash (Pegasus)
Flash Sentry (Pegasus)
Fleetfoot (Pegasus)
Flim (Unicorn)
Flitter (Pegasus)
Fluttershy (Pegasus)
Garble (Dragon)
Gilda (Griffon)
Golden Delicious (Earth Pony)
Granny Smith (Earth Pony)
Gummy (Alligator)
Gustave le Grand (Griffon)
Harshwhinny (Earth Pony)
Hayseed Turnip Truck (Earth Pony)
Hoity Toity (Earth Pony)
[Commander] Hurricane (Pegasus)
Iron Will (Minotaur)
Jet Set (Unicorn)
Joe (Unicorn)
Junebug (Earth Pony)
Kingpin (Unicorn)
Lickety-Split (Earth Pony)
Lightning Dust (Pegasus)
Little Strongheart (Buffalo)
[Princess] Luna/Nightmare Moon (Alicorn)
Matilda (Donkey)
Maud Pie (Earth Pony)
Moon Dancer (Unknown Pony)
Mooriella (Cow)
Mulia Mild (Mule)
Opalescence (Cat)
Owlowiscious (Owl)
Peachy Pie (Earth Pony)
Peewee (Phoenix)
Pipsqueak (Earth Pony)
Philomena (Phoenix)
Photo Finish (Earth Pony)
Pinkie Pie (Earth Pony)
Prim Hemline (Earth Pony)
[Princess] Platinum (Unicorn)
Pound Cake (Pegasus)
[Chancellor] Pudding Hat (Earth Pony)
Pumpkin Cake (Unicorn)
[Colonel] Purple Dart (Pegasus)
Rainbow Dash (Pegasus)
Randolph (Earth Pony)
Rapidfire (Pegasus)
Rarity (Unicorn)
Red Delicious (Earth Pony)
Red Gala (Earth Pony)
Rose (Earth Pony)
Rumble (Pegasus)
Sapphire Shores (Earth Pony)
Seabreeze (Breezie)
Scootaloo (Pegasus)
Shining Armor (Unicorn)
Silver Shill (Earth Pony)
Silverspeed (Pegasus)
Silver Spoon (Earth Pony)
[Sheriff] Silverstar (Earth Pony)
Smart Cookie (Earth Pony)
Snails (Unicorn)
Snips (Unicorn)
Soarin (Pegasus)
[King] Sombra (Unicorn)
Spike (Dragon)
Spitfire (Pegasus)
Star Swirl the Bearded (Unicorn)
Stinking Rich (Earth Pony)
Sunny Daze (Earth Pony)
Suri Polomare (Earth Pony)
Sunset Shimmer (Unicorn)
Sweetie Belle (Unicorn)
[Chief] Thunderhooves (Buffalo)
Thunderlane (Pegasus)
Trenderhoof (Unicorn)
Trixie (Unicorn)
[Princess] Twilight Sparkle (Unicorn -> Alicorn)
Twist (Earth Pony)
Upper Crust (Unicorn)
[Mr.] Waddle (Earth Pony)
Winona (Dog)
Zecora (Zebra)
Zipporwhill (Pegasus)
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Keep Away - Isane Driver VS. Pulp Friction - Fool Heavy
Scatterbrain - Casual Tees VS. Sad Hit Song- V is for Villians
Patches - Jawbreaker Reunion VS. Animal Rites - John Congleton & The Nighty Nites
New Dance - DEERPEOPLE VS. Maple Leaf Etc - Maxshh
Mama - Eudora June VS. The Helper - Giannah Noelle
Victim of a Siren - Seraph Siege VS. There's a Darkness (but There's also a Light) - The Wild VS. Ray - Dylans
Alive - GON VS. You are Loved - David Lamotte TIE
Where U Goin? - Half in the Bag VS. For Me - Dearlie
The Hidden Word - Noe Venable VS. Echo in the Hills - Carrie Elkin VS. YOUR GALAXY - ROZLYN PELL
Juliet and Juliet -Kactus Kid VS. Low Rent Truman Show - Marc with a C
The Danger - Patricia Wallinga VS. Call Me Captain - Emrys Layne (@callmecapt) VS. Deep Blue - Grapefruit
PIANO GAMES - Hazma Notes VS. Worst in the World - Uncle Outrage
Cheese (original mix) -Cheese VS. Hokutoshichisei no Ichiya- Akiko lkuina
There'll be Someone at My Funeral Who Doesn’t Want to Be There - Sammy J VS. The Crayon Song - Class Of 3000
TECVM CIRCVMAMBVLARE NOLO - John Linnel VS. Imagination - Niel innes VS. Me and Nikolai - Pale Young Gentlemen
Eat Your Heart Out, Sigmund Freud - Mollie Maxwell VS. Don't Want You -Carpark
Runaways - Big Tree VS. 10,000 Days - OK Glass
Hurricane - My Cat Umi VS. Rotten - Missouri Surf Club
Born to it - Freefonix VS. last week/month/year - rain
Pointillize - Raccoon Fink VS. execute - ninty
Better Red Than Dead - KELChip VS. Ego -Powderpaint
... - subeteanatanoseidesu VS. Nighttime (I fall asleep) - Sam X
GOTH BITCH DUB - 621 gecs VS. To.Get.Her - Nixis
Dusk and Dawn - Das Fi VS. Between You and Me - Clementine Werchola
Monmon Fanmoran - Mochitsune VS. Can Graze the Roof Bring you Back to Childhood? - Anomaly Vector TIE
Memories - Jens East (Ft. Lotta Rasva) VS. Moongrains with Lyrics feat. Gumi A - Anonaly Vector VS. Ode to Janey Lou- FOE
The Dreaming- Marquis of Vaudevill VS. Best Friend - Taitoki
Rusalka and The Shepherd Girl - The Forgetmenauts VS. Four Tall Trees - Leslie Fish
Captain Ward - Tempest VS. The Trials Of Oscar Wilde - Alan John
Winter's Tooth - Alexander James Adam VS. He of Sidhe - Alexander James Adam
Labyrinth - Madeline S VS. The Phoenix - Julia Ecklar
Liar and the Hound - Beneath Eden VS. Bodysuit -FlooringCo
Pause Button - Particle Devotion VS. On a Walk - Fort Womb VS. Death is a Girl - Skippocalyptic
52 Pickup - Z. VS. 山谷澗 - Mysterain小雨樂隊 VS. Pub Money - Bag of Cans
Never be Famous - Hussalonia VS. 613 - FC the kid VS. Lhasa - Shapaley
Collide - Harold J VS. We Made it - JAMIEvx VS. 412 (coffin built for two) - Mollie Maxwell
Unretractable Fact - Second Person VS. SCARY* - EXIT ONLY
Preserve - PETROLEUM! GENDERLOSS VS. No Proposals - Physical Plant
Maneater- Blue Eyed Blondes VS. la somnambule - La Femme Pendu
Center Stage - Howard Martin VS. Gears of the Atom Man - Angels of Liberty TIE
Wake Up Girl - Skeeter Truck VS. Dark Rip - Teen Girl Scientist Monthly
Trust Me - Time Crash VS. Not Yet - Leo and the Little Things
Grace - Raelle VS. Animal- Xisco Feijoó
Hyperphantasia - Fearful Earful VS. Tonight Eternity Alone - Rene Clause
Cardigan Sweater - Jasmine Kennedy VS. Milá má - Nahore VS. Side A -Alohaha
The Binding Of isaac - Schmekel VS. Slip! - Bright Orange
Boy who Blocked the Sun - Demi the Daredevil VS. Rainy Day Georgia - Jayne Trimble VS. Burn it Down with Math - Deuce of Gears
Haircut Song - Shannon Moser VS. Reunion - Brent Spiner & Maude Maggart
Small Parts of Something Much Larger - Suns VS. Sunshine and Lollipops 2020 - Sad Snack
Say What You Want - Growth Spurt VS. Mirëmëngies - Edona Vatoc
Have You Ever Seen a Duck, Like, in Real Life? - Lisa the Beauty Queen VS. Housekeeper- Faun Fables
Caroline - Espers VS. Tales of the Phantom Ship - Nathan Landis Funk
Lotus eaters - Jessica Law VS. Raising the Dead! - Jessica Law VS. Autism Murder Memorial - Fit to Work
Blow Up the Moon - Feel Spectres VS. All For Me Grog! - Spud Bugs
Reclaim - Porch Cat VS. Orpheus on Ice - The Small Calamities VS. Violin Concerto in the Key of Crippling Regret - The Small Calamities
Homme Offer Knee - Ben Below VS. Hold My Heart - The Dune Sea
Each Time She Calls - Jessie Gosling VS. flexible guy - clown residue
Howard - Demo- Mother Aiden VS. Blooming Strangely - Ginger & Pear
恐竜あげみざわ★ - Kyouruu Friends VS. 星の旅人- Sayaka Senbong & Yumiri Hanamori
The End of the World - Fred Deakin VS. 運命は※ Love You - チームDEKAI
Ultimate Performance of Abandoned Magic Boxes ~ Racks of Junk - KR. Palto47 VS. 薔薇は美しく散る x 輪舞 revolution - okurigi66
297回の試行 - Image44 VS. They'll Make a Monster Out of You - Freefonix
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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Rev. Dr. William J. Simmons was born a slave in Charleston, South Carolina, to Edward and Esther Simmons on June 29, 1849. While William was young, his Mother fled slavery with her three children, William and his two sisters Emeline and Anna. They initially landed in Philadelphia, PA, and was met by an uncle named Alexander Tardiff, who housed them, fed them and educated the children. Due to stemming pressures from slave traders, Tardiff relocated his extended family to Roxbury, Pennsylvania, Chester, PA, and ultimately settled down in Bordentown, New Jersey. Tardiff had received an education from the future Bishop Daniel Payne and undertook to give Simmons and his siblings an education on that basis. From 1862 to 1864 William served as an apprentice to a dentist. He served in the Union Army during the US Civil War, enlisting September 15, 1864 and serving a one-year term. He took part in the siege of Petersburg, the Battle of Hatcher's Run, and the Battle of Appomattox Court House and was present at the surrender of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. After the war, he returned to dentistry. In 1867, he converted to Baptist and joined a White Baptist church in Bordentown that was pastored by Reverend J. W. Custis. The congregation helped him through college. He attended Madison University (now Colgate University, graduated in 1868), Rochester University, and Howard University, from which he graduated with a bachelor's degree in 1873. As a student, he worked briefly in Washington D.C. at Hillsdale School. In Hillsdale, he boarded with Smithsonian Institution employee, Solomon G. Brown. After graduating he moved to Arkansas on the advice of Horace Greeley to become a teacher there, but returned to Hillsdale soon after where he taught until June 1874.
The following summer, he married Josephine A. Silence on August 25, 1874 and moved to Ocala, Florida. The couple had seven children, Josephine Lavinia, William Johnson, Maud Marie, Amanda Moss, Mary Beatrice, John Thomas, and Gussie Lewis. In Florida, he invested in land to grow oranges, became principal of Howard Academy's teacher training program and served as the pastor of a church, deputy county clerk and county commissioner. He campaigned for the Republican Rutherford B. Hayes. He served there until 1879. He was ordained that year and moved to Lexington, Kentucky where he pastored the First Baptist Church. The following year, he became the second president of the Kentucky Normal and Theological Institute, which he worked for a decade. The school was eventually renamed the State University of Louisville and later to Simmons College of Kentucky after Simmons due to schools progression under his tenure. He was succeeded in 1894 at Simmons College by Charles L. Purce.
In Kentucky he was elected for several years the chairman of the State Convention of Colored Men. On September 29, 1882, he was elected editor of the journal, the American Baptist where he criticized the failures of both political parties to support blacks in their civil rights and progress. He was also president of the American Baptist Company. in 1886 he was elected over T. Thomas Fortune to president of the Colored Press Association, having lost to W. A. Pledger the previous year. In 1883, Simmons organized the Baptist Women's Educational Convention, and in 1884, Blanche Bruce appointed Simmons commissioner for the state of Kentucky at the 1884 World's Fair in New Orleans. In 1886, he organized and was elected president of the American National Baptist Convention. The convention was a call for African American Baptist unity and was also led by Richard DeBaptiste and featured notable presentations by Solomon T. Clanton and James T. White. In 1889 in Indianapolis, Simmons was a leader at the American National Baptist Convention and wrote a resolution to provide aid for blacks fleeing violence in the South and moving to the North.
Simmons received an honorary master's degree from Howard University in 1881 and an honorary Doctorate degree from Wilberforce University in 1885. In 1887, he published a book entitled Men of Mark: Eminent, Progressive and Rising, which highlights the lives of 172 prominent African-American men, while serving as the school's president. He was working on a sister edition of the title that would highlight the lives and accomplishments of prominent pre-1900 African-American women, but unfortunately died before its completion. He died on October 30, 1890, in Louisville, Kentucky.
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List of Jeanne media submitted so far
Note that not all may appear in the final bracket.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica / Puella Magi Tart Magica / Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story
Figaro Illustré magazine illustration by Albert Lynch
Gerard Way himself
The Black Parade album cover
Johanne comic by Gerard Way, Marley Zarcone and Hi-Fi
The Lark
Fate series / Fate/Grand Order / Fate/Apocrypha
Joan of Arc Saved France--Women of America Save Your Country--Buy War Savings Stamps poster
Jeanne d'Arc (PSP game) by Level-5
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Pieśń - Studium do obrazu Joanna d`Arc by Jan Matejko
A sketch in the Register of the Parlement of Paris by Clément de Fauquembergue
"Joan of Arc: What Did She Look Like?" YouTube video
Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
Requiem of the Rose King/ Baraou no Souretsu
Hetalia: Axis Powers
The Simpsons: episode "Tales From The Public Domain"
Clone High
Genkaku Picasso
Ikemen Vampire Otome Games
Granblue Fantasy
Sid Meier's Civilization III
Joan of Arc song by Madonna
Afterschool Charisma
Joan of Arc by Arcade Fire
Majo Taisen
Dragon Age
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Joan of Arcadia
Zendaya's 2018 Met Gala costume
Age of Empires II
Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
The Genesis of Misery
Maude Adams as Joan of Arc by Alphonse Mucha
Jeanne d'Arc by Georges Méliès
Jehanne 1429 by Arnaud Courlet de Vregille
Joan of Arc by Gari Melchers
Joan of Arc by Charles Amable Lenoir
Jeanne d'Arc by Roger de La Fresnaye
Johan of Arc - Archives nationales (France) - AE-II-2490 by Vinzez Sozvr Zovzanza
Inazuma Eleven Go
Dragalia Lost
Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
The Who Was? Show
The Inquisitor's Tale
Vanitas no Carte
Saints (Boxers and Saints)
Joan by Heather Dale
Saint Joan by George Bernard Shaw
Living Scriptures Animated Hero Classics: Joan of Arc
The Passion of Joan of Arc by Carl Theodor Dryer
Joan of Arc stamp, 1975, Seychelles, for International Women's Year
重奏オルレアン/Chamber Music for Orleans
Johanna von Orleans (Originaltitel The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc)
Joan of Arc by Regisseur Christian Duguay
Statue of Joan of Arc Paris by Emmanuel Frémiet
B&G Foods's Joan of Arc canned beans
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films-on-a-plane · 11 months
to be watched list (series)
# $#*! My Dad Says (2010–2011) 2 Broke Girls (2011-2017) 3rd Rock from the Sun (1996-2001) 6Teen (2004-2010) 8 Simple Rules… for Dating My Teenage Daughter (2002-2005) 13 Reasons Why (2017-2020) 30 Rock (2006–2013) 101 Dalmatians: The Series (1997-1998)
A According to Jim (2001-2009) Adventure Time (2010-2018) Aladdin (1994-1995) Ally McBeal (1997-2002) American Dragon: Jake Long (2005-2007) Anger Management (2012-2014) Archer (2009-2023) As Told by Ginger (2000-2009) Atypical (2017-2021) Austin & Ally (2011-2016) Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005-2008) Awkward. (2011-2016)
B Batman: The Animated Series (1992–1995) Black-ish (2014-2022) Blockbuster (2022) Bluey (2018-) Bob's Burgers (2011-) BoJack Horseman (2014–2020) Boy Meets World (1993-2000) Braceface (2001-2006) Brandy & Mr. Whiskers (2004-2007) Broad City (2014-2019) Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013-2021) Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003)
C CatDog (1998-2005) Charmed (1998-2006) Community (2009-2015) Cougar Town (2009-2015) Coupling (2000-2004)
D Daria (1997-2002) Dead Like Me (2003-2004) Derry Girls (2018-2022) Disenchantment (2018-2023) Doctor Who (2005-) Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 (2012-2013) Drake & Josh (2004-2007)
E Ellen (1994-1998) Emily in Paris (2020-) Everybody Hates Chris (2005-2009) Everybody Loves Raymond (1996-2005) Everything Sucks! (2018)
F Family Guy (1999– ) Fillmore! (2002-2004) Fleabag (2016-2019) Frasier (1993-2004) Freaks and Geeks (1999–2000) Fresh Off the Boat (2015–2020) Full House (1987-1995) Futurama (1999-)
G Game of Thrones (2011-2019) Gilmore Girls (2000-2007) Ginny & Georgia (2021-) Girl Meets World (2014-2017) Go On (2012-2013) Good Luck, Charlie (2010-2014) Gossip Girl (2007-2012) Gravity Falls (2012-2016) Grim & Evil (2001-2007)
H Hacks (2021-) Hannah Montana (2006-2011) Hercules (1998-1999) House (2004–2012) Home Economics (2021-2023) Home Improvement (1991-1999) Hot in Cleveland (2010-2015) How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014) How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) (2019-)
I I Am Not Okay with This (2020) iCarly (2007-2012) I Love Lucy (1951-1957) Inside Job (2021–2022) It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2005-)
J Joey (2004–2006)
K K.C. Undercover (2015-2018) Kevin Can Wait (2016-2018) Killing Eve (2018-2022) Kim Possible (2002-2007) King of the Hill (1997-2010)
L Liv and Maddie (2013-2017) Lilo & Stitch: The Series (2003-2006) Lizzie McGuire (2001-2004) Louie (2010-2015)
M Mad About You (1992-2019) Magnum, P.I. (1980-1988) Malcolm in the Middle (2000-2006) Man vs. Bee (2022) Man with a Plan (2016-220) Maude (1972-1978) Melissa & Joey (2010-2015) Mike & Molly (2010-2016) Modern Family (2009-2020) Monk (2002–2009) Mr. Bean (1990-1995) Mr. Bean (2002-2019) Mr. Sunshine (2011-2012) My Name Is Earl (2005-2009)
N New Girl (2011-2018) Not Dead Yet (2023-)
O Once Upon a Time (2011-2018)
P Parks & Recreation (2009–2015) Party Down (2009-) Pepper Ann (1997-2000) Popeye the Sailor (1960-1962) Pretty Little Liars (2010-2017) Pretty Smart (2021)
R Recess (1997-2001) Regular Show (2010-2017) Rick and Morty (2013–) Rules of Engagement (2007-2013) Russian Doll (2019-)
S Sabrina: The Animated Series (1999-2000) Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (1996-2003) Sam & Cat (2013-2014) Saved by the Bell (1989-1992) Schitt's Creek (2015-2020) Scooby Doo, Where Are You! (1969-1978) Sean Saves the World (2013-2014) Sex and the City (1998-2004) Seinfeld (1989-1998) Shake It Up (2010-2013) Shameless (2011-2021) Silicon Valley (2014-2019) Single Parents (2018-2020) Skins (2007–2013) So Help Me Todd (2022-) Space Force (2020-2022) Speechless (2016-2019) SpongeBob SquarePants (1999-) Squid Game (2021-) Stranger Things (2016-2025) Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (2006-2007) Suburgatory (2011-2014) Superior Donuts (2017-2018) Superstore (2015-2021)
T That '70s Show (1998-2006) That '90s Show (2023-) That's So Raven (2003-2007) The Brady Binch (1969-1974) The Crew (2021) The Ellen Show (2001-2002) The Emperor's New School (2006-2008) The End of the F***ing World (2017-2019) The Flight Attendant (2020-2022) The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990-1996) The Golden Girls (1985-1992) The Golden Palace (1992-1993) The IT Crowd (2006-2013) The King of Queens (1998-2007) The Last Dance (2020) The Legend of Tarzan (2001-2003) The Little Mermaid (1992-1994) The Loud House (2014-) The Neighborhood (2018-) The New Adventures of Old Christine (2006-2023) The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1988-1991) The Odd Couple (2015-2017) The Office UK (2001-2003) The Pink Panther Show (1969-1970) The Powerpuff Girls (1998-2004) The Replacements (2006-2022) The Suite Life on Deck (2008-2011) The Suite Life of Zack & Cody (2005-2008) The Twilight Zone (1959–1964) The Umbrella Academy (2019-2024) The Upshaws (2021-) The White Lotus (2021-2025) The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window (2022) Timon & Pumbaa (1995-1999) Tiny Beautiful Things (2023) Totally Spies! (2001-2014) Twin Peaks (1990-1991)
U Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (2015-2020) Unstable (2023-)
V Veep (2012-2019)
W Web Therapy (2011-2015) Welcome Back, Kotter (1975-1979) Wednesday (2022-) What I Like About You (2002-2006) Whitney (2011–2013) Will & Grace (1998-2020) W.I.T.C.H. (2004-2006) Wizards of Waverly Place (2007-2012)
X Xena: Warrior Princess (1995-2001)
Y Young & Hungry (2014-2018)
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dominiquethomas · 2 years
nobody cares how The Fader feels, people pirating music again, nature heals
Les albums :
No Pressure - No Pressure LP DaBoii - Can’t Tame Us BabyTron - Megatron 42 Dugg & EST Gee - Last Ones Left ROSALIA - MOTOMAMI Babyface Ray - FACE Mindforce - New Lords leroy - Dariacore 3 That Kid - Superstar Maud Geffray - Ad Astra
Les chansons :
1. Lil Yachty - Poland 2. Yung Lean - Bliss (feat. FKA twigs) 3. DaBoii - Cole Bennet (feat. Young SLO-BE) 4. So La Lune - Fin Heureuse 5. Charli XCX - Used To Know Me 6. 42 Dugg & EST Gee - Everybody Shooters Too 7. No Pressure - Hand in Hand 8. That Kid - SEX2NITE 9. ROSALIA - SAOKO 10. Knucks & SL - Nice & Good 11. Rio Da Yung OG - Cold Hearted (feat. Louie Ray) 12. Young SLO-BE - Don’t Kome 2 My Funeral 13. Nadir Khalil - Wild Trance 14. Kiddshawnx - Storm (feat. Dripalogic) 15. umru - heart2 (feat. Petal Supply & Rebecca Black) 16. Icewear Vezzo - It’s All On U (feat. Kodak Black) 17. Armani DePaul - IDC (feat. Young SLO-BE) 18. Bandmanrill & Sha EK - Jiggy in Jersey 2 19. JuL - Superstar 20. Kodak Black - Walk 21. Young Smokes - Heart Warming Drill 22. Babyface Ray - 6 Mile Show (feat. Icewear Vezzo) 23. Bandmanrill - BANDTHOVEN 24. Doe Boy - ONNA HOOD (feat. Babyface Ray) 25. BabyTron - Letter To Cornelius 26. Veeze - Close Friends 27. Baauer - Let Me Love U 28. Ralfy The Plug - Caillou Cousin 29. Yeat - Poppin 30. Jensen Interceptor & DJ Fuckoff - Ride 31. Mindforce - All Facts 32. leroy - her head is soooo rolling!! love her 33. Vince Staples - MAGIC 34. Panteros666 - Spooky Bitch (feat. Reeza) 35. Maud Geffray - I Fall At 5 36. Los - RIP Blade (feat. Veeze & WB Nutty) 37. Denzel Curry - X-Wing 38. Tr3yway6k - 50’s to the 100’s (feat. Fat Meech) 39. Veerus - Cash (feat. Freeze Corleone) 40. Lazuli - Casse ton dos (King Doudou Rave Mix) 41. DJ Q & Finn - Speedy Gs 42. PGF Nuk - Waddup (feat. Polo G) 43. Z Money - Lyin Oath 44. Real Boston Richey - Bullseye 2 (feat. Future) 45. Ramirez - Return of the Corpse 46. Yung Kayo - YEET (feat. Yeat) 47. RMC Mike - 6 God 48. Cash Cobain - SLIZZY LIKE 49. Kerchak - Tarzan 50. WYNNE - Nature Heals 51. TrDee - Johnny Test 52. Glorilla - F.N.F. (Let’s Go) 53. EBK Young Joc - Get It Right 54. Bandgang Lonnie Bands - Real Apes (feat. Ice Burgandy) 55. ShittyBoyz - Taliban Ties 56. WB Nutty - Deal With It 57. Lil Baby - U Digg (feat. Veeze & 42 Dugg) 58. Safety Trance - El Alma Que Te Trajo 59. DCB Brothers - Jungle Life 60. 1PLIKE140 - NO LACKIN 61. Krispylife Kidd - GhettoBoy Flow 62. Lil Uzi Vert - Just Wanna Rock 63. Mata - JESTEM POJ384NY 64. OhGeezy - Gallery 65. Lala&ce - FALLAIT DIRE NON 66. Escha & Ytem - Triple M 67. YungManny - MURDAMAN! (feat. Chief Keef) 68. Drego & Beno - Sorry We Was Trapping 69. EBK BCKDOE - Angry Africans (feat. SSRICHH33 & Verde Babii) 70. LUCKI - Y NOT? 71. Rico Nasty - Black Punk 72. Homixide Gang - Lifestyle 73. SosMula - ROBOCOP 74. midwxst - 223’s (feat. BabyTron) 75. 42 Dugg - IDGAF 76. Mini RTTCLAN - 669 Tah (feat. Freeze Corleone) 77. Duke Deuce - Just Say That (feat. Glorilla) 78. Sophie Cates - Cardigan 79. Eyedress - 2 HEADED GOAT 80. K-Trap - Warm Remix (feat. Skepta) 81. Mosca - Foot Clan 82. Tiesto & Charli XCX - Hot In It 83. VR SEX - Crisis Stage 84. Gonemage - The Suffering and Endurance 85. SCH - Transmission Automatique (feat. So La Lune) 86. Kenzo B - The Facts (feat. Young Devyn) 87. Dumar 1k - Crashout (feat. OTM Frenchyy) 88. Flo Milli - Hottie (feat. Babyface Ray) 89. Karma2zz - Trap Aint Dead 90. Omeretta the Great - Sorry Not Sorry (feat. Latto) 91. Flight - The Scale (feat. BabyTron) 92. Future - LIKE ME (feat. 42 Dugg & Lil Baby) 93. Asian Doll - Get Jumped (feat. Bandmanrill) 94. YS - 30 Wit Da 30 95. OmgAddy - Poland Remix 96. Himera - Kiss (feat. Hannah Diamond) 97. Kai Bandz - No Cappin (feat. DaBoii) 98. 2rare - Oochie Coochie 99. SteveDaStoner - Barkin’ 100. Kenshi Yonezu - KICK BACK
Youtube playlist
DL : 1 (alt) / 2 (alt)
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lboogie1906 · 1 month
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The Golden 14 were the first Black women to muster into the Navy. First recognized by scholar Kelly Miller in his 1919 book “Kelly Miller’s History of the World War for Human Rights,” but nearly lost to history after the war, the women were dubbed the Golden 14 in homage to WWII’s Golden 13, the first Black men to become Navy officers.
Their service began with Armelda Hattie Green of Jackson, Mississippi, who enlisted on August 13, 1918. A former public school teacher, she was in the Aviation Department before being assigned to the Division of Enlisted Personnel, Mustering. Her brother-in-law, John T. Risher, was chief of the Muster Office in the Bureau of Navigation. He was instrumental in her transfer and the other Black women’s enlistment.
Despite Woodrow Wilson winning a second term on a platform that included keeping the US out of the European war. He promoted the passage of the Naval Act and the Naval Reserve Act in 1916. Risher exploited this broad language and the military’s pressing need for administrative support to hire thirteen more African American women and ten Black men to work in the Muster Office.
Black women were often disqualified for military service due to contrived medical issues, such as flat feet. These fourteen pioneering women, distinguished themselves as they served during WWI, braving Secretary of the Navy, an avowed White Supremacist, housing discrimination, and systemic racism that included the rampant lynching of Black people in and out of uniform.
They encompassed women from prominent families such as Sara Davis Taylor and Ruth Welburn. The others were Pocahontas A. Jackson, Catherine E. Finch, Fannie A. Foote, Olga F. Jones, Sarah E. Howard, Marie E. Mitchell, Anna G. Smallwood, Maud C. Williams, Caroll E. Washington, Josephine Washington, and Inez B. McIntosh.
The Navy required all yeomanettes to be mustered out by the end of 1919. There’s some dispute over the exact number of Black women who served. The women were all awarded the WWI Victory Medal for their service. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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porcelainvino · 1 month
do you guys ever make an animatic for the last plot point in your glee fanfiction that no one can read? because i do
(for @edens-trinkets bdayyyy)
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wikiuntamed · 8 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Sunday, 4th February
Welcome, merħba, ようこそ (yōkoso), 欢迎 (huānyíng) 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 4th February through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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4th February 2023 🗓️ : Death - Vani Jairam Vani Jairam, Indian playback singer (b. 1945) "Vani Jairam (born Kalaivani; 30 November 1945 – 4 February 2023) was an Indian playback singer in Indian cinema. She is fondly referred to as the "Meera of modern India" Vani's career started in 1971 and has spanned over five decades. She did playback for over one thousand Indian movies recording..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 3.0? by Bollywood Hungama
4th February 2019 🗓️ : Death - Matti Nykänen Matti Nykänen, Finnish Olympic-winning ski jumper and singer (b. 1963) "Matti Ensio Nykänen (pronounced [ˈmɑtːi ˈnykænen] ; 17 July 1963 – 4 February 2019) was a Finnish ski jumper who competed from 1981 to 1991. He is one of the most successful ski jumpers of all time, having won five Winter Olympic medals (four gold), nine World Championship medals (five gold), and 22..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 3.0? by Jakke Nikkarinen / Suomen Moneta
4th February 2014 🗓️ : Death - Dennis Lota Dennis Lota, Zambian footballer (b. 1973) "Dennis Lota (8 November 1973 – 4 February 2014) was a Zambian football striker. He started his professional career with Zanaco FC of Zambia in 1989 before leaving for Nchanga Rangers at the beginning of the 1991 season. At Nchanga Rangers he established a midfield partnership with Abeauty Kunda. He..."
4th February 1974 🗓️ : Event - Provisional Irish Republican Army The Provisional Irish Republican Army bombed a motor coach carrying off-duty British Armed Forces personnel and their family members, killing twelve people. "The Provisional Irish Republican Army (Provisional IRA), officially known as the Irish Republican Army (IRA; Irish: Óglaigh na hÉireann) and informally known as the Provos, was an Irish republican paramilitary force that sought to end British rule in Northern Ireland, facilitate Irish reunification..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0? by Erik G
4th February 1923 🗓️ : Birth - Conrad Bain Conrad Bain, Canadian-American actor (d. 2013) "Conrad Stafford Bain (February 4, 1923 – January 14, 2013) was a Canadian-American comedian and actor. His television credits include a leading role as Phillip Drummond in the sitcom Diff'rent Strokes (1978–1986), as Dr. Arthur Harmon on Maude (1972–1978), and as Charlie Ross in Mr. President..."
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Image by CBS Television (credit seen in news clipping as release is tattered)
4th February 1820 🗓️ : Event - Chilean War of Independence Chilean War of Independence: Chilean forces captured the city of Valdivia. "The Chilean War of Independence (Spanish: Guerra de la Independencia de Chile, 'War of Independence of Chile') was a military and political event that allowed the emancipation of Chile from the Spanish Monarchy, ending the colonial period and initiating the formation of an independent republic. It..."
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4th February 🗓️ : Holiday - Earliest day on which Ash Wednesday can fall, while March 10 is the latest; celebrated on the first day of Lent (Christianity) "Ash Wednesday is a holy day of prayer and fasting in many Western Christian denominations. It is preceded by Shrove Tuesday and marks the first day of Lent, the six weeks of penitence before Easter.Ash Wednesday is observed by Catholics, Lutherans, Moravians, Anglicans, Methodists, Nazarenes, as..."
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Image by Oxh973
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 years
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"Annual Dinner Dance of Lions' Club at Prince Edward is Gala Affair," Border Cities Star. February 27, 1930. Page 5. ---- THREE groups of guests snapped at the dinner dance given in the Prince Edward Hotel Ballroom last evening, by the Lions' Club. Seated in picture No. 1 from left to right are: Mrs. J. D. Proctor, Mrs. W. L. Menzies, and Mrs. J. A. MacDonald, while standing, from left to right, are: Mr. J. D. Proctor, Dr. L. F. Dupuis, and Mr. W. L. Menzies. In picture No. 2, seated from left to right, are: Mrs. M. McLellan, Misa G. Pinneo, Mrs. N. J. Taylor, Mrs. Ralph Sheppard, Mrs. W. Patterson, Mrs. W. Mallender, Miss Maude Longley, and Mrs. W. L. Helmer. Standing are: Mr. W. L. Helmer, Mr. W. Mallender, Mr. N. J. Taylor, Mr. K. F. DeLong, Mr. G. W. Poole, Mr. Ralph Sheppard. Picture No. 8 shows, seated, from left to right, Mrs. A. Long, Mrs. B. Dore, of Detroit; Mrs. H. B. Custemborder, of Detroll; Miss Hyzleg, of Detroit; Miss J. Jackson, Mrs. H. Irvine Wiley, and Mr. W. J. Pangley. Standing, from left to right, are: Mr. B. A. Dore, Dr. H. Irvine Wiley, Mr. E. Lambden, Mrs. L. Wallace, and Mr. L. Wallace, Mr. A. Long, Mr. H. B. Custemborder, and Mr. H. J. Ellis.
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bringinbackpod · 2 years
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We had the pleasure of interviewing Danny Dwyer over Zoom video! Hailing from St. Louis, MO, Danny is an LA-based singer/songwriter & producer whose genreless music straddles indie rock, alternative, pop, and everything in between. He grew up learning jazz and playing in punk bands which eventually led him to college in Los Angeles where he studied music and started working on his solo artist project. Following a break-up in 2017, Danny turned to writing as he released his first song ‘What You Want’ as part of a school assignment. Mixing contemporary R&B with his love of indie music, the song’s early success inspired him to pursue his solo artist project. A genre chameleon, Danny seamlessly straddles different musical styles and sounds, bringing in diverse musical influences from his childhood and development. Recent collaborators include Benny Sings, Billy Lemos, Roy Blair, Ritt Momney, Magdalena Bay, RAC, Maria Isabel, Kllo, Maude Latour, Chloe Lilac, MILK, Marcos G, Jelani Aryeh, Brandon Banks and more. Danny’s music has been featured in playlists such as Spotify’s Lorem, Mellow Morning, Mellow Mood, Fresh Finds and Alternative R&B and Apple’s INDIY, Day One and more. Danny has also received press from outlets such as Pigeons & Planes, OnesToWatch and Office amongst others. Mortal Kombat” is the fifth single off the anti-pop artist and producer’s upcoming debut double EP, Losers, an emotional portrayal of liberated youth. The EP is a love letter and a goodbye note to his rural stomping grounds of the Midwest. “I used to feel the need to exploit as much as possible from any opportunity,” Danny says of the way LA twisted him. “Now I want to work on my bike and make sense of where I come from and where I am. All of these things I’ve compartmentalized for so long are now colliding.” The result is a collection of coming-of-age songs that have one foot in Friday Night Lights and another in Harmony Korine’s Kids. WATCH "MORTAL KOMBAT" - https://youtu.be/b9S1AjXSBhI We want to hear from you! Please email [email protected] . www.BringinitBackwards.com #podcast #interview #bringinbackpod #DannyDwyer #Losers #LosersEP #MortalKombat #NewMusic #zoom Listen & Subscribe to BiB https://www.bringinitbackwards.com/follow/ Follow our podcast on Instagram and Twitter! https://www.facebook.com/groups/bringinbackpod
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reallifehq · 2 years
mw by members?
This is what we received from our members!
mason gooding, manny jacinto, keith powers, logan lerman, jonathan daviss, tommy martinez, alex fitzalan, joe keery, avan jogia, andrew garfield, herman tømmeraas, michael b jordan, michael trevino, chance perdomo, gavin leatherwood, ross lynch, aaron tveit, jacob elordi, michael cimino, george sear, maude apatow, zendaya, ryan destiny, lulu antariksa, danielle rose russell, benedetta porcaroli, alice pagani, olivia scott welch, martina cariddi, becky g, yara shahidi, naomi scott, kiernan shipka, camila mendes, jaz sinclair, tati gabrielle, adeline rudolph, abigail cowen, maia mitchell, bailee madison, madison bailey, priyanka chopra
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