#b) has an objectively hilarious ending
fantastic-nonsense · 3 months
Neil Gaiman and Todd McFarlane's decade-long legal feud over Angela Odinsdottir you will always be famous
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sunstone-smiles · 11 months
The Ferocious Tiger and the Curious Spider
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Author’s Note: I recently watched Across the Spider-Verse and have officially fallen down the Miguel O’Hara rabbit hole, Lol. I saw a few things comparing him to a cat, and a few days before I saw the movie I visited my friend that has kittens, which eventually led to me thinking about this popular surprised kitty video that became one of the bases of writing this, which I also directly reference in the fic! I hope you enjoy! 
(Also: This will most likely be my one and only Spider-Verse fic. I know the bare minimum when it comes to Marvel and Spider-Man, so forgive me if anything may be incorrect! I just had an urge to write for Miguel, Lol.)
Series: Across the Spider-Verse
Characters: Miguel O’Hara and Peter B. Parker
Word count: 2,095
Summary: Miguel has to finish a report with a disruptive Peter. That is, until Peter mistakenly discovers a fact about the ferocious leader of the Spider-Society that causes an even bigger, but giggly, distraction from their work. Enjoy!
Miguel types away at his virtual floating screens while he writes his report about the new anomaly that was successfully captured. Another Vulture from a different world, Earth-468, had broken through the dimensional barrier. Unlike other Vultures the Spider-Society fought before, this one had real feathered wings instead of mechanical ones, making the villain even harder to catch due to their increased maneuverability. And, unfortunately, Miguel needed to call for backup…again. As luck would have it, he was sent his, essentially, counter opposite to finish the fight with him. Great.
A boyish laugh from behind Miguel throws off his thought process. He tightens his fingers in annoyance and growls under his breath. He glares over his shoulder to see Peter B. Parker in his pink robe, sitting on a nearby desk with his legs dangling off the edge and his eyes glued to the screen of his phone. The other man is unaccompanied by his small child he usually has protectively strapped to his chest.
Peter erupts into disruptive laughter again at whatever moving picture is on his device, further driving Miguel’s patience through a wall.
“Do you have to be so noisy back there?” Miguel snarls and tries to refocus on his work.
Peter reels in his laughter, even whipping a joyful tear from his eye. “Ohoho, sorry Miguel. I’m just trying to keep myself occupied while watching these hilarious cat videos.” Peter jumps up from the desk to lean over Miguel’s shoulder and shove the phone in his face. “Here! Watch this one!”
“Parker!” Miguel nearly smacks the device away, “I’m busy!”
Peter retracts his hand. “Alright then, maybe later.” He then returns to his seat on the desk behind Miguel.
A rumble of frustration is heard from Miguel’s throat. “You’re lucky you need to be here with me to finish this report…” Miguel swipes a finger at one of his floating monitors. “And haven’t you watched enough cat videos already? You shoved that screen in my face to show me one and I got thrown into a wall—twice.”
“I need to find more to show Mayday,” Peter starts to gush about his daughter, “Her laugh is so cute when she watches them. They’re funny!”
“Not when you’re in the middle of a fight!”
“Hey, you’ve got to take a break to laugh every now and then, right?” Peter ends his statement with a head tilt and a smile toward Miguel.
Miguel rolls his eyes and tries to return to business on his own, important, digital screens. 
Once the room turns quiet again, Peter glances up from his phone. He notices Miguel shifting his shoulders from discomfort, like he’s trying to adjust from something bothering him. Upon closer inspection, Peter detects an object that looks like a small, pointed pin needle poking out from behind Miguel’s collar of his spider suit. He couldn’t believe that he didn’t notice it earlier when he leaned over to show him the video. Peter quietly gets up from the desk and approaches the other man. 
Miguel lets out an impatient huff. He refuses to even turn around. “What do you want now, Parker?”
“Hold still.”
Miguel pauses from that unusual statement. “Wha-Ah!” Miguel leaps out of his chair with a visceral reaction and whips around with a growl. One hand clutches the back of his neck, while the other is prepared to attack the culprit.
“Whoa! Relax tiger!” Peter holds out a hand to reassure him. In his other hand, however, Peter holds up a large, shiny, and black coated feather—one that looks similar, if not exact, to a real bird feather. “This was caught in the back of your neck. It must have gotten stuck during our fight with that villain Vulture.” He twirls the feather in his fingers, “I’m surprised it got caught back there, being that you’re wearing a skin-tight bodysuit and all.”
Miguel clears his throat. He narrows his eyes to return to his intimidating appearance. “A little warning next time would be nice.”
“Sorry, but I didn’t expect you to react like that,” Peter places the feather on the desk. “I mean, a feather usually gains that reaction from someone who’s—” He suddenly stops himself with a gasp when the realization hits him. His eyes expand as he looks at Miguel. “Wait,” Peter blinks at the other man in shock. “Miguel…are you ticklish?”
The other Spider-Man quickly scoffs. “Don’t be ridiculous.” Miguel then turns back to his work. 
Peter raises an eyebrow. He absolutely isn’t buying Miguel’s unfazed demeanor. A crack in his tough appearance showed when that feather grazed his neck, and Peter is determined to get to the bottom of it. Miguel is purposely trying to hide it from him. Well, not for long.
Peeking over Miguel’s shoulders again to make sure he’s distracted by his work, Peter tests his theory by promptly delivering a jab to Miguel’s side. The other man jolts with a small yelp and a choked out giggle. Miguel twists his head around to glare at Peter, but his menacing gaze shifts into wide eyes when he sees Peter grinning right at him. A little voice in Miguel’s head tells him to run.
With no time to spare, Miguel bolts out of his chair and dashes past Peter. He books it towards the automatic metal doors at the other end of the room; however, a web shot hits directly at the nape of his neck and yanks him backwards to the floor. Miguel kicks his legs and tugs at the rope of web above him as he’s quickly reeled in like a fish. Before Miguel can cut the web with his claws, Peter grabs the back of his suit collar, leaving Miguel immobilized like a kitten being held tight by the scruff of its neck.
“Peter!” Miguel roars and struggles to break free of the surprisingly tight hold of the other Spider-Man. “Let go!”
��So let me get this straight,” Peter comments from above, ignoring the other man’s shouting. “If I try this, you’re going to giggle?” he ends his question with a clawing motion into Miguel’s outstretched underarm. Miguel sputters out another yelp and reflexively clamps his arm down, before raising it back up to desperately swipe and grasp at the hand behind him holding him captive. He snarls through his teeth to keep back the giggles boiling from within his chest. A smile threatens to tug at the corners of his mouth the more Peter scratches at the hollow of his underarm.
“Trying to act tough are we?” Peter asks with a tone of mischief, “Don’t worry, I can fix that!”
In a few swift movements, Peter releases his hold on Miguel’s collar and dives both of his hands to dig into the other man’s ribs.
“AHA! Peheheheter!” Miguel can’t contain his laughter any longer, “Yohohohour gohohoing to pahahay for thihihihs!”
“Eh, your empty threats don’t scare me. Besides, seeing this is worth any price,” Peter smiles above him. 
“Grrr!” Miguel attempts to tear himself from Peter’s clutches, “I’m gohohoing to—AHACK!” but he’s cut off by more of his own laughter when Peter scribbles again into his underarms. Miguel forcefully twists to the side and flops onto his stomach, while Peter continues his attack with squeezes to his sides.
“You’re going to what Miguel? Sorry, I can’t hear you. I think your laughter is muffling your words.”
“Cuhuhuhut it ohohohout!” Miguel demands while he claws at the ground. Peter creeps his fingers back up to the outline of Miguel’s ribs, making the man jolt and wrap an arm around his torso for defense. Miguel, unfortunately, lets out a giggly snort, and he drops his head to the floor, almost as if he was hiding himself from an embarrassing defeat against Peter’s tickly method.
“And miss out on this opportunity to make the leader of the Spider-Society giggle like a hyena? Not a chance,” Peter beams. Miguel tries taking a slash at him from behind, but Peter uses the opportunity to wiggle his fingers into Miguel’s unprotected underarm, causing Miguel to curl up onto his side. Peter follows up by grabbing Miguel’s shoulder and easily flipping the man onto his back, which gives Peter better access to Miguel’s ticklish torso.
Peter grins when he sees a new opening. “Maybe this big cat is so feisty because he just needs a few…” his voice heightens in anticipation, “belly rubs!” He finishes his sentence and strikes at Miguel’s middle to vibrate his hands back and forth across his tummy.
“PEHEHETER!” Miguel tosses his head back with a roar of increased laughter, “Nohohohoho!!!” The bigger man bats and tugs at Peter’s wrists to yank himself away from the devious fingers, but Peter easily has the advantage to keep scribbling at the soft spot that is his stomach.
Peter chuckles at the other man’s loud reaction. Seeing this squirmy Miguel reminds him of something. “You know, I saw a video the other day called Surprised Kitty where a small kitten was tickled and threw its paws up in the air. I wonder if you’ll do the same. Let’s see!”
“Dohon't you daHAHARE!” Miguel jolts to fold his middle when Peter scritches both of his hands at Miguel’s belly.  
To Miguel’s dismay, Peter uses a baby voice as if he was tickling his daughter Mayday instead of the leader of the Spider-Society. Peter says the words so fast that it sounds more like the squeaky gibberish of a guinea pig. “Goochie goochie goochie goo!” He teasingly raises his voice higher in pitch when uttering the last word, then lifts his hands away, as if he was playing a tickly version of peekaboo with Miguel.
“Grraah!” Miguel launches himself forward and clings onto Peter’s shoulders in an attempt to shove him away, but Peter quickly dives his hands back towards Miguel’s tummy to repeat the same scritches and coos, taking advantage of Miguel’s defenseless opening.
“AHA! Pahaharker!” Miguel darts his hands down to nab the other Spider-Man's wrists from his belly. Peter quickly slips his hands away again to momentarily halt his attack. Miguel snarls and takes a swipe at him, “Will you—GAHAHA!” but he misses, flops back to the ground, and busts into more laughter when Peter pounces at his vulnerable tummy for a third time.
“Goochie goochie goochie goo!” Peter teasingly repeats. 
“Will yohohou quhihiit thahahaht!!!” Miguel kicks his legs out from behind Peter. He leans his head back with another snort. Miguel’s smile is so big his fangs that he usually keeps hidden are showing.
“What? You can’t handle the spidering of my fingers?” Peter chuckles while he purposely scribbles around the edges of Miguel’s belly, “Forgive the pun.”
A dad joke is the least of Miguel’s problems right now. As much as Miguel doesn’t want to give in to this rambunctious Peter and his uncalled for ambush, Miguel’s strength has all but been completely zapped away with his laughter. The best course of action now is to surrender.
“AHAHALRIGHT!” Miguel squeals through his laughter, “Enohohohough!!!” 
Peter chuckles, “I hear ya, big guy.” Immediately, Peter withdraws his hands, for good this time, to allow Miguel a well-deserved rest. Miguel wraps his arms around himself and lies on the floor for a few moments before rolling onto his stomach and propping himself off the ground with any remaining strength he has left. 
Peter squats down and pats him on the back “You alright, big guy?”
Miguel growls and smacks Peter’s hand away from him. He glares directly at Peter’s face, his eyes snarling, his fangs bared. “Never speak of this to anyone!”
Peter performs a zipping motion across his mouth. “My lips are sealed.” He pauses to change his mouth into a smile, “Buuut I keep no promises.”
Miguel hisses out a huff. Not very reassuring, but at least it’s something.
Miguel then lifts himself back to his feet, while Peter pulls out his phone.
“And enough with the cat videos!” Miguel snaps towards Peter’s direction when he sees the device, “I’ve had enough of hearing about those furry menaces for one day.” Miguel takes a deep breath with a lingering grumble and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Let’s just finish this report and get it over with,” he turns to move to his desk of virtual screens. 
Peter puts his phone away with another chuckle, “Got it. Duly noted.” He found enough cat videos to show Mayday when he gets home anyway. Plus, he can’t wait to tell her a new story he learned today about a ferocious tiger who turned giggly from a curious spider.
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usuimisaki · 3 months
How Do I (Not) Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun is insane. It’s a gag manga built on misunderstandings, mostly accomplished by the fact that the entire cast has two brain cells put together. The main joke of the manga is how everyone is always acting like they’re in a romantic relationship—without any of the romance. In the beginning, the joke was facilitated by the fact that Nozaki is always trying to simulate being in a romantic situation for research purposes for the shoujo manga that he writes, but then other characters got involved and they’re even more ridiculous than he is.
Omg, where do I begin?
Kashima constantly talks about how to get Hori to dote on her. For some reason, despite the advice of Sakura, Mikoshiba, and a drunk Hori himself, she can’t bring herself to go to club regularly. Hori should just go back to telling Kashima he likes her/giving her head pats/just kiss her already to properly motivate her.
Kashima has a rivalry with Nozaki since Hori said that Nozaki was his favorite kouhai, so Kashima gets angry when Hori gives Nozaki snacks or when she thinks Nozaki is going to text Hori before her. She also stole all of the head pats that Hori was going to give to Nozaki even though they were play acting.
Nevertheless, they do spend a lot of time together in club, and club members hilariously either get or misinterpret their dynamic. Like, they understand that Kashima wanted to show off her legs to get Hori’s attention since she might have been jealous of Hori liking a pair of legs in a picture (actually her legs).
On the other hand, when Hori freaking HUGGED Kashima to comfort her after she got upset, the drama club members just interpret this as ad-libbing.
They hang out together outside of club too, to the point that when they couldn’t even go HALF A DAY without talking without a) Kashima complaining about how painful it was and b) Hori going into shock. As a follow-up, Hori started meeting Kashima at the train station in the morning.
When Kashima went on a school trip, she texted Hori constantly.
When trying to make conversation with Mikoshiba before Mikoshiba knew Hori was the backgrounds guy, Mikoshiba thought the backgrounds buy was a Kashima stalker (once he knew that the backgrounds guy was Hori, he felt relieved)
Whenever anyone gets praised around Hori, he has to check to make sure that that person isn’t better than Kashima. He also realizes that Kashima is his ideal girl as well as guy.
When Kashima invades Hori’s personal space, he either responds by gazing at her beautiful face or noticing that her eyes are red.
Kashima, to the extent that she listens to anybody, listens to Hori. One notable example is when she passed the basketball to him when he said to EVEN THOUGH HE WAS ON THE OPPOSITE TEAM.
Hori went around telling Kashima (but also other people) that he liked/loved her for a while.
Hori actually likes listening to Kashima’s horrible singing, even though he knows it’s objectively bad. He even records it specifically so he can fall asleep to it at night. WTF?
These guys . . . these guys are almost as bad.
Technically, the reason Waka goes out with Seo so much is to spare his kouhais the pain of spending time with Seo, but that does translate into them going out a lot. At one point the basketball club tries to get Seo a boyfriend so she’ll be . . . less Seo-like, and in the end they just rely on Waka.
Waka got pretty upset when he thought that Seo had a boyfriend though (turned out to be Kashima).
Seo realized that she likes bullying Waka specifically.
Whenever Waka is NOT allowed to interact with Seo, such as when she accidentally had a card turned to not being bothered, he gets morose.
He also got morose when Seo didn’t text him while on the school trip.
He got morose when Seo didn’t hang to hang out with him right after she got back from the school trip.
It’s pretty established that he says he loves Lorelei (whom he doesn’t know is Seo), but even once he does know, he gives her all these gifts, like food and earrings.
But . . . the food is not a big deal considering Seo is always making Waka go out to buy her food anyway.
The whole interaction between Waka and Seo now that he knows she’s Lorelei is a little weird, since he’s said so many times that he loves Lorelai—but it seems more like the love for an idol instead of actual romantic love. The main change is that Waka now accepts Seo’s orders more willingly.
Waka told Seo that he liked her for some reason (to freak her out?) and it worked, but then he had to tell her it was a joke to make up with her since they had arranged to see a movie together. He sometimes still says it because he likes how freaked out she gets about it.
NozaChiyo (Sakuzaki)
Well, can’t leave out the title character. This is the only couple where one of them actually acknowledges their feelings as romantic. Lately they’ve been getting some air-time, with Nozaki actually reciprocating but in denial.
Even though Sakura’s confession doesn’t go anywhere romantic, she does become Nozaki’s mangaka assistant, which entails spending lots of time at his apartment. This is turned into a joke later on when Nozaki’s classmates invite her along to visit his place since everyone knows she has a massive crush on him and she has to pretend she’s never been there.
Even early on, Nozaki said that he’d be shocked if Sakura abandoned him (though the fact that Hori is more irreplaceable as a manga assistant is a frequent source of jealousy for Sakura).
Nozaki feeds Sakura a lot. It’s not like he doesn’t feed his other assistants, but he especially feeds Sakura, even outside of his apartment. Nozaki even realizes this, to the point that he tells Kashima that’s how they got close (prompting Kashima to feed Hori the notorious brandy cake)
Nozaki even made Sakura oven mitts for her cooking project (where she was baking cookies for him).
Nozaki (and Seo) got jealous when Sakura hugged the Wakamatsu doll Nozaki made for Seo (so he made a Sakura doll for her).
Nozaki really wanted to hold Sakura’s hand after she got “lost.” Of course Nozaki asked Kashima for advice about this and she told him it was a motherly feeling. I’m not sure if this actually counts since it’s actually romantic as opposed to non-romantic. I guess as long as there’s plausible deniability it counts.
Main vectors of romance-adjacent behavior
Spending stupid amounts of time together (but they could just be club buddies/coworkers).
Jealousy—I was going to say that Horikashi was an exception, but Kashima is jealous of Nozaki. Hori is annoyed at fangirls if they prevent Kashima from going to club.
Touch (this is mostly Horikashi, but Seo has started rubbing Waka’s head, but let us not forget that Sakura once sat in Nozaki’s lap—prompting Seo to do the same with Waka. Hori has given Kashima a lap-pillow a couple of times, once for Mikoshiba’s sake, and once during the king game)
Knowing a huge amount about the other person (Sakura is an acknowledged stalker, but Hori and Kashima come close)
Feeding (Nozaki, Kashima, and Waka)
Obedience (Kashima listens to Hori, Waka listens to Seo—Sakura and Nozaki actually have a mutually respectful relationship)
Telling them that they like them (Hori demotes this behavior by just telling everyone he likes them, Sakura’s confessions always go awry, and Waka as a joke)
Tolerating the other person’s terrible behavior (Waka obviously (poor kid has Stockholm Syndrome), Hori for Kashima’s singing (he kind of puts up with her other terrible behavior, but also smacks her for it), Sakura putting up with Nozaki’s eccentricities)
Other special treatment (Hori praising Kashima, Kashima hovering around Hori, Seo bullying Waka, Waka idolizing Lorelai but also thinking about Seo (as a troublemaker) a lot, Sakura for almost anything regarding Nozaki, Nozaki mothering Sakura)
Being cheered on by another member of the cast (everyone knows about Sakura’s crush, Mikoshiba is the biggest Horikashi supporter, and even Hori supports Seowaka for the sake of Nozaki’s manga)
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gritsgigabits · 2 years
Hihi ! It might sound dumb asf but can u do a slashers x magical girl y/n? with like leviation powers mind control yk. If so thx! :3
I want to make something clear: no ask I get is dumb!
I would hate for people get wary of asking for whatever they want, so if anyone out there is thinking ‘oh man, I can’t request because it’s weird/lame/whatever’, just get over yourself and send it in. We’re not shy here~
TY for your request, it was fun to write <3
Jason Voorhees
Jason is impressed with your psychokinetic abilities, although he doesn’t care much for the supernatural side of things in general. Also, if you can move things with the power of your mind, you don’t really need Jason there to carry big, heavy things from place A to place B. It saddens him.
He is a little suspicious about your ability to control people’s minds because he doesn’t want anyone else inside his head.
Although, if you have the ability to read minds as well, Jason is thrilled. it helps a lot with your mutual communication. If Jason can simply think things instead of signing and struggling to vocalise, he is going to want to ‘talk’ with you all the time!
It would be great for Jason to have someone like that in his life. He feels he is very limited by his inability to communicate properly (when it comes to people close to him, i.e. you).
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba thinks your powers are so cool! Especially your psychokinetic powers – you can pick things up with just the power of your mind? How amazing is that!
Bubba always begs you to pick him and levitate him across the room. Moving people takes a greater toll on your mind than moving objects, so you don’t do it often, though.
But whenever you do, Bubba absolutely loves it. It’s so exciting to feel like you’re flying!
He is afraid of you when you tell him that you can control people’s minds, too. He thinks it’s wrong to make people do things against their will.
If you promise him that you’ll never use those powers on him or his family, Bubba becomes less uneasy about it.
Chop Top Sawyer
When you told Chop Top about your powers, he was through the roof excited.
Think of all the pranks you could pull on people!
Chop loves it when you move things around subtly without anyone else but you and him noticing, because it drives Drayton insane. Chop thinks it’s hilarious to watch his older brother pace around the place, wondering if he’s coming down with Alzheimer’s or something.
If you can or are willing to learn to play an instrument with the power of your mind alone, Chop will fall even more in love with you. It’s so magical to watch and listen to a guitar or a keyboard create music seemingly on it’s own.
He also loves the concentrated expression on your face while you’re doing it. He thinks that’s when you look the most stunning.
Brahms Heelshire
Oh, you can levitate objects and move them around? That’s cool and all, but Brahms is more interested in knowing how that helps you take care of him.
He is a firm non-believer when it comes to supernatural things, even though he likes to make people think that’s what’s going on when it benefits him (think of Greta and the Brahms doll).
Actually, Brahms is overall only interested in things that benefit him somehow. He doesn’t think your powers are great, at all.
He doesn’t like it that you can have control over his mind and make him do things that he doesn’t want to do, like clean the kitchen or get into the bathtub. It makes him thoroughly uncomfortable.
Brahms also thinks it’s unfair that you can hold him still from a distance if you need to, and that, in general, you have a way better chance of running away from the mansion than he initially thought.
Honestly, Brahms will probably come to the conclusion that your powers jeopardise and complicate things too much (meaning they compromise his power over you) that he ends up killing you. Or trying to, unless you run away before he succeeds.
Michael Myers
Absolutely unimpressed. Michael doesn’t give a rat’s ass whether someone has psychokinesis or not. He doesn’t think it’s a big deal, because regardless of their abilities, someone like that is not immortal and he could go stab-stab on them all the same and they would die.
To you it sounds cynical and stupid to think about the magical things in life in terms of ‘can I kill it or not’, but that’s the most you get out of Michael.
He might change his mind about your powers being useless if you steal the love of his life his knife from his hand with your mind and levitate it high above his head.
Cue Michael staring at the knife and, in turn, at you, completely motionless and dumbfounded.
How did you do that?
How dare you do that?
He might just kill you for that. With his bare hands if he can’t get a hold of his knife.
You can either return the knife to Michael and try to explain yourself to him or run for your life and hope that he doesn’t catch you.
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animeomegas · 21 days
More and more people are voting for Chouji in the least objectively attractive omega (it is an assumption but i think it's probably b/c he is also not conventionally attractive in our real world) but I DISAGREE A TON because:
Chouji has MASSIVE omega charm. He has the freshest, loveliest motherly omegan scent, highly developed omegan instincts and behaviours, is very skilled at nesting and his heats are regular and well tended to. (please i just made that all up what- 😭)
Second, he is very family-orientated. Loves the idea of bringing up pups of his own with his alpha and he would be a great Oma. His protective instincts are top-notch just like his health and fighting instincts, and no one can touch his pups.
Third, he is the most endearing comb of mature and hilarious. He understands things in depth and knows how to act, when to act. But he can also have fun and be silly. That's his most attractive trait and alphas SWARM around him like bees b/c his personality is so, so omegan and attractive.
I am a Neji simp b/c I joined the "i can fix him" movement for him, so Chouji is not my type, but he is definitely, definitely well sought after b/c he is such a skilled omega ❤️🧡
This was such an interesting analysis on Chouji! I actually agree with a lot of what you said!
While I don't think he'd get to top 5, he is higher on my personal ranking than he's ended up on this one ;)
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
Another Real Historical People statement! It's not actually known who operated the Mechanical Turk during its original tour, but Abraham Janssen was one of the best chess players in the world at one time, so he'd certainly have been a good choice.
Love the description of the Unknowing, as well as the clarity of the Slaughter Squad in contrast to it. The Slaughter certainly does have a directness of approach.
Martin: How dare you leave me behind?! I am shocked! Shocked, I say! 😉
I hope the B&B was nice, at least.
"That axe of yours" is hilarious to me, because this is the first time it's been mentioned since Jon presumably dropped it in Artefact Storage after destroying the Web table (otherwise we'd have ended up with Brutal Axe Murder). I can only imagine that Artefact Storage just... kept it there, because they don't let an object of unknown provenance leave without studying it first. Two and a half months later, Jon shows up in absolutely disastrous condition and is like "Yeah, um... that's mine?" (Sonja: "EXPLAIN. 😡") After which I guess it's just been in his office? Visibly enough that it is well known that it's there? Leaning against the side of his desk or something...
Axe has become a recurring character in a way the pipe never managed
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thegeminisage · 4 months
it's time for!!! a ds9 update <3 wow <333 last night we watched "past prologue" and "a man alone."
past prologue:
idk what i expected but the scene i've seen gifs of was the VERY FIRST ONE right out of the gate. i was so thrilled. for some reason garak is WAY different than i expected. like, he's just as gay, of COURSE, but for some reason i expected him to be like...meaner. and instead he's sooooo friendly and he's also a fucking tailor. julian bashir needs a new fucking suit.
that said, bashir is so slow on the uptake literally all of the time. the suit thing and something in the other episode that i forgot. king how can you be a doctor when you are so stupid...not that i'm complaining. i wouldn't change it for anything. he's so funny.
HILARIOUS that immediately after he has any clandestine conversations w garak he has to IMMEDIATELY run to the "bridge" and tell everybody about it. he gets so excited. he really is hilarious i don't think he's done a single thing so far that wasn't funny. the fact that he was late to this little party also sir get it together
i think this ep had excellent character stuff for kira, who we've only known 5 minutes. it sets up her history and her current position so well, and her conflict of interests is such a real and tangible thing that i felt awful for her. like you knew from the beginning that guy was gonna betray her but OUCH. ending the ep on her getting called a traitor was Such a choice.
i also loved her little scene with odo..."i don't do pretense" alright autism king. and yet he talked her through it and then sort of took the decision out of her hands at the end (which was a very compassionate thing to do) when it became clear what most of her wanted to do...he's like. a really good person actually 🥺
HE TURNED HIMSELF INTO A RAT.......i love getting shocked when random objects turn out to be odo. i love playing this game. also, there was totally a leaky pipe in that scene too. ds9 feels so fucking lived in...you'd never have those on tng.
i also think sisko did a good job threading the needle here, even if kira had to go over his head to get him to see reason. you gotta do what you gotta do but he was mostly compassionate to kira's dilemma and even let her take point when she requested it...AND THEN LOL smiled while threatening her if she ever went over his head again. WHICH IS WHAT KIRA DOES. SMILES WHEN ANGRY. it was really good. i like him so much
it was such a nice touch to add o'brien telling him not to hand that guy over to the cardassians. the implication being that he was in the room when picard was transported back to the enterprise post-torture which like of COURSE he was. i don't think him outlining in detail picard's torture by those guys would have swayed sisko's opinion much because it's picard so it was also smart that he didn't go into particulars. but it does hammer home that what the cardassians do to people is real to the bajorans and to o'brien in a way that it is not (yet?) real to sisko.
KLINGON SISTERS. when they first appeared i was like "holy shit those boob windows" even though i didn't recognize their faces at all. i recognized only the boob windows. then when they said their names i was like I KNEW IT. what a funny little throwback
side bar i also love that they call the station itself ds9. they don't say deep space nine they say ds9 just like we do
a man alone:
holy racially motivated hate crimes, batman
wait sorry actually let me start at the beginning. the first scene with julian getting shot down 1000 times by jadzia (or are we supposed to call her dax...) was really funny. i'm trying to figure out in my mind palace if he's a bi king or a gay-but-closeted king.
also, so much happened in this episode. there was an a plot a b plot AND a c plot but instead of feeling rushed it just felt comfortably chaotic. i was never waiting for one plot to be over so we could get to the one that really mattered, you know? i liked everything that was going on except for the lack of garak i want him to be in every episode so bad
i like everything jadzia had going on this ep...like, people react to her different as a super hot lady than they did as an old man. sisko's talk about fucking the twins was especially hilarious. dude you can still fuck twins with her if you wanted. but the way that like 3 different people had romantic tension with her and she's just out here to do her job AND ALSO is like "i try to rise above all that" so true aroace queen. although i do actually know she has a romantic plotline with worf (who should be fucking riker and deanna) and also that *** ****, which sucks a lot.
i liked keiko getting an actual plotline in this episode. like this place didn't even have a bed for jake when sisko got here, of course she doesn't wanna raise her daughter there, and of course she's bummed out that her field of expertise is fucking useless there, although i agree w her husband that somebody needs to plant some fucking trees. i do disagree with her that it's less safe than the enterprise, though...that ship almost blows up every fucking week. anyway the fact that sisko was ready to give her whatever she needed was very nice. please treat her really niceys. side bar her baby is AODRABLE that child wanted her hands on that little bell soooo bad
speaking of jake!! it was nice to see him again. i like that when he gets in trouble his dad is obviously pissed without it being like a Problem. like he's pissed and jake is in trouble and sisko is gonna lay down the law but it's not a relationship-threatening issue. it was harmless teenage fun.
unfortunately sisko did kinda carry the idiot ball for the rest of this ep...i feel like there were so many choices he could have made to maybe NOT put a giant target on odo's back and it also took him a lot longer than i would have liked to step in once the mob started going, but he did step in, so that's what matters.
i loved odo in this episode!! he's just as angry as kira is in his own way, and his relationship with both her and quark (WOWWW more on that in a sec) feel so lived in, you can feel the years between them...it's also just now apparent to me that he's actually really protective, which, aw. i love also the lore that every 18 hours he has to just exist as goop in a pail. so true king me too
odo also aroace king he simply chooses not to couple. so true. that said whatever he and quark had going on was FUNNN i love a little sexual tension in my star trek. is he aroace or is he gay for that little ferengi. only time will tell.
on a more serious note odo's quarters getting hate crimed really drives home how set apart he is from others...and the mob section was GENUINELY scary. and he's so protective it was a little sad that kira was the only one really standing up for him :(
I NEARLY FORGOT TO ADD: julian bashir straight up growing a guy in a bubbly goopy little vat just to catch a killer? insane. thats a whole ass person who is about to be part of society who exists "just because." imagine the existential issues lmao
TONIGHT: "babel" and "captive pursuit." technically after babel we're supposed to watch "ship in a bottle" from tng, but i've been informed it's a barclay episode which means i will be watching it myself later tonight on 2x speed. it's not the first time we've fucked with the order a little bit lol (i was famously late finishing tas) so i still count it as mostly watching in release order
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marley-manson · 11 months
Margaret's Marriage is such a good episode in general tbh. Like it has one of my fave gay lines in Hawk's fun-fact style reference to Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas. I just always enjoy how Hawkeye is portrayed as the resident expert on non-normative sexual stuff which includes anything gay, and gives the gay jokes that veneer of authenticity. Like Hawkeye is my fave because it's so easy for me to imagine him hanging out with a whole social network of other gay people, and lines like this are a big part of that vibe.
Margaret is great in it of course, I love Klinger giving her the wedding dress, I love her in triage and the OR in the dress, and Donald watching her assist in the OR but unable to handle it was a solid touch. Also her goodbye to everyone, hugging Potter first, then the rest, then hesitating with Frank, shaking his hand, and then hugging him too... honestly very sweet.
Frank in this episode was also fantastic. Hilarious as always, but also endearing in how he didn't interfere, didn't object, and finally let Margaret go. It's almost a shame that they get rid of him next ep with him having a breakdown about it because I liked Frank showing a modicum of maturity and grace here. Also there's something about Margaret taking Frank's insults about her engagement in the first scene and relaying them to Donald as something she agrees with, including full on parroting Frank as he, presumably inadvertantly, feeds her lines ("It's time to get a few things straightened out" and "time to set the date.") It's not quite Frank wanting Donald to do right by Margaret, it's more Frank finding ways to insult Donald, but it ends up serving that same purpose regardless.
At the end of the day I just find Frank and Margaret's relationship fun, hilarious, and occasionally oddly endearing lol. It's nice to see them sort of on the same side again here, in a non-evil way.
The tag was awful though lmao, like, why. Literally ends on a joke about all the dudes getting horny at the thought of Margaret and Donald fucking. Wretched.
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rriavian · 9 months
5 and 9 for Corintheus! <3
Thank you!! Ok I am incapable of answering anything succinctly but please enjoy my ramble :)
5. What was the moment for you that made you ship them? (If you do)
This is a very good question! I’d watched most of season 1 not really being sold on any pairing in particular, but seeing potential in a lot of interactions. Corintheus was a ‘hmm, could be interesting’ right up until we get to the confrontation at the convention. Before then Dream isn’t really that bothered by the Corinthian at all (which is hilarious given how obsessed the Corinthian is with escaping him) but in that conversation we see a depth of emotion in them both, a discussion of motive, that belies their canon behaviour. Not necessarily a moment where the masks come off, but one that is very very intimate, filled with this yearning on both sides that is incredibly compelling.
It was subversive—I’d almost expected Dream to be dismissive, to deal with him quickly so he could move on to the bigger threat (Rose as the vortex), but he wasn’t. He paused, explained, showed disappointment and pain but also love. And the Corinthian acted far less dismissive of Dream than he’d been all season—dismissive in the sense of just wanting to be rid of him, of not caring what he thought—revealing his own yearning, his own pain, and the same love.
As a scene it’s fascinating, and instantly made me want to write something.
Because it’s the first, and really the only, time in the entire show we really see Dream being this honest. The same with the Corinthian. Maybe it’s because they knew it would end with the Corinthian’s destruction, so there were no real stakes, but Dream isn’t as raw with any other character. The audience learns a lot about both characters in this scene, but it’s not just being shown to us, both are (finally) showing it to each other. As much as they are meeting as foes, the scene doesn’t limit them to that, has this intimacy Dream doesn’t really have with anyone else.
This is getting a bit long but…yeah. The convention sealed it for me because it revealed just how complex and layered their dynamic is, and it was irresistible. I couldn’t not want to explore it as much as I could :)
9. Which of the characters in the pairing is your favourite?
This is probably obvious but…Dream. Not that I don’t like the Corinthian! As a character he’s very interesting, and the more I write him the more I love his character, but I can’t help but be like sweetie your arguments would be stronger if you didn’t kill people. Like I get you sticking it to your creator but…as your first act of freedom was to murder a guy in the street I think Dream has a very good point about not letting you do that.
The Corinthian was fascinating to me when I watched the show because both me and the person I watched it with were like ‘he is objectively attractive but his actions are so vile I can’t find him hot’. I know this puts me in the minority but every time he was on screen I was just…unsettled, concerned for whoever he shared a scene with because this is an obvious predator please be careful. I’m asexual so that might have something to do with it, but I think it was a really nuanced part of Boyd’s performance where he could be such a compelling lure to those on screen (with me completely believing why they’d be taken in) while as the audience I’m like ‘my danger senses are screaming at me’.
I’ve accidentally rambled in the wrong direction. Oops! But Dream is my favourite for many reasons.
I think it’s best demonstrated by that moment in hell where Dream has the odds stacked against him, the simple equation of probability giving him no real chance, and though you know he can’t lose you don’t know how he can win. Yet he looks up and says ‘hope’. Yet he wins anyway. It’s a character defining moment for me—more than anything else, more than his powers, more than his tools, this is what Dream is. He is still wholly and completely himself even when he’s at his lowest. The battle wasn't just being able to think of a concept it's being able to become it.
And despite all that has happened to him Dream still can.
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punkfloweranarchy · 1 year
Thinking Thoughts about how if 1610 Peter had lived (and shit with the collider had still happened bc I think Miguel is Wrong when he says that Peter would have solved the issue flawlessly without any repercussions) and Miles ends up with two Spider-Dads who are constantly competing on how best to mentor Miles lmao.
1610 Peter: *Gives Miles really sound and good advice on how to be Spider-Man*
Peter B: Yeah, that’s good and all, OR you could just not do that at all and do it my, incredibly better and cooler, way instead: do whatever is objectively more hilarious and hope for the best.
1610 Peter: Miles, don’t listen to him. He’s wearing sweatpants with pizza sauce stains.
Peter B: Oh what, now you’re the fashion police too? I’ll have you know —
Miles, ping-ponging back and forth with stars in his eyes because he literally has TWO Spider-Mentors: Can I call you guys my Spider-Dads?
Peter B, pointing to 1610 Peter: He’s clearly too old to be your father, you should call him Grandpa. And I’m more of a cool, younger Uncle myself.
1610 Peter: I’m literally younger than you, and if anything you’re that Uncle that your parents tell you to stay away from because his life is such a mess and they’re worried it’s contagious.
1610 Peter, turning to Miles: Also, call me Spider-Sensei.
Peter B, under his breath: Damn, that’s so much cooler than Spider-Uncle, why didn’t I think of that?
Miles, to himself: This is the best day of my life.
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legionofpotatoes · 1 year
extremely bad faith mandalorian takes, do not engage please i cannot stop hysterically laughing at this season and thus am incapable of level-headed discourse. these are just words I want to write down to see if they look as unbelievable as they sound in my head
my favorite telltale sign of the embarrassing s3 story optics is their like. genuinely hilarious ostrich-neck-in-the-sand rehash of past story arcs down to the aesthetic fucking beats. that's the shit sandwich that really gets me in this whole stank buffet. It is astonishing. Like there was genuinely nothing else they could come up with as to not upset the status quo of their fickle, marketable story limbo, and so they, and I cannot stress this part enough, ignored established character progression beats and just did them again. they just did them again. from the top, using shockingly similar payoffs, right in front of our own eyes. and I just sat there and ate it!!
din has to re-love his toxic death cult after clearly progressing away from their value systems cause he's cooler with that helmet always on. gotta keep the limbo going. his main north star, set up as his way out of said cult, gets recruited into it instead, completely defanging the possibility of interrogating the entire bedrock of trauma and insecurity that kept uncomfortably clashing with his expressions of love and humanity in the past. now they're all one big happy gel of a Cool Dude With Gun and Kid. gotta keep the limbo going.
at some point he also has to re-learn his droid prejudices to then re-unlearn them again, a couple of times even, for no discernible thematic reason other than to make him act like an ass to some type of botched working class allegories (??? the fuck is going on with droids this season in general??). gotta keep the limbo going.
grogu, meanwhile, has to re-earn a mandalorian piece of armor to re-reinforce his allegiance (and here I was thinking the rond would be a pulpy setup for some shot-dead-fake-out but how can chekov's anything exist in this mangled mess), cause mandalorian culture is a live service videogame of tiered ranks now, so the potential upgrades are conveniently endless. gotta keep the limbo going. speaking of their culture, he also, hilariously, has to then be re-adopted by din to re-reveal their paternal bond and re-dramatize their love. cause he's not a foundling anymore, see; he's an apprentice now! the words are different. that makes the emotional meaning reset also. I know this from film school. audiences have no object permanence, right? they're all fish? we're writing this show for fucking fish, right? like in the aquariums? gotta keep the limbo going.
and they just keep doing this. they will dress it all up with technicalities and loud Plot Noise but it is all emotionally the same exact shit that has already happened and it is making me feel insane. same exact payoffs for backpedaled setups that were already, for all storytelling purposes, finished and done away with. it is comical. they're telling nothing. non-stories and recursive sisyphean plotlines that reset primitive character arcs every five episodes like it's the most unmoored bermuda triangle-ass time loop in space. you cannot even really twist it into some type of harmless expression in lieu of episodic TV, or even something more campy, cause like. it does have a rapidly progressing plotline about big and overarching stuff, stuff that is holistic, linear, and goal-oriented, like retaking homeworlds and reforging their broken nation and fighting mr gideon man. it's not a weekly detective romp with B plots galore, not anymore at least. but the characters somehow start and end in the same spots they always were. like the big ole smoking fucking gun that that is.
it feels like the most clear-cut example of plot moving forward - at breakneck speed sometimes - while characters progress either backwards or just. like. sideways and then back again?? almost like dropping a teabag into an empty mug and calling it a beverage. I see the pretty taste-making ingredient sitting sadly at the bottom there, but where's the substance? what is this all for? to wank it to how cool mandalorians look when they fly? I mean they can be pretty cool, no argument there. but some of them could be cooler if they felt things deeply and that changed them, fundamentally. you know, how A-to-B storytelling does sometimes.
and I am achingly aware that I am aging out of this show's target audience, I know that. but the death by comparison within the same bloody show's adjacent seasons is just as harrowing. what happened. it just worked too good is what. a corporation responsible for telling a myth will never allow it to finish if it suddenly starts hemorrhaging this much money. grogu and din can't progress, even aesthetically, past their season 1 selves, no matter how much that same season's story was setting them up to. cause inscrutable sad dad and cute doll baby combo. we'll either throw away those story hooks or keep resetting them. keep the limbo going.
groundhog day-ass show. it's hysterical. I can't be normal about how mask-off blatant this all is now.
and to follow this up to andor of all things. really clinches it, you know. no notes. just no notes, disney. tens across the board
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whoslaurapalmer · 3 months
okay so, lindsay lohan was on the tonight show with jimmy fallon, but more importantly, she did a parent trap skit to announce her guest star status, which led me to rereading your parent trap au, and well, here i am to sing your praises — ahhhhhh i adore it !! it’s so good. better than oreos good. the dynamics between so many different characters, dynamics that you’re able to explore !! not constrained by canon !! (three favorites : the standouts, kit and bernadette 💕, and bertrand and klaus, but specifically when klaus is really violet, AND THE ATLAS, and then there’s something so sweet and lovely about b,r, and o as a trio and i love them omg) but also stay true to their original characterizations. i always like how you write lemony, your voice for him fits just right, like a favorite pair of shoes, but he’s particularly good in this. i love the image of him in a theater, doing a book reading. it’s so mr snicket. and b and b and l ??? all together ??? the candy grams ??! the censored candy grams ?!!? iconic. i love how bertrand couldn’t be as horrid as meredith blake, so there’s no other way but a happy ending, and i love how violet and klaus would accept nothing less. i love how it is bits and pieces and asides, it feels right, like a scrapbook of the summer their parents got together, and stayed that way. 💕 lovely work all around !!!
awww thank you lainey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i always love hearing about people rereading parent trap au 💖💖 any fic. all of my fic. but especially parent trap au. it warms my heart. my soul. i gain many levels of power when people want to talk about parent trap au. it is so silly and so so precious to me and was such a rambling whim and is so unstructured but so many people have seen the heart i wanted in it. yes i DID just watch it again the other day. i love that people still find it as delightful as i hoped!! and oh that skit was fun!!
i am always very very proud of how i made bernadette in this alt universe 💖 i always think i did a great job there and no regrets at all on the most cryptic, most determined little bean. and getting to write kit as a mother....................
THE ATLAS IS A PARTICULAR FAVORITE OF MINE TOO i love the intent behind the atlas. bertrand just wants to be considerate and respectful of his girlfriend's small child. i love how violet is impressed. i love how you could kill a man with it. i myself like to look at heavy objects and wonder if you could, in fact, kill a man with it. also it's really funny that bea shares the sentiment. anyway i was imagining it as like, a deep navy blue with gold and silver???? like in little sparkly sections on the cover but also the pages!!!! with fancy borders and shiny spots and just. fun maps.
i do have regrets that ramona and olivia kind of drop out of the fic at the end bc they're so good and deserve to be part of this family still, i just couldn't imagine them leaving california. maybe they visit, though......and honestly the three of them raising klaus was something i did NOT do enough with. or ramona's mother. or olivia's eclairs!!!!!!!! klaus should've brought some of the eclairs anyway. packed them with a couple ice packs so they'd keep. eat them the first night of camp, in the dead of night, joyously.
i frequently and fondly think of 'they censored my loving sonnet about your ass but they still sent it!' with bea's candygram. teenagers with candygrams is such a hilarious mess. just, the commitment. the shenanigans. it's delightful and deeply embarrassing to look back on.
lemony is one of my favorite povs to do and i don't really like to say that he comes very easily to me bc. i mean, uh, technically, at the end of the day, he is not mine, and i will of course never get the perfect lemony voice that danhan has (and actually when i'm not in his head i struggle a lot to get his dialogue right) but i do think i do a very good lemony voice and he is one of the easiest character voices for me to write (bc he has a structure! he has a vibe! you know where you stand with him!!!!! you get to do neat things in his narration!!!!) and he's very fun to do. characterization is something that, AS ALWAYS i say this so much but god it's just always very big on my mind, i work very hard on and stress a lot about, especially on the occasion i Do Stray A Little Far From Canon, and it's something i am very critical about, so when people think i do it well it's very 💖💖
also i frequently and fondly think of 'haircuts are things that happen, at one time or another, to all of us.' speaking of lemony. god what a guy.
oh i LOVE the idea of it feeling like a scrapbook oh that's so perfect!!!!! what a homey and cozy thought!!!!!! like the pictures of nick and elizabeth's wedding in the credits.......oh i love it so much. violet and klaus put the taped-up wedding photo at the beginning of the book and then at the end is the new lemonberry ice wedding photo. although i don't actually really like the wedding gown elizabeth designs in the movie that has the photo shoot, bea is DEFINITELY at least wearing that veil/top hat combo in the new photo. that's so her vibe. it's an outside summer wedding. color scheme is lots of reds and pinks.......lemony and bertrand both wear white. bea's dress has a red waist ribbon. oooo wait or maybe it's one of those dresses with all the embroidered flowers all over??? i love those kinds of wedding dresses. bertrand cries through the whole thing. kit actually, genuinely cries too, once.
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ryttu3k · 4 months
Tav questions! Nabbing from @findingtarshish , take if you wish!
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Name: Tavias. He's not sure which 'family' gave it to him (foster? The cult? Was magically embedded into him by Bhaal?) but it was the first thing he remembered, so he sticks with it. If he has a surname, he wouldn't have the foggiest what it is.
Nickname(s): He's definitely got 'Tav' a few times! Really enjoys the affectionate pet names he gets from his lovers, and did go all 🥺 when Omeluum called him 'Sun Child' (he is extremely sun-coded).
Pronouns: He/him
Star sign: I would not have the foggiest :D What corresponds to the 28th of Eleint? That's his new birthday!
Height: Okay in-game he appears maybe an inch shorter than 5'9" Astarion, but I definitely see him as more like 5'5". Also objectively hilarious next to Halsin, who's like seven feet tall.
Orientation: Part of the Pansexual Menace Squad, although he does lean more towards men.
Race: On paper, he's a wood half-elf with draconic bloodline sorcery, so some gold dragon in there. Given the whole… pureblooded Bhaalspawn made of a sliver of Bhaal's own dead flesh thing, though, that gets a bit. Uh. Messier, and he tries not to actually think about it too hard or it gives him a headache.
Romancing: Astarion and Halsin. Wrote a bunch on their relationship dynamics here!
Favourite fruit: Loves himself some grapes. If he sees any somewhere, they will end up in his hand, being nibbled on as they make their way through wherever they happen to be.
Favourite season: Summer. He craves being warm. Probably a fire dragon thing.
Favourite flower: I feel pre-brain surgery he would have said something edgelordy like foxglove or oleander? Pretty but lethal, just like him~. Now, he's learning to appreciate other flowers - he'd probably say something like balsam at this point (pretty and healing tyvm), but Halsin would love to teach him more.
Favourite scent: Wood smoke, which he suspects is also a dragon thing. Also blood.
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: He goddamn loves hot chocolate. Anything sweet, really - his favourite drink is Amnian dessert wine and his favourite treats are cinnamon rolls.
Average sleep hours: Not as much as he should. He has the sadly common Bhaalspawn trait of restless sleep and nightmares.
Dogs or cats: He loves all animals and was goddamn distraught to learn that he had mistreated Steelclaw in the past. Animals represent innocence and trust to him. Sees Scratch - "Oh, I'm a dog person now." Meets the cub - "My favourites are owlbears and this is my son." Has the good fortune of crossing paths with Boo and surviving - "Can I interest you in some Miniature Giant Space Hamster propaganda?" He doesn't have a lot of personal experience with cats, but he knows Astarion loves cats, and Halsin loves all animals, so he's pretty sure he'd love cats too! (At some point he's going to go back to Moonrise - Astarion has to go to the Last Light to properly adopt His Majesty - and he's going to grovel for Steelclaw's forgiveness.)
Dream trip: He'd love to see the Feywild. It sounds, well, magical. He'd also love to visit two cities that cross over into the Feywild, Evereska and Evermeet, but while his lovers are full elves and would have no issue there, he's a bit uncertain what reception he'd get as a half-elf. He's brushing up on his elvish just in case (he can read and write in Espruar, but his spoken elvish isn't great. Astarion and Halsin are both fluent, so they've been helping him out, and Halsin also knows the Wild variant, and since Tavias' elvish background is wood elf, he'd love to learn it).
Amount of blankets: All of them. He and Astarion more or less have a nest.
Random fact(s): One day Halsin is going to work out the precise combination of herbs to treat a) his anxiety disorder and b) his chronic headaches from his brain injury, and it's going to be one of the best days of his life (I mean, following stuff like 'being resurrected as an independent person by Jergal' and 'losing all those icky memories of being a cult leader/serial killer' and 'meeting his new found family' and 'saving the world').
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I just saw Heathers for the first time!!
This is basically my review / first impressions I guess???? This was my first ever experience with Heathers, besides knowing a) traffic light girls, b) slushies and c) edgy guy has a bomb, I went in completely blind. There will be spoilers ahead btw.
I loved it!! Unfortunately there weren't any programs left so idk any of the cast but I do know that Eleanor Walsh played Veronica and she was absolutely amazing. She was really funny and she was an incredible singer. All of the performers were obviously great, I just felt like as the lead she deserved a special shout-out. Also the guy playing JD (idk who he was, sorry man) did such a good job at being pathetic and creepy. Even before he was evil, I could not STAND him he was an incel 100%.
I don't really have a favourite song or character to talk about yet so I'm just gonna list my thoughts and some stand-out moments.
Whenever people screamed at the beginning of a song I knew sh*t was about to get good
In the intermission my cousin described JD as an earwig and I've never laughed harder. Bullying JD is my new favourite hobby
I feel so bad for Heather McNamara but she is kind of a really bad person
When Heather Duke did her costume change I actually screamed
Kurt and Ram are objectively horrible people but also so f*cking funny
When Heather Chandler said the "well f*ck me gently with a chainsaw" the audience screamed
I was high up at the back so I had little plastic opera glasses. I put down the glasses for Dead Girl Walking because I wanted to be as far away from that whole thing as possible
The choreography for Big Fun looked so fun to dance to
"Too late he got in" gave me actual chills
I cried laughing twice - at Kurt and Ram getting beat up in slow motion and Dead Gay Son. The choreography of the kids on the benches and the reveal of the dads were hilarious
Ms Fleming did the splits while singing and it was really cool
You could've heard a pin drop when Martha stared at the railing
I thought Veronica was actually dead :(
Seventeen at the end made me emotional
Only in Ohio
Uh yeah, it was great! The music slapped, not just the songs but the score too. The choreography and dialogue are both really funny, I thoroughly enjoyed it!!
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eclipsedrawsthings · 6 months
5 fandoms, 5 ships!
Thanks for the tag, @edwardslostalchemy!
1. BNHA—Fuyukoto
Look, Fran basically already covered Tddk, and while they’re my OTP, this is the kayak I have built with my own two hands and I WILL get more people on board it if it’s the last thing I do. Have they met in canon? No! Do I still have shit to talk about? YOU FUCKING BET.
First off, they have the same goals for a relationship—on Fuyumi’s end, I think it’s pretty clear that what she wants is domestic stability. Makoto, meanwhile, has explicitly stated that her ideal partner is someone “ordinary”—someone down-to-earth and steady to balance out the glitz, glamour, and chaos of her professional life.
She’s also extremely assertive in a way that I think Fuyumi needs in her life—someone like Makoto backing her up would probably do her wonders. Plus, giving Endeavor a daughter-in-law who has blackmailed a pro hero and gotten away with it would simply be excellent.
Speaking of in-laws, this ship would also make Naomasa and Touya in-laws. This is objectively funny.
Come. Join me. Let’s create a future where I am not the only author to have written in this Ao3 tag.
2. Free!—Reigisa
I have such a soft spot for these silly little guys. You know that one post about being a sitcom b-plot character? These two are the fun little b-plot romance to Makoharu’s pining and drama. I love how ridiculously persistent Nagisa was in getting Rei to join the swim club, and I love the scene where Rei scoffs at the idea of him being affected by “something as illogical as love” like it didn’t WORK.
They’re hilarious, they’re adorable, they’re opposites attract, they’re absolutely whipped for each other. I love them.
Also, the water gun fight. The fact that Nagisa successfully ambushed Rei, then proceeded to walk into the trap he’d set earlier, was comedy gold.
3. Lego Monkie Kid—Dragonfruit
I was on the fence about this one until the Samhedi Fire scene. Look, I’ve spent five years and counting in the Tddk community—you give me fire and an “It’s your power!” and I’m gone.
To be clear, when I say “on the fence” I mean I was deciding whether or not I shipped them—they were luring me in, that just sealed the deal. I love the scene were Red returns Mei’s dragon plushie, I love their dynamic in general, and the fact that they were cuddling after the battle got me in the heart.
I’m not as deep in this particular fandom, so I’ll leave it at that—they’re cute, they got me in my weak spot, I like them!
4. Fairy Tail—Nalu
Is it even really a meet-cute if you don’t end up running from the cops?
These two actually hold the honor of being my first anime ship—Fairy Tail was my gateway anime, and Nalu was my first ship from it (thanks, Faun on both counts!)
I like how there’s hints that they could be a couple right off the bat, like Natsu’s arrival snapping Lucy out of the love spell when none of the other girls under it were affected, but that it isn’t fully a romantic subplot immediately. The focus is more on developing their friendship, and even though they’re not together by the end of the original manga, there’s not any question of why they WOULD fall for each other at some point in the future. Time and time again, they’ve saved each other, been there for each other, and just enjoyed each other’s company. I like a good friends-to-lovers, what can I say.
And finally:
5. Superwomen in Love—Honey Trap and Rapid Rabbit
This is mostly an excuse to talk about this manga, because it is a LESBIAN SUPERHERO ROMCOM and more people need to read it.
Honey Trap, a villain, defeats Rapid Rabit, the heroine, in battle, gleefully removes the helmet of her costume… and is immediately smitten. As a result, she lets her get away, gets kicked out of her villain org, and ends up as Rabbit’s roommate, because Rabbit is the sweetest person in existence.
Fun superhero battles ensue as they try to take down the villain organization Honey used to be part of, while meanwhile Honey tries her hardest to get Rabbit to fall for her, and there’s a healthy dose of “and they were ROOMMATES,” which is always a fun time! Plus, one thing I specifically like about this manga is that the fact that they’re gay is a complete non-issue—the only “how can two women—?” of any kind is when Rabbit is (understandably I think) baffled by a different lesbian couple in the story having what’s essentially a biological daughter.
Superwomen in Love!!! Go read it, it’s fun!!!
Tagging @helpilostmygender, @snazzy-hats-and-adhd, @unreemarkable, @r4inwing-pride-parade, and @idkwatthehec! No pressure though!!!
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honestmagpie · 1 year
Hi! I'd love to hear your raz headcanons!
Oh man I have so many of these. I could do one JUST about his archetypes, but I'll keep this one more broad.
Headcanon A: Realistic
As one of the youngest members of the Psychonauts (He can't claim the 'youngest' title, Lili beat him to it), he's also one of the most renowned by the time he's an adult. He's featured in True Psychic Tales on a regular basis, and he still buys all the issues (and frames the ones he's in). Also he speaks German, Russian, and Grulovian, as well as a smattering of other European languages.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
My adult version of Raz has a coat with three glass gems hanging from the back and one from the zipper pull-- or they STARTED as glass. Later on in life while on a mission, he found a suspiciously familiar blue gem-- one of the ones from the Gzar's crown. After the Grulovian royalty pawned off their jewels to maintain their lifestyles, the gems themselves were removed and ended up going around among shady rich people as status objects. Raz, as a half-Grulovian, decided to make a point to steal these back. So this mf is running around with thousands of dollars' worth of gems on his patchy-ass coat until he can find a Grulovian museum curator to give them to, to restore some of his country's heritage. It's a personal sidequest. Nobody else knows about this fact, because he's pretty sure Hollis would pop a gasket.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Raz has this odd fear of having someone give him a mental checkup. Even ten years later, he's been evading Hollis to avoid the mandated check-up, but he knows it's healthy and doesn't really know why it makes him so nervous. It's because he doesn't fully realize that his archetypes are more than just archetypes, he's plural. One of those sides, a side he's afraid to acknowledge, sounds an awful lot like that part of his nona's life they try not to talk about...
Bonus kinda-sad HC: In spite of being in TPT numerous times, and being every kid's favorite camp counselor, and never failing a mission, Raz is constantly surprised when people recognize his hard work, and ALWAYS forgets he's been in TPT when someone brings it up. He cannot fathom being recognized for his work. (And as a side-effect of his checkup-dodging, Hollis has a stack of 'Employee of the year' certificates she hasn't been able to give him yet).
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
I'm never one to disregard canon, but I'm gonna go ahead and insist that Raz can still use invisibility and shield, and eventually figured out how to do the throwing-knife-form Psi-blasts because they're AWESOME and I love them. Raz experiments with powers and has been encouraged by Sasha a number of times to get a degree or write a thesis, which he's considered but doesn't really get why he'd put in the time to write when he could be on missions, and anyway he's sure someone else has figured these things out too (They haven't).
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