#b.a.p fake texts
kpopscenarihos · 5 years
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//zelo fake snaps//
-admin mckenna 💝
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shininjjongg · 5 years
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Hyping up bf!youngjae’s solo debut
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honeyjaez · 6 years
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Confessions with Bang Yongguk!
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pheonixwright · 6 years
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coffee-for-himchan · 7 years
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Soft texts with B.A.P who, for some reason, suddenly felt all the love in this world towards you and decided to express it through fluffy, adorable texts to brighten your day (and possibly get you to come over since they miss you tons).
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ishsudhdjdjdjjdh · 7 years
Weather update with brother Zelo
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txtsfrmbap · 7 years
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Sometimes texting the wrong person can go your way.
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packetofsuga · 7 years
Can you guys give me something to write please?
You guys never send requests anymore
Ships are still opened
Requests are still opened
All that shit
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justtextmeoppa · 7 years
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You're really drunk and you think you are texting your bestie about your crush on Jongup and Daehyun but you're actually texting them. 
-for anon
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youhave1newmessage · 7 years
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Admin 🍌 here wanting to thank anon for the request! It definitely gave me the feels 😭
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For every request made, Yongguk will post a selfie! So don’t be shy, feel free to leave one!
And also remember: we love that you love our work but help spread the word of our blog by reblogging! Our motivation is you guys! 😋 ❤️️
*We do not own any of the pictures used in this text post. Credit to owner.
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kpopscenarihos · 5 years
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//zelo fake texts//
-admin mckenna 💝
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excusemyobsessions · 7 years
Drabble game
Hi! I haven’t written anything in a really long time so here’s a drabble game. The rules are simple, just pick a number, one or more of the members or even all of them, and a genre (fluffy, angst, funny, etc.). You may also ask for pocket-sized or supernatural drabbles. And you can also ask for gender specific drabbles (female, male, gender neutral).
(I don’t write smut. Just letting y’all know before you request it.)
Here are the scenarios:
“You have the sweetest lips.“
“You can’t prove anything.”
“Wait, I know you!”
“Wow, you look amazing.”
“Put me down!”
“I’m not going to answer that.”
“You started without me?!”
“I know that we’ll meet again.”
“This is all of me, babe.”
“Why didn’t you call me?”
“Don’t say that.”
“I knew I’d find you here.”
“It runs in the family.”
“Take me home… please?“
”I told you I’m afraid of heights.” “And I told you I’d catch you if you fall, you fool.”
“Sorry I woke you up.”
“It’s about to rain, get inside.”
“Have you ever considered NOT doing that?”
“What did you say?”
“It’s just you and me tonight. We can do whatever we want.”
“When was the last time you slept?!”
“Oh HELL no.”
“Just hold my hand.”
“This wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“What are you hiding?”
“I’m never letting go.”
“You look lovely today”
“Tell me something I don’t know about you.”
“How did you talk me into this?”
“My clothes look good on you.”
“A kiss for good luck?”
“Just this once.”
“How long have you been standing there?” 
“I just like proving you wrong.” 
“Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.” 
“Quit it or I’ll bite.” 
“If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.” 
“Take. It. Off.” 
“I’ll kick his ass for you if you want me to.” 
“It’s okay to cry…” 
“D..did you just make that noise?” 
“He’s a bad kisser.” 
“You can scream if you want.” 
“I didn’t know we were keeping track.” 
“We’re playing chess. If you don’t like it, leave.”
“Save some for me.” 
“Oh, fuck off.” 
“You’re still mad?” 
“Come over here and make me.” 
“I’m not gonna lie, he/she creeped me out.” 
“Can we just watch a movie and fall asleep on the couch?” 
“Where did he go?” 
“You look pretty hot in plaid.”
“We’ve become the clingy couple that you used to complain about.” 
“You know you want it, sweetheart.” 
“That wasn’t very subtle.” 
“Stop talking.” 
“How do I even put up with you?” 
“I have a secret.” 
“I won’t let you get hurt.” 
“You’re strong, baby.” 
“You’re competitive and so am I, and it’s not going to end well.” 
“Mind if I join you?” 
“I’ll take care of it.” 
“Come on, baby, up to bed.” 
“Am I scaring you?” 
“And when did you plan on telling me about this?” 
“Trust me.” 
“Scoot over a little bit, please.” 
“You’re cute when you’re all worried.” 
“Stop being grumpy.” 
“Don’t be an asshole. Asshole.” 
“Sharing is caring. Now give me a bit of that.”
“Have you seen my contacts?” 
“Life is a highway, and I’m always drunk. So I’m not driving.” 
“You can’t just hug me and think everything’s okay.” 
“Is he/she coming home?” 
“I prefer blondes.” 
“I let you win.” 
“Can I do your hair?” 
“Ready or not, here I come.” 
“Oh, did I scare you, big boy/girl?” 
“You nap, I’ll stay awake.” 
“Don’t touch me. We’re fighting.” 
“You were having a nightmare…” 
“If I win, you do dishes for a week.” 
“Get out of my face before I hit you.” 
“Look! A butterfly!”
“Why do you only kiss me when I’m sleeping?” 
“I just need ten minutes.”
“Don’t be stupid, I’m not leaving you.”
“Shouldn’t you do something about that?”
“I know something’s wrong.”
“I want to do it with you.”
“You’re gonna do fine.”
“You need some sleep.”
“I’m coming home.”
“I wrote this for you.”
“Are you sure you’re up for this?”
“Can you come over?”
“You’re… What?”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“I need you.”
“Sleep tight.”
“Have I told you how much you mean to me?”
“Meet me halfway.”
“You’re the best.”
“I love you.”
“Are you sure about this?”
“I’m ready.”
“Do you trust me?”
“Just stay right here.”
“It’ll be okay.”
“Let’s go on a trip.“
I may not reply right away but don’t worry, I’ll most likely see your request and get to it as soon as possible. :)
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coffee-for-himchan · 7 years
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Texts with B.A.P who have recently found out about the mutual crush between you and Junhong, and simply want to help out a little embarrassing you in 2038423 different ways and giving you the needed courage to confess to each other
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chogiwakeupsheeple · 6 years
Back from hiatus! Request are open!
In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m finally back from my hiatus and posting again c: To get this slumbering blog started again I’ll be taking requests for reactions and if people want it I could do a round of ships as well c; 
My recent posts haven’t been doing well because I’ve been, well, dead - but I intend to return it to it was before! Hopefully!! <33
To both old and new followers:
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isitkpop · 6 years
~Surprise Love~ Part 5
*y/n POV*
I double checked my appearance and opened the door. He was wearing all black, nice fitting skinny jeans tucked into black combat boots, a v neck black t with a black leather jacket that had chains hanging from the front pocket. He stood a little over 6 foot tall, towering over me. If I didn’t know this man I would have been scared to open my door to him.
“Y/N!!” He yelled and pulled me into a hug that I instinctively returned. We have been friends since the beginning of this semester and we always pair up for projects from our professors. “Junhong, what are you doing here!?” I asked while still in his strong hug, happy to see him. “We haven’t finished our project yet and I was walking around so I thought I would stop in to work on it” he says as he steps into the apartment. I let out a small groan “oh I totally forgot about it, we really should finish it this week.” Just as Junhong was about to reply, we hear Hoseok clear his throat behind me.
*Hoseok POV*
“Hey dude what’s up?! Since when do you know y/n?” Junhong questions me. “I could ask you the same thing Zelo.” The air around us became tense and I could see she was confused at my outburst. I sighed and tried to calm myself down a bit. “Y/n, Junhong and I have been friends since middle school. I’m just surprised that you know him, that’s all.” She looks between Junhong and I, you can see her thinking when he speaks up. “So then, how do you know y/n?” I wrap my arm protectively around her waist and pull her closer to me, “she is my girl friend.”
*Junhong POV*
Girl friend? GIRL FRIEND!?! Since when is she dating someone? How did I not know about this?! Is she the girl he has been talking about all month? This can’t be happening!
“Y/n is the girl you have been telling me about everyday for like, a month?! Dude that’s great that you finally got her!” No, it is not great, I refuse to let her go, even to Hoseok. She gives me a smile and my heart stops for a moment. I will do anything to keep that smile as my own.
*y/n POV*
Wow, I didn’t know they were friends! Our classes never mixed and we never talk about anyone when we are working on projects. It is really cute to hear that Hoseok talks about me a lot. Now we can all hang out and be friends together! “We should all go out for ice cream since Junhong is here!” I say excitedly and run to put my hair up and get my purse.
*Hoseok POV*
She runs off, excited like a small child, leaving Zelo and i on our own. I look at him with slightly narrowed eyes and a bit of an attitude. He has been telling me about this girl he likes and now I am starting to think it was y/n. I will not let her go. He breaks the silence first “So, how long have you two been dating, Seok?” Seok, he knows that nickname annoys me. “2 weeks, we were kind of busy when you showed up” I answered coldly, but it doesn’t seem to phase him.
Y/n comes back with her hair in a high ponytail, still wearing the same sweats and T-shirt, at least I won’t be the only one that looks underdressed. Or maybe Junhong is just over dressed at this point, yeah let’s go with that. She ushers us out the door and grabs my hand after locking her appartment. I make sure to keep myself between them as we walk. I’m still suspicious of his intentions, I’ll have to keep my eye on him for a while. We’re sitting down at the safe with our ice cream when Junhong’s phone rings. “Hey guys I’m sorry to cut it short but I need to head home and help out my family, I’ll see you in class next week y/n!” Then he glances over at me “talk to you soon Seok.” And he leaves.
*y/n POV*
I turn to Hoseok and smile at him, “I’m happy we can all be friends now, do you want to go back to my place and watch a movie?” He doesn’t look the happiest but he agrees and we head back and put in an action movie. As we sit on the couch watching the movie I slowly work up the nerve to lean up to him. He opens is arms for me and I lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arm around my shoulder, he smells so nice. I feel so comfortable and safe in his embrace, I slowly start falling asleep with a small smile on my face.
*Hoseok POV*
As soon as she leaned into me all my frustration and anger left my body. She is the only thing that matters and just having her here by my side makes me happy. I draped my arm over her shoulder and not long after she laid her head on me, she fell asleep. I looked down at her and kissed her head softly so I didn’t wake her. She looks like an angel, my angel. And that is how we slept that night.
#1- Hoseok/Junhong interactions
#2- y/n/Junhong interactions
*A/N- this will be the last part I post personally, please give me some time to get situated in China. I will see you all again soon!
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txtsfrmbap · 7 years
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Maknae line be wildin’
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