#b4 i realized there's a place for water so i put the water there instead
orcelito · 2 years
25 years old and making coffee for the VERY first time
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matoitech · 4 years
hope its okay to ask, but do you know any tips or resources on preventing autism meltdowns/shutdowns?
i cant think of any specific resource w good info right now unfortunately but heres some stuff i do. also these r kinda for like the As Ur Feeling It Build Up to where its getting intolerable stage so if u meant just like in general i can try to help w that instead but here goes, some things i do to help cope n prevent stuff
if its possible and ur in enough control of ur body, remove urself from the ppl or situation ur in- if ur around ppl just stepping away to b by urself for a bit can help u feel a little better, or at least a little Less bad. outside, into another room, just another place where u dont have the added stressors of noise and masking and whatnot
try to reduce how much sensory input ur getting- if u need sunglasses, headphones, stim toys, pressure/weight, etc, use or try that if its safe to. sometimes ur body can be overwhelmed by something u cant consciously notice, like electricity humming in the wall + bright lights + traffic + ppls voices + ur clothes r rly uncomfortable, etc, so things like turning off lights and such to see what makes u feel more physically comfortable can b helpful (if u can)
and/or you may be thirsty, tired, hungry, emotional, etc and ur not getting the signals for that so ur body is showing its discomfort or upset in other ways. u may need to change into more comfortable clothes, go to the bathroom, eat something, etc. checking w ur body (and emotional state) can help prevent meltdowns/shutdowns or prepare for them. this stuff can b difficult to try and figure out tho so dont put urself down if u still end up having a meltdown or shutdown, ur body gets overwhelmed and sometimes i have not found another way to direct it than to sleep it off for a while. it sucks and its painful but if ur exhausted u might just need it :(
drinking water, listening to relaxing music, doing breathing exercises, and other things can help 4 me. usual ‘calming’ techniques might not help u feel physically better but can help center u a bit to feel less agonized
if ur safe to do so, try stimming if u can? sometimes ur instinct can be to tense up and shut down, but if its possible and doesnt make u feel worse, stimming can help- even just watching a rythmic gif or smth can help. sometimes ive noticed i feel rly bad like im gonna shutdown or im really twitchy and all over the place but then i realize i havent been stimming enough and that helps. if it doesnt help then u dont have to continue it, sometimes u just need to lie down unmoving in the dark for a while. when i need to shutdown thats generally what i do and i dont have any tips for preventing it when u get to that stage bc sometimes u just gotta reset i think
i would def suggest trying to chill out alone tho cuz ik not everyones like that, some ppl need like physical comfort from other ppl when theyre in shutdown mode, but at least 4 me it helps to just lie down under a bunch of blankets in the dark for a few hours
distractions can also help if just lying there bores u lol, test out what makes u feel ok (doin smth quiet w ur hands is usually good) and what u r not a fan of
most of this stuff was more for shutdowns but can still b applicable to meltdowns, but more meltdown specific, b4 i meltdown im rly prickly (emotionally) and have a lot of scattered shaky energy bc its usually caused by emotional overload so pacing and body stimming can help a lot 4 me at least to try n get that level. its better to direct the energy somewhere else instead of @ another person generally lol
uhh if anyone has any tips feel free to suggest stuff cuz i am scattered rn and can only think of a couple things!
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owlswing · 4 years
Okay, so I was tagged by
! Thanks for tagging me!
Answer these questions and tag your rotbtd friends! And please don’t reblog this, put your answer in a new post 😊✨
My blogging name is Owlswing, but I also go by Owl :)
How did you get into rotbtd?
Oh, gosh... I was about 15...? Anyways, I liked all of the movies individually, and I ended up stumbling across some fanart of all four of them together, and then I saw tags like “the big four”, and the rest is kinda history. I got in deep on a dying fandom and never left...
What made you stay/come back?
Hahaha! See, fandom was dying/dead when I came around, so I never left. I just started a really long Hogwarts AU that is still not finished... (also after checking the timeline for the last question, I realized that said Hogwarts AU is almost 5 YEARS OLD! Maybe I should do something special for the anniversary???)
Out of the four movies, which one is your favorite?
I mean, I absolutely love them all, probably wouldn’t be in the fandom if I didn’t, but... I have to go with Httyd. Hiccup is just a really relatable character for me, and I just love the exhilarating feeling I get every single time I watch Test Drive. It’s just so beautiful.
Dreamworks Dragons or Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure?
You know, I think I need to go with Tangled Adventure on this one. While I love the Dragons series, I feel like Tangled did a really good job of staying true to the original characters while also adding more at the same time for more dynamic plots and such. I think it was just really well done, and there are no plotholes/awkward overlaps like there are sometimes in httyd (that could be because there are less movies so not as many toes to step on) but still, I think Tangled Adventures was really, really well done and I must give credit where credit is due! :)
Which one do you prefer to be made a sequel of, Brave or Rise of the Guardians?
It’s hard because I really want BOTH... I think I would prefer a remake of Brave with the original director, Brenda Chapman, because I feel like it would’ve been so much better if she hadn’t been taken off a project that was inspired by her own relationship with her daughter. Yeah. I’m still mad about that Disney.
But for overall sequel I would probably go with Rise of the Guardians. Brave seems like more of a stand-alone plot to me, so trying to shoe-horn in something else has high chances of being not so great *coughfrozen2cough*. Where as rotg has many characters with different legends and stories to be told, a whole book series to draw from, it’s a whole world that we’ve only explored one small part of, and I would’ve liked to see well-adjusted team dynamics/family-team antics of the guardians! :)
Ah, see I’m really NOT against any of the ships, I’m just not big on shipping in general. There are very few ships that I’m actually, ya know, Into. So I’m definitely more of a Brotp kinda gal. I love me some good, healthy, and strong friendships! Found Family? That’s my ish! Love that!
Favorite character(s)?
Hiccup. But there’s a special place for each of them. I’ve seen myself in each of them and nothing can really replace that feeling.
Favorite AU(s)?
Okay, I gotta say Hogwarts AU cause I’m chin-deep in that right now. Soon to be drowning. Simultaneously the best and worst decision of my life. Haha! Just kidding! Anyways, I like this AU because I’m really big on fantasy, and it just makes sense; why four people from completely different walks of life ended up in the same place at the same time? I think it’s pretty cool and it’s such a big world to explore!
Besides that... I would say a War AU could be cool, like medieval fantasy or futuristic sci-fi. Pirate AUs and Circus AUs will also always catch my attention.
Pick one! favorite B4 house placement in Hogwarts AU? | favorite B4 nation/bending headcanons in ATLA AU?
Okay, so for Hogwarts Houses I definitely have preferred Houses, but the whole system is so generalizing to begin with I really believe that any of the four could be in pretty much any house if you really want, but here are my preferences:
Hiccup - Ravenclaw
Rapunzel - Hufflepuff
Merida - Gryffindor
Jack - Slytherin
As for bending headcannons, I really haven’t put a lot of thought into it, but that question is very intriguing... I’d probably do something like...
Hiccup - Air, because the peaceful Nomad lifestyle and the desire to fly and explore and be free is just very fitting. Also he could befriend Toothless instead of a Bison, confusing everyone because they thought Dragons were dangerous!
Rapunzel - Earth, because for one thing I love breaking norms in this way! I love the idea of Rapunzel being the dainty, pretty princess but then she busts out some of the most badass Earth Bending moves, invents metal bending to escape Gothel, is just very kind but if you piss her off she’ll totally wreck you. I think this would be A LOT of fun. Also, I think it would be fitting with the whole “flower” thing. I also think it could be an interesting character arc where she’s not very good because her personality doesn’t exactly fit the “traditional earth bender attitude” and being raised by Gothel (”You? A bender! Oh, honestly Rapunzel, don’t make me laugh!”) could leave a lot of insecurities that she would have to grow and work through. I think it could be really beautiful.
Merida - Fire, on the flip side this one is kinda typical I imagine, but I would say (also on the flip side) make her afraid of it. Make it the one thing that Merida isn’t, well, Brave about. She doesn’t like fire bending. It could potentially make her a disgrace to her royal/noble family. It also would explain why she’s so good with a bow and sword: she chooses weapons over bending. Unlike Rapunzel who wants to learn but is hindered and must overcome, Merida would be against learning and would eventually have to learn that it is a part of her and learn how to accept it (after possibly visiting the dragons with Hiccup or whoever the avatar would be cause who the heck knows? could be interesting if none of the Four are the Avatar. Make a fifth character the Avatar and the Four could just be the teachers...)
Jack - Water, obvious, I know, but giving Jack ice powers AND another element makes him WAY to OP. I would say Jack is actually not a natural at water bending. He’s always accidentally freezing everything! (not unlike Katara). He has to work hard and earn his title as a master, eventually becoming the best because he trained harder than any of the others and surpassed the other water benders that used to torment him back in his home village! I also think Blood Bending could be an interesting plot device here (maybe Jack is tempted to use the technique because he’s worked so hard and still isn’t good enough? Or just in general Jack’s inner battle between the darkness and his fun-loving personality...)
......Dang it. I think I just started plotting something. o_o
Pick one! since this is 2020, any hot takes you want to give us? | what old fanon tropes that you still enjoyed to this day?
I will always love brotp between Jack and Hiccup! Absolute favorite. I also love the idea of the four having sleepovers and telling each other everything and overall being supportive and loving towards each other. All the positivity and fluff!
Any fic recs? Or if you couldn’t think of any, what was the last rotbtd fanfiction that you read? (It could be an old work or a recent one, do share!)
Uh... I honestly haven’t been reading many as I barely have time to write, but I did hear of one that I think is pretty good! It’s a pokemon AU by Acecove! I’ll link it below...
Whew! That was a lot! Anyways, I’ll tag @emixa26 and @adaminaart!
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loomisjones · 7 years
Slow Burn
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Summary:  A heat wave has decided to cross the path into Riverdale, just in time for the small Sunnyside trailer’s air conditioning to decide to kick the bucket. Once you've taken enough showers to count on two hands and you've drank all the water, FP decides it's time to take matters into his own hands and help you both cool down.
Pairing: FP x reader
Warnings: NSFW-ish gif under cut, swearing, teasing, FP looking cute in his Pop’s uniform, ice play, overstimulated reader,  oral (female receiving,) CONSENSUAL SEX, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 you hit it kids)
Word count: 3628 *i got SO carried away with this but i promise its worth it*
!!! GIF BELONGS TO illusionlovers !!!
“Oh my god,” You patter down the trailers hallway, the carpet sticking under your feet, as you hear the front down creak open on its hinges, “if I knew the death of me would have been a heat wave, I never would of boosted about summer.” You groan as you reach the kitchen and are greeted with FP who’s honing in a want to laugh at your over exaggerated complaints.
Its not that you minded heat, you always have loved summer. And its not that you particularly minded the sudden heat wave- it gave a reason for trouble to sit at bay, giving you and FP the chance to stay in for once in your lives. What you did mind however, was when the air conditioner- the one you reminded FP at least four times to fix a week prier, its rattling a nouzets to, you swear, the whole town- decided to kick the bucket when the sun was high and proud, beating down at 101 degrees, the small trailer not standing a chance under the scorch.
FP tosses his Pop’s hat on the recliner nearest the door, giving your towel covered ass a playful swat as you sway by to crash down into the couch. You contemplated getting dressed earlier today, but as that you just got out of your sixth ice bath of the day, you gave up the fourth time and had resorted to the attire of a towel since.
“You’re lucky, you got to get out of this hell.” You raise your hands to your forehead once you’re seated on the couch, pushing your hair from your skin as it sticks, leaning your head back against the couch. Your towel falls from the loss of your support and pools around your sides and you contemplate retrieving it, but decide not to as it was just one too many layers in the first place.
“We could go to Pop’s, Jug and his friends are there. Could whip you up a shake.” FP leans over the counter as he speaks to you, knocking an empty water bottle out of his way as he does so. He trails his eyes around the kitchen when he picks up one empty bottle, then another, and one more, until he realizes you’ve managed to drink your way through the whole twelve pack. He huffs out a laugh and pads his way over to you, eyes not missing the chance to scan over your oh so exposed- and oh so beautiful-body.
You peel open one of your eyes to look at him as you huff out your own laugh, one eyebrow coxed as you watch FP stand in front of you, removing his apron,” As tempting as seeing you do so, I don’t think that’s the best idea.” You two had just recently announced your relationships to the man’s son and let’s just say, there was a reason he spent all his times at Pop’s lately.
FP vibrates a hum as he continues a stagger towards you until he’s between your legs, lowering himself onto his knees once he is. Once he’s eye level to you, he extends his arm and takes hold of your jaw, bringing you forward to press a sticky kiss to your lips,” he’ll come around.”
You jump your eyebrow but nonetheless, a smile seeps onto your lips as you groan a bit in agreement. His four day old scruff tickles your cheeks as you return the favor of pressing your lips to his, the exchange dry and sticky. As you tempted to pull away, FP curls his hands around your legs and sucks your bottom lip into his, giving it the treatment of a sucker.
“F,” you complain, though the energy to do so was hard and delayed, “no. Its way too hot, I don’t need to combust.”
FP only releases a grunt of complaint as he leaves his mouth attacking yours, fingertips dancing down your body, thumb aimlessly gliding against nipple as it passes. You hum a bit, though remain grounded as your hands reach up to his shoulders in a lame attest to push him away, though they come to a rest instead of a shove when the backs of FPs fingers just ghost against your folds. Not enough to push through, but enough to make your body feel flammable.
FPs tongue swipes over the tip of yours and you do everything to hold back the desire to chase after it as he brings himself back up onto his legs, retreating back into the kitchen, giving you a response that is hallow and drawled, “we would never want that, sweetheart.”
You close your eyes once more and situate yourself back into the couch, inhaling a much needed breath to speed down your heartbeat. You release your thighs that you hadn’t noticed were so roughly clenched together. Though, you weren’t surprised; FP always has had a way with you.
Your eyes remain close as your ears detect the sound of clanking commotion in the kitchen, though you don’t pay much attention, figuring it’s the rummaging of beer cases. However, you do peel your eyes open once more when your knee is knocked with FP’s own as he kneels back down in front of you, one hand occupied with an ice cube, his other splayed once more against your thigh. Your eyes trail the cube in his hand as if you were a dog watching a treat, his eyes tracking you, as he slipped the cube between his lips and sucked it in, tongue catching his finger as he does so.
This time, you feel your thighs pull towards each other at the show put on in front of you and so does FP, given his hold of your leg, in which a cocky half up smile draws itself to his now moistly glistening lips.
This time when FP chooses to attack your lips, you lean into the attention, your lips vibrating against his as you release a hum laced pleasure from the cold attack, both chasing the taste of mint toothpaste and his natural underlying rum taste, and the cool relief. His tongue peeks out to glide across your bottom lip, leaving a trail of cool relief in which you gladly accept and open the gates of your lips, his tongue sure to promise cooler than his lips. However, instead of the comfort of his tongue slid against yours, the cool cube is pushed onto your tongue, the coolness stinging your teeth as it begins to melt against your tongue, having to already begin to in FPs mouth.
As he pulls back and allows you to enjoy your gift, he begins the task of trailing his lips down your body, lips stamping your skin with wet kisses. He follows a slow, leisurely pace that leaves your body grateful but sedated, focusing more on the cube in your mouth. You give it a few more sucks before crunching it between your teeth, a sting running through them, and you savor every sweet molecule as your swallow the broken pebbles down one by one. Your hands come to curl into the back of FP’s hair lazily and loose as he continues to press kisses into your skin, the trail wet and cool though quickly eaten up by the suffocating heat invading the trailer.
Your hold tightens greatly, however, when your nipple becomes the point of attack, your body falling back into the couch, FP following into you as he continues his cool torture. He circles his tongue around the hardening bud, the mix of his cool tongue against such a sensitive area leaving your back arching, his one hand finding its way to curl around your waist as you push yourself further into submission of his attack, the only sound your able to supply is a breathy, “fuck.”
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With ease and a ‘pop’ he detaches himself from you, moving his hand to gift your other nipple a simple pinch, causing you to suck in a breath as he stands back up on his feet. His hair begins to fall out of its normal slicked back do, a loose strand falling in front of his forehead as he watches you wither and readjust with the sudden absence. He brings his calloused hand up to swipe the hair back into place, speaking swauvly as he turns around, retrieving a cube, “lay down.”
You are all too willing to comply, falling down on the couch where your body is half on the towel that had previously fallen off of you. You can’t help but let out a silence scuff as your exposed back starts to stick to the nylon couch, the material not allowing any air for the piece to breath.
“Always so good for me.” The praise falls from his lips as he finds his place standing next to your rested head, a finger that had previously re-contained his stray hair now coming down to help you, pulling a strand of your y/h/c off of your forehead, sweat beads pooling underneath it. You flash a sweet closed mouth smile that reaches your eyes, giving them a glint as you stare back at the supreme man, catching the change in gaze from his earlier light, humor approach to his stare that is leaving you squirming under it, looking at you like you’re his last meal on earth. He flashes a fleeting grin as you squirm, the couch squeaking underneath you.
You change your look of attention to the cube in his hand as it moves towards you, small pools forming between his skin and the cube from exposure to human contact. You nearly release a whimper as you watch the cool liquid go to waste, wanting to catch his fingers in your mouth and suck them clean. You decide to swipe your tongue across your lips instead.
FP lowers the cube and only comes to a still once it’s just in front of your mouth, gliding it between your lips once he gives you a small nod and you peel them open. He slips the whole cube into your mouth, your throat constricting given the positon downwards the cube is heading, except for the very tip which he has hold of, his fingertips resting against your now enclosed lips as you suck on the refreshing objects.
You feel the water begin to ripple down your throat, sweet savory given the neglect since you finished your first, your mouth long time dry. You close your eyes and bring your hand up to curl around FP’s wrist, keeping him in place to make sure your treat won’t be leaving anytime soon. Your other hand finds your neglected breast and you curl your nipple between your thumb, which you can feel FP’s gaze upon the whole time, causing you to arch into your own touch.
A droplet manages its way between your lips and begins to trickle down your chin with its new found freedom, more following suit when FP decides to wiggle the nearly melted cube out of your mouth, earning a whimper in protest from you. You raise your head to follow the cube as it gets further and further, darting out your tongue to take a swipe up the underside and collect some water on your tongue, managing to lick up FP’s fingers along the way, given his hold.
He doesn’t allow the cube to get too far though as he moves its path down your middle. It falls down your hyoid bone and with the light pressure applied to your throat, you can’t help but swallow noticeably. He continues the drag of the cube down your body, falling into your clavicle, leaving trails of stray droplets to create their own rivers down your body. A few rather frisky droplets manage to find their way into your slightly spread legs and down into your folds, just ghosting over your clit, leaving you back arched and gasped.
Your gasp however, is quickly replaced with a snake worthy hiss as the cube stops its journey at your neglected nipple, now standing erect from the cold attention. You reach your hand above you, for anything to keep yourself grounded, in which you find FP’s leg, curling your fingers around the strong muscle as you use the leverage to push yourself up, chasing more, more, more.
FP stops circling the cube around your nipple, now nothing but a tiny sliver. He allows it to remain still there for a few minutes, your nipple gaining a sort of numbness to the cool exposure for such a long time. More water droplets manage to create landscapes down your body, too falling on your sides and into the couch, past the towel.
Just as you’re about to complain that the water is going to ruin the couch, FP lowers himself, dark eyes closed, to retrieve the cube from your breast, vacuuming it into his mouth as your breast too falls into the suction. The feeling leaves you speechless and instead you release a gasp that sounds, in your opinion, too much like a moan but you feel FP smile against your skin, so you let the embarrassment the eagerness pool away along with the water down your body.
With his attention back on your body, FP continues his stroll of pressing kisses into your skin, this times these ones sloppy and sporadically placed. And heading lower than your breath, continuing the journey south.
He comes to a pit stop, this time, at the mound just above your overheating core. He curls his hands around the underside of your thighs which have now spread to accommodate the new occupant. You squirm under his hold and thrash your head a bit, thinking you must look like a shark shredding its dinner, as you try to gain a better look at the man filing himself away between your legs.
He uses his hold on your thigh to drag one over his shoulder, giving that the treatment of the slow drag of his fingertips well your other getting the drag of his lower lip upwards until his lips are met at the conjunction of your thigh and folds, where he presses a single tender kisses and releases his hold on you completely.
“Baby.” You allow your words to fall in the tone of an unhappy whine, a call back of the attention. However, before you can complain much more, you're shushed by the flicker of FP’s gaze upwards at you, eyes hazed over and pupils lust blown through hooded eyes.
You stay quiet under the look as he keeps it on you, his hands coming back to once more rest at the bone above your core.
Using the purposefully placement of his hand, he uses his thumb and index finger to just dip into your folds and spread them the remaining of the way to have your flushed lips exposed for him, put on show. 
He cant help but flash a goofy grin up at you at the appearance and presses a kiss just outside your folds, causing a hum to ripple through your body. You swivel under his gaze, but this time not because of uncomfortability, but because of confidence, enjoying watching the pleasure he gains from you and wanting him to to have it all.
He diverts his attention away once hes looked for a few more moments, which he is quick to bring back once he has retrieved the last cube from the glass. Having already been sitting out, when the cube is swiped across your clit,large amount of water collects against the growing bud and a groan escapes past your lips.
You take hold of FP from the back of the head and tilt your head backwards, mouth tumbling out a drawn out moan as you raise your hips, chasing the sensation as the droplets travel their path down your core.
FP stamps a kiss to the root of your clit and draws back, speaking against the sensitive bud, scruff scratching your thighs, “are you gonna be a good girl for me? Gonna stay still?”
You respond to his lust laced words with a frantic nod, peaking your teeth out to take hold of your bottom lip as you do so. You think you may have managed to get out a breathy jumbled, ‘yeah,’ but you’re not entirely positive.
FP places one last kiss to your clit before drawing back to watch the cube, which is resting just over the middle of your core become blanketed by your lips, pushed past them. You catch him flick his eyes back up at you once more before you fall into darkness as your head falls back the arm of the couch, the cube that was previously used to cool your body now pushed through your entrance, cooling your most inner walls.
“Fucking hell,” you manage to gasp out, FP muttering a chuckle. He brings his lips down to press a kiss to your clit, this time now upscale the kiss to a sucking suction, releasing his own moan as your hands frantically take hold of his hair and give the blank strands a tug.
The vibration leaves your thighs clenched and your stomach coiling, however, you aren’t the only one taking notice to your near climax and with it drawing near, FP swipes the cube from your heat, causing a whimper laced moan to fall from your lips as you’re left abandoned and empty.
The room falls short for a few seconds, and you’re about to swear to God if FP left you hanging off the edge, but when you open your eyes, your prayer ends mid-way.
FP is knelt at the end of the couch, back straight as he has his whole body shifted at you, your eyes meeting his as they open, the bone boring gaze making you once again have the need to squirm. He flashes a small smile as he realizes you have finally given him your attention, bringing the small amount of ice cube that was previously inside of you to his mouth and pushing it between his lips. The only sound in the trailer is the sound of the ice crunching between FP’s teeth before he swipes a tongue across his lips and releases a simple, “delicious,” paired with a grin that would make you drop your panties if you were wearing any.
You use your hold in his hair to drag him up your body as your mouth passes an animalistic snarl, dragging the man back up to your lips as now it’s your turn to attack his mouth, sucking his candy tongue into your mouth to catch the last moments of coolness, to catch the last taste of you on his tongue.
Somewhere in the mix of snarls and wandering hands, FP had managed to strip down his lower half, this detail unbeknownst to you until his bubble tip was pushing against your entrance, your legs once more falling open and curling up to hold onto the man above you by the hips.
As he stars an uncoordinated rhythm, you move your hands to take hold of his globed cheeks and his falls head falls into the crook of your neck, sweat falling onto your shoulder. He continues a slow pace, tip just grazing your walls as he nearly hits the home run spot each time, however, pulls himself short. You desperately try to meet his thrusts, however you remain intentionally uncoordinated, earning him a huff and you a chuckle.
“What do you want?” FP asks in a whisper, sounding as if he had just ran a mile. You can’t help but smirk, proud of the now known affect that you’ve had on him.
You give his cheeks a squeeze before answering in the most flat tone you could muster up, which still ended breathy but better than before, “I want you to fuck me.”
As soon as ‘fuck’ leaves your mouth, FP snaps his hips forward, hitting your g-spot head on, causing your sentence to end in a moan as you arch up into the man who has now risen, his hold now on your hips as he rhythmically thrusts into you.
Droplets of sweat fall onto your abdomen as the sound of skin hitting skin echoes the air, managing enough energy to raise your hips and meet his thrust each time they snap against yours.
You watch his shoulders tighten as you raise your hands to splay across his lower abdomen, the night sky taking your vision once more as your body begin the convulse around FP’s cock, taking all of your energy with a drawn out moan.
Your clenched walls cause a stumble in FP’s rhythm as he begins to stagger and jolt above you, his owning releasing quickly filling your insides with warmth, leaving you full.
He waits a few moments to pull himself limp out of you until you both have rode out your highs, a pleased grin forming his lips as he remains upright for a few extra seconds just to catch the sight of his sticky come faucet out of you.
You can’t help but send out a laugh at his look of achievement, raising your hand to curl around his forearm and drag him down next to you, earning a ‘hphf’ as he bounces down next to you,” so much for keeping the couch dry.”
Now it’s his time to let a chuckle leave his lips as he curls an arm around the top of your head with his hand resting against your forehead, dragging you back to him to press a kiss to your temple as you lean back into him, allowing yourself to ride out the rest of the wave with sleep.
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random larsadie headcanon
so anyway i was bullshitting in a larsadie discord when someone asked for prompts. i was like, lol, “lars and sadie go to church”.
but now that’s it has been like a day i was thinking about it, and.. actually wow!! cute! cutecutecuuuuute!!!! i like this idea actually!!!
idk about all the specifics but i love the idea of Lars being Roman Catholic (the most common religious identity in the Philippines). i can imagine Sadie making an Easter basket for Lars, and coming over early on the holiday morning to drop it off. She goes to knock on the door, but Lars swings it open before she does, wearing a nice short-sleeve dark blue button up and black dress slacks. He blinks down at her, a faint trace of annoyance held at bay by his early morning grogginess. She kinda snorts at first, surprised to see him in clothes like that, but admittedly kind of thinks he looks cute dressed up like that. “Uh, hey. I put together this basket for you and your parents,” she lifts the basket up so he can see. He blushes juuuust a little bit, taking it from her. “Oh, cool, thanks...” is all he can manage to spit out b4 his parents come from behind him, also dressed in their Easter best.
“Oh, Laramie, who’s this?” Martha asks, delighted. “I think it’s that young lady we saw him run into the Universe household with,” Dante says, then looking to Sadie.
“Haha yeah, um, my name is Sadie, actually. Nice to meet you-meet you,” she smiles shyly, realizing she hasn’t really interacted with them to this extent.
“Happy Easter!” Lars’ parents say in unison, and Sadie begins to wish them a happy one in return but Martha gasps, saying, “Oh, we’re running late!” and she scoots her lil mens out the door, shutting it behind them. Lars is still holding the basket, his face becoming redder and redder as the embarrassment of the entire situation starts waking him up fully. Sadie notices his state and steps aside, allowing the Barrigas space to get to their car in the driveway. She tentatively waves, and Lars exaperately waves back, shuffling over to the car. As soon as he opens the back door, his mom cheerfully asks Sadie if she would like to come with them to Easter service.
Lars, of course, turns into a solid block of ice and shatters into about three million pieces. Naturally, he can’t protest like that. >:3c
“Oh, wow,” Sadie stammers, smiling bigger than before. “That’s so nice of you! Really, I, I would like to come, but...” she gestures at her clothes, a plain light grey tee shirt and blue jean shorts. “I feel like this isn’t appropriate attire, heh,”
Lars relaxes just a bit, curling around the inside of the opened car door and watching this interaction with narrow eyes. If he thought he was escaping such an awkward situation as bringing his crush to EASTER MASS with his PARENTS, an already pretty embarrassing situation, well.. he had quite another thing coming.
“Oh hunny, a pretty package doesn’t always need a bow, but...” Martha reaches into her hair, unclasping a white wooden hairclip decorated with beautiful carved sampaguitas (national flower of the Philippines). She leans down, and as though there were much more familiarity between the two women then there truly is, Martha secures the clip just above and behind Sadie’s left ear. “There,” she said, clasping her hands together in giddiness. “You look perfect! You can sit in the back with Laramie. :)” Lars slams himself over to one side of the car as Sadie curiously climbs in their car, fastening her safety belt. Her entire face pink, a small smirk creeping at the corners of her mouth, she glances at Lars’ fumbling hands around the basket in his lap, his flustered expression only revealed to her from his reflection in the window. ‘Guess I better text my mom,’ Sadie thinks to herself as she pulls out her phone.
‘I am SO not going with them next year, oh my god,’ repeats in Lars’ head the entire drive.
I thought it would be really cute that after that experience, Sadie might consider why she and her mother aren’t religious. She one day gets the moxie to ask her mother about it, and Barb mentions that she was raised Lutheran Protestant, but as she grew older religion didn’t really have much of a place in her life. Sadie is almost satisfied but then she courageously asks: “Wh... what about, my dad? Was he Lutheran, too?”
Barb lowers her eyes to the floor for a moment, but then laughs warmly. “Your dad was Jewish, actually! Religion was a lot more important to him than it was to me, that’s for sure.”
And thus begins Sadie’s interest in researching Judaism. She follows a few Jewish religion and culture bloggers, she buys a few study texts, and just for fun she learns to count to ten in Hebrew. She mostly keeps this all to herself, but one day she realizes it’s kind of lonely to do communal things without anyone else. Not wanting to put her mother through any stress by reminding Barb of her father, Sadie nervously texts Lars for help with the one part of Judaism he might know about.
“Hey, uh, I know this is kind of coming from no where but... do you know how to make cholent?”
He takes about 20 minutes before he responds.
Sadie frowns, but rolls her eyes and replies immediately.
“I wanted to make some, but you know a lot more about cooking than I do and I wanted to ask you for help. *angel emoji*”
this time, he responds after only three minutes.
“do u already have all the ingredients”
Sadie wonders why he’s asking that now instead of just answering her question, but she checks her pantry after pulling up a recipe on her phone.
“It looks like I have just about everything except for... pearl barley? Idek what that is tbh lol”
She presses send, leaning against her kitchen counter as she awaits his response.
“b there in 30 mins.”
he sent that one in about 30 seconds, which really took Sadie aback. she didn’t mean she was going to make it today! but, his enthusiasm impressed her a little bit, and she felt good in choosing him of all people.
She sets everything up, and after looking over the recipe again, she starts boiling some water for the beans.
It takes 37 minutes, actually, but the knock on her door after that time passes is distinctively Lars’, a package of pearl barley in tow. Completely in contrast to his performance at the Big Donut, Lars remains methodical and focused, occasionally asking her to read things off from her phone. She tries to help, but he kind of ends up doing most things by himself. She doesn’t really mind, because she can learn by watching him. Eventually she becomes a little embarrassed at the situation, a bit too pleased that he is here and helping her like this. She almost wanted to give him a hug for it... almost.
After a couple of hours they could just set it on the stovetop and wait, and Lars finally seems to snap back into his usual personality and asks her, “Why cholent? I’ve never seen you eat cholent,” squinting his eyes at her, it finally dawns on him that this might be some kind of setup. Was he too eager? Oof!
Sadie blushes, unaware that he’d been paying attention to the things she ate in any capacity. “Well...” she sighs, pulling a chair out from the kitchen table and sitting down. She looks at him, the slightest amount of pain etched into her chubby face. Lars’ brows furrow, his eyes opening fully again. He shyly makes his way to the opposite side of the table, flipping the chair around and sitting on it backward. “You remember when your parents kinda... just decided I was going to church with you guys?”
Lars grimaced, “Mass,”.
“Mass,” Sadie repeatedly apologetically. “That’s kinda it, I’m not... I’m not so good at this religious stuff yet, haha...” and she finally begins to tell someone in her life what she’s been thinking about with regards to religion, and how she thinks learning more about Judaism will help her understand herself and her dad better, and that maybe it shouldn’t be so important to her but it just kind of became important to her.
After her lengthy explanation, the stove timer immediately began going off. She had begun tearing up a bit, so she took the opportunity to wipe her face off on her shirt when Lars shot up to take the pot off the burner to rest. He turned the heat off, sheepishly looking over his shoulder back at her, face still buried in the collar of her own shirt. He tiptoed back over, standing about a foot away from her chair.
“Okay!” he announced, surprising her enough to peek her eyes out from inside her shirt, pretty brown eyes puffed and glossed over. “I can guarantee this cholent is going to be amazing, so,” he grabs his arm, digging his fingers in nervously as he struggles to maintain eye contact with her. Sadie fully emerges from the inside of her shirt, brushing loose strands of hair from her face. “S-so, no crying!” he almost shouts, and the subtle crack in his voice at the end makes his blush deepen. Sadie sniffles, smiling up at him from the table.
“Okay,” she giggles. “No crying.”
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translightyagami · 7 years
Otp questions for Matsuda/Light?
dflkjskaljf;ldfsakj ALL OF THEM????? aight dude.
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?
i don’t think either of them spends a lot of money on each other. their relationship isn’t rlly....over the table. but i think matsuda gets light presents sometimes like that sashmi phone charm or fun socks. he definitely DEFINITELY gets light something on valentines day bc he sort of hopes light will do the same but uh light has to go on his lunch break to the nearest convience store and buy some shitty chocolates bc he doesn’t want matsuda to know he forgot. except matsuda like knows, he’s just too nice and a little too into light to say anything.
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?
matsuda will lay his head on light’s lap while light is doing paper work. its late on a tuesday when they hv light’s apartment to themselves which almost nvr happens and he’s running his hand thru matsuda’s hair. its almost like they’re a real couple. it’s almost like light cares.
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?
they r both way too conservative abt their bodies to walk around half naked anywhere but if matsuda spills something on his shirt he’s not gonna soak in that cold coffee. he’ll strip that shirt off and use light’s washing machine and then chill in the kitchen. light yells at him, which scares the shit out of matsuda bc light almost nvr yells at ppl if he can help it, and tells him that misa is going to b home in like an hour so he can’t b waltzing around w no shirt on. then he stops, sees matsuda’s wide eyes and his anger slinks back into it’s cage so he offers to blow him as an apology.
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?
matsuda is always getting on light for staying up too late. “you’re giving kira too much of your time!” he says and light just gets this ugly look on his face like he’s halfway to a laugh but also abt to melt. “how else can we bring him to justice,” he says, “if we aren’t giving up some parts of our comfort?” that shuts matsuda up.
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?
god they both suck so hard at cooking. matsuda tries to make them like romantic meals and light lets him bc he loves it when ppl do things for him ever at all. all the meals end up burnt and light tells matsuda he doesn’t mind but he rlly rlly does bc then he has to explain to misa why their apartment smells like burned chicken. they order takeout or go somewhere to eat and its rlly uncomfortable for the rest of the night.
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?
oh for sure matsuda sees those, like, couples memes and wants desperately to send them to light and b like “ha that’s us” but he’s not sure if they count as a couple since light makes him leave immeadiately after they fuck. so instead he just sort of casually will announce that this meme makes him think of someone and light doesn’t look up from his work like “what’s a meme?”
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?
god they r like different sizes but sometimes, if light is weak and lets matsuda convince him to go to his place, light borrows a shirt from matsuda that’s too big on his all flat angles body. it hangs on him and it kind of....turns matsuda on a little?? they’re all his old college track shirts. light always returns them promptly the next day, washed and folded in a plastic bag.
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”
light likes to send matsuda on errands bc he knows he can and also he hates hving to do small tasks so he’ll like send him to get lunch and then when he gets back will get huffy if he forgets to bring like...enough napkins.
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?
it’s canonical in my headcanon that light is a very bad driver and matsuda actually had to help him learn so matsuda drives them most of the time. light gives surprisingly good directions for what a shit driver he is, mostly bc he has a good memory and spent a lot of time using the subway so he knows his streets. get him out in the country tho and he’s like “uhhhh turn left?? maybe right??? lets use the gps.”
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?
light poses and matsuda draws a shitty stick figure w a tie on. light must stiffle the urge to rip it up and it’s the greatest feat of strength he’s ever managed.
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?
uhhuhuhuuhhh shit man i literally hv no idea with this one!!! neither of them can do a backflip but matsuda is convinced that if given the chance, he could do one and then light and he hv that charlie and mac argument of “u can’t do a backflip” “i do a backflip every day of my life!!”
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?
literally. neither of them stops the other one. light doesn’t drink a lot but matsuda will take him out clubbing which means light gets drunk off two cocktails and half of matsuda’s rum n’ coke. he dances to ariana grande and pulls matsuda on the floor and matsuda is so flattered by the attention that he lets light get drunker until he’s swaying and they hv to take a cab back to his apartment bc he can barely stand.
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
i think i said in the first question, but matsuda often leaves light little gifts.
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?
dslkfjla;skdfj;aslkfj;slfa matsuda sometimes puts yagami as his last name but that’s only bc he spends so much time w that family. he’d b so pleased to marry into it honestly. its a secret dream of his to propose to light and for light to accept and it keeps him warm on nights when light won’t return his calls.
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?
neither of them take the spider outside but matsuda will just smack it w his shoe. light gets the bug spray and watches the spider die, slowly and painfully. he only ever does this when no one else is around but god, it’s a little thrill to take the edge off.
16: Which one gives the other their jacket?
matsuda forgets his jacket A Lot and so light will offer his as a token of affection (or at least as much a token as light can manage). it nvr fits but the same song and dance happens every time. matsuda wishes that light would forget his jacket once so it would b the other way around but uhhhh mr. five hundred plans at once has nvr been unprepared for bad weather. except once on a certain rooftop but like who’s keeping score?
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?
their relationship is secret so nobody. but if sayu knew, she’d hv a word or two for matsuda abt dating her wonderful brother who deserves the best boyfriend life has to offer.
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?
hmm. this one is......tough. neither of them every say anything but matsuda almost does. it takes a while. it takes several times of matsuda getting up to put on his shoes and looking over his shoulder, asking if light’s sure he wants to be alone. its a lot of him “dropping by” when he knows misa isn’t home but light didn’t ask him to come over and just watching tv together. he’s like a frog in water slowly boiling until he realizes the water is too hot and he’s burning with some kinda something for light. so he works up a little courage and a little stupidity and one night, after sex, he rolls over and asks light what they are. light blinks and smiles. “we’re friends,” he says and matsuda’s heart is a brick sinking into his stomach. “oh,” he says. “okay.” he doesn’t bring it up again.
a week later, light calls one of their outings a date and the brick starts to lift.
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?
Oh They’d B Such Shit.
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?
is this.....are you trying to ask me who does 1337 speak? okay okay. u would b surprised but i think light uses a lot of text chat when he messages ppl he’s closer to. if its like a work message, its all business but if it’s like a booty call to matsuda its like “hey wyd?” matsuda texts in such.....text code....u would hv to hv one of those “what is ur teen saying” guides next to u to understand. light can’t keep up. the only time matsuda texts with perfect grammar is when he’s sexting and honestly? that is half of what drives light wild.
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?
here’s the facts: light likes matsuda but if he saw him getting bullied or anything and protecting him meant bringing himself to literally any harm? he’d turn right around and go in a different direction. matsuda defends light constantly whenever someone says something abt him being kira. anyone got anything to say abt light yagami? matsuda is on ‘em at the drop of a hat.
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?
god matsuda makes so many puns. he’s out of control. every time he opens his mouth its light’s worst nightmare which is nice humor and fun. he’ll grit his teeth and smile but inside he’s in special dead hell which is for ppl hearing bad jokes. BUT there’s one time where light is doing something and doesn’t catch himself b4 just out loud making a pun and the grin on matsuda’s? could’ve lit up an entire stadium.
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?
if matsuda ever brought a puppy into light’s home, he’d b out on his ass in a minute. his dick game isn’t that strong.
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?
matsuda is actually a little stronger than light, he’s like short-ish but built and frequently has to carry light home from clubs bc he can’t handle his alcohol. when he does carry him, light gets v handsy and matsuda has to like try and calm him down which is hard bc matsuda is drunk too? uhuhuh here’s something: one time when matsuda was carrying light home, light kept up this stream of conversation abt nothing and then started to make this weird, choked crying noise and matsuda was like whats wrong and light just kept saying “he’s dead” all gargled n shit. matsuda got him home and everything and light offered to hv sex with him but there was something so dead eyed abt him that matsuda was like “uhhhh i’ll just go home.” and light looked v small and matsuda knew he should probably stay, that light would b sick soon and probably vomit and he should definitely stay but he leaves anyway. he thinks abt that a lot after he shoots light. abt the way he lay there like a corpse, like he died six years ago and was haunting himself.
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?
every once in a while light will do some intramural sports like soccer just to keep up his physique (he’s one of those ppl that like sports over like gym time) and matsuda always goes w misa under the pretense of their friendship. secretly tho he’s checking out light’s legs in shorts. light has v defined thighs.
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?
matsuda takes eight selfies every rare occasion light sleeps on him and uses the kitty ear filter on them. he only sends the snapchat to his mom, who is the only person that knows abt him and light, and keeps the photo saved on his phone. light nvr finds out abt them. matsuda’s mom snapchats him back a thumbs up.
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?
light would definitely give matsuda pointers and he actually does it, unsolicited, pretty often. if he could get a crack at matsuda’s waredrobe? god. the amount of macy’s casual wear he would shove in there. he hates matsuda’s day off clothes. worn jeans??? no thanks!!!
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?
matsuda has a lizard named suds and light is not terrified of it, okay??? he just doesn’t like how it feels when it touches his skin and also how its eyes look and also he’s maybe a little scared of it so whatever
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?
light insists on holding the umbrella bc he’s taller and likes the control but if he’s super busy and speedwalking he lets matsuda do it. also bc he likes flexing his ability to make ppl do things and it makes him feel royal to hv someone else hold his umbrella.
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?
well, they’d literally nvr go on vacation bc they r not in that kind of relationship BUT if they did, they’d probably just go out to the country to a bed n breakfast in the gayest fashion possible. light would use the time to read some books he bought but nvr got around to reading. matsuda attempts to write a science fiction story which he is too embarassed to show light. light hacks his computer when he’s asleep so he can read it and finds out that the love interest is just a thinly veiled version of himself so he shuts the computer and crawls in bed, blushing bc he’s flattered and bc there were a lot of alien sex scenes w his character.
matsuda takes several phone pics of light falling asleep in the car on the way to the bed n breakfast and is sorely tempted to save one as his phone background. he doesn’t but he does keep one of those pictures even after light dies. it reminds him that light was human. that somewhere there was a person in there, that he didn’t sleep with a monster.
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bl6ckr0s3 · 4 years
My Newborn Son
Monday morning, I noticed I was leaking water more often at about 3:40am. When I thought it was just one of those things that just happened here & there, I constantly went to the rest room because I noticed something was off. My water was beginning to leak every few minutes or every several minutes where I had to stuff paper towels up my ass, then change them all out when they all got soaked. I called off work for 3 days, Knowing that it was suppose to be my last week to work, I spoke too soon since my son decided to come out 2 weeks early of his due date. I called the doctor’s office in Highland & the nurse there was telling me to go to the Redlands Community Hospital. Ricky said fuck that, so he decided to drive us to the hospital in West Covina called Queen Of the Palace. It looked like a really nice place & better yet it’s in L.A. County. Everybody there are nice especially when you’re one of their patients that come to the place to bring ur baby out into the world, everybody is pretty nice there. The food they bring from the cafeteria is pretty decent. 
I was admitted at 2:20pm that day at the hospital. They did my ultrasound, they drew my blood & urine for testing. They told me that my water did rulpture so the baby was coming. I was right at 38 weeks and 1 day. I noticed I was already feeling cramps since my water broke. I realized as the night was going by, my cramps started to remain constant as well as the pain being more fierce. I started to feel contractions happening, so this is how it feels? Basically, contractions feel like your uterus is expanding & being stretched out on it’s own. Each time every few minutes, the water kept leaking out of me, thankfully I’m not too messy to be cleaned up after. I had a few IVs put in me that evening, then I decided to request for epidural because the strongest contraction pain I began feeling was an 8. The pain was bareable up until that, I started meditating through each contraction I was having because that was how I was able to deal w/ each pain. My dilation was fully open by the next morning @ 8am or 9am. 
The epidural definitely numbs your pain and 1/2 of ur whole body from the waist down. It’s so numb, I wouldn’t be able to feel myself being able to use the restroom or walk so they had to put this capacitor tube thing on my peehole so that it would be draining my piss during the procedure. It’s pretty effective considering the pain I was gonna have to deal w/ later. As I was told to begin pushing, it was the hardest thing I had to do in my life. The pain I was dealing w/, my big belly being in the way then having to have help from Ricky lifting my upperbody up in a sitting up position, each contraction I had to use that advantage to push the baby out because it was the easiest way to deal w/ being able to push the baby out vs. not pushing the baby without a contraction @ all. So I was pushing for about 20 minutes, I had to do it in sets of 3 or 4 each time. Apparently, the nurses were impressed with me because they were saying that for a 1st timer being pregnant, I did a good job being able to push my boy out in such short time. They would usually expect to see those kinda women take about 2-4 hours to push their child out on their first try. I think that’s just too long. Ricky has told me so many times how impressed he is by my strength. Not only that, it touched him seeing that Lim has changed my views on children because of the fact that he always sees me staring at him. I admit I have cried a few times just thinking about my child because of the fact that I can’t believe this living creature came out of me after carrying him for 9 months. The funniest thing about that is when he use to have hiccups while he’s still in my stomach, I would feel him having hiccups because of the timing and pressure of it happening lol. He still gets hiccups now once in a while, but it’s funny how I have felt them inside my stomach, too b4 he was born. When the doctors were saying that we had to stay over night an extra day it was because of the fact that he had a pre-mature liver called jaundance which can be a condition that causes yellow skin. This is supposely common, so they had to keep him overnight in an incubator w/ UV lights. They gave him a set of eyes cover so that the light wouldn’t bother him so much while he was sleeping in there. Lim was moving constantly and removing his eye covers, the nurse helped by using the cloth blanket that they have to kinda fasten over his upper body so that it would make him feel like he’s all bundled up along w/ a pacifier then he wasn’t moving as much which he was more relaxed. 
I cried a few times just staring at Lim inside the incubator. It made me sad seeing him in there because I remember seeing really sick babies in the ICU videos of when they are premature & stuff. Even though this wasn’t really the case w/ Lim, it was still sad seeing him in there where I just wanted to take and hold and comfort him by his side. It’s amazing how spiritually powerful this life event has taken a toll on me. Everybody says it will change you, and they were all right. Ricky is amazed to see how much of my maternal instincts kicked in since his birth. I fell in love w/ my little baby. On Thursday morning, we were kinda trying to pressure the people at the hospital about wanting to go home because we were exhausted, tired, uncomfortable, & irritated. I hadn’t even brushed my teeth since I was admitted there. I was thankful to be out of the hospital b4 11am. We were so happy to be getting the fuck outta there because for myself to be having natural birth, we shouldn’t have had to be there that long. If I had a C-section instead, then I really would’ve had to stay there longer because that procedure requires more time to heal.
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melodicminho · 7 years
Stay at Home Date With Minhyuk (One Shot)
Request: Hi~ Can I request a stay at home date oneshot with Minhyuk from Monsta X? Thank you^^
Thank you for requesting! I am sorry if this didn’t turn out the way you wanted it to be, but I had a lot of fun writing this! I couldn’t write a lot of things for this because then this work would’ve ended up being revolved around memes or it would be much more comical than it ended up being omg but seriously I enjoyed writing this ;DDD
Tumblr media
Words: 1159
Genre: Fluff (? probs not it was wild)
You strutted into the living room after shouting from the kitchen that you wanted to have a stay at home date, a water bottle in hand. Seeing you pout with your hip cocked to the side, he carefully put the guitar on the couch and saluted you with a small giggle before going to the bedroom to get his phone so he could call a pizza place.
It was a sunny day, but it was raining outside, so you opened the blinds just slightly to let in a little sunlight into the living room. The beams of light made the hardwood floor shine - way too much. It hurt your eyes so you squinted while you went to close the blinds again, instead just turning on a lamp.
It was around 12:00 in the afternoon and Minhyuk was on the phone, sitting on the arm of the couch, ordering two boxes of pizzas with 2 two litre bottles and a cookie ‘pizza’.
While he was speaking on the phone, you took his guitar from the couch and sit down beside him, reaching towards the coffee table to grab the pick that sat by the remote. You scooted closer to Minhyuk, resting the neck of the guitar on his lap while you leaned against his side where he pat your head, finishing the phone call with a soft smile.
“They’ll be here in half an hour at most, jagiya.” he ruffles your hair which causes you to wrinkle your nose in mock annoyance. His soft laugh goes through your ears though and you can’t help but give him a small smile. You let him pinch your cheek before he moves around so that he’s sitting on the couch with you, scooting closer and closer to you until you’re basically squished against him and the armrest.
Giggling at his silliness, you start to play a few chords.
G, D, Em, C …
You hummed along to the song you were playing, swaying your head side to side with your eyelids fluttering shut. Minhyuk rest his head on your shoulder, happily listening to you play I’m Yours by Jason Mraz. It was a well known song, so he was happy that he knew what song you were playing on the acoustic guitar. He asked you to play a few more songs when you finished, but you refused.
He pouted his lips at you when you said no and whined, squishing you as he complained. Being mindful with the guitar, you put it on the coffee table with the pick, but even then Minhyuk didn’t let go of you. He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck and huffed childishly, curling his arms around your waist to shake you a little. You laughed at this though because he was being silly.
You reached a hand up to drag your fingers through his hair and pet the space between his shoulder blades, cooing playfully, “Okay, pup,” you say teasingly, “I’ll play a few more songs until the pizza arrives.”
After two more songs, you began to regret saying you would continue to play music until the delivery came. Minhyuk would shout the words to whatever song you played, standing on the couch as he swayed side to side with his hands held above his head. Your fingers were beginning to hurt, but for the sake of your cute boyfriend, you kept on strumming the guitar. While you were in the middle of playing another song, the doorbell rang and Minhyuk stood up to open the door.
He turned towards you after greeting the delivery guy and held his hand out, which you responded with tossing his wallet in his direction. After he caught it with an overly dramatic AH he blew you a kiss with a crinkly eyed smile on his face.
Minhyuk thanked the delivery man and bowed, taking the plastic bag with the drinks with the boxes of pizza and the cookie pizza balancing expertly on his other arm. You put the guitar down beside the couch and threw your arms in the air with a loud cheer coming out from your mouth. Minhyuk goes along with it with a giggle before whooping out loud himself.
You two grabbed your own box of pizza and just started devouring it like ?? You two can actually win a food contest with how fast and how much you can eat. While pouring some cola into your plastic cup (how’d that get there what), Minhyuk started to comment on the pizza saying, “It’s so good, bless.” and “Omg, this pizza has me shook to the core.” (you couldn’t agree more).
You gave Minhyuk your last piece of pizza and ate a warm piece of cookie before going to the kitchen to wash your hands. When you came back to the living room, Minhyuk was working on finishing his last two slices of pizza. You pick up his guitar and start to strum the acoustic chords to White Sugar (백설탕). Minhyuk lets out a JAGIYA, I LOVE THIS SONG and you laugh while he tries to swallow his food before you get to the beginning of the song where he sings his lines.
Honestly, you can’t say White Sugar/Sweetheart isn’t a bop because ?? You’re seeing Minhyuk head bang to the sound of your fingers strumming the guitar and - please. Where did his chill go.
You sing along, but let Minhyuk get carried away with Changkyun and Jooheon’s rap because really, their parts make you hype.
You both shout ‘baekseoltang’ and finish the song, still feeling jittery with good vibes.
This is where you and Minhyuk scurry to your karaoke box, turning the television on with your loud giggles filling the room as you both squeal at each other, Minhyuk excitedly squishing you to his chest as you put in a number with the microphone.
“Wi arae, wi wi arae. Wi arae, wi wi arae.” Minhyuk chants into the microphone as you do the choreography for Up & Down. Spurring you on with his laugh and a weak “Keep it going!”, you continued to dance. The neighbours must hate you two by now if they didn’t already because Minhyuk was chanting the lyrics to the song all the while trying to dance with you around the room. Once you got to the middle of the chorus, you had to end it because Minhyuk almost kicked the lamp and you swear you saw a few windows shake from his shouting.
He realized the music stopped and looked at you with a lost expression in his eyes while shouting JAGIYA??! which caused you to break into a fit of giggles and bring him to your chest, running your fingers through his hair as he laughed into the crook of your neck, holding you even closer with his arms low around your waist. “We should have much more dates like this, you know? I love having fun with you.”
At 12:03AM last night I had to go sleep and I wasn’t finished yet so what I wrote at the bottom was a reminder 4 me the next day if I forgo t what I was planning on writing
(((( l8er the pizza arrives when he almost falls asleep 2 u playing white sugar and then after pizza u guys sing KARAOOKOKEE AND YOU GUYS SING UP & DOWN BY EXID AND ITS FUCKING LIT DUDE ITS LIT AND U GOTTA STOP THE KARAOKE PARTY B4 IT GETS TOO WILD BECAUSE WTF MINHYUK ALMOST KNOCKED A LAMP OVER AND NEARL Y BROKE THE WINDOWS WITH HIS LOUD SCREECHING [ it is 12:03 am pls help ] ) pps its the next day and im currently listening to white sugar you cant tell me this song isnt lit im so omg
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