#baavira day
larissel · 1 year
Title: hide / cling Ship: Baatar/Kuvira Words: 783 Summary: A domino effect would be swift. His reputation as a respected engineer would be all over, and with his reputation ruined, Kuvira’s image would also be tarnished. For @baaviraweek
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baaviraweek · 1 year
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kuvira-protege · 1 year
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Day 1: Summer Night
Here we go!
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12 and 17 for the romance writer asks?
Hi!!! Thanks for the ask!
12. Do you ever take inspiration from real life romances?
Not for full on plot points, but I do a bit of people watching when I'm out and about in the city, and it occasionally sparks something. For example, every now and then I'll happen upon a public proposal or an elaborate romantic picnic in the park and it fuels my creativity for an hour or a day.
There are also little things people in my romantic past have done (slow dancing in the kitchen, a kiss on the hand, sipping champagne from the same glass) that have their way of creeping into my fiction.
17. List three of your favorite romantic fanfics. Why do you like them?
To the Victor Goes the Spoils is a semi-nsfw baavira oneshot from 2015. I like it because I think the characterization is wonderful and the author deftly strikes a balance between fluff and light smut. I really admire the way authors like this one can leverage more sensual scenes as a true vehicle for conveying emotion and characterization.
Ironclad is a novel-length fic that is more or less a sacred text to many baavira fans. I enjoy this fic and have come back to it several times for many reasons, but I think chief among them is the true consideration the author gives to Baatar's character. I think for a love story to be truly compelling, the characters have to possess a strong sense of identity outside of the relationship and I think this fic establishes this for Baatar in a way that canon didn't always.
Rainy Reminisce by @chiefbeifongcanrailme is a linzolt oneshot that still has me swooning over two years after I first read it. The mood and the symbolism and the buildup of romantic tension absolutely sends me! I also just love the dialogue and dynamic between Lin and Zolt in this fic!
Twenty Questions for Romance Writers!
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teasfanfics · 1 year
Baavira week day 6: Sweaty skin 🔥💚
Again it's already older arts of mine but it fits well to the topic😁😏 @baaviraweek
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cold-neon-ocean · 1 year
Do you have any spicy headcanons about Baatar /Baavira that you’re willing to share? 😏
It's probably safe to say that almost all my thoughts regarding them are laced with spice in some fashion. And the bulk of the fic writing that I do for them lol but I'd be delighted to share some of my spicy thoughts regarding them~
As always do keep in mind that my headcanons are very much geared towards my very specific AU versions of them that I've built up over the last few years, however I do think they could apply to the canon as well in some regards.. maybe?? Idk lolol but I think about these two A LOT and I know that my interpretation of them can be pretty divergent from the popular fanon ideas but this is just how they are to me in my silly mind akdjfsf
Okay so starting out, it's not a secret that my version of Baatar is pretty stacked~ (whenever I’m drawing him on twitch my chat is always lamenting how badly they wanna grab his chest and honestly I’m glad the energy translates because I also draw him with that express thought in my head). I just love beefy nerds and feel like Baatar is well suited for it. I like joking that once he left home he just took all his pent up anger to the gym but that’s honestly pretty accurate -lol. It’s hard being a non-bender in a bender’s world, especially in any sort of leadership position so you have to gain any sort of edge you can. And said gains don’t go unnoticed. He and Kuvira have always been very touchy (and I’ll get back to that), and Kuvira definitely starts catching on to the fact that he kind of(aka ‘really’) enjoys when she pays his chest “extra” attention~ If you recall that one art piece I did of Kuvira slipping her hand into Baatar's uniform, which folks ingeniously called a "regular tiddy quality check", she tends to do stuff like that a lot and he tries not to show it, but it's fairly obvious that he actually likes it. Baatar is also not really used to being regarded in most any sense let alone as "impressive" in any fashion and Kuvira knows he feels pretty good about it in that sense as well. Plus when your man is built like a whole refrigerator, why wouldn't you give him a squeeze every now and then~
So I said these two are “touchy”, and yes they are. It’s become something of a reflexive affirmation between them. Having grown up in a very isolated “it’s us against the world” mindset, they’ve developed a rather strong codependency, one of the main languages for is touch. And that can be varying forms of touch but they’re a lot of the time inherently spicy~ They get especially handsy after extended periods of time spent apart, or in Kuvira's case when she can be in a bit of a mood- usually trying to grab Baatar's attention in a faux "I'm upset with you for not paying attention to me" sort of way. And Baatar often reciprocates in a playful "oh I'm sorry, please forgive me" response. But Baatar can get rather pouty when things don't go his way- not just specifically with her but just in general, and Kuvira will definitely rub up on him like a cat like "uh oh, why are we upset~?" and it'll be a cold day on the surface of the sun before either one of them aren't won over by that.
They were always stowing away when they could back in Zaofu. Kuvira loves to just be generally disruptive to get Baatar's attention since she loves to fluster him, and as this was set more during his phase of being closed in, and trying more to stay out of the way than anything by else, it wasn't all that difficult. Baatar really hadn't yet built up the nerve to think about going against his mother, and he definitely used to have that mindset of "no we can't have sex in my family's house that would be weird", which Kuvira interpreted as "but anywhere else is fine" and so she grabbed hold of that proverbial "anywhere else" and ran with it. She'd interrupt whatever he was doing at any given time to drag him off somewhere when they could slip away unnoticed. Their relationship was probably the worst kept secret in the city. They never got caught but it was fairly obvious what was going on between them. And eventually they moved into his room in the house (aka Kuvira was probably climbing in through his window and Baatar was just like "you know what, sure this is fine)
I (clearly) like imagining Kuvira as the more forward between the two. Or at least most of the time she's the first to instigate. Baatar grew from just getting dragged along to expectantly waiting for her to come to him as he's generally happy to let her set the pace for things. She had pretty much done so their entire relationship and she had a way of going about it in the most direct manner possible. Girl would come right out of her mouth with no warning like "You should just kiss me already" or when he's trying to work and she's bored so she just goes "hey, can I suck you off?" like she has the tact of a baseball bat to a window. But overtime he just got used to it. He started getting a little rush out of the rebellion of sneaking off with her, or in the times where they were left alone together in his fathers lab. I've also always headcanoned that Kuvira was actually the one to propose to him because she was tired of waiting for him to ask her lol. Baatar needs everything to be perfect when it comes to her but she literally couldn't care less. However Baatar can take the reigns at times. After his tether was finally cut from Zaofu he started building up some much needed self confidence and wherewithal. Finally figuring himself out as a person. Said self discoveries came in many forms, one of which being he can be rather insatiable and for those special occasions he gains a particular fervor where you just have to hold on for dear life and ride it out. Kuvira absolutely uses those opportunities to address him with "yes, sir" and he definitely feels some type of way about it.
Power play between the two of them is conducted in a specific manner, and Kuvira has always been particular about regarding Baatar as equal to herself, both in their status within the empire and as a person in general. It's something Baatar can be rather sensitive too, the idea of being seen as lesser than, and even fictitiously Kuvira just doesn't like playing around with that sort of thing. They do however enjoy the instances of one submitting entirely to the other to be ravished as they'd please. Where one's just laid back and taking the full force of the other in whatever manner they'd like. In a worshipy sort of way but it goes back and forth much more evenly.
Kuvira bless her is POSSESSIVE as hell. Yes she likes showing her man off but when people stare there is a threshold that shouldn't be crossed, and even Kuvira doesn't really know where that line is, sometimes she'll just be like "okay yes you can look at him- but not too much." And Baatar finds it kind of hilarious. She has a real jealousy streak on her and she's never even slightly subtle about it. Those are the instances where Baatar will go "well let me remind you how much I love you~" and- which he's well aware of, sometimes Kuvira likes to play up being upset just so he'll do that and put in the extra effort to make it up to her.
On the sillier side (because yes these two are silly!) During the Earth Empire campaign they've 100% fallen deadass asleep mid fuck on the train or something lolol like cock in mouth, cunt on face, and they are PASSED OUT LMAOOO
Kind of tying into the previous bullet, but Baatar can sleep through ANYTHING. Like he heard nothing when the Red Lotus attacked Zaofu the man was ASLEEP!!!! Like he sleeps like he's practicing for the coffin, so when Kuvira wants to do the cute "teehee waking my man up with a blowjob" routine, she has to put her lungs into fucking overdrive because she basically has to revive him from the dead for him to wake up SOBS
I filled out that 'Meet My OTP' thing with the two of them, and some of the main kinks for each of them I put- Baatar: breeding talk, medical talk/play (I hc him being very interested in the development of medical practice and technology because he is just very done with the prayer circles and acupuncture back in Zaofu), he's big on face fucking both giving and receiving, and also some cuddly comfy cock warming <3.
For Kuvira I put exhibitionism, she loves to Show Off, power play in varying ways- like I said she's particular about it particularly she actually likes giving up control with him because in every other aspect of life especially with the empire she always got people needing to be ordered around to get things done and she has to be the one to plan everything out so it's nice to just lay back and let someone else be in charge, especially since Baatar knows her inside and out to the degree he does. And lastly fucking with their clothes on, particularly their uniforms really does something for her. Baatar is so particular about how he dresses and presents himself that Kuv loves to rile him up by grinding on the pantleg of his expensive-ass suits or pulling threads with her teeth.
This got really long alkdsdfsd it's honestly been in my drafts a while and I would come back ever so often to add more as they came to me LMAO I could probably say a lot more on this topic because I think about it.. a lot and I love them very much ;;;;
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empirelead · 1 year
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Answer the following for your muses so people know how shipping works on your blog.
Baavira! I know a lot of people do not like this ship because they believe there is no chemistry between them and they don't share scenes where they act like a couple, but I honestly disagree with them. It seems like they've already been together for a long time so they're no longer in the honeymoon stage, and they don't look like the type of couple that would constantly be all over each other.
I know people don't like this ship for another reason, that reason being the fact Kuvira shot the warehouse without hesitation and they all believe that is proof she never cared for him. Again, I disagree with that. Kuvira was in the middle of trying to achieve her goal, that goal being a promise she made to her people, so of course she wasn't going to emotionally breakdown or go back on her promise for her own selfish desire; if she did, the people would lose faith in her. Remember, she gain a big following because she sees things through. And if people actually paid attention, Kuvira did had to hold everything in before she steeled herself to continue on after she made the difficult decision to sacrifice the man she loves.
She was also originally suppose to cry in the scene, but that idea was thrown away since Bryke believed the impact in the Spirit World scene wouldn't be as emotional. AND the comics did confirm Kuvira still has feelings for him.
Oof, this turned into a rant. Haha. I apologize, I am very defensive over this ship.
I do headcanon Kuvira to be twenty-five years old until stated otherwise, so I don't think she would want to date anyone that isn't even old enough to drink or still has the maturity level of a peanut; I say anyone under the age of twenty is a big no. The oldest she'll go for is someone in their fifties. As for immortal characters, they just have to look like an adult.
When it goes beyond kissing, like touching and clothes starts to come off. Any moments like this would be placed under "read more", discord, or fade-to-black. Though, I don't do much smut content these days because I'm not that interested in writing them, but that doesn't mean I hate it. It could still happen as long as the ship is well established.
Yes, like, Kuvira isn't exactly an easy person to be ship with due to her past trauma of being abandoned by her biological parents and Suyin as well, she's not going to trust anyone that comes to her way easily and will make her distrust known. There is also the fact that she can be difficult in general, she cannot be please so easily. So if you are trying to win her heart, you're gonna have to do more than giving flowers or showing off fancy tricks.
Korra! That Spirit World scene is just so divine.
It all depends if you're brave enough to poke the bear, like I said Kuvira isn't easy to be with so I am picky with who I'm going to ship her with. Though, sometime, it just happens and I have that occurrences where it all work out, but it is better to ask than to assume. You may feel the chemistry, but the same cannot be said for the other person. That doesn't mean I am oppose to the idea of shipping our characters together, there's a high-chance I will give it a shot.
Chemistry isn't always instant, we can always try to build it up just by discussing it together.
I'm more in the middle. I do like shipping because it's fun to see what kind of dynamic Kuvira will have with other characters, but I'm not going to ship Kuvira with every character that comes to her way.
I'll respond it with my other muse: Kai'sa, from League of Legends! My favorite ship with her is with Akali! Though, I also do like her with Ahri and Evelynn as well.
Just ask or read my rules, it also helps if we interact together a lot and talk behind the scene. And I also do wanna add that I do like oc and crossover shipping as well.
Tagged by: @nameaprice (thanks~) Tagging: anyone! if you're reading this...or skimmed through it, considered yourself tagged~
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bolin-san · 3 years
Baavira One-Shot Fanfic
Summary: Kuvira, after being under house arrest for five months now, gets a surprise visitor to her bedroom.
Characters: Baatar Jr, Kuvira, Suyin Beifong, Opal Beifong, Bolin
Relationships: Baatar Jr./Kuvira, Opal/Bolin
Rating: Teen & Adult
Disclaimer: A hint of smut. This is the first fanfic I’ve done in 6 years since stepping away from Tumblr for a while so plz have mercy on my busy-ass: Hope you all enjoy it! ;) Also wrote this when I was tipsy, so if you see any typos, please be warned. 
It’s been five months since she last spoke to him face-to-face, and the urge to feel the touch of his lips press against hers once more haunts her by the daily. She doesn’t know how much longer she can put up with this agonizing feeling that’s been plaguing her, but one thing’s for sure - today would’ve been their four-year anniversary of being together, had she not decided to fire a Spirit weapon at him.
It’s another Friday afternoon in Zaofu - under house arrest of course. Kuvira can’t help but pace up and down the confines of her bedroom, unsure of what exactly to do with herself once again. She has been keeping up with her personal training and daily workouts, as one does being a bender and master of her craft. Occasionally she would try and muster up the energy to join the Beifongs during one of their meal times, at the request of Suyin, while also being under the watchful eye of a few Zaofu guards in case Kuvira’s behavior somehow went awry. Just an “extra precaution” that Suyin decided to take on her behalf. 
“It’s not just for our safety, but for the safety of everyone in Zaofu, and for your sake as well.” Suyin tried explaining to her at one point when Kuvira had reached her three-month mark of house imprisonment. Her protégé, taking it as an offense given her short temper, clenches her fists and storms off in disapproval back to her living quarters. 
Much to her luck, Baatar also got the same response from his own mother when he asked her the same question if his time in “purgatory” was up yet. With this in mind, Kuvira knew that at least they were in the same boat and getting almost the same kind of rejection from the proud matriarch.
How long would Suyin keep this mind game up? Had Kuvira not suffered enough and seen the error of her ways? Was it not time for her to be forgiven? Kuvira didn’t know, but one thing was for sure - she was damn near sick and tired of being watched like a fish in a bowl whenever she picked up her chopsticks in an attempt to grab a piece of elephant koi and inhale it afterwards. 
At least Opal was beginning to open up to her a little more. Oftentimes, she would offer to bring Kuvira some Jemmanite rock candy, a batch of Instant noodles, and maybe even a pack of cigarettes whenever she went out to the downtown district of Zaofu on the weekends with Bolin. Opal would chat with Kuvira for about five minutes with the usual, “So how’s your week been? Everything going okay?”
“It’s....going...” Kuvira would state somewhat hesistantly.
She usually passed Baatar in the hallways, a rather silent exchange of glances, whether it was on her way to the courtyard for some fresh air or the back entrance of the kitchen for a snack. He never failed to make eye contact with those jade green eyes of hers - almost ready to sink into a world of provocative fantasy, where she was lying next to him under the covers, sweaty from their previous intense lovemaking session, with his fingers entangled in her long black, silky hair. Likewise, she would, occasionally, envision such illustrious fantasies with him as well; sometimes these were memories, or maybe even just a premonition of the near-future. Her main source of escapism from the dreaded and mundane reality that she was currently living. 
Baatar still refused to speak to her though, even though he did somewhat forgive her after her heroic act of redemption to help bring down the Earth Empire once and for all. Yet, even such a long period of silence made him just about ready to crack, and Kuvira knew this. She just didn’t know when.   
Later that same night in her dim-lit room, she hears a knock on the door, disturbing her from the solace she found in her cigarette at that ungodly hour. It was about ten-to-midnight. Who the hell could that be at this hour? she thought, the words also somehow managing to escape her lips. She put out her cigarette onto the ashtray that sat on her nightstand and made her way over from the bed to see who the surprise visitor was. 
Upon opening it, she was immediately met by a hot fury of passion, one of lust, that suddenly sent a spark through her body. The touch of her lover’s lips against hers felt all too familiar - tasted all too familiar. The darkness of the hallway made it hard to see who the stranger was. But as their mouth smashed into hers, she couldn’t help but return the favor back. Yes...this is what she needed...what she wanted. And she had waited long enough for this ravenous wolf to come save her from her solitude, and she could tell that they wanted more. Eventually they made their way over to Kuvira’s bed in the corner of the room and quickly removed their clothing, with their pants and nightshirts getting strewn all over the floor within a matter of seconds. Not once were their lips removed from her neck, their hot breath seeping over her body, and her lust for her supposed lover growing by the minute as they settled under the covers for a night of eroticism. 
When she woke up the next morning, she found Baatar Jr lying next to her. The light protruding from the windows of her room gave way to the mystery person who visited her as her guest of honor in the dead of night. It made sense all the more now that she thought about it. When he burst through the door to her bedroom and leaned over to kiss her, she felt his goatee brush against her, scratching her chin as she also partaked in his effort to make love to her.
“Good morning,” she said to him as he awoke from his long slumber. His eyes fluttered open as a result of her greeting towards him.
“I really missed you. I didn’t know how long I could stand being away from you for more than five months.” He replied, kissing her on the cheek. 
“I see you remembered our anniversary.” Kuvira implied. 
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
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unsualfan · 3 years
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Baavira Day: Dance
Still need to work on drawing faces and I got a long way of improving my drawing skills 😶
But its Baavira Day!!!💚
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rainbowsaltao3 · 3 years
Alright, this is my late contribution to Baavira Day 2021. I don't know if I am actually too late, but I still wanted to post it, because there is little content for Baavira in general. I hope you enjoy.
Ship: Baatar Jr./Kuvira
Prompts: Dance, What If, Regrets
Rating: T (but just to be safe, realistically it's probably G)
“I had too much time to think about everything in the past few months.” She elaborates, seeing his confused expression. “It wasn’t an easy decision either, back then. But being here in Zaofu again, with you not talking to me, acting as if I was just a stranger, made me realize how much I had actually thrown away.”
Baatar and Kuvira share a dance during a ball.
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lok + headlines from “the onion” because life is satire
[Image ID: Seven screenshots from the Legend of Korra, each with a headline from “The Onion” edited over them. 
One: A closeup on Korra from “Korra Alone.” She is carrying a backpack and sweating; she looks disgruntled. The headline reads, “Mental Health Day Spent Spiraling”.
Two: Kuvira and Baatar Jr. aboard the Earth Empire train. Kuvira, visible from the chest up, is in the foreground while Baatar Jr. stands in the background. Kuvira looks angry. The headline reads, “Lack Of Sexual Tension With Coworker Almost Unbearable”. 
Three: Mako, in winter clothing, stands on the deck of a ship. He has his knuckles pressed to his forehead and looks extremely frustrated. The headline reads, “Study: Boyfriends Who Aren’t Speaking Are Thinking About Ending Relationship 90% Of Time”. 
Four: Bolin is slumped over a table, seemingly ill. Pabu lies in a bowl in front of him. Several empty bowls are scattered around them. The headline reads, “Man Ashamed Of Himself After Cashier Reads Food Order Back To Him”.
Five: Asami stands at the top of a staircase, bathed in the pink light of the spirit vine weapon. She is bent slightly forward as if she stopped there suddenly. The headline reads, “Earth Hopes Weird Burning Sensation Nothing Serious”. 
Six: Lin and Tenzin watch a pro-bending match. Lin looks amused, but Tenzin has both fists clenched in frustration and is scowling. The headline reads, “Area Dad Knew That Play Would Never Work”. 
Seven: Mako and Bolin are visible from the chest up, both raising their fists and wearing their pro-bending uniforms. The headline reads, “Grief Psychologists Say Best Way To Cope With Death In The Family Is Dropping 50 In An NBA Game”. End ID]
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larissel · 3 years
Fandom: Legend of Korra Ship: Baatar/Kuvira Words: 705 Summary: For the first time, Baatar suddenly felt like a boy. And for the first time, he knows nothing.
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baaviraweek · 1 year
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kuvira-protege · 1 year
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Day 6: Sweaty Skin
A little late...
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wishingforatypewriter · 2 months
Any of your stories inspired by personal experience ? 👀 for that ask game. ( And have the best day ever !!!! )
Oh boy...
So in my last fandom before Avatar/Korra, I wrote a fic about two career oriented twenty-somethings in a years-long situationship eventually ending up together. In retrospect, I realize it was at least partly autobiographical. Only instead of us getting engaged at the end like in the fic, he quit his job, left the city, and ghosted me and when he tried to slide back into my dms months later, I cursed him out and blocked him on everything.
On a lighter note, one of my highschool sweethearts was really into STEM and ended up studying engineering, so I like to think my warm feelings towards baavira partially come from that and this probably came across in certain parts of The Weight of Empire.
Fanfic Ask Game!
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teasfanfics · 1 year
Baavira week day 5: flower bed💐
It's older art of mine but I think I haven't post it here yet 💐🌹
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