Construire la Confiance en Soi est une Compétence téléchargez l'audio DCS:PAS DE TIMIDITE https://claudiosaracino.com/prodotto/no-timidezza-metodo-dcs-parte-1/ #relations #honte #timidite 🟢🇫🇷 1 MONDE MYSTERIEUX TON SUBCONSCIENT…hypnose DCS unique au monde téléchargez l'audio DCS: NON PASSE NEGATIF https://claudiosaracino.com/prodotto/... #hypnose #secret #mystere SLTP SI TU AS DES SUJETS OU DES ARGUMENTS QUE TU AIME DEVELOPPER, ECRITS LES LA ET LE DR CLAUDIO SARACINO GRATUITEMENT VA DEVELOPPER CE QUI TU DESIRES, D'ACCORD? TU PEUX, SI TU LE DESIRES, INDIQUER MEME DES THEMES OU ARGUMENTS NEFS... MERCI ET SLTS Sltp ecoutes ma pensée et, si tu le desires, poses des commentaires... #hypnose#methodedcs#hyonosedcs #methodedcs#hypnose #hypnosedcs #mp3dcs #drclaudiosaracino #losangeles#beverlihills#californie#usa#etasunit#drssarinabrunini#autohypnosedcs#methodedcs#mp3dcs#audiodcs #hypnosedcs#drclaudiosaracino#hypnose . Une de plus grandes différences par rapport à d’autres disciplines comme le yoga, la méditation, le yoga, le mendfulness, le mantra, le zen etc c’est que toi tu peux aider un de tes chers qui ne veut pas ton aide ou il ne peut pas avoir ton aide Ecoutes ce que j’ai à dire et partagés cette vidéo avec tes amis...IL NE FAUT PAS CROIRE😳IL FAUT SEULEMENT FAIRE ACTION😳il y a ce qui fait et ce qui ne fait pas...😳SEULEMENT A TOI LE CHOIX ⚔ 💪🏿YouTube👇🏿 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcNG... 👉🏿Facebook👇🏿 https://www.facebook.com/ipnologiasso... 👉🏿Instagram👇🏿 https://www.instagram.com/benessereip... 👉🏿twitter👇🏿 https://twitter.com/drsaracino 👉🏿Tiktok👇🏿https://vm.tiktok.com/GKxqYj/ 👉🏿sito:👇🏿 https://www.ipnologiassociati.com
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beautycarelabsax · 2 years
Barbor Cosmetics, what makes it so valuable?
Many cosmetics companies on the market claim that their products would do miracles for people who use them. Despite the fact that there is a gigantic number of stores that sell cosmetics, there aren't many that can promise clients high-performance, luxury skincare products. Babor skincare is one of these companies that are internationally known with a profound base of audience and loyal customers. We will speak about them in this blog.  Babor promises to provide certified effects and it aims on providing genuine, premium skincare products/ solutions for people with skin problems.
By combining scientific technology with natural components to create skincare products that can boost confidence, Babor surely markets itself in the right direction. There is a reason why Babor Cosmetics has thousands of satisfied users on social media. But why? Let's find out.
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The Birth of Babor Cosmetics
In 1956, Dr. Michael Babor established the company in Germany that is now known as Babor. He created the company's first product which was the oil-based cleanser which was followed by a wide range of beauty & cosmetics products.
Environment-friendly & Social Responsibility
Since its foundation, the company pays huge attention and development in the field of ethical production and sourcing of products and sustainable manufacturing as the environment ranks high on the company's list of priorities. Moreover, Babor Cosmetics plants a tree near the company's HQ in the forest for each clean product purchased. Babor Cosmetics takes into consideration the rapid movement of today's markets and its effects on people. It produces high-quality and effective cosmetics/ beauty products that eventually aim to help its customers who suffer from skin problems to regain self-confidence. According to Michael Schummert the former CEO of Babor Cosmetics: "Today beauty products either have to be green and sustainable products or performance products with instantly visible effects. I am convinced that in the near future they have to be both at the same time. We have just extended the baborganic line with an effective anti-ageing cream a few months ago. Anti-ageing and natural skincare have been on opposite sides of skincare ranges for the longest time. Now they are becoming natural allies". The company has its eyes on becoming the number one in producing the ultimate eco-friendly beauty products.
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Barbor Cosmetics "Internationally known"
The international company hasn't gained its position in the market by coincidence. Babor has a rich variation of products that suits almost all skin types and all purposes with detailed information about ingredients, effects and how-to guidance. The company produces products in multiple production lines and each of which is aimed at a destined area such as the winter skincare set or the dry-skin care set. In addition, Babor appeared in numerous publications and magazines like Forbes, Glossy and more. Even online, there are hundreds of blogs that write about their products and offerings.
Babor Beauty and skin products
As an international brand, Babor identifies the core of beauty as a personal and relative experience that varies between customers. Every one of them needs different skincare and beauty products that reflect his/her beauty with respect to skin colour, preferences, appearance and more.
As a result, many skincare products from Babor Cosmetics fit into the best-selling category. Babor skincare products will therefore help you feel better about yourself and enhance your confidence while elevating your skin to feel the beauty and see it day-to-day.
Babor mainly produces cleansers, creams and serums and each line has its own benefits for the skin based on its type or purpose of usage. The company states a lot of benefits for each product but all skincare and beauty products mostly share the benefits of moisturization, anti-ageing effects, blemish clarification, environmental stressors, and skin redness reduction
Prices of Babor Cosmetics
As for the prices of products of Babor Cosmetics, the company surely sells its products at relatively high prices. However, the market of high-quality cosmetics specifically operates with high prices as the production processes and research & development, marketing, clinical testing and being certified skincare products manufacturer require huge investments. But, Babor cosmetics offers the majority of its beauty and skincare products within the range of 35$ to70$. Despite the casual sales and discounts, the company operates in a highly competitive market but also has a huge base of loyal customers that seek its offerings and promises. That is reflected in the customer reviews on their products whether directly on Babor Cosmetics website or retailers. All in all, Babor Cosmetics is one of the most successful beauty and skincare companies worldwide with over 60 years of experience in this field. High-quality, sustainable and trendy beauty products are its area of expertise. More about Babor Cosmetics, follow the link here
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random-brushstrokes · 7 months
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Ventura Álvarez Sala - ¡Todo a babor! (1897)
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nevenkebla · 2 months
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Fantastic Four (1961) #279 John Byrne (Escritor, dibujante)
— Reed Richards: Tu campo de fuerza es nuestra única esperanza, querida. Ahora, primero abre un agujero diminuto en este lado. ¡Deprisa! — Susan Storm: Pero eso hará que nuestro aire… ¡Oh, por supuesto! ¡Entiendo lo que estás planeando! ¡Ya está! — Johnny Storm: ¡Eh, funciona! ¡Nos movemos hacia la Tierra! ¡Pero esta burbuja tiene el aerodinamismo de un ladrillo! ¿Cómo controlamos el descenso? — Reed Richards: Todo está calculado en mi plan, Johnny. No te preocupes. Sue, cierra el agujero. Ahora relaja la tensión de tu campo de fuerza. Voy a darle a mi cuerpo una forma concreta. Deja que tu campo de fuerza la imite. ¡Eso es, querida! ¡Lo conseguimos! Empieza a aumentar la rigidez del campo en la parte delantera. ¡Perfecto! Una configuración aerodinámica perfecta. Ahora, Sue, conserva esa forma mientras yo recupero mi forma humana. — Johnny Storm: Pero… ¡Empezamos a calentarnos!
— Reed Richards: Ahí es donde entras tú, muchacho. La fricción de nuestra reentrada va a generar una tremenda cantidad de calor. Solo la Antorcha Humana puede protegernos de ello… ¡Absorbiéndolo en su propio cuerpo! — Johnny Storm: Me pongo, cuñado. ¡Pero será mejor que este viaje no sea muy largo! No podré absorber demasiado antes de tener que liberarlo… y si eso ocurre dentro del campo… — Reed Richards: No te preocupes, Johnny. La reentrada solo llevará unos ocho minutos desde aquí. Puedes hacerlo. ¡Debes hacerlo! — Johnny Storm: Haré… cuanto pueda. — Reed Richards: ¡Eso es, Johnny! ¡Eso es! Solo unos minutos más, hijo. ¡Unos pocos más! Máximo calor ahora, Johnny. ¡Aguanta! ¡Aguanta!
— Susan Storm: ¡Oh, Reed! ¡Johnny parece sufrir mucho! ¿Y si se está forzando demasiado? — Reed Richards: Lo conseguirá, Sue. Es un buen chico… ¡Un buen hombre! Ahora tú tienes que hacer otra cosa. — Susan Storm: ¿Otra…? Espero que no sea demasiado, Reed. Prácticamente, estoy atada solo con mantener este campo de fuerza contra la presión de la reentrada. — Reed Richards: Entonces esto debería facilitarte un poco el trabajo, cariño. Quiero que empieces a ajustar los contornos del campo. Vamos a usar el flujo de aire en lugar de luchar contra él. ¡Vamos a intentar dirigirlo! Empieza levantando el morro. Necesitamos hacer una entrada más directa. Eso es. ¡Lo estás consiguiendo! Ahora, gira la superficie de estribor… ¡Con cuidado! ¡Sí! ¡Funciona! Ahora… un giro de la parte de babor… ¡Excelente! ¡Justo siguiendo el curso! — Susan Storm: Pero… ¿Siguiendo el curso hacia dónde, Reed? ¿Dónde vamos? ¿A casa? — Reed Richards: No, Susan. Estamos sobre Europa Central. Aunque no estoy totalmente convencido de que el Doctor Doom esté detrás de esto, el mensaje amenazador que recibimos sí se originó en su país, Latveria. Ahí es donde vamos. ¡Vamos directos al castillo de Doom!
— Johnny Storm: ¡Reed! ¡No… puedo contenerlo más! ¡Tengo que soltarlo! — Reed Richards: No pasa nada, Johnny. ¡Tu trabajo ha terminado! Sue, abre el campo de fuerza para dejarlo salir. She-Hulk, ahora necesitaremos tu fuerza y casi invulnerabilidad… ¡Como ariete vivo! — Johnny Storm: ¡Ahhh! ¡Justo a tiempo! — Reed Richards: Muy bien, She-Hulk, prepárate. Sue, deja que tu campo de fuerza se ablande y nos cubra a todos… para amortiguar el impacto. — She-Hulk: ¿“Impacto”? Eso no parece una palabra lo bastante fuerte para describir la potencia con la que vamos a chocar, Reed. Preferiría decir… ¡Es la hora de las tortas!
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boundinparchment · 2 years
Dream a Little Dream of Me - VI
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Celestia has a cruel sense of humor. He’s always known this, ever since his days as a student. But a soulmate? Really? Dottore/Female Reader Soulmate AU. Expect lore speculation, interpretations, etc. Available on AO3 as well.
You idly rubbed your hands at breakfast in an attempt to soothe the joints.  Whenever someone asked if you were alright, you feigned a yawn and claimed to have had a late night.  It wasn’t a lie; you had been one of the last to get in the night before.
Schedules were shared and discussed over steaming cups of coffee, sweetened with condensed milk, and a spread of breakfast options that made your stomach rumble.  Your manager and your conductor worked everyone hard when you traveled but they always picked the best places to stay with a top-tier spread of local foods.  Tahchin, butter chicken with an option for rice or flatbread, bánh bao (steamed buns stuffed with ground pork, mushrooms, hard-boiled eggs) along with babor (rice porridge made from animal-based broth, with bean sprouts, eggs, dried fish, and fresh green onion), and other dishes were consumed with gusto.
Unease still sat in your bones, jolting you when the volume of conversation grew too loud or someone tried to catch your attention.
It shouldn’t have bothered you, being observed by a stranger.  That’s what performance was, after all.
But no one had ever been so sharp with their praise.  Not even your tutors and educators in Fontaine, who knew skill and talent when they heard it.
None of it was helped by the fact that it simply hurt to eat and drink and your manager shot you a look when they caught you wincing as you took a sip of coffee.
You weren’t the only one, you noticed; injury and strain was common among your section, despite the resources and training all of you had about relaxing your thumbs, elbows, and shoulders.  You spotted another cellist further down the table, nursing an ice pack across their shoulder, and another with limited arm movements, as though raising their arms too high was impossible.  
Not a good start.
But at least your section’s workshop wasn’t until tomorrow.  Today was, you supposed, a proper free day.  Perhaps you would head back to your room, stretch, try to relax rather than simply take medication and continue on if it wasn’t necessary.
Your plan was thrown out the window when you caught eyes pleading for you to join your usual group to explore the Akademiya.  After all, you’d skipped dinner with them in favor of solitude already.  And you couldn’t even play or hold a pen.  What else would you do with your time?  
Not to mention, when would you ever get the second chance to see the Akademiya properly?  What was it your soulmate said?  Limiting in research parameters, with some students wasting their whole lives to chase their credentials, whole topics and categories banned from consideration with a risk of expulsion if the policy was broken?
And yet, the rest of the world seemed to yearn to even study there.
He was here, or at least he had been, in some capacity.  There was no hiding that crop of hair you saw last night, an absolute match for the color you knew from years and years of lucid dreaming.  Could he still be in Sumeru, you wondered.  If nothing else, a trip through the halls open to the public would yield a glimpse into a world he once knew…
Reluctantly, you agreed.  A few hours of exploring couldn’t hurt.  
The sun only began to crest over the treetops as you all made your way up, up, up the spiral walkways that encased Sumeru City’s Divine Tree.  You were grateful for the walk, the air crisp with a hint of familiar humidity.
You paused before the bridge, taking in the sweeping roof, with its gables shaped like flower petals and the ivory and gold pillars supporting them.  The stained glass was so vibrant it seemed to have its own light source; you only ever saw such craftsmanship in the noble quarters of Fontaine’s main city.  Despite its prominent entryway, the building itself looked as if it just fit into the tree, as if it belonged there all along.
The Corp of Thirty guards stationed outside cast a wary glance towards your group.  Upon recognizing most of your attire was foreign, they gave a curt reminder about respect and noise volume, and to speak softly as to not disturb the students in the House of Daena.
As you all filed into the foyer, your breath was stolen from your lungs at the sight.  High above, a chandelier in the shape of a lotus painted the dark wood ceiling in a golden glow.  Beneath it, a large fountain in a similar shape took center stage, water trickling down stone petals in gentle, quiet streams.  All variations of blue and green mingled in the stained glass windows in the pendentives beneath the dome and above the doorways, reminding you of the lush waterscapes of your homeland.  Smooth, polished stone reflected every smattering of light, only enhancing the ethereal feel of the space.  Despite the wood elements, the space felt…cold, reclusive, too refined.
“Kinda like Court back home,” someone mumbled.
It wasn’t an inaccurate parallel.  What you saw of the Hydro Archon’s domain (and only the administrative offices, for your visa and work papers), the space was full of undulating architecture carved of the purest marble, white, pristine, and unsettling.
The drastic difference between the Akademiya and the city itself made sense; this was an environment that needed to be conducive to research, learning, and progress.  It was a pinnacle of achievement to even be accepted, let alone graduate, and a worldwide reputation.  If it wasn’t grandiose and spectacular, it undermined all of the work the students and staff put into their efforts.  
Nevermind that the Sages were the governing body in the city and this was their seat of power.
You passed through the next threshold and into another hall, this one with staircases spilling to either side of a low bridge with another entryway at its end.  Three large curved gables on either side sheltered a set of double-doors with an emblem above.  Each school of study, perhaps, with its own wing branching deeper into the Divine Tree.  You couldn’t name them all but you could make out the distinctive shapes of a peacock, a horse and hourglass, a bull, and a lion.
The next and last interior public space made you long for a kamera, for it was impossible to crane your neck and take all of it in.
It made Fontaine’s archives of public records look like a dusty, dingy, back closet.  And that was saying something, considering how much was tied up in triplicate forms and red tape.
The House of Daena continued the soaring architecture and made use of every free space for bookshelves.  Even as the walls began to curve into an arch, the shelves’ lengths matched, a tiny collection of books nestled into the peak.  As you all walked across another low bridge and into the main library, you couldn’t help but utter an astonished whisper of curses at the space.
Every bookshelf, packed, with taller shelves framing the narrow and frighteningly tall windows of blue glass that rose above, and higher still, more shelves.  High above, the glass dome let in natural light, the frames of the windows set to mimic the structures of a common leaf.  Balconies dotted the second floor, home to more books and likely their own passageways, if the students milling about were anything to go by.
No matter where your head turned, there was space being utilized that never once lacked for detailed touches, as though the library itself was a work of art.
A central pillar held up most of the space, flying buttresses providing additional support to the structure.  An occasional administrative assistant (they were dressed a bit too finely to be students) entered the bottom of the pillar and a strange hum could be heard.  Elevators weren’t all that uncommon outside of Fontaine but you never expected to find one here.  Especially given the way the city was structured, with its pathways woven in and out of the branches of the Divine Tree.
You all broke apart in favor of exploring quietly, each of you having your own point of interest, and you began to head towards the right.  Just as you’d begun to eye some of the titles nearby, there was a change in the atmosphere of the library, in the students going about their tasks and research.  Whispers circulated, secrets privy only to those who spent their lives in the Akademiya.
It didn’t take long to understand what, precisely, everyone was talking about.
A tall figure strode through the entry of the House of Daena, dressed in a fashion you’d yet to see in Sumeru.  Ornate boots with metal fastenings, black trousers, and a white coat that was so clean it surpassed the pristine stonework of the library.  Around their shoulders, a mantle of feathers, a paldron resting right where a bird’s head might be, a fabric wing flowing elegantly behind its wearer, along with a long strand of glowing light.
Your mind filled in the gaps, matching the patterns from last night against the adornments of the stranger, the shape on their chest and shoulder and ear strangely familiar…
Their visage was hidden by a mask that formed a sharp point, a visor that shielded against the gazes of others.
Hair the color of uncut aquamarine.
You would know that jawline anywhere by now.
Blood thrummed in your ears as your heart raced.  But that would mean that last night…they’d actually…and he’d been so…
The figure entered the central pillar, clearly intent on heading elsewhere.  With the doors open, you could still see him, the platform not having been given its command yet.  His head tilted slightly, a gesture you knew to mean something piqued his interest, before his head turned and his gaze fell in your direction.
On you.
As quickly as your pulse sped up, it seemed to stop altogether.
He smirked before his lips moved.  You’d managed to snag your Akasha from your room before leaving and the device transmitted the words, filling in the blanks.
Found you.
The doors shut abruptly as he raised a hand, palm up, as if commanding a dog to sit.  In a hum of machinery, he was gone.
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444names · 6 months
Names generated from the entirety of the article on "Vandals" on English Wikipedia
Abisill Ablending Acked Acted Adeation Ading Admiluric Affourse Afraptunce Afrerters Afrited Afroasilly Alage Alitance Alize Alrew Alted Amoven Amuminđan Andesto Anoth Apaniclurds Appeclan Apped Artendly Aspea Assurvis Astaty Atchrey Atens Athregy Atianusixty Aught Aurettly Aurge Autand...
Babor Ballest Bania Beconia Beizendion Bericting Berovack Berseed Besigis Beted Bitheopied Blite Bravy Breized Bribe Brobly Broperving Buistwase Burexper Buthang Byribaring Byzansts Byzaz Callatagra Cames Capper Cappopplens Caricisine Carinuoup Cartant Carts Cattogred Caures Chounee Clasdid Cluess Coarge Coing Cointes Coludely Comergunk Comir Compitan Conce Conquebed Conquilla Conquislave Consed Conting Corks Cought Courvall Covine Crich Crius Crobabity Crull Crumic Daled Dattes Daugh Deceizew Defureber Delfreenter Dented Dilings Dinave Dolist Drebar Drocomettle Eaków Eancy Eastriancy Eceize Efacia Emaning Encention Engia Enmarditial Entent Eposica Equed Eques Etailica Ettatted Euded Evatic Exilingia Expan Exparvally Expea Exped Expelear Factivand Faimus Fambly Famemprom Fampt Fands Fareve Fearig Feary Ferisaven Ferists Fermoorulan Figive Fishelies Flectic Folled Follinum Fords Fourn Fravank Fribabous Fridux Fritive Furopus Futexampt Gatin Gemany Genteised Geold Gersed Gisced Gothearight Gothn Grices Griord Guity Gunsitan Habled Hadivivened Hasaing Haser Hater Herionting Hestictic Hiclunt Hilchaction Hipprolso Holoodly Holuderes Hordents Horetus Horia Houricavat Hourved Hyday Imayeart Iment Inativel Incimer Indis Ingene Inger Inian Inortems Inthelowed Inused Invaly Iscample Itians Johni Joirests Joisith Joric Joris Kingelan Kingi Kingiong Knotedge Krayed Lards Larigaus Latims Lationfor Layed Lestatern Licaparder Liessoming Limpt Linves Lispe Lited Lithus Lociturd Logetily Lognally Louted Lunhabal Majohnic Makily Mananamol Manant Mandaterad Mardecappe Maria Marsee Matenđ Mattated Maugh Meliescar Mendight Mente Mestoged Mider Migus Monsimed Mougive Mouter Mundall Murdille Nexillered Nonslaished Nontuattly Norum Nublit Oduccen Ofeally Offary Offeres Offigni Offined Olishopus Olovern Omats Oming Onder Onsla Ontion Ontred Ormanđ Ormied Ortions Osidaeusing Otheized Oursion Outarged Ovild Pandation Parce Peasses Peatine Periner Perivii Piusayed Plard Plarth Pleritang Poetryms Poetuadiane Poing Popired Pordified Posacy Possing Prewly Probarbames Prolle Prook Proped Proplamo Prossin Prougions Prous Provani Proyed Pultied Puting Pyreves Quist Rabinia Racroged Ractions Raimum Rands Rapientenes Rationvels Rattin Rearly Reatemony Reavers Recians Recourn Reently Refulay Reggelsæ Regivanicle Rempeas Remporg Renallan Rendied Renthanding Repturequen Ressing Resting Restotes Rhiestard Riselsǣ Riused Romencht Rommandue Rovaly Rovern Rudes Rularyme Rulds Sappe Sarsed Sayed Scrodvanic Sectsed Seing Seinsed Selic Selovelas Sershoure Seted Shearent Shemosixter Sheolarl Sionquitast Sking Socks Sounes Souste Spared Spolii Staged Stagme Starl Sterferem Sting Stion Stiont Stivan Stricy Subist Subjeconque Substest Sucitigius Sucted Suerishimal Suesse Sugged Sulaviked Suled Suriefards Suriestrill Susti Swers Tabiandity Taily Tatined Tayed Teivanon Terned Theating Thoccariane Thoinew Thole Tholipodly Thontere Thopper Thorissigi Thorived Thoush Throutia Ticent Timinhation Tives Toori Tormectote Trest Trigres Trops Trousattand Trouted Turty Tyleed Tzacy Unthunced Unting Usimall Ustres Vallefeatia Vally Vannamed Vasty Vatinic Vichred Vinfled Vinic Waric Weling Wellece Wented Weribed Wescribers Wesplaters Westentrald Wined Wingated Witypermal Woria Wridalon Writh Yeace
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wadbot · 1 year
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hc092604.wad: Hellcore MAP21 (-464, 3408, 104) Author: Robert Babor (Ship by Devon West) Date: 2004-09-27 Description: 32 levels from scratch. All varied in year and quality, but what can ya do? This text is unfinished, I cannot remember where all these midis are from, frankly I don't care too much, I just want to get this damn thing off my comp, and I apologize if I cannot give credit where it is due.
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boonary · 1 year
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Babore and Boarrok got redesigned!
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armatofu · 10 months
¿Qué quiere decir vete al carajo?
4 Mandar al carajo o irse al carajo Dejar de tomar en consideración algo o a alguien y abandonarlo o echarlo lejos de uno: “Debieras mandar al carajo a todos los acreedores”, “¡Vete mucho al carajo, hijo de la chingada, y no me molestes más!”
¿Qué es el C * * * * * en un barco?
Los antiguos buques de madera, impulsados por grandes velas, donde cientos de tripulantes compartían viajes que podían durar largos meses, tenían un sector muy elevado que se denominaba “carajo”. El carajo era, en simples palabras, la pequeña canasta de madera que el palo mayor del buque tenía en su punto más elevado.
¿Cómo se llaman los 4 lados de un barco?
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La principal manera de distinguir babor y estribor es colocándose bien. Si se mira hacia la proa del barco (la parte delantera) dando la espalda a popa (la parte trasera), babor es el lado izquierdo y estribor es el lado derecho.
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dira333 · 10 months
pigment, masque, sense ^^
pigment: my hair is golden brown. It used to be blond but got darker as I got older. I love copper hair and I used to dye it with Henna, so I'd choose that.
masque: oh gosh, I work in a pharmacy and I usually use what I get for free... right now I have this very expensive cleaning set from Babor that I got for free, it's just foam and a rose toner. A skin perfecting serum and a face cream with spf from Eucerin that I got for free as well... I save a lot of money with that.
sense: I think this means school, right? I've always been good at language classes, both because I learn languages easily and because here they are essentially creative writing classes.
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elzaaas · 1 year
#Baborlove# Babor
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nuggetsofwisdom68 · 3 days
“One of the best realizations is when we are happy without what we think we need to be happy." - Fr. Abundio Babor Jr, MSC   
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bargainshouse · 7 days
#UKDEALS DOCTOR BABOR Exfoliating Toner | Facial Cleanser for Blemished and Oily Skin | Anti-Acne & Pore Refining | With AHA, BHA and PAD | 200 ml https://www.bargainshouse.co.uk/?p=122180 https://www.bargainshouse.co.uk/?p=122180
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naturecoaster · 12 days
Phase 2 of The Mermaid Tale Trail Announced by Florida's Adventure Coast
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Florida's Adventure Coast Visitors Bureau is thrilled to announce the second round of The Mermaid Tale Trail, set to be unveiled on Saturday, November 23, 2024, at the historic Weeki Wachee Springs State Park—home to the world-famous Weeki Wachee Mermaids. This exciting event marks the continuation of a beloved community project that brings together art, culture, and local businesses to celebrate the enchanting mermaid heritage of the region. Unveiling Event at Weeki Wachee Springs State Park will be on Nov. 23, 2024 The official unveiling of the second round of mermaid statues will take place during a public event at Weeki Wachee Springs State Park, renowned for its mermaid performances and rich history as one of Florida’s most iconic attractions. The event promises a day filled with family-friendly activities and the first glimpse of the new mermaid sculptures that will soon adorn the streets and businesses of Hernando County. The Mermaid Tale Trail offers Unique Marketing Opportunities for Sponsors NatureCoaster.com sponsored a beautiful mermaid in the first round of the Mermaid Tale Trail sponsorships. Her name is Nico and the Underwater Velvet, designed and painted by Jess Kasabian, and she lives in Anderson Snow Park, inspiring little visitors to follow their dreams. Diane Bedard, Publisher of NatureCoaster.com says, "We signed up right away to sponsor a mermaid for the first round of the Tale Trail. We love supporting this public art project that brings joy to visitors and residents of all ages." You can see the mermaid dedication here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRpLBt6wZ1w&ab_channel=FloridasAdventureCoastBrooksville-WeekiWachee By sponsoring a mermaid statue, businesses gain a visually captivating piece of public art and an inclusion in the marketing and PR for The Mermaid Tale Trail. Each statue will be prominently listed on The Mermaid Tale Trail website, featured on an interactive map, and included in The Mermaid Tale Trail Passport program—a fun, engaging way for both locals and visitors to explore the trail and discover the treasures of Florida’s Adventure Coast, Brooksville-Weeki Wachee. The Mermaid Tale Trail Passport program encourages participants to visit each mermaid statue, earning points for check-ins at each location. Once completed, participants can redeem their points for exclusive rewards, driving traffic to sponsor businesses and creating memorable experiences for all who embark on this adventure. The Mermaid Tale Trail is a Collaborative Community Effort The Mermaid Tale Trail is a collaborative project between Florida's Adventure Coast Visitors Bureau, Brooksville Main Street, and The Hernando County Fine Arts Council. Together, these organizations have worked tirelessly to create a public art trail that reflects the spirit and creativity of the community while supporting local businesses and artists. Hundreds of people came to Weeki Wachee State Park for the mermaid unveiling. It was fun and exciting to be a part of this public art project. Images by Diane Bedard. Jurors ensure Top Quality Artwork To ensure only the finest designs are brought to life, the team relied on three independent jurors to review the nearly 100 mermaid designs submitted for consideration. “We truly appreciate our esteemed jurors who have brought their expertise and vision to this project,” noted Allissa Babor, chair of the Hernando County Fine Arts Council, “Independent jurors help ensure the artwork selected is of the highest caliber.”  The jurors for the year were: - Bonnie Anderson, Member of Citrus County Festival of the Arts - Andrea Monge, Interim Director of Pasco Fine Arts Council - Dee Dee Seruga, Owner of Ever After Gallery Secure Your Mermaid Sponsorship on Phase 2 of the Tale Trail Today With the unveiling fast approaching, now is the time to secure sponsorship and join in on this extraordinary opportunity to be a part of The Mermaid Tale Trail. Don’t miss your chance to own a piece of Hernando County’s cultural landscape and enjoy the extensive promotional benefits that come with it. For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Tammy Heon at 352-540-6232 or [email protected]. About Florida’s Adventure Coast Visitors Bureau Florida’s Adventure Coast, Brooksville - Weeki Wachee offers authentic experiences of the Sunshine State at its natural best. A wonderland of outdoor adventures, active family fun, centuries of history, Southern hospitality, and vibrant local color, offers a one-of-a-kind visit you won’t soon forget. Enjoy water adventures, land adventures, attractions, parks, and more. Visit us at FloridasAdventureCoast.com to begin your adventure! Read the full article
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zack4x4 · 2 months
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