#baby changheng
fanficsbysenneres · 7 months
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Picture provided by @tockamybeloved
A Walking Dream
The day an assassin compromised the security of Zhongshui.
“Don’t. Move.”
“Do not,” Lord Yunzhong growled, “Even think about putting that anywhere near me –”
“If you don’t stop moving it’ll poke you in the eye!”
Lord Yunzhong closed his eyes as he heard his father chuckling at her nickname for him.
“Son,” he instructed mock-seriously, “You must let a wife have her way, unless you like an empty bed.”
“We are not married yet,” Yunzhong lifted his eyes as if in silent plea to Xuanwu, “There is still time –”
“Oh, so you don’t want to marry me anymore?” Mei was stern. “Well I’m sure I can find another fiancé –”
“Never.” Yunzhong became serious. “I would never allow it.”
“If you would not, then best let her have her way with you, son.”
“See,” Mei twirled the flower between her fingers, “Your father knows what’s good for you!”
Yunzhong surrendered.
“Do it,” he sighed.
She stretched up on her toes to reach his golden crown, carefully trying to slide the pink bloom within its meshed design, eyebrows drawn together in concentration.
The crown hummed and whined softly, shifting and reshaping its design to thwart the intruding stem.
Yunzhong shifted restlessly as the small tyrant pouted.
“Be still!” She scolded them both.
“It won’t let you touch it.” Yunzhong grumbled.
“It will let me touch it, if it knows what’s good for it.”
Finally, the crown seemed to give up, and allowed the offending bloom to be placed coquettishly to one side, above Yunzhong’s left ear.
“There,” Mei pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Now everyone knows you belong to me.”
Yunzhong felt his spirit leave his body.
Her fingers threaded through his, and she smiled up at him.
For one moment, he felt as if he were in a dream. When she smiled at him in just that way, it felt exactly like he was dreaming. The mischievous sparkle in her golden-brown eyes made him want to take her sweet face in both hands and reassure himself it was not a dream and kiss her again and again until it was her spirit leaving her body –
“Mei!” The moment was interrupted by a certain little brother. “Mei, leave my brother alone and come play with me!”
Changheng pulled unceremoniously at Mei's arm, tugging her away to where he’d dumped a bag of marbles on the tiles.
“Help, help, I’m been kidnapped against my will!”
“And that is what you deserve,” Yunzhong pretended to growl, “For disrespecting my crown!”
She shot him a cheeky grin, before allowing herself to be pulled away completely, and knelt down next to Changheng.
“Come now, son,” Yunzhong’s mother was suddenly murmuring at his side, “If you keep looking at her like that you’ll burn her alive.”
Yunzhong barely heard her, enjoying the sight of his fiancée leaning forward to skid a marble in a race against Changheng. Even her bare forearm could make him lose all intelligence.
“Time for us to receive the ambassador,” she called to Yunzhong’s father.
“Dongfang has not been responding to my communications,” he overheard his father murmur as she smoothed a hand over his robes. “I’m beginning to worry someone has been intercepting them.”
“It’s probably nothing,” she soothed. “He lost his wife, he has a newborn son, we must allow him time.”
“Perhaps his ambassador will be able to reassure us.”
They both turned as the ambassador from the Cangyan Sea was announced; his father anticipating the arrival with calm, his mother smiling as she stood beside him.
What happened next was carved into Yunzhong’s memory.
A man pushed into the reception room, wild-eyed and staggering.
“Your majesty –” he gasped.
But he did not finish.
A sword erupted through his chest, spattering blood in a violent streak across the tiles.
He fell forward with a grunt as the air left his body.
Behind him, the ambassador for Cangyan Sea stood, his black robes and gold emblem a stark contrast in the white reception hall.
His crazed stare snapped from the Emperor, to Yunzhong, to Changheng.
His mouth was red, as if he'd swallowed something that had burned him, and his face was pale as if he were deathly ill.
“What's – what's wrong with him...” His mother said faintly.
Blood dripped down the blade of his sword as he lifted his other hand, bright flames materialising in his palm, and he shot a spell out towards Changheng, an ever-growing ball of white fire that singed the air and sucked all the breath out of Yunzhong.
Mei was on her feet and sliding in front of Changheng, arms outstretched, face pale and determined – but the shield she threw was too late, too weak, and it did nothing to stop the fire.
For one terrible moment, Yunzhong was powerless to do anything except watch.
The fire greedily swallowed her as Changheng’s small body slid backwards across the tiles and away from the fire’s all-consuming mouth.
And then, too late, he knew what Mei had done.
She had not tried to save herself. She had known there would not be enough time. She had instead thrown Changheng backwards. She had chosen to save his little brother instead of herself.
The fire burned her, a black figure within the greedy flames, the flakes of her robes burning upwards like hundreds of tiny orange butterflies, and then within the next moment, she was gone.
His Mei was gone.
A grunt and a gasp to his left made him turn, slow – too slow – and his mother was now lying on the tiles, a gash in her throat, sword clattering to the tiles, hands clawing at her wound.
His father was unconscious underneath her, covered in blood – though whose blood it was he did not have time to tell because the ambassador was now turning wildly towards Yunzhong.
“Death to all Shuiyuntian!” He twisted the sword he held, the sound of the blood-soaked handle in his grasp suddenly loud in the silent hall. “You intended to crush us – but I will not let one of you leave this room alive today! Or else it will bring my people disaster!”
But even as inexperienced as he was, as afraid as he was, Yunzhong recognised the uncertainty in the man’s face. The creeping doubt in what he said. 
He looked at the dark blood creeping across the gold-veined marble floor. 
He tried not to look at the mark on the tiles where his fiancée had last stood, arms out to protect Changheng.
“This will be your last day.” He told the deranged man, the words curiously distant, as if someone else had spoken them, and not himself.
He could hear the guards arriving outside – hear them thumping on the doors, trying to get through whatever evil magic held them shut – again, too little, too late, and no guard would be in time to prevent whatever happened next.
The ambassador fixed his eyes on Yunzhong, as if he could not hear the urgent crashing against the doors, as if nothing and no one else existed except them. He saw the ambassador had been wounded, perhaps on his way into the pavilion, perhaps by his father before he'd collapsed. There was blood pouring down the side of his face, and seeping through a wound on his thigh. His teeth were bared, whether in hatred or madness it was impossible to tell, but to Yunzhong he appeared to be grinning, teeth like fangs against his bloodied lips.
"I won't burn you like I did her," he hissed. "I'm going to feel your blood on my hands before you die."
Yunzhong had no training in cultivated attacks. They'd never thought he'd need it. He carried no physical weapon. Why would he?
He was defenseless.
Save for the sword of his mother, still lying on the floor where it had fallen from her limp fingers.
He leapt for it as the ambassador lunged to kill. Yunzhong's landing slipped, he slid to one knee, his fingers splayed in a dark liquid, her rose hurtled out of his crown and rolled across the tiles, its soft pink petals now sticky and red, but he could not allow himself to react. 
Seeing him fall, Changheng cried out from where Mei had pushed him to safety, his chubby little hands fisting in terror, and the ambassador’s grin turned feral as he turned without warning and ran at the helpless child.
Three steps, two steps, one step, the ambassador's sword arced downwards, to plunge into his little brother’s skull – 
The head hit the wall.
The body slumped sideways from the force of Yunzhong’s blow.
Changheng’s crying stopped, his eyes growing round, as if some part of him understood the danger that had just been despatched.
Yunzhong did not hesitate, but lifted his little brother up into his arms, and, with a hastily wiped hand, shielded Changheng's eyes.
He walked past his gasping father, past his lifeless mother, past – no he did not look anywhere else – went to the doors, and let the guards in.
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amedetoiles · 8 months
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eldritch-bisexual · 11 months
Honestly find it hilarious Yunzhong menacing Changheng with the handkerchief.
It's such a dramatic scene.
TADAAH! Pretty Handkerchief!!!
Why would it immediately mean he fancies some random fairy? Why can't it mean he likes pretty stuff? Maybe he has a cold? Is it a lady's handkerchief? Maybe Ronghao gave it to him, he always seemed kinda sus. Idk.
Such a drama queen.
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waitineedaname · 2 months
im seven episodes into lbfad and enjoying it v much but unfortunately im being very scum villain brained about it
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winepresswrath · 2 years
i want fic written to my exact specifications about minor ships in small fandoms where most of the content is presumably in another language. what am I supposed to do? write it myself?
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unfortunatelycake · 2 years
So anyway yeah, I finished watching Love Between Fairy and Devil and honestly it’s one of the best cdramas I’ve seen in ages. 
Like I’m not going to go feral over it like I did for The Untamed, but!!!! It was so good. Sure there were moments I thought were dragged out a bit too long, and until the last 10 eps or so I was only watching 2-3 episodes at a time, but Aaaaaaaaaa 
I’d try to put my thoughts into some kind of sensible commentary but tbh I should be going to sleep rather than poking at tumblr so I’ll summarise to: character development! Costumes! Setting! Plot! Everything was so good! And I love how like... everyone has their Reasons for doing stuff, their own agenda... nobody is doing things for Evil Bullshit (except Taisui) and just... this is the flavour I enjoy.
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llycaons · 2 years
I’ve only watched up to ep22 please don’t judge me for being wrong about characters or spoil anything for me
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glorious-sunset · 5 months
How Immortals age in cdramas – clues from LBFAD
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Many of our favourite cdramas sweep us into the beautiful fantasy world of the Xianxia genre, where immortal beings live for thousands of years! But they look so young?! How does ageing work for these lucky immortals in terms of human appearance? LBFAD (Love Between Fairy and Devil) gives us a few clues about this mysterious process!
Details are below, but in a nutshell, immortal beings grow quickly in childhood then the appearance of ageing slows down and stops! Sometimes their hair turns white when they are drained of energy making them look older than they should! For spirits who have cultivated from plant or animal form, it works differently as they transform directly into adult human form :) I created a graph of the immortal ageing process vs. human appearance based on clues from LBFAD (appears further down, yes I am a math nerd and proud :D ).
Young child
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Our first clue to the mysteries of immortal ageing is Changheng, who was a few hundred years old during the Battle of Two Tribes (30,000 years ago) and is described as having been only a young boy at that time (let’s say around 7). Babies born to immortal parents mature (relatively) quickly into young children over a few hundred years, but ageing slows down after that.
Shangque was also a young boy when he was orphaned and rescued by a young DongFang QingCang (DFQC). Since Shangque describes DFQC as like a brother to him, they are likely of a similar age and DFQC was also a young boy at that time - both a few hundred years old.
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Shangque says that he has served DFQC for 38,000 years since DFQC saved him (in ep. 17). For the last 30,000 of those, DFQC was imprisoned in Haotian tower. Therefore, DFQC had been aged just over 8,000 years during the Battle of the Two Tribes - rough guess 8,500 – 9,000 years old since he was a young boy when he saved Shangque. The Battle of Two Tribes occurred soon after killing his father* and physically, his appearance was of an 11-year-old at that time (the actor was 11 during filming).
At this time, Xunfeng’s appearance was of a 9-year-old (actor was 9), and his age probably around 5,000 years old (based on graph below :D )
Xiao Lanhua’s (XLH) first life with her parents in the beautiful mountains of Xishan was also cut short when she was the same age as DFQC entering Haotian Tower. Her actress was also 11 during the tragic massacre of her tribe, and she began a new life as a little orchid flower spirit hidden in the mortal realm.
(*We know that the Battle of Two Tribes occurred soon after the death of DFQC’s father because XLH tells his father’s spirit in ep. 17 that 30,000 years have passed since his death).
Early 20s
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The immortals Xunfeng, DFQC and Changheng have the appearance of young men aged 21, 22 and 23 (the age of their actors during filming) and represent the early 20s demographic in human appearance! 30,000 years have now passed and their immortal ages are around 35,000 for Xunfeng, 30,500 for Changheng, and 39,000 years for DFQC. (Sadly for DFQC, his body had been unconscious over these 30,000 years while imprisoned in Haotian tower, but his disembodied spirit had stayed conscious and pounded on the Haotian matrix every day.)
Thus immortals aged 30,000 to 40,000 years seem to take on the appearance of humans in their early 20s. Wouldn’t it be great to stay 21 for thousands of years?! :D
Early 30s
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The ages of most of the other characters are unknown, but we have one more clue from an older immortal! We know that Supreme Liyuan is aged over 80,000 years, as he tells “Changheng” in ep. 12 that he is over 50,000 years older than him, and Changheng himself is aged ~30,500 years. Physically, Liyuan’s human appearance is mostly that of a 33-year-old man (the age of his actor during filming). What is strange about his appearance is his hair, which had turned white during the Battle of Two Tribes and never recovered – more on this phenomenon further down.
The Immortal ageing process
Based on the clues LBFAD gave us, here is my take on the ageing process for immortal beings born to immortal parents. Plant spirits, and animal spirits (mentioned in the novel but not the drama) that cultivate into human form are discussed separately below.
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Hair turning white
We sometimes see the hair of immortals turning white when they are drained of their energy and cultivation. It happens to three immortals in LBFAD. The first is Ronghao – he uses up half of his cultivation to heal Changheng in ep. 13. His face and lips drain of blood and his hair starts to turn white.
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DFQC’s hair also turned white during the Battle of Two Tribes. First he was weakened by his battle with Lady Chidi, then Lord Dong, Supreme Liyuan and the entire High Council of Shuiyuntian ganged up on him, separating his body and spirit and imprisoning both with the Haotian matrix. It also turns white when he is possessed by Taisui in ep. 36.
Back to Supreme Liyuan. Along with the others in the Heavenly High Council, he poured his spiritual energy into creating the powerful magical seal of the Haotian matrix 30,000 years ago. Liyuan is one of Lord Dong’s peers, and he and Lord Dong likely worked especially hard to seal DFQC. The process was so draining for Lord Dong that he has been in seclusion since then, leaving his son Yunzhong in charge. Liyuan managed to stay out of seclusion but his hair hasn’t been the same since! It used to be black during the scenes where he enters fatherhood but now seems to be permanently white. (Assuming Danyin and Jieli were born shortly before the Battle of Two Tribes, this would make them around Changheng’s age).
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Cultivated spirits
XLH is a special case and has lived three lives in LBFAD (In her third life, she tells Changheng in ep. 35 that she remembers her previous two lives). In the first, she aged “normally” as above after being born to immortal parents. In the second and third of her lives, she cultivates directly into adult human form from a plant spirit form after cultivating for a period of time. This is what generally happens for plant and animal spirits cultivating into human form in Xianxia.
In XLH’s second life, she was an orchid plant in the mortal realm for 28,500 years or less (or so Siming told her). Time runs faster in the mortal realm, where a few hours in the immortal realm is equal to a few months in the mortal realm. Then Siming brought her to Arbiter Hall, cared for her, and she transformed into human form! At the start of LBFAD, she is 1,500 years old (as she says in ep. 2) and mentally a young girl on the brink of adulthood. She then quickly matures through the drama.
In XLH’s third life, DFQC meticulously cared for her orchid form so well every day that her transformation process is much shorter! (the drama doesn’t specify how long but it took ten years in the novel). After transforming this time, she retains the memories of her previous two lives, and is a mature and responsible goddess with the appearance of a woman in her early 20s.
Lived experience
The lived experience of both DFQC and XLH was interrupted early. DFQC was aged only ~9,000 years when he was imprisoned in Haotian tower. XLH was similarly aged when her tribe was massacred and she was reverted back to a plant spirit with no human form. The child actors for both were 11 during these tragic events. XLH re-emerges 1,500 years prior to the start of LBFAD, then frees DFQC in ep. 1. Thus compared with other “young” characters like Xunfeng and Changheng, their total lived experience is much less, and they are most comparable (and compatible! :D ) with each other.
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Here is a link to my article: Character Names in LBFAD – Meaning and Significance
All of my LBFAD articles can be viewed with the tag #lbfad reflections (hyperlinked) and the table of contents to these is here.
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moonsorchid · 8 months
Rewatching ep. 27 of Love Between Fairy and Devil:
(spoilers ahead)
I still can't believe DFQC gave Xiao Lanhua permission to talk with Changheng privately. If that doesn't show growth, I don't know what does
Of course he was burning inside but still
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"My affection for you is gratitude and appreciation." I am sorry, Changheng, but you got friendzoned
I like Changheng a lot, but I won't lie, I was so happy when I heard her say these words. She finally admits her feelings
DFQC is so worried, but no he'll play it cool
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Oh wait
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Awe and now they are being cute
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Shangque, don't answer him! It is a trap. Jieli is right, you are silly *facepalm* Why on earth did you trust him with that piece of information?
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Omg, not the locks. They are buying the locks. Uff, all I can think of is that bridge scene. They are being cute and I am thinking heartbreak
Yeah, Dongfang Qingcang, keep telling yourself this
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Jieli and Sangque are so cute
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All Shangque wants to do is see the moon with Jieli, but she is busy girlbossing
DFQC had to go to the loudest vendor in the Cangyan Sea
How does Xiao Lanhua have money? Is DFQC giving her an allowance or what?
Omg, the locks, the locks *taking deep breaths, trying not to cry*
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And now he is carving her name with a silly smile on his face. Awe baby is so in love
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Xunfeng, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING? Leave the man alone! He is busy carving her name on the lock and he is happy
Well, he does have a point though about the hellfire
Oh no, did he just ask him to kill her?
Tell him, Dongfang Qingcang
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Xunfeng, can you please shush?
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I love Ronghao playing the flute with no effort or facial movement whatsoever
Btw, Ronghao is so delulu, but so handsome. I can't stop staring at him
Poor baby Ronghao. I feel so bad for his past. But it still does not excuse all the evil he's done and the hurt he's caused
"I just want my master back. Even if she kills me, I'll feel no regrets." *sigh*
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Oh good, the emperor *insert sarcasm*
"I really don't know how to spend my days." Changheng needs desperately a new hobby
Oh now the emperor is like "look, bro, I didn't mean I'll kill you, just admit your mistake and punishment and all is well. I kinda need you to kill DFQC for me, because I may be the emperor but you are stroooonger"
Tell him, Changheng!
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Is there a magical medical device indicating the percentage of recovery for DFQC and in earlier episodes for Xiao Lanhua?
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DFQC is so worried for his people, but Xiao Lanhua is there for him
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Jieli, I trusted you, I really did
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drottni · 11 months
LBFAD Rewatch Part 11:
1. The way he can't even LOOK at her as he tells her "I knew this was a dream from the beginning " 😭😭😭😭
2. XLH's master reeling in her two boyfriends with bait. Like "come here you poor miserable little fishies. I got some juicy worms for you."
3. idc how epic of an intro you get Lady Arbiter and her little pet dragon, YOU DONT JUST HIT MY BOY DFQC LIKE THAT. NO. *angry glares* Also my poor baby just closing his eyes and bracing for it like "ah shit here we go again". Him thinking he just deserves it 😭🥺 Can he just have a break plz.
4. "So she has been saving me since we first met. And I have been hurting her." 🥺🥺🥺
5. Changheng: The splitting process is very painful. No matter what you must persevere.
DFQC who has been through every torture life could throw at him: -_- Bro. I got this.
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6. DFQC as soon as Changheng leaves: *cue music* I am in my plant parent, cottage core, countryside girlie era. I am gonna be so full of love you will have to come back to me.
7. If he doesn't plant you like a seed, carry you around in a pot like a baby, water you with freshly collected dew with gentle drops, take you for morning sunrise walks, talk to you continuously, and watch over you even while sleeping, he ain't it. WHY WAS THIS SO ROMANTIC. SHE IS LITERALLY IN A POT OF DIRT AND I AM GUSHING OVER THE ROMANCE. No one is doing it like them.
8. XLH having to create straight up physical barriers between her and DFQC so that he can't come close enough to see that emotionally she's barely holding on. How his pleading eyes and sweet apologies are two seconds away from making her cry. She can barely even muster anger towards him.
9. The bridge scene: *exists*
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11. DFQC: For her, I will alter fate.
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13. DFQC: There is nothing in this world that can shake me.
Taisui: *grasping at straws, panicking* What if the love of your life forgot about you? What then?
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14. The fact that its DFQC who reminds XLH aka "Goddess who says she will only care about the 3 realms now and not personal desires", that she has to kill him to save the three realms. The fact that her love for him is and always will be stronger than anything else. The fact that he knows this is what must be done and is the one to convince her to do it! AHHHHH KILL ME.
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sassybluee · 9 months
8 and 20 for the ask meme!
8. What unexpected character captured your attention as you wrote?
As you can probably guess... Xunfeng! Babygirl went from nearly being cut out of my minibang fic to being Changheng's boyfriend, which fuelled an idea for a future fic centred around them. It never would've happened had I not felt bad about leaving Xunfeng out, being DFQC's brother and all. But I really couldn't find a place in the plot for him, and I sometimes tend to gloss over him in my other fics unless he's plot-necessary. But no more! He's my baby now.
20. What's something you learned about yourself while writing for LBFaD?
Hmm, I think that I work best with an outline. I used to do a mix of plotting and pantsing (plantsing if you will) in my previous fandoms, but my ideas for LBFaD tend to be... long. So I really need a detailed outline to function! I can't wing it!
Thank you for the ask!! 🥰
LBFAD fic writers ask meme
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amedetoiles · 8 months
mortal changheng is like a golden retriever puppy who just wants to play and make friends with the angry loner new kid on the block i’m snickeringg
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eldritch-bisexual · 1 year
Continuing with live commentary nobody asked for:
Changheng seeing Qingcang lovingly carry a battered, 100% conked out Lanhua and concluding that he must be KIDNAPPING her is just. Kinda wild. Look at her. Look at him looking at her. Does this look like a kidnapping to you my good sir???
I am also very curious to know what's on his mind after he learns the details of what happened. What do you think, baby boy? Kidnapping? Rescue? Elopement?
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yourfriendjulie · 2 years
ok I'm like 6 episodes into Love Between Fairy and Devil and here's some thoughts:
- every time orchid cries and makes him cry through the link and he looks so mad about it? Precious baby.
- the henchman who turns into a dragon who is baffled by his boss's decisions but still loyal to a fault 🥺
- why are they all so obsessed with changheng, he's a basic bitch tbh
- woah big budget dragon 😍😍😍😍😍
- orchid just like "i will befriend this monster and he will be my fluffy monster" is just all you need to know about her actually 😂
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jianghuchild · 2 years
Relationship tags: Danyin/Xunfeng, Danyin & Jieli, Danyin & Changheng
Character tags: Danyin, Xunfeng, Jieli, Changheng
"You're in love with me now."
"Serves you right."
"You're the one who picked up an obviously magical comb!"
aka, love spell shenanigans
Thanks @grabyourpillow for being my inital beta reader, and to @vyther16 for doing my baby/bathwater check after edits.
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kholran · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
tagged by @lasenbyphoenix Thank you!
Three Ships: Zhang Rishan/Liu Sang (DMBJ) because I’m still living on this little houseboat of mine.
WenZhou  (Word of Honour) The epitome of unhealthy codependency. Which of course means I’m obsessed with it.
Weilan (Guardian) My forever ship. I love them.
Honourable mention to Xunfeng/Changheng (Love Between Fairy and Devil) A rarepair crackship that came to me out of nowhere one night. Starts as drunken commiserating over losing their bros. Turns into a rather unhealthy Thing that neither of them really wanted but can’t give up once it starts. It’s complicated. Don’t ask.
First Ever Ship: Mulder/Scully (The X-Files) before tiny baby me even really knew what shipping was. I just knew I wanted them to be together and I have never, in 20+ years, forgiven that damn bee for ruining the moment.
Last Song: Longing (念) from the Love Before Fairy and Devil OST
Last Movie: The Yin Yang Master movie with William Chan. I didn’t like it as much as Dream of Eternity but it was entertaining and that version of Qingming was pretty.
Currently Reading: I’ve been “currently reading” one of the Outlander books for like four years now. Mostly I just read fic, when I’m not busy writing my own.
Currently Watching: Rewatching The Long Ballad. I am loving it just as much the second time as I did the first. Forbidden Love will be next up on the watch list, I think.
Currently Consuming: The home-made sugar cookies my mom and I just finished baking. Made from my grandma’s recipe. Best cookies in the world.
Currently Craving: A vacation and a winning lottery ticket, not necessarily in that order.
My cats are yelling at me because it’s dinner time so I’ll just blanket tag whoever wants to do this. Consider yourself tagged!
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