#baby collector sleeping peacefully
qcoded · 2 years
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dumbass sketch i forgot to post xd
Philip would be a horrible guardian right of the start.. this is why you dont let a mentally ill man take care of a baby
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darkmatter-nebula · 1 year
I would like to know, what you can make up with this following idea:
Hunter is dreaming, but then, the dream fades, and he is in one of his Little Star dream, he giggles at how cartoonish the dream looks like.
After the dream ends, he sees that Belos is still there on the floor, he looks like he's alive, he looks sad and scared.
Hunter feels a familiar presence, he looks up and sees 3 other Collectors, they speak as one, but alternating from each other.
- Fright not Grimwalker...
- ...we mean no harm to you and our brother...
- for this what you see, it is what is like.
The middle one stretches his hand out of his robes showing Belos trapped inside a crystal ball.
- He's ours...
- ...he's paying for his dishonors...
- ... for stealing and deceiving...
- ... for lying and defiling...
- ... a pure hearted that was shattered...
Hunter looks confused, he knows what happened between Colli and other Collectors.
- Don't be mistaken in your thoughts...
- ...we are still siblings at all costs...
- ...even after what had transpired...
- We respect our little brother's desire...
One of them bends to Hunter and says
- You tell him this...
- Rightfull was his heart and mind, and Failed our actions and judgment.
- Take care of him.
Hunter awakes
Request: Could you make something up with this idea?
Hunter telling Colli that the other Collectors repent for what they did to him. Since Colli is still too scared of them, and with reason, it would bring a big comfort to his little big heart.
Greetings! 👋😊
Actually, Colli only met other Collectors recently. None of these jerks are his siblings. Colli was not sealed away by Papa Titan. The small starboy was sealed away by people who pretended to be his friends. The eternal little boy taught said people powerful spells, only to be betrayed by everyone. They sealed him away, so that he couldn't teach anybody else. The poor baby spend many centuries alone and isolated. Fifty years ago, Belos freed him. But only to betray him as well. The Emporer pretended to be Colli's friend at first. As soon as he and Colli arrived at the Castle, Belos revealed his true colors. He lied to Colli about a "game" that required the immortal celestial boy to sit on a strange throne-esque chair. As soon as Colli, who was too trusting for his own good, took a seat on it, shackles wrapped around his wrists and ankles. From this moment, Colli suffered for fifty endless years on the Draining Chair as Belos' living battery. Until the events of "Young Blood Old Souls", as Luz and King found and saved him.
By the way, Little Star is Eda's affectionate nickname for her son Colli. Hunter mostly calls his beloved little brother by his name. The young Grimwalker's nicknames for Colli are Sunshine and Little Angel.
I can write something for you nonetheless, my dear anon! 😊
Drabble: Shared Dreams Are Good Dreams
It was a quiet night on the Boiling Isles as the most inseparable pair of brothers lie peacefully sleeping in each others loving embrace in the large bed in their shared bedroom. The young Grimwalker and the small starboy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold had a shared dream.
Hunter's magenta eyes were filled to the brim with love and adoration for Colli, who was bouncing on some very fluffy looking clouds. The kindhearted eternal little boy had a bright smile on his adorable multi-colored face as he levitated Hunter up to him.
"My beautiful little Sunshine." The former Golden Guard whispered softly as he took Colli's small hand. Colli answered with an even brighter smile as he happily intertwined his fingers with Hunter's. He floated up into kissed softly Hunter's scarred cheek.
No matter if these two were awake or asleep, the immortal celestial boy and the blonde boy couldn't help but show their unbreakable and unconditional brotherly love for each other. Hunter pulled Colli closer in his sleep.
The End
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biderboy · 4 years
contrary to popular belief, they NEVER get fred and george mixed up. each of the marauders know exactly who is who, even when the young boys try and trick them. nobody else can ever tell but they do, sometimes they indulge them though, to see their mischievous little grins
sirius let’s ron color in his tattoos when he’s feeling anxious and tells him stories about why he got them
FANILY TRIP TO A MUGGLE ARCADE !!! james and bill are on a team against sirius and george to see who can get the most tickets. charlie convinces remus to play dance dance revolution with him. lily, ginny, and percy are content playing that deal or no deal game he whole time. peter and fred spend hours on the racing games
percy and peter have a special bond, though most people think peter is bad with kids, percy quite likes his company. he always goes to him for advice and asks peter to show him certain spells
remus was the one who got ginny to take her first steps, granted he was bribing her with chocolate but STILL, she had the biggest smile on her face and took a total of 3 steps before she fell
charlie has an extremely bad temper and likes to fight with his siblings so when he gets really upset james takes him for a long ride on his broom, letting the small boy look over the miles of forests and sea to calm him down
one day bill wanted to make lily and remus breakfast and ended up burning everything so he blamed it on sirius with a perfect lie and sirius was banned from the kitchen for a month
peter was the one who decided they should have family games nights and was the one to build a giant fort, filled with blankets and pillows to fit each family member, it became a tradition they did every friday night
fred stole remus’ wand once and instead of hexing someone he simply used it to stir and mix dirt for 2 hours seeing as he thought it was a stick
sirius wanted to do a crafts day and lily ended up coming home from work to see the twins covered in paint, ron had a mustache drawn on his face, harry had glue absolutely everywhere, and bill had 4 new paper cuts
on “bring your child to work day” james brings bill, harry, ron and ginny to a quidditch practice and all his teammates coo and how cute they are. sirius takes charlie and fred to the shop and lets them sit in old cars and motorcycles all day. remus takes george to the muggle library he works out and lets him run around picking out books he likes. lily takes percy with her to hogwarts and lets him meet all his future professors.
one day james came home to see bill wrapped up in 2 blankets on his bed, sleeping peacefully. and james just joins him in his nap, so lily comes home 2 hours later and see her boys sprawled out in bed
sirius teachs each of the kids a few words and phrases in french and watches james loose his shit because “WHEN DID WE LEARN FRENCH???”
SNOW DAYS !!!!!! bunch of little red heads wrapped in 12 different lays because james is a worrier and he can’t have any of his kids getting sick, he wasn’t even going to allow ginny, george and ron out because they got sick easily
percy and harry pick flowers for lily from their garden and each time she puts them in a vase at the dinner table so everyone can see and compliment them
ron sometimes has nightmares so more often then not remus wakes up to find a tiny red head clinging to him
ALL THE BOYS LIKE TO DRESS UP IN THE MARAUDERS CLOTHES !!!!! bill sneaks into james closest and wears his old gryffindor clothes, charlie and george dress up like remus’, percy and harry raise peters closest for sweaters and socks, ginny, fred and ron sneak into sirius’ room and come out in leather jackets and boots
for father’s day they all make a bunch of cards and ask lily to take them to the muggle store to buy candy and so the boys come home to find a cake and a mess of presents and they definitely don’t cry (they do, especially james)
OH and for mother’s day the boys dress up and demand for lily to wear her prettiest dress and trhey dance through the living room and lily is so lucky to have her little (big) family
they get everywhere by floo BUT when they go to visit remus or lily’s fanily they have to take muggle transportation and the looks they get are horrible but they don’t care because sirius has harry on his shoulders and ginny is happily hanging from remus’ neck and the twins are pointing out different cars and trees
fred is an avid rock collector and spends hours telling james about each rock and what he named it and why and james listens very intently, nodding and asking questions and even gets offended when sirius gets a name wrong
bill hates cleaning and hates chores but sirius plays music while they’re cleaning his room and so he enjoys it a bit more, especially when sirius pretends to play the guitar and shouts out the words to the songs
george and remus really like rainy days and they’re more often then not found playing in the rain and jumping in mud puddles and they get so dirty, but they don’t care
charlie doesn’t like his freckles but sirius started calling them star kisses and calling charlie “baby star” and now he demands everyone to call them such
ginny and harry are very picky eaters, harry hates bananas because they are too mushy and there’s a wide variety of food ginny throws at peter because she simply doesn’t care for it
sometimes george has magic outbursts that he can’t control and random things will start levitating or smoking and to make sure he doesn’t get embarrassed, sirius cheering s him on with “yea georgie !!! ur magic is so cool !! i wish i could do that”
after each full moon, as if they know, all the kids crowd around remus’ bed and bring him a bunch of his favorite chocolate and tell him stories till he feels better again
george and fred almsot left the house in mismatched shoes and james was fully prepared to let them because it looked cool
carving pumpkins is a complete mess because ron wants to eat the pumpkin seeds and harry threw guts in bills ahir and Sirius and james are the same amount of child as the rest of them , it takes hours and the decide to paint pumpkins the next halloween
surprisingly ron was the first to start calling james “dad”, after copying harry mostly. but they all fell along into it. but at some point the started calling remus and sirius “dad” too and so when charlie went to school one day he gladly told the teacher he had 4 dads and a mum
one day remus gets up in the middle of the night to find fred and ron sitting on the kitchen floor eating sweets they weren’t suppose to have nd he sits and joins them because there was chocolate james his from him in there
i 100% think they had the “kisses make everything better” thing going on and everytime one of them got hurt, sirius would kiss the injury while simultaneously healing it and so for years they all genuinely believe kisses fix everything
bath time was so long in the house, luckily they had 2 bathrooms but still , fred liked taking long baths, ron and harry refused to even step near the bath, running around the house until one of them got caught, and count in sirius taking an hour long shower and bath time simply lasted forever
each kid, yes even bill, especially bill, had to be tucked in properly each night. each and everyone of the marauders had to say goodnight and give hugs. the younger ones demanded stories and songs until they fell asleep, and charlie absolutely made james lay in bed with him while he told james a story
lily introduces them to a ton of muggle things, including muggle sports, so the boys take a liking to soccer and every chance they get, they make james and peter run around playing with them
one day james can’t find his old gryffindor hat and goes to look for it, only to see charlie outside, sitting underneath a tree, wearing said hat. when james asks about it he says, “oh! i wear it when i miss you”
taking the kids camping was a BAD idea. ron hates bug of all sorts and had 3 fits just with the idea of having to sleep on the ground. ginny and harry won’t stop chasing bill when he’s trying to get firewood. percy insists on knowing how to put the tents up and ends up hurting more then helping. and getting a fire started was remus’ job but the twins see to like making things difficult and so they just go home
and yes this is longer than expected but once again, i will never stop talking about it
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scribbuluswrites · 4 years
The Collector
And now for something completely different! This is a little ditty I wrote from a Halloween prompt. The idea just took hold and thus began an affair with Death. 
Thanks for reading and hope you guys enjoy!
The town was practically buzzing with excitement. Everyone was keyed up and afraid for their lives, unable to calm their nerves long enough to stem the constant chattering. They had to talk; they had to gossip. It was their only outlet. 
“Did you hear?” the stock boy whispered, eyes giant as he helped roll pallets off the truck. He was as green as humans could be, shaken by the number of things gone wrong in town.
“Which one?” the delivery driver replied, his face ashen as he thought about the possibilities. He managed to push the dolly across the loading bay, but he looked like he could be sick at any moment. 
“Just this week there were three more,” the store manager chimed in, deep purple bags under his eyes as he verified the delivery list. No one had enjoyed a decent nights’ sleep since everything started changing.
Ana stirred, rolling over on the couch. She had been sleeping in her grandmother’s apartment for a few weeks now, doing her best to take care of her during the final days. 
She thought she heard a noise, but as she opened her eyes, the apartment was still dark. Ana held still, listening carefully. There was silence. 
Sighing, she started to snuggle back into the pillows. Faintly, there was a voice drifting down the hallway from her grandmother’s room. Ana’s eyes shot open, but she stayed perfectly still. 
The voice began speaking again. Ana couldn’t understand the words, but the tone was comforting, soothing. It made her want to close her eyes and go back to sleep, suddenly overcome with a peaceful feeling. 
Fighting it, she crept out of her makeshift bed. Her socks muffled her steps, allowing her to move almost silently down the hall towards the bedroom. 
There was a hooded figure sitting on its knees at her grandmother’s bedside. Ana watched quietly, shocked at how unafraid she felt of the stranger in the apartment. The thing pushed the hood back, revealing itself to be a man. 
A very handsome man, she thought, her eyes taking in his golden skin and deep brown curls. Everything about him had an otherworldly glow in the moonlight streaming in through the window. 
He was still speaking softly. The man gently traced his thumb over the elderly woman’s forehead. The little crease between her brows relaxed and her expression went slack, as though she was totally comfortable in that moment. 
An orb of glowing blue light rose from her parted lips. The man closed his hand around it, briefly closing his eyes. 
Ana felt the quickest flash of icy cold, and when he opened his palm once more, the orb was gone. She gasped, realising what had happened. 
The man’s head snapped up, his dark eyes focusing on her. Ana didn’t feel afraid despite knowing she should. 
When she blinked, he had vanished. She stared at the empty spot by her grandmother’s bed, wondering where he had just gone. Ana stepped into the room, crossing it quickly to poke her head out the window. He had left it open. 
To her surprise, the man was outside on the fire escape. He looked even more surprised to see her in return. 
“What are you doing?” she asked, cocking her head. 
“I’m... “ he started, the calm, dulcet tone replaced by a slightly deeper, heavily accented voice. “I’m new,” he admitted, physically cringing as she grinned. 
“Come back inside,” she urged, glancing back into the apartment. Her expression fell as her eyes looked over her grandmother. 
“She’s not in pain.” 
Ana nodded, not meeting his glance. “I know, I’ll just miss her.” 
“I will stay, but only for a moment,” he conceded, following her back into the apartment. Out of a deeper compulsion, he put his arm around her shoulders, shielding her from the still figure lying in bed. 
“Would you like some tea?” she murmured, feeling comforted by him. 
“I can’t drink it, but I would like to watch you make some,” he said softly, letting her go as they neared the kitchen. “I’m Alex, by the way,” he mentioned, taking a seat on the couch. He cringed again. “Don’t introduce yourself,” he chastised under his breath, briefly shaking his head. 
“Ana, and I promise not to tell anyone Death is named Alex,” she chuckled, distracting herself with the kettle. “Do you always appear so…” Ana paused, gesturing vaguely towards him with her hand. 
“So?” Alex echoed. 
“Handsome,” she finished, her cheeks flushed. 
Alex wanted to smile. Ana was very pretty. Death was not supposed to be noticed by the living, though. His human form was merely to blend, not to pretend anything human could be experienced. 
Ana walked back into the living room, sitting on the couch next to him. She clutched her tea in both hands, suddenly conscious of how quiet Alex had gone. 
They sat in uncomfortable silence for a few minutes, the quiet only broken by the sound of Ana taking a few sips of her drink. She knew she had said the wrong thing, but what she didn't know was why Alex was still here. 
“Alex?” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. She kept her eyes on her hands. He didn’t say anything, but she knew he was listening. “Is it better? Wherever you take them?” 
“Of course,” he murmured, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Ana let herself break down for just a moment, burying her face against his neck. Alex closed his eyes, breathing deeply. This would be his last hug for a very long time, and he wanted to savour every moment. 
When Ana opened her eyes again, Alex was gone. She pressed her hand to her cheek, the faintest tingle from the brush of his lips still there. It was the only trace Death had left behind. 
A few weeks later, Ana was sitting at the train station. It had been a very long day at work, and now her train had been delayed nearly an hour, leaving her sitting in the cold. It was miserable. 
On top of her current predicament, she had been in a perpetual bad mood for days. She was starting to miss Alex a little bit more each day. Her brain knew she wouldn’t see him again, but her emotions wanted him close by. 
She absently turned the page of her book, going through the motions more than actually reading at this point. Her mind was definitely elsewhere. 
Further down the platform, she heard a scream. People began rushing towards the opposite end, and Ana followed after them, curious about all the commotion. 
“Someone call an ambulance!” someone shrieked. Another bystander opened their arms, nearly pulling Ana into a hug. She sidestepped, carefully directing them to another crying person. 
“She jumped,” a man gasped, tears in his eyes. “We were arguing, and she just jumped.” Ana stepped a little closer, glimpsing a familiar face at the edge of the platform. He jumped off to help someone trying to move the stricken body. 
Ana caught the smooth movement of his hand as he passed it over her forehead. The dead woman’s face went slack, her eyes slipping closed peacefully. 
Ana extended her hand, and Alex grasped it as he climbed back onto the tall platform. He barely glanced at her, doing a double take as he recognized her face. 
“Ana,” he grinned, keeping his hold on her hand as he wove through the crowd. In all the chaos, no one even glanced at them. 
“Hello, Alex,” she replied, whispering his name. He chuckled. 
“How have you been?” She could feel the struggle he was going through. Alex clearly wanted to stay and talk to her, but he kept shifting his weight like he needed to leave. 
“I’ve been missing Death, so I’m ok-ish,” Ana answered, smiling. “Want to watch me drink some coffee? Mix it up a bit?” she teased. Alex ducked his head. 
“I really shouldn’t. I’m not supposed to spend a lot of time here. Once people really look at me, they’ll see me more easily,” he explained, realising he was still holding her hand. He let go, taking a step back. 
“I work just a few blocks from here. I have my own office and access to a fancy coffee maker,” she offered, hoping he would accept. Alex looked around. No one was looking at them. 
“I can’t stay long.” Ana grinned proudly, nodding. 
“I drink fast.” 
Alex walked home, feeling more human than he had in a century. Even the fog and craggy rocks didn’t feel nearly as dark and oppressive tonight. Despite the pitch black sky, Alex felt like his world had a bright shining beacon. 
“You took a very long time.” Alex stopped in his tracks, turning around slowly to face his brother. “Just one soul shouldn’t have taken you almost two hours.” 
“There was a massive crowd. It took much longer than I thought to actually get through them to the body. I didn’t want to draw attention,” Alex lied. There wasn’t a breeze here, but his cloak still waved, giving the impression of a gentle wind ruffling the hem. 
“Don’t lie to me, baby brother,” Marc chastised. Only his eyes were visible with his hood pulled up, but Alex could perfectly picture the frown that would have been on Marc’s human face. “You can’t have a life on the surface.” 
“I know,” Alex growled, his bony hand tightening on his scythe. He didn’t need Marc reminding him of how pointless his feelings were. Alex knew his role. 
“Alex,” Marc began, stopping when his brother turned away from him. Marc sighed, knowing better than to follow Alex. They didn’t often fight, only when Marc tried to remind Alex of his place. He knew how much his younger brother hated the lectures. 
Alex closed the curtain around his little area. It was as close to a room as anyone managed down here. The black velvet provided a little privacy, but the windows were still open, devoid of any panes. 
He sat down on the bench at the edge of his ‘bed’. Death didn’t need to sleep, but there were still times that laying down felt comforting, restful even. It reminded him of the human life he had once had.
With his hood still up, Alex’s fingers were bone. All of the flesh vanished in his proper Death robe. Despite the lack of skin, he could still feel the phantom sensation of Ana’s hair between his fingers. 
His face was gone, replaced by the coal black bones of his reaper form. Where his lips had been, he could still taste her kisses. It was a strange thing having two forms. Even without any of the human senses he possessed in his other self, Alex was certain he could still smell her, feel her. 
“Ana!” She jumped, nearly dropping the vial in her hand. 
“Don’t do that, Marina,” Ana complained, holding her empty hand to her chest. “I almost ruined this.” She gently stirred the boiling contents in her cauldron. The blue liquid slowly changed colours, lightening to an unappetising greyish blue as she stirred in the oil. Despite it’s looks, it smelled like the most delicious lemon cake, bright and zesty. 
“You’re not usually so distracted. I have to take some advantage,” Marina replied, grinning at her friend. They had been brewing together for nearly ten years, and she had never once caught Ana off guard. “What’s his name?” she guessed, her smile wicked as Ana blushed. 
“Who’s name?” she asked, feigning ignorance. 
“You have a secret fella!” Marina crowed, looking quite pleased with herself. “You have to tell me everything.” Ana frowned, keeping her eyes on the potion. “What’s his name? How’d you meet? How long have you been sneaking around? Does he know you’re a witch?” Marina fired off question after question. 
“His name is Alex, alright?” Ana finally cracked, knowing the endless stream of questions would continue until she did. “None of the rest matters because I don’t think I’ll see him again.” She tried to keep her expression neutral, not wanting to admit how disappointed she was. It had only been a month, but she hadn’t stopped thinking about Alex and the half hour she had convinced him to drag into an hour together. 
“Oh, c’mon. We could always brew up something to see where he’s at. Arrange an accidental run in?” Marina suggested, toying with the edge of the spellbook. 
“No.” Ana’s tone was final, but inside, she wondered if it would be possible. Would the spell show her Death in his lair? Or, would it show her someone who was on the verge of dying? 
“I’ll leave a few ingredients just in case you want to give it a whirl after I leave,” she replied, partially ignoring the answer. 
Alex felt the pull of another soul on the verge. It was a gentle pulse where his stomach should have been. He closed his eyes, letting the sensation behind his naval tug him through his world and into the one of the living. 
His feet landed silently on the ground in a dark alleyway. He’d learned long ago how to sense the living and avoid them on his initial arrival. From here, he’d just let himself wander, inevitably finding his way to the soul in need. 
Glancing up and down the street, he stepped out, satisfied that no one was nearby. He slipped his hood down just before the first streetlamp hit him, not wanting to be seen with his cloak and scythe. 
Alex ruffled his hair, taking a moment to look at his fingers. His human hands didn’t feel quite so foreign any more. He slipped the ballpoint pen into his pocket, glad his scythe transformed much more easily now. It had taken a lot of practice to get it right. 
He breathed out a huge sigh as he reached the correct building, disappointed to see the blue light hovering just outside a window on the tenth floor. Climbing was his least favourite activity. 
The window was open, though, and he slipped into the apartment silently. He hovered over the still form of an elderly man, moving his hand over his forehead. Pain slipped from the man’s face, and he looked calm. Alex wrapped his hand around the orb of light, passing this soul along to the next place. 
He started to turn around when a figure in the doorway caught his attention. Ana was standing perfectly still, leaning against the frame. 
“How did you…” he trailed off, sensing something wasn’t quite right. 
“Mr. Collins asked for help along,” she admitted, gesturing towards the now-deceased man. 
“You helped him die?” Alex asked, unable to wrap his head around this development. She nodded slowly, stepping back towards the hall. 
“Sometimes people come to me when they’re in pain. I usually pass them along to someone else, but it occurred to me, I could accomplish two things this time.” Ana led him down the hallway and out into the kitchen. It felt strange being in this apartment. She was caught between her happiness at seeing Alex once more and the sadness of having provided poison to someone. “Would you walk me home? It’s not far, and I doubt anyone is out at this hour.” Alex made no move towards her. He looked upset. “I’m sorry. I’ll just go,” she said softly, turning quickly. 
“I’ll walk you home this once, but we can’t make a habit of this,” Alex told her, his long strides bringing him to her side quickly. Ana nodded solemnly, careful not to look up at him. Alex twined his fingers with hers, letting his emotions get the better of him. 
The young woman looked around nervously. She hadn’t been to this part of town before. It felt a little unwelcoming, but she also knew that this was the only shop in Lleida that sold these kinds of things. 
She crossed the street, verifying the address her friend had texted. This was the right place. 
She buzzed apartment 7C, glad to hear the door unlock almost immediately. Moving quickly through the lobby, she took the stairs two at a time. 
The woman looked up, pleasantly surprised to see someone waiting for her. There was always something awkward about knocking on a stranger’s door. 
“I’m Belle, and you must be Christina,” the stranger greeted, gesturing for the girl to come inside. 
“Yes, I’ve heard a lot about you from Marina. She said you’ve been working together for a while.” 
Belle nodded. “Marina’s much better with divination, but potions are my specialty,” she replied with a warm smile. “She mentioned you were looking for a Notice Me concoction.” 
“I know it sounds silly, but…” 
“Nonsense. It’s just a head turn, really. Your intended will finally look at you, but it won’t change the outcome. That’s still up to you,” Belle reassured, moving around the cauldron. It bubbled and steamed, emitting a soft bubblegum scent. 
Christina took the small vial Belle held out, studying the pink liquid inside. It shimmered in the light, bringing a grin to her face. 
“It looks so girly,” she giggled, reaching into her purse to pull out 20 euro. “Thank you for this.” 
“Of course. Are you planning to take it soon?” Belle asked, her voice friendly. Christina didn’t at all suspect her motives. 
“Probably tonight,” Christina replied with a grin, blushing. “My friends are having a party down at Carballeira. I think he’ll be there.” 
“Wonderful food, relaxed company. Sounds like a great time,” Belle commented, smiling brightly. “Have a good time.” 
Christina stood outside the Mediterranean restaurant, mentally psyching herself up. She had seen her crush though the window, and he looked very good tonight. 
“You got this,” she murmured, uncorking the potion. Christina downed it in one gulp, taking a second to lean against the wall. She was standing just out of sight of the restaurant, not wanting anyone to see her take the Notice Me. It wasn’t strictly legal. 
She looked up, hearing footsteps approaching. Christina’s eyebrows knit together, unable to fully comprehend. 
“Hello, again,” she said softly, walking past her and further into the dark alley. 
“What are you doing here?” Christina asked, her stomach sinking as she realised Belle had followed her here. 
“Shouldn’t be long now,” Belle muttered, pacing in front of her. 
“What…” Christina broke off, grabbing at her throat. It felt like it was closing up. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t seem to take a breath. 
“Are you in pain?” Belle had paused her walking, stopping to look at Christina. “I’ll need to adjust for that. Maybe some numbing of the mind or drowsiness before the lung paralysis.”
Christina wanted to scream. She could feel her pulse weakening, and the edges of her vision were beginning to dim. 
Another person appeared in the alley with them. The figure was very tall and shrouded in black. It had bony hands wrapped around a scythe, its skeleton black like charcoal. 
“Belle,” Christina rasped, collapsing onto the ground. Panic overtook her as she realised the man was Death. She crawled a few feet before her entire body went limp. 
“Why did she call you Belle?” the figure asked, pushing its hood back. 
Christina expected to see a skull, but instead, he looked like a very attractive young man. He had tanned skin and dark, curly hair. They were obviously familiar with each other.
“That’s what I go by for work.” 
“Ana,” he sighed, shaking his head. “She looks terrified. You have to let them sleep first. It’s much harder this way,” he chastised. Belle - Ana, she corrected mentally, stepped up to him. She absently ran her fingers over the lapels of his newly appeared suit. 
“I just missed you,” she whispered, looking up through her lashes. Death relented, placing his hands on Ana’s cheeks and kissing her soundly. 
Christina’s stomach lurched as she watched them. She had been lured in and killed by a woman enamoured with Death. Ana had used her to bring him to the surface world. 
The man approached Christina, kneeling in front of her. She wanted to cry for help or try to fight, but she couldn’t feel her body any longer. Her eyes were wide with horror, the only part of her body she was still able to move. 
“I’m sorry for your pain, but it is the only way,” he said softly, smoothing his thumb over her forehead. Christina felt the last of her life gently eased away. This part, at least, felt just like falling asleep.
Alex didn’t even bother feeling conflicted any more. He still gave his all when it came to ferrying the souls across, but he made sure to land on the living plane running. 
Along with his pull to the souls in need, Alex could feel something drawing him to Ana now. This sensation was where his heart used to be, and he let himself believe it was a sign that he could still feel. 
This was becoming a routine. Marc also knew this, but he had been careful not to push his brother away with chastisements and lectures. As long as Alex was doing his duty properly and respectfully, Marc was going to give him a bit of space to make this mistake. 
“Ana,” Alex breathed, his tone reverent as he stepped through the door. She had started renting hotel rooms close to whomever had approached her for an elixir to end their suffering. It was macabre, but they both ignored it, too lost in each other to give it much thought. 
“I know we said no more than once a month, but I couldn’t…” Her words were lost in his kiss, Alex unable to restrain himself any longer. If she hadn’t been approached, he would have risked crossing the entire city to see her. The time apart was becoming more unbearable. 
“As long as it isn’t too often,” he whispered back, hands already working on the button of her jeans. Alex knew she was starting to kill more than just the ones looking for an end to their suffering, but he was too enthralled by her to beg her to stop.
“Once a week, tops,” she agreed, letting her head fall back as his hands slid her trousers down her legs. 
The sky outside was beginning to brighten, the sun taking the horizon from deep indigo to Aegean. Ana hated this part of the day, wishing the night could drag on for a few more hours. She rolled to face Alex, unsurprised to see him watching her. 
She tossed an arm over his waist, resting her head on his shoulder. Alex linked his arms tightly around her, kissing the top of her head. He took a long breath, inhaling the scent of her shampoo deeply. It needed to leave a lingering trace on his senses. 
“Ana,” he started, his voice muffled in her hair. 
“No,” she replied flatly, burrowing deeper against him. He sighed, trying to gently pull her away from his side. “No, I don’t want to hear it. Every time you tell me this can’t happen again, that you can’t ever come back.”
“And I mean it every time. I have to mean it,” he said back, finally scooting away so he could look at her face. “Ana, this can’t…” 
“I know,” she interrupted, eyes pleading. “Just leave. Leave, and let me pretend that I’ll see you again. Let me keep my fantasy that you love me, too.” Ana covered her mouth. That was never supposed to come out.
“No one loves Death.” Alex’s voice was shaky. No one had used that word with him in centuries. Even Marc had stopped saying such things, completely given over to the emptiness in their new form. 
“I love you, Alex.”
Morning was fast approaching, but Alex couldn’t pull himself away this time. He would never give up this feeling; this faint, imagined heartbeat. 
“I’ll stay a little longer,” he whispered, rolling over. Alex looked down at her, grinning at the hunger in her eyes. His hands skimmed up her body, pulling her wrists above her head. “You belong to me, now,” he pronounced, pressing desperate kisses to each side of her neck. 
“There’s a reason the French call orgasms la petite mort,” she grinned, gasping as he shifted against her. 
“Death comes for you, love,” he teased back, losing his own thoughts as she rolled her hips. 
“Hello, dear,” the old woman greeted, hand still raised to knock on the front door. Ana smiled at her, caught off guard by the sudden intrusion. “I saw moving boxes and thought I’d be neighborly. Welcome to Barcelona. It’s a big city, but I like to pretend we’re all neighbors.” 
“That’s very kind of you,” Ana replied, dusting off her hands before shaking the elderly woman’s in introduction. “Do you live across the hall?” 
“No, I’m down two floors. I’ll be going to an assisted living community next month, but I still like to think of myself as the welcome wagon,” the woman said proudly. “No one else seems to be very chatty around here.” Ana visibly relaxed. That was exactly what she looked for in an apartment building. “Where are you moving from?” 
“Lleida.” The woman frowned. 
“Well, I’m glad you made it out of there! They had a lot of mysterious deaths recently. I heard something about a witch, but I don’t put stock in such myths,” the woman continued, glancing past Ana into the apartment. Ana pushed her cauldron out of view with her heel. 
“What a silly thing to believe in,” she chuckled in agreement. 
“Is it just you, dear?” The elderly woman had once again leaned past Ana, looking into the apartment. She might be too curious for her own good. 
“For the most part. My boyfriend lives here, but he keeps the oddest hours,” Ana chuckled. “Would you like to come in for some tea?” 
It took almost six months before anyone realised people had been going missing in town. There was a faint trace of poison in the first victim, but none of the rest showed even the slightest sign of toxicity. 
Ana’s careful selections allowed her and Alex nearly two years in Barcelona. After that, they spent less time picking out a ‘long term’ home, and just enjoyed traveling the world together. 
Alex spent years being proud of Ana’s potion brewing. She could make the most untraceable venoms. She also had a knack for making them entirely painless. 
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giselle-stoneheart · 4 years
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NAME : Giselle Stoneheart
AGE:1,283 Appears to be 28 years old. .
HEIGHT : 5′5
ORIENTATION : demiromantic pansexual
FREQUENTS: Belwyn Forest
OCCUPATION : Owner of Collector’s Quarters
Residency: 6087 The Offshore Villas
FUN FACT: Her favorite color is forest green, but is often wearing black or dark colored clothing with accents of green through out her wardrobe and yes it is fabulous darling.
FATHER: Odysseus Stoneheart (NPC) MOTHER: Tempest Stoneheart (NPC) SIBLINGS: Rosily Stoneheart(NPC), Willowbreath Stoneheart(NPC), (WC) Stoneheart SIGNIFICANT OTHERS: Syphon Greyjoy ( husband, deceased)   Prudence Windwalker ( wife, missing) 
tw: tourture, murder, kidnapping, death
“Fairies have to be one thing or the other, because being so small they unfortunately have room for one feeling only at a time.”
She’s  precocious, a trait that has only increased the longer she’s lived. It served her well when the idiot trio accidentally made vampires. Giselle could remember the smug look of satisfaction on her father’s and mothers face at the witch’s folly, “Serves them right for trying to understand a thing that was never meant for them.” gingerly sipping on his tea but the true venom laced every word.  While some called them accidents or abominations, her father and in-fact all from her family line saw themselves as prodigies. Faeries existed not because of the wills of some angelic being, but by shear will. Forge form the great magics that swept the lands. Nurtured by mother nature herself. Powerful, beautiful, immortal. We are the things they wished to be, beings that will be left standing long after the wars  end.  This sense of pride isn’t for prides sake. The legacy of a Stoneheart is tracked all the way back to the Fruition. “ So why aren’t we a part of the high courts? Why settle to be just and adviser?” it was a question she often asked herself even now. She came from a family of advisors on her mothers side and warriors on her fathers. If they wished it: more power wasn’t so far out of their grasp. “The head may wear the crown but it’s the neck that can move the head, this way or that.” Even in her bloom of youth she could understand what her father meant. Giselle was nothing if not quick and witty. Though weren’t most fae .  She was only 150 years old still a baby, in most eyes. But that didn’t stop the want and need for more control and power to fester deep within her. For like those who came before; she would have it and she would have it by any means. 
“It is frightfully difficult to know much about the fairies,
Giselle learned as most fae do to keep her true thoughts to herself. Human were so easy to read, witches to : at least the less clever witches. Emotion played so easily on their faces.  Keeping her thoughts to herself was always easier with them. Then came Syphon, a fae that thought he was so smart. In truth he was, he bested her at every turn. It was a funny thing, she had never considered marriage before. She didn’t want to be the figure behind a man’s name. She wanted a name for herself: it was why she studied so hard. Practice her magics and skills.  But at every turn he bested her. Which only made Giselle want him more. The wedding was a grand one. As most things are  with Giselle. It was a marriage of convenience for Syphon. For while she wanted him, Syphon had fallen in love... with a human no less. A human that carried his child; it was an embarrassment that she couldn’t stand. Especially when he had given her no children of her own. This is when a more malevolent nature took root. Though to his face, she was the picturesque wife. As she plotted the end of the lovers story; fading into the darkness unseen or heard by either of them. She slipped into their quaint little home. Their new born l resting peacefully in their bed. Taking the human child and replacing it with a fae babe.  Of course, Syphon would realize it- so she slit him open from navel to nose. Thanks to the iron she has slipped into his food over the last several months. Not enough to notice just enough to weaken him for this moment. Giselle reveled in the mess she had made;  his blood stained the sheets.  His lover sleeping peacefully, and their child quietly watched in her arms  as her papa desolve into faerie dust
It’s worth the nasty burn of the iron handle etched into her skin. She plays the poor widow for all of a day. Before she is back to her true form and married to another. Prudence, someone as vicious and wily as herself. This new era for the newly appointed fae advisor isn’t a fulfilling one. It is prudence disappearance that pushes Giselle towards more darker means of power. cautiously dabbling in the dark arts. But she always knows to wear a smile and look the part of an unassuming shop owner. until it’s time to make her play for real power. She is ever the wise and humble advisor
- she has a nasty scar on her hand thanks to the iron in the dagger she used to kill her husband. Because of this and her own vanity, she wears elegant gloves all the time. The only person who has seen the scar are those she trust... so not many.
- the dagger that ended her husband’s life hangs proudly on the wall of her shop behind the counter her trophy. 
- Syphon’s and his lovers child Giselle has raised as her own. though she doesn’t claim the child. She does put on airs that she cares for them when really she is just using them as a way to continue to torture their human mother. 
- contrary to what most think she does care for some. but her love of power and control out weighs that most of the time. 
- this makes it hard for her to form deeper attachment. Prudence was the only one that seemingly got it and with her missing. Giselle is less incline to care for anyone or anything that doesn’t benefit herself in the long run.
- Giselle loves making deals, loves it even more when she gets to collect on those deals. Be careful. you may think you’re giving just a foot but she’ll end up taking your whole leg. 
* long/deep plots if your interested leave me a message ! 
- *the other woman: this is syphon’s lover. it was a very big misfortune to have gain Giselle’s ire but she sticks close to the human offering up her ‘friendship”. For no other reason than to make sure that she can make the other as miserable as possible. And to have a front row seat of it.
- the unwanted ward- this is the offspring of Syphon and his lover. Giselle is very good at making people believe she cares. But caring is harder for Giselle to do these days and as much as she has tried not to grow a fondness for her late husband’s love child she has. 
- *A Stone heart through and through- this is Giselle younger sibling. More than willing to help them as rise to their own power. So long as they don’t try to undermine hers they are the best of friends. 
- Unwilling allies- This is someone that has found some use to Giselle and in return she is found useful to them as well. Of course as with most things alliances are easily made and broken in this world. We’ll see how long this one last. 
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blacknight1230 · 5 years
Horns Like the Devil (1/2)
Hellboy X Reader 
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Reader is similar to Maleficent (live action one). 
Dr. Broom is still alive in this; Liz and Hellboy have a platonic relationship, like in the comics. 
I suggest listening to “Horns (STéLOUSE Remix)” by Bryce Fox while reading. 
Hellboy’s morning started out normal. Well, as normal as a half-devil agent for s uper secret world-saving organization. He was just hanging out in his room of the BPRD headquarters, lifting his extremely heavy weights, when an alarm and computerized voice filled the air. CODE RED. WARNING: CODE RED. “What now?” Hellboy grunted. “Can’t a man work out in peace?” He huffed and put on a shirt and his signature trench coat, leaving his little haven for another monster bashing mission. 
~ This time skip is brought to you by Baby Ruths candy bars ~
“A couple of hours ago, the Bureau was tipped off about an blackmarket deal was going on underneath the John Ballantine House in Newark, NJ. Apparently, there was an auction selling illegal paranormal items and illegally acquired live paranormal creatures,” Clay explained as he walked with Hellboy, Abe, and Liz  through the cellar of the historic house. “We originally sent a handful of agents down to nab the guys running the auction and round up any paranormal ‘collectors,’ but all communications to them have been left unanswered.” They stopped in front of a brick wall, seemingly the end of their route. Professor Broom was standing next to the wall, cane in hand. 
“Hello, Father,” Hellboy greeted the much older man. “Hellboy. Abe could you so kindly help us find out what we are dealing with,” the elderly director asked the fish-like man. Abe strode up the false wall, took off his glove, and put a webbed hand up to the brick. He gasped as he used his telepathic abilities to see who or what was on the other side. “I’m sensing something ... peculiar. All the auctioneers and participants are dead, but I can still sense our missing agents. It’s almost as if they are asleep,” Abe said, his giant frog-like eye blinking as he took in the information. “I can sense the entity itself. It’s desperately searching for something. Its anger ... it’s overbearing ...” Abe quickly pulled his hand away, visibly shaken. 
“Looks like I’ll take it from here,” Hellboy said, his Good Samaritan in his hand and loaded. “Careful, Hellboy. This creature seems to be something we’ve never encounter before,” Broom warned. “Nothing I can’t handle. Liz, come with me. I can use some back up.” The young woman nodded, gun in hand, and said, “If you need me to roast the thing, just let me know.” Broom wordlessly turned to the brick ‘wall,’ taping a couple of seemingly random bricks with his cane, before the wall slide back and moved to reveal a dark stairwell. “Of course these guys would have a false wall leading to some ominous stairs,” Hellboy sighed, before going down. “Good luck, my son,” Broom said quietly as the half-demon left. 
Down the stairs the two BPRD agents went, almost entirely Incase’s in darkness, if it weren’t for the lit torches spread sparingly as they descended. Eventually, the stairs ended, revealing a giant magnificently carved archway. Beyond the arch was what appeared to be where the blackmarket held their auctions, a large raised stage in the middle of the room, with numerous empty seats surrounding it, and cages either lining the edges of the room or hanging from chains attached to the ceiling. 
Immediately, Hellboy and Liz saw the dead bodies of the auction participants and members of the black market, blank and lifeless eyes staring in the distance with looks of terror petrified on their faces. “Let’s get to work,” Hellboy said to the female pyro. Hellboy kneeled down next to one of the bodies, studying its appearance. “No signs of external damage, no reminders of any chemicals, and no indication of any weapons used,” the red skinned man mumbled to himself. “Did you find anything on your end, Liz?” He called out. He got no response, sending up reg flags for the half-demon. He gripped his gun in his hand and cautiously stalked towards where He had last seen Liz. “Liz, you alright over there?” he called out again, hoping she would respond this time. But she didn’t, and as Hellboy got closer, he found out why. 
There hovering several feet in the air, was an unconscious Liz, along with the missing Bureau agents. They seemed to be sleeping peacefully, suspended by calmly circling streams of gold magic, the source of their levitation and blissful sleep. Hellboy cautiously moved towards his fallen comrades was just about to reach them, until he was hit by a wave of green magic that sent him into a stone pillar. He groaned as he pulled himself back onto his feet, rubble falling off his trench coat. His golden eyes stared at the figure in front of him, studying the new opponent he had to face. A couple of feet away stood the most magnificent creature he had ever seen in his sixty-plus years he’s lived. 
A young, beautiful woman, with eyes of molten gold stared at him. She had two large curved horns sprouting from her head, devil-like in appearance. But he could tell she wasn’t like him; there was an air around her to disproved this. Hellboy was unable to tear his eyes away from her. The horned female narrowed her eyes at Hellboy, intensely studying the half-demon in front of her. “Leave, devil, you and your humans have no business here,” she commanded, voice holding power as each word left her red painted lips. 
“Actually, it is my business to be here,” Hellboy said. “You’ve killed a bunch of people. It’s my job to take down monsters like you.” She didn’t seemed to like that, green flames rising off her shoulders and her eyes turned a bright glowing green. She raised her glowing green hands, causing Hellboy to rise in the air in the air, surrounded by the same glowing green light. Hellboy felt his arms lock to his side, his legs stick together, unable to move anything below his neck. He groaned as he desperately tried to move, as the magical woman strode up to his paralyzed body. 
“I’m the monster? They were the monsters and deserved to die! Didn’t you see all those cages? They enslaved defenseless supernatural creatures, most of them sentient, like you and I. They tortured them, killed them for their parts, sold them like objects. Humans are all the same, they destroy everything they come across and are full of unsatisfiable greed,” she seethed, hand coming to wrap around his throat. “Look, you obviously had some history with these guys. Maybe we can help you,” Hellboy tried to persuade her. “You expect me to trust a governmental organization full of humans. I’ve learned from the last time I trusted a human and I won’t make that same mistake again!” 
She sent him flying through the air again, into a giant metal cage, which he dented with his massive frame. Hellboy groaned and got up to his feet. “Alright, I’m getting sick and tired of this,” he grunted, grabbing his Good Samaritan from its holster in his left hand. The horned woman snot another wave of green magic at Hellboy, but the half-demon was able to dodge behind a pillar, the attack breaking a massive piece off of it. Hellboy looked around the pillar, ready to shoot, but she wasn’t there. Hellboy used his supernatural senses to keep on guard. He heard something coming towards him, quickly moving away from his hiding spot. Thank god he did, for a giant thick wooden root shot out of the ground, stabbing through and shattering the pillar he was previously hiding behind. 
As soon as he escaped that danger, thick vines grew from the walls and wrapped around his left arm. Hellboy groaned and used his mighty Right Hand to tear the vines away. He was able to free his left hand from the vines, when more of them wrapped around his legs. They were quickly swept out from underneath him, draggin him across the rough floor. His gun hand now free, he shot at vines dragging him. Luckily, they broke before the vines dragged him into a mess of spiked tree roots. 
Hellboy ran to a safer spot, one where there weren’t any blind spots. “Come on, we can do this the hard way or ...” Hellboy didn’t get to finish his sentence, for something rammed into him, making him stumble a few steps back. Hellboy managed to steady himself, glaring at this new enemy with his golden eyes. A giant wolf-like creature stood a few feet in front him, lips pulled back to show sharp teeth, a deep growl emanating from its throat. Long claws pierced the ruined tiled floor beneath its massive paws, the demonic-looking wolf posed to attack. 
“Ok, I guess it's the hard way then,” Hellboy sighed. The wolf growled and leapt at him again. Hellboy was prepared this time, attacking with his stony right appendage. The wolf avoided the attack, sinking its teeth in his leg instead. Hellboy yelled in pain, unleashing a round of bullets. But the bullets, specifically made to hurt and kill unholy creatures, seemed to bounce off its thick fur and feathered layered pelt. Hellboy next instinctively grabbed the wolf and threw it away from him. 
The wolf was thrown into the side of an iron cage, it howling in pain. It quickly leapt away from it, as if it was burned, and away from Hellboy. He chased after the wold, but lost sight of it. His golden eyes caught the metal bars of the cage, noticing where the wolf hit it with its side, was a hot red as if someone took a blowtorch to it. Iron, Hellboy thought. That’s your weakness. And that means ... 
He quickly thought up a plan, ripping off two bars from the cage and called out to his foe. “Here, doggy doggy. Come here, girl,” he teased, a smirk on his face. A loud growl filled the room and the wolf came out from where where it was hiding. Hellboy and the wolf circled each other, the air tense as they waited for the other to make a move. “Come on, Tinkerbell. You gonna hit me with some fairy dust,” he provoked, trying to get the fairy-shifted wolf to attack him. It worked, the wolf leaping at him again. 
This time, Hellboy used one of the iron bars in his hands and hit the wolf with it, making the creature yelp in pain. Hellboy continued his attack, the spots where he hit the wolf with the iron bars looking like it was burned. The wolf slowly backed up until its hind legs were nearly touching the iron cage it was previously thrown into. Hellboy took this advantage, grabbing wolf by its neck and pinning it against the cage, its unprotected stomach exposed. As quickly as he could, he bent the broken iron bars in his hands, cuffing the wolf’s front paws to the intact ones of the cage. 
The wolf’s howl slowly morphed into a woman’s scream. The wolf started to molt, its sharp claws retracting back into fingernails, patches of skin appearing from the tufts of wild fur. Hellboy watched cautiously as the wolf shifted back into the horned woman. Said woman was groaning in pain, struggling to breathe as her skin burned where it touched the iron-bars. “Are you done? Did you get everything out of your system?” Hellboy asked in a snarky tone, a smirk on his face. “Release me, devil!” she ordered, before hissing in pain. “I don’t think I will. Unless ...” Hellboy trailed off. The horned fairy glared at him for a moment, but sighed. “Name your price, you overbrown cranberry,” she hissed, hands clenched tight in anger. “Although I love pet names, Tinkerbell, the name’s Hellboy,” he introduced himself, rolling his eyes at the fairy’s sass. 
“How original. I suppose I should tell you my name now. Unfortunately for you, I won’t give you mine. Now let me go. And stop calling me Tinkerbell!” 
“No can do, babe. I haven’t forgot about the damage you’ve done to me and my friends.” 
“Like I said before, those slavers deserved what happened to them. Your human agents on the other hand are just asleep. They are a nuisance, but I’m not so heartless to end them just because they got in my way.” 
“Hmm, you have some morals. Good, this just confirms what I’m going to do.” 
“Do what?” 
“Let you go on the condition that you join the BPRD.” 
“And why would I go that?” 
“Well, for one, you’ll get out of those metal binds of yours. Fairies can’t stand the touch of iron, so you must be in immense pain, sweetheart.”
The horned female in front him shifted uncomfortable, further proving his point. “How do you know I can’t just get out on my own, hmm? I might not need your help.” 
“Bold of you to assume I haven’t done my research on the fae. I’ve been in the business too long to just barge into a fight without knowing how to deal with the paranormal. So, I know that fairy magic doesn’t work on iron,” Hellboy taunted, pulling a cigar out of the inside of his coat and lighting it with a match. The fairy just cursed in the fairy language, causing Hellboy to smirk and hold in his chuckle at her vocabulary. Taking a puff of his Cuban, he blew the smoke out through his nose, it wafting towards the vound fairy. “Fine. Let’s say I were to accept your offer. What’s in it for me?” She growled when the cigar smile hit her in the face, nose upturned at the smell. Hellboy smirked, he knew he almost had her where he wanted. 
“Besides obviously letting you out of those bounds of yours, I can get the BPRD to help you out with whatever personal vendetta you have against this specific group of paranormal black marketers.” The young fairy stayed quiet, pondering her options. Hellboy decided to really go hard on the sell, boasting about the BPRD. “Being funded by the government has its perks. We have lots of resources and contacts we can use to nab the bastards. And we’ll make sure they are properly punished ... in the court of law, of course,” he told her. He can see the gears basically turning in her head, feeling confident that she was going to agree with his terms. The young fairy sighed, hen raised her head to look Hellboy straight in the eye. “Fine, I’ll take your offer, devil man. Now, get me out of these cuffs before they burn my wrists to the bone,” she ordered, clenching and unclenching her hands. Hellboy smirked and reached over to break her binds. They fell to the floor as Hellboy pulled away, the fairy in front of him rubbing her sore wrists. 
“Your organization better be as good as you say it is. Especially for treating non-humans. I think I might have permanent scars from you,” she complained. 
“Sorry, about that, Tinkerbell. It was the only way for me to stop your little rampage without seriously hurting you,” Hellboy apologized.
“Didn’t I tell you to stop calling me Tinkerbell?” she sassed. 
“Well, what am I supposed to call you then?” 
“My name’s (y/n). And you better use it,” she replied snarkily. Hellboy couldn’t help the smile that made its way onto his lips; he knew that it was going to be fun with her around. He turned around, cigar hanging from his red lips as he strode away from the mess he made. “Come on, pixie. You’re sticking close to me for now,” he said over his large shoulder. He heard (y/n) shuffled over to him as he turned the corner of a crumbling pillar. But he was stopped by the sight of several BPRD agents floating in the air. 
They all were still magical sleeping, oblivious to the fight that just went on. “I forgot about them,” Hellboy admitted out loud to himself. “Could you let them down and wake them up?” he asked (y/n), who was a his side looking at his friend and fellow agents’ current predicament. 
“I don’t know. I rather not be shot at and arrested. They’re not going to be happy when they wake up and see me,” she argued. 
“Hey, I promised the BPRD would treat you right. If anything happens, I got your back,” Hellboy reassured the young fairy. (y/n) pondered for a bit, lips in a pout as she thought over the situation. With a flick of her wrist, her hand glowing a golden color, the magic surrounding the sleeping agents disappeared and they fell to the floor. Unfortunately, they all landed roughly onto the floor, turning into a heap of limbs and the room filling with their paired groans. Hellboy glared at (y/n), who just gave a sheepish, “Oops.”  
“Ow, what happened?” Liz said, sitting up and holding the side of her head. The dark haired woman saw (y/n) standing beside Hellboy, her eyes hardening. She pulled out her pistol, aiming it at the horned fairy, causing Hellboy to quickly act to de-escalate the situation. “Liz, no, don’t shoot! She’s no threat!” he exclaimed, taking a protective stance in front of (y/n). 
“Hellboy? What happened? What is she doing here?” Liz questioned, extremely confused. 
“Long story short, we came to a compromise between us. She’s working with the BPRD in return for information and manpower,” Hellboy explained, closely watching as the other agents started to get up, in case they to got hostile towards his fae companion. Fortunately, they were too preoccupied, stuck in a sleepy daze. Anyway, Liz slowly got to her feet, wobbling a bit but quickly steading herself. Once she did, she began to interrogate both Hellboy and (y/n). “Since when did you make deals with ... whatever she is? Do you really think you can trust her?” she scolded the half-devil. 
“Excuse me, I’m right here,” (y/n) piped up, folding her arms across her chest. “And it's a good thing he did try de-escalate the situation.” 
“Why is that?” Liz asked snarkingly. 
“Well, for one, now I am in debt to Hellboy, so I have to help your organization. Two, not only do you get help from my expertise, but I also get your organizations help for my own agenda. And three, you guys don’t have to deal with me causing problems for the BPRD, regardless if you have me in captivity or not.” A smug smile was on (y/n) face as she explained this Liz, who just rolled her eyes and walked away. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Red,” she said lowly when she passed Hellboy. She was gone before Hellboy could respond. Hellboy sighed and took a drag from his cigar. “I can tell this is going to be fun already,” (y/n) sassed, brushing against his thick arm as she passed him. 
“And why do you say that?” he questioned, an eyebrow raised. 
“If you can’t tell already, I tend to be a handful. And I’m going to enjoy shaking things up a bit.” She gave a little wink of her smokey eye-shadowed eye and continue her way to the stairway leading out of the ruined room. Hellboy felt a weird feeling in his chest; but he ignored it, for right at that moment, he realized that (y/n) might be more trouble than she’s worth. “What have I gotten myself into?” he mumbled to himself and reluctantly followed after the horned-fairy. “I just hope I don’t get an earful from Dad.”
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7deadlycinderellas · 7 years
Deals with dragons, ch13
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The flight back to the summer palace is strange.
Being so close, Emma can see for sure the resemblance between the two. The tapestry had not been wrong- Maleficent was huge, and frightening. Their color schemes were the same, both with the same long neck and pointed ears. Lily is tiny flying next to her.
They fly for the most part in silence. When she’d approached Maleficent at the winter palace, Lily had been curt, clipped in tone. To an outsider, it might have seemed uninterested. Emma recognizes it as a way for Lily to keep her distance.
It turned out all she had to say was “I think I know where what you’re looking for is” to get her attention.
When they reach the edge of the village, Emma slips up Lily’s neck carefully, and whispers in her ear, before sliding back down and off onto the ground. The two dragons transform back into their human forms.
A solid stare.
“A fairy disillusionment. Clever girl. I hope whatever you traded for it wasn’t too valuable”.
Direct interaction with her would break it, Merryweather had warned. Emma is careful not to risk it as she turns to leave the castle and head for the village.  
And just like that, Lily is alone with her mother.
Emma’s suggestion had been, to stall her, to tell Maleficent that the spell would likely be hidden somewhere in the summer palace.
So she does.
“The princess didn’t give you anymore information than that?”
“Well she barely knew what I was talking about. Her family wasn’t exactly close to the previous guard.”
“Good enough I supposed,” Maleficent reasons, pulling open the first wardrobe in one of the front rooms. She’s a speedy searcher, and with Lily trailing alongside her, she hopes so hard that Emma’s a fast runner.
Emma, is in fact, running as fast as her legs will carry her. The village is an easy walk, but she wants to waste no time at all.
The path looks sad now, covered in vines. The artistic stonework is no longer visible. The farmer’s houses along the way hardly recognizable.
The village itself too, nearly makes her sob. The stage in the center courtyard, where Pinocchio and his traveling show had performed nearly every year, had collapsed under the weight of the vines.
Emma passes the courtyard and the tannery and the church before making her way to the blacksmith’s shop. He’d fallen asleep near his forge.
Thankfully, his collection of chains and shackles is extensive. He wasn’t known as one of the greatest ironworkers in the land for nothing.
Emma selects the heaviest ones she can carry. She remembers the effect that the simple one had had on Titania’s subjects. She can’t continue on the path as fast as she could before, dragging them behind her, but she’s soldiered on. It occurs to her for the first time since this whole thing has started, that most of her clothes are unlikely to fit her anymore. Her and Lily have been walking so much and eating so little, and the clothing the fairies had given them were magic...she suddenly foresees a million more dress fittings in her future.
Huffing and puffing, she finally gets back to the palace. The weight begins to get to her, she pants and sweats her way across the grass outside. She prays that Lily and Maleficent aren’t too close to being done, that she still has time.
They have, in fact, sacked most of the first floor.
“What even is this spell that you want so bad?”
“I should ask you daughter, how you were so sure that that’s what I was searching for.”
The lie they’d come up with spills from Lily’s lips with almost disturbing ease.
“I told the princess that you were a collector of magic. She’d heard tell of the spell her grandmother had prepared, and said she would tell me where it might be if I got her outside the spread of your curse”.
“Saving her own skin. Sounds about like a royal to me.”
Lily forces herself to swallow the bile rising in her throat at the slight.
“You didn’t answer me”.
Maleficent sighs.
“This world doesn’t deserve us Lily. All the time spent traveling it and learning its ways, and it still has no place for us. It’s time we found another one, take the time to start over.”
Lily’s skin prickles. First with a sort of tenderness, that despite all of her lambasting her throughout childhood that Maleficent genuinely wanted to start over with her. Then with indignation. No place for them. Had she ever even truly tried to fit in anywhere?
“And what would you do for the world where we ended up?”
Maleficent shrugs carelessly as she throws open another cabinet.
“The imp had said it would lead to a world no magic. Sounds like one which would be easy to mesmerize, ones that might pay proper respect to someone who had fought so hard to gain magical talent.”
Lily bristles again.
“So this is really all just another attempt for you to rule over people.”
“I’ve spent my whole life grasping and fighting for any bit of knowledge. Anything I could learn I did. And everywhere I went, people told me to stop. Told me that what I was doing was against the rules or just not done. But I still persevered, I pushed past every challenge, everyone who tried to stand in my way, who told me I couldn’t do something. Do I not have a right to the power I earned?”
After a long pause, Lily asks.
“The day you kicked me out, you knew you were going to do this? I could have gotten cursed myself! You didn’t know where I was going to go after I left”
“Oh Lily, this plan has been a long time coming. Grudges are not to be forgotten, but to be honed. Besides, if I had ever truly needed to check up on you, I had my ways. I hoped I had taught you well enough that you might have avoided being affected, but it was a risk I had to take”.
And just like that, everything fits together in Lily’s mind. Her mother had raised her, cared for her, loved her even, but ultimately she still saw her as an extension of herself. Suddenly, it feels as though a weight has been lifted from her shoulders.
Lily had spent so much of her childhood seeking her mother’s approval. And in this moment, she begins to feel like she’s beyond needing it. She’s a different woman than the Lily who left the Forbidden Fortress more than a year ago.
“Follow me,” she says a bit stiffly, “The princess said they had a bunch of stuff in the dungeons. It could definitely be down there. ”
The princess as it was, had stashed the iron chains and was running throughout her childhood home as fast as her feet could carry her, trying her best to identify anything which could possibly be the seed of the spell.
Every single room, nothing nothing at all. Vines have broken through some of the walls, dust and debris gathering on the floors, it having been so many months since they’d seen the push of the servant’s brooms and mops.
Her own room seems foreign to Emma. She rushes past it, there’s no signs of any sort of magical presence to her there. It’s the same everywhere else- the parlors, the grand dining room, the foyer. Everything is solidly, ordinarily, still. Even in the storerooms, the servant’s quarters, areas of the castle that Emma has rarely set foot.
She ascends the last staircase two at a time. Fleeting memories enter her mind of being scolded for doing so, and feeling ashamed when she followed these scoldings by falling.
Dad is in his study, looking over treaties and papers. Several advisors are with him, no doubt seeking some diplomatic way out of the predicament even as Maleficent’s curse swept the grounds.
Mom was in the nursery just off her and Dad’s bedchamber. She sits in slumber by the cribside of her one child who was still at home.
Tears prickle at Emma’s eyes as she hears Lily and Maleficent tearing through the floors below. She’s searched the castle top to bottom and still has no idea where the spell is being grown from. She stares at the baby in the tiny wooden crib. She’d resented him a bit, for taking her parents time and attention. She’d then been grateful, feeling like she failed as ruler, they’d always have him to fall back on. He was sleeping as peacefully as he had been when she’d last left the castle.
Fashioning a carrier out of a bag she finds in a drawer, Emma picks up her brother and carries him on her chest.
“Mom or Dad would probably make for a better story down the line, kid, but you’re way more portable.”
She then creeps down stairs, to gather the chains she’d brought.
When she gets to the bottom floor, Lily is leading Maleficent down into one of the cellar dungeons.
Yes, Emma squeals quietly to herself. This is the one with the cell where they had kept Rumpelstiltskin. She had told Lily that before, that it was the best place, only one way in and out, the tunnel ended in the woods. She remembered.
The door at the bottom of the narrow stairs was locked, so when the group pauses, Maleficent transforms and forces it open with her claws.
Emma is hanging at the doorway, trying to plan. The two largest shackles should work well, but she has to be careful to get close enough without being noticed. Lily and Maleficent are standing, near stark still, in front of the wooden bars.
“This must be where they kept the imp who pushed and traded and manipulated everyone to make the curse. “
“He must be famous if even you’ve heard of him”.
“The Dark One is an enigma. He has had his hands all over the land, but so little is known truly of him”.
Emma catches Lily’s eye, and steps closer behind Maleficent, and silently as she ever has. One shackle is held open in one hand, ready to be snapped shut, but the other dangles.
“Wasn’t there a story?” Lily asks, gaze, leading away from where Emma is. “That a fairy once offered him a chance, to escape with his son, somewhere, but he refused it and his son disappeared?”
Emma is briefly frozen. That story had been told by Flora to them before they left the cottage in the woods, as an example of the type of magic that they had dealt with.
Maleficent seems to be listening, so hard in fact that there’s no sign at all that she feels the first shackle wrap around her ankle.
“I must say I admire a man who could take matters into his own hands.”
With more care and precision than she’s ever given to anything before, Emma snaps the second shackle, and then throws the remaining of the chain over Maleficent’s shoulder.
The change is instantaneous. The noise that comes out of Maleficent’s throat is guttural, inhuman. She falls to the ground.
Lily steps forward and locks the other end of the chains around her hands.
“What have you done to me,” Maleficent’s voice is raspy.
“The tunnel here leads out into the woods?” Lily asks, not even glancing at her mother.
Emma nods.
“Help me get her out?”
Emma walks in front, leading the loose end of the chain, while Lily half drags, half cajoles the fallen, incomprehensible Maleficent.
They reach the mouth of the tunnel in just a few minutes. The trees are fairly thin, and the gray sky a welcome brightness. Maleficent has mostly quit moving, and the look on her face is next to impossible to read.
“No luck finding the seed?” Lily asks.
Emma nods again.
The two stare at each other for a moment.
“What are you going to do with her now?” Emma asks. Her stomach is turning over again and again. This is real now, this is all going to end.
Lily sighs.
“I’m going to take her back to Titania. She’s not the most stable sort, but it will give the opportunity to figure things out. I doubt she can kill her, but at least she shouldn’t be able to do anymore damage.“
“Are you- are you okay now?”
Lily smiles, genuinely.
“All it took was kidnapping a princess, being blessed by a fairy, and a year’s worth of adventure and falling in love for me to come to the terms with the fact that I don’t need my mother’s approval to be who I am.”
The two lean in and kiss so desperately that if either of them had a touch of magic upon their heads it would be barely a memory.
“Wait” Emma says, as they pull apart. “Don’t leave, wait until I try and break the curse. I want the whole kingdom to see- I want everyone to know what you did.”
Lily waits.
Emma leans down and plunks a soft kiss on her younger brother’s forehead.
And just like that, a wave of light flows throughout the land.
The gray sky turns to summer blue. The vines rescind and vanish, the dust and dirt and debris that have gathered upon the land is miraculously gone. The sound returns, the birds and animals and the distant hum of people waking up.
“Won’t make for as good a story,” Emma comments, out of breath.
“It won’t be written by us anyway.” Lily returns.
Emma and Lily stand, staring for another moment.
“You’ll come back right? After you deal with her?”
The words “I promise” come out of Lily’s throat, deep and husky. Turning and leaving Emma is the hardest thing she’s ever had to do.
She transforms on the forest floor. She lifts Maleficent into her claws and spreads her wings.
“Sorry Mom,” she says, “You’ve done a lot for me, but I couldn’t let you hurt people anymore, not for me or anything else.”
She takes off into the sky.
Emma stands and stares until long after she has disappeared. She stays until she feels her brother stir in his carrier. She bounces him softly.
“It’s been a long time kid. Hope you had a good nap. I had a great adventure. I’ll tell you all about it”.
The turns and starts on the path to face the music.
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darkmatter-nebula · 2 years
Here comes another "Lost But Now Found" AU drabble, my sweet fellas. Let's go!
Drabble: Celestial Fever
"Mom, I don't feel so good..." As soon as the starboy said that, he collapsed. Eda managed to catch him. "Little Star!" She was concerned about her precious baby. She put a hand on his forehead. Colli had a very high fever. "You're burning up, Little Star!" Hunter, who sensed that something was wrong, stepped into the living room. The blonde boy spotted his unconscious little brother in Eda's arms.
"What happend to him?" He asked, clearly concerned. "Colli has fever! The highest fever I have ever felt on someone! He is practically burning up!" Eda said. "I will inform King and Luz!" Hunter spoke up. "Good idea!" Eda, who was still holding Collector in her arms, said. Upon hearing that the celestial child was sick, King and Luz were determined to help their brother. Luz used ice glyphs to cool the starchild down. King and Eda wrapped Colli into a few warm blankets.
Hunter made sure that his little brother would sleep peacefully. He even gave him Plushie-Sprig. The young grimwalker didn't even know that his celestial brother could get sick in the first place. The next day, Colli felt much better. His fever wasn't so bad anymore. "I love you all so much!" Collector said with a sleepy smile. "We love you too, Little Star." Eda said softly.
The End
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darkmatter-nebula · 2 years
Colli’s family catches him sleeping in cute positions.
Hi! Thanks for the adorable request! 😊
Drabble: Sleep Cute
"Awwwwww! Eda, look!" Luz said. She was pointing at Colli. He was sleeping on the couch, curled like a kitten. "My precious baby!" Eda said, with a loving smile on her face. Eda and Luz couldn't resist, both took pictures of the sleeping starchild.
The next one who found the starboy sleeping peacefully was King. The young titan found his brother in Eda's nest. Or better, floating above her nest. Collector had an adorable pouting expression on his face. "I wonder what he is dreaming about." King whispered to himself.
A few days later, Eda was the one who caught her Little Star sleeping. He was cuddling with King, who was asleep as well. She smiled softly and covered her sons with a blanket.
The End
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