#baby nutria??
kazoologist · 4 months
gonna suggest a substantial part of f1 season antics to be having logan read real and true facts about florida's ecology and invasive species to other drivers who experience all five stages of grief with every word
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emoyuuta · 3 months
btw today at the park i took this shot of two nutrias kissing. I hope you all enjoy it
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My Redneck Neighbor Doug has watched The Bad Batch Season 3 opener:
This is more pithy than normal: Doug's been busy with work, as have I. But I'm determined to hear his thoughts on The Daddy Warcrimes 'n Company so here we go!
These were all via text messages, btw.
CW: Doug Doug's as you know Doug will do. Away!
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Episode 1: 'Little Orphan Blondie's Shit Internship at The Museum of Science and Industry'
Poor Little Orphan Blondie, stuck in The Museum of Science and Industry in a shit summer job because they got bills to pay. Except they got rid of the dinosaurs and walk in heart and filled it with gross shit.
Hey look, they still got the coal mine exhibit! Man I miss Chicago.
(Doug, that museum has never had dinosaurs. “What, since when?”)
MUTANT JIMMERS EVERYWHERE! Aw, Little Orphan Blondie gave one her chicken nuggets! And it’s shy, aw, I hope it’s okay.
Poor Mutant Jimmers…she named her?! Swear to Christ Almighty if that dog gets Old Yeller’d I’ll just lose it. 
That freaky alien thing that ran the mall on the ocean looks sad, I bet she wishes she fell into the water and got eaten by a shark or something. I wish you did too, lady. 
The Sons of Robocop really are everywhere, they must be a cult or something. They look cool, I’d join, why not. Think they get 401ks?
Oh man, Daddy Warcrimes is down bad. Poor Daddy Warcrimes. Man, all my clone boys are stooped and sad…this ain’t good. 
At least Little Orphan Blondie can craft! Man, she should start selling those at the Museum of Science and Industry’s gift shop. Maybe Tarkin can bring one back for the grandchildren he’s not allowed to talk to since the restraining order was put in.
Oh, there’s Stepsister Beth, she seems on edge. Must’ve gotten divorced recently, don’t blame her ex, I bet she screamed at him for leaving cabinets open who knows. How do her eyeballs not hurt after wearing those dumb glasses all day?
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Episode 2: 'Night Elves and Neverland Ranch'
The night elves from Warcraft invaded Star Wars and got horns or something and now they have a castle that looks like a boss level in Diablo IV or V or how many Diablo games they got now.
Now they yelling at people and throwing them in the basement today. Makes sense, gotta fight the orcs and stuff. Think they fight the orcs in the basement?
The Night Elf Horned Queen hired Daddy Rambo and Julio to get people, I guess they’re turning into Boba Fett or something. They got her son's horn back, guess that's good. Oh they need new paint jobs on their armor.
Do they end up in the basement in the Diablo Boss Level? No? And off they go! 
Daddy Rambo and Julio are in their homeland of FLORIDA! Hell yeah, SPACE FLORIDA! And they’re bringing the talking trashcan with them using straps! Go Julio go!  Yeah, boa vines, this is TOTALLY the Everglades! 
Escaped clone boys! Oh man! Shit, is Neverland Ranch in the jungle? Oh man–oh, they know what they’re doing. Good kids. Real good kids. Oh what happened to the rest of them? Oh Meat Muffin, this ain't good :(.
You know what? Them clone boys are smart, take it back, this ain’t Space Florida, this is Space Louisiana! Them baby boys gone get feral and run off into the bayou and live in the caves and now you know my origin story, Meat Muffin! 
If this was Florida they'd just end up working the late shift at Zaxby's and smoking rocks in the parking lot. We know better, we French and all.
I bet they’ve been living on nutria and half-empty chicken boxes from behind the gas stations. Resourceful scrappy kids and I can tell its making Daddy Rambo proud.
Oh holy SHIT, there go them vines! It's like the kudzu all over again, maybe this is LaFourche Parish?
See, them boys are definitely white trash, Mandalorian rednecks. Look at em, living in the woods and hijacking a plane, but they good kids, saving their brothers. Even saved the robot too. 
Man, all the feels, them poor little boys. What will they do now?  Oh, they're going to Space Daytona! Good, wait, I saw the trailer, doesn't the Empire invade it? THIS AIN'T GOOD MEAT MUFFIN!!!
Wait...where's Toaster Strudel and Rex?
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Episode 3: 'Blondie Got a Gun'
Well here's the Emperor. He wants to be immortal. Gotta make that other movie make sense or something.
Where's Darth Vader? Is he running the government when the Emperor is running around giggling?
Don’t you DARE kill Mutant Jimmers, you damn droid. I hate that ugly assed stupid thing. It looks like its scarecrow daddy fucked a microwave and then left it enough money to go to Planned Parenthood but instead spent it on crack and there ya go.  
Oh shut your goddamned yap, Jimmy the Scientist. I bet he gloves that hand up because he keeps shoving it up his own ass and that's why he walks funny all the damn time.
The Emperor also has a Diablo IV or VIII boss level all to himself too at the Museum of Science and Industry. How many Diablo games are there, Meat Muffin?
YEAH, LITTLE ORPHAN BLONDIE! GIT ER DONE!!! They're out! Oh wow! There she goes with Daddy Warcrimes! Kill em all and let GOD SORT THEM OUT! That's my GIRL!!!!
Blondie’s got a gun 
Blondie’s got a gun
Her whole world's come undone
Shooting droids is FUN!
....so when we gonna get Toaster Strudel and Rex? Next one? Where's my reg boys?!
Tagging those who missed my Cajun neighbor. LOOKS LIKE REDNECK DOUG IS BACK ON THE MENU, BOYS!
@skellymom @amalthiaph @eyecandyeoz @cdblake1565 @sued134 @merkitty49 @supremechancellorrex @yeehawgeek @wrenkenstein @techs-stitches @deezlees @autistic-artistech @perfectlywingedcrusade @auntie-venom @megmca @thecoffeelorian
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tyongbrat · 1 year
Dei uma sumidinha, mas queria tirar esse do baú.
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mãozinha amiga ⌇ hendery
Se remexeu na cama king size, jogando as pernas na parede e olhando praticamente de cabeça para baixo a tela do computador onde seu melhor amigo se encontrava focado.
— qual você acha que é meu problema? – questionou.
— tenho que listar em ordem alfabética? – ele te respondeu sem tirar os olhos da tela.
Você arremessou a almofada do baby yoda nele, acertando em cheio a cabeça da garoto e arrancando uma risadinha.
A verdade é que você se encontrava em tesão absurdo naquela tarde, já fazia um tempo que você não tinha um encontro mais quente com alguém e aquilo tava te corroendo por dentro.
— ai hendery – você ronronou daquele jeito manhoso — qual meu defeito? Eu só queria transar e não encontro ninguém.
Aquela conversa não era de forma alguma incomodo pro garoto, ele já tinha ouvido com detalhes todas as suas fodas, e teve também vezes que ele te escutava enumerar seus fetiches sexuais um por um.
— é que você escolhe os caras errados, 'tendeu? – ele te jogou almofada de volta, e você se agarrou a ela.
Tá, talvez o seu amigo tivesse razão, você tinha o dedo podre, normalmente só escolhia os caras que te usavam uma vez e nunca mais te ligavam pra nada, mas isso não era realmente um problema, já que você apenas queria foder.
— mas não é como se eu quisesse casar, dery, eu só quero... Bem, você sabe.
— sei?
— você bem que podia me dar uma mãozinha, não? – se esticou na cama, igual uma gatinho quando quer carinho, virando de barriga pra cima e esticando o pé pra tocar as costas dele.
Hendery pela primeira vez no dia largou o mouse do computador, te encarando por cima do ombro, tentando processar o que você havia acabado de pedir.
— bem, se você quer, eu não vou dizer não. – e você assistiu a tela do pc gamer desligar, hendery levantou da cadeira indo em direção a cama, agarrou seu tornozelo pra te puxar até a beirada da cama.
— hendery – gemeu quando a mão do garoto subiu pra apertar a sua coxa, te causando uma fisgada bem no meio das pernas, você tava sensível. — você sabe que eu ia pedir pra você me ajudar com yangyang, né?
O garoto se afastou rápido de você, o rosto vermelho corando de vergonha.
— porra – ele suspirou baixinho, tentando esconder a ereção que marcava no short de malha leve. — me desculpa, eu...– ele gaguejou um pouquinho, desconsertado pela idéia de foder com você ainda estar passando pela sua mente.
— não, quer dizer – você sentou nas panturrilhas, olhando pra ele com aqueles grandes olhos — mas se vocês quiser continuar, eu só achei que você não teria interesse em mim.
E hendery riu incrédulo, desde que vocês se tornaram amigos ele nutria um tipo de tesão absurdo em você, gostava por demais quando você usava aquelas sainhas miúdas pra sair com ele, ou quando você saía do banho com o cabelo todo molhado, ele te achava sexy sendo natural, naturalmente gostosa, mas nunca tentou nada por achar que você não tinha interesse em nerdolas.
— é que cê não imagina quantas vezes eu imaginei te fodendo nessa cama aí.
E você gemeu dengosa, querendo saber mais do que seu amigo pensava sobre vocês.
"e o que mais?" Instigou. Por te conhecer muito, hendery sabia da seu tesão em dirty talk, sorriu com o cantinho dos lábios por saber entender o que você queria.
— o que você quer que eu diga? Que toda vez que você deita de barriga pra baixo eu fico olhando pra sua bunda? – ele engatinhou até você, ficando por cima do seu corpo — ou que eu tenho vontade de te colocar contra aquela mesa ali, foder puxando esse seu lindo cabelinho e batendo nessa bunda gostosa. – ele sussurrou contra seus lábios, antes de te beijar afoito.
Os lábios sem sincronia nenhuma, um beijo desajeitado, banhando em saliva e mordidinhas. A mão do garoto de puxou a cintura, tirando teu corpo do colchão pra encostar mais no corpo dele, uma das pernas dele se encaixou no meio das tuas, pressionando o joelho contra a sua boceta.
Os lábios de descenso pela tua clavícula, espalhando chupões ali sendo territorialista, te marcando pra não deixar mais ninguém te tocar sem saber que ele esteve ali.
— não me marca não, dery - arrastou a voz, afetada pelas carícias dele.
Os olhinhos miúdos subiram pra te encarar, o garoto mordeu a beiradinha do lábio e voltou a chupar a pele com mais força.
— tô te marcando pra não esquecer que é minha garota, só minha.
– sua? – você segura um punhado de cabelo rosa entre os dedos, afundando mais o rosto do garoto em direção aos seus peitos cobertos pelo tecido fino do vestido florido.
Você se sentia tão embriagada pelo toque dele que não notou quando ele puxou suas roupas pra fora do corpo, te deixando nua pra ele, os olhos brilhando em tesão ao te ver como ele sempre imaginou.
— gostosa pra porra, eu quero te comer todinha.
— come, por favor.
Os lábios finos deslizaram pela sua clavícula, deixando um filete de saliva por ali, mordiscando onde o ossinho ficava bem aparentemente – secretamente ele era apaixonado naquela sua parte –, as mãos duras apertaram a pela da barriga, enquanto ele se espremia pra caber dentro do seu corpinho.
Um fato curioso sobre hendery é que ele fica extremamente sexy quando está concentrando, pode ser nos estudos, em jogos de videogame, ou no atual momento que ele se concentra em não gozar, o garoto quer esconder o rosto entre a curva do seu pescoço pra não deixar transparecer o quanto está afetado, o rosto se contorcendo de prazer, olhos apertados, a boca entreaberta pra respirar pesado se certificando que não escape gemidos.
Ao contrário de você que não se esforça pra ser silenciosa, geme fino quando ele mete firme, deixa a coluna envergar quando os dedos longos brincam com o teu clitóris, morde os lábios quando ele da um tapa na tua coxa, grita pelo nome dele unido de mais alguns mete, mais forte, vai dery, me fode hendery, goza na minha buceta, faz um filho em mim... E tantas outras frases desconexas que só saem na hora que você perde o controle.
E por mais alto controle que ele tenha, tudo vai por água baixo quando você propositalmente contrai a buceta, apertando o pau dele dentro de você - amém pompoarismo — ele goza. Goza te chamando de gostosa. Goza suplicando pra você gozar também e você obedece, obedece porquê também tá louca pra gozar, deixar vir junto dele.
O suor escorre nas têmporas, o corpo dele cobre o seu, ele não se retira de dentro, a sensibilidade é gostosinha e ele quer mais tempo disso.
— cê podia ficar carente mais vezes, né. – hendery sussurra pertinho do seu ouvido.
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blacktofade · 2 months
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The nutria are back baby!!
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uncharismatic-fauna · 2 years
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Noticing the Nutria
The nutria, or coypu (Myocastor coypus) is a species of rodent native to the lakes and wetlands of South America, from Bolivia to Tierra del Fuego in Chile and Argentina. It is often confused with capybara or beavers due to its size and shape; adults are typically 4-9 kg (9-20 lbs) and 40-60 cm (16-24 in) long. The fur is brown, and like its look-alikes the coypu has four large incisors that are a distinct orange color, which comes from the high amounts of iron in the enamel. M. coypus can be distinguished from other large rodents by its tail, which is long and slender-- ideal for swimming.
In addition to its thick three layers of fur, the nutria has several adaptations for a semi-aquatic life. Four of the five digits on the hind feet are webbed, and they have strong lungs that allow individuals to remain submerged for up to ten minutes. Females have nipples high on their flanks, to allow their young to suckle while they float in the water. The coypu's large teeth are used to feat on aquatic plants, as well as small animals like snails and mussels. Both the teeth and the tail are also used to deal with predators; when evading birds of prey, alligators, garfish, and other mammals the nutria will try to swim away, while the teeth can be used to deter turtles, snakes, and smaller predator fish.
In their native habitat, survival rates for M. coypus are extremely low. 80% of nutrias die within their first year, and it's rare for individuals to exceed three years of age in the wild. Males reach sexual maturity at 4 months old, while females can become sexually mature at only 3 months. Nutria are highly social, and can live in groups of 2-13 individuals, usually a large male and several mates and their litters. These groups construct platforms out of vegetation and burrows in muddy river banks- reaching up to 15 m (50 ft)-- where they mate and raise their young.
Mating occurs year-round, and it's not uncommon for a female to have 2 or 3 litters in a year. Gestation of a litter lasts about 130 days, after which she gives birth to an average of 5-7 young, though it may be as many as 14. Baby coypu are born with their eyes open, and can swim and feed on vegetation only hours after birth. These pups only remain with her for 4-8 weeks, after which they are weaned and either join the group as adults or leave to find another colony. This allows their mother to prepare herself for another litter-- an important task, as she is ready to become pregnant again the day after giving birth.
Conservation status: The IUCN has yet to rate the nutria, although studies have suggested they're disappearing from their native rivers and lakes. Conversely, M. coypus is highly invasive in parts of North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, where it has been introduced by fur ranchers.
If you like what I do, consider leaving a tip or buying me a kofi!
Greg Lasley via iNaturalist
Petar Milošević via Wikipedia
Joel Sartore
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officialgleamstar · 10 months
also... penny for ur jodie thoughts ?
turns on immigrant song and sets it to loop. of course ^-^ I WAS GONNA DO A FRESH POST but i barely started typing it so i will answer on here instead! shout-out to @nutria--oscura as well because they also asked me for my jodie thoughts on my initial post
im gonna do a tl;dr as well as the full ramble, so! tl;dr first
canonically (in his fabricated human memories, not reality), jodie's mom, dee, was a singer and jodie didn't see her growing up because of this. i think the parallels to glenn here are obvious: glenn's dad, bill, was always on the road due to being a roadie/session musician, and dee was always on the road due to being a rock singer. the difference between them is that glenn spent consistent time with bill whenever bill wasn't busy, while jodie didn't (presumably he lived at home with his dad, but this isn't really clarified on), and i think this explains why they have such different adult lives despite their similar upbringings. glenn grew up involved in the rock scene, while jodie saw it more as something he could never be included in. however, once she appears in the podcast, dee is shown to be an extremely loving mother who has done everything in her power to find her son again, which is... really sweet, mostly, i love dee, but also its really sad because jodie has all these issues not from his actual life, but because he was used as some punishment against glenn for being a bad dad LMAO
now the full ramble with screenshots from the transcript and more headcanons/interpretations of how it affected him LOL
firstly, the part of the podcast that explains jodie's human memories, from SWAP (SWitched Ass Papas)
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for simplicity's sake, for now, i'm gonna talk as if this is all true. we are taking jodie's human memories at face value.
jodie grew up without his mom in his life at all. i think "you never met her" was an exaggeration, based on the line "you don't have too many memories of them from your childhood", but she still is clearly not someone jodie spent much time with. her presence was always there, there were people in his life keeping him updated about her, he knew what she looked like, etc, but he didn't really know her. even when he did see her, jodie's memory is bad, he likely doesn't fully know what he experienced first-hand and what he was just told. it's a bit of ADHD projection, but i know that due to my memory problems, i've often had issues with being unsure what from my childhood was real and what was just something i made up. i think it's fair to say that jodie has similar issues based on these lines. he doesn't know his mom, she isn't a real person to him really, she's just this idea of a "cool mom" that was drilled into his head as a kid.
as i said, this parallels glenn's backstory in an interesting way. both bill and dee weren't home, but glenn still saw bill regularly. not a lot, but he always knew he would see bill again and generally considered him a positive influence in his upbringing (now, glenn's conflicting feelings about bill is a whole OTHER post i could write and have written before but-). okay tbh i was gonna get more in depth about bill and glenn's relationship but then i was rereading episode 29's transcript and started thinking too much and couldn't find any words, so we're just sticking with this screenshot from glenn close's damages:
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THE POINT I WAS MAKING BEFORE I SPACED OUT FOR 20 MINUTES THINKING ABOUT MY BABY GIRL BILL CLOSE. glenn got to spend time with his father and was often looped into his nonsense, which led glenn to being far more involved in the rock and roll scene. in contrast, jodie barely ever saw his mother, and its reasonable to extrapolate that that is why he went so far in the opposite direction as glenn. he rejected this world that his mom was a part of because if his mom didn't have any time for him, then that entire scene as a wider space didn't have any time for him either. jodie is shown to be a character that does not get over things: his deep yearning for morgan, his long-standing anger towards glenn, he doesn't know how to move past things that upset him. i think it's reasonable to assume his feelings towards his mom could fall into this group of long-held feelings. he is completely the type to throw himself into something rigid and consistent and soulless such as the police force to separate himself from his mom, who he's been told is a rock and roll singer who's cool and edgy.
and i think the reason why this makes me so sad is that it's completely... unnecessary might be the best word, because dee loves him.
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dee absolutely adores jodie, she misses him, she did everything in her power to get him back to her. but as i said, jodie is a character that doesn't let things go. despite the way he says that he's a demon now, as if that eradicates his very human feelings, it's obvious that he never really got past his fabricated life - again, his desperate attachment to morgan is evidence of this. no matter how much his mom loves him, jodie is probably always going to have a part of him that looks at her as the human woman who abandoned him as a human child. and she didn't, she didn't at all, and isn't that just devastating?
i feel like there's so much more i could say, but it's already been an hour and a half since you sent this ask LMAO i just think, behind his pathetic exterior, jodie is an absolutely fascinating character and people often undervalue how devastating the back half of season one was for him. jodie is never going to be like, a good guy. i don't want to make people sympathize with him or anything, i get it, he's not a likeable person and i don't want him to be ♡♡ i love my bitchy pathetic demon king of hell ♡♡ but there's a lot more depth to him than people tend to sit down and think about
anyways do you guys think, pre-demon reveal in the jodie foster timeline, jodie just assumed the omega daddies didn't recruit his mom because they were misogynists
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misforgotten2 · 1 year
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Theodore enjoyed showing off his ninja-like skills of slaughtering innocent little forest creatures. “Bam! That was a baby nutria. Let’s see who’s next.”
The Saturday Evening Post   October 20th  1956
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goatsludge · 9 months
Will you build me a nutria baby carrier?
im adding a quick release system to that too if i do
deploy the child
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puppybong · 7 days
hi puppybong if you were a fish what kind would you be?
i grew up near a creek & one time my brother trespassed into my neighbor’s yard and caught a big ass trout and ate it for dinner all by himself. i would be a trout because they seem pretty cool. & also one time the creek flooded and they had to block off the street because there was like 2 feet of standing water everywhere. Also the creek led to a big marsh that used to be a golf course im talking like 2 acres and i used to run away and hide there also one time my dog found a nutria and treated it like a little baby. But yeah id be a troutttttttt #trout
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kassil · 5 months
I keep seeing baby nutria. How beautiful to know that there's new life everywhere around you. How terrible to know they tear apart our wetlands and it's our fault they're here.
Something rather like a fish, for all that it seems made of metal, glass, and ceramic; as long as your arm, it happily swims in any liquid that allows it to be buoyant, and seems to be some form of cleaning device fabricated by the Ancients. In the first hours, it seems to analyze its environment, and then sets to cleaning away things harmful to the balance of whatever ecosystem it apparently perceives. This had, admittedly, occasionally led to disaster when its decisions don't align with the desires of the person putting it to use.
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schizochroal · 5 months
Mother Nutria and her babies nursing, her nipples being on her side such that she can nurse even while swimming. My gf took this video and noted that it was cute that the momma held on to the baby while she was scratching to avoid accidentally knocking it off.
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sniffanimal · 5 months
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For today's advancement, I looked into a recent discovery of mine: my town has invasive rodents called nutria, or coypu, that are destroying our rivers.
A lot of different languages call them some variation on 'swamp beaver', which is pretty accurate. They're beaver-like, except their tails are round and hairless like a rat's. I have a fondness for them after reading about them, but I'm also pretty, yanno, logical about ecological systems and invasive species. These guys breed quickly (their lifespan is only about 3 years and they have up to three litters a year of between 1 and 13 babies). They dig burrows underneath slopes of banks, and can go far inland but shallow enough that they can easily create sinkholes and collapse the embankment. They also eat lots of aquatic vegetation that other native species either eat or take shelter in. They also can host a huge amount of diseases that both humans and other animals can catch, including rabies, salmonella, giardia, and parasites. They were originally brought to the united states for fur traders, since their third and shortest layer of fur is apparently really soft and was sought out for fur purposes, but they're not really easy to farm, so most farms shut down and the nutria escaped and became invasive. In Washington, it's legal to trap and kill these in most areas, although the Fish and Game department suggests proactive measures to prevent them from burrowing in the first place, like laying down fence matting on banks and around tree roots. It seems easier, since a bite from them can make you very sick, and they're very violent towards humans, and trapping on some properties might be illegal anyways. Some places seem to try and encourage people to eat them, like in Russia there's a restaurant that's famous for serving bougie nutria even though it's culturally around the world a poor man's meat. However apparently eating undercooked or poorly stored nutria meat can be diseased.
There's a handful of them in a local lake, and finding out these are like the size of housecats floored me. We have toxic 20-30lb beavers just like. in my city. and we hate them. lmao.
Some other invasive species in washington include things like zebra mussels, bullfrogs, and white nose syndrome (a fungus that infects bats). I included a picture from a loteria-style game that the game and fish department has for identifying invasive species! thats fun!
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blacktofade · 2 months
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Look at the baby nutria wrasslin!!!!
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schalotte · 1 year
saw some TINY fuckin nutria babies on my walk today and only took one very bad picture here it is
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racfoam · 1 year
I know it’s not a capybara, but I saw a baby nutria today and it reminded of your wondrous blog and art. Love ya racfoam!! Not a actual pic obviously, the little guy was chilling in a drainage ditch.
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Omg, he is adorable. Thank you for sending these 💖💖💖
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