#their mum was swimming around nearby and it was so cute
blacktofade · 2 months
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Look at the baby nutria wrasslin!!!!
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w2soneshots · 3 months
Toddler -W2S
Words: 0.7k+
Warnings: none.
In which you and Harry enjoy a holiday in Dubai with your toddler.
a/n: Currently got major baby fever so here's some dad bog content🤭. Enjoy!💓
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Liked by wroetoshaw and 1,017,349 others
y/username: living the dream☀️🌊 @wroetoshaw
gkbarry_: you look incredible get in my bed
-> y/username: 🛏️🏃‍♀️
faithloisak: enjoy my lovelys🫶🏼
taliamar: cutest family ever!🥹💗
y/nfanpage21: I love this sm
user2104853: the third photo is adorable🩵
Over a year and a half ago me and Harry welcomed our little boy into the world. So far it's been incredible and I've enjoyed every minute of being his mum, even through the tough parts his little smile would make the hardships completely disappear in an instant. Harry is also an amazing dad, it's like he was born for the role. A few months ago Harry surprised me with a week long trip to Dubai, and what is our first holiday as a family of three. I was extremely excited and almost immediately called Faith to get advice on what I should pack for Ollie, which is what we ended up naming him.
We arrived two days ago and are already having the best time. Yesterday we spent all day at the beach then went for a nice dinner, in which Ollie slept in his buggy the entire time. Today we're going to the Dubai aquarium, getting some lunch and going shopping. I woke up to the sound of giggling, I pried myself from Harry's grasp and reached forward to grab the smiling baby from his travel cot. I placed him between me and Harry in the bed then drifted back off to sleep. I woke up an hour later, reached over to the nightstand and grabbed my phone to see a message from Harry saying he'd gone out to grab some breakfast from downstairs. I got up and took a picture of Ollie surrounded by the white fluffy bed sheets.
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y/username just posted a new story!
I quickly got dressed while Ollie slept and Harry soon came back with breakfast. When we were all ready we left the hotel to head to the aquarium. We rented a car the first day we arrived, since Ollie has to sit in a car seat plus we'll be spending much less on Ubers. I drove (since Harry despises driving) and we were soon parked outside.
Harry pulled the exited toddler from his seat, and we headed inside. Ollie seemed to be absolutely mesmerised by the sea creatures (especially the 'big scary sharks'). When we'd walked around the entire aquarium we left to go get some lunch since we were all hungry and Ollie was getting quite restless and in desperate need of a nap. We went back to the car to grab the buggy from the boot then walked to one of the nearby restaurants.
We sat down to eat our lunch as Ollie soundly slept. As me and Harry finished up our food Ollie woke up, now full of energy and hungry. We'd ordered him some plain chips so he ate them along with some fresh fruit. Which they seem to have lots of here, probably because of the hot weather.
Then we paid and made our way to Dubai mall, which thankfully has air conditioning. I happily looked through some shops while Harry followed me with the buggy. "Almost done?" Harry asked, very clearly bored. I turned around and shook my head jokingly "almost." I said with a smile. "M- mummy?" Ollie babbled. "Yes baby?" I replied squatting down in front of him. "I wanna go- the pool." He smiled. Harry chuckled and I glanced up at him "ok, let's go." I said and a look of pure excitement spread across his face.
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Liked by wroetoshaw and 719,238 others
y/username: my toddlers new fixation: sharks😂🤍
tobjizzle: looks like so much fun! Hope you're having a great time guys❤️
-> y/username: we are ty uncle jizzle💞
faithloisak: so stinking cute🥺
y/nfanpage21: the mum fits are👌🏼
user50172932: those burgers omfg
When we arrived back at the hotel we got straight into our swimming costumes and headed down to the pool. We found some deck chairs and put our things down, then (after smothering Ollie in suncream) all three of us got into the pool.
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y/username just posted a new story!
Later... "I'm so lucky." Harry whispered, as we lay in bed and Ollie lightly snored in his cot. I smiled "you're so cute." He pulled me into a sweet kiss "I mean it, I'm so lucky to have you and Ol, I love you both so much." "And we’re so lucky to have you Haz."
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karajaynetoday · 4 years
ours, for the rest of forever | ashton irwin
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Hello friends! Here is a godparent!Ash one shot, based on this blurb about being godparents with Ashton and also inspired in part by that scene in Season 5 of One Tree Hill when Brooke is randomly looking after a baby but has to also finish fashion sketches so Lucas comes to her rescue with babysitting and it is overall very soft and cute. You know the one! Lol. 
A very big thank you to Jex @sadistmichael​ , Anna @cheekysos​ , Jae @jae-writes-fanfiction​ and Hailey @talkfastromance4​ for proof-reading and providing feedback on this when it was in its draft stages. You’re all absolute gems! 
Anyway, enjoy the softness and as always, please let me know what you think! I’ve got some thoughts for a potential part 2, so we’ll wait and see how part 1 goes :)
(This is a fem reader insert)
Word count: 3.3k words
Warnings: none
More writing here | send feedback/thoughts/suggestions here
When your best friend Alice told you she was having a baby, you were over the moon. She was honestly one of the most kind-hearted people you knew, and the amount of love in her heart for others would only bloom more for a little baby to hold and cherish. Her partner James had been by Alice’s side since your university days, and their relationship was one that was literally #goals. They’d moved over to Los Angeles because James had an opportunity to work at an indie creative agency working with music artists, and when you followed a year or so later to pursue a consulting job, they’d welcomed you with open arms into the little community they’d formed of Australian ex-pats, LA creatives and generally good quality, salt of the earth people. 
In the early days, there were lots of late nights (that became early mornings) running amok in West Hollywood, going from one house party to the next, but as you grew older, it became more likely to be a quiet Sunday sesh in someone’s backyard, with a barbeque cooking and someone playing their favourite tunes on a portable speaker while you floated in the swimming pool or lounged about on the grass with everyone’s various pets in attendance. When you met Ashton, he was drumming shirtless at his own house party, and then doing shots with James and their friend Calum. You were more than a little intimidated, although he had a kind face and welcoming nature, Ashton was forthcoming his opinions. On the other hand, you were always more reserved, and it took you  time to feel like you belonged with their crazy crew of friends. One night, you and Ashton ended up alone in the kitchen sharing some chicken nuggets and potato gems tater tots after a wild night on the house part dancefloor, and from there you could feel a solid friendship starting to take hold. 
A few months after Alice and James told you they were expecting, they’d invited you and Ashton out to brunch at one of your favourite spots. It was a little hole-in-the-wall café in Studio City that you’d first come to after Ashton wouldn’t stop raving about how good their iced coffees were. You all ordered your favourites (avocado smash with a side of smoked salmon and a hash brown for you, raspberry hotcakes for Alice, a breakfast burger for James, and pulled pork eggs benedict with a side of halloumi for Ashton) and were chatting away about your weeks at work when Alice reached down and pulled two envelopes out of her tote bag and handed on to you and one to Ashton. You took them, looking confusedly at Alice and James, who had big goofy smiles on their faces.
“Well, go on! Open them!” Alice half-shouted excitedly, squeezing James’ hand on top of the table. You and Ashton glanced at each other, perplexed, before tearing open the envelopes and finding a card inside. Yours read, “Will you be my godmother?” in gold writing on the front, and inside was an ultrasound photo with a handwritten note from Alice that made you tear up when you started reading it. You could see in your peripheral vision that Ash had a corresponding card in his envelope too, and he was standing up to give James and Alice a hug with an enthusiastic “Fuck YES! Of course I will!” that garnered some disapproving looks from the middle-aged women sitting near you. You held it together just enough to stand up and exchange hugs and choke out a “Y-y-yes” to Alice and James, before basically bursting into full blown tears of happiness and apologising profusely as your brunch was delivered to the table. As you wiped away your tears and managed to begin eating your avocado smash, you felt Ashton squeeze your hand reassuringly under the table, and when you glanced towards him he was grinning at you with a smile that was as bright as a thousand suns. 
It was a normal June day at the office a few months later when your phone pinged with a text from Alice in your group chat with her, James and Ashton that 
 read “It’s go-time. We’ll keep you updated!”. You replied with lots of exclamation points and crying emojis, and for Alice and James to let you know if they needed anything, and a few minutes later Ashton had penned a full paragraph about the beauty of the creation of life, how he knew that Alice and James would be incredible parents, and that he couldn’t wait to meet the little one once they made their way into the world. Ashton was frustratingly eloquent sometimes. Later that night, you received a photo message of a small, pink baby snuggled up on Alice’s chest, with James’ arm thrown around her shoulders, and the caption “Charlie Rose, ten fingers, ten toes. Come visit tomorrow, she can’t wait to meet you x” and you could barely sleep from the anticipation of meeting your darling goddaughter for the first time.
Ashton insisted on meeting you at the hospital so you could visit Alice, James and Charlie together (“Dude, we’re a godparent team here! A package deal! A dynamic duo! Can’t have you getting in there as the favourite from day one!”) and you’d never seen him more gentle or smitten than when the small, wriggly bundle of blankets that was Charlie Rose was placed in his arms. Ashton rocked her gently, kissing her head, and whispering to her about how incredible she was and how excited he was to see her grow. James was snapping away with his camera, and he asked you and Ash to stand together for a photo holding Charlie, which would later be stuck on your fridge for years to come (and possibly be your phone lockscreen, but no need to mention that to Ashton). 
Charlie was a tricky baby at first, resisting sleep and struggling with colic, but Alice and James were incredible and persistent and by the time she was 6 months old, they basically had the hang of this parenting thing. They didn’t want to christen Charlie in a church, but instead decided to hold one of your cherished backyard barbeques as a naming celebration for her. All of your nearest and dearest were there, and Alice’s mum had even flown in from Australia to meet her newest granddaughter. Despite it being an incredibly informal affair, Ashton insisted on making a speech about how he felt to be in Charlie’s life, to love and support her through every milestone and challenge she might encounter along the way. Charlie was happily gurgling in Ashton’s arms as he spoke, and she reached up to grab at his cheeks when he told her he loved her. Alice’s mum insisted on getting photos of everyone, including you and Ashton holding Charlie, and you tried to ignore the butterflies you felt when Ash slid his arm around your waist and pulled you into his side for a cosy photo pose. Were you actually starting to fall for him, or was it just the baby fever talking? Because damn, that man looked good with a baby in his arms.
When Charlie was almost 12 months old, Alice decided that she wanted to go back to work a few days a week. Charlie would be in childcare for most of the days, but you’d recently adopted a flexible working arrangement with your own office, and you insisted that you would love to look after Charlie for one day a week. The older Charlie got, the more adventurous she became, so what you’d originally envisioned as nice, quiet days of baking and craft activities and napping soon became full of visits to the playground and the beach and the zoo. Once Ashton heard about your regular babysitting day, he insisted on clearing his schedule as best he could, and joined the outings you and Charlie went on. It’s so much easier to cope with her boundless energy (and occasional temper tantrums) when you and Ash are together, and you have to admit it’s just as nice on the quieter days as well, when you snuggle in on your couch to watch a Disney movie, or do some puzzles with Charlie on the lounge room floor. 
When Ashton was back out on tour, he’d insist on FaceTiming with you and Charlie on your babysitting day so he didn’t miss out on all the fun. Sometimes he’d read her a story or sing her a lullaby before naptime, and sometimes the timezones wouldn’t work out and he’d end up calling during naptime, so the two of you just spent a little time catching up on each other’s lives from your opposite sides of the country or the planet. Ashton also loved collecting little souvenirs for Charlie on his touring travels, and your group chat with Alice and James was regularly filled with photos of snow globes or little soft mascot toys he’d found in one city or the next. It was so cute how excited Ashton got when he found a new souvenir for Charlie, and you couldn’t help but imagine how adorable he’d be when he had his own children and carried on little traditions like this for them too. 
One particular weekend, Alice and James were going away overnight to attend a friend’s wedding nearby, and despite their anxiety and nerves (and admittedly, your own), they decided to leave Charlie with you for the night as your house is the main one besides their own that she spends time in. They dropped Charlie off just after lunchtime, and after a teary goodbye, she’s soon happily playing with her toy cars and trains on the lounge room carpet (including making broom-broom noises, what a cutie) when you get an unexpected call from your boss. They’re rambling about a client needing an urgent rewrite on something that you’d submitted the previous day, a pretty sizeable project, and you could feel yourself starting to fill with dread at the idea of having to rework the entire thing while also keeping Charlie happy and entertained. After managing to jot down the gist of the rewrite on the back of a colouring in page you found on your coffee table and ending the call with your boss, you took a deep, calming breath before looking over to where Charlie was still playing on the floor. Sure, she looked content and adorable now, but nap time was fast approaching, and then dinner, and then eventually bedtime, and there was nothing Charlie liked more than stomping her feet and putting up a fight where sleep was involved. It was time to call for help, and your fingers found Ashton’s contact in your phone and hit “call” before you realised what you were doing.
“Hey, how’s it going with my favourite girl?” Ashton answered cheerily, and your heart stopped beating for a moment before you mentally face-palmed when you realised that he was talking about Charlie, not you, being his favourite girl.
“Hey Ash! All good so far, but um… I think I’m going to need some help. My boss is having a crisis, so I need to smash out some edits and new content in the next three hours, but Charlie’s due to go for a nap and you know that she -” You could feel yourself starting to sound more panicked with each word that you spoke, but Ashton quickly cut you off with his soothing voice.
“That she likes to pick a fight at nap time, yes. A truly assertive future world leader on our hands, I reckon. I’m just finishing up a demo, but I’ll be there in 20 minutes. I’ll sort dinner as well, spaghetti sound okay?” He mused, sounding as calm as ever.
“That… would be amazing. Thank you. You’re actually the best human to exist, you know that?” You gushed, feeling some of your anxiety immediately begin to disappear. 
Within half an hour, Ash was in your lounge room handling Charlie’s nap time negotiations while you were furiously typing away at your laptop at the kitchen counter and fielding more frantic phone calls from your boss. Another 20 minutes passed before Ash proclaimed victory as Charlie lost her battle against sleep, and he came to see you in the kitchen and make a start on dinner. You were so lost in your task that you didn’t hear him come in, and you jumped a mile out of your seat in fright when he gently touched your shoulder in greeting.
“Jesus christ, Ash! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” You huffed, taking your glasses off and rubbing your eyes in exhaustion. 
Ashton leaned on the counter opposite you and raised his eyebrows in concern. “Sorry love, didn’t realise you didn’t hear me come in. You good?” 
Damn it, why was he always so nice to you these days? Remember the days when you were scared of him because he used to argue with you about politics and the state of the world? Why did those seem somehow easier because fear was more natural to you than whatever this other feeling was that you were starting to have whenever Ashton was around you. 
You sighed and put your glasses back on, frowning briefly at the screen before hitting save one more time (just in case your bad luck took a turn and fucked you over with lost documents). 
“Yep. Sorry. It’s just been a bit of a day. Did Charlie go down okay?” You forced a smile as you glanced up at Ashton over the top of your laptop screen. 
“Yeah, she gave in once I offered another bedtime singalong. And maybe, juuuust maybe, I might have mentioned something about some sweets after dinner…” Ash looked at you guiltily, licking his lips nervously. You rolled your eyes and shook your head at him, but you couldn’t keep the small smile off your face.
Ashton got started on making spaghetti while you tapped away at your computer, and soon enough you heard Charlie calling out for Ashton in her little sing-song voice on the baby monitor you had set up on the kitchen counter (“Asht-aaaaa! Where are youuuuu! Asht-aaaaa!”). The spaghetti smelled incredible, and when Ashton brought Charlie into the kitchen from her nap and she’d had a little while to play a bit more, you settled at the kitchen table to tuck into some dinner. Well, Charlie was more interested in playing with her food than actually eating it, but yours was delicious and for the third or fourth time that day, you thanked Ash profusely for being such a gem (to which he just gave you one of those dazzling smiles in response).  
After dinner, Ashton took Charlie for a bath and read her a bedtime story while you powered through the final part of the project edits you needed to finish before your boss burst a blood vessel. You could hear Ashton reading to Charlie on the baby monitor, doing all of the different character voices, and her little giggles in response were both breaking and warming your heart. Warming it with the cuteness and how much you loved that little girl and her cheeky soul, and breaking it with the guilt about how it was supposed to be you snuggled up reading to her, but instead you were frantically typing about key messages, marketing strategies and budget lines. You were doing your last section of re-writes when Ash came back into the kitchen, and this time you didn’t jump when he gently placed his hands on your shoulders. In fact, you leaned into his touch, and moaned quietly in relief as his thumbs began to work into the tension in your muscles.
“How’s it going?” Ashton asked quietly, continuing to press his hands into your back and shoulders.
“Almost there. Mostly just proof-reading now, and then I can send it and not fucking think about it for another second until at least Monday. Ash, I’m so sorry again, I know this isn’t what you had in mind for your Friday night and I should’ve been more organised but I just didn’t think that -” You began to ramble, feeling the guilt wash over you.
“Hey, hey. Stop. It’s fine. We’re a team, remember? The dynamic duo? Gotta stick together. We’ve got a whole lifetime of dealing with Charlie meltdowns and milestones ahead of us, love. It’s our job and our blessing, for the rest of forever. Don’t feel guilty over one night.” Ashton said softly, squeezing your shoulders and pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. There were those butterflies again, and your skin was almost burning from where his hands had touched you. You simply nodded at his words, before returning to your laptop and the task at hand. Ashton stepped away and quietly began washing the dishes (honestly, is there anything this man didn’t do?) as you began typing again. 
Finally, about twenty minutes later, you hit send on the email to your boss with the completed rewrites, and shut your laptop with a deep sense satisfaction, letting out a triumphant whisper-yell, mindful of the sleeping child down the hallway from you. Ash looked up from where he was sat on the couch, scrolling on his phone, and rushed over to high-five you when he realised that you’d shut your laptop.
“Right. You go shower and I’ll put the kettle on, then it’s one episode of Sons of Anarchy and then off to bed with you.” Ash began, tugging you out of your seat and pushing you towards your bedroom before you could protest.
“Wait… how did you know I was watching Sons of Anarchy?!” You turned and asked, with one hand on the door to your bedroom.
“I was stalking through your Netflix earlier when you were lost in editing land. Plus, I know you can’t resist a charming male lead who has a killer smile and looks damn good in a leather jacket.” Ash chuckled, shooting you a wink and one of those goddamn smiles. 
You hated to admit it, but you felt so much better after your shower, and having Ash pull your feet up over his lap and absentmindedly run his hands softly across your legs from time to time wasn’t exactly bad either. You stuck to your promise of only one episode of Sons of Anarchy, and after pulling your groaning self up off the couch and jokingly half-carrying you to your bedroom door, Ashton bid you goodnight with a hug and a kiss to the forehead before disappearing into your guest room. 
As you settled into your own bed, alone, and pulled the blankets up over you, you couldn’t help but think how nice it was to have Ash so present with you and with Charlie, and how sweet it would be in the morning to wake up together in the same house and go for breakfast at your favourite little brunch spot down the street, before waiting for James and Alice to return in the early afternoon. It was all your own little family unit, and as you felt yourself being lulled into sleep, you also felt a deep sense of content in your heart about the loved ones in your life. And then also there were those butterflies, just slowly but surely making their presence known, and getting a little bigger every time you thought of Ashton, and how much he loved Charlie, and how much she loved him and you, and how much you loved them both.
Shit. Did you actually love him? Were you falling in love with Ashton Irwin? Before you could panic too much, the need for sleep won out, and you slept peacefully knowing two of your favourite people were also sleeping calmly in the rooms either side of you. 
More writing here | send feedback/thoughts/suggestions here
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allie1804-fan · 3 years
Kerense Part 2
This is a continuation of Kerensa - read Part 1 here
Kerensa (Part 1)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 , Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Warnings : Just like Keanu in these fics, I don't actually know any of the other real people portrayed here so my versions of them are all supposition!
LA Home?
After a couple of weeks, they moved on to LA. Kerry was Flabbergasted by the size and style of his home. It had a cool feel due to the size of the rooms and the large pieces of art in the main living area which had vast bi-fold doors leading out to the patio and pool. He was most excited to show her his pond with Koi Carp and the breathtaking view.
His office and bedroom were warmer in style, more in keeping with the man and she was thrilled with the kitchen which his sister had designed with herself in mind for when she visited and wanted to cook or for Keanu when he had a caterer come in.
On their first night, they ordered take out and ate outside by the pool. They were both tired from travelling but he promised to take her out to some favourite haunts soon. His bigger priority was making her and Scout feel at home and welcome.
That started with meeting his mum. Having heard a lot about her before he left, his mother, in particular, was very keen to make her acquaintance. She invited them over and had a meal catered.
She was welcoming but there was an edge of scrutiny in her gaze and her questions.
In the car on the way home, Kerry pointed it out.
It’s just like Jason Robards says in Parenthood. “It never ends”
“Well, your mum was clearly concerned I might be some kind of leach!”
“Kerry, she thinks that about everyone I meet, but especially women. But she liked you, I could tell. And you bonded over all your English connections right?”
“I guess!”
Next up was Karina who had them over for Thanksgiving. She was more easygoing than her mother and they had a very relaxed day with Keanu and his brother-in-law bonding over the football and Kerry and Karina enjoying working together in the kitchen.
In the weeks running up to Christmas, their projects were on hiatus and they focussed on getting Kerry acclimatised to LA. Keanu bought her a car (she was not up for driving his Porsche) and they went on bike rides up PCH, took Scout on hikes in local parks and continued her introductions to his friends.
Key amongst them was Alex Winter and his family. They spent a great day on the beach at Malibu with him, his wife and their 2 youngest sons. Alex took a cute pic of Kerry and Keanu there - She had straggly wet hair from messing around in the sea and was wearing a loose shirt over her swimming costume. Her arms were draped around Keanu’s neck and they were both grinning broadly. She liked it so much, she had it printed and framed and placed it on their dressing table. It was one way she could try to settle in.
She certainly felt safe and welcome in his home, but, truth be told, not really at home
Some of that was connected to Scout. There was an inner courtyard where Scout could chill in a shady spot and you could walk him along the road nearby but only in the evening when the surface would be cool enough. To walk the dog, you really needed to go to a park, beach or further out into hills. It wasn’t just a stone’s throw away like at Sennen.
Also, in one sense, the house felt huge but at the same time, claustrophobic. It was curious that she could feel hemmed in despite the space and open view at the back - it was like you couldn’t touch the nature that was so near at hand and when she felt like that, the waves of nostalgia for Sennen were powerful.
Another challenge she faced and hadn’t really expected had been the number of female friends Keanu had who, it was clear, were past sexual partners. It wasn’t that anyone said anything to her, least of all him for whom it was all just water under the bridge, but some of them had an unmistakable body language towards him, while others displayed a certain possessiveness that she found, if not threatening then at least challenging.
She knew he’d had a different life from her, longer in single mode, less settled in one place and with a lot of opportunity to be promiscuous, so she knew she had to accept it, but she also struggled to imagine still hanging out with people you’d been so intimate with in the past as it had been a very rare experience for her.
Fortunately, Karina was a bit of an ally in at least filling in the gaps as to who was or wasn’t an ex. Kerry didn’t want to come off as jealous or obsessive, so asking Keanu was a no-no, at least at first. One day, Karina had come over to talk Christmas food and caught Kerry staring off into the distance.
“Hey, where have you gone?” Karina asked her.
Wha …? oh sorry, nowhere, I’m right here”
“ oh no, not falling for THAT. What did he do?”
“Keanu? Nothing. Honest.”
“Honest he didn’t. It’s just, errm Autumn came over last night”
“Nothing, she’s just not my favourite of his exes that still hangs around him”
“Oh so she IS an ex, I wasn’t sure and he didn’t say so”
“He wouldn’t, to him it’s ancient history - and it is. They properly dated in the 90s and then I’m pretty sure she was, you know…. A friend …..”
“With benefits?”
“Yeah, sometime in the 2000s but not in the past few years. Was she civil to you?”
“Yeah yeah, she was just quite, erm touchy with him and sort of “
“Not exactly, but she made sure to mention things from way back several times as if to remind me and him that I’m the new kid. I mean maybe I was being over-sensitive, it was weird”
“Naah, that’s her thing. She didn’t manage to clinch him and that still riles her so she hangs in there with the “trusty oldest friend” card.
“Yeah but she’s not his oldest friend right? Brenda is from school and that lovely lady Clare is from before her time right?”
“Right, I mean Autumn is from way back but she’s not the unique one she likes to think.”
Mostly, the exes were subtle in their comments or behaviour but China Chow came close to making Kerry spit her drink out at a Christmas party when she was a bit drunk. She was saying how happy she was to see Keanu happy.
“And you my friend are a lucky girl, he’s good between the sheets too huh?, hic!”
The following morning Keanu and Kerry were lying in bed with a coffee, nursing hangovers and doing a party post-mortem.
“Oh my God, China was drunk wasn’t she?!” Keanu snorted.
“I’ll say!” She replied rolling her eyes
“Have you had sex with all of your female friends?!” She asked pointedly.
“Oh my god, what did she say?”
“Oh, how happy she is for you …..”
“Mmmmm, so?”
“And how lucky I am….and how good you are between the sheets”
It was Keanu’s turn to almost spit out his coffee.
“That must have been awkward.!”
“Well would have been worse if we weren’t both at least a little drunk”
“Do you mind?” “That I have a past?” he clarified when she looked questioningly at him.
“No, I just, I never had an ex who I still hung out with after we split so it’s a little weird for me. And they’re all so, you know, LA glamorous.”
“Come ‘ere.” He said pulling her close after seeing the uncertainty in her eyes.
“It’s you I love, you I want to wake up with every morning and hold in my arms each night. And they're so called glamour is no match for your beauty. And, it’s like, over 10 years ago that I was with any of the friends I still see, sexually. Kerry, I promise. Are we ok?”
“yeah, we’re good” she reassured.
And they were. Christmas was around the corner and Kerry enjoyed shopping for gifts, getting a tree and decorating the house. They placed the bird decoration for Ava on the tree and he gave her two angels to hang for her babies and a Celtic fertility symbol in hope of a future as parents. They spent Xmas Day with his mother and Karina and Keanu went on his usual Boxing Day bike ride with old friends while Kerry went to the cinema with Karina.
On 29th they headed back to the UK, where they spent New year with her sister and family and 10 days having catch-ups with friends in London and Cornwall.
By mid-January, they were back in LA and finally, it felt like there would be a period of being more settled. They socialised but there were no more big introductions to make and Kerry planned to crack on with her novel.
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malfoyswheezes · 4 years
six months
Summary: You’re separated from Ron after Bill and Fleur’s wedding, and when you get word he’s at Shell Cottage, you’re determined to go see him.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.5k 
A/N: This is actually my first time writing for Ron he deserves more love! Also I’ve got another acc: @harrysweasleys :)
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Being separated from Ron was quite possibly the hardest thing you’ve ever had to endure. Not only did you have absolutely zero clue as to where he was, but he was also with Harry — The Chosen One and your brother — hunting pieces of Voldemort’s soul. Quite possibly the most dangerous thing he could be doing.
And you were losing your mind.
The evening of the wedding had gone by so smoothly. Bill and Fleur looked gorgeous, the summer breeze was just right, and you had danced the night away with Ron, not a care in the world. When Death Eaters had swarmed the place, you stood guard and prepared to attack, and that’s when you saw Harry, Ron and Hermione Apparate away.
It was soul crushing, no pun intended. You only wanted to know he was safe. It was too dangerous to send Owls back and forth. You were totally and completely in the dark.
“You’ve been sitting on the couch in the same clothes for nearly three days,” Bill’s voice startled you as he placed himself down on the opposite end of the couch, tousled hair hanging over his face.
“I’ve been looking out the window for any signs of danger,” you muttered, eyes still staring out the large window overlooking the endless fields. It was kind of true, if anything were to happen nearby you’d see it. But it was also because you couldn’t find anything distracting enough to do.
Bill sighed, his worried eyes on you, “Y/N, this isn’t healthy. I get you’re worried. Ron’s my little brother — I am too. But they’ve been gone nearly two months, we definitely would have heard something if something went wrong.”
Two months already. Two months since the wedding, the last time you saw the love of your life, as well as the last time you had seen your brother. The bundle of worry in your stomach had not died down since that day. In all honestly, you had barely slept since that day.
“You know the Dark Lord is after Harry. He’s the one with the impending doom hanging over his head,” you muttered, the uneasiness growing even more as you thought about your brother and what he was going through.
“Remind me again why Harry’s the ‘wanted one’ and not you?” Bill asked, eyebrows furrowed.
You sighed, and for the thousandth time, explained the story of the night your parents died, “Because, Bill, I wasn’t in the room. I was at my mom’s friends house. Harry was sick and she didn’t want me getting it so I was at her friend Lucy’s house and missed my parents getting murdered. Harry’s the one who survived Voldemort, I barely even exist to him. Which I’m not complaining about, don’t get me wrong.”
Bill nodded grimly, looking out the window to meet the same gaze as you, “They’re alright. Y/N. They’ve survived a hell of a lot during their time at Hogwarts. This is just another day at their hell hole of an office.”
You were well aware that Ron and Harry had been through a lot at Hogwarts. You were a year older than Harry, and so the rumours and stories always found a way to you quite quickly. Yes, word travelled fast at Hogwarts. However, after the Triwizard Tournament you didn’t really let Harry leave your sight, so you eventually found a way to be a part of the stories as well.
“I guess,” you sighed, well aware of how dramatic it sounded, “I just want a scrap of news. Anything. Just something.”
“I know, we all do,” he replied gently, placing a hand on your shoulder before standing up, “I’ve best be going, but I will write to you if I hear or see anything. This I can promise you.”
“Right, yeah, I promise I’ll write too,” you smiled faintly, turning away from him to look outside the window once more.
Bill left silently, disappearing into the fireplace by use of Floo, and you were once again left alone with the sorrow thoughts swimming through your mind.
You had tried so hard to persuade Molly and Arthur to let you take off and search for them, maybe even go to Hogwarts to scope out and help, but they had told you that for your own good, staying put would be the ideal way to proceed with things.
So you did.
— —
Six months.
It had been six bloody months and there was still no sign of anything. You had heard of rumours through the Ministry that things at Hogwarts weren’t going to well with Snape as Headmaster, but that was pretty much all you knew about the outside world.
You had heard nothing.
In six months.
For all you knew, Harry and Ron — the two most important men in your life — could be dead. And you’d have no idea.
You couldn’t help but zone out at the thought, nearly spilling your tea all over Molly Weasley as you walked into the kitchen.
“Oh, sorry Mrs Weasley,” you apologized, flushing slightly as you sat opposite her at the empty table.
“No worries, dear,” she grinned, looking outside, “Glad the winter months are coming in. The garden gnomes have been a pain this summer.”
You nodded absentmindedly, “Yeah, they were a pain.”
She looked at you, eyes showing her concern, “They’re alright, dear. Don’t worry so much, you’ll get wrinkles at such a young age.”
You giggled, taking a sip of your tea and smiling a real smile in what felt like the first time since the wedding. Molly Weasley has been such an important person to you over these brutal six months. Her positive energy and caring nature had helped you power through.
Over the last two months, she’d been occupying you with basic tasks and keeping your mind busy, which you were forever grateful for.
“Oh, is that Bill’s owl?” Molly’s eyes snapped to the window, and so did yours. Before she could say another word, you rushed out of your seat, opened the window, and snatched the letter off of the scrawny owl’s leg, your heart beating violently against your rib cage.
Mum, Dad, Y/N,
Things have been good here with Fleur. Married life is quite as strange as they say.
But, that is not the point of this letter. I wish to tell you that last evening Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Luna Lovegood arrived at our home. They had just come from Malfoy Manor, where they show clear signs of torture. We don’t know where they were before or where they’re going next but they will be staying for a short time, healing and mending.
Just thought I would let you all know they are safe, and that Y/N can sleep at night knowing that Ron and Harry are ok. They both send their love to her, and to you, Mum and Dad, as well.
Love, Bill
You dropped the letter, bolting towards the staircase with your heart leaping. Ron was safe, he was with Bill. There was no way anyone could hold you back from going to see him.
“Y/N! Where are you running off to?” Molly came rushing around the corner, her arms waving as she tried to collect you, “You’re not going out there. It’s way too dangerous.”
“Forgive me, Mrs Weasley, but I don’t care what you think,” you snapped, feeling guilty at the way her face dropped, “Harry’s my brother, and Ron’s the love of my life. I am not sitting here doing nothing. I’m going to get dressed and I’m going over using Floo.”
Before she could respond, you rushed up the never ending staircase and into your room, forcefully slamming the door shut behind you. You were finally going to see Ron again.
You changed into a tshirt and jeans and rushed back downstairs, finding yourself standing in front of the fireplace before you even knew it.
“No! Dear, don’t go,” Molly stood up from the couch, walking over to you, “Bill is saying it’s dangerous, he doesn’t want any of us to go.”
“I can’t,” you spoke softly, “I won’t stay. I just have to see him.” She seemed to want to press the subject even further, but as she heard the determination in your voice, she sighed, dropped her hands, and pointed to the tiny pot with the Floo powder in it.
“Fine, fine. Don’t tell Bill I let you go,” she pat you on the shoulder, “Be back by dinner and no adventures.”
“Yes, Mrs Weasley,” you grinned, stepping into the fireplace and careful not to lose your balance on the thick lumps of burnt logs and coal. You reached into the pot, grabbing a handful of Floo powder and held out your hand.
“Shell Cottage!” your voice was loud and clear, and within seconds, you felt the familiar tug and pull of the Floo powder, your body whisking away in a mess of green flames.
— —
Shell Cottge was awfully cute and quaint. Situated on a lonely beach, the only sound you ever really heard here were birds and the rumbling waves of high tide.
As you stumbled out of the fireplace into said cottage, careful not to crash into the bookshelf, you heard loud footsteps rushing in your direction to check for danger.
“Y/N?” Bill’s face fell as his sight landed on you, slightly ashy and discombobulated, “Godric, I told you to stay at my mum’s.”
“You told me Ron and Harry were here,” you crossed your arms after wiping your soot covered hands on your jeans, “I wasn’t going to sit on the couch and let you have all the fun.”
Bill looked worse than usual. His facial scars were fading, but his tousled hair was scraggly and greasy, and his eyes sunken in and tired.
“You have to go,” Bill sighed, running a hand down his face, looking back down the hallway he can’t from, then back to you, “You can’t be here.”
“Yes I can,” you stood up straighter as if to prove a point, “HARRY!”
A distant voice called out, “Bill? Is my sister here?”
You smirked proudly as Bill rolled his eyes, motioning for you to follow him. He led you into the dining room, where Ron, Harry, Hermione and Luna stood. They were all scratched, bruised and bloodied, and standing around an old pit of parchment on the table.
As your eyes landed on Ron, your heart skipped a beat. Six months of waiting and here he was, in the flesh.
“Ronald Weasley,” you walked slowly over to him until you were standing mere inches apart, “You look like hell.” You ran a rand through his matted hair, eyes landing on his damaged shoulder and the cut on his lip.
“Thanks,” he breathed our slowly, “I’ve only destroyed a horcrux. No big deal.”
You looked up and met his eyes once more, breath caught in your throat. He looked good. Damaged, sure, but good.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in for a tight hug, ignoring the prying eyes of everyone else in the room. He leaned his head into the crook of your neck, letting out a deep sigh as if the weight of the world were resting upon his shoulders. You brought a hand up to his neck, rubbing the damaged skin soothingly.
“You had me worried sick,” you whispered, relunctanrly pulling away so you could look at him once more, “Six months. And no news.”
“We couldn’t—,”
“I’m not blaming you, Ron. I know you couldn’t risk it,” you smiled, running your fingers over the cut on his cheek, “I was just having a really rough time.”
He chuckled, twirling a strand of your hair between his fingers, “I missed you. After the wedding I didn’t know who made it out and who didn’t. I sat listening to the radio every day waiting to hear bad news.”
You couldn’t imagine how rough these six months had been for him either. Away from everyone after the tragic events from the wedding with no idea who survived and who didn’t.
“I’m sure you’re aware by now but everyone in your family is safe. George is back to normal and still making ear jokes — naturally — and Ginny still asks about my brother every day,” you grinned, turning around to face Harry, “It’s good to see you too, Harry.”
You pulled him in for a hug, ignoring the blood from his hands that were staining your shirt as he hugged you back tightly. He was quite thrilled to see you too, you were his big sister after all.
“You sure? You seemed to only notice Ron,” he joked, causing you to chuckle as you pulled away from the comforting hug. You were overjoyed to see Harry, of course, but missing your brother and missing your boyfriend were two very different things.
“Hi, Hermione,” you smiled at her giving her a big hug as well.
Seeing them all in the room brought a sense of relief flooding throughout your body, a sense of comfort. As if the past six months of worrying had finally come to an end now that you could see them in person and know they were all safe and well.
Ron pulled you into his side once more and you leaned your head on his shoulder, reeling in the feeling of being close to him again.
“What have you been up to for six months, then? Did you replace me?” he grinned.
“Yeah, totally. I’ve had an affair with the couch,” you pressed a light kiss to his cheek, “Jokes aside, nothing. My six months haven’t nearly been as thrilling and outgoing as yours, I bet.”
“You got that right,” Harry sighed, “Polyjuice potion, dragons, horcruxes, goblins, swords, snatchers... it’s been a time.”
“Goodness,” you stared at him wide eyed, “I can’t wait to hear all about it.”
So they caught you up on everything. From breaking into the Ministry of Magic and stealing a locket off of Umbridge, to flying out of Gringotts on a dragon, to being tortured and locked up at Malfoy Manor, you had your jaw dropped the entire time. You couldn’t believe how insane their time had been.
“We had a very different time,” you finally spoke up after the three of them recalled their aventure word for word. Ron was next to you on the couch, your head on his shoulder and his fingers rubbing circles on your thigh.
“I bet,” Hermione grinned, “There really was nothing like flying on a dragon. And I don’t even like flying.”
You smiled at her, “Can’t imagine there’s much like it. Hagrid would be proud.”
And finally, after six months, you got to be with Ron again. You got to touch him, kiss him, hug him, and keep an eye on him.
“Love you,” he muttered in your ear, a lazy smile on his face.
“Love you too,” you muttered right back, kissing his shoulder lightly.
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maraudersandlily20 · 4 years
Okay, here’s the thing. About 2 years ago, when I was in the THICK of the HPRP community (which is dead now, honestly. RIP.), I found myself drawn to weird characters, SUCH AS: Charlie Weasley, Regulus Black (this one is still very much happening), and Hope and Lyall Lupin. I was doing a bunch of research and investigating on Remus’ parents, and the way those two met and fell in love was ADORABLE. So I started to write that story, and I asked Carolina (aka @the-moon-and-stars-my-love ) to read and edit it for me. I should have known that she would go above and beyond, as is per Carolina. But I was rereading HOPE, the story, a few days ago and decided that the only way I could post it was if I actually PUT Carolina’s commentary into the story. Because it makes me laugh and people need to see it. 
I’ve only written 2 parts of this story, because I hit a block after I finished the second part. So I’ll post what I have. 
Here’s Hope, part 1. Carolina’s commentary will be labelled, bolded, and italicized for less confusion. 
Part 1
If there was one thing that was certain, it was that Hope Howell wasn’t foolish. She wasn’t foolish. She knew better than to be out this late, especially in these woods. There were reports of robberies, rapes, and even murders that happened when people were out too long. But this time, it wasn’t people, it was her.
“You’re really done it now, Hope. Really. You just HAD to go to Carreg today to write. You couldn’t have just stayed home and had tea with mum?” Hope was babbling, of course, which she was hoping would soothe her nerves and help her dismiss the small sounds from the dark crevices of the forest. There were plenty of animals and bugs in this forest, they were probably just making a debut. And if it wasn’t animals, that didn’t necessarily mean it was anything bad.
“It doesn’t matter,” she reasoned. “There’s nothing bad in this forest. People just say there is to keep naughty children away or have them return at a reasonable hour. And I’ve never been reasonable, I’m a rebel. I go home when I want to, dark or not.” She was hoping, somewhere in the back of her mind, that if she could convince herself, even momentarily, and boost her confidence, she wouldn’t feel so completely stripped of all protection. 
She should have accepted Miles’ offer to go with her to Carreg, but she had been adamant that she would be perfectly fine. Besides, he would have read too much into it, and she wasn’t going to string him along. She shook off those thoughts and wrapped her arms around her shoulders. 
“I AM perfectly fine.” she reasoned. “They’re just old wives tales and superstitions. And I, Hope Howell, am not a superstitious person,” she said as if trying to reason with some stubborn part of herself. 
A branch broke, making Hope freeze in her tracks. She felt her pulse quicken, but refused to look in the direction of the noise. 
Carolina: girl these are your flight or fight instincts kicking in liSTEN TO THEM
She was just jumpy from remembering the stories and legends that were very much NOT true, she told herself. The noise was nothing. Just an animal. Or, maybe a bug. “I’m not superstitious. I’m not. Truly.” 
Carolina: sure jan
However, to give herself some form of comfort, she picked up a large branch on the side of the road and wielded it as though it were a weapon. It didn’t mean she was afraid, it just meant she was smart, she thought. 
Carolina: hahahahaha I'm just so amused because she is a stubborn woman who refuses to be afraid i love her
Her feet seemed glued to the ground and no matter how many positive thoughts she whispered into the air, she couldn’t will herself to move forward.
Carolina: ooo i see what you did there! with the boggart. uh huh uh huh yes good nice i like it she's already feeling the effects because she's probably looking at it but not realizing she's looking at it so she's already scared. nice little detail!
Suddenly, there was a low groaning noise and Hope’s eyes widened in fear. Slowly, reluctantly, knowing she should have already been running at this point, she turned to look into the darkness. 
There was nothing visible to her beyond the shadows of the trees, of course, but the possibilities of what could be lurking just out of view flooded  her mind . “I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid,” she whispered, over and over, but her mind didn’t seem to believe her. 
Frozen in place, Hope swallowed. “H-hello? Is there anyone…. Is there anyone out there?”
“I mean it. If you’re out there, this isn’t funny. If you’re looking to kill me or… or rob me or anything, let’s just move on with it.” she was impressed with how clear her voice sounded despite her high adrenaline. “I don’t even have any money on me, so I’m not sure why you would even want to rob me. But, you’re more than welcome to try.” She sounded ridiculous, she knew, but she wasn’t sure what else she could do. 
Again, nothing,
Just the silence.
Hope shook her head, loosening her hold on her makeshift weapon with the softest sigh of relief. “Silly girl. Of course there’s nothing out there. You’re not superstitious. People don’t just go around hiding in forests like it’s some fairytale. This is 1958 for Christ’s sake. Who in their right mind would-” She stopped dead as another noise manifested itself from the space right before her.
“Hello?” She said again, trying to keep her anxiety at bay, but failing miserably. “Hello?” It was practically a squeak.
And then, there, from the darkness, emerged a huge cloaked figure, with broad shoulders and gleaming eyes. It loomed over Hope and she felt all the blood rush from her face. She couldn’t help herself. She screamed.
She screamed and screamed and the figure moved closer to her. Finally, her heart couldn’t take it. Hope collapsed onto the ground, her vision fading in and out. Hope was swimming in and out of consciousness.  Almost as if it were a dream, she watched a man break through the trees, holding what appeared to be a small stick. He brandished it toward the cloaked figure and shouted a strange word into the air. A bright light filled her vision, and then the figure disappeared into the trees without a backward glance. 
As Hope tried to push her eyes fully open, the face of the man appeared above her.
“Are you alright?” were the last words she heard before everything went black. 
The air was cold against her skin, and it roused her from her sleep. It must have been a few minutes before she regained consciousness, as the man who had miraculously saved her was now sitting nearby with his back to her, his gaze trained on the forest, as if watching for more perpetrators. 
Hope shook her head, trying to dispel the dizziness that fogged her brain. She pushed herself up into a seated position with a groan. A pair of hands reached out to steady  her and there were definitely words being spoken to her, though it took a moment for her mind to unscramble them.
“Easy there,” the man said, trying to sound reassuring by keeping his voice low. His hands were calloused and rough, she noted, which was strange compared to the gentleness he was using with her. Her eyes trailed up his arms, taking in the overcoat he wore and the sweater beneath that looked hand-knitted. Her gaze slowly continued upward, and she couldn’t help but feel both fascinated and silly at her interest of his neck and his jawline. She prayed he hadn’t noticed her perusal of him when she finally met his gaze. Hope looked into warm brown eyes of this stranger and was struck dumb. This man had saved her? He was…. Beautiful.
Carolina: listen this is the cutest thing and i am so here for the moment of "shit they're beautiful" and i'm so glad you included it because yes she was aw awestruck of him as he was of her
Also Carolina: can i get uuhhhh mUTUAL PINING???
While they sat looking at each other, it wasn’t lost on her that there was a chance this was another ploy to rob her. But, at the same time, she was so relieved that the much larger and, frankly, more terrifying man hadn’t hurt her. The man in front of her was so handsome and gentle that she really couldn’t find it in her to care if he was going to rob her. 
Carolina: hOPE MY GOODNESS IF I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS MA BOY LYALL I'D BE CONCERNED BUt also it's Lyall and he's been so good this whole time and it he wanted to do something he wouldn't have been there when you woke up bUT STILL (not a bad thing just a realization lol)
“I’m alright,” She whispered, holding a hand to her head.
“Are you sure? You took quite the fall, you know. And over a simple boggart too.” He chuckled, not registering the look of confusion on her face and then seeming to remember something. “Oh, here,” he muttered, reaching into his pocket and fumbling for a moment before pulling out a small wrapped candy. He noticed her wary gaze and shook his head. “Don’t worry, it’s just chocolate. Eat. You’ll feel better.”
Carolina: cries bc throwback/foreshadowing to remus saying this to harry about boggarts too
He handed it to her and she took it, though she wasn’t sure why. 
Carolina: dID YOUR MOTHER NOT TELL YOU NOT TO ACCEPT SWEETS FROM A STRANGER??? Hope i love you but dear goodness woman
When he looked away from her, apparently sorting through the contents of his pocket, she stuffed the chocolate into the pocket of her coat. It wasn’t that she wanted to be rude, but she was wary of accepting any sort of food from a nameless, though very handsome, stranger.
Carolina: !!! yes good on you Hope you gots to be careful! stranger danger
As her pulse settled into a normal rhythm, and as she realized there was no imminent danger, she took a moment to take in her surroundings. They seemed to be in the same piece of wood she had fainted in, but somehow, it looked brighter. Maybe it was just the beautiful man sitting beside her that made her think that. She couldn’t be sure.
Carolina: gOD Hope could you BE any more enamored by this man??? how dare you make this so cute, Jo???
And then she remembered what had made her faint. “You-” She turned back to him suddenly. “You rescued me!” 
The man laughed with a sheepish smile. “Really, it was nothing. You must have just lost your wits. You would have been fine without me.”
“Are you out of your mind? That man was HUGE! There’s no way I ever could have gotten rid of him without you.”
The stranger stopped. “Man…?”
“Yes, the big cloaked man that you chased off with your little… little stick?” her nose wrinkled as she remembered. “You were holding a stick, weren’t you? How did you even do that? And what did you say earlier? That he was a … a Boggart?”
They looked at each other and Hope felt as if she was being sized up. Some sort of clarity seemed to hit him. “Oh, uh, it wasn’t a stick, it was a knife. I always keep one in my pocket . An old habit I developed from the war.” He pulled out a small knife, holding it out towards her by the wood handle. She nodded. “As for the… the boggart part. In my hometown, Boggart was a name we called scary looking men who were weak.” 
Carolina: hA. Nice save Lyall v slick i like it. also, really clever on you for coming up with that being the explanation Lyall would have given her!
Hope nodded, as if she understood, but thought it was a right silly thing to call anyone. 
There was a pause. “Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked.
A little laugh left her throat. “Yes, I’m sure. I kept telling myself over and over that I wasn’t afraid and that there was nothing out there to worry about. But at the first sign of danger, I went and fainted.”
“I hardly think your reaction was unreasonable,” Lyall reassured her. “I had the benefit of being rescuer, and not the damsel in distress. It’s always easier to save someone else than to fight things off yourself. I very well might have reacted the same way.”
Carolina: Lyaaalllll what a sweet lad validating her feelings and admitting to probably reacting a similar way if he had been in her shoes. what a man :')
Hope smiled, finding it funny that he was trying, in a way, to save her pride. She had already fainted in front of him, she assumed that all presumptions of pride were long behind them. “Well, it wasn’t an ideal reaction either. You are right thought. Being a damsel in distress is hard work. Who knows what would have happened to me if you hadn’t come along. ” This made the man snort with laughter, which then made Hope giggle, which was something she never did. 
Carolina: pRECIOUS the absolute NERDS
Gratitude shone in her eyes as she smiled at him. “Thank you, by the way. For saving me.”
If Hope had been paying more attention to the handsome man’s face as she smiled at him, she would have noticed the flush that covered his cheeks and the nervous way he bit his lip. 
Carolina: cuuuuuute. he's already so into her and it's adorable and sweet and pure
However, Hope wasn’t always the best at picking up romantic signals from men. 
Carolina: lmao Hope is me can't pick up signals aT ALL xD seriously love when they're both pretty much oblivious at the signs
He studied her for a moment before clearing his throat. “It was my pleasure, truly.”
They continued smiling at each other, there in the fading light of the evening, neither sure what to say or what to do, but feeling very warm. It was almost like if they moved, they would break the sort of spell that they were wrapped up in, and so both were reluctant to move even an inch.
“I’m Lyall.” he finally said, his voice soft. “Lyall Lupin.”
It was a name that suited him, she thought. “I’m Hope Howell.”
The man, Lyall, her mind supplied with a giddy jump of her heart, got to his feet and extended a hand down to her, which she accepted. Once they were both up and dusted off, Lyall rubbed at his neck. 
Carolina: *nervous boi is nervous around cute gal he just met 
[h e a r t e y e s]
Hope’s eyes snapped to trace the movement, but she immediately tried to act like she wasn’t blatantly staring. He grinned. Not wanting to embarrass her, he played it off that he hadn’t noticed. He had definitely noticed. 
Carolina: seeeee?? she thinks you're handsome and wonderful tooooo you've got a shot boy-o!
“Well, I think, Hope Howell, that it may be time to get you home. Would you mind if I escorted you there?” 
Carolina: *insert more happy crying here* WHAT A GENTLEMAN! PUT ON A RING ON IT, HOPE
Her cheeks flushed red as her name rolled off his tongue and she nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’d appreciate it.” 
So the two walked together, side by side, along the forest path. Hope couldn’t help but notice that the trees no longer appeared menacing and somehow everything seemed lighter. Even though the stars twinkled down at the both of them and the air was growing chilly, the two new acquaintances didn’t seem to mind. They seemed to be desperate to speak to each other and so they talked. And talked. And talked. Back and forth they asked questions and told stories about things they normally wouldn’t have said to someone they had just met. But they just had a feeling.
Hope couldn’t remember a time when she had laughed so much. She had been pursued by multiple young men in university, and even Miles was now pushing for them to “see where things went”, as he so eloquently put it. However, none of them, not a single one, had the ability to make her feel as warm as Lyall Lupin did. For some reason, she felt as though he were looking at her and seeing more than anyone else ever had. 
Carolina: do you know that this sentence made my heart melt just a bit more???
Hope led them along the path back to her village, where her farmhouse sat on the outskirts, away from the main square. She almost wished it had taken them longer to arrive, but she tried not to seem too disappointed.
“Well, here we are,” she said, standing at the end of the walkway that led to her door. She didn’t want to bring him too close to the windows, in case her nosy mother were peering out. She had made it very clear that mothers had a seventh sense when their daughters brought home boys. Hope had laughed at the time, but currently, she wasn’t anxious to test that seventh sense out.
Carolina: jokes on u Hope - mOMS ALWAYS KNOW IT'S THEIR SUPER POWER! but also if hope not wanting to bring him closer a'int a mood lol
“Oh.” He seemed as reluctant to part as she was. “It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Hope.”
Also Carolina: go on and kiss the girl (on her hand bc that's cute as heck and she is a lady, lyall lupin
“You as well.”
“Don’t go wandering around in the woods in the dark anymore, alright?” he quipped, eyes gleaming with amusement.
“Wouldn’t want to attract any more Boggarts, now would I?” she replied, teasingly.
Lyall started a bit at the word and then let out a laugh a second later. “Exactly.” 
Carolina: lmao he must have been TERRIFIED for a moment. "oh no i just broke the statute of secrecy" must have been his internal monologue for a moment there
They stood, staring at each other for a moment, that same warmth covering them, and both wished that this didn’t have to be goodbye.
“I should… probably get going.”
Carolina: oh my gosh...that reluctance...my inner hopeless romantic is scREAMING
Hope nodded, sure that her disappointment was clear, though she was attempting to play it off as tiredness. She did not succeed. Lyall turned to leave before stopping. In a second, he was facing her again.
“Would you mind if I came to see you again? Just to check up on you? Would that be alright?” he asked, nearly stumbling over his words and his barely concealed excuse.
A grin covered Hope’s face and she didn’t even care to try and hide it. “I’d really love that.”
He laughed, his grin matching hers. “Good. Then, I’ll see you soon, Hope Howell.”
“I’ll see you soon, Lyall Lupin.” 
She bit her lip, trying not to burst into excited giggles, because, really, that was so uncharacteristic of her. After a beat she turned and walked swiftly to the front door. When she reached the handle, she couldn’t help herself and turned to wave at him. He was still standing exactly where she had left him, watching her as she went. He wiggled his fingers in return and she sighed, content.
She pushed into the front room, feeling the warmth from the fireplace cover her in an instant. Everything was where it had been that morning. Her house was still her house, the couches and tables and blankets were all exactly where they had been before she left for Carreg. But she was different.
Lyall Lupin made her feel different.
Carolina: can you hear my squeals of delight over how gosh darn lovely their feelings for each other are???
“Is that you, calon bach?” came her mother’s voice drifting out from the kitchen.
“It’s me mam.”
“How was Carreg? Did you have a nice time?”
Hope bit her lip, shaking her head in disbelief as she remembered the warmth and compassion she had seen in the eyes of Lyall Lupin. 
Lyall Lupin. 
Lyall Lupin who wanted to see her again, just as much as she wanted to see him.
Carolina: i love that her thoughts keep going back to Lyall it's cute
Her hand drifted into her pocket and pulled out the small wrapped chocolate, the wrapper shining in the light of the living room. She turned it over and over in her hands, grateful for the anchor to reality, the promise the chocolate seemed to portray. It was a promise that Lyall Lupin was real. And he was going to come back to her.
Carolina: imma just go and say it. chocolate is incredibly important to the lupins as a family even before remus became a werewolf and i think that's wonderful because it just carries on into each aspect of their lives. i really like that you brought it back to the chocolate
“Yeah, mam. I had a real nice time,” came her belated reply and she stuffed the chocolate away again, heading toward the kitchen.
Lyall watched as the beautiful woman disappeared from his view and the door closed behind her. He couldn’t help the grin that covered his face. He must have looked nearly manic, going on so.
“The lads will never forgive me if I carry on like this,” he whispered with a laugh. And then, suddenly, the place where Lyall Lupin was standing was empty, the young man appearing to have evaporated into thin air. 
Okay, well. That’s part one. Lemme know if part two is of any interest to you. I mean, I’ll probably post it anyway, but whatever. I hope you enjoyed Carolina as much as I always do!
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geneclarksboobs · 4 years
The Great Peter Infodump of March 2020
yo @brackets-and-woolly-hats @mijaco-geo and @mike-nesmith-for-mayor I have recently been informed that yall would really like me to infodump about Peter and I want to thank yall because I think if I held it in any longer I would explode
Also thanks to the coolcherrycream articles and various interviews that I learnt all these from in the 5-ish months I’ve been thinking about the monkees for
But before I start going hnngggg Peter I would like to warn you that despite my tone this is going to contain some heavy stuff. We’re talking brief mentions of blood, and suicide and death so be careful about that
This is gonna get hella long so *cracks knuckles* let’s begin
let’s start from the very beginning: a very good place to start
Friday, 13th February one bb was born and he would always say that Friday the 13th was a lucky day for years onwards
He was born with a lot of diversity in his parentage
He’s Irish and German-Jewish on his mother’s side and Norwegian on his dad’s side
Speaking of Jewishness (is that a word???) I rememeber an article saying that he used to randomly say Hebrew words in interviews and I think he taught Mike how to say something too?? I dont know
Peter was a very friendly boy even when he was just a toddler cus he would drag any new friend he had home
Anyway, he was born in Washington DC
Once on Christmas he went missing and his mum and grams panicked and looked all over the house for him
Turns out he was just waiting at lampost in the snow because he wanted to make sure that Santa would bring him a present
Speaking of Grams, when he was 3 (i think im doing this from memory) he was at a post office with his mother when she came in.
He got uber excited and shouted “THAT’S MY GRAMS. HER NAME IS CAIT!”
And so everyone turned to look at her and he squealed
He would also often ride on the top part double deck buses and whenever the bus slowed down, he would wave to nearby people and say “HI MY NAME’S PETER WHAT’S YOUR?” to which those people who wave back and sometimes answer him. I mean, wouldn’t you?
Also he started to play with pianos when he was 3 and also he liked dancing so that’s cute
One of his first memories was of being at the hospital where his brother Nick (who they called Nicky and that’s what I’m going to call him) was born
Soon after Nicky was born they moved to Germany Yeet. He was 4 and the time and Nicky was like 18 months or smth
Right so I dont know why people dont talk about this part of his childhood because like,,,it’s interesting??
In Germany they had two maids
They had to put sugar in every food so that Peter and Nicky would actually eat the strange German food
He became very fluent in German and would help his mother with translations
He was also fluent in French for some reason
Someone made a statue of his 4 year old head and it became a famous minor art piece that featured in calendars
It probably now sits in his house because I saw in in the background of the short documentary that his son, Ivan Ivanoli made about him which you sould check btw
Anyway, when Peter was 5 he made his first official best friend Ule who was two years older than him
Once when he was playing hide and seek with Nicky he ran at full force at a closed glass door that he thought was open, shattering it, and getting a shard into his arm. Reasonably he screamed
Apparently, he was hurt a major artery and would have bled to death if not for someone being in the house to call a doctor
Once he was out and about wandering around, as you would do if you were Peter when he was stopped by some official looking guy from going back into his own house.
It’s important to note that Peter looked very much like a German boy and would ONLY talk in German outside. God knows why he did this.  Reasonably, the dude thought he was lying and he had to call for his mum
Anyway, in Germany school starts when you’re five but his birthday was in the middle of the school year so his parents sent him in early which set him up for some outcasted child syndrome later
And then the moved back to America yeet
So he moved back into America but it didn’t stop there. No. They had to move around like a 100 different times and as someone who went to a total of 4 different schools (so far oh no) that sets you up with outcasted child syndrome. What also sets you up with outcasted child syndrome is if you’re an undiagnosed neurodivergent which Peter seemed to think he was when he was in his 50s (either ADHD or autism) so uhh keep that in mind
So he was in school and as mentioned earlier he was a year younger than his peers so that’s fun
He was very very clever. Often he would finish his work first and his (4th grade) teacher would make do some reading or creative writing. She encouraged him to do creative writing because she saw some talent in there
Not only was he acadmically gifted, but he was also musically gifted. Playing not only the piano (which he got lessons for) but also the guitar, the banjo, the bass, and the french horn which he got an award for when he was in highschool playing in a band made out of college students for some reason
Speaking of awards, he was once given an award for maths
This giftedness would later set him up for Gifted Child Burnout he had in college
Also he changed schools like a total of 13 times so that’s fun
He went to a private school but apparentl, according to his parents, he hated it (but he remembered liking it???)
Also, he made a lot of jokes in class
Remember Nicky? Yeah, Nicky would often write songs for him to sing and stuff (Nicky would later write songs for Peter’s solo album and a bunch of other stuff what a great brother we stan)
The family had some kind of barn once where he would do puppet shows his siblings
Anyway, school life was all fine and dandy until 5th grade hit and he changed schools and everyone lost interest in him because he was one year younger
Also his dad was apparently very disconnected with him. Needless to say, Peter felt like his father didn’t like him
Once when he was 9, he told his father that he noticed that when the clouds were around at night, it would be warmer during the day to which his father shouted at him saying that “he has no proof of that” and that he shouldn’t say anything without proof
This of course led him to feel like no one wanted to listen to what he wanted to say
poor baby
I think his father would have been the reason why Peter would later say in an interview that he hated “loud abusiveness” the most
He would also later say that a combination of his dad and feeling like he was weird and different would lead him to his drinking problem
So umm we dont stan his dad ok
Once when he was 13 he picked up a loaded shotgun and put it against his head. But he decided that he didn’t want to do it at the last second.
Overall, life from 5th grade till highschool was terrible for him
He didn’t have any friends in his school
So when he moved to a new school in Conneticut where he was surrounded with people of the same age, he was really happy all the way until college where he flunked out twice
Hippie Time (Honestly this part is just me talking about him and Stephen Stills because Steter Stirk changed me)
And so Peter became a hippie in Greenwich Village
In the Village, he became a sort of entertainer. Not just singing and playing, he was also a comedian. 
And then he kept hearing about this dude who looked like him from other people.
This dude turned out to be Stephen who was also hearing the same kind of talk for about the same amount of time
Pete and Stephen VIBED im not kidding they started to play with each other and also Stephen’s room mate who was also there
Also it turns out that they liked to talk about the same things so that’s neat
Peter went to Venuzuela apparently and when he came back the Monkee thing happened yeet
Once when Stephen was waiting to move into his new house Peter was all like “hey dude live with me”
For a while they also lived in the same house when he was Monkee and if that doesn’t fuel any ship fics I dont know what will
Im serious the ship is here and its real I saw fics and fanart
Dont ask about Stirk
They played with the colour tv and would “pick apart each other’s brains” umm
Also Peter’s favourite band was buffalo springfield and we stan a friend who would say your band was their favourite band
And I think this is where my knowledge starts to fade because I haven’t really heard any cool facts from here on afterwards
Last Final Cool Facts
He was a teacher for quite a while and taught about Maths, basketball (despite not liking any sport except swimming) and Easter Philosophy,,,yes easter philosphy the man was into that kinda stuff
Also he was a big reader. Always having a smoll book in his pocket that he would read while on set with the Monkees. But he was particularly a non fic kinda guy
He would write poetry on the back of scripts
In the 2000s he said that his sister thought he might have ADD
Also autism but when asked about it he’d be all P E R H A P S
which is very unhelpful Peter pls give us a straight answer
I mean he cant give us straight answers because he was the gayest monkee (he fricked a dude once but he didn’t like it)
Hey look I ended on a gay note yeet. Thanks for reading this mess
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spooky-fran · 5 years
Home (Bobby, LITG)
Summary: Getting caught up in a summer storm leads to cuddling with Bobby.
Word count: 1964
Inspo: this, this, and this. . . pre-disaster recoupling.
─── ☆ ★ ☆ ───
Summer storms are a force of nature that tend to stun people. They’re imperfect little moments of sudden downpours combined with the loud booming of thunder. Lightning that streaks across the sky lights up the world, making it feel less like summer and more like a something from a movie. In the midst of the humid air, summer storms come and go with a flick of a switch
You, however, doesn’t mind getting caught in the rain. In fact, you saw summer storms as an unexpected source of clarity. You think of summer storms as these unpredictable nets that you get caught in, but sometimes, you need to get caught. You need to be stopped when life goes haywire—you need to be given a chance to refocus, to have a break from life.
It’s why you love summer storms. Why summer is your favorite season. Well, that, and the fact that you like the feeling of the warmth of the sun caressing your skin. It’s only natural, given that your entire life, you’ve been under the same monotonous cloudy English skies with no reprieve except for family holidays. Summer storms were special to you, and you could easily picture some of the life-changing moments in your life that had occurred during such storms.
You just never expected to get caught up in one in Mallorca. The island tended to have the perfect weather; the kind you’d expect to be featured on reality TV. It’s a picture-perfect paradise.
Nothing could ever go wrong—other than the obvious drama of the game—yet somehow, it’s absolutely raining cats and dogs outside when it shouldn’t be.
You don’t hear the first few drops of rain splattering on the earth. You’re curled up, your sleeping form in a ball in the middle of one of the daybeds, the pages of the novel you were reading starting to crumple beneath you. The last few hours had been spent flicking through pages and getting lost in a different world. One moment you had merely been trying to ditch the drama of the villa and the next, you had been lulled into a peaceful calmness. It had been such a peaceful change of pace that you had fallen asleep, not even noting the foreboding breeze that ushered in some thick dark clouds or the fact that a light drizzle had fallen at first.
What awakes you is a yelp. It jolts you awake, making your heart race in your chest, but it doesn’t wake up your mind fast enough. At first, you’re so confused, so disoriented from falling asleep unexpected—so you stay curled up for a few more seconds, but another yelp causes you to sit up on the bed.
You scrunch your eyebrows as the noise repeats. You don’t know where the sound is coming from, but as you look around, you find yourself looking out at the distant shapes that you know to be a part of the Villa. It’s hard to see anything at all. The sky is significantly darker than it had been before you had fallen asleep. Rain is pelting down as if someone’s dumping a never-ending bucket of water.
As you squint, trying to see through the haze, you make out a familiar shape. A body. It’s running towards the villa, searching for cover from the torrential downpour. A flash of lightning reveals more, lighting up the earth for a second as it streaked across the sky, but that’s all it takes. You’d recognize Bobby anywhere.
He’s pretty far away, but you can tell that he’s close to being soaking wet from head to toe. Water drips from his dreads and onto his bare chest, which is shiny as he pants. His purple swim trunks cling to him, as if he had just gotten out of the pool recently, but you couldn’t be sure, as you hadn’t seen him since breakfast.
Usually, all the islanders spent a lot of time basking in the sun either poolside or by lounge chair. It wasn’t uncommon for people to take a dip in the pool every now and then, seeing as It was readily available.
Bobby had probably been one of them, and because of that, he got caught in the rain. By the looks of it, he wasn’t the only one, as you heard a few other voices ring out, but he was the only one still out there, running for cover.
“Hey!” you call out, waving your hand towards him, hoping he could hear you. Although it wasn’t safely indoors, the daybeds were covered and so far, you hadn’t been rained on. “Bobby! Join me on the daybed!”
You don’t hear a response other than a faint yelp, but it doesn’t take long for you to hear feet padding on the ground. You look towards the noise.
There he stands, in all his glory.
He’s shivering slightly and his chest is heaving from the exertion, but there’s a smile on his face that lights up the world. You don’t even notice the smile that sneaks onto your features, but you beckon him over with your hand. As he walks over, you close your book and lightly toss it onto the other daybed.
“Oops,” you mutter, looking over and seeing the bookmark fall out of the book. Before you can think further about it, you find your eyes gazing over towards Bobby. His toned arms are on display, as is his chest. He’s got his hands together, twiddling his fingers before rubbing them together as if for warmth.
He looks… a little nervous?
“Hey,” he says softly. His smile, which isn’t that big grin of his, is light and content, so you figure it’s probably something else, such as being caught in the rain, that’s bothering him.
“Hey babe,” you reply, contentedly. You give him a once-over and you’re suddenly wrought with worry. In the light, without the haze of rain pelting down, you can see more clearly how much he’s shivering. You gasp, “Bobby, are you alright?”
He doesn’t even have time to answer before you leap out of the daybed. You stumble a little, your body still slightly asleep, but you ignore it. You immediately go towards a pile of towels on a nightstand nearby. Unraveling the towel, you outstretch it between your hands before walking towards Bobby and wrapping him in it.
“I just got caught in the rain… What are you? My mum?” he asks with a grin, looking down slightly at you. His face is only inches from yours and you can see the individual droplets dripping from his hair and running down his neck.
You roll your eyes playfully. “You’re shivering.”
“Maybe I’m just excited to see you.”
You reach a hand out to touch his face. It’s warm to the touch, but it reddens as you run your fingers over his constellations of freckles. “I’m serious, Bob, you’re soaking wet.”
“AWW, you worry about me!” he teases. “I was right! You’re like my mum.”
“If that’s a kink of yours, I might have to rethink this couple…”
“What! No!” his voice cracks.
You snicker. He glances down and realizes that you’re just joking. It’s the smile you can’t keep off your face; you’ve got a poker face usually, but sometimes, you couldn’t help keep in your amusement at your own jokes.
“Low blow,” he remarks, but you can tell he’s not being serious either. He smirks slightly, pulling the towel closer to him and cuddling into it. He dries off a little more as you return to your spot on the daybed by clambering up and then bouncing towards the middle. He moves towards the towel pile and grabs another one before dropping his towel to the ground “Hey, move over!”
“No! You’re still wet!” you squeal, dodging him as he jumps into the bed and shakes his hair around like a dog and giggles. Droplets of water fly everywhere, making you back away an inch, but you can’t look away, not even if you tried. He’s always got you entranced. The smile doesn’t even leave your face; it never does when he’s around. He makes you feel like only the two of you exist, he makes the world stop. “Bob—”
He’s got a Cheshire Cat grin as he stops shaking his head and looks at you. Your eyes meet and you think you see a twinkle in them. You don’t even get time to register it before he throws himself at you, flinging his body towards you with open arms.
At least he’s somewhat dry, minus the hair.
He’s laughing—you love the sound, it’s probably one of your favorites by now—and you feel his weight knock you off back onto the bed before your yelp even comes out. You’re suddenly lying down on a pillow with Bobby above you, the same grin on his lips as his elbows hold him up in a plank position.
You’re surprised, but you mask it with a lazy smile. Drawing your hand up, you stroke his arm, “You just can’t help but get on top of me, huh?”
You watch his face burn. You love how cute he looks when he’s flustered, and you can barely stop yourself from leaning in and kissing him. He sputters a little, before letting out a laugh.
“You know it, gorgeous.”
He leans in ever so slightly and you can feel his breath on your skin. You can’t tell if he’s leaning in for a kiss or if he’s just getting tired of planking, but it doesn’t matter. You meet him halfway, cupping his face, your lips meeting his as if they were two puzzle pieces that fit together; it had always felt so right kissing him, as if you’d done it hundreds of times before, even if the sensation felt new each time.
It’s a sweet soft kiss that lasts for a moment. The next ones are quicker and full of more passion. Your hands end up in Bobby’s hair and you barely noticed as he shifts so he can run a hand in your hair.
You’re breathless, utterly euphoric, when he slips. His entire weight shifts onto you and knocks the rest of the air out of your lungs, his arm smacking your face as your lips disconnect. By the time you can breathe again you find the embarrassment written on his face. You can’t help but let out a laugh.
“I’m so so—”
You cut him off, reaching for his hand and interlocking your fingers with his. “Don’t worry. It happens.”
He still groans, leaning away and unlacing your hands. You watch in confusion as he lifts himself up and starts to move away, trying to hide his face. He lowers himself down and lies on your bare stomach, his arms wrapping around your midriff. His cheek is pressed on your skin, the warmth of it making your heart skip a beat.
You can’t keep the smile off of your face. You can’t see for yourself, but you can tell it’s the dopy kind of smile—the totally lovestruck type. You can’t help but reach your hands out.
One ends up in Bobby’s hair, running through it as soothingly as you can muster. By the sigh of contentment, you can tell it’s comforting. The other hand ends up resting on his upper back, just below his neck. His muscles tighten slightly before relaxing as you begin to draw shapes.
You watch for his face to appear, but he snuggles into you instead and you can feel him smile. You both fall into a comfortable silence illuminated by fairy lights and the pattering of rain. It’s tranquil, and you can feel bliss coursing through you. It feels like home.
─── ☆ ★ ☆ ───
A/N: Here’s the fluff I promised. I started this after last week’s update but apparently it rained in this week’s update, so I guess I’m just a psychic or just predictable. Also, this is highkey the first piece of writing I’ve posted on tumblr, so don’t roast me for taking forever to get to the point,,,
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A Little Confession
A SniperxDemo oneshot
“Hey, Demo, could you bring this to Sniper?” Engineer asked, handing a plate of food to Demo, “He should be outside,”
Engineer returned to the table after the exchange, making everyone’s plates for dinner that night. The smell of southern cooking was strong, stronger than most of the other dinners that the mercenaries prepared when it was their turn to cook. Everyone was already seated at the table, mindless chatter filling the kitchen up with noise. Sniper was the only one not present for the meal. Adjusting his grip on the plate to not burn himself, Demo ambled outside.
Sniper preferred to be alone, that much was true. Although he seemed to get antsy when people chocked that up to some kind of shyness, as if being alone in and of itself was some kind of issue that needed correcting. But Sniper didn’t have issues regarding shyness. For God’s sake, a cocky man such as himself had no shame. If walking out in front of the rest of his team completely naked was any indicator. Sniper was just an introvert, simple as. Sure, he did have anxieties, but he’d mostly dealt with them and learned how to handle the stress when it did arise. Sniper could handle himself.
Demo squinted into the night, only the light of the full moon giving him any kind of aid. Sighing, he carefully walked down the steps and sauntered over to what he guessed to be the silhouette of Snipers van. It was relatively warm out, and crickets sang their annoying song somewhere wherever there were patches of grass.
“Demo! Ya left the door open!” Scout called from the base, followed by a slam. Demo rolled his eye and walked around to the back of the van and knocked. No answer. Demo tried again. No answer yet again.
“Sniper! It’s time to eat!”
“Just bring it up mate,” Sniper said from somewhere above. Demo took a step back from the van and peered up. He couldn’t see Sniper, but he was up there. Demo grumbled and felt for the ladder next to the door, balancing the plate on the tips of his fingers as he clambered up.
“Engineer cooking tonight?” Sniper asked, thumping sounding from the top of the van as Sniper moved.
“Yep,” Demo grunted.
“I can tell. I smell gravy,” Sniper said jokingly. Demo snickered, taking another step and slipping, giving a loud yelp when he nearly fell. He wedged himself against the bars of the ladder and frantically tried to keep the plate balanced. Sniper laughed from above.
“Need some help?” He snickered.
“Yeah, help me up,” he strained. Sniper popped his head out from over the roof of the van and extended a hand down, helping Demo haul himself up. Demo slid the plate onto the roof and scooted himself to where he could sit down. Sniper plopped down in front of him and took the plate, pulling it into his lap and shaking his head, laughing.
“Is there anything that Engineer cooks that isn’t swimming in gravy?” he chuckled, “I mean, I ain’t complaining,”
“I’ll take Engie’s cooking over Pyro’s any day,” Demo said, scratching at his beard.
“What was Pyro even trying to make last night?”
“I think Engie said it was supposed to be pancakes,”
“More like burnt hockey discs,” Sniper laughed, “I love Pyro, but they cannot cook. Then  again I ain’t much better,”
“You burned everybody’s mouths off the last time you cooked!”
“Yeah. It didn’t occur to me that maybe not everyone liked jalapeños,”
“Oh you didn’t add just jalapeños! You sent Heavy to the infirmary!”
“Ok I might have added some Ghost Peppers…And some California Reapers, and a few Trinidad Scorpions…” He said sheepishly, “Which are…some of the spiciest peppers in the world,” He mumbled.
“Oh my God, Sniper,” Demo said, pressing his hand to his forehead, “You’re not allowed to cook anymore,”
“Fair enough,” Sniper shrugged, inspecting his food, “Chicken, biscuits, and macaroni tonight? Nice,” He said. He scooped up a biscuit and went to take a bite, but the moment it hit his mouth he pulled back with a shout, fanning his mouth with his hand.
“Ah! That’s hot!” Demo threw his head back and laughed.
“Yeah that’s what ye get!” He chortled. Sniper dropped the biscuit back onto the plate and grumbled. He set the plate aside.
“I’m just gonna…Let that cool down,” He said. Demo chuckled and shook his head.
“Why are you out here anyway lad?” He asked, leaning back. Sniper jabbed a thumb upwards.
“Stargazing,” he answered bluntly. Demo squinted upwards.
“It’s too foggy to see anything,” He sighed.
“Foggy?” Sniper quizzed, turning his gaze upward, “Huh, that’s weird, the sky was clear just a moment ago. Ah, nevermind,” He shrugged.
“Do you like to stargaze?”
“‘Like?’ Heh, it was the only thing I ever did back home!” He laughed, “I’d get up on my dad’s chicken coup every night and watch the sky. Well, at least until my mum yelled at me to get down before I broke my neck,” “Did ye ever fall off?”
“So she was right in tellin’ ya to stay on the ground!”
“Ah, no! I didn’t break my neck!”
Demo cocked an eyebrow.
“But I…Did break my arm…” Demo snickered. Sniper shook his head and laughed with him. Sniper reached over and felt his food. It had cooled down enough for him to eat, he judged. He pulled the plate back into his lap and lifted the biscuit to try to eat again.
“You really like Engie’s cooking,” Demo observed.
“It reminds me of home,” Sniper mumbled through a mouthful of bread, “Is there a napkin I can use?”
“Under the plate,”
“Thanks,” Sniper muffled, wiping his mouth. Sniper went to scoop up another biscuit when he felt something wet land on his head. He ruffled his hair and looked up. Another droplet fell on his nose. Demo glanced up with him and extended a hand out. A few droplets fell on his hand.
A crack of lightning and a loud, booming clap of thunder interrupted him, making them both jolt upright in terror. Immediately after, it started pouring down raining. Within seconds they were both soaked to the bone. A sudden gale wind rocked the van, sending the two scrambling down to get inside. The rain had created a thick veil that made it impossible to see more than a few feet in any direction. Another clap of thunder sounded, even louder this time. Sniper violently pried open the back door and threw himself into the van, Demo falling after him. Sniper rolled over and forced the door shut against fierce winds, everything becoming eerily quiet when he shut out the elements. Sniper heaved for breath and leaned against the door, Demo sprawled out on the floor.
“Well that was certainly something,” Sniper huffed, shakily getting up, the cold already beginning to set in. Demo rolled over and stared wide eyed at the ceiling.
“There wasn’t supposed to be a storm today!” He shouted, sitting up. The van rocked again, and a gust of wind whistled by.
“Mother Nature doesn’t give a shit about what is and isn’t supposed to happen” Sniper said, exasperated, wiping his face, “And clearly didn’t give a shit about my dinner,” He muttered.
“Sorry about that,” Demo apologized, rubbing his neck.
“It’s alright. I have food in the fridge,” he said, gesturing to a small fridge lodged underneath a massive row of terrariums filled with a whole assortment of insects and other small animals. Sniper sighed and picked at his clothes.
“I need to change,” he said, talking to himself. He ambled over to what appeared to be a dresser and unfolded a handful of clothes from it. He set them aside on top of the dresser and began to undress. Demo awkwardly turned around to give him some privacy, even if Sniper didn’t mind being seen naked.  He turned around and watched the insects instead. He stood there awkwardly for several minutes, listening as Sniper removed his clothes. His grumbling at the squelching fabric was admittedly fun to listen to.
Demo leaned down and tapped the glass case of a strange, spider-like insect just as Sniper finished slipping into his new clothes. There was a plop when he dumped the wet clothes into a nearby laundry basket. He walked up beside Demo.
“What the Hell is that thing?” He asked, pointing at the creature. Sniper squinted down at what he was pointing at.
“Tailless Whip Scorpion,” he said. The insect turned to Demo, raising up it’s claw like arms at him. Demo shuddered, feeling goosebumps crawl up his arms and legs.
“It’s fucking creepy is what it is,”
“Aw, please. These things are harmless,” He laughed. The scorpion was still for a moment, and then jumped at the glass, making a tink noise. Demo just about fell over when he jumped back. Sniper laughed at his panic. Demo ran his hands up and down his arms, now beginning to feel things crawling over him.
“Those are the spawns of Satan!” Sniper laughed again.
“Then i’m the shepard!” Demo shuddered again. Sniper shook his head and reached into a terrarium away from the insects.
“Here, I don’t think this fella will scare ya,” He said, rummaging around some sand before pulling out a small round frog with stumpy legs and a noticeable grumpy face. It looked at Demo and made a tiny squeaking noise, somehow making an even grumpier face.
“It’s a Desert Rain Frog! Although Medic likes to call ‘em the Grump Frog,” Sniper laughed. He took the frog and pinched it between his thumb and forefinger, giving it a light squeeze. The frog made another squeaking noise, grabbing at Snipers fingers. Sniper giggled.
“They’re my favorite, if ya can’t tell,” Sniper said, palming the creature. Demo squinted at the animal and grinned when it waved its stumpy arms at him.
“Hehe, your a cute thing alright,” He giggled, gently rubbing its head. Sniper curled his fingers around the animal and gently placed it back in the terrarium, taking a spray bottle and spritzing the sand with enough moisture for the tiny amphibian. Demo gazed over the rest of the glass cases, once again getting a jittery feeling from the abundance of nightmarish insects. He went rigid when he looked up.
A giant, yellow tarantula was pressed against the glass, it’s massive fangs hanging down and poised to strike. The skeleton of a bird was curled up in the corner. Demo could hear the spider hissing, and he felt his mouth go dry.
“I-Isn’t that the same spider that tried to eat Medics doves?” He croaked, stepping back.
“Hm?” Sniper hummed. He looked up to where Demo was pointing, “Oh. Yeah Medic had me come it and get it out of the Infirmary. I’ve kept it since. Isn’t that right Goliath?”
“You named it?”
“You named your sword,”
Demo went silent for a second.
“Eh, fair enough. Just keep that thing away from me,” Sniper shrugged and picked up a semi-small container under the terrariums and began feeding his collection. Demo looked around the rest of the van. A ladder led up to Snipers bed, and there was a gap in the wall underneath it, a gap that looked like it held a second bed. A stove was sat directly across from the terrariums, and a small table jutting out from the wall stood beside it, granted with a small counter in between. There were small baskets and boxes piling up with different trinkets and clutter that were shoved into corners and any shelves and cabinets that were open. A few pillows were stuffed against the wall underneath the gap where the second bed was hidden.
Demo walked over to the bed and climbed halfway up the ladder, peering over onto the bed. It was generally bare, save for a few pillows, blankets and a few stuffed animals, surprisingly. A large stuffed frog was resting beside the pillow. It’s green color appeared to have been bleached out from long exposure to the sun, and it didn’t look all that comfortable to cuddle with, as the fabric appeared rough and coarse.
“‘Ey, where’d ya get this?”
“My mum gave it to me when I was little,” Sniper said, tossing a few dead crickets in with his frogs. Demo reached over to touch it. Yep, just as coarse as it looked.
“You sleep with it?”
“Yeah. Slept with it so much that it stopped being fluffy. Heh, I took that thing everywhere with me.”
“Is that why it’s so pale?”
“Yeah. I had it out in the sun almost every day. Took on a toll on the fella,” Demo grabbed the arm of the frog and pulled it forward to get a better look. Turning it over, he saw that a name was written in Sharpie on the back. ‘Hoppi’, it read.
“You named this thing Hoppi?”
“It meant a lot to me,” Sniper said, finishing up with the feeding, “And it still does,”
Demo looked down at the frog and put it back. He stepped down off the ladder just as Sniper was putting away the container. Demo reached into one of the packs on his belt for a flask, but his hand found nothing.
“Aw Hell,”
“I don’t have my flask with me,”
“There’s beers in the fridge,” Sniper said, pointing back to the tiny fridge. He walked over to the stove and turned it on while Demo searched for a drink.
He came back up with a beer and  plopped down on the pillows under the bed and watched Sniper as he began to cook.
He placed a wok on the burner and went back to the fridge and took out packets of chicken and vegetables, cheekily taking several peppers out with them, some Demo recognized as the peppers that sent Heavy to the infirmary the last time Sniper cooked.
“I don’t know how you eat those,”
“After almost 30 years of sitting under the sun back in Australia, a pepper that turns your mouth into molten lava is nothing, “ Sniper chuckled, setting the chicken on the counter and chopping it up. Demo took a swig of his beer when he felt his stomach roll, reminding him that he hadn’t even eaten anything since breakfast.
“I can make you some of this if ya want,” Sniper offered, jabbing the chicken with the knife.
“What is it?”
“Stir Fry. Dads recipe,”
Demo pondered the offer.
“Make it without peppers and i’ll take ya up on yer offer,” He agreed, grinning. Sniper laughed and tossed the chicken into the wok, now starting on the vegetables.
Demo sat back as he waited, the smell of the food quickly filling the van. He’d never had stir fry, but his mouth was already watering for it. Sniper set out two plates and began pouring Demos food out, stirring it up a bit with a fork before handing it to him. Then he started on his plate. He put on a pair of gloves and started chopping up the peppers. As Demo ate, he felt his eyes begin to water. The chemicals that were being released from the peppers as Sniper cut them were so pungent and strong that Demo had to cover his mouth and eye until Sniper dropped them into the wok.
“Jesus, that’s strong,” Demo coughed, now feeling a sting at the back of his throat.
“Why do ya think I have the gloves?” Sniper said, his own eyes watering, “These things have killed people,”
“Then why are ya eatin’ them!?”
“Hasn’t killed me yet,” Sniper said, a snarky grin spreading across his face. Demo rolled his eye and continued eating.
He poured out his food and sat next to Demo to eat. A few raw jalapeños were on the edge of his plate and he ate with gusto while Demo once again felt a stinging at the back of his throat from the smell of the peppers alone.
As they ate, loud tinks started to be heard from the ceiling. Sniper furrowed his brow and looked up. The sound got louder. Demo looked to the window above the sink and saw white pellets smacking against the glass.
“Hail,” Sniper groaned.
“You’ve got to be kidding,” Demo moaned, sharing in Snipers disdain.
“Well we’re not leaving anytime soon,” Sniper sighed.
The two finished their plates and put them away in the sink. Now full, the two of them started lounging around, trying to pass the time with whatever they could. Sniper bounced around from sharpening his knife, watching his insects, and playing with his frogs, and Demo switched around from drinking, messing with books, and screwing together and taking apart pieces of a deactivated bomb he was carrying around. They both tried to simply nap through the storm at several points, but it was clear after several claps of thunder and bouts of strong hail that Mother Nature wasn’t too keen on letting them sleep. After several hours of extreme storms, Sniper eventually gave up and just decided that the best thing to do would be to hang halfway off his bed with a frog on his face with Demo laying face down in the pillows.
“This is ridiculous,” Sniper groaned, the frog on his face licking his glasses.
“I agree,” Demo said, his voice muffled.
“What do ya think the rest of the team is doing?”
“Probably wondering where the fuck we are. Either that or sleeping,”
Sniper rolled over and nearly fell off his bed. He clung to the ladder for support, the frog none too bothered and continuing to lick his glasses. Sniper groaned and sat up, the frog now leaping down onto his chest and clinging to his shirt. Demo propped his elbow up on the pillows and rested his head in his hand.
“Do ya have any games we can play?”
“Nadda,” Sniper sighed. Demo huffed and fell back into the pillows. He stared up at the ceiling when he realized something.
“Wait, do ya hear that?”
“Hear what?”
“Exactly. The hail stopped,” Demo said, sitting up. Sniper chewed the inside of his cheek.
“It’s still raining,”
“True,” Demo got up and went to the window and looked outside. He could see nothing but the thick veil the rain was making, “Yeah we’re still not leaving,” He sighed. He looked up and saw Sniper putting away the frog and climbing back up onto his bed, fixing the blankets and sheets.
“Then I guess we’re sleeping together,” Sniper said, “That bed pulls out, you can sleep there,” Sniper pointed down at the gap underneath his bed. Demo went over and grabbed the metal bar that was sticking out and pried the bed out. Sniper handed Demo a blanket and a few pillows for the night.
The two managed to drift off for an hour or so, the rain providing just enough white noise for the two to sleep. After the hour, a clap of thunder woke Demo up. He groaned after the thunder had sounded off. The hail was back. Great. Demo rolled over and sighed. He couldn’t sleep like this. He couldn’t imagine that Sniper was sleeping soundly either. Demo shifted the pillow under his head and tried to get comfortable again.
“Demo, you awake?” Sniper asked from above.
“Yeah. Thunder woke me up,” Demo said, rolling back over.
“Same here,”
Demo couldn’t see Sniper, but he could hear the man above him roll over.
“What kind of storm even is this?”
“The kind that doesn’t want us to leave,”
Sniper softly chuckled. The two went silent again, nothing but the storm raging outside to stop things from going deafeningly silent. Demo looked around.
“How do you even sleep? You don’t have a fan or anything to make some noise,” Demo asked. Pretty much everyone he knew couldn’t sleep without some kind of white noise going on in the background. He looked back up and saw Sniper pointing at the terrariums.
“They make all the noise I need,”
Demo leaned over and listened closely to the insects and amphibians. Sure enough, he could faintly hear chirps and croaks from behind the glass.
“Ah,” He said softly. There was rustling from above again, and the two went silent.
Demo lightly tapped the edge of the bed, trying to bore himself into sleep. He rolled over again to face the wall.
“Hey, Demo?”
“…Thanks for spending time with me,”
Demo raised his head up to Snipers bed and chewed his lip. It’s not like he had much of a choice. The storm had forced him into the van. But he had to admit, he did enjoy hanging around Sniper.
“It’s no bother to me,” He said. There was more shuffling, and then a loud sigh.
“Demo, you know how I say ‘I’m alone, not lonely?’”
“Yes, you say it every time someone asks why you live in this van,”
“Well…I…I am lonely…” Sniper said. Demo sat up, his brow furrowing in concern. Sniper didn’t say things like this often, so Demo felt as though he shouldn’t take this lightly. He saw Sniper sit up as well.
“I’ve started getting really intolerant of being alone,” He started, looking Demo straight in the eye, “I like being around the team, I like being around you. Sure I prefer being alone but that’s only for so long. I feel like being around nothing but insects and frogs all day is starting to drive me a little crazy,” He shook his head, “I’m starting to feel like Medic,”
Demo chuckled lightly at the comparison. Sniper snickered.
“We’ll have to start calling you the Insect Man,” Demo joked.
“But…I don’t know. I feel like spending all my time either in here or alone in the battlements is starting to take a toll. So what I’m trying to say is; Thank you for staying. I guess I didn’t realize just how starved I was for interaction beyond just going out on contracts,”
Demo chewed the inside of his cheek and climbed up the ladder to be by Snipers side. Attention starvation can certainly do strange things to a person psyche, and being alone was absolutely a way to facilitate it. Sniper laid back down and faced Demo.
“I’m here for ya lad,” He whispered. Sniper sighed.
“Thank you. It means a lot,”
Sniper and Demo were extremely close now, their faces only inches apart. Demo could feel Snipers breath on his lips, a surge in his chest. In spite of it being so dark, he could see Snipers eyes in detail. Bright blue, flecked with silver and ringed with purple. Demo swallowed hard.
“…I love you,”
Demo inhaled quietly, not breaking eye contact. He leaned closer, closer than he’d ever gotten to the Australian. He bit his lip and let his eye drift shut when he felt Snipers hand brush against his cheek. He raised his hand to touch Snipers and found himself lightly kissing Snipers palm. Sniper propped himself up and leaned their heads together, grabbing Demos head. Demo took a step up the ladder to get a better angle and put his arms around Sniper. Being so close Demo could feel every breath and twitch from Sniper. Sniper slid his arms around Demos neck and shoulders, letting himself lean against Demos larger frame. They were so close now, their lips barely an inch apart. Demo could hardly stand it.
Sniper was the one who finally moved in, brushing their lips together. Demo shuddered at the contact, pressing into the kiss. He climbed up into the bed with Sniper and moved his hands down to his sides. He soon had Sniper moaning into the kiss, gripping the back of his head.
After several minutes of amorous exchanges, the two of them finally pulled back to catch their breath. Snipers face was red, his pupils blown. Demo pulled Sniper into a strong embrace, burying his face into the crook between Snipers head and shoulder, placing light kisses on his neck.
“Yer bloody handsome,” Demo breathed, his voice muffled. Sniper returned the embrace, softly smiling. Demo moved himself to sit crossed legged in the center of the bed and pulled Sniper into his lap, laying him out and cradling him, kissing him again while Sniper giggled and blushed even harder.
Demo pulled back from drowning Sniper in affection and leaned their heads together to look into his eyes. Sniper nuzzled against Demo and threw his arms around his shoulders.
“I could stay like this all night,” He purred. Demo brushed his hand over Snipers cheek, cupping his face.
“I second that love,” He breathed, kissing over Snipers eyes.
They stayed like that all night, exchanging kisses and gentle touches all through the storm, and eventually falling asleep in each others arms just as the sun finally began to rise.
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tommyoboe · 5 years
Oh, Birmingham. 
Oh. Birmingham.
Being back here after what has been quite a blast of a two weeks away is not fun. Stress is taking over my being and today has just been lovely. Not.
I was all ready to go in this morning for an audition for an exciting orchestral opportunity in September, and just as I was heading out the door I received a message from a colleague about a rehearsal I was supposed to be in.
Shiiiiiiiit. I knew there was something I had forgotten this weekend, and there wasn’t anything I could do about it, as I had this audition today. Like, it’s not a huge deal, but I really don’t want to be that person who is flakey and unreliable. I’m constantly having a go at those sorts of people, so there is no way I’m going to become one.
Then I spilt yoghurt inside my bag, so I had to go round smelling like strawberry flavouring all day. How lovely.
But I suppose things improved: I had a good first rehearsal with my string group for one of my recital pieces and I’m now enjoying treats with Cameron to close the week.
Now to talk about something much more exciting than being here in cold miserable Birmingham.
I went to Texas! TEXAS! 
On the second Monday of the Easter break, at a rather ghastly 4:30am, quintet and I set off from Mark’s house in Hertfordshire to Heathrow Airport to get the plane to Dallas/Fort Worth and then to the nearby suburb of Southlake, where we were to be based for the next ten days.
After the nine hour flight, having to put our clocks back to lunchtime was not pleasant, and as much as I wanted to be, I was not hungry for instant Mexican food with tonnes of Texan queso.
It was a lovely welcome though, and set the tone for the next week and a half of concerts, travels and crazy adventures.
This began with a rehearsal at what would be 1am UK time with the Southlake Community Band for a commission piece we would perform with them on the Saturday.
With this in mind, tea and rest was well deserved afterwards.
Waking up at 9 the next day realising it was 3pm in the UK felt bizarre, as if I had spent a hungover day in bed. But no, I had the rest of the day to come yet, and no, I was not hungover.
I had the ambition of selling some of our CDs at our first concert on Tuesday, but realised I did not have a large enough pot for potential cash, so I nicked a tiny bowl from my hosts’ house. To our pleasant surprise and amusement, on the night we sold ten CDs, which meant the bowl was overflowing and I resorted to combining our general donations with this money to share with the others. It was a great feeling, properly earning that money for ourselves.
It also meant that we didn’t have to busk whilst we were out there, quite a relief.
The next two days were free, so we filled the first morning with bowling, which for me started off well before things dramatically declined, rather like a bowling ball crashing to the floor.
Luckily my day was redeemed with a large chocolate covered cherry milkshake. That alone was enough to make up for the rest of the day, and then with wine at tea back at my hosts’ place, I was back feeling *the opening of Love Affair’s Everlasting Love*.
Visiting the ranch and cosmopolitan areas of Fort Worth on Thursday provided some real holiday vibes as we roamed in shirts and shorts in the strong Texan sunshine as if it was summer. We watched the cattle drive (ten seconds of cows with horns) before exploring what people might associate more as ‘traditional Texas’. We ventured into places selling Stetson hats and cowboy boots for $5000 (craaaaaaaazy) and thankfully did not have to dual at high noon in chaps, which I really wanted to find so I could joke to my mum about wearing them as I did as a child out of mine and my brother’s costume box.
Not even embarrassed about that.
Cosmopolitan Fort Worth brought a slice of me to the trip, with high buildings a plenty and cool places for tasty food in a cute open square. The toasted sandwich I had was simply excellent. I am thoroughly missing it now, as I am most of the food.
This included the beautiful brisket we enjoyed at one of our hosts’ houses that evening, before indulging in too many brownies, as well as beer and wine. The effects of that lethal combination weren’t felt until after the laughs in the swimming pool and hot tub and gazing at the beautiful husky puppy brought by a family friend. Almost falling into the swimming pool at one point and cutting my finger on a bottle opener made for some literal sore moments, but overall it was a wonderful night in company as such.
Once the lethal effects of that night did pass through me (unfortunately a bit too literally), I was ready for our first day giving a school performance and workshop. This provided many laughs and even a great moment of tension as we played our classic workshop game ‘21′. With the idea between the group to get to 21 without multiple people saying the same number, the moment two people synced ‘21′ was explosive as the room erupted into meltdown and laughter. It definitely made a change to nodding off in some of the workshops I’ve experienced as an audience member!
Following this was a mammoth of a dinner (not literally, obvs), as I had a super large portion of pesto pasta with a gigantic brownie to follow. Some of the others had huge slabs of cake, easily four times the size of portions here in the UK. Food comas ensued.
Said food coma did not stop us from visiting a beautiful place that evening called Velvet Taco, containing the best taco I’ve ever had. No regrets.
Dallas that evening was also superb. As we drove in and saw the skyline emerge, my eyes lit up as we found a place I would happily live in. I just love the excitement and buzz of big cities, and in its architecture alone Dallas had this in abundance. The contrast with a park right in the middle of the city with a cinema made for another lovely evening.
Saturday brought our partaking in a local festival. The sun deceived us, as despite having pegs for the outdoors setting, this was not enough to prevent the wind behind us blowing our music all over the place. However, our missing entries here and there as a result (or sections in some cases!) didn’t prevent us from enjoying our slot at the popular Southlake festival and with a few accent jokes and our supportive hosts as audience, we got through a tricky couple of hours.
Later that day we returned to the gazebo stage with the Southlake Community Band to give a premiere performance of our commission piece, titled ‘The Yellow Rose of Texas’. It was a fabulous piece, full of traditional American tunes and fun little quirks. Having the band play it so well enhanced our playing also, and even with a couple of hairy moments we performed our best and embraced the great opportunity we had been given.
Delicious Phillipino food at another of our wonderful hosts’ followed, sending me into yet another food coma. Can’t complain though, with salmon it was so worth it.
The next day we took part in a church service, which contained lots of terminology that went over my head, like ‘offertory’ and ‘postlude’. I just did what I was told and appropriately walked out between playing when I had forgotten some music (as you do) and listened to a passionate sermon involving the pastor bashing the table and crying (again, as you do). I just sat there like, well, we’re just here to play the nice music and eat the nice food, thank you, bye bye.
We were indeed treated to food afterwards though so my heart’s desires were fulfilled.
Abi, Henry and I ventured into Dallas again that afternoon to watch the Dallas Symphony Orchestra’s stunning rendition of Stravinksy’s Firebird. It was thrilling, after a slightly lacklustre programming for the first half. I just hope all I remember isn’t Abi and I laughing at some of the captions of the story that came with the music, including the antagonist’s soul living in an egg.
Spoiler: it got smashed.
In the next days more school concerts and workshops took place and we expanded our group knowledge and skills whilst meeting some lovely young people. My favourite person by far was the girl who had a mutual love for The Beach Boys; we took great pleasure in discussing best songs afterwards.
We embraced culture on Tuesday, with a trip to Dallas’ Sixth Floor Museum, an insightful exhibit on the assassination of John F. Kennedy, giving interesting details and making me theorise with my colleagues over what may have happened on that historic day.
This was followed by a trip to TGI Fridays, where history was made in the fact that I indulged in yet another massive meal, along with a VERY fruity cocktail.
Before we knew it it was our final day in the vast state, and after a full morning of performances and masterclasses, we treated ourselves to ice cream and I mean ICE CREAM.
I enjoyed two enormous scoops: one of Oreos and caramel and the other rocky road. It was divine. The others revelled in the fact that I finished so speedily. I don’t mess around, you see.
And then it was our last meal and drinks as a whole group. We enjoyed a final night of interesting conversations, fun laughs and lots of pictures, as well as a coffee stout that literally changed my life, before heading back to rest in preparation for the next day’s flight back.
Saying goodbye to everyone was genuinely emotional in places, and with my hosts having been so great to me, I almost didn’t want to leave. The level of accommodation there was nothing like I’d seen before. Such great people.
The flight back, on the other hand, was not great. Due to waiting in a holding bay for almost an hour at Chicago Airport, we missed our connecting flight, which was to be a huge double decker luxurious plane where we could all sit together.
So we were automatically booked on to the next direct flight home where we were unable to sit next to each other, I hardly got any sleep because I felt uncomfortable and as a result of me misinterpreting the air steward’s question of me wanting a ‘special meal’, I got some horrible vegan shit for my tea, whilst everyone else got chicken entrées and pasta. Abi said they weren’t that nice though so that admittedly did make me feel better #notspoiltatall.
Oh and then because we were told our luggage would be transferred over to this new flight, we believed them and were somewhat surprised to not find our luggage on arrival back in London. It turns out they were put on the next flight after ours, so Mark had to come back in the evening and pick everything up to have delivered to us the next day.
We’ll know which airline we shall NOT be flying with next time...
So despite a sour note to end our fantastic trip on, the experience has been that and more, with so many memories made. I have serious holiday blues now being back in Birmingham, and at the moment seeing Cameron and knowing I can be productive again are the only things getting me through.
Now for a gruelling two weeks and then I will have finished final year! Mental! And then the real world, which tonight seems less horrible as I’ve just got some work for the summer, but after that, who knows...
Back to reality this week, wish us luck!
(https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNgt2j9ypNMB3m1d0u8bBzs8naSTuc3kyJ-eBz8CJgfVnUg6Ok16C8W1Gt4dTRbLg?key=UjdtUmNqYTNUU1E0Q0lYcDF5NzEyLUpmMXRpYkl3 - pictures from Texas: there are just too many for one blog post!)
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106days · 2 years
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Yesterday I woke up early and went for a swim in the sea, because I could. I’m sure I mentioned earlier, the water is so warm. Not even a momentary chill on entry.
Had a shower, got ready, milled about. Probably updated this blog. Had breakfast at my accomodation around 8am, then set off to hire a scooter (sorry mum - but I’ve been fine!). Of note is the fact the lady hiring out the scooter had zero interest in checking my driver’s licence or asking if I’d ever driven a scooter before - which I have, and am legally entitled to do. This is of relevance for reasons I’ll mention later.
Scooted off to Weligama for a surfing lesson. The water was rough and choppy and there was a strong current making it difficult to get back out after attempting to (and occasionally getting) up. I had a few good goes where I got on and stayed on but for the most part it wasn’t great from me. But that’s okay - there’s good days and there’s bad!
After the surf I had a juice at a nearby cafe before scooting back and bumming around some more. Had a nap, then a late lunch, then eventually got ready for an end of year rooftop party at a place nearby the previous hotel I’d stayed at. End of year, as the season is closing. More on that later too!
Got there 5ish, more staff than patrons at that point. Only had a beer and chatted with my friends from the tour, Kris and Louise, then Iain and Karen (also from the tour) joined us. The DJs, to their credit, were actually pretty excellent, and the sunset was beautiful. As I’d scooted I only had the one beer and got a bite to eat there before taking myself home.
Here’s my wild, scooter-related travel story. On the way home I saw a couple of cops by the side of the road. The guy let the two riders in front of me go and motioned to me to pull over by flashing his little torch on the ground, so I did. He asked for my driver’s licence, which I produced. I pointed to the bit that says I can drive an automatic bike. He asked for my international driver’s licence and I told him it was back at the hotel. He asked if I had a photo of it and I said no. He asked where I was from and I said Australia, and he clicked his tongue and told me we had a problem. I said I could take him back to my hotel and show him my international driver’s licence, he said no and asked where I was staying. When he repeated there was a problem I said there was none, and that he was trying to bribe me, and I took my licence back. He signalled to his cop friend, and I held up the little travel pouch I take with me daily, pointing out that the international driver’s licence doesn’t fit in it - which it doesn’t - it’s bloody huge. Cop friend was not interested in pinning me whatsoever, just shook his head and motioned for me to go.
Not sure how I got so lucky and escaped but I zipped home as safely and speedily as I could, eyes peeled for anymore roadside torches flagging me down. First time I’ve encountered law enforcement in another country, pretty glad I didn’t take their shit and got away. Could’ve been very different if I got two dickheads instead of one, though. Also yes hi sorry mum I know you’re reading this but all’s well that ends well, isn’t it!
Once back I watched a little Netflix to pass the time. My room has atrocious wifi so I end up sitting by the door for signal.
The photo of the pup is of a little guy who lives on the property I’m staying at. He’s very cute. He got some of my toast that morning.
0 notes
aardvark-123 · 6 years
Gensokyo Festival Day 28: Three Cheers for Gensokyo!
I’ve tried to distill everything I love about Touhou into this story: Deceptively cute women kicking righteous posterior, rambling monologues full of jokes which don’t translate well from Japanese, quirky characters doing strange things, epic battles, fighting spirit, days out in the sun, tea parties, friendship, grand adventures, Japanese culture, life-affirming moral messages and loads more. (None of which I can think of right now.) I hope you enjoy every word.
"So, Sumi, what are your plans for today?"
It was a chilly Sunday afternoon in the greater Tokyo metropolitan area, and Sumireko knew exactly how she wanted to spend it.
"I think I'll have some tea with a few friends," she declared, "and then maybe a few magic duels to keep in practice. Then I might go swimming in Lake Suwa, head over to my friend Sanae's place to play video games, and maybe round the evening off with a quiet pillow-fight for three. Maybe see my many beautiful girlfriends, too..."
Her mother's face fell. "Another hours-long nap, then?"
Sumireko nodded solemnly, pulled her hat down over her eyes and curled up under her blanket.
"Sleep tight..." Mrs Usami was about to walk out of her daughter's bedroom when something stopped her. She knew there was no putting it off any longer. "Sumi, wait! We have to talk about these long naps of yours."
Sumireko's only response was a gentle snore.
What had she been expecting? Mrs Usami breathed a deep, heartfelt sigh. "Listen, my parents used to be dead-set on turning me into a perfect housewife. They wouldn't let me go out with my friends, wear the clothes I liked or even eat decent food, and it was horrible. I used to feel so trapped. All I wanted was to get outside and just, just do something, but I knew Father would spank me until I was raw if I tried it. And... And you're just lying there."
Mrs Usami plonked herself down on the bed. Sumireko mumbled something unintelligible and rolled over.
"I suppose what I'm trying to say is... You have so much more freedom than I did! Why are you just lying there?!"
Mrs Usami's anger vanished as fast as it had appeared. "I suppose you do have the freedom to do nothing but sleep and play video games. But... Well, what kind of a life are you having?! You haven't played outside since you were eight, and you'll be a woman in a couple of years! You should be spending time with your friends, doing stupid things so you'll learn why you shouldn't do them..."
Mrs Usami sighed again. "I'm not expecting you to make mud-pies or have tea parties with your dolls, that's fair enough, but there must be something for you to do! Start roller-skating again, maybe, or use trading cards, or just study with your friends. And it wouldn't hurt you to climb a few trees..." She sighed yet again. "All right, we'll talk more when you're conscious. Hope you're having an interesting dream."
While Sumireko's body was drifting off, her spirit was waking up among the towering trees in the Forest of Magic. Sumireko yawned and rubbed her eyes. Being awake really took it out of her.
The sun was still high above the mountains, warming Sumireko even in her summer dress. The ground, the trees and the flowers smelled sweet and wholesome after a shower of rain. Sumireko smiled. "Such a beautiful day..."
"Yep, you're right about that!"
Sumireko looked around in amazement.
"Up here," said the voice patiently. Among the leafy branches of a great oak tree sat Mokou, dangling her feet in the breeze.
Sumireko's face lit up. "Mokou! No, don't move, I'll come up and join you."
Sumireko wrapped her arms around the broad trunk, gripped the rugged bark with her knees and clambered up into the canopy. Mokou held out a hand, which Sumireko accepted gladly. She was soon perched beside her immortal friend with her feet dangling off the bough.
"I haven't seen you for a while. Where've you been?" asked Mokou.
"Well, I've- Eek!" Sumireko's flip-flop flipped clean off her foot and flopped down among the roots. "Um... I got a new video game, so my naps kind of went by the wayside."
"Ah," said Mokou understandingly. She didn't actually understand, but Sumireko was important to her. "You're back now, right?"
"Mm-hmm. I'm gonna spend the whole day with you, unless Mum wakes me up for some reason."
"Sounds good." Mokou leaned back against a solid bit of tree, put her hands behind her head and luxuriated. "How about lunch in the village after we're done enjoying this tree...?"
The sights and sounds of the Forest of Magic filled Sumireko's heart with joy. The paths were squishy underfoot thanks to the rain, but since she was only there in spirit she didn't need to worry about how filthy her socks were getting.
"Do you want to go swimming, maybe?" said Sumireko, as she waded through a particularly deep puddle.
"I'm not sure... Maybe we should just have tea and cake," said Mokou, noting that the murky water was the exact same shade of brown as black tea.
"That sounds nice. How about-" Sumireko's foot plunged into a particularly deep patch of mud. It took her several seconds retrieve the flip-flop. "Warm our feet over the fire?" she offered, grinning wearily.
Mokou shrugged. "Sure. Though, actually..."
To Sumireko's immense bemusement, Mokou bent down and grabbed a handful of mud. "Y'know, there's something really special you can do with this stuff." Sumireko blinked. "Like what?"
"Dorodango!" Mokou clenched her mud-filled hand, grimmacing with exertion. Gouts of flame licked out from between her fingers.
"Um-" began Sumireko, but Mokou held up a hand to make her wait.
When Mokou opened her other hand, what lay within made Sumireko gasp in amazement. Mokou held a perfect sphere of baked earth, crisscrossed by jagged brown lines of charring.
"That's amazing!" cried Sumireko. She grabbed her own handful of mud and took a deep breath. Images of fire flashed through her mind, of volcanoes and supernovae, of barbecues and cookers, of heating elements and Bunsen burners, of campfires and flaming torches, each one brighter and hotter than the last (which was pretty embarrassing for the supernova). A roaring flame erupted inside her hand.
"Yeowch! Hot!" Sumireko dropped her dorodango and plunged her hand into the nearest puddle, letting out a sigh of relief as the cool water soothed her scalded skin. Her face fell when she caught sight of her mud ball, nothing more than a misshapen lump of rock-hard soil half-embedded in the soft track.
"They aren't easy for beginners." Mokou gave Sumireko an encouraging smile. "Took me years to learn how to make one the normal way, centuries with fire magic."
"There's a normal way?" said Sumireko curiously.
"Yeah. You just get a ball of mud and slowly let it dry, and somehow make it look round and pretty," said Mokou. "Some people can even get a sheen on it."
"That's amazing!" breathed Sumireko. "All that time and effort, for shiny balls of mud..."
Mokou nodded. "It takes a true artist to make a good dorodango. Mine, I admit, are just average."
"Are there any true artists nearby? I'd love to to see one of the shiny ones!" Sumireko's eyes were sparkling with eagerness.
"There is one, actually," said Mokou. "I think she might be at Alice's place..."
Sumireko could scarcely believe her eyes. She'd met Alice a couple of times, but the magician's dress seemed even frillier and more bouffant than ever before.
"Um." Sumireko cleared her throat. "Alice, are you... Isn't that dress a bit impractical?"
"How do you mean?" Alice dropped her two-hundred-kilogramme dumbbell, which hit the floor with such a clang that the entire forest trembled.
"Ah..." Sumireko cleared her throat again. "Well, um, isn't it restrictive? And warm?"
"No." Alice was completely bewildered. "Why, don't you wear dresses in the Outside World?"
"Not at the gym!" cried Sumireko. The very thought of it sent shivers down her spine.
Alice frowned in confusion. "Jim? Is he a friend of yours?"
"Nah, she's talking about those special exercise buildings they have out there." Marisa came clattering in from some other room. To Sumireko's immense relief, she was wearing shorts and a vest. "Thing is, Sumi, youkai don't need special clothes for exercising. If you're allowed to be a two-hundred-year-old magician who can control dolls, change your own shape and do magic and stuff, you're allowed to lift weights in a dress."
"Oh. I think I understand." Sumireko did not understand, but that wasn't going to stop her from speculating endlessly about Alice's physiology. "Hey, Marisa, when you're done here, could you show me your dodongos?"
Leaning listlessly against the wall, Mokou stirred. "It's 'dorodango'."
"Right. That's what I said. Your lovingly-crafted balls of mud," said Sumireko firmly.
"My... Dorodango? Well, they're... Nothing... Special," panted Marisa, doing star-jumps with all the speed and power of a rhinoceros. And about as much elegance. "I've got one... In here."
Marisa reached under her hat and pulled out the most beautiful dorodango Sumireko had ever seen. It was a flawless sphere, as round and smooth as a teardrop. Its skin was the light brown of ash wood, marbled with curling streaks of yellow and blotches of rich brown.
Sumireko was unable to speak in the face of such beauty. She stood there, wide-eyed, with her mouth hanging open, hardly even daring to breathe.
"Cool... Isn't it?" Marisa huffed proudly. "I've got a... Few more... At home. I tried making... A square... One... But it came out... Looking more... Like a... Dodecahedron. Right, that should be enough star-jumps."
"It's...! It's BEAUTIFUL!" breathed Sumireko. "How did you ever make something so gorgeous?! So smooth, so round, such a perfect shade of brown!"
Marisa went bright red. "Aww, shucks, Sumi... All it took was years of practice and dedication! Anyone could-"
"You really think I'm gorgeous?"
The room fell silent as Marisa and Sumireko tried to comprehend the fact that a lifeless sphere of mud had just spoken.
"Yeah, I think she did," said Mokou casually. "Come to life, have you?"
"I sure have!" The dorodango leapt from Marisa's trembling hands. By the time it reached the floor, it was no longer a shiny sphere of earth but a heavy-set woman with light brown skin and coppery blonde hair. She wore heavy brown boots, a furry brown hat and a bell-shaped tweed dress with yellow and orange tie-dye.
"Er," said Marisa.
"Um," said Sumireko.
"Shoes off, please," said Alice.
"Right. Sorry." The dorodango took off her boots and handed them to Marisa. "My name's Nendoro Mahousume, by the way."
"Uh..." Marisa cleared her throat. "Great to meet you, Nendoro! I'm Marisa Kirisame, the woman who shaped you into a ball."
"It was you?" Nendoro's eyes narrowed. "Then you're the one who mutilated my cousin. He wanted to be a cube, but no! You turned him into a hideous mutant!"
"Wh-what? Do you mean the dodecahedron? I wasn't trying to hurt him!" protested Marisa.
"You should have known better! A dorodango's spirit is born as soon as its creator starts working, and my cousin was born to be a cube!" snapped Nendoro.
A very big concern arose in Sumireko's mind. "Um, excuse me, Nendoro? What do you mean by 'as soon as its creator starts working'?"
"Eh? I mean as soon as they clump the first ball of mud together, of course!" Nendoro rolled her eyes.
"Oh, gods, I dropped mine in a puddle!" wailed Sumireko.
Nendoro rounded on her, eyes blazing with fury. "WHAT did you just say?!"
"N-nothing! I said nothing!"
"Liar!" Nendoro advanced on Sumireko. She could smell the dorodango's damp, earthy skin, feel her cold breath upon her face. "So, you think you can throw away one of my kin, do you? I'll show you! As per the laws of Gensokyo, I challenge you..."
Sumireko sagged with relief. A spell-card duel couldn't be that bad.
"...To a roller derby tournament!"
Sumireko blanched.
"Hey, that's convenient!" Mokou gave Sumireko an encouraging pat on the back. "You won a trophy for roller-skating once, didn't you?"
"I, um... Haven't skated in years..." Sumireko turned her hat the other way round, which was pointless, given that it had perfect rotational symmetry. "But I'll be ready for you, dorodango. I won't lose!”
A tournament was arranged within the hour, with a suitably over-the-top name. The competitors would start in the Scarlet Devil Mansion's front garden and finish in the back garden, with plenty of excitement along the way.
Sumireko was glad of her knee- and elbow-pads, even though they were only made out of wood. All her fondest skating memories involved at least one minor injury.
"Ladies and additional ladies, the Scarlet Slaughter will now begin! Cloying Crusher, captain of the Elementerrorists, is challenging Sumi-Wreck-You, captain of Team Danmassacre!" Decked out in all the punk clothes Remilia hated, Flandre was in her element. "There will be violence! There will be pain! There will be accidents! There will probably be a tea break- yes, what is it?"
Meiling whispered urgently into Flandre's ear.
"Oh." Flandre cleared her throat. "The tea break is cancelled due to safety concerns! Namely, Sakuya having a nervous breakdown if she has to clean up all the scones and smashed cups! Anyway, um, where was I?" She glanced at her note card. "Team captains, come forth!"
Nendoro glided out in front of the gazebo. The audience cheered as best they could while packed into such a small space.
Marisa and Mokou wheeled Sumireko out after her. The audience stifled a collective fit of laughter.
"Are you sure you're gonna be all right?" whispered Marisa.
"Positive." Sumireko smiled cockily. "I'll have four good blockers, won't I?"
"Well, yeah, it's just-"
Sumireko yelped, flailed around and fell flat on her face.
"That," sighed Marisa.
"I'll be... Fine..." groaned Sumireko. "Skating is like riding a bike. Once you learn how, you never... Ow..."
Flandre glared at the guffawing audience. "Come on, she's trying her best! I'd like to see any of you lot do better!"
The gazebo almost collapsed from the jeering that followed.
"Maybe I'll take over for a bit," said Remilia, plucking the megaphone from Flandre's hand. "Teams, take your places!"
Sumireko and Nendoro stumbled and/or glided to the start line. Their blockers formed up in front. Marisa, Mokou, Alice and Reimu were wearing the purple capes and black hats of Team Danmassacre, while Letty, Wakasagihime, Aya and Clownpiece wore the brown dresses and ushankas of the Elementerrorists.
Sumireko stared at the mermaid in amazement. "Is that allowed?!"
"I don't see why not." Wakasagihime's tail was strapped to a skateboard underneath her. "I mean, why should I be kept from participating in a team sport just because I was born without any legs? Are you some kind of biped-supremacist?"
"Forget I asked..." said Sumireko weakly.
"Because we don't have a proper circuit, there will be no jams or necessity for overtaking! Instead, each team will have to meet certain requirements in order to win points!" Remilia driveled on. "The first person to finish gets ten points, the second gets nine, etcetera! Additional points will be awarded for stunts, knock-outs, evasion, poetry and- Flandre, you've put no thought into this at all, have you?"
Flandre pouted. "I only had half an hour..."
"Well, fine," sighed Remilia. "The team with the most points wins the match. Only blockers may, well, block; the captains, acting as jammers, must focus solely on reaching the finish line. Magic may be used if it falls within the bounds established for spell-card duels, and only one autonomous familiar is allowed for each contestant."
Alice put her head in her hands.
"Teams, are you ready?!" demanded Remilia.
"YEEEEAAAAAAHHH!!!" chorused the magical derby girls of the East.
"Wait for me, won't you?" said Alice, resting Hourai against a sturdy begonia.
Flandre snatched back her megaphone. "Then let the Scarlet Slaughter begin!"
Sumireko darted forwards. The squads of blockers clashed together, shouting and swearing like longshorewomen, firing danmaku in all directions. Sumireko weaved past a few stray bullets and hurtled along the first flower-lined path. Nendoro flashed past her, waving a cheeky little wave.
"Wh-wha-?" Sumireko froze. Her skates, however, kept moving, sending her ploughing through a bed of chrysanthemums.
"Come on, Sumi-Wreck-You, pick up the pace!" shouted Mokou, speeding past her on the main path.
"But... I can't..." Overwhelmed by despair, Sumireko fell silent. What could she do against someone like Nendoro? A human, skating with nothing but her own feet, against a youkai, newly-manifested and bursting with power? It was hopeless.
Then it hit her. She could fly. Like everyone else, Sumireko was capable of SUSTAINED FLIGHT WITH NOTHING BUT THE POWER OF HER MIND. Skating was small beans in comparison.
"Don't start celebrating just yet, mud girl." Sumireko smiled. "Just got to exert a little force directly upon myself- Waaagh!"
Sumireko shot out of the flower bed in an explosion of mangled stems and pastel-coloured petals. Her eyes widened in horror. The football-pitch-sized duck pond was straight ahead.
"Damn it... I'll have to go-"
An icicle thwacked into Sumireko's chest. She cried out in pain and went limp completely limp, fell flat on her stomach and skidded into the pond. The cold shock was enough to startle her out of her fugue. Sumireko leapt out of the pond, gulped down a colossal breath and fell back in again. After a few seconds she exploded from the far shore, trailing mud and pondweed and wearing a ferocious scowl. Letty (she assumed it had been Letty) was going to pay.
The last of her competitors were already disappearing around the corner. Sumireko flattened her arms against her sides and forced herself to accelerate. The wind whipped her hair into her eyes and made her dress billow like a sail, plants slashed at her shins, but she pressed on with grim determination until she could see her competitors close in front of her.
"RIGHT!" replied Reimu. "Say, Aya, have you ever heard this expression?"
"Expression?! What are you talking about?! More to the point, my name's actually Lady Blightshade-"
"Duplex Barrier!"
Aya spiralled into the hedge maze, screaming in terror.
Satisfied, but also a bit sympathetic, Sumireko hurtled past her teammates and enemies. The shouts and explosions of a spirited free-for-all were soon ringing in her ears as she chased after the opposing captain.
Nendoro was so startled to see Sumireko that her hat flew up off her head. "W-what are you doing here?! I was miles ahead!"
"Just hit my groove, y'know? Now shut up and skate! I'm gonna prove I'm not a... That I'm..." Sumireko's brow furrowed. "What am I fighting for, exactly?"
Nendoro rolled her eyes. "I'm fighting for my people."
"Oh, yeah, because of the... And the... Well, I'm going to prove something, all right?!" snapped Sumireko.
Nendoro just smiled. At that moment, a large shadow fell over Sumireko, and what she saw above her head filled her with terror.
"Eek!" Sumireko lunged to the side, just in time to avoid a barrel-sized blob of thick, heavy mud. The clay exploded gloopily on the grass, splattering as far as the mansion wall.
Nendoro growled. "I'll get you next time."
"What?! That's cheating! Only the blockers are allowed to attack me!" cried Sumireko.
"Oh? And just who's gonna believe you?!" crowed Nendoro. "Face it, Sumireko, I have you beaten."
"Screw you." Sumireko grabbed her spell-cards, fumbled them, dropped Occultician of the Present World on top of a gnome and blushed furiously.
"Two can play at that game, sweetie," smiled Nendoro. "Clay Sign: Brick Breaker!"
A brick hurtled towards Sumireko's head. She yelped and ducked, but the brick struck her hat dead-centre and sent it flying into the bushes.
"Double screw you!" Burning with hatred, Sumireko brandished her own spell-card. "Pyrokinesis: Microwave Maul!"
Psychic energy warmed Sumireko's fingers as she cast a ray of pure heat. Nendoro somersaulted over the ray, landed heavily on the path and stumbled. Nendoro let out a low growl as she regained her balance. "Swamp Sign: Rage of Sphagnum Moss!"
Tendrils of slimy green moss closed in on Sumireko. She kicked a tentacle in half, skipped over the second and ducked at the last moment, letting three more tendrils grab ineffectually at each other. The sixth lashed out at her shoulders, but she barged through it.
"It'll take more than that to stop me." Sumireko selected her next spell-card. "Automaton: Great Turbine Punch!"
A schoolgirl-sized robot materialised in front of Nendoro. The dorodango swerved, but the robot struck like lightning with enough force to send her skidding across the grass.
Nendoro let out a scream of rage. She kicked off her skates and took to the air, bearing down on Sumireko with frightening speed.
"I made that robot myself! Like her?" said Sumireko proudly.
"Shut up! Bog Sign: Unbreakable Suction Trap!"
A thousand tiny brown bullets broke away from the ground and swarmed towards Sumireko's feet. She had barely a second to react. Sumireko kicked off her skates and spiralled through the air, the mud bullets falling behind as she careened over the garden. The pair of roller-skates were still rolling along beneath her.
"Hey, you're not allowed to take those off!" Hypocrisy sparkled in Nendoro's eyes. "I'll show you. Sludge Sign: Bubble Volcano!"
A grey bubble shot towards Sumireko. It was now or never. Sumireko dropped like a stone, avoiding the bubble by a hair's breadth. Her feet thudded into her skates.
Nendoro broke away as Sumireko barrelled into the cherry orchard. Through the dense green foliage, she could catch only glimpses of the dorodango, but she knew Nendoro wasn't going to give up. She had to be ready.
Sumireko's fingers brushed against the small plastic handle concealed inside her blouse. She'd only packed one hihi'irokane bullet, strong enough to stun a youkai and gentle enough not to do anything worse to a human. Would one be enough?
The trees parted, and Nendoro was immediately upon her. There was no time to think. Sumireko whipped out her pistol, took aim and threw it over Nendoro's shoulder.
Nendoro's eyes widened. "Wh-what was that?!"
"Magic Metal Storm: Ultimate Bullet Purgatory!"
Sumireko focused all her power on the small, pointy lump of hihi'irokane in her hand. The bullet exploded into a thousand shining red grains. Grinning triumphantly, Sumireko threw them with all her might.
Nendoro yelped and soared out of the way, but she was too slow. Pichuuu~n after pichuuu~n echoed across the garden as the grains battered her into submission. With all her strength spent, the Nendoro plummeted helplessly into a marshy patch among some rhododendrons.
"Piece of cake." Radiant with pride, Sumireko brushed the dust off her blouse and sped towards the finish line.
The charred, lumpen dorodango was resting peacefully inside a wicker basket, snuggled up in a soft blue towel.
"He should be fine now. Or she, or they, or... I suppose we won't know until a spirit manifests inside there." Nendoro sighed. "I'm glad you still trust me, Sumireko. After I let myself get so angry..."
"It's okay. I tried to destroy Gensokyo once, when I was young and stupid," said Sumireko, laughing nostalgically. "I thought I was saving the world. Turns out that, well... Lunarians need to go and die in a fire."
"I can help you there!" chuckled Mokou, giving Kaguya a nudge in the ribs.
Kaguya poured her bowl of tea in Mokou's lap. Mokou pounced on the princess and started pummeling her.
"It's nice when we're all together, isn't it?" Reimu put her arm around Marisa's shoulder and smiled. "You know, Marisa, we should have more roller derby tournaments. Proper ones, with an oval and jams and referees and danmaku and... And everything!"
"What about music?"
"I'm thinking soft rock and power ballads, maybe something a bit more powerful for the big matches..."
"Wow, that'd be the best! I can't wait!" cried Sumireko. "Nendoro, you'll be there, right?"
"Of course. I'm a stone, Sumi. Of course I need to roll!" giggled Nendoro.
A chorus of groans met her dreadful pun. There would be many more groans that night, but for the most part, the Hakurei Shrine was filled with laughter. The tea and sake flowed freely, spirits were as high as the birds that soared overhead, and everybody was looking forward to the adventures that would come next.
People are born, people die, empires rise and fall, but there will always be a small, cosy shrine among the mountains where Amaterasu rises from her slumber. And next to that shrine, skipping along with hand in hand, a cheerful witch, a friendly shrine maiden and a bright schoolgirl will always be together, laughing and danmakuing in the beautiful Eastern Wonderland.
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imagine-wannaone · 6 years
Lee Daehwi Super Powers Au
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Waddup So this was written yesterday and idk whether to do a powers au so I guess this is just a try??
In other news I got Seventeens new album for my bday today and got The8 i am blessed. Anywhere, here we go. also pls tell me if I need to tag any triggers, I’m not great at this stuff whoops.
 • Lemme get one thing straight, you didn’t want to use your ability for bad,  • It just kinda happened that you became a theif,  • You were trapped,  • You were a teen when you got dragged into a whole mess of a gang, when you went to take out a loan to pay for treatment for your brother’s illness,  • Because your brother was the most important thing to you but your family couldn’t afford his treatment,  • But you didn’t realise the loan company was actually kinda not a company and you had just officially ruined your life,
 • With gastronomic Interest, you had to pay them back the money with no way of being able to do it,  • Read the small print y'all,  • So they offered you another option: you hated it but there was no other way to help your brother, and they threatened to cut your brother’s treatment if you stepped out of line,  • And in a world made with certain people who had abilities, they made sure to utilize yours,  • Aka the ability to change your appearance and voice to fit it,  • They had you as a thief, and with your skill and ability you quickly became notorious around the city,  • Which made you extremely paranoid, causing you to constantly switch appearances,  • I don’t mean switching looks every minute or something bizarre,  • I mean you never showed your true appearance anymore, you were always someone else and started to panic at the thought of people seeing the real you,  • So you stayed in your place by day planning heists the gang had sent you to do, and went on the missions by night,  • And you hated everything about the way you lived, but you knew your brother was getting better, so you kept at it,  • The gang sent you a particularly dangerous heist one night, and you did not think it was a wise idea at all,  • Like there were shit tonnes of guards and cameras and the switch overs were smooth and the codes hard to crack,  • As a thief, you were known to be able to go in and out before anyone would even realise anything was gone, shifting into guards or ceo’s or customers,  • And you trained your ability to perfection, having no flaws in your transformation and being able to quickly switch features,  • A master™  • But you plan this near impossible heist anyway because you have to, you have everything to lose,  • And while bits of the heist are a bit by chance or freestyle,  • You hate yourself for being quite confidant, as always,  • But heists had started going wrong lately,  • A guard unconvinced and almost omniscient,  • Or the whole place closed for a day as if they already knew,  • Little things going wrong preventing the heists and causing them to go wrong,  • You didn’t know how because they were all planned to perfection, but something was happening,  • You heard whispers of a mole but no one ever told you anything so you had no idea really,  • So you’re dropped off by the usual gruff looking men who are going to wait down the street, safe for them,  • You where dressed as a medium height middle aged woman with brown hair, trying to blend in with the people around you,
 • Like a chameleon damn,  • You float into the bank and act naturally, milling around the atm’s and looking at posters,  • A boy around your actual age seems to keep glancing at you, which sets your nerves off,  • Not only is he cute, it’d be insanely weird for someone his age to be staring at a middle aged lady,  • You try to sway away from his prying eyes and keep your heart at normal pace and prevent your hands shaking,  • You always got nerves before a heist and this dude really wasn’t helping,  • At all,  • Smh doesn’t he know it’s rude to stare?  • You’re nearly set on going over there and telling him yourself, but with your ‘can I see the manager’ hair style you play your role and send him a disapproving mum glare and shake you head, moving on,  • Perfect, v realistic,  • But the dude doesn’t stop sending u shady side eyes, so you decide to get the hell on with it,  • So your eyes scan the floor before slipping into a side door,  • Smooth as always, might I add,  • You change your appearance quickly into a guard and take out a hand mirror quickly to check that you’re perfect,  • Indeed you are perfect,
 •You were about to take off down the hall when the door slides open again,  • You’re about to get into character when the boy from earlier locks eyes with you and lunges,  • You dodge as quick as a whippet and a fight™ ensues,  • You can tell idk how to write a fight omg,  • DW I’ll get better,  • You’re both incredibly good to the point you defo know this ain’t just a usual kid who’s taken some martial arts classes,  • Because as soon as you dodge one punch and throw your own, he’s dodged that and is launching another assault with a knee or elbow,
 • He keeps saying something along the line of 'Stop I’m trying to help’ but you ain’t buying no shady nonsense,  • And you’re both getting pretty beaten, bruises and small cuts appearing, a bloody nose or a broken finger,  • But shit really hits the fan when a guard comes round the corner and then you’re both in for it,  • You’re internally having a meltdown you’ve never had to deal with this before,  • And then your tryna fight the boy and the guards and - shit,  • A bullet grazes your leg but it instantly burns and shocks you to hell,  • Your appearance flickers before returning to the middle aged lady aka the wrong disguise, who0ps,  • Your leg burns and the shock throws you off balance long enough for the boy to wrap an arm around your shoulder and have you against a wall in a second,  • You’re about to swing your leg back to hit him when chloroform and damn you’re out cold,  • Actually outraged in your knocked out state,  • Who DaRe?  • Like you don’t blame them, you’re a damn thief, tbh you’d probs knock yourself out if you were in their situation,  • but hOw DaRe tHey?  • And you’re defo worried about who just chloroformed you but whatever,  • Idek if you can think all this while passed out but you find a way,  • You wake up with someone’s hand on your forehead and you stay still, trying to gather your bearings and figure stuff out before you let them know you’re awake,  • I mean the hand thing is so weird but you deal with it you til you gather that your head’s also in someone’s lap and your skin is tingling and you decide this is very weird,  • I mean not a hard conclusion to come to but a conclusion all the same,  • You slowly open one eye and wow,  • Bright lights,  • But you soldier through it and stare straight ahead at the face of the boy ahead of you,  • You’re about to jump out of your skin but the boys eyes are closed and he looks so peaceful with flawless skin and a slight frown, his brow creased in concentration,  • And then you realise your leg doesn’t burn and your hand and knuckles don’t scream like they did before you dropped,  • And you realise he’s someone like you, he’s a healer,  • And it makes your heart fly with joy, you’ve found someone else with an ability and all of a sudden you feel safer,  • Especially because he’s a healer,  • But then your eyes trail to your arm and your body and all the safety is thrown away,  • You have no disguise, no fake face or fake voice; it’s purely you and it makes you dizzy and sick,  • He must sense your panic because his eyes crack open and he smiles widely at you, removing his hand from your forehead,  • Wow his smile settles your heart and warms your cheeks,  • A million questions run through your foggy brain, where are we and what happened? Who is he and why is he so cute? Where’s the boy from before and what’s going to happen when your former gang know you’re not with them?  • “Y/N, right? I’m Daehwi, and give me a sec and I’ll tell you all the gossip,”  • While his soft voice is calming when you sit up, a wave of dizziness hits you like a wrecking ball ridden by Miley cirus  • (Wow my pop culture references about 5 years too late),  •But despite your swimming head you quickly change your skin, opting for the first thing you can think of, which happens to be Daehwi,  • You change your hair quickly and alter your face and body to match his within seconds,  • You’re kinda embarrassed that you just changed into him but you’re panicking,  • While the boy next to you may have seen your face, you’d prefer if no one else would,  • “That’s increadible,”  • The look on Daehwi’s face, as well has his bubbly laugh, makes you flush but you’re heart is still beating a mile a minute and your chest feels a little too tight,  • “While that’s really cool, and I’m really flattered, I thought your natural face was much prettier,”  • Your face (or is it Daehwi’s?) blushes violently at the comment but the fact you don’t look like yourself calms you a little,  • “A healer, then?”  • You ask simply to change the subject, although it’s pretty obvious at this point,  • “Yep, not one of the coolest abilities but pretty handy. You’re obviously a shape shifter, damn the whole city knows you’re a shape shifter, but seeing it myself, damn, it’s way cooler than I thought”  • He talks in such a laid back manner, leaning back onto his hands, his whole presence relaxing,  • He really suits his ability,  • “I think healing’s the best ability, you get to help,”  • Your voice is quiet but your words are the truth, and you can see Daehwi’s about to reply when the door swings open and the boy from earlier wonders in, doing a double take at the two Daehwi’s sat on the bed and sighing before dropping down into a nearby chair,  • He’s hardly met you and he’s already done with your shit lmao,  • But you’re eyeing him suspiciously because this guy FRICKEN chloroformed you and you still have no answers as to what the hell is going when he launched into a Hella Long explanation,  • To put it simply,
 • Daehwi and the boy, Guanlin, are part of an organisation that rescue abilities from sticky situations and tries to stop the people with abilities for using them nastily,  • (Avengers who?)  • There was indeed a mole in your gang as they planned to rescue you whilst intercepting a heist of yours,  • They didn’t expect you to fight so defiantly back but I mean,  • So then you explain that you’re really not nasty, I mean you used to put milk in before your cereal but yOu’vE cHanGeD,  • You explain your situation and they agreed  that they’ll see what they can do for your brother and you feel like you might cry because this is too good to be true,  • Half convinced this is some awful experiment or teasing you,  • So you spend a few days in the room you wake up in, just in case, in which you discover is actually Daehwi’s room,  • Which is kinda awkward,  • But you honestly can’t ask for a better first friend in the base they have there,  • Daehwi is oh so patient, painfully so, encouraging you to take your time and helps introduce you to the many people in the base, most of which have powers themselves which blows your mind a little
 • You’ve never seen so many abilities,  • And it takes you a while to trust Guanlin, but as soon as you do you realise he’s just a goof and you apologise endlessly for hurting him,  • And you start helping out at the base, doing small missions to help others by using your ability,  • And it feels good,  • Especially when you can come back to Daehwi at the end of the day and laugh and relax into the night,  • And you visit your brother for a very emotional reunion and he’s getting better and life just seems to be good,
 • And in the middle of it all is Daehwi, who you would trust with your life,  • I mean he is a healer many people trust him with their lives,
 • So you’re sat in his room (or your now shared one - you refuse to sleep anywhere else, feeling unsafe) chatting into the night,  • When you both reach a lull in conversation,  • “Y/N, why do you never walk, or sleep, or eat, or live in your normal skin?”  • The question is so out of the blue that your eyes snap to his,  • Which rest on you,  • They always rest on you,  • And you try to figure out a way to say it without feeling stupid,  • Because in your mind it is a whole concept and fear, but there aren’t enough words to describe how you feel, and to condense your thoughts into words belittles them endlessly,  • “It’s scary, showing your true self. I used to fear people would recognise me and arrest me, for being a thief, but nowadays it’s almost as if I don’t trust people enough. Enough to see my face,”  • You pick your words carefully but still feel as if it’s a weak excuse,  • “You don’t trust me, y/n?”  • His words shock you, make you question yourself, and you look into those soft, open eyes and brace yourself,  •You know he’s right as you relax, completely relax for the first time in years, letting all of your facade melt away to show your true skin, your true eyes, your true being,  • And there’s something in Daehwi’s eyes that you love as he looks at your pure self,
 • You feel insanely exposed but Daehwi himself settles you,  • And you know you no longer need to hide yourself from Daehwi anymore when he leans over, wrapping an arm around your real hips,  • Cups the back of your head,  • And gently smiles and he places his lips on your real ones,
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hibernianbok · 7 years
Papa Nordics hcs? Individually, not together!
I’ve been waiting for this
He is child in an adults body. Raising his own children would be a walk in the park! He’s always up for playing pretend or dress up with them and you better believe he will get them a mountain of Lego to play with!
Protect of his child, very. He’s one of those dads that will give his children alot of freedom but as soon as they’re going out with someone he wants to know who they are with and where. No harm shall come to them.
Dad jokes are extremely common, in fact he probably tells his child to call him ‘dadmark’! Every time he makes his child sigh or ugh he laughs and gives them a hair ruffle.
Sometimes it will feel like his child is looking after him, especially when he take them to the toy shop. On many occasions he will be the one buying the toys for his own entertainment. 
Pushes his children to their absolute limits and cheering them on every step of the way. If he knows that his child can do something he will bribe them, cheer them and whatever else to help them achieve their goals!
To annoy his child he does many things. His personal favorite being to tickling their hips till they’re crying with laughter and putting them on his shoulders (Still laughing) and running around the house!
He adores it when his child lets him do their hair, no matter the length or texture. If it’s short he gives them a quiff, if it’s long he’ll give them a danish braid! if it’s mid-way he’ll do plaited pigtails! 
Sometimes when he’s bored and his child is nearby, he’ll make a game out of trying to put his tiny hat on their head without them noticing. If he achieves it he’ll take a picture and posted it on Snap chat.
Trips to the shops to get ingredients is pretty common, he loves to bake with his child! Only the best danish pastries recipes will be taught and anyone who even smells them will being to drool!
When nobody is around or is coming over he will turn the living room into a giant pillow fort! He loves to see the look on his child’s face as they dive into the fort of pillows and blankets he’s made.
Dad rating: Everything is awesome 
He is a very caring and fathering man, he is always doing everything he can for his children; the cooking, cleaning, general family bonding, anything to keep them happy!
Strictness wise he is rather flexible. MOST of the time he will brush of misbehavior and give his child a quick scold. Just, don’t make him angry. For the love of everything holy and your safety don’t!
The amount of worrying he does over his children is almost enough to worry about him. He is always on edge when his child is staying at a friends, you better believe he has the friends parents phone number!
You know when your mum/dad/guardian see a friend outside the shop and starts to talk for them for about fifty years? Yeah… he’s that dad. Best bring something to entertain yourself with!
He is very relaxed when it comes to emotional issues, if his children have any problems at all he’ll talk them through it and then give them words of encouragement and enthusiasm!
Also that dad that takes his children to the park and has a flock of mothers surrounding him. All of them are very kind and such, but can he please watch his baby whilst they’re swinging on the monkey bars?
One of the Parent Council dads, he is very involved in his children’s education. Plus he can prove that he’s the best at making cookies! No one can beat Santa’s cookies after all~
Speaking of being Santa, he’s children always get the best presents! But they do have to stay over at uncle Estonia’s house for Christmas eve. Only because he needs to do his job though.
Sauna days with his kids! He loves to just sit back and let the steam engulf him. If the steam is too intense for his child, they can always go for a nice swim in the pool!
He is always giving his children hugs. He will find any excuse to give his kiddo a tight snuggle, good moments and bad! Unless of course they don’t like hugs in which case, hair ruffles are good too! 
Dad rating: Baby in a box (If you don’t get that click: here)
At first, he has no idea what on earth he is doing. For those who are friends/family of Iceland will likely receive 3am phone calls with the topic; ‘What do I do when my child cries?’ 
He is probably that dad that is completely awkward dad that makes jokes at the wrong time, Denmark does that right? Denmark raised him so jokes are a thing that good dads do right? (Send the lad some help please)
Mr.Puffin is the official “HELP ME PARENT PLEASE!” bird, as much as it may annoy the poor puffin it will keep him busy. Family chill time is probably everyone’s favorite time.
Saying all of this, he does try his best. He tries to show his children the wonders of his land and others, as odd as it may seem he knows that the world is very large and he hopes they will see it all!
He enjoys telling them old folktales for bedtime stories! Sometimes he’ll go on for long after his child has fell asleep, so many tales that have been passed on to tell from the people lost in time.
They’re raised to be able to speak more than one language, He can get pretty embarrassed speaking his own language (Source: X (Trivia point!)). He wants his children to be able to wonder the world understand others!
School wise is eeh… He believes that education is the way too success but coming to him with homework or school drama is not the best idea. He either doesn’t know or doesn’t really care.
Discipline wise, he’s got it down to a T, he knows that as soon as the Wifi password is changed and the remotes have been hidden his child is all of a sudden going to be rather nice to him~
To add to the point above, he cannot stand bratty children. From day one he will tell them “You respect me, I respect you” and if they follow that rule then they will be very close!
He can be pretty clingy to his child, he doesn’t like to be surround by people but he’s not a big fan of being all by himself. His child will probably be around him alot to stop him from being too lonely.
Dad rating: How to be a good papa?
The chill parent™ literally. He is very tolerant and patient with his children. He will let them do as they please as long as they stay within their boundaries. So long as they do it’s chill™
He will probably put his children on a pedestal like he does Iceland. He’s always going on about how his children are amazing and how cute they look in that outfit he bought them(like Maes from FMA? please tell me if i’m wrong)
To any out lookers, they would say that he’s got a good hand on raising his children. They would be right! Besides the mental screaming and the worrying coffee intake from lack of sleep due to worrying about them, he’s fine! 
Dad jokes are a thing, but in a weird way. His child can say anything and he would pause, stare and murmur a really bad pun under his breath. I.e. ‘Whoa, papa! Look at this!’ ‘……I can’t believe it’s not butter...’ 
He spoils his children more than he is willing to admit, they could see something on TV and he would surprise them with it the next day. He can’t really help it, he doesn’t want them to live like he used to.
Emotional stuff he’s pretty good at! He is able to sit there and listen to any problems his children are facing for hours if he must. He is also willing to hug them and sooth their worries with comforting songs!
Adores telling his children myths and folklore! Sometimes he’ll even take them on drives to the places and introduce them to the creatures that the stories are based around!
Whenever the midnight sun or the Nordic lights are on show he’ll let his children stay up to see them. Joined with the forces of caffeine and warm blankets he’ll sit outside with them all night if they want.
To him, his children are a blessing and something to live for. If he is ever lacking motivation or inspiration he’ll think about his children and BAM! You’ve got one very determined Norwegian.
He takes alot of time off work to spend with his children. He wants to be apart of their lives and for them to always know that he loves them, for him nothing is more important than his family.
Dad rating: Butter hurry up with that homework
This man is a papa and a half! He is already raising two kids (Sealand & Ladonia!) so the man knows what he’s doing. He is always alot more relaxed when with kids and is happy to care for them!
He is very good at keeping his children in line, how exactly? Star charts. He knows that losing a gold star is everyone’s worse nightmare and he will use this to his advantage. Gold stars are given to good kiddos only!
Want a tree house? Because his children are getting a tree mansion! Nearly all of their room’s furniture and toys are made by him, but don’t worry they’re made entirely out of love!
Super protective of his little ones! He would never let any harm come to them whether it be physically, mentally or emotionally. If anyone dares to hurt them he will be knocking on the culprits door at 3am!
Sometimes he’ll take his kids with him for a small fishing trip if the weather is right. Sure camping may be a little boring but it’s the bonding that counts! Plus fishing can be rather relaxing~
He is always willing to participate in games with his little ones, even pretend and sports! If it means that they’re gaining an interest in a possible future career or dream then he will do his best to guide them.
To his children he can seem like a rag doll at certain times, he doesn’t mind them climbing onto his shoulders or letting them borrow his glasses. If it keeps them happy and they’re safe then it’s fine.
Education wise he is the man when his children need help with homework. He will talk them through the problem and give them as much motivation as they need, sometimes in the form of pastries! 
All drawings and school achievements will have a special spot on the fridge for all to see. Any of his little ones achievements will be rewarded with a meal out wherever they want!
His absolute favorite thing in the world is to wake up with his little family all fallen asleep on the sofa with him, he thinks it’s so cute seeing them all snuggled up on top of him with a blanket covering them all~
Dad rating: Swedad
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niel-trbl · 7 years
Hi Hello
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Neighbour!Kang Daniel AU
Note: this is what happens when you spend too much time at home, often meeting neighbours and have a soft spot for Kang Daniel
EDIT: you guys, this has gotten so many notes i am honestly shooketh™. thank you so much for reading and do look forward to my next one! you can request if you want anything’s cool really hehe
it was the start of the summer break and instead of flying back home, you decided to stay and make use of the time to explore the city a little and let loose
it has been a while since you last clean up around the apartment so you decided to get to that to kick start the long break
the moment you stepped out of the apartment to throw out the trash, you were greeted by a baby girl (her name’s Luna) waddling towards you and giggling
you were familiar with her, your neighbour would babysit her almost everyday, you often played with her whenever you see her outside of the apartment
“Luna!” suddenly a tall figure came and carried her in his arms
he had such a lean body, the muscles on his body were defined
you then realised that he didn’t have a shirt on and quickly kept your eyes to the ground
“hi!” you looked up as he greeted you with a smile
oh boy was he cute
“oh hello?” you could stare into his eyes for ages
“erm… oh right, sorry i need to throw myself- i mean the trash” he giggled while you quickly made your way to the rubbish chute
way to go ______, you made yourself sound like an idiot
when you came back, you see that he was still walking around hand-in-hand with Luna
“Luna? hello” you said as you crouched down to match her height and she walked right past you, classic
“don’t worry I get the same treatment too,” he laughed
both of you exchanged smiles once again before you went back to your apartment
you looked into the peephole and saw that he was still playing around with her
it made your heart skip a beat, seeing that he was so good with Luna
you kept remembering his laugh, how does one laugh so handsomely? and his smile. his eyes! you could look into them forever
you realised that you’ve never seen him around before
was he a new tenant? or is he the repair man?
or maybe even, he’s the father to the child? this was something you wished wasn’t true at all
you suddenly remembered how your neighbour mentioned that the father of the child worked overseas and he doesn’t come home as often, so you thought maybe he indeed is the father
maybe that’s why he's so good at taking care of the baby
you decided to get over it before you fall way in too deep
a few days later, you decided to head out for awhile
you’ve been cooped up at home for too long, it’s a good way to get some fresh air
when you locked the door behind you, you heard a familiar voice greeted “hi there!” and you froze, recognising that voice
it was that cute, broad shoulder guy - the guy who is possibly the father of Luna
quick, pretend that you don’t remember him!
“oh hello?”
“you don’t remember me? remember the other day? you were throwing yourself, i mean the trash out and I was out here with Luna?”
oh my goodness how can I forget that I indirectly said that I was the trash? fml something i would say irl tbh
“oh right! couldn’t recognise you there for a moment with the shirt on. wait, just, never mind,”
smooth move _______
he just laughed it off as he stood beside you in the lift
“your daughter’s really cute. Mrs Kang takes care of her really well,” you said to break the ice
“wait I’m sorry what?”
“Luna? She’s your daughter, right?”
he started laughing hysterically, his eyes turning into crescent moons
“you’re a really funny person, you know that? Luna’s not my daughter,”
you blinked your eyes in shock at him
“and Mrs Kang is my mum. My name is Daniel,”
something just clicked in your head
your neighbour have mentioned once that her son’s coming home, she probably told you during one of your late night conversations when you just got home from school
“OMG I am so sorry. You know what, just ignore me okay. I’m such an embarrassment,” you said as you got out of the lift
“hey, you’re not an embarrassment. c’mon, how about we grab coffee and maybe start over?” he quickly stood in front of you
“I’ll even pretend that nothing happened before this"
you pondered over it for a bit and thought, a little company wouldn’t hurt so you took up his offer
Daniel got really excited and held you by the wrist then led the way
he told you about wanting to go to this cafe that he has been eyeing on ever since he got home
the moment both of you reached the cafe, you were like !!!
“i used to always go to this cafe!” (back when you were free from the craziness that is school)
both of you ordered your drinks and sat by the window (aka your usual spot) and talked about almost everything
about school, family, work, Peter and Rooney - the cats you often see around which apparently belonged to him
that was also how he learnt that you are a cat lover like himself (he even sneakily suggested on bringing you out on a date to the cat cafe)
he also brought up the time when both of you first met which made you face palmed yourself (mentally)
“it was so hot that day, i just had to take my shirt off. i’m so sorry our first meeting had to be that way,”
“no no it’s fine really! i didn’t mind the view- IT, I MEAN IT”
your habit of accidentally verbally relaying your thoughts = the reason why you are single TRUTH
“i am so sorry. i am so embarrassing. if you don’t wanna hang out with me anymore, i totally understand”
“no! you’re actually really funny. i don’t think you’re embarrassing.” he laughed, showing off his bunny smile
“actually… i wanted to get to know you after we first met. i was waiting for you to head out of your apartment again but you didn’t. so i thought maybe it’s not meant to be till today, when we coincidentally met. I’m really happy that you said yes,” Daniel smiled shyly
you buried your face in your hands, touched by his words
“anyway what did you do in your apartment the whole time?”
“OH well you know… just lazing around, trying to recover from that embarrassing moment”
note to self - stop blurting out your thoughts
from that day onwards, both of you spent a lot of your days together, gradually being more and more comfortable with one another
you even shared inside jokes and gave each other nicknames
“why do you call me kid?” you asked him
“because you’re small and cute” lowkey want to fight him but you know you can’t coz you’re smol
both of you too enjoy going to the cafe, cat cafes, watching movies, going for karaoke sessions
sometimes you would just hang out at his place or at yours (did i say sometimes? i mean MOST of the time)
his mom is always glad to have you around, since you often help her with some work
“you know the other day, mom called you her daughter in law. you know what that means?” Daniel starts wiggling his eyebrows at you
actually you weren’t sure if you were dating or just friends, you were stuck in that grey area
both of you didn’t really declare it as it is, you just went along with whatever you were feeling
though there were times where he seemed very boyfriend-like, it really made your heart flutter
like when he helps you to put on your shoes (even when you insist that you could do it), giving you his hoodies when you’re cold (it is now a growing collection in your wardrobe)
and especially when he's taking care of Luna and helping his mom
you genuinely do like him but you were too shy to express it
but when you do try to express it, you end up blushing so much and he’ll start teasing you about it
one of the days, the doorbell kept ringing in the early morning, disturbing your deep sleep
annoyed by it, you dragged your feet to answer the door in your just-rolled-out-of-bed state
when you opened the door, you see a sleepy Kang Daniel (looking REALLY adorable) with messy bed hair and a giggly Luna in his arms
“change of plans, let’s stay in” he said with a yawn as he sat down on your couch, while Luna played with his hair
he later explained that his mom had to run some errands so he has to take care of Luna for the day
you didn’t mind it, after all you love spending time with Luna
both of you decided to head over to his place since most of Luna’s things were there
while he gave Luna a bath, you prepared a quick meal for the three of you and fed the cats
after entertaining Luna for a bit, both of you decided to bring her to the swimming complex nearby to cool down from the crazy heat
so with Luna in your arms and Daniel carrying the bags, the three of you head off to the pool (ngl you guys look super cute, very family-like)
you guys had fun teaching Luna how to swim and stuff like that
halfway through Daniel decided to take off his top claiming that he was ‘feeling warm’, subtly showing off his arms and muscles
you knew he did that just to get a reaction from you, in which HE SUCCEEDED
you couldn’t even look at him properly and blushed so much to the point where Luna started patting your cheeks in attempt to rid of the redness
after a long day, it was time to head back home
on your way back, a lady approached both of you, offering you a handheld fan to keep Luna cool from the hot weather
“what a sweet couple! your baby is very cute”
“wHY THANK YOU! we should get going. let’s go babe,” Daniel replied as his arm wrapped around your waist
(you lowkey started using the fan coz it was getting HOT all up in here)
istg Daniel will use every opportunity he gets just to see you flustered
“hey wifey” he winked
when you got home, you started cooking dinner while he gave Luna a bath
you were cleaning up in the kitchen when you felt someone brushing your hair back
when you looked back, you see Daniel smiling sweetly to you
“hey kid” he held onto your shoulders “it smells good!”
“well i tried my best. where’s Luna?”
“she’s drinking her milk at the living room. she’s gonna sleep soon”
“i’ll check up on her once i’m done here. you can go ahead and shower then eat dinner”
“thank you so much” he gave you a side hug, his lips almost touching your forehead
if anyone saw this moment, they would think you guys are a married couple, being all cute and domestic (yES I APPROVE)
you quickly snapped out of it when your heart started beating like crazy and went to check on Luna, without realising that you ended up falling asleep
when Daniel stepped out from his room after freshening up, he was greeted by your peaceful self beside Luna
he brushed your hair away from your face, silently observing your features
“beautiful” he whispered to himself
little did you know that he shared mutual feelings with you
after spending the day with you today and seeing how you took care of Luna (and also him), he knew he wanted to spend his life with you
even just seeing how you helped his mom, he knew you were the one
every time he thinks about how it’d be like if both of you got together, it’ll never fail to make his heart flutter
but the thought of you possibly not returning his feelings made him hesitate
this was the first time he felt so strongly towards someone, he didn’t want to mess it up or lose the spark that the both of you have
in that moment, his mom just got home and saw that scene
“oH MOM! haha when did you reach home?” he quickly stood up
“i just got here,” she went to the kitchen to check out the dishes “wow, something smells good"
“________ cooked for us earlier. She’s really good,”
“as expected from my daughter in law” she smirked, as she started scooping out some food for herself
“mom… do you really think of _______ that way?” he slowly approached her
“of course! i wouldn’t have called her that for nothing. why? wait... do you also see her that way?”
he nodded shyly then let out a soft giggle as he buried his face into his hands
“well you better tell her before it’s too late”
since it was getting pretty late, Daniel decided to bring you back to your apartment
(being the gentleman he is) he carried you bridal style to your bed
you started mumbling and wrapping your arms around him, he wanted to melt coz of your cuteness, he ended up grinning so widely
he managed to tuck you in bed without waking you up
he sat beside you, running his fingers through your hair when you suddenly held his hand
“can we please stay like this Daniel?” you hugged his arm, which shocked Daniel (he thought you were awake)
then realised you were just sleep-talking when you started telling him to stop stealing Rooney from you
but it did make his heart flutter, knowing that you were dreaming of him
the next day, you woke up even earlier than usual, surprised that you were back in your bed when your last memory was being at Daniel’s place
you made your way to the kitchen to grab a drink when you saw someone asleep on your couch
when you realised that it was Daniel, you figured that he probably brought you back, got too tired to head back so he resorted to sleeping on your couch
you crouched down by his sleeping figure, watching as he breathed in and out
you pushed his hair back, letting your fingers run down his facial features slowly as you admire his sleeping state
“i wish we could stay this way forever” you whispered to yourself
just as you were about to walk to the kitchen, you were being pulled back down to the couch, now face-to-face with Daniel
“me too” he smirked as he cuddled up to you
you stayed that way for awhile, enjoying the peace and serenity and the comfort between the both of you
“________” you love the way your name rolls off his tongue
“you know, I really wasn’t lying when I said that. I really want us to stay this way forever. by that, I mean us being together,” he started playing with your fingers, not making eye contact
you were speechless, only knowing now that he shared mutual feelings
Daniel, on the other hand, took your silence as a sign that you didn’t feel the same way, not knowing that you were just too surprised to even say anything
“you probably don’t feel the same way. that’s okay. i totally understand if you don’t feel- ”
“shut up and kiss me Daniel” you blurted out, which made him turn to you, seeing you grinning to him
“gladly,” he leaned in and gave you a peck on your lips
ok blurting out your thoughts might be a good thing
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! (all of them. I don't play around)
Good lord, woman.
Tallulah x Luca
Who was the one to propose: Luca
Who stressed more over wedding planning: Tallie
Who decorated the house: BOTH
Who is more organized: Tallie
Who initiates bedroom fun: Both 
Who suggested kids first: Tallie (it’s her life goal come onnnnnn)
Who’s more dominant: Luca daddy
Who’s the cuddler: BOTH but mostly Tallie
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: MAKING PASTA
Who kills the spiders: Luca
Who falls asleep first: Varies
Who is louder?: Luca
Who is more experimental?: ????
Do they fuck or make love?: Make love mostly, but it can vary every now and again
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?: Luca
Who comes first?: Varies
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?: They’re both pretty good at it and Tallie loves it?? She’s not used to getting all that attention
Who is more sensitive?: They’re both v damaged, but probably Tallie at first
Who has the most patience?: Luca
Aaron x Harlow
Who was the one to propose: Aaron
Who stressed more over wedding planning: Harlow
Who decorated the house: They both brought their own shit
Who is more organized: Anyone but Aaron
Who initiates bedroom fun: Both
Who suggested kids first: Idk but it might have come up in conversation after a pregnancy scare??
Who’s more dominant: Varies, but more commonly Aaron (when he can)
Who’s the cuddler: Harlow cos the girl needs some LOVE DAMMIT
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: What is a non-sexual activity??? (probs drinking or getting high, idk)
Who kills the spiders: Whoever is nearby at the time
Who falls asleep first: Varies
Who is louder?: Harlow
Who is more experimental?: Harlow
Do they fuck or make love?: Mostly fuck, but they might occasionally have softer days
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?: Aaron
Who comes first?: Varies
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?: Harlow’s great at it and Aaron is weak for that shit
Who is more sensitive?: They’re both v damaged
Who has the most patience?: Neither 
Alfie x Sloane
Who was the one to propose: Alfie and it was SO ROMANTIC OKAY
Who stressed more over wedding planning: Alfie
Who decorated the house: Sloane cos Alfie wanted her to be happy
Who is more organized: Alfie
Who initiates bedroom fun: Both.
Who suggested kids first: I wanna say Alfie
Who’s more dominant: Alfie omf
Who’s the cuddler: BOTH but more Sloane
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Playing their music together or having a nice romantic date
Who kills the spiders: Sloane
Who falls asleep first: Sloane
Who is louder?: Sloane
Who is more experimental?: ALFIE
Do they fuck or make love?: Mostly fuck, but they have their softer moments too
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?: Not Alfie, so...
Who comes first?: Sloane (he makes sure)
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?: Alfie is probably slightly better, but they both enjoy it
Who is more sensitive?: Both are damaged as hell
Who has the most patience?: Alfie
Connor x Lennox
Who was the one to propose: Connor
Who stressed more over wedding planning: Lennox
Who decorated the house: Both
Who is more organized: Lennox
Who initiates bedroom fun: Both
Who suggested kids first: Tbh they would be talking about a friend’s kid or something and would kind of look at each other and talk about it after
Who’s more dominant: Neither??
Who’s the cuddler: Connor is a slut for cuddles
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: BUILDING FORTS FOR MOVIE NIGHTS
Who kills the spiders: Connor
Who falls asleep first: Lennox
Who is louder?: Connor
Who is more experimental?: ????? lenNOX???
Do they fuck or make love?: Make love, the cuties
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?: Connor
Who comes first?: Varies
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?: Idk I feel like it’s not their thing so much, they like to be intimate differently
Who is more sensitive?: All our children are damaged okay
Who has the most patience?: Connor
Emily x Carter
Who was the one to propose: Carter but barely, cos Em would have casually dropped it into conversation had he left it much later ngl
Who stressed more over wedding planning: Emily
Who decorated the house: Carter (with Emily’s direction mostly tho)
Who is more organized: Carter
Who initiates bedroom fun: Both
Who suggested kids first: WELL SHE SHOWS UP AT HIS DOOR WITH ONE SO
Who’s more dominant: Varies, but more commonly Carter (he’s the only one she lets herself be led by)
Who’s the cuddler: Emily
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Playing with Lula and playing happy family
Who kills the spiders: Whoever is nearby at the time cos they are TOUGH
Who falls asleep first: Varies
Who is louder?: Carter
Who is more experimental?: Emily??
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?: Emily, ot cause she does it more but because she has no subtly and Carter is a trained sea ninja (Lula’s words)
Who comes first?: Carter but he always makes sure she finishes too x
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?: Emily has a magic mouth ;)
Who is more sensitive?: They’re both SO VERY VERY BADLY HURT AND DAMAGED
Who has the most patience?: Neither
Ryker x Kenna
Who was the one to propose: Ryker and he totally serenaded her okay? Okay
Who stressed more over wedding planning: Kenna (but he caught on and got her someone to help take care of the most things)
Who decorated the house: They both sort of shared it out, but Ryker trusts Kenna’s judgement more than his own 
Who is more organized: Anyone but Ryker, so definitely Kenna
Who initiates bedroom fun: More often than not it’s Ryker
Who suggested kids first: Idk but maybe Kenna?
Who’s more dominant: Ryker
Who’s the cuddler: BOTH mostly for Kenna’s benefit tho
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Ryker likes taking her places?? Like bringing her to travel so she can see more of the awesome planet they live on
Who kills the spiders: Ryker
Who falls asleep first: Kenna
Who is louder?: Ryker (he probably has damaged his hearing by now lbr)
Who is more experimental?: Neither??
Do they fuck or make love?: mAKE LOVE DAMMIT
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?: Ryker but he doesn’t have much time anyways soooooooooo
Who comes first?: Kenna
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?: Ryker loves giving Kenna that?? He just enjoys how she looks and everything I just???
Who is more sensitive?: Kenna
Who has the most patience?: Kenna
Sam x Violet
Who was the one to propose: Violet (cos Sam wouldn’t know to even think of it)
Who stressed more over wedding planning: Violet
Who decorated the house: Violet but she made it feel like home for Sam
Who is more organized: Sam (everything has a special place, okay?)
Who initiates bedroom fun: Both
Who suggested kids first: It just kind of happens so they roll with it, lbr
Who’s more dominant: Varies
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Swimming
Who kills the spiders: Sam
Who falls asleep first: Violet (he waits till she’s asleep before he settles)
Who is louder?: Sam (he doesn’t know embarrassment so yanno)
Who is more experimental?: Maybe Violet at a push?
Do they fuck or make love?: LOVE AND ONLY LOVE OKAY
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?: Violet
Who comes first?: Sam at first, he is so not used to touch etc
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?: Violet is probably better but they prefer ‘whole body kissing’ ;)
Who is more sensitive?: SAM
Who has the most patience?: Sam
Lily x Zoey
Who was the one to propose: Lily and it’s super cute
Who stressed more over wedding planning: Zoey (it has to be perfect for Lily okay????????)
Who decorated the house: Zoey mostly, Lily adds the cute lil touches though
Who is more organized: Lily cos Zoey’s a mess
Who initiates bedroom fun: Zoey mostly
Who suggested kids first: Lily?????????
Who’s more dominant: Zoey
Who’s the cuddler: LILY
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Artsy shit
Who kills the spiders: Zoey 
Who falls asleep first: Varies
Who is louder?: Lily
Who is more experimental?: Zoey
Do they fuck or make love?: Make love, soft girlfriends :)
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?: Zoey???????????
Who comes first?: Lilyyyyyyyyyyy
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?: Zoey has a magical ability and spoils Lily whenever she can
Who is more sensitive?: LILY
Who has the most patience?: Lily tbh
Isabella x Logan
Who was the one to propose: Logan
Who stressed more over wedding planning: Isabella (it has to be her dream wedding okay?)
Who decorated the house: Someone they hired lol
Who is more organized: Logan
Who initiates bedroom fun: BOTH OF THEM
Who suggested kids first: Isabella but in a ‘lol guess what my mum wants’ kind of way
Who’s more dominant: Varies???????????????
Who’s the cuddler: Isabella but shhhhhhhhhhhhh
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: What is a non-sexual activity??? (partying tho)
Who kills the spiders: Logan
Who falls asleep first: Varies
Who is louder?: Varies
Who is more experimental?: WHO KNOWS
Do they fuck or make love?: Mostly fuck, but they might occasionally have softer days till the tables turn and that reverses
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?: BOTH
Who comes first?: Varies
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?: They’re both great and both love it so cue the 69s
Who is more sensitive?: FEELINGS PSSH WHAT ARE THOSE
Who has the most patience?: Neither
Danny x Claire
Who was the one to propose: Danny
Who stressed more over wedding planning: Both tbh
Who decorated the house: Danny originally, but Claire brought her stuff over ofc
Who is more organized: Anyone but Danny wtf CLAIRE ALL THE WAY
Who initiates bedroom fun: Danny is too soft and shy so probably either Claire or like a mutual ‘oh okay let’s do this now’
Who suggested kids first: Danny maybe??
Who’s more dominant: Claire but in a helping guiding way rather than anything more forceful
Who’s the cuddler: BOTH
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Danny likes his reading, and talking to Claire about her dance and helping her physical therapy to get her back into dancing
Who kills the spiders: Neither, they just throw it out the window
Who falls asleep first: Never Danny
Who is louder?: Claire
Who is more experimental?: Claire??
Do they fuck or make love?: Make love, Danny is incapable of anything else I’m sorry
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?: Neither??
Who comes first?: Varies
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?: Again, I don’t know how much this is their thing
Who has the most patience?: Danny
I didn’t do Hannah x Piper or Ryder x Gray cos we haven’t used them yet, cool? Cool x
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