#baby oooooooo tiny baby
magicstar16 · 2 years
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Her name is flora :)
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This is bound to be a good one
Spoilers ahead as I write my every thought
Ahhh it's crustys watered palace!!!
He's british????
How does percy know all these monsters right away 😭
"Crusty please" yeah you are
How does he know all these things istg???
OH YEAH ANNABETH SLAY that was a good change I love how they defeated him
Grovers "is it over" 🫶
No DOA Record Studios???
No charon?? No bathtub???
Sally Jackson 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
Baby percy 🥺🥺🥺
I love how the show is showing Sallys struggles as a mom, like we know she and percy have a great relationship but no relationship is perfect and they're showing that so well
Ohhh there's charon
Oh big doggy
No poor grover covered in dog slobber 😭
Oh OK that's how they solved the extra pearl
Loving these transitions
Percy comforting grover is everything
Grover is me I am grover he's so anxious all the time and always thinks it's his fault and he deserves so much better
Leaving annabeth behind 😭😭😭
Baby percy guilt tripping Sally he's so small he just doesn't understand and Sally crying nooooooo this is breaking my heart
Percy and grover look so tiny in the big hall
This is such an interesting set up of the palace
Why is Hades kinda fruity HAHAHAHA
Was not expecting this from hades
It's so funny how hades is going on about not holding grudges and stuff when holding grudges is literally the trademark fatal flaw of his children (and maybe him but idr) LOL
HOLD FAST MOM 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Omg she's making an offering
Poseidon is also british?????
Walker is so much taller than Leah at this point akehakdhsj
OOOOOOOO The next episode looks so good
I think this episode has been my favorite so far (or maybe tied with the tunnel episode)
So so good
I was very disappointed in the last episode but this one has restored my faith in the show
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sticktopia · 10 months
Welcome to the Garden
(Sanctuary AU)
The Garden. A pocket dimension that sits on the line between life and death. This little world is designed to house and heal broken souls. Those who have died under tragic circumstances, or have many regrets are called to this realm. Once they let go of their trauma and regrets, the soul can pass on to its next life. That is the role of The Garden.
Gold (Chapter 2)
As dinner wrapped up for the night, Gold, Scarlet, Sage, Ember, and Iris sat together in the “Family room”.
“You did a good job today Sage.” Scarlet said as she patted Sage’s back. He shuttered.
“Yeah, sure.” Sage muttered. “Still hate you for dragging me around like that.”
“Love you too ya big baby.” Scarlet said as she playfully punched Sage’s arm. The others giggled as Sage huffed.
“Children,” The kids’ laughter died down as they turned to the threshold of the darkened room. There stood Dandi.
“It’s time for you guys to start getting ready for bed.” Dandi said softly. The kids awed and stood up. As Gold was about to follow the other kids, Dandi called out to her.
“Gold, I need to talk to you before you go.” Dandi said.
“ Oooooooo!” The other kids said. Dandi chuckled.
“Oh hush you four! Now go before Aster or Razz finds you.” The other four kids quickly scampered away, leaving Gold alone with the Pastel stick.
“U-uh, what did you want Miss Dandi?” Gold timidly asked. Dani chuckled and turned back to the young girl.
“It’s alright babes. You're not in trouble.” Dandi said as she kneeled. Gold’s body physically relaxed as she let out a breath of relief. Dandi giggled and moved some hair out of Gold’s face.
“Did your amnesia clear up yet?” Dandi softly asked. Gold hesitated. She thought back to what the other kids told her back in her room.
“N-No… I don't want to know how I died. I never want to.” Gold said as she covered her eyes.
“Why? Is something wrong, love?” Dani softly asked, cupping Gold’s cheek. Gold looked up at Dandi with misty eyes.
“Th-the others said… They said that when I remember how I died I'll change! I don't want to be different! What if my dad comes and he doesn't know who I am?” Gold choked out. Dandi chuckled a bit before hugging Gold.
“Don’t worry Love. If you do change, even a little bit, your father will know who you are. Remember what you said to me when we first met?” Dandi softly asked as she wiped away Gold’s tears.
“Your father loves you very much. If you do change and he comes to the garden, he will know who you are instantly.” Dandi said comfortingly. Gold sniffled and nodded.
“Y-yeah. Dad loves me! He’ll come for me soon…” Gold said. Dandi chuckled softly and stood.
“Come on, I’ll help you get ready for bed.” Dandi said, holding out a hand to the girl. Gold smiled softly and took Dandi’s hand.
Gold lay awake in her new bed. She felt sort of sad. The room was so big compared to her tiny existence. It made her feel lonely.
“I wonder if I can go sleep with someone else…” Gold mumbled as she climbed out of bed. The ten year old carefully crept to the door. She opened it and peaked out. The hallway was quite dark. Gold could barely see down the hall. The longer Gold stared out into the darkness, the more it felt like it was about to snatch her away. Gold whimpered and closed the door again.
“I don't like this.” Gold said as she sat in the middle of her rug. Gold pulled her knees to her chest and sniffled. She thought about everything that had happened in the past few hours. To be honest, she still hasn't processed it all. Being dead, no longer being with her father, being alone in a house full of strangers. The thought made her chest tight. Gold forced the tears back. She had cried enough. It was time for her to do.
Gold went over to her window seat. She pulled the seat up to reveal a bunch of toys. Gold reached in, digging around till she found a little flashlight. Gold flicked it on to make sure it worked. Sure enough, the room lit up. Gold smiled a bit as she turned the light off.
“This should work.” She said as she turned to the door. With a brave face on and her chest puffed out, Gold exited her room.
Gold carefully crept down the darkened hallway. With her flashlight to guide her, Gold tried making her way to the first floor. Gold knew the house was very large, and almost impossible for the little ten year old to navigate. But she didn't give up. To keep herself motivated, she imagined herself as a cave explorer, looking for her lost father. That kept Gold motivated.
“It seems that the missing person has come this way.” Gold said as she recognized a potted plant in the hallway.
“Proceed with caution.” She said, deepening her voice.
“Roger that.” She replied back in her normal voice. Gold crept towards the intersecting hall, She looked down the hall to find many large windows. Moonlight poured through them like water, lighting up the outer hall. Gold turned off her light as she walked down the hall.
“Wow, the moon’s so bright here.” Gold said as she walked down the hall and towards the stairs. At least, she thought the stairs were there. But when she got to the corner, she didn't see the stairs.
“What? There should have been a way down here.” Gold muttered as she turned her flashlight on. The girl pointed her flashlight down into the darkness. Looking down, she saw many other floors between hers and the first.
“That’s a long way down.” Gold commented. She stood and turned her flashlight off, not wanting to waste the battery.
“But I need to make it down. We gotta save the missing person!” Gold said as she went down another hallway. She walked up and down the various hallways, looking for the stairway down. Gold huffed as she walked back out to the main hall.
“This mission is impossible! Gold huffed in irritation. Gold flopped down and laid in the hall. She debated going back to her room, but at this point, she didn't know where even that was.
“Maybe I shouldn't have left my room.” Gold said as she stared out the window to her right. She stared at the moon and the stars. A memory suddenly came to her.
“Papa papa!! Come on, come on!!!” A younger gold said excitedly. Gold’s father chuckled as he was dragged along by his young daughter.
“Ok ok, you gotta slow down Goldie.” He said as he followed her up the hill. Once they were at the top, Gold let go of her father’s hand and ran to the railing, blocking off the nearby cliff.
“Don’t get too close Gold! I don”t want you to fall!” Gold’s father called.
“I won't!” Gold said as she stared out at the sunset. This was her favorite part, watching the sky go dark and the stars fill the sky. Once Gold’s father had set up the tent, he came and joined his little girl. He picked her up and placed her on his shoulders, giving Gold a better sight of the horizon.
“Whoa! This is amazing!!!!” Gold excitedly shouted into the farland. Gold’s father laughed as he held her.
“Is this the best birthday ever?” He saked his ecstatic child. Gold nodded vigorously.
“It’s the best birthday ever! I love you Papa!” Gold said as she hugged her father’s head. Gold and her dad laughed as the sun completely disappeared, revealing the stars to the family of two.
“That’s right.” Gold said as she stood up again.
“Dad’s probably looking at the moon too.” Gold said as she placed her hand on the window. Suddenly filled with determination, Gold picked up her flashlight and ran down the hall. She turned down a few halls, recognizing hanging photos and trinkets along the halls. Gold then found her way to the stairs.
“Here it is!” She said with a smile. Gold quickly descended the stairs and made her way to the first floor. Gold flicked her light back on once she reached the first floor. The house looked so different without all the sticks and lights. It sent shivers down Gold’s back. Gold shook the nerves and walked up to the front door. As Gold reached for the knob, she felt something creeping up on her. Gold whipped around and shined her light around the room.
“Wh-who’s there?!” She stuttered, trying to be brave. Though, her body didn't stop trembling. She heard something moving to her right. Gold gasped and turned the light to the kitchen. But there was nothing there. Gold kept her light and her eyes on the kitchen, just in case a monster would pop out at her. As she kept her eyes locked, she reached behind her and pulled on the handle. Only to find that it was locked. Gold slightly panicked as she fiddled with the lock. Taking her eyes off the kitchen and dropping the light, she turned around, undid the lock, and ran outside before whatever was behind her could grab her. Gold ran down the pathway in a slight panic. As she looked back to see if the monster was chasing her, she tripped and fell, hitting the cobblestone hard. Gold propped herself up, crying out as the pain stung her.
“W-whoa! Kid are you ok?!” A voice came. Gold looked back to see a taller Iris coming toward her.
“I-Iris…?” Gold sobbed. As the stick came closer, Gold realized that it wasn't Iris, but another purple stick, much older than she. He kneeled next to Gold and picked her up, helping her to her feet. Gold winced as her tears stung the scratch on her cheek, and the injuries on her knees bled.
“Whoa, that was quite the fall.” He said as he picked her up. The purple stick began walking towards the house when Gold freaked out.
“N-No! Wait! The monster’s gonna get me!!” Gold cried out, trying to escape the older stick’s hold.
“Whoa whoa calm down kid. Monsters don't exist in the garden.” He said as he adjusted her to face him. He held her with one arm as he walked into the house and flicked on the living room lights. Gold flinched in the light, burying her face in the crook of the stick’s neck. The purple stick sighed as he walked over to the counter.
“Let's get you fixed up.” He said as he grabbed a first aid kit from a drawer. Gold sniffled, wiping away her tears, being careful about the wound on her cheek. The purple stick then began to disinfect her wounds and bandage them up. As he worked on the girl’s knees, Gold suddenly asked a question.
“So, who are you?” Gold quietly inquired. The purple stick looked up at gold with a smile.
“Aster’s the name. I'm part of Dandi’s crew.” He said as he then moved on to her face.
“You are?” Gold asked before wincing.
“Yep. I am. You can tell by the bandana we wear.” Aster said as he referred to the fabric around his head. Aster soon finished bandaging Gold up. As he tossed the trash, he said;
“And you're supposed to be asleep.” Aster turned to the girl, leaning against the opposite counter and crossing his arms.
“I couldn't sleep.” Gold muttered as she twiddled her thumbs. Aster hummed as he stood straight.
“Well, something that helped me when I couldn't sleep was a cup of warm milk and cookies.” Aster said as he went to the fridge. Gold watched as Aster pulled out a jug of milk and poured some into two glasses. As the milk went in the microwave, Aster then pulled some cookies out of the pantry. Aster opened up the jar and placed it next to Gold.
“Can we really eat this now?” Gold softly asked. Aster smiled as he took a cookie and popped it in his mouth.
“Sure we can. No one’s here to stop us.” Aster mumbled with his mouth full. Gold smiled and took a cookie as well. As she nibbled on the cookie, Aster handed her a glass of warm milk.
“Dunk the cookie in this. It takes so much better.” Aster said, doing that with his own glass. Gold smiled and dunked her cookie in the milk. As she pulled it out, she noticed that the chocolate chunks had melted slightly. As gold took a bit, she felt as if she were in heavan.
“Mmmmmm.” She hummed as she took another bite and drank the milk. Gold and Aster continued to chat and snack. They got to know one another as the night went on. Once both were done with their glasses of milk, gold began to feel sleepy. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. Aster chuckled as he placed the glasses in the sink,
“Bedtime it seems.” Aster said as he helped Gold off the counter. Together, He and Gold made their way back to Gold’s room. As Aster tucked Gold in, she mumbled to him;
“Yeah? What is it kid?”
“Can you stay with me…? I don't wanna be alone.” Aster watched the little girl figh off sleep. Aster knew he couldn't stay in her room, but he did have an idea.
“How about this?” He said as he walked over to Gold’s secret toy chest. He opened it up and pulled out a push toy. He then walked over to Gol. He kneeled next to her bed and handed her a shark.
“This is Nibbles. She’s the comfort shark for all the other kids that have been here.Whenever you're scared, worried, or anxious, Nibbles will scare away those bad feelings.” Aster said as Gold took the shark and hugged it close.
“Thank you Aster.” Gold yawned before dozing off. Aster smiled and gently pat her head.
“No problem kiddo. Sweet dreams.”
Chapter 1-(Chapter 2)-Chapter 3
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kikimokivt · 5 months
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virtualdimensionsss · 9 months
ok im dropping my live reaction (its long and im sorry)
veeeeery spoilery so be warned
been waiting for like??????? 3 years??????????????????/
they play mythomagic??????????????? I CANT
icb i was like. at the met. he was there. I WAS SITTING ON THE SAME STEPS
the framing is so good???????????? like the shots? WHAT
sally medusa apologist. yes
gives him the pen so early????
“that doesn’t sound right” BESTIE ILY
oooooooo they changed the mrs dodds part but its still COOL
percy jackson and the gaslight gatekeeper girlboss
WOW betrayal grover
this tiny baby is gna have to walk through tartarus help
wait he’s so much less bad than i expected
sally olivia stan??????????????
she’s sm more like confrontational in this i love it
ooooooo ok sm changes but like its good???????? if not it wld be boring i feel but now there’s like. SUSPENSE
“you fell in love with god?? like…… jesus??????” PERCY I LOVE YOU
100% he thought sally was the next virgin mary for a hot second
also its really sweet that sallys the one who told him like its sm more special that way
grover why is there half a goat in your pants??? so uhhhhh the important thing is not to panic…
chb actually looks exactly like how i imagined
not the cabin part cos there’s like. alot of trees more than i expected but its a slay
the slightly unhinged undertone……… u can tell he’s gna fuck some shit up soon
also i thought the tree woman was juniper for a hot second and got worried
but also i thought the dryads were meant to be like. normal girls js with green blood. what is this bark creature
i miss the pinochle scene but its still. good
ahhhhhhhhhhh i cannot wait for annabethhhh
SHES SO GOOD were u stalking me? uh yeah
luke: yeah percy’s got this percy: heehee leezard
annabeth: sorry *shoves him into the water*
im sally jackson’s son YES PERCY ILY
the credits are sooooooooo pretty
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tumble-tv · 1 year
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This is my first time doing an image ID of sorts, I'm sorry if there's any mistakes or something I should change. All written things are typed below and the entire piece is made on paper in pencil.
The Webster (props to my sister for naming him) Hugo Teo Valentino 16 years old Male Cuban
Abilities: The usual superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, reflexes, agility, healing, balance, and stealth. Spidey-Senses. Wall-Crawl, and Technological Manipulation.
Instead of being bitten by a spider, Hugo, while taking out the trash after his shift, was attacked by a[n escaped] mechanical spider [from Alchemax] that attached itself to his spine and nervous system. While it's rarely active/on, sometimes it will be and causes seizures, hallucinations, and partial temporary paralysis. It gave him spidey-powers wide a side of chronic pain on the side.
100% does illegal piercings for some extra cash.
The worst of his chronic pain is in his legs, so he wears braces where he can to help.
[Literally] only wears Halloween socks.
Oooooooo baby the hyperfixation is hyperfixating
IMAGE ID Drawing 1a: Along the left side of the photo is a drawing of Hugo standing with a Monster Energy can in his left hand and right hand in his pocket, leaning up against an undrawn wall. Hugo's mask allows his mohawk to peek out all along it and has six eyes, even though the main set (the largest and middle of them) is the only functional set. It also has a cutout around his mouth. He wears a sleeveless sweatshirt with a spiderweb pattern on it and cargo shorts. Both of his knees have braces on them. His feet have high top Converse and socks with tiny cartoon spiders on them. Drawing 1b: Bottom right corner has Hugo standing with his back to us and shoulders ridden up. he's drawn to be shaking with small motion-lines around his shoulders. He's shirtless and a contraption that's spider shaped is attached to his back. It has five parts to the main body, the first starting at the base of his neck and the last ending at his mid-back. The second piece is the largest with all after it gradually getting smaller. The top set of legs goes over his shoulders (not pictured: this set of legs punctures right beneath his collarbones). The second set is shorter but thicker and positioned right between his shoulder blades, puncturing where they end. The third set is almost identical to the first, but instead curl below his shoulder blades and stop at the middle of them. The fourth set is angled downward and identical to the third, landing right before the end of the body. Drawing 1c: A small doodle of Hugo's face without the mask. His eyes have bags under them and his mouth is in a slight frown. He has a left lip, bridge, left eyebrow, and industrial piercings with three lobe piercings. His mohawk his brushed forward, wavy, and unstyled, just like all other drawings.
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IMAGE ID Drawing 2: Small doodle of Hugo's face once again, but this time it's scrunched up, smiling, and has his tongue sticking out in a teasing manner. Text: I love this specific reaction I made of him so much >< Written: OMFG I love this face
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harocat · 2 months
I'm glad so many people appreciate oooooooo tiny baby DFQC.
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xxtc-96xx · 2 years
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Pig and bby Huey
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oooooooo tiny baby
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paintedkinzy-88 · 3 years
Dragon balance au but ink is a kid whos outcasted from his village because he has dragon powers and Nightmare + error find him and are like “ah sh*t- we dont have the mental willpower to leave this kid alone do we” so he ends up growing up with the bad sanses as his duncles -ThatOneAnon
Oooooooo is this a medieval kinda AU? Based on the fact Ink was in a village not an AU. Or I’m overthinking and it’s a village in an AU 🤔🤔 Either way I frikkin love it.
I’m always up for Ink ending up in the Bad Sanses ccsjnfn. And child Ink too ahhh we got baby noodle AU and now baby squid. I’m sensing tiny wings, tripping-hazard-long tail, and big ass ears. (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
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zypria · 2 years
Sherliam this, sherliam that, you know who he needs the most rn -the one and only miss Hudson to just, whack him twice or thrice with a frying pan, things are getting out of control
or teach him how to properly throw shade because this is borderline embarrassing
Oooh no, he called him a baby oooooooo (plsstop)
Although I kinda appreciate the creative choice to let him say $&%! every other panel
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At this point just have Liam go with one tiny yeehaw in aprox. two chapters and this will be the funniest wild west showdown ever
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emachinescat · 3 years
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I've decided to watch MacGyver from the beginning (again), and I'm live tweeting the experience with every tweet tagged with #savemacgyver. I thought it would be fun to share my collected thoughts from the episodes on here as well.
My Thoughts on S1E1, "The Rising"
Good old Lake Como.
"How do I look?" Always amazing, Mac, though here you are so bebby. Gosh, tiny Lucas is tiny.
Ugggh, Nikki. My least favorite story arc in the show. Even with her redemption arc, even her face makes me mad.
I am soooo glad this awkward flirting is only in this episode. Mac and Nikki have never vibed with me.
"Who loves ya, baby?" We all do, Jack.
I always wished they would have played more into the original Mac's reason for not carrying a weapon - not just so he doesn't get caught but because he doesn't like them. That was actually one reason I used to be so upset at the reboot when it first came out. I still feel like Mac's character was off for this first episode - a little too cocky, not super developed. But still lovable, and with so much potential!
It's so cool to see how much Lucas has grown into this character over the years, really making it his own while still holding on to its essence.
Lol "serious bad-assery" - Nikki thinks she's so cool. (Spoiler: she's not.)
Lololol Nikki is the Walmart brand of Riley.
Mac in glasses. Adorbs.
Man, I'm already so ready for Matty. Patti is the off brand version of her.
I always love watching Mac rifle through stuff to find his improvisation supplies!
First MacSplaining session! Electromagnets!
"Is this George Clooney's house?" I miss Jack so freaking much.
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Mac kind of looks like a penguin with that waiter outfit on and I'm living for it.
The second Mac hack is so Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew.
"Why don't you ever flirt with me like that?" Um, Jack, do you want your partner's girlfriend flirting with you, daddy fixation or not?
There are two kinds of oops, accordng to Jack Dalton: Oops - I just stubbed my toe / Ooooooops - Zombie apocalypse initiated.
Mac's hair is so shaggy.
"Hold this and get out of my way." Dang, Mac.
The bad guy is the dude from Galavant hahaha. I know this guy has been in so many things, but he will always be Gareth to me. (That's his name, right? Gareth?)
I actually love the consistency of Mac always having that scar even seasons into the series (except for the last time, in the river). Overall great attention to detail!
That is a LOT of blood in the water.
Lol I'm pretty sure Grandpa Harry didn't say that in so many words, Mac.
Poor traumatized bebby. What am I saying? I live for this stuff.
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Awww, lil Bozer. So smol. So pure. And now I want waffles.
"Eat your waffles." Three words I will never say no to.
"Give me Wang." -Bozer, 2016
Am I the only one who finds these intimate scenes between Mac and Nikki hella awkward?
QUARANTINE, sounds familiar.
Lol "cyberteam." Once Riley Davis comes along, they will be obsolete.
Jack just wants a hug.
I always hated the clinical white room in the pilot. Can't wait for the War Room.
I love the interactions between Jack and Riley.
Mac and Riley EYE CONTACT.
"You two are on timeout from now on." 😂😂😂
Lol, thanks for telling me that's a paperclip. I was so confused.
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"Riley has so much hair!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love how Riley takes charge. Her confidence is 🔥🔥🔥
"You know what, never mind, I'd be pissed at you too." 🤣
Jack's so proud of his daughter. 💕
"Is that real?" Bless Jack's heart. He's such an old man.
Patti is a square. Pretty, competent, but boring. I miss Matty.
"My man never jokes about tin foil."
Ooooo Nikki is alive. Poor Mac. His whole world keeps getting turned on its head.
Jack can be scary when he wants to be.
Poor, poor, Mac. When he faces Nikki, he looks like a kicked golden retriever. (Also, NEVER kick a dog.)
I'm just eating up all this angst.
Mr. Wizard lololol
Mac hanging from a plane is soooo iconic.
"Don't get cocky. You're the only other one here." Haha, the SASS on this girl.
"Go ahead, you aready had me killed once." Also, oof. Undercover or not, Nikki is cold. I can't stand her.
Excuse me, Patricia, but I would consider running over your neighbor's dog (or any dog) a damn catastrophe, too.
"Sometimes a purge is necessary to fix what's broken." Codex, anyone?
Love this whole chase/fight sequence so much. The music, action, everything... perfect.
The sweat on Mac's forehead when dangling out of the 🚁 - such a great detail!
Kind of weird to me that Mac seems to be using so much guesswork with this bomb, especially when we know that he's one of the best specialists out there.
That fight scene in the back of the vehicle is one of my all time favorites. The whump is excellent.
Okay, but when does MacGyver ever do anything the way Jack has in mind?
DIY or die. Still so lame, lol. The parachute is awesome, though.
Oof. That landing looks painful and the whumper in me loves it. Even more, I can't get over how worried Jack is as he rushes to Mac's side. ❤️❤️❤️
That break in his voice when he asks if Mac's okay is just... AYSKTUFYIFUYliIIGUOG
Mac burning Nikki's pics like that old Taylor Swift song.
Bozer calling Jack his bestie is so weird and funny to me.
I am so ready for Bozer to get over Riley. They are so much better as friends.
Lol "Those fries won't cook themselves." The crack of a whip, man.
Jack calling Riley a little rascal and then gently asking Mac if he's doing all right there, pal ... taking care of his kids, and I am DYING.
The Three Amigos... come on, Jack. You can do better than that.
Is it bad that I'm actually a little surprised that Jack knows what a Phoenix is? Just seems like something he wouldn't care to learn, especially since he's a sci fi junkie but I never really hear him talk about fantasy.
Oooooooo Nikki's on the loose. Gotta end with suspense, to hook those viewers and make them want more. Well, I want more of this show, but not because of her.
Well, awesome re-watch of episode 1. Definitely not my favorite by a long shot, but so iconic and with some amazing moments! It just makes me that much more excited to get to see the show and the characters grow!
If anyone wants to join me in my re-watching and tweeting adventure, please do! It's my way to take about an hour a day in my busy, busy life to commit to the #savemacgyver movement. (And to enjoy my favorite show yet again!) If you do tweet as you watch, make sure to tag EVERY tweet with ONLY #savemacgyver so we can keep that hashtag trending! :)
Thanks for letting me share my (numerous) thoughts on this episode. This was really fun, and I hope it's something you all enjoy, too. I'll probably go ahead and post episode 2 tonight since I just watched it. I'd love to know what you all think of the episode in the comments! ❤️
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dragons-bones · 4 years
FFXIV: Quantum Shenanigans
Or, Baby ‘Buncles Break Physics (and Mom)
Rating: T Word Count: 4009 Warnings: Mild spoilers for 5.1 MSQ and the Chronicles of the New Era side story Sorrow of Werlyt Cross-posted to AO3
“This is an abomination,” Nero snarled, flipping from what little Synnove and Krile had managed to put together of the Arch Ultima to the ones on the ravaged Ruby Weapon on a tablet. He was sitting at a heavy iron table in one of the Ironworks’s myriad workshops, fidgeting back and forth in one of the wheeled chairs Biggs had welded together on a whim one day, the chair swaying half an ilm side to side. “Absolutely repulsive. Of course the VIIth is involved somehow, that legion has always been full of lunatics.”
He was already ducking out of the way of Synnove’s hand, making to smack him upside the head for the pun, but it left him open to Cid’s hard flick against his temple. Nero yelped at the sting and pointed accusatorily at the other Garlean, yelling, “Hypocrite!”
Dancing Heron, knitting a shawl in the corner of the lab, pointedly cleared her throat.
The trio of scientists glanced over at her and then back at the tablet, subsiding into mostly-good behavior—for the time being.
Nero poked at one of the diagrams on the screen with a ferocious scowl, pinching his fingers together and then flicking them wide to expand the tiny line of code to magnification by five. He held up the tablet, nose practically against the screen as he stared at the close up of part of the recovered code from the Ruby Weapon, his eyes squinting half closed and tracking back and forth as he processed it. “Ah,” he finally said after long moments, “there it is.”
Both Synnove and Cid leaned closer—Synnove over Nero’s left shoulder, Cid over the right—and Nero pulled his head back to give them room, pointing at a small section on the screen with his pinkie finger.
“With most the Weapon melted slag and what remains of the code a scrambled nightmare, it’s hard to tell precisely what swiving nonsense they’ve wrought with my schematics of the original Ultima Weapon, but that isn’t anything either the Allagans had or what I added,” said the former tribune, voice grim.
Cid drummed his fingers on the worktable as he stared at the glowing code. “That looks eerily similar to what we managed to recover of Aulus mal Asina’s unique brand of horror,” he said. “Reversed, of course, since it certainly doesn’t seem like the Ruby Weapon’s oversoul system was ever intended for the pilot to survive.”
“Well, in order to implant the memory of an individual, one has to extract it from somewhere,” drawled Synnove. “But it’s similar to the Ultima Weapon’s coding for absorbing primals, as well. So: did the VIIth manage to get their hands on mal Asina’s research; did they reverse engineer Nero’s notes; or did they come up with it independently? None of these options are particularly comforting.”
(Over in the corner, next to Heron, Tyr suddenly jerked awake from his doze, a small *hic!* escaping him at the same time as his eyes crossed. Heron paused in her knitting and peered down at him, raising her eyebrows.)
“Either way, the results are revolting,” Nero said with palpable disgust. “Forcibly downloading and uploading souls at a whim, who would condone such a thing?”
“You would!” Cid and Synnove snapped in unison.
“The Praetorium,” Synnove said, jabbing Nero in the kidney with her finger. He yelped and jammed his elbow into her stomach, or tried to, as Synnove was already dancing out of range as she continued: “I distinctly recall you waxing poetic about adding mine and my sisters’ power to the Ultima Weapon!”
(Tyr reared up from his loaf shape to sit on his hindlegs; Heron, leaning over him, jerked back in surprise. The topaz carbuncle stared down at his stomach and carefully poked it with one paw.
Poke. Poke poke poke. Pooooooooke.
A deeply perturbed little nya? escaped him as he did.)
Nero paused and set down the tablet, then pressed his forefinger against his lips as he searched his memory. “…So I did,” he said at last, grudgingly. “Not my finest moment, descending into full on megalomaniacal mad scientist stereotype.”
“That implies you ever rose from the state in the first place,” Cid muttered. And then wheezed out a curse while doubling over and clutching at his stomach; Nero had taken advantage of Cid’s momentary distraction to ram his bony elbow into the other Garlean’s abdomen.
A ball of shimmering copper wool-and-silk yarn bounced off the side of Nero’s head. Synnove cackled and plucked the ball out of the air, and, without looking, threw it back to Heron. Nero, meanwhile, grumbled wordlessly, but tucked his elbows in and folded his arms across his chest.
(As Heron dropped the yarn back into her bag of sundries, Tyr slowly lowered his front paws to the floor to properly sit, blinking slowly as he did. He looked up at Heron and let out a quiet, very bewildered maow.)
“I am ruthless, not cruel,” Nero growled. “The Ultima Weapon absorbs entities in whole, yes, and I cannot say what happens to those entities while they are held within Ultima. But this?” He gestured to the tablet. “This is—this is using people as little more than batteries, in the most disgusting, agonizing way possible, likely for no other reason that I can discern except that it was likely the easiest way to—to do whatever the sodding hells it is the Legion wants to do. For all the shite I give the pair of you about your standard of ethics, I do have standards, and this is still a gross perversion of science and an unconscionable lack of morality.”
Silence settled on the workshop. Synnove, Cid, and Heron all just looked at Nero with various shades of bemusement.
Nero shifted uneasily, flicking his gaze from Cid, to Synnove, to Heron, and back to Cid to repeat the cycle. Finally. “…What?”
“I’m impressed, Nero,” Cid said. A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth and he leaned back against the workbench to look at Nero with shrewd blue eyes. “You’ve actually matured. I never thought I’d see the day.”
“Bathe in ceruleum, Garlond.”
“Choke on a lug wrench, Scaeva.”
Synnove shrieked and jumped a fulm in the air, clutching her chest. Nero shoved his chair back to get away from the flailing Highlander, so quickly he rolled over his own toes, and he made a garbled, choked off sound of wordless agony. Cid didn’t have time to get out of the way himself and ended up taking the backrest of the chair into his already abused stomach, knocking the wind from him with another wheeze. Heron did not drop her needles, despite also jumping, but only because a lifetime of friendship with Rereha had trained her otherwise. Tyr jumped to all four feet with a thud!, fur bristling as his gaze darted around the room for a possible threat.
All five gazes swung around to one of the other iron tables in the workshop, the one upon which Synnove had unceremoniously dropped her gear when she and Heron and Tyr had arrived.
Poking out of Synnove’s ubiquitous hip pouch, the flap still buckled shut so that their faintly iridescent heads were forced to stick out from opposite sides, ears twitching in delight and dark eyes huge with glee and utterly heedless of the minor chaos they had wrecked upon the workshop, were Amandina and Roksana.
“What in the—girls, where did you even come from?!” Synnove said, scurrying over to them. She undid the buckle and, now with room to move, the twins tumbled out of the bag with high-pitched giggles.
Hi Mommy hi Mommy hi Mommy hi Mommy hi Mommy, they chanted continuously, leaping into her arms and snuggling close, their six tails between wriggling frantically.
“Synnove,” Cid said, still breathless as he forced himself to stand upright with a wince, “I know you can be more than a little single-minded when you’re on a tear, but surely even you should have noticed two baby carbuncles that have stuffed themselves into one of your pouches.
“This is the one with the void storage metafold,” Synnove hissed, turning around. She was supporting the twins’ chests with her hands and the rest of their bodies along her forearms; Amandina was in her right hand, Roksana in the left. Amandina gently headbutted Synnove’s chin, while Roksana looked around the workshop excitedly.
Cid’s face went blank in the manner that usually preceded him asking a question he would wish he had not in fact asked at all once he had the answer: “…Void storage metafold?”
“Yes,” Synnove said primly, bouncing the twins in her arms. They giggled. “It’s based on the one Khebi built for Carby, though the structure’s internal area is only about three square fulms instead of…whatever nightmare area Carby’s is. All you have to do to make one is calculate the Cartesian coordinates in four dimensions rather than three, then fold the aether along the proper axes and—”
Cid’s eyes were becoming suspiciously glassy.
“—Nero, kick him.”
Nero, using his non-injured foot, immediately did so in Cid’s shin while wearing a gleefully malicious grin. Cid shouted.
“Such an example to set,” Heron said, deadpan.
The carbunclets chittered together, When Mommy is being petty, we should use it as an example of poor behavior and not emulate it!
“Good girls!”
Amandina and Roksana cheered.
(Wish Mama would take her own advice, Tyr grumbled. Heron made a sympathetic noise and patted him on the head.)
“What the hells was that even for?” Cid said, leaning back up against the work table to pick up his leg and rub his injured shin.
“Your eyes glazed over as I went on a brief aetherology tangent!” Synnove bellowed. (The twins made oooooooo Uncle Cid’s in trouble~ noises.) “I will not have it! You might be an engineering protoyping savant, but your aetherology theory is shite! You have lived in Eorzea for fifteen bloody years, learn some!”
“Your grand idea for overcoming the first line of aetheric defenses of the Crystal Tower was to throw a bloody rock at it.”
“It has been four years, are you ever going to stop harping about that?”
“No!” Nero and Synnove snapped in unison.
“Tangent!” Heron bellowed.
Nero and Synnove grumbled but settled. Cid began the motion of a particularly rude gesture, stopped, and looked at the twins. The twins blinked at him curiously. Cid dropped his hand and crossed his arms with a scowl.
“In any event,” Synnove said, “I left the twins with Khebi and Rere to babysit—stop looking at me like that, you two, Halulu was supervising—and teleported to Revenant’s Toll directly from my office.”
Now she twisted her wrists to turn the carbunclets around to face herself, and Synnove’s expression morphed into exasperated affection as the babies beamed at her. “I waved to you!” she said to them. “You waved back! How did you two get here?!”
We missed you, Mommy! said Amandina.
So, we decided to come find you! said Roksana.
And we tunneled! the black pearl carbuncle peeped excitedly, puffing out her chest in pride.
Yeah! the white pearl carbuncle said, mirroring her sister.
Synnove’s expression melted into faint confusion. The workshop was quiet for a few moments as they all stared at the twins in various degrees of bafflement.
“…Tunneled?” said Synnove, at last.
Yeah! From Elder Cousin!
To your hip pouch!
Synnove’s face blanked. Nero went white, jaw sagging open. Cid’s eyes widened to practically the size of teacup saucers.
Heron and Tyr exchanged bewildered looks.
“Before I say anything else,” said Nero, voice faint as he turned to look at Heron, “is ‘Elder Cousin’ who I think it is?”
“If you mean A’khebica’s Carby,” Heron said slowly, “then yes.”
“Shite,” Nero hissed.
(The twins gasped and covered their mouths with their paws. Bad word!)
“Carby’s a good boy,” Synnove said automatically, the tone of someone who had made the argument before and likely would again. “He’s strange, but he’s a good boy.”
Cid looked at her incredulously. “Just last week you were screaming about having to rummage in his void storage again for your aether chalk and how he was gnawing on your shoulder in retaliation!”
“Carby is not a good boy, Carby is halfway between a constructor-kit outer entity and an unshackled artificial intelligence.”
“He’s not that bad.”
“Yes he is!” Cid and Nero snapped in unison.
“At least Carby understands ethics,” Heron muttered under her breath. Tyr snickered next to her. Then, louder, Heron said: “Tangent.”
“Fine,” Synnove hissed. She closed her eyes and breathed in through her nose slowly; she held the breath for a few heartbeats, then let it out for the same count. When she opened her eyes, she immediately focused on the girls blinking up at her. “You tunneled. From Carby’s void storage metafold to the one in my hip pouch.”
Yes! the girls said.
We got a bit mixed up at first, though, Roksana said, ears drooping.
Yeah, said Amandina. We almost ended up in Tyr instead.
Tyr boofed, flabbergasted, his ears pricked completely upright in shock. That was YOU?
Synnove twitched.
Often as they had traveled through Azys Lla, the quartet of Warriors of Light had come across Allagan nodes glitching, five thousand years of constant functionality having degraded their circuits and systems. One type of cascading error turned the nodes’ vocalizations into a mess of garbled static, the pitch changing mid-word from high and piercing to low and growling, or vice versa. Listening to them had frequently led to the group gritting their teeth as the sounds dug into their minds and scratched like broken orchestrions.
Heron, Nero, Cid, Tyr, and the twins watched the visual equivalent of that noise happen on Synnove’s face. And in the case of Nero and Cid, it was occurring on their own faces, too.
“How?” Synnove said eventually, voice tight with tension.
Amandina and Roksana looked at one another. Amandina flicked an ear, the movement briefly iridizing the black fur on the appendage into deep purple. Roksana shrugged her shoulders, her own white fur momentarily shifting blue and then back. They looked back up at their mama.
Well, first we accessed Elder Cousin’s metafold! Amandina said.
(Nero made a strangled noise of utter horror. Cid slowly slid down the side of the worktable to sit on the floor, knees bent and staring into the middle distance.)
Then we had to orient ourselves, said Roksana. That took a little bit. Elder Cousin’s metafold is very big!
We found Auntie Rere, too, Amandina whispered conspiratorially. We were playing hide and seek earlier. Elder Cousin said he had helped her.
Synnove closed her eyes and bit down on her lip, a snorting snicker briefly escaping her before she regained her self-control. Heron didn’t even bother to maintain the illusion of dignity, merely threw back her head and laughed from deep in her belly; Tyr, meanwhile, simply laid down on the floor and sighed heavily, covering his head with his paws. Nero made another horrified noise. Cid just wheezed.
Elder Cousin helped us, too! He told us about [subspatial aetheric sympathy tension paths].
Synnove froze. Her golden bronze skin had developed a worrying grey cast to it. “Say that again,” she breathed.
Roksana blinked. What? [Subspatial aetheric sympathy tension paths]?
The method by which all of Synnove’s carbuncles communicated with the people they and their mama generally liked wasn’t actual speaking, not with vocal cords and aspirated sounds to form words. Instead, they matched their aetheric harmonics with those of the individuals around them, with the end result being that the combination of the sounds they made, the body language they used, and the intent they held were “translated” into something the Spoken mind translated as “speech.” Most people initially found it odd, but quickly adapted.
This, however, wasn’t that.
Whatever Roksana had tried to tell her mama had…blanked. The concept was too big, too alien, too what the absolute swiving fuck for a meat brain in three dimensions to comprehend without shutting down as a defensive tactic to preserve sanity. But the little carbunclet still spoke, and whatever it was she had said had been further translated into a strange and obvious two-toned overlay of something that wasn’t quite right, but close enough.
Very slowly, Synnove turned her head to look at Nero, practically frothing at the mouth and his hands curled into claws as he grasped at air, and Cid, now aggressively cuddling a wrench he had gotten from one of his pockets like it was a comfort object. Deliberately, with precise enunciation, the arcanist said, “Please tell me I am not the only one who is hearing that harmonic as an approximation and not whatever it is my child is actually saying.”
“I know what those words mean individually,” Cid said. His grip on his wrench was white-knuckled. “I may even know what those words mean together. I am not ready to accept that. And I am most assuredly not ready to know whatever it is they are actually attempting to convey.”
“Blargle,” Nero agreed.
Synnove looked back at the twins. “Continue,” she said. The corner of her left eye kept spasming.
Sooooooo, Amandina began, once we knew where to go and how to sense the other metafolds based on Elder Cousin’s metafold—
“They sensed it?!” Nero yelled, outrage finally returning his ability to use vocabulary. He pushed himself upright and staggered over to Synnove and the twins, raking his hands through his hair. “How in the hells are they able to sense similarly constructed aetheric metafolds when each one is a distinct pocket dimension?!” He suddenly leaned down so he was nose to nose with the twins, frowning severely and blue eyes glimmering with suspicion. In a quieter, but no less manic tone of voice: “How in the hells are you able to sense similarly constructed aetheric metafolds when each one is a distinct pocket dimension?”
Dunno, Uncle Nero, Amandina chirped, wiggling her ears, her fur iridizing back and forth between black and purple once more.
Just can! said Roksana. She reached out and very carefully booped his nose.
Nero’s eyes crossed, staring at the white pearl carbunclet’s paw. He drew back with a huff—but booped her nose in turn, and then Amandina’s. The twins peeped happily.
“And then you pushed,” Cid said from his place on the floor.
It was easy!
It tickled!
And then we were here!
Synnove gazed sightlessly at the far wall, green eyes huge and unblinking. She untwisted her wrists and tucked the girls up against her chest, where they snuggled close. “My babies had a conversation about aetherospatial metaphysics with Carby,” she said in disbelief. “While they were inside his metafold.”
“Before they broke the laws of everything we know about physics and aetherophysics and quantum mechanics and traveled through space-time because they missed you,” Cid helpfully added.
“Congratulations,” Nero said icily. “You have mothered two more constructor-kit outer entities. If the fabric of reality unravels any time soon, I am blaming you.”
Yaaaaaaaaaaay! the twins cheered. The air popped and a bright light flashed between them, and suddenly aetheric confetti in a rainbow of pearlescent hues floated through the air, the pieces dissipating as they landed.
Synnove dropped her gaze to her youngest carbuncles, amused exasperation briefly flitting across her features once more. Nero and Cid also looked at the carbunclets, though without the amusement on their parts. Then the three scientists looked at one another.
And, finally, the hysterical yelling commenced.
Heron let them go at it for a while, finishing up her shawl and casting on a new one with the pretty copper wool-and-silk she had earlier thrown at Nero. After nearly a full bell of non-stop shouting, Biggs and Wedge arrived to investigate, and were dragged into the hysteria once they parsed through the trio talking over one another.
She did not even pretend to understand anything. There was quite a bit about aetherophysics and aetherology that she had picked up simply from knowing Synnove for so many years, but this was far beyond her ken. A few phrases stood out of the verbal melee (“quantum tunneling,” “Keltgeim’s absolutely ludicrous fringe theory about particles,” “aetheric entanglement”), but otherwise it was all Allagan to her.
At the two bell mark, however, with no sign of any of them slowing down, the Hellsguard decided it was time to call in reinforcements.
“Go get Jessie, please,” Heron quietly said to Tyr, “and tell her to bring the hose.”
Tyr boofed, amused. Yes, Aunt Heron! He stood and trotted for the workshop door, disappearing around it with a flick of his tails. The twins waved after him.
Heron eyed the group of frantically yelling nerds and reached up to her linkpearl cuff. She tapped a specific ‘pearl and leaned back in her chair as she waited for the other end to pick up.
A soft click echoed in her ear, and a familiar warm tenor came over the line. “Good afternoon, Heron,” said Aymeric. “What trouble has Synnove gotten into now?”
She probably should start calling her baby sister’s beau for reasons other than ‘come pick her up,’ but today was not that day. “She’s involved in a five-way discussion here at the Ironworks about theoretical physics that may not in fact be as theoretical as previously thought,” she said. “Please come pick her up.”
“Quite a lively discussion, then, as I can hear it,” the Lord Commander said drily. “On a scale of, created a more efficient theorem, to, about to write an “in response to” article rebutting a Thavnairian mathematician, just how manic is she?”
Heron hummed thoughtfully and turned to look over at the yelling scientists. Synnove was alternating with keeping Amandina and Roksana tucked close to her chest and gesticulating wildly with her hands with the twins still in her grasp, the babies going wheeeeeeee! every time with the later. Nero was pulling at his hair and so wild-eyed that she was becoming mildly concerned his eyes would actually pop from his head; her Echo was softly pinging in the way that meant Nero had lost his grasp on Eorzean Common somewhere in his tirade and had slid back into Garlean. Cid had his face in his hands, only raising his head to shout something in incomprehensible technobabble before dropping it back into his palms. Biggs and Wedge weren’t even coherent, with Wedge’s hands flailing so hard they were blurring.
But they all, each and every one but very especially Synnove, had a spark in their eyes that she well knew was going to mean trouble for someone in the near future. Hopefully just Jessie and Thubyrgeim.
“Once she’s calmed down?” Heron said into the linkpearl. “She’ll be at, rewriting the laws of reality.”
Something clattered on the other end of the line—a teacup, more than likely—and Aymeric swore softly, then sighed heavily. “Give me half a bell and I’ll be there to take her home.”
“Thank you,” said Heron cheerfully. “See you soon! Oh, and bring a towel.”
“Ah, hells. At least you warned me this time.” The ‘pearl line closed with a click.
And that was when Jessie entered the workshop, a firehouse braced at her hip. She waved to Heron, and the Hellsguard grabbed her knitting sundries bag and loped for the door.
The twins looked over, pricking their ears, then exchanged a glance. They nodded, and proceeded to wiggle free of Synnove, who was so deep in argument that she didn’t notice her hands emptying. Amandina landed lightly on her feet, but Roksana hit the floor with a soft plop! Her sister grabbed her scruff in her teeth and helped yank Roksana upright, and then the pair were scrambling for the safety of Heron, who scooped them up outside the shop door and dropped the carbunclets into her yarn bag.
With no collateral to worry about, Jessie turned on the hose.
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mxndoscyarika · 4 years
Thoughts on the Pedro boys, and which one is your favorite. 🥰
Oooooooo yes! I have many Thots about them 😏
Din Djarin/Mando:
soft husband vibes
but also hot boyfriend vibes???
probably touch-starved, which is why he’s so soft with the baby
is my entire mood: tired, constantly having to do everything himself, adopted tiny children on accident and can’t resist their cute faces
the cape+armor+raspy voice combo is very attractive
Javier Peña:
ok let’s just state the obvious: he’s hot af
10/10 would bang
also gives off strong bi vibes??? I know we only see him with women in the show but...something about him just seems like he’d be into men too
Javi speaking spanish is so hot??? His voice gets even deeper and I die every time
snarky boi but also soft when it matters? I love it when people are deliberate with their actions and attitudes (but like not in a manipulative way)
seems vaguely snuggly???? like he won’t blatantly cuddle but anyone who watches carefully will notice that he’s very tactile 👀
Frankie Morales:
probably the most Pedro-looking of the boys
he just,,,looks so cuddly
ALSO bilingual 😍
but probably nicer to spanish-learners than Javi, which is cute
gives off soft boyfriend vibes
12/10 would marry, he seems like a good husband
also gives off bi vibes, and I wouldn’t mind his friends joining in 👀
dad friend + mom friend = parents of the squad
Marcus Pike:
needs a hug
and reassurance that he is loves and appreciated
me in Pedro-form
husband goals???? how has no one married him and stuck around???
I volunteer as tribute
is a soft boyfriend with puppy eyes
is that boyfriend who would grow out his beard for you just because you like it
probably pretty vanilla, but I guess everyone needs a little vanilla once in a while
Jack Daniels/Whiskey:
yeehaw boyfriend!!!!!
look,,,I don’t normally like cowboys
but something about him is so EXTRA that I can’t resist
also husband goals, probably
more on the traditional side regarding what he wants (a nice house, white picket fence, kids, maybe a doggo)
but also highly supportive, because he can’t judge if 
would call you ‘honeydew’ as a term of endearment
oh boy
this boi is EXTRA
they misspelled his name, it’s not Ezra. It’s EXTRA.
sometimes I talk like Shakespeare just to be dramatic, so he is a mood
but he take it to another LEVEL
Shakespeare is QUAKING 
his scruffy face just 🥺
and his lil accent??? so cute
Oberyn Martell:
very hot, very royal, I stan
I, too, am bi af
I want to be sandwiched between him and Ellaria
a cuddler, but like,,,a sexy kind of cuddling
deserved better!!!! wtf!!!!
I’m still scarred from watching that scene
Maxwell Lord:
I feel like he’s either gonna be a Tr*mp-like character, or much softer and morally-grey than we expect
I mean, they’re from the same era-ish, so it would make sense
I hope not tho
@storiesofthefandomlovers may be skewing my perception of Max because her Maxiepoo is so soft and like highkey an asshole but secretly the softest husband
probably gets botox, filler, and highlights to stay looking young or smth
would look better with facial hair, but that would mean Pedro has to dye his beard 😂
Max Phillips:
I don’t know much about him other than he’s a businessman and low-key terrible???
the Walmart version of Max Lord
has the potential to be hot, but he doesn’t really do it for me
vampire tho 👀
Pero Tovar:
probs my least favorite Pedro boy???
I know Pedro addressed the whole white-savior thing in an interview, but,,,something about the movie and characters still rub me the wrong way (and yes, I know, the audience in China probably thought it was cool bc Matt Damon is famous and they love the director)
kinda hot if you’re into the grumpy sidekick type?
I do like how he gets thrown around a lot tho 😂
a mood but also not the kind of mood I like to be
I gotta be in a specific mood for this man
Dave York:
hot but only from certain angles
he’s like a Walmart version of Marcus Pike
kinda mean, not really domestic enough for me
also is a murderer but most of the other boys have also killed lol
had the potential to be hot, but doesn’t take advantage of it
he has an intensity that’s lowkey attractive tho
My favorite: Javi!!! What a cutie 😍
Thanks for sending this in, babe! I had a lot of fun rambling about the boys.
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pedro-pascal-love · 3 years
okay, so here i am! chapter 18 is opened, and honestly i'm a lil scared 😬 but here we go! i guess i'll denote myself as 🌷 anon so that you can keep track of who's who?
Mel conveniently being busy so that the reader and Dave are forced to go through this together... i see what you did there, and i like it haha
honestly as i was reading chapter 17, i had forgotten that Dave didn't know the baby's gender, and is now unaware that it is his. my heart 💔
"That would be so cliche if we started something." YES IT WOULD AND I HAVE LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT!!!
"A part of it just feels like it fits... he could not help but feel like he was supposed to be there." Dave, babes, you are almost there, it's killing me.
""Oh, thank fuck!"..."Now, for the love of God, can I push?!"" made me cackle out loud lmfao
girl thank you for letting the reader have a pretty easy time with the delivery, because this reader deserved it after all of the hell you have put her through skjsfk
wait it just hit me again - she just gave birth and Dave still doesn't know it's his 😢
"tucking a finger into his hand and watched as he curled his tiny hand around it." yup you have officially made me cry and have given me baby fever. 🥺
if Marcus Francisco is named after other Pedro characters, i will officially be deceased. also the shared birthdays, i'm bawling. however i do pray for the reader, now having to live with two Aries men💀. i can only imagine the blissful chaos that will ensue haha
Molly and Alice are the best girls in the world💕and nicknaming him Frankie?! i'm crying too much
i just got to the part where Dave starts finding stuff in his closet, and oooooooo am i excited!! it's like a mystery that i already know all the answers to haha
THIS RECALLED SEX DREAM HELLURRRR OMG SO FUCKING GOOD, and on top of that, it's how Dave finds out it's the reader that all of these clues lead to?!?!
okay miss Rina, all i have to say is you are a master, even though i already knew that. i absolutely adored this chapter, it's probably one of my favorites in the entire series. i'm so so excited to read the next ones! thank you so much for writing such a great piece! :)
🌷Anon yee shall be! Haha I love it!
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So much happening this chapter! And the next one. And the next one. Hahaha.
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And yesssssssssses, Marcus after Marcus Moreno and of course Francisco after our favorite pilot. Hehe. And this was definitely Frankie at the beginning of the chapter. Haha.😂
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Thank YOU for your amazing and kind words. They’re making me blush so much right now. (I’m horrible at accepting compliments.🙈)
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captainunderkrupp · 4 years
ppl were talking abt branch being good with kids on this one discord i’m in and i remembered this unfinished fic that i had!!
(for some reason, they are out on a camping trip or smth. i wrote this before twt came out and just kind of went w what info i had from like the first two trailers lol)
Branch groaned. And kept groaning. It was neverending, like he was just lungs, sighing forever.
"What?" Poppy asked, finally getting tired of waiting for him to finish.
He cut himself off. "The ground's too wet. I can't start a fire."
"Oh, that's not too bad!" Poppy grinned. "We don't need the light, we'll be sleeping!"
Branch glared at her. "We need the heat! We'll freeze to death!"
"Oh..." Poppy felt suddenly lucky that she was totally pink; it was hard to see blush when you were monochrome.
"That's ok!" Satin and Chenille chorused.
"Yeah!" Biggie agreed.
Branch squinted, trying to figure out what they could be talking about. "Oh no," he muttered, not quite sure yet, but he was sure he wouldn't like it.
"We can cu~udle!" Guy Diamond sang, holding Tiny close. Tiny, of course, didn't give him a proper hug back, but enjoyed the contact.
Branch groaned, and went back to try and light the wet wood. When he had fallen into the creek earlier, even his backup wood, in case it did rain like this, had gotten wet.
He was stuck.
"Fine!" he shouted, throwing his flint down at the ground. He hesitated, and then picked it back up. "We'll cuddle. Can't be worse than..." he shuddered. "Hug time."
Everyone cheered, and started moving in.
"Not yet!" he shrieked, and everyone paused. "Just... give me a minute. Jeez."
He started pulling out... weapons. Or, not just weapons, but a lot of stuff. No one looking was really sure where they were coming from, but there were blades from his pockets, roots from his vest, strange contraptions from his hair. It took a moment, but he finally seemed to have removed a lot from his person.
"No wonder hug time is uncomfortable for him," Cooper muttered. Unfortunately, he had no volume control, so Branch heard him anyway.
Branch rolled his eyes, and then rolled out a tarp. "Here. So we're not just sleeping on wet ground."
Everyone complimented him on his forethought, getting comfortable on the tarp. Satin and Chenille were wrapped around Smidge, Cooper settled down on the outside of the pile, and Biggie was underneath Poppy and Guy Diamond, who made sure Tiny wasn't squished by the cuddling but was also cozy.
Branch glanced around, looking for a place he could tuck himself in at the edge. "So, uh... where should I...?"
Poppy looked up, and grinned. She looked conspiratorially at Smidge and Biggie.
"Oh no. That look, I know that, look, what are you-- AAH!" he screamed as Smidge launched her hair at him, lifting him easily and dumping him between Poppy and Guy. Biggie immediately threw an arm over all three of them, and Poppy intertwined her hair with Branch's.
Branch blushed. He tried to struggle, tried to get out, but there were too many people, and this was... really... cozy... actually...
He was asleep before Poppy could tease him about being comfortable.
"Whoa, he went out like a light!" Biggie whispered.
"Aw, he's snoring!" Satin cooed, and Chenille groaned at the idea of sleeping with someone who snores. Luckily it was soft.
"Wow, this is the fastest I've ever seen him go to sleep," Poppy noted.
"You've seen him sleep before?" Cooper asked, lifting his head up and laying it over Guy so he could see better. Guy carefully made sure Tiny wasn't pinned.
"Well, yeah, we've had sleepovers. Sometimes he had to stay at mine and Dad's place before he was old enough to build that bunker of his. And he, uh..." she blushed, grinning. "Invited me over a few nights ago."
A chorus of "aww!"s erupted.
Branch jolted, adjusted, and went right back to sleep. He never even opened his eyes.
Everyone let out a breath they didn't realize they'd been holding.
"Ok," Poppy whispered, "Let's just settle down, and we'll all have a nice night."
Everyone fell asleep pretty soon after that. Except for one troll, who smiled down at Branch's resting face, before settling down herself.
Branch jolted awake, barely holding back a scream. He gasped, attempting to stave off a panic attack... and not doing so well.
In the low light, he barely registered it was early morning. Mostly, he noticed that he was tangled up with almost everyone else. Quickly, trying to breathe without hyperventilating, he disentangled himself as best he could from the cuddle pile.
Eventually, Branch had managed to extract himself, without even disturbing anyone. He was pretty proud of that.
But for right now, he needed to breathe.
He took a quick gasp in, 1234, held it, 1234, let it out, 12345678, in, 1234, hold, 1234, out, 123 4 5 6 7 8, in, 1 2 3 4, hold, 1 2 3 4, out, 1 2 3 4 5... 6... 7... 8...
Eventually his breathing finally slowed, and he could close his eyes without seeing the vivid colors of his nightmare behind the lids. He fell onto a nearby rock with a shuddering breath. Should I go back to bed? No, I slept through the night, and it's early in the morning already... He sighed again.
He nearly screamed again, jumping and flailing. He fell into a practiced pose, ears twitching for a threat.
His eyes fell on Tiny Diamond, blinking innocently from barely more than a few arm lengths away.
Branch paled. "Tiny!" He struggled to relax, not wanting to scare Guy's baby.
Tiny rubbed his eye under his glasses. "You woke me up," he complained.
Branch had to wince. He had tried to be careful... but he supposed kids were easier to disturb. "Sorry, Tiny. I didn't mean to." He shuffled, not sure what to do with himself.
Small, curious eyes stared at him, and Tiny's head tilted. "What woke you up?"
"Just a nightmare."
"What's a nightmare?"
Branch blinked, surprised. Oh, right. As much as younger trolls could learn just from listening from their eggs, there were definitely gaps in their education, depending on what they were exposed to.
He supposed no one in the Snack Pack enjoyed talking about nightmares, so why would Tiny know?
"It's... a very bad dream."
"Oh, yeah, ok," Tiny nodded, seemingly understanding. Branch paused, waiting for Tiny to ask more.
But the trolling didn't seem to have anymore questions about that. "Do you know when my Daddy's going to wake up?"
Branch glanced back over at the pile with Tiny. Guy seemed to be sleep singing, and Branch wondered if someone was going to join in-- yep. Poppy was starting to hum.
"Uh... not sure, actually." He looked up at the sky. The moon waved back, and he could see the sun slowly, slowly coming up. It was a slow dawn, then. "The sun won't be up for a while, and that's when they usually wake up."
Tiny sighed, in that overly honest yet unweary way only little kids can. "Okaaay," he drew out the word, and then started beatboxing under his breath. Branch could hear him muttering ideas, switching around rhymes and verses.
It was catchy, he had to admit. He started humming along, a bit.
Tiny looked delighted. He scrambled to sit on the rock Branch was occupying, and Branch tried to scoot to give the kid the flatter side of it.
They sat there a while, trading rhythms and verses quietly. He could hear some more sleep singing from a distance, just slightly out of sync with their own music.
Eventually, the sun had traded out with the moon in the sky. It was definitely daytime, even if it was a little early.
Branch had an idea. A terrible idea. He grinned. The perfect revenge.
"Hey, Tiny," he whispered, leaning in toward the trolling. The kid perked up, staring wide-eyed at Branch, attentive. "You want to help me wake up the Snack Pack?"
Tiny grinned; of course he did, the Snack Pack included his Daddy! He jumped up, all excited. "Yeah! What'cha wanna do? Cuz I know you've got an idea!"
Branch chuckled at Tiny's enthusiasm. "Yeah. Here..." he whispered into Tiny's ear, and Tiny grinned.
The whole Snack Pack was all very deeply asleep. A good cuddle pile will do that to your average troll. Especially on a cold night, surprisingly. Guy was just beginning to twitch, frowning in his sleep as he subconsciously searched for his son, who didn't seem to be...
He jolted up at the sudden noise of a beat being dropped, an expert beatboxing suddenly bursting into the clearing they'd decided to camp out in.
Directly after that, a loud crescendo of "OoooOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH..." went through the air and woke everyone else up.
"Tiny D, break it down!"
Suddenly, Tiny burst into all their lines of sight, rapping his heart out. He sung about the sunrise and missing his dad and how he was glad they were awake, and beatboxing accompanied him all the while.
By the end, everyone had calmed, and most were even clapping. Guy settled for jumping up and picking up his son in delight.
"That was amazing!" he squealed, letting the last word be sung, autotuned. Tiny laughed and leaned back into his dad's face, nearly headbutting him.
"Wait, who gave him that awesome beat?" Cooper wondered sleepily, still rubbing muck out of his eyes.
Tiny pointed, and slowly, everyone turned toward a rock in the clearing that no one had really noticed before. Branch smirked and waved at all of them.
Jaws dropped. "Whoa!" Poppy shrieked, and everyone clamored. "When did you learn to beatbox?!"
Branch flinched, trying not to get trampled this early in the morning, thank you. "Hey, back off," he snapped.
He quickly devolved, though. His lips twitched, and then it was all over. He was laughing, hard and long. Tiny had started laughing long before, and their voices echoed through the clearing.
"Ha ha ha... you... you... your faces!! Ha ha..." he finally petered out, just letting out small giggles. Tiny was still going.
Everyone was staring at Branch. Poppy somehow looked more pink than usual.
(A/N: I have an hc that Tiny is a little bit touch averse. Not much, he loves contact, but he doesn't like hugs or anything else constrictive. And he mostly hangs out with his dad rather than other people. possibly bc glitter trolls have more sensitive skin? i would be too if my skin/entire body could flake off that easily.)
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S.Experiments (M)
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➾ pairing: min yoongi x oc
➾ genre: step sibling, smut
➾ word count: 3k
➾ summary: It started from innocent curiousity. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” 
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chapter one:
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
Soo Jin’s eyes were hopeful as she sat on Yoongi’s 75” x 36” inch single bed, fingers clasped on her cotton shorts. She gleamed with the curiosity of a sixteen years old girl and while she had a cheeky excited look on her face, Yoongi were exactly the opposite. 
He had boredom plastered all over his face as he lay sprawled on his bed, hair still damp from shower. It was a little over 5 pm, he just went back from basketball practice, showered and his sister, correction, step sister, is already bugging him in his room. 
If Soo Jin hadn’t known him well, she would have mistaken Yoongi’s cold look as a sign of annoyance but she knew him well enough to know that he wasn’t a tiny bit annoyed at her. They were the best of friends, always has been even before their parents decided to get married to each other 5 years ago.
“Come on we’re best friends.” Soo Jin cooed, shaking Yoongi’s sides softly to urge the sixteen years old boy to speak up. “Yeah but that’s just weird as fuck.” Yoongi finally spoke, rolling his eyes when he sees her giving him her puppy eyes. 
“Oh, come on it’s not like I’ve never seen it anyway. I see it all the time when I accidentally went inside the bathroom while you were showering. You always have the habit of not locking the door.” Soo Jin had her arms crossed by now, she wasn’t one to easily give up. She always gets what she wants and this time won’t be any different.
“Exactly? So why do you still want to see it. Just google it or something. Weirdo.” Yoongi replied coolly, although deep down his heart was beating 100 miles per hours. Can you blame him though? Soo Jin just said she wanted to see his dick. What the hell is he supposed to say. 
“I want to see how it looks close up. Look it’s normal okay? Kids do this all the time where they pretend to be doctors and inspect each other’s bodies or something. Everybody has played that once in their life with their siblings, I’m just the unlucky one who was born as a single child. So now you have to play this with me because you’re “technically” my brother.” Soo Jin said in a matter of fact tone and Yoongi wondered what makes her so interested of this today. Were her female friends talking about dicks or something today at school and now she’s so intrigued to see one?
Soo Jin could sense Yoongi’s curiosity so she decided to just tell him the truth. “Okay so today Eun Ji told me she and her boyfriend did it and his ‘thingy’ were really hard and long and I know guys and girls has different looking thing but I’ve never seen a real one clearly before and I want to see it.”
Yoongi finds the situation hilarious. 
This girl can’t even say dick out loud but is so yearning to see his? He almost let out a big laugh but decided to hold it in and it came out as a snicker instead. Soo Jin’s cheeks heats up and embarrassment filled her.
“Are you laughing at me?” Soo Jin mumbled, the tough act she builds were starting to tumble down and she push the laughing boy’s shoulder with her small palm. Yoongi won’t stop laughing, and Soo Jin grew even more humiliated than she was before.
“Look if you won’t show me I’ll ask somebody else. I know Namjoon wouldn’t mind.” That was all it takes for Yoongi to stop laughing and cut her off. “Don’t you dare.” Yoongi knew his friend had a soft spot for Soo Jin. Hell, she didn’t even need to tell Namjoon she was going to show hers and the boy would still whip out his dick in a second. 
Yoongi didn’t know why but the thought pisses him off. All he knows is that he’d rather show his dick to Soo Jin if that means she won’t ask some other hormonal boys to do that for her. God knows what they’ll do to her in the heat of the moment. 
At least Yoongi knows he won’t do anything dumb like the other boys would and it’ll be purely anatomy lesson at this point. Let’s say this is a way to protect his precious best friend/step sister from getting into dumb situations with other boys like Namjoon.
“Alright fin-.” Yoongi grumbled and he didn’t even get the chance to finish his sentence when Soo Jin suddenly squeal and scream “yayyyyy” out loud. She’s already pulling down her shorts down before Yoongi can even change his mind. Yoongi choked when he saw a flash of her white cotton panties and his head automatically look away. 
What the hell has he got himself to? 
He felt a nudge on the basketball shorts he usually wore at home because it’s comfy af and before he knew it they were down to his knees. “Geez slowdown, will you?” Yoongi felt his cheeks heats up as he sat against the headboard with nothing but his blue boxers. 
He was looking at the side, specifically on his LeBron James poster he pasted on his walls because he can feel himself growing hard and the last thing he want is looking like he was getting excited for this. 
So Yoongi close his eyes and thought of all the boner killing thought he can think off in his mind and somehow it works and his dick turn flaccid. “Come on don’t be a chicken.” Soo Jin whine, tugging on his boxers and that sorts of trigger Yoongi’s man ego and he finally tug his pants down, exposing everything he have hidden underneath.
Yoongi still can’t turn his head and he’s still looking at his wall now, but he’s staring at his Notorious B.I.G album poster instead of the LeBron James one. 
Even without looking he can feel Soo Jin’s stare on his dick and he heard her soft Oooooooo of awe. 
The heat crept back to his cheeks because first, this was the first time anyone or a girl has ever seen his dick and second, well anyone in his situation would feel at least slightly embarrassed.
“Are you done looking?” Yoongi mutter and before he can get a reply he felt a soft poke on his dick. 
A moan slipped out of his lips and he immediately whipped his head in shock. 
He didn’t expect that. 
“Yah! Who told you you can touch?” His eyes met her awestruck ones and Soo Jin let out a giggle. He wasn’t mad but he was definitely caught off guard. He wasn’t expecting her to touch it at all. 
“Why is it so flaccid? Oooo it grew hard.” Soo Jin gasp as she saw Yoongi’s soft dick turn bigger and harder after she gave it a little poke.
“It’s because you touch it, stupid. It’s a natural reaction.” Yoongi retorted sharply because hell no, he wasn’t going to show that he was affected by this whole absurd situation. Soo Jin was still staring at his now semi hard dick in astonishment.
 Even though she has seen it before when she accidentally walks in on him showering, it was only for a brief second and the glass door usually obstruct the clear view anyway. But now that she can get a super clear view of his dick, she can only gape in amazement. 
His shaft was long and pink, and his balls were pink too, a contrast to Yoongi’s pale skin and the tip was bulbous like a mushroom head. Yoongi obviously didn’t shave so he had a small amount of hair around the base of his dick and around his balls. Yoongi’s dick definitely isn’t small. It complimented his figure nicely.
Soo Jin lift her eyebrow as she notices that Yoongi were looking at the sides again. He still has his blue Nike t-shirt on but he’s naked from down below. Soo Jin thought it’s not fair that he was the only one naked. She had been too busy admiring his dick to the point she forgot to strip herself too. So, she stood up from the bed and began pulling down her white cotton panties. 
“What are you doing?” Yoongi could hear a rustling sound from the side before he felt a dip on his bed again. He felt Soo Jin tug his head to look at her and Yoongi literally screamed “what the fuck!” when he saw her sitting with her legs wide open in front of him in nothing but her T-shirt. 
“You didn’t have to strip too!” Yoongi was sure his face was as red as a ripe tomato because he can see her hairless slit and it was the first time he saw one other than from the porn he watches. He didn’t even remember the deal was “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours”
“Shut up don’t act like you’re not as curious about this as I do.” Soo Jin roll her eyes. Yoongi had been her best friend for the longest time and she know he never had any action with a girl so this was his first time seeing a pussy in real life too. 
Yoongi felt all the blood rushes down south below as he stares at Soo Jin sprawled out in front of him with her legs parted. It was like his eyes were magnetized and he can’t seem to look away. Yup, he’s definitely rock hard by now.
“Isn’t it funny how our privates are so different?” Soo Jin rambled as she looks downward to her own pussy before using both of her hands to part open her slit, giving Yoongi a clear view of her tiny hole and clit. Yoongi’s mouth gaped open, it was his turn to look at her in amazement.
“So, this is my clit, this is my labia, this is my pee hole and this is the hole where you have sex in and where babies come out from.” Soo Jin was pointing to different parts of her genitals as if giving Yoongi a biology lesson on female genitalia and Yoongi swore this situation is absurd as fuck and he have always known his best friend is a weirdo but not to this extent. 
But Hell, they’re already come this far and as a hormonal teenager Yoongi would be lying if he said he’s not as intrigued as her and honestly, he’s just as curious as she was.
“Okay so how the fuck can a baby come out of that tiny ass hole?” Yoongi commented, leaning in to inspect closer. Soo Jin’s eyes widen when Yoongi lean close enough to be point she could feel the air coming out of his nose when he breathes out on her slit. She felt the temperature on her body going up and she wonder if this was what it means to be turn on. Was she getting turn on at the sight of Yoongi so close to her pussy?
Soo Jin was oblivious that Yoongi was feeling the exact same way. Damn he could feel his tip leaking with precum when he caught a whiff of the scent radiating from Soo Jin’s pussy. It was a foreign smell and unlike any other scent Yoongi has ever smelled in his life before. Soo Jin was the one looking away now, her cheeks warm and pink. 
She had her legs parted and her back was almost touching the bed except her arms were propping her body up. It was a tiring position and Yoongi must have notice it too because he’s pulling her up and urging her to lay on his pillow instead. Once she lay back down, it was Yoongi who was spreading her legs back open so he can go back to seeing her pretty pussy. 
He was way too excited for someone who was so against this in the first place and Yoongi can only assure himself that this was purely anatomy lesson and there’s nothing weird about this at all. 
“Do you wax?” Yoongi suddenly ask when he notice how hairless she was below and Soo Jin gave him a brief nod. Yoongi swore Soo Jin has a really pretty pussy and he have seen enough pussy in porn to know how a good pussy looks like.
Dirty thoughts flash past Yoongi’s mind and Yoongi had to literally take a deep breath and remind himself that this was his step sister sprawled out below him. “This is just anatomy lesson Yoongi. Anatomy lesson.” Yoongi chant in his head while he closes his eyes.
“Dinner is ready!”
They both heard their mom shouting from downstairs and they look at each other with wide eyes before Soo Jin yeeted out of his bed to put on her panties and shorts back on. “You go down first I can’t go down like this.” Yoongi whisper as he points to his raging hard on. Soo Jin nod shyly before she dashes out of his room and running downstairs to greet her mom, acting as if nothing had happened at all. 
Upstairs, Yoongi were spraying his boner with cold water in an attempt to turn it soft. He doesn’t have time to jerk off so cold water is always the best choice. It wasn’t the best feeling to have your hard on sprayed with cold water but he had no other option.
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