#baby rosalina over took me >:(
stellarspecter · 3 months
STWG daily prompt 6/11/24: aromantic (+ 6/5/24: asexual)
platonic stobin and mario kart shenanigans! (divider by thecutestgrotto)
read on ao3
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“I'm aro,” Steve starts.
“And I'm ace!” Robin finishes. The two of them grin, arms slung around each other's shoulders.
Eddie chokes on a laugh. “Did you rehearse that?”
Steve pouts unfairly cutely. “...No.”
Eddie snorts. “You so did.”
From the other side of the couch, Argyle shoots them a thumbs-up. “That's awesome, brochachos. You're like two halves of one whole spectrum. Radical.“
Eddie rolls his eyes, but Robin gasps like Argyle is dispensing real wisdom and not just perpetually high and saying words. “You know, I've always thought that!”
Argyle nods sagely. Steve leans into Robin and she supports his weight surprisingly well for someone who probably weighs half as much as him. “Me and Robbie were separated at birth,” he sighs. “After she took all the romantic attraction in the womb.”
Robin giggles and shoves him. “Okay, horndog, don't act like you didn't also take all the sexual attraction.”
Steve laughs and straightens up, just leaving his elbow propped up on her shoulder. She's not even that much shorter than him, so it doesn't look that comfortable, but she doesn't seem to care enough to stop him. “What if we just... combined. Would we be aroace or alloallo?”
“What, like Steven Universe?” She asks.
“Clearly, you'd split into two people, one who's completely aroace and one who's a bisexual lesbian,” Eddie adds dryly.
Robin gasps and turns to Steve. “Babe! We'd be so controversial!”
Steve takes her hands in both of his. “Robs... if we were fictional characters in Steven Universe, I'd be honored to start discourse with you.”
“Aw, Stevie...” Robin looks genuinely touched.
“Okay,” Eddie says. “Sorry to interrupt this touching moment. And sorry for encouraging it. Can we get back to Mario Kart?” He gestures towards the TV, still stuck on the character selection screen. “I've still gotta beat your asses on Rainbow Road.”
Steve and Robin grumble, but sit back down where they left their controllers. “As long as we can all agree that Daisy is the hottest character.”
“What about Rosalina?” Argyle muses from his corner. “I like that she's from the stars.”
“She has blonde emo bangs. Pass,” Robin says.
Eddie cracks up at that, bending over and clutching the controller in his hand so hard that he accidentally presses the button to start the next round. “No, wait! No! I didn't mean to --” He stares mournfully up at the screen displaying his new character: Baby Mario.
Robin cackles as her Daisy sets up on her bike. “That's what you get, Munson.”
“For what?” He cries.
Steve just shrugs as he sends Peach careening down the track. “You don't even believe that we're twins separated at birth.”
Eddie splutters. “What — Of course I don't!” He's trying to catch up, but he missed the boost at the start and he's stuck miserably in twelfth place.
“You gotta believe in them, Edster,” Argyle adds, gracefully piloting Yoshi to a solid third place. “They're literally drift compatible.”
Robin makes a noise like she would agree loudly and point at him if she wasn't completely absorbed in the race. Eddie sighs. “If I got to be Waluigi I would be kicking your asses right now,” he mutters. “Just you wait.”
“Don't be aphobic, Eddie,” Steve peacefully retorts as he leaves a banana peel for him to slip on.
“I'm literally not — okay. I'm not talking to you until I win.”
Steve and Robin shoot each other triumphant smirks. “Have fun being silent for the rest of your life, then,” she snarks back.
“You mean for the next two minutes?”
“Is that talking? Is someone talking to me?”
Eddie gets the message and quiets down, laser focused on the TV.
A couple minutes later, he slumps in defeat as Argyle swoops first place and he languishes in a measly fifth.
“How does it feel, Edward?” Robin taunts.
He crosses his arms stubbornly. “I'm not talking to you.”
“Oh, Steve, did you hear something? Was that — a reply?”
“You know, I think I did hear something,” Steve replies, smirking before he even drops the punchline. “The sound of losing.”
Eddie throws his head back and groans. His friends just laugh at him and start another race.
“No, wait, don't leave me as Baby Mario —! Motherfuckers —“
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seandwalsh · 1 year
Are there any consistent qualifications in Marioverse monarchies as to what qualifies as a prince/princess or a king/queen since we usually always see only one or the other per kingdom? Feels like a case by case basis, but I wonder if there’s any consistency we can gather.
King is the easiest to define. It seems that any adult male ruler of a territory or race is considered a king. We see this with King Bowser, Ōsama, King K. Rool, the Kings of the Mushroom World, King Fret, King Nimbus, King Mousta, King Bask, King Kaliente, King Boo, King Bob-omb, etc.
Prince is also quite easy. It seems that immature male progeny of previous rulers as well as the male relatives of living rulers, regardless of age, are considered princes. For the former, we can see young Prince Bowser from the Yoshi’s Island games and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time as an example, while for the latter there’s Prince Bowser Jr., Prince Peasley, Prince Pine, Prince Pikante and Prince Mallow. Princes will become Kings once they’ve reached adulthood and their parents die or abdicate the throne. The odd one out here would be Prince Dreambert, but we don’t know if he’s technically reached adulthood or if he had living parents before Antasma’s attack on the Pi’illo Kingdom, so I think this definition still stands.
As for princesses and queens, things are a little more tricky. We know that immature female progeny of the previous rulers as well as the female relatives of living rulers, regardless of age, are considered princesses, as we see with Baby Peach, Baby Daisy and Baby Rosalina, as well as Princess Shokora, Princess Shroob and Princess Rosalina. However, we’ve seen adult female rulers referred to as both princesses and queens, so where is the line drawn between one or the other?
Well, I think it has to do with marriage. Adult female rulers who have never been married are relatively consistently referred to as princesses. We see this with Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Princess Eclair, (the older) Princess Shroob, the Sprixie Princesses and even Princess Lipid.
However, the games seem to imply that through marriage female rulers become queens:
“Tatanga hypnotized the people of all the kingdoms so that he could control them in any way he liked. In this way he took over Sarasaland. Now, he wants to marry Princess Daisy of Sarasaland and make her his queen.”
[Source: Story, Page 3, Instruction Booklet of Super Mario Land, April 1989]
“Yes...? What is it, dear?... WHAT?! You're asking ME to...? Gracious! You're serious, aren't you? Why, I don't know what to say! Dear me............ I've made my decision... At the request of the Prince, I agree to become his queen. (Queen... Valentina...Ooh! It just makes me SHIVER!!) Well, that's that! Back to your business, everyone!”
[Source: Valentina, temporary usurper of the Nimbus Land throne, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, May 1996]
This idea aligns with Queen Nimbus, Queen Jaydes and Queen B., who are married to kings, and is further supported by characters such as Queen Bean, Queen Squirpina XIV or Queen Croacus II, who were likely married at one point based on the presence of their children.
However, it doesn’t seem to be quite as foolproof. There’s the Shadow Queen, Banana Queen, Honey Queen, Queen Merelda and Madame Mirage who, while we don’t know their marital statuses, likely fall outside of this definition. There are workarounds, of course. It’s possible that some of these women are or were married off-screen or are self-proclaimed queens. It’s also possible that the Queen definition extends cover to the “mother” of a race, though that’s all getting a bit deeper into speculation.
These remain my best guesses with the current information we have.
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evil-gadgeteer · 2 years
my takes on the mario princesses because y not
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with peach i kinda just... took aspects from all the different peach designs we've had and mashed them together. i also added the spotted pattern as a nod to toads. speaking of toads, yeah, her crown is meant to look like the super crown despite my mixed feelings on the idea of peach actually being a toad ( i think it fills in the weird hole of why a seemingly human woman rules over the mushroom people but it’s kinda weird with baby peach’s existence)
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with daisy, i wanted to marry her tomboyish-ness with her being a princess, so i made her dress looser and a bit shorter, as well as me giving her sneakers under her dress (and maybe one day i'll draw her in a suit). i also wanted her to look less like peach. also i gave her brown eyes because way to much of the mario cast has blue eyes.
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i didn't change much about rosalina. took some aspects from her smash design and made the skirt part of her dress fade into a darker colour. i also gave her yellow eyes with a faint star shape in them to make her look a bit less human (although if i ever do the babies this part will be absent as she used to be human)
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winterbl0ss0m · 3 years
“GRHRVEHRGE YOU WHORE- oh youre a baby i cant call you a whore” - me, playing mario kart
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cest-la-vieve · 2 years
Mind Games (Azriel x Reader)
Summary: Cute little Azriel one-shot, based on a very passionate conversation about who the Inner Court is maining in MarioKart. Az is just a bit too competitive when it comes to game night and reader decides she's had enough.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Mature themes! No smut but def 18+
Notes: for a very good pal, @hazelmaysworld, who didn't have the greatest day, az cheers up everyone 😉
Game nights with the Inner Circle were no joke, especially since that had extended to include the two elder Archeron sisters and Varian… Well, and myself, I suppose.
Azriel had found me in a cabin in the Night Court territory on a mission gone sideways, knocking on my door bruised and bleeding. I, not recognizing him as the Shadowsinger of the Night Court, took him in and nursed him back to health. He couldn’t say a word at first, the ash arrows in his wings had ensured that, but once he woke up a few days later… He still didn’t have much to say.
I had been perfectly content with that… Until he showed up a second time. His wounds weren’t nearly as bad but I surmised that he was trying to hide them from someone. This time though, I made him explain.
The gist was that he was far from the Court - a Court he was part of, I found out - on a mission that his High Lord and Lady had told him to abandon, which is why he couldn’t call them for help. He also explained that his injuries this time weren’t the only reason he came back.
He had wanted to thank me and ask if he could look through my library for something to help the High Lady since I seemed so adept at healing. My family and I had collected many books throughout the years, so our second floor of the cabin had essentially become a library.
I, of course, as is my duty as a citizen of Night, said he was welcome to come back anytime and browse the shelves. I did not realize that he would come back with both the General of the Night Court and the High Lord himself.
I very quickly realized that these overgrown Illyrian babies were nothing more than that - a trio of brothers that just so happened to rule the most powerful Court our lands had ever seen. I made them lunch and after they effectively ate me out of house and home, they invited me to Velaris. 
Weeks later, I was offered a position on the Court, and months later, we were here. Playing a particularly intense game of MarioKart.
Rhys and Feyre, Rhys as Toadette (at the insistence of a very giggly Cassian) and Feyre as Peach, had left hours ago, citing “Night Court business” which we all knew was bullshit. Rhys had been in Feyre’s head all night, flirty or dirty thoughts being shared between them until it got to the point both of them were consistently coming in 11th and 12th. Thankfully, they spared us the details and quietly left to the River House.
Amren had been forced to play as Baby Mario, which lasted for exactly one race before she demanded Varian take her elsewhere for wine.
Mor had been begging to go to Rita’s all night, which was our usual tradition once the games were complete, but the begging had started early when she kept getting 6th place as Rosalina. She eventually claimed she was cursed and that only a night of dancing would make her better. She left, Cassian promising he’d be on her heels the minute this cup was over.
Cassian, who always played as Donkey Kong, was getting more frustrated with Azriel by the second. A well-placed banana peel thrown by our current 1st place had 2nd place Cassian cussing up a storm, which Nesta took as their sign to leave. We had gotten her to play a few races with us, though she kept switching up her character and karts, blaming her losing streak on them. So she grabbed Cass’s hand and practically dragged him to the front door as soon as she could, telling us she was going to dance with Mor.
That left Azriel, Elain, and I battling it out with two races to go. Elain was content to drive Daisy around at a leisurely pace, never throwing her items because she “didn’t want anyone to blame her for their lack of skill”, which I had only laughed at.
Azriel… Azriel was a different beast entirely. From what I could tell, he had spent hours mapping out the exact right character, kart, wheel, and paraglider combination for each CC and board. Though he usually defaulted to Shy Guy, he would have us waiting for minutes as he found which kart had the exact acceleration level he needed. He was the most competitive person I had ever met, though he usually backed it up by kicking our asses at every game.
I could usually get close to beating him but hadn’t ever succeeded. It got frustrating, watching the way he’d planned for my every move and outsmarted me at every turn. This is how most nights ended, everyone leaving and he and I remaining at the House of Wind battling it out until he eventually won too many times that I’d relent and we’d join the others at Rita’s or the River House.
I crossed the finish line and saw Az leaning back in his seat, arms behind his head, smirking. The bastard had been finished for what 15, 30 seconds before I had? Elain was still racing, making cute grunts of displeasure when she was hit with an item or ran into an obstacle. She eventually finished and fell back on the couch, huffing out a sigh.
I laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, “Giving up so soon, soldier?”
She glared at me, though her eyes sparkled with joy. “I already know there’s no beating you two. Better to give up now than watch you two yell at each other the rest of the night.”
Az moved a muscled arm from behind his head to place a hand on his heart, feigning hurt, “No need to yell at her when I know I’ll beat her anyways.”
I stuck my tongue out at him and a small snort of amusement left his nose. Elain just shook her head at us and stood up, smoothing out the wrinkles in her dress.
“Well, best of luck,” she said, patting my head, “But I’m getting up early tomorrow to plant the seeds that just arrived from the Day Court, so I need to get some rest tonight.”
I stood, hugging her, and she whispered in my ear, “Whatever it takes, knock him down a peg.”
I let out a hearty laugh and, loud enough that Azriel could hear, I said, “whatever it takes.”
She smiled and nodded to Azriel before leaving.
I sat back down and picked up my controller. I looked at Az, at that smug grin on his face, and knew Elain was right. Tonight was the night I had to finally beat him at something.
“Well, Azzy-boy? Ready to lose?”
“You know you say that every time we have a game night, right?”
“And one day, I’ll be right.”
“Just hit start,” he grinned, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees, controller between his nimble fingers.
I set my brow, focusing fully on the screen in front of us as I hit the button to start the race. My mind raced with ways to throw him off or distract him enough that I could get the win. I quickly ran through all the training Rhys, Cass, and Az had given me as if this were a battle to be won, which to me, it was. What would Cassian do? Assess his opponent for weaknesses.
Az didn’t exactly have weaknesses. At least, not any I could exploit to win a kart racing game.
The race started and it quickly turned into what most would have guessed: Az in first place and me in second, trailing behind him and trying desperately to catch up. 
I kept wracking my brain. Talking. I could talk. Say something to throw him off.
So I just started, “You know, Shadowsinger, today I went to the markets down in Velaris?”
He just hummed in acknowledgment, getting a boost from a curve signifying that this was doing nothing to sway his game.
“Well and I went to that cute little shop right next to the Sidra, you know the one that Rhys got Feyre’s Solstice present from last year?”
I spared a glance at him, seeing his back stiffen as his eyes didn’t leave the screen. I knew he remembered last Solstice as well as I did, when Rhys had gifted Feyre a particularly scant set of lingerie in front of everyone, turning her cheeks a deep shade of red. We all had to hide our blushes and laughter as Rhys just grinned wider and wider.
I watched as his kart veered slightly and the distance between us closed just the slightest bit. There it was. Weakness.
I hesitated, only because I wasn’t sure what lines were too far to cross for our friendship. But Elain’s words echoed in my head, “Whatever it takes.” How many game nights had we suffered as Azriel sat smugly in the booth at Rita’s, the rest of us mulling over our loss? Not tonight.
“Az?” I asked, as some time had passed between my last question and now.
“Hmm?” He hummed.
“Do you know the one?”
“Mother above, yes, I know the one. What are you getting at, Peach?”
I laughed slightly at the use of the nickname. It was one I had earned the week after arriving in Velaris, getting drunk on peach wine with Cassian before challenging him to a fight. He took one swing, missing completely, and we both collapsed in a fit of giggles. The Inner Circle had rarely called me by my name since, except Azriel. He only pulled it out during moments like this, just me and him, to either be friendly or distract me from the game, I wasn’t sure.
I squared my shoulders, shaking the memory from my head as I crossed the finish line. One lap to go. It was now or never.
“I couldn’t find anything I liked.”
I took a deep breath before saying, “Yeah, look.”
I watched his eyebrows furrow in confusion, but with my Fae speed, I lifted my shirt with one hand and held the acceleration button with the other. His eyes widened as he turned his head enough to gawk fully at my now-exposed breasts.
“Cauldron boil and fry me, what the HELL are you doing?”
“Trying to show you that I couldn’t find any of those lacey pieces that suited me well.”
He stuttered, mouth opening and closing like a fish on land, as I kept my shirt up with one hand and steered with the other. His character had fully stopped in place, almost as if the Shy Guy were also waiting to be filled in on what was happening.
I kept pushing on until I had passed Az and crossed the finish line, all while he blushed a deep shade of pink and fought to find the right words.
I dropped my shirt and whooped with joy, jumping up, “TAKE THAT, SPYMASTER!”
His mouth closed and he looked at the screen. He looked back up at me as if it took him a minute to process what just happened.
I jumped around the room, dancing to a song only I could hear, as I reveled in my win over the unbeatable Azriel. I couldn’t wait to get to Rita’s and tell the others that after months of trying, I had finally -
I gasped as I suddenly found myself pressed against a wall, the hard surface mirroring the hard surface of Azriel’s body pressing against my front. His forearms rested on either side of my head, wings spread wide between him, and every breath either of us took was suddenly shared with the other.
His eyes blazed with something I couldn’t decipher as I stared up into them, his tall frame dwarfing mine. The entire feeling of the room had shifted into something foreign between the two of us and I worried I had crossed a line.
I parted my lips, about to ask if I had offended or to apologize for crossing a boundary, but he moved his head to place his lips next to my ear.
“You have no idea what you’ve started, angel.”
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ohshcscenerios · 2 years
Adventures in ✨Pregnancy Brain✨
Because pregnancy brain makes me feel like a moron so I might as well laugh at it.
I forgot how to make change.
I stood at a Walmart self-checkout machine with a twenty dollar bill in my hand completely dumbfounded on how to break it into change. My husband had to walk me through the process of buying a candy bar, step by step, because my brain refused to work.
I forgot our dog's name.
My husband and I were discussing baby names and I mentioned how Rosalina is a beautiful name. He agreed and said that's the name of our dog. I looked at him really confused and asked "name of the dog?". It took him a few minutes to help me realize our dog's name is Rosalina.
I forgot I was pregnant.
On Saint Patrick's Day I was going to use a beer as part of a marinade for the corned beef. I hadn't had that beer in a while and I thought it would taste good along with the meal. Something in my head kept saying I couldn't have it though I was confused as to why. I thought wait I'm over 21 I can have a beer and a few seconds later i exclaimed "Oh my gosh, no! I can't have a beer, I'm pregnant!"
A dream convinced me we are having a cat.
I had a very weird dream (pregnancy dreams are a league of their own) where we gave birth to our baby but found out it was actually a cat. My husband and I were very disappointed our baby wasn't human but I still cared for it as my own. When I woke up I was laying in cold sweats and convinced we were having a cat. I felt horrible dread until I felt the baby kick. That pulled me out of it.
I forgot my sister is in college.
My sister returned from Italy during Christmas and since then a few people have asked me if she's still in college. I completely forgot and couldn't say for sure. I couldn't remember if she mentioned classes or homework.
My sister graduates college in a few months.
I forgot I make headcanons for OHSHC.
I was watching a TikTok about headcanons for MHA and I thought it would be so cool to see headcanons for OHSHC. I searched for OHSHC headcanons on TikTok and a few of my own videos popped up. I was confused for a second, not realizing I've made a few headcanon videos myself. For a second I just thought I found my doppelganger.
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lunar-insanity · 2 years
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So! I’d like to introduce you all to some old characters!
These guys started out as Mario ship children: Luigi/Rosalina and Mario/Peach. They were inspired long ago by Nintendrawer on DA and their own kiddos. And I liked Rosalina far better.
So at first they were sketched as smol babies, and it was only the first two. Then I decided to redraw them as teens [ https://sta.sh/224m0lrisof8?edit=1 ]
I made them their stories, and absolutely inflicted trauma on them xD And I loved them. But over the years I... I didn’t really want them stuck in the Mario universe anymore. So I tried redesigning them.
It... didn’t really go well? I wasn’t happy with my work and I’d only worked on the first two and didn’t finish the second. Basically I tried too hard with them. So I dropped it.
And then years later, I was talking about them again with a friend and felt the urge to revisit them again. And this time?
I got it >:3
Instead of being in the Mario universe, it’s now... More Mario Adjacent? The main bits are a pair of heroes, and a vast land full of varied kingdoms. Just enough changed and kept so they were themselves, and I could keep their stories!
Been doing world building for said world too, came up with stuff for their powers (”Affinities”) and the basis of their world (Built upon the ruins of a past era, so the land is rich with history to be rediscovered)
Anyway, allow me to properly introduce you under the cut!
We’ll start with the older pair!
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This is Twyla and Aaron! The Star Twins. Heirs to a semi-technologically advanced kingdom in the stars.
Twyla’s a mechanic and builder enthusiast, with a Magick and Gravity affinity! No she’s not missing an arm. In her and her twin’s major adventure, she damaged it badly and narrowly avoided needing it amputated. The arm isn’t as strong as it used to be, so she built an aid!
Twy is the speedy magic glass cannon of the 4. She’s in an out fast with magick spells, and is VEEERY floaty. Gravity is her bish.
Aaron is the defensive knight, with a Majora Lightning affinity, and a minora Gravity affinity, enabling some floating but not to the level of his older sis. He’s also an Aviator.
Aaron, in their major plot adventure, got Super Paper Mario’d, which was a fun time. Absolutely. Definitely didn’t force his reckless sister to get her act together. Nope.
They are roughly in their early 20s in this ref (not too sure yet of exact ages). At 16, Twyla was far more reckless, impulsive, and carefree (Sure in the knowledge her brother would always catch her) and Aaron far more anxious (terrified his sister will end up in serious danger) and entwined in a co-dependency that really wasn’t healthy for them. Their fire cousin did his best to mitigate but it took an explosive argument, a forced separation, and one hell of a dangerous reality check, for them to start doing better.
Now, Twyla’s reigned in the worst of her tendencies and sometimes her elder nature comes through in her making the serious decisions needed. Aaron’s gotten a grip on his anxiety and works on trusting others with their lives, and now sometimes makes the split second decisions to turn the tide.
Twyla also salvaged her father’s busted big robot (//points to Brobot) and has made it their main mode of transportation aaaaand something to fight with. She calls it Starbot. She drives (Really fast, imagine if you learned how to drive on Rainbow Road) and Aaron flies.
Next up!
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Etzio and Cardinale! Royal brothers and heirs to a Nature kingdom that’s had some on and off beef with a growing turtle dragon kingdom. It’s fine though, Etzio is besties with said Kingdom’s heir.
Etzio is an Adventurer! Driven by a passion for history, wanderlust, and a drive to enjoy his youth before taking on the responsibilities as next in line, Etzio is a ball of firey sunshine. And I do mean firey, as his affinity is Majora Fire. Ironic for the son of a Nature affinity, but apparently he took after his father’s gained affinity.
Etzio is their big bruiser. Strong as hell and able to dish it out as much as he takes. And as if he wasn’t strong enough, his cloak is one of invulnerability! A test of character he passed as a wee one granted him this valuable piece of cloth. It didn’t gain the flames until an event when he was 16.
As for Cardinale, he could not be any more different to his family. A family full of heroes and adventurers, and here he is. He’s not an adventurer, he’s not even strong as one. But the residents of his kingdom expected that of him, and it caused for a lot of teenage angst that... Is mostly his fault. And he knows it now that’s he older.
Turns out, keeping quiet and hoping others would notice your inner turmoil and constantly shoving away your brother is an easy way to create a rift between you and your family. Whodda thunk it. (Card was a very stupid teenager)
But enough of that. When that all got cleared up at 15, he came into his own proper. Turns out, he’s just as much as a history buff as his brother (Which Etzio knew) and loves untangling a kingdom’s past and learning the languages they spoke.
And his affinity? Well they didn’t know it for years until an experiment in ice skating showed he was a natural on the ice may have given them a hint. It wasn’t until an adventure took the quartet into the frozen reaches where he was more at home in the cold than ever that they finally discovered it. Yep. An Ice Affinity!  (Even more ironic being born to a Nature affinity) And it also turns out that he has his family’s adventurer reflexes. Just... on the ice.
After years of being shown the door, angst, and a growing rift, a mutual adventure and a setting where Card couldn’t run away from Etzio anymore finally mended the bridges.
(Etz is also a year younger than the quartet and Card a couple years younger than him)
Etzio is a big lovable sweetheart who has learned to really stop trying to mitigate so much and actually confront issues (If pushed harder with Card earlier, they may have avoided a lot of hurt) and Card is his cool self but with a lot more confidence and smarts.
Aaaannyway Imma stop here before it gets too long xD I haven’t stopped creating their stories though, ever since I put them in their new world, I’ve come up with new ones.
Plz talk to me about them ;w;
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gloriafc · 3 years
Welcome Home
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Y/N Barnes is the name you went by. You wore the name proudly, especially the day you married Bucky. He was your soulmate and you couldn't imagine living without him until the day Steve told you he disappeared with the many others in the blip. Steve stayed by your side, the two of you only having each other as you grieved your husband. A month after the blip you found out you were pregnant. "How am I supposed to do this Steve? How am I going to raise his baby without him here?" "I'll be here. It's not the same thing. But I'll try my best."
Eight and a half months later you had given birth to a beautiful babygirl. Rosalina Marie Barnes. Steve stared at the newborn in his arms, "She has his eyes." "I know. I stared at them for an hour wanting to cry." "Why Rosalina?" "Bucky always brought home roses. Didn't matter the occasion. Sometimes just because he hadn't brought me flowers in a while, but they were always roses. Even if it was just a single rose that he picked off a random bush. I had to work that in someway in his honor."
Pepper and Tony helped you as much as you'd let them, Morgan being born around the same time as Rosalina. The two girls became best friends, as they slowly got bigger. Soon they were able to walk and run causing chaos wherever they went.
As five years passed you learned how to live without Bucky. You always told Rosalina about her dad, to keep his memory, and to answer any question she may have had about him. She understood why she didn't have her dad, and as much as it hurt her to know she may never meet him she still loved him with her entire heart.
When Steve told you the Avengers were trying to reverse the blip you didn't know what to feel, thankful Morgan and Rosie were off playing unable to hear the conversation. "This is a good thing y/n." "I know." "You don't sound like its good." "Steve. I spent the last five years without my husband, grieving him. I spent the last five years as a single mother. Spending everyday looking into his blue eyes without him there next to me raising that beautiful girl. And you're telling me you think you guys found a way to bring him and the rest of the world back? Steve what happens when he comes back and he decides a kid is too much for him, or he thinks that I'm not the same person I was when the blip happened? Because I'm not. I spent five years trying to get over him just to fail everyday. I climb into bed everyday just wanting to be held in his arms and to get a whiff of his cologne but cant." You stop yourself unable to finish your train of thought, "Steve. As much as I missed him and as much as I wished he was there for Rosie growing up this is a big change."
When you go home and tell Rosie that Uncle Steve was trying to bring her daddy home she climbed into your bed with your giant photo album asking you to tell the stories of all the pictures in the book. "What's this one mommy?" "That's the day mommy married daddy." "You look like a princess." "I felt like one. Your daddy always made me feel like one." "Do you still love daddy?" "I'll always love him baby. Just like I'll always love you." "Do you think he'll love me?" "I think so. How could he not?" "He's never met me." "Doesn't mean he can't love you. I'm sure your Uncle Steve will tell him all about you."
And he did, as they were being transported back Bucky asked about you. "What happened to Y/N?" "She survived the blip Buck." Bucky could see the look on Steve's face, "What happened?" "Nothing bad. Depending on how you take it. Uh. Y/N found out she was pregnant a month after the blip happened." Bucky stayed silent as the information processed in his head making Steve continue with a proud smile on his face, "You have a daughter Buck. Shes every bit as crazy as Y/N, but shes stubborn like you. Besides your eyes shes her mini me." Steve pulls out his phone and shows him a picture of the three of you on Rosie's last birthday, "She named her Rosalina. Rosie for short. Rosalina Marie Barnes." "She kept my name?" "She couldn't bring herself to go by anything else. She loves you Buck even while you were gone. There hasn't been a day she didn't miss you, even Rosie knows who you are."
When they land Steve calls you to tell you that Tony died. "How's Pepper doing?" "You know Pepper." "Working through everything. How is he?" "Why don't you ask him yourself?" Steve hands the phone to Bucky, the sound of his voice immediately making you cry, "Hey doll." "Buck." The sound of your sniffles makes him want to tear up, "You dont know how much I missed you." "I can imagine it doll. Steve told me we have a daughter." "She's beautiful Buck. Wait until you see her."
The day of Tony's funeral you're helping Rosie get ready trying to avoid being late, but it seems she has other plans. Bucky waits nervously, for him it's only been a week since the last time he saw you, but he knows that it's been five years and you'll be with your daughter. Steve nudges him when your car pulls in and the pair watch as you climb out and go around before you're helping Rosie out as she carrys a gift bag. Pepper followed by Happy and Morgan reach you first, you quickly pull Pepper in with a sad smile "Sorry we're late Rosie had other plans." You watch as Rosie hands Morgan the bag, before she grins as she pulls out a rabbit stuffed animal dressed like iron man, "Squeeze it Morgan." You watch as her and Pepper get teary eyed when the rabbit speaks in Tony's voice, from a recording from one of Tony's voice files, "I love you 3000." Pepper looks at you, "How did you get that?" "I have my ways, theres one more thing." You reach into the bag and pull out a small stuffed cheeseburger that attaches to the bunnies hand, Pepper looks at you, "That's perfect. Thank you." Morgan hugs your legs as she looks at you unable to say anything. Happy looks at you with a sad smile, "I think theres someone waiting to see you. I can watch Rosie." "Thank you Happy."
You make your way towards Bucky and Steve, stopping in front of them as your eyes take Bucky in before you start tearing up. "Doll. You look beautiful." You can't even say anything before he takes you into his arms and you hold onto him tightly, afraid to lose him again. You both sway as you quietly cry doing the one thing you wanted to do for five years.
The three of you move to sit on the steps of the back porch, watching as Happy keeps the two girls entertained. "What's she like?" Steve chuckles as you say, "Sometimes she's a giant pain in my ass." "She's only saying that because she has her mother's attitude." You smile and shake your head, "Theres too much personality in one little body. You're going to have to find out for yourself. But she definitely takes after her dad." Bucky looks at you and Steve confused, "I've lost count of how many times I was asked to pick her up early from school because she got in a fight. A fight in preschool." You nudge Bucky, "Guess what she did?" He just shakes his head as Steve continues, "Every time I asked her she said the bigger kids were picking on the small kid so she fought the bullys." You chuckle, "Sound familiar?"
Ten minutes later she runs up to you, cuddling into your side as she peeks at the man shes called her dad in photos. "Mommy." Bucky can feel his heart thump as the word leaves her mouth, he's always wanted to experience having a child with you he just never imagined you'd do it without him. "Come here." You pull her onto your lap facing Bucky and Steve as she tries to hide in your hair. Not even a second later she's pulling something out of her jacket pocket. "These are yours." She hands Bucky his dog tags, you've told her they were something he never took off, but they fell during the blip and Steve brought them to you. She loved to play dress up with them, always being careful and returning them to their spot when she was done. Bucky looks at the spot where her hand touched his before slowly handing them back to her, "I believe you've kept them safe for this long." She smiles as she holds them to her chest and you kiss the top of her head.
When it is time to go Rosie grabs your hand before stopping and looking at Bucky and reaching for his hand, "Come on Daddy." You couldn't hide your smile, hearing her call him that and him actually being there and not just a picture. Steve nudges his best friend, "Go with your girls." Bucky smiles, "My girls. I like the sound of that." He grabs onto Rosie's hand with his giant hand compared to hers, the three of you walking back to your car. He watches as you help her into her seat before shutting her door, "I'll drive. We had to find a bigger home once she started walking. It's not too far from here."
As you drive Bucky finds himself smiling as you hum along to the music, something you've always done, what makes him stop and look in the backseat is the voice of his daughter singing along to the music as she kicks her feet and stares out the window at the passing trees. He can't hide his smile when he sees your smirk, "Like mother like daughter huh?"
When you park in the driveway Bucky stares at the house as Rosie runs inside, "Tony built it. This is his land, well Peppers now. I couldn't stay in that small apartment anymore. I needed a fresh start but couldn't bring myself to leave completely. After Morgan was born Pepper took over everything Tony did and gave me her old job as assistant. It let's me afford more than we needed without making me work all the time." Bucky still looks at the place you call home, you grab his metal hand, the cold metal having a familiar homey feeling to you, "Come on. There's so much she's dreamed about showing you." As soon as you step foot into the house and lock the door you smile hearing Rosie rummage around in her room, "You got this Buck. Trust me." You lead him to where her room is. When she grabs his hand to pull him further into the room and makes his seemingly giant frame sit on her little bed, handing him her favorite stuffed animals and telling him about each one you cant help but start to tear up, the life you always imagined for her happening right before your eyes.
Your phone buzzes and pulls you out of thought as you read the message from Pepper smiling at the picture attached. She managed to capture a picture of the three of you as you were leaving, Rosie in the middle as you held hands. Your backs were to the camera but its quickly become one of your favorite pictures. You quietly leave the room knowing Rosie is easy to entertain and good at playing host. You quickly open up your computer and after a few short minutes the picture Pepper sent you is printed out and you're sticking it in your photo album. As you close the book you stop remembering the bins you've kept in the garage all these years. You find the one you'd continuously dig through when you were pregnant and couldn't fit any of your clothes, and carry it inside. You stop when you see Rosie and Bucky standing in the hall, "There you are Mommy. I want to show daddy the pictures." You smile and nod, "How about we let daddy get into some more comfortable clothes while I make dinner?" She quickly let's go of his hand, "Can I help?" "Always Love."
Rosie becomes preoccupied with going through the pantry trying to find what she wants for dinner as you lead Bucky to what would now be your shared room. "You'll find everything easy. These are all your clothes. The rest of your stuff is in the garage, but that can wait until tomorrow." Bucky takes the box from you his hand finding the side of your face and you cant help but lean into his touch your eyes quickly finding his. "You kept everything?" With a nod you answer, "I couldn't bring myself to throw anything away. Or donate it. The thought of someone else wearing your clothes, making the smell of you go away was too much for me. And it helped that when I was pregnant and to big to fit in my own clothes that I had backups." For the first time in five years Buckys lips meet yours as you both get lost in the moment. It isn't until you hear a tiny "Eww" that makes you break apart. You both chuckle at the disgusted look on your daughters face as she stands in the doorway holding onto a box of macaroni and cheese, Bucky can't help himself, "What? You don't like this?" He gently turns your face so he can kiss you again, making you laugh into the kiss when Rosie pretends to gag. He let's you go and is quick to grab Rosie making her drop the box and let out happy giggles as he spins around. You immediately know what hes going to do as he stops in front of you, "How about this?" Before she can question anything you both press multiple kisses to her cheeks making her giggle even harder as she tries to push you both away, "That tickles!"
Just hearing the sounds of his daughter's giggles makes him immediately become protective. Even though he just met her he already knows how much he loves her and how he'd do anything to keep a smile on her face. The fact that you gave him a child makes him fall even more in love with you. When you both head to the kitchen to make dinner he can't shower fast enough, not wanting to miss a single moment with you both. As he walks down the hall he finally takes notice of the different pictures that line the walls. There's some of the two of you, some with Steve, with Tony, Pepper, and Morgan. He can see that you continued to live your life but stops at the ones with him in them. He sees your wedding picture and cant stop himself from touching the frame, next to it a picture of you pregnant, then one of you holding Rosie as a newborn. He gets taken out of thought when he can hear two giggles coming from the kitchen, he smiles thinking how much his daughter is exactly like her mother, and wouldn't change a thing.
Bucky slowly eases into your nighttime routine, and being around Rosie. Anytime he needs reassurance about what to do he'd look at you and you'd simply nod or shake your head. He watched as you tucked Rosie in for bed, her refusing to be tucked in unless he helped making you laugh. After you turned off her light he followed you to your room climbing into bed alongside you. "This side feels unslept in." "It should. I can't sleep on that side, when Rosie would climb into bed with me she always managed to sleep on top of me."
As soon as you feel yourself start to fall asleep you feel an all too familiar weight on top of you, "Rosie what are you doing out of bed?" Bucky reaches over to turn on the light in his half-asleep state shocked to find Rosie on top of you and under the blanket, "There's a monster under my bed." "And there's a gremlin under my blanket." Bucky can't fight the smile on his lips as he watches the mother-daughter duo. "Mommy, I need daddy to fight the monster." "Liar." "You don't know that." "Mmm i think I know my own child Rosie. You just want to sleep in here." She looks between you and Bucky with a smile he knows he'll end up giving into everytime, "Can I?" You look at Bucky, "It's up to you Sergant." He can only shrug, "She's already under the blanket." Rosie grins before snuggling in-between you both.
After Rosie's fast asleep Bucky feels her weight shift until he feels her weight on top of him, not even a second later he hears you quietly say, "I told you. Welcome home Buck."
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beeindaclouds · 3 years
the last shred of truth (in the lost myth of true love)
christmas eve. for some, the time to return home for warm dinners, to exchange gifts with loved ones. a welcoming home awaits them, opening arms beckoning them into safety and happiness. for us though, it is but another excuse to throw extravagant parties, for underpaid reporters to loiter around our homes and photograph us in all our glory, while scrutinising every single fibre of our being through their shiny lenses. joyful seasons indeed.
truth to be told, I wouldn’t have gone out on christmas eve if I had the choice either. usually, I’d stay home, pour myself a few glasses of brandy, watch whatever terrible reality show the tv channel might have to offer, and probably pass out on the couch drunk. this year, though, rosie had phoned me and invited me to the party she was hosting.
‘it’ll be fun!’ she promised, ‘you haven’t gone out and had proper fun for years, lizzy. there’s gonna be loads of people there, and we can just, just have mindless fun. don’t worry about the reporters, I won’t let them in. absolutely nothing to worry about!’
‘rosie, you know well enough your friends don’t exactly like me. at all.’
‘come on, liz. it’ll be like..good for you to get out once in a while! we can have fun together. just like we used to, you remember, back then?’
back then. back when we were naive and carefree and didn’t have to watch every word we spoke. back when I could pin everything we did on the never ending liquor, when I didn’t have to deal with the mess that were Feelings.
‘liz, liz, love, please. just this once. for me??’
I didn’t have the heart to tell her that it wasn’t the reporters I feared, but her friends with their snide remarks, glaring eyes that looked down on me from gleaming glasses of champagne, like i’d murdered their children. or worse, messed up their hairdo and fancy clothes.
all I’d done was stand up for what I believed in. sure, some celebrity coming out wouldn’t really turn heads in this time and age, but back during the 1990s, when the aids crisis was still fresh in everyone’s mind, it was more than enough to kill my career twice over. and so no movie director was willing to work with me, even when the famed rosalina irin herself asked them to give me some smaller roles. I retreated back into the shadows of my apartment and took up some boring desk job at a company, and the media found someone more interesting to tear apart after a while.
in all my life, I have never exactly been able to deny rosie of anything. that is one thing I am sure of.
I followed her into the acting world, followed her to stardom, followed her to the fame that came with the sparkling world of the limelight.
I followed her as she jumped from one big movie role to another, bringing me along, settling deals with movie directors that somehow always let me have a role in her movies.
I followed her into the church where she got married to one joseph williams, some famed movie director who’d made this ‘groundbreaking’ movie series, rocketing rosie into ultra stardom. the tabloids called it a ‘beautiful romance that had blossomed from all the time the lead actress and the director had spent together.’
(in all the time I had spent with rosie in her trailer, never did I see the two spare each other as much as a word.)
any objections? the priest asked, and once again, I couldn’t dredge up the courage in me to deny her of this marriage, this somewhat futile chance of happiness she seemed to have found for herself.
and so all through my life, all I could do was mutely love her from the sidelines, unable to deny her anything, too fearful of her eventual rejection, too worried that I would be the one to damage her future, too in love with her to deny her anything.
the streets were covered in fresh layers of snow when I left my apartment. fresh, white, soft. it reminded me of the skin of a baby-unimaginably innocent and pure. how ironic, then where I was going, was everything but innocent.
the taxI driver dropped me off at rosie’s mansion’s front door, where dozens of reporters sat waiting, huddling in the freezing cold. the moment I stepped out of the car, dozens of them rushed towards me, pushing microphones into my face. ‘what’s your opinion on joesph william’s alleged cheating scandals?’ ‘will you be rejoining the acting world any time soon?’
‘no comment.’
‘what is your response to rumours of your relationship with miss rosalina lynn?’
‘no comment.’
‘do you-’
‘no comment.’
‘lizzy!!! lizzy, dearest, you made it!’
the front door opened with a grinding ‘sssss’ and out stepped rosie, wearing some skimpy dress that truly wasn’t suitable for the harsh cold, shivering as she wrapped her hands around herself.
‘now now, I believe I have already asked you to leave!! this is private property, everyone, and I would much prefer it if you left us alone, no? it is, after all, freezing out here!!! and it’s christmas eve! take some time off, go home, somewhere warm!’ she tittered, hands sweeping towards the reporters, as though shooing them away.
reaching forward, she grasped my arm and led me inside, pulling off my coat as she went in, stuffing it into the arms of some waiting butler nearby. ‘this dreadful, dreadful, cold. it’s far warmer in here, love. I had the tech boys remake all the heaters in here, so now it’s warm all year long. wonderful, no??’
‘yes, rosie. i’m glad you’re living comfortably.’
not with you though, some malicious inner voice deep in my head whispered. away, away, in some gaudy mansion with an asshole who doesn’t even treasure her for the wonder that she is.
shut up, I replied. she’s happy here. that’s what's important.
‘lizzy? lizzy, dearest, you froze. you okay??? did the cold get to you?’ rosie’s voice swirled around me, settling on my shoulders like a soft, warm blanket.
she cares for you, the voice hissed. she loves you and she loves you far more than that monster of a man, why didn’t you hold onto the chance when you were given one-
‘where's the wine,’ I muttered, shaking off rosie’s hand on my arm. this was a mistake, really. the least I could have done was at least come not sober. dangerous thoughts, these were. dangerous thoughts that threatened to disbalance whatever fragile semblance of peaceful friendship we had maintained for years.
‘rosalina, really? to drag your, ehem, queer, friend into such a party. oh, and a drunk as well, apparently. hadn’t thought you had sunk so very far so quickly, elizabeth.’ some snide voice from a faceless body floated by. who it was from was not a matter of importance-probably some old co-star here to pick a little fight. oh, apologies, ehem, a scuffle, your honour.
‘jessica, who I bring to my party is absolutely none of your business, no? please keep your unkind opinions to yourself or I shall have security bring you away.’
she stands up for you! she cares--
well. down with the champagne then. how wonderfully joyous tonight will be.
music blasted through her magnificent halls as disco lights flickered in and out of existence, both nauseating and thrilling. under the cover of shadowy darkness, one could do whatever they liked, without much consequence.
so many nights I had spent in various places like these, drunk on whatever liquor the bartender gave us and the exhilarating feeling of freedom. hands travelled to places only allowed in the dark; inexperienced lips finding each other, secrets that were only privy to the shadows lurking on the corners, lives we could not possibly lead in the harsh glare of daylight.
but that was then, and this is now, and I swore I wouldn’t fall back into the world I had cut myself away from, even if there were the soft hands of rosie waiting for me there.
rosie introduced me to her many, many guests, all, frankly, very boring and immediately slipped away from my mind the very second we left them. both parties weren’t particularly invested in this conversation-they were either too young, too new to remember me, or stared down at me with great distaste and turned their snotty heads away. I didn’t care much for the new ones-people who I wouldn’t meet again nor remember my passing face, and as for the rude ones...well that’s what liquor is for.
throughout our little ‘trip’, rosie’s hand on my arm grew tighter, so stiff I couldn’t quite feel my fingers. it was like she had achieved her goal of getting hold of me, and wasn’t letting go if her life depended on it ‘um, rosie? darling, might you,’ I gestured towards her hand, not really knowing how to say ‘your hand’s gripping my arm so tight I might need to get it amputated due to blood loss, which is truly a work of strength, have you considered trying out a weightlifting competition?’
she didn’t hear me. she was staring across the room at someone, face ashen. I peered over her shoulder, trying to see what had caught her so off guard.
joseph williams was making out with some thin blonde thing (probably another of his many flings) I didn’t recognise on the balcony.
normally, rosie wouldn’t even bat an eye at sexual behaviour like this at parties. she’d either laugh at them together with me, or ignore them and move on to something ‘far more interesting’. something was off here. I turned back to look at rosie, whose face was still white with shock, fingernails starting to dig into my arm.
make her see make her see she wouldn’t have to deal with behaviour like this if she was yours what does he have that I do not have I am better than that filth she should have chosen me-
shut up! I snapped back. rosie doesn’t need my useless idiocy getting in the way right now-what she needs is her friend, someone to rely on, not my selfishness.
as if I had flicked a switch somewhere in her brain, rosie unexpectedly straightened up,let go of her grasp on my arm, sweeping off non existent dust from her dress, and plastered on a brilliant smile on her face. this, this side of rosie, was the one I disliked the most.
this was rosalina, who was all hard smiles and plastic faces, good posture and empty eyes, dazzling face that didn’t have much emotion. who smiled and posed and worked and would always be high and mighty above common folk like me, the unattainable goddess in her golden throne.
this was the woman I didn’t have the ability, nor the capacity to love.
‘right!’ she cleared her throat, and in a shaky voice, proclaimed, ‘i, I wanted to show you something, dearest. joseph-joseph shipped in this new set of dresses and, and they’re so finely made! I wanted to give you one, yes. come upstairs, will you?’
she led me up the staircase through the crowds, not looking back at all, and pulled me into her rooms. opening a wardrobe on the way, she began pulling out pearly coloured dresses, throwing them onto the bed behind her. her movements, though, looked so very stiff and unnatural, as though she were a puppet being controlled by the cruel hands of fate, twisting round and round as she fluttered from one side of the room to another. she was babbling about something, ‘paris…..silk….2003 summer…..pearls…’ murmurs about the clothes, i’d guess. her hands, which were shaking so bad she dropped half of what she pulled out, had found themselves tangled in her hair, frantically patting it down and running her fingers through it.
did she not know about his affairs? I wondered. it wasn't exactly a secret he bothered to hide, so I had assumed that she had known and simply chosen to ignore it. it was a coping method rosie had used before, after all-gloss over things that had happened, and to pretend to not see anything out of place, painstakingly building herself a safety bubble so she wouldn’t have to face the world.
it was what she had done with my little ‘scandal’. tucked it away somewhere in her head, padlocked it and kicked it away, out of sight, and told herself that I wasn’t someone who a big movie star shouldn’t be associated with, that I wasn’t a dirty stain to her squeaky clean record and would probably ruin her career.
‘rosie?’ I whispered. in the silence of her rooms, I dared not to even raise my voice, as though I would break some sacred rule I had unknowingly agreed to once I entered. I glanced over at her- rosie was staring back at me. she’d stopped fluttering around, and just stood smack dab there, empty eyes staring back at me.
I reached out my hand, unsure of what to do. ‘rosie, i-’
‘it's all a lie!’ she cried, sobbing into her hands, collapsing onto the floor. the silk dresses she had so eagerly shoved into my hands fell down in heaps all around her. like snow, I thought. very unnatural and expensive snow.
‘that..that bastard never loved me. i, I knew it well, but, but, liz,’ she grabbed my arms and looked up to me, pleading, ‘he seemed, he was so charming, and, and he promised, he promised that I would always be safe with him,that it would do wonders for my career and-and-and, I just, I wanted, I needed someone who could offer me a safe place to fall back on, liz, you understand?’
ah. so that was what I couldn’t give her. safety, approval from the world. the only thing joseph williams could hold over my head-and that he had rosie in his hands while you don’t-
‘I do, rosie. I do,’ I murmured to her.
what else, after all, could I say? that I loved her, and, I think, that at some point she had loved me back?
I couldn’t say that.
‘I envy you sometimes, dearest. sometimes, in the middle of the night, when I get so sad and lonely, and drunk on fancy bottles of wine, I think, that you-you got out of this mess, this mess, that I will never get out of, and, and you left! you left this miserable place behind,didn’t have to pretend and smile and look perfect, and, and I should have gone with you when you asked me!’ she hiccupped, and buried herself deeper into my chest.
‘the two of us, somewhere, far away, far away from everything. I could be happy with you, I think. just-away, away from this stinking place, i, I hate it!’I hate it and I love it all the same and- I love you, liz, and I hate you, lizbeth. you left me here, here with him, left me behind, I know you didn’t mean to, but, but, I still love you! I love you all the same. I couldn’t stop loving you even if I tried-you’re, you’re you. you’re my lizzy and you’ve been here with me for forever and I loved you for so long before I realised I couldn’t stop loving you.’
I couldn’t stop loving you too, I wanted to tell her. I loved you for so long it became second
nature to me, loved you for so long it became part of who I was, and I don't think I could go back to when I didn’t know that I loved you, because that would be like tearing out my heart and I don’t think I could survive not loving you.how much I wanted to tell her all that. I wanted to sob to her too, that I wanted to stop loving you because at some point it was more pain than love but I still couldn’t stop, and that’s how much I love you.
I didn’t say a word.
I knew if I opened my mouth I wouldn’t stop until I had emptied out my heart to her, and that wouldn’t end well for either of us. so I kept my mouth shut, and just held her.
in my head, I dreamt of a little hut, probably by the sea-rosie always did quite like the waves. the two of us, away from the cameras and the harsh spotlight, dancing to some song on the radio. happy. all the could have beens, all the missed opportunities, all the times I couldn’t deny her anything, all the times I was too selfless with her. all the times I let her slip through my fingertips, away into some world she loved but had only ever hurt her.
tears fell from the corners of my eyes. crying for what? I thought. I knew we were doomed from the start-we were bound to walk different roads. there was a slimmer of overlap on our crossroads, where we had loved in darkness. but that was all I would ever have-bittersweet memories of her, ghostly remains of us scattered in all the shadows we had long outgrown.
something in me died that night. perhaps it was the stubborn hope I had carried, the slimmer of belief in me that thought rosie could be happy, that she could be satisfied with me. or perhaps I was mourning this life we both yearned for but never got to live, some fantasy of ours we had painted while we both ignored the impossibility of it.
far away a clock struck ten, shaking us out of the stupor we had found ourselves in, the sound echoing through the room.
rosie looked up at me, raising her head to peer at my eyes. hers were dark, searching and searching my face, looking for something.
I knew what she was looking for. understanding, perhaps. that I knew what she was trying to convey, that I got it. or forgiveness, maybe. hoping that I would open my arms and give her another chance, that we could do what we wanted to all those years ago the night before everything changed at the steps of her house. she wanted that now.
but she hadn’t wanted it back then, when I offered. and I knew rosie-perhaps even better than herself. it wouldn’t be enough for her. someday, she would slip away from me again. she’d change her mind, and i, I couldn’t do that to myself. not again. the destructive path of time had forced me to understand that I couldn’t be naive when it came to rosie. I had to be realistic, to pull my head out of dreamland, if not for myself then for the both of us, because rosie would always stay stubbornly in her own bubble.
I determinedly did not meet her eyes, burning holes in the wall behind her. meeting her eyes would drag me down, down, back into the ‘her and me her and me you and i’ mindset that I had crawled out of. rosie was like a drug to me, forever beckoning me closer, but never giving what she promised, never reaching that sweet sweet high. the withdrawal would be hell for both of us, but god, the addiction was worse. so much worse.
her eyes were still searching. you’re not going to find anything, I thought. not this time.
her hands brushed mine when they fell away from my back. I almost followed them, chasing her warm touch, but caught myself in time. not this time, I repeated.
she stood up, rosalina lynn the famed star, and swept down the creases on her dress. I didn’t see her eyes and her face as she silently left the room, but I knew for sure they were empty and smooth, hard, clear lines that showed no hint of the woman who had sobbed in my arms mere minutes ago.
goodbye, rosie, I whispered to the empty, silent room. this would be the funeral of rosie lynn, survived by a broken woman who loved her so.
somewhere below me, rosalina was perched on the arm of a man who didn’t love her, who would never appreciate her, who she didn’t love back, trapped in the clutches of the celebrity world who wouldn’t ever let her go. a world, that she didn’t really want to leave either.
I climbed out through the window a while after she left. I didn’t exactly want to go face whatever awaited me down at the halls, and I didn’t quite know what to say to rosalina if I did see her downstairs.
outside it had started snowing again. the flakes blew across my face in flurries, covering the roads in a mess of white. behind me her mansion shone bright, and I turned away. perhaps, it wasn’t too late to learn to be selfish for once. rosalina lynn was someone I loved, and that would all she could ever be, nothing more. that would have to be enough.
some loves are never meant to last. they would enter your lives and turn it upside down completely, changing you forever. but they do not last. they are tiny specks in your life, a shooting star that you can’t ever catch. I couldn’t spend my whole life trailing after she who had decided on her place in the skies. but I had loved her, she might have even loved me back, and it was all I could ask of her.
so i seriously underestimated the word limit of a tumblr ask. i didn't think it would let me send This Much. here's the story! you can post it if you want or not, i personally don't really care. i just didn't really like the idea of someone using what i wrote word for word in their own works without credit :p
feel free to give me your thoughts pls i desperately need writer friends but i am too scared of most if not all writing blogs here
~once again, ✨
THIS IS AMAZING WTH, you're so great with words! I have no criticism or anything cause I'm so baffled by it, wow!
Also I'm sorry for before, I didn't want to steal it or anything! But seriously tho, great job (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)💕
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gooddaykate · 4 years
You Ain’t Woman Enough
Frankie Morales x Reader
Word Count: just under 4400
Tags: Pining, Fake Dating because Frankie has an annoying coworker, cursing, my roughly unedited terrible writing, I don’t think there’s anything else?
A/N: Okay, y’all. I wrote a thing. It literally would not have been finished without the constant support of @rzrcrst​. I’m just going to put this here and yeet myself into the void. Let me know what you think. Or not, it’s whatever. Gif credit to @pascalplease​ (let me know if you don’t want your gif used, sweetie)
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The bar was crowded and loud, but you still heard Frankie’s quiet curse as he pulled his cap further down over his eyes.
“You good, Frankie?” you asked with a nudge of your shoulder.
He huffed and curled in on himself more. “You remember me telling you about that girl I work with? The one who works the gate?”
How could you not? He had complained about Kelly almost as long as you’d known him. 
When Frankie and his baby girl had moved in next door six months ago, you were fast friends. He had moved to the Rockies to be closer to his parents. He got a job at the small airport to fly the puddle jumper planes for the celebrities that came and went in Aspen. It was easy to fall into a camaraderie with him, talking shit about the people who came to play in the ski town you both worked in. It was just the two of them, and it was easy to offer help. Whenever he needed someone to look after his baby, you were the first to step up. He was quiet and kind, and always willing to lend a hand in return. He’d helped fix leaky faucets and a broken water heater. You hadn’t shoveled your own drive since you’d started watching Rosie for him.
You’d lost track of the number of times the two of you had sat in one of your living rooms just talking after Rosie was down for the night. You quickly learned that you could trust each other with the truth, so you shared everything. You talked through your quiet fears together. He knew about your relationship with your family and how you felt you needed to be close enough that they could visit, but far enough that they wouldn’t. You’d learned about his brothers, Pope and Will and Benny, and his time in Delta Force and the ptsd that it had given him. He had held your hand when you told him about the college boyfriend you’d had, the one you still had an open order of protection against. He had told you about how he used to cope with the ptsd, how he’d lost his pilot’s license, and the divorce that came with. You were angry for him, but mostly Rosie, when he told you that her mom had decided she didn’t want anything to do with her, either, and left her at his friend’s place while he was out of the country. On one particularly quiet night, Frankie told you about another brother and a trip to South America and how nothing had gone like it was supposed to.
The two of you were as close as two friends could be. You didn’t have any secrets between you, apart from one. It was easy to fall for Frankie and Rosie both, and you knew you’d keep that to yourself for as long as you knew them.
Kelly was a constant talking point and source of frustration for Frankie. You had never met her, but to hear him talk about her was enough. She  asked him out every time she saw him and constantly touched his arms and back and shoulders. One time she even took his hat off and ran her fingers through his hair. When you asked him why he’d let her do that, he mumbled something about just letting it be and changed the subject. Most often, he would end his rant about her with a ‘this isn’t fucking Wings.’ You’d usually just smile and move on. But Frankie hadn’t talked about Kelly in a couple weeks.
You raised your eyebrow at him, and he pointed. “Blonde in the red sweater.”
“Oh, holy hell. That’s Kelly? Does she live in the village?”
“No! She lives down in Aspen.”
You watched her as she scanned the bar, presumably looking for an open spot. Sitting in the darkest corner table would hopefully be your saving grace. When she passed over a couple seats at the bar and a few empty tables, something occurred to you.
“You don’t think she came up this way just to find you, do you?”
“Knowing her, I wouldn’t put it past her. Fuck.” Frankie took a large breath in and started talking. “Look, there’s something I didn’t tell you. I was hoping it’d never come up, but here we are. I got her to stop asking me out a couple weeks ago by saying I had been seeing someone for the last six months. And I may have mentioned it was you because I’ve got pictures with you and it was easy. And I know this sucks because we’re friends and all, but if you could just, I don’t know, hold my hand until she leaves? Please?”
You were stunned silent for a moment, and he couldn’t meet your eyes. Before you could respond, Kelly’s eyes found Frankie and she started making her way over.
“Shit, she’s seen you.”
You leaned in and took his hand. “I’ve got you, Frankie,” you whispered as you brushed a chaste kiss across his cheek. “Whatever you need.”
He raised his desperate eyes to yours in a quiet thanks, and you tore yours away from him to watch Kelly walk to your table. She was conventionally beautiful, with long blonde hair falling in waves down her back. Her jeans were so tight they looked uncomfortable and the red sweater she wore was cut low enough that you knew it was never intended as anything heat retaining.
You turned back to find Frankie’s eyes on you, eyebrows pulled low in concern. Without thinking, you raised your free hand to his face and smoothed the crease between his eyebrows before bringing it back down and cupping his cheek.
“It’ll be fine, Frankie. What’re friends for?”
He didn’t get a chance to say anything before Kelly had draped herself over him, making you jump and move your hand away from his face.
“Oh my god, Francisco! I didn’t know you’d be here! What a coinkydink!” She gave him an exaggerated wink and moved her body away from him, but kept her hands around his bicep.
His whole body was tense and his tone was clipped when he responded.“Yeah, well, I told you I was getting drinks with my girlfriend tonight, and that’s why I couldn’t go out with you. This is one of very few options, Kelly.”
“Oh, right. Well who’s got little Rosalina tonight if your neighbor is here with you?”
“We got a sitter,” Frankie all but mumbled.
Her eyes widened. “Wow, it’s the royal we, now?” she asked with an air of mocking incredulity.
She still hadn’t looked at you, or even acknowledged that you were there, apart from her emphasis on knowing that you lived next door to him. You gave his hand a squeeze and spoke up.
“Has been for the last couple of months, actually.”
She finally turned to look at you, a purse on her lips and heavy disdain in her eyes. You flashed her a smile and introduced yourself.
She held her hand out loose and palm down, like she expected you to kiss it. “Kelly.”
You gripped her hand and gave it a firm shake. “Oh, I’m well aware. It’s good to put a face to the many stories I’ve heard.”
Kelly dropped your hand and draped herself across Frankie’s shoulder again, looking up at him through her eyelashes.
“Francisco! You talk about me at home? What does little Rosalina think?”
Frankie was three stages of red and trying to peel her off of himself, but she kept latching on. “Kelly, Rose isn’t even a year, she doesn’t think about you.”
She let him go and pouted, like she was the baby. “But if you talk about me-”
“I don’t talk to my daughter about you.”
You had to cover up your laugh with a startled cough. Kelly’s eyes turned to you as she sat down in the third chair at the table.
“So you’re the girlfriend, then?”
You laughed and squeezed Frankie’s hand. “Yeah, I guess you could call me that. I mean, he certainly does.”
“The prospect of seeing her makes it easy to get up in the morning.” He chuckled. “You know, besides having an infant in the house.”
Kelly hummed and rolled her eyes. “Right. So, Francisco, tell me, why is it just you and little Rosalina?”
Your eyebrows shot up. “Kelly, that’s deeply personal and none of your business.”
Frankie brought you entwined hands up to kiss the back of yours. “That’s okay, cariño. I don’t mind.” He put your hands back on the table and turned to Kelly. “Her mom and I were in the process of getting divorced before Rosie was actually born. We just,” he trailed off and looked at you. You gave him a soft smile and squeezed his hand for him to continue. “We just weren’t right for each other. About a month after she was born, I took a trip to South America, and when I came back a week later, I found out that she decided she’d rather not be a mom, either. She left Rosie and the completed divorce paperwork with my buddy’s wife and took off. I haven’t actually seen or heard from her, since. After that, it was a stupidly easy decision to move back up here. My parents live in the village, so they could help out with their granddaughter and I’d have a support system that was more than a pair of brothers. One of whom beats people up for a living.”
He shrugged. “It was the best decision I could’ve made.”
“Oh? Why is that?”
He smiled. “I moved back to Colorado and found her.” He squeezed your hand again. “I wasn’t looking for it, but I fell in love again. I was lucky. And I couldn’t be more thankful for that.I love her almost as much as I love my daughter.”
Your breath caught in your throat and you had to remind yourself that this was for show. Obviously Frankie didn’t actually love you, he was just telling Kelly that he did. As far as she knew, you’d been dating for six months. Of course you would have said you loved each other.
You figured that it would be easiest to just give the partial truth, so you smiled. This was the easiest part you would ever have to play. “I’m definitely the lucky one. He moved in next door and it was completely impossible not to fall in love with them. I’m still sure that I’m going to wake up and it will all have been some kind of dream.”
Frankie turned to look at you, and the amount of love you could see in his eyes made you suck in a breath. “Te quiero con todo mi corazón.”
You knew you had to swallow down the emotion that brought up, but damn, if that didn’t bring butterflies to your stomach. It was just too much, having Frankie talk about your nonexistent romance. The feeling of his hand in yours, every brush of his leg, all the lovely words he used to describe a love you didn’t share. You just needed to get away for a moment.
“You’re the sweetest. Right. Excuse me for a minute.” You leaned over to kiss his cheek, and met Frankie’s eyes with a sad smile and a silent apology.
Once you pushed your way through the mass of people hovered by the bar, you leaned on the counter and looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror.
“What the hell am I doing? Why did I agree to that?” You hung your head low and let out a heavy sigh.
The door opened and the loud sounds from the bar interrupted your thoughts. When you straightened up to leave, you took one last look in the mirror and noticed Kelly standing behind you with her arms folded across her chest. When you made eye contact, a slow smile spread across her face. The look in her eyes made you shiver before you turned to face her.
She took a step closer. “Let’s just cut to the chase, shall we? I know you’re in love with Francisco.”
A startled laugh bubbled up out of your chest. It took a moment for you to respond because you weren’t sure if she was serious. “Of course I’m in love with Frankie. It would be impossible not to be completely in love with him and Rosie, both.”
Kelly raised one eyebrow and smirked before continuing. “Oh, I know that’s true. But I also know that you and Francisco aren’t actually dating. You’re just his neighbor and occasional babysitter. You can drop the act.”
You blinked in surprise, eyebrows shooting up your forehead. “Excuse me?”
“I know Francisco isn’t seeing you.”
“I’m sorry, I’m not following. How’d you come to that conclusion?”
Her eyes still hadn’t left yours, and it seemed like she wasn’t even blinking. “You know, when Francisco first told me that he was dating you, I was massively jealous.”
You rolled your eyes and let out a huff. “You don’t say.”
She ignored you and kept talking. “But I started watching him. I came up to Snowmass and asked around. I’ve watched the two of you together. I’ve seen you with Rosalina. I know you’re not a couple. I don’t know why Francisco thought he needed to make up some girlfriend and then pawn it off on someone who he clearly has no actual feelings for.”
You were horrified. “You’ve been watching him and Rosie?”
“Oh, I just needed to see who my Francisco was spending his time with. Now that I know that I don’t actually have to worry about him having feelings for you, he can go back to being my Francisco. I can’t believe you’re still carrying a torch for him when he clearly doesn’t care for you.” She backed away and looked down at her fingernails. “I mean, come on, you’ve clearly been in love with him for longer than I’ve been watching.”
Kelly’s face was smug, like she knew she was in your head. But you were focused on the more important part of her little speech.
You started out slow, to make sure she caught that you’d understood her. “So, just to be clear, you’re admitting to actively stalking Francisco Morales and his daughter.”
“What, that’s not-”
“That’s what you’ve just said. You said you started watching him. That you have watched his home, and his daughter, and who they’re spending time with. You’ve asked about him in the town that he lives in. You made a trip out of the way of where you live, just feign accidentally running into him and to corner me. Did you go to his house before you came here?”
“I am not stalking Francisco. That’s not what this is,” she spluttered.
“Oh? Then tell me exactly what this is, Kelly.”
She opened and closed her mouth like a fish, trying to come up with something. After a few moments of letting her flounder, she finally stepped forward and pointed her finger in your face.
“We work together! I’m not stalking Francisco! Even if that was true, you have no proof,” she seethed through clenched teeth.
A scary sort of calm washed over you. You had experience here. You could help Frankie and Rosie both.
“Get your finger out of my face, Kelly.” It took her a couple seconds, but she did drop her hand. If looks could kill, you’d have been dead three times.
“How careful were you to stay hidden when you were spying on Frankie’s home, Kelly?”
“That’s- I don’t-”
“That’s okay, Kelly. I have security cameras around my property. And we can certainly find testimony of the people you talked to. And I’m sure the airport staff would vouch for how uncomfortable you make Frankie on a daily basis. It’s easy enough to request a restraining order. Do you suppose that’s enough proof?”
Kelly’s eyes were wide and the fear you could see brought a slow smile to your face.
“We could probably even issue a protective order, since you have actually admitted to me, one of his child’s caregivers, that you’ve been actively stalking her and her father.”
Her eyes were panicked, and before anything else could be said, she was out the door. You took a deep breath and leaned back against the counter.
“What the fuck.”
A stall opened, and you startled. A young woman stepped out holding her phone. “I recorded that whole conversation. Do you want me to send it to you?”
Your brows furrowed. “I’m sorry?”
“I recorded what she was saying. Do you want me to send it to you?”
“Oh, uh,” you ran a hand down your face. “Yes, please. How much did you get?”
Her smile was sheepish when she handed you her phone. “Well, I hit record when she said she knew you were in love with him. I thought it was going to be a drunk girl confrontation that I could laugh about with my friends. Now I’m just kind of glad I’m a nosy bitch.”
You chuckled as you typed your number in. “No kidding. Thank you for having the insight to record, I guess. I don’t know what will come of it, but if he does decide to pursue something, we may need you to give some sort of statement.”
“All good. I figured. Just keep my number for if you need it.” She placed a hand on your shoulder and sent a comforting smile your way before leaving the bathroom.
You took a shaky breath and headed back to your table.
“What the hell did you say to her? She just took her bag and left, didn’t even say bye.”
You sat down and took his hand in yours. His eyes crinkled as he smiled. “You don’t have to do that anymore, she’s not here.”
“Frankie, what I’m about to say isn’t something nice.”
He interrupted you with a laugh. “I’d be surprised if you did have anything nice to say. She’s a lot.”
With a sigh, you looked down at your hand in his, and brought your free hand up to cover your entwined fingers. “No, Frankie. It’s really not good. Kelly…” you trailed off, unsure whether to sugar coat or just come right out and say it.
“Sweetheart, just talk. It’s me.”
Your eyes met his and you made your decision. “Frankie, Kelly has been stalking you and Rosie.”
The color drained from his face. “No. Kelly’s just a nuisance. She’d never go that far.”
“Frankie, she just cornered me in the bathroom to tell me that she knows we aren’t dating because she’s been watching you. There was another woman in a stall and she recorded it. She’s been watching me with Rosie and asking about you in the village.”
“Oh god, my baby. Would she have hurt my baby?”
His eyes were desperate again, but this time, holding his hand wouldn’t help. “I don’t know, Sweetie. I don’t know. You wait here, and I’ll pay our tab and we can go home so you can hold Rosie. You’ll be able to put your baby to bed and then we can talk about this more, if you want, okay love?”
Frankie’s eyes were glazed over with tears and he looked almost catatonic when you got back to him.
“Come on, sweetheart, let’s get you up so we can start walking home. Just a few minutes longer and you’ll have your baby girl in your arms. It’ll be okay, Frankie. I’ll help you however you need.”
The short walk back to your houses was quiet, your arm around his. Every time you looked at Frankie’s face, you saw the fear in his eyes, and you knew that he was imagining the worst-case scenario when you got home. He was afraid that he was going to walk in and find his daughter missing. A part of you was also afraid you were going to find that.
When you walked into the door to see Taylor sitting on the sofa with Rosie on her lap, you let out a sigh of relief. You could see Frankie visibly relax, his shoulders releasing some of the tension he’d let build up on the walk home.
“Oh, you’re home early. Is everything okay?”
Rosie’s chubby hands were reaching for her father, and he moved to take her into his arms. You sent a subtle shake of your head to her, and she nodded.
“Well, Mr. Morales, she was an absolute delight, as always.”
Frankie only hummed in response, Rosie tucked into the crook of his neck, lightly playing with the curls at his ear.
You gestured over to the door and reached for your wallet. “I don’t know how much he pays you, honey, but this is all the cash I’ve got.”
Taylor looked at you with wide eyes. “I wasn’t even here for an hour, though! You don’t have to do that.”
You put both twenties in her hand and then raised yours in surrender. “Oh, no, shucks, it’s in your possession, now, you can’t give it back.”
She smiled and shook her head. “Okay, then. Thank you.” She turned to where Frankie was standing. “Bye, sweet Rose. Anytime you guys need me, let me know. I just love her to pieces. Have a good rest of your evening, Mr. Morales.”
Frankie just nodded his head at her and went back to loving on his daughter.
“Thanks, hon. Have a good night. Drive safe,” you whispered as she walked out of the house. You locked the door behind her and turned back to Frankie. “You want me to hang out here for a bit?”
“Please. I’m going to put her down here in a couple minutes.”
You sat on the couch and tried to busy yourself on your phone, but your eyes kept drifting back to Frankie. He had Rosie resting on his shoulder just quietly rocking her in his arms. Her eyes were falling shut, but was fighting sleep because she’d startle awake every so often. Once she was out, Frankie looked at you. “Okay, I’m going to put her down. I’ll be right back.”
When he came back out to the living room, he sat down next to you on the sofa. “Okay. You said something about a recording?”
“Yeah, there was a girl in one of the stalls. She thought it was going to be something funny she could share with her friends so she started a voice recording.”
“Let’s hear it, I guess.”
You put your hand on his knee. “Frankie, we don’t have to listen to this right now. We can go over this in the morning, if you want. I don’t want you to lose sleep.”
He shook his head. “No, I’m already not going to sleep well. I’d rather just listen now.”
“Okay, sweetie,” you sighed. You opened the text and pressed play.
The tail end of your nervous laugh sounded and your stomach dropped. You’d forgotten that about what else Kelly had said. You just had to hope that Frankie focused on Kelly like you had.
“‘Of course I’m in love with Frankie. It would be impossible not to be completely in love with him and Rosie, both.’”
As Kelly continued talking in the recording, you just watched Frankie’s face. You usually didn’t have a hard time reading him, he was someone who rarely hid his emotions, but right then he just looked impassive.
“‘I mean, come on, you’ve clearly been in love with him for longer than I’ve been watching.’”
You could feel your face heating up.
Frankie reached over and paused the recording. “Is that true?”
You closed your eyes. “Frankie, I-”
“Dulzura, please. You have to know. How could you not?”
You looked into his eyes, but you still couldn’t make out the emotion in them. “Know what, Frankie?”
“Cariño, everything I said tonight,” he trailed off. He took his hat off and ran his hand through his hair. “Do you even know how much you mean to me?” he whispered.
“Of course. I help out with Rosie. We’re friends.” Just saying that out loud brought a lump to your throat. There were tears in your eyes threatening to spill, so you looked up toward the ceiling.
Frankie reached out and took your face in his hands, tilting it back down to look at him. A tear fell and he brushed it away with his thumb. “Dulzura, you mean so much more to me than just friends. Everything I said tonight was true. I wasn’t looking for love when I moved back here. I wanted a quiet neighborhood where I could raise my daughter near her abuelos. But love found me anyways.”
You could feel your lip quiver. “Really?”
Frankie smiled and brought his forehead to rest on yours. “Te quiero con todo mi corazón, mi amor,” he whispered.
“I love you, too, Frankie. With all of my heart.”
He brought his lips up to place a kiss on your forehead. “You sure you want to do this, cariño? You know all my baggage. You know how tough it will be.”
You let out a watery laugh. “Francisco Morales, you are the easiest man to love. You are kind and selfless. You’re stubborn. You love that baby of yours so, so much. It was so easy to fall for you. I’ve loved you since that first night we sat and talked right here.”
“Funny, that’s the night I knew, too. And the first night I bitched about Kelly.”
You groaned and looked down at your phone. “It can wait, cariño. It can wait.”
You looked back up at him and smirked. “You haven’t even kissed me, yet, Francisco.”
Frankie hummed and brushed a bit of hair away from your face and smiled. “You’re right, I haven’t. You are so beautiful, cariño.”
He leaned in close enough that your noses brushed. “May I?” he whispered.
Your answering ‘please’ was barely audible, but he closed the distance anyway.
Frankie was right. He loved you, so everything else could wait until morning.
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cutiepisenpai · 4 years
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Kenma X GN!Reader
Warnings: Language (Swearing)
Summary: Kenma and Gamer S/O streaming Mario Kart.
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“Hello Everybody, hope you are having a wonderful morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are in the world, welcome back.” You announce to the stream. “Today we are joined once again by my lovely boyfriend Kenma.” You say gesturing to the man sitting behind you. “After me basically taking over his stream while playing Crash Bandicoot he is joining me today.”
“Hello.” Kenma says simply to the stream. 
“Tonight we will be playing Mario Kart. Our goal is to get through all of the Grand Prix in one night and whoever gets the most wins by the end of the night is the ultimate champion.” You say with extra dramatics and flair.
“You should do a 200cc grand prix.” Kenma reads from the stream chat. 
“We can but I will let you know right now, that Kenma will for sure win that way. So we will do 150cc and if we have time later we might try the 200cc.”
“Afraid to lose?”
“To you never, but I want to have a chance at winning.”
You pick Baby Rosalina and Kenma chooses Toad and start the Mushroom Cup. 
“How are you in fifth place?” Kenma says looking over to your screen.
“My stupid controller glitched.” 
“Sure it did.” He hums unconvinced. 
By the end of the match you catch back up nearly catching him before the finish line.
“Almost isn’t winning.” Kenma says.
“That is only the first race, we have 31 more to go.”
“Stop that.” He growls growing irritated.
“Stop what?”
“You know what.”
“Can’t say I do.” You laugh as Kenma gets hit by a blue shell and you take the first place spot.
“F***” He grumbles. “You can’t just wait in second place until a blue shell hits me.”
“You have no proof.” 
“Your thousands of viewers just watched that.” 
You see messages appear in chat claiming to have not seen anything and you laugh more. 
“They didn’t see anything.”
He huffs sitting back in the chair waiting for the next race to start. 
“What The F*** is this?!” You yell.
“No Idea.”
Kenma had gotten hit by a blue shell in the first lap. You got hit after you took first place in the second lap. And at the end of the final lap you both got hit at the finish line because you are so close. 
“Three blue shells in the same race unbelievable.”
“Woo, Excitebike. This is my favorite.”
“That’s because it’s such a simple map.”
“Untrue the baby park is the same and I hate it.”
“Rainbow road is the literal road to hell. You can’t convince me otherwise.” You say as you fall off again.
“If you practice more, you’ll get better.”
“Hard pass, I don’t enjoy losing to Coms.”
“Play online and lose to real people then.”
“You guys see what I deal with.” You laughed before huffing that you drove over the edge again. “Ugh.”
“Alright everyone we will be taking a short break before we start the other half of the races.” You say before pausing the stream. You stand up and stretch before reaching a hand out to pull Kenma up so that he can stretch his legs.
“Alright quick break bathroom and snack and then we’re back.” You say and Kenma hums in agreement.
“And we are back, everyone. For anyone just tuning in Kenma is joining me tonight, before our break we had just finished the first 6 grand pri’s in Mario Kart. Our plan is to get through all of them by the end of the stream. And let’s just jump back into it.”
You start back up with the Shell Cup and in the first race your controller starts to glitch again. 
“Hey Kenma, look no hands.” You say lifting your hands off the controller as your cart continues to drive by itself.
“Why is it doing that?”
“I told you it was glitching.” You say picking the controller back up and continuing the race.
“Really two blue shells again?! This is bullsh**” Kenma mutters.
“Rainbow road again” You pout sitting back against Kenma.
“This one is easier.” 
At the end you receive first place. 
“See you won.”
“Uh huh, you do realize that I know you let me win.”
“And why would I let you win?”
“To make me happy.”
He gives you a quick peck on the cheek and the chat erupts in questions and comments. 
“Alright we have finally gotten to the last race. Let’s go big blue.”
The last race is quiet as you are both so exhausted and just ready to end your night.
“Woo, it’s over. If you have been following along you would obviously know that Kenma won so  everyone cheer for Kenma in the chat.” 
“You don’t need to cheer for me.”
“I know we said we might do some 200cc race but it has been a long night, so we will save that for another time. Thank you everyone for tuning in, until next time.”
You sign off. 
“Ready for bed?” You ask.
“We can play smash.”
You take a deep breath thinking about it, “5 matches and then bed.”
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angelanika · 4 years
How Bizarre Pt.3
<<<Part 2                                      
Chapter Warnings: Toxic Relationships, Sugar daddy/baby relationship, cheating, cursing, implied sexual activity, depictions of racial discrimination
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Your new job is how you would describe as very...eventful.
While most of the girls catered to Mr.Hara in more thrilling ways, you took it upon yourself to look after Prince and actually do some tidying up around the place, which Mr.Hara was extremely grateful for.
And being the generous magician that he is, he then materialized said gratitude into dollar bills.
One Saturday evening after you had tucked Prince in and all of the girls had left, you placed a steaming plate in front of an exhausted Mr.Hara who instantly pulled you into his lap.
The house was eerily quiet for a place that’s usually buzzing with excitement but you kinda enjoyed the peace.
You made yourself comfortable as he holds you tight against his broad chest and rests his head on your shoulder, letting out a deep sigh. 
His sleek, black hair was untidy and a few top buttons of his shirt had been undone but overall, the man just looked SEXY.
“Rough day?” you ask softly.
“Yeah,” he groans. “Thank you for the meal princess.”
“My pleasure.”
You hop off his lap to allow him to eat and he ushers you to sit down next to him. 
As he finished, you sprung up to collect the plate but he stopped you and told you to just sit back down for a minute.
You were confused.
“So,” he finally began,”My wife is coming back tomorrow.” 
Well isn’t this fucker just full of surprises...
“WIFE?!” you exclaimed, “You told me you were divorced!”
“Divorced……..in my mind.”
This bitch.
You felt totally betrayed, stupid and almost disgusted with yourself. You wanted to slap him across his cheek, spit in his face and walk out right then and there but... you didn’t.
You knew that finding a new job that paid just as well quickly would be extremely difficult, especially when the employers here were always reluctant to hire...people like you…
You basically had to fight for your last job and even after all that struggling, they still didn’t pay you well.
Mr.Hara watched the anger wash away from your face, being replaced with that of just annoyance and uncertainty of what to do next.
Taking notice of your semi-cooldown, he figured it was ok to continue, “She was dealing with some international relations for the Hero’s Commission abroad and was gone for quite a bit, but as i said, she’ll be back tomorrow so I have to make some changes.”
You rolled your eyes and sighed, plopping your exhausted body down in the luxury dining chair, holding your aching head in your hands.
 “Ok, so what does that mean for me?” You asked without even looking up.
Mr.Hara adjusted in his chair a bit and cleared his throat, “ahem well obviously I can’t have all the girls here anymore, so I let them go.”
Your face flew up, “Even Lada?”
“Yes, sorry, I know you two had gotten close.”
You only sighed and dropped your head again as he continued.
“But I would like for you to stay if you don’t mind.” 
Seeing that you were the only one who really worked around the house and took care of Prince, it made sense. 
With his wife around, his little “maids” are gonna have to actually do some housework and that’s where you come in.
“My wife will probably try to cut your pay but don’t worry, I’ll still top up your account and such. So what do you say princess?”
You remained quiet.
“I understand if you want to go,” Mr.Hara said quickly during your silence, sitting up and reaching for your hand, “but it would be a real help if you sta-”
“fine.” you whispered.
Relief washed over the unnecessarily attractive man and he was finally able to relax back down in his seat.
But just as he slouched back down, you swiftly jumped up.
“But if she’s a bitch then I want extra,” you argue.
Mr.Hara immediately laughed at this and dragged you into his lap once more,
 “Well I guess I’ll be paying you extra princess.”
*   *  *
The next day, just as he had promised, Mrs.Hara arrived.
She had long manicured nails and shiny jewelry to match. Her silky dark hair rested by her slim waist adorned with an expensive diamond clip. She looked a tad younger than Mr.Hara himself but her stare was just as intimidating.
The minute she stepped through the door, the whole atmosphere changed drastically and it was plain as day that their relationship hadn’t a single drop of romance.
You wondered if it arranged for connections or convenience or something like that but then again, that ain’t none of your business.
"Welcome home," Mr Hara stated plainly.
“Mm thanks" she boredly replied.
She huffed while taking off her brown fur coat, to which he makes no effort to assist and you laughed to yourself at the thought of how eager he is to remove other women’s clothing.
"Where's Rosalina? I need a massage."
"Actually…” Mr.Hara began, “Ms.Rosalina was getting a little old and had served us well for years so I let her go." 
Mrs.Hara glared at him.
He then grabbed your shoulders and presented you in front of her.
"This is Y/N L/N, our new maid" 
The terrifying woman finally acknowledged your presence.
She eyed you up and down and up and down.
The sass in you was aching to do the same to her and turn up your nose, but u suppressed to urge. 
"Hm," she finally says, "at least she looks the part."
"Ok Y/N, I'm not comfortable with you touching me just yet, so fix up a plate for me quickly, I'm starving. I don't care what it is." 
"Ok," you said ready to walk off.
"Oh and one more thing....its Yes Mrs.Hara"
As you strolled passed Mr.Hara to slip into the kitchen, you quickly tapped his shoulder and whispered, "Remember. Extra."
* * *
It had been a little over 2 months since Mrs.Hara's arrival and you were balancing working at the house and the daycare pretty well.
When you finally arrived at the mansion one Friday to complete your evening work, you immediately noticed a missing luxury car from the massive driveway.
"Mrs.Hara," you spoke, "should i prepare the dinner table for you and your husband now or will he be out a bit later?"
She straightened up from her lounging position on the couch and looked up from her phone to face you.
"Oh yeah, about that. I kicked him out." 
Your soul left your body.
Fly high y/n 🕊
"W-what do you mean you kicked him out?" You damn near shouted. Your voice laced with desperation and your eyes wide and shaky.
Mr.Hara was the only reason you kept this job, the only thing getting you through this job!
She turned to you with a raised brow, confused as to why this would bother you so much.
"I caught the old dirtbag sleeping around so I kicked him out," she explained calmly.
 "Frankly I knew he always had other girls in our bed and I was with other men," she laughed, "but I got tired of it, you know, so I kicked him out." 
You felt sick.
"P-please excuse me," you mutter.
Mrs.Hara only gave you a small nod before plugging back in her earbuds and turning to her phone.
You dashed towards your small chambers and immediately took out yours.
"Please pick up! Please pick up! Please pick up!" You chanted into the device as it rang.
The number you have dialed is unavailable. Please tr-
“Come on you dirty bastard! Pick up! Pick up!”
The number you have dialed is unavailabl-
You probably tried to call Mr.Hara’s phone at least 74 times that evening and each time there was no answer. 
You didn't have anyone to ask for a possible new number.
The extra cash suddenly stopped being deposited into your account 
And honestly, now you were just tired.
Rumour has it that he left everything behind to go live his best life in the tropical paradise of Jamaica soaking up the sun, sand and sea and fully enjoying the Caribbean girls and culture. 
You laughed to yourself as you thought about all these bizarre events that took place throughout the year and landed you where you are now.
All you could do was laugh at this point.
You looked back at the list Mrs.Hara had left on the table for you this morning, mentally ticking off "Make Lemonade" as you placed the 2 jugs in the large refrigerator.
"Ok y/n," you said to yourself, "time for the cupcakes! Ouuu Prince is gonna love these!" 
As you zoomed through the kitchen, as busy as a bee, Bakugou was on the other side of town casually strolling through the hotel you had left just hours before.
“Did you enjoy your stay, Ground Zero?” asked the polite lobby boy as he opened the large glass door for the hero.
“Yeah Yeah Whatever,” Bakugou grumbled while pulling up his dark sunglasses.
But he was in a better mood than most days and was feeling generous. 
Before he slipped through the door, he stopped and pulled out his wallet, “And uh, here’s a tip- WHAT THE FUCK?!”
Lobby boy: 👁👄👁
“Umm sir...we’re gonna need you to lower your voi-”
“STFU and take this,” Bakugou yelled while shoving a $20 bill into the boy's hand.
The boy went on to thank the Pro Hero but Bakugou was already storming out the door and throwing himself into his car.
“I’m sure I had a few other hundred bucks in here, where the fuc-……...THAT BITCH!”
It all finally came back to him.
“THAT SNEAKY FUCKING BITCH! Ohhhh when I get my hands on the slu-”
*Brrrrr Brrrrr*
Bakugou continued to curse under his breath as he aggressively shifted around in the car to grab his phone from his back pocket, “Tch. What is it shittyhair?!”
“Hey Man!” Kirishima chirped, “Just reminding you about the kid’s birthday party today.”
“HAH?! The fuck you talking about? It’s my day off!”
“Uh well no, not really. You agreed to show up for the kid’s party today at 4, remember?”
Bakugou finally took a glance at the notifications on his phone, revealing the 20+ reminders from his assistant and notes in his calendar. 
Oh yea this shit to make him lOoK bEttEr iN tHe pUbLic eYE.
“AGHHH!! Fine...I’m on my way. I just need to go home and grab my costume.”
“You’re not at home?”.
“No shittyhair, I’m at a hotel.”
“What are you doing at a hote- OHHH!” Bakugou could practically hear Kiri’s smirk through the phone, “so you finallyyy got laid, huh?”
“Shut the hell up! It hasn’t been that long shittyface!”
“Its shittyhai-”
“Haha alright man,” Kiri laughed, “Just hurry up ok? I’m pulling up now and these people are LOADED!”
Bakugou started up his car and put Kirishima on speaker as he began to drive.
“Yeah ok whatever, just send the address.”
“Alright man, will do…...wait, HOLY SHIT Bro!”
“What is it?!” Bakugou barked.
“Aye man, make sure you dress well! The maid setting up here is SMOKING HO-”
*Beep* Call Ended
“Tch. Fucking dumbass…”
A/N: wheww what a piece of drama! Sorry if this seemed rushed, I really wanted to get the backstory out there, without taking away from the main plot 😅 Thanks for all the support, sorry for the wait but sit back, things are gonna get heated🤪
@jazzylove @blkirishima @lovinthesiz3 @lasnaro @starrylustrousastraea @thanx-idonttry
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calicocatwrites · 4 years
Mario Kart with the Dekusquad
Word Count: 923
Warnings: None.
Headcanon: How good is the Dekusquad at playing Mario Kart, and who do they play as?
Characters: Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, Uraraka, Asui.
Author’s Note: Everyone likes Mario Kart, a nice competitive game that you can play with friends, competing for the gold trophy (#notsponsored), so why not write about how the Dekusquad plays?
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Izuku Midoriya:
Plays Luigi, or if he’s taken, Baby Luigi or Yoshi.
Not because of the green aesthetic, just because they have pretty solid stats.
The squad doesn’t leave him on character select too long, or he’ll go through every character and calculate the best possible character with the best possible cart.
He’s surprisingly bad at Mario Kart for someone who knows all the shortcuts, best places to boost, and tricks of the game.
It’s because of his horrible luck with items.
Even in last place, when you’re supposed to get good power-ups like stars and Bullet Bills, he gets a single banana or green shell.
So even when he uses all his Mario Kart knowledge, he still can’t get ahead because somehow Uraraka got a star power up and won the whole game.
Midoriya is in dead last, crossing his fingers as he approaches the item box. Everyone hears the jingle tune of the item box deciding Midoriyas fate, and everyone starts to chant for Midoriya to get a great power-up, Bullet Bill.
“Bullet Bill, Bullet Bill, Bullet Bill, Bullet Bill, Bullet Bill!!!!”
Midoriya, along with everyone else, sees the green shell that has landed in his racers hands.
Todoroki chimes in to try and liven the mood.
“At least the color matches your racer.”
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Shoto Todoroki:
Plays Toad or Shy Guy, and it is because of the aesthetic.
He prefers to just sit back and watch people play, but sometimes people will ask to race him.
Almost always it’s because someone just lost a race, and needs to play Todoroki to destress. He’s really bad at Mario Kart (because he doesn’t play much), and almost never wins, and doesn’t rage quit when he loses, so people like playing with him to destress after a hard race they lost.
He does get frustrated when a green shell hits him, because like… it’s a green shell, you have to aim that thing.
Todoroki has his race cut-off before he can cross the finish line, landing him with an 8th place spot. Asui pumps her fists in victory, crossing the finish line in 2nd place.
“Thanks, kero-kero. Losing that race to Denki made me a little angry.”
“... so… how did you win?”
“I just finished the race faster than you, Todoroki.”
“... I see… good game, Tsu.”
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Tenya Iida:
Plays Lakitu or Rosalina (Rosalina mainly if he’s going for stats, not just for fun).
The squad tried just not letting him see the stats, it didn’t work. He spent 2 hours going through every cart combo and character select… he settled on Lakitu.
He’s pretty good at Mario Kart, if he wins he gets super pumped about it, but if he loses he questions every decision, ever.
Iida just gets really into Mario Kart, really, really into it.
Drifting along one of the final turns in Rainbow Road, Iida’s only barely in first, followed by Uraraka. Lucky for the brunette, she throws out her red shell, hitting Iida directly, causing him to fall off the course. Iida, knowing this will cost him the race and the tournament, loses his mind. In a moment of pure rage, he throws the controller behind him, luckily being caught by Todoroki.
Uraraka, having won the race, slowly pans over to Iida. “... good race?”
Iida tries his best to come up with an answer. “IT WAS A GREAT RACE. THANK YOU URARAKA- wait did I break that controller?”
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Ochako Uraraka:
Plays Daisy or King Boo (King Boo because of the floating animation).
She is an absolute luck charm at Mario Kart.
Every time she picks up an item box, it’s the best item she can possibly get.
She isn’t even that good at racing, she’s just good at getting good items, it’s incredible, Midoriya has added it as a possible quirk.
The only problem is she drives off the map so frequently that she keeps losing the items she gets-
She’s perfectly fine with losing, except for one time Todoroki beat her in a race somehow, and she didn’t talk to him for 3 days.
“Uraraka, I’m sorry for beating you in that race, but I need a pencil. Can you please lend me a pencil?”
“... Midoriya-”
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Tsuyu Asui:
Plays Yoshi if it isn’t taken by Midoriya, Koopa Troopa, or Metal Mario.
She’s probably the best overall player, she’s got a good skill range, knows some shortcuts, plays with good stats, stays on track, and is a good sport no matter if she wins or loses.
She always gets the job of comforting the loser and supporting racers in the moment.
She also takes frequent breaks to get snacks, blankets, and pillows so the game night can really start.
The real champion of game night, honestly.
“Kero kero, good race guys, I’ll be right back.”
*five minutes later*
Midoriya pans over, who took a break from racing, and sees Asui with at least 10 blankets and 10 pillows.
He speaks up, “A-Asui! Here, let me help you carry those. Why did you bring so many?”
“Because I need them to destroy you at the Bowsers Castle race, kero. Thanks for the help carrying these!”
“... of course, Asui-”
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judediangelo75 · 4 years
My Bride (Part 1)
Hello everyone~
So... this is going to be very different than anything I’ve written before. For starters this connects to nothing that I’ve previously written.
Two, it doesn’t really take place at Hogwarts per say. I’m including a lot of the characters from the game but that’s the closest I can say it relates to the game.
Three, it’s gonna be in parts because I’m too lazy to write a long post.
I got the idea from @makichaotic where in her headcanon there was a rumor that Talbott was a vampire.
Except Talbott is actually a vampire.
I have no clue what I’m possibly doing to be completely honest. This idea has been floating around in my mind for awhile so I have to get it out somehow.
Let me know what you think!
I also threw in David ( @that-scouse-wizard / @jd-the-anime-fan ) and Vixen ( @cleverglitteryfoxtrot ), two MC friends 😊🥰
“Baby girl?” 
Judith turned away from the full body mirror in the direction of her father’s voice. An elegant strapless and backless white silk dress hugged her short, curvy figure. Her long locs were pulled up into a high ponytail, a few hanging around her face. A dark shadow dusted over her eyelids while dark red lipstick covered her full lips. 
“Yes, Papa?” came the soft reply. The older man frowned.
His daughter was beautiful.
Gorgeous even.
Though he wished she wasn’t getting dressed up for this.
Judith just recently turned 21.
As required by law, every young adult that turned 21 were to attend a ball that is hosted every year by the royal family.
Though, there was a catch. 
It was for a way for vampires to find a desirable mate among the human population. If they was able to return home by sunrise, then they were free to live their life as they pleased. If not, they becomes that vampire’s wife or husband.
Most were forbidden from seeing their families and friends ever again. 
Kendrick would know. He never personally saw his best friend Ava again after her ball. Who then later became their queen when the former king and queen died.
Ava’s parents passed away few years after her coronation. They never saw their precious daughter again.
Now that same fate seem to be staring the seasoned Healer in the face.
And Kendrick isn’t ready to say goodbye to his little girl.
“Papa, you’re crying,” Judith whispered, a frown forming on her painted lips. She quickly walked up to the older man to wipe away his tears. Misty gold eyes locked with concerned ones. 
“You’re so beautiful, baby girl,” Kendrick whispered. Judith hugged her father tight as he said this, waiting to prolong her trip to the castle. The older man didn’t hesitate to return it, breathing in the scent he grew accustomed to from when she was a baby.
“I’ll do my best to come back home,” Judith said softly, squeezing the man who sired her. Kendrick shook his head at this.
He didn’t want her to promise him anything. 
Judith was the spitting image of him. His little girl grew up into a beautiful young woman. It would take a miracle for a vampire not to take notice of her.
“Please don’t promise me anything. I don’t think my old heart can take it...” Judith pursed her lips.
“You’re not old, Papa. You don’t look a day over 25,” she said in hopes of lifting the man’s spirits. And she got what she wanted. An inaudible chuckle rumbled in the his chest. 
It’s just like his daughter to try to make him smile or laugh. 
If he could never see her again, he can only pray that she’s mated to a good man.
“Thank you, Judith. I... I love you, baby girl...” Judith forced herself not to cry in front of her dad. 
She didn’t like how this felt like a goodbye. She didn’t want to leave her father forever...
“I love you too, Papa...” The two stayed there for a bit longer until Kendrick pulled away with a soft sigh.
“Time to go baby girl...”
Judith hugged her dad’s waist tighter as they approached the looming castle.
They weren’t rich. Her father spent a good amount of his savings to buy her dress and shoes. 
When he wanted to buy her a carriage to escort her to the ball, she declined. She claimed that she was more than happy to be escorted by her father on horseback. Kendrick agreed, unwilling to deny his little girl anything.
They approached the entrance slowly before stopping a foot away. 
Kendrick dismounted first before helping his daughter off their horse, Nerco Di Angelo. Judith hugged her father one last time before going to pet the dark horse, who let out huff and nuzzled her face.
“I love you, Nerco. Take good care of Papa,” she whispered before kissing the star on the horse’s forehead.
The sound of someone clearing their throat sounded off behind her.
Taking a deep breath, the young woman turned to find a guard staring passively at her.
Time to go.
Without a word, the guard gestured her to come inside. Judith turned to her father.
“I love you, Papa...” It took everything within the usually stoic man not to cry again.
“I love you too, Judith. Never forget that...” Nodding sadly, Judith walked into the castle with the guard in tow.
She sent a silent prayer in hopes of seeing her dear father again.
Talbott was bored.
Extraordinarily so.
He felt the eyes of his parents burning holes into him on occasion and it annoyed him to no end.
The ball started some time ago and he’s already wishing it to be morning. He himself just recently turned 21 and his parents, along with the council, are looking at him to find a bride.
If not this year, then he will continue to socialize with potential mates every year until he does. After all, his father was 25 when he finally found his mother, who recently turned 21 at that time.
Ava and Trent glanced at their disinterested son with slight worry. They knew how much the young man hated social events. He did his best to be polite to his guests but not much more. They would be lucky if he found someone on the first try.
Ava sighed. Although she was happy and grateful with the life that she has, she sometimes missed the old life she once had. Under the old king and queen, they forbade her from seeing her friends and parents.
She missed them terribly. She hoped whoever her son chose that she could help them adjust to life as a part of the royal family. She and her husband even discussed about letting their family to come to the castle. After all, they clearly saw what it did to their relationship.
Despite Trent’s evident infatuation with her, Ava hated him for choosing her. If he never laid eyes on her, she would’ve still be with her parents and dear friends. It took a few years to even consummate their marriage because Ava refused to share a bed with him. She didn’t let him drink from her.
It took Trent years to win the young woman’s heart. With a decent amount of suffering on his part. To be deprived of the one that suppose to complete him drove him to points of madness and bloodlust.
They didn’t want the same thing to happen to their son...
Glancing at her son again, she noticed that he was sitting up a little straighter. Her brows shot up to her hairline. 
He found someone...
Oh dear Gods above, please allow whoever it was to love her son. She’ll do anything to make sure that they’re happy, just as long they were able to love Talbott...
‘She’s so beautiful...’ 
Talbott’s red eyes were trained on a young dark skin woman in a white silk dress. The dress highlighted her slim, but curvy, figure. Her hair was up in a ponytail, ending around mid-back with a few locs framing her face. Her facial features were delicate and sharp.
Her eyes.
A brilliant shade of gold that would put the coins in the treasury to shame.
Talbott felt his body flush with heat and his gums throb a bit. 
He had to get to know her.
The young woman was conversing with a familiar pair. David Willows, husband to Merula Synde, and Vixen Mcmachen, wife to Barnaby Lee.
With no warning to his parents, Talbott got up and walked towards the trio. 
David saw the prince coming and bowed.
“Your Highness,” the young man greeted. Vixen smiled and curtsied to him, giving him a cheeky wink all the meanwhile.
It was at that point Judith felt a presence behind her. Turning around, she came face to face with the Crown Prince himself. 
Swiftly, Judith curtsied.
“Good evening, Your Highness,” she said, willing her voice to remain steady. She straighten and was minorly surprised to find the prince staring at her.
“Good evening, David. Rosalina. Miss,” Talbott said, taking Judith’s hand and kissing the back of it. 
‘Her scent...’ Talbott’s eyes grew a little heavy, his pupils dilated. It was so inviting... 
Vanilla and along with something else he couldn’t name. He also detected a faint accent in her voice, something completely unfamiliar, but far from unpleasant.
“I don’t believe we’ve met before,” he started slowly, curious to know the name to this enchanting woman. 
David cleared his throat. 
“Prince Talbott, may I introduce to you, Judith Harris. A childhood friend to Vixen and I,” he said.
“Pleasure to meet you, Judith...” The young woman did her best to suppress a shiver. The way the prince said her name...
It was like he was tasting it.
“Please, Your Highness. The pleasure is all mine,” she said, trying her best not to read too deep into how the way Talbott was staring at her. It didn’t help that he had yet to let go of her hand...
David and Vixen did their best not to smirk. Their partners so owe them a few gold coins. They were both happy to find their old friend. Especially since it’s been 3 years since David married to the love of his life and Vixen just a year after him. 
What they didn’t expect was for Prince Talbott to fancy her. 
They was just talked to her about their lives at the castle and their relationships. Judith was just telling them how she was doing, her archery, combat lessons and art. Just as she was telling them that she was hoping that no vampire took an interest in her, the Gods placed Prince Talbott before her.
Seems like she hasn’t quite learned her lesson about speaking certain things aloud. The Gods loved a challenge.
“May I have a dance with you, darling?” Judith sharply inhaled, willing her heart not to race. 
‘It’s just a dance. Nothing more...’ 
“It would be an honor, Your Highness.” Talbott wanted to pout. He wished that Judith would say his name. He wants to know how it sounded like with her faint accent.
Offering his arm, Judith interloped hers in his. Saying goodbye to her old friends, they walked to the center of the dance floor. A slow song started to play.
The two took the initial position. One hand on Judith’s lower back. One hand on Talbott’s broad shoulder. Their remaining hand intertwined with each other’s. The pair moved along with the music.
‘Warm. She’s really warm and soft...’ Talbott was biting the inside of his cheek, willing his hand to stay in that one spot. His heart was beating rapidly now and he was fighting his instincts.
To pull her closer.
To inhale more of the sweet scent that clung to her skin.
To taste her full lips.
To sink his fangs into that elegant long neck, marking her as his.
He bet she tasted divine...
“Are you enjoying the ball?” Her lovely voice brought him back to the present. He cleared his throat.
“I admit, I was rather bored at first,” he admitted. Gold eyes glimmered with curiosity.
“Oh?” she inquired. He nodded before pulling her closer to satisfy his needs a little.
“But with you here, I can finally enjoy the night.” Those pretty eyes widen and pearly whites bit the plump flesh of her lower lip.
Talbott fought back a groan. 
He wanted to be the one doing that...
“Oh! What a... lovely thing to say,” Judith whispered, uneasy. 
She wasn’t going to deny that she felt something towards the tall handsome vampire, but she wanted to go home.
Go back home to her Papa.
And that idea seems bleaker and bleaker with the way Talbott was looking at her. She swears she can see a hint of his fangs every time he spoke.
“Is something wrong, darling,” Talbott asked.
“Oh, no! Just a little thirsty.” Judith knew she was lying through the skin of her teeth but she knew better than to openly reject the Crown Prince. 
She liked her head exactly where it was, thank you very much.
“Come. Let’s get you something to drink then,” the young man smiled. Judith tried not to grimace.
‘Yup, those were definitely his fangs I saw...’ she thought to herself as Talbott led her to the refreshment table. Judith wasn’t a fan of wine and stuck with water. Talbott even hand feeding her some samplers as they converse with one another.
“Hello son.” The pair turned to the masculine voice that spoke. Judith felt her blood run cold. 
The king and queen.
She really may not go home after all.
Ava and Trent have been watching their son curiously as he acquainted himself with a young dark skin woman.
Not once has he left her side. The two look at each other and decided to meet the woman who seem to unknowingly captivated their son. They approached the two by the refreshment table.
“Hello son.” The couple turned to them. Talbott nodded at them as the young woman curtsied.
“Mum. Dad.”
“Good evening, Your Majesties.” Ava studied the young woman closely.
She looked very familiar.
“Good evening, my love. And who might this be,” Ava asked. Talbott wrapped an arm around the short woman’s waist, causing her to flush a soft shade of red.
“Mother, Father. This is Judith Harris.” Ava inhaled sharply.
“Did... did you say Harris,” she asked softly. Could it be-
Judith shyly glanced at the royal couple, gold eyes shining.
“You’re Kendrick’s daughter, aren’t you?” Judith blinked in surprise. She knew that her father and the queen were childhood friends, but she didn’t expect her to remember him.
“Yes I am, Your Majesty...” The likeness was uncanny. She looked like the female version of her father. The queen smiled and hugged her. 
Judith stiffen at the sudden hug and hesitantly hugged the queen back.
“I’m sorry, my dear. I didn’t expect a piece of my past to catch up with me...” The queen was eager to learn more about Kendrick’s little girl.
And her future daughter-in-law...
If she was Kendrick’s daughter, she shouldn’t have to worry about Talbott’s mating to her. Kendrick, although cold and aloof, was a very sweet and caring man. She’ll bet her crown that his daughter was the same exact way. 
Though she didn’t like how Judith kept glancing at the entrance every once and awhile.
She understood the girl’s desire to leave but she didn’t want her son to suffer. Especially when he was already showing signs of infatuation towards her. 
‘Please, all I ask is for you to give him a chance’ she silently pleaded.
Talbott was growing restless. 
He was happy to see that the young woman he chose was to the approval of his parents. Especially since she seem to be the daughter to a childhood friend of his mum.
But he wanted to be alone with her.
So when Judith said she wanted to get some air, he jumped at the opportunity to show her the gardens.
The walk there was silent. They reached the heart of the garden, sitting on the lip of the fountain.
“This place is breathtaking,” she whispered. Talbott bit his lip as he stared at her. 
She was breathtaking.
The moonlight bathed her in its ancient glow. 
Her molten gold eyes lit up like embers of a flame.
Her cheekbones, collarbones and shoulders were kissed by the moonlight itself, reflecting the slivery rays.
Her dress took on a silver light, making her take on the form of a goddess.
“Yes, it is...” Judith stiffen when she heard the response whispered against her cheek. A cool pair of lips pressed against her cheek for a chaste kiss. 
“I’ll be frank with you, darling. I never would’ve thought I would find my mate tonight, but I’m glad I was wrong,” Talbott said softly before placing another kiss to her cheek. 
Just as he was about to wrap his arms around her waist, Judith pulled away. She was standing, taking cautious steps backwards.
Talbott felt his heart stall, fighting back a snarl.
“I-I’m sorry, Your Highness... b-but I-I can’t be your mate...” A frown found its way on Talbott’s handsome face, as he was quick to stand with her.
“I’m afraid I can’t take no for an answer, darling. I can’t live without you now that I found you,” Talbott said slowly as he approached her, trying to keep his instincts in check. He’s seen vampires being rejected by their mate, and it was never a pretty sight.
A lot of them were driven to bouts of madness and eventually had to be taken out of their misery.
He didn’t want to end up like them.
He’ll give her anything she wants, all he asks in return was her unconditional love.
Judith, feeling like cornered prey, did the only thing she could think of.
A snarl sounded out behind her, sending a cold wave of fear down her spine but she didn’t dare stop or look back. She found a garden maze and quickly ran inside, in hopes of losing the prince. 
Thanks to her training, she rather light on her feet, even in heels surprisingly. Low growls and snarls filled the air all around her so she could barely tell where Talbott was. 
She wanted to cry.
She didn’t ask for this. 
She didn’t want to become the wife to a vampire, even if he was a prince.
All she wanted was to go home to her Papa.
She let out a scream when a hand grabbed her by the elbow, spinning her around to find glowing red eyes staring down at her.
A pair of lips descended on her soft, vulnerable ones. A sob escaped the back of her throat as she tried pushing against Talbott’s chest.
Though her efforts were futile.
Talbott pulled away to look at his mate’s teary face. Though his eyes spoke volumes of his anger, Judith never noticed the fear there as well.
The heir to the throne said nothing as he laid kisses along the length of her neck.
“Talbott, no! Please,” she cried, squirming to get away when she felt cold fangs brush against her skin.
“I’m sorry, my beloved...” was the last thing Judith heard before the pain of his fangs sinking into her neck took root in her system.
Her cry of pain was broke the peace of the night before everything fell quiet once again.
Kendrick watched as the morning rays peaked over the horizon, waiting.
His daughter was no where in sight.
A lone tear escaped his eye as sun made it’s way up in the sky. Accepting the fate he was given.
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angelicguy · 4 years
alright, so this kind of post was a long time coming and given some stuff thats been going around i think its important to confront it instead of kind of ignoring it like i have in the past/ apologized for but did not elaborate on further.
regarding the ask wayne received regarding me being a transphobe; im not. i am absolutely not, i am fully in favor of trans rights and genuinely despise any sect of politics that arent fully supportive of them/ does not respect an individuals gender identity as fully legitimate or does not allow for full medical care to be available for them easily. ive said some dumb shit on this website (that i will get to) that i fully regret and continue to regret. but never in the context of trans rights or trans politics. i dont think those should be joked about for some dumb blog to get some notes. i have made it clear that i am in no way a TERF, a transphobe, or adhere to any bevy of right-leaning politics that does not fully see them as valuable and deserving of support in any context. full stop. im honestly not sure where the idea that im transphobic came from but its fully untrue.
now, regarding other, older posts that i’ve made, i feel its appropriate to confront those given the context that i do feel genuinely awful about them.
roughly 3 years ago, when the me too movement was getting in stride, i made a joke regarding sexual assault victims at the peak of some of the larger harassment accusations being made. it was completely stupid, crass, and dumb edgy kid bullshit. im really not trying to make excuses when i say that i was honestly still a dumb teenager when i made it. someone called me out on it, and instead of immediately apologizing i said something rude to them in response. it took me about a day to apologize, which is way too long in any context and im sorry. its difficult to fully quantify that in the context of the internet, but it really was absolutely horseshit of me. ive apologized a couple of times over the years regarding that post, and im doing it again because i just want people to know that it was fully inappropriate of me and i regret it. it was shitty, edgy bullshit and i really do apologize. even in the context of it being an internet joke it was bad. again, im sorry. if anyone wants to talk to me about it, my messages are open.
this was followed by a post last year or so that was in awful taste, where i referred to japanese people as pedophiles because they were playing baby rosalina in online mario kart. it was a stupid, absurd joke and at the time i couldnt see why anyone would take offense to it. which was dumb. i apologized for it, and  have had people come to me individually to talk about it (like the above post) and i apologized to them personally. id like to apologize here too, because it was stupid and harmful and completely unneeded for a white guy to joke about that kind of thing.
it might be hard to believe, but im very left leaning and im generally pretty sensitive towards jokes in general. its stupid and insensitive to say “hey, its just a joke, calm down” regarding offensive stuff. neither of these jokes were good, but thats besides the point. ive been reckoning with the concept that as a white guy i should restrict what i joke about, especially given the context of modern politics. at the time of both of these, i was really numb towards the idea that i had to be sensitive towards these kinds of topics because i didnt consider myself part of the problem; i was functioning “outside” the context of “white guy making jokes at the expense of women/minorities.” i was thinking that you know, i was in on it, i was one of the good guys, people know that i dont mean anything by it despite me being the exact kind of privileged kid that would make these with malicious intent. and its important to confront all of that in the context of what i say. it puts a pit in my stomach because i do genuinely care about all these issues, but i just try to joke a lot and i definitely crossed a line with both of these. ive apologized a lot for them, but i never put it all in one place to translate to people that i feel awful about both of those posts. i have too many followers to be saying dumb bullshit like that, and i am really, really sorry. if ive posted anything else that people feel was over the line, please contact me so we can talk about it. im gonna take a break from posting for a little but again, i feel awful about it and want you all to know that.
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primroseprime2019 · 3 years
The Little Girl and The Dinosaurs
On a dark cold December night, there was little four and a half American/Italian girl was coloring on a piece of paper in the carpet near the fire. She has dark brown hair and blue eyes, and slightly tan skin; she was wearing pink nightgown and a silver whistle attached to her neck. Her name was Valentina Rosalina Grady and she was waiting for her parents to come from work. Truth be told, this was no ordinary little girl. She was different from the rest of the kids in her neighborhood. She had unbelievable powers. Ever since she was born, strange things happened. Animals from shape and sizes would come near her and tried to make her smile or laugh. And when she was in the backyard, flowers and plants would grow. It was really strange but her parents accepted her gift but they had to keep it a secret. So her parents decided to keep her home schooled so the kids in her school won't be scared at her.
Speaking of her parents, they were really good people. Her dad was name Oscar Grady. He had light brown hair and adventurous blue eyes. He used to be a Navy soldier but he retired to become a collage history teacher. He loved to teach others to learn but during his free time, he would play with his baby girl and make her smile while teaching her how to do combat to control her powers and even though she was small, she was a fast learner. She was smart for a little girl but her curiosity got the better of her and she would get into a little trouble. Her mom was name Alma. She was a beautiful Italian woman. She has dark brown hair and warm brown eyes. She was a doctor and was very kind to her patients. Every man wanted to marry her but she chose Oscar because he was very funny and smart. Valentina loved her parents with all her heart and soul and would stay by their side no matter what. Well, except when she had to go to the bathroom.
Then a teenage girl with blond hair and chocolate brown eyes; She wore a red sweater, brown pants and cowboy boots. She was about the age of eighteen. She came out from the kitchen. "Val, it's almost past yer bed time." She said in a sweet western accent.
Val looked at her almost pleadingly, "Awww… but Abby, can I stay up fow five mowe minutes? Mommy and Daddy pwomise to wead me a bed time stowy."
Abby smiled at her, "Alright but remember yer ma and pa ain't gonna like it to see their little baby girl still awake and energetic."
Val smiled brightly, "Thanks Abby! You'we the best babysittew evew!"
Abby's real name was Abigail Starious. She lived down the block with her big brother, Joshua or Josh, close to Valentina's home. She and her brother moved from their family ranch to study in the big city to be doctors. Abby worked as a full time babysitter for Valentina also a waitress in a cafe and her brother Joshua worked as a mechanic, for cars. They knew about Valentina's power and would keep it a secret because they took a liking to her.
"Ah shucks, yer making me blush." Abby smiled then she noticed Valentina's drawing, "Watcha drawing there Val?"
Val showed Abby a red long neck animal with a crocked drawing of a tree. "It's a Ba-wo-sau-wus." She said trying to say the name correctly. It's correct name was Barosaurus.
"Is it a dinosaur?" Abby asked playfully, knowing the answer. Val loved dinosaurs so much that she had stuffed dinosaur toys in her bed room. She always dreamed of meeting one in Jurassic World but her parents were busy with their jobs so they didn't have time to go there. Not that she was complaining but Val understood her parents and would listen to them always.
"Uh-huh, they awe pwant eatews and they awe weally big!" Val said with a big and bright smile.
"Wow! I bet they can reach the tallest of all trees!" Abby said playfully.
Val nodded, "Yup! But they have to stand on theiw back wegs."
Abby smiled before going to kitchen to make some hot coco. Val went up to the sofa and looks at the window to wait for her parents. Val waited and waited and waited but her parents didn't come home yet. She fell asleep when the clock strikes nine. Abby became worried. Why didn't Mr. and Mrs. Grady come home yet? Abby pickd up Val and puts her to bed. She looked at her phone and sends an e-mail to Mr. Grady.
Mr. Grady, it's me Abby. I was wonderin' why ya aren't home yet with Mrs. Grady. If ya'll have an extra shift in yer work, I'll watch Val till tomorrow.
Abby went to the couch and fell asleep as she waited for the text of Oscar. On the next day, Abby woke up and prepared breakfast. It was pancakes for breakfast. She heard little footsteps coming down the stairs. She turned and smiled to see Val holding her stuff honey colored raptor doll named Honey.
"Mornin' Val," Abby gave Val her breakfast. Val sat down and yawned before eating her breakfast. Abby opened the mini TV on top of the counter and let Val watch Disney Junior. Then the news appeared.
"I interrupt this program for this breaking new. Two married couples were killed on a car accident when a truck hit them last night. Police discovered the truck driver was drunk. The two married couples did not survive the crash."
Abby froze. 'Oh God! Please don't tell me!' She thought in fear.
"The married couples have IDs and their names are Oscar Grady and Alma Grady. The drunken driver was survived and his sentenced will be in soon after he recovers."
Abby's eyes widen in horror. She looks at Val and her heart broke at the sight. Val's eyes were wide as she broke down in tears. Abby comforted Val as she and Val would have to visit the police station to inform them about Mr. and Mrs. Grady having a four and a half year old daughter and retrieve their bodies to be buried. The funeral started early morning. It was cold and the snow fall down at them slowly. Val was wearing a black dress and shoes. She was in a graveyard with men and women that were friends with her parents. Abby was there by her side, wearing a black dress and her brother Josh, who had green eyes and blonde hair, was wearing a black clothes as well. Val placed a red rose on her mother and father's coffins as they were buried. Val put her picture in the middle, on her parents' grave, so they can see it in heaven above.
After she did she went to Abby and Josh and started crying, Abby and Josh comforted her. As the funeral was over everyone went home. Val was staying with Abby and Josh for a while until they can find any relatives that Val had. But the problem was that no one knew who was the closest family member.
Val was sitting on a couch, wearing her black dress. She has a red scarf that belongs to her mother; her whistle was buried in it, and her father's black beanie hat. She had dry tear stains on her face as she looked at a picture of her with her parents. Josh and Abby watched her with sympathetic looks.
"Is there any news 'bout her relatives?" Josh asked.
Abby shook her head, "Not yet, I'm still lookin'."
Josh sighed and he looked at Valentina sadly. Val wiped her tears away. "We can't just stand here and do nothin'." He looks at Abby, "We have to find her a family or at least part of her family. Do you remember if Mr. and Mrs. Grady havin' relatives?"
Abby tapped her chin with her index finger before snapping, "That's it! I remember seeing a picture of Mr. Grady with his brother. I think his name was Owen and he works at Jurassic World."
Josh smiled, "That's great! Do you know his number?"
Abby shook her head, "No but I bet Oscar has his number on his phone."
Josh nodded and the two went upstairs in Valentina's temporally room and went to her father's things and grabbed his cell phone before looking for Owen Grady.
"Let's see," Abby looked at the names inside the phone. "Here it is." Abby found the name Owen Grady and she calls him.
In the Isla of Nublar, a man with green eyes and light brown, hair wearing a blue shirt, with a black vest full of pockets, brown pants and shoes. He was in his bungalow fixing his motorbike. Then another man came. "Owen! Still enjoying your afternoon?" he asked with a strong African/French accent.
Owen wipes out a sweat from his forehead, "Yeah, taking a break from the girls, Barry." He throws his wrench in a toolbox.
Then Owen's cell phone rang. He picks it up to see a picture of a man with brown hair and blue eye. "Oscar? Huh, it's been long since I seen him."
"How long you haven't seen him?" Barry asked.
Owen counted his fingers, "I think about sixteen years."
Barry rolled his eyes at him as Owen answered his phone, "Hey Oscar! It's been long time since we spoke."
"Ah…howdy," Abby's voice answered, "Is this Owen Grady?"
"Yeah this is Owen and who are you and how the hell do you know my name and also how did you get my brother's phone?"
"I'm Abigail Starious." She answered, "I know yer brother because I and my brother, Joshua, lived down the blocks close to his house."
"Uh-huh, yeah and why are you calling in me using my brother's phone?" Owen asked.
"Didn't anyone tell you?" Abby asked.
"Tell me what?"
"Owen, your brother Oscar and his wife died in a car accident."
Owen froze, his phone was still in his ear and his mouth was hanging open and his eyes were wide as dinner plates, "When did this happen?"
"A week ago," Abby said, "Look, I know we just met but yer brother has a little four in a half little girl, who needs a family and yer the closest family she's got."
Owen didn't say anything. He and Oscar use to work at the Navy together until Oscar retired to be a history teacher in a university college and married an Italian woman name Alma. He and Oscar rarely talk due to the fact they were very busy in work but now his big brother was dead along with his wife and now his niece- one that he didn't know he had- was now an orphan.
"What's her name?" Owen asked, wanting know his niece's name.
"Her name is Valentina Rosalina." Abby said, "So are you going to take care of her? She's a very sweet girl and well behaves."
Owen thought about it. He is the only family left for his niece and he did took care of raptors, how hard can it be?, "Alright, I'll send her a ferry ticket next week to bring her here in the Isla Nublar."
Owen could hear Abby and Josh cheering happily, "Thank you! Josh and I are gonna get her a passport. She is goin' to be so happy!"
"Alright and thanks for the information." Owen said as he turned off his cell phone.
"What was that all about?" Barry asked.
Owen looked at him before saying, "Oscar and his wife Alma died in a car accident." Barry's eyes widen. "And I have a niece, that I didn't know I had, named Valentina Rosalina." Owen looked at Barry, "I'm the only family member she has left."
Barry's mouth was hanging open in shock, "Owen, you're going to raise a little girl that you barely know while working with Raptors?"
Owen shrugs, "Hey, I raised the girls and I'm still alive." He said, "How hard it is taking care of a little girl?"
Barry was about to answer but Owen quickly raised his right hand and said blankly, "don't say it."
Barry chuckled, "And how are you going to get a ferry ticket?"
"Easy, I'll asked Claire to give me and that doesn't work I could ask Simon Masrani." Owen looked at him, "But first can you help me buy the things that little girls like." Barry rolled his eyes but he decided to help because that little girl might not survive here. Barry and Owen went to the park to buy stuff for Val.
Meanwhile, Abby and Josh told Val everything. Val was shocked, happy, and worried. Shocked that she had an uncle that she didn't know she had, happy that she had an uncle and she wasn't alone and yet worried that her uncle might not like her. Abby helped Val pack her things like clothes, some toys, her Mandora Lute and her pink Ocarina. Val likes to play music. Her mom would teach her during her free time.
Josh bought Val a passport. They were lucky because Oscar used to work in the Navy. Owen was able to make Claire give him a ticket for Val after hearing the event and send it next week. After a few weeks, Josh was driving his car with Abby in the front seat. Valentina was wearing a red t-shirt with gray long sleeves, brown combat pant and orange shoes. She has mother's red scarf and her father's black beanie hat on. Her dark hair was tied into pigtails. As Josh parked the car, they went inside and saying their goodbyes to Val.
Abby was hugging little Val, "Bye sweet pea, I'm gonna miss you so much."
"I'll miss you too." Valentina said then she hugged Josh. "Bye, Josh."
Josh hugged her back before he let her go and he took out a small red box with a ribbon, "Yer Pa wanted to give ya this on yer birthday but since he can't I was wonderin' if ya wanted yer birthday gift a little early."
Val took the box and opened it to reveal a raptor claw fossil necklace. Val smiled and she put it own. She loved raptors as they were her favorite dinosaur. "Thanks Josh."
Josh smiled until the airport voice speaker's announce, "Ladies and Gentlemen the plane will leave in twenty minutes."
"Well, go on, ya don't wanna be late." Abby said with a smile.
"Yeah, yer gonna see many dinosaurs there." Josh then added, "And if somethin' cashes you...run." He whispered the last part, alarming Val.
"Josh!" Abby scolded.
Josh chuckled, "I'm just kiddin'. Jurassic World has tight security; ain't nothing gonna hurt ya."
Val nodded and went in line while she waved at Abby and Josh. Val sat near the window and put on her seat belt when the airplane took off. Val looked at the clouds in the sky. She took out the raptor necklace and held it tight. "Please, please, please, please like me." Val whispers before going to sleep.
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