#baby sitter
steddiecameraroll · 1 month
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I can’t stop drawing her 👑
Drawing inspired by Rupaul’s photo under the cut
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littlequeenies · 8 months
Demri's "book"
Ana from the much missed "Memories of Demri" instagram/tumblr accounts collected all the different memories that people who met her, shared...
I came up with the idea of sorting them not only by subject, but also a bit of a chronological display...
And then she add some more info,photos and created a very beautiful design.
This is, for now, what looks to be like a book about Demri's life and legacy. It's work on construction and it's done with much love and respect.
Please, feel free to join and share it.
This is for you, Demri, your mum, and all the people who loved you.
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sofei-draws · 9 months
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loudlyhappycupcake · 11 months
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Toffee and Meteora @wiltito @wispsshadow @cartoonfan21 @wisefestivalloverpatrol @shironezuninja @magnetar334 @magical-girl-techno-genius @bitter-yet-civilized @fatrnai @dumb-ass-biatch @hoshinootaku98 @daydream358 @pinkdiamondstar @merlinisbusy @misterygem @torkmadox20 @untitled14360 @artwithooo @kuskicanlove @serentiydraw5678 @meanestbeanest
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cpourtonbien · 3 months
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Ce serait moins gênant si tu n'étais pas la babysitter ...
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oramicurcu · 3 months
Per San Valentino prenoto al sushi e mi chiamano per fare da baby sitter...
Dico che appunto ho già un impegno e SPOILER
la bimba a cui avrei dovuto fare da baby sitter è la figlia di quelli del sushi
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buzzcut-pinkdress · 1 year
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skullywullypully · 2 years
Yoruichi in episode 21
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It’s hard babysitting teenagers
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fashioninpaper · 2 years
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hercomputerruins · 2 years
~ bsc ideas ~
Theories about the babysitters club...
~ Claudia is queer, she had a crush on Ashley Wyeth and of course Kristy, until Stacey came along
~ Mary-Anne grows up to be a fashion designer, but sticking to the everyday looks she would've loved as a teen
~ Claudia goes into surrealist art, surrounding herself with wild paintings of the impossible
~ Kristy becomes an entrepreneur, and ropes Stacey in, because Stacey has all the Upper East Side connections
~ Stacey lives the life of a socialite, until Kristy ropes her into a business to help underpriveleged kids or something.
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jhsharman · 1 year
that name again is
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As Betty calls a special request for a babysitter, I have to speculate on just how big Riverdale is for whether a "get the Andrews kid" is specific enough.
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littlequeenies · 22 days
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Pam Courson (lying on the lap of another student called Anna Marie Bryant) in "Little Women" play rehearsal. The three girls play the role of three sisters, Pam is Jo. The play will run from 26th December for two weeks at Anaheim's Melodyland Theatre. the times of the plays will be at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Article published on The Register newspaper, 17th December 1963. Very special thanks to R from Pamela Courson-She Dances In a Ring of Fire for sharing!!
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daughter-of-kam · 1 year
Tam as a baby sitter pt 2
Keefe “tell her a story.”
keefe “shes 8” tam “yeah i told her the good version the real one is her ra-“
Keefe “SHUT UP!”
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oramicurcu · 1 year
Oggi ho tenuto due gemellini per la prima volta. Prima volta che davvero faccio da baby sitter.
Adoro la mamma perché è super scialla, tranquilla. Non ha kit per il cambio e cose strane, non hanno mille giocattoli. Hanno uno stile che vorrei avere anche io, avessi bimbi.
Adoro loro perché sono dei cuccioli, sono stati super tranquilli, non hanno pianto, hanno riso e ballato. È stato bello.
Probabilmente mi adorano anche loro, la mamma mi ha detto che sono molto dolce e io volevo sciogliermi.
La mamma è anche un po' fusa e ha dimenticato di prelevare quindi niente soldini per me, ma questo è un altro discorso.
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noemy-pujol · 7 months
★ Je me présente, Noemy ★
      Je suis Noemy, j'ai 16 ans (je suis née le 20 juillet comme le premier pas sur la Lune, heure américaine) et c'est avec grand plaisir et responsabilité que je serai là pour vous aider ! Je suis située à Pibrac. 
     J'apprécie énormément apprendre de nouvelles choses mais également les enseigner. Mes centres d'intérêts sont l'aéronautique/le spatial, les sciences, la lecture, l'art (activités manuelles, dessins, la musique, etc. ). 
     Ensuite, j'expérimente le dessin depuis petite, c'est une passion qui m'a été transmise par ma famille. Je peux aider votre enfant à effectuer ses devoirs d'art plastique, l'aider à développer sa créativité ou encore simplement l'occuper. je peux parcourir différents types de dessins, mais mon style le plus développé est le style manga. 
     De plus, j'aime énormément l'Angleterre et donc l'anglais. Je ne suis pas native mais je me débrouille. 
     Je suis actuellement au Lycée de Pibrac, en 1ère générale avec comme spécialités les mathématiques, les sciences physiques et chimiques et enfin les sciences de la Vie et de la Terre. 
     Je suis aujourd'hui prête à m'adapter à votre enfant, savoir l'occuper avec des activités, l'aider avec ses devoirs, etc...
     Je suis une personne responsable, patiente, à l'écoute et habituée à s'occuper d'enfants. Je suis l'aînée d'une fratrie (une petite sœur de 14 ans et un petit frère de 11 ans).
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forrestmilleri · 10 months
The Interpersonal Skills Every Babysitter Should Possess
Management of time is an essential life skill. It is easier to succeed in your professional as well as your personal life when you organize and organize your schedule. The babysitting experience helps to develop the skills you need to master because it requires punctuality, following a schedule as well as being able be punctual in completing tasks such as school pick-up. You could get more info up หาพี่เลี้ยงเด็ก by visiting our website.
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