#baby warlock
kenzieverse · 8 months
so i’ve started this thing where i pull a tarot card and give myself an hour to outline a fic based on the implications of that card for whatever character is kicking around my brain
Five of Pentacles x Wyll
- loss, neglect, failure, despair -
i’m thinking young wyll’s first night in the wilderness after ulder kicks him out of the city
juicy teen angst giving way to daddy’s boy angst and maybe a sort of hypervigilance moment where he thinks he hears something and it turns out to be a deer and he cries because he feels so unsafe but that doesn't make any sense he's fought an evil cult before why is he so frightened now?
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Max Lightwood practicing Magic
So, I may have forgotten to draw in the horns until after I colored the hair… oops. So Max has tiny black horns in this.
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lejoursobre · 1 year
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That's how it happened to me 🦆 S2 made me re-watch s1 and as 2019 is now a long time ago, I forgot how much I loved it!
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
do you think you'll be drawing more wyll in the future? just wondering because i really like how you drew him in that baby comic! no worries if it's not in your plans, just curious :)
i hope so!!! he’s actually one of my favourites to draw, i think the reason i don’t have a lot of art of him is because i draw mostly tav stuff and i haven’t romanced him yet
also his sticker on the companion sheet is my favourite :3
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shittybundaskenyer · 3 months
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caemidraws · 9 months
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owlito · 6 months
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🐟 for compliments
Script by the lovely @nyaacaron ! 💕💕
I asked her for some useless banter and she delivered 🙌🏻
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basketobread · 7 months
i am in dire need of your warlock tav or your dark urge doing a baby girl pose
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ask and you shall receive
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beebopboom · 10 months
Greasy Johnson: a Red Herring?
This is a season 3 speculation post - you know not what to do with them
ok so i’ve fallen down a Greasy Johnson is Jesus rabbit hole and I love it - seems pretty plausible (here are some of of the pieces that sent me down here - Jesus 2.0 rides a Motorcycle Scooter , Greasy Johnson is Jesus, and Greasy Johnson in the book)
To summarize Greasy Johnson is the third baby in the swap who grows up near Adam and has kind of a “rival gang” who in the book is used as the reason why Adam finds a fight between two rivals ridiculous
plus you have the working title for the talked about sequel 668: The Neighbor of the Beast which more than likely is Greasy Johnson house and his thing with tropical fish - just a lot of things pointing to him being Jesus
But!! I want to talk about something a little different (and I can recognize this is probably just my want for Warlock to come back as someone important) because it was a choice not have him mentioned after the swap in the show.
What if Warlock is Jesus? Now just hear me out
If i’m following the swap right Warlock is our baby draped in blue and is the Young’s actual son
Now going back a bit I believe Heaven has been testing out aspects of what is said to happen in the Second Coming for a while now maybe as far back as 1827 but probably got close to right around 1941 and was just waiting for Hell to have the Antichrist and trigger Armageddon
and yknow for being an order of satanic nuns they sure do have a lot of Jesus on the Cross hanging around. why? - it’s almost like the were also meant to deliver him as well
So when Hell pulled their final card - so did Heaven
Now who was not meant to be there that night and messed everything up - the Young’s and their baby, Warlock - it’s almost like it was a divine intervention. And like I said earlier Warlock is our baby draped in blue (like Jesus) and our Ace card (ace up their sleeve anyone?)
Greasy Johnson was apart of Hells plan and set up - Warlock was not
also he has traveled the world because of the Dowling’s work before being tempted by Hastur which he denies
and the whales and dinosaurs we see in his room - you got your mothers humor don’t you?
and he is the only one who has to make a return to the UK - the plane in the opening sequence
what about Greasy Johnson and the neighbor of the beast though? that seems to be a pretty great fit and I agree - he is going to be the reason the swap is discovered and they all get together again - whatever that reason may be (*cough*dying*cough*)
and not mentioning him further in season one allows for him to come in as a completely new character and story that we get to follow around with points in his life pointing towards him being Jesus - as a distraction for the characters and for us
but where does Aziraphale come into this and why does the Metatron need an angel of his talents? - Heaven has also lost its card(baby), the trick worked a little too well and there are still two children to choose between, if they could find them - and Aziraphale, who has shown is apt at finding and identifying the Antichrist and knows Earth better than any angel, is just the being for the job
I recognize this is a lot of speculation and this is just kinda just a crack theory but it wouldn’t leave me alone so I’d thought I’d share
and mostly I think it’d be funny that in thinking they were raising the Antichrist they were actually raising Jesus Christ
(but also it would fit a lot of the headcannons floating around. Jesus being a right terror? check. Them raising Jesus? already did that. Trans!Jesus? remember all those trans!warlock headcannons. Jesus having a mentor relationship with Crowley? the demon raised Warlock. Going out for a drink? Warlock would an adult now by the time season 3 comes out and they keep following that the events in the show are happening at the present time it comes out trend - just on and on)
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vaguely-concerned · 1 month
never stops bringing me joy that, when brought to the precarious point where he actually genuinely has to like. step up and do something about the krew and their various behaviors and issues, kremy is the team mom. it's just that he's the kind of mom who spikes your orange juice with vodka so she can get some fucking peace and quiet to watch her shows tonight
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misskitten18 · 1 year
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Well … big thanks to Numero Netherlands for everything 💓 our Will Poulter!!!!
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sylenth-l · 1 year
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Oh look it's dancing birds
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cicicolorao · 7 months
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Unofficial Ray girlfriends are cute as hell so now fun redesigns! Instead of love interests, they’re other thingamagigs created by Betilla’s sisters, so they’re Ray cousins!
Simonhe is both the life of the party and terrified of big, uncontrollable crowds. She uses her bardic gifts to keep hordes far, far away from her and her friends
Raynette is chilly and sassy, and maybe a bit neurotic. While scary, she’s also precise and serious about safety, as precise as her barber tools
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macbethz · 5 months
Goes back in time and shows a renaissance guy my iPhone to laugh at his reaction but he goes “tis only reasonable the breadth of human knowledge has thus expanded. Prithee, may I peruse some of your future literature upon this enchanted tablet?” and we end up having an involved discussion on the ethics of historical fiction so I go back to my time cowed and ashamed and then an androgynous being in a full silver bodysuit appears in my bedroom and waves a glowing orb made of gas and plasma in front of my face and goes “heh…this will probably explode your Information Age brain…wait until you try my Amazon(tm) Flavor-Blasted Neurochip…you’ll shit your little baby historical pants”
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guardians-restart · 1 year
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I refuse to believe those two are not just oversized teenagers
shirts sponsored by Quill, obviously. He picked a lot of trinkets on earth for all of the guardians :DD
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samwise1548 · 6 months
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My friend and I have been playing dnd together. They're the dm and I'm their only player. It's really interesting and different but fun!!
Anyway here's Ferris, my undead warlock who's soul was put into a statue and also they have amnesia. They're doing okay (lie).
Last game, they were so dejected by failure after failure (damn low rolls!) that they decided to get high and got kicked out of a cassino. Poor baby <3 . And then they tried to (keyword is tried) fight a werewolf, which was fun and definitely not stressful at all (/pos).
[ID: Three drawings of a dungeons and dragons character named Ferris. Ferris is a living statue with pointy ears and long curly hair tied in the middle. They're wearing a frilly dress with a red sash to hold their daggers, a dragon amulet with a red jewel in the center, and they are holding a quarterstaff.
The first drawing is of Ferris in a chibi style, standing and smiling with their eyes closed.
The second is a short biography of the character titled "Basics about Ferris" with an illustrated picture of the character below it. There are sparkles around them as they flaunt their looks. Two buttons on the right show the nonbinary and aroace flags, and one on the right says "they/them" in reference to their pronouns. Below this is a chart of their likes and dislikes. Under likes it reads "horses [with three exclamation points], three money symbols, gambling, shiny things, dressing up, writing, and attention." Under dislikes it says "any other animals [besides horses], being excluded (big fo-mo), cold, losing, and children." The final section on this drawing is titled "background stuff" and reads, "Ferris is a statue of the Goddess Petra, given life. They have no memories since they woke up in this body, but can't help but feel they were once someone else... At the very least they remember once being warm.
The final drawing is of Ferris drawn onto a picture of a carousel horse. They are looking very sad.
/End ID]
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