#babylonia ask
ericathemad · 1 year
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Ea-Nasir lives!!!
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iamthepulta · 5 months
At this point numerous people in the department are aware of my random side interests too and I assume it's peak comedy the way I light up because people now ask for Updates. It's also one of the only ways to get me to carry a conversation lol.
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pryotra · 2 years
I can't remember if you've answered something like this before, but what would've happened if Hakuno had somehow ended up in the Babylonia crisis with CasGil?
This has been asked a few times, but it's always an interesting question.
I'm going to assume that this is a Hakuno with her memory in tact, having somehow moved through time. She's honestly VERY curious about what the world is like, and what Uruk was like. While she's seen it, it was only when it was rebuilding. This is the city at it's peak, the wall constructed, and facing a threat.
She reaches Gil's attention when she's able to use a barrier to fend off a Demonic Beast attack, trying to get all the people inside and work with the soldiers. Hakuno is called to see him, where she has a very weird moment of seeing Gil AS the Wise King.
She's only seen him as this once, or rather, seen him where this outfit once. Gil, she knows is always Gil. But this is him as king, not a Servant, but the living demigod. Of course, she offers immediately to help any way she can. And of course Gil...sort of tsuns his way into her helping as a last resort against 'unwanted goddesses'. So when Chaldea comes, Ishtar has a MUCH harder time getting in.
Hakuno doesn't have to help for a month, but in that time, she and Gil get closer, as Gil tries to unwravel what she is, and Hakuno falls more in love with Uruk and it's king. She's the one who meets Chaldea with the news that Gilgamesh is dead, and plunges into the underworld alongside them, hugging him tightly when she sees him again breathing and alive.
But in the time, Tiamat rises, and everything falls apart. Gilgamesh proclaims the end, and while several flee, Hakuno stays, she tells him, at the end, the Uruk will never end as long as he stands, and as long as the memory of him endures. Even to the point that the Moon itself will summon the city from his memories. She tries to reach for him in the end, but it's far too late.
Though, in the underworld, when she sees him again, standing in the armor she knows so well, she smiles, even if some part of her wants to sob.
But she gets one final memory. One final memory. Before Ritsuka sees him, before he vanishes, she goes to see him. What goes between them, is their business, as precious and fleeting as it is, and in the end, Hakuno too, vanishes into gold sparks, carrying the memory of the greatest of cities, and it's king, proud and arrogant, who stared down the goddess of primordial chaos, and proclaimed the end of humanity's childhood.
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raedas · 2 years
Tbh?????? I think the eye for an eye bit was a bit 😬 problematic
yeah like sheeshhhh eye for an eye makes the whole world blind if you know what i mean
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300iqprower · 1 year
Sorry if I had to say this: *Takes a deep breath while sweatdrop* Sakurai deserve better.
I used to be a sakurai defender like you, then I took an Olympus to the Frontal Lobe. Followed immediately after by a Heian Kyo to the Occipital Lobe.
I stand by everything I said in this post. I never said in that post Sakurai was competent. She was not, is still is not. She's long proven to be an extremely capable writer when given some guidance and/or when someone else is there to keep her fangirling in check. We have proof* of this in Summer 5, Little Big Tengu, Babylonia, and LB4. We also have proof that she's the world's most prolific character assassin when left alone for more than 5 minutes as shown with Shimousa, Septem, Summer 4, and the two aforementioned lostbelts.
*or as much proof as a game that refuses to properly credit its writers can be
It is fairly well documented that part of the reason Sakurai got immediately put so high up at Delightworks is because she was a Nasu superfan and Nasu pretty much just handed her the Prototype and Extra casts to go nuts with. That's not me saying she has no talent or merit and doesn't deserve a place in the industry - those claims are provably untrue. But it's also provable that she got where she is through Nasu's nepotism and that lack of qualification has shone through time and time again.
Lostbelt 2 is what best sums up Sakurai. It's both so bad that I "skipped" about 40% of it and got an empirically better story experience for doing so, and yet it's also so good that it has not one, not even a couple, but several of my favorite moments in the entire story to date.
Characters that have been directly credited to Sakurai like Douman, Tomoe, Xu Fu, Quetz, Sigurd, Napoleon, Surtr, Caligula, Gorgon, and more prove that Sakurai is capable of incredible writing.
None of that changes her track record of not only making the EXACT same mistakes every time she's called in to take the lead in writing a non-event chapter (and more than one event chapter), but arguably been worse about those mistakes every time she's put wholly in charge of a chapter, from Septem to London to Shimousa to LB2 to Olympus to Heian Kyo.
TLDR: Sakurai is not some objectively good or bad character. She's a real person who is not 100% consistent in anything. She's clearly talented but that doesn't change the actual work we've been presented, which has repeatedly indicated she needs someone to reign her in or her work inevitably tanks in quality due to her eccentricities that range from harmless to outright problematic. She is frequently derided as a scapegoat which is not only unjust and typically just how people try and shield Nasu himself from criticism despite her being part of his responsibilities as the one with the final say in everything, but also detracts from the genuine criticism Sakurai still deserves given some of the truly awful content that has been directly attributed to her.
Honestly I just wish she'd stick to writing events. Her style of heavily leaning into certain tropes and hamming it up more than other writers lends itself perfectly to events and lets her strike a balance of drama and comedy that other writers typically go too far in one direction to land, something that again is best exemplified by Summer 5, which was led by Higashide with her [implied to have been] heavily helping with things hence so many of her characters making up the central cast.
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neomedievalistbr · 2 years
My friends recently had me watch a fate series with them for the first time, and they choose babylonia. after we finished they asked me what I thought and at some point I mentions that I really liked gilgamesh and enkidu's characters. They went quiet for a moment and then asked if I would be interested in a series just about them. Thinking it was spinoff or something I said yeah sure. Then they sent me a pdf of the epic of gilgamesh. so yeah I walked right into that one.
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lovingempress · 2 years
Thinkin about how lenticular is basically just a gif in print form and I want.... so many of them. Top most I want a lenticular print of Merlin’s appearance in the later half of the FGO Babylonia anime because there is something about him touching down into a blanket of flowers that just lives in my head rent free and I just want that moment and his face on my wall forever
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Look at his beautiful face- that smile!!
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hydrachea · 2 years
Mandricado from fgo for the bingo
Character opinion bingo
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MY FRIEND... More like something did happen to him and I did cry.
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starryficsfinishwen · 21 days
picnic days and sundays — gray raven x reader
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Summer was kinder.
Warm sunshine through the gaps of trees, tiny birds perched on tree branches singing their lovely songs. Sunlight kisses your face as you look at the green foliage above you. You watch. You watch as a leaf falls so slowly in this space, visible veins as the rays of light pass through.
It lands on your cheek. And a familiar hand comes into view, gently brushing it away.
“Commandant,” Bright eyes peer to look at you, pink irises glimmering in the sunshine, “Are you awake?”
You remember it this way: sleeping soundly in the shade, the smell of warm grass, the lull of the summer wind on your bare feet. And now, you are on Liv's lap, mechanical hands wrapped around your own.
Liv's petiteness perfectly cradled your sleeping figure. Was it the cool breeze, or did her hands, once clad in gloves, somehow feel warm as you held hers? A fleeting kind, one that made you reach out for more.
“Mmh...” you inhale, eyes fluttering shut as you feel the remnants of sleep coming again, “No...not yet.”
You notice a broader figure blocking out the bright light through your closed eyes. Opening your eyes, a figure draped in the gentle colors of blue comes into view.
“Sorry,” cooed Lee, voice devoid of any trace of roughness, “The sun must have been preventing you from sleeping.”
Lee's stoicism faded away in this space. Devoid of any armor and metal, you notice the new clothes as a new sight, yet the warm twinkle in his cerulean eyes makes your heart throb.
“It's okay,” you giggle, reaching for Lee's hand, “I feel better.”
“You should eat up, Commandant,” said a honeyed voice, “At least you'd get to eat something yummy!”
A metal finger caresses your chin. Looking above you, hazel eyes looking at you with love.
“Lucia,” you grin, “What's there for me, then?”
Your summer comes that way. Lee helps you sit up, with Liv and Lucia preparing the food they've brought. Across the patterned cloth, a variety of treats are displayed for you. The colors—purple, red, blue, and more—popping through, which made your stomach want a taste. Seeing you drool, Lucia graciously takes a slice out of one in her view.
“Would you like this, Commandant?” She asks,
A blueberry tart, the bluest you've ever seen. When you try to reach for it, Live gently slaps your hand away.
“In moderation, Commandant.” She tuts, “I can't have you overeating.”
“Don't worry about it, Liv,” Lee laughs, “The Commandant can't possibly be overweight within a day with these.”
Taking a strawberry from the pile, Lee dips it halfway into the chocolate fondue, before taking it to your lips, “Say 'ah' for me.”
With a bite, you taste the freshness of the strawberry, seeping into your parched tongue. A burst of sweetness dances wildly in your mouth, making you sigh from the taste.
“That's true,” Liv pouts, “But I want the Commandant to be healthy as always...”
“It'd be a shame if I can't taste what you've prepared for us, Liv.” You smiled, chewing the remaining strawberry as you pat her hand, “Let's have fun today.”
You want this kind of freedom. Somewhere, across the world—no Babylonia, no one to give you orders, and no one ruining your peace. You are perfectly contented this way, away from their eyes and only with your beloved family.
“If you think of it that way, I suppose we are one.”
You turn to find Lee looking at the sunset. You forget how much time has passed, or the sweets and delicacies you've consumed. Except now, Lucia and Liv are putting away the plates and cleaning up the mess.
“A family.” Lee affirms, turning to look at you with a gentle look on your face, “We are...a family, right?”
You sigh. “We are. But...this war against time, against humanity and its efforts to come back...”
You think. The war is never over; millions of corrupted still run amock in your lands, humanity's last bastion who still floats somewhere in space—will it be any worth?
“I understand your fear.”
Lee's logic is never wrong. So was his calculated reply. But as you look back to Liv and Lucia, something crawls over you, latching at whatever vein you had in your chest.
“If there comes a time,” you quietly mutter, “Do you...still consider this as a family?”
Lucia is the first to look at you. Blissfully unaware, you hope neither of them heard you.
“Commandant, did you have fun today?” Lucia finds comfort in the way you reach out to hold her hand, “If you weren't satisfied, we'll find a new thing to do again next time.”
“I had fun, Lucia.” You grin at her, hoping your sincerity is noticeable enough, “I loved the blueberry tart at best.”
“Lee, Liv, and I made it with you in mind,” she said as she blushes, “We're glad you loved it.”
Noticing the sun almost setting, you ask, “Does it mean we're going home now?”
“The fun isn't over yet.” Lee shakes his head, offering a smile, “Today isn't done.”
The smell of something warm. Looking back, you find Liv with a cup.
“Commandant,” She calls out your name, softly, “I hope today ends nicely.”
It's a cup of hot chocolate. You remember it as something the four of you had done the other day. Taking the cup from her, the anxiety in your chest starts to calm down. Watching your three members laugh and talk as the sun sets behind you, the bittersweet taste of chocolate on your tongue.
You would do everything to stay by their side.
“I promise I'll do better.” You blurt out, catching their attention, “I'm...not going to give up. I'll stay alive, I'll do everything for you, guys.”
Tears threaten to spill from your weary eyes, yet you still dare to smile at them. “We are the Gray Raven, and we're a...family.”
Your team—your Gray Raven—smiles back. Lucia is the first to hug you, following Liv. Briefly taking away the shaking cup in your hands, Lee hugs you. In a layer, like a glove, your tears began to fall from your eyes as your team hugs you tighter.
“You're doing so well, Commandant.” Lucia said, “You're the reason why we're here today.”
“That's really true,” chides Liv, “Without you, there wouldn't be an 'us'.”
“We'll save you, the same way you've saved us, too.” said Lee, “as long as you promise to stay alive, too.”
Peace is temporary, yet it seems to be forever in this space. Summer must have been kinder for you this time. Maybe this picnicon a Sunday wasn't too bad.
As long as you stay alive, too. Isn't that summer so pretty with them?
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kuro keep my babies (and husband) safe or I'll throw these hands
(also did you notice my new format? hehehe)
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city-of-ladies · 2 months
Queen Naqiʾa/Zakūtu
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(Relief depicting Naqiʾa and her son Esarhaddon)
"Naqiʾa (c. 730– 668 BCE), wife of Sennacherib (705– 681), mother of the Neo- Assyrian king Esarhaddon (681– 669) and grandmother of Ashurbanipal (668– 627), is the best documented and in all probability most influential royal woman of the Neo- Assyrian period.
It was often suggested that Naqiʾa was the driving force behind Sennarcherib’s installment of Esarhaddon as crown prince. This was a truly exceptional case, as Esarhaddon was one of Sennacherib’s younger sons and most probably, even as a young man, suffered from an illness that would later kill him. Sickness was often interpreted as a sign of divine wrath in Mesopotamia; therefore, it was a severe obstacle for a claimant to the throne and any sickness of the king could be used to question his status as the darling of the gods. Maybe we will never know what the reasons for Esarhaddon’s promotion were, but we are sure about the results of Sennacherib’s decision.
Sennacherib was assassinated by his other sons and Esarhaddon had to fight his brothers in order to be enthroned. While the rebellion was going on, Naqiʾa explored the future of her son by asking for prophetic messages, something that was usually a privilege of the kings. The answer highlights the role of Ishtar, here called the Lady of Arbela, and the privileged position, of Naqiʾa:
I am the Lady of Arbela! To the king’s mother, since you implored me, saying: “The one on the right and the other on the left you have placed in your lap. My own offspring you expelled to roam the steppe!” No, king, fear not! Yours is the kingdom, yours is the power! By the mouth of Aḫat- abiša, a woman from Arbela.
Seemingly, the prophecy was right: it took Esarhaddon only two months to defeat his brothers and he was enthroned as Assyrian king. In this text Naqiʾa is already designated as queen mother; according to Melville this was “the highest rank a woman could achieve.”
In earlier research Naqiʾa was often seen as the strong woman behind a weak, sick, and superstitious king. Newer research has demonstrated that despite all of his problems, Esarhaddon was a capable ruler, who brought the Neo-Assyrian Empire to its maximal extension and pacified Babylonia, at least for a while. 
During his reign Naqiʾa became really powerful and commissioned her own building inscription. To undertake large building projects and praise them in inscriptions is typical for kings, but extraordinary for a royal woman. The inscription introduces Naqiʾa in a bombastic tone, which is quite typical for inscriptions commissioned by kings:
I, Naqiʾa … wife of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, daughter- in- law of Sargon [II], king of the world, king of Assyria, mother of Esarhaddon, king of the world [and] king of Assyria; the gods Aššur, S.n, Šamaš, Nab., and Marduk, Ištar of Niniveh, [and] Ištar of Arbela … He [Essarhaddon] gave to me as my lordly share the inhabitants of conquered foes plundered by his bow. I made them carry hoe [and] basket and they made bricks. I … a cleared tract of land in the citadel of [the city of] Nineveh, behind the temple of the gods Sîn and Šamaš, for a royal residence of Esarhaddon, my beloved son …
We can clearly see that Naqiʾa held an extraordinarily powerful position during the reign of her son and this continued even after Esarhaddon’s death. She was eager to assure the enthronement of her grandson Assurbanipal. The loyalty treaty that was intended to secure his reign is called the treaty of Zakutu, another name of Naqiʾa. Its first lines read:
The treaty of Zakutu, the queen of Sannacherib, king of Assyria, mother of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, with Šamaš- šumu- ukin, his equal brother, with Šamaš- metu- uballiṭ and the rest of his brothers, with the royal seed, with the magnates and the governors, the bearded and the eunuchs, the royal entourage, with the exempts and all who enter the Palace, with Assyrians high and low: Anyone who (is included) in this treaty which Queen Zakutu has concluded with the whole nation concerning her favorite grandson Assurbanipal […]
That Naqiʾa was able to conclude a treaty with the most powerful persons throughout the empire and to establish her favorite grandson on the throne is clear evidence for her powerful position, even if she simply continued the plans she had made earlier with Esarhaddon. It seems that Naqiʾa died shortly after Assurbanipal was enthroned as king."
Fink Sebastian, “Invisible Mesopotamian royal women?”, in: The Routledge companion to women and monarchy in the ancient mediterranean world
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whisperiin · 1 month
honestly, i can't believe his non-sfx coating is free t-t, Gojo glasses do things to me
okay, so, if i remember correctly, my request was about Commandant proposing to Wanshi, knee deep in Red Tide, "we know each other only a few hours and i'm delirious, but i know what i whant, when i see it"-style, during Echo Aria chapter
thank you in advance, and i think your writing still on point, glad you're back .)
ahh i'm so embarrassed i'm sorry!!!! i had two wanshi rqs in my inbox so i wasn't sure which one you meant... this time i wrote the correct one!! i hope you enjoy!!
honestly i'm sooo glad his coating is free... and he's free too? kurogames is spoiling us. i kneel... now we just wait for lucid dreamer gacha skin in a million years.......
marriage proposal ft. wanshi (and the red tide)
content warnings: none
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To say WANSHI is surprised would be the understatement of the century — his eyes widen, his mouth hangs a little agape, and his cheeks growing warm. Ah, he thinks, more than a little bewildered, maybe the exertion is getting to him. But he blinks once, twice, and still sees you down on one knee, the Red Tide lapping dangerously close to your shoes.
He’s quick to mumble an apology, his gaze shifting away from you. Neither of you are exactly in the position to answer that question, will you marry me, properly, after all. Wanshi might even look you over for a second — maybe you’ve gotten injured and started growing delirious? He’s sure Lee would kill him if anything happened to you under his watch.
And, if he’s being honest, he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you, either — his gaze keeps getting drawn back to you during the rest of the mission, making sure you’re still behind him, making sure nothing sneaks up on you… Not just because of your proposal, of course, but he can’t deny the way it lingers a little in the back of his mind for the rest of the day.
It’s not until you’re both back on Babylonia that he finally gives you an answer... of a sort. He tucks away the latest of many gifts you just handed him — the staff members in the room seem to whisper amongst themselves when he mentions running out of space in his sleeping pod for them, how odd… — a small smile tugging at his lips as he recalls it. Commandant, he’ll begin, taking in every detail of your face, you didn’t ask anyone else that question, did you?
It’s a bit early to get married, he thinks — but if it’s anything like this, his cheeks growing warm as he regards you, your eyes widening as he rubs grime off your face with his thumb — maybe, if you give him some time, he’ll be the one asking you to marry him, instead. For now, just your company is enough.
(Still, though, he kind of likes how it sounds calling himself your husband.)
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unhappy-last-resort · 9 months
Fevered Dreams ( PGR Chrome & ??? x GN Reader)
Warnings: implied somnophilia, manipulation, reader is sick (possibly COVID sick, depends on how my test goes), I am currently ill so I decided to write comfort that's less comfort and more discomfort instead
Lmk any mistakes or improvements I can make.
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It started with something small. Just a sore throat and nothing more, but by the next afternoon it had slowly grown into into something more troublesome.
Shortness of breath and fatigue and all while you were on a mission too, how convenient. Gray Raven was quick to shuffle you back to base once a nearby squad arrived to help and off you went back on a ship straight to Babylonia with Liv to accompany you just in case you got worse on the flight back (you did.)
You couldn't help but be frustrated, the day was going well and now everything is going to grind to a halt. You were already dreading what the night would be like when you were struggling even to take a nap. You sit up in your bed and stare a hole into the bedsheets. You didn't feel like doing much of anything, you just wanted to sleep, but that seemed impossible. You kept tossing and turning and even when you did fall asleep for a second you'd have these terrible nightmares; a swelling red tide full of all the cries of the ones you love and care about with their broken hands reaching out to you, looming towers disrupting your vision and transforming your friends- and even yourself into something crazed and horrid, towering trees made of fire and hellish twin faces, a sister in white slowly being torn apart limb by limb as her two red sisters scream in horror and pain of losing each other again as one red sister begs you to do something while the other says to stay away and that you'll never be enough. You're sure there's more, but you're too tired and miserable to try and remember any further.
A light knock disrupts your thoughts, and you're thankful for it. "Come in." You try to say it loud enough so the other person can hear, but you end up giving yourself a coughing fit instead.
"Commandant, I've warned you many times about the cost of exhausting your body." A familiar yet surprising voice sounds through your room and you look up between coughs.
"Chrome?" You croak and your brows furrow slightly in confusion. You're not surprised that he's visiting you, you're surprised that he's back so soon.
You remember earlier...you don't remember when and you can't figure out a time estimate, but he came to see you.
In the midst of your tossing and turning, you opened your eyes faintly to see a blurry figure, the face wasn't close enough for you to tell who it was and judging by the black in the blurry colors, it certainly wasn't Liv. Ah, what was that? It looked like a flash of red, Lucia? But you're not sure that's right either.
It's masculine, so definitely not Lucia or Liv...your brain is so scattered you can't seem to decide on who it is. Names and faces appear and disappear like shards of glass in your mind's eye, fleeting and falling through your fingers before you could catch them.
You open your mouth to ask who it is when the figure speaks first. "Rest. You don't need to fret, I'll be watching over you."
A light pressure forms on your shoulder, pushing you down gently in an attempt to stop the writhing you hadn't realized you were doing. "There's no need to panic, I won't hurt you, I just want to watch over you for a while. I'll look after you and keep you safe."
Noan? Lee? Chrome?...Chrome. It must be Chrome you decided, but why is he here now? You remember Liv saying he would visit at 5PM and while you don't know the exact time now, you knew it was too early to be 5PM.
"Chrome? Didn't you say you'd visit later?" You ask nasally, your throat irritating you to no end. There's a brief moment of silence from the figure before he speaks again.
"I finished my work early, so I decided to come see you early. Is that alright...Commandant?" The voice is melodic, if you didn't know Chrome you'd think he was mocking you right now.
"It's fine, just wondering is all." You mumble as your head falls back onto the pillow, so tired and yet unable to sleep.
"Of course, you wouldn't want a wolf to come in and endanger you." Chrome replies, you feel a finger glide over the line of your torso before stopping right at your midriff. You laugh softly into a coughing fit at his 'joke'.
"Oh my, you really are quite ill aren't you?" A moment later you feel your head being raised and a cool glass press against your lips. Obediently you open your mouth and drink the water and when you've had enough, 'Chrome' gently sets you down again and cups your face.
You keep your eyes closed as he stays like that for a while. You feel his gaze over your face before it slowly drifts down and lingers at your lips, what you assume is a finger runs over your bottom lip before his heavy gaze travels further, studying your neck, then your chest, your arms, your stomach, your hips, and resting a moment between your thighs before the gaze travels the dips and curves of your body back up to your face.
"Go to sleep." If you hadn't known Chrome better it would've sounded like a warning. Regardless, you did somehow manage to fall back into a sleep punctuated with the occasional ghostly sensation of gloved fingers on your skin followed by a soft press of lips, but you couldn't tell if that was from a dream or not, since every time you tried to see who it was...there was nothing.
"Commandant?" Blue eyes swirling with concern and a slight twinge of fear wait anxiously for your answer, a gloved hand stretches out before abruptly hesitating and pulling back. "Commandant, can you hear me?"
"Yeah sorry, I didn't realize I zoned out." You give Chrome a faint smile. "But you don't need to check up on me so often."
Chrome's brows furrow, he seems more anxious suddenly. "Commandant, this is the first time I've seen you today. Did you...perhaps have a dream?"
"Huh? No, you definitely came here earlier." There was no doubt in your mind that that was real. You saw him earlier, you were absolutely certain. You'd even bet your life upon it, that's how certain you were.
"...I wasn't here earlier." Chrome replies, there's no tone of judgement, or mockery in his voice. He says it calmly, confidently, and gently, the same way he does when informing you of strategies or what types of enemies are on the field.
You don't know what to say so you quietly look over the memory again in your mind, combing through it and looking for anything suspicious. It must've shown on your face because Chrome suddenly crouches down in front of you.
"It's...alright if you dreamt of me," Chrome's cheeks flush ever so slightly and he averts his gaze before finding his words once more. "But I want to make sure you know the difference between dreams and reality, Commandant."
There is no hint of judgment in his face, only the sincere and genuine care he has always shown you. "I...you're right, maybe I've been pushing myself too hard lately. I'll ask Liv if I can take some sleeping pills." You're still certain those events were reality, but knowing how concerned everyone already is, you don't want to add hallucinations onto their list of things to fret about so you just go with it instead.
Chrome smiles gently and then it falters for a moment, becoming confused then strained as his gaze lingers on the side of your neck. "Chrome?" You call, wondering what's wrong. Your fingers reach up towards your neck before being stopped suddenly, you look down and realize it was Chrome's hand on your wrist. You stare at each other for a moment before Chrome stands up and clears his throat, letting go of your wrist in the process.
"Ahem...it's nothing, Commandant. I was just thinking about missions. Please get some rest." And with that, Chrome leaves. Quietly shutting the door behind you and leaving you in solitude once more.
Solitude? My, after such a wonderful performance you gave me you think I'd simply leave you to suffer alone? Never, dear little rabbit of mine, would I ever do such a thing.
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1ore · 8 months
Scuttling into ur askbox like a little beetle
i think i recall you reblogging/posting things about geography and culture + human effect on it - I vaguely recall a piece of art where it showed a blurred out, cropped piece of people fighting, and focused instead on the flora in the scene.
ANYWAY! getting back on track. seeing that piece inspired me to take a course this semester called "people and the land: cultural geography". and the whole reason I came to your askbox was to ask if you had any suggested reading materials? We'll get stuff in class ofc, but I am curious to see if there's any bias of materials on the prof's side vs someone else.
Phew that was a long ask. thank you o/!
That sounds like Liz Anna Kozik’s piece : D So happy it stuck with you! I love her work!!
As for your ask, what an awesome class! Land-human relationships are my bullshit, and I really enjoyed my own cultural geography class.
Thinking back on my schooling, I would say about 70% of my classes fell in with the “everything is awful and humans are the worst” narrative, and the other 30% made time for land-human relationships other than the extractive hellscape that most people currently live under. So, full disclosure, when I think of “bias,” that’s what I think of. You grow up in the miasma, it’s hard to imagine that there’s any other way of living. It’s also hard to say without knowing the professor, but I think, in general, it’s good to be mindful of who is or isn’t telling the story.
ANYWAY. All that in mind, here’s some articles about people-land relations that I think are neat:
The Environment and Society portal - I like their digital exhibits especially. I remember enjoying Oceans in Three Paradoxes and The Northwest Passage. Great place to wander around and pick a random article that catches your eye.
Of Deserts and Decolonization: Dispelling Myths About Drylands – obligatory desert propaganda. An article looking at how colonial mindsets about deserts disrupt existing relationships and hurt both people and land, and also how those attitudes shape environmentalism/conservation/etc. still today.
The Miracle of the Commons – lovingly challenging the Tragedy of the Commons with a creative solution to poaching and human-animal conflict in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Namibia. Great article to sit in discomfort about (productively!)
Biodiversity: The Variety of Life that Sustains Our Own – Contains one of my go-to examples when explaining how humans can be good for land and biodiversity, the story of Quitobaquito Springs (and its sister spring Ki:towak, though the author doesn’t mention it here.)
The Environmental History Timeline - just fun to look at, especially the further you go back. It’s funny to spot where a young branch of history is trying *really hard* to reframe how academia thinks about the past, by bringing the invisible landscape forward:
2700 BCE —  Epic of Gilgamesh describes vast tracts of cedar forests in what is now southern Iraq. Gilgamesh defies the gods and cuts down the forest, and in return the gods say they will curse Sumeria with fire (or possibly drought). By 2100 BCE, soil erosion and salt buildup have devastated agriculture. One Sumerian wrote that the “earth turned white.” Civilization moved north to Babylonia and Assyria. Again, deforestation becomes a factor in the rise and subsequent fall of these civilizations. (Perlin, 1991). 2700 BC — Some of the first laws protecting the remaining forests are decreed in Ur, Messopotamia. (Grove, 1995).
^^^ fucking around and finding out forever and ever and ever.
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kangen-wanshi · 2 years
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Talking About Other Constructs ft Roland: Flambeau, Lee: Entropy
What sort of reaction will they give if you keep praising other construct in front of him?
Tags: Separate, jealousy, comfort/fluff
A/N: I keep writing Roland Flamingo I don't know why
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Roland Flambeau, He Doesn't Get Jealous (lies)
Roland puts on front, fairly obvious about it yet he still seems subtle in doing so.
Others would just think he's being, well, him. But more annoying.
But of course after spending so long by his side, knowing every bit about how his 'act' works, it's not difficult for you to figure out that he, possibly, is jealous.
Obviously enough, he feels and has explicitly expressed that he's better than every other construct Babylonia has to offer, including the Strike Hawks that keep clinging to you, and Gray Raven that seems to never leave you alone.
And then there's Camu.
Camu, just like him, is a Transcendent. He believes that he can overpowered him easily, but when you came back and told him about the scouting mission with Camu where he's just so helpful in fighting enemies in places with intense virus density,
His guts are twisted.
He'd laugh at you even needing Camu's help, at Gray Raven's incompetent that they have to use the help of someone like him, and maybe at you being absolutely smitten over Camu's strength.
Okay, he's jealous. You get it.
Naturally you laugh it off and brush his mean comments aside, but Roland is persistent and petty, so he'll keep pestering you with mean words until he's satisfied.
When you've had enough with his 'teasing', before you can snap at him, he'd grab your hand, pull you towards him with one hand right on your lower back, while the other firmly grips your chin, forcing you to look at his grin and heterochromic eyes.
"Next time, let me execute your command in battle. I'd like to see your own competency. And besides, with me by your side, following your every word, you wouldn't need those pesky birds and insects trying to woo you away from me."
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Lee Entropy, Improving Himself
Lee being competitive is normal.
Especially against Chrome.
At surface honestly it seems normal: Him pestering the leader of Strike Hawk, convincing him that you're fine and that his assistance is more than enough.
But Chrome, obviously, insists on helping you and Gray Raven to finish the task at hand. Your smile and acceptance at the Strike Hawk's leader honestly doesn't help with his boiling heart.
That sort of scenario repeats every other day. But at the end of the passive aggressive interaction he's had with Chrome, he knows that he'll be the one who will always stay by your side in the Gray Raven team.
So generally speaking, even if you praise or talk about other constructs to him, he'd simply go silent and nod along. (Would probably scoff if it's Kamui or Chrome specifically).
It's less likely that Lee will get jealous. Instead, he'd probably think that he doesn't give you his best yet.
On a mission where you're forced to separate from him, and end up needing to be saved by another team. Or whenever you overworked yourself without telling him for whatever reason, and instead you went on to ask other constructs.
He'd feel like he's not enough. And that sometimes takes the words out of his M.I.N.D and made him quiet for a long while.
When it reached this stage, you'd have to confront him yourself that he's more than enough. For Gray Raven, for Murray, for you, and for himself.
Hold his hand, reassure him with your words. And perhaps if you're lucky and he allows it, hug him.
He'd rest his head on your shoulder and stay there for a bit. Appreciating you and himself, and creating various possibilities in his M.I.N.D about how he could improve himself for you.
Yes you did say he's enough, but Lee is not himself if he's not constantly trying to be the better version of himself.
And honestly, it feeds his ego whenever he manages to flex his capability to you.
"I'm sorry that I couldn't have done better previously, Commandant. Please let me stay by your side and compensate for the mistakes I've made, and let me improve myself further, by being next fo you, for you."
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punishing-eden · 1 year
congrats on 151 follows, i enjoy your writing a lot and hope to see more !! 🫶
may i request a oneshot of lee comforting commandant after a long day? hyperreal's idle animation where he carries skk to bed melts my heart..and i'm sure my fellow lee simps can agree
Author's note:
🥺🥺🥺Thank you, I am glad you enjoy my work! And, I do have some more fic ideas on that back burner, both for PGR and other fandoms!
I heard about Hyperreal's animation, although I've seen his victory animation, I haven't seen the one where he carries SSK.
Lee simps unite! ✊
Night Time Over Time...
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Lee (Palefire) x Commandant/reader
Not beta read, but proof read
Working overtime became a habit for you, and it became a natural occurrence for your constructs. Lee wants to give you a piece of his mind.
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Tags: Wholesome, one-shot, short fic, request
The chattering outside of his room took Lee's attention from what he was doing.
He listened to the faint chatter of two Babylonia candidates walking along the corridor during this hour of the night. It was usually these two who were the last ones to head to bed, and the ones responsible to wrap things up around the living-quarters of the base.
Lee took a glance at the time reading at 11:55 pm. The two candidates were heading to bed earlier than usual. It was an occurring sign for Lee.
Placing the screwdriver down, with a heavy heart, Lee stood up from his seat. He went out of his room with a destination in mind.
He walked through the corridor and turned left. Continue walking until he reaches the large double door of the practise room.
Lee took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He paused and ruminate the scenario in his M. I. N. D once again. To make sure, he has the correct wordings and sentences to go against your stubbornness.
Something must be done about your habits, and Liv was too soft to tell you, no.
Without a moment to waste, Lee approached the door and it automatically opened.
As it was expected he sees you sitting on the floor with your legs crossed staring at the empty shooting range.
In several instances, Lee had seen fooling around by yourself. Doodling on a piece of paper, singing to your heart's content, or just talking to yourself; procrastinating from the ever-growing amount of work.
However tonight, you were quiet and it felt a little off. Your eyes looked tired, your lips held down with a small frown, and your brows were furrowed.
He knew something was bothering you.
You didn't greet your construct. Too lost into your own thoughts, the fact of someone came into the practising room flew over your head.
"Commandant..." Lee spoke
Upon hearing your title, you turned your head and saw your construct standing by the door way looking at you.
Startled, you quickly put up a smiled and plied, "Oh hey, what are you doing here?"
"I should be the one asking," Lee crossed his arms, "It's late. What are you doing?"
"Just taking a break," you answered simply.
"...are you working overtime again?" Lee asked. He sounded a little concerned.
You became a little embrassed from his statement. It wasn't the first time your constructs has expressed their concerns about working overtime, "... It's nothing, just had a long day that's all..."
Your voice faded a little as you spoke while your expression shifted. And, Lee had caught a glimpse of how the stress has began to take a toll on you.
"What happened?”, Lee asked, genuinely curious about your troubles. He added, “ I can see your stress levels are gradually increasing again. Going any higher than 40%, will contribute to hair loss." Lee stated. His had his usual scowl of disapproval, looking at you made you feel a little nervous.
Letting out a small laugh, you tried ease Lee's worry. Nodding your head in acknowledgment, you said, "I will be fine, Lee," Standing up from the ground, you brush the dust off of your uniform," just let me finish my work first then I will head off to bed, I promise."
Lee held a skeptical look. He reckon you would work your way around the promises.
"No." he said it out flatly.
"Please~" you tried to convince him, you looked at Lee, "I just need three more hours before bed."
Putting your hands together, you begged Lee to let you off the hook, "Just one, one report and I will be done for the day."
For five minutes, the negotiating went back and forth. You continued to stand on your ground, opting to finish the most urgent report first before resting. Which was a good enough reasoning to convince Lee to agree.
"Fine, one report only," he crossed his arms and said, "I suppose I can help out too."
Sitting by the desk in your quarters, you began to type away in your report. Meanwhile, Lee helped writing the supporting report and sorted all the other related paperwork.
As minutes went by, you continued to work, asking Lee for assistance from time to time.
As your construct, Lee diligently obliged to every demand. Assisting you, with every detail from gathering supporting data files to the final printing of the entire report. Adjusting the angle of the staples to the colour coded indexes. Placing the hardcopy in a yellow card folder, he headed out from the printing room to place the freshly printed report on Celica's desk. Then with a transferring port, Lee submitting the digital copy to the Minstry of War.
He did a little calculation in his head before heading back to your quarters. Once the door slide open, Lee said, "Commandant, I have submitted the report to the Ministry of War. It would take, on average, 14 da-", he stopped mid sentences.
Still seated in your chair, you didn't response to Lee. You were leaning on your desk head resting on both of your arms. While Lee was away, you couldn't help but to fall asleep.
"... I told you so..." Lee mumbled with a sigh.
He slowly approach you and watched as you slumber. He had thought about the possibility that you would fake sleeping just to have him get off your back. Looking a how deep you slumber, he knew you were too tired to continue.
Whatever happened during the day, he will deal with it in the following morning. Once, you were awake.
With care, he brought his arms around your back and legs. Gently, with ease, he pick you up and slowly place you on your bed. He tucked you in with the utter most care making sure you were comfortable to get as much rest as possible.
Satisfied, Lee went over to turn off the lights and headed out of your quarters.
"See you later, Commandant," he whispered.
The walk through the corridors was quick. He had memorise the route from the your room to his, to optimise the fastest and most efficient way to reach to you if there is an emergency. Within a few minutes, Lee arrived back to his room. Still, dimly lit from the lamp on his desk.
The first thing he did was to read the time on his desk clock, 1:45am.
"... Four hours and fifth-teen minutes before dawn... That's a new record for [Y/N]," Lee said. Without a word, he sat down on his chair and picked up his screwdriver.
(C) Punishing-eden
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mako-neexu · 3 months
What are some good suggestions you've found from jp for the survey? I want to write more instead of the usual four things I ask for(new quick support, Avalon le Fae anime and manga with Gudako, 100 friends point gacha, give strengthening more often) but I'm struggling to think about what else to write
many have requested some of the following:
BGM player function where preferred music plays in a quest or in any section of the game
replaying boss quests or high difficulty quests from story
QP limit increase
Gudako anime
Surplus materials converted into smaller things (ex: Golden ember used to level a Servant to maximum but there is a little surplus left -> surplus is turned into a Silver or Bronze ember)
less AP consumption
G E O R G I O S rank up
Filter functions for mystic code
Holy Grail/Fou-kun remover similar to the Code remover
Babylonia mystic code and the very first summermystic code distribution to everyone
Implementing something like a 'recommended Craft Essence' function in the battle menu for the Servant
QP limit increase
Bond 10 voicelines (hopefully uniquely different from arcade)
Gudako anime
Eresh Summer
Maxwell's Demon 5 Star Servant
Fujimaru Ritsuka / Master voicelines when using Command Spells and Skills
Gudako anime
search ユーザーアンケ at twitter to see more www ill check at bbs too if theyre talking about it
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