dkraemer · 3 months
Informationen über Herstellung und Heilwirkungen der Bach-Blütenessenzen sowie Informationen über neueste Forschung zum Thema Bach-Blütentherapie, wie z.B. die Bachblüten-Hautzonen®, den Bachblüten-Farbtest, das Konzept der Bachblüten-Schienen, das eine Bach-Blütentherapie bei chronischen Schwierigkeiten überhaupt erst ermöglicht, sowie die Beziehungen der Bachblüten-Schienen® zu den Meridianen der chinesischen Akupunktur.
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originalbachflower · 11 months
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Exploring Agrimony: A Bach Flower Remedy for The Torment Behind the Cheerful Face
Tony Dolz Healthcare Analyst
In the realm of natural remedies for emotional well-being, the original Bach Flower Remedies have gained significant recognition over the past century. Dr. Edward Bach, an English physician and homeopath, developed a system of 38 flower-based remedies to address emotional imbalances that hinder our ability to lead fulfilling lives. Among these remedies, Agrimony stands out as a powerful solution for those seeking emotional balance. This article delves into the origins, uses, and benefits of Agrimony, providing insights into its effectiveness as a Bach Flower Remedy.
Understanding Bach Flower Remedies
Dr. Edward Bach discovered that emotional disharmony impacts our overall health, healing process, and well-being. With this conviction, he developed the Bach Flower Remedies, a collection of 38 natural remedies derived from wildflowers. Each remedy addresses a specific emotional state or imbalance, aiming to restore inner harmony and promote personal growth.
Agrimony: Unmasking Inner Turmoil
Agrimony, scientifically known as Agrimonia eupatoria, belongs to the rose family and is native to Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia. This perennial plant, features clusters of small yellow flowers that play a crucial role in Dr. Bach's system. Agrimony is indicated for individuals who mask their inner turmoil and distress behind a cheerful and jovial façade.
The Agrimony remedy helps those who struggle to confront and express their true emotions. It serves as a catalyst for inner healing by encouraging individuals to acknowledge and embrace their genuine feelings, allowing for an authentic and more balanced approach to life.
In Dr. Bach’s Words
“The jovial, cheerful, humorous people who love peace and are distressed by argument or quarrel, to avoid which they will agree to give up much. Though generally they have troubles and are tormented and restless and worried in mind or in body, they hide their cares behind their humor and are considered very good friends to know. They often take alcohol or drugs in excess, to stimulate them and help themselves bear their trials with cheerfulness.” – Dr. Edward Bach
Emotional Benefits of Agrimony  -  “Communicate Openly”, Dr. Bach
Agrimony has proven to be a valuable remedy for various emotional challenges. By incorporating Agrimony remedy into daily life, we may experience the following benefits:
Encouraging Emotional Authenticity Agrimony helps individuals who tend to suppress or deny their emotional turmoil. By facilitating the expression of genuine emotions, it enables personal growth and paves the way for lasting healing.
Promoting Mental Clarity The essence of Agrimony assists in alleviating mental distress and promoting mental clarity. It aids in reducing anxiety, worries, and internal conflicts, allowing for a clearer and more focused mindset.
Enhancing Interpersonal Relationships By helping individuals express their true emotions, Agrimony fosters improved communication and healthier relationships. It encourages open dialogue, understanding, and deeper connections with others.
Restoring Inner Peace Agrimony aids in releasing pent-up emotions, creating space for inner peace and tranquility. It allows individuals to let go of emotional burdens, leading to a renewed sense of well-being and balance.
Supporting Overall Well-being By addressing emotional imbalances, Agrimony indirectly contributes to physical health and vitality. It assists in alleviating stress, which can have a positive impact on the body's ability to heal and maintain overall well-being.
Bach Flower Remedies and Stressful Careers
The efficacy of Bach Flower Remedies, including Agrimony, has attracted the attention of people around the world.   From families raising their children, to navy fleet admirals, to sky divers, and students taking exams, many rely of the Bach Flower Remedies to live less stressful better lives.
Trusted Sources for Bach Flower Remedies
For decades, BachFlower.com (www.BachFlower.com) has been a dedicated source of education and personalized consultations regarding the natural Bach Flower Remedies. Their commitment to the well-being of individuals and animals has made them a trusted authority. Through their website, BachFlower.com (www.bachflower.com), individuals can access a wealth of information and resources to deepen their understanding of the Bach Flower Remedies and seek personalized guidance.  Directly From Nature (www.directlyfromnature.com) is the exclusive distributor of BachFlower.com
How Do You Truly Feel?  Are Your Emotions Out of Balance?
BachFlower.com offers a free online Questionnaire to help us identify our emotional state and to select the recommended Bach Flower Remedy for it.   The Bach Flower Questionnaire is available in English and Spanish and there is are version for animals and children.
Bach Flower Questionnaire Link:  https://www.directlyfromnature.com/Bach_Flower_Questionnaire_s/2069.htm
Animal-Friendly Bach Flower Remedies
The Bach Flower Remedies are not limited to humans; they are safe for animals as well. Bach Rescue Remedy Pet is formulated for animals and is preserved using animal-friendly preservatives.  Bettina Rasmussen, a Bach Flower Practitioner, founded Directly From Nature (www.directlyfromnature.com), the exclusive distributor of BachFlower.com. Directly From Nature’s commitment to offering a vast array of natural remedies for humans and animals has made them a leading source for those seeking holistic solutions for themselves and their pets.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Bach Flower Remedy to manage the Inner turmoil and anxiety hidden behind a cheerful façade? Take Agrimony.  It will help calm inner turmoil
What Bach Flower Remedy to overcome the Inability to express true feelings and emotions? Take Agrimony.  It will help overcome inability to express feelings
What Bach Flower Remedy for those who avoid conflicts and disagreements, rather than express their true feelings? Take Agrimony.  Agrimony will help stand for our true feelings instead of invariably avoiding disagreements
What Bach Flower Remedy for Restlessness and difficulty sleeping due to mental stress? In this case, the best Bach Flower Remedies are Vervain, White Chestnut and Rescue Remedy
What Bach Flower Remedy for breaking Dependency on addictive behaviors or substances to escape inner struggles? Take Bach Flower Remedy Agrimony and or Walnut to break from dependency on addictive behaviors or substances
Agrimony, as a Bach Flower Remedy, offers a natural and holistic approach to addressing emotional imbalances. Through its ability to encourage emotional authenticity, promote mental clarity, enhance relationships, restore inner peace, and support overall well-being, Agrimony has become a trusted ally in the quest for emotional balance. With endorsements from notable figures and the support of trusted resources like BachFlower.com (www.bachflower.com) and Directly From Nature (www.directlyfromnature.com), individuals can confidently explore the benefits of Agrimony and other Bach Flower Remedies in their journey towards personal growth and well-being.
Tony Dolz ©2023
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Bach® Original Flower Remedies are a natural, safe way of bringing you peace and balance. First discovered in the 1920s and 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach in England. Bach® Original Flower Natural Remedies work by helping you balance any negative emotions you might be experiencing. Such emotions can include feelings of anxiousness, worry, fear, uncertainty, or a lack of confidence. These types of feelings interfere with your equilibrium. Bach® Original Flower Remedies will help restore you to your former sense of self, and improve your emotional balance. 38 Different Remedies that can help bring solutions from deep routed traumas or sudden traumas in your life. Helps bring peace and acknowledgment of traumas to resolve within yourself. These natural wild flowers can bring so much healing and light just by taking them orally 3 or 4 times a day just 4 drops. Even just putting them in your water can be extremely effective to work with. We also do a 30 minute Pendulum Reading to divinely consult down to 6 remedies for you. Blessed with Reiki towards the end and once solution is prepped you can take home with you. Journaling is advised for your progress and resolution. Make your appointment today by calling 570-972-2104. #bachflowers #bachflowerremedies #healing #healingjourney #crystalgardenpoconos #saltcave #poconosmountains (at Crystal Garden Metaphysical & Salt Cave) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnpOVoiLfsH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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silviabpainter · 2 years
Salve, mi chiamo Silvia lavoro come naturopata, mi occupo di terapie olistiche, trattamenti naturali, se qualcuno fosse interessato può contattarmi
Poi mi diverto a realizzare disegni e pittura digitale, sono autodidatta,
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Social awareness | The Brainliest
The Brainliest is one of the best for heal thyself. We offer some bach flower remedies to heal yourself. In this heal thyself the people will take care of their own issues and not blame others and not correct other issues. Bachflower is a remedy to overcome blaming others and not accept your fault.
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acupressuretherapy · 3 years
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Diploma & Master Diploma in Guasha Therapy ;
Fees: For Diploma in Correspondence 3500 & in Regular 6500 or For Master Diploma in Correspondence 5500 & in Regular 10500 ;
Gua Sha in Chinese means to scrape away fever or translated more loosely, to rub away illness by allowing the illness to break out from the body as a red-sandy-looking entity through the skin. It is an ancient medical treatment that has been around for over two thousand years.
Diploma in Guasha Therapy ;
1. Human Anatomy
2. Introduction to Gausha Therapy (What is Gua sha therapy)
3. History of Gua sha Therapy
4. Basics Pressure Technique of Gua sha
5. Benefits and Precautions of Gua sha Therapy
6. Tools of Gua sha therapy
7. How to perform Gua sha?
8. Application of Gua sha in different body parts.
9. Indications/ Contraindications of Guasha
Master Diploma in Guasha Therapy ;
1. Human Anatomy with Reference to Guasha.
2. Human Physiology and Pathology.
3. History, Philosophy & Principles of Guasha Therapy.
4. Advance Reflexology (Face & Spine).
5. Yin-Yang Concept & Five Element Theory.
6. Meridianlogy 14 Channel.
7. Method of Pressure - Stimulation, Tonification & Sedation.
8. Important Meridian Point, Diagnosis.
9. Disease Diagnose & Treatment by 5 Location (Foot, Hand,  Ear &     Face, Spine, and Body Acu Points)
10. Glands, Energy & Chakra System in Body.
11. Uses of Various Guasha Practices
12. General Knowledge of Magnet, Colour, General Food Therapy.
13. Advanced Protocols for Ailments.
14. Guasha Massage Technique.
15. Guasha on Pregnant Woman.
16. Emergencies in Guasha
17. Guasha On Old Man/woman
18. Guasha On Child.
19. Suggestion of Instrument for Treatment
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bluexizn · 5 years
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#drawing #BachFlower #remedy #mustard #BachFlowerRemedy #배치플라워 #레머디 #머스타드 #머스터드 ⠀ #iPhoneDrawing #드로잉 #기록 #그림 #그림스타그램 #취미생활 #김밤톨 ⠀ ⠀ https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Zb-69FP09/?igshid=md4lfhlmt1qz
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japanismblog · 5 years
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Bach Flower Holistic Remedy
Flower essences are used as relief from specific emotional problems. You can talk about your worries with a Bach Flower Practitioner and they will combine essences for you and your pet’s needs! The essence bottle will be sent to your home from Japan.
To know how to reach them, just watch the video below:
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Dottor Edward Bach 
I Rimedi dell’Anima 
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mana-loa-mari-blog · 5 years
ハワイアン マナロア フラワーエッセンス Hana Aloha
2010/9/25 wrote.
Hana Alohaは夏至の日「ラハイナムーン」と呼ばれる
Hana Alohaはタヒチ産である。大地を守る木。
『Hana Aloha 魔法の愛』~再生・リセット~
「Ekaha Ekahi」という祈りの言葉。
次回はWai Alohaです。
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dkraemer · 10 months
Bach Flowers and skin zones with Dietmar Krämer
Interview by Sandy Kaufmann on the subject of Bach Flower skin zones. Your discovery and how you can use it to treat physical complaints with Bach Flowers. The simplicity of its application and its special effect on all mental and physical problems. The interview ist based on the book "New Bach Flower Body Maps".
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aricaramia · 7 years
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The homemade tincture was to take the place of a beloved tincture that I couldn’t find. (I have since found the tincture) This tincture is infused with: lemongrass, Damiana, wormwood, yarrow, mugwort, thyme, mustard seed, flax seed, celery seed, bay, lavender, cinnamon, calendula, orange peel, dandelion root, elderflower, and rosemary. It was brewed on a Wednesday under the full moon, and is charged with the symbol of mercury adorned in amethyst and quartz crystal chips. The entire mixture was brewed in honeyed bourbon. The Bach Remedy was purchased at my local Sprouts. It retails at 17.99. This blend is; Cerato- instills decisiveness when you question your own judgement and ask others for advice. The instructions recommend “two drops in mouth or water and repeat as needed.” These two I use every single morning. I put a few drops of each into a glass of water, or I will add a few drops to my coffee or tea. My mother gave me a tincture once called Third Eye, and I took it religiously levers single morning!!!! At first I didn’t notice a difference, but when I missed a day taking it, I found that I was second guessing myself and when I did, I always ended up having to fix something that I messed up. (I worked in the medical field and this specifically helped when I was required to draw blood). When I ran out, I didn’t know what to do! So, I made this tincture instead. :) I have since found the tincture and I will most assuredly be purchasing it!!! I will post a picture with the link for purchase :) I am already very sensitive emotionally and mentally and when I treat my intuition or my third eye to a treat like this, I am always well rewarded. * I should note that when I was shopping at Sprouts, I walked past the display for the Bach remedies, and found my self coming back over and over again. I scanned the chart to see what things it could offer and didn’t resonate with anything I read. Cerato was the first one I reached for ...
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gardenofaheart · 2 years
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💌 𝗥𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿❣️𝗺𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲𝘀 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝗲 𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱 🎈
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sachetwalkerblog · 5 years
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Winter gives us an amazing opportunity for dialogue with flowers.. Now I day I am talking more about #flower #sachetwalker.. Keep on walking and explore more.. May be #Bachflower have generated this mood.. https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Jn1EgJ-9-V4ljCJ3oEsNqb8sEJ3nHT-N2Zas0/?igshid=hs45ptlvguun
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acupressuretherapy · 3 years
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Diploma in Bach Flower ;
Course Duration: 2 months in Correspondence & 1 month in Regular ;
Eligibility: above 18 & 10th+ ;
Fees: Correspondence 3500 & Regular 6500 ;
Register Now ;
Visit our website: www.acupressureguru.com ;
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bluexizn · 5 years
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#iPhoneDrawing #BachFlower #WildOat #today 's #remedy #배치플라워 #와일드오트 #drawing #그림 #그림스타그램 #취미생활 #김밤톨 ⠀ #기록 ⠀ https://www.instagram.com/p/B7PHdYLlyyu/?igshid=1jp6cz3hwd92n
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