#back on my liveblogging bullshit i guess
invisiblegarters · 3 months
Okay it's been a minute since I've liveblogged but here we go.
LOL I love how surprised Ongsa's two friends are that she's related to Alpha. Badass that she is. And hahaha at the Stars (honestly it just doesn't feel like a GMMTV show for me without one of the J's popping up at some point, so I was delighted to see AJ here (I think it's the shows I pick but really, one or the other of them seems to be in everything I watch these days)).
Aw poor Ongsa. Still reeling from the realization that Sun thinks she's a dude. Poor awkward baby I love her.
Not a fan of the way Mawin is being presented. Please let it wind up being better than that.
Okay I love Ongsa's two friends.
Look at the cat photo Ongsa you know you want to.
Why do I love the idea of a cursed Astronomy Club so much?
Everyone in this show is so cute. Does Mawin have a thing for Tin? And Luna's determination to have her astronomy club is - sing it with me, kids - super cute. I haven't seen her and Aylin interact yet but I already know I'm gonna love them, just because Luna is so damn bubbly and sweet I can't see her doing anything but embracing Aylin just as she is, which I love for Aylin honestly. That girl deserves someone who loves her because of who she is, not in spite of it.
And yep, I'm gonna love them.
Oh Ongsa. Tangled webs etc. But I won't pretend that I can't wait for the shit to hit the fan.
Ongsa...just...delete the Instagram account. Why are you throwing your phone away you little weirdo? Who even does that? This girl is so dramatic and ridiculous hahaha.
Pfft this is not a curse Ongsa you are just suffering the consequences for being dramatic af. Who throws a whole phone away to keep themselves from not-so-much-accidentally-anymore catfishing their crush?
Also, Ongsa my darling, you are just kind of a mess in general - I say two seconds before her friends do, too. It's true though.
Aw Luna really is the cutest. Aylin is totally joining that club.
Oof I do feel bad for Sun though. It sucks to feel like you're making a connection with someone and then they just disappear.
This curse thing is ridiculous I love it so much.
Latte is the cutest. Alpha is correct. She is also a very good big sis, even if she likes to pretend otherwise.
Ongsa you goober. I love this girl so much.
WHY is the Ton is Ongsa's ex thing so funny to me.
This continues to be the cutest thing. I will say that I would like a grittier, nastier GL the same way we have been getting them with BL of late, but I also know that the gateway to getting that kind of content is The Cute. And I have no objections to The Cute either. I just hope this takes off and paves the way for even more GL in future.
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botslayer9000 · 1 year
detective comics 27 liveblog
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i love how commissioner gordon straight up brings his socialite friend to a crime scene because he was feeling bored. the corruption of the gcpd starts early and runs deep ig
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Funniest Moment in LA Noire
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what are these expressions (also i love how bored bruce wayne is its great)
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i guess bruce wayne wasn’t rich enough for car mods back in the 30s
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i swear the expressions are the best part of this comic. that and the very menacing villain who built a multiple-human-sized gas chamber to kill guinea pigs in his scientific laboratory for Reasons I Guess
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the cape physics engine needs some work
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remember when batman dealt with normal people who wanted to take over their partner’s chemical company but didnt want to pay for it so they killed a bunch of unrelated people
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joker origin story.jpg (also that guy is definitely dead holy shit)
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where did his ears go
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thank you bruce wayne for the dramatic ass exit
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he still looks so bored i love it
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anyways this is barely recognizable as the batman of today but i do like that bruce wayne is just a really bored rich kid in this comic. good to know the brucie wayne characterization was here from the very start. also there are so many hilarious expressions
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silveredsound · 2 years
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 7 months
the promised thoughts about wblue
okay so i DID very much go and rewatch it lmaoooooo so first half is like thoughts i was thinking last night and then a liveblog-ish with different subs than the ones i watched yesterday. also i tried to write out the lyrics of the song but there some parts i definitely missed
when your entire infrastructure apparently rests on one (1) laptop working and your fucking president destroys it (instead of the alien who is causing brainwashing) for his little retainer
said retainer put a fucking shoe in your president's face the first time he met him, btw
said retainer was also like a TOUGH GUY once upon a time, with a real life of crime where he made counterfeit money, but he saw a man so beautiful (that was into a cashless society) and went "okay time to be silly :3"
also when you have a filter on your flashback that starts lifting only when you decide to follow this nerd who can build tech really well
also also when the sparks of a VERY IMPORTANT LAPTOP just have this cherry blossom feel instead of what was probably supposed to be bad-assery. was that just me? might have just been me. anyways.
BUT LIKE. YANMA DECIDED THAT THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. THE WHOLE THING. LESS IMPORTANT THAN SHIOKARA. i dunno if the other kings would make that decision. like i think himeno, rita, kaguragi, and jeramie would go for defeating hilbil. but also i'm not sure if the other retainers would use the lie detector like that. gira MIGHT destroy a country for like the orphanage kids tho.
i wanna see the history books of this like what is jeramie gonna WRITE for this. "so the bisexual yanma gast, against the uchu jester hilbil, chose his retainer shiokara over the country"
not that jeramie would know this but the fact the hacker gang instantly transferred loyalty to yanma was very funny, considering that they were yelling at shiokara after the time skip
something something yanma being more presidential (think that gira hype scene) is in a coat of a similar style to yankii!shiokara's
i did legit think they had known each other since childhood but i guess toei wanted more homoeroticism than that. cause like. this would have been about say…7 years of knowing each other? 2 years of timeskip, let's say yanma was president for about 3 years cause he DID know racles before the show started proper, and 2 years or so to be able to TAKE that president role cause i DOUBT they beat up that old man and immediately started running the country
when KAGURAGI says to prioritize taking back n'kosopa and then like. no
no seriously why is your ENTIRE FUCKING INFRASTRUCTURE dependent on ONE LAPTOP not breaking i don't think that's even how it WORKS don't you have to destroy cables and stuff too like if this computer goes does it self destruct the internet cables or did the n'kosopaians have no internet for three seconds and go on a rampage
when yanma is the wise king supposedly but also uses his face instead of i dunno his HANDS to block shiokara's stomping foot on the laptop. you know. that laptop he will break FOR THE GUY WHO WAS GOING TO BREAK IT
MY NERD ASS WILL BEAT YOUR YANKII WAYS, says the guy who will become more yankii and for the most part less nerdy over the years
yanma doesn't even fucking move. he KNOWS shiokara won't hit him
hey not to be dark cupid AGAIN about this. but. maybe if you had KISSED HIM HERE you wouldn't have needed to destroy your country
shiokara gives very "shoves nerd against a locker" vibes as yanma keeps resisting the other guy
the song "zero to hero" but like "zero to one" instead
ENGLISH LYRICS (GUESSING): no one can change destiny, (yeah?) but life is all uncertain(ly?) and we must be bullshit. i can tell you a to z [FIST PUNCH SOUND] turn on the radio tune into your heart(?) oh, i don't care(?) my life is gone, so take it back and away(?) what's wrong? (or won't you run) so what i'm still alive [hilblil talking] hard times coming [more talking] i'm still alive and the music's coming [talking] i'm still alive and {???} tonight {???} you can't go
shiokara has MADE HIS DECISION and it's following yanma watching someone go super gay in front of your very eyes
the way hilbil is like "ew. yaoi. cut it out"
yanma will not go to the top without shiokara. at all. his loyal slack-jawed tanuki MUST be by his side
gira: …………i guess i can understand being that gay yeah
YANMA HAD TO DO IT. FOR SHIOKARA. HIS SILLY RABBIT yeah i'm normal about this mhm
when you're like OH NO THE WHOLE COUNTRY. FOR ME.
when you were moved by something you couldn't see……..I UNDERSTAND YOUR SUBTEXT
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amc-iwtv · 11 months
re-reading sucker punch, and I had some thots. "Lestat glances down for a quick moment, and bites at his bottom lip as he smiles." (What I see)
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"It’s been so humiliating and yet…
Louis begins to follow after; the enthusiasm in every step Lestat takes drawing him in." Lestat "BITCHES LOVE me for my boundless optimism" De Lioncourt.
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“Again,” Louis laughs and shakes his head. “For the third time?” (Once this man managed to make you laugh, you know you have lost. Why you pretending?).
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“Shall I beg then?” Lestat asks, taking a step closer, then another, and one more. Louis can smell his cologne, musky and expensive. “Would you like me on my knees, Louis?” (LE GASP! THIS WHORE!)
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Lestat laughs, claps his hands, and reaches out to grab at Louis’ wrist. He tugs, and Louis is so taken aback by it that he can’t find the words to speak aloud.
Lestat is telling him but all Louis can concentrate on is how warm Lestat’s hand is as he keeps a hold on Louis’ wrist. He focuses on the way Lestat’s fingertips press against his pulse point. 
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Lestat laughs, shaking his head at Louis. “You are very stubborn. Did you know?”
Louis shrugs. “Just pointing out facts,” he says softly. (keep being a tsundere Louis! hot gyal tings! Keep THEM GUESSING! Keep them working for ya favor!)
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Louis quirks a brow up at that. “You promise you don’t bite?” (You know damn well you want to him to bite you!)
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“I didn’t want to assume, but since you’re French-French,” Louis murmurs. He regrets it only seconds later when he notices the pink tint upon Lestat’s perfectly shaped cheeks. 
“French-French,” Lestat repeats. “Is that meant to be an insult? And here I had believed we were beginning to get along well.” (GET HIM LOUIS!)
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“You could have fooled me,” Lestat laughs, but none of this is funny. This entire night has been one disaster after the other. “I have been kind, willing to try and make the best of this night. You have pushed against my every attempt.” BITCH love it when you are confrontational always! They love my boy for his tsundere swag!
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Daniel huffs about the comment from behind him and turns the sink on to wash his hands. “He’s not a serial killer, damn. That was one time, and the guy was already in prison! We were pen pals, Louis! This is different.” (LMAO We all have that one friend whose taste in men is deadly, but Louis is not in any position to judge,, but now I need to know all about Daniel's love life, like damn).
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He is an idiot. He is a jerk. This is why Louis keeps to himself, and why he concentrates on his business and nothing more. He doesn’t need to pull anyone into his personal web of bullshit and despair. (Baby you did nothing wrong! You never do anything wrong! stop accepting accountability. It's everyone else's fault my precious! STOPT THE THE SELF HATE)
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Lestat suddenly moans. He moans and Louis’ eyes widen in surprise, while Levi chokes and sputters on his coffee. (WHORE!)
Levi gasps, wipes at his lips with a napkin. ......
Louis reaches out, smacking his brother in law on the back. “You good, man?” (The homosexual activity killing levi!)
A second date. Oh, God above, please don’t let him fall again. Please don’t let him make a total fool of himself again.
Maybe he can try a blonde roast out for it? That seems like it will be good.
A nice blonde roast, with some vanilla and brown sugar. (suddenly got a taste for BLONDES huh LOUIS???"
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10/10 - Sweet. Funny. So character-focused. Louis-centered. A real slice of life. PROMISING. I love Louis's internal dialogue throughout this whole fic. You write Louis so well, so filled with shame, so dedicated to his work, his self-critical, so judgemental, so smitten with that blonde rogue. You effortlessly established so much in the first chapter. @thefairylights
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
What did you think of the latest episode ?
Hi again. (:
I have a tag for liveblogging the new volume if you are interested in checking it out. Here is a link to the chronological order of my Seraphina Watches V9 Tag and uses too many third-person tags for ease of blocking and reference, and the chronological order of my Volume 9 ruminations.
Yes, if you're using the custom desktop theme, you can add /chrono to the end of a tag and it will now show you posts in order. One of the benefits of using a custom desktop theme in addition to the basic dashboard view. Tumblr Staff DON'T want you to know this lifechanging hack.
That being said, I mean in terms of personal feelings? I think the past episode was the one I had the most issue with all volume. My immediate inclination is to suspect that this is because all the effort's been funnelled into the finale (and previous episodes) because I think penultimate episodes don't necessarily have as higher viewership. My other hunch is that probably more than half the episode was set-up for something to be rejected, which as I was watching the episode felt like they had been walking back the development of Episode 8, and you have to understand that my expectations are in the floor because I enjoy RWBY so much. If I enjoy something, it makes me more trepidatious, and I just expect my investment to have been for nothing. It doesn't make me a trustful viewer.
It doesn't help that I think RWBY is smart in ways a lot of stories avoid now (actual commitment, fundamental storytelling tools used in exciting ways, fucking necessary and purposeful dialogue) and if I've been trained to expect worse because there is so much shit around, I'm going to expect shit.
Anyway, I think what's really funny is that people take such issue with Miles and Kerry, and like I'm not trying to deliberately step on a landmine or anything but I think it's interesting neither of them wrote this episode (it was Eddy Rivas and someone else) and as it's possibly the worst written episode of the volume - handholding dialogue, expository best frend speeches (puke), characters saying REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS AT YOU, Curious Cat's characterisation clumsily handled - and the writing is the most important part to me - I guess I have to fucking wonder? I'm not trying to start shit, truly, but I also think the RWBY fandom might have issues. On the other hand I have to wonder if this episode was similarly passed off just because it's the set-and-scene for the finale.
I didn't learn anything new or interesting about Ruby either, so none of her development in this episode was that interesting to me, which is a real shame because I think a character walking through a metaphysical otherplace of rebirth should probably have more to do and say, but that's just me.
As I said in my liveblog, I have this issue where RWBY is really really really really great and actually smart and clever (this fandom is fucking dumb), and then there's the odd occasion of breathtakingly bad handholding dialogue or the fucking friendship is magic bullshit, and then I'm asking where the interesting characters have gone. I know that Volume 9's focus on a smaller cast a) gave them an ostensibly easier time and b) gave the fanbase who wanted team RWBY hijinks some fun, but given that the only two interesting characters this volume are Jaune and Ruby, and now Jaune and Ruby were split up this episode, it is naturally a harder time for me. Their development is clearly the most important, the stagnation of the other three (and growth/happiness) is clearly meant to contrast with the suffering characters, but also Weiss' characterisation this volume has so far been insufferable (the not-a-princess who invents problems is not one I really like anymore - and I used to be a Weiss fan for most of the show) and Blake/Yang are interesting insofar as they've failed Ruby and that is fun.
So I can write up some of my unhappiness with this episode to just like, bad writing, bad writing for a reason, motivated set-up, and then also catering to idiots who don't even a basic storytelling knowledge who need the mythic concept of rebirth explained to them. NEWSFLASH: that part of the fandom doesn't care, will never care, and will never be happy, because their job is to be upset online and they like it, and they will never ever ever ever pay attention to dialogue because dialogue, foreshadowing, and basic character interaction and development DON'TTTT MEAN ANYTHING TO THEM. The only thing shit like pandering to non-fans does is alienate actual people who are not fucking stupid. It's embarrassing and weak and noncommital and it is probably my most major problem with RWBY.
RWBY is best when it's doubling down on its unique ideas and unique commitments and unique character and its actual special sense of magic and fun. Eschew the lampshading, fuck da haterz, fuck the people who have no sense of spectacle and substance.
Also I'm really hoping that 'acceptance' stuff was bullshit considering Jaune got thrown in Ben Solo's deathpit. That's about the only way I can read that nonsensical dialogue because there is no way in Hell that the solution to Salem's scenario is just ~acceptance~. The gods are unkind and unsympathetic, and Salem and Ozma will see each other again. Love endures. So if they walk back that set-up I'll be bigmad. I don't know how you get the restoration of tragedy to comedy without some big epic answer that is greater than 'hmmm you shoulda got over it'. That's not how storytelling works and not storytelling of grand, epic, powerful, magic, fairytale proportions.
Don't give me charcters from broken fairytales with broken idealism and tell them to give that idealism up. Sorry. Go big or go home. When I think about how this episode contrasts to the rest of the show, and indeed the previous episode with Ruby's little speech (you go girl, that was one of my favourite moments in the whole volume, you're so FUCKING right, this is BULLSHIT), then I want to assume it's being smart. I want to.
So I'm just hoping that, say, Jaune's annoying dialogue this episode led to his fall by necessity. I am also hoping that the writers stop pandering to idiots and just fucking write the story they want to write.
It remains to be seen regarding the finale. It's hard to judge a work-in-progress without the synthesis of its ideas. It's the inherent risk of speculation (especially for a blog like mine), because I'm riding big money on theoretical suppositions about how the resolution is supposed to work based on the given thesis and antithesis of the show.
I say this loving RWBY. I say this as a fan of RWBY. I say this as someone who saw Penny's death coming and Ironwood's fall and who has loved almost every other polarising narrative decision. So this isn't a hatepost for the show, not at all, and I'm not tagging it that way. But to my detractors, neither am I 'toxically positive' and neither - neither! - is liking a story something I have to qualify to make myself sound fucking smart. Liking things purely and being able to identify what makes them tick is actually the starting foundation of coherent criticism - which is a common issue online. A lot of criticism postures as 'my personal feelings, mostly to the effect of that this sucks' without being able to identify the identity of a work.
So the reason I really didn't enjoy watching Episode 9 is because it didn't lean into RWBY's strengths.
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d-lissa · 11 months
Liveblogging TMA - Season 3 - MAG 118-120
"Just because you don’t understand doesn’t mean it’s a lie."
In three parts this time !
Have I mentionned just how much I hate this podcast ? Because I do. Just. Fuck this story. Can't stop pulling at my heartstrings.
At least, this time around I saw most of that coming, so it didn't panick me as much as the last two finales but WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN JONATHAN DREAMS OF THE STATEMENTS HE RECEIVED EXCUSE ME-
I just. We just can't let this man not be traumatized for five minutes, can we ? No wonder the man can't fucking sleep if he always dream of the people he received the statements of dying miserably every night. Is that what the people who gave the statements dream of too ? Or, since everyone mentions feeling better, did he, like, eat the fears they talked about ?
You know what ? I don't know how much The Institute pays its workers, but the man ain't paid enough for this bullshit.
Here's to hoping Peter will propose that therapy thing to him as well whenever he wakes up, if he isn't in on probably sacrificing Jon to the Eye for the Watcher's Crown, that is.
At this point, you know the deal.
"Sorry, Elias. I can’t hear you. There’s – a door in the way."
Pfft. I have to say, I was confused for a bit, but I found that beginning extremely funny.
And so we start with Martin burning statements. Probably to make sure that Elias is occupied and can't go magically snooping around. Of course, we know it ends badly for Martin, but man was that moment cathartic. Martin should act up more often, actually.
Meanwhile, at the wax museum, Jon is a worried mess and the canddle work is sloppy. Man, the Stranger could've tried harder at least.
"When you were, um, kidnapped, did you leave a tape recorder here?"
And of course, a tape recorder appeared out of fucking nowhere. I am not even surprised at this point. Might as well, you know ? Thank you The Web, for giving us listeners an opportunity to see this mess happen in real time.
"Oh, so that’s it, isn’t it. Martin’s just acting out. I mean, Daisy’s a “rabid dog,” and Melanie’s a potential killer, Tim’s a – a rogue element, but Martin, oh Martin’s just acting out. He’ll have a cry, and a lie down, and feel much better."
I mean, to be fair, his actions does look like more of a temper tantrum than anything else. Like, I know it's a plot and all, but also, compared to our previous resident arsonist, I can't say that Martin is being very intimidating here.
Which is fair, it's not the point, but it's not like he's lying here either, is he ? He wants to be taken seriously. I kind of feel bad for him.
And of course, the entire mom backstory only worsened that feeling. I will not quote it, because I am hurt enough as is, but Jesus fucking Christ, it explains so much about Martin's behaviour and how he interacts with others.
Sorry Martin, I know you love your mother very much, but man what a bitch.
Back at the unknowing, the wax work isn't actually wax work, and Jon is ... Strangely appreciative of the setting ?
"Yes. I suppose it is."
Like, what do you mean, you suppose it is "holy", Jon ? I mean, I guess seeing something so uncomprehensible for the first time would be quite an experience, and to be fair, I myself am quite curious about, but "holy" ?
Terrific, horrific, nauseating. Jon, I feel like you're being too admirative here. It is profane, and something that should scare you. Though, I suppose it does ?
It scares him and he finds it beautiful anyway, or maybe even because of how terrible it is ? Jon, you're still trying to sell the fact that you have some common sense left, don't go full tortured artist on the things that are actively out to get you.
My God, his head must be such a traumatized mess.
Guess he really makes a good Archivist. Always seeking knowledge and reveling in it, despite ... Everything surrounding it. God knows that outside the context, I too would be mesmerized by it all. It sounds like a fucking trip.
"And I guess you don’t need skin to sing. To join the choir."
God, this is messed up, I love it so much. The imagery in this podcast is out of this world.
Speaking of messed up, more Elias scheming his way into being number one hated character of all time and being quite succesful at it.
But before that, a well earned rant from Martin. God, nobody can catch a fucking break in this story.
"Well, I hope you’ve got something better than that pathetic dig at my feelings for Jon."
I really love how the story is so overt about this, about how Martin very much has feelings for Jon and that they very much are romantic. I wonder how they've come to pass.
Still, I'd hardly say that the way Jon treats Martin is that bad. It's not perfect, obviously, and Jon is kind of a bitch, especially in the first season, but he was also overworked taking over a job he had no qualifications in with a member of his staff that had even less qualifications.
And he was hardly needlessly cruel, just cutting with his words, but still willing to help out how he could when Martin needed help.
I just don't think me and the people in this story have the same definition of "treating someone very badly", not going to lie.
But gosh, the sobs did hurt me.
"Tim, contrary to what you think, I did not bring you here to indulge your death wish."
Except that Tim very much came to do just that. The man wanted to go out swinging, with a bang.
At least he got his wish.
But Jon must feel so hurt seeing someone he cares about so ready to give away his life like that.
Man, this entire episode is a fucking trip.
In the most litteral of senses.
"Of course you don’t. You can’t. Not anymore."
Jon is confused and lost and doesn't remember anything ever. The way this is all told through an audio format is so amazing, I am genuinely impressed. I feel like if this had an actual visual support, it'd be less impactful than having to use my imagination to feel how things must be like there.
Love how Nikola is passing herself as Tim and how Jon feels better thinking that he's with his friend, even if he is so confused by everything. Nikola doesn't have mind reading abilities, does she ?
Did Jon talk to her about him when he was being kidnapped ? Talked about the people close to him in some delirious moments of fear or pain ? About Sasha and how he can't remember her because of Nikola's ilk ?
"No, you’re not. Because nothing is anything. Leave."
I also love how everyone has a different way of dealing with the situation. Jon is trying to understand, and to do what he is supposed to do, even if he can't remember what it was, because that's just who he is. He always needs to understand. And he is trying to trust his friends, to trust Tim, because he said he would trust the people around him.
Meanwhile, Daisy is focusing on herself, not believing anything and not trying to understand, just pushing everything away until there is nothing but rage and violence. She can't think, she can't differenciate things, but she doesn't need to, she just needs to listen to herself and the blood guiding her. And she loses herself to it.
"I said get away!"
Tim is just as distrustful as Daisy, just as angry, but he doesn't have the blood, he is just bitter and angry and he cannot trust. He is scared and confused, and so he isolates himself because others only always hurt.
And finally, Basira is just as confused. Like Jon, she wants to understand things, but she is trying to rationalize everything because she is less emotional and attached than he is. She can think but can't understand, but she doesn't need to understand because there's no stakes for her here. She came to help, but can't remember that, so the best way is to listen to herself and not listen to anything else, because she is right and the world is wrong. All she needs to do is get away.
Of course, Jon never would've done that, because he needs to stay and understand and help.
"Don’t be obtuse, Jon. I’m here because you failed."
Oof. Man, Nikola is good at making people doubt themselves.
Anyway, after the "I'm your friend" angle stopped working, Nikola starts gaslighting Jon through Gertrude and Leitner, two people he respects very little but who's disappointment would sting like hell.
And Nikola just knows where to hit, it's impressive.
And Jon listens, Jon feels like everything she is saying is the truth, and he is so sorry about it, oh my fucking god. He just wants to make everything better, but he doesn't know how, and he isn't allowed to think for himself, forced to be overwhelmed by the situation, not understanding anything until he is reminded of what he is.
"I see you."
The Archivist.
"Shame you don’t know your own coffin. But you will."
Daisy, half feral, killed Hope, and for that she is stuck into the coffin. Wherever that leads her, I don't think she's dead, but she will suffer. For a long, long time.
And meanwhile, Basira managed to logic her way out of the Unknowing. Impressive, even if it makes me wonder what she was supposed to achieve here. Did Daisy become like that because Basira wasn't here for her ? Basira is her partner, the one grounding her, so it makes sense that if Daisy loses her, then she loses herself.
It is good that Basira managed to get away, but she didn't do anything to help the situation, did she ? I can't imagine she will feel good about herself once she realize that she's left everyone behind.
"I see the sad clown, bitter and hateful. I see him finding his way into the circus where nobody knew him. I see him torn apart, becoming the mask, remade by a cruel ringmaster. Sometimes a doll, sometimes a mannequin, always hiding in somebody else’s skin. Somebody else’s name."
That little speech was kind of cathartic, even if what it means for Jon is kind of gruesome. But I also am so tired of monsters condescending the hell out of him.
"Jon. I don’t know if you can hear me, but if you can… then I don’t forgive you. But thank you for this."
... I mean, really, Jon didn't do anything warranting the need for Tim's forgiveness, outside of maybe the stalking. But I don't think that's what was on Tim's mind when he said this. Sounds more like even in the end, he blames Jon for everything that happened, as if Jon himself wasn't just as much a victim.
I get it.
No matter how much it hurts me to think about.
"I know."
And so, on a joke that doesn't stick its landing, the bitter existence of Timothy Stoker comes to an end in a blaze of glory, taking with him the Circus, avenging his brother.
Oh, and also Jon, who definitely got killed by the blast for this one.
... Except that it is, unfortunately for Jon, not the case.
Honnestly, I considered just writing "What the fuck" repeatedly for this entire episode because what the actual HELL-
But, I figure this'd be taking the easy way out.
"Statement of Elias Bouchard, regarding the dreams of Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, currently unresponsive. Details pulled directly from subject."
Ok, but seriously, WHAT is Elias ? How does he have the powers to take the statements from others ? Like, he is worshipping The Eye as well, obviously, but I thought this power over statements and such would be the Archivist's, you know ? It just sounds like those powers would be more useful to them rather than Elias who isn't an Archivist.
But he still has all the powers of one ! And more, even. Will Jon get on his level one day then ? But how did Elias manage to get all these powers when Jon got them all through BEING The Archivist ?
"The Archivist does not know where he is, and in many ways that is correct, for to say that he was anywhere would be an error. He has no conception of his body, lying on that gray hospital bed, perplexing the doctors. Heart unbeating, lungs unmoving, but mind and nerves alive and firing wildly: everything but brain-dead."
God, this is fucked up. This is so fucked up, what the heeeeell.
I will not quote the dream sequence, because just thinking about it makes me ill and sorry for Jon, he's just. Stuck there. Repeating over and over again the doom of everyone that has ever confided in him. And they see him too, and they judge him, and they think him responsible, which he IS because they wouldn't even have those dreams for every remaining nights of their life and I am SAD about it, ok ?
What happens when the victims are awake ? Does Jon just not dream ? Please tell me he isn't constantly being mentally tortured with the death and suffering of other people without being able to move a finger and forced to relish in their fear and constatntly watched. I thought giving statements was supposed to feel GOOD. Why are they like this ?
Anyway, the people he sees in his dreams. In order, we have :
Lionel Elliot, statement giver of "Anatomy Class"
Tessa Winters, statement giver of "Binary"
This would be the place of Daisy's statement from "Hard Shoulder", were she not stuck in the coffin. (Also, the fact that he hopes to see her, it hurts me, he just wants to be reassured that the psycho murder cop is ok, I can't.)
Karolina Gorka, statement giver of "Underground". I guess sje isn't dead as I first assumed, as there are no dreams from the statements of now dead people. Honnestly, I wonder what Jon thought when Sasha's statement disappeared. Did it not and just changed to show Not-Sasha instead ? And I wonder what happened to Helen's when she was trapped in the Soiral corridors but before becoming The Distortion.
After, it should be either Helen Richardon's statement from "The New Door", or Michael Shelley's/The Distortion's statement from "Another Twist". Jon is affraid to know what is behind the door, and I have to say, so am I. It is fitting that The Distortion is the thing we understand the least here, considering what it is, the confusion it creates. I wonder if it has anything to do with how The Distorion itself works. What would happen if the door were to be opened ?
Jordan Kennedy, statement giver of "Pest Control".
At first, I thought it was Jude Perry, as this was the only person we've heard of setting herself on fire, statement giver of "Twice As Bright". I had wondered what the avatars thinks of Jon giving them those nightmares and watching them. However, after actually paying attention, I found my answer and avatars can apparently avoid having those dreams ? Which is nice ? Does this mean that even if Mike Crew were alive, he'd be able to hide his dream ? But then, who's statement is it ? Obviously, the figure burning and filled with holes is Jane Prentiss, but from what statement is she from ? Not her own, obviously. I don't think she gave a statement while her worms were eating Jon and Tim, and written statements don't COUNT. So is it from Jordan's statement, despite him barely mentionning her compared to the landlord guy that was probably of The Lightless Flame ? I am just confused on this one. Also, where the fuck is Martin's statement ? He's not dead, obviously, and the only others that can avoifd the dreams are avatars apparently, right ?
Trevor Herbert and Julia Montauk, statement givers of "Nightfall". Since those dreams are here, then I guess they weren't avatars of the hunt, and simply influenced/markes by it, like Daisy is, which is not enough to avoid the Eye. Do the written statements really not count ? I'd assume not, otherwise Jon would've even worse things to see and watch, but then the line "He recognizes that look from the other hunter, whose dreams he has watched for so long." kind of implies the opposite. Also, why are THEIR nightmare not their cruel and painful death, but rather them hunting for Jon himself ? Is that their "bad end", rather than death ? Does Becoming count as worse than the end ?
Naomi Herne, statement giver of "Alone". Which, considering that this is "the oldest of the dreams", then that means that written statements definitely don't count ! Then I guess earlier was just an allusion to Daisy, he recognize their look from her, who's nightmare he did use to suffer.
Georgina Barker, statement giver of "Dead Woman Walking". Guess her lack of fear keeps her from actually feeling affected by the dream, even if she still has it ?
Ok, I am guessing that the statements from "Human Remains" didn't count, though it would've been pretty funny if Jon just found Elias in his nightmares. It would've been fitting.
Jurgen Leitner is dead, and so can't haunt Jon's dreams, and same thing for Gerry Keay and Mike Crew.
As for Melanie, Martin and Basira's, I just remembered that anyone affiliated to the Institute is free from those dreams ! Stupid memory, I legit totally forgot about that one, despite Basira and Daisy mentionning it before. Which explains why the ones from "Human Remains" can't count, because all the subjects were of the Institue, except for Not-Sasha.
I wonder how many of those does Elias have.
"The Ceaseless Watcher of all that is, and all that was; the voracious, infinite hunger the tears at his soul, invoking him to discover, to observe, to experience all, and everything, and forever."
At this point, you could've just titled the episode "The Ominous Episode" and it would've done the job, honnestly. Jesus fucking Christ. Why FOREVER anyway ? Surely it can get new puppets ! Leave Jon aloooooone, damn it !
(I mean, I am actually kind of freaking out about the relationship between an avatar and their Fear, and the "love" they have for one another, but that morbidity is also battling against my hard earned instincts of wanting Jon to be ALRIGHT AND HAPPY, DAMN IT !)
Anyway, heartbraking statement over, I am getting a little treat in hearing Elias get beat up for a bit, which is nice.
You will not be missed, you beautiful bastard.
I know that he's going to come back later, because he literally has dirt on every one of the people who will guard him, and that he'll probably have a very cosy stay in prison all things considered up until he decides he just don't feel like playing along anymore as he has done, but a nice little break from him.
Maybe being away will stop him from ruining Jon's life ?
That'd be nice.
"You didn’t tell her. Worried she might create too much of a scene? I understand. I just hope she… doesn’t hold it against you."
I uh ... Wouldn't hold my breath for that. Especially considering that objectively, killing Elias would be for the best, even if it doomed everyone at the institute to die a painful death.
Not that Melanie has been very considering of other factors that aren't immediate satisfaction at watching that bastard suffocate with his neck in her hands. Which is fair, but also, she really should do something about that. Tunnel vision is understandable, but do try to think of others outside yourself, please.
All of that being said ?
Good on Martin, honnestly. He did something, outsmarted the mastermind, kept his cool and managed to trick him. He's probably feeling absolutely awful about Jon's situation, and Tim's too, even with their strained relationship by the end, but I guess a win is a win.
Even if it probably feels hollow when compared to all the losses.
He did good. He should have some rest.
"To be honest with you, Martin, I didn’t expect to be taking over the place so soon, or in quite such a state of disarray. But I’ll do my best to keep the place afloat."
... Though it doesn't look like Peter will let that happen.
We just never can have nice things, can we ?
But hey, this time around there will be less murders ! And also ... Therapy ? Damn that's nice, definitely need that here. For literally everyone.
"I think we’re going to great things, Martin. Great. Things."
... You don't say.
Oh, it is going to be a fucking mess next season, huh ?
Amazing season, definitely my favourite so far, it was SO good. I am HERE for the character driven story and the overarching plot, as you may have noticed through all of my ramblings.
I can't wait to see what's next to come !
You know, other than pain and misery and wretchedness and torment and grief and heartache and sorrow and-
Well. You get the idea, right ?
Is it too much to ask for Jon to be ok ? I just don't want him in pain, that's all. Maybe that now that Elias is in jail it could happen ?
... Yes, I am in denial, shush. I am emulating my inner Jon, ok ?
I feel like I have made the point all throughout the season, so I don't really have anything to clear up at the end, do I ? Or maybe I do but just can't think of one.
That being said, I do want to think of what kind of avatars the cast would be !
Honnestly, for Jon, I legitimately can't accept anything other than The Eye. The guys isn't a good enough liar or interested into manipulating others or anything of the sort to belong to The Web, he's just a curious little guy ! He wants to know stuff, ALL the stuff, all the time and frankly ? I relate man. That being said, considering just how many times he has been the victim of another fear already, and I am assuming that they feed more strongly on the people they've marked, I like to think that he is also feeding them a little, from time to time. And that they'd like him, maybe ? I mean, as much as they can "like" anything, I guess. A little snack !
Martin, I say, got big The Web vibes, in the pathetic sad little guy kind of way. This guy could probably stage an entire murder and let proofs that it was him all over the place and he'd still manage to cute his way out of it. That being said, I don't want him filled with spiders, thank you very much, so if not The Web, then The Lonely ! That guy just cannot be the priority of anyone ever, can he ? RIP.
Tim would absolutely despise having anything to do with The Stranger, obviously, and would probably have a really fun burning them to the ground. Honnestly, while I know he isn't exactly horny for the fire and the pain and stuff, I do think he'd make an interesting avatar of The Desolation. If not, then senseless rage aiming to destroy everything around him also suits, so at least a Slaughter one.
Sasha was really curious too, though I do feel like it was in a different way than Jon, and she was a researcher. I think she'd have made an adequate servant of The Eye ? But I just don't know enough about her to give more thought to it, and what we got is very basic. Honnestly, if I had only season 1 Tim or Martin I would've said they were good for The Eye too, even though in retrospect they very much weren't, just because of their job ! And Sasha wasn't really exactly here just for the knowledge. Headcanon time, I think The End would've worked ? She was pragmatic and (very much) not scared of death, considering her ... Everything, she seems to be the kind to look it dead in the eyes as it comes to take her.
Melanie, considering her whole anger and murderous urges of the season, I'd say an avatar of The Slaughter. Maybe even Desolation ? But, no, she's not in the business of destroying lives, and dance on the ashes, more blind rage and anger with no filter. If not The Slaughter, then maybe The Stranger ? She sometimes speaks as if she can't recognize herself anymore, as if she was a stranger in her own skin. I think it fits, somewhat ? Or that could also be The Flesh, now that I think about it.
Basira, honnestly, The Spiral. Just. Straight up. Just how crazy do you gotta be to make sense of what doesn't have any ? She wouldn't fall victim to it, as she is always so sure of herself and her decisions, a total rock in the midst of chaos, being the one to know and leave others to their doubts. Plus, I think she'd be able to make someone doubt themselves, to be honnest. So, either The Spiral or The Web. She's got a controlling streak, I feel.
Daisy, well, obviously it's The Hunt. She has already been affected by it the entire time we've known her, there's nothing to her character that isn't tailored for The Hunt. That being said, this is the boring answer, and considering how she is, I'd say she'd make good work serving The Lonely. No violence there, obviously, only that insidious knowledge that you are alone and always will be and that, maybe, it'd be better for you. For everyone else. Were she to suddenly gain awareness of who she is, I think she'd feel pretty lonely in general. i think she already does somewhat, considering just how much she and Basira clings to each other.
Georgie is marked by The End, of course, but that's not something she'd end up serving, is it ? Real talk here, I feel like she'd be pretty suited for The Vast. Of course, she's not affraid of heights or anything, since she can't feel fear at all, and actually that would definitely keep her from even being an avatar, but that's not the point. Just, that feeling of insignificance, of powerlessness, that no matter what you do, you can't ever matter, you can't ever change anything, I think that this is something she might be able to relate to, considering her past eperiences. And honnestly, I feel like she is the type of person who would make you confront that feeling heads on, whether you wanted it or not.
Elias is obviously serving The Eye, and I don't see him ever even consider any of the others, but if he had to, then The Spiral would fit, I think. You just know that this gaslighting king looooves drive others crazy for his own entertainment. That would also be the results I would give to Jonah Magnus, to be honnest.
Gertrude was, obviously, never really Beholding material considering her everything. However, she was a seasoned arsonist with no scrupules to making others suffer, so The Desolation it is ! Not even because of Agnes, she'd just have got it on her own. If not that, then The Hunt, maybe ?
The Admiral would, obviously, serve The End, I mean, it's a CAT. Of course it is planning your doom while hiding behind a harmless exterior. But it wouldn't chase you, nooooo, it'd just act cute and you'd just follow it towards your end. Fool.
Hm. Did I miss anyone important ? I feel like I missed some important people. Boo.
Oh well, if I did, just tell me, I'll add them ! It was fun to do !
The quote of the post will be :
"There is nowhere in this universe that it would not blot out the sky."
End Liveblogging.
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deedeli-liveblog · 1 year
 RWBY ReWatch notes, part 3: i guess I’m doing one of these for every volume 
I’m supposed to be making minor notes / commentary, cause this is just a rewatch I decided to do on a whim. But I guess I’m way too used to how I normally liveblog these days, since I actually have to stop myself from commenting like, every minute on bullshit things afkdjhkadkla
Anyway, Volume 3! My personal favorite, and the Volume where Everything Goes Wrong.
I love the creativity in the weapons in RWBY. There’s a lot of swords and guns and classic weaponry. But then there’s things like Oobleck’s thermos being a flamethrower, Coco’s purse being a blunt weapon and a minigun, and then Reese’s (from ABRN) hoverboard being a weapon in and of itself, that transforms into mini pistols.
Arlsan only had that one episode, but she was so cool in it.
I like that team RWBY’s strategy half the time is to just launch Yang at the enemy.
BIMBO!?!?! D:<
It’s pretty neat seeing the animation budget go up in every volume of early RWBY.
The whole time Nolan’s listening to the explanation about Nora’s semblance he’s still charging her up, alkfkjdashkjsf
Actually, can a person’s aura protect them from dying from an electrical shock, since that’s mostly internal??? Ren got poked for a few seconds and stiffened up and dropped. If Nora wasn’t immune that probably would have killed her.
Wait, are all of those cups in the bar Qrow’s?? Jesus, man.
Team SSSN needs to work on their... everything. That was a hot fucking mess, lmao.
Oh right, I forgot Winter and Qrow had a best nemesis thing going on. Wonder if that’ll come up in volume 8
“How appropriately... underwhelming.” Oh my god, Winter was such a bitch in her intro, I fucking forgot salkfhdkljal. 
The Ice Queen title has been passed down through the Schnee family for generations!
the subtitles specifically state that’s a crow cawing, but I prefer to think that that’s Raven, come to watch her daughter’s fight.
I can’t remember where, I think it was in my review for RWBY that I said the Qrow v Winter fight kind of sucked. I don’t think I elaborated on that, but rewatching it now? It’s not... bad. But this is a big battle between two incredibly skilled combatants but it just felt incredibly stiff. In a way that previous fights were not.
That being said, the soundtrack during that fight kicked ass.
hehe, get fucked Ironwood
Emerald and Mercury creepily stepping back into the tall grass behind them is actually really funny.
Mercury as a character has never really done much for me. I neither liked or disliked him too strongly. But god, is he an entertaining fighter. The fact that he mostly only uses his legs makes his movements seem so wild and all over the place, but he’s incredibly skilled too. 
Also, Yatsuhashi and Coco seems like a kind of unbalanced fighting team. They’re both heavy hitters, so they’re slower at times. Maybe it would’ve matched better to have Coco and Velvet or Yatsuhashi and Fox.
I was gonna say it’s cute that Qrow just carries that picture of his team with him, but then I noticed that he uses his thumb to cover Raven’s face when Yang starts staring at her.
Oh yeah, I don’t think we ever found out what Penny’s plan was that would allow her to stay at Beacon. I figure by now it was just a red herring so you wouldn’t think that she’d die this volume.
Oh my god, Team FNKI!! >:D
The battle with FNKI is one of my favorites because it introduces two really fun and unique characters and the soundtrack during it is kickass, with having jazz renditions of the opening and Yang’s theme in it.
Also, Flynt’s semblance is the third one that we’ve seen where’s it’s someone making a clone of themself (Blake and Sun’s being the other two), and it’s cool to see the variance in a similar ability. Blake can only do one and it (initially) cannot move, only sit there and take a hit for her. Sun’s are completely mobile, but he can only make two at a time (it seems) and they disappear after a single hit. Flynn’s are mobile, but it looks like they can only copy his own movements, at a slight delay. So attacking one moves all of them.
“The Tale of the Two Brothers” is clearly about the Brothers, the two gods that created Humanity and the Grimm, “The Girl in the Tower” is very likely about Salem before her fall (if I’m remembering that correctly), but I’m not sure what “The Shallow Sea” could be about. I suppose we haven’t gotten that far yet.
“Sorry we’re late” he says, after such convenient timing.
alkdshkahkf i bet Ruby was regretting that “Break a leg!” after the match.
Emerald’s pistols are different in the past. Maybe Cinder taught her to fight better and got her better weapons? I had always wondered why Emerald would be so devoted to Cinder. I know Cinder helped pull her out of poverty, but it didn’t look like Emerald was struggling too much when Cinder found her that she’d devote herself fully to Cinder. I suppose she could just be in love with Cinder, but I’m even more confused if that’s the case, lmao.
it’s weird to offer a little girl who fell off her bike an apple, afkdhfkaf. i don’t think she’s hungry, i think she’s in pain
Love Qrow giving the advice that “sometimes bad things just happen” as if that isn’t his whole life
Yikes, I forgot about the scene where Pyrrha accidently attacks Jaune. 
Ruby has some serious binocular vision if she was able to spot Emerald clear across the stadium like that.
So if Penny had never participated in the tournament, or if Cinder never found out she was a robot, what was Cinder’s plan to create the uproar that lures the Grimm?  Like, was the plan always to have one student accidentally kill another? And Pyrrha and Penny just so happened to make it easy?
if ruby is molecules when she’s using her semblance, how is mercury able to kick her
rip penny (but not for long!)
I’ve got such a love-hate thing going on for Ironwood. Like, obviously his actions suck most of the time, but his motivations and character are so well developed and consistent. I hate what he does, but I understand why he does it. He falls into the same category as Raven does for me.
also, he’s just really bad ass when he fights, lmao. tearing up the ground with his hand, slamming the beowulf one handed, and shooting it in the head with it draped over his back? *chefs kiss*
uggghhh i forgot rewatching rwby from the beginning means i have to subject myself to adam again. my face twisted in disgust at his “hello, my darling” GROSS
I LOVE the scene with Velvet using her weapon, it’s such a great moment. But it’s actually really funny when you think about it cause they had multiple people with different weapons and they all couldn’t take down one Atlesian knight. But a single girl with multiple weapons could, lol. They just needed someone to kick in the cool music so they could win.
rip clownie
Damn, I forgot that Ironwood’s robot half is for that entire half of his body. What in the hell did that to him and how the hell did he survive.
rip amber
rip yang’s arm
My only solace is the knowledge that adam does in fact die in the future. Clinging onto that thought like a prayer everytime he opens his mouth.
You know it’s bad when Sun calls someone else an idiot.
RIP Pyrrha. It’s so hard to watch the fight between her and Cinder knowing what her fate is.
rip cinder’s left side, i guess, i still don’t know what actually happens here
So I’m gonna take a guess and assume Tai never explained to Ruby about her silver eye powers because he didn’t want her to use it and end up becoming a target like, I assume, Summer was.
The dirty look Tai gives Qrow is kind of funny and I don’t know why.
Hey, Qrow’s picked up a bit of Oz’s manipulative spirit.
The scene of Tai happily walking into Ruby’s empty room only to drop her food and run out is soooo sad, please just let this man rest.
"The ability to derive strength from hope is undoubtedly mankind’s greatest attribute. I will focus all of my power... to snuff it out.” The emotional whiplash here is just beautiful. The whole reveal of Salem as not just the narrator from the beginning, but THE villain of the series is fantastic.
The end of Volume 3 certainly feels like the end of a chapter, and I suppose it truly is. From here on out, RWBY feels like an entirely different show, for better or worse. We no longer have the fun, low stakes, almost slice-of-life style episodes. The show becomes far more plot heavy and focused. While there’s a lot I like about the later volumes of RWBY, I will say that I do severely miss what RWBY was before.
Anyway, onward to Volume 4
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zeawesomebirdie · 9 months
Guess what I just picked up at the library!! I'm back on my Gunsmoke and Matt/Chester bullshit!!
The tag to blacklist if you don't want to see this is #liveblogging :)
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sage-nebula · 2 years
Well, it was Penders shenanigans who forced Sega to step in so I don't blame them for watching the comics like hawks.
I don't like Penders at all—I think he's a petty, misogynistic creep and a bad artist to boot—but I think it's reductive to blame it all on him.
First, he wasn't the only writer on Archie who got up to some nonsense back in the day. I won't pretend to be an expert on Archie by any means, since I've only read two issues myself (one where Sonic got mind controlled for an issue and beat up his friends, the other was the Sally/Nicole stargazing one because I'm gay), so everything I know about it, I know via osmosis, mostly thanks to the ThanksKenPenders liveblogs. But I do know that Penders was only the lead writer on Archie for a certain amount of time, and that there were other writers after and I think before him. Penders is the most infamous because of the lawsuits and because he has a chronic case of Can't Shut The Fuck Up Disorder that constantly rears its ugly head on twitter, but he's not the only one that got up to some bullshit in the Archie comics. He's just the most notorious.
Second, while Sega undoubtedly started laying down more mandates once they finally started paying attention to what the Archie comics were doing (e.g. I've heard it was because of that cover with Sonic crying that Sega was like "no, don't show our hero in distress in that way"), it's to be honest standard fare for companies to pay close attention to how their license is used and it's stranger that Sega wasn't paying attention back in the 90s than it is that they are paying attention now. Like for example, Nintendo is notorious for how strict they are with their IPs, but they're far from the only ones. Hasbro has oversight with Transformers and My Little Pony, in both comics and cartoons. Disney controls portrayal of Mickey Mouse in any licensed games that are made. Part of why Voltron: Legendary Defender was such a mess is because of fighting between the writing staff and the desires of the brand executives, so on and so forth. The fact that Sega was so hands-off with Archie is an exception for how licensed properties are handled, not the rule, and my guess would be that there was some sort of leadership change within Sega that made whoever got put in charge step in and fix things.
So it makes sense for Sega to closely scrutinize what goes into the IDW comics, to make sure that it's promoting a positive representation of Sonic and the franchise as a whole. It's what pretty much every other license holder would do when it comes to a licensed work. The sun would burn out before Nintendo would let someone run roughshod with a Mario comic*, and the same with Disney and Mickey Mouse. I think it's fair and just that Sega protects Sonic in the same way, especially since the IDW team has proven that they can still produce very good comics even with the mandates in place.
(*In fact, Archie actually pitched the idea of a Mario comic to Nintendo, which would have been written by Ian Flynn. Nintendo of America approved it, but Nintendo of Japan said no, so the project was scrapped. Nintendo is very protective over their IPs, and I think it's good that Sega has started following in a similar example with Sonic.)
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hakureiryuu · 10 months
part 1
episode 2, and I just noticed the episode titles that call the flashback b plots minisodes. what's that about?
not-quite-a-liveblog ahoy!
crowley looks so effing weird in this outfit?? maybe it's the glasses, they're so anachronistic, almost steampunk.
I actually thought he was talking about isaac or something here lol
birds flying away after crowley firebombs the goats lmao
saying that eve was the first human birth implies that she is adam's daughter???? which I guess makes about as much sense as a single breeding pair populating the planet, we all know how much inbreeding that would take.
(side note: I remember this Flood adaptation movie that had emma watson in it. noah wanted to kill off all the humans and just let the animals survive. he said while watson was pregnant that if her twin kids were boys, they could live and humans would just die out. but if they were girls who could grow up to be mothers, he would kill them. and I'm like, implying that their father/grandfather/uncles would be the ones impregnating them? nevermind the incest, what about the age gap??? but anyway)
ofc when gabriel claimed to be an expert in human birth I immediately thought of mary, but that hasn't happened yet. I mean it makes sense that this idiot would think eve counts, but couldn't he at least make it to cain??
there's something to be said about this story and elspeth's story connecting virtue with economic status. aziraphale appears to think about that when it's pointed out, but takes entirely the wrong lesson from it, as we see with elspeth later.
"but no one would ever find them- actually that's a great idea" it reads as aziraphale not wanting to deal with gabe's bullshit rather than agreeing with it, as though he hasn't done variations of the same thing for years. I still laughed tho XD
oh hey, "every day" was gonna be the original opening song for the first season! what a cute reference that will likely have little to no further relevance!
this was the point where I was like "why the hell is crowley just hanging out in that same alleyway all the time? wait a goddamn minute, did shax take his apartment?!"
it's so cute how maggie takes aziraphale's social cluelessness in stride.
the jukebox at the resurrectionist is just like the bently turning cds into queen, what a cute reference that will likely have little to no further relevance!
trumpets sound, archangels approach.
saraquel miraclling a ramp lmao
gabriel's attempts at flyswatting never work!!!!!!
I'm assuming all those newspaper clipping say "every day" etc? for some reason? someone correct me if I'm wrong, I would really love to know.
also why is he DRAWING gabriel? later he just needed it to show someone, but why not take a picture? I'm sure you have an ancient camera where you have to hide under a blanket lying around somewhere.
shooing motion miracle at the pub, hahaha
I was a good deal sus of this plan to ship nina and maggie when nina already has a partner, but that was before I realized lindsay is a piece of shit. still, it's not like they know that either! ineffable homewreckers, they are.
everyone's talked about how crowley's first thought re: romance is taking shelter from the rain 😊
but my asexual brain is somehow always teetering over the gutter, so when he said "get them wet" I blinked a bit XDD
"you think you know someone..." "she had balls!" "what?"
actually it wasn't a what, it was a well. as in "well that's not relevant to my point" like, sir, did you know this already? in what context??
meanwhile back in job's era they're having a bit of a tense discussion. this is explicitly after the flood so it makes sense that aziraphale absolutely does not believe that crowley wants to kill some kids. I wonder why lying is such a big theme in this episode? I haven't been able to really boil it down yet.
aziraphale's smug grin really breaks the tension though XDD
jemimah is adorable. the others are the product of rich parents.
these two are playing chicken with children's lives, but hey, it's about the trust 😌
"can I be a blue one?" I love her
aziraphale discovering food is so deliberately gross, why this?
so many complicated feelings from both of them about god actually talking to someone.
god's pronouns are she/they, approved.
crowley says see you in hell but the next day when sitis is about to flip god off he says actually let's walk this all back pfffft
"reach into his robes... no, higher."
when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, they share a very special hug...
aziraphale stating flat out with no equivocation that gabriel was awful is such a huge step forward for him 😊
(while pausing to write this I noticed that john hamm is credited simply as jim, love that for him)
this is the 2nd time aziraphale has insisted "our" in the face of crowley's "my" I'm sobbing
good omens inside good omens, gomensception
aziraphale really took that "see you in hell" seriously though huh.
the gentle, simple way he says "I don't think you'd like it" hurts me and heals me.
"you're not like me because you're a demon, you're like me because you don't want to toe the party line." y'know lining up their meetings - the wall of eden, the ark, and now this - must paint a very interesting picture of aziraphale for crowley. we always thought that crowley fell for this angel nigh immediately and spent the rest of time orbiting him. now I think aziraphale fell into crowley's orbit, and crowley gradually learned more and more contradictory (and therefore interesting) things about him. like the shelter of the wing, it's all reversed in this season.
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sydmarch · 2 years
I've been wanting to ask you this for a while, what do you think of the season finale? And who do you think is at fault? And how would you have written that fanfic you said you'd write in a post?
hi i finally have access to my laptop & have had a chance to clear my head enough to get around to answering this!! first off THANK YOU for asking bcus this is the kind of thing i could talk about for hours lol so let's get into it.
i think the s4 finale was a godawful ooc mess of poor writing & forced drama. even as just a season finale it's bad but as a SERIES finale?? worst series finale of all time and i say that as a fan of supernatural lmao.
in terms of who's at fault, this might not be the answer you want to hear but personally i felt like for a significant part of s4 (ESPECIALLY the finale) the characters were so ooc that my brain isn't able to engage with who's at fault in a watsonian/in universe way - the only ones i can see as at fault for all the bullshit that goes down are THE WRITERS because the characters started acting in ways that completely contradicted everything we knew about them.
quick sidebar from the characters to add that i feel like it was stupid to go for yet another version of the whole "team breaks up then reconciles" thing because they had already done that before.. although never with that big a split, so i guess it had the potential to be compelling if the spit hadn't felt so forced & if we had actually gotten a s5 to watch them reconcile.
pretty much everyone felt out of character to me in the finale but ESPECIALLY walter, paige, and sly. oh and FLORENCE it absolutely didn't make any sense for her to develop feelings for walter & that's not just the part of me who had hoped she would end up with sly talking.
the arguments and drama just felt so forced and unnatural like, you're really telling me the same walter who said to sly "your refusal to let go of the wonderment of childhood, how you look at the world with open eyes, your innocence is your brilliance, and anyone who tries to tell you any different is dead wrong" in a christmas car roll said in the finale "if you were a real man instead of a comic book reading baby boy you would’ve asked florence out ages ago"??? it does NOT make sense & i see no explanation for it other than poor writing & the writers trying to just force a conflict.
in earlier seasons it felt like when there was conflict between characters it MEANT something, it made sense with their characters, & it was satisfying to watch how it played out. an example sticking w the walter/sly dynamic for now - when sly was afraid to tell walter he was dating megan & walter was upset when he found out, only for it to turn out that walter was upset because he was worried about sly getting hurt and not because he didn't think he was good enough for megan like sly was worried about. THAT was conflict that's actually GOOD and MAKES SENSE, not some bullshit that doesn't fit with the characters we know and love like the finale split.
getting back to ooc moments in the finale tho - walter was totally justified to call out sly for bringing megan into the whole mess, but like sly would never do that in the first place?? i was floored that they had him bring up megan like that it was honestly disrespectful sly and megan. i remember in my liveblog while watching the finale i literally said "were the writers on crack" regarding that part and i still stand by that lmfao. they really just shit on sly's character to throw more drama into this mess.
i have to talk about paige as well here... in early seasons i always loved paige & felt like she got a lot of undue hate from the fandom in back then but come season 4 i can definitely see where some of that negativity was coming from. imo part of what made her go downhill was her already established negative traits coming out more often (like from the beginning paige has always had a tendency towards jealousness, pettiness, & idk if i should call it internalized misogyny or the writer's misogyny showing through her (like the "we should give it to a scent tracking dog who specializes in finding sluts" directed at stella in s2)) so those things i can fault paige the character for in the finale. even if i wish they hadn't chosen to exaggerate those traits, they do align with paige as we've seen her at her worst.
what i do fault the writers for completely wrt paige is how just like, mean they made her for no reason? and mean towards walter that just don't make sense when compared to how she acted with him in the past. watching paige go off on walter saying shit like "I wanna go to the beach without hearing marine biology facts or go to dinner without hearing about the inefficiency of putting parsley on the plate" had me feeling like who IS this woman and what did you do with paige? it didn't make any sense for her to be so frustrated with always having to do "genius stuff" and wanting to just do "normal stuff" sometimes when they had already known each other for years before they started dating, so like what exactly did you expect? their relationship was SUPPOSED to be grounded on the fact that while she wanted to help walter better himself, she loved him and understood him, and accepted his genius traits in a way no other non-genius really had before. but then throughout all of s4 it felt a lot more like paige was trying to change walter and turn him into someone she wanted him to be than it felt like she actually loved him for who he was.
of course to some extent paige was always working to change walter i mean, that was basically her job description, but in early seasons it never felt like she wanted to change him so much, or so selfishly, or in ways that weren't just to help him be more well-adjusted without actually changing him fundamentally. s4 largely left me feeling like what happened to the paige that wanted walter to be the best version of himself he could be while also embracing himself and everything that made him different? where's the paige who ordered fermented fish? my feelings about waige at this point are basically "they were one of the most ships of all time until they actually started dating, then it all went downhill". they had so much potential as a couple but the writers kept fucking it up & the finale was the ultimate fuck up on that front.
i don't really have many issues with walter's characterization in the finale other than what i've gone over already in this post but one thing that consistently frustrated me with his late seasons writing was how the writers would just let him stagnate. we'd have a whole episode about walter learning a specific lesson then episodes later he'd be acting exactly like he was before he'd learned said lesson. it felt like SUCH a disservice to his character especially with all the growth we'd seen from him in earlier seasons.
to name just one example - looking at a christmas car roll as an episode i love it & it's a very fun watch (despite the fact that to me it marks the point where the season starts going downhill because of the stupid dream that everyone made way too big a deal about lol) but it didn't really feel like it fit with season 4? it's something that really would've felt more at home in season 1 or 2. "walter learns to appreciate his team" is already a lesson that's been learned multiple times by now, it doesn't make any sense for him to even be in a place where he NEEDS to be relearning this lesson in s4. he should've been far past that but it's like the writers never allowed most of his character development to stick long term. i wish s4 had allowed him more room for actual growth instead of the same lessons repeated over & over again - it felt like he was more developed in earlier seasons & the writers brought him backwards which is such a waste of potential with him.
anyway that's enough about that because this is getting long & a bit off topic from the finale itself but i kind of had to go into my thoughts on s4 in general since they shape my thoughts on the finale so much lol. as far as fic, i had a few vague ideas planned about something with a canon-divergent retelling of the events of s4 tackling a lot of the things i mentioned above.
the most fleshed out idea i'd had in mind tho was one that, for the most part, stuck w the canon of s4 & still had the team split into scorpion 2.0 and centipede with the same people choosing the same sides. the idea started purely out of spite lmao in my mind i had to prove to the writers that ok, you really need the team divided? here's how to do that while writing it in a way that made sense, keeping the post split-teams the same, and WITHOUT fucking up everyone's characterizations. i never really wrote a rough draft but did come up with a bunch of bullet points and a kind of general outline for what i had in mind:
-paige is still upset with walter because yes - she can be petty irrational and jealous. so i'd let her get a little jealous, but i'd cut all of the stuff about "not wanting to do genius stuff all the time" and "emotionally you'll never be more than 16". basically i'd allow her to be jealous & petty but cut all the meanness & the end goal would be for her to actually ADDRESS her pettiness and jealousy by the time they reconcile.
so they would still break up but it would be partially about the jealousy and partially paige being upset/disappointed about walter lying more than anything else. instead of thinking that he'lll never mature emotionally, she'd feel like he isn't mature enough to handle their relationship yet. once we get to the part where the team/waige reconcile it can be based on both walter gaining some more perspective (i don't want it to sound like put all the blame on him here or anything - paige did a pretty shit job explaining the whole white lies thing and was pretty hypocritical about it but i blame that more on the writers trying to force drama than on her) and paige working on her issues too, especially jealousy. so by the time they get back together they're both more mature & prepared to be in a relationship with each other. i'd like to have him write her another love song & have him sing it for her right before they get back together.
-sly still gets rejected by florence & some part of him still blames walter but much less so than in canon. i'd get rid of all the "you made her fall in love with you/you stole her from me" nonsense and make it more like he's projecting his own issues with self worth onto being upset with walter. considering his primary arc throughout the season was around his self worth, what am i really doing with my life, will i ever find some after megan, etc, it would make sense for him to take the rejection poorly and lash out but not so much out of direct jealousy towards walter but more in a sense that he feels overshadowed by him, and envious of the fact that walter has paige while he doesn't have anyone.
the aftermath/reconciliation arc i imagine for sly would be more about finding his own sense of self worth without feeling like he necessarily needs to "find someone". but then i think i'd still have him find someone anyway because it'd be nice and he deserves it. as much as i shipped him and florence during early s4 i don't think i'd have it be her, more likely i'd invent a character for this.
-florence isn't romantically interested in sly OR walter. she sticks with walter on scorpion 2.0 purely because they're friends and they work well together (this would probably be something paige gets EXTREMELY jealous about & would be one of the things she spends a lot of time working through.) also because it'd be pretty awkward to join centipede after turning down sly. i never really figured out what i'd do with her after that, i feel like we didn't really get enough info in s4 about florence as a character rather than just like, florence as a plot device/source of drama. to be fair it's been a while since i last watched s4 but even looking through my old notes i don't have anything about like an arc i'd like to see for florence so i feel like i'm remembering correctly & there's just not a whole lot to go on.
i also wasn't able to come up with any reasonings for toby & happy to leave that i'm truly satisfied with lol. all throughout s4 i was just waiting for them to decide to adopt WAY sooner because i mean. it's the OBVIOUS choice for happy & absolutely ridiculous that they jumped through so many hoops & did all these fertility treatments. should NOT have taken her so long to realize she wanted to adopt.
if it were up to me i would've had happy decide she wanted to adopt as soon as she decided she wanted kids. so in this scenario maybe i'd have them already with an adopted kid & they decide to leave & be part of centipede because they're just stressed out from all of the drama. i don't feel like there's much i'd need to change with cabe here, it's obvious he'd stand by walter.
i was never able to really wrap my brain around ralph in this scenario maybe bcus i'm not good with kids lol but i was LIVID that they just left him out of the finale completely when he should've been one of the most important characters to take into consideration for something like this?? yes obviously ralph has grown up a lot since s1 but when the team split in the past how it would impact ralph was ALWAYS a big thing that was taken into account. he wanted paige & walter to get together so badly, he always wanted walter to be his dad (personally i always thought it was kind of dumb how that stuff was written - imo walter WAS his dad from early on. he doesn't have to be dating paige to be ralph's dad. the found family show needn't be so beholden to the nuclear family but that's a whole 'nother post!) and they just did not include him in the episode or even bring him up.
anyway this post kind of got away from me but that's pretty much the gist of my thoughts on the finale & what i would have done differently!
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galactic-pirates · 9 months
I live blogged episode 3 of Ahsoka.
In which I am afraid despite my best of intentions I ranted a little bit. I am trying very hard to reserve judgement as I love these characters so much. My beloved Ghost crew! But there are things that are bugging me. I try and balance it with what made me laugh and what I loved because at the end of the day I do love Star Wars, probably why it infuriates me so much sometimes. I am invested and I want it to be amazing and I guess I don’t always vibe with choices that were made.
And I am very not vibing. I believe my exact expression was that I’m going to die mad about it. Reminds me of that Knives Out meme people did for Picard season 3 of “it makes no sense!” and then the movie quote followed with “compels me though” and for Picard season 3 it got changed to “and absolutely does not compel me” because well yeah. And I am feeling that a bit. Not to the same extent by any means. I am still feeling much more positive about Ahsoka show - at the moment at least. There is still plenty of time to disappoint me further.
So yes. My liveblog!
What even is this “Sabine is a padawan” plot? Searching for logic, can not find. I hate it, I really do. Sabine is a Mandalorian and that is enough, being herself is enough. The whole “your skill with a weapon comes from being Mandalorian and that isn’t enough” (aka tap into the force and be a Jedi) is just insulting. is it true that Jedi win against Mandalorians? Yeah. But Jedi power and skill can’t win everything either. I really thought that part of Rebels, and the Clone Wars to be honest, was showing that different warriors were stronger together. That there will be fights where they need each other, as one has strengths to compensate for the others weaknesses and vice versa.
Kanan said Sabine was very closed off to the force. Yes the force flows through all living things but for most they can’t touch it. If Sabine had that potential Kanan would have known and yes I am repeating this point because I am going to die mad about it. Why can’t they spar together as Jedi vs Mandalorian? Why can’t Sabine partner with Ahsoka on this mission without all the Padawan bullshit? If they do desperately wanted to show Ahsoka as a mentor then hello they do have a force sensitive/potential future Jedi around - Jacen Syndulla. I had hoped Ezra would come back to train him but if Ahsoka started him off that would have been cool too.
Just what is the point of trying to make Sabine a Jedi? And why is it taking up so much screentime? I’m crying. I just really don’t get why Ahsoka is pushing Sabine to use the force if she can’t. I know from the trailer Shin Hati says “you have no power”. I initially took so much comfort from that as I assumed the photos of Sabine with the lightsaber didn’t mean she was turned into a Jedi /sigh. But if Sabine really doesn’t have the force then really what is this Jedi bullshit? Jedi are not just lightsabers, the force is a whole thing. If she doesn’t have it then she can never be a Jedi!
The way Mon Mothma stayed silent and looked so uncomfortable during that confrontation. I get she has to juggle politics, and also Hera really did point out the ugly truth everyone was ignoring, but ugh. Reminds me of the Mandalorian episode where that rich guy was “empire? Republic? What’s the difference?” as he was in power no matter what. Also the whole head in the sand “we don’t want war”, like nobody does and sure people are tired but ignoring unpleasant reality just allows the bad guys to get ahead. The time to prepare is before it really gets bad. Very Neville Chamberlain of them. I wish Mon Mothma had spoken up, at least said something. It feels like she’s had to make too many compromises to be Chancellor and is a toothless tiger. I can’t help but think Bail Organa would have done better. He too would have stayed silent but it would have been a considered silence, and when he spoke there would have been conviction and it would have been persuasive not a milquetoast “we have to confer” aka they are going to walk all over me. But then as strong as Mon Mothma was, she was always hesitant. Her whole thing was “it’s too soon to unite, too soon to launch an offensive, I shouldn’t have acted/spoken” etc. and in Rogue One she was all “let’s wait”. Somebody else always has to force the issue.
Jacen!!!!! OMG yay. Gasps ahhhhhh he has green hair! So why is the Lego minifig wrong?!? That’s annoying. It’s darker green than Hera’s colouring sadly but it’s still green!! And he has a version of Kanan’s shoulder pauldron, and he wants to be a Jedi!!! THEN WHY IS SABINE DOING THE JEDI THING?!?!! Seriously so mad! I just don’t understand why Ahsoka even agreed to train Sabine as a padawan in the first place. It makes no sense. Like spar sure. Kanan trained Sabine for the darksaber a bit. Learning a weapon is not the same as a padawan/Jedi.
“I don’t need Sabine to be a Jedi. I need her to be herself” - then why are you pushing Jedi training?!?! 😭😭 seriously I am so mad about it. The funniest thing though when Sabine was trying to summon that cup and it didn’t move - I have done that! Seriously I do that all the time. Hold out my hand, will whatever to fly into it and of course it never so much as twitches. So in that I can relate, hilariously.
The space battle was fun. I am simple sometimes and I love how the ship spins. I would have thought Sabine wouldn’t have been so excited shooting ships down as she was in the gun on the Ghost a lot and TIE Fighters fell to those guns like rain. But hey maybe it’s been a while and adrenaline so it was cool. I laughed that Ahsoka’s space helmet had individual pockets for her montrals/lekku. It was fun her going out to defend the ship. I remember Kanan doing that a couple of times. Looks like Ahsoka’s suit was New Republic issue. I guess maybe they gave her the ship for Jedi work?
I gasped and screamed. Purrgil!!!! Oh they are definitely in the right place.
“We almost died multiple times” “ah yes standard operating procedure” and they shared smiles and I also laughed. That was a good moment.
Something I noticed today which I hadn’t last week was the theme. It feels similar in tempo/rhythm to the Mandalorian. I guess that makes sense thematically, as it ties in for the “New Republic” era and I think there’s going to be a ‘crossover’ movie eventually.
I am really not sold on this “other Galaxy” business. The unknown regions as they have been known or wild space, would have been enough. Thrawn novels established that hyperspace travel there is difficult. Really does feel like reinventing the wheel.
I am trying so hard to reserve judgement. I know I spent a lot of this liveblog ranting. Sabine as a Jedi IS super bugging me and I hate it. But also however good Sabine’s actress is I really wish this was animated. Hera is growing on me a little but Ahsoka? No I miss animated Ahsoka a lot. The characters being animated weren’t lesser in any way, that’s how I fell in love with them as characters. I couldn’t have had more feelings. Live action is cool but so is animation. Live action is not better. So yeah there’s that old itch of a resentment of “wish it had been animated” to go with my frustration on the story issues. But it’s episode 3 and there’s… how many episodes? Google says 8.
There are 8. That means we have had 3. Oh for the love of… I really really really hate it when shows do this. Star Trek Picard season 3 sucked in oh so many ways which included a structural pacing problem. They spent way too many episodes not really getting into the problem and then suddenly ahhh it was a rush rush jam-pack, no time to properly explain or develop anything, downward whoosh to the end. At 3/8 episodes we are approaching the midpoint but from a storytelling POV we are still in Act 1.
Right ok, reserving judgement. Let’s see the entire story first. These are my beloved Rebels characters. I adore them. Why have we not seen the Ghost yet? There should have been more Chopper. But hey! At least we saw Jacen and he has green hair. The Ghost is definitely something to look forward to seeing. Can we get a Rex cameo? Would love that.
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raisinchallah · 8 months
lol season 4 teen wolf post for the people reading my liveblogs but it got very long everyone else please scroll along
season 4 has definitely had the most outrageous and entertaining on its own type plot but it does also feel like this kind of turning point for the show that the characters feel a lot more bland than they did in earlier seasons not like they have ever been terribly deep but i feel like with fairly simplistic character types you can either make their take on that type more extreme and heighten them a bit every season or u can kind of regress to the mean and make everyone more normal which is unfortunately what teen wolf seems like its doing the latter like scott went from charismatic and fun guy caught up in all this weird supernatural bullshit which is like a fairly stock protagonist type in a lot of these kind of urban fantasy monster mash sorts of shows but you know played in a fun and engaging way with funny lines to ok hes now got the power and has graduated to the more boring character type of just nice guy hero who does the right thing and has the powers rather than guy out of his depth overwhelmed by this shit happening around him and stiles is just idk hes not really much of a weirdo loser anymore hes like succeeding at things and is less funny i think its also focusing less on scott and stiles hanging out which feels especially weird cuz of the revolving door of the rest of the cast nobody else is all that developed lydia definitely has the most interesting plot and most consistent character and growth but its also like i feel like half of her plot should be given to allison lol like uncovering insane family secrets and tangles and ancestors and having weird visions allison should be doing that with kate coming back as a villain she and lydia should be like besties having insane visions piecing this whole thing together and theyre digging up the skeletons in the family closet and such and allisons like hey lydia can u sense if i will ever kill someone i feel like i might have something dark deep down inside of me and lydias like (lying) no u dont have any air of death about u allison go back to sleep (average sleepover conversation for them) also i cant believe we havent gotten back to kiras 900 year old mom like excuse me dont leave that part hanging weird kiras now i guess a member of the main cast but it feels like she is actually getting less to do than when she was a guest star last season.. i think im realizing the problem is i actually think what worked about the show earlier was small but distinct from a lot of teen dramas that the characters were allowed to be like besties and the two little groupings of scott and stiles and lydia and allison felt like idk very real little pairs of besties but since the cast is constantly changing we are in dire straits in bestie land and everyones now just doing like regular dating drama instead very sad
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yibennianyaji · 9 months
In which I liveblog Beyond Re-Animator so you don’t have to.
Spoilers: this movie is an absolute hoot. You can see the exact moment when I begin realizing I’m actually having a good time
Oh it starts with a fakeout jump scare, that’s fun. And the murder of a babysitter. Cool, cool. 
I mean, I guess, that’s on canon with Herbert not keeping track of his zombies, but even Bride tried to start with some class. 
Please tell me this small, sad child is going to grow up to try to murder Herbs. I feel like that’s where this is going. 
TIME SKIP AHOY (go back movie, I demand to know what Herbert was doing in the suburbs, and was this before or after Dan tried to leave him for the umpteenth time)
Oh my God Herbert you can’t just steal peoples’ pet rats, this is how you start prison riots. 
Holy shit is vengeance kid played by BABY EDWARD NORTON?
Yes this is our DEATH wing of the prison where we bring DEATH down on condemned inmates and they sure do stay DEAD yessir no problems with the DEAD here
Ah, and I see the warden will be playing our Doctor Hill for the evening
To this movie’s credit at least it’s moving at a quick lil pace
Norton are you here to play an angrier Dan. Did they literally just say “okay we still want to do the same thing but we’re scared of having two older dudes in the lead.”
Oh, baby Graham is just dispensing with the backstory aaaaand he is totally on board with Herbert I AM INTRIGUED WITH THIS DEVELOPMENT. 
“Yo I saved this reagent for 13 years and got it past the guard with no trouble so, here you go.”
Herbert “short term memory loss” West doesn’t bother to watch the zombie for longer than a minute
Well at least he learned, don’t approach the violent dead. 
EYYYYYYY is this lady character actually going to get to have plot agency? NEAT
OH HERBERT NO. YOU REALLY ARE TRYING TO USE HIM AS A REPLACEMENT DAN. This does not end well for you. Just ask James Sunderland.
(And HOW COLD IS THAT, move. Not even flashbacks, just one line about Dan giving testimony for the prosecution. COLD).
Wait, so the zombie that killed bby Norton’s sister was from the Miskatonic morgue…which means it would have to be from the original film because it would take some REAL SWEET TALKING to undo Bride….ARE THEY TRYING TO DECANONIZE THE MIDDLE MOVIE. SHAME. 
Okay I don’t remember either of you you kids’ names but you’ve got some cute chemistry
Herbs do not use the puppy eyes on the kid it’s not the same
Ah, it’s not a ReAnimator movie without some real awkward fuckin. 
“He doesn’t seem human anymore.” Because his precious assistant turned him over and broke his tiny sociopathic heart, baby Will Graham. A future version of you will understand (Imma go down with this ship, internet. Keep spinning in that grave, HP).
Ooh, reporter gal is real good at her job
Aw Herbert, you’ve worked your way up to sciencing the soul! I’m very proud
Okay, ngl, the prison yard scene is the most Herbert thing and I love it. 
Aaaaaaand demonic rat. Of course
Whoa. Not-Hill got his ear bit off AND THEN TOOK IT BACK
Ohhhhhhhh Herbs has his “lol ethics” hat on
Also bby Norton’s raw rage is a touch harder to buy than Dan’s was. She was a nice girl, but they’d only had a few dates.
Oh yeah, untie her. Good plan. 
Kuds to this gal, she’s giving it her all. 
Wow, this prison allows a fuckton of leniency on its mad scientist inmates
YES GOOD. Cross shot murders
Wow, it seems like opening all the prison cells should be harder than that
Ugh, so hard to get a patient to give good feedback huh West
Aaaaaaand the soul carries the personality of course it does. YOU GAVE THE ASSHOLE DUDE NEW LIFE
Kudos again to this gal though (Elsa Pataky, I see - seems to be known for the Fast and the Furious movies?), she’s getting some fun stuff to play (although as “herself” mostly for the character that means screaming and cowering)
Vengeful Herbert is my favorite Herbert
Okay I lied, sassy Herbert is my favorite
And ohhhh there’s still half an hour of this left. Hurm. 
Hey where did bby Nor- oh, there he is. Still making poor life decisions I see
Ey, seems like the Warden is a famous giallo actor? That’s neat
Awwwww, I was totally wrong about that being baby Ed Norton, too. I am saddened by this fact. No disrespect to Jason Barry, I just mourn all the Will Graham jokes
Oh bro, bro are you gonna reagent inmates just so you can kill em again? Dude. That’s….dude.
Aaaaaand the addict fellow found the reagent. Well, at least he’s having a good time.
That…is a weird place to include boobs, movie. THIS IS WEIRD ALL OVER
“That dude is DEAD THOUGH.”
Ohhhhh my God they just pulled an I Spit On Your Grave with the blowjob thing HOLY SHIT. I CAN’T EVEN
Bifurcated hanged man. Of couuuuuuuur he’s swinging it like a dead cat good lord
“This is mine” Herbert ARE YOU FIVE
I sense more intestine exploding coming
Herbert: holds up flashlight because FUCK IF HE’S GONNA MISS AN OPPORTUNITY
The rat is rolling the severed penis I’m kind of running out of words what is even
Herbert is done and he has a cane. There is a CROSS CUTTING BEAT DOWN
And the fight choreography is from the UFC WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING BACKFLIP CRAB CRAWL?
Goopy electrocution aaaaaand the rat drops the penis in slow mo because OF COURSE
Aaaaaand he just takes his ID card and leaves like NOPE NOT DOIN THIS AGAIN
Everyone’s laughing, CLEARLY A HAPPY END
And then he wandered off into the night. To find Dan and have a talk (HUSH it’s the only thing that can make this more perfect)
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butchladymaria · 2 years
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so i made it to volcano manor
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