#background briller
moddedmoor · 4 months
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A familiar pair of eyes, the rustling of the camera, and a soft hum. There's a bit more rustling before the eyes move back and Jaycé’s upper half is in frame. They give a thumbs up to the camera as they speak.
“Est-ce que nous fonctionnons bien?”
“Tout va bien!” A small, robotic, and slightly glitchy voice responds back.
Jaycé nods and steps back a little further, slightly stepping off to the side. The background that reveals itself is slightly grainy, as an unseen light behind the camera struggles to fully illuminate the darkness. But what can be made out is that this is a cave, with faint glittering reflecting off the damp walls.
“Salut, salut. Bienvenue dans la grotte de Terminus! Je suis sûr que la plupart d'entre vous connaissent Terminus, qui était une mine en activité il n'y a pas si longtemps. Mais, malgré sa fermeture, il semble qu'il soit encore plein de matériaux exploitables. Pourquoi? Parce que personne ne cherchait de méga pierres ici. Elles n'étaient pas là, ni même perceptibles, lorsque la mine était en activité. Je me souviens avoir visité Terminus il y a des années lors d'un voyage scolaire, mais toutes les discussions portaient sur la mine lorsqu'elle était en activité. Aujourd'hui, dix ans après le Géosenge, les murs sont jonchés de méga pierres. Jetez un coup d'œil ici.” Jaycé grins as they speak, their words dripping in excitement. They take a step towards the wall, the camera moving in closer and the glittering getting stronger as the light moves as well. Jaycé hums as they pull a pair of well worn leather gloves out of their back pocket, slipping them on, then pulling out a dark green bandana out of the same pocket. They quickly tie it around their mouth and lean close to one glimmering spot. They swipe their thumb across it, wet earth giving way to their touch as the soft milky white color of a stone peeks through. They keep swiping away around the stone, getting as much of the top layer of earth off as they can. They turn towards the camera again, eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Regardez! Ce que l'on pourrait prendre pour le reflet de l'eau cache en réalité une méga pierre! C'est fantastique! Mais tous les reflets ne sont pas des méga-pierres. Laisse-moi t'en trouver une.” Jaycé moved to another spot, swiping at the earth to reveal nothing, just further dampening their gloves. They continue forth with more glimmering spots, only revealing one other mega stone along the wall.
“C'est probablement un peu redondant de le montrer, mais le meilleur identificateur se trouve dans l'ombre. Si une lueur se dissipe lorsque je la couvre de ma main, il s'agit simplement d'un reflet de l'eau. Pendant ce temps, les méga-pierres continuent de briller. Cela pourrait ressembler à ce qui arrive aux méga-pierres au crépuscule, lorsque le cadran solaire d'Anistar tourne.” They give a little shrug, then bend down to pick up a small chisel and hammer. They quickly get to work chipping away at the rock encasing the stones. Occasionally they test the movement of the stones, grumbling slightly when they stick firmly in place. Eventually, they get a stone out and excitedly gasp. They wipe away a majority of the grime off the stone and hold it out to the camera.
“Fantastique! Absolument fantastique! Il est plus grand que la moyenne! Nous trouvons des pierres plus grandes qu'une bille et c'est génial! Fantastique! C'est énorme! Augh, c'est vraiment une trouvaille impeccable.” Jaycé almost shakes with excitement, studying the stone and turning it around in their palm. The stone, despite the grime still covering it, is in immaculate condition and looks to roughly be similar in size to Jaycé’s eye. They tuck the stone into their pocket and get to work on carving out the other one. It's harder to dig out, nestled firmly into the rock, as small swears, unintelligible from under their makeshift mask, slip out. With one hard strike, the stone loosens a bit, as Jaycé continues to try and chisel around it. There's a low rumble off in the distance, one that sends chills down Jaycé's spine as they pause and look out past the camera. It's silent as they turn back to the stone, with another hard hit, it loosens more and another rumble echoes through the cave, almost closer.
“Merde-” Jaycé hisses, picking up their pace chiseling away. Finally, the stone pops loose as the camera shakes and a rumble booms out. Jaycé quickly pockets the stone and picks up a bag that was out of frame, slinging it over their shoulder and grabbing the camera, sprinting out the cave. The screen is dark as the rumbling seems to follow them as they run, almost sounding like a hissing growl.
“Merde merde merde. Je pensais avoir plus de temps avant que cela ne se reproduise…” Jaycé seethes, their breathing heavy. The darkness of the screen quickly changes to a bright light and the camera turns back towards the tunnel they just came from. There's a subtle green hue for a split second before dissipating as the rumbling stops. The camera turns to Jaycé, bandana pulled off their mouth and resting at their neck. They grimace, teeth bared in an annoyed snarl.
“Tu me fais chier! Tu le sais, n'est-ce pas?” Their remark seems to be more at the cave than anything, unaware of the possibility of something else trying to interfere.
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English Translations Below!
1) Are we running smoothly?
It's all good!
2) Hello hello. Welcome to Terminus cave! I'm sure most of you are familiar with Terminus, which was a working mine not so long ago. But, despite its closure, it still seems to be full of mineable materials. Why? Because nobody was looking for mega-stones here. They weren't there, or even noticeable, when the mine was in operation. I remember visiting Terminus years ago on a school trip, but all the talk was about the mine when it was in operation. Today, ten years after Geosenge, the walls are littered with mega-stones. Take a look here.
3) Have a look! What could be mistaken for the reflection of water actually hides a mega-stone! It's fantastic! But not all reflections are mega-stones. Let me find one for you.
4) It's probably a bit redundant to show it, but the best identifier is in the shadows. If a glow dissipates when I cover it with my hand, it's simply a reflection of the water. Meanwhile, the mega-stones continue to glow. It could be similar to what happens to the mega-stones at dusk, when Anistar's sundial turns.
5) Fantastic! Absolutely fantastic! It's bigger than average! We're finding stones bigger than a marble and that's great! Fantastic! It's enormous! Augh, it's really an impeccable find.
6) Shit-
7) Shit shit shit. I thought I had more time before this happened again...
8) You're pissing me off! You know that, don't you?
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kinetic-elaboration · 8 months
Today I worked a bit more on this oooold Bellarke fic that I've been on-and-off planning for years and I have decided to outsource some of my brainstorming because I need some help!
So, I have two questions.
What are your favorite enemies-to-lovers tracks? What sort of scenes or moments are you expecting or hoping to see in a slowburn enemies-to-lovers narrative?
What would you add to the background of a story taking place in an idealized small/cute town? What sort of characters or character types? What sort of b- and c-plots? This can be in general or for T100 specifically. Only caveats are I have 2 background pairings already settled (Octaven and Briller) and I don't acknowledge seasons 5-7 at all.
I know question 2 is very vague and that is why I am having a hard time with it! Anyway, any help would be appreciated.
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christophe76460 · 1 year
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Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Be a generation blessing (Part 1)
As Christians we all know the crucial importance of being a blessing to others but what if it does not only affects our lives but affects generations to come? Remember the blessing you are walking in today did not just happen because of you. Somebody sowed seeds that you could be blessed. You can be the one to set your family on a new course, who can be a generation blessing.
As followers of God, we have to give priority to our family members but we are called to imitate Abraham's example and bless others regardless of their background or circumstances. «I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.»
‭‭(Genesis‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬-‭3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬) Being a generation blessing is not limited to a specific group of people but extends to everyone but this will start first with your family.
When you make decision that honor God, your life is not going to be more rewarding but that obedience is being also credited to your children’s account, to future generations. We heard a lot about generation curses but let us focus on generation blessing. Jesus teaches us in Matthew that we should let our light shine before others so that they may see our good works and glorify God. «Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.» ‭‭(Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)
This means that our actions should be a source of blessing and inspiration to our children and those around us.
Let us pray: « Lord, I want to be a blessing to others, just as you have blessed me abundantly. Your Word teaches us that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Lord, I ask for your divine appointments, opportunities to share your love and truth with my children and family members but also to those who need it most. In Jesus' almighty name, I pray. Amen and Amen »
Be blessed and remember you are chosen!!! “You did not choose Me, but I chose you” (John 15:16, NKJV)
God bless you! May the grace of God accompany you today! I wish you a wonderful day and may God protect you and bless you.
Chers Frères et Sœurs,
Être une bénédiction de génération ‭‭(Part 1)
En tant que chrétiens, nous connaissons tous l’importance cruciale d’être une bénédiction pour les autres, mais que se passe-t-il si cela affecte non seulement nos vies, mais affecte les générations à venir? Rappelez-vous que la bénédiction dans laquelle vous marchez aujourd’hui ne s’est pas seulement produite à cause de vous. Quelqu’un a semé des graines pour que vous puissiez être bénis. Vous pouvez être celui qui met votre famille sur une nouvelle voie, qui peut devenir une bénédiction de génération.
En tant que disciples de Dieu, nous devons donner la priorité aux membres de notre famille, mais nous sommes appelés à imiter l’exemple d’Abraham et à bénir les autres, quels que soient leur origine ou leurs circonstances. «Je ferai de toi une grande nation, et je te bénirai; je rendrai ton nom grand, et tu seras une source de bénédiction. Je bénirai ceux qui te béniront, et je maudirai ceux qui te maudiront; et toutes les familles de la terre seront bénies en toi.» ‭‭(Genèse‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬-‭3‬ ‭LSG‬‬) Être une bénédiction de génération ne se limite pas à un groupe spécifique de personnes, mais s’étend à tout le monde. Tout commencera d’abord avec votre famille.
Lorsque vous décidez d’honorer Dieu, votre vie ne sera pas seulement plus gratifiante, mais l’obéissance sera également créditée au compte de vos enfants, aux générations futures. Nous avons beaucoup entendu parler des malédictions de génération, mais concentrons-nous sur la bénédiction de génération. Jésus nous enseigne dans Matthieu que nous devons laisser notre lumière briller devant les autres afin qu’ils puissent voir nos bonnes œuvres et glorifier Dieu. «Que votre lumière luise ainsi devant les hommes, afin qu’ils voient vos bonnes œuvres, et qu’ils glorifient votre Père qui est dans les cieux.» ‭‭(Matthieu‬ ‭5‬:‭16‬ ‭LSG‬‬)
Cela signifie que nos actions doivent être une source de bénédiction et d’inspiration pour nos enfants et ceux qui nous entourent.
Prions : « Seigneur, je veux être une bénédiction pour les autres, comme tu m’as béni abondamment. Ta Parole nous enseigne qu’il est plus heureux de donner que de recevoir. Seigneur, je te demande tes rendez-vous divins, des occasions de partager ton amour et ta vérité avec mes enfants et les membres de ma famille, mais aussi avec ceux qui en ont le plus besoin. Au nom de Jésus, je prie. Amen et Amen »
Soit béni et rappelle toi que Tu es choisi !!! «Ce n’est pas vous qui m’avez choisi; mais moi, je vous ai choisis» (Jean 15 :16, LSG)
Que Dieu vous bénisse ! Que la grâce de Dieu vous accompagne aujourd’hui ! Je vous souhaite une belle journée et que Dieu vous protège et vous bénisse.
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#i mean instead of making hope the hero why not make rafael be useful for once and not just be background character
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10 notes • Posted 2021-03-11 11:20:27 GMT
10 of my favourite fictional women for women's history month
Thank you to @together-is-my-favourite-place for tagging me 🥰🥰
1. Clarke Griffin [The 100]
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2. Bonnie Bennett [The Vampire Diaries]
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14 notes • Posted 2021-03-10 14:21:13 GMT
i miss destiel and the days when i was so sure they would be canon
19 notes • Posted 2021-07-23 22:05:27 GMT
2020 Year in Review
Rules: answer some questions about 2020 and tag some people!
Tagged by @together-is-my-favourite-place thank youu so much and again happy new year to you ♥♥ ! 
Top Five Four Films you watched in 2020:
1. The Croods 2. Inception  3. Tenet 4. Clueless  5. Secret Society of Second-Born Royals
Top Five TV Shows in 2020:
1. Julie and the Phantoms 2. Avatar : The Last Air Blender 3. Merlin 4.How to get away with murder (the final omg 😭)  5. Supernatural (beacuase i choose to ignore the last 2 epsiodes ugh) 
+ mention special to the 100 one of my fav show but s7 make it so atrocious 😭
Top Five Songs/Albums of 2020:
1. Before you go by Lewis Calpadi 2. A lot of Miley Cyrus’s songs (like angle like you, never be me, hate me) 3. Julie and the Phantoms album 4. A lot of Taylor Swift’s song (like nobody no crime, exile, cowboy like me)  5. Lonely by Justin Bieber 
Top Five Books of  i read in 2020:
1. Destiny by Cecelia Ahern  2. Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan 3.  Cursed by Thomas Wheeler And that’s it 😭😭
Top Five Ten Fanfictions of 2020:
I especially read a lot of AU on twitter about spn and the 100 but here some fanfiction i’ve read on ao3 or wattpad :  1. French version : De la poésie pour les Poissons by Saturne (spn) English version : Poetry for fish by Saturne (spn) 2. Ensemble pour briller by StellaMuscia (soy luna) 3. Cap ou pas Cap ? Qui gagnera la partie by MickarolLumonFics (soy luna)
And i think that it! 
Five good/positive things that happened to you in 2020:
1. I completed my second year of law school :) !!   2. I celebrated my birthday with my friends on july that was fun 3. I helped one of my best friend to organize her birthday on september  4. I met one of my best internet friends and we live ont he same city ! 5. My little cousin was born in january ♥ he’s so cute ! 
Tagging and wishing Happy New Year 2021 with a lot of hapiness, healt, sucess and prosperity to :  @omniavincitamor @saveyoua-seat @reggietheghost @geekyogicheese @edwardalric @darkmisstressofunknown @cursedbycastiel @samwwinchester @kittens-and-skeleton-hats @i-heart-tyrus @ccstiel @bloodysteel @beth-cassidy @madisonreyes @multifandomfinex @robertsbarbie-archive @somewherewebelongg @octaviaskairipas @taylor-morley @you-are-important-nina @captain--steve--rogers @kingjackless @star-light-child @proudtobeadepphead @jory826 @superchocovian @isabellaskyliner @themoonandstarsinhereyes @aureganemerryl And i hope i don’t forget someone omg, thank you all for this year on tumblr ♥ !
21 notes • Posted 2021-01-02 13:55:02 GMT
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41 notes • Posted 2021-01-30 11:40:57 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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pleasinglockscreens · 7 years
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The 100 pt.3⛰⚔️ • please like if you save or screenshot • feel free to request your ideas • follow for more lockscreens
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frozenmemories1987 · 4 years
Mackson for the ship ask (obviously)
Biggest heart eyes (obviously)
I love them so much! I've liked both Jackson and Miller from season one on and I was rooting for Briller while they lasted but once they had Miller and Jackson interact I jumped that train immediately.
They're so perfect together, complementing each other in all the best ways. I love how they communicate with looks and touches and always seem to be in tune even when they have different opinions.
I resent that we didn't get more depth and generally more focus on them because they're a ship (as well as two individual characters) full of missed opportunities.
There was a lot more to be explored but I guess for a "background ship" they did pretty well.
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100yearsofbellarke · 5 years
Are Becho still Together?
Okay so maybe Jason and Kim love to remind us how the show isn’t about romance or romantic relationships, that doesn’t mean they haven’t still created romantic relationships in the show.
And while they still love to use the word platonic with Bellarke and romantic with becho (despite the curious differences in the way Bellamy acts with Clarke vs Echo) there are other drastic differences in how they write Becho vs there other CANON relarionships.
This season we had quite a few canon relationships. Zaven, Kabby, Mackson, Memori, Josephine/Gabriel (through flashbacks), Russell/Simone, Jordan/Delilah and finally Becho.
But honestly out of all of these couples the only one I had trouble seeing as romantic all season was Becho. Especially towards the end of the season and I can’t help but even wonder if they are still a romantic unit.
For the sake of time I’m going to compare the couple to 3 main couples this season: Kabby, Memori and Mackson.
Now 2 of these couples (despite this show not being about romance) were quite the focus of their characters storylines this season. Abby’s whole storyline revolved around her attempt to save Kane and while Murphy’s storyline was more so about his trying to avoid death through immortality, Emori played a big part of it.
Mackson have been treated as more background characters and still their relationship had scenes that gave the audience no area of doubt that the two were together.
So it’s interesting that a supposed romantic relationship with one of the LEAD characters has very few to any scenes that can be interpreted as romantic.
There are a few, but again in the beginning of the season:
- The fireside scene where they were cuddling
- Bellamy nodding his head towards the water slightly flirtatiously to go into the water like Memori
-Their talk about Echos past
-Kinda sorta their reunion hug (though the focus on him looking at Clarke at the end leave it up for debate)
But that’s it. And even those weren’t hugely romantic scenes. And as the season progresses the harder it is to even pick out that they are a couple. Bellamy barely even showed a reaction to initially finding out she was in danger. They did not share one kiss on the lips all season. And in the finale he patted her on the back while he ran off to hug his platonic soulmate.
So the question remains. Are Becho still together or was their a mutual break up off screen?
The writers have never been good at break ups. Quite frankly I didn’t quite realize Briller had even broken up in s4 until Bryan never returned and Miller moved on with Jackson.
Maybe it’s wishful thinking and I have doubts that the writers would pull such a drastic move but I can’t help but notice the blatant differences between how they wrote Becho this season vs all the other canon couples. And maybe it’s just signaling for a break up in the future but as a viewer of this show...something feels off.
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sometimesrosy · 6 years
what are your favorite ships on the show and can you tell why u ship them
Bellarke, of course. I actually ship them most of all ships not because of the romance, but because their relationship is woven into the narrative base of the show in a symbolic and archetypical way. Bellarke does it for me most, not because of the romantic tropes, although those are fun to watch, but because of the mythic storytelling elements. This isn’t a romance show, but I believe this is the epic tale of Bellarke. I believe that Bellarke is canon. Just because it’s taking us a long time to get to the kissing doesn’t mean it’s not their love story. Not all tv shows have a long term narrative intent, but I believe this one does. And that the original outline for this show was based on Bellarke confirms to me that this show is about their love, even if it’s not a romance, like the book is.  It is The Bellarke Show And JR has admitted that they are both the backbone of The 100 AND the central relationship, so…. not sorry.
Memori. Why do I like them? Because neither of them are heroic characters and yet, they are so great. They are scroungers and scrappers and Murphy is the most honest character on this show. He can’t even lie to himself, which most of the other characters do. And Emori is great because she’s never had anything, at all, she’s always been on the bottom of the heap, more than anyone on the show, and she doesn’t let that stop her. So happy they’re part of a family now and that they are working through their issues.
Marper. Before I joined fandom, I lowkey shipped Marper. I also wouldn’t have minded Harper and Miller, because I saw their relationship, too. I think that turned out to be a platonic partnership (I am sorry we won’t get to see them back together in season 6) and i didn’t know he was gay. I saw Marper in MW, but after reading fics and joining tumblr, i saw Minty, too and came over to the Minty side. When Bryan appeared and Marper happened in s3, I readjusted. Although I never shipped Briller, I easily fell back into Marper, and at this point, I find Marper so profound, accepting, loving, supportive and beautiful that when I see Minty fics I almost feel like Marper is being betrayed. So I’m still dealing with that. 
Mackson. SO love Mackson 100 times more than Briller. I never got over feeling like Bryan was a redshirt and refused to get attached. Jackson was always ours. And I love their caring, supportive relationship now, even if it’s mostly background. Want to see more in s6.
Niytavia. It is not canon. I usually only ship relationships where i can see a connection in canon. I see that here. But we have gotten nothing conclusive. I saw it first in s3, but clearly that was too early after Lincoln. But it was also in s4 and 5. Without ever telling us exactly what their relationship was, and leaving too many blank spaces in season 5 to allow us to figure it out. I used to think that Niytavia could bring Octavia back from the edge, but clearly Octavia was too strong a personality and instead, she brought Niylah to the edge with her. I still think Niylah could help Octavia find peace in season 6. 
Zaven. I’m looking forward to a good ship with them, because I like Shaw and love Raven and he seems like someone who is as quality as she is. But i haven’t seen the kind of things that I love in a ship in the canon yet. I might have had expectations that are too high. IDK. For me they are a hopeful ship but i do not love them yet. Like them, but waiting for the swoon factor. 
I don’t really ship Kabby, although I like them. Their first kiss got me on board with them, but before that, I kind of lowkey shipped Kindra. kabby hasn’t gotten enough attention in s4 or 5.
Didn’t ever love Linctavia. Like but it never did it for me. Too cutesy maybe? idk. How do we explain why a ship doesn’t do it for us? I’m still confused as to why I don’t ship Kabby, they are my age. but it just doesn’t do it for me. 
I think I put my ships in order of preference and investment. At this point, except for Bellarke and Memori, though, I am mostly focused on the non-romantic ships and brotps. princess mechanic, team cockroach. millamy. the blake siblings. murven. clarke x madi x bellamy. clarke x octavia.
Special note: I used to ship bravenlarke as an ot3, but i feel that in canon, bellarke has been focused on so much and raven has not (in their relationship) that they are no longer an equal ot3 so it doesn’t work anymore. They’ve made br/aven platonic and princess mechanic needs serious fixing which I am REALLY invested in for season 6. also, as for ot3, I could have seen bellarcho, but again, they focus too much on how bellamy loves clarke and not enough on how he loves echo, so it wouldn’t work to me. too unequal. they are seriously building bellarke as the epic love story. nothing else compares, although we see echoes through other relationships.
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head-and-heart · 7 years
The 100 Ask Game
Thanks for the tag @istilldothiseveryday ! This looks fun :)
1. What would you get arrested for on the Ark? 
Protests? Can you get arrested for that on the Ark?
I dunno. I have a very strong personality I’d probably get into to some kind of trouble politically on the Ark 2. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground? 
Nah. I’m very much alike with Clarke in the way I think and as much as I may like to stick my middle finger up at the council if I was sent down on the dropship, I think I would see the value in having the Ark (aka. a functioning society) follow us down to the ground. I would be scared out of my mind of the Grounders - back up would be nice. 3. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..) 
Probably a mangled mess of metal cause I’d shut down that shit SO hard
4. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be? 
Maya. I understand that her surviving doesn’t really make any sense and they needed her to die for jasper’s arc or whatever BUT TBH SHE HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL??? Like, I stanned her team-up with Bellamy so hard; I’d literally sell my soul to satan for her to be incorporated into the delinquent’s group. Can you imagine her suiting up and going on hunting missions with Harper? Attending Lincoln and Bell’s sparring lessons? Sharing her music with Gina at the bar????? Helping out Abby and Jackson in medical???? Having heart to hearts with Clarke about her mom (and Clarke’s dad), who both died rebelling against the system??? Cracking jokes with Monty?? imagine if she went up to space with the squad, and what their relationship could have been like then! She could be their medic on board. 
People always simplify Maya to her relationship with Jasper (and yes they were cute) but SHE COULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH MORE. She was smart and courageous and selfless - she had fire and wit and strength and i m i s s her. 
She’ll never see Earth, never breathe real air, never float on the water, never meet Riley 
We’ll never get to see her grow up and it makes me sad
5. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they? 
Raven and Monty because they’re GENIUSES obviously.
Lincoln and Bellamy so I don’t fucking DIE lmao - I know they got my back (my poor boys - both too selfless for their own good)
Clarke cause the Angry Cat game is strong and she’s got a real knack for not dying even when she should, probably, be 110% dead 6. Minty or Briller? 
Briller. Tragically, Bryan only started to interest me in 4x02 when they gave him more dimension by visiting farm station. 
Also ... how can you say no to chickens?  7. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? (example: Octavia=Okteivia…just make it up!)
Uhhh. Keit? Kayt? 
What a lame name 8. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him, and others love him, so I’m curious
i don’t know him
9. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does? 
I doubt I would take it. Unknown drug with unknown effects? Sounds pretty sketch. I don’t see myself going for that - I’m a generally skeptical person. 10. What character do you relate to most & What character do you like the least not including the obvious ones like Pike, etc… 
Definitely relate the most to my INTJ queen Clarke Griffin! 
And Octavia is probably my least favourite character. I can see why some people like her and the merit in her character arc I guess but tbh she just IRRITATES me to no end - she has certain characteristics that really grate at me. Obviously, some characters are horrible people (like Dr. Tsing ew) but Octavia just infuriates me because of some of her characteristics.
She’s not for me. 11. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles? Be creative, yet practical) 
Something practical cause I’m boring. 
Cargo pants. Ark-issued t-shirt. And a nice warm jacket. The jackets the characters wear on this show are pathetic - they barely look like they keep the wind out. And only Bellamy zips his up. smh vancouver is colder than it looks - all that humidity
As for a trademark thing? 
I’d be the only arker with an “I <3 BELLAMY BLAKE” t shirt probably
12. Favorite type of mutant animal?
Bellamy’s three-headed doggo he hasn’t found yet
anyway i still have hope
13. What would your job be on the Ark? 
I think I’d follow in Raven/Monty’s paths a bit and go into something mathematical like engineering but knowing myself I’d probably end up moving into politics later on. I have too many strong opinions to put up with the Ark system lol 14. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked?
Oh HELL no. I’d probably throw up all over it. I’m sorry Clarke. It’s not like that’s ACTUALLY how blood transfusions work anyway *intense side-eye at The 100 “science”* 15. If Lxa wasn’t Heda, but she’s still alive right? then who would make the best commander? 
None of them. Bellamy x Clarke leadership duo. I don’t care about the Grounder commander system - it’s all kinda bs anyway. 
None of the individual leaders on this show have done a good job. They’ve always functioned best as a team (which is why I want the Bellarke leader couple back) 16. If you were a grounder, then where would you live and who would be your mentor? 
I mean I know she went all cray cray and they all died but probably Luna’s rig. I don’t want shit to do with the other clans, who are always warring with each other. And I think Nyko would be a pretty good mentor. I’d like to learn medicine.  17. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty? 
Let’s be real, I’d probably start crying about how Bellamy and Clarke are in love and wHy cAn’T tHeY jUSt bAnG aLrEAdY ... and Finn would be real mad about it if he was in charge of picking my ass off the floor like in “Day Trip” 
ha! I think it would be worth it 18. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or Bellamy Blake? 
I mean ... I definitely wouldn’t lead a manhunt to kill a thirteen year old girl so I can say with a lot of confidence that I would NOT follow the Murphy route. Not so sure I’d just pardon her though. I think the delinquents needed some kind of prison system. Charlotte did murder a kid. Even though she was a child, there probably should have been some kind of consequence for that (though not killing her would be ideal) 19. Who should be the Chancellor, if anyone? 
Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin co-leading motherfucking power couple
I will accept no less in canon. just let me fucking have this
20. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod)What is the one thing you would snatch while there? 
Oh, the iPod for sure. I literally don’t know if I could live without music. I’m listening to it ALL the time - I’m listening to it right now. RAIGN is playing *cries in Bellarke* 21. Do you think you’d have caught the virus spread through camp or would you have been immune like O.ctavia? 
I’m a weak ass bitch so probably 
and on the basis that I don’t like any of the people who ARE immune then maybe I don’t wanna be - what’s the point of surviving in a world where you’ve only got Finn Collins and O.ctavia Blake for company?  22. What would your grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint? 
I want whatever makeup L.exa’s got from Polisephora. You think she’d share some of that eyeliner? 23. Favorite quote? 
“Shouldn’t there be more to life than just surviving?” - Clarke Griffin (2x14)
24. Can you forgive Murphy for his actions? How about Bellamy?
Yeah. I feel like we’re kind of past this point in the plot. They’ve both showed development and change and I think we’re definitely at a place in the story where both of them are intended as sympathetic characters to the audience. 25. If one of the characters was in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning? NOOOOO ALREADY SO MUCH DEATH NOOOO 
I’m going to answer this as if all of our characters were thrown into the ring and I have to predict which one would win. 
I wanna say Octavia because I think she’s independent and - er - determined enough to take out someone she knows if it came down to being the two of them to grant her own freedom and survival. Whereas, someone like Clarke or Bellamy or Kane would probably just nightlock it cause they’re self-sacrificial af. 
But then I also think maybe Murphy ‘cause cockroaches never die (thank you Raven). 26. Least favorite ship? Favorite ship? NOT INCLUDING CL OR BC 
Least favourite ship that people actually like? (aka. not something like Clarke and Jaha)
Probably B.echo (as a romantic relationship, not necessarily sexual). Hate to be basic and predictable but I think I would actually die if it were endgame.
how dare
If you asked me this a few months ago I would have told ya Niytavia but now that we’ve gotten more teasers about Octavia’s character in Season 5 I’m not sure if I want her anywhere near her (I like Niylah when she’s hot, but not cooked, ya feel?)
So maybe Jasper and Raven. Idk. I liked their friendship. Still bitter about Season 4.
I don’t really ship anything besides Bellarke that much. They’re an anomaly for me. 27. A song that should be included in the next season, like when Radioactive was? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo? 
Tbh RAIGN goes hard af so anything by her would be pretty lit. 
I mostly only associate songs I listen to with Bellarke when I’m applying them to the show so I’ve got like 100+ songs that I would love to use for them but its hard to think of a context where they would fit in with the tone of the show
And I want Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir to cameo. They don’t need to say anything - they just need to stare soulfully into each other’s eyes in the background. 
... or makeout
Whatever. 28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time? 
Steal the wine. Have karaoke battles. Drunkenly cry because RaVEn iS sO sTrONg and sO gOoD (and he would cry with me - he WOULD). 
Gossip about Bellamy’s butt.
The possibilities are endless, really. 
29. Opinion on Emori? Roan? 
I don’t really have a strong opinion on Emori. I feel like our knowledge of her is still so limited. She’s still barely interacted with anyone besides Murphy. But I’m guessing that may change in Season 5. I’d like to see her interact more with Bellamy, since they both have siblings (and Emori was the disgraced child too, just like O). Not many people can relate in that sense.
I really liked Roan but TO BE HONEST I found him more intriguing in Season 3 than in Season 4. He was literally up there in like my top four or five characters in Season 3 - I was so excited to learn more about him! In Season 4 he didn’t have much of a character arc, he was just kind of there to look moody and badass.
But honestly Roan is one of those characters that I don’t think was necessarily intended to be funny (as opposed to characters like Jasper and Wick) but his interactions with Clarke, Bellamy, and Echo offered up the occasional piece of comedy gold. He went too soon. Forever mourning the bromance that he and Bellamy could have had.
30. Would you want to be an extra that is killed off in a brutal way? 
I wanna be Satisfied Girl.
Or Riley. Everyone loves that guy
so ... no? maybe? does it come with the job? 31. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of?
CADOGAN. @metastation has ruined me; now I just want more!
Also any of the Eligius crew tbh 32. A character you’d bang? 
Omg like all of them.
Bellamy and Raven are up there tho. 
And highkey Bree could get it. She looks like she knows what she’s doing.
Echo’s hot but i dunno chains and choking aren’t really my thing
Anywayyyyy I’m way too late to the party so I won’t tag anyone but like if you feel like doing this GO AHEAD ! And you can tag me in your post if you want too
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asroarke · 7 years
The 100 Ask
Tagged by @sly2o who I love so dearly and deserves all the lovely gift baskets in the world for being a delightful human
rules: answer as many as you want if tagged and then tag three more people OR just reblog it and treat it as a regular ask meme!! have fun xoxo
1. What would you get arrested for on the Ark? Pretty sure I would jokingly kick or throw something to dramatically show that I was angry with someone (because that’s the kind of diva I am) and actually break something important in the process, potentially one of the basic things that the rest of the Ark needs to survive.
2. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground? I’d probably resist as long as it was convenient but as soon as they started saying I had to take off my wrist band to get food, I’d give in.
3. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..) the corpse of Finn Collins Pauna
4. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be? SHAWN MENDES
5. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they? Okay, well Bellamy can’t go or else I’ll be distracted. In that same logic, Clarke can’t go either. My bisexual heart flutters at the sight of both of them. Raven would drive the rover. Jasper would DJ. Monty would explain smart things to me and I would just awkwardly nod. I’m gonna throw Miller in there so I can try to set them up for fucks sake. And Murphy will have to be there, for commentary purposes.
6. Minty or Briller? Minty. But really, I’m totally here for the Miller x Jackson train.
7. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? (example: Octavia=Okteivia…just make it up!): Aleks?
8. Thoughts on Finn? Just casually annoyed about the fact that homie didn’t even have to try to get two of the most fascinating, smart, and beautiful women in the 100 universe. Like how fair is that? I try really hard and just last week I blew it by stuttering when a girl said something nice to me and then told her I needed to go see what the weather was like and then hid in the bathroom for five minutes as I gave myself a pep talk. I want like 10% of the confidence Finn Collins had for literally no reason.
9. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does? It would have been soooo easy to get me to take the chip. Someone would just have to say my mental health problems would leave me alone and I would give the fuck in.
10. What character do you relate to most & What character do you like the least not including the obvious ones like Pike, etc… I relate the most to Clarke in the way that she isolates herself, her bisexuality, her communication patterns... I relate with Raven because I’m quite familiar with chronic pain. The character I like the least is Thelonious Jaha. I find him to be quite preachy and arrogant, but don’t really see why he gets to be that way considering how many bad decisions he has made.
11. Describe your delinquent outfit: Okay, I want Jasper’s earth day t-shirt, Raven’s red jacket or Clarke’s blue jacket, steal a beanie from Miller, some tight pants that don’t look practical but magically never hinder my ability to run through the forest for plot reasons, AND THEM COMBAT BOOTS.
12. Favorite type of mutant animal? does Cage Wallace count Pauna
13. What would your job be on the Ark? A really terrible mechanic that Raven roasts constantly but secretly likes because I start my day by telling her she’s a genius and she replies with “I know”
14. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked it? There is no way in hell I would have been in that room when that decision took place because I would literally still be chipped and no one would bother to take the time to fix me like they did with Raven and Abby because I am a soft lazy soul not made for this survival world, but if I was there and it had to be done, probably (and I’d have a panic attack while doing it)
15. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, then who would make the best commander? Indra (season 4 Indra, not early Indra)
16. If you were a grounder, then where would you live and who would be your mentor? Oh God there are no good options here in my opinion. I’m gonna say Azgeda just so Roan could be my mentor (I love him) but like I’m not crazy about Azgeda for all the crazy plot reasons.
17. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty? You would find me having very intense, intellectual debates with... absolutely no one. I’m talking to someone I hallucinated, likely an ex boyfriend from years ago who still deserves to be put in his place.
18. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? I mean, I don’t think there was a right way to deal with it. Rehabilitation, maybe if they lived in a world without insane war and had actual guidance from actual adults (who weren’t raised on the Ark and ingrained with the death penalty for all crimes mentality)
19. Who should be the Chancellor, if anyone? Who should be? Probably Bellamy, but I don’t want him to be because I don’t think it would be good for him. I’m actually gonna go with Monty because I think he would take counsel from Bellamy and Clarke, keep a level head, and be able to separate personal feelings from what has to be done... but not to the level that Clarke would. I think he would be a nice in between.
20. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod)What is the one thing you would snatch while there? There’s not a lot that I can think of that I would want for my own personal entertainment, but like maybe a water filtration system? Feel like that would come in clutch.
21. Do you think you’d have caught the virus spread through camp or would you have been immune like Octavia? I am the kind of person who goes to a doctor for one illness and catches another one while I’m in the waiting room. I WILL BE PATIENT ZERO, NO DOUBT.
22. What would your grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint? Norse symbol for where there’s a will there’s a way kind of look for my tattooes, want that Octavia ponytail (because fuck that was a good look), and no war paint. My face looks like it melted at the end of the day with my makeup, there’s no telling how messy and tragic my war paint will look after a war. If I’m gonna be a grounder, I’m gonna look damn good doing it.
23. Favorite quote? Whatever the hell we want
24. Can you forgive Murphy for his actions? How about Bellamy? Yes and yes.
25. If one of the characters was in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning? I know Octavia is probably the right choice (but she did not win on her own, and I highly doubt she would get as lucky in the real hunger games) so I’m going to say Raven because she’ll be like those tech nerds who made the arena go boom. I think people would team up with her, not really thinking of her as a threat so they could kill her later on, and then she makes everything go boom and wins the damn thing.
26. Least favorite ship? Favorite ship? NOT INCLUDING CLEXA OR BELLARKE. Uh Octavia and Illian for least favorite? Like I don’t really think about ships that I do not ship, but their little storyline really freaked me out. Favorite, princess mechanic, forever and always.
27. A song that should be included in the next season, like when Radioactive was? Ummm, obviously it is an accoustic cover of Radioactive done by Shawn Mendes as he emerges from the bunker with everyone else (the accoustic cover he spent the last six years working on, by the way)
28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time? Omg we would have the snarkiest time as we try to out-asshole each other. We’d be quick buds.
30. Would you want to be an extra that is killed off in a brutal way? No, I want to be an extra that keeps randomly doing unimportant tasks in the background and when you look me up on IMBD you get a “random teenager who once was seen having a conversation with David Miller” next to my name.
31. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of? Uh, Roan. Like why was he banished? What’s going on with him and his mother? What kind of history does he have with Echo? Where was he during the first two seasons of the show? HAS HE EVER GOTTEN LAID BECAUSE THE FACT THAT HE DIDN’T GET WITH ANYONE AFTER GIVING SEX EYES TO LITERALLY EVERYONE MAKES NO DAMN SENSE JROTH?
32. A character you’d bang? Roan. Y’all know I’m Roan trash.
Tagging: @isla1975 @bellamyblakesfreckles @bellamyblake-kru (ignore if you’ve already been tagged. I’m too tired to check.)
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reyskyber · 7 years
The 100 ask game
I was tagged by my bae @asroarke.  But it was like 6am and I was on mobile.  (I got some pretty weird looks at the bus stop while I was near cackling at your answers Alex omg!)
rules: answer as many as you want if tagged and then tag three more people OR just reblog it and treat it as a regular ask meme!! have fun xoxo
1. What would you get arrested for on the Ark? So I thought about this a lot, I’d be shouting at my siblings for doing shitty scottish accents or singing wonderwall at me and I’d scream and someone would hear me and then I’d go to prison for helping my mum to harbour extra people.
2. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground? Um, maybe?  I probably would to get food but I doubt I’d pull a Finn and try and take it off for the sake of it.
3. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..) a fox?  idk tbh if finn gave me a necklace I’d give it right back
4. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be? WELLS JAHA omg
5. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they? Bellamy bc he seems to be the only one who can drive the rover?  Raven because she’s amazing does this even need a reason? Monty because we could geek out over plants even tho i hate biology.  Jasper just so I could keep him safe.  I feel like if I include Clarke I’m asking for trouble since her and Bellamy can’t get in the rover together without some kind of accident happening.  But I love her with all my heart and we’d need her.
6. Minty or Briller? Minty for life, I just didn’t like Bryan :/
7. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? (example: Octavia=Okteivia…just make it up!): Iylah(?) I’m juts using Niylah without the N, soo
8. Thoughts on Finn? Omg don’t get me started.  I just don’t understand how you can grow up with Raven Reyes and fall in love with her and have her love you back and then get to earth and act as if she doesn’t exist?  Granted, I am also a sucker for beautiful blonde girls, but I’m not dating Raven Reyes sooo.  I think my main problem with Finn was how he was always like “yeah, Clarke I know I didn’t tell you about Raven but I miss you.”  or “Raven, you’re telling me I hurt your feelings?  But what about my feelings?”  Like he was just so self centred.  I’m gonna stop rn before I make this entire post about Finn.
9. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does? Idk really, probably really easy because I literally follow what everyone else is doing at all times.  If they advertised it as a fashion thing oh boy, I’d be right there.
10. What character do you relate to most & What character do you like the least not including the obvious ones like Pike, etc…  I once did two of those “which character are you?” quizes, and I got Clarke in one and Bellamy in the other.  I think i’m more like Bellamy though, in that I’d do anything for my family and I go with my emotions rather than thinking things through first.  Also riddled with regret and guilt. Idk about liking the least, I personally don’t like Niylah but I really don’t know why?  She’s a really well done character and everything but idk something doesn’t sit right with me and I can’t put my finger on it (?)
11. Describe your delinquent outfit: Black skinny jeans, but that’s a given.  I think a t shirt like Clarke’s and then either her iconic s2 leather jacket or Raven’s red bomber jacket bc I love them both.  And the combat boots that everyone has.  And I think I’d style my hair like Raven’s bc it’s so pretty.
12. Favorite type of mutant animal? Pauna idk? 
13. What would your job be on the Ark? making food with the Greens.  I’d be the judgy older friend that told Monty and Jasper not to do drugs but then just rolled my eyes when they did it anyway.
14. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked it? If Abby asked me to jump from the top of the tower in Polis I would do it with little to no hesitation.
15. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, then who would make the best commander? Anya, she always deserved better <3
16. If you were a grounder, then where would you live and who would be your mentor? Just for purely selfish reasons: Azgeda so I could train with Echo.
17. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty? I get headaches from smelling weed near me so I’m terrible near any kind of drug, I think I’d end up like Jasper and get really scared of something that wasn’t there, or go the complete other way and discuss changing the tides with Monty.
18. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? I’mma leave that for Clarke and Bellamy.  I would not be involved in that conversation at all.  Sort of like Finn, just stood at the side watching them eye fuck each other.
19. Who should be the Chancellor, if anyone? I really loved Abby as chancellor, and Kane.  That being said, Kane, Abby, and Jaha all have a tendency to still be going for “adults vs kids” when it comes to problem solving, so maybe have one of the 100 as chancellor?  But everyone’s in the bunker now so idk how relevant that is?
20. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod)What is the one thing you would snatch while there? I would grab Maya’s ipod so fast, I hope she has good taste in music.
21. Do you think you’d have caught the virus spread through camp or would you have been immune like Octavia? I’mma touch wood rn but I’ve never actually had the flu or anything so I think I might have a strong immune system??
22. What would your grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint? I like the swirling ones that Lincoln had so maybe some like that?  For hairstyle I’d go for Octavia in s2 because that’s a look.  And I doubt I’d be going to war so no war paint for me.
23. Favorite quote? She stopped being a kid they day you sent her down here to die.
24. Can you forgive Murphy for his actions? How about Bellamy? Yes and yes.
25. If one of the characters was in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning? I think Murphy would have a really good shot, like he’d trick everyone into thinking he was dead or something and then he’d murder them all while they were asleep or something.
26. Least favorite ship? Favorite ship? NOT INCLUDING CLEXA OR BELLARKE. Still not set on Clarke and Niylah, but like I said that’s bc of some weird thing I’ve got against Niylah that I’ve not figured out yet.  Obvs bellarke are my faves, but other than that I really like Minty and Braven because their dynamics are both really interesting and I love them <3
27. A song that should be included in the next season, like when Radioactive was? So, I thought about this a lot.  I really wanted a slow or instrumental/guns n roses version of knockin’ on heaven’s door for the bellarke reuinion. BUT the lyrics and the meaning of that song were really important for 216.  So, what if they played knockin’ on heaven’s door again but like at the end of s5 after someone (maybe octavia) dies or something???  Or like in the middle of the war?
28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time? He’d make jokes, I’d laugh, he’d scowl, repeat for the next 5+ years 
29.Opinion on Emori? Roan? Loved Emori in s4, hyped to see her in s5.  OMFG do not.  Roan did not deserve to die, and death by drowning?? I thought we were gonna have a call back to 302 when he tried to drown Clarke and she thought she was done and he jumped back out in typical extra Roan style.  Then we could have had some really good Roan/Octavia scenes where they talked about Bellamy???
30. Would you want to be an extra that is killed off in a brutal way? Not really, can I not just survive in the background like Shawn Mended? 
31. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of? I’m gonna agree with Alex on this one and say we needed back story on Roan.  But I’d also like to see more of the Jahas, like what happened to Wells’ mum and what Wells did to get on the dropship.  What were things like when Diana was chancellor???
32. A character you’d bang? So many, that’s a whole other post tho.
I’m gonna tag @the-most-beautiful-broom, @bellamyblake-kru, and @nathanmillers (sorry if you guys have already done this <3)
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sassy-molassy · 5 years
JR said he kept Bryan's story open so that he could potentially return (that was during s5, idk if he can or even wants to return at this point). Beyond was cancelled, Whitesell isn't on any significant or important project, his character is on the survival list, so there's a lot of space for him to be included, but... It's a huge question mark. And a mess that SSahel keeps making worse by making fun of and shutting up people who dare to ask JJoseph a valid question about his co-worker.
Even if they couldn’t bring Jonathan back for whatever reason, they could at least give us an explanation of what happened to Bryan? They could give Briller a proper break up scene? Where they would talk things out and decide to stay friends? It would be okay ‘cause people grow apart and start seeing things differently sometimes — that’s what their fights were all about, right? These two deserved at least one tiny scene where they’d figure it out. Maybe then Mackson wouldn’t feel so wrong. But since Jason Rothenberg decided to stick to good old shitty writing here, I only see Miller and Jackson as two random people that were randomly put together so the show would have at least one gay couple that would flash in the background a few seconds per episode to keep these fangirls you were talking about satisfied.
0 notes
valexwest · 7 years
Okay I’m still processing thE episode but I need to put out off my mind some things.
So about the Miller Jackson thing, there are some points that make me not totally opposed
1. Miller needs a storyline not filled with holes and that has some continuity. Since Jonathan is tied with another show (probably a contract thing…..* so happy for him btw, he deserve that) maybe introducing a relationship with Jackson will give to Miller more screentime (but at this point I doubt it…) 2. I fucking love Sachin and I really really care about Jackson, he is always so kind. He deserve a storyline too and not only a few scenes here and there with Abby. 3. I love Jarod and Sachin friendship so probably they can be really confortable in the scenes together.
That said, the things I absolutely not understand nor accept: 1.Miller waited months to be reunited with Bryan, not knowing if he still alive, plus the time they spent apart when he was locked on the SkyBox….they even planned a longterm future together….that kind of feeling doesn’t go away like it was nothing…. 2. Even if Briller broke up (I would like to have an explanation or at least a real fight that make some sense not like the one that they actually gave us) and the end of the world is coming I feel this new fling or relationship sort of rushed and out of the blue because they writers don’t give us any context or background. 3. I fear they will made some OOC choices for Miller. 4. I DEMAND EXPLENATIONS LIKE *WHERE IS BRYAN RIGHT NOW? *HOW DID HE AND MILLER PARTED? *HOW DO THEY FEEL ABOUT EACH OTHERS RIGHT NOW? ARE THEY HURT, MAD, SAD, RASIGNED, RANCOROUS OR WHAT? I know that we probably never know…but I hope they give us something.
AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING I WILL FOREVER AND EVER SHIP BRILLER, NO QUESTIONS AND NO TURNING BACK. No matter in what direction the show will go but for me Nathan and Bryan will come back to each others arm (now or later) and have they DAMN LOVELY CHINCKENS.
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nataliecrown · 8 years
4x02 Recap - Heavy Lies the Crown (The 100)
This was a quality episode. It’s not gonna jump on to my all time faves list, possibly because pretty much everything was spoiled beforehand (can’t wait to be past the screener eps, honestly), but it was some high calibre shit.
Warning: I am in a foul and irritable mood. If this recap is saltier than usual, I apologise. Unless you like salt, in which case - I did it especially for you!
- NOTE: They fixed Zach’s name in the credits. My question is, how the hell was that mistake ever allowed to happen. My god.
Radioactive, Radioactive
- The butterflies are back! I am HERE for throwing back to the S1 radioactive imagery. Could it be that we will see random dude from S2 again at some point? A GIRL CAN DREAM.
- So this whole opening sequence was seriously rad. We got to see ALIE again. Who knew that would excite me so much (Erica’s performance is just so damn good), we got to hear Tree Adam’s awesome soundtrack again, and we got a pretty brilliant introduction to Ilian. I gave exactly zero shits about RILEY later on in the episode, but I am instantly a fan of this dude.
- I also think it’s worth pointing out that his trauma must be EXTREME. He murdered his family. Yes, he wasn’t in control. But he can remember every damn moment. I doubt he will remain an antagonist forever, but I can’t say I blame him for being seriously fucked up and needing to expel that fucked up ness through violence and rage.
- It’s legit pretty rad that an older couple get to have proper on screen sexy times on a ‘teen’ show. Kudos! It’s hawt.
- Paige Turco’s legs. Damn.
- ALSO when Abby said Roan was expecting her...was I the only one whose mind swept off into an AU where Abby is like...the king’s wife, but she’s getting it on with one of his most trusted Ambassadors and it’s a tale of star crossed lovers and... @kane-and-griffin SURELY YOU WENT THERE?
- Kane’s smile while she has her back to him is just lovely.
- AND THEN the whole interaction with the necklace is just wonderful. Abby will never stop loving Jake, she will never stop missing him. But she is allowed to move on. Knowing that won’t stop her feeling guilty though, at least for a little while. Her hesitation is true to real life, and Kane’s gentle understanding is absolutely exquisite. He is not at all fazed by the spectre of her dead husband, to the point that he does not hesitate to help her put the necklace back on. And Abby does not express her gratitude with words, but with a kiss - her own gentle reminder to him that despite that guilt that is impossibly to not feel, she knows that she wants him. That she wants this.
The T Kru
- So we check in with the new peeps. We have the leader who is alllll about taking out King Roan. I think it’s important to note Ilian pointing out that he only wants revenge against Skaikru, and not the king. 
- Just kidding, it is clearly Octavia and I am about to be controversial...are you ready?
- Yes, Octavia looks like a badass, and angel of death, a vixen ready to get a mixen. HOWEVER...isn’t the point of an assassin meant to be that they are inconspicuous? If she wants to fade into the background and eavesdrop on conversations...if she wants her identity to remain secret for more than two minutes...shouldn’t she dress like everybody else? The cape is stunning but also....VERY UNIQUE COMPARED TO EVERYTHING ELSE WE HAVE EVER SEEN ON THIS SHOW.
- ANYWAY nobody notices her REALLY UNIQUE CAPE and Octavia learns vital information. The T Kru are going to challenge Roan to combat. Which, normally might be sweet, but Roan was shot - remember?
- God, I hate that crown. FREE ZACH’S BROW 2K17.
- I just want to point out that Octavia is still wearing Niylah’s clothes. JUST POINTING IT OUT LEAVE ME ALONE.
- Octavia has continuous smug face going on this season and I love it. Echo, perhaps, is not such a fan.
- ‘You’ll lose. Lexa kicked your ass...’ ROAN’S FACE AHAHAHA. And Kane’s reaction is priceless too. I am living for a season of Octavia just straight talking 24/7.
- Roan, Octavia and Kane are a squad I can get behind. Kane is going to try for diplomacy...we’ll see how that goes...
- Clarke’s look is fucking great, I love it so much. It is hints of S1 whilst also being fresh. I am a staunch defender of most of season 3. I think the overarching...arcs... were necessary and well placed. But lawwwwd it is nice to see Clarke back at home, and looking like Clarke again.
- This scene really nicely sets up the differing stances of Bravelarke. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong. The back and forth is really nicely done. It’s all very head, heart, and hands I must say.
- ‘A choice your dad died for’ RAVEN REYES, SLYTHERIN.
- Clarke’s expression and voice get super fierce here. It makes me so sad for her considering the end of the episode. So Raven is Jake, Clarke is Jaha, and Bellamy is Abby? I’m for it.
- The real MVP of this scene is Monty, and I love how he isn’t actively part of the conversation that the ‘leaders’ are having, but his mind is constantly working. While the others are going around in circles, Monty thinks up a solution.
- ‘We’re standing in our viable solution.’ The way they all look around at the Ark which was both salvation and prison for them, all hopeful and wide eyed...IDK my dudes, it gives me the heart feelings.
Checking in with the other delinquents...
- Something about Bellamy going to Miller and Bryan gives me feelings, mostly bc of the knowledge that Bellamy and Miller are BFFs. RIGHT.
- Bryan is recovering remarkably well. I somehow doubt you should ever base gunshot wound recovery times off of this show folks.
- Bryan gets more character in this episode than he has at any other point. Jonathan does a really fantastic job of portraying his trepidation, his anger, and his general level of irritation at Miller.
- I LOVE THE PIKE CONVERSATION. IT IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT. It’s also super important that what Octavia did is referred to as murder here. Last episode we had Clarke assure Bellamy that Pike had it coming. I think that was said, for the most part, to make Bellamy feel better. But this show is nothing if not fair when it comes to showcasing all sides of things. Pike was, in most respects, a hero and saviour to Bryan. And he was elected Chancellor, fairly. It’s not a simple situation.
- ‘To save you, Nate.’ I’m not hardcore Briller or anything, but the delivery here was spot on. Annnnnd I actually think super important in establishing Bryan’s character some more. We all know Bryan will be heading out the door sooner or later, but I still appreciate how the shows likes to give any and all characters depth.
- The hug and no kiss thing is...weird. There can be no denying.
- HONESTLY THOUGH. When Jasper says ‘Monty’ all serious and turns off the shower, I CACKLE. And then ‘look at me’ I’M TRYING NOT TO. BLESS YOU LOVELY CHILDREN.
- As things stand, I am loving where the show has taken Jasper post 4x01. And I’m intrigued to see where it goes.
- Obviously the best part of this scene is THE JONTY HIGH FIVE. HUZZAH.
- ‘Hey, you wanna hug?’ *giggles*
- Okay, so Bellarke. There is this super brief shot after Clarke hands over the whatever whing, where Bellamy looks away from her and she just STARES AT HIM YOU GUYS. HER FACE IS SO WARM AND FOND AND GLOWY. I’VE NOT SEEN ANYONE ELSE MENTION THIS MILLISECOND FRAME BUT IT’S EVERYTHING.
- Bellamy is so...energised this season? I’m fully loving it. I’m sure his self loathing is absolute, but he’s channelling it in such a positive way since he got to unload at Pike in 3x16. Clarke doesn’t have that same energy though, and you can almost see more of her own seep away as she watches him leave. 
- Also, another cute Raven and Monty nod. I POINT OUT ALL THE DETAILS OKAY. MAKE YOU READ ALL THE WORDS.
- That was a quick trip.
- The Marper hand hold is cute.
- Things go to shit pretty fast! Bellamy is all about making sure everybody else chills out in this episode. Even when he gets smacked upside the head, he is DEDICATED TO THE CAUSE.
- It’s not my place to talk about in depth, but the casting of extras and small bits parts on this show feels remarkably diverse compared to literally everything else I watch.
- We get a clear indication that the Ice Nation are not particularly fond of their King.
- Personally...I don’t reallyyyyy get why they back down? But whatever. I guess the leader does at least slightly fear the king?
- Okay, so Raven having to do her first mini boss speech and feeling all awkward and overwhelmed is the start of what will end up being another amazing arc. I FEEL IT IN MY BONES.
- SINCLAIRRRRR. But we do at least see now why he kind of needed to die. Kabby must, obviously, be protected at all costs. However, this show very much is about the 100 (+ Raven and Bellamy). Raven has to rise to the occasion in his absence.
- This conversation between Raven and Clarke is EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. It reminds me so much of S1 and ‘I’d pick you first.’ GAH. Just seeing them working together, and supporting each other means so much. Neither of them really know what they’re doing, but they’re doing it anyway. MORE. GIVE ME MORE.
- Fucking Jaha.
- Okay, FINE. Jaha having actual relevance to main characters is infinitely more interesting than Jaha out on his own doing his own wild things.
- I LOVE RAVEN BRINGING UP THE WRIST THING, AND CLARKE FINDING THE STRENGTH WITHIN TO POINT OUT THAT JAHA WAS ALSO CHIPPED. But Raven is having NONE of that. Remember that Jaha, at ALIEs behest, zoned in on Raven. She was the key. He went after her, after her injury, preyed on her pain. No wonder she is seething. Jaha’s zen owning of all his crimes is...vaguely interesting, I guess. 
- Sort the scrap you dumb dumb.
- Even if preview articles and teasers hadn’t already given away what Bellamy’s choice would be, as soon as we saw that little girl we all know he was saving the slaves, right?
- The appearance of the slaves strikes me as entirely random and contrived though. Why would the Ice Nation have massacred so many of Farm Station if they had a legitimate use for them? Whatever.
- So, Riley! Definitely in to the idea of him and Bryan having a history together, and the two of them rowing off into some off screen happiness together later in the season. I’m sure, given time, Riley may grow on me. This show does a remarkable job of making me care about everyone. But at this point I feel nothing. I’m all in with Ilian, and intrigued by Kenza...Riley, not so much.
- Everything about Echo and Roan’s sparring is attractive. EVERYTHING.
- I’m sorry, but Abby is totally checking Roan out in all of her reaction shots. That, or she’s fantasising about Kane.
- ‘If you can’t help me, why the hell are you still here.’ That clearly influences Abby’s decision to leave later.
- So, I didn’t talk about Roan and Echo much earlier because I LOVE THIS SCENE HERE. I’m so intrigued by where the show is going with these two. It’s a huge deal that Roan trusts her with the radiation information. I suppose it might not be trust per se, perhaps more like necessity - but still! And I also think it means a lot that Echo seems truly dedicated to helping him. As was said in 4x01, she’s very loyal. It’s proving true so far.
- Echo at Arkadia. Now, that will be interesting.
Octavia, back at it again with the sass and the smirks.
- Kane makes a valiant attempt at diplomacy! He points out that while Arkadia might have helped spread the CoL, they also destroyed it and saved humanity. 
- When that doesn’t work, Octavia employs an intimidating lead with some shit talking. Solid tactics, O.
- NIYTAVIA FOR LIFE...but in the meantime, we’re calling it Butterfly Assassin?
- ‘Well that went well.’ Kane’s look up at her is just like, DON’T.
- I kind of adore that Clarke’s reaction to hearing music is DA FUQ IS THIS? NO TO MUSIC. NO TO JOY.
- I really enjoy the scene with Clarke and Jasper. You can still feel his anger at Clarke, but...I don’t know...there’s something different about it. I almost feel like Jasper has put aside his anger, and is just...shooting from the hip, rather than from grief? Clarke’s face breaks my heart when he points out how similar it all sounds to them being sent to the ground though.
- Okay, so first of all...I love that we got to hear everybody’s perspective. This was democracy at work and it wasn’t a decision Bellamy made alone. So we can put that narrative to bed now.
- Minty lives
- I’m actually not going to go in depth on the choice that Bellamy ultimately makes, because I can see both sides and I don’t think either is right or wrong. We don’t have to justify anything here. Yes, perhaps somewhere down the line the squad will realise that the generator really was their only option and the reality of his choice will crash down on Bellamy. But imagine that he had decided to leave the slaves, and then in two weeks time they found a gigantic underground bunker that could fit 10,000 people. He’d feel pretty shit about letting the slaves suffer then, right? The characters don’t know what the future holds, and they don’t have the benefit of knowing they are part of a narrative which ensures that some of them will at least survive. 
- So, whatever basically. I’d have been cool with this going either way.
- Stoke that they saved Riley though, obviously.
- Important quote to note... ‘we have Raven.’ I, like Bellamy, believe that Raven Reyes can do anything - including make water out of nothing.
- Also worth noting how...incredibly risky their plan was? Like. Yikes.
- Harper kicking due in the face is my kink.
- MONTY IS SUPER GREAT IN THIS EPISODE. Everything about his reaction to meeting his dads murderer is just exquisitely well done. Leaving his death to the slaves is both powerful and also really quite dark.
Heavy Lies the Crown
- The Clarke/Jaha scene is so good and so hurtful to me. 
- Fucking Jaha.
- Clarke referencing her father and being locked up is really important, but...so is the parallel to Jaha’s choices. Ugh. Everything he says is actually so on point, and you can see realisation that Clarke is seeing herself in Jaha is disgusting to her but also unavoidable.
- Back to Kabby. We saw Kane have absolute faith in Abby last episode, so it’s nice to hear her being so sure that he will figure something out (YES, IT’S ALL VERY BELLARKE I KNOW).
- Kane quickly figures out that Abby is going back to Arcadia (judging from the promo, she’s going to be needed). I’m excited for this because more Abby and Clarke, but also maybe some Clarke and Raven please? We get some more gloriously supportive stuff from Kane...
- And then Kane notices that Abby isn’t wearing her necklace! Upon first viewing, I didn’t pick up on the fact that this scene feels a bit cut up. I can see it on second watch, and I can understand that’s frustrating. That being said, I don’t think the scene loses its meaning? To me, the removal of her necklace is Abby’s way of saying she’s ready to move on and it’s her way of saying it to Kane without putting it into words.
- Prayer circle that Abby gives the rings to Clarke.
- So, I’m skipping straight to the murder. I FUCKING LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTT. I just...I’m so relieved that Octavia’s mudering is FOR her people, and not against. It makes so much sense.
- I can’t help giggling a little at Octavia being so ballsy about dueling these folk. THEY MIGHT ALL BE TONS BETTER THAN YOU, BABE. THEY’VE HAD YEARS TO PRACTICE. But whatever.
- Soooo the stabbing into the earhole to hide the wound and thus make it seem like he died of natural causes is BADASS.
- HEADCANON: Octavia did not learn this tactic on the ground. She learned it as a child when Bellamy was reading her some classic murderous fiction.
- Kane is CONCERNED about his daughter’s MURDEROUS WAYS.
- Ilian has also figured it out.
- And Echo too seems suspicious. STICKING A PIN IN THAT FOR THE FUTURE.
Clarke, we have adopted more children
- So Briller are breaking up, and I can’t be mad at the show for it because Jonathan got a new gig and can’t commit (sound familiar, oooh I went there). I do hope that this time around they let him just disappear into the sunset. Learn from your mistakes show.
- Make sure he takes Riley with him.
- Again, kudos to Jonathan for this ep. He really brings it.
- Okay, so the scene where Riley and Clarke are revealed as old friends (I have zero romance fears here btw) is HILLARIOUS TO ME. It’s so blatantly shoe horned in. AS IF they would be reunited, hug, and then just...blah. Like...it’s so noodley? 
- Anyway, Raven realises there is no generator and Bellamy fesses up to his maternal instincts.
- I actually love Clarke’s ‘you just did’. The delivery doesn’t imply blame to me, which is backed up by how immediately Clarke accepts his choice. It’s more a simple statement of fact, coming from a place of understanding.
- Raven, on the other hand, is pissed. ‘You’re not the only one who has to live with it. As usual.’ This is a direct throwback to Bellamy chucking the radio, right? That’s pertinent to their history. Look, Raven is a spitfire. She’s scared and under pressure, and she hasn’t had to make the leadership calls yet. She clearly will at some point this season, and we’ll see her gain a healthy dose of respect for Clarke and Bellamy when she does. For now, I think her anger is perfect.
- I know ‘no more than a 100′ is really on the nose but I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH. WHO’S GONNA MAKE IT YOU GUYS. AHHHH. MY SHOW.
- Clarke is just the accepted leader of Skaikru now and I love it.
- TOGETHER. Looks at Bellamy. OF COURSE SHE DOES. Can we also talk about Raven’s heart eyes towards Clarke? I mean...they fade to ash pretty fast, but just for that moment it’s the purest of loves!
- So, Clarke lies, and just like Bellamy and the generator...I won’t call right or wrong. There is no answer, just a choice. 
- ‘Your father would be so proud’ OUCH. OUCH. OUCH. Raven lashing out at Clarke here is much more personal than what she says to Bellamy. It’s more vicious. But I’m still not going to rail on her, for the same reasons as mentioned above. It’s time for her to get to work. I am so excited to see her in this role.
- And so Bellamy repeats ‘we save who we can save today’ and the important thing here is how Clarke nods. She’s not mad. She respects and understands his choice. Most of all she trusts him. Even if she CAN’T understand a choice he makes, she’ll always trust that it came from the right place. They’re a team.
- And to reinforce that, the episode ends with a glorious Bellarke shot as they contemplate what is to come.
- How many episodes will end with a Bellarke shot this season? I say 12/13.
My laptop is acting up and I’m as grumpy as a Clarke that hears music playing, so I’m not even re reading this. Apologies for typos. And congratulations if you made it to the end!
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wyldlittledog · 7 years
tagged by: @whorunwithwolves rules: tag some people you want to get to know better
relationship status: Married lipstick or chapstick: Normally chapstick. last song I listened to: “Sour Cherry” by The Kills (It’s the background song for one of my favorite Nagron fanvids, shhhh, tell no one.) last movie I watched: Star Wars: Rogue One (*cries forever*) top three characters: JUST THREE?!?!?! Ummmmm, okaaaaaay…. Nasir (Spartacus), Jasper Jordan (The 100), Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds – I actually had to stop watching this show because he was getting abused so much it was starting to feel like torture porn, and I couldn’t watch it anymore). I love an underdog. top three ships: atm, Nagron, Jellamy & Briller
tagging: @fvckthegods, @charmingempath, @cloningfailure, @cloniing & @xmythikosx (if you guys want to, no pressure)
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badassclarke · 8 years
Can we talk about Briller?
We don’t get to see much background story for them but we assume they had a beautiful and loving relationship since Miller was willing to disobey direct orders to save Bryan. And well, they wanted to grow old together and raise chickens.  This is some beautiful stuff in The 100 world.
But this world is not beautiful. Everyday there’s someone doing something awful to survive, to make a loved one survive. This world is harsh and changes people. It got to the point where Bryan couldn’t recognize the guy he’d fallen in love with.
Miller was willing to let innocent people die for a possibility. He didn’t even think they were worth saving. Bryan followed a merciless, avenger leader and used his own boyfriend to gather information. Miller can never understand why, no matter how he tries to.
Can we honestly say either of them is a bad person?
Sometimes it’s so easy to hate on a character because of their failed decisions. But they’re all doing what they think is the best call. Honestly I can’t think of a character that is not caught up on a grey moral area.
I guess the point is: they love each other but can’t bear what they’ve become. And it’s okay. It’s difficult to empathize so much you can understand someone else’s struggles, especially if you weren’t there.
Bryan wasn’t around during the landing, the losses, Mt. Weather or the culling. Miller wasn’t there during the horrors of arriving at a new land and watching your friends being slaughtered.
Love is not enough. The only way to make a relationship work in this world is to be full of trust, comprehension and sync. And timing.
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