#bad buddy ep2
my-usernames-posts · 2 years
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The unhygienic trinity 🤣
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waitmyturtles · 8 months
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Something that didn't click with me the first time that I watched Our Skyy 2 x Bad Buddy x ATOTS was that Pran -- now in charge of the architecture faculty play -- chose a BL-themed play again.
We know from the end of Our Skyy 2 that Pat and Pran will know that Dissaya will see their staged kiss from social media. But I wonder -- besides Pran thinking that A Tale of Thousand Stars was a good enough story to turn into a play -- what else Pran was thinking to choose a BL theme again. Three years prior, it was Toto in Pran's faculty that turned Plae Rao into a BL play -- and Pat came to save Pran as architecture's Plae Rao was about to collapse.
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actually-yikes · 2 years
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parakul just going through it
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airenyah · 1 year
my special talents include hearing royalty free music and pinpointing the exact scene of bad buddy where i've heard it before
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hughungrybear · 2 years
I will always remember Episode 2 for:
1. A glimpse of Pat's and Pran's 'creative' and 'manipulative' nature 😁
2. The ridiculousness of mixed order scene (and the consequent mistaken identity) 😅
3. Pat and his healthy green tea girl delusions 😅😅😅
4. Pa calling it right when she said Pat will do all the chasing ☺️
5. Teaching me that 'hit on/flirting' has the same pronunciation as 'dumpling' in Thai 😂😂😂
6. Our first time on the roof and the fact that we were all unaware that we'll be stuck there for a very, very long time. 😳😳😳
7. The tickle "fight"
8. The way Pat's "It was peaceful when it was just me" came to bite us all in the feels later in Episode 5
9. And of course, the first batch of the many expressions of Mr. Pran Parakul 😂😂😂
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kyr-kun-chan · 2 years
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#badbuddyweek - day 7: favorite PatPran moment Nothing more iconic than this moment
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akkpipitphattana · 1 year
pat getting so mad about pa not seeing how hot he is is so fucking funny
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casualavocados · 2 years
you guys dont understand the architecture gang are the charming supportive friends who handle problems in objectively terrible ways bc all of them are spitfire passive aggressive idiots at heart who have compulsive follow the leader disease (which when the leader is wai turns into terrible aggressive faceoffs), and the engineering gang are the chaotic loyal friends who handle problems in very good and gentle ways bc all of them are very sweet dumbasses at heart and have (enough) individuality among them to have opinions on their own. i'd kill for both groups.
*bolts upright* this is why safe and louis dont have any lines in ep9 until after wai passes the ball to pat during the rugby game and pran breaks the ice by talking first, while korn mo and chang all get a little individual focus. they're all written to be quite complex and interesting within the little we see of them if you're willing to look at it rather than immediately divide them into "good" friends and "bad" friends.
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otomehoneyybearr · 1 month
Keith VS Kagari
The Beast Tempts the Little Rabbit Episode 1
Ep2 | Ending | Epilogue
If I were to head to Jade on an errand to buy books for the owner—
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("Enjoy the seasonal flowers in the flower-viewing event!" ...So that's why it's so lively here.)
Every flower I’d seen was rare, and it filled me with excitement.
(There are so many delicious-looking stalls, and I'm starting to get hungry.)
(I've finished the task the owner asked me to do, so maybe I should just enjoy the event as it is.)
Emma: "Ah...!"
Man: "My bad."
Suddenly, a man running from behind collided with me, causing me to stumble.
Emma: "No, I'm the one who should apologize!"
The man nodded and then hurriedly disappeared into a large mansion along a deserted street.
(I think might have been in the way. I need to be more careful.)
I suddenly caught a sweet scent, different from that of flowers, and stopped in my tracks.
Curious, I search for the source of the scent and came across a mobile vendor with a sign that read "DORAYAKI" in large letters.
(Dorayaki is a traditional sweet from Kogyoku, right? I remember Owner made it for me once.)
(It feels strange to see it in Jade.)
My stomach grumbled, expressing its hunger.
(I haven't had it in a while, maybe I should have some.)
Emma: "Excuse me, could I have one dorayaki, please?"
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???: "One dorayaki, please."
Staff: "Sorry, buddy. The lady there just bought the last one."
Staff: "Come back tomorrow!"
???: "I see, got it."
???: “...Dorayaki.”
???: "...Hm?"
Emma: (Why is this happening...)
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???: "..."
(Who is this guy?)
Though I was supposed to be enjoying the event, savoring my first dorayaki in a while and strolling through the town,
I now found myself cornered by a man I didn't recognize.
(Could it be that I just don’t remember him...? Despite him being so eye-catching?)
With his fiery red hair tied up, expressionless emerald eyes, and the sweet, yet fleeting scent that enveloped him, there's no way I could forget him.
The man with the emerald eyes, who had been staring at me intently, slowly brought his well-defined face closer.
Emma: "Hey, there's a suspicious person here!"
???: "Suspicious? That's rude. I was just trying to stop you because you started running."
Emma: "Anyone would run if they realize they're being followed."
I try to escape, but he grabs both of my hands and holds them against the wall, blocking my way out.
(Since it’s come to this, I have no choice but to use what Owner taught me. It’s my first time doing it though…)
Silently apologizing in my mind, I kicked the man with the emerald eyes between the legs as hard as I could—or so thought.
???: "If you’re going to do that, create an opening first."
(Huh? This guy is NOT normal.)
In an instant, the man with the emerald eyes tangled his leg around mine, thwarting my movement.
Words of desperation raced through my mind.
???: " Also, your gaze dropped too low. What good does it do to let your opponent know that your next move is to kick them?"
Emma: "S-sorry?"
(No, wait, why am I being coached right now?)
???: "More importantly, did you forget something?"
Emma: "Huh? Forgotten something...?"
???: "What are you doing?"
(That voice...!)
I turn my face towards the familiar, low, calm voice.
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Standing there like a godsend is Prince Keith, the first prince of Jade.
Back when he visited Rhodolite as a royal guest while I was serving as a Belle to select the next king,
I remember being comforted and saved many times by his sincere and boundless kindness, despite his lack of confidence.
(But, Prince Keith has a secret that he can't tell anyone...)
Prince Keith cautiously closes the distance between us.
The usual gentle and calm atmosphere fades away, and is replaced by a glare towards the man with the emerald eyes.
Keith: "I heard your voice and came here. You, move away from her."
(I’m saved...)
Emma & ???:
"Prince Keith..."
"Keith, huh?"
(... Huh?)
Keith: "Huh? Kagari? And Emma?!
(Kagari...? Does that mean he knows Prince Keith?)
Keith: "Why are you two in Jade...? No, more importantly, why are you in such a position...?"
Keith looks back and forth between me and the man with the emerald eyes, and suddenly begins waving his hands in a flustered manner.
His cheeks seem to be slightly flushed and… I have a bad feeling about this.
Keith: "I'm sorry, I had no idea you two were acquainted like that, I... I... I've interfered."
(I knew it, he did misunderstand!)
Keith: "Just ignore me like the annoying weed I am."
Keith: "Or rather, I should disappear as soon as possible, right? Uh, um, best of luck to you both!"
Emma: "Wait, Prince Keith, it's a misunderstanding. Please help me!"
Keith: "Huh?"
Emma: "I'm sorry for calling you a suspicious person when you were just trying to return my wallet."
In a café—after the waiter finished taking our orders and left, I immediately bowed deeply as if grabbing onto the table.
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Kagari: "It's fine, raise your head."
Keith: "Kagari?"
Kagari: "Sorry for trailing you and cornering you against the wall."
Kagari: "If there's ever a next time, I'll call out to you even if you're eating dorayaki."
Emma: "Ah, so that's why you didn't call out immediately. Thank you for your consideration."
Keith: "Even after all that... Emma, you're truly a generous woman. Thank you."
After showing a relieved expression on his face, Prince Keith clears his throat softly.
Keith: "Now that the misunderstanding is cleared up, let me properly introduce him."
Keith: "This is Kagari Amagase, the second prince of Kogyoku."
Keith: "Jade and Kogyoku have had exchanges since ancient times, so Kagari and I have known each other since childhood."
Emma: "I see!"
(That's why their interaction seemed so relaxed, like they're comfortable with each other.)
Keith: "If I remember correctly, wasn't it when the king had you brought from Kogyoku to train me, Kagari?"
Kagari: "Yeah. You had spirit, but you were surprisingly weak."
(I've seen Keith training with Licht before, so it's hard to imagine him being weak.)
Keith: "Those hellish training sessions were unique, both then and now."
Keith: "Those memories are nostalgic..."
From his wry smile, I could tell the training had been extremely harsh.
Keith: "In return for the training, I taught Kagari about medicinal herbs."
Kagari: "Kogyoku is always bustling with injured people, so knowledge of medicinal herbs comes in handy."
(Kogyoku is still a country constantly at war.)
(And Kagari is also feared as a demon.)
From appearances alone, you wouldn't guess it, but his expressionless emerald eyes reflect nothing, which made him a bit intimidating.
Keith: "Kagari, this is Emma, a friend I met in Rhodolite."
Keith: "I know it might sound presumptuous for a giant guy like me to call someone like you my friend."
Emma: "If anything, I might be the presumptuous one. But I'm glad you consider me a friend, Prince Keith."
Keith: "R-really? That's... I'm glad."
His shy smile made me smile in return.
(Prince Keith always brings comfort no matter the situation.)
Kagari: "Rhodolite... Ah."
Kagari: "So that sweet scent earlier was the smell of roses. They bloom year-round there."
Kagari: "Cherry blossoms also bloom all year round in Kogyoku. We're like flower buddies."
Emma: "Right, I guess so."
Keith: "Oh, that sounds nice. Since Jade is also abundant in nature, maybe we could join the club?"
Kagari: "If you join, it'll be more like being plant buddies than flower buddies."
Keith: "That suddenly took away the cuteness... It's sad, but I'll decline joining."
(Prince Keith seems quite disappointed...)
Waiter: "Sorry for the wait."
The waiter leaves, and I glance at the table.
In front of me is a mille-feuille, in front of Prince Keith is a thick galette with various flavors to enjoy,
And in front of Kagari is a stack of dorayaki.
(I thought the "Dorayaki Tower" was just a joke of a name, but it's quite literal.)
Emma: "I never imagined there would be such whimsical sweets in Jade."
Keith: "The pastry chef here is from Kogyoku, you see. They put it on the secret menu at Kagari's request."
Emma: "I see... What a thoughtful gesture."
Kagari: "Thank you for the food."
After saying a silent prayer, Kagari begins to slice the dorayaki with a knife and quietly starts eating.
His flawless eating style mesmerized me, as it maintained a perfect balance even though it looks like it might collapse at any moment.
Kagari: "Princess."
Emma: "Huh? Princess? Did you mean me—ugh!"
Keith: "..."
In the blink of an eye, the dorayaki is stuffed into my mouth.
Despite feeling flustered, the gentle sweetness of the red bean paste spreads in my mouth as I chew.
Kagari: "Which do you prefer, the dorayaki you had from the mobile vendor or this one?"
Emma: "I, I like them both. By the way, the dorayaki I had was also with smooth red bean paste."
Kagari: "......I'll buy some tomorrow."
(Maybe they were sold out, and he couldn't have any.)
(Kagari is... unpredictable in both thought and action.)
Keith: "Dorayaki is highly effective for Kagari, so it's good to remember just in case something happens."
Emma: "Understood. I'll make sure to remember it well."
Keith: "Right. Emma told us why she came to Jade earlier, but what about you, Kagari?"
Kagari: "I'm hunting someone down."
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mahuhumaling · 11 months
why pran singing the unfinished version of "our song" is one of my top 5 fav bbs scenes
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adding a layer to highschool!patpran by introducing us to their juniors specifically in their music club is cute and clever.
this show has a great habit of establishing things early on (pran starts writing the song in EP2 shortly after applying in EP1) and paying it off before the show ends. the Chekhov's Gun Principle approves.
we get confirmation from p'aof (?) that pran's guitar is a metaphor for pat and his relationship with him.
forbidding to play it, it being kept for years and returned (= university reunion), then at EP12 dissaya getting it herself and laying it for her son to play... yeah.
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pat also being smart because he knows exactly how to get to pran, by making a deal.
this scene is so easy breezy. that even though they're in public now, there are no more pretenses. they get to be comfortable.
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also wait! cute goof up. they decided to keep that in because it's natural. i think his forehead got hit by the guitar, haha.
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speaking of natural, thank you that pran did some testing and tuning because no one immediately remembers the chords and plays it. lol
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and then, when pran actually starts playing, the lighting changes. he looks more angel-like.
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p'aof said that the windy effect wasn't on purpose. sir i'm glad you shot this scene like this, even though it must've been hard to pick up audio, because it looks so good.
again, natural. pran sing so slowly because he's trying to remember the lyrics.
i kind of bashed episode 3's guitar hallway scene because the background music didn't make way for pran playing the guitar. there was music on top of music it was kind of annoying lmao but
they made it up with this scene. they let only the sound of the wind, the strings, and nanon's voice take over quietly.
hats off to Pat's multitasking and attention though?? deciphering the lyrics and then stopping to admire Pran. brooo. you're so down bad.
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but seriously, the simplicity in their looks. we see in the show's first half how and why pran fell in love with pat, so now we see here the vice versa. (pun not intended)
i have a feeling the song draft actually ends at the previous line, about the sky, sea, or other kind of splendor.
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but pran improvises the beginning of the refrain right here. because when he can serenade to pat like this, he can finally answer the question in the first verse.
because see how he stops and looks up before and after he sings this line: it felt like he wasn't recalling, but rather making up one on the spot.
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this scene was simply a masterclass of the simplicity of romantic chemistry. the fondness in the eyes. the succeeding revelation of pat's memory.
remember when tumblr user absolutebl said nanon emotes with his eyes? because yes. god yes.
look at him. pran is very surprised. but what is more on the surface are warmth and affection once he learns of this fact and that hears it from pat himself.
i love how nanon chooses to fall into a trance-like state while looking at pat, so much that pran has to visibly shake himself off of it by blinking and looking away to continue the sincere conversation playfully. he's so INFJ for this.
we end with pran learning that pat has liked him back just as long as him, which makes both him and i happy.
the lack of awareness pat has with the nature of feelings he has for pran doesn't invalidate its existence: that it's romantic in nature.
(In no actual order)
3 - Broken Bus Stop Redesigning
5 - Fight in the Dorm Parking Lot
10 - Pran Sings "Our Song" Draft
10 - InkPa in the Darkroom
12 - Dissaya Watches Ming
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i-give-u-tmnt · 3 months
losing heat (2012)
a scraped one-shot that I never posted on ao3
Anyway no TWs for this one so enjoy :D
takes place during Se4 Ep2
As Mikey stands outside the ship, he shivers and stomps his feet impatiently. 
The cold ice planet does little to help his mood, but he tries to keep his spirits up. 
He looks over at Leo, who is pacing back and forth near the ship.
Mikey’s been shivering so hard that his chest feels tight, and his vision starts to get blurry. 
He feels lightheaded and has to steady himself against the side of the ship.
Leo notices Mikey struggling and quickly approaches him. 
"Hey,Mikey, you okay?" he asks, concern evident in his voice. 
Mikey nods, but his breath comes out in a shaky wheeze.
Mikey collapses against the ship, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggles to stay conscious. 
He feels so cold, and every muscle in his body aches. He can't take much more of this.
"Mikey!" Leo yells, racing over to his brother. 
When he sees the crack in Mikey's helmet, he starts to panic. 
"Oh no, buddy... this is bad."
"Leo?" Donatello calls, running over to him. "What's wrong?"
Leo looks at Donatello and shakes his head. 
"Mikey's helmet must have gotten cracked in the rockslide. His suit is using double the power to keep him warm, and he's barely holding on." He glances back at the ship, then at Mikey.
The orange turtle's suit makes a beeping sound, letting them know that the suit is critically low on power. 
Leo looks at Donatello, fear and desperation etching his features. 
He can't lose Mikey now.
Mikey's vision is starting to blur. 
He feels hot and cold at the same time, and his muscles are aching from the effort it takes to stay conscious. 
He tries to focus on Leo, but everything is starting to spin. 
"Leo..." he manages to whisper.
Leo shakes his head, tears welling up in his eyes. 
"No, buddy. You're not gonna leave me. I won't let you." He looks around desperately, searching for something, anything that could help. 
"Don, can you...?" He trails off, unable to formulate a plan.
Donatello looks around, panic setting in. 
"I-I don't know, Leo. There's nothing we can do. The suit is going to die..." He trails off, his voice cracking with fear.
"No, no, no," Leo whispers, shaking his head. "We can't lose you, Mikey. We just can't." 
He looks around again, searching for something, anything. 
Then, a desperate idea forms in his mind.
He hesitates, unsure, but he can't let Mikey die. 
He steps closer and slowly wraps his arms around his brother, hugging him tightly. 
"Come on, buddy. Don and I will keep you warm. We'll make a turtle pile, just like we used to when we were kids."
Donatello calls over Raph quickly explaining the situation before they all join in, forming a tight circle around Mikey. 
Leo wraps his arms around Mikey, pressing their bodies together to share warmth. "Come on, buddy. You're not going to die on us. We'll keep you warm, we'll get you through this."
Mikey feels the warmth of his brothers surrounding him, and it's almost enough to make him feel better. 
He tries to respond, to tell them that he'll be okay, but all that comes out is a raspy wheeze. 
They remain in their turtle pile, the cold air biting at them but not as badly now that they're sharing body heat. 
Raph glances up at the sky, hoping that Fugitoyd will hurry.
Leo feels a wave of panic wash over him as he realizes Mikey's suit has died. 
He looks into his brother's helmet, noticing the frost forming on the inside. 
"Oh no... Mikey, buddy... I'm so sorry..." He buries his helmet in Mikey's shoulder, tears streaming down his face.
Mikey tries to comfort Leo, but he's barely able to move. 
He can feel the frost forming inside his helmet, and he knows he doesn't have much time left. His vision is starting to fade in and out, and it's getting harder to focus.
Donatello turns back to his brothers, tears streaming down his face. "We can't lose him." He squeezes Mikey tighter, willing him to hold on.
As they huddle together, Raph can't help but feel a knot forming in his stomach, knowing that their little brother is slowly dying in his arms.
Time seems to slow to a crawl as the cold seeping into Mikey's suit begins to overwhelm him. His breathing becomes shallower and shallower, his body growing limp in their arms. 
The frost forming on the inside of his helmet spreads, slowly covering his faceplate, obscuring his features. 
The boys hold on tight, refusing to let go, even as they feel the warmth draining from their own bodies.
Mikey's vision fades to black, and he feels himself slip away. 
His last thought is of his brothers, and how much he loves them. He wishes he could have done more, been stronger for them. 
But as he drifts off, he knows that they will be alright without him.
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waitmyturtles · 8 months
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It was Ming who talked about reputation first, before Dissaya.
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fan-a-tink · 3 months
Young Royals S3 thoughts
I’m so glad their phone conversation was interrupted when it was, because that is not something I want to see. 
Simon, please don’t open twitter. Please don’t. Fuck them all, they know nothing!
That discussion about the initiations makes me feel like Alexander has something to say, something to do with it all. No no no no no!
Oh for fucks sake Vincent, no one cares about your fucking privileges, and you don’t get to blame Wille for it! 
I hate to admit it, but August suggestion might actually be very smart. He really was a good a prefect, and no one hates that fact more than I do.
Why is Wille meeting Farima outside, they are so conspicuous like that. Also what the fuck is going on with the queen? 
The music room is giving me PTSD. Like they’re not even fighting at all, but all I can think is ‚GET OUT OF THERE!!!!‘
Oh my god, is Wille going to join the choir? That would be soooooo cool!!!!!
That cut from Felice with the headmistress to her punching something is amazing. No notes. 
I want that shot of Simon leaning over Wille’s shoulder in the gym tattooed. Smiling at each other. So soft. I love it.
I think Sara would be a great professional horse carer or whatever that job is called. And I love that Micke makes an effort with her, tries to help and understand her. I love that scene of them driving. Everything about it. 
„I don’t like to sing. I like to listen to you while you’re singing.“ - hihihiiiiiiiiiiii
I love that scene. 
Lol the girls not being able to function without phones :)))
Oh no. Nils and August talking about their initiation. Can’t believe they had to actually go through that. And also, that means Erik went through it! And Erik made them go through it. Fuck. August is actually becoming better and better, making sure that that fucked up tradition is not passed on to the younger years. 
Also August, what is going on with your stomach? You maybe need to eat a little more? Talk to someone? Please? 
The tears in his eyes when he hears Sara’s voice - help!!!
I get that you miss her, buddy, but asking Simon about is literally the worst idea. They hate you so much - really not the way to go. And you also look like you have never before considered how Sara might be feeling right now. Like, dude!!!
Wille calm down. Wille, nooo!!!!! 
Again, that cut between the fight and them sitting in Boris’ office is incredible :) 
„Not him, he didn’t know Erik.“ - „As if you did.“ -> Kind of agree with both of them there. But it will break Wille’s heart to find out about Erik being involved in the initiations. And that Erik was perhaps not the ideal role model he remembers him as. But also, he’s his brother, he needs to know!
„I can be your revolution“ - I see what you did there :)))
I love that Simon continues to channel his feelings into music. And such beautiful music, too. Why is that song not on Spotify? 
But nooooo, don’t post it?! Whhooo, at least the response is positive. But still, this could be bad, you said you guys wanted to keep a low profile. 
The first I love you is after an ‚argument‘ between them? That just brushes over so much. No, I’m going to try and pretend that phone call never happened. I don’t like it. I don’t want the drama. Pleeeeaaase.
Why does Sara not even want to talk to Linda? Please, can we have more Sara screen time? I need you to be alright. 
The girls not being able to handle casual racism at all. Like, just absolute silence. Oh Felice… can I give you a hug? 
This is the fanciest camping trip ever! Like, all the lights and stuff? 
Madison: „And what about the non-binary ones?“ PREACH!
Felice, Wille and Simon. Love that they are now friends as a group of three. 
Them in the hammock is just as beautiful as it looked in the trailer. And them smiling at each other across the campfire. This is all I’ve ever wanted.
Ayub and Rosh just happened to camp nearby? Is that something they are known to do? This feels random. But also, I don’t care, let them all party :) 
Stella and Rosh, yes! And Frederika is NOT HAPPY. Can’t wait to see what will be next in that storyline. 
Oh boy. Wille I know you were trying to help out here by saying you’re going to work over summer, but that is not helping. Read the room!
And I DON’T approve of you shushing Simon just like that! 
„So Rosh and Ayub know how much money August gave you?“ - Wille, that is a fucked up thing to say. That is money he got as a settlement because August published a child pornography video of him. You cannot hold that money against him in any way! 
Brooding Wille by the lake. Very aesthetically pleasing. But he needs to talk to Simon. 
When it was his dad on his phone I was really really worried the queen was going to be dead. Like when she called him about Erik. But no, she’s just really ill and out of action. Fuck fuck fuck, that added pressure is not needed right now! 
„Is it .. my fault?“ Noooooooo, Wille!
And end of episode. Fuck. I already can’t handle it. And that’s only the first two episodes. (And also only four left now - aaaahhhhhh!)
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airenyah · 2 months
every friday when i sit down to watch the new episode of 23.5 degrees i wonder
"will this be the first episode in which there won't be any bad buddy music?"
i'm 1 minute and 25 seconds into [1/4] of todays episode and. i'm already hearing bad buddy music
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hughungrybear · 2 years
The first glimpse of Nong Nao, our beloved 😍😍😍
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
I wasn't sure about ON or the idea of a crossover, like many people, but at risk of speaking too soon, this is one of my favorite episodes. Patpran felt organic, the plot didn't bother me, I love Inkpa and Phuphatian, the chemistry was there. People could call it bad taste or low standards, but for me nothing too annoying jumped out. I genuinely enjoyed it so far and am actually excited for the next episodes. Sure I don't like Pat's hair personally speaking lol, but that won't stop me from rewatching. I haven't looked much at opinions yet so maybe other people hated it with a passion. Maybe it's because I went in with low expectations? Maybe if I had been hyped about Bad Buddy's episode I'd be let down instead?
P’Aof got me on this crossover train, at least for now. The plot definitely makes sense. Also did we just get WaiPat kiss😭 that was so funny LMAOO at least we know now how Pat wakes up Pran
Sooo the crossover is really happening, I am still not sure if we will get 2 or 4 episodes(I think 4🤔) I am happy to see Tian and Phupa back🥹 For the BBS part I am not sure anymore about this 2 passing as a couple? I don't know they feel very "bro" with each other? p.s. I hate Pats hair and I am still devastated over Longtae not being in PhuPanDao
I feel conflicted lol.
I don't wanna comment too much on patpran because I know people are sensitive; I'd say the chemistry wasn't bad and ON were able to fully get back into character which I didn't doubt - but too much has happened for me to enjoy this lmao. I can't look past the things that occurred so it's difficult for me to be objective.
However, unexpectedly, I'm loving the crossover lol. I was trying to think of possible ways for them to combine these stories over the past few days and I came up with nothing lmao. But the idea with the script is actually really smart. It makes sense to me. Also I might have gotten a little emotional at that last scene lmao I didn't expect that. it's been so long. none of this feels real. but daddy aof did it again 😮‍💨
I'm pretty sure we will get 4 episodes. I'm thinking it's gonna be BBS x ATOTS ep1 tomorrow, BBS x ATOTS ep2 next Wednesday and then ATOTS ep1 on Thursday. but who knows. if they wanna go full clusterfuck they bring the others back in the finale as well lmao.
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