bettertwin9000 · 13 days
u seem pretty cool
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uuhgm uh sweats okay bye! have a nice day! hhh
HELLO... a Mikey. This Gif is making me violent. /pos.. have a nice day too
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meownotgood · 1 year
aki's scars / marks headcanons:
his forearms are littered with faded and fresh wounds from his sacrifices to the fox devil. sometimes he sacrifices skin from his legs too, so there's a couple marks there as well. the worst ones are from when he couldn't stop anxiously picking at the skin as it healed.
he has a small, thin scar on his side from when he was stabbed on the eternity devil mission. thankfully it didn't leave too noticable of a mark.
and he also has one long scar that goes up vertically from his stomach to the center of his chest, which was from his fight with katana man.
most of his scars are on his back, but he has some on his shoulders too. he's acquired quite a lot throughout his years of being a devil hunter.
his palms are always calloused from gripping the hilt of his sword, and his knuckles are frequently bruised or rubbed raw from his training.
he's almost always bruised somewhere at any given time, either from fighting devils, or sometimes from his boxing matches with other divisions.
he's probably gotten a couple of black eyes from fist fighting with denji and power. lucky for him, those fade rather quickly.
when he loses his arm, he has a long scar around the tissue where it was amputated, and a scar on the area where the other arm was reattached. those are the scars that are the most tender, and they're the ones he's most insecure about.
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lobotomizedlady · 9 months
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who wants to buy this for my bday next month
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knittinglizards · 2 months
i think while the story doesn't line up exactly (of course, since the book is like 40 pages in a simple fairytale style and the actual plot has a ton of moving parts and is like Their Actual Lives) nina fits the half that eats the other in the nameless monster book way better even though the book character is called johan. like 1. he is in effect already the nameless one whose identity was swallowed up by hers (through no fault of either of them, not that either remember this at the point I'm at in this rewatch), 2. he seems to have rejected at every turn opportunities to live like. a normal life lol. matches well the 'we don't need names' line, 3. if she had succeeded in killing him like she tried to several times (and he seemed to be like. fine with as an outcome) everyone who had witnessed and could fully understand the worst parts of her life would be dead. except like poppe i guess. which isn't The Same as 'he had a name but there was no one left to call him by it' but similar
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slimmestslime · 1 year
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my two moods today, represented by wimbles
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valeriianz · 2 years
i would love some holiday themed prompts.
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casenpai · 11 months
Bah. Got the second Mora Tecta, but no Lancet.
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lunapwrites · 1 year
tfw i had to go into full hibernation mode in my brain to recover from my week and when i finally got the energy to write, it was suddenly midnight fucking thirty on technically-still-saturday-i-haven't-slept-yet-bitch.
the spirit is willing, the mind is ready, the body just flat out cannot keep up.
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crazydoodlez · 1 year
Me, with plenty inspiration and motivation to write: I’m gonna write one of my wise-cracking characters to be stuck in a literal torturous prison that’s known for it’s brutality and that’s also known for breaking people down to a sad, traumatized shell of their former self, but she’s not gonna break all the way, cuz that’s who she is!
The story: *Gets to the first part of the Brutality, in which the character gets tripped by the guard and then kicked multiple times in the gut, and the person in charge of the prison using phrases like “we’ll beat that out of her later”. And then both the guard and the person in charge try to gaslight the character into thinking it was her fault she tripped*
Me: Hey wait am I actually able to write this without feeling depressed myself
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theemperorsfeather · 2 years
I bought a microwave, which makes this the first place I've lived alone and also had a microwave; previous apartments mostly not having enough counter space for even a small microwave. And you know, it's been fine, reheating leftovers in a small pot on the stove, but I do appreciate the convenience of heating (and dirtying!) only the plate I'm going to eat on, and doing it faster than stove top. It isn't really wiping out counter space, either, since I can just pile the things on top of it that were previously on the counter. (And long-term, some of them will or need to find better permanent homes.)
In other news, a few days ago I put up most of the remaining plastic sheeting I needed to have hung around the porch, despite getting a quiet little back-of-head "maybe wait until Saturday" nudge. Couldn't see why Thursday was a bad day/time, so went ahead with it, figuring that was that much less work I'd need to do on Saturday. Wasn't any colder Thursday than what was forecast for today after all.
It was windy last night. REAL FUCKING WIMDY OK. There was a weather warning about it, that kind of windy. And since I had only attached the last sheets at top and bottom, hadn't gotten around to sealing their edges together . . . well. I will be reattaching all the fucking sheets I hung on Thursday.
Moral of the story, I guess, is to heed the inner guidance even if it doesn't seem to make sense.
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karoiseka · 2 years
As I mentioned mid-month, and in my Master Post, I have been... quite overwhelmed this month.  The past FEW months I’ve been in a funk, placing everything I like--or at least remember to click the extra button--into my drafts, and hording them until I had the spoons to write tags.
.... I have 114 items in my drafts, and only about 15-20 of those are “oldoldsave for a rainy day prompt list/ask me game”
My goal, for tomorrow (today?!) and/or Monday evenings, is to start going through that monstrosity (to me it’s a ton, I’m sure to some people it’s not) and start queueing everything up.  I still want to tag, because I know how much *I* love reading tags, mostly about my writing, and since the majority of this is FFXIVWrite stuff, I want to make sure I’m commenting and leaving feedback--even if part of me just wants to throw it all in a pile and let it go.
Thank you for your patience, and know that I really am not ignoring or meaning to seem “selfish” with the lack of reblogs... it’s just been rough.  And I’ve loved reading all your tales so so much... and I know I’ve forgotten to throw so so many into my drafts.
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divinekitty · 2 months
aggghh so bored today.. cannot boop my mutuals anymore. falls over
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critterbitter · 5 months
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A trip down memory lane! Though the tower seems to have changed…
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Celestial tower! Built during the direct aftermath of the Founding Unovan Civil War, it remains a cultural landmark in memory of those lost in the fire and storm.
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Time has dulled the scars left behind by the twin dragons. Today, the tower is primarily used as a mausoleum (the preferred method of burial are urns) and, well, a tourism site. Legend says if you climb to the top of the tower and ring the bell, you can lay your ghosts to rest. But mostly? You can ring a GIANT bell.
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Course, you gotta GET to that bell first.
Masterpost for more pokemon shenanigans here!
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onearmedscisscr · 1 year
I need to be so so so so big adn strong NOW. And this is not a joke. Need to be 5’9 with BIG MUSCLES. Fuck me.
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doccywhomst · 7 months
the actual literal meaning of TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension[s] in Space) is so funny cause it’s just…. a very succinct description of what the vehicle travels through? “hello i’m a human and this is my CAR (Concrete and Roads)” uh yeah i sure hope it do
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sonohban · 23 days
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scientists be conducting serious interviews while having a creature on their face
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