#scarred aki how I love you
meownotgood · 1 year
aki's scars / marks headcanons:
his forearms are littered with faded and fresh wounds from his sacrifices to the fox devil. sometimes he sacrifices skin from his legs too, so there's a couple marks there as well. the worst ones are from when he couldn't stop anxiously picking at the skin as it healed.
he has a small, thin scar on his side from when he was stabbed on the eternity devil mission. thankfully it didn't leave too noticable of a mark.
and he also has one long scar that goes up vertically from his stomach to the center of his chest, which was from his fight with katana man.
most of his scars are on his back, but he has some on his shoulders too. he's acquired quite a lot throughout his years of being a devil hunter.
his palms are always calloused from gripping the hilt of his sword, and his knuckles are frequently bruised or rubbed raw from his training.
he's almost always bruised somewhere at any given time, either from fighting devils, or sometimes from his boxing matches with other divisions.
he's probably gotten a couple of black eyes from fist fighting with denji and power. lucky for him, those fade rather quickly.
when he loses his arm, he has a long scar around the tissue where it was amputated, and a scar on the area where the other arm was reattached. those are the scars that are the most tender, and they're the ones he's most insecure about.
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cheolaholic · 3 months
ring of love; csc (05)
summary; agreeing to join vernon spectate an underground boxing match wasn't how you'd expect to spend your friday night. you also didn't expect to see seungcheol, someone you've lost contact with for years, become a part of the ring.
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modern! au • boxer! au • hhu focused • multiple kinds of tropes • fluff, angst, smut
a/n;; omg, i'm alive????? jkjk, work's been piling up lately and i'm honestly drained by the time I get back home so I couldn't do much writing or even qc the draft before yoinking them into a tumblr draft 💀 but anyways, hope yall enjoy this chapter !! uri boo makes a small little cameo in this chapter :D a part of the angst in this fic has also arrived, pls be prepared (it’s not that heavy tho).
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You were 15 when you experienced your first ‘heartbreak’. Though, you call it a ‘heartbreak’ solely because it was a “for the lack of a better word” situation. A week before summer break, your parents had announced that the three of you would be flying off to Jeju to visit your grandparents.
You adore your grandparents, and they adore you just as much. Before you started middle school, you remember constantly flying off to Jeju, or even taking the ferry, to visit them every holiday and school break possible. Even during the initial stage of your move to the small town, your parents had sent you off to your grandparents as they sorted out the heavier parts.
Your grandparents had brought you to the beach, taught you how to make kimchi and even brought you to one of the fireworks shows during your stay. But, when you started middle school and were bombarded by a shit ton of schoolwork, you weren’t able to visit them as often.
So, you were ecstatic when your parents announced the Jeju trip. Both Aki and Seungcheol could see the excitement and happiness in your eyes as you told them about your plans.
Aki asking you questions about Jeju while Seungcheol listens to both of you with a small smile on his face. “how long will you be there, pup?” he asks, cheek leaning against the palm of his hand.
“Uhm… I think maybe for two weeks? I’m not really sure… Dad did ask mom if she wanted me to tag along with them to London afterwards…”
“Oh? What are they gonna be doing in London?”
“They have a business meeting that lasts at least two days. But, they decided to stay back a week for a mini vacation.”
“Do you want to go?” Aki asks as she pops a piece of strawberry into her mouth, stealing a glance at Seungcheol, noticing the way his shoulders are slumped at the mention of you thinking of joining your parents overseas.
Dude looks like a puppy not wanting its owner to leave it alone… she thought to herself, finding the scene in front of her amusing.
“Well, whether or not you want to join your parents, I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself regardless!” she spoke.
“Take good care of yourself, pup,” Seungcheol added as he reached out a hand and patted your head, sending a faint blush spreading across your cheeks and a teasing smile on Aki’s lips, “If you ever need anything, call me, okay?”
“Or me!”
The older male rolled his eyes at Aki’s words, smiling when you nod your head.
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“Seungkwannie!” you squealed out in happiness as you ran up to your cousin who was standing out at the gates of your grandparent's house, engulfing him in a big hug. “I can’t believe you’re here! Mom and Dad said that you’d be in Biyangdo!”
“And miss out on the chance to spend time with my favourite cousin? Never!” Seungkwan proclaimed as he pecked your cheek. “I haven’t seen you in years, ___! There’s no way I’d pass off the opportunity to spend time with you while you’re here!”
Seungkwan is your cousin from your mom’s side of the family. Before the age of 5, you don’t remember much about meeting Seungkwan other than the stories both your parents would tell you over family dinners. For example, when you asked them about the scar Seungkwan had on his chest, his dad said you were the one that left it on him. They proceeded to tell the story of how you had scratched Seungkwan because he had refused to let you watch Pocoyo on tv when both of you were just 3.
Or when his mom would ask you if you remembered Seungkwan hiding in the closet to scare you, but you ended up crying because you had thought he went home. So, instead of scaring you, he came out of the closet and both your parents found the two of you cuddled up on the floor the next morning
After Seungkwan helped you and your parents move the luggage into your grandparent’s home, Both of you sat on the porch, drinking the lemonade your grandmother had prepared. “How’re you, aunt and uncle doing?” he asks, “I heard from Uncle Lee that you’re starting high school soon! probably in a few months, right?”
“Things have been the same, besides the whole mom and dad having to go overseas occasionally and I had to stay with either Aki or Seungcheol.”
“Speaking of Seungcheol, how’s that little crush of yours on him going?” Seungkwan asked with a teasing smile, nudging your sides, “Ever thought of telling him before he graduates? There’s a chance he might head off to the big cities or even abroad for college.”
You were silent for a moment.
You have thought about telling Seungcheol your feelings, but you never thought about the timing. Now that his graduation is nearing, you still haven’t told him. As you were still stuck in your thoughts, Seungkwan places a hand on your shoulder, “Well, whatever happens, I wish you happiness.“
“You say that as if I’m leaving you forever.”
“Hey, let me be sentimental!”
Just as you rolled your eyes, you felt your phone vibrate - you had gotten a text from Aki.
aki: did you make it to Jeju safe? ___ bestie <3: yeap! ___ bestie <3: i’m with my cousin rn ___ bestie <3: [sent an attachment] aki: ooh, he’s cute ___ bestie <3: want me to introduce you? aki: gurl aki: don’t try to matchmake me when you’re struggling to tell Seungcheol about how you feel aki: and besides aki: your cousin is cute, but he’s not my type ___ bestie <3: wow ___ bestie <3: you really just did me dirty aki: i’m just saying ___ aki: better tell him before you lose the chance aki: besides your romantic struggles aki: have fun and take lots of pictures! aki: can’t wait to see them when you get back <3 ___ bestie <3: i will!
“Are you gonna stay here with grandma and grandpa while Aunt and Uncle Lee fly out to London?” Seungkwan asks as you set down your phone, refilling his glass of lemonade. You shrugged, still debating on whether or not you wanted to join your parents. “I’m honestly stuck in between… On one hand, I want to see what other countries are like. On the other, I haven’t seen grandma and grandpa in years…”
Your mother who was on her way to give you both a plate of strawberries overheard the conversation and tried her best to help you with your indecisiveness. “___, sweetie,” she began as she set the plate on the wooden porch floor, “you can always travel in the future when you’re all grown up.”
“That sounds like you just want her to stay here in Jeju so you and uncle can enjoy yourselves without her presence,” Seungkwan teased, earning a forehead flick from your mother.
“Well, she’ll be in your care too, Seungkwan. I hope I won’t return to a sassy, diva daughter after leaving her here with you.”
Seungkwan gasps dramatically, placing a hand over his chest at your mother’s statement. “Aunt Lee, I’m hurt and offended.”
“You’re just further proving my point, Seungkwan.”
“Hey, the sass could end up helping her in the future!”
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cheollie: hey, pup cheollie: mom said you and your parents made it to Jeju safely cheollie: how are you feeling? cheollie: did you get motion sickness during the flight? cheollie: did you eat dinner yet? sweet pup: ehh, the motion sickness wasn’t that bad sweet pup: grandma made lemonade :D sweet pup: and yes, i ate dinner! sweet pup: grandpa grilled some mackerel sweet pup: [sent an attachment] sweet pup: and look at how fat the strawberries are :0 sweet pup: [sent an attachment] cheollie: wow cheollie: those look good cheollie: hey, do you think it’s alright if we have a call? sweet pup: like, right now? cheollie: yea sweet pup: oh sweet pup: um, let me head out to the porch cheollie: take your time, pup
As you quietly exited the room you were staying in and out onto the porch, you picked up Seungcheol’s incoming call, feeling the butterflies in your stomach intensify when you heard his deep, “Hey, pup.”
“Hi, Cheollie! Have you had your dinner?” you asked, getting a small hum as a response. “Dad got a deal with a big client so he bought steak for us. Mom also cooked calamari.”
“Wow, it must’ve tasted amazing…”
“Yeah, it was. But, tell me about your dinner, ___. I’m sure you had more than just grilled mackerel.” Seungcheol chuckled, a blush spreading across your cheeks as you mentally cussed at how the older male still has an effect on you despite being 2 hours away and talking to you through a phone.
“Well… Mom made raw crabs and seafood soup!”
“Looks like my little puppy is eating well... That’s good.”
“Is there another reason you wanted to call, Cheollie?”
There was a moment of silence on the other end, making you slightly anxious. You hear a faint rustling, thinking he must be lying on his bed as he’s talking to you. A sigh was heard before Seungcheol told you his motive for calling you - and to say it had you on the floor was an understatement.
No, this man had you envisioning a future with him.
“I miss you.”
When you didn't respond, Seungcheol got worried, calling out your name on the other end while you remained stunned at his confession.
“U-uhm, yeah?”
“Did that make you uncomfortable, pup?”
“No, no, it just… It just caught me by surprise…”
You hear Seungcheol chuckle, and more rustling can be heard before he speaks again. “Well, I’m used to having you around me, twenty-four seven, ___. It feels weird when you’re not.”
“I’ll be back in two weeks, Cheollie. You’re being dramatic!”
Maybe he was, the older male thought to himself. But, he pushes that thought to the back of his head as he finally tells you the real reason he’s calling you.
“My parents are thinking of bringing me to Seoul this weekend to check out a few unis… I just thought that I’d let you know since, y’know… I’m graduating soon…”
Your heart sank at the mention of him graduating. You knew it was bound to happen - you even told yourself to not be too sad when he does end up moving out of Daegu for college. But, to hear it coming from Seungcheol himself, the reality hit harder.
“Oh… Well, I’m happy for you!” you tried your best to hide the sadness in your voice, though he still picked it up. “Pup, I’m not going away forever. You’ll still see me when I come back during breaks and when you leave for college, you can come over to Seoul, too!” he assures you, chuckling to himself as he continues, “Maybe our parents might even have us share an apartment so I can watch over you.”
Humming, you stared up into the sky, mesmerised by the stars that were scattered along the blanket of the night sky.
“Remember what I taught you during our taekwondo sessions?”
“What about it?”
“Don’t forget how to use them, okay? Can’t have my little puppy all defenceless now, can I?”
you bit your lip as Seungcheol went on with his words, how he wished he could stay in Daegu longer so he could spend more time with you. How he wanted to explore the bigger city in Daegu with you (where he implies it being just two of you and without Aki who would often nag at him for having a bad taste in things).
“I’m gonna miss you…” you muttered quietly, not knowing how or what else you were supposed to say. You weren’t going to tell him about your feelings, that’s for sure. but, a part of you wished you could.
Who knows? Maybe you both could end up being something.
“It’s getting late, pup. you must be tired from the flight and settling in. Goodnight, ___.”
“Goodnight, Cheollie…”
When the call ended, you stared at the screen of your phone, a million thoughts racing through your head. You couldn’t put a finger on it, but you had a sinking feeling in your stomach. perhaps you were overthinking the whole situation or something wrong was bound to happen. Whatever it was, you quietly got back into your room and crawled into bed.
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Something didn’t feel right.
It was the weekend Seungcheol was due to head to Seoul to have a look at the city and attend a few of the education fairs - and not once, had you gotten a single message from him.
In fact, in the days leading up to that weekend, he had been quiet too. His replies were either short, took too long or there weren’t any replies at all.
It makes you feel uneasy.
“Still no updates from loverboy?” Seungkwan asks, glancing over your shoulder and peeking at your phone, seeing the wall of texts about how the past few days have gone down for you. When you sulkingly shake your head, Seungkwan’s heart aches as he sees his favourite cousin down in the dumps.
“Hey,” he calls out in a gentle tone, throwing an arm around your shoulder and pulling you close. “Maybe he’s just caught up with those college things. Sooner or later he’s bound to update you, right? Besides, you should be busy having fun here in Jeju!”
Looking at your phone one last time, you shoved it back into your pocket and let Seungkwan drag you to a food street, saying how they added more delicious treats since the last time you visited.
By evening, there was still no news about or from Seungcheol. You’ve tried calling him multiple times, but they all end up going to voicemail. It was starting to affect you and your parents began to take notice, but decided to not question it for fear of triggering an episode. After dinner, you decided to call Aki in an attempt to get some form of comfort.
“I just don’t understand, Aki,” you told her, “I texted him, even called him but I got nothing! What if something bad happened to him?”
“Hey now, you’re probably overthinking things. He might just be sorting those uni documents out - you know how lengthy and taxing they can be. Maybe, he’s just tired and needs some rest!”
“You think so?”
“It’s just a guess, ___. whatever it is, I’m sure it isn’t anything serious.”
Oh, how you wished it really wasn’t anything serious.
When the time came to send your parents off at the airport for their trip to London, you had sent a message to Seungcheol and yet again, you got no response. One thing you came to realise in recent years, was how big of an over-thinker you are. It was something you hated and while your family, Seungcheol and Aki have done whatever they can to help you lessen your overthinking, that still doesn’t stop it from creeping up on you from time to time.
Seungkwan does his best to cheer you up. Bringing you to more food streets, a maze field, and even the seaside to take your mind off of Seungcheol but alas, it was as if Seungcheol had taken over your mind just like the virus in ‘The Last of Us’. One evening as you sat on the sand of the beach, staring off into the horizon, Seungkwan came up and sat next to you.
“I know this might not sound nice, but you can’t let something like Seungcheol not responding to you ruin your trip, ___. Sure, it’s upsetting having someone you’ve known for years and care for go ghost on you, but it’s kind of… pathetic, to let it ruin what could be a fun summer vacation.”
As much as those words hurt you, Seungkwan was right.
You hadn’t seen your family that lived in Jeju for years and now that you can, you’re letting something like your crush not responding to you ruin it. “Then, what should I do, Kwannie…?” you asked, wiping the tears that were starting to stream down your face, “I don’t wanna leave Jeju knowing I didn’t get to spend time with you and our grandparents…”
“How about you try calling him only once? If he doesn’t pick up, we’ll forget about it and move on, okay?”
You give it a thought, minutes passing by before you pick up your phone and dial Seungcheol’s number, placing it near your ear.
“We’re sorry, the number you have dialled cannot be reached.”
Seungkwan noticed your body shaking as you redialled the number, your breathing starting to grow shallow.
“We’re sorry, the number you have dialled cannot be reached.”
“___?” Seungkwan calls out, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. When you began to cry, he pulled you into a hug, rubbing your back as you cried your heart out. “Shhh, it’s okay, ____. it’s okay.”
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When you got back to Daegu, your heart dropped at the sight of the empty house next to yours. the entire house looked as if it were fully emptied (which it was) - the potted plants Mrs. Choi had displayed on the gates were nowhere to be seen, the shoes that were neatly arranged on the shoe rack weren’t there anymore, and the Choi’s family car wasn’t parked in its usual place.
“I guess they must’ve moved since Seungcheol is going to start college soon…” your mother tells your father who hums in response as he unloads the luggage from the trunk of the taxi. When she notices the sadness and tears in your eyes, she immediately starts comforting you.”Oh, sweetie… Does it upset you that much?”
“I… I couldn’t even say goodbye to him…” you sobbed out, “I couldn’t even see him one last time before he left…”
“Oh, princess…” your father coos after bidding the taxi driver goodbye, hugging you tight as your mother does the same, “I’m sure he feels sad for not being able to do the same, hmm?”
“Will… Will I… Will I be able to see him again?” you asked through hiccuped sobs, wiping your tears away as more kept spilling. Your mother nods, giving you a pat on the head. “I'm sure you will, honey.”
“He said he’s thinking of joining University of Pledis, right?” your father asked, a small smile on his face when you nod, “Then, you just need to study hard and get in there too! That way, you can finally be reunited with prince charming!”
despite your tears, you still manage to laugh at your dad’s tease. “Dad!”
“Ah-ah, don’t think we didn’t know about your little crush on Seungcheol, ___.” he responded, chuckling as he gave your arm an assuring squeeze.
“Whatever the future has in store, I’m sure the two of you will meet again.”
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taglist (unable to tag a few ㅠㅠ)
@yoonclip @1004luvangel @catjunhui @mystikha @spk93 @tinkerbell460 @yoozuku @dnylwoo @christinewithluv @limbomoon @plutoxxxworld @i-give-up-1234 @m1ngyuc0re @yunloyal @leclercloverbot @bettybeako @billboard-singer @ocyeanicc @krupyadoorrahe @seobinnieshi @xcynthiaaa @k411z @disneyprincesshuri @sunnyapp @khxsh @staygenezy @loufi8iepuff @ursweetener @noisypapergalaxy @wonwootakemyheart @sugainpinksweater @leah-rose03 @thisisnotthelastofus @yearnoclock @kwonhoeshi @minhui8966 @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @ru-lin @deobiforever @belladaises @cheoliekkuma @duskunt1ldawn @hyneyedfiz @marshmallowshouse @ak6ko @chwevernonlover @jejuboo-s @tsukinluv @atinytinaa @gyros-cum-sock @soupbinlily @jungwoos-luvr @ener-energy @watermelon-sugars-things @cyberpunkhwx @ddaengpotate @nightwingsrobbinhoods @chaerrylov3r @joshuaahong @wonussmile @uliceeeeeeee @wonwoo24 @shinetogether17 @simplejihoon @luvkpopp
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madame-fear · 4 months
what about lucerys realizing he is in love with his bestfriend? 🩷💐
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ೀ amira speaks! : BELLA MY LOVE thank you so much for participating! I hope you enjoy this, and it’s what you hoped for, my lovely 💕 ˗ˏˋ ꒰ summary : request above. ♡ ˗ˏˋ ꒰ word count : 500
˗ˏˋ ꒰ genre : drabble, fluff, friends to lovers (maybe?). ˗ˏˋ ꒰ pairing : Lucerys Velaryon x Best Friend!Reader.
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At first, it’s something that would be very, very slow to realise for him. Maybe something like a slowburn for him. The thought never sinked in properly until you were both in your late teens.
You are graceful, delicate — you stand by his side no matter what, defend his claim to inherit Driftmark, help him with insecurities, and wholeheartedly defend him. You once nearly get into a physical fight with a stranger that had the audacity to call Lucerys a bastard; how could he not admire you?
His whole family knows, and he gets teased for it — with Rhaenyra occasionally forcing situations for the two of you to be together, alone. Lucerys doesn’t want to admit it.
His heart beats loudly when you’re around, can’t take his eyes off of you, he smiles and blushes to himself when he sees you? That’s surely a normal thing to feel around a best friend. He feels a burning jealousy when another Lord or Prince makes you laugh? He’s simply being overprotective over his best friend. He thinks about both of you cuddling and even kissing? Those are just silly intrusive thoughts. That is almost, but not quite enough to convince him of his love for you.
What does make him realise just how head over heels for you, is when you took care of his wounds after Jace was a bit too rough with him during swordtraining. Not only you root for the young Velaryon Prince, seeing him struggle with his own sword training, but you also care for him afterwards.
Your hand gently tenders for his scars and wounds, with a concerned look on your face. Lucerys feels a bit timid while you’re doing so, but he can’t deny the fact that he adores the way you delicately touch him — wincing only occasionally at how some scars and bruises hurt, and you are so focused on treating him carefully.
“You did good today at swordtraining, Luke.” you whispered, praising him gently as you offered him a smile. He felt weak under your stare, and touch. “But Jace should be more careful with you. I promise I will talk to him about this, so he can be more patient and careful around you, dragon prince.”
The nickname was something you were used to calling him playfully, and it was a pet name he adored to hear rolling off naturally from your tongue. But what truly made him melt, was when you leaned down on his arm; pressing your lips against a scar on his skin, provoked during his training with his brother. You kissed not only one, but several of his scars and bruises so tenderly.
Realisation slowly hit him as his breath hitched, fighting back to hold a lovesick grin, as his heart pounded faster against his chest, and a rosy hue spread across his pale cheeks; you were so beautifully endearing with him. Lucerys not only was in love with you, he was absolutely dumbfounded by you.
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♡ taglist : ♡
@jacesvelaryons @jjamieberry @anemicroyalcore @countsmoon @beeebo234 @manuholland6 @capellaadara @kyuupidwrites @tchatso @dopepersonacloudllama @phantasyy @tasty-nutella @mstxdes @valeriecash @cookielovesbook-akie @zzz000eee @bellarkeselection @feliuuuksks @visenya-reigned @maria699669 @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @sweethoneyblossom1 @jamiemydeer @snowprincesa1
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4jeagers · 1 year
aki hayakawa’s hands
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⭑ aki hayakawa x afab!reader
⭑ word count: 730
content warnings: partially [mostly] nsfw, fingering [while driving?], somnophilia [dubcon], mention of fillatio, gagging, overstimulation [multiple orgasms], smoking, finger sucking, morning sex
author’s note: i’ve been thinking about aki’s hand’s recently so this is just shameless thirsting with a sprinkle of headcanons honesty. will probably do this for a few other characters as well because i love hands.
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⭑ aki’s hand are so nice. they’re big too. his palms and fingertips are somewhat calloused, and while the backs of his hands are smoother, there’s a few scattered pale scars.
⭑ his fingers are generously sized, long with a uniform thickness from tip to base (like another appendage of his) where his prominent knuckles connect the digits to his palm. his knuckles are so so so pretty, especially when they’re bruised after work. he’ll blush if you kiss them.
⭑ he uses mint scented hand lotion. 
⭑ while he isn’t supper into pda, aki will always hold your hand while you two are out, and of course when you’re alone. he thinks your hands feel so nice in his.
⭑ he keeps his nails trimmed neatly, he used to have a habit of picking at them before he started smoking. 
⭑ his hands aren’t the warmest which he’s slightly embarrassed about. himeno once said they’re as cold as a corpse, but that’s a bit of an exaggeration. 
⭑ aki fidgets with his hand’s when he needs a cigarette, he’ll repeatedly run his thumb over the dip on the side of his finger where he normally rests one.
⭑ his hands look amazing when he drives, and yes he does do the thing where he looks over his shoulder as he backs up with one hand on the steering wheel and his other reaches out towards the back of the passenger seat. if he has to break suddenly while he’s driving with you, he’ll reach his hand across your chest to make sure you don’t jolt forward too far.
⭑ aki doesn’t normally wear rings because he thinks they would get in the way during a fight, but if and when aki does wear a ring, or a few... 🥴 his hands somehow look even more enticing. if you get him a ring he’ll wear it at home on his finger, but when he goes to work he’ll wear it around a chain he keeps hidden under his button up. 
⭑ although aki doesn’t think much about his hands, he does take pride in what they can do. whether it’s killing devils, cooking, shoving them in your mouth, doing laundry, there’s just so much he can do with them.
⭑ speaking of fingers in mouths, aki won’t tell you directly, but he really, really likes the way you look with his fingers in your mouth. he’s embarrassed by how much it turns him on. you just always look so pretty sucking on the digits, and your mouth is so warm and wet. aki can’t help but imagine your lips wrapped around his cock.
⭑ aki’s hands are honestly dangerous, he can make you cum in minutes with just one hand. if you piss him off, expect to be trapped in his lap gagging on one set of fingers while the other is knuckle deep inside your pussy and making you beg for mercy as you cum over and over again, until he’s satisfied and your slick in covering his hand and dripping down his forearm.
⭑ you will always cum from aki’s hands at least once before he fucks you. not only because aki is a firm believer in prep, but he loves watching you squirm as your walls stretch and mold around his fingers. he can’t keep his fingertips away from your clit if you keep moaning his name so sweetly.
⭑ he has definitely fingered you while driving. his eyes never leave the road once, but he’s still able to cause your whole body to shake with pleasure. he’ll teasingly tell you not to make a mess on the leather even though he’s completely aware of the fact that your wetness has seeped onto the passenger seat.
⭑ if aki wakes up before you and becomes impatient with how long it’s taking you to wake up, he’ll sometimes press himself against you and start to rub your clit through your panties while leaving open mouth kisses on your neck. if you’re still not awake, he’ll part your legs and slip his hand down the front of your panties, slowly sliding his ring finger inside your drooling cunt. thumb rubbing circles on your clit, he’ll add another finger and speed up every time a soft moan leaves you. It doen’t take long until your eyes are fluttering open and you’re cumming around 3 of aki’s fingers before you’ve even said good morning to him.
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[Waiting For A Lifetime IV] Part 1 2 3 4 ?
Daemon Targaryen x Reader + Aegon Targaryen x Reader + Aemond Targaryen x Reader + others (;
Summary: Ghosts will ride on to haunt you. Ghosts will come from your past, carrying a holy axe. Ghosts will taunt you you. Ghosts will come from your your memories, intent on burning the bridges at last.
Word Count: 5k+
Warnings: Fem!reader, Modern AU, smut (biting, hair pulling, but its honestly its vanilla, crying [they get pretty emotional], vaginal penetration, cream pie, cock warming), surface level knowledge on asoiaf lore, internet translated high valyrian, angst, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: welcome my meowmeows today we die- i i mean dine 😃 i say MDNI but its at the very end so once you reach that part, you can always choose not to read it. please keep in mind that I have little knowledge about any asoiaf lore so if you would like to correct me, have at me Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda @targaryenmoony @pearlstiare @llovinjoonie @sabrina6272827 @ayamenimthiriel @comicsol1999 @fictionalcomforts @mirandastuckinthe80s @mooniesyubi @cookielovesbook-akie @panagiasikelia @mlwriting5 @bibli0thecary @ateliefloresdaprimavera @margaglitterdeath @fan-goddess @bibli0thecary @iamlost @queenofshinigamis @thebullship @slavyanskiyahui
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"What are you doing?"
I look out the balcony. A wind blows across my body. My frilly lingerie flows in the wind.
"Come back inside, it's cold."
I lean on the fence. I look down at the view of Dorne as far as the eye could see. I release a breath.
I hear my name get spoken. It was no alias. No made up identity. It was my name. He calls out my name.
"I'm not cold," I mutter, mostly to myself.
A hand comes around my waist. I sigh as I am pulled in against a warm body. He hisses and presses his lips on my head, "you're ice cold, baby."
I shake my head, refusing to lean against him, "the sun hasn't shone yet. What do you expect the whether to be at this time?
He pushes my hair back and leans in to kiss my neck. His stubble scratches my skin. His deep voice utters, "I'll make you tea and breakfast..." both hands come to my stomach as he pulls me closer, "then toast, or waffles, or pancakes, or bac-"
He flinches and tightens his hold on me when there is a loud crash from the street below. He pulls away from me to check what happen. I don't look, instead I go inside.
"Fucking car crash," he calls out as I walk over to his bedroom, the bedroom that I had been staying in for far too long.
When I get there, I begin to pack my things and dress up. I catch my face in the mirror as I put on my pants. I freeze because of it. I trace the scars on my chest, from a dagger, I look at the marks at the curve of my jaw, from a sword, then I look at my hands, calloused centuries of memories. I feel hollow... hollower. I am reminded of my loneliness. I was devoid of purpose.
I look over my shoulder when I hear him call my name again. I hastily put the rest of my clothes on.
My purpose was not with him.
I shove clothes in my bag and zip it close.
He could not give me purpose.
I exit the bedroom before he can enter, and I head for the door. He catches my arm and stops me before I can walk any father. He says my name. I ignore him. He tugs my arm desperately, just how he repeats my name. I look at him, stoic, "I have to go."
His thick brows furrow. His jaw clenches. He shakes his head. He tightens his grip on my arm and steps forward, "I'm going to make you your fav-"
"I can't do this anymore, Bobby," I mutter sharply under my breath.
He freezes. I pull my arm away from him. I clutch my bag and face him fully, "our time is up."
He shakes his head. He places his hands on his hips. He calms his breathing. He speaks lowly, "stay for breakfast."
I press my lips into a soft smile, "you have been nothing but-"
"-kind, and sweet, and caring-"
"No. Please. No!"
"-and you are reason why I have gotten the closest I have to feeling love like this after such a long time-"
Bobby mutters my name and walks over to me. He clutches my bag and urges me toward him, "and I can show you more. Please, please just-"
I press my fingers on his lips. I shake my head and look at his glassy eyes. I brush back the short dark hairs by his forehead as I continue to disagree, "you deserve better than this."
"No I-"
"You deserve someone who's going to love you back."
"I don't want someone to love me back!" He grabs my shoulders, "I just want you."
I mutter his name but he does not hear it as he talks over me with a million offers, a million solutions, a million things he could and would do, so long as he could keep me.
I release my bag and clutch his shirt. I clench my jaw as tears leave my eyes at the sight of the ones streaming down his face. I release a sigh and lean into him. I silence him by claiming his mouth with my own. It is sad, it is desperate, it is salted with tears.
He pulls me against his chest. He does it with much vigor, intent on trapping me against his chest. He rubs my back and chases my mouth like it was his lifeline. He pushes me back. I let him push me back. He seals me against the wall and his arms, but then he dig his fingers into my waist band.
"Bobby-" I catch his wrists.
"Please," he mutters, kissing me again, "I'm good at his. I'm good at this... can make you feel good. Please."
I push him away before he can undo the button.
He whimpers. His voice cracks, "please- please, I can make you love me."
I shake my head. I ghost my fingertips on his temple, "not in this lifetime," I touch my lips on his cheek for the final time, "goodbye, Bobby."
I snap to my side, reeling out of my thoughts when I hear someone cough. I am back in reality, evidence was the sight of King Viserys' raised brows. I shrug and turn back to the artifact hung on the wall, "Dornish art to me is..." I brush away the memory that flooded my brain as I offered a smile to the man beside me, "heart ache and heat."
Viserys chuckles as he glances at the display, "that doesn't sound very enthusiastic. Are you not a fan of the Dornes?"
I release a breath, "I speak this with nothing but honesty," I raise my hands, "but I am biased to the aesthetics of the Targaryen dynasty."
The king laughs, "spoken like a true poet."
I press my lips into a soft smile, "well, I am a lover of many arts, my king." I motion to the exit of the exhibit, "perhaps, I think, you would enjoy this area of the museum much more, your majesty."
I lead the king (and his bodyguards) to the next section of the place. Immediately, the king reacts to the sight of the massive dragon skull in the middle of the room. He laughs as he nears the thing. I smile at the sight of his excited face.
"Balerion," the king says.
I tail after him as he moves to the inscription for the object, "indeed. The Black Dread, mount of King Aegon the first, King Maegor the first, Princess Aerea, and King Viserys the first."
The king chuckles under his breath as he shakes his head, "skoros iā ossȳngnon ziry would emagon issare."
What a terror he would have been.
I nod my head and look at the skull, "a fearsome and terrorizing beauty indeed."
Viserys turns to me just as I motion to the walls and begin to ramble about the history of it all, particularly nerding out over the massive painting depicting dragons, Targaryen princes, and civil war.
"You need not remind me of the history of my ancestors, pet," he says, walking up beside me, with his hands behind his back, "what I am more interested in is the rest of your tale with the prince."
I turn to Viserys and give him a smile and shrug, "as I said your grace, I have recounted all the memories I've had with your brother, prince Daemon the eighth."
The king makes a face, "huh," he raises a brow and narrows his eyes, "I don't suppose you have memories with prince Daemon the seventh then?"
I chuckle, "no," I shake my head, turning back to the painting, "only with Daemon the first."
The king laughs under his breath and turns to the painting as well.
"Oh yes I do hope you're enjoying yourself, brother."
Before I could react to the words that were spoken, I am pulled back and kissed on the neck. I turn from the painting, one of the many that visualized the Dance of the Dragons, then over my shoulder about the same time Viserys does.
"Daemon-" the king barks, eyes looking out to room, warry of everyone around. He does not continue when he hears the prince pipe up to me, "did he do anything unsavory to you, my love?"
This time, both Viserys and I speak his name, albeit starkly contrasting.
"Daemon," I mutter, as I try to push him away, "please, we are out in public. Some-"
"I don't give a fuck," Daemon cuts me off, ripping me back into him, "answer the question."
"Daemon," Viserys grumbles, stepping close, "unhand her."
"No!" Daemon snaps, shooting a look of daggers to his brother.
I gasp as I press my fingers to his lips. I slowly move away from him. "My love please," I whine, "the king has been nothing but kind to me and all he is asking for you to conduct you-"
"I will not have anyone, even the king, separate me from my bride," he yanks me close to him, arm coming around my shoulders.
My hands clutch his arms.
At that moment, because of how it reflected the light, Viserys spots the silver ring on his brother's bride. His eyes twitches as he rethinks the story of the personal vows. He scoffs, eyes darting back up to Daemon, "you do realize doing this makes her life more difficult."
Daemon turns to his brother, lips curling into a smile, although he was not amused by the thought even a fraction, "well then let me take her to Dragonston-"
"Keep your voice down," Viserys hisses, stepping closer.
Daemon pushes me behind him and moves towards the king, "lo ao sagon olvie gaomagon lēda aōha urnēptre hen kustikāne naejot ñuha ābrazȳrys, ao sȳrje sagon jāre sir."
If you're quite done with your show of strength to my wife, you best be going now.
"Daemon," I call out
Viserys makes a face as he scoffs. He shakes his head, "I'm doing this to protect you, Daemon."
"Well I don't want your protection," he mutters, "I can protect myself. I can protect her," he quips, "what I need is your-"
"My what?" Viserys cuts, "my blind obedience to your wishes?" He lets out another scoff, "perhaps you should have been born first and become king."
Daemon holds his tongue. This is why Viserys will never know that the word his baby brother meant to say was blessing.
Viserys pulls away from Daemon and masks his expression rather quickly when he hears one of the bodyguards tell off some people from trying to enter this part of the exhibit and for attempting to take pictures.
I watch as the lines on Daemon's face tighten. I watch as he presses his lips together in tension where Viserys loosens his jaw and takes a breath.
The king turns around, clapping his hands together, putting on a grin, "well, if I must leave, then I should have my photo be taken with the staff of the museum." He turns to me, "would you be a dear and invite your colleagues over for a photo?"
Daemon turns to me as Viserys points, "I should like one with Balerion."
I smile and nod, "of course, your grace."
When I move off to round up the museum personnel, Daemon grabs my arm and knits his brows. He presses his lips into a pleading frown and makes up for the space between us.
I sigh and shake my head, "calm down," I mutter in High Valyrian. I reach out for his cheek and brush his skin, "nothing will happen with me. I will be back soon."
Viserys knits his brows as he watches Daemon mutter pleas in their mother tongue not to be left alone. He feels a sting in his heart at the desperation of his brother. He is deeply disturbed by everything.
He then thinks about the admission he heard earlier, about when Daemon wandered off drunk and arrived at his 'wife's' home, nothing but actual sleeping happened. He wonders if Daemon will lose interest once they share a bed.
I sigh when Daemon steals a kiss from my lips. I brush his hair back and give him a smile before I walk off to do my business. Daemon refuses to release my hand until the very last moment. He leaves his arm hanging in the air as he watches me walk away.
Viserys watches Daemon watches me.
"Brother," Viserys says, "I am genuinely concerned for you."
Daemon turns to him, all the softness in his expression fading. He pettily ignores the king and turns to the painting on the wall. He crosses his arms and stares blankly.
The elder of the two sighs and beholds the same painting before him. Viserys thinks about the artistry but only for a moment because he beholds the fury of the dragons, the fury of the princes, the fire and the blood. He looks upon the legacy of his house, the strife of his kin, the romanticization of it all. Then he looks upon his brother. He looks at how his violet eyes glistened with the light from the room, and yet the light in his eyes was not there.
And he looked again when their picture was taken, how he smiled softly at the camera as he stood next to whom he was so adamant to be around. Viserys saw the change.
Daemon places his arm over both me and one other employee. I turn to Bertha as she grins and says, "the prince has his arm on our shoulders."
I grin back at her as Daemon smiles at me, "well, I must constantly be surrounded have a beautiful woman in my arm," he turns to Bertha, "now I have two."
Bertha giggles as I shake my head.
I turn to Aemond to my right. He is rigid beside me, and so pull him close and offer a smile. He mumbles under his breath, "I can do something if you're not uncomfortable with having your photo taken."
I give him a quick smile and shake my head, "it'll be fine."
Aemond clenches his jaw. He turns away just before Daemon shoots him a look.
"Alright everyone," the photographer says, "big smile in 3, 2, 1."
The photo ends up on the news, on the TV, on the radio, on the internet, on the magazines, on the newspaper.
King Viserys and Prince Daemon honor Museum of Ice and Fire with a visit in line with upcoming Cultural Arts Celebration
The Blonde Brothers reunite with a visit to Museum of Ice and Fire in honor of incoming Cultural Arts Celebration to be held next week.
Targaryens storm the Museum of Ice and Fire, leaving everyone swooning and saluting
Prince Daemon flirts with local museum curator during a visit to Museum of Ice and Fire
Upon reading seeing the photos attached to one of the many headlines tied to that day, Bobby drops his mug and misses the table, causing it to crash and break and spill all over the floor. He hisses as the hot coffee splashes on his leg and yet he pays no more than a second's thought on it as he leans into his computer and clicks the link on the screen.
He stares at the photograph of the prince with his arm over two women, one of which he knew for she was his ghost, his love, his heartbreak and heat.
He lets out a shaky breath then pushes himself off his desk chair. He grabs his phone and calls a contact, biting his fingernails as he did so.
"Martell," he says, which is enough of a formality you could ever get out of him at this point, "I need you to pull out some old files and redo some research for me."
Alternatively, Aegon was hammering his head over and over again on his table as he wasted the little time he had on break by obsessing over the articles he saw on the internet.
He wasn't hungry anyway.
No, that was a lie. He was starving, but he already finished his snack after stuffing the fish and chips he had in his mouth far too quickly for anyone's good. He hadn't even realized he finished it, nor that he was eating, really, upon until he looked to his empty plate with shock washing over.
Now he had just made himself miserable and didn't feel any fuller than he was before eating.
He looks at the time and laughs bitterly to himself. This was supposed to be the time his saving grace came, but he knew no one was coming today.
He messages his brother again. Scrolling up from the first message he sent today down to the last.
DUDE WTF THE ROYAL FAMILY IS AT YOUR JOB? BRUH BRUH brush bruh AEMOND THE HELL IS HAPPENING oh is it the king wtf is the king doing there THE BLOND BITHCES ARE THERE aemond are you dead?????????? AEMOND WAHT THE FUCK Link attached WHAT THE FUCK YOU SITTING THERE NEXT TO HER Link attached Link attached Link attached AEMOND YOU IDIOT BITCH ASS CUNT RESPOND TO ME i hope youre miserable i hope you see them make out again can you ask her if shes coming ............ i know she wont but do it anyway fuck you bitch Image Attatched
"Quit flippin' on ya phone and get back to work boy," Aegon's boss calls as he enters the storage room, "breaks over."
Aegon stands and nods, "yeah, boss."
Aemond sorely ignored his phone as it blew up. It was bad enough that his head was plagued with the images of a doting couple sneaking glances and touches of each other, he did the right thing by putting his phone on silent.
He was currently on chapter 15 of the book he found entitled Blood Magic, Soul Ties, & Rebirth. In truth, it was nothing like he expected it to be. It was written more like a diary rather than a document like he had expected. It was all written in the perspective of the author, much like the tomes of the old history of Westeros, but, in his opinion, not at all academic in nature. Upon seeing there were parts that spilled into fantastical accounts Aemond understood why this book was still very much under review in the museum, and not somewhere in the national library. What exactly was it?
The chapters would start with personal ire:
Eman suffered rōvēgrī va se [account] hen [magic] se [ash]. Nyke ilimagho se [loss] hen mirre whom nyke jorrāelagon. Nyke [scorn] nykēla syt se [mercy] [exchanged] syt ñuha [soul], skore nyke ojūdan. Gaoman daor jaelagon naejot glaesagon, yn nyke glaesagon syt zirȳla.
I have suffered greatly on the [account] of [magic] and [ash]. I mourn the [loss] of all whom I love. I [scorn] myself for the [mercy] [exchanged] for my [soul], which I lost. I do not wish to live, but I live for him.
And then would go about to explain the process of a certain spell or incantation, all of which involve the spilling of blood, be it animal or human.
Se [spell] syt ease hen riña sikagon. Issa [recommended] bona gaomā bisy [month] iā [less] gō se sikagon hen aōha riña. Kesā jorrāelagon ānogar hen iā [elk], iā molry hen iā [elk], lanta [hooves] hen iā [elk], ānogar hen iā atroksia, ampa [feathers] hen iā atroksia. Istia perform se [following] [incantation] rȳ se zōbrie bantio.
The [spell] for ease of child birth. It is [recommended] that you do this one [month] or [less] before the birth of your child. You will need blood of an [elk], a horn of an [elk], two [hooves] of an [elk], blood of an owl, ten [feathers] of an owl. You must perform the [following] [incantation] at the dark of night.
Finally ending with ominous warnings that tread the line between a word of caution and a threat.
Sagon [warned] bona se [cost] hen ānogar [magic] ēza zȳha [weight] isse ānogar. Daor [amount] hen āeksion kessa [save] ao hen se [consequences] hen skore ao jaelagon naejot [reap]. Sagon [warned] bona ao daor undo līr iksis gaomagon Se ao daor [exact] līr kessa sagon se [payment] syt aōha actions.
Be [warned] that the [cost] of the blood [magic] has its [weight] in blood. No [amount] of gold will [save] you from the [consequences] of which you wish to [reap.] Be [warned] that you cannot undo that which is done and you cannot [exact] that which will be the [payment] for your actions.
Aemond narrows his brows and cocks his head at a particularly random hark.
Eman issare maghatan arlī naejot ābrar ondoso se dārilaros se oh skorkydoso nyke jaelagon [instead] naejot emagon rhēdan zirȳla rȳ se remȳti hen mēre hen [heavens] iā sesīr rȳ mēre hen [hells]. Oh valzȳrys [would] ao [loathe] nyke syt [reaping] nykēla hen qrimbrōstan irudy ao teptan nyke?
I have been brought back to life by the prince and oh how I wish [instead] to have met him at the gates of one of the [heavens] or even at one of the [hells]. Oh husband [would] you [loathe] me for [reaping] myself of the cursed gift you gave me?
He straightens in his seat when someone comes in and announces he's done for the day and that Aemond should probably get going too. He nods his head in regard and puts the largish book down, debating whether or not anyone would look for it if he took it home with him.
He checks the time on his phone, swiping away his million notifications from his brother, then raises a brow at the email notification he got from his cousin, Alicent.
All the while the king and queen were discussing Daemon over dinner.
Aemma grins, "so you've given him your blessing!"
"Lovie, it's like you've not heard a word I said," Viserys says as he licks the side of his knife, which was covered in sauce.
"Visy, I heard you loud and clear, and I'm glad that you've opened up your heart for this," she smiles as she cuts up her meat.
The king rolls his eyes, "I gave him an ultimatum."
"Exactly," the queen shakes her head and repeats her husband's words, "1 week, 1 month, 3 months, half a year until a years passed. If he still feels the same as he does now, then I shall be attending a wedding at Dragonstone by this time next year and my Rhaenyra can expect cousins most swiftly!"
He sighs and drops his cutlery, "my dear," he licks his lips, "I don't want you to get your hope up over something that could well not last."
Aemma eyes him darkly, "well you ought to not jinx it with you sourness."
"Viserys," she places her own silverware down, "you told me yourself that you saw how his eyes lit up at the sight of her."
He rolls his jaw and leans back on his chair.
"You and your brother have may act like you're constantly at separate ends of pole, but I know that each time you snarl and snap at each other with fire at the back of your throat, neither of you care any less about the other."
Aemma presses her lips together as Viserys looks at her face. He sighs. He reaches out for her cheek, stroking her fair brows, memorizing the curve of her lips before leaning in to kiss her. He would be lost without his light, his Aemma. He wonders if, truly, that was how Daemon felt about this woman.
Well, Daemon let his actions speak louder than his words that night.
The moment we arrived to my home, after Daemon begrudgingly waited out my shift in one of the royal guard's car, I was immediately swarmed by him, him and his hands, his lips, his voice, his breath. Daemon caught me against him and refused to concede, to yield, or even to loosen he grip.
He barely even let me lock my front door on our way inside. I was glad I managed through his tender and eager, open mouthed attacks.
"Kesā daor henujagon nyke arlī, ābrazȳrys," Daemon mutters as he pulls me into him not even a second after letting me go to close the door. He shoves my hair off to the side and attacks my nape with kisses, leading me backward as he blindly navigated my home in the dark.
I hiss then chastise him with giggles when he runs into my lamp, "Daemon please."
"It's so fucking dark."
I pull away from him and take his hands that were clutching my torso, leading him off to my bedroom.
The moment I open the door, he charges at me with more kisses, this time, the light from the street lamps and the moon made it easier for him to navigate to the bed.
I release a sigh when he pushes me back on the mattress, chest pressed against mine, hands caressing and massaging every part of my body. He breathily repeats his words from earlier in between kisses, "kesā daor henujagon nyke arlī, ābrazȳrys," he begins to rip at my clothing, "iksā ñuhon," he heaves, "mirre ñuhon," he presses his forehead on mine, "ñuhon, ñuhon, ñuhon, ñuhon -"
You will not leave me again, wife. You are mine. All mine. Mine, mine, mine, mine.
I shift on my spot and sit up as I help Daemon undress me before he sequentially helps me undress himself.
I whimper as he pushes me back down and grabs my thighs. I squeak out a moan, catching his face in my hands, as he hovers over me.
I cry his name out when I feel him brush his hardened and pulsing length against me. He hisses as he looks down. His hands leave my thighs, one landing by my side, propping him up, the other coming to my wetness, stroking me there sweetly, "such a pretty girl, my love... so ready for me."
I whine as he amuses himself by fondling with my slick. He touches me as light as a ghost and teases my weeping entrance like a devious little boy, hellbent on making chaos of everything.
"Shhhh," he leans in and licks my lips, "ivestragī nyke emagon ñuha kirimves." Let me have my fun.
I chase after his mouth but he pulls away too quickly, continuing to make a mess of me.
I bring my fingers to his nape, nails digging into his scalp, firmly tugging at his blonde locks. I plead, "Daemon."
He pacifies me with a kiss but does not cease his teasing ministrations. I moan when I feel his two digits barely sink into me. He laughs against our kiss and has to pull away from me all together, both hands sinking into the cushion by my sides, to calm himself down.
I huff in frustration and impatience at his deep chuckles. I decide to take matters into my own hands, literally, and shift beneath him, grabbing his thick member, easing him into me.
His amusement curdles into a moan at my touch. We both audibly react when he slowly sinks into me. He cusses where I call out his name. He breathes hotly against my neck as I wrap my arms around him and seal my legs around his waist.
He suddenly finds it in him to laugh again. He does so with much excitement.
And though I whimper at the feel of him jolting within me, I cannot help but feel a sense of contentment wave upon me. I rub my cheek against his head and scratch his scalp gently. We stay like this for a long while. I do not mind it, not really, I like him like this. But with every second that passed, it felt like my pulse was banging harder and harder.
I whine "ñuha jorrāelagon, kostilus dīnagon, nyke jorrāelagon ao sir" My love, please move, I need you right now.
Daemon chuckles and kisses my jaw, hands squeezing my thigh firmly as he slowly lifts his head up, "so impatient."
I rock my hips beneath him as I nod, "need you so bad."
Daemon obliges and begins to slowly thrust into me. He kisses my lips and makes a sound that is a laugh mixed with a moan, "I know, baby," he digs his nails into my flesh, "I know," he repeats more solemnly, "I need you too-- need you so badly."
My breath hitches when he picks up his pace. He quickens just a little bit, so subtly, and it grinds at my brain. Each time he moves, he exits wholly and enters fully, he stretches me out so nicely and fills me up so good.
I pant against his shoulder and sink my teeth into his muscle, licking and sucking at the area.
He moans at the feeling. He then shifts me in my spot, pushing me up, allowing himself more leverage from above me, making me cry out when he hits a part in me that touches seemingly every nerve of my body.
I screw my eyes shut and feel my eyes water at the sensation. I throw my head back and rip at his shoulder blades.
He huffs against me and continues in his pace, andante, taking his time to move from tip to hilt, savoring each moment, each stroke, each huff, each sigh, each whimper.
He continues like this. He is steady like this. He is beautiful like this.
My fingers and toes curl at the feel of him. My belly flutters. My breath strains. My mind fogs. All because of him, because of how I take in his scent, how I taste his skin, how I wrap around him.
"Dārilaros," I mutter against his ear, "ao ȳdra daor gīmigon skorkydoso olvie nyke bōsa naejot gaomagon ao hae bisa."
My prince, you don't know how much I long to keep you like this.
Daemon thrusts particularly deeply.
Tears pool at the corner of my eyes. Air catches in my throat. I choke on a sob as emotion floods through me. I am hit with this epiphany so very suddenly. I was, next moment, cathartic over the fact he was real, he was here, and he was mine. After all these years, after the dredging, after the lamenting, after the hurting, here he was, a sky above me, a sanctuary around me, a hearth inside me.
He loves on my face, peppering my skin with with kisses, "pār gaomagon nyke va ao," he presses his hands on my waist, knocking into me with forte, "umbagon lēda nyke," he moans against my lips, "sagon ñuha lenton,"
Then keep me on you, stay with me, be my home.
When my hands dart to his cheeks. Only then do I realize that he, too, was teary eyed as my thumbs find the dampness on his face. I open my eyes to look at him but shut close again when his mouth finds mine.
Daemon eases into his accelerando, gently and caringly thrusting faster and faster, staying deeper and deeper until he barely pulls out and he's just trapped into me.
He nips at my lip as I my hands dart to his hips, ripping at the skin there. He continues in his tight movements until he ultimately hooks his hands at the back of my knees and pushes my legs up, breaking into me vigorously until I couldn't think and I could only feel and scream out his name.
And as I climbed up to my high, I called out to him. And as he eased up into his, he called out to me.
And then it all comes crashing down. And then I can't breathe or move, I just tighten and whine and break against him.
And then I feel him follow suit. And then he looses his mind and his tempo, he just pounds and melts and falls into me.
And I feel my whole body burn, I feel my nerves rip into a symphony of pleasure. I feel his heat spill into me. I fill him fill me up until he's completely spent and even after that. I feel my body flinch around him. I feel him bottom out and run over in me. And I missed it. I missed this so much. I missed him so much. I missed him.
His erratic movements lull into slow tender one again, yet he doesn't cease his rocking until I'm shaking and wailing and dripping all over. I feel myself overflow with him, in both literal and metaphorical. I feel my whole body burn while he heaves atop me as he delicately touches down. He rests his entire weight on me; he's an invited and longed for blanket, a heaviness that I have dreamt of having pressed against me for so long.
I feel his heart hammering in his ribcage as mine beneath him did the same. His strangled breath echoes mine. My name spills out of his lips like a prayer. He nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck. His hands rub my legs that were wrapped around him. He was fastens them around his hips, as if my limbs were not tight enough, as if it was possible for him to move closer into me than he already was.
I cradle his head in my hands and adjust my face beside his.
"Avy jorrāelan," I speak softly against his ear, "eman jorrāelatan jeme ñuha ābrar se kessa jorrāelagon ao sesīr tolī."
I love you. I have loved you all my life and will love you even after.
Daemon responds with a kiss, with a rub of his nose, then with his words, "ñuha gevie lenton," he lifts his head up, sighing as he reached out to my cheek, "ñuha vok dārilaros."
Im that moment, I see a vague outline of his face even with through the darkness of my bedroom, but more than that, I hear the affection in his words. The sincerity locked in his voice, "syt ao ossēninna tolvie zaldrīzes, geron tolvie rizmun, iderēbagon tolvie rūklon, se jiōragon se olvie jelevre isse ñuha irosh sepār naejot sagon able naejot ūndegon aōha laehurlion."
My breath hitches, "Dae-"
"Avy jorrāelan."
My beautiful home, my perfect princess, for you I will kill every dragon, walk every desert, pick every flower, and offer the very breath in my throat just to be able to see your face. I love you.
I feel tears rush down my face when I lean up and kiss him.
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wolfnlamb · 1 year
Date Night
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Disclaimers: ageless blogs & under 18 DO NOT INTERACT PWP. Fem!reader. Established relationship. Love. No protection. Oral (Aki and reader receiving). Aki c*ms inside reader. Alcohol. Pet names (baby, sweetheart). A little rough. Some dirty talk. Praising. A$$ slapping. Some slight choking? (aki hold readers neck) Some softness at the end. No word count, I’m lazy. Not proof read.
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The room was half-lit, slowly getting darker as the sun was setting for the evening. Neither of you bothered to turn on the lights when you got home; as soon as you walked through the door, Aki’s mouth was trailing up your neck, tongue darting out to flick your ear. You sighed, letting your neck fall back as he clumsily kissed you.
There was a faint smell of beer on his breath, but you didn't care. You knew he was a bit of light weight, especially if he'd been dry for a while. As the night progressed he became sillier; making jokes under his breath about the snooty waiter who didn’t appreciate how loud you two were being. The corners of his eyes were crinkled as he laughed with you across the table, his cheeks getting rosier. Nights like these made you happy, seeing him relaxed from his normal demeanor.
“I thought you were getting sleepy…,” your words came out as a whisper, straining just a little while his hands snuck up your shirt. Aki squeezed your breasts, smiling against your ear,
“I said that so I could get you home.”
All it took was you arching your back into him, standing in the dark walkway; the squish of your ass nestled perfectly between his hips. He nearly dragged you into the living room, pulling the dress up over your head.
Your discarded clothing dangled off the furniture; underwear thrown on the sofa, jeans laying across the dining table. You pinned him against the wall roughly, stealing kisses from his drunken lips as he groped your ass greedily. Feeling his naked body pressed to yours sent a familiar rush through you, accompanied by a yearning for him. Aki could sense it too; the hard press of your chest to him and the way your hips gyrated into his, and he relished it.
“I need you so bad, Aki,”
His eyes glittered as he smiled from your plea, leaning in to rest his forehead against yours,
“Yeah? Then take what you need from me.”
He let go of his grip on your ass, allowing you to leave wet kisses down his lean form, his eyes never leaving you. You made sure to kiss every scar you passed along his body; soft, gentle kisses reminding him of your love and adoration. The raised scar under his right peck, the puncture on his rib cage, the deep slashes along his belly needed your touch. You hoped your kisses could heal him. That they’d magically erase the pain in his mind that lingered whenever he saw the marks.
Aki’s breath picked up the lower you went, and he cradled your head in his calloused hand. You kissed his navel, following the trail of soft black hairs down his pelvis, until you could feel his cock brushing your chin; emanating heat, so hard yet and soft against your skin. You kissed around it, teasing him with the warmth of your breath.
He grabbed his cock at the base and pulled it upward, indicating what he wanted and you instinctively pressed your face into him. You lapped at the sensitive skin, flatten your tongue across his balls, licking up the curve of his cock. Aki let go of his cock and you quickly grabbed it, sucking the tip greedily into your mouth.
Soft panting filled the room. Aki stared down at you with that sweet, glossy look in his eyes that you loved. Hands fisted in your hair, keeping you right where he wanted, bobbing you up and down at a steady pace. He loved seeing you like this, kneeling before him, little sighs of contentment escaping from your stuffed mouth.
“Feels so good, keep going…fuck,” he rolled his head back with pleasure.
Dragging your tongue along his shaft with each pump he gave, you let the spit pool in your mouth. Each rhythmic thrust caused dribbles to slip out of the corners of your mouth.
At this angle, he looked so perfect. From the trail of soft, black hairs leading to his belly button, to the landscape of his abs flexing from his deep breaths mesmerized you. Keeping his cock in your mouth, you rubbed your hands up and down his body; squeezing, caressing his hips, his stomach to his pecks. Aki moaned from your touches.
You needed more of him. Pushing his hands away, you relaxed your throat, sinking your mouth completely down his length. The taste of him was intoxicating. Never had you craved someone like this, feeling such a deep satisfaction with your nose pressed against his soft bush, chin squished against his balls.
You flashed your eyes up just in time to see his reaction, humming. The sudden move took him by surprise and his mouth dropped open. Aki let out a sweet little gasp, holding your head in place once again. He leaned against the wall of your cozy living room, little praises slipping from his lips:
“I love the way you suck my cock,”
Your knees were starting to ache while you struggled to balance on the hardwood floor. With your toes bent, the haunches of your feet keeping you leveled with him, you knew you were gonna be bruised tomorrow. Aki kept his back to the wall as you deep throated him, pushing his hips further into your face, relishing in the soft gurgles from your mouth.
Quickly, he pulled you from him and up to your feet, holding your face to his. He wiped the spit from your mouth and chin, telling you how pretty you looked as he gazed at your swollen lips. He kissed you hard at first, deepening the kiss with each swipe of his tongue. The sounds of your lips touching rang in your ears, making your pussy throb. He slipped his hand between your thighs, eager to feel the familiar slickness of your arousal. His fingers were coated completely as he rubbed your folds slowly, making sure to dragged them so gently across your clit. Your legs shook with each stroke and Aki whispered in your ear,
“Get on the couch,”
You sat slouched, pulling your legs as far back as you could, completely open for him to see all of you. Aki flipped on the lamp near you, eager to see you in this position. You both smirked as he perched on his knees in between your supple thighs, caressing them up and down. There was a hunger in his eyes as he gazed at your pussy; he admired your lips, the deepened color they’d become. He loved the stretch marks across your thighs, and his hands traced back down them gradually before settling on either side of your sex.
Aki’s finger tips touched your outer lips, spreading them slowly apart, making you whimper. Your folds glistened, beckoning him to lick them clean. He leaned and kissed your clit softly, as if kissing your mouth. He inhaled your scent and began licking with languid strokes. Aki’s hair was loose and it fell across his face as he ate you out. You reached down to brush his bangs back so you could see his beautiful face, and how his wicked tongue toyed with you.
The warm, yellow light from the lamp to your side was only strong enough to illuminate parts of your body and his own. In front of you, Aki glowed, with the deep darkness of the rest of the room behind him. There was a comfort to the setting; you both tangled together in this tiny, dimly lit room that you both made together. A safe haven from the world outside. A place for you both to exchange secrets, laughs, arguments and kisses. Your chest ached at the thought of how much you loved him, and you ran your fingers through his hair.
He intermittently kissed your pussy and then your thighs, staring up at you between his ministrations. Those beautiful, intense blue eyes searching your own, looking to see your approval of his actions.
You were already approaching your first orgasm, feeling it build up in your core. Aki latched his lips onto your clit, and began sucking. Not to hard, but not too soft. He knew what you liked. Pushing your thighs further down, he flashed his eyes up as you writhed under him. Panting uncontrollably, you grabbed your breasts harshly, pulling at your nipples.
“Ahhh, Aki— oh my god— yes!”
You whined pathetically, feeling no shame at the pitch in your voice or the desperation, and he loved it. He loved being the one, the only one, who could do this to you. Aki rocked your body back and forth against his mouth, straining to keep his breath steady as he coaxed your orgasm out. He hummed continuously, and could feel how wet his face was from the combination of your arousal and his spit.
You pulled his hair unintentionally when it hit you finally, screaming from the pleasure. Aki let go of your clit with a ‘plop’ and watched as your body shook. You looked so sexy lost in the ecstasy. He wiped his face and gave you a lazy smile. You smiled back, watching as he stood before you, his cock still hard and leaking.
Between your breaths, you cood, “Does this big cock want to cum, too?”
You reached out and grabbed it roughly, making him hiss. Aki’s eyes darkened, and he grabbed your ankle to position you along the couch, climbing between your legs. He pulled his hair back from his face, the sweaty strands sticking to his brow.
“Flip over,”
You rolled over as he asked, and he slapped your ass to your surprise. He squeezed your cheeks in his big hands, kneading the plushness before slapping them once more.
“You ready for me, sweetheart?” his voice was close to your ear, deep and seductive. You turned your head and whispered yes in anticipation.
Aki held the base of his cock and dragged it between your folds a few times, teasingly. When his tip caught your entrance finally, he pushed in slowly, letting your body adjust to his girth. You turned back to face him as much as you could, could eager to see him. Aki reached forward to cradle your jaw, dragging his thumb along your bottom lip.
With one leg resting beside you on the couch and the other planted firmly on the floor, he pushed completely inside of you. You both gasped at the feeling: you overwhelmed by feeling so full, him by how you sucked him in so tightly. He let go of your jaw and grabbed your ass again, rocking his hips.
“Go faster,” you commanded. Aki’s pace picked up, and he leaned forward laying his body across your back. You pulled his hand towards your neck and he instinctively grasped it.
The couch rocked and creaked as he fucked you from behind. His hips rutted frantically against your ass as the rest of him lay across you, holding you by the neck. Aki whispered into your ear, asking if you liked being fucked from behind and praising you for taking him so well.
“Yeah, take it just like that, pretty girl.”
You felt small under him, weighed down, but safe. Safe under him, cradled so tightly against his body as he took what he needed. Your eyes glazed over as he panted into your ear, hearing his voice begin to crack the closer he got. Soon his thrusting was relentless and you felt yourself losing all composure. Your cries picked up, and you knew in the back of your mind the neighbors would hear.
Aki’s words turned to pleas as he felt his orgasm approaching: “Oh, yes just like that. Just like that, I love you so much. Fuck, I’m so close,”
“Yeah baby, are you gonna cum? You gonna cum in this pussy?”
He pushed himself up at the last moment, pushing his cock deep and holding himself in place. He groaned with each spurt of cum, his cock twitching inside of you. You cooed at him, caressing his abs as he tried to catch his breath. The couch was just big enough for you both to spoon each other in, and Aki slipped between your body and the couch perfectly. He wrapped his arms around you, and you both lay there, not caring of the sweat or the mess you had made. Normally, he’d regain his composure and would already have a towel to clean up.
You rolled your head back to him, kissing his nose and his lips.
“I love you.”
He smiled, eyes half open and nuzzled you back.
“I love you more.”
You smiled but nudged him in the ribs.
“Should we go take a shower, baby?” your voice was raspy from your cries earlier.
Aki had his eyes closed now, still steadying his breathing as he rested his chin to your shoulder.
“Yes we should, in a minute. Let me hold you for a bit.”
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llovekami · 2 years
one more hour / aki h.
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cw: smoking, missionary, riding, mentions of bruising, hickeys, angsty-ish, morning sex, hinted overstimulation, masc!bodied reader but no pronouns mentioned, hair pulling (on aki), praising, genuinely just soft sex, reader is worried about aki and his health, anal
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the early rays of the sun had peaked through your shared bedrooms window, the curtains barely being able to contain the brightness that slowly seeped into your bedroom. aki was curled around you, his hands softly holding your thighs and your back was pressed against his chest, the closest you two had been in weeks. aki wasn’t the most affectionate person, and you knew this - but he made an effort. he made an effort for you. only for you. other things he was obligated to put his effort into, or it’d cost him his life. it’d make him leave you. you rolled, pressing your forehead against his chest. he straightened out his long legs, and you merely sighed as you looked up to him. your eyes were hazy with sleep, but the way the golden orange beams of sun had rained down on your face, he hadn’t even noticed.  he moved his rough hand to cup your soft cheek, rubbing his thumb over the softness with a little smile. he ran his hand along your scalp, leaning down and pressing a little kiss to your forehead. he moved though, and with a little whine you realized just what in all he had reached for. his cigarette pack.  he opened it, sliding a cigarette between his dried but plump lips, grabbing a lighter from the box and lighting it before tossing it to the side with the cigarette box. smoke once more filled the room, just as it had the night before and countless nights before that. “aki,” your voice broke the silence, him humming in acknowledgement of your raspy, sleep-hazed voice. “you know you need to quit smoking,” you uttered, “especially with your job. you never know what could happen.” and he sighed—he sighed because he knew you were right. and it was tiring. he hated his job, hated having to get out of bed to leave you, hated his horrible addiction to smoking. he hated it all, but he had brought it upon himself. your hands trailed over his chest. the hickeys you had left four nights ago now fading into his skin, and all the marks made also disappearing. the bruises he had left on your hips healing and fading back into the same colour as your skin, his own hickeys fading. “i love you.” you muttered through the air, the smoke invading your lungs and making it hard to breathe. the smell of his cologne that stuck to his body like glue, the smell of the smoke, the smell of your sheets. it all smelled like him. he stayed silent, before he reached his hand up to remove the cigarette from his mouth. “i love you too.” he spoke quietly, before you moved to cup his cheek and place a kiss to his lips. he tasted like cigarettes. you placed kisses along his neck, slow and sensual. your hands trailed down his chest, tracing over the little scars and all the little ridges and curves and lines he had over the years of being a public safety devil hunter. he was mysterious, you thought. not because he never told you anything — but because you had no clue why he stayed in a job that would, no matter how hard you tried to deny and postpone it, kill him. his hair was kinked from the hair tie he wore every day, running your fingers through it once more. his hands settled on your hips, pulling you close and pressing a little kiss to your forehead before the cigarette was inevitably placed back between his dry lips. you shifted, placing your hands against his chest before you moved to straddle him. the blankets settled low on your hips, right at your tailbone and only got dragged down the more aki moved his hands up and down your thighs. the way his rough fingertips traced over your delicate skin, the way he looked at you with adoration and love was almost astounding. “what’re you tryin’ to do?” he spoke lowly, voice still raspy from just waking up. you rocked your hips, slow and steady as you eyed him down. his own hues stared up into yours before glancing away, a bright red hue flushing over his cheeks. “can i not sit on my boyfriends lap?” you quipped, grinning once he huffed in defeat and just let you sit there. you both relaxed for the first time in a while. the loss of so many friends, of people you had considered family. and now aki with his job, with his habit. you thought of all the things that had come up to this, had thought of so many solutions for you both to just runaway together, but he proclaimed he had a job to live up to. a need to thrive and protect, to uphold his name. to claim justice for those deserving. he stared up at you. you took the cigarette from his lips, pulling it away with a silent huff. “i wish you’d stop smoking like this.” you began, burning the cigarette out on his ashtray on the side of the bed, full of crumpled cigarette butts and ashes that were begging to be blown away. aki only shrugged, closing his eyes and looking at the bowl of ash. “i know.” you huffed again. he ran his hands underneath your his shirt, the coldness of his calloused hands brought goosebumps to your skin, brought a fire you couldn’t quite set a feeling on. a good fire or a bad one, one that brought you comfort on the loneliest nights or the hands you would miss and crave for once they were gone. “i can keep your mind off of smoking for a while, if you’d let me. i know it’s early, but it’s better than damaging your lungs more, you know. let me be your new addiction and forget all others, let me be the one you come to for stress, let me be your new and only addiction that you uphold above all else.” he stared. blue eyes burned into yours, before his hands hiked up your shirt and threw it over your head. “distract me then.” he hummed, slow and sweet like frozen honey. the morning rays shined on your bodies, and he found no better comfort than the sight before him. your own hands came to tug down your underwear that you had thrown on haphazardly once you had gotten out of the shower with your lover the previous night before, racing into the bed to escape the coldness of your home. he slithered under the covers with you, and for the first time in a while, he wore a warm smile that made him want to drop anything and everything just to experience bliss with you forever. he tugged down his own, grabbing a bottle of lube from his side of the nightstand. cherry scented, you remembered. it was akis favourite flavor of anything, or so you thought. he always had something cherry. “already hard and i’ve barely done anything?” you teased, and he huffed. “when you’re in my position and i’m the one sitting on your lap, we’ll see who’s “already hard,” my love.” he chuckled, and you huffed in reply. you weren’t much better yourself.  once he had prepped and prepared both you and himself with lube covering your hole, he had slowly sunk you down with a vice-like grip on your waist. “oh—fuck, like that, shit. jus’ like that, baby..” he muttered, head already tossed back. your hands had found settlement in his hair, softly tugging as he let out a groan of, much to your satisfaction, pleasure. you set a steady rhythm, up and down nice and slow. just the way he liked it. his hands perched onto your hips, guiding your pace, guiding you. his blue eyes were screwed shut, a low rumble coming from him that you identified as his form of moaning. “aki,” you whimpered, and his eyes seemed to struggle to crack open to look at your angelic form. “flip,” he commanded. you paused for a moment, whimpering as you eased yourself off of him. he sighed at the feeling of your warmth no longer clinging to him, but he soon found himself on top of you. your legs on either side of his, wrists pinned down to the pillows below you as he only inserted himself once more. his thrusts were the same speed of what he had you bouncing at, a slow and deep pace that left you feeling breathless, that left you feeling every detail he had to offer. your moans and his mixed and left the room feeling humid, left it feeling like it was full of love. “i love you,” aki began, “i really do. if—fuck,—if i could quit this fucking job i would, i’d give the fucking world to be with you,” he sniffled, whimpering as his thrusts grew erratic. quick paced and much more rapid as his emotions began to take control, as he finally felt alive when he was with you, “i’d do anything for you. you showed me peace, bliss and heaven right when you first touched me, and now i’m paying you back.” he was heaven, bliss, an angel sent for you that’d just be ripped away in time. a memory to remember and never be forgotten, but a time to experience and never relive. living with aki hayakawa was thrilling, and yet you knew that after him you’d never get someone as remotely amazing. “closecloseclose,” he chanted, and you only squealed and encouraged him. “come on, baby, cum for me. you can cum wherever,” you nodded, giving him permission before he only smiled down at you and thrusted his hips once more, his own hand coming down to slowly jerk you off as he rode out his high, and soon you had reached yours. his fingers laced with yours, aki’s eyes only staring into yours before your lips connected. sweet, slow and loving as he kissed you. it was heavenly. it was blissful.  “you said you’d make me forget about smoking, but i still wanna. care to go again?” he’d utter, and the sun had hid behind the mountains by the time the two of you were done.
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Could you write fluff for Kishibe where the reader forces him to bake with her? (AFAB reader if possible, please)!
Baking With Kishibe
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A/n: since Christmas is approaching, I thought I should make it a little more Christmasy so there you go, hopefully you will like this. Also, I never thought there would be people actually requesting Kishibe when I started writing for him which makes me extremely happy
Pairing: Kishibe x afab!reader
Warnings: absolutely none
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It had taken a lot of convincing for Kishibe to actually put some of his worries aside and indulge in the Christmas spirit. He had helped you with the tree you had set in the living room of your apartment, placing some balls here and there and lifting you up to place the star on top in the end.
But this was as far as he was willing to go. It wasn't that he didn't like Christmas. It was that he had forgotten how to celebrate it after all those years in his line of work.
"Please, I am begging you." You poked his scarred cheek which was a bad decision since there was a 99,9% chance that he would refuse once again.
"It's just cookies Kishibe." You sighed, falling back on the bed. He reached his hand to cover you with the warm blanket. It was unusual that he had a day off but it was heavily snowing so there wasn't much he could do. "Though I would appreciate your help in the gingerbread house."
"Absolutely not."
Long story short, he had no idea how he had ended up in your kitchen, wearing a red apron over his grey sweatpants and white shirt. Actually he had a vague idea; he would do anything for you. Anything to keep you happy and make you forget about the sorrow and pain of the devil-filled world the two of you lived in. If that meant that he had to bake cookies while wearing a Santa Claus hat then so be it.
He was lucky and glad that Power, Denji and Aki weren't there to see him.
"Now you're supposed to crack the eggs." His blank eyes travelled to you, raising his brows slightly at how good your ass looked when you were bent over the counter, reading the recipe. But eh quickly looked away and focused on the bowl in front of him.
"Am I?" He said, almost indifferently but he was secretly enjoying it. He hadn't felt so safe and happy in a place in a long time. "Let's make a deal, I'll crack the eggs if you let me remove that stupid hat."
"I'll do the eggs then." You moved in front of him, completely ignoring his protests.
Yet Kishibe didn't let you. Letting out a sigh which stemmed from the fact that he was standing for so long and not from his frustration like he wanted it to be, he picked up an egg and cracked it in the bowl.
"There you go." You reached up to pat his head. "See? This is so fun! Don't you love baking?"
Oh he knew you were doing it on purpose. He knew you were secretly taking pictures of him in this ridiculous outfit but he didn't care. If it meant that it would put a smile on your lovely face then he would gladly dress as an elf and dance around the fireplace for you.
But he did. He did because he was in your apartment, with you, safe and away from his daily life as a devil hunter. He wasn't Kishibe from Special Division 1. He was just Kishibe. A grumpy aspiring baker who would most probably have to clean the kitchen up since you always fell asleep after eating. Your Kishibe.
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semisgroupie · 1 year
dirty old man
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kishibe x fem. reader
wc: 3.2k
warnings: mafia au!, age gap (reader is in her 20s and kishibe is in his 50s), knife play, clothes cutting, reader is spoiled by kishibe, death threats (not to reader but to a minor character), balcony sex, degradation, unprotected sex, facial, creampie, oral sex (m!receiving), recording (consensual), kishibe is obsessed with you, mentions of past recording, dumbification, dacryphilia, spanking, he calls reader mean names but he means it lovingly <3
synopsis: a slutty old man deserves an equally slutty young girlfriend
a/n: this is for @pcwer for the gift exchange in snow’s server!!! i was stuck between kishibe and aki but i wanted to gift you your slutty old man
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The name alone strikes fear into many hearts and makes people flinch. His looks alone was intimidating but when it’s paired with his reputation, then he immediately became the most feared man alive. A career criminal at the head of the most dangerous mafia circuit, his callousness and stoicism combined with his immense strength and skill easily helped him rise to the top and helped him stay there.
The amount of skeletons in his closet could fill a mansion and despite being in his 50s, that would never change.
His bloodlust has satiated a bit over the years but that didn’t mean his life became boring. It was actually livelier now, than when he was in his 20s. That could be attributed to you, the pretty eye candy he loved to show off.
It was quite the cliche for him to say that you made him feel younger but you did. He was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to keep up with you when he first met you but now there were times he wondered if you could keep up with him. Oftentimes when he was in his meetings, while everyone was discussing any hits they had to put out, all he could think about was how you looked on top of him, bouncing on his cock until he decided to fuck you senseless.
It was also safe to say that he was quite obsessed with you. It was obvious to anyone around and it was even more obvious when his men saw the scratch marks that littered his back along with his scars, and if they were ever lucky enough to sneak a peek at his phone, they would see his lockscreen was your face, messy with his cum. He had a multitude of photos and videos of you, it was his not-so-little collection that he loved to scan through while he was alone.
But he wasn’t far from you often, if he wasn’t spoiling you endless with vacations and shopping sprees then he was with you in his office in one of the most expensive buildings in the city. Sometimes he would do both in one day, which was exactly what he was doing today.
He let you drag him from store to store, ignoring some of the glances that were spared at him for being with you. He couldn’t blame them, a man with a girl half his age, but he didn’t care. They could look and stare all they wanted, even call him names like a ‘dirty old man’, he would just wear the title with pride.
You two were in a lingerie shop and it took everything in him to not drag you to the nearest fitting room and fuck you until your legs shook. It wasn’t like he hasn’t done it before. But, today was your day and he didn’t want to disrupt anything simply because he couldn’t keep it in his pants.
Everything was going by smoothly, no disruptions, that was until his phone started going off.
He quickly excused himself and walked over to the entrance of the shop to take the call. You collected some more fabrics and glanced over at him from time to time, barely picking up on what was being said but by the way he gripped his phone, you knew it wasn’t good news. You stood by near one of the shelves of matching bra and panty sets until he made his way over to you, clearly annoyed by what took place.
“Sorry sweetheart, we need to cut this trip short, go on the line and I’ll pay for what you got.” He offered you a small smile, the scar that decorated the left side of his face slightly moving as the corners of his lips rose and fell.
You shook your head and walked over to a worker, curtly apologizing as you asked them to put everything back. You hooked your arms around one of his and looked up at your much older boyfriend, “let’s just go. They have better sets online anyway.” You pulled him close to press a kiss to his cheek and let him lead the way back to his car. He put all your shopping bags in the trunk then held the passenger's side door open for you as you slid in. He then got in the driver’s seat and started driving.
He moved one hand over to your thigh and gently squeezed it, “I’m sorry the day had to be cut short. I didn’t want to end things so early.” You placed his hand over his and gently squeezed it, “there’s no need to apologize. I’m just glad I get to spend the day with you.” You leaned over and pressed a kiss to his stubbly cheek before resting back against your seat. He grazed your soft thigh with his thumb as he drove, something he always did when you sat in the passenger’s seat when he drove. He loved to keep his hands on you. You were silk, you were satin, you were every soft material he could think of and he needed to keep touching you.
The drive was relatively short and before you knew it you two were in the parking lot of the large building. He helped you out of the car then held your hand as you two made your way to the elevator. The elevator ride was short and you noticed how tense Kishibe grew. You gently squeezed his hand for comfort as the elevator stopped on the designated floor and he turned to give you a small smile. “Thank you.” His voice was low as you two walked out of the elevator and saw his men sorting drugs and counting cash. It was a sight you’ve grown used to since you started dating Kishibe. It was the lifestyle he lived and a lifestyle you lived as well.
He led you over to one of the areas where you could sit but still keep an eye on him while he handled business then turned to face you, taking your chin between his forefinger and thumb. “Okay doll, I just need you to sit here and look pretty while I handle business. You can do that for me right?” You nodded and tilted your head down a bit to press a kiss to his thumb. “Of course I can, now hurry back.”
He tilted your head back up and kissed you softly before leaving you to deal with whoever was incompetent. You went on your phone to look at some things you might want to add to your shopping cart and you could faintly hear your boyfriend. After 15 minutes he came back, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his knuckles were slightly bloody which meant that he had to get a little physical to get his point across, his eyebrows were knitted together, and his hand went into his pocket to grab his silver flask. After he took a swig he reached over for your hand and pulled you back to the elevator.
“Bastard was lucky I didn’t cut his fingers off and serve it to him on a fucking platter. Hell, he was lucky I was in a good mood or else he would’ve been sent to his parents in a box. Little shit crashed a truck with a million dollars worth of product.” He continued muttering all the things he would’ve done to make the guy pay for losing so much money and product. As the elevator reached the top floor you never thought there could be so many methods of violence that could work as repayment.
“We just need to go to my office so I can figure out how to make up for the loss and then we can go home, okay pretty girl?” He squeezed your hand as you nodded. “But first I need to clean your hands.” He chuckled and looked down at his hands, “haven’t used these to send a message in a while, thought I might’ve been a little rusty but I broke the guy’s nose on the first hit.”
He led you into his office and went to sit down behind his computer while you went to the attached bathroom to grab the first aid kit. You retrieved it then sat atop his desk in front of him, placing his hands on your lap while you took out everything you needed to clean them off. He watched you with a fond smile and caressed your thighs with whatever hand you weren’t cleaning. “Hm. I think I could find a better use of my time instead of trying to clean up this fuck up. Once you’re done cleaning my hands I want you on your knees, you always look so pretty with my cock in your mouth.”
You cleaned his hands a little quicker, making him chuckle. “Easy there, you’ll still get my cock. You need to do a good job cleaning my hands, then you can be my eager cockslut.” You slowed down your movements until his hands were completely cleaned off then settled between his legs. “Go on, take it out.” You sat up on your knees and undid his pants, pulling his half hard cock out.
“Go on, put that pretty mouth to good use. Maybe if you do good, I’ll fuck you on the balcony. Let everyone see how much of a whore you are.” Heat rose to your cheeks and a rush of arousal pooled at the pit of your stomach at his words. You gripped his cock in one hand while you leaned in and peppered open mouthed kisses along the length until it fully hardened. “Go on, you were eager before, get to it.”
He rested back against his chair watching as you took his hardened cock in your mouth. He let out low groans as you bobbed your head up and down, rolling your tongue along the underside of his length. He grabbed his phone and turned the camera on, pressing the red button on the bottom of the screen to start recording you. “Eyes up here, I want to record how messy you get when I fuck your face.”
He grabbed a handful of your hair and held you in place as he started thrusting up into your mouth. Your gags echoed through his office making him laugh. “You’ve taken my cock so much and yet you’re still gagging, how pathetic.” You whined around his cock at his words but they made even more arousal pool in the pit of your stomach. “My pathetic little cocksleeve, can’t even take my cock down her throat but still wants it in her messy cunt. I don’t think you even deserve it.”
He loved to tease you like this, it’ll always make you work just a little harder. But you both knew he couldn’t deny you, he wouldn’t be able to deny himself either. “Come on, cry for me. Let me see how messy you can get.” He started moving your head to meet his thrusts, your face quickly grew messy with tears and saliva running down your chin. “Fuck, look at you.” He brought the camera closer to your face, moving it in all directions so it could take in all your angles. The sight of you like this was enough to tip him over the edge, he pulled you off his cock and let go of your hair to start stroking his cock while he kept filming.
“Stick your tongue out.” Was all he could get out before ropes of cum started decorating your face. Only a little got on your tongue but it just made everything even hotter. He hissed and brought his cock to your face to smear the cum around then brought the camera closer to your face, “smile for the camera, come on, show how happy you are my little cum slut.” And you did exactly that, smiled brightly for him with cum all over your face. He stopped the recording and reached over to grab some tissues to clean you off. He cupped your chin and turned your head up to him as he wiped all the cum off. He leaned down to press a soft kiss to your lips then pulled back, “now get up, I’m not done with you.”
He helped you to your feet and let you head out to the balcony first while he went through his drawer to pull out the pocket knife you gifted him for his birthday. “Now I can put this to good use.” He walked over to you and gently pushed you closer to the railing, “hold on and bend over.” You did as he said, biting your lip in anticipation of his next move. The next thing you heard was a click which made you grow even more curious.
“Babe? What was that?” You turned slightly to look back at him and saw the sunlight reflect off the blade. “I’m making use of my birthday gift, now stay still. I don’t want to cut you.” He flipped your skirt up and traced the blade along the seam of your panties, tracing your cunt through the now see through fabric. A breath hitched in your throat but your cunt throbbed as he continued dragging the blade along your slit. You didn't have any worry about him cutting you, you’ve seen how skilled he is with a blade of any size.
“Please, please fuck me. I need your cock so badly.” Your tone came out more desperate than you wanted it to be but maybe it would convince him to give you what you needed. “Fine, since you’re so impatient.” He hooked his finger under the fabric to pull it away from your cunt and in one swift move he cut it open. Now, your pussy was on full display for him, he could see how you were practically dripping for him. “Fuck, even messier than I thought you would be. You really are a fiend for my cock.”
He chuckled and gripped his cock with his free hand while he placed the blade on a nearby chair. He then gripped your hip and slammed his cock into you, not even giving you a second to adjust before he started pounding into you at a brutal pace. His eyes widened a bit at how loud you were crying out for him, “wow, seems like you really want to get caught. Maybe I should just fuck you in front of my men since you want an audience.” He spanked you roughly and kept pounding into you.
“J-just want you! O-only want you!” He laughed and spanked you again before roughly gripping the flesh in his calloused hand. “I’ll believe you once you can form a coherent sentence. My dumb cock slut, the second my cock goes inside this tight cunt all your brain cells just leak out of you. But you don’t really need to think, do you? I just need to do all the thinking don't I?”
Your cunt gripped his cock tighter and tighter as the venom dripped from his tongue, turning you on more and more as each word reached your ears. You had a white knuckle grip on the railing while your legs trembled and shook like a newborn deer’s. Your mouth fell open, moans of his name was the only thing you could form coherently as he just continued to pound into you. Deep down you loved it when his men would fuck up, he would always fuck you rougher and you loved every single second of it.
“Just a little cum dump for me to use and make a mess of. I know that’s all you think about, when am I going to give you my cum next. Where my load will go when I do finally give it to you. That’s all that swirls around in that empty head, just my cock and my cum. Just cum for me and I’ll cover this perfect ass with my load.” Your eyes widened slightly, you didn’t want him to waste another load on you when it could just be inside you. You needed his cum inside you, you had to have it.
You shook your head and he raised an eyebrow. He let go of your hip and gripped another handful of your hair to pull your head back, “what is it? Why are you shaking your head?” He knew the answer, he knew what you wanted but he needed to hear it from you. He didn’t stop thrusting, why would he? He wasn’t going to make it easy for you to come up with a coherent answer. “Come on doll, I need an answer in a full sentence, I’m sure there’s one working brain cell left in there.”
Your mind was spinning due to the immense pleasure. You honestly couldn’t think about anything but what he was doing to you but you had to come up with something. You took a few breaths and tilted your head back a bit to try to meet his eyes. “Please cum inside me. Please, I want it inside.” You sounded so sweet, so desperate for him. You did what you wanted him to do so the least he could do was reward you. “Alright, go on and cum for me and I’ll fill you up, make this cunt even messier than what it is.” He let go of your hair and brought his hand to your clit, rubbing the bundle of nerves in tight circles. All it took was a few flicks of his hand and you were crumbling in his hands, crying out his name as you milked his cock for the cum that was about to fill you up.
“There we go, keep cumming for me.” He continued rubbing your clit while he thrusted a few more times. He slammed his hips against yours and filled you with his cum, he hunched over you a bit and pressed a few kisses along your clothed spine. You both panted while riding out your orgasms and he lifted himself up first. He waited for you to compose yourself then slowly pulled out of you. He tucked himself back in his pants and flipped your skirt back down since your panties were torn then moved next to you.
He pulled you in his arms and pressed a few kisses along your forehead until you lifted your head so he could properly kiss you. The stubble on his face poked your skin but you loved the feeling. He slowly pulled away and caressed your cheek. “Are you okay?” You wrapped your arms around his middle and smiled up at him, “I’m perfect.”
He chuckled and kissed you again. “Good, now let’s go home. I’ll have someone else handle this business, I still have some more frustration to release and my balls aren’t empty yet.” Your cheeks burned as you playfully smacked his chest. “You’re so dirty!” You teased and he chuckled as he held you close to him while walking back inside his office.
“They don’t call me a dirty old man for nothing. Now let’s go home.”
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xuzuitengenx · 1 year
Aki Hayakawa x Top Male Reader Oneshot (Wattpad)
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Character—Aki Hayakawa
After hearing the ambush on Division 4, M/N L/N came to the hospital to check up them, still wearing his Public Safety uniform as he just finished up his mission.
M/N came closer to a hospital room and saw a dirty blonde male standing in front of the door, holding on to the handle of the door as it seems like he is trying to listen.
M/N's footsteps caught the dirty blonde's attention, he moved away from the door.
"You here for Aki?" He asked, making M/N nod as he observed male in front of him carefully before going to the door and goes into the room.
Making M/N look at the owner of the voice. That's when he saw Aki with his hair down and he looked like he was crying before M/N came in.
"Hey.. I heard about Himeno." M/N softly said to him as he walks close to his hospital bed to sit on it, facing Aki.
Aki just looked down at his lap, seeing the unused cigarette there. His eyes started to tear up again. M/N looks at the male apologetically before putting his hand on Aki's tear stained cheek, caressing his cheek tenderly.
Aki looks up at M/N, tears threatening to fall out at any moment. M/N's face came closer to Aki's, their lips soon making contact.
Aki closed his eyes which made the tears in his eyes fall, slightly returning the kiss that soon M/N broke, his hand now holding Aki's hand.
"How about this.. when you get released from the hospital, I'll handle dinner and-"
M/N was cut off with a short sweet kiss from Aki. "Thank you, M/N.." He says, silently loving the comfort M/N is giving.
The door open up abruptly, revealing two people with scars on their face who are also wearing public safety uniforms.
"Hello." "Pardon us."
M/N and Aki looked at the door.
"Oh. Is this a bad time- Woah, M/N?" The female questions the man in front of her.
"Hey, Michiko.. Yutaro. I'll be out of your hair." M/N said, getting up from the bed before looking back at Aki.
"I'll see you later." M/N said with a smile before leaving the room.
"Who are you?" Aki asks the people in front of him.
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thekillingmoonmoon · 1 year
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Pairing: Kishibe x Fem!Reader Warnings: NSFW, oral (f. receiving), discussion of virginity, loss of virginity i think, jealousy Synopsis: after months of pining, something perfect falls into place Length: 2 k
I got sweet taste for men who are older It's always been so, it's no surprise Ah, he's in the sky with diamonds And he's making me crazy (I come alive, alive) All he wants to do is party with his pretty baby
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He was close, too close. Close enough to smell his cologne, the thick scent of cinnamon smoke and heady musk. “Sir?” you asked, stepping back, your spine sizzling up the wall behind you. You looked up at him, into those dark depthless eyes that you so desperately loved. “What’s he to you?” He grunted, the scar severing his mouth twitching downwards as if he didn’t like what he was saying. “Who?” You were genuinely confused, thinking back to the past night, to the gut-churning feeling of anxiety when you saw Himeno getting close to Kishibe.
“That punk, Aki,” You raised your eyebrows. “Aki? He’s just a co-worker,” You explained, “He and Denji are funny together.” “He doesn’t look at you like ‘just a co-worker’,” Kishibe sighed, stepping further into your space. “What do you mean?” you tilted your head, gulping down the bubbling lust that brewed in your stomach. “Because he looks at you the same way I look at you,” Kishibe planted a hand beside your head, leaning in, “like he wants you,” He rumbled, leaning in until his face was a soft single breath away. “You..” your breath caught in your throat, “you want me?” you asked, your voice wavering with how close he was. “More than you can imagine,” Kishibe admitted, “More than I ever imagined,” his other hand came up, and he ran his knuckles across your cheek, stroking his rough fingertips along your jaw. His thumb brushed over your lower lip, and you gasped. “You’re not stopping me,” he stated, and you shook your head, you caught a glimmer deep in his shadowed eyes.
His kiss was gentle, just the brush of his lips over yours, skimming the taste of whisky and lust as he watched your eyes flutter closed. His second move was surer, an actual press of his lips to yours, searching, seeking. His hand cupped your jaw, tilting your face towards his hungry mouth, his tongue swiping at your lower lip, and at your hushed gasp, he pushed his tongue into your mouth, past your teeth. The sound you made only spurred him on further, a half keen, half moan, all wanton need for him. The hand on the wall travelled down to your waist, his huge hand spreading warmth through your body, jostling you closer until your body was pressed firmly against his. Your breasts pushed against his chest, and he fought the urge to pull you tighter, tighter, until you were part of him, filling the space behind his ribcage, where his heart thundered. Your hands were ginger, first, palms on his chest, curling into his crisp white shirt, and then travelling up to his neck, roughing your knuckles in the short hairs of his undercut. He was so hot against your body, engulfing you, his jacket enfolding you into his breast. You sighed, letting him bite your lower lip with a whimper and he groaned, “Don’t make those noises,” he tilted your head, running his nose along your jaw, his mouth dizzyingly close to your fluttering pulse, “I won’t be able to stop,” he warned, and you flickered your eyes open, letting him see that your pupils were blown as wide as his. “Don’t stop,” you whispered, clutching at his collar, tenderly laying a soft kiss on his scar. He laid a trail of hot, open-mouthed kisses down your neck, sucking your skin until he was sure your skin would bear the dark blooms of his desire the next day. He reached for your tie, fumbling with your tie before slipping it from your neck, he grabbed your hands and lifted them over your head. You paused, stiffening against him, your soft body suddenly trembling against him.
“What is it, sweetheart?” he grabbed your chin and forced it to look at him. You were hot, skin flushed with the feel of him. You closed your eyes, and scrunched shut as you softly confessed, “I,” you gulped, “I’m not suitable for you,” your bottom lip trembled, swollen and plush. “Bullshit,” Kishibe grumbled, “give me a better excuse.” “It’s not an excuse!” you protested, “I’m, I’m not experienced,” you admitted. Kishibe found his lower stomach tightening at your gentle admission, whispered between gritted teeth as he held you with your hands above your head. He, uncharacteristically, kissed your cheek, hoping he conveyed enough emotion to show that he didn’t really care, all he cared about was you, and you coming completely undone for him. “Doesn’t matter,” he muttered, he kissed the other cheek. You gulped. “I’m, I’m a virgin,” you finally confessed, peeking below your lashes at his reaction. His jaw dropped slightly and you wanted to recoil, but his hold on you was too much, your raw strength no match for his power. “Really now?” he murmured, leaning further in, “You telling me I’m gonna be your first?” he asked, and you nodded. “If-If you want to be,” you stuttered, all your bravado falling away as you looked down.
Kishibe kissed you. Softly this time, warm and languid, his lips conveying all his words couldn’t. That it was okay, that he wanted you, that he needed you. You let out the smallest of whines, and he swallowed it down, nipping at your bottom lip and sinking his tongue into your waiting mouth. He dropped your hands, letting you curl your arms around his neck, swooning into his hold. He finally let his hands wander your body, confident now that he was touching you in ways no other person had known you. He got to your hips and groped your flesh, revelling in the quiet whimper that escaped your mouth. He moved to your neck, sure that no square inch of skin was gone without a mark of his love, his lust. He lifted a hand from your hips and began popping the buttons, exposing your silken skin to his heady gaze. He trailed his fingers down your front, his rough fingertips grazing the soft skin of your sternum and stomach. He reached down and cupped your cunt, drinking down the surprised mewl that wormed its way past your lips. He ran his fingers up the seam of your pants, feeling the heat of you as you squirmed in his arms. His thumb brushed right where your clit was, and your hips shuddered, and he bit down on the velvet skin of your neck. He left you, his body warmth flooding away as he took your hand in his. He led you to his bedroom, stepping past the threshold you had never trespassed, into the sacred chamber of the beast. He turned when you hesitated, pulling you to him and kissing you firmly on the mouth, spinning you until you fell backwards onto his bed. He crawled over you, surrounding your body with the cage of his arms, his chest pressed to yours, his hands exploratory as they wandered your soft curves. “Let me see you,” he commanded, spilling your shirt over your shoulders and tossing it away into the room, his hands coming up to cup your bra. His fingers slithered around your back, flicking open the clasp of your bra and letting the straps fall forward into his grasp. He pulled the garment free of your arms, grumbling when you hugged your arms around yourself and hid from view.
“Stop that,” he hissed, wrestling your arms above your head and pushing you back down onto the mattress. You flushed, hot and embarrassed as you turned away from his stare. His hands were calloused and rough against your smooth skin, sliding up your ribcage and cupping your breasts. “Fuck,” he grunted, reaching down and kissing the top curve of your breast, “look at you,” he kneaded the skin, watching as his ministrations worked their magic on you. You squirmed, peeking up at him through wet eyes as both of his hands came down to play with your tits. “Such pretty tits,” he leaned down and took a nipple in his mouth, sucking hard and watching your eyes go hazy. He sucked blooming bruises beneath your skin, marking up your chest until you were nothing but a panting mess between his thighs. He undid your belt and zipper, pulling down your pants and revealing the pair of soft white lace panties you were wearing. A string of obscenities fell from his chapped lips, his fingers running along the seam of the garment, slipping beneath the elastic to tease your skin. It tickled, and you bent your knees to escape his teasing touch. “Don’t run from me, sweetheart,” he warned, and you peered at him from where he crouched between your legs. He tucked his fingers below the waistband and pulled down, exposing your virgin cunt to his penetrative gaze. You wanted to close your legs, suddenly so aware of how clothed he was, and how unclothed you were. “Kishibe –“ you started but a thick finger perpendicular to the seam of your lips silenced you. “Daddy,” he corrected, and you grew hot, your cheeks pricking with heat as you looked up at him. “Open your legs for me, princess,” he instructed, and you obeyed, looking away as your thighs split open to his dark stare. “Perfect,” he cooed, reaching out and trailing his fingers through your folds. You started, curling in on his hand in fright. “D-daddy,” you stammered out, and a warm hand pushed you gently back onto his bed. “Hush, doll,” he said, nudging your knees apart again and settling between your legs, “Let Daddy spoil you,” he leaned down and gave your clit a soft kiss. “You don’t have to – “ you began, but broke off as he lapped a long stripe up your cunt, “Oh,” you breathed, your thighs already twitching beside his head. He slung your thighs over his shoulders and swung an arm over your hips, effectively pinning you into place. “Now, stay still for me, sweetheart,” he commanded, before sucking over your clit. You immediately tensed, so unused to the warm wet feeling of someone’s mouth on your pussy. Kishibe teased your entrance, lapping at the edge until you began to clench around nothing, eventually pushing his tongue into your cunt and humming. You couldn’t help yourself, couldn’t help the string of pearled whimpers and cries that came from your open mouth. He lapped and sucked at your pulsing pussy, drawing little moans from your lips as he fucked you on his tongue. Your hips twitched, bucking your pelvis into his face, but his arm held you down, keeping you still as he began sucking a slow rhythm on your clit. You buzzed, full of honeyed static and slow slurs of Kishibe’s name, his moniker, all whilst he worked you over with his mouth. You could feel your lower stomach tighten, tighter than you had ever managed before, building pressure until you felt like you could burst. “What – what’s going on?” you panicked, dizzy and drowning in the alien feeling.
“You’re close, princess,” Kishibe spoke around your clit, sucking harder and harder until you burst, losing yourself into the oblivion of the heady sucking and slurping of Kishibe worshipping your cunt. You tumbled, seeing white sparks as your body bowed for Kishibe. You came hard, your whole body tightening and then releasing with a shudder, your legs shivering and shaking beside Kishibe’s head. He bit softly into the silky skin of your inner thigh, lapping at your release until you were squirming away from him. He sat up and looked at you, dizzy and lost in a hazy daydream as you lay before him. He leaned over you and gave you a slow, sure kiss, pumping his tongue and your tart sweetness into your mouth until you were breathless, hands clawing at his bag. “You did so good for me,” he rubbed your upper thighs, watching as you blinked blearily at him, “Was that the first time you’ve ever cum?” he rasped and you nodded shyly. “Good girl,” he stood, and you could still see his cock straining against his pants. You tried to sit up but failed, still sagging and deflated from your first orgasm. He placed his palm on your chest and pushed you back. “Not tonight, doll. I want to take my time ruining you.”
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I do not own Chainsaw Man, or any of the related characters. Chainsaw Man is created and owned by Tatsuki Fujimoto. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of Chainsaw Man belong to Tatsuki Fugimoto. Please do not copy, re-use, or distribute this work as your own
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meownotgood · 1 year
heaven is a bedroom. / hayakawa aki
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Aki loves you. He loves you, he loves you, he loves you, and on mornings like these, giving his love to you is really the only thing that matters.
pairing: hayakawa aki x reader
word count: 5.3k
tags: 18+, reader is fem bodied, fingering, praise, creampie, aki is a huge softie, tender and intimate morning sex
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Your warmth is always the first thing to greet him whenever he awakes. 
The beginnings of sunlight peek through the gaps in the blinds, casting thin golden ribbons over the bed to frame your form and his. Aki's eyes flutter open, they adjust to the light, your arms around him tug him even closer to yourself. His thoughts swirl as he drowns in your body pressed against his, his muscles relax and the covers beg for him not to move. 
Aki whispers a soft good morning into your ear, his voice drowsy, his head still filled with sleepy, heavy fog. The sheets rustle when he snuggles closer, burying his head into the nape of your neck. You're so warm. 
His heart beats to a steady rhythm, his breathing is deep, slow. Carefully, he glides his palm under your shirt to rub circles onto your back; his hand pressed to your bare skin gives him the feeling of closeness to you he always seems to crave. 
The dreamy haze of the morning feels like home, it smells like the sharp, morning air and the scent of Aki's freshly washed, velvet-soft sheets. His fluffy covers envelop the two of you, the mattress dips to hold you snug; it's cozy, familiar. Sleep still muddles your mind, weighing down your bones. You whisper sweet nothings into his ear: quiet, tender little I love you's, and Aki can't help but sigh and cup your cheek, pulling your head towards his, and then leaning in to press his lips to your own. 
Love is a foreign concept to a sinner. Love is a privilege, it was never meant for someone like him. It isn't for a body scarred by devils, or for a heart that's been mended together. It's still something Aki is trying to grasp, it's still something he's not sure he even deserves. He's learning how to love more and more with each passing day. The only thing he's come to be sure of is that you are his salvation, and if love means anything to him, it's the way the letters of your name form around his lips. 
It's the way your kiss always feels like a fire in his chest, your soft lips on his and your tongue in his mouth. Love is in the way you whisper, Aki, I need you the moment he pulls away, out of breath. Your face is warm, your voice is desperate, and God, he needs you too. He needs to give you his love, the world, the rising sun, and his heart on a silver platter — He needs to give you absolutely everything. 
The day is beginning — It's arriving slowly, gently, with Aki's mouth on your neck, and when the only thing he cares about is what's happening right this second. Not his responsibilities, not his job, not his mission. Not anything he's supposed to do once the cusp of morning gives way to the daytime. Nothing else exists when it's just him, and it's just you.
He places gentle kisses down your nape, over your collarbones, and then onto your shoulders. His hands glide down your sides, his rough palms feel the curves and dips of your shape. He tries his best to memorize them. He wants to see you even if he went blind. He wants to know you even if he lost himself.
You feel his fingertips toy with the hem of your pajama bottoms, and when he looks up at you, eyelids heavy, gaze utterly lovesick, he asks in a smooth, deep tone, "Are you alright? Is it okay if I go a bit further?"
You're nodding as soon as he speaks, swiftly giving him permission to continue, and with gentle, hesitant movements, eyes still locked onto yours, Aki tugs your sweatpants down your legs. 
"Lift your hips for me, just a bit." He instructs, palms caressing your thighs before his fingers loop around your underwear, "There we go. I'm gonna take these off too, sweetheart. Hold still for me."
And when he does, pulling your underwear off and tossing it to his bedroom floor, your thighs are promptly pressing to each other. Aki holds them tenderly, his hands warm, his touch delicate. 
"You're okay. I want to see you, I wanna see how pretty you are. Can you show me?" With one hand, he reaches up, his fingers grasp your chin for a second and he coaxes you to look at him; his gaze is deep, his voice is reassuring, resolute — "Open your legs just a little. Don't worry, I'll take good care of you. I promise."
When your legs are bare and spread a bit, and when your body relaxes, Aki sits up, quickly grasping his shirt and tugging it over his head. His chest and his shoulders are littered with faded scars, his ribcage is fit with a few fresh, tender bruises; it's a sight you've grown used to seeing. You've traced those scars of his on countless nights before, you've tended to his newest wounds when he arrives home late in the night from another gruesome mission.
He leans over you, one hand cupping your jaw, the other massaging your thigh, his thumb rubbing circles into your skin. You reach up and brush his messy hair behind his ears, you fiddle with the pretty circular piercing on his lobe. 
Aki melts to your touch. His shoulders relax; he gives the tip of your nose a feather-light kiss, and then grabs your hand when it comes to rest on his cheek. He kisses the space where your palm meets your wrist. 
"Can I touch you?" He speaks softly, sweetly, he's mouthing the words into your arm, he's kissing every inch of your skin. You can hear his voice in your chest, you can feel it echo inside of your heart: "Where is it okay for me to touch?" You can understand the words he's left unspoken, too — I don't want to hurt you. I love you. 
Your hand grabs his, your fingers brush over his calloused knuckles, and you're leading him. You get lost in the deep blue of his eyes, in the way he draws his bottom lip between his teeth when you guide his hand to drift between your legs, in how his breath hitches and his expression softens, his cheeks tinged rosy once you press his fingers to your waiting cunt. 
"Right here? You want me to touch you here?" 
Aki swallows thickly, his Adam's apple bobs in his throat. He drags his middle finger over your pussy, and he soaks the digit in your slick. You're dripping out onto him, making a mess of his hand. His fingertip is wet and sticky when he toys with your clit. He rubs in slow, faint circles, his breath comes out shaky, and he can't help but grin a little when your body shivers and your hips buck into his touch. 
"You're so sensitive… I've barely touched you." Aki coos, nearly in disbelief, his voice a bit breathless; even with your eyes shut tight, you can hear the smile in his tone, his half-hearted laugh when your thighs close around his arm, the stutter in his breathing when you whine his name in the form of a plea. 
He continues to play with your clit, he leans down until his hair is tickling your cheek and his breath is hot on the shell of your ear. "Tell me what you need from me. I know you need me, so tell me. I want to hear you say it." 
His lips placing tiny kisses on your ear and his two fingers spreading your pussy are ample distractions, but you're somehow able to choke out just what he's looking for: Need you to touch me more, need your fingers inside, please, Aki.
And in no time at all, Aki gives you just that — He teases your entrance for a moment, he revels in the way you shake when he presses just the tip of his finger inside. When you're this desperate for him, he can't leave you waiting for long, and so he eases it in all the way, he crooks it into your sweet spot just slightly, just enough to make you sigh.
"That's it," He whispers, "Do you want another?" 
You mutter some desperate mhmm's, and Aki slowly pulls his middle finger out, aligning it with his ring before pressing both back deep inside you, nice and slow, teasingly, almost. You're filled with two of Aki's thick fingers, he's stretching you out around them as he slowly pumps them in, and then out. 
"There we go… Just like that. You're taking them well. You're so perfect." 
Aki fucks you with his fingers lovingly, languidly and carefully. He grips your waist tightly with his free hand. You're so wet, you're getting his fingers soaked, it's so easy for him to pump them inside you; his cock stiffens in his briefs at the thought, he feels himself throb when you cry out his name. Tingles shoot up his spine when you tangle your fingers in his hair and grip the strands hard. 
"S-Shit," Aki kisses your cheek, and then your forehead. It's taking all of his strength not to grind himself against you, especially when he's aching so bad, when he's so hard he can feel his dick sitting heavy in his sweatpants. You always do this to him, you get him so worked up when he hasn't even been touched; even just the anticipation of being touched by you makes him want to cum. 
But he doesn't, his breath is ragged and he's losing his composure but he focuses on pleasing you, he curls his fingers right into the spot that makes you melt for him. You buck into him once more, his hand finds the small of your back when it arches. Your body molds into his touch, you moan to the tune of his fingers inside you and God, Aki could never get enough of this. 
"You're so pretty, look at you," Aki is just as worked up as you are, he can hardly speak, his breath is warm when it fans over your face, "Baby, are you close? Let go for me, I've got you, I love you." 
You're falling apart on his fingers then, you're getting his hand slick and messy, and Aki loves you through it; he rubs your clit with his thumb, he kisses every inch of your neck, he presses his forehead to yours and slows the pace of his fingers. He closes his eyes, gasping, "That's it, that's it… So good, it feels so good to make you cum…" 
You're given a few moments to calm down and rest, your thoughts focused on Aki's shallow breathing before slowly, he drags his fingers out of you. He looks up to you, he asks, Are you okay? and when you answer with a nod, he's bringing his sticky fingers to his mouth. You watch through a half-lidded gaze as he tastes you with his eyes fluttered shut, his lips closed around his knuckles as he sucks on them, his tongue swirling around the digits as he tastes your sweetness.
"Wanna kiss you again. C'mere." — Fingers soaked in his spit, he reaches down to press them to your clit, and he rubs it gently while he captures you in a deep kiss, his mouth parted until you're tasting yourself on his tongue. 
He's swiftly fumbling to pull down his pants in between sloppy kisses, he exhales little groans into your mouth. There's a moment of reprieve when he pulls away to catch his breath and his gaze meets yours, his sweatpants halfway down his thighs, his cheeks red, his bangs messy over his face. His eyes flicker over your face, he hesitates for a few seconds. 
"You're everything to me," He says, and he's so genuine, so hopelessly in love, "Did you know that?" 
You can't help but smirk, push on his chest playfully, and reply, "Of course." 
Honestly, how could you not know? Aki would take a bullet for you and you know it, he'd give you his heart right out of his chest if yours ever stopped beating, but all you want to do is keep him safe. The only thing you've ever wanted since you met him, since you first held his cold hands in your own and told him you loved him was to see him smile just like this, a dumb grin on his face as he rubs your head and softly pushes you back. 
All you've wanted is to give him a taste of comfort and simplicity, of everything he's always wanted but has never had. You wished to have a quiet life with him that consists of love and nothing more, nothing complicated, nothing grief-stricken. All you've ever desired out of him is whatever he's willing to give you, and if there's one thing you know, it's that Aki longs to provide you with everything you need. 
So that's why when he's muttering something in your ear about getting up and making breakfast, you're tugging him closer by his arms, you're running your palms over his chest and his stomach, you're feeling the shape of his abs and the curve of his hips. His breath gets a little faster, he wraps his arms around your back and rests his head on your shoulder. 
Aki, we can make breakfast later. I need more, and you need more too, don't you? 
"I-" Aki's hips shift, he stalls and swallows the lump in his throat before nuzzling his nose into your skin, inhaling your familiar, comforting scent. Finally, he admits, "Yeah. I want to keep going, can we?" 
Your palm reaches his boxers; you cup his half-hard cock in your hand and it's so warm, already so thick. Aki sighs, eagerly rutting into your touch without even thinking. His lips ghost over your jaw, he reaches down and grabs your hand, caressing the back of it as he presses it firmer to himself. 
His breath is shaky and quiet. He guides you to wrap your fingers around the hem of his briefs and tug them down, he's trembling a little as he brings your hand to his cock and shows you how to fist it, coaxing glossy precum from his slit. It oozes down his shaft, it gets your hand and his own slick and wet. He groans and whines your name so softly you almost don't hear it.
You repeat his name back to him: Aki… 
"God," Aki's voice is close to your ear, he's breathing hard and heavy, "Your hand… It's so soft, it feels so good- Please, I need more, need to give you some more…" He moves his hips, thrusting himself into your grip, "Need to give you my c-cock, you deserve it, don't you?" 
His voice stutters around the words, he gasps when you let go of him and push his hand away, securing your legs around the small of his back. 
You deserve it, of course you do. You've become everything to him, you've turned into the reason why he keeps going. You have shown more love to him than the entire universe has. He would fall deeper into each circle of hell just to be with you — but your touch is something holy, you're his idea of an angel, and you take him to the heavens, to a place between the sky and the stars where there's no chance of coming down and thankfully, he would never want to. 
You deserve anything and everything. Someone as important to him as you, who showed him what it's like to love and be loved, who cared for him when he was sinking, and when he was drowning, who loved him even more so; someone like you is deserving of his utter devotion, so that's what he's gonna give to you. 
Aki grips your waist tightly. He kisses your lips once more, for longer this time. The head of his cock teases your entrance, his lips taste like they're dripping with honey. 
He pulls away, he cups your cheek softly, he stares into your eyes. His chest heaves as he quietly asks, "Are you ready? You're alright with this, aren't you? I'll stop if you need me to."
Your response comes immediately and unwaveringly: Yes, and it's alright. Are you alright, Aki? 
"Yeah, more than alright, definitely." Aki's face goes soft, his eyes become glazed over with affection. "I love you. I'll be gentle. I want to make you happy, sweetheart. That's all I care about." 
As you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in for another kiss, Aki can't wait any longer — He holds you by your waist while he slowly eases himself inside of you, he gasps into your mouth, he kisses you a little harder. He fills you slowly, tenderly, he gives you the chance to adjust to how he feels inside you, and he lifts you by your hips to get a better angle. 
"God, fuck, you're-" Aki's words are nothing more than messy slurs into your mouth, and he moans before tearing himself away and breathing in a long, shaky breath to regain his bearings. 
"I… I want to give you all of it. I wanna be all the way inside you, is that okay? Can you take it?" 
Mhmm. For him, you can take it, you can do so much better than that. You smile, and you beg, Give me more. 
So he does: Aki presses in to the hilt, he fills you with everything he has. You feel so amazing around him, it feels so fucking good to be all the way inside, to feel you all around him, to be connected. Your cunt is squeezing him, you're tight and warm and it's perfect, all at once. His hips are shoved against your own, he wraps his arms around you and holds you close. His head falls to your shoulder and he exhales a hot, heavy breath. 
Aki gasps, "Love you, I love you."
He could stay like this forever. He could spend the rest of the days he has left just like this, your body pressed close to his, the two of you cuddled up while he fills you. He could enjoy this lovely form of intimacy with every last fiber of his soul, he could show you each part of himself, until you and him are one in every conceivable way. There's nothing he wants more than that. There's no-one he adores more than you. 
The sun has risen higher in the sky, the bedroom is filled with even more pockets of light and sections of warmth. If he had it his way, this is how Aki would spend every single morning: making love to you so you know his heart is yours. 
"Feels so good, so good," Aki holds you closer, his breathing begins to steady, "I really love you, I love you so much." 
His hips start up a very careful, shallow rhythm; he stays deep inside, and he's barely moving, barely rutting into you, but even just this is enough to make him whine, his voice loud, high-pitched. It's enough to compel him to grab your hand in his own and squeeze it tightly, lacing his fingers around yours. His body on top of yours has you caged in, but when it's Aki, it's a comfortable kind of feeling. You feel safe when you're under him.
He nips at your neck, he leaves impressions of his teeth that he's sure he'll admire later when the two of you are getting dressed. When this moment ends, he'll kiss your lips and each one of the marks he's left as he's buttoning up your shirt. He'll rest his head on your shoulder and rub your thighs if they're sore while you both brush your teeth. You'll sit in his lap while he sips his coffee, and maybe you'll end up falling asleep on him, leaving Aki to hold you and ignore the rest of the world for just a little while longer. 
"So good to me, you're so beautiful," Aki pulls away from your neck, he pushes himself up with his hands and stares at you beneath him. His long hair frames his face, his earrings glint in the early morning light. His pupils are blown, the deep blue of his iris captures the sun, like the way the horizon meets the sea.
He's blushing hard, all the way to the tips of his ears, his face is a warm shade of red. Sweat keeps his bangs sticking to his forehead, droplets drip down his chest and his collarbones. 
"You're pretty," Aki mumbles between staggered breaths, and he smiles ever-so slightly, "You're always pretty." 
You could say the same thing about him. 
Then, he starts to move a bit faster; he takes his time dragging his cock nearly all the way out, until you're filled with just the fat head. He takes a deep breath in, and he eases it back inside, giving you everything nice and deep before repeating the process again, and again. His eyelashes flutter, his eyebrows pinch — "You feel so amazing," Aki sighs, "Like heaven." 
It feels so good when he's fucking you like this. There's something about the way Aki makes love to you that does it for you every time. He's so gentle, he ruts into you with deep, slow rolls of his hips. He would never hurt you, and he knows how to please you: he's memorized it ever since the first night you gave yourself to him.
And there's something about the way you feel, warm and divine and like everything Aki thinks he's ever needed. There's something about the way you look when he's deep inside you, how you stare at him like you trust him, like you're in love with him. You tug him closer and say his name like he's precious, and he's sure this is what it feels like to have someone be made for you.
You're his destiny, you always were. He knows that sounds stupid. But you probably will be his in the afterlife, or whatever life comes after this one, too. There is no chance in hell it could be anyone but you. 
His eyes flicker from your face to between your legs, he watches how your expression changes each time he thrusts deep inside, he looks downward and fixates on the sight of your cunt taking his cock. His bed creaks and shifts a little with each of his movements. The quiet sound of skin hitting skin echoes with your gasps, and with his desperate groans. 
"Say my name again," Aki says abruptly, and his bottom lip quivers, his whole body shudders and tenses, "I wanna hear you say it."
You nod, you mumble his name into his ear, you wrap your arms around his back and trace the scars between his shoulder blades while you murmur it softly. Say it again, Aki begs, and you work your fingers through his hair from the back of his neck and mutter it more, you chant his name over and over again when he breathlessly asks, Once more, once more for me, please.
You cry out for him when he presses into you hard, you gasp and toss your head back into the pillows. For him, it's all for him, and that makes his heart swell and his head spin, it makes his dick throb inside.
You can feel him in your stomach, you can feel how his cock twitches and his thighs shake every time the syllables of his own name leave your mouth. You can hear his lovesick whines, you can smell his enveloping scent, so rich and familiar. His lips pepper your jaw with insistent kisses, he whimpers from the pleasure, from the intensity. Tears prick at the corners of his eyes and threaten to spill with each tender thrust into you.
He's getting closer, he's fucking you sloppier, his moans are getting louder, needier.
"I love you," Aki chokes out; his voice breaks at the end, and it's taken on a sweet sort of tone, the tone only you get to hear, only when he's falling apart at the seams. And when you say it back, when you tell him you love him, he can't help but lift your thighs and grip your waist and fuck you deeper. 
"F-Fuck, sweetheart-" He gasps out your name, and his heart pounds faster, so hard it feels like it might beat right out of his chest, "I'm close, I'm so close, I'm gonna cum, I wanna cum with you-" 
Your legs wrap around his back and pull him in, you hold his cheek and kiss him softly. Aki kisses back with trembling lips, with muffled noises into your mouth and meager gasps for air. His eyes meet yours when he pulls away, and they're glazed over with lust, his eyelids are heavy and drooping.
Cum inside me, please, Aki? 
Aki stutters, his face blushes even deeper and he dips his head to hide it. But he nods, he doesn't think twice before he answers, "I will, I'll cum inside you baby, I will."
His pace is sloppy, he can't stop gasping, and with one more look into your pretty eyes, his fingers grasping your chin, he's falling into you. He's wrapping his arms around your figure and holding you close, he's dragging his lips over your ear and grabbing your hand.
"Oh G-God, I love you, I love you, I love you more than anything," The tension is building and building, it's about to snap, and before he knows it, Aki is thrusting into you faster, more desperately — He's got tears in his eyes, his heart is skipping incessantly. 
He presses his body to yours as close as he can get, his pelvis ruts against your clit, "I'm cumming, I'm cumming, 'm gonna give it to you- Cum with me, cum with me please." 
Aki squeezes your hand, his fingers tremble, he falls from the edge at the same time he brings you to it; he kisses your lips as you fall apart around each other. He feels you pulse around him, he pumps you full of his warm cum — It drips from your cunt and dirties the sheets as he fucks you through his orgasm. 
His breath is shaky, loud, his hips start to slow. He keeps his forehead pressed to yours, and you can feel his tears on your skin: little wet droplets that fall from his eyelashes to soak your cheeks. His voice is weak, he whispers sweet nothings as he starts to come down: I love you, I love you, love you so much… You're so perfect, so good, you make me feel so good. Just breathe, just breathe… I love you. I really, really love you. 
Eventually, pleasure makes way to exhaustion, and after pulling out of you slowly, with a deep, tired exhale, Aki collapses on top of you. His weight pins you to the mattress, his body is warm and slick with sweat, he smells like sex and like a scent that's so undeniably him it makes you feel at home. You can feel his heart beating in his chest; it's slowing down, it's beginning to sync with the rhythm of your own. 
For a while, there's nothing. Just the two of your bodies pressed infinitely close, just Aki's arms sprawled around you and his figure on top of your own. Your hand is still in his, you're comfortable and tired. His deep breath in your ear starts to lull you back to sleep, light creeps in through the curtains and illuminates the room even further. The alarm clock on his dresser ticks, ticks. You turn your head to look at the screen. It's just past 10 in the morning.
You wiggle your arm out from under him, and your hand comes to grip his shoulder, you shake him a little. "Aki," You start, and he grumbles into your ear. "Come on. We should get up." 
Aki shifts (remarkable, since you were sure he wouldn't even move), and he opens his eyes slowly while he pushes himself up off of you. His vision is blurry, it swirls with stars and static. It takes a few more blinks for it to return to normal. 
He sounds so genuine when he says that, so confused and honest you can't hide the big smile forming on your face. 
You answer, "Because it's time to get out of bed, dummy. You don't want to?" 
"No," Aki pulls off you, the mattress shakes when he flops onto his back beside you. He folds his hands over his chest, his dark hair fans out over the pillows and he stares at the ceiling. "I want to stay in bed all day." 
You prop yourself up on your elbow, staring at him. Strands of his hair are sticking up everywhere, his chest is rising and falling to calm, steady rhythm. "Is that an attempt at sarcasm?"
Aki shrugs. "Maybe. It depends if you also want to stay in bed all day." 
He tilts his head towards you, he catches your gaze for a few fleeting seconds, and you roll your eyes. You don't respond, and Aki watches as you instead reach over to the nightstand and grab his hair tie, then his lighter. You're about to fall into the usual after-sex routine, where you place a cigarette between his lips and light it for him, where he ties up his messy hair, and when he takes smoke into his lungs and breathes it into the air with you right beside him — but Aki stops you before you can pull one of the cigarettes from the package.
"Wait," He reaches out, he grips your wrist. His gaze meets yours again, his eyes soft, his cheeks rosy. "I'll smoke later. I wanna hold you. Just c'mere." 
You freeze, but in the end, you're placing the box of cigarettes and the sky-blue lighter back on the edge of the nightstand and curling up by Aki's side, your head on his chest, his arm around you. He kisses the crown of your head, he grabs the blankets and tugs them over you to keep you warm. He relaxes back into the soft, velvet sheets. 
You can hear the sound of his heartbeat, the lull of his quiet breathing. You're trying to stay awake, but you're quickly falling back asleep, and Aki rubs your back soothingly, he feels you start to still.
He's back right where he started now, with you in his arms. 
He'll get up later. Soon, you'll both be ready to start the day, he'll help you clean up and get comfy clothes on, he'll have his morning cigarette on the balcony while you run a warm bath. He'll make breakfast for you like he promised, he'll eat with you across from him, with you kicking at his feet from under the table to make him smile. He doesn't have much to do today, thankfully. He doesn't have to work. You'll spend the day together, just as you began it together.
Just not right now. He's going to let you sleep for a while longer, he's decided. He'll stare at the sunlight on the walls and enjoy this moment for as long as you'll allow him to. It's funny, this morning isn't even over yet, and he's already sitting here thinking about the next one.
Aki is sure he wants to spend every single morning like this from now on.
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uzurakis · 22 days
Who’s ur fav jjk character and why? who’s your least?
nonnie thanku for the question lmfao i’ve never gotten this question before <3 let’s talk abt it! (it’s gonna be a lil’ bit long but thank you for letting me rant about my favs lololol)
it does not come as a surprise that my most favorite character in jjk is.. megumi fushiguro. fun fact: when i first read jjk, the one that got my attention was actually sukuna but the second time i read it, this guy really captivated me with all of his qualities. so for 4 consecutive years in the jjk fandom and outside, my number one spot of anime man hasn’t been replaced, it has always been him (i am devoted for the rest of my life, quite literally). i even got a plushie of him, 2 figurines, 2 keychains, 2/3 manga version of him as the cover (in diff languages). yeah.. that’s my obsession i think.. (i got a thing for emo ass family/sibling issues and anger issues typa character) ((read: aki from csm, sasuke from naruto, rin from bllk, etc))
my second spot is definitely itadori yuuji! our mc and ball of sunshine <3 he’s just too adorable and well, i really love his character development over the manga. third spot goes to suguru geto. i didn’t really pay attention to him before i started writing him in this jjk blog. i just enjoy depicting his character then boom i’ve been into him since, so not much of a background story besides he’s hella boyfriend and hella beautiful. my honorable mention is zenin maki! the way i went nuts when i saw the leaks of her post-shibuya with her hair and scars.. aah she’s SO badass
now.. for the LEAST fav character.. i think i don’t have one? i don’t hold grudges towards the character for what they’ve done in the plot because everyone has a reason and their place yk. kenjaku? not really. toji? he’s not as a deadbeat father as the fandom makes him. mahito? nah they’re just a goofy character that gets on the nerves but i never feel any kind of despise towards them. so, in conclusion, i don’t have a least favorite character lmao
how about u nonnie? i wanna hear your take on this. once again thanku for the question cause you gave me a reason to rant abt my favs <33
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chainsawctopus · 2 years
any beam hcs i lovehim 🥹so much
I don't have much for Beam so far actually, so I'll make shit up rn LMAODSFK - Denji: Hey Beam, do you eat fish food pellets or Aki: Denji what the hell you're not supposed to ask stuff like th- Beam: I LOVE FISH FOOD!! FISH FOOD AMAZING!!! FISH FOOD DELICIOUS!! LORD CHAINSAW LET'S EAT FISH FOOD TOGETHER!!!!! Aki: -(Beam proceeds to eat handfuls of fish food.) -Yknow how Beam just swims in the floor next to Denji sometimes? I'd like to imagine that someone tripped over his fin by accident and he feels so bad about it after and blames himself
-Beam with top surgery scars.
-Beam and Yoshida would get along over their appreciation for Denji/CSM, that or ocean animals cause yea, shark and octopus
-Beam has tried to backhug Denji while the latter was leaning on a wall; it ended with a punch in the face but a very happy Beam cause he got to hug Denji -Not really a hc, it's an au, but YoshiBeamJi au where Beam is just a regular human that really likes sharks, and he works at an aquarium with Yoshida who manages the octopus section. Denji visits once and both of them are like GODDAMN I WONT HIM so when Denji visits their respective areas they both try to show off with fun facts about their animals -Denji leaves confused about his newfound bisexuality -Beam and Yoshida are really close friends here, like, really close friends, to he point where they're oblivious that they do stuff friends don't normally do (yeah Yoshida kisses his homies goodnight, what about it)(he does forget to say no homo though so) Here's some bonus human Beam doodles I did a while back!
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oh-surprise-its-me · 10 months
Okay so first off I’m playing fast and loose with timelines and ages. Just know I picture Jake born in 1988 so he’s 34 in tgm.
Christopher Cameron Seresin
He’s about 5’10. Which isn’t short but good god Slider is a fucking moose.
He’s blonde af and has a collection of tattoos from above his elbow and knees, Jake loves coloring them in when he’s young. His favorite colors are light blue and green.
Two sisters, one older one younger.
Not necessarily a bad relationship with his parents just one he knew he wanted to have better for his kids. His parents weren’t exactly supportive of him being gay. They refused to acknowledge it. But it was fairly fine and didn’t cause any real issues when he was growing up.
He became a firefighter because he saw a house fire take away his grandma when he was 7. She had left a candle burning and forgotten. He got burned on the right side of his head from where he was asleep on the couch. The scars aren’t completely noticeable but if you know what you are looking for you can see them on his ear pretty easily.
Absolutely obsessed with cats. He’s gotten yelled at multiple times by Ron and his captain for going back into burned houses for pets
Literally always knew he was gay. His older sister would have magazines and he was obsessed. She would always let him take them after she got bored with them.
His younger sister was always a bit bonkers. They aren’t super close but not from a lack of trying on Chris’ part, when she leaves at 18 after graduation with a boyfriend no one is shocked.
In Highschool he was such the pretty boy. All the girls thought he was gorgeous. He didn’t really care about them but would always try to be nice when he said no to dates.
He meets Ron at age 24. Ron is 25. Chris is terrified of losing Ron when he flies. But he doesn’t actually realize that Ron is just as scared of losing him to a fire that goes wrong.
Chris LOVES dancing in clubs. It took months for him to convince the three of them a gay club in Texas in a town two hours away from where they live isn’t going to out them instantaneously. Mav ends up loving it Tom likes it until he gets jealous, Ron enjoys watching Chris be happy.
They get engaged after top gun. Chris technically isn’t supposed to know how close it got to Ron not coming home but he knows just by how Ron holds onto him when he lands in Texas with three months off.
Tom and Mav follow a month later and they all live together for those remaining two months
Chris meets Maverick and they instantly like each other. Mav and him can completely disassemble a car together and put it back in better condition.
Ice and Slider are terrified of their boyfriends when they are together, they literally don’t speak and just know what the other person needs (Ron and Tom do the exact same thing they just don’t realize it)
Jake comes into their lives in 1988, he’s barely a week old. Chris’ younger sister asked to meet for coffee and brought Jake along, she’s clearly using. She asks Chris to take Jake. She can’t do it. It’s Chris or foster care.
Chris takes Jake without a bit of hesitation. Ron comes home from meetings all day to a baby sobbing from his own withdrawals and sees Chris crying right along with Jake.
Those next few months are some of the worst, it crushes Ron to hear Jake scream like he does at night. Chris takes basically all of his time off he can, his captain fully understands and supports him the best he can. Chris is sleep deprived for months until Ron is up again for reenlistment.
Jake is 9 months old at that point and Ron only agrees to reenlist because they promise him a promotion with a guaranteed stay in one place for two years.
Ron is secretly terrified that Jake isn’t going to like him because he’s been gone so often. Slightly irrational but still a fear. It’s a stupid fear, Jake is obsessed with his other dad. He loves sitting on Ron’s lap and listening to Ron read.
Chris is also obsessed with listening to Ron read. It’s extremely comforting to him to listen to the man he loves read to their son. Son! They have a son!!
Wow can you tell I got hyper-focused and I really rambled for a while there sorry I got excited- please ask questions or please write things if you are inspired!! I’m always happy to answer!!
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distant-velleity · 4 days
well anyway in the meantime, here's a bunch of random headcanons about my hsr ocs that i may or may not have posted before
mizaru used to have a lover, the two would quietly rebel against their government together, but obviously things didn't work out--now, it's not so much mizaru has sworn off love as they absolutely need to trust any possibly romantic partners
if regis hadn't left her home planet, she would have had to become a shrine maiden or some other form of religious work; her home planet takes the worship of idrila (who they call the Rosedreamer/THEIR Elegance) very seriously. regis is relatively faithful herself but she could not stand her home
aki's home planet is very similar to modern-day earth, except it used to be ridden with a certain supernatural species (that has since mostly died out). the ipc is present on the planet, but it has significantly less influence in the city aki resides in due to high levels of gang activity
the government in mizaru's home planet would make use of memoria to torture prisoners/rebels/etc., which is how mizaru ended up as they are
regis had to watch her father succumb to "mara" with her own eyes, seeing him go from a normal-looking plant human to a monstrous abomination
the x-shaped scar on aki's cheek is from an altercation with his rival group; it also happened to be the same altercation in which his "sister" was killed and he had to take the position of "boss"
(ironically, the same fate almost befell him when he "died")
in regards to no one using their birth names:
mizaru finds it more convenient to use different aliases everywhere they go--after all, the work of a galaxy ranger often gives their aliases a criminal association. that, and they're sick of their old name
regis simply doesn't like her birth name, because it's heavily associated with her home planet. she wanted to completely discard her past, "ugly" self so when she left she also chose a different name
aki's birth name was chosen by his father -- who left upon aki's birth, realizing that both his son and his wife were "monsters" -- and given by his mother who couldn't let him go. after his mom died, aki was still very bitter over the whole thing, so he chose a different name out of spite
anyway here's some more silly/less angsty headcanons
mizaru loooves spoiling themselves. shopping sprees, spa days, you name it.
regis is always on the lookout for the most popular, highest-quality makeup products
aki is popular with kids, who unwittingly refer to him as "uncle"--obviously he wouldn't dream of making them join, they're too young and innocent, but he does take good care of them!
mizaru can and will smoke their pipe in the middle of combat, they actually use it to blind enemies momentarily lol
regis doesn't just use her mirror of transcendence to fight, she has a bunch of these smaller floating mirrors that can cause projectiles to ricochet (she would have made a GREAT preservation unit)
aki's ultimate animation is lowkey just him setting enemies on fire with gasoline and a lighter...
mizaru and aki would get along, i firmly believe this in my heart. tax evasion friendship /j
regis got the rose accessory in her front pocket from her father
aki runs hot despite being a [redacted for silly lore purposes], which is why he's actually more active at night now and . you know. never wears shirts properly
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