#baji is so extremely mean for doing that to them but at the same time that's kind of hilarious
1way2mars · 1 month
Pazuribe Event Translation - “Decisive battle! Aquatic fight! ~Hanemiya Kazutora edition~” — Part 2
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The continuation of the aquatic battle! Click on Read More to find the translation!
You can read Part 1 here!
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☆ Please give credit in case of use.
☆ I'm not a professional translator and I'm still learning Japanese. That's why some things might not match exactly/could have been better translated/there might be mistakes. This is a great way for me to learn. I put a lot of effort into making the translation as good as they can be!
☆ If you have any comment, question, correction or suggestion, please let me know! (I'm still very new to translations, so anything is welcome! Please bare with me).
–After defeating Kazutora in Highest Level–
Baji: It’s our win Kazutora!
羽宮一虎:チッ 勝てなかったか・・・
Kazutora: Tsk. You couldn’t have won…
Chifuyu: You don’t disappoint, Baji-san! It’s a win for our team!
Baji: You’ll do the punishment game, right? What would be the best…
Takemichi: Come to think of it, isn’t the dolphin show soon?
Chifuyu: Now that you mention it, yes! Let’s head to the meeting place!
Chifuyu: What an amazing big jump!!
Kazutora: Why would you stand up on the back of a dolphin…?
Takemichi: I haven't seen this in forever, but it's awesome~! I want to show it to Hina too!
Baji: So cool! Their strength is incredible!
Announcer: We are nearing the ending! Please step forward if you would like!!
場地圭介:!!おい、一虎、タケミチ オマエら前行ってこいよ
Baji: !! Oy, Kazutora, Takemichi, you guys head up to the front.
Kazutora: Eh, what about Baji and Chifuyu?
Baji: No worries, just go there.
Takemichi: A-alright…?
Kazutora: What is it now…
松野千冬:いいんですか?場地さん オレ達も行かなくて
Chifuyu: Are you sure? Baji-san, shouldn’t we go too?
Baji: Just watch.
Announcer: Let’s go~!
Kazutora, Takemichi: Woaaaaah!!!
Chifuyu: That’s a ton of water!!
Baji: HAHAHA!!!
Kazutora: Bajii… What the hell!!
場地圭介:何って罰ゲームだよ さっき負けたろ?
Baji: What a punishment game. You lost earlier, right?
Takemichi: I see… It’s a relief that we can change into rental clothes…
Kazutora: Fuuck… I’m drenched.
Chifuyu: You two are drop-dead gorgeous. 
Kazutora: Uggghh!!! Let’s do one more battle in the maze!! Next time, we're totally gonna win for sure!!
Kazutora: Hey!! Takemichi!!!
Kazutora: Eh!?!?
場地圭介:おーおー 次も負かしてやるよ
Baji: Ohoo. I’ll crush you next time too.
Chifuyu: Next time, the both of us are totally gonna beat you!!
*In this part, there’s a dialogue going on that it’s not written in the game. I have to admit, I don’t understand all of it as there’s some vocab I don’t know (particulary the verb Baji uses when he speaks) and I don’t have the confidence to actually write the dialogue down in Japanese. I tried to catch some of the words, but it’s really difficult at the moment. I’m truly sorry for this! If there’s anybody that is up to help me figure out what they exactly say, I would appreciate it a lot!
I can make a sum up of it, though: Baji says something about Pah and Peh being over there (which makes me think that they are as wet as Takemichi and Kazutora). Takemichi worries about them, but Kazutora assures Takemichi that they will be okay, as they’re tough guys. After that, I think Chifuyu points out a place where Takemichi and Kazutora can pick up some towels to get dry and Takemichi thanks him!
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Adhd Sanzu propaganda because I want to, I already convinced someone:
He's a chaotic gremlin (Not need to explain that).
Same way that happened with Kakucho and Izana. Sanzu's days and life revolve around Mikey (I don't think I need to put examples here). Mikey is Sanzu's special interest and I'm saying it without shame! (Maybe a little bit of shame only)
Sanzu doesn't have sociallization skills. At all. But in a specific way that gives me adhd vibes (putting the trauma a part). Sanzu as a kid is sweet but weird. We can see him not reacting to Baji's tantrums in a way that yeah, can be bc he's used to, but also, his focus is not there. He's awkward in a way that makes me think that he's used to not fit in, to be look as a weirdo every time he talks. So he does the "I'm not gonna talk at all because when I do people hates me". Then, as a teen no division wants him because he's "a wild horse". Excuse me? Have you seen half of Toman? It's because he's weird and doesn't fit in, the wild part would not bother them so much on it's own.
Sanzu doesn't have a middle point. He's always extreme. When he followed Muto became extremly quiet and calm, almost like a shadow (again, it could be literal thinking of the orders Muto gave him).
His weird poses once he's not hiding himself anymore. All the Bonten scene, he's just doing his show, talking too much, too loud and too fast.
All the energy he have also in Kanto Manji. He's so hyped with being with Mikey. Acting loud, being weird and saying things that are only funny in his head bc he forgot to explain the joke (besides the cryptic timeleaping things I mean).
I know in Bonten and Kanto Manji Sanzu is unhinged, but there is something in the way he does it, not caring at all if people gets him or not. It screams adhd "fuck you all i'm not masking anymore" mood so badly!
The katana. The freaking katana is so over the top and so dramatic. And he obviously cares about his katana a lot, he never drops it in the fight against Toman, not even when Taiju sends him flying.
The teatricals of his plans in general. He kills Mucho with a katana in the place where the Kanto Incident took place. And he takes his mask after doing it. Such dramatic and aesthetically pleasing way of killing people.
The train. Hello? This is not NT thinking. Killing everyone, okay, sure. But with a train? What? And he brings his katana just in case? No middle point legendary level here.
He plans chaos. He literally thinks for days how to do the most random and chaotic unhinged thing ever! (The train, the train!)
He have literal thinking. Mikey told him to "smile" so he does it once he's finally serving his king. A big grinn all the time.
His addiction. Since adhd brains don't have impulse control, we tend to be addicts more than the average (I know this part doesn't prove it but it checks too).
The way he have so much beef with people that is happening only in his head. Yeah, he's a hater. But also, I can see a lot of rejection sensitive dysphoria and overthinking because he's mind is telling him everyone would reject him.
He was childhood friends with Mikey and Baji. No one is neurotypical there xD
Visual stimulation. Bright pink and so many vivid/strident colors. C'mon, his bike is pink and pretty! That aesthetic makes my adhdbrain happy. He's obsessed with pink in a not at all NT way.
He's hypersensitive and can't handle some smells (Takemichi, I'm so sorry for you).
Twisted sense of danger over here too. But different than Kakucho. Where Kakucho runs towards danger, Sanzu is the one causing it directly.
Sanzu being banned from meetings in the final timeline. Because he doesn't know when to shut up since he never did masking here.
THE UNMASKING METAPHOR! I left this one for the last because I just realized yesterday and it's beautiful. When he enters the 5th Division, he stops being loud and wild (he's still weird bc Sanzu). The same moment he starts wearing the mask. There is something there, a ND teen who doesn't fit, who is tired and just want to be like the others, being told to "just do that for not driving so much attention on you". And he does it. He wears the physical mask and he starts acting different, doing masking (not literal this time). Until he frees himself of the physical mask. And he stops masking his symptoms, his full personality. He doesn't give a shit anymore about getting too much attention, he's so sick of hiding, that he thrieves in attention now (even in the final timeline does that, he's a youtuber). Unmasking legendary level! (And hardcore masking when he does it)
Edit bc I was sure I wrote this but apparently not: Sanzu has no interest in forming new relationships either. Like Kakucho with Izana, he only does with Mucho because Mikey told him to. But even if he has zero interest in forming new bonds, he's still the center of attention (after unmasking), still being there loudly, being a big part of what marks the dynamic of the group. The "I don't wanna make new friends" but "I can't stop talking and being loud in a group", also a classical adhd mood!
So... I think that's all I can't think for now. It's probably messy and chaotic but hey, it's a post about adhd, so that's fine, right? 🙈
@just-sp-in-inginthevoid spreading adhd!Sanzu like I promise.
Ps: here is the Autistic Kakucho Propaganda in case someone is curious. This two are a pack and they hate it so much 🤣
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dr4kenlvr · 2 years
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feat. mikey sano, draken, baji keisuke, chifuyu matsuno, mitsuya takashi (reader is mentioned here and there too!) - crack/humour/fluff (1.2k+)
nana's note: can toman boys drive cars?? no keep reading to find out about the boys and their driving habits!! spoiler alert: in no way should you drive like them please don't listen to this post LMAO
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to mikey, the written test wasn't too bad—he went in, sat in his little cubicle, and got through the questionnaire without too much issue
dude couldn't lie though, he was sweating bullets at the demerit point questions FR
but of course, mikey boasts to everyone (especially baji but we'll get to that later) about his success, and is very excited to hit the road
didn't realize just how small being behind a car wheel feels until he sits and needs to bump the seat up a few notches LMAO
baji teases him: "you need heels on to reach the pedals, too? HAHHAHA"
is constantly driving with an :0 expression
"oh my god, the car is moving ken, im making the car move—ken, look!"
"yes mikey, your foot is on the gas pedal."
cheers when he does a left turn successfully, because fuck are those a pain in the ass sometimes
sometimes forgets to signal, and has been flipped off a few times for almost crashing in front of the car behind him
mikey absolutely has a snack stash in his trunk too—it's filled, and always being refilled, with sweets, savoury treats, and drinks
"y/n, could you grab me a bag of chips please? any flavour!" he yells from the front
???? what ????—you crane your head back to a fucking kitchen of snacks like it's normal for anyone to have that much
occasionally gets extremely tired at the wheel, and shuts his eyes for two seconds at a red light
it's either a honk waking him up or ken profusively cursing at him
"oops!" x2
now i don't wanna be bias (user dr4kenlvr, am i right), but ken is probably the second best driver on this list
written test wise, he passed on the first try
wasn't too difficult, and the lady at the desk even congratulated him with a warm smile, to which he happily returned
he got use to the mechanisms of the car pretty quickly
all of these gears and switches were like second nature to him, considering how much he works with motorbikes on the regular
likes to play music as he drives, it varies depending on the time of day it is
nice r&b on a night drive is always his favourite though
once draken gets really comfortable with the wheel, he'll have an arm hanging out the window
heavenly sigh—he looks really good <3
never drove alone with just his G1, despite his delinquent reputation
good job ken!!
one thing though: he has an oddly high level of road rage LMFAOOO
draken thinks it's probably because he's in a car—surrounded by 4 walls—rather than being out in the open like on a bike
people can't hear him curse the living hell out of them with the windows up so...
yeah, he gets loud LMAOO and vulgar
with his viens popping out and shit, he probably looks crazy if you pull up next to him in the adjacent lane
just don't look over, you'll be okay
same ken
this mf spent months studying for the written test
he was extremely keen on doing well too, because he wanted the luxury of being able to finally drive a car
baji also wanted to be able to drive his mother to and from work, so that she "wouldn't have to take public transit all the time"
love you keisuke
created study nights with chifuyu, where the boys would quiz each other on repetitive shit like signs
"okay, what's this one?"
"uhh.. there's like a merry-go-round ahead?"
"wha—? d'you mean a ROUNDABOUT???"
he had the right spirit, so chifuyu gave him a point either way AHSDHDSHF
time rolled around and baji declared him finally ready to take on the test and..
...he passed!! yay keisuke !!!
dude wanted to explode from the sheer relief, he literally picked you up and spun you around 18 times out of happiness
BUT THIS MF ON THE ROAD IS SO FUCKING WILD—he's good with the wheel, but like there's always something going on in his car
you could get whiplash by how fast he goes sometimes
he doesn't even mean to
50 maximum but he's going 80
"oH—FUCK, SORRY! sorry!"
also is a huge multitasker - and isn't too shabby at it
he could be calling someone via bluetooth speaker, while eating, while scratching his back, while signalling into the right lane ALL AT ONCE
miraculous how he doesn't have even a scratch or dent yet to be honest
idk man, just make sure you have your seatbelt on at all times, kay'?
i think he gets a little too excited every time he gets behind the wheel
like hes giggling with every lane change or right turn
literally fucking SCREAMS when he sees a cat walk on the road
"chifuyu, it's fine! it walked back. K-KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!"
has a cushion specifically for peke j in the back seat where no one can sit or move it to sit
"ahh no. that's peke j's spot, you can sit in the trunk or something."
baji: "are you fucking kidding me."
speaking of peke j, he has a component in his trunk filled with toys and cat food for him
it's honestly really sweet, how much he cares and cherishes his little cat
you can't find the heart to be too angry with him when you find cat fur stuck to the seats
i think chifuyu has a lot of fucking fast food garbage in his car too
his mom (and you) is always up his ass about it:
like, you would sit in the passenger seat and at your feet there's just wrappers and straws and shit
you look at him with a look that just speaks volumes of "really?"
and he's all (。╹ω╹。)
it's an honest mistake <3
oh god—the most responsible driver out of his friends by FAR
he is so so happy when he passes, because he is able to get things done quicker with a car than by walking
dropping/picking up his sisters from school, escorting his mother to places, getting groceries, visiting his friends, just about everything in his life is made 10x easier and faster
mitsuya's car ALWAYS smells good
he's always got a new car freshener hooked onto his rearview mirror when the scent runs out
his favourite is lavender <3 and his sisters like the fruity ones but they make his and your's nose tickle
and he does that fucking cute side smile when he talks to you but also needs to pay attention to the road
LOVES to bring his sisters on drives around the neighbourhood once he gets his full license
plays their favourite songs and sings out loud with them
it'll be cartoon openings and disney soundtracks but he doesn't mind
not when the grin on your's and his sister's faces are so bright and genuine
omfg - picnics where you two set up food in the trunk and watch luna and mana play at the playground
and they rush over when they're hungry to eat and rest
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taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @kazuhoya @gwynsapphire @sscarchiyo @reiners-milkbiddies @smileyswifeyy @bontensimp-blog @thisbicc @megumisemo (send me an ask or dm to be added!)
reblogs and comments are very appreciated!
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sketching-shark · 4 months
For the ship opinion bingo, how about... Wukong and Bajie?
Haha! The return of the zhuhou asks <3
I'll be honest @ladyzerodark between my preference for aroace SWK & seeing how MEAN these two often were to each other throughout the course of the journey, I didn't particularly care for zhuhou. But after seeing a lot of the CEO of zhuhou @antidotefortheawkward's thoughts and art about that pairing I gained a fondness for it as far as jttw-adjacent ships go, especially as with niuhou (Demon Bull King x Sun Wukong) both Zhu Bajie and the Monkey King work very well as distinct characters in their own right. And while they frequently are cruel to each other near the beginning of the journey, this is something that from what I remember mellows out more into fond teasing and a very strong fighting rapport as the journey goes on. tbh I'm not even surprised that a number of retellings present them as akin to a bickering couple raising a child together lol.
But I guess more importantly for me, one reason why I've come to think that zhuhou can potentially work quite well as a enemies-to-lovers/battle couple kind of situation is that Xiyouji itself does a lot to show us how that could happen. For starters, this is an over 400 year old narrative that (and while this definitely wasn't Wu Cheng'en's intent haha) stands out for steering clear from the bullshit of "all-forgiving innocent and the genocidal dictator they have to bend over backwards to Heal(TM) because he's Sad." I mean, between Zhu Bajie having been an extremely high-ranking heavenly soldier as the Marshal of the Heavenly Reeds who sexually harassed Chang'e and then ate his new pig family after being exiled to Earth before proceeding to eat who knows how many other humans, and Sun Wukong spending decades reigning as a warlord over a vast multitude of yaoguai and spending that time not caring about anyone except for his monkey family and freely murdering and stealing at will, they're both not exactly what you could call stellar citizens. As I've said:
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And funnily enough that's the main thing that ultimately has made the appeal of zhuhou both understandable and even likeable for me: where in a sea of supposedly wholesome "enemies to lovers" that give -1000 reason for why the involved blorblos would even tolerate each other and "redemption arcs" that point blank refuse to say the fucked up things the characters did were in fact fucked up, both Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong stand as guys that the story is very clear about how violent and destructive they were and why they both really needed a redemption arc. Zhu Bajie talks about how much he loves eating people, women especially, and then later kidnaps a young woman he married under false pretext! Sun Wukong freely admits that he killed more people that he can remember and is routinely smashing people's heads into meat patties! Said it before but it in fact makes perfect sense that with disciples like Old Hog Violent Pervert and Yeye War Crimes, Tang Sanzang is constantly crying!
BUT AT THE SAME TIME, Xiyouji does a lot to both show the more positive sides of their characters such as a sincere love of family and a willingness to work hard, with the both of them increasingly working together to help each other and tons of people over the course of the journey. And this genuine help takes the form of everything from fighting together to end the blood-soaked reigns of vicious man-eating yaoguai warlords to saving over a thousand children at one go to acting as intermediaries between heaven and Earth so that a terrible drought can be lifted from a suffering region. These are just a few examples of the good they help create too, and all the while you do have scenes of them laughing and joking together and sometimes even holding hands. I'd be willing to bet that a major reason Journey to the West is one of the great classics of world literature is because it is a redemption narrative that really stresses the need to consistent and persistently do active good for a redemption to be genuine, and seeing both Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie go on that journey together is a very fun thing to behold.
tl:dr, very cool to witness the tale of two very fucked up but ultimately willing to change yaoguai going on a journey of atonement, hand in hand. Kings of learning and listening and experiencing explicitly horrific consequences for their actions <3.
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deathfavor · 6 months
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I've been contemplating this topic for a little bit, so I'm going to make an effort to explain the differences between Kazutora and Izana's sense of trust issues & abandonment. Hopefully it will make sense.
In a single sentence, I would summarize the difference as this: Kazutora's trust issues are more external while Izana's are more internal.
What does this mean? Let's look at Kazutora first.
Kazutora has, essentially, always had this mentality of wariness of others. He grew up in an environment that encouraged this sort of wariness and trust issues, and it was fed in part by his mother's repetition of the idea that is one this side or that side, right or wrong, black or white, yourself or others, etc. Kazutora keeps people at bay like a wild animal, snapping and snarling and running when they get too close. For Kazutora, he genuinely believes that everyone will become a traitor. That that is what people do. They will betray and abandon you at one point or another, in some form or another. He explictly states it as human behavior. This is why Kazutora had the idea to not let people close. He pushes them away, deals with things on his own, because he doesn't trust people.
It takes a lot to break through that. Baji is obviously the one person we see really manage it. He sticks by Kazutora when he tries to run away before Toman was ever formed. And eventually, that relentless determination leads to Kazutora finally trusting him. When Kazutora does, he does so intensely. It sets off a different set of issues in that he's afraid to lose Baji, but he does TRUST Baji. The same goes for Chifuyu in Bad Toman. ( Bonten I did not include because it may be different - we don't see much of their dynamic and it lacks a lot of the situations that i think would lead to that in Bad Toman. ) Once Kazutora trusts you, he trusts you. He lets you in. He still tends to try to downplay or hide things like any person does, but he really does open up more. If you can climb the walls of trust issues, you're welcomed by Kazutora inside the castle. He won't really doubt the trust unless you do something to explicitly make him DOUBT that trust. That's why his trust issues are more external. Kazutora won't trust you until you really, really prove to him that he should and that you mean it, but once you do, you have his trust.
Kazutora's trust then creates the abandonment issue, as we see how detrimental this is to Kazutora. His mind cannot handle that sort of situation, and it immediately reverts to self preservation. When it comes to it, Kazutora and Izana are both ones to prioritize saving themselves and their minds. Which, as we see with Kazutora, means eradicating any threat - Shinichiro, Mikey, and then for a moment, Baji.
Now let's look at Izana.
Unlike Kazutora, Izana didn't ALWAYS have the trust issues that he has now. He just didn't, and we can see it with how easily he connects to Kakucho at a young age. He also genuinely believed he promise that he gave to Emma before he was sent off to the orphanage. They began to crop up in the orphanage - plenty of research has gone to showing this is often a product of children in orphanages ( along with other issues ). It became about survival in a way. But Karen and Shinichiro were a big part of what ultimately sent his trust issues and abandonment spiraling out of control into becoming the beasts they've become.
Izana's trust issues are more internal because he will rewrite the narrative so to speak if he needs to for his own sake. Izana has always been distant and picky, but he had trust. With discovering the fact he wasn't who he thought he was, everything went wildly out of control. Izana has an extremely difficult time trusting people. He's more likely to trust abilities over people.
After what happened when he was twelve, he hates being vulnerable. To him, trust is actively a weapon. ( Kazutora, on the other hand, looks at it more as a trap than a weapon. ) Trusting someone is giving them a knife and hoping that they aren't going to stab you to death with it. Part of his loathing with trust comes into Izana's need for control. He hates not being in control, and giving someone trust means giving them some control and power to hurt you. He doesn't want to be seen as vulnerable. But with a lot of slow determination, Izana can and does start to trust. He starts to let them closer and get away with things he would hurt or kill other people for.
At the same time, fear of abandonment or betrayal still dig their talons into Izana. Izana can't fully shake the fear that he will be abandoned like Karen did to him, or how the reveal with Shinichiro left him feeling abandoned. Unlike Kazutora who trusts once you earn it, Izana can never fully give all of his trust away. It might be very tiny and easily soothed, but there's a part of him that will always fear abandonment. This can sometimes lead to Izana rewriting narratives in his head for the sake of keeping himself 'safe'. Even if part of him knows its fake & a lie he's telling himself, it helps. For example, saying Tenjiku only follows him from fear. I don't think Izana fully believes that, I think he does know there's more to it ( but he DOES think fear/reverance has some part of it ) and that they actually care. But it's easier on his mind to think that way. If they follow him from fear, they don't care, which protects him in a warped way. He can cut the attachment he feels, at least in the moment of high emotion and chaos in his head, so it doesn't hurt him. He tries to protect himself from the sharp edges of trust, which sometimes means protecting himself from the soft parts of trust as well. That's why I say his is internal. He primarily focuses on his own mental space.
I'm not sure if this all made sense or not, but I hope it can offer a bit of an insight to the difference between Kazutora & Izana's trust issues. For Kazutora, the idea of abandonment/betrayal is the active threat that drives him, while for Izana, the very act of trusting itself is the weapon he fears.
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aoizaraka · 1 year
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ!☽
PART 1 TOMAN CAPTAINS x Toman's Best Friend!Extremely Flexible!reader [ 🄰🅄🅃🄷🄾🅁'🅂 🄽🄾🅃🄴 ] reader will be identified as female, but I will try my best to post a gn ver.
pls give suggestions on the characters I should do for part 2!
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MANJIRO SANO <𝙢𝙞𝙠𝙚𝙮 - very impressed with your flexibility and will ask you how far you could go without breaking your bones to see how flexible you are. - most likely will try to imitate it thinking it was easy considering how easy you made it look like (dumbass ngl lmaoo) but will probably hurt himself so you'll have to be the one to stop him from doing that if mother Kenny (Draken) isn't there.
-He met you because the place where you took your Gymnastics was near his Grandfather's dojo. He was just walking around till he saw you, beating up some bully that everyone in his neighbourhood was talking about
-he was absolutely impressed. he then went up to you and proceeded to talk with you like you didn't just beat up a guy 4x your size
-days passed and he hanged around you often. he even introduced you to Emma, Senju, Shinichiro, and Mikey's friends.
-then you guys met Draken, then started hanging out alot more as a trio
-when Toman was formed, you didn't accept his invitation to join them despite how powerful you were. But you did usually fight people alongside them and often hung around them which made it seem like you were a member.
-Mikey considers you as one of his closest friends, and is clingy around you. He is fully aware of your strength which makes him awe at you. He justs worry that you'll leave him like the others did. But at the same time, he justs wanna have fun with you and Draken.
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-he is grateful for you whenever he's not around and Mikey's doing random shit, he always counts on you.
-his opinion on you though-- he thinks your a capable, strong person.
-since Mikey met you before he met Draken, he somewhat respects you yet treats you like a good friend nonetheless.
-onetime when you guys were fighting someone, he saw your flexibility for the first time.. he was shocked ngl.. (in a somehow somewhat good way) shocked to the point he couldn't focus on his opponent anymore.
-yep, he knows what being flexible and what flexibility means but doesn't really care about it until he saw you kick some guy with your leg as high as you could.
-he wouldn't hide how impressed he is, in fact, he would say it was cool tbh
-if you guys would fight together, (or you and mikey or just all three) it would be legendary like Wakasa and Benkei.
-think about it though, if you all three fought together-- Mikey and Draken's strength with your Flexibility and fighting skills, yall would traumatize whoever you're fighting.
-he would ask you for some women advice so he would know what to do when talking to Emma.
-he loves your calm personality and will vent how annoying Mikey is to you.
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-like Draken, he loves your calm personality and was impressed when he saw your flexibility. But at the same time, he cant help but worry(?)..
-due to your calm energy, he introduced you to his younger sisters because he knew you weren't gonna act chaotic. Which he was right about, his sisters did like you alot.
-you both are the chillest people which makes you guys one of my preferred favorite duo.
-you don't necessarily hang out THAT much but you guys rarely do. You do converse though when you see each other at Toman meetings.
-asks you if you're okay and if it hurts, worrying when he saw you randomly doing a split on the floor when he comes to your place to give you back something you forgot while babysitting his sisters. (that was the first time he saw your flexibility.)
-like the other captains and vice captains and the Toman member's in general, he has respect for you because you are one of the friends of Mikey and Draken, but treats you friendly as well.
-Mitsuya thinks you're a good person even if you don't show much emotion.
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-like Mikey, he is curious how flexible you are.
-I can imagine him watching you fight because it amuses him how you beat people so easily.
-this is unnecessary to say but I can't help myself, but one time you were just walking around like a normal person would do until seeing some guy burn a car right in front of your eyes. Turns out that guy was Baji.
-when he did notice you, he didn't really care. Until you told him you could give him a new match box (or whatever you call it) because you noticed his matches were running out.
-he then decided you were a cool person.
-like Mitsuya, he doesn't hang around you much unless you guys are fighting other people together or both in a Toman meeting.
-he doesn't care but finds it interesting you flexible you were.
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-he is respectful to any one of the president's friends.
-you looked.. somewhat intimidating at first when he saw you, but when he got to talk to you he realized you were a calm, collected person.
-that, he admired.
-then when he saw you fight for the first time, applying your skills in gymnastics.
-"your bones didn't cut in half or something?"
-"no?? tf"
-I get a feeling you guys both like cats...
-one time, you both bumped into each other while heading over to some cat cafe.
-"[ LAST NAME ]-San? What are you doing here 😮😮😮"
-"no what are u doing here"🤨🤨
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ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴏғʀᴇᴀᴅ
ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴘᴜʙʟɪsʜᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴛʜɪs ʙʟᴏɢ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢs ᴛᴏ @aoizaraka . ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴀɴʏᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴏʀ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ɪɴsᴘɪʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ/ʀᴇғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇs ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ.
ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ © 2022
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angelsdevils · 2 years
Kazutora Hanemiya
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Title: Happy Birthday! A/N: Just some fluff for our best boys birthday. It was done yesterday but I needed to edit.
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If Kazutora was being honest, there was only one thing he wanted for his birthday. That thing wasn’t really a thing, but a person. You. You have been coming into the pet shop for a few months now to buy pet food and toys. He would always help you, which led you guys to become close friends. It ended up leading to you guys hanging out when he wasn’t at work. You guys always text, but he couldn’t bring himself to confess. He was worried that you would find out about his past and leave him. 
He didn’t want to lose the friendship you two held so close. So he kept his feelings locked away, but his friends could tell he was in love with you. Which led to them scheming a plan for his birthday.
“So what’s your plan Chifuyu?” Baji asked as Kazutora was talking to you. 
“We are going to tell (Y/N), we are celebrating his birthday at a beach and tell Kazutora the same thing. There will be dinner there, and then we will play slow music. Make them dance together. Well not make, but they won’t know we are there. Once music starts, I am sure (Y/N) will figure it out and wanna dance. They will dance, kiss, and boom dating.”
“That is not gonna work unless we tell (Y/N) he likes her. What if she doesn’t like him back, we gotta figure that out first.” 
“She does, I see the way she looks at him.” 
“Chifuyu no offense, but this isn’t a manga.” 
“I know that…” 
“We are not doing that… I have an idea.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Baji and Chifuyu quickly turned to Kazutora who had his head tilted to the side. 
“Oh nothing, don’t worry about it,” Baji said. Kazutora blinked as Baji gave Chifuyu a side glance. 
“Well, it’s time for me to go. I have some things to take care of for mom,” Baji said. Chifuyu and Kazutora nodded before watching Baji leave. Once Baji made sure he was out of sight, he caught up to you tapping your shoulder. 
“Oh hi, Baji right?” 
“Yep, and you are… sorry did not catch your name.”
“It’s (L/N) (Y/N), but you can call me (Y/N)…”
“Awesome, I am sorry to bother you. Here let me carry those, I had a question can I walk with you while we talk about Kazutora?” He asked taking your bags. You were confused but you didn’t deny him and nodded.
“Sure, why do you want to talk about Kazutora for though?” You asked and he gave you a smirk before looking ahead of him.
“Well, the thing is, Kazutora has been my best friend for years. And I can tell that he takes a huge liking to you.”
“I like him too, he is really nice.” You said but Baji shook his head.
“Don’t tell him I told you, but he really likes you. Like, he has a crush on you. What do you think about him? Would you date him?” He searched your face and noticed how you began to avoid his eyes and looked anywhere but him. Your face felt extremely hot, and that gave him all the information he needed but he needed to hear it from you. 
“Well, I mean… he is really cute. And, I do have a crush on him too… you aren’t just saying that right? He does really like me?”
“Yep, he doesn’t realize it but he always talks about you. Since you like him too, and I know for a fact he likes you… here is the plan.”
“What plan?” 
“His birthday is September 16 which is tomorrow. The best gift me and Chifuyu could think about is getting the two of you together. So, do you think you can ask him out we are throwing a small birthday party for him with all of his main friends?” 
“You want me to ask him out?” Your eyes widened and he nodded.
“Don’t worry with your permission, if you freeze up I will do it for you.” 
“Uhm… alright I guess I can… what time tomorrow?” 
“It’s going to be at 5:00 PM. Dress super cute, though you could wear a potato sack and he would still be head over heels for you.”
“This is so embarrassing… he better not reject me.” You huffed as you stopped in front of your house and took the bags from him.
“He won’t reject you, maybe freeze up, blush or forget how to speak. But not reject.”
“Fine, this is embarrassing… but okay as long as you are sure he likes me back. Here is my number, text me the address.” You gave him your number and he placed it in his phone.
“See ya tomorrow!” With that Baji left and began to text Chifuyu about the plan. 
The evening of the next day came and you were standing outside the apartment door. Your hands were a bit sweaty and you knocked on the door. It soon opened to a rather tall guy, and he tilted his head to the side.
“Are you (L/N)?”
“Yes, uhm Baji told me to come…”
“Come in, my name is Draken. Nice to meet you, Kazutora is gonna be happy to see you. He has been lowkey pouting since you weren’t here yet.” 
“Oh no, sorry my car broke down. So I had to catch a bus here.” 
“No problem… Baji, she is here…” He said and Baji came out of know where and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“Welcome, remember the plan?”
“I think so… uhm… kinda nervous. Perfectly fine… EVERYONE, IT’S TIME FOR THE GIFTS… you go last.” Baji whispered in your ear and you nodded. You waved at Kazutora and he perked up upon seeing you enter the room. He patted the seat next to him, and Chifuyu pushed you to sit next to him. 
He slowly began to open all of his gifts from his friends as you conversed with the members of his former gang. They all seemed nice and seemed like they already knew a lot about you. It finally came time for you and you first reached into your purse and pulled out a small box for him. 
“This is for you… open that first.” You said and he nodded opening the small box. There he saw a small locket and it had your initials | KH on the front. You bought it for him with the help of Chifuyu who you had video chatted early in the morning. 
“Don’t… open the locket yet. I have one other thing…” 
“Huh? You do? This is more than enough, I love it…” He said but you shook your head before glancing at Baji and Chifuyu who only motioned you to hurry up. Chifuyu was practically bouncing in his seat. Others were smiling and you realized Baji had already told everyone what the plan was.
“Uhm, I- uh…” You looked at him, and you felt your beat increase and you stumbled over your words. 
“Are you okay? You look like you are going to pass out…” Kazutora said concerned, and Baji placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Go on (Y/N)…” Baji said and you took a deep breath again.
“Tora~ I really really like you. A lot. More than friends. Please accept my confession and be my boyfriend.” You said quickly, but everyone was able to understand you. His eyes widen, and he felt a blush rush to his cheeks and up his ears. 
“You want me to be your boyfriend?” 
“Yeah, happy birthday?” You said nervously and he quickly dropped the locket and picked you up spinning you around. 
“Of course, I was going to ask you out first… eventually.” He mumbled and you laughed as he set you down. He cupped your cheeks and placed a small and sweet kiss on your lips and you sighed as relief overtook your body. Chifuyu and Baji both high-fived each other. You both parted from the kiss and everyone was cheering as Kazutora finally got the number one gift he wanted. You. 
“Best. Birthday. Ever.” He mumbled as he buried his face into your neck.
“Well, you can thank Baji and Chifuyu.”
“Huh?” He asked looking at you.
“Well, Chifuyu gave me the idea for the locket with this in there.” You picked up his locket and opened it to show a picture of you on one side and him on the other, “and
Baji told me I should confess to you since he knew you liked me and he asked if I had feelings and stated it would be an amazing gift for me to confess. So I agreed. So in a way, this plan was Baji’s gift to you.”
“YOU TOLD HER I LIKED HER!?” Kazutora yelled at Baji who looked away grinning.
“Well, it worked out, didn’t it? You guys are together…” He laughed and you swore he was about to attack Baji, but you held his hand before putting the locket around his neck. 
“It worked out, in a way, I am glad he did because we wouldn’t have ended up together for who knows how long.” You said and Kazutora relaxed before nodding. 
“Fine… I guess you are right.” He wrapped his arms around you with a small smile. 
“You two are really cute together…” Mitsuya said with a smile and you both blushed and smiled. 
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted, etc. I do not own the character or the fanart, but I own the plots of these stories. All fanart goes to their appropriate owners.
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yanderelmk · 9 months
Don't you find it a bit hypocritical to be preaching the respect of celibacy/asexuality/sexual and romantic disinterest of characters from - let's be honest here, a fantasy adventure novel that was quite biased towards the theology of Buddhism versus Dao/Taoism and not religious text or scripture as you seem to imply, where romance and sex weren't the focus to begin with so weren't going to be focused on anyway in any character driven narrative.
When you yourself are head-canoning/playing out your own romantic views on characters who - despite their marked difference from the source material - also have given no canonical showing of romantic or sexual interest in others?
Ohhh boom, professor, you totally burned me. Oh how will I ever recover? /s Look kid, you clearly think having a keyboard and an internet connection means you're some kind of high-and-mighty literati with an IQ the rest of us can't even comprehend, but I'll try to break this down for you:
Romance and sex are major points within Journey to the West, specifically abstaining from them. Zhu Bajie's biggest struggle is in not chasing after women every five seconds. It's what his whole arc is based around.
Not only that, but the Tang Priest himself was nearly raped and was sexually harassed several times throughout Journey to the West by several female demons. So what do you mean "romance and sex weren't a focus to begin with"?
The entirety of JTTW is about Buddhist principles and the path to enlightenment, and part of that is abstaining from worldly pleasures, the most dangerous of which being sex or getting married.
And to get to that second point you must have been so proud of yourself for typing: Lego Monke Kid is a children's cartoon that's clearly adventure-focused. They're not going to spend time showcasing every single character's romantic/sexual preferences. We can make inferences based on what the writer's Tweet or hint at in their show, but to expect them to outright display their preferences when extremely popular LGBTQ+ kid shows like Steven Universe and Owl House have been cancelled for doing less is downright foolish and shows just how ignorant you are.
Some of those tweets, by the by, have included creators lamenting that they can't make SpicyNoodles canon. Pigsy and Tang have already been as close as they can be to a canon MLM couple without saying "We're gay and in love". By "canonical showing", I think you mean you're one of those people that thinks if the characters don't do exactly that you refuse to count it as canon. If any of the characters were confirmed by the creators (onscreen or off) to be aromantic or not interested in romance, I would not write for them. LMK is already severely inaccurate with writers intent on distorting basic historical facts, and not only that it's not meant to be taken as part of the Buddhist mythos.
That's like saying Hercules is part of Roman mythos (or if we go with the inaccuracies- Greek mythos). "As I seem to imply"? Well, smartass, have an excerpt from china.usc.edu (and, as I'm certain you need pointed out, that .edu means it's from a verified educational source):
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A strong background in Chinese folk RELIGION.
Because you need everything spelled out for you...my grief was with people who take the Buddha himself Sun Wukong and try to erase the fact that he is celibate, and that as a Buddha he continues to be celibate. Doing otherwise would show a lust for earthly connections, something all Buddhas are meant to shed and all enlightened beings have shed.
Every story in the Bible is just that- a story. The same for things relating to the Greek, Roman, and Norse gods. However, you don't seem to be dogging after them for being "fantasy stories", hmm? I suggest you take a look at your biases.
The overall point: JTTW shows us the origins of two Buddhas, an arhat, and a Celestial Immortal while also showing us lore relating to other gods. LMK is a kid's cartoon that doesn't even get the fundamentals right and is out-and-out fiction. If I were writing for Sun Wukong the Victorious Fighting Buddha, I can assure you it wouldn't be within the context of a yandere blog. But I'm not, I'm writing for the goofy children's show Sun Wukong that's so inaccurate I feel no qualms about calling him a character and writing scenarios where he gives the reader a kiss.
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madeofchaos · 2 years
TR 274
One chapter down, four left to go in the series. Wakui will probably give us nothing...
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So on his death day Shin was out there looking for the old man he killed in his timeline? Did this dude think that just because the dude was homeless he would stick to one place forever? Come on Shinichiro! It solves the mystery though on why he was at S.S. Motor late at night though and it wasn't fixing up Mikey’s bike like fanon claimed. It would have been better imo.
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I forget some times that this version of Shinichiro is still the same one from the og time line. So what feels like forever to us is just a few minutes to him. How come Baji fail to realize that Shin owned this bike shop though? Mikey would have been bragging about it. 
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Even though I know its coming I still can’t get over this scene.
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So Kazutora got dark impulses too by killing Shin? Wait, this solves nothing at fucking all. This is just keep piling up even more questions, Wakui!
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Holy shit! I mean on one hand, Kazutora proved that he’s a prophet since he’s telling no lies. Out of context, this looks like a gang initiation.
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So Shin had the ability for like less than a week and he died. That’s rough buddy. Did Wakasa sat Mikey down and told him all this during a private KMG meeting? I would pay to see the chapter.
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Look at my girl Senju! SHE’S OKAY! Sue me, I have a soft spot for the younger Akashi siblings. Except you Takeomi you can choke. The tumblr who keeps track of the Haitaini’s appearance must be extremely happy finally looking at these two. Every single one of the Tenjiku looks surprised - Mochi, Shion, Ran, Rin - at this development. I bet Taiju choosing to see Takemichy fight Mikey he would see more blood and less talk. I agree completely.
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Kazutora was the only one who lived with the dark impulses and still came out okay....somewhat in the Bonten timeline. Ain’t that a bitch. There IS a way to live with the dark impulses or tame them. I don’t know what to say about South since his character was pretty much spat on with everything Wakui is trying to cram down out throats.
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I feel bad for Mikey in here. Instead of asking for help at the beginning, he thought he could handle it all by himself. It’s times like these that Mikey isn’t so invincible and he’s just a dumb, lost kid.
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Uh did you forget that your ass got hospitalized last time you got a dose of dark impulses? Do you really think this is a good idea? I can’t help you dude if you want to live the comatose life.
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You could see the future then and it still didn’t save you! I still think this is a horrible idea that will lead to your death, bruh. The cynical part of me is hoping you get your shit wrecked because all this power of friendship is overplayed in manga and I want to see evil win.
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These kids are dumb ass hell and they are in high school during this time right. Well, those in Toman at least since those in Kantou are old as shit. They can’t go to a temp agency or something. Why they gotta rely on Mikey to build his criminal empire? Tokyo Revengers could have ended sooner if Mikey did something like this. (Piper grieving Prue still gets to me til this day no matter how long ago it was.) All this time travel drama is annoying and confusing to me and probably the other spectators in the fight. Random gangster: Wait, so Mikey is possessed? Other random gangster: No, you dumbass! He’s cursed! Didn’t you pay attention?!?!
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ranzal · 2 years
some of my favourite dragalia characters (Long post teehee)
ranzal: he's hot and i am a hoe for his character archetype
euden: i'm so glad they made him a real character because so many gacha games just make their main character a no one character but euden is a real, fully fleshed out character with flaws that have EXTREMELY DAMAGING consequences that we get to see a lot. for the other arc, he is so, so obsessed with saving zethia that he is fully willing to sacrifice himself and everyone else if it means she can live, and this ties into zena's struggle. in almost every single world, he does this. he lets the other possess him so that zethia is released, and then the other exploits the pacts that he has forged with the dragons, and kills euden's allies and ends the world. and even in the main story's timeline, he is Literally still about to do this, even aware of the fact that he did this a million, million times and it ended the same way every single time. and then even though he is stopped by beren's interference, there are still consequences, because all of his allies were there to watch him almost throw everything away and condemn them all to death. like Holy fuck dude. SO fascinating
zena: she is SO interesting her struggle with her own identity in a world that isn't her own and her bonds with everyone even knowing that it might not even bear fruit for saving her own was genuinely so well written. also the conclusion of her arc, with her finally returning to her own world to kill her brother of her world, was so good, and the art for it (blows up)
laxi: i'm weak to android characters learning to be human
elisanne: i LOVE her arc with just being a blind follower of the church to turning away from the church's doctrine because of her faith in euden and new alberia's cause. her becoming the grand paladyn and getting a fucking gala alt just to almost immediately say "Actually FUCK being the grand paladyn all my homies HATE the church" is so funny
harle: Fucked up little man. he's a komaeda/kokichi/dazai sort of archetype and he's so interesting. he will do absolutely anything to achieve his goals and does not give a fuck about who he has to kill to get it done, even if it is another world's version of him. and his already twisted personality being utilized by loki so that loki could take his place in order to execute his own plans is literally so fascinating. even harle's closest allies didn't find it fully unbelievable that he'd betray alberia to serve dyrenell. also harle is trying to implement socialism do i REALLY have to say anything else.
shingen: he's a bit of a hottie. thank you dragalia lost for giving us shingen in the last ever new years event before saying "Bye" and ALSO making him a great character and also have a great kit
chelle: very, very interesting character. constantly looking for ways to exploit a situation, even if it's at the detriment of her own brother. a true girlboss
basileus: i'm weak to characters who do terrible things on their lonesome in the pursuit of their ideals even while understanding that they are only causing misery but can't possibly stop because if they did, then how could they ever live with the choices they made and the lives they ruined. like fuck dude go off
midgardsormr: a true homie. i am so glad that he was there with euden in the conclusion like fuck dude. their little conversation as they alone approach xenos's domain, looking back on the start of their journey gave me such goosebumps like MAN!!!
noelle: i love a good socially awkward and highly earnest character and she's so endearing
zhu bajie: hottie AND a wifeguy!! he's so great i wish he showed up in more stories
zethia: i don't really have as much to say about zethia as i do about zena, but i do still think zethia was a very interesting character. i am so glad that they gave her more agency, and her choosing to go with nedrick was SO interesting. just as she is freed from the other, she is stolen away by nedrick, but then as euden finally meets her again as she is with nedrick, she chooses to go with nedrick. like fuck dude that's so interesting. i definitely still feel like the end of the story kind of still had too much of her character revolve around euden, but she was still pretty good
ilia: GIRLBOSS i love how the story was like Ilia, the goddess, founded the church after quelling the threat of the Other and saving the world. and then you meet her and she's just like FUCK OFF MOM!!! IM TRYING TO DO SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS!!!!! HI MOM!!!! LOOK AT MY BOYFRIEND I JUST PULLED HIM OUT OF THE SPACE BETWEEN WORLDS and meene's just like Please. Please what the fuck are you doing. also her and mordecai are so cute. speaking of which
mordecai: CUTE i love him. stupid little curious man who could do no wrong paired with stupid and insanely intelligent scientist. like this is phenomenal cygames you are onto something here. also him accidentally creating an insanely powerful being capable of destroying the world just because he thinks his girlfriend died is iconic. slay
nedrick: EXTREMELY GOOD i love his entire character concept. euden, the false prince, and then nedrick, the true prince... it was so great watching him slowly accept the power of bonds and stop relying solely on his own power from his wyrmpact with bahamut like God yes good shit. also his gala art being a flipped, dark version of euden is genuinely fucking awesome
alex: i love redeemed assassin characters and her showdown with leonidas was awesome. also she is slaying with the outfits that give that ambiguous gender swag they should've made her pronouns they/them
audric: i am once again apologising for my liking of Punished-type characters. i love how he is so fucking edgy he's awesome. also fractured futures is still easily one of the best events in the game
gozu tenno: I am so weak to big men with scary faces who are actually very gentle it's not even funny. call me gay if you must but he's so my type that it's genuinely pathetic
bonus characters that i think are cool and/or cute that i don't have enough to say about to warrant anything bigger: mitsuba, waike, irfan, taro, marty, sophie, curran, gauld, catherine, eugene, uriel, maritimus, jeanne d'arc, vodyanoy, zodiark, michael
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fueledbyapplepi · 3 years
I love your writing it's so good!!! Could I have reader having a crush on the boys and giving them a kiss while they think the boys are asleep and confessing their love to them with mikey, chifuyu and the haitani brothers? Im just so soft for those boys!!!
Sleep Tight | Mikey, Chifuyu, Ran, and Rindou
- Confessing to the boys while they're (not really) asleep
genre: 🌸 fluff 🌸
warnings: minor cussing
A/N: Thank you, anon! I really got into writing this one ( ◜‿◝ )♡ Also, I honestly think I need to come up with better titles because it sounds like a word vomit to me LMAO Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!
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Mikey (Sano Manjiro)
Life would be nice if you had someone by your side who felt the same way about you.
You already have Mikey by your side, making every day much easier to get by. But does he feel the same way with you?
You practically grew up together with Mikey. Being neighbors with the man, you often come by to play with them as kids- leading to a blooming friendship. Although more often, it was you watching Mikey train in his grandfather’s dojo, where he never fails to amaze you with his tricks. Sometimes, you’ll have sleepovers together with Emma and Mikey where you’ll watch movies with them. Only for Mikey to be sound asleep halfway through the movie.
Growing up, nothing has changed that much with that routine. The only thing that has changed is your growing feelings for Mikey.
You saw the ups and downs in his life. From the time he established Toman to losing Shinichiro, you were there to witness how he would build a castle from the rocks of his downfalls.
So it was no surprise that you find your heart beating much faster when he’s around.
Childish as he is, you can’t deny the fact that Mikey is charismatic, beautiful, and kind. But, you never had the chance to tell him what you feel. Because what if he never saw you the same way?
You looked at Mikey, who’s currently sitting by your side almost half asleep. His head swings from side to side as he struggles on whether he should watch the movie or not.
“Mikey, you always never get to finish our movie nights. You’re no fun.” Emma pouted at his brother as she turned off the television.
“Mhmm, not sleepy.” Mikey turned to look at you then at Emma before leaning on your shoulder. “Just a little.”
Your heart flutters from close contact. “Maybe he’s tired from one of Toman’s meetings.” You turned to look at Emma with a sorry face
Sighing, Emma stepped out of the room as she looked at you, “I’ll get us a blanket, wait here Y/N.”
Your face felt hot as you realized that you were left alone in the room with Mikey. Well, this isn’t unusual for you two but with the strong feelings you have for him, you just can’t help but blush.
You looked at Mikey, his eyelashes seemed a bit longer, making his eyes more beautiful. His lips, although chapped, pouted with the way he’s comfy with you.
“Mikey, can you stop being so pretty? It makes me want to kiss you,” you whispered, thinking that Mikey’s probably dozing off to dreamland.
Mikey opened out one of his eyes to take a peek at you. All the sleepiness vanishing from his body. Did he just hear you right? “Then kiss me, Y/N.”
“Heh? Mikey, you’re awake?” you felt embarrassment creeping into you. “Mikey...I...look, sorry. I-”
Your blabbering mouth was silenced with a peck on the lips. Mikey kissing all your worries away.
“I like you too, Y/N.” He smiled as he leaned closer to you. Your foreheads touching and nose brush against each other.
You felt like you’re on cloud nine. Is this real? Mikey likes you too?
Before you could say anything, the door opened with Emma looking at the two of you weirdly. “Hehhh, am I interrupting something?”
You and Mikey looked at Emma. An embarrassed look on both of your faces as if you were caught red-handed.
Now, there’s a lot of explaining to do.
Chifuyu Matsuno
No matter how many times you try, you always seem to lose.
But who won’t?
With Chifuyu’s angelic smile and kind eyes, your determination to admit your feelings for him always seems to waver. It’s just that your thoughts always fly out the window and anxiousness gets the best of you.
You’ve known Chifuyu for quite some time now. Baji, who’s your cousin, introduced him to you as Toman’s 1st Division Vice-Captain and most trusted partner. Of course, it was only natural for you to be wary of him. Baji might trust him, but he could be some sort of drug dealer or serial killer. Who knows?
You’re wrong though. The more time you spend with Chifuyu, the more you appreciate his presence. How can you not? He always lends you a helping hand whenever you need it. As cliche as it sounds, Chifuyu is like the knight and shining armor in your life.
And now here he is. Once again saving you from another horrible situation.
Chifuyu offered you a ride when he found you drenched from the rain in Shinagawa. Apparently, the weather wouldn’t be pleasant today but you forgot to read the weather forecast. Currently, he brought you to his home for the meantime as the rain wouldn’t be stopping until tomorrow.
“I’ll just text and let Baji-san know that you’ll be staying here.” Chifuyu handed you a blanket as he laid on his futon.
“Thank you, Chifuyu. But I swear it’s okay for me to sleep there. This is your bed anyway.” You said embarrassed.
Chifuyu yawned. Tiredness dropping from his eyes. “It’s alright, Y/N. I can’t let Baji-san’s pretty cousin sleep on the floor.” He smiled at you with a faint blush on his cheeks.
You laid on the bed silently. Blushing from his compliment. Did he just call you beautiful?
You looked at the ceiling for about a good minute before turning to Chifuyu. “Chifuyu-san, I-”
A soft sleeping figure cut you off. The light from the lamp outside reflected on his beautiful features.
You padded off your feet on the floor and sat right next to Chifuyu. Observing him, you notice that he looks prettier when he’s peaceful like this.
You hesitatingly brushed your fingers on his hair. While massaging it, you can’t help but feel overwhelmed by your emotions. “I like you, Chifuyu-san.” You smiled proudly at yourself as you finally got to admit your feelings even though he’s asleep.
However, you noticed that the sleeping figure in front of you stiffened and reddened from your statement. Eyes wide, you held a hand in your mouth.
“Chifuyu-san, are you awake?” You hoped that he wasn’t.
But apparently, he is. “I guess you caught me.” Chifuyu sat up and scratched his head as he smiled at you sheepishly. “That felt nice though.”
“I’m sorry!” You bowed your head, hair hiding your flustered state.
“I like it!” Chifuyu panicked. “I mean, no. I like it. But, I like you too, Y/N-san.”
You laughed. At the same time, feeling extremely happy from what you just had heard.
“I guess we have some explaining to do with Baji-san.” you teased him
“Mhmm. But,” he held your hand and put it into his hair. “Would you continue that?” Chifuyu smiled.
“Of course.” You smiled at him, continuing your hair massages.
Looks like you won this time.
Ran Haitani
You’re no medical expert. The only knowledge you got was based on textbooks and first aid knowledge.
Yet somehow, Ran would always come knocking on your door whenever he has cuts or injuries. Sometimes, even without one, he would come by at your place and complain that his body is painful.
And it’s one of those nights again as you hear a soft knock on the door.
Moving to Roppongi, you were warned about the Haitani brothers. How you must stay away from them because they’re just no good. However, you somehow managed to come across the elder Haitani while you were shopping at a local store when he asked you what hair dye he should use.
This little interaction moved from one way to the other and now, ever since Ran found out where you live, he always comes by to let you heal his “injuries”.
You’re not complaining though. Despite the rumors and warnings, Ran was much more different from what other people say. He may be cocky and teasing, but the beautiful man sure is nice when it comes to you.
Causing you to develop a little crush on him.
You opened the door as you welcomed Ran. “Now, what do we have for tonight?”
Ran stepped in as he walked towards the couch. Laying as if he lives around here. “I got a bump on my forehead.” He pointed out as he pouted at you.
“You have Rindou! And you call yourself notorious but you come here whining like a baby.” you rolled your eyes as you got in the kitchen getting an ice pack for the man.
“Here.” You handed out the ice pack as you stood up in front of him.
“No.” Ran rolled his eyes. “Kiss it, Y/N.” he pouted once again.
“You’re not a baby, Ran. Tch.” you sighed as you sat across him. “Take a nap here and I’ll cook for you when you wake up.”
“Now, wifey material aren’t we.” Ran teased as he closed his eyes. Holding the ice packet against his forehead.
About a good 10 minutes have passed and you never heard another bicker from Ran. As you look at him, the man seems to be sleeping like a log.
You crouched down near him. Observing his features. You must say, he’s quite beautiful and more attractive when less chaotic.
“You’re such a big baby.” Thinking that he’s asleep, you kissed the small bump on his forehead.
As you got up to prepare his late dinner, a hand clutched yours.
You felt your body freeze for a moment as you turned around and saw a bastard smiling cockily.
“Do it again, Y/N.” Ran grinned at you as he held on tighter on your hand. “I’m a big baby but your baby.”
“Let me go!.” your face was beat red as you tried to yank off your hands. Only failing as Ran grabbed your arms causing you to fall on top of him.
“I like you, Y/N” Ran hugged you tightly while you were a blushing mess on top of him. “So let's just stay like this for a while.”
And you did.
Being with Ran isn’t so bad after all.
Rindou Haitani
If there’s one thing you’re proud of, it’s the skill you have for coloring people’s hair.
You like dyeing your hair, your friend’s hair, your cousins, and to just anyone who asks for your help. So it was no surprise when Rindou asked you to help him in doing his highlights.
Of course you can’t say no. Not because he is a Haitani but because you actually like his presence. When you’re around him, everything seems more calm and peaceful.
Despite being a menace around Roppongi, you and Rindou are actually good friends. You’ve known each other when he saved your ass around a group of guys who tried to harass you. And although he was stoic to you at first, he was able to ease up to you because of your caring nature.
After all, you recognized him as Rindou Haitani and not “Ran’s younger brother”. And he appreciated you for it.
So now here you are in their living room. Currently finished in dyeing Rindou’s hair.
“And there you have it. We just have to wait for an hour or so before washing it.” You tidied all the mess up as Ran sat and observed you. “By the way, why won’t you let me dye Ran’s hair?”
He raised an eyebrow upon your question. “Because he can’t have you.” Your eyes widened from his statement. Rindou, realizing what he just said, covered it up with an excuse. “I mean, I want him to dye his own hair and let it look shit. If he wants someone to dye his hair properly, he can go to the salon.”
You laughed at his statement. Well, he can actually crack up jokes once in a while if he loosens up his strict facade. “Oh Rindou, we also need to buy an extra conditioner.”
You looked up and saw the man with closed eyes. Deciding that you don’t want to disturb his sleep, you sat quietly beside him and observed him.
Rindou is already handsome with his glasses. But you realized that he looks much cuter without one.
He just looks good in anything.
You traced the bridge of his nose as you admired his features. “You know what? I actually might have feelings for you.” you muttered softly as you smiled.
“Let’s go out on a date then.” Rindou opened his eyes as he looked at you. Your lips a few inches away from his.
“Rindou!!!” You sat up straight. “I thought you were-”
“Asleep? Well I’m not.” he smiled at you as reached out for your hand. “But I meant it Y/N. I like you, and I want us to go on a date.” Rindou looked at you, hoping for an immediate response.
He does like you. After all, you were the only person who he was able to open up to other than Ran.
“Okay.” You smiled as you brushed your thumb at the top of his hand.
Rindou caressed your cheeks. Leaning in and going for a kiss.
“Ohh. Can I join?” a teasing voice butted in. Causing you two to look at the tall man who’s leaning in the doorframe. “I mean can I join Y/N’s dye party? Just continue that later.”
“Ran, get out!” Rindou shouted as he pointed at the door to his brother.
Well, things quickly escalated with the brothers.
As well as your relationship with Rindou.
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nxtsnw · 3 years
w tokyo revengers
n.a.: meh, I don't understand if I'm extremely touch starved, or no, i mean usually K don't like physical contact- but cdcbkjasd ykyk
it'll be only sfw!! I hope you like it. now hug me,please.
summary: little touches that they do unconsciously because they love you so much
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Take your face with their hands. In the gentlest way possible they will lift your chin, wait for your gaze to rise to meet theirs, a soft smile and a look that gives a big sense tranquility. Then they move their hands, with a quick but extremely soft gesture, and after bending the hand, they'll lightly stroke your cheeks with their thumb. Later a few seconds, they stop, but only after move a lock of hair behind your ears. Maybe it will last a few moments, but they love it so much. It's like a moment of alienation from the world, with just you two. Also they find so adorable when you blush cause of them <3
♤ Inui, MITSUYA, Hina, Kazutora, Shinichiro, KAKUCHO, Chifuyu
Kisses. Lots of quick kisses but not always on the lips, often on hand, forehead, nose... Depending on the moment they decide where to rest their lips. When you are together, they always find the most absurd moments, but at the same time appropriate, to do so. Maybe when you are lying on the sofa, seeing a movie, they turn to look at you and give you a quick kiss on your cheek, then go back to watching TV as if nothing had happened. Often they're so fast that then you always struggle to understand if it was real or you have only imagined it- they love doing it, every time they feel the need to be closer to you they just do it. Then, every time you look at them, you can see the redness on their cheeks<3
♤ WAKASA, Kokonoi, Hanma, AKKUN, Mikey, Souya, Rindou
Pats on your head and stroking of hair. (either to annoy you or not). Every time they see you, they greet you with light headpats, sometimes happens that they stop with their hand on your head , and then continue following the length of your hair, and then messing you up. They love to play with your hair, often when you are doing something else, they come there naturally and after patting your head they start to gently take your strands of hair, and make them braids or similar hairstyles. They repeat to you how beautiful your hair is, and sometimes they tap your head when you aren't following their speech- At the same time, they often get spellbound brushing ur hair and watching you while u're doing something else.
♤ Nahoya, RAN, DRAKEN, Hakkai, Baji, Izana, Yamagishi, YUZUHA
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athyathye · 3 years
Hi author, how r u? you good 🤧 Anyways!! Could i request a head canon for Angry, Draken, Mitsuya with a Hori Kyoko fem reader! So basically-- She has a younger brother, she's a sadist/masochist, has a dad who likes the boys better [in a joking way ofc] and a mom who really cares for the boys, also the reader has a female classmate or friend who's crushing on her, etc. I hope this okay!! lolol 💕🥰
Hori! reader
Author's note 📝: I'm great! A little drained from my exams but still fine! How are you? Hope you like this anon~ Take care and stay safe!!!
Warnings ⚠️: Profanities, a sprinkle of violence but nothing too serious, at least not in my opinion. You guys know how much of a masochist and a sadist Hori is.
(Angry, Draken and Mitsuya)
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Angry :
❥  “Is it just me? Or is Angry a little too…..rough?”  The boys of Toman watched as your boyfriend dragged you around, the permanent scowl on his face looking more and more forced judging by the pink tint on his cheeks. Although they didn’t think that.
❥ “What do you mean?” Smiley asked Draken, of course being the older brother, he has to keep Angry in check. But he knew his younger brother better than anyone, meaning he knew Angry would never resort to those kinds of tendencies.
❥ “Doncha’ think he’s bein’ too aggressive with y/n?” This time it was Baji who had asked, turning towards Smiley who now had a neutral expression on his face. “You’re probably just seeing things wrong.”
❥ They left the conversation at that, surely Angry wouldn’t be that type of man. Of course he wasn’t. Right?
❥ “Souya! You’d better be more careful with your-” “Shut the hell up b*tch. Stay quiet for once!” Angry snarled at you, which made Smiley who was right behind him choke on the water he was drinking, splashing it all over Takemitchy who was right beside him.
❥ “Move.” He pushed you aside with no remorse...In Takemitchy’s opinion. Both boys who were watching the scene stood quiet before Smiley called out to you, “Y/n-san-” “Smiley, Leave her be. Let’s go”
❥ Takemitchy and Smiley glanced at each other in bewilderment, wondering if what they saw just happened. “S-smiley-kun….” “They must have fought, right? That’s why he’s being like this...Yeah that’s it.” Poor older brother Smiley can’t seem to think of his sweet little brother like that. It looked like his soul left his body as he followed after Angry.
❥ Takemitchy glanced back to you, your back seeming extremely small for him as he shook his head a few times. ‘If it was hina…’ He thought before he imagined his significant other beating him up with a shovel, causing him to shiver.
❥ Now maybe Smiley was just in denial, but sometimes he could see Angry pacing around like he was doing something extremely illegal, not to mention the fact that he always seemed to never be home anymore.
❥ He was talking about this with Draken and Mitsuya before they heard a commotion in the west part of where they were headed.
❥ “Oh hey! Remember that-” Angry’s hand pushed your forehead back. “Who the hell do you think you’re frickin’ talkin’ to airhead? Stop acting like we’re buddy buddy and shut the hell up!!” he held you by your collar before he felt a presence behind him which caused him to turn around with that same murderous glint he had on his face.
❥ “ANGRY WHAT THE ABSOLUTE F*CK!??!” "BRO GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!” “SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL-” The enraged shouts of his friends were loud and impatient, Smiley taking the initiative to tackle him down while Mitsuya Grabbed your arm, forcing you away from them.
❥  “Y/n-san! Are you o- Why the hell were you smiling like that?" “BRO! I THOUGHT YOU KNEW BETTER!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” Smiley’s outburst caused the numerous people present to glance at you guys.
❥ “Ahhh. I’ve really had enough of this!!” Angry frustratedly said, his arms covering his face to hide his very pitiful expression. He broke free from his brother’s grip, before he pulled on your wrist, catching the already shaken Mitsuya, to get caught off guard more. “Hey-”
❥ “Move your ass y/n! I’m going now! I can’t really explain but this isn’t anything sexual, got it?!” He screamed, one of his hands still covering most of his face.
❥ “Sexual? Did he just say sexual-”
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Draken :
❥ You were the jealous type no doubt, the girlfriend who had some sort of unresolved abandonment issues or high walls and expectations that caused you to always fret over your boyfriend.
❥ And though it sometimes annoyed Draken, it definitely buttered up his ego- It entertained the gang so much they called you ‘The goddess of jealousy’
❥ All in good fun though, the other members would tease you by wrapping themselves around Draken, Mikey being the most menacing.
❥ “Hey you!!! Don’t go stealing Draken away from me, Sano!!!” you shook his entire body, causing Draken to look away with a sweatdrop and the others to pretend like they weren’t looking at the scene.
❥ Mikey looked just about ready to barf before you let him down. “You’re so weird! You’re always clinging to him and stuff!!!” you screamed at him, but Mikey being the little tease he is, “He’s OUR boyfriend now-”
❥ He landed a trip to the clinic just for that one, getting knocked out for at least a day before he decided to never mess with you again.
❥ Though, looks like this time the situation was reversed. “Hey uhh- could you do something about her?” You asked with a sweatdrop, the girl hugging you too tightly for your comfort
❥ “...Hey. Let go-” “Shut it you no-good punk.” “Huh? Whaddya’ say?” “a punk.”
❥  Draken grabbed your shoulder, pulling you near him before the girl grabbed you back, proceeding into a tug of war with you being the damn rope.
❥ “Oi! If you were a guy i would’a punched you right here and now!” “Do I look like I care, you hoodlum!? Why’d y/n-san even like you!?” They butt each other in the head, seeming like they were competing in who had the more threatening face before he turned towards you.
❥ Grabbing you by the wrist as he made you look at him “Get to school.” He plainly said, looking like he was just about to explode. “Hey-” “Listen to your boyfriend.” His pupils shook very harshly, making you feel a bit unsettled but very aroused-
❥ “S-sure” was the only answer you could muster before he pushed you to the exit.
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Mitsuya :
❥ No, because you guys would make great parents. Like literally the best-
❥ Anyways, looks like Mitsuya gained another sibling, 1 child…..and 1 more manchild.
❥ Not that he minded though, your brother would sometimes take after you, in a way that he’d get violent if ever he was wronged, so he got another helper in taking care of his sisters.
❥ But your father….Well let’s just say he scared the hell out of Mitsuya at first.
❥ “Woah what’s that?” He asked, pointing to Mitsuya as if he was an object. What scared Mitsuya was the fact that your father looked like someone who’d literally beat the hell out of people who had done him wrong. Or someone like Baji who’d blow cars up for fun-
❥ “Those piercings are sick. Did you do them yourself?” “Y-yes.” Mitsuya said uncomfortably, for a big man he sure was touchy. Don’t tell anyone but he’s almost trembling from the non-existent pressure your dad had been giving him.
❥ Though, all of his nervousness subsided once you had come back. Kicking your father in the head. Yeah, that didn’t last for long as your father had busted out a “You can’t have my daughter.”
❥ Mitsuya looked taken aback, but not too surprised, he readied himself for that one. After all, nobody had a positive look on gangsters like him, but he was serious about you. So mans was about to drop a bomb on how well he would treat and take care of you.
❥ That was until, “Just kidding! Man, I always wanted to say that.” Mitsuya sighed in relief, your father had been too playful for his liking, he knew for a fact your dad would make him have a heart attack some time.
❥  Your little brother was cute though, he found it refreshing to finally have a cute little boy running around for him. Now don’t get him wrong, he loved his siblings. It was just nice having a little brother, one that was innocent. Poor Hakkai got replaced-
❥ Anyways there was a time where Souta (your lil bro) had coincidentally bumped into Toman...beating some people up.
❥ “S-souta- This! This isn’t what it looks like!” One thing Mitsuya hated the most was becoming a bad influence to people around him.
❥ “Ah! Onii-chan Sorry! I thought I saw you with a blonde girl earlier! My sister’s really really mad! Don’t come to my house yet!” Souta begged with tears forming in his eyes.
❥ “...Eh?” “Rip Mitsuya.” “Accepting applications for the new 2nd division captain-” “Shut the hell up.”
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uwusenpaiuwu · 3 years
Baji Being A Menace To Society (And Your Relationship) 2.0
Sequel to: Baji A.K.A. The Worst (Best) Matchmaker
Summary: Baji’s at it again, acting out-of-pocket and creating chaos for absolutely no reason, other than to see you suffer. In his own Baji-esque way, of course.
Pairing: Sano Manjiro | Mikey x Male Reader
Warning(s): Boku no Pico is mentioned, but there is absolutely nothing graphic; mentions of masturbation
Note(s): I am so sorry if it isn’t funny. Sadly, I am but an amateur writer, not a comedian. Still, I hope you all enjoy! ^^
"(Y/n), want some ice cream? My treat."
Usually, you'd be the first to jump at an offer for a sweet treat, especially when you don't have to pay. However, as of now, the word 'ice cream,' when said by Baji, instantly triggers your fight-or flight-response. Paired with the fact that he’s broke as hell, your suspicions only increase for the sudden indulgence.
Since you know you're no match for the long-haired menace, your body automatically prepares to flee, legs twitching to lurch into a sprint. Unfortunately for you, just before you can get the fuck out of there, your hand is being grabbed by Mikey, who leisurely begins to tug you along to claim your dessert.
“You like ice cream, right?” he turns to ask, eyes unbelievably soft when looking at you.
And because you’re weak for him, all you can do is nod stiffly, trading in your sanity for the pleased grin that spreads across his face, his confident strides thereafter likely a result of him successfully remembering another miscellaneous fact about you, as has been the case since you officially started dating him. From the most trivial of things, like which brand of pens and pencils you prefer, to the slightly more important stuff, like ice cream being one of your favorite desserts; he’s made the effort of remembering them all.
He really doesn’t need to do any of that, ‘cause you’ll love him either way, but the conscious decision to do so is what makes you love him even more.
Zoning back into reality, you shake your head to reorient yourself. It isn’t the time to be going over the reasons why you’re such a lovesick puppy.
No, there are other things to worry about, mainly Baji.
You squeeze Mikey’s hand as you’re led to the nearest ice cream parlor to try and calm yourself. It works for the most part, especially when you get a reassuring squeeze back.
‘Right,’ you tell yourself, ‘it’s going to be okay.’
After all, Baji wouldn’t do anything too drastic, right?
You were wrong. So, so wrong.
Despite nothing having transpired yet, every alarm in your head is going off, pounding at the door of reason to get you to wake up and realize that it’s Baji you’re talking about, the same person that sets cars on fire when hungry and punches the first unfortunate soul he passes by on the street when sleepy.
You really should’ve listened to your survival instincts and ran. Alas, it’s much too late to escape, leaving you to wallow in your anxiety, while you wait for misfortune to strike.
And strike it does.
“Please, don’t sit next to me. You make me nauseous.”
“That’s cruel. I bought you ice cream, and you treat me like this?”
Yeah, he may have bought it, but you refuse to eat it because of how intensely Baji is staring at you. Fucking weirdo.
"Oh, do you want some of mine instead, (Y/n)?" Baji accentuates his question with a sensual lick to his ice cream from the edge of the cone to the finessed peak, making you extremely uncomfortable as he stares you down with the full motion.
As slowly as he licks his frozen treat do you slowly raise your middle finger, eliciting chuckles from the other occupants of the table.
You think you won that mini battle, though?
Ha! Nope.
Baji mirrors the vulgar action, not once breaking eye contact as he dips the tip of his finger directly into his ice cream, pulls it out, and proceeds to lick that, too.
Disgusted, you promptly avert your attention elsewhere, praying that Baji won’t continue being, well, himself.
Your prayers fall on deaf ears.
"It's cold!" As soon as the exclamation leaves your mouth, your blood runs glacial, knowing that you've unintentionally played into Baji's trap. The appearance of a sly, almost feral, smirk when you whip your head around to glare confirms what you already know.
The curtain has risen, and you’re standing center stage in a performance you can’t break free from.
"Aw, can't let it go to waste,” Baji continues, reaching over to scoop the ice cream you’re 100% certain he purposely spilled on the front of your shirt, with his fingers.
Then, to your horror and everyone else’s shock, he asks, without an ounce of virtue to his name, "Want me to lick it off with my mouth?"
Chifuyu is seated on the other side of the table, hiding his face in his hands. “Baji-san...”
"It'll stain if it dries like that." Dear God, how you wish to un-see Baji batting his eyelashes at you.
“I don’t care!” At this point, you’ve resorted to clumsily scooting your chair as far away from him as possible, which isn’t actually as far as you’d like considering your surroundings. Hell, so long as you put some distance between yourself and the crazy bastard that wants to see you suffer, you don’t mind having to force yourself halfway onto Mikey’s lap. (The firm hand that keeps you steady by the waist proves that your presence isn’t unwanted either.)
"Geez, (Y/n), you're such a scatterbrain."
Seeing Baji sell the line with a slow tugging of his hair behind the ear has you torn between laughing and dying a little more. Truthfully, his acting is frighteningly impressive, and you would’ve applauded his performance, if not for the fact that the role he’s playing still haunts your dreams.
By this time, most of who accompanied you to the ice cream parlor have figured out what kind of drugs Baji is on this time, which also means that those fuckers have seen, or are at least aware of, the cursed trilogy of questionable porn that’s being reenacted before their eyes, with you as an unwilling co-star. Those that are puzzled as to why people are shoving their fists in their mouths to refrain from laughing are obviously God’s favorites.
“The fuck is going on? I wanna laugh at Baji’s dumbassery, too.”
“Pah-chin... I think it’s best you don’t know.”
Interestingly enough, the one you’re most concerned about hasn’t said anything yet, splitting his attention between observing the scene unfolding and eating his portion of a deluxe sundae.
Then, out of nowhere-
“I understand.”
You and Baji freeze where you are, each of you grasping the other’s collar, you to shove him away, and him to draw you closer.
“(Y/n),” Mikey says, your name rolling silkily off his tongue in a tone much too fond for his next words, “if you like roleplay, just tell me.”
“I’m fine with pissing, remember? So, roleplay shouldn’t be a problem.”
Heat rises to your face at an alarming pace, and it continues to climb as Mikey takes your free hand in his, which serves not to comfort but to unintentionally remind you of the humiliating experience from a few months back. And just when you convinced him that you didn’t want anything to do with getting freaky with the body’s excreta, too.
“You’ve got it wrong! I don’t- arfghfgh?!”
Your prayer to help cool down your flushed cheeks must have been heard, but you’re pretty damn sure you didn’t ask for Baji to shove his ice cream in your mouth!
“Oh, yeah. (Y/n)’s a fuckin’ geek when it comes to roleplay,” the unhinged bastard speaks in your stead, indifferent to the nails clawing at his hand clamped over your mouth. “You should try it with him. We were doing a scene from his favorite anime.”
Mikey tilts his head, interest positively piqued. “Which one is that?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, leader?”
Mikey raises an eyebrow.
Baji opens his mouth.
You lunge.
It’s a series of events that happens in the blink of an eye and ends with loud crashing as you tackle Baji to the ground.
“Listen up, Baji Keisuke. We took an oath that day, and if you dare utter a word of what went down, I’ll consider that a breach of the code of secrecy and take you down, making sure you drown in a pit of your own shame and despair.”
Surprised to have been pinned down so quickly, it takes a while for Baji’s brain to catch up, but when it does, he’s frustratingly unfazed at the threat.
“Oho~ How scary. Too bad for you, I have no shame.”
“Not even if I tell Mama Baji where your porn stash is?”
That has the great Baji tensing up.
“You wouldn’t dare use an underhanded tactic like that.”
Your lips turn into a wicked grin. “Are you sure? I have as much dirt on you as you have on me, and like you, I won’t hesitate to use it to my advantage.”
If your grin is wicked, Baji’s is downright evil, showing off his sharp, gritted canines and all.
“You got balls, (Y/n),” he snarls, “but mine are bigger.”
The boy beneath you opens his mouth, and faster than you can stop him, he just...does it.
“(Y/n) (L/n) watched Boku no Pico and liked it!”
Silence is all that’s heard for a good, long minute following the booming roar of the revelation.
You dare not look up to gauge everyone’s reactions, instead keeping your icy glare fixated on Baji, who looks smug as shit for having caused the glorious eruption of heat to spread like wildfire across your entire body, from the tips of your ears down to where your skin disappears under the collar of your jacket.
This is war.
Taking in a deep breath, you answer his uncalled for declaration with your own thunderous shout of, “Baji watched Boku no Pico and jacked off to it! Twice!”
Baji laughs. “Oh, pray tell, saintly (Y/n), how many times did you jack off to it?”
“None of your fucking business, asshole.”
“Pretty fucking sure it is, since we were in the same room.”
Someone chokes, while you choke Baji.
“We. Swore. To. Secrecy. You. Asshole,” you practically growl, with each of your words accompanied by a ruthless back-and-forth shaking of the other boy’s person.
“Let up on the choking, dude. I’m not into that. You, however-”
Unable to take the ceaseless slander to your name anymore, you reel your fist back, but, upon seeing Baji’s cheek turned to you, jaw jutted out, as if inviting you to take your best shot, you hesitate. You know you wouldn’t be able to pack enough of a punch to actually leave an impact on him, which is terribly upsetting.
On the bright side, there’s still one tactic you can use that’ll be just as effective, a technique courtesy of your health teacher, who happily taught it to the class to use in case of an emergency.
Technically, it’s meant to be used to assess a person’s level of consciousness, but you suppose it can be used to get back at inconsiderate idiots, too.
“Ow! Ow! What the fuc-! Ow!”
You keep a straight face as you continue to rub your knuckles against his sternum, fully intent on delivering the worst possible pain to the current bane of your existence. It brings a sort of sadistic satisfaction to hear the ever prideful Baji’s screams of pain, and while it doesn’t completely undo the damage done, it does help soothe your wounded self-esteem.
“You want me stop? Beg for it.”
“Pissing, roleplay, choking, and begging? Goddam- OW!”
Your reign of terror comes to its untimely end when you’re lifted up into the air by the armpits, and through the haze of your power trip, you realize that Baji’s saving grace is Draken, who proceeds to carry you out of the parlor with ease.
“People are staring,” he coolly explains when you protest to having unfinished business.
Pouting, you cross your arms over your chest. “It’s his fault.”
Once outside, Draken doesn’t immediately put you back on your feet, until Mikey strolls out of the parlor. Only when the gang leader has his arms outstretched to you are you promptly deposited on the ground and taken into his embrace.
“Are you done letting off some steam?” is the first thing he asks you. Even though you can’t see his expression, the way he holds you and the way he cradles the back of your head, handling you with the utmost care, is indication enough that there will be no reprimand for, essentially, assaulting your division commander. (You would argue that it was an act of self defense against verbal harassment, but whatever.)
There’s just an overwhelming amount of love. So, so, so much love for each other.
“Yeah, I am,” you eventually answer, followed by a content sigh.
Naturally, that’s the perfect time for the tinkling of the bells above the parlor door to pilfer your attention. Baji’s appearance causes your face to morph into a scowl.
You cling tighter to Mikey, peeking over his shoulder to flip the ravenet off and mouth, ‘Go to Hell.’
As always, Baji answers your attempt to appear opposing with an obnoxious smirk.
‘See you there.’
“Boku no Pico, huh?”
“Draken, don’t laugh! Baji forced me to watch it!”
“All 3 episodes?”
“Favorite scene...?”
“As if I’d have one.”
“Ahh! Shut up! Why are you here, stupid Baji?! You live in the other direction!”
“Hey, (Y/n). Want to try doing the same thing with me?”
You look up, perplexed. Mikey literally just walked into the room, and that was the first thing he said to you.
“Do wha-?”
Your breath catches in your throat when you turn your head, only for you to come centimeters from bumping noses with him. And because he can, he lovingly knocks your foreheads together, too.
“It’s okay. I promise it’ll definitely be fun.”
You should feel ashamed for recognizing the same sequence of lines from Boku no Pico so quickly, though any coherent words are overtaken by an incomprehensible, high-pitched screech, a feat achieved solely by a teenage boy going through puberty.
A combination of shock and amusement crosses over Mikey’s features then. He’s never heard you make that sound before.
It’s cute. Strains the ears quite a bit, but cute.
While Draken lurks beside him, questioning Mikey’s standards of what constitutes as ‘cute,’ you’re sprinting across the room, red-faced, to Baji, who’s already grinning from ear-to-ear.
“Stop tainting my boyfriend, you piece of shit! Give him back his innocence!”
(Unbeknownst to you, whilst immersed in your fit of hysterics, your use of the word ‘boyfriend’ has a certain blond beaming.
“Did you hear that, Ken-chin? He called me his boyfriend.”
“Wow, congrats.”
Mikey either doesn’t give a shit or is simply too smitten to acknowledge Draken’s apathetic response.)
Baji blinks, unable to believe what you’re trying to insinuate. “Innocent? That little gremlin motherfucker?”
Both of you look in Mikey’s direction. When he sees you staring, he breaks out in a smile and throws a wave.
Your heart involuntarily skips a beat at the sight, and, okay, you’re convinced. Mikey deserves better than knowing of that cursed series’ existence.
Clearly, you’re down bad for Toman’s leader, and as such, Baji figures he can use that to quench his boredom for the day.
“Ooh, if only you knew what he gets off to.”
The tone in his voice instantly rouses suspicion. You narrow your eyes at him. “I don’t care what kind of porn he gets off to.”
“Porn? Nah, ya silly goose-”
“Don’t call me that.”
Baji ignores your comment as he moves to sling one arm around your shoulders, the other raising up to mimic an obscene tugging motion that no teenage boy is a stranger to.
“He jerks it to yo-”
One second, Baji is lazily hanging off of your person, the next, he’s sprawled out on the floor, face down, and groaning in pain. You expect nothing less after witnessing him receive a rather impressive flying kick to the chest from Mikey.
Before you can assess the full damage, your view gets obscured by a pair of keys.
“Wanna take my bike out for a spin?”
Yes, you know Mikey is trying to divert your attention from whatever Baji was going to say, and, yes, you probably should check on the figure that has yet to get up.
But do you really care?
You take one glance at Baji’s concerningly unmoving body and quickly come to a conclusion.
You do not.
That being said, you quite literally drag Mikey and, by extension, Draken out of there, chanting an excited, “Let’s go!” on your way, abandoning Baji to wither on the ground.
Baji feels betrayed.
“Y’know, I was joking.” Baji flips onto his back with a grunt. “Man, who knew Mikey was all grown up?”
The vice captain of the first division hums, seemingly uninterested in his commander’s musings.
It goes quiet for a few minutes, the sole instigator of noise being Chifuyu flipping the pages of his manga.
Unpredictable is Baji, and the same goes for his train of thought.
“I should punch Mikey for kicking me.”
“No, you’d get beat up.”
“I should punch (Y/n) for Mikey kicking me.”
Truly, unpredictable and senseless.
“You’d still get beat up.”
Baji opens his mouth to argue.
“By Mikey.”
He promptly closes it.
“Fuck it. I’ll keep spicing up their relationship as payback.”
Sighing, Chifuyu closes his book to crouch down next to him. “Baji-san, with all due respect, you’re an asshole.”
Baji Keisuke has experienced betrayal twice today.
And he deserved it both times.
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cheesus-doodles · 3 years
I just read your future bff baji fic where it said he can quickly climb up a corporate ladder and I’m just thinking about executive ceo baji and his best friend secretary reader.
askldnjaskjdans i dont know why but i really like this idea, have some hcs! ❤❤ time to continue on the Baji Bonanza! happy birthday to our best boy! p.s. goddamit the brainrot is real
Recommended Readings: ‎Yandere Bestfriend Baji HCs ;
tw: yandere, violence
CEO Yandere Bestfriend Baji and Secretary BFF
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okay just to put it out there, the only thing that's changed about Baji when you two start working after graduating college is that he stopped fighting everyone
nothing else - still the same soft baby boy inside when it comes to you
but doesn't mean he stopped fighting means he stop being absolutely brutal to anyone he thinks is threatening your friendship
now being brutal with his words instead of his fists
Baji climbing the corporate ladder, bringing you with him up the chain, whether you want to or not
an absolute monster at dealing with people and business alike, doesn't take long for him to get noticed by the higher ups who are scrambling to get him to stay
the promotions and offers seem to come non-stop as every company worth their salt tried to headhunt him, but Baji is sure to let them know that the two of you came as a pair, and he wouldn't accept anything if you didn't get a similar offer (or rather, a position under him where you would be safe and protected)
always hold the upper hand in negotiations since he is the one in demand, bringing in tons of deals and profit for whatever company he is working for
still extremely protective of you
everyone in the office knew better than to mess with you, or even breathe in your direction, lest Baji come knocking
doesn't take shit from anyone, including bosses - if he hears even a mutter of a complaint from you, the other offending party is either getting fired immediately or Baji is handing in both resignations and looking for somewhere more suitable for you to join
guess which happens more often than not
your officemates dare not to even look you in the eyes honestly, let alone ask you to do something for them, always extremely respectful and mild mannered no matter how they are usually - no one wants to get shit for losing the golden goose
this boy is seriously some company chameleon, easily fits in no matter which company or what culture he has - the most important thing at the front of his mind is always you
so when he finally becomes CEO of one of them absolutely massive firms, of course you would be by his side as his secretary
and he has a second secretary, because no way Baji could bare to give you too much work - doesn't want to see you stressed, or even worse, cry
still baby boy inside, it would completely break his heart if your eyes even start to water
of course he would still assign you things to do and follow up on, but all of the work revolves around him and only him
no one else dares to even approach you to ask for help or to schedule meetings, not with the set of absolutely evil eyes glinting at them from behind the glass doors
whoever had the balls to speak to you find themselves done and dusted behind the end of the day, usually having been relocated to some far flung office far away from you
in Baji's mind, they obviously were looking to steal you away from him, so they got to go
eventually moves you from the lobby of his floor to inside his office so that he can keep a better eye on everyone interacting with you
doesn't give you any work that has you interacting with others, or meeting others without him there
never has you in any meetings that he needs to get serious - doesn't want you to see that side of him in case you become frightened of him
even though Baji is a super busy man as CEO, he always makes time for you - every lunch is eaten with you wherever possible
still looks forward to seeing you bring out that familiar bento box despite him being absolutely loaded - no chef and no food beats your home cooking for him
has you block off time in his calendar when he is particularly stressed so that he can have some downtime, still likes to lie in your lap and have you run your fingers through your hair in that way only you can
will absolutely cancel business meetings and all if Baji wanted to spend more time with you, so please give him all your love and affection
if he has to travel, you are definitely coming along with him - not to work, but for an all-expense paid holiday
any work is done by his second secretary of course, that's what he hired them for
in fact, all your expenses are paid for by him, you never need to spend a cent of your extremely generous salary
everything you lay your eyes on Baji would buy for you without even a blink, and you have made him return his extravagant gifts more than once
considered buying a house for you next to him, but would honestly rather you just moved in already so that you are safe and sound next to him
but Baji still sometimes settles issues with his fists, when his blood boils and the urge eats at him under his skin, especially the suitors that come knocking from time to time
gets his underworld contacts to kidnap and drag them to an undisclosed location
still misses his delinquent days, and being able to fight once more gets his heart pumping
you definitely know nothing about this
feels good to feel bones crunch under his fists once more after so long, throws money around to keep everything under wraps
every suitor ends up getting beaten to an inch of his life and then murdered with several bullets to the head - Baji is smarter than to leave witnesses alive
bodies are quietly disposed off for a exorbitant amount of money, but every cent spent disposing of garbage that try to worm into your life is worth it to Baji
his clothes that get inevitably stained with blood when he is done, but some professional laundering with bring them back to perfection - not a single speck of stain left
would move the world for you, so make sure you are extremely careful with what you say to him
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zvnphoria · 3 years
- how kazutora would act around his crush that is baji’s adoptive sister
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a/n - ah i just love kazutora so much and i can’t help but see baji as a brother to me,, i had so much fun making this! and i sorta rushed this because i’m very tired rn but shh
contains - fluff, kazu being cute
such a shy and awkward boy honestly
kazutora’s comfortable with baji because they’re best friends! baji was kazutora’s real friend, of course he’d do anything to repay him.
but around you? he just didn’t know what to say or how to act other than being painfully awkward
the way you both met was very casual
one day kazutora rushed to your apartment to show off to baji the tiger tattoo he got on his neck and he wanted baji to be the first one to see
instead you were the first one to see
when you opened the door, he had a big but hesitant smile on his face because he was nervous baji would think it was too much dedication to his name
(tora means tiger AND kazutora loves tigers if it wasn’t obvious enough)
but when he saw an unfamiliar face in front of him he couldn’t help but feel disappointed and confused
“oh you’re kazutora aren’t you? sorry let me go wake keisuke up,” you say while yawning and walking to your sleeping brother’s room
you ended up throwing your brother out of his room and slamming him on the floor because he is unfortunately a heavy sleeper
baji’s reaction to the tattoo was so over exaggerating you wanted to slap him back to sleep because you were starting to get tired
kazutora sat back and watched your disgusted facial expression and laughed to himself a bit
“hey what’re you laughin’ at?” baji says as he looks back at his sister and back at his best friend
“oh no no it’s nothing!”
baji went back to his room to sleep and you had to tuck him in
although you and baji were the same age and he claims to be your big brother, it’s almost like YOU have to take care of him half the time but you don’t mind
you led kazutora out the door after tucking baji in and thanked him for being friends with him despite being loud and eccentric which was the opposite of kazutora
“no no i should be really thanking him honestly. he saved me and i’m glad,” he reassured
“hah! sorry you have to deal with him all the time,” you say jokingly
“oh and by the way, nice tattoo. see ya!” you say closing the door
it took a while for you and him to be considered as just friends. good thing he put worked very hard to get to where he was!
baji noticed that kazutora’s been trying to get closer to you and there was only one reason he was acting like this— he definitely likes her, he thought
and baji being baji.. he confronted kazutora about this. it was super casual AND out of nowhere too!
it was just a normal day of hanging out with toman. they were on their way to a place they’ve never been to before so they had to ride their motorcycles. kazutora was in the front of the group meanwhile baji was in the middle back because a certain someone fell asleep on his back.
as he made his way to the front next to kazutora, he just HAD to say this so everyone can hear. what was worse was that it was completely unintentional.
“ ‘tora. do you like y/n?”
he thought he misheard that. kazutora didn’t even know you well enough for him to like you romantically. still, it caught him off-guard, and was left with an extremely flustered expression.
“huh?! where’d you get that from dumbass?!
“huh? you like y/n-chin, kazutora?” mikey says with a yawn
“with the way he always tries to be around her, i wouldn’t be surprised,” mitsuya joins in
“no i don’t like her like that! i don’t know her well enough— and not to mention, how did you even comprehend that bullshit?!”
“well it was exactly what mitsuya said. the way you act around her is definitely not something a friend would do,” baji replied
the poor dude kept stuttering which made it the situation worse and made him look more SUSPICIOUS
in the end, he didn’t end up convincing them that he didn’t like you— not that he even had hopes he was gonna convince them
facing you after that was definitely something.. by something i mean very, very awkward
you were so confused on why he couldn’t look you in the eye after you had both just started becoming close
you didn’t question him about it ofc and thank god you didn’t or else he would’ve bursted red
baji 100% tries to get you two together but at the same time is also against it because he’s your sister after all
overall he’d just be very nice and respects you so much :)
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