#bajifuyu one shots
yuutsunaoi-writes · 8 months
You know how there was a time when I posted SO. MANY. Bajifuyu fics - especially the 5+1s ones. There were like, I don't know, 30+ fics about them??
Anyways, looking back at all those fics, I wish I could rewrite them all cuz I can't believe that there were some parts that were so out of character of those two.
Sorry to everyone who had to read some of my fics that had mischaracterization- 😭😭😭
I would've tried re-writing them, but like I said - 30. Plus. Fics.
They're still a fond memory btw, don't worry. I enjoyed reading readers' comments and stuff 😂😂
(It's sad to think of how one way or another, the things I hyperfixate on would always become only fond memories at the end of the day :/
They're still fond memories, at the very least 🩵)
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heaven-s-black-box · 10 months
Late for Dinner- Bajifuyu ft. Male! reader
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Recovery date: April 3rd, 2023
Description: Chifuyu/Baji + male reader Detective AU “(holding out a bag of candies) Candy?" >:D
Notes: Recovered in conjunction with @baylecn, we thank them for their contributions.
Word count: 711
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Baji frowned, chin resting in the palm of his hand as he stared out the window in his office. He watched the rain pelt the tall window and pool in the road down below, splashing up against the tires of passing cars. The dim street light casting a faint yellow glow across the dreary street. 
The detective let out a long, tired sigh as he leaned back in his chair— rocking on the back legs— and loosened his tie. Once the knot dropped away from his collar, he popped the top two buttons and ran his hands through his hair. Chifuyu was late, and he was starting to wonder if he’d forgotten about their dinner plans. He continued to watch the streaks of water race across the glass panes, debating if he should go pick Chifuyu up, when there was a knock at his door.
“Go away L/n!” He called, followed by the click of the chair legs hitting the wooden floor again.
There was a brief pause before the door creaked open and the receptionist peeked in through the crack. 
“I’m surprised you’re still here,” he said, opening the door the rest of the way and kicking a wood wedge underneath to keep it open. “It’s almost seven… Did you and Chifuyu have a  fight? Because I’m not letting you sleep in your office again.”
“We didn’t fight,” Baji snapped, crossing his arms in front of his chest and glaring at Y/n. He sighed when the receptionist raised a brow in question. “He was supposed to pick me up for dinner twenty minutes ago.”
“Ah, so you were going to leave early.” Y/n pulled out the chair on the opposite side of Baji’s desk and settled in before pulling out a small cardboard box from his pocket. “Candy?” he asked, shaking the box.
Baji nodded as Y/n popped the seal on the box and shook out a few pieces. The detective took the handful and tossed them back, earning an eye roll from his receptionist.
“I’m not giving you more.”
“Matsuno would kill me if I ruined my appetite anyways.” Baji looked out the window again, finding Chifuyu’s spot across the street still empty. Maybe he should grab his umbrella and walk over to the pet shop. “Why’d you come up here anyways if you’d thought I was gone?”
“Because,” Y/n swallowed one of the candies, “I always come up here and clean up before I leave, your welcome by the way, if it weren’t for me I can’t imagine the paperwork would get done. What, with how you leave it scattered about.”
The receptionist threw an arm over the back of his chair, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back leisurely. 
“Eh, it’s nothing.”
Baji closed his eyes, letting his head drop into his chest, as they fell into a comfortable silence— listening to the rain falling.
The moment was disrupted by the front slamming open, followed heavy footsteps and labored breathing racing down the hall. Y/n jumped out of their chair and ducked behind Baji’s desk while the detective pulled out his gun and pointed it at the door.
“Sor-AH!” Chifuyu yelled, grabbing the door frame and swinging around it to stand in the dead center. He was met with a very angry Baji pointing a gun at him. “Hey! I know I’m late but is the gun really necessary?!”
“We thought you were an intruder!” Y/n yelled, peeking over the edge of the desk.
“I almost shot you!” Baji yelled, concern in his voice. “Don’t come barreling in with no warning next time!”
“Sorry, I just figured you’d be grumpy about having to stay late.”
Y/n glared up at Baji before finally hauling himself up and jabbing a finger in his face.
“Late? You don’t get off until seven!”
“Well,” Baji stood up and pushed his chair back, “we need to head out, I’m sure Draken and Emma are wondering where we are. Let’s go Matsuno!”
He rounded the side of the desk opposite to Y/n and practically sprinted out, grabbing Chifuyu’s hand on the way out and dragging him abc to the front door.
“Wha- Keisuke slow down!”
“Get back here you damn slacker!”
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seraphdreams · 1 year
Also I tend to basically give my favourite characters the mary sue treatment (make them out to be perfect and be loved by all) and bajis not an exception. Like in my mind he can do no wrong. The series would be a one shot if he were the mc (and steve urkel would have been put on the news) and basically everyone (bar his opps) either loves him either as a friend (mikey, Ryusei Toman founders, entirety of the first division and ll of toman to an extent (bar mucho acordong to his character books) or like a lover like CHIFUYU (he just like us fr), Kazutora (if you ship bajitora or bajitrio, never rlly unserstood why they were called that but it fits too much for them to be anything else). Like cats love him, he has a good relationship with his mom (don't wanna make her cry) AND he's a genuinely good guy (respects women juice, literally founded toman to protect tora) bar his pyro tendencies and the fact that he instigates fights for nor reason when he's sleepy or hungry
Sorry for rambling but I want to get my point across without having every character ride on his dick (sounds weird to say but that's how I feel) bc I feel like I'd do them dirty but I wanted to articulate my point.
But yh. In my mind he's done nothing wrong. 100 on the rice purity score and if he does something to you then you had it coming
please!! that’s cute! he’s super lovable, you can’t hate baji <3 also, the reason why it’s called bajitrio is because out of all the ships, baji’s name comes first! meaning he’s the most dominant one of them (bajifuyu, bajitora, bajifuyutora)
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venadontleave · 9 months
Fics I read and cherish
One Piece [Zosan]:
Spit It Out [multiwork by HelAuditore]
Deep [multiwork by CharlieNozaki]
Bit by Bit [one-shot by sabershadowkat]
Things Unsaid [one-shot by sabershadowkat]
Fuck, Marry, Kill (or, how Usopp becomes the best matchmaker of the sea without really trying) [one-shot by adietxt]
Double Play [one-shot by auspizien]
Advanced Techniques in Ice Breaking [one-shot by greenyogurtelephant]
Tokyo Revengers [BajiFuyu]:
Congratulations! You’re our 1000th visitor, please collect your kiss… [one-shot by matcha_meow and panravenc]
A Letter of Recommendation from Baji Keisuke [series by matcha_meow]
everything, everything [series by panravenc]
pretty baby, now that i've found you, stay [series by panravenc]
all along there was some invisible string tying you to me [series by manjjrou]
you're my best friend for the rest of my life (and beyond) [series by manjjrou]
Baby You're a Home Run [series by jungkookery]
Double Play [series by jungkookery]
Hentai Boobies (That Excites Me) [one-shot by jungkookery]
Patience is a Virtue [one-shot by TheBadIdeaBears]
Busted Lip [series by catb0t]
for you, I can admit im just too soft for all of this [one-shot by todorokillua]
Link Click:
Kaijuu no.8:
Mob Phycho 100:
screwball [series by toyotas]
A Tale Of Things Lost [multiwork by dartlekey]
Reigen Babysits A Bunch Of Psychics (Plus Tome) [multiwork by Philiah]
Electric Fool [multiwork by Drowninginworkbutstill]
Voltron [Klance]:
Dirty Laundry []
Arcane [JayVik]:
Every Second, Every Day [one-shot by hxllowsandhorcruxes]
Grey Dawn [one-shot by TheTrickyOwl]
Collaberation of Loners [series by EndlessRose]
An Undoing [series by EndlessRose]
Most Important Meal [one-shot by shojo_goddess]
Another Bite for Our Hextech Dream [one-shot by virtualbugs]
Freezing [one-shot by virtualbugs]
Let's meet in the middle [one-shot by plumy]
They'd Even Steal the Stars From Us [multiwork by mylevelance]
Forgiver's Fallacy [multiwork by BlossomBlue]
your entire body, exhaling [one-shot by Midna_Ronoa]
a million little reasons [series by ameizing_me3]
Partners [series by wxntr]
A Journal [series by wxntr]
The Infamous Couch [multiwork by AbsoluteCreed]
Stunted Roots [multiwork by 5543062]
Dusk Petrichor [one-shot by 5543062]
the touching art of communication [one-shot by LorenIndra]
Once You Get a Touch, You Won't Ever Get Enough [series by lemonmangosorbet]
Your Hands on My Body [multiwork by UndercityViktor]
Straight from a [Student's] Mouth [mutliwork by engagemythrusters]
A Study in Metallics [one-shot by Katyakora]
Don't Starve:
Helluva Boss:
Hazbin Hotel:
The Owl House:
Straws on the Donkey's Back [multiwork by RiaTheDreamer]
Magical Mirrors [multiwork by RiaTheDreamer]
When the Cat's Away [multiwork by cheetour]
Searching for somewhere to belong [multiwork by Aquawolf238]
To each their own poison [multiwork by Aquawolf238]
Duerme bien [one-shot by WaitingOnAVision]
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the-pop-has-corned · 3 years
Here's my first fanfic. Thank you for 500 followers and happy Halloween!
"Chifuyu!” the long-haired man exclaimed for what seemed the hundredth time.
The other person just laughed at his friend’s antics.
“I’m going to strangle myself here!”
“Don’t be dramatic. You’ll be fine, ‘tora.”
Kazutora pouted at Chifuyu’s reply. He’s been trying to set up the Halloween decorations for half an hour now, but to no avail. On top of that, Chifuyu wouldn’t even help him. What a traitor.
He shouldn’t think that way.
This man helped him after he got out of jail. Offered him a job and a place to stay. He treated him with kindness although Kazutora knows that he did that for Baji’s sake.
“Here, let me help. Why are you worried so much? It’s just a party.” Chifuyu said, taking the ghost decorations in hand and setting them up.
Kazutora glared at the decorations. Why couldn’t he do that when Chifuyu made it look so easy?
“it’s just…” Kazutora paused for a moment before continuing “I’m worried I’ll mess up”
The again was implied. It’s a secret to no one that these past months which Kazutora has been out of jail he’s been really clumsy. Considerate but clumsy nonetheless. Offering help to everyone, trying to redeem himself for his past actions no matter how many times Chifuyu told him it’s no need. Despite all of Kazutora’s heartfelt attempts at helping, they all ended up in chaos.
He shuddered remembering the time he ruined one of Mitsuya’s designs. He apologized at least a thousand times, even offered to pay for the damage. He expected Mitsuya to be angry, to scream, tell him off for being such a useless person. Just like his father once did. However, Mitsuya looked at him and smiled.
Said it was no problem and that the fabric was very cheap and easily tearable. Kazutora knew he was lying but couldn’t bring himself to say something. He didn’t want his friends to pity him. He knew he made mistakes. Some of them that can never be forgiven and that’s why he tried even harder to be supportive of them and help.
Why can he never be of help?
Chifuyu looked at him in the eyes and frowned.
“It will be alright. We’re almost ready. Just need to buy the snacks. Let’s go get them together,” Chifuyu said, knowing that the tattooed man needed some fresh air.
“Do you have a favorite candy?” Chifuyu asked when they entered the supermarket.
“Not really. I’ve never celebrated Halloween.”
“Wait, seriously? What about the sweets? The costumes? All the horror movies!”
“I wasn’t allowed any of that while living with my father.”
Chifuyu stopped the conversation right there. Kazutora’s father was always a sore subject. After so many months that they’ve been living together, the bicolored man still didn’t want to talk about him. Chifuyu chose to keep himself busy by reading the ingredients of one of the products.
Neither man made an attempt to break the silence until Kazutora spoke up.
“What was Baji’s favorite candy?” he asked in a small voice. Chifuyu wouldn’t have heard the question had he not been right beside him.
He was surprised of the question. Kazutora rarely asked him questions related to Baji. He remained quiet for a moment. Kazutora looked at him, afraid that he crossed a line and was ready to apologize before Chifuyu replied.
“He really liked all the different KitKat chocolates they would release for Halloween. And the Sanrio Halloween cookies. He always made fun of me for liking romance manga and anime but he had a soft spot for Hello Kitty.”
“One Halloween he tasted some spicy candy I do not remember the name of. I told him not to do that but he still did and got a stomachache. We had to stay home because he was vomiting. After he stopped, we watched Hocus Pocus. He knew all the lyrics by heart," Chifuyu laughed remembering the memory and continued telling him stories about the Halloweens they spent together, there in the supermarket.
That one time they went to a Halloween party, dressed up as Superman and Batman and they stopped a petty thief from stealing a grandma’s purse. Baji struck the guy and broke his nose. The violence was unnecessary but Baji was always the one for the dramatics.
“Batman doesn’t kill people, Baji-san.“ Chifuyu had to remind him.
The old lady thanked them and even gave them some chocolate. It was really nice of her but the greatest part about that specific Halloween was her young grandson. He was probably five or six years old and he really believed he met his two favorite superheroes.
Another year, they were too bored to dress up and chose to have a movie marathon with all the Halloween classics. Both of them were sure the other would shit himself scared. They even made a bet that whoever was afraid had treat the winner for a whole week. In the end, they both were scared so much they couldn’t sleep. At every single sound they hid under the covers. They even went to the bathroom together.
“I’m totally not scared, ‘fuyu”
“Then why did you ask me to come to the bathroom with you?”
“So you’re not left alone. You think I didn’t notice you nearly shitting your pants?”
There was also this one time they went as Mario and Luigi. Baji talked in a fake Italian accent for the whole night. At first, he tried to make Chifuyu dress up as Princess Peach. Had the costume ready and everything.
“Why can’t you be Princess Peach?”
“Who’s the petite one here?”
“Do you want me to punch you? You got tired of fake blood and want some real one?”
“Chifuyu don’t be vulgar.”
“I’m surprised you even know that word!”
Realizing Kazutora hadn’t spoken a word, he looked at Kazutora who still remained silent. As if he hadn’t noticed Chifuyu stopped speaking.
The man had lowered his head and was staring at the floor.
Chifuyu approached the other man and saw him crying silently.
“I’m sorry, Chifuyu,” he said in between sobs.
“I’m really sorry. If I hadn’t done that-“ he stuttered.
“If I hadn’t done that, he would still be here. You would be happy. You would spend Halloween together. But I had to ruin it. I ruin everything. Why are you so nice? You should hate me I’m the reason Baji isn’t here! I’m the reason he died. He should be here and not me!”
“Kazutora..” Chifuyu whispered.
The taller man sniffed and wiped away his tears. He was ready to leave when Chifuyu pulled him in a hug.
“I wish many things could have gone differently. But befriending you is not one of them.”
They stayed like that for a few moments before a small voice interrupted them.
“Mommy, what are those two old guys doing there?”
Chifuyu and Kazutora immediately pulled away from the hug and stared wide eyed at the small boy who was pointing at them and at the boy’s mother.
“Don’t look at them, honey. Creepers these days have no shame,” the mother said before dragging her son to the next aisle.
Chifuyu and Kazutora looked at each other for a moment and burst out laughing.
“Well, that was a first,” Chifuyu said.
“The poor mother thinks we traumatized her child.”
“She’ll get over it.”
“The snacks! We forgot the snacks. We’ve been here for an hour!” Kazutora said panicking.
“That can wait. There’s something more important we have to do first,” Chifuyu responded.
“What do you mean?” Kazutora wondered
“Do you like peyoung yakisoba?” Chifuyu asked.
“Can’t say I’ve ever had one,” Kazutora confessed, not expecting the strange question.
“Come on, we can share.”
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heizouswifefr · 3 years
Lucky Mistake
A bajifuyu fic
Glancing up, he spotted someone standing in front of a shelf. Someone with long, silky, black hair.
His heart skipped a beat.
It was rare to see Chifuyu in a library. Usually, he would buy his romance mangas from a store not too far from his apartment but his monthly allowance is almost gone (a result of splurging on cat food and other stuff for Peke J during a sale) and he doesn’t have any room for more manga on his bookshelf.
So there he was, eyeing the books in the manga section carefully, trying to decide which one he should read first. After about 10 minutes, Chifuyu sighed as a sign of defeat. He closed his eyes, randomly grabbed a book, sat on the nearest seat, and quickly dove into it.
This story was somewhat different from the ones he had read.
“For starters, the dynamic of the main couple resembles more like best friends than lovers, Secondly-”
He stopped his internal rambling when he saw something move in the corner of his eye.
“Weird,” he thought, “The library was supposed to be empty by this time.”
His heart skipped a beat.
Glancing up, he spotted someone standing in front of a shelf. Someone with long, silky, black hair.
“A pretty girl? Here? With me?”
His mind was racing a mile a minute. The mere thought of being alone with a girl, even in a public place, is enough to make him overheat and internally shut down.
Then, he realized something. This must be his chance to find his one true love, just like in his mangas!
An accidental touch of fingertips while trying to reach for the same book, followed by a conversation about said book, and eventually falling in love after a few library dates.
This golden opportunity has presented itself right in front of Chifuyu and he would be an absolute idiot to pass it up.
He slowly rose from his seat, book long forgotten on a nearby table, and walked towards the girl. Pretending to scan the exercise books, he stole a quick glance in the girl’s direction. Her face was covered by her hair but it’s fine. Chifuyu’s sure she’s cute.
He watched as the girl’s hand reached to grab one right next to him.
He reached over too and purposefully brushed his hand against hers. Chifuyu felt his heart race, ponding violently in his chest-
“Get your hand off, fucker. I got it first,” a deep voice boomed.
Chifuyu whipped his head to the side.
He knew that voice well, having heard it time and time again during gang meetings and on those short walks to and from school. He was painfully close to the owner of the voice.
“Huh? Chifuyu?”
The blond instantly went red in the face. The one standing next to him was Toman’s First Division Captain, Keisuke Baji. He can’t believe he thought his captain was a girl. Curse his long, beautiful, silky hair.
“Wh-what are you doing here?”
Baji raised an eyebrow, the look of confusion plastered on his face.
“I’m borrowing a book.”
Really, he expected his vice captain to be smarter than this. Said vice captain was sporting a concerning shade of red on his face.
“You look like a tomato. Is the weather that hot today?”
“Huh? Oh right! Today’s so hot,” Chifuyu fanned his face with a random magazine he pulled from the shelf as an attempt to convince the raven haired boy that his obvious blush was because of the weather and absolutely not because of the shame he felt upon realizing that he had mistook his captain for a girl.
He was a bit disappointed that he didn’t get to meet the love of his life though.
Baji eyed the shorter male suspiciously but the latter started to squirm under the former’s gaze so he dropped it.
“...Is there anything else you wanna do here?” asked the long haired male.
“No, I already finished reading.”
“Then let’s go get some yakisoba. I haven't had any since last week.”
Baji smiled his signature grin, fangs and all. The blankets of sunshine filtered by the slightly tinted windows of the library gave the illusion that he was glowing.
Chifuyu thought his captain looked so ethereal.
He nodded his head and followed the other male who was already walking towards the exit. Both left the library without borrowing anything.
Baji placed his arm around Chifuyu’s shoulder, like how he does every time they fall into step with one another, but for some reason this normal gesture made Chifuyu’s heart beat rapidly.   
It wasn't the first time it happened too.
Multiple different times on multiple different occasions did Chifuyu notices his heart rate increasing around his friend, as well as a sudden feeling of uneasiness he could only describe as ‘having butterflies in one’s stomach’ washing over him, and the desire to stay in a certain situation with the other forever was so overwhelming, he wanted to scream.
An example of a time when Chifuyu felt all these emotions was when he found out Baji has a soft spot for cats after he introduced him to his Bombay cat. That cat was soon named Peke J, courtesy of Baji.
The raven haired boy would cuddle with Peke J for a minimum of 5 minutes every time he comes over. And every time he does so, Chifuyu’s heart melts.
The sight of his usually aggressive friend holding his cat with such care, as if the creature would break if he held it too roughly, was enough to supply him with enough serotonin for the day. He seriously considered adopting another cat if it means he gets to see Baji's smils two times brighter than before.
Chifuyu was sure he had read about this before. He was sure he'd seen these emotions play out before, maybe even more than once.
But those thoughts were for another day. Right now, he would rather focus on Baji's arm around his neck, his body so close to his.
"Whatever," Chifuyu thought, "Baji-san's way better than any girl anyway."
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scarareg · 3 years
Tokrev ships as anime songs
Mitsukkai-Grand Escape - Radwimps (feat Toko Miura)
Bajifuyu-One Last Kiss-Hikaru Utada
Takehina-Long Shot-Mayu Maeshima
Naomichi-Polaris-BLUE ENCONT
Drakemikey-Aoi Shiori-Galileo Galilei
Hina x Emma-Fireworks-DAOKO x Kenshi Yonezu
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suspiravisse · 3 years
I'm writing some bajifuyu for ao3 and it's almost finished, I already have another one shot planned and I intend to write for more tokrev ships, the tag on ao3 be looking empty and I need to do something about it
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Mikey;Takemikey or MikeyKen (It's a tie tbh)
Takemichi; Takemikey
Chifuyu; Bajifuyu
Kazutora; BajiKazuFuyu (Fuck it, the trio has a soft spot in my heart and I can't pick. Sue me.)
Mitsuya; DrakenxMitsuya or MitsuYuzu (This one just depends on the chemistry of muses tbh)
Koko; KokoInui
Sanzu; SanzuMikey
Shinichiro; ShinxWakasa
Wakasa; ^
Izana; KakuchoxIzana
Honestly, I'm a sucker for ships. I'll write majority of stuff, and haven't really found anything I won't write just yet, so I'm open to at least hearing out ideas! As far as prompts, there's very few angst prompts that I am on the fence on but again, just hit me up and I'll probably be open to give it a shot.
Nothing over twelve years. My parents were twelve years apart so an age gap isn't super odd to me. It's weird at times depending on the situation but I've also grown to ship Wakasa and Senju and they're Eleven years apart I believe so I mean, I can't judge much on an age gap.
Not really. I can usually work my muse to fit with the partner but sometimes muses just don't click and that's about the only time I get picky. I do prefer some interaction before at least so that adds in some to being selective but not too much still.
Once clothes are coming off, then we can move on to Discord or TimeSkip it. Clothes on are still sort of nsfw but at least if they get walked in on, it's easier to cover.
I'm a multishipper. Literally, if you have cute fanart or Headcanons for a ship, I'll probably get roped in way too easily. So just take this as you will.
Not directly, necessarily. I'd like to say yes simply because I'm an idiot and oblivious to flirting so I'd like to be certain that if your character is winking as a flirt, that's actually the case and not just my muse taking it wrong. Though again, I'd like there to be some interaction beforehand unless just discussed in advance. But if it's a shipping meme or something, that's a little different.
Gimme all the ships. I'm down.
Yes. Very much so. Every muse is different and I love seeing the different behaviors and habits by each muse.
Oh God, that would take forever. Uh, most of them are above honestly.
You can honestly just send me "Hey, can we ship [Ship]?" And I'll be down to figure something out to make it work.
Tagged  by: I stole this @captivemuses though they posted it a while ago, so whoops. Not sorry
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natnara · 2 years
Holaaaaa!!! Bueno, como sabrán, ayer salió el Spin off BajiFuyu y quería aprovechar para escribir una pequeña sabrosura!!
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Ship: BajiFuyuSato
Créditos: https://twitter.com/pago0024/status/1552370238720974849?t=Sjuef9oxFJRoyWTCmAE5BA&s=19
Universo canon divergente. OoC
Tenemos comisiones abiertas para One shots, drabbles y viñetas. También para correcciones de obras. Cualquier consulta, manden mensaje privado.
Recuerden seguir mis perfiles:
Los latidos de su corazón eran mucho más frenéticos de lo habitual. Él se sentía prisionero en los confines del infierno, liderado por dos hombres que lo habían engañado para tenerlo a su merced. Sus mejillas ardían, sus manos temblaban.
Chifuyu estaba listo para pelear y derrotar a los débiles con su propia fuerza, mas no para ser la presa de dos devoradores seriales que se regocijaban de su ilusa idea de ser vice capitán.
—Así que quieres sacarme del camino, ¿verdad? —susurró Sato, sujetando su cintura con fuerza. Lo sentó encima suyo y sonreía al ver la reacción de Chifuyu. —¡Vamos, Matsuno! Pareces id1ota, pero no lo eres y sabes que para tener un puesto tan importante debes pasar por algunas pruebas...
De inmediato, Baji se presentó ante él. Chifuyu se sentía sensualmente intimidado ya que su deseo por Keisuke era tan evidente que Sato pudo verlo sin necesidad de analizarlo a profundidad. Él amaba la tortur4 y más cuando se trataba de novatos intentando escalar alto sin ningún esfuerzo. Quería ver cuál era su resistencia mental, ya que conocía cuánto podía soportar durante las peleas.
No obstante, Chifuyu demostró su debilidad ante el líder de la primera división de la Toman. Sus mejillas se ruborizaban al viajar en su motocicleta y si él lo halagaba, una amplia sonrisa se dibujaba en su rostro.
Sato, con tal de regocijarse de ello, citó a Chifuyu en nombre de Baji para hablarle de su ascenso. Lo que nunca imaginó era que debía resistirse a los encantos de Baji mientras las caricias de Sato lo estimulaban en silencio.
La mano del vice capitán se deslizaba lentamente por encima de su camisa y el aliento impactaba en su lóbulo, estremeciéndolo. La lasciva mirada de Baji despertaba su hambre, sus bajos instintos estaban al borde de una gran explosión que daría cuenta del estado de sus hormonas adolescentes.
Keisuke se arrodilló frente a él, mirándolo a los ojos. Chifuyu interpretó esa mirada como una similar a la de un león que degusta su cena aún cuando esta sigue con vida. Baji llevó sus manos hasta sus pantorrillas y las apretó sutilmente. Matsuno soltó un jadeo que provocó una carcajada en Sato. Éste último llevó su otra mano hasta el cuello de su víctima y elevó su cabeza, dejando descubierta una de las zonas más sensibles de su cuerpo.
Baji se acercó hasta el espacio libre de su piel y la rozó con la punta de su nariz, haciendo que Chifuyu se retorciera ante el suave contacto.
—¿Sabes? —murmuró mientras deslizaba la punta de su lengua sobre su mentón. —Creo que mereces ser el vice capitán porque tú tienes una increíble resistencia. Sin embargo... —Una mano tocó directamente su entrepierna. —Aunque tú te muestres indiferente, este de aquí te deja en evidencia. Estás caliente y eso es suficiente para saber que te contienes lo suficiente para ganarte tu puesto. ¡Te felicito, Chifuyu!
Sorprendido, Matsuno fue relajándose a medida que Sato y Baji se alejaron de él. Ambos reían cruelmente y Chifuyu estaba completamente enfadado.
—¡¡Esto no es suficiente, Baji! —exclamó con seriedad. Ambos voltearon a verlo cuando notaron el cambio de tono de voz de Chifuyu. —¡¡Necesito una prueba de valor y la quiero en este momento sólo contigo, Baji!! —propuso, generando el cólera en su vice capitán.
Si, era cierto que Chifuyu estaba encolerizado. Pero su enojo no se debía a que los jóvenes pusieron a prueba su resistencia, sino que ellos habían encendido las llamas de su ser y el hombre que se enredaba en sus sábanas durante sus sueños estuvo a punto de cumplirle una de sus mayores fantasías y fue capaz de quitarle el dulce de la boca al tentarlo sin más.
—Así que eres persistente, ¿eh? —Keisuke esbozó una sonrisa traviesa y abrió los primeros botones de su camisa. —Sato, déjanos a solas. Chifuyu se ganará ese puesto si pasa la siguiente prueba. Aunque esta será muy ruda, frenética y acalorada, ¿estás listo?
—¡¡Por supuesto!!
Y así, en un encuentro colmado de varias pruebas que superaron las expectativas de Baji, Chifuyu obtuvo la vice capitanía de la división al demostrarle que no sólo podía resistir en un enfrentamiento contra varios contrincantes al mismo tiempo, sino que también podía aguantar varias batallas piel a piel con su capitán en diferentes lugares y a cualquier hora, aún si estaba Sato como un espectador en las sombras, esperando algún día participar de sus divertidas y sensuales posiciones.
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suspiravisse · 3 years
hey besties, new bajifuyu one shot just dropped !!
I'm actually proud of this one because I was never able to write pass 1K words, baji and chifuyu are a delight to write 🥺
it's not that angsty because they deserve to not suffer all the time.
i hope you all like it, let me know what do you think about it.
i intend to write more so keep an eye on me 💗
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