#ban ryu and soo ho
Bringing back this sooryu edit because this is the couple that fundamentally changed me when I first got into kdramas last year <3
So everyone pls go and give the original editor some love because she did such a fantastic job at making this out of a non-existent storyline
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kaipanzero · 2 years
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Hostage: Missing Celebrity
인질 (2021)
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drama--universe · 1 year
Okta Lover
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Requested by @creepypastacrazier93: Warmly greet!❤️How did the exams go, good? Requests are open again, so what do you say we try out our Hwarang boys? How would the boys react to the female reader who served them in Okta, a Hwarang boy tells his friends that she is cute and another of the Hwarang tells the reader that their friend thinks she is cute 😁😁
Pairing: Hwarang boys x fem!reader
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he's a very blunt person
so it would be in character for him to just say it to you
but at the same time, he's pretty shy
which is the reason that he doesn't say it in your face
he doesn't mean to say it out loud either
it just slipped out as you walked off after placing down their drinks
Ji-dwi gives a confused look, Suho laughs, Banryu rolls his eyes, Han-sung giggles and Yeo-wool just grins
Yeo-wool is the first to leave, generous enough to pay for the drinks
Sunwoo just groaned, he knew well enough that Yeo-wool wasn't doing it out of the kindness of his heart
especially not when he noticed you look over after Yeo-wool finished talking
you just smiled at him before turning back away from him
it wasn't until ten minutes later or so that you return
a drink placed in front of him while you said opposite
all the others were kind enough to leave then, but not without teasing grins
and Sunwoo says nothing, staring at the cup before him while you served a cup for yourself
"my shift's done, so I hope you don't mind the company."
Sunwoo does not mind it all, the blush on his face said enough
and you gladly take the opportunity
a handsome hwarang and a nice one at that, who would not want someone like that on their side
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this man will say it to your face
no shame, you've seen the same series as me
sure, he' be a bit bashful about it, but he'd say it nonetheless
the other hwarangs just find it hilarious how you just scoff
because it turns Ji-dwi into a lost puppy
lucky for him, Yeo-wool was good at talking
and he was basically friends with everyone that worked at Okta
so, out of the kindness of his heart, Yeo-wool talks to you
basically tells you that Ji-dwi is genuinely interested
so, maybe a week later or so, you saw him again in Okta
alone this time and maybe a bit tipsy
the two bottles of wine said enough, even if he was used to alcohol
you sit opposite of him, smiling as he looked up shocked
"A little birdie told me that you were very interested."
Cue the blush to rise up on his face
he stumbles over his words, trying to sober himself up in a matter of seconds
neither of those things works, but at least he tries
which you find cute, so plus points there
throughout the whole conversation, his stutter did not dissapear
so you're basically smiling the whole time at his cuteness
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number two who'd just openly say it
but in a more flirty way
so you shrugged it off
every single time
which is only making Soo-ho more competitive in a way
he'll try anything to make you break, but nothing really works
Han-Sung is the one to step in
kind of blurts out the fact that Soo-ho seems genuinely interested in you
you don't see a reason why the cute boy would lie to you
at the same time, you also like seeing Soo-ho struggle to come up with new ways to flirt with you
it's really funny to watch as you walk past
to see him pout as he struggled to find something new to say
because Soo-ho was not known for trying so much
(let's assume he never falls for the queen, cause that was just weird...)
he breaks after two hours
which basically means that he just pouts for the rest of their time their
when they left, you were quick to end your shift and follow the men
Soo-ho was trailing in the back, a good meter behind the rest
so you took the opportunity to walk to him, linking your arm to his with a smile
he's confused, but switches to happy in a millisecond
"I hope you don't mind walking me home?"
he does not
the smile on his face doesn't leave his face for the rest of the night
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he would say nothing
not even to the others
he remains quiet through the night, but his eyes speaks thousand words
and Soo-ho knows how to read those eyes with ease
(yes that sounds kinda gay, I'm aware)
which means that Soo-ho knows exactly what was happening in Ban-ryu's head
and thus, he starts his usual teasing
because he had long figured out the secret glances to you
and Ban-ryu's reaction are so funny
the blush, the flustered reaction, followed by an angry shout
it gets him some looks, but a glare soon fixed that problem
except for you
you're giggling at him, but stop once your eyes connected
Ban-ryu thinks you're afraid of him
luckily that's not the case, but he doesn't know that
so he's quick to leave Okta
that's when Soo-ho takes fate into his own hands
racing to you, he quickly whispered something in your ear
something along the lines of Ban-ryu having fallen for your beauty
then he just force you out side
you didn't mind, you wanted to go home anyway
lucky for you, Ban-ryu was still outside
he was fiddling with the charm on his belt, looking at it with a sad look as he scratched off the paint
so you approached him
"what did your charm do to deserve that?"
cue a large flinch from this man
then he just stares at you in shock
you just smile before asking him if he was free for one more hour or so
he said yes, maybe a bit too fast
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he just stares
all his emotions are easy to read from his expression alone
his silly smile easy tells that he just fell in love
which makes everyone at the table smile at how adorable Han-sung was
yes, even Ban-ryu
it is incredibly cute, even more when he starts getting tipsy
he's basically outing his feelings to anyone who will listen
which, at the moment, was Sun-woo
which the man in question didn't like at all
hence why he called you over and basically dumped Han-sung on you
much to the others surprise, you took it well
smiling when Sun-woo told you to just take the man, that was hopelessly crushing on you, with you
you just put Han-sung back in his seat, saying something before leaving
and Han-sung just quietly waits
which is some kind of miracle, because Han-sung is never quiet
then you return and Han-sung is up in minutes
almost falling down in the process
you kindly tell the others that you'd take Han-sung home, Sun-woo telling you the address without any care
which Han-sung calls out by slurring together a sentence that said something along the lines of 'I could get killed'
but he was also quick to hug you after and almost fall asleep on your shoulder
so you're quick to leave
the next morning, Han-sung remembers everything
racing back to Okta to apologize
but you dismiss him with a smile before asking him to hang out after work
Han-sung was glad that sun-woo had dumped him in your arms
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another flirt
problem is, he flirts with everyone
including men...
so, like anyone else would, you ignored the flirty remarks
even when they made you blush
through the night, he continues and never gives up
he isn't know to falter after all
gets a bit more snappy through the night, however
Soo-ho's teasing is relentless
it comes to the point that everyone is fed up
Han-sung is the first to approach you and basically begs you to do something about it
so Yeo-wool's next line is a success
unknown to him is the fact that Han-sung is partially the reason for that
he's a bit arrogant after you say yes to his proposal
which is then quickly dismissed when you invite the others at the table
because seeing Yeo-wool sulk is a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity after all
because the prettiest man in Silla does not usually sulk
"too pretty" you could quote him for that
you did walk next to him the whole time, maybe a bit too close to seem like just friends or acquaintances
which is something you both want
this time you take the first step
simple way of doing so, just holding his hand underneath the long sleeves from your clothes
cue a blushing Yeo-wool who doesn't really know how to react
he talks big, but he isn't used to a response and if he gets one it is usually just stammering or stuttering
and it is exactly the reaction that you wanted from him
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Could you write a snz fic for Hwarang the poet warrior youth? Maybe for Soo-Ho, with Ban-Ryu having to take care of him but not knowing how? But if you don't want to because you aren't used to the drama that's totally fine with me!
Y'all I don't know shit about this show but I'll give it a try. I know it's a historical drama and that's about it. But I shall do my best. I hope the person who requested it enjoys.
Sickie: Sooho
Caretaker: Banryu
Sooho p.o.v
I awoke to the sound of voices. It surprised me I woke up so easily as I'm usually a heavy sleeper. I opened my eyes and saw Banryu staring at me. "Why the hell are you watching me sleep?"
"you're sick" he said simply, I was confused, "what do you mean?"
"I mean you're sick. I was summoned this morning upon hearing you're running a fever" he explained, he moved off the chair and onto the bed. "How long have you felt sick?" He seemed to be avoiding my eyes. "I'm not sure. I kept sneezing yesterday but I thought it was allergies"
"do you have allergies?" He asked, his eyebrow raised. He stared at me. I glanced away, "not that I know of, but you never know" I sniffled, "could have developed some" he laughed slightly and shook his head. "How are you feeling?" He asked, looking almost as if he cared. "Tired, my head hurts, and my-hhhtchhu-ehhtchu-htchhu- sorry, nose itches"
"you should stay here and rest" he said, sounding legitimately serious, I gave him a strange look, "I do not rest"
"at least get some sort of medical examination. What if you're very sick? It could lead to death!!!" Banryu exclaimed, looking terrified that I would drop dead from a cold. "Banryu, I'm not that Ill. I simply just have a stuffy nose" I turned away from him and sneezed again, he looked concerned, "are you quite sure?" I nodded, "if it makes you feel better I will go to the doctor" he nodded, I sighed, not really wanting to get up, feeling achy and tired with fever.
I went to the doctor, Banryu followed, and the doctor told me exactly what I expected:
"It seems to me like he has a bad cold or a minor case of the flu. He needs to rest is the most important thing. If his fever gets much higher I will want him here, but for now he should return home and rest."
I began heading towards home and was shocked that Banryu followed me, "what are you doing?"
"you're sick! You shouldn't be alone"
"I will be alright" he shook his head. "Don't worry, I will stay with you"
"do you know how to take care of a sick person?" I asked before coughing. He shook his head, "I will do my best" I smiled, "alright. You can come" I got back home and went to rest, "do you need anything?"
"not right now. I just want to rest"
"okay" he sat next to my bed. "..."
"just in case you wake up and need something" I half laughed, "alright then" I fell asleep quickly, feeling very nice relaxing into the bed.
I woke up later, and noticed how dry my throat was from breathing through my mouth due to my stuffed nose. "You're awake' I startled at the voice, suddenly remembering Banryu had come to stay. "Yes" I sniffled, "can I get you anything?" I shook my head, swallowing hard against my sore, dry throat. "Are you sure?" I nodded, too stubborn to ask, "hhtcChhu- eh- hhh- hh-ktchUH" he handed me a cloth handkerchief, "thank you" I blew my nose and coughed into the handkerchief. He stood up, "I'll be back in one moment" I nodded, and was surprised when he came back with a small cup filled with water, "I thought you might need this" I thanked him and took the cup drinking it quickly. He smiled, "thought so" I half glared at him, he reached over and pressed his hand to my forehead, "you don't seem to have much of a fever anymore" I nodded, "that explains why I'm feeling better" he smiled, "continue to rest so you can return to full health quickly" I nodded and smiled. "I hope to" I smoothed the blankets, "do you wish for me to stay?"
"I'll probably just go back to sleep, so it's alright if you wish to leave, I'll not be good company" he smiled and stood up, "feel better Sooho"
"thank you"
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wqp88888 · 2 years
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
1 赵 Zhao Chao Chiu Chio Chow Teoh/ Chew/ Tiew Trieu Jo/Cho
2 钱 Qian Chien Chin Chin Zee Chien/Chen Tien Joen/Chun
3 孙 Sun Sun Suen Sun Soon Soon/Sun/Shun/Song Ton Son
4 李 Li Li / Lee Li / Lee Lei Lee Lee/Li Ly Lee / Rhee/ Yi
5 周 Zhou Chou Chow / Chau Chao Chew Chew / Cheu / Chou / Chow / Chiew Chu Ju/Chu
6 吴 Wu Wu Ng Ng Goh Ng / Goh / Ngo/ Ngu Ngo Oh
7 郑 Zheng Cheng Cheng Cheang Tay Ching / Tang / Tey / Tay / Tee / Teh / Cheng / Chin / Chang / Chung / Chiang Trinh
8 王 Wang Wang Wong Vong / Wong Ong / Wong Ong / Ng / Wong / Wang / Bong / Heng Vuong Wang
9 冯 Feng Feng Fung Fong Foong/Fung/Fong Phung Pung
10 陈 Chen Chen Chan Chan Tan / Chan / Ting Chan / Chin / Chen / Tan / Tang / Ting / Sin Tran Jin/Chin
11 褚 Chu Chu Chu Chu Too/Toh
12 卫 Wei Wei Wai Wai Wee/Wei Vi Ui/Oui
13 蒋 Jiang Chiang Cheung Cheong Chiang/Cheong/Chiong Tuong Jang/Chang
14 沈 Shen Shen Shum / Sum Sam Sim Sim/Shim/Shun/Shum Sim
15 韩 Han Han Hon Hon Hon/Hong Han Han
16 杨 Yang Yang Yeung Ieong Yeo / Yong Yong / Yeo / Yeoh / Eow / Yeong / Yew Duong Yang
17 朱 Zhu Chu Chu Chu Choo Chu/Choo/Jee/Jeh Chau Chu/ Joo
18 秦 Qin Chin Chun Chin/Ch'ng Tan Jin/Chin
19 尤 You Yu Yau Iao Yew/You Vuu
20 许 Xu Hsu Hui Hoi Hee / Koh Khu / Khoo / Khor / Khow / Hoo / Hooi / Khaw / Hii Hu Heo/Huh
21 何 He Ho Ho Ho Hoh Ho/Hoh/Hor Ha Ha
22 吕 Lu Lu Lui Loi Loh/Lei/Lui/Lee La/Lu Yeo/Ryeo
23 施 Shi Shih Sze Si See/Sii/Sih
24 张 Zhang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong Cheong / Chong / Teo / Chang / Teoh / Tiong Truong Jang/Chang
25 孔 Kong Kung Hung Hong Kong/Khong/Kung Khong Gong/Kong
26 曹 Cao Tsao Cho / Tso Chou Cheng/Choo/Cho/Chu/Chao Tao Cho/Jo
27 严 Yan Yen Yim Im Yam/Ngim Nghiem Im
28 华 Hua Hua Wa / Wah Wa Hoa Wha/Wah/Wa
29 金 Jin Chin Kam Kam Kim/King Kim Kim
30 魏 Wei Wei Ngai Ngai Ngui/Gui/Woi Nguy Ui/Oui
31 陶 Tao Tao To Tou Tho/To/Too/Toh Dao Do/To
32 姜 Jiang Chiang Keung Keong Khiang/Kiang Giang Kang/Gang
33 戚 Qi Chi Chik Chek Cheok
34 谢 Xie Hsieh Tse Che Cheah / Tay / Chia Cheah / Chiah / Chia / Seah / Sia / See Ta Sa
35 邹 Zou Tsou Chau / Chow Chao Chew/Chou/Chu
36 喻 Yu Yu Yu U Yu/Yho/Yuh You/Yu
37 柏 Bai Pai Pak Pak
38 水 Shui Shui Sui Soi Shu/Tshui
39 窦 Dou Tou Tau Tao
40 章 Zhang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong/Chong/Teo/Tiong/Tong
[编辑] 百家姓41-80
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
41 云 Yun Yun Wan Wan Woon/Wun/Yun/Yung
42 苏 Su Su So Sou Soh Soh / Saw / Soo To
43 潘 Pan Pan Poon / Pun Pun Phua Phua / Pan / Pang / Phang Phan Ban
44 葛 Ge Ko Kot Gal
45 奚 Xi Hsi Hai Kai Hae
46 范 Fan Fan Fan Fan Fung / Fam / Fang / Hwang Pham Bum
47 彭 Peng Peng Pang Pang Pang Peng/Pang/Phang Paeng
48 郎 Lang Lang Long Long Lang
49 鲁 Lu Lu Lo Lou Loo Loo/Loh/Lu Noh
50 韦 Wei Wei Wai Wai Wai/Wei/Vei Vi
51 昌 Chang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong/Chang/Cang Xuong
52 马 Ma Ma Ma Ma Beh / Mah / Mha / Ma Ma Ma
53 苗 Miao Miao Miu Mio
54 凤 Feng Feng Fung Fong Fong
55 花 Hua Hua Fa Fa Faa/Fah/Fha Hoa
56 方 Fang Fang Fong Fong Pung / Fang / Fong / Phun / Huong Phuong Bang
57 俞 Yu Yu Yu U Je / Yii You/Yu
58 任 Ren Jen Yam Iam Yam/Ngam/Yim/Ngieng/Ngiam Nham Rim/Yim
59 袁 Yuan Yuan Yuen Un / Iun Yuan / Yuen / Ngen Vien Won
60 柳 Liu Liu Lau Lao Liew/Liu/Lew Lieu You/Yu/Ryu
61 酆 Feng Feng Fung Fong
62 鮑 Bao Pao Pau Pao
63 史 Shi Shih Sze Si Sa
64 唐 Tang Tang Tong Tong Thang / Thong / Tang / Tong / Thong Duong
65 費讀「秘」 Pei Pei Pei Pai
66 廉 Lian Lien Lim Lim
67 岑 Cen Tsen Sum / Shum Sam Sim
68 薛 Xue Hsueh Sit Sit Sik / Sit / Silk Seol/Sul
69 雷 Lei Lei Lui Loi Lui / Looi / Lewe / Lei
70 賀 He Ho Ho Ho Hor/Hoo
71 倪 Ni Ni Ngai Ngai Geh / Nga / Ngam
72 湯 Tang Tang Tong Tong Thong / Tang / Thang
73 滕 Teng Teng Tang Tang Thang
74 殷 Yin Yin Yan Ian Yam / Ngam
75 罗 Luo Lo Law / Lo Lo Lo / Lau / Low / Loh La Rah/Na
76 毕 Bi Pi But Pat Tat
77 郝 Hao Hao Kok
78 邬 Wu Wu Wu Vu / Wu Woo / Voo / Woh / Wu / Vu O
79 安 An An On On An An / Ahn
80 常 Chang Chang Sheung Seong
[编辑] 百家姓81-120
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
81 乐 讀「洛」或「惡」 Yue Yueh Lok/ Ok Lok/ Ok
82 于 Yu Yu Yu U
83 时 Shi Shih See / Sze Si
84 傅 Fu Fu Foo Fu Fu/Foo/Foh
85 皮 Pi Pi Pei Pei
86 卞 Bian Pien Pin Pin Byun
87 齐 Qi Chi Chai Chai
88 康 Kang Kang Hong Hong Gang/Kang
89 伍 Wu Wu Ng Ng Ng Ng/Ngo/Ngoh/Wu/Wuh/Woo
90 余 Yu Yu Yu U Yee/Tsia/Tse
91 元 Yuan Yuan Yuen Un / Iun
92 卜 Bu Pu Puk Pok/Puu
93 顾 Gu Ku Koo Ku Koe
94 孟 Meng Meng Mang Mang Mang/Meng Maeng
95 平 Ping Ping Ping Peng
96 黄 Huang Huang Wong Vong / Wong Bong / Boong / Ng / Ong / Ooi / Wong / Wee Hwang
97 和 He Ho Wo Vo Hoo/Woh/Woo/Wo Hwa
98 穆 Mu Mu Muk
99 萧 Xiao Hsiao Shiu / Siu Sio Seow/Siew/Siau/Siaw/Sew/Siu/Seu
100 尹 Yin Yin Wan Wan Yoon
101 姚 Yao Yao Yiu Io Yeo Yeo / Yeoh / Yew / Yow
102 邵 Shao Shao Siu / Shiu Sio Shaw Shao/Shaw/Sao/Shau
103 湛 Zhan Chan Cham
104 汪 Wang Wang Wong Vong / Wong Wang/Wong/Vang
105 祁 Qi Chi Kei
106 毛 Mao Mao Mo Mou Bo / Boo / Moh / Moo Mo
107 禹 Yu Yu Yu U
108 狄 Di Ti Tik / Dick Tek
109 米 Mi Mi Mai Mai
110 贝 Bei Pei Pui Pui
111 明 Ming Ming Ming Meng Myeong /Myung
112 臧 Zang Tsang Chong
113 计 Ji Chi Kai Kai
114 伏 Fu Fu Fuk Fok
115 成 Cheng Cheng Shing / Sing Seng Sang/Shang//Tshan/Tshang Sung/ Seong
116 戴 Dai Tai Tai Tai Tai/Thai/Dai/Dhai
117 谈 Tan Tan Tam Tam
118 宋 Song Sung Sung Song Song Shong/Song/Sung Song
119 茅 Mao Mao Mau Mao
120 庞 Pang Pang Pong Pong Phong/Pong/Pang
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alcorian-cycle · 6 years
I love how Ban Ryu and Soo Ho went from hating each other’s guts...
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To waking up in the same bed and freaking out...
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To having a meaningful and close relationship!
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hwarang-headcanons · 6 years
Ban Ryu, walking into the kitchen: is something burning?
Soo Ho, leaning against the counter seductively: just my desire for you
Ban Ryu: sooho the pot is on fire
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angelsvoice1love · 3 years
Our stars
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You were allowed in the Hwarang house, since you were skilled in fighting. Swords, arrows, hand to hand and many more.
They asked you to come and assist in the training, or just help out in anyway you can. Helping them with writing, reading was all in the cards.
You were sitting outside near the pond, looking at the stars as a bright smile was brought to your lips.
Hansung: It's beautiful tonight...isnt it? A man asked, as he sat down next to you.
Y/n: They are. You replied, looking at the young man that sat next to you.
Hansung: My name is Hansung. What's yours? He asked, with a wide smile.
Y/n: Y/n. You said, as looked at his features.
He was very handsome, but he didn't give off the same as the rest. He was different, you could see it in his eyes that were a dark brown almost black. His smile was filled with joy, and that made you smile and his facial features almost resembled that of a baby.
Hansung: It's rude to stare. He spoke, causing you to come back to reality.
Y/n: Oh...um...i...forgive me.
Hansung: There's nothing to forgive. What do you like about the stars? He asked, as he kicked his feet forward and back. Mine is how they shine, and how they resemble diamonds.
Y/n: I like how they represent life.
Hansung: Life? How so?
Y/n: Well, life represents love, pain, joy and so many things. But to me, the stars mostly represent love. Every night when I look at the stars, i feel that the man I will call my husband someday is staring at them too. Wondering if he'll see me soon. D...does that sound stupid? You asked, feeling slightly dumb.
Hansung: Not at all. I think it's cute. He said, as he giggled. I like you.
Y/n: You like me? How? You just met me.
Hansung: Because you like the stars. I know, meeting someone for the first time you know nothing. But I feel like I can trust you...you seem like a good person.
Smiling you thanked him, as you got up bowed and walked off to your room.
Few days later.
You and Hansung became close friends, training together, eating with him and his friends and just looking at the stars. It felt like you've known him for years, and his friends. You felt like you were part of them, even if you were just there with your father to train them.
Your father was the best warrior/soldier the kingdom had, your mother was a noble woman of true bone as was your father. Your brother was the personal gaurd of Princess Sookmyung, two of your sisters were with the princess and two were at the tea restaurant that your mother owned along with your little brother.
All together being 6 siblings you had. You were the only daughter that wanted to learn to fight,
You were at the river with the Hwarang men, watching them clean their clothes and splash each other wet with the water. Shaking your head, you walked on the rocks barefoot enjoying the cold feel it gave you when you slipped on a wet rock.
Preparing to fall, you closed your eyes but nothing happened. As you opened them again, you saw a familiar face keeping you from falling.
Y/n: T...thank you Ji Dwi. You said, as slowly released your arm.
Ji Dwi: Are you hurt?
Y/n: No. I'm okay. You replied, as you gave him a small smile. I...thank you.
Ji Dwi: I'm just glad your okay. He said, as he placed his hands on your shoulder.
Looking across from you both was Hansung. He pouted, feeling sad as he looked away. Walking to the room where A-ro works, walking as he flopped down on the bed.
A-ro: Ahh, what's wrong today?
Hansung: It hurts. He wimbered, as he cried into the bed.
A-ro: What hurts? A-ro asked, as she sat next to him.
Hansung: My heart. He replied, crying even more.
A-ro: Your heart? Why does your heart hurt?
Hansung sat up, wiping his tears away as he was trying to catch his breath. Slowing his breathing, he looked at A-ro as he spoke.
Hansung: Y/n.
A-ro: Y/n? Hey, what did she do? Did she hurt your feelings?
Hansung: I saw her with Ji Dwi. He...they...AHHH! He cried, as he sunked his head into the pillow again.
A-ro bit her lip, as she sat on the bed next to him as she rubbed his back. In a second he laid his head on her legs, crying as she soothed and comforted him.
After a while Sun Woo, walked in about to say something when A-ro shushed him in silent. He looked down to see Hansung sleeping soundly, shaking his head as he smiled he picked Hansung up as if he didn't weigh anything.
A-ro fixed the bed, so that Hansung could place him down so that he could get rest.
Sun Woo: What happened here?
A-ro: He was crying over y/n.
Sun Woo: What? Why would he cry over her?
A-ro: He saw Ji Dwi, with his hands on her shoulders. Since then he cried, that's all I know. Promise.
Sun Woo: Sounds like Hansung likes y/n. You should go home for lunch with your father, I'll look after Hansung.
Time skip (a few minutes)
Sun Woo: Y/n, can you please come with me to the phesisians room? It's Hansung.
Y/n: Hansung? Is he okay? You asked, worry in your voice.
Sun Woo: Just go. I'll come later.
Running to the room, you saw Hansung waking up from his sleep as you ran to him.
Y/n: Hansung? Are you okay? You asked, as you bend down in front of him taking his face in your hands.
Hansung: Y/n?
Y/n: Hansung, are you hurt? What happened? Where did you get h--mmm
You mumbled as you were stopped by a strong but firm kiss. Your eyes were wide, as shock took over your body. Pulling away Hansung, looked into your eyes as he spoke.
Hansung: You hurt my heart. You broke it in pieces. He said, as he let you go.
Y/n: W...what? You questioned, as you looked at him.
Hansung: Ji Dwi. I saw you with him, y...you with him. His hands were on your shoulders, like he's your lover...how c-
Y/n: His not my lover Hansung. He's my friend, whom I care for greatly just like Ban Ryu, Sun Woo, Yeol Wool and Soo Ho. I-
Hansung: I like you. I like you, like I like the sun and the stars. That's...thats what I want. I want to watch the stars with you every night, and the sun in the day. I like you more than being with my family, except for my brother. I...i like you more than I should, I think I love you. No...i know I love you. He said, wiping his eyes as he looked at you.
Y/n: Hansung.
Hansung: I know, you don't f-
You cut him off as you grabbed his face gently in your hands, as you pulled him closer into you as you kissed him.
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Hansung didn't hesitate in kissing you instantly, his hands moved to your cheeks as your moved to his waist.
Hansung pulled you closer, as he smiled in the kiss which caused you to pull away.
Y/n: See. I like you too-
Hansung: Y/n-
Y/n: No...i love you.
Hansung: You do?
Y/n: Yes. I've been wanting to tell you for a while, but I didn't have the courage to say anything. Could you forgive me?
Hansung: Only if you forgive me for not saying anything either.
Y/n: We'll forgive each other. You said, as you leaned in kissing his cheek. My Hwarang hero.
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torivegafromindia · 3 years
Choi Minho/ Suho: *yawns*
Do Ji Han/ Ban-ryu: Being pretty must be exhausting
Choi Minho/ Suho: *tilts head to look better* Well then you must be exhausted
Do Ji Han/ Ban-ryu: *blushes furiously*
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kfantasyrealm · 4 years
Hwarang Gifs
Kim Soo Ho
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Bonus 😘
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(Gif credits to rightful owners)
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astudyingreer · 4 years
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i blacked out and when I came to these were on my phone
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veronica-nardi · 4 years
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Hwarang episode 10 - Soo Ho is going crazy
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dilebe06 · 4 years
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daeguboysmykt · 5 years
Guess who’s watching Hwarang again like she has the time for it?
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What can I say? I missed my men.
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You know what I didnt miss? Ah ro crying in every single episode.
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mygreekcurls · 4 years
Personal favourite trope:
Mortal Enemies and Lifelong Antagonists turned brothers-in-law because of One Very Small girl they both adore but also deeply fear
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hwarang-headcanons · 7 years
Ban Ryu: [confused as hell] Why do people think Soo Ho and I are together?
Yeo Wool: [Smirks knowingly]
Yeo Wool: [Wraps arms around Soo Ho]
Ban Ryu: [Snatches Soo Ho away] MINE!
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