#ji dwi
drama--universe · 1 year
Okta Lover
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Requested by @creepypastacrazier93: Warmly greet!❤️How did the exams go, good? Requests are open again, so what do you say we try out our Hwarang boys? How would the boys react to the female reader who served them in Okta, a Hwarang boy tells his friends that she is cute and another of the Hwarang tells the reader that their friend thinks she is cute 😁😁
Pairing: Hwarang boys x fem!reader
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he's a very blunt person
so it would be in character for him to just say it to you
but at the same time, he's pretty shy
which is the reason that he doesn't say it in your face
he doesn't mean to say it out loud either
it just slipped out as you walked off after placing down their drinks
Ji-dwi gives a confused look, Suho laughs, Banryu rolls his eyes, Han-sung giggles and Yeo-wool just grins
Yeo-wool is the first to leave, generous enough to pay for the drinks
Sunwoo just groaned, he knew well enough that Yeo-wool wasn't doing it out of the kindness of his heart
especially not when he noticed you look over after Yeo-wool finished talking
you just smiled at him before turning back away from him
it wasn't until ten minutes later or so that you return
a drink placed in front of him while you said opposite
all the others were kind enough to leave then, but not without teasing grins
and Sunwoo says nothing, staring at the cup before him while you served a cup for yourself
"my shift's done, so I hope you don't mind the company."
Sunwoo does not mind it all, the blush on his face said enough
and you gladly take the opportunity
a handsome hwarang and a nice one at that, who would not want someone like that on their side
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this man will say it to your face
no shame, you've seen the same series as me
sure, he' be a bit bashful about it, but he'd say it nonetheless
the other hwarangs just find it hilarious how you just scoff
because it turns Ji-dwi into a lost puppy
lucky for him, Yeo-wool was good at talking
and he was basically friends with everyone that worked at Okta
so, out of the kindness of his heart, Yeo-wool talks to you
basically tells you that Ji-dwi is genuinely interested
so, maybe a week later or so, you saw him again in Okta
alone this time and maybe a bit tipsy
the two bottles of wine said enough, even if he was used to alcohol
you sit opposite of him, smiling as he looked up shocked
"A little birdie told me that you were very interested."
Cue the blush to rise up on his face
he stumbles over his words, trying to sober himself up in a matter of seconds
neither of those things works, but at least he tries
which you find cute, so plus points there
throughout the whole conversation, his stutter did not dissapear
so you're basically smiling the whole time at his cuteness
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number two who'd just openly say it
but in a more flirty way
so you shrugged it off
every single time
which is only making Soo-ho more competitive in a way
he'll try anything to make you break, but nothing really works
Han-Sung is the one to step in
kind of blurts out the fact that Soo-ho seems genuinely interested in you
you don't see a reason why the cute boy would lie to you
at the same time, you also like seeing Soo-ho struggle to come up with new ways to flirt with you
it's really funny to watch as you walk past
to see him pout as he struggled to find something new to say
because Soo-ho was not known for trying so much
(let's assume he never falls for the queen, cause that was just weird...)
he breaks after two hours
which basically means that he just pouts for the rest of their time their
when they left, you were quick to end your shift and follow the men
Soo-ho was trailing in the back, a good meter behind the rest
so you took the opportunity to walk to him, linking your arm to his with a smile
he's confused, but switches to happy in a millisecond
"I hope you don't mind walking me home?"
he does not
the smile on his face doesn't leave his face for the rest of the night
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he would say nothing
not even to the others
he remains quiet through the night, but his eyes speaks thousand words
and Soo-ho knows how to read those eyes with ease
(yes that sounds kinda gay, I'm aware)
which means that Soo-ho knows exactly what was happening in Ban-ryu's head
and thus, he starts his usual teasing
because he had long figured out the secret glances to you
and Ban-ryu's reaction are so funny
the blush, the flustered reaction, followed by an angry shout
it gets him some looks, but a glare soon fixed that problem
except for you
you're giggling at him, but stop once your eyes connected
Ban-ryu thinks you're afraid of him
luckily that's not the case, but he doesn't know that
so he's quick to leave Okta
that's when Soo-ho takes fate into his own hands
racing to you, he quickly whispered something in your ear
something along the lines of Ban-ryu having fallen for your beauty
then he just force you out side
you didn't mind, you wanted to go home anyway
lucky for you, Ban-ryu was still outside
he was fiddling with the charm on his belt, looking at it with a sad look as he scratched off the paint
so you approached him
"what did your charm do to deserve that?"
cue a large flinch from this man
then he just stares at you in shock
you just smile before asking him if he was free for one more hour or so
he said yes, maybe a bit too fast
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he just stares
all his emotions are easy to read from his expression alone
his silly smile easy tells that he just fell in love
which makes everyone at the table smile at how adorable Han-sung was
yes, even Ban-ryu
it is incredibly cute, even more when he starts getting tipsy
he's basically outing his feelings to anyone who will listen
which, at the moment, was Sun-woo
which the man in question didn't like at all
hence why he called you over and basically dumped Han-sung on you
much to the others surprise, you took it well
smiling when Sun-woo told you to just take the man, that was hopelessly crushing on you, with you
you just put Han-sung back in his seat, saying something before leaving
and Han-sung just quietly waits
which is some kind of miracle, because Han-sung is never quiet
then you return and Han-sung is up in minutes
almost falling down in the process
you kindly tell the others that you'd take Han-sung home, Sun-woo telling you the address without any care
which Han-sung calls out by slurring together a sentence that said something along the lines of 'I could get killed'
but he was also quick to hug you after and almost fall asleep on your shoulder
so you're quick to leave
the next morning, Han-sung remembers everything
racing back to Okta to apologize
but you dismiss him with a smile before asking him to hang out after work
Han-sung was glad that sun-woo had dumped him in your arms
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another flirt
problem is, he flirts with everyone
including men...
so, like anyone else would, you ignored the flirty remarks
even when they made you blush
through the night, he continues and never gives up
he isn't know to falter after all
gets a bit more snappy through the night, however
Soo-ho's teasing is relentless
it comes to the point that everyone is fed up
Han-sung is the first to approach you and basically begs you to do something about it
so Yeo-wool's next line is a success
unknown to him is the fact that Han-sung is partially the reason for that
he's a bit arrogant after you say yes to his proposal
which is then quickly dismissed when you invite the others at the table
because seeing Yeo-wool sulk is a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity after all
because the prettiest man in Silla does not usually sulk
"too pretty" you could quote him for that
you did walk next to him the whole time, maybe a bit too close to seem like just friends or acquaintances
which is something you both want
this time you take the first step
simple way of doing so, just holding his hand underneath the long sleeves from your clothes
cue a blushing Yeo-wool who doesn't really know how to react
he talks big, but he isn't used to a response and if he gets one it is usually just stammering or stuttering
and it is exactly the reaction that you wanted from him
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stephreviews · 6 months
Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth (2016-2017)
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This drama follows the stories of the men of Hwarang, an elite warrior group loyal only to the king of the Silla era. However, a twist in the story is that the current king is in hiding. The previous king was assassinated when the current king was a child, so the king is in hiding until he is powerful enough to protect himself. Until then, his mother, the Queen Regent rules. The story predominantly follows the king, Kim Ji Dwi/Sam Maek Jong, an orphan commoner who doesn't know his own ancestry and assumes the identity of his best friend (Kim Sun Woo), Gae-Sae, and Kim Sun Woo's sister and doctor of the Hwarang warriors, Kim Ahro.
Phew. 😵 That was a long explanation. And that's not even spoiling anything. Now, to the ratings!
Extremely complicated political drama: 10/10
Hilarious wise old man mentor: 10/10
Adorable side couple: 20/10
Love triangle that isn't infuriating: 8/10. Minus 2 points for being predictable.
Morally ambiguous queen that I'm not sure if I like or not: 10/10
Sexy Shower Scene: 10000/10
I'll leave the shower scene with a cast like Park Seojoon, Park Hyungsik, and Shinee's Minho up to your imagination 😉 Check out this underrated gem and give it the love it deserves!
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Just look at these two!!! Ban Ryu x Sooyeon my beloved ❤️❤️❤️
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nyoominmin · 2 years
My fave fics ever! ♡
[All rights belong to the respective owners!]
- All these fics are fluff, no mature content. 
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List includes:
BTS - GOT7 - EXO - ATEEZ - Stray Kids - NCT - Hwarang - Howls Moving Castle - Harry Potter - Star Trek - Promps
Kim Namjoon 
Kim Seokjin 
Min Yoongi 
Jung Hoseok
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook
Im Jaebeom
Mark Tuan 
Jackson Wang
Park Jinyoung
Choi Youngjae
Kim Yugyeom
Kim Junmyeon
Kim Minseok
Byun Baekhyun
Park Chanyeol
Do Kyungsoo
Kim Jongin
Oh Sehun
Kim Hongjoon
Park Seonghwa
Kang Yeosang
Choi San
Song Mingi
Jung Wooyoung
Stray Kids
Bang chan 
Lee Minho
Lee Felix
Hwang Hyunjin
NCT (127, WayV)
Jung Jaehyun
Mark Lee
Ban Ryu
Sam Maek Jong / Ji Dwi
Howls moving castle 
Howl Pendragon
Harry Potter 
Draco Malfoy 
Star Trek 
Pavel Chekov
Original fic rec list pt. 1
Original fic rec list pt.2
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korelist · 1 year
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 8 Benim puanım: 9
Drama: Hwarang / Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth
Hangul: 화랑(花郞)
Director: Yun Seong-Sik
Writer: Park Eun-Young
Date: 2017
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Park Seo-Joon, Go Ara, Park Hyung-Sik, Do Ji-Han, Seo Yea-Ji, Kim Tae-Hyung, Kim Won-Hae, Yoo Jae-Myung, Minho, Jo Yoon-Woo, Sung Dong-Il
Hayal takımı!!! Şahane ekip! Benim fanatikliğimin çıkış noktası olan dizi. Park Seo-Joon var, yanına Parkk Hyung-Sik koymuşlar, bir de BTS’in göz bebeği Kim Tae-Hyung(V)’yi ikna etmişler. Daha ne olsun. Wooga Squad’ın temelleri atılmış. Çekimler sırasında Seo-Joon ve Hyung-sik o kadar iyi anlaşınca set sonrasında Seo-Joon’un arkadaş ortamına girmek istemiş. Tae-Hyung ise bilmediği bir alanda iyi bir iş çıkartmak için Seo-Joon’dan yardım isteyince ekibe dahil olmuş. Zaten Wooga Squad’ın en küçüğü olarak her biri V’yi el üstünde tutuyor. Hatta bir sohbet sırasında Seo-Joon “onu konserde izlediğimizde ne kadar popüler olduğunu fark ettik, sahnede adeta devleşiyor” şeklinde konuşmuştu. Çünkü onlar için V küçük kardeş gibi.
Konudan çok uzaklaştım. Kırmızı çizgime denk geldi. Dizi, MÖ 1. yüzyılda Koguryo, Baekje ve Silla’dan oluşan 3 krallık döneminde; Silla’da geçiyor. Kraliçe askeri bir yapılanma kurmaya karar veriyor. Soylu ailelerin yüzü güzel olan oğullarına savaş sanatı eğitimi vererek “Hwarang” adını verdiği birliği kuruyor. Bu dizi için bir tarih dizisinden çok tarihi anekdotlar içeren tarihi bir dizi diyebilirim.
Queen Jiso (Kim Ji-Soo), tahtı elinde tutabilmek için genç yaşta tahtın varisi olan oğlu Ji Dwi Rang(Park Hyung-Sik)’ i herkesten saklayarak yönetimi elinde tutmaktadır. Kendini korumak için Hwarang’ı kurmaya karar verir. Prens ise halktan biri gibi yaşayarak tahta geçme sırasının gelmesini beklemektedir. Halk prensin kayıplara karıştığını düşünüyordur. Hiç kimse prensin yüzünü görmemiş, neye benzediğini bilmiyordur. Kraliçenin tek düşmanı diğer krallıklar değil, her dönem dizisinde olduğu gibi Silla içinde de tahta göz diken vekiller vardır. Hwarang aslında vekillerin oğlunu kraliçeye hizmet ettirerek ayaklanmalarını önlemek içinde gizli bir amaç barındırıyor.
Moo Myung (Park Seo-Joon) yakın arkadaşı Mak-Moon(Lee Kwang-Soo) ile onun ailesini bulmaya Silla’ya gelirler. Yolda prens ile karşılaşırlar ve Mak-Moon yanlışlıkla karanlıkta prensi görür. Prensin korumaları bunu fark edince, peşine düşüp “prensin yüzünü gördü” diyerek onu öldürürler. Moo Myung arkadaşını kurtarmak için geç kalır. Bunu ona yapanlardan intikam almak için yemin eder. Bunu yapabilmek içinde Mak-Moon’un kimliğine bürünüp oymuş gibi ailesi ile yaşamaya başlar. Ve tabi ki kendisi başrolümüz olduğundan Hwarang’a katılıp saraya girmenin yollarını arayacaktır.
Dizilerdeki en sevdiğim romantizm, beni en çok etkileyen arkadaşlıklar hep ‘bromans’lar oluyor. Bayılıyorum erkeklerin birbirileri ile olan o güçlü bağlarına, hayranım. Sevdiğim bütün oyuncuları çıkartsak dizinin izleyecek bir yanı kalmayacağını kabul ediyorum. Hwarang’ı izleten şeyin Hwarang cast’ı olması ikonik olmuş. Bir araya gelmek zorunda kalan, başta birbirlerinden çok da hoşlanmasalar da mecbur kalan 6 erkeğin dostluğunu izliyoruz. Park Hyung-Sik’i nasıl da özlemişim. “Strong girl Do Bong Soon” dizisinin Min-Min’iydi benim için. Beğendiğim oyuncuların dizilerini izlerim ama onu hep Min-Min olarak bellemişim ki hiç elim gitmemiş başka bir şey izlemeye. Bu diziyle onu da yıkmış oldum. Şahaneydiler. Seo-Joon ile özellikle parıl parıl parlıyorlardı. BTS’den Kim Tae-Hyung‘un yanı sıra , Shinee grubunun üyesi olan Minho da Hwarang ekibindeydi. Onunla ve sesiyle de burada tanışmış olduk.
Moo Myung (Park Seo-Joon); fakir bir hayat yaşamış arkadaşları için kendini feda edebilecek lider ruhlu bir gençtir. Köpek-Kuş lakabı ile bilinir. Sessiz sakin ama net bir duruşu vardır.
Sam Maek Jong / Ji Dwi Rang (Park Hyung-Sik); kendisi sürgün bir prenstir. Annesinin taht sevdası yüzünden saklanarak yaşamak zorunda kalmıştır. Bir şekilde Hwarang’a katılarak kaleyi içten fethetmeyi amaçlar. Burada biraz yorum katmam gerekirse, çok pasifti. Öyle böyle değil. Ben en azından bir kral duruşuna tavrına sahip olmasını beklerdim. Önünde sonunda annesi çekilmek zorunda kalacak ve tahta çıkacak kişi olacaktı. Ama hiç o ışığı taşımıyordu. Bunun suçlusu senaryoydu muhtemelen. Daha net ve kararlı bir karakter yazmış olmalarını isterdim.
Soo Ho Rang (Minho); Kraliçenin destekçisi olan soylu bir ailenin oğludur. Bütün kızlara mavi boncuk dağıtırken, aslında gönlü kraliçededir. Onun gözünde hiçbir kadın kraliçeye denk değildir.
Ban Ryu Rang (Do Ji-Han); Kraliçenin düşman ailelerinden birinin oğludur. Ho-Rang’ın en büyük rakibidir. Sessiz, sinirli ve en soğuk üyedir. Babalarının düşmanlıklarını devam ettirmeye çalışıyorlardır.
Yeo Wool Rang (Jo Yoon-Woo); grubun en femineni ve en güzel görünenidir. Hikayeye çok bir katkısı olmayan etkisiz eleman olduğunu söyleyebilirim.
Ve Han Sung Rang (Kim Tae-Hyung); sevimli, şımarık ve en çocuksu Hwarang’dı. Aile ismi nedeni ile istemeden Hwarang’a katılmak zorunda kalmıştır. Gerçek hayatta Seo-Joon’a olduğu gibi dizideki karakteri de Moo Myung’a kendini yakın hissettiği için onun etrafında dolaşırken bol bol görüyoruz. Çekimlerde kendi sahnelerinden önce Seo-Joon’a gidip “bu işi ilk kez yapıyorum ve iyi bir şekilde yapmak istiyorum, yardımcı olur musun?” diye sormuş. Seo-Joon ise adeta bir oyuncu koçu gibi her sahnesinden önce onunla ezber yaparak onu sahneye hazırlamış. O zamandan beride çok yakın arkadaş olmuşlar. Hatta bir sohbetlerinde şakayla karışık bütün oyuncuların öyle olmadığını herkese aynı şekilde yaklaşmaması gerektiğini tembihliyordu.
Ve dizideki tek kadın karakter olmasa da ön plandaki tek kadın olan A-Ro(Go Ara) vardı. Dizinin başında ölen Mak-Moon’ın gerçek kız kardeşiydi. Hem sahte abisi Moo Myung hem de gizli prens Maek Jong ile yakınlaşmalar yaşayan bu hanım kızımız, düşük sınıf bir anneden doğmuştur. Babasının soylu olması önemsizdir. Babası o dönemin doktoru olduğu için onun çıraklığını yapar. Ek gelir için ise kadınlara müstehcen hikayeler anlatır.
Özetleyecek olursam, tatlı sert bir arkadaşlık hikayesi izledik diyebiliriz. Dizinin akışındaki aşk hikayesinden çok bromansin ön planda olduğu sıcak bir diziydi. Havasında asla ağırlık yoktu. Çok da ciddi olmayan bir atmosferde çok keyfi bir hikaye anlatılıyordu. Dizi müzikleri içinde ise BTS’den Jin ile V’nin eseri olan bir şarkı yer alıyor.
BTS (V, Jin) - It's Definitely You
Raven Melus
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rcmclachlan · 2 years
I wish you would write a fic where... Where we see what happens after Rescue Breathing! I am a sucker for any kind of scenario in which Min Jeong lives, and I think you'd do a great job writing her interacting with Dong Sik. It would be funny to see her interact with Joo Won as well 🤭
Funnily enough, that's what the fic was supposed to be! I outlined a much longer story that dealt with Min-jeong waking up, but with severe neurological issues (as a result of the anoxia and a stroke).
The story eventually culminates with her giving her account of what happened the night Kang Jin-muk tried to kill her, and then ripping Han Ju-won a new one for swanning into Manyang to ruin an innocent man's life with no evidence to back it up. Ju-won goes into the hall to have a minor panic attack over it and Dong-sik follows him, wrapping him up in a hug and using Cal Stat on his hands before wiping Ju-won's tears away. Ju-won says he plans to stay in Manyang because Yu-yeon hasn't been found and he thinks there's more to the case than the bodies they've found at Simju.
As Ju-won goes to head back to the station where Kang Jin-muk is being interrogated by Oh Ji-hwa, Dong-sik calls after him. He orders Ju-won to get some sleep, then invites him to have dinner with him and Min-jeong the next day. Ju-won flushes and agrees.
When Dong-sik goes back into Min-jeong's room, he tells her to cut Ju-won some slack, and she rolls her eyes and asks if she's allowed to tease him for making moon eyes at Dong-sik. Grinning, Dong-sik kisses her one of her bandaged hands and tells her that she has his express permission.
Here's a small snippet from the story that almost was:
The doctor tells him that despite there being no diffuse cortical hypersignals in Min-jeong's DWI, whatever that means, Min-jeong most certainly has brain damage. She shows him scans from the MRIs, a backlit brain on the lightbox, with little neon green markers in the squiggly white folds that point out how Min-jeong's still suffering, even though she's been out of the bag for days. There are notes and arrows labeling the parts of her brain to indicate "swelling" and "restricted diffusion," even though they look indistinguishable from the unmarked parts. Dong-sik's memory of A&P is shitty, but even he knows what anoxia is.
"Brain cells begin to die after four to five minutes of low to no oxygen," the doctor explains, appropriately matter-of-fact, which he appreciates. If she tries to sugarcoat this, he'll lose his mind. "Miss Kang was without oxygen for much longer than that. The damage done to her brain will be severe—her motor skills, her cognition, her very personality will all be affected, but we won't be able to determine the extent of it until she wakes up."
If she wakes up, she doesn't say, but Dong-sik feels it in his arteries where it settles like a fine powder.
Then the doctor says, "The stroke presents another set of complications on top of those."
Dong-sik stares at the MRI scan until his eyes burn. The gray matter looks like folds of plastic. There are sequins and denim in there. Shussh shussh. "Stroke?"
"Miss Kang suffered an ischemic stroke."
The doctor had introduced herself to him a few days ago. Her handshake had been firm but brief, solid. She'd been wearing a purple shirt with abstract flowers on it, great looping lines like calligraphy, with little sequins on the petals. But he can't for the life of him remember what she said her name was. He drops his gaze to the badge clipped to her lapel, to the name printed next to a smiling photo of her that looks a few years old, but it blurs, spreading like dye in water.
"That's impossible." His tongue is suddenly too big for his mouth. It blocks the words, makes them stick awkwardly to the back of his teeth. "She's… she's only twenty. Strokes don't happen to twenty-year olds."
"Unfortunately, they can happen at any age. A stroke is simply the result of obstructed blood flow to the brain. Ischemic stroke normally happens because of a clot blocking a blood vessel, but… she was strangled, Mr. Lee."
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circusclownsam · 4 months
General information
name ; min-ya
surname ; choi
gender ; female
age ; 20s
race ; asian
nationality ; korean - australian
birth date ; 3 / 9
voice ; mid-pitch, slight australian accent
occupation ; medic/physician, occasionally a swordswoman
height ; 158cm / 5’2
weight ; light (idk)
skin tone ; warm tan
eye colour ; sea blue
hair colour ; chocolate brown
hair length ; knee length
hair texture ; 2c
face claim ; https://pin.it/5I6jlQ3Ov
body shape ; hourglass, average thickness, small waist, d cup size
scarring ? ; arms, inner thighs and back. prefers hiding them
other features ; freckled cheeks, nose and shoulders, dimpled smile
Attire (apart of appearance, just separate)
Main attire ;
; https://pin.it/6DvTsT7XU
; https://pin.it/4aAjtgc5H
; https://pin.it/6r58gVa4y
; https://pin.it/5DAaGKvsO
; https://pin.it/2op6rMphG
; https://pin.it/1NhPN3Uyd
; https://pin.it/3cJC5eYQl [clear backings]
; https://pin.it/36KsPyOtf
; https://pin.it/55zjZbnvd
; https://pin.it/6RhliE0KW
Personality (might be short, sorry LMAO)
positive traits ; kind, caring, selfless, honest, brave, trustworthy
negative traits ; reserved, introverted, cold, sarcastic, blunt, flirtatious (is it a negative trait? idk)
interests ; sword fighting, painting, taking care of her ill mother, teasing Han Sung, sewing, her personal space (mood)
disinterests ; soggy food, bandits, when others invade her space, getting dirty
good habits ; neatening things, brushing her teeth after every meal
bad habits ; picking at her nails, scratching at her scars
talents ; sword fighting, sewing, treating the wounded (medic, basically)
fear(s) ; deep bodied water (lakes, rivers)
hobbies ; sword fighting, painting
father ; unknown, left shortly after her 18th birthday
mother ; lin choi, 60, currently living at her farm, ill
sister ; only child
friends ; Ah Ro, Han Sung, prefers only those two
enemies ; [N/A]
love interest(s) ; Ji Dwi. Ban Ryu
living arrangements (very short, sorry)
birth country ; south korea
past residence(s) ; australia
current residence(s) ; a farm just outside of silla
0 notes
texaxwib · 1 year
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Watched all the episodes of "Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth" (2016).  The name of this program kept showing up on all the top 10 lists of #Kdrama series, so I became very curious about it.  I really enjoyed it.
A great photo of the 3 main actors: ~ Park Hyung-sik AS Sammaekjong / Kim Ji-dwi / Jinheung of Silla; ~ Go A-ra AS Kim Ah-ro; and ~ Park Seo-joon AS Moo-myung / Kim Sun-woo / Kim Isabu / Dog-bird.
I will probably write a more detailed review of this #Koreandrama TV series later.   The setting is the Silla Kingdom.  "Silla or Shilla was a Korean kingdom located on the southern and central parts of the Korean Peninsula. Silla, along with Baekje and Goguryeo, formed the Three Kingdoms of Korea." (Wikipedia) What's the plot?  Hmmm?  A bunch of pretty boys are recruited to serve the king.  They may have entered the school as spoiled pampered privileged children of nobleman but when they graduated they were free-thinking brave warriors of the kingdom, who served the king but more importantly, protected the people.  
(via noise.cash)
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experimentity · 2 years
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#exy - 459 posts
#dead by daylight - 432 posts
#the entity - 340 posts
#the experimentity - 326 posts
#bass - 68 posts
#dbdbeachevent2022 - 63 posts
#ji-woon hak - 55 posts
#the entitys - 54 posts
#entitys - 38 posts
#entities - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 117 characters
#exy isn't as uptight as a lot of the older entitys he's more like that really cool older guy who keeps up with trends
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Exy looks up from his notepad, “Ah yes it looks like the beach realm is coming along nicely.”  “60 days till the Beach Party, killers, survivors, and misc within the fog are all invited as long as they behave.” Exy continues to make notes. “Feel free to spread this info around to the various killers and campfires.” the Entity shrugs. 
-------------------- OOC MUN: Getting closer to June 1st. Super excitement... Bunch of set up already done in the background. Please reblog and keep up the hype and share with the DBD blog community. I’m looking forward to seeing what everybody comes up for the event. More Information about in universe event details to come when we get closer to the event. 
30 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
“So you’re the entity..? I uh kinda expected something more- ‘monstrous’” Yoichi rubbed the back of his neck unsure.
Exy smiles "Ahh Mr. Asakawa.. What a pleasure to formally meet you." "Well my current shell is a bit more friendly than my older one. " he chuckles. "It kind of looked like what you would call a shark, a spider, and a dragon all mixed into one creature." he sounded nostalgic. "I haven't worn that form in a while." "I hope this shell is to your liking, I worked very hard on it." he smiled. @askyoichiasakawa
34 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
Exy gets his own blog.
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“I’ve decided that I was most amused with my recent physical manifestation.” Exy nods thoughtfully. “So now I am going to start my own ask box. Avail yourself of my wisdom.” Exy is the Entity who owns, @askgogglessteve, @silent-daylight-james and @dbd-ghostface-roman​ meaning he is strongly related to those characters and is always looming in their backgrounds.
(Welcome to The ExperimEntity’s ask blog, for more info check out the FAQ/Rules page  this in character ask blog is primarily text. The lovely image in this first post was done by the amazingly wonderful @hugs-and-stabbies​. The beach outfit done by @frank-a-mori-son​)
37 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
I recommend the other Entities that you don't have a romantic relationship with already!
Wine Aunt (ask the entity lovecraften god), Lucas (little monsters entity), Howl (jakebark), Dwi (ask the dweets), NTT (ntt entity)
And any others I may have missed!
Exy looks up from a clip board... "I don't hate all these ideas.. but there are several that are just a big no."
46 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Do you play video games?
"I am aware of mortal forms of entertainment, but I have yet to partake in them." He says looking up from his note taking. "Maybe when I have some free time I will look into it." he shrugs.
98 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Exy is the most unique of my muses. Being mostly a completely unique creation with Entity powers and viewpoints pasted on top...
obviously being who and what he gives him more freedom than the other DBD characters.. But also binds him in other ways. Special thanks to @hugs-and-stabbies for her original visual design.. I love his gorgeous daddy aesthetic... Which really helped me inform his character in fun ways.
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kdrama-i-nation · 3 years
The feeling of realisation when you are constantly falling for the second lead....
Gosh just look at them 😍🤩❤️
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Kim Bum as Lee Rang
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Park Hyungsik as Ji Dwi
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Lee Dohyun as Go Chung Myung
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Kang Haneul as Wang Wook
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Park Haejin as Han Jae Jun
It's literally impossible to not fall for the second lead while watching dramas!! 😆😆❤️
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drama--universe · 4 years
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Requested by @coolworld95 (Hope this is okay)
Banryu x reader
Staring in front of himself, Banryu let out a small smile as he watched you walk down the market, stopping at various shops and looking around. Your black and (f/c) colored hanbok and your hair was down with a (f/c) ribbon woven into it. His eyes followed you as he tried to keep up with Su-Ho’s rambling, yet he couldn’t focus on his friend.
“Are you even listening?!” Su-Ho exclaimed and Banryu turned his head, his smile faltering. He gave a curt nod and gave a loud sigh, looking back towards you. So-Ho followed his gaze quickly and smirked, immediately noticing the heart eyes and smile that made its way to his face. 
“Totally not obvious.” Su-Ho mumbled as he shook his head, continuing to walk back to the Hwarang house. Banryu, unlike Su-Ho, hadn’t moved from his place until he noticed that Su-Ho had basically abandoned him on the market. And he did not know how to return... He stayed in place, not having a clue what to do.
“Are you lost?” A voice asked and he looked up to see you with a bright smile. Heat crawled up on is neck, a small blush covering his cheeks (although it was barely visible) and he let out an awkward cough.
“Do you happen to know the way to the Hwarang house?” He questioned, trying to steady his voice and not to stutter. Your eyes widen as a small laugh escaped your mouth, which you quickly covered with your hand.
“A Hwarang who doesn’t know where the Hwarang house is..? That’ll be a first.” You joked, smiling brightly as you now finally noticed the brighter blush on his neck and ears.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t joke. Just follow the road until you see it.” You smiled at him and he nodded his head, hurriedly walking away and making you giggle.
"Well, he really likes her." Yeo-Wool spoke as he turned to face Su-Ho and Hansung, who had a small frown on his face. Yeo-Wool looked at the youngest and poked him with his fan, making Hansung give an almost growl.
"What are you so prissy about?" Yeo-Wool asked, opening the fan and waving it, looking at Hansung with his famous smile.
"He can't like (y/n)-noona..." He mumbled, looking back at your form with a small pout and Su-Ho and Yeo-Wool looked at the younger in confusion.
“You know her?" Su-Ho questioned and Hansung turned around to the older, nodding. "She's my noona." He explained before walking away to greet you with the two other on his heels.
"Noona!" You turned around and let out a chuckle as you were embraced by Hansung. You patted his back softly before looking at the 2 other men. You recognized them as Yeo-Wool and Su-Ho, and smiled.
"Pleasure meeting you guys." You greeted and they nodded, introducing themselves. You nodded before looking at Hansung again.
“Shouldn’t you go back to the Hwarang house?” You asked and he shrugged.
“Don’t wanna... I barely see you!” He whined, pulling your arm softly as he whined again. You laughed and took his face in your hands, smiling at him.
“I’ll be sure to sneak close to watch over the wall.” You whispered and he smiled again.
2 days later, the Hwarangs had yet another day off because of master Wi Hwa’s sickness. All the boys were sat in Sutabaksu, drinking their tea as they talked. Banryu was missing from the table, which made the perfect opportunity for them to gossip.
“We need to get him and (y/n) together.”  Su-Ho spoke and the others looked at him with a smile, Hansung almost yelling no.
"How though? He turns into an actual mess when she's near him." Ji Dwi mumbled and Yeo-Wool suddenly smiled, a plan hatching in his mind.
"Just put them on a date." "Like he'll go. He'll chicken out before he's goes." Sun Woo commented in an annoyed voice, for he was not in the mood to talk about Banryu's love life nor was he ever.
"Who says he has to know?" Yeo-Wool smirked, opening his fan and waving it slightly. That made them look up immediately, all smirking slightly. After a plan was made, Banryu had returned (although he payed no attention and they kept talking about it nonetheless). When the day had ended, both parties had been informed of the unknown date. You assumed that you'd see Hansung while Banryu just thought he'd be hanging out with Su-Ho and Yeo-Wool. So when he was stood outside of the Hwarang House at almost midnight and noticed that you stood not that much further from him, hands folded in front of you. Not a second later, you noticed him and smiled as you stepped closer.
"You also waiting for someone?" You asked and he nodded, letting out a small sigh.
“I think I've been standing here for at least an hour now, waiting for Hansung... Wanna hang out with me instead since you've obviously been waiting long as well." You suggested and he nodded, making you smile again. You left the building behind you and made your way too Okta, starting an one-sided conversation with Banryu before speaking up.
"Are you always this quiet?" You asked and he looked at you, his cheeks slightly painted pink. 
"No..." "Do I make you that uncomfortable?" You questioned and he immediately shook his head, making you chuckle at him before smiling again.
"Do I make the great Banryu nervous?" You joked and he smiled slightly before looking at you.
"Is it really obvious..?" He questioned and you nodded, laughing quietly as you entered the Okta building. Once you had entered, you were immediately greeted with millions of girls gossiping about Banryu and staring at you with a frown. You ignored the stares and smiled at some familiar faces before greeting an elder lady that you knew.
“By any chance, is their still a free room to drink?” You asked and she nodded before looking at Banryu. “Are you sure it’s just for drinking, sweetie?” She questioned, raising her eyebrows suggestively at you. You laughed and shook your head.
“It’s just for drinking, no worries. We both got dropped.” You explained and she shook her head before pointing at a room.
“I’ll bring some drinks on the house, make sure to charm the boy in return.” She said and you sighed, nodding anyway as you looked back to Banryu. You motioned to him that he should follow you and you went upstairs to the room. You opened the door and stepped in, sitting at the table that stood in the middle of the room. Banryu sat down as well, his hands resting on his knees as he sat crossed legged. You looked up and smiled at him before looking at the door when i opened, revealing the elder lady with some drinks. She put them down, giving you yet another wink before leaving the room. You rolled your eyes, taking two cup and filling them and handing one to Banryu. He thanked you with a nod and drank it. You smiled as you started a small conversation.
As the moon had risen high in the sky, were you finished drinking, both of you slightly tipsy and hence you had stopped drinking alcohol. You had left the room and Okta, preferring the outside sky as you walked home. Once you had reached your house, you looked back at Banryu.
"We should do this again... You're cute." You spoke, a small giggle sounding from your chest as you opened the door. Banryu smiled and agreed quickly, making you smile as well.
"See you." You spoke, kissing his cheek before entering your house quickly. Banryu's smile didn't falter and instead grew wider before he noticed his shadows. Turning to face them, he glared.
"I'm going to kill you guys." He growled before running after them, Su-Ho letting out a loud yell.
"We got you a girlfriend, dammit!!!"
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dynamite-el · 3 years
so I speedran the last few eps of hwarang for my second watch yesterday, and I love it.
the relationship between Seonu and A-Ro is genuinely so uncomfortable to watch. I understand what the writers thought they were doing, but the actors have such wonderful platonic chemistry that whenever they kissed I had to look away. and ultimately, there was no need for them to end up together! it wouldn't have changed anything plotwise as long as they did it right, and it would have been so wonderful and wholesome.
so here is my rewrite.
Just because they are a man and a woman, it does not mean they have to end up together.
if this was two men or two women? those writers would have made it platonic.
A-Ro is suspicious of her 'brother', as she was originally. but instead of developing feelings for him (which was weird), she starts to accept him as a brother and feels very betrayed when she finds out that they aren't actually siblings and he has lied to her. but she gradually forgives him, and accepts him as her brother regardless of whether they were blood relations or not. can you imagine how goddamn wholesome that scene would have been?
A-Ro did not need Seonu as an excuse to reject Jidwi. And Jidwi did not need Seonu as an excuse to let her go.
Sure, Jidwi can mistake them for a couple, whatever. But when A-Ro rejects him and he assumes it's because of Seonu? She says, nope. She just doesn't like him and he has to accept that instead of trying to force her into a relationship with him because she doesn't like anyone else. This would have made a stronger moment for A-Ro as well as ultimately a stronger character arc for Jidwi, who has to realise that he is not entitled to her just because he's the king, and that she is allowed to find happiness for herself that does not include him. I thought the last scene where he just wrote her a letter was cowardly, and to really show his change they could have had that exchange in person.
A-Ro acts as a kind of Manic Pixie Dream Girl for Jidwi, in the respect that she helps him to find his strength but he becomes very attached to her as a result. if they spoke in person instead of through a letter, Jidwi ultimately lets her go because he has changed and although it's the hardest thing he's ever done he knows it's the right thing to do and not because of Seonu. it would have been so much more powerful in person, and made him so much stronger as a character.
also I personally would not have minded if Seonu and Sookmyung ended up together. like, not as a main plot in the show, but maybe as a what-if teaser for their possible future. in the show, Sookmyung could have tried to force Seonu to pick her over A-Ro, with Seonu telling her that he wouldn't, because his sister was the most important person in the world to him and he wouldn't choose a romantic relationship over A-Ro. eventually, Sookmyung could have realised that there was no reason that A-Ro would come between her relationship with Seonu, ultimately overcoming her selfishness and desire to have him for herself as she understands that he can have family too. obviously they could easily have not ended up together and that would be fine too, but I feel there is more basis for a romantic relationship between the two of them than between Seonu and A-Ro and if they really needed a romance then I would have preferred this one.
tl;dr - stop making all heterosexual couples default romances! it devalues platonic love! Seonu and A-Ro could have had a bond just as strong without it being romantic - found family is just as beautiful.
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blue-apple-pie · 4 years
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Ji Dwi & Sun Woo
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hwarang-number · 4 years
Counting down the days till Hyungsik's military discharge!
(201205, D-30)
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oliviame17 · 4 years
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astudyingreer · 4 years
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i blacked out and when I came to these were on my phone
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withmyhoonie · 4 years
why all this hate towards sam maek jong LEAVE HIM ALONE HE'S ALREADY BEEN THROUGH A LOT MY BABY
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