#Ban Ryu imagines
stephreviews · 6 months
Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth (2016-2017)
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This drama follows the stories of the men of Hwarang, an elite warrior group loyal only to the king of the Silla era. However, a twist in the story is that the current king is in hiding. The previous king was assassinated when the current king was a child, so the king is in hiding until he is powerful enough to protect himself. Until then, his mother, the Queen Regent rules. The story predominantly follows the king, Kim Ji Dwi/Sam Maek Jong, an orphan commoner who doesn't know his own ancestry and assumes the identity of his best friend (Kim Sun Woo), Gae-Sae, and Kim Sun Woo's sister and doctor of the Hwarang warriors, Kim Ahro.
Phew. 😵 That was a long explanation. And that's not even spoiling anything. Now, to the ratings!
Extremely complicated political drama: 10/10
Hilarious wise old man mentor: 10/10
Adorable side couple: 20/10
Love triangle that isn't infuriating: 8/10. Minus 2 points for being predictable.
Morally ambiguous queen that I'm not sure if I like or not: 10/10
Sexy Shower Scene: 10000/10
I'll leave the shower scene with a cast like Park Seojoon, Park Hyungsik, and Shinee's Minho up to your imagination 😉 Check out this underrated gem and give it the love it deserves!
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Just look at these two!!! Ban Ryu x Sooyeon my beloved ❤️❤️❤️
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sonicanvas · 1 month
i've seen more people hating on jin to lift up liu kang and ryu tho.
hell on his birthday, people still shat on him on r/Tekken and other places like twitter. I'm a diehard Kazuya and Sasuke stan, even fucking Sasuke Uchiha gets more respect and love than Jin at this rate (for one, he wasn't disrespected on his own birthday by the naruto fandom on reddit). I've never seen a fandom hate and spite their own protagonist more than the tekken fandom - some people even suggested either kaz or lars would be a better mc or something.
Well...that's a yes and no.
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Keep in mind that I am not actively participating on Reddit discourse(it is not accessible in my country without VPN and the government is trying to ban the use of VPN so...).
I can see that people hate on Jin since Tekken 6 happened, and it is justified. But saying that he is the "bad" protagonist is not entirely true.
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Also to keep in mind that being a protagonist doesn't mean the protagonist has to be "the good guy". That's like saying Mikasa or Armin should be the better protagonist than Eren just because he is morally questionable at one point in the story.
To what it is worth noting, as of recent stories I took with Jin, I could safely say that he was the "good" Mishima, but he's not overall the "good guy" which sets a bad faith that muddle the premise that all protagonist has to make good decisions all the time. He was capable of doing good things, but his baggage, even though he was raised with love by his mother, is still clouded by depression. You could be the nicest person in the world with zero problems, and the depression still took hold of your life.
Imagine people saying they want to help people with depression until that person can't even take care of themselves or showing massive indifference towards the people they knew and loved, because the voices in their head tell them that they are worthless. Feeling all numb and messy.
I love this premise for Jin because then, we could perceive the Devil Gene as representation of intergenerational traumas. It doesn't have to be exclusively physical trauma.
I saw Jin and Kazuya as foils to each other, in the sense of Jin seeing him as the kind of person he could be, if he lets that trauma consumed him. Setting the premise that Kazama purification is not inherently good, in the same way the Devil Gene is not inherently bad. Jun is the Yin, and Kazuya is the Yang. Two opposite forces of nature trying to take hold on one over the other, yet one cannot exist without the other.
Being consumed and dwindled by traumas can be bad for you, but it is also what makes you what you are today: "Jin", means "human" in Japanese.
Whether this Devil force is evil or not, he still had to hold himself accountable, and learn to coexist with these forces inside him.
Our problem when we are shitting on Jin's character, comes with the fact that we still perceived the values in that world as purely black and white, good and evil. It has to exist within extreme ends of the binary values, while it is more interesting to explore the character if we allow ourselves to explore multiple gray areas, multiple facets of the character's point of view. Sometimes, a character can be neither...or both.
I'm not saying Kazuya is "the better protagonist", but if they said they want him to be a villain, then I believe he should act like one. He was on the extreme ends that allowed his traumas, manifested by Devil Gene, to consume him, at the expense of everything else. As he decided to defeat Jin in Tekken 8 story ending "Despair", he reached his goal, he took over the world, but at the cost of him furthering the chaos he already started. He saw himself becoming the person he swore to destroy. Basically turning into Darth Vader. Heihachi could stay dead to make way for writing a new kind of villain. Exploring a character's development doesn't require the character itself to be redeemed. Tragic stories doesn't make them any less of a villain.
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Unfortunately, this person you are talking to, is a Professional Lars Hater™
He has the potential that kick-started the "Hold up, are we the bad guys?" Archetype(basically Adora before she turned into She-Ra)
The best equivalent to him, as they also wanted him to be "the goody two-shoes", is Liu Kang.
Liu Kang got the advantage of being the "better protagonist" because we witnessed him, across all series of MK, sticking to his principles whenever he was offered a position of power and choose not to be tempted by it, even as he ascended as literally God in MK1, and still choose to give his powers away and let the people in the universe choose their fate for themselves. The only unfortunate thing for him, is that his good intentions was eventually twisted by terrible writers to excuse all the narrative decisions they made for other characters, ultimately using him as a scapegoat, because why would he let Shang Tsung and Quan Chi live in miserable lives while the whole point of his values—not only as a monk, but also as a disciple who witnessed Raiden's terrible decisions in past timelines that cost him his own life, twice—was not to repeat the same amount of mistake Raiden has upon them, nor to repeat the cycle of hatred that goes within each timeline that will drive him as mad as Kronika did?
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This version of Liu Kang, would be the version of Liu Kang I wish MK1 Liu Kang could be: a man who acknowledge the rules of justice in the universe, and still choose to offer mercy towards his enemies.
(off-topic but I wish that NRS reached out to Robin Shou in the future for classic MK1995 skin. He earned it.)
Lars, doesn't have that chance because they introduced him so late in the production, his introduction in Tekken 6 was rushed so badly that we don't have a chance to get ourselves attached to the character, aside of his connection to Alisa. Like, okay, he's hot, he got the Mishima electrics, he was a soldier, but like...that's as much as you can get. I don't care he was voiced by a popular VA, because they are only voice actors, doing their job, making their best effort to spice up a terrible script. Best case scenario that I wish could happen to him in Tekken 8 is for Kazuya to...damage him. NOT kill him(this is not MK, gore is a no-no), break his arm or something, just enough to bring more pain that allows Jin to have an excuse to fight Kazuya even more, since beating up the person he cared the most is very much crossing the line and leaves a bigger impact to Jin's downward spiral.
But hey, that is not happening apparently. One person can dream 🤷
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drama--universe · 2 years
3 Dates
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Requested by @cocomashy: Hi i love your hwarang imagine/story can i request an hwarang story about suho bc i love him so much and i don't see many of imagine about him so can you pls do an imagine about him being upset about always losing in soccer games bc the reader has a crush on ban-ryu and she always has her attention on him, so suho wanted to prove the reader that he is better than ban-ryu by playing soccer . And can you make the reader she/her pls😁🤗😘
Word Count: 1808 words
Warnings: none
A/N I really like this one for some reason, hope you do too :)
Su-Ho sneered as the ball went into his teams goal again, Ban-Ryu being the one who scored. His eyes were quick to shift to the stands and there you stood, cheering Ban-Ryu's name loudly. Ban-Ryu hadn't noticed this, which also made Su-Ho angrier. Why? Well, because Su-Ho liked you. Not in the fling type of way like he was before, he genuinely liked you a lot. But you were obvious with the crush you had on Ban-Ryu.
He was so focused on his thoughts, that he didn't hear the announcer announcing that his team had lost until he saw Ban-Ryu's team celebrate while Ban-Ryu left the field.
Even when just walking around town, he could always spot you beside Ban-Ryu. Ban-Ryu wasn't mean to you, but he didn't pay you much attention either. Nonetheless, he did listen to you when you told him to stop bickering with Su-Ho.
But for those few times that you weren't around Ban-Ryu, Su-Ho was quick to try and talk to you. You talked about your day and asked about his, smiling as he told any story. This only made him fall more in love with you than before.
So he decided the next soccer match, he would win at any cost. Every time Ban-Ryu would get close to the ball, Su-Ho was quick to intervene and steal the ball, kicking it to the other side of the field with a smirk before running after it again. He was drenched in sweat already, even when it was only halfway through the match and panting heavily. But he didn't care much, because your eyes were on him. You looked a bit worried, but he didn't care because your eyes were on him nonetheless. His eyes were on you for a few minutes, but maybe he should've paid more attention to the game. The next thing he knew, his legs were kicked from under him and he flew to the ground. He landed on the ground with a loud groan and he could feel his head and ribs throbbing in pain. The person that tackled him stood above him and Su-Ho could make it out to be Ban-Ryu, but he wasn't sure because everything was blurry. He closed his eyes again, groaning loudly before he tried to get up, feeling someone hold his arm softly.
"Stay down." He could hear your voice, opening his eyes to see a blurry version of you. You looked concerned to him and he couldn't help but want to smile at it. He didn't, however, because dizziness took over as well as more pain in his head. You were talking, but your voice was unclear. Next thing he knew, his vision went dark and he fell back again.
He woke up again in a different room, which he was slightly confused by. That was until he noticed you, your back turned to him. You looked focused on something, hunched over before getting up and turning around. He almost found it cute at how you jumped up when you saw him.
"You're awake..?" It took a second to click, but he could clearly see the moment that you realized. "You're awake!" You ran his way, holding his head softly as you looked at his eyes.
"I see you're fine. Good to know." You said, smiling brightly and Su-Ho's heart melted at it. You let go and handed him some tea, which he guessed to be herbal medicines. He was right, the bitter taste was not something he enjoyed but he downed the whole cup nonetheless.
"You know, everyone's been worried about you. Even Ban-Ryu." You laughed and Su-Ho scowled, something you quickly noticed.
"Why do you hate him so much anyway? Sure, he's not the nicest but he's loyal and weirdly enough, quite kindhearted..." You stopped talking, smiling to yourself before glancing at Su-Ho again.
"Because you like him and he's a prick." He mumbled under his breath, not meaning for you to hear it and yet you did. You could hear him clearly and you looked at him again, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Are you confessing to me now? Are you jealous that I like Ban-Ryu?" You joked, not expecting him to actually agree and nod. It was silent after that and Su-Ho almost regretted saying yes. Then again, he wouldn't be him if he wasn't his usual self, so he continued.
"I do really like you and I think you deserve better than that..." he stopped once he saw your gaze and awkwardly coughed. You sighed softly and sat down on a chair, looking at your hand before looking back at him.
"Then who? You?" You asked and he nodded, making you laugh once more. Su-Ho decided that he'd continue, no stopping now.
"Give me three dates, just three. I can prove it to you." He said and you looked up again, rolling your eyes before nodding.
"Fine, on one condition. Win me a soccer match." You answered before walking out of the room and Su-Ho had never felt so motivated in his life.
When the next soccer match rolled around, he was fidgeting with adrenaline as he listened to the announcer. He didn't really listen, his eyes focused on your form. You weren't paying attention either as you looked at Su-Ho.
You didn't dare to admit it, but you hoped he'd win. You liked Ban-Ryu, a lot, after all he'd been your crush from age 15. Yet there was something that caused you to actually like Su-Ho as well, it being the only reason you agreed. Because he was right in a way. Ban-Ryu had never seemed to like you nor did he ever show any interest, always being cold and uncaring. So, you decided to just give him a chance and maybe it would help you as well. It was selfish to use Su-Ho, but some part of you just craved for some kind of affection from the man. Maybe even something more would happen, you didn't know. Then again, you also didn't know what you had done to Su-Ho's mind.
You watched as the tournament started, your eyes trained on Su-Ho's form as he leaped in between other players while kicking the ball. He was the first to score, screaming happily to his teammates before continuing the match. He was tackled to the ground, rolling back on his back before he jumped back up immediatley. He continued to run over the field, kicking the ball and tackling the other team.
By the end of the game, his team had won with 5 points more then the other team. You didn't know whether you had to cheer or not, but you decided to do so. You screamed out his name loudly before smiling when he noticed you and he happily returned that smile. He was the pulled away by his team as they cheered in victory. You only saw him again about 10 minutes later, dressed in his usual clothes as he walked *ran* your way.
"You won." You said and he nodded, clearly proud of this.
"For you, m'lady." He joked and you sighed before looking at hi with a smile.
"First date?" You asked and you could see his eyes light up before he nodded, grabbing your hand and softly pulling you along with him.
He took you around town, taking you to some small shops that he knew and loved. He paid for some food, which you liked it a lot, and then he took you to a quiet place where you could quietly eat. You enjoyed it quite a lot, surprised at what he showed you. You didn't expect him to know so many small places that didn't necessarily were for "rich" people and more for "normal" people. Nonetheless, you liked the first date and you liked him just a bit more.
The second date was meant to be fun. Until 5 minutes in, when some girl ran at Su-Ho and slapped him. You spend the rest 15 minutes holding something cold to his cheek as he whined about the date not going to his plan, making you smile at how cute he was acting. After that, he took you to another shop which sold some cute jewelry/dresses. You bought a few things and he bought you a cute wooden animal sculpture, which you couldn't help but compare to him with a smile.
Once again, you felt yourself fall for his charms again.
Then the third date... You didn't plan on it, but you were standing at the meeting spot with your little sister holding your hand tightly as she looked around for any activity she'd like.
When Su-Ho saw you, he had to do a double take if it was really you. He was confused at first, understanding when you explained everything. And suddenly, you were a third wheel to him and your sister. He walked with her in his arms as she pointed at stuff, giggling and such while Su-Ho was smiling brightly at the child. Even with being a bit jealous of the pair, yet you couldn't help but feel your heart melt at the sight. He was just so sweet to her, listening to her stories with a kind smile while also, unknown to you, keeping an eye on you. You didn't notice that he stepped slower to match your pace nor did you notice that he checked on you ever so often. But he did notice the scowl that you worn on your face and he quickly changed his strategy.
"(Y/n)? Do you want some food?" He asked and you looked up, scowl disappearing from your face before you nodded. He grabbed your hand and pulled you along with him until he found a decent place, ignoring the people who whispered about you and the child who clung to his hand. He sat down across from you and your sister had sat herself on your lap, playing with your hair while Su-Ho ordered some food and drinks.
"Sorry that this is our third date. It was all last minute, I-" "It's fine, really. She's sweet." He answered and you smiled, hugging your sibling a bit closer as you felt her fall asleep slowly.
"So, do you want to go on another date after this... You know... Just the two off us?" He asked sheepishly and you smiled, thinking about it for awhile. You did have to admit that he was lovely to you and you didn't mind being around him, liking the feeling that it gave you.
You'd hate to admit that it was so easy for you to lose your years long crush on Banryu in the matter of 4 days, 3 dates. Then again, ùaybe you just hadn't accepted that you liked him before, too caught up with Barnyu to care.
So you said yes with a smile.
And when you finished your food, you bid him a happy goodbye with a kiss on his cheek and you'd never seen someone smile so brightly.
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angelsvoice1love · 3 years
Our stars
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You were allowed in the Hwarang house, since you were skilled in fighting. Swords, arrows, hand to hand and many more.
They asked you to come and assist in the training, or just help out in anyway you can. Helping them with writing, reading was all in the cards.
You were sitting outside near the pond, looking at the stars as a bright smile was brought to your lips.
Hansung: It's beautiful tonight...isnt it? A man asked, as he sat down next to you.
Y/n: They are. You replied, looking at the young man that sat next to you.
Hansung: My name is Hansung. What's yours? He asked, with a wide smile.
Y/n: Y/n. You said, as looked at his features.
He was very handsome, but he didn't give off the same as the rest. He was different, you could see it in his eyes that were a dark brown almost black. His smile was filled with joy, and that made you smile and his facial features almost resembled that of a baby.
Hansung: It's rude to stare. He spoke, causing you to come back to reality.
Y/n: Oh...um...i...forgive me.
Hansung: There's nothing to forgive. What do you like about the stars? He asked, as he kicked his feet forward and back. Mine is how they shine, and how they resemble diamonds.
Y/n: I like how they represent life.
Hansung: Life? How so?
Y/n: Well, life represents love, pain, joy and so many things. But to me, the stars mostly represent love. Every night when I look at the stars, i feel that the man I will call my husband someday is staring at them too. Wondering if he'll see me soon. D...does that sound stupid? You asked, feeling slightly dumb.
Hansung: Not at all. I think it's cute. He said, as he giggled. I like you.
Y/n: You like me? How? You just met me.
Hansung: Because you like the stars. I know, meeting someone for the first time you know nothing. But I feel like I can trust you...you seem like a good person.
Smiling you thanked him, as you got up bowed and walked off to your room.
Few days later.
You and Hansung became close friends, training together, eating with him and his friends and just looking at the stars. It felt like you've known him for years, and his friends. You felt like you were part of them, even if you were just there with your father to train them.
Your father was the best warrior/soldier the kingdom had, your mother was a noble woman of true bone as was your father. Your brother was the personal gaurd of Princess Sookmyung, two of your sisters were with the princess and two were at the tea restaurant that your mother owned along with your little brother.
All together being 6 siblings you had. You were the only daughter that wanted to learn to fight,
You were at the river with the Hwarang men, watching them clean their clothes and splash each other wet with the water. Shaking your head, you walked on the rocks barefoot enjoying the cold feel it gave you when you slipped on a wet rock.
Preparing to fall, you closed your eyes but nothing happened. As you opened them again, you saw a familiar face keeping you from falling.
Y/n: T...thank you Ji Dwi. You said, as slowly released your arm.
Ji Dwi: Are you hurt?
Y/n: No. I'm okay. You replied, as you gave him a small smile. I...thank you.
Ji Dwi: I'm just glad your okay. He said, as he placed his hands on your shoulder.
Looking across from you both was Hansung. He pouted, feeling sad as he looked away. Walking to the room where A-ro works, walking as he flopped down on the bed.
A-ro: Ahh, what's wrong today?
Hansung: It hurts. He wimbered, as he cried into the bed.
A-ro: What hurts? A-ro asked, as she sat next to him.
Hansung: My heart. He replied, crying even more.
A-ro: Your heart? Why does your heart hurt?
Hansung sat up, wiping his tears away as he was trying to catch his breath. Slowing his breathing, he looked at A-ro as he spoke.
Hansung: Y/n.
A-ro: Y/n? Hey, what did she do? Did she hurt your feelings?
Hansung: I saw her with Ji Dwi. He...they...AHHH! He cried, as he sunked his head into the pillow again.
A-ro bit her lip, as she sat on the bed next to him as she rubbed his back. In a second he laid his head on her legs, crying as she soothed and comforted him.
After a while Sun Woo, walked in about to say something when A-ro shushed him in silent. He looked down to see Hansung sleeping soundly, shaking his head as he smiled he picked Hansung up as if he didn't weigh anything.
A-ro fixed the bed, so that Hansung could place him down so that he could get rest.
Sun Woo: What happened here?
A-ro: He was crying over y/n.
Sun Woo: What? Why would he cry over her?
A-ro: He saw Ji Dwi, with his hands on her shoulders. Since then he cried, that's all I know. Promise.
Sun Woo: Sounds like Hansung likes y/n. You should go home for lunch with your father, I'll look after Hansung.
Time skip (a few minutes)
Sun Woo: Y/n, can you please come with me to the phesisians room? It's Hansung.
Y/n: Hansung? Is he okay? You asked, worry in your voice.
Sun Woo: Just go. I'll come later.
Running to the room, you saw Hansung waking up from his sleep as you ran to him.
Y/n: Hansung? Are you okay? You asked, as you bend down in front of him taking his face in your hands.
Hansung: Y/n?
Y/n: Hansung, are you hurt? What happened? Where did you get h--mmm
You mumbled as you were stopped by a strong but firm kiss. Your eyes were wide, as shock took over your body. Pulling away Hansung, looked into your eyes as he spoke.
Hansung: You hurt my heart. You broke it in pieces. He said, as he let you go.
Y/n: W...what? You questioned, as you looked at him.
Hansung: Ji Dwi. I saw you with him, y...you with him. His hands were on your shoulders, like he's your lover...how c-
Y/n: His not my lover Hansung. He's my friend, whom I care for greatly just like Ban Ryu, Sun Woo, Yeol Wool and Soo Ho. I-
Hansung: I like you. I like you, like I like the sun and the stars. That's...thats what I want. I want to watch the stars with you every night, and the sun in the day. I like you more than being with my family, except for my brother. I...i like you more than I should, I think I love you. No...i know I love you. He said, wiping his eyes as he looked at you.
Y/n: Hansung.
Hansung: I know, you don't f-
You cut him off as you grabbed his face gently in your hands, as you pulled him closer into you as you kissed him.
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Hansung didn't hesitate in kissing you instantly, his hands moved to your cheeks as your moved to his waist.
Hansung pulled you closer, as he smiled in the kiss which caused you to pull away.
Y/n: See. I like you too-
Hansung: Y/n-
Y/n: No...i love you.
Hansung: You do?
Y/n: Yes. I've been wanting to tell you for a while, but I didn't have the courage to say anything. Could you forgive me?
Hansung: Only if you forgive me for not saying anything either.
Y/n: We'll forgive each other. You said, as you leaned in kissing his cheek. My Hwarang hero.
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join-hwarang · 8 years
Confessions (Ban Ryu Imagine)
Summary of Request: After Ban Ryu is forced to join Hwarang, you try to comfort him, but he just gets an attitude and snaps at you and realizes he fucked up bad.
Pairings: Ban Ryu x Reader
Warnings: Smut (at the end of imagine, separate part to it) 
A combination of two requests.
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Gif is not mine, credit to owner. 
Sacred Najeong
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
A few hours passed since the boys that dared fight in the sacred grounds of Najeong were released. Ban Ryu walked out of his house, letter in hand, and walked to the only one place he knew he’d be understood.
He stood at your front door knocking on the wooden rapidly, wiping away quickly of what was left of his tears. Your door opened to reveal your six year old sister, smiling recognizing the older man in front of her.
“Bunbun!” she squealed. The nickname that was given to him from her since she can speak, they tried to get her to say Ban Ryu not Bun Ryu, but Bun kept coming out, thus the nickname BunBun was created.
Ban Ryu smiled, holding in the tears that threatened to spill, “Is Y/N here?” 
Your sister shook her head, “Not right now, they went out with a friend a while ago.”
“When they come back, can you give her this to her?” he asked holding out the letter in front her. She nodded her small head frantically, “promise not to open it?” Ban Ryu asked lifted an eyebrow giving her a small smirk.
“Ahh yes?” she answered shyly shifting from foot to foot. Ban Ryu sighed, “good enough, I will see you later.”
“Bye Bunbun!” she waved goodbye with the hand that held the letter and shut the door with the other. He stood there for a good while then walked away, tears welling up in his eyes again.
Hours passed the sun began to set, arriving home you can hear the small sniffles coming from inside. Walking into your home can see the figure of your younger sister sitting on a mat. You rushed to her side picking her up in your arms setting her on your lap, “what’s wrong A-Yeon?”
“Bunbun is leaving!” she wailed flinging her arms around your neck. “Where did you get this information from?” you asked moving parts of her hair out of her face.
“The letter! I wasn't supposed to read it, I didn’t understand a lot, but even I understood that he’s leaving! I’m sorry!” she cried into your neck. You can feel the tears running down your neck. You picked up the letter she spoke of and read carefully, trying not to miss any important information.
It was true, your sister was right, he was leaving for Hwarang. Night time began, the sky was slowly becoming darker, after drinking some tea and keeping each other company, you tucked your sister into a restful sleep.
Pacing back and forth, letter in hand you sighed, leaving your own note on the table of where you would be and the nice old woman from next door would be there in case of an emergency. Setting the note down you walked out the door closing it slowly trying to not make much noise and made your way over to Ban Ryu’s house.
As you walked you can see couples happily enjoying each other and sharing love between each other, whether it’d be with a small kiss or just each other's company. Hopefully, yours would stay like this.
A house away you see Ban Ryu’s stepfather step out of the house along with his assistant(?). Once they are both out of sight you walk up to his door and knock waiting patiently for him to answer. No answer, not a single sound of movement inside.
You knew better than to just leave after, oh no you were gonna make sure he opens that door. If so help him that you decide to hold back the urge to kill him from the letter he gave you and that he doesn’t answer the door.
Knocking on the door several more times, still no answer. There is always another resolution. You cleared your throat and cupped your hands to your mouth and shouted, “Ban Ryu! Help me not want to kill you more than I already do by opening this damn door! Ban Ryu! Ban Ryu! Bun-” caught off by the door swinging open a very flustered Ban Ryu on the other side.
Pulling you inside and slamming the door close he stared at you as if you gone mad, “Do you realize the respect I would lose if you called me Bunbun?!”
Rolling your eyes you stared directly into his, his angry expression turning into one of slight confusion. “What why are you staring at me as if you were about to kill me?”
“That’s exactly what I am going to do, if you don’t explain this!” shoving the letter into his hands, crossing your arms waiting for an explanation.
“Y/N I... I didn’t know how else to tell you. I couldn’t just go up to you and say oh how are you today Y/N? Really well that’s great anyway I’m leaving in a couple of days for Hwarang and might not see you for weeks! Is that what you wanted to hear?” he ranted to you, having these rants with him many times you understood every word that came out of his mouth.
“Yes! As long as you would’ve talked to me and told me and not from stupid letter!”
“Here I thought you would understand what I’m going through, but instead you’re here yelling at me! At least I had the courage to write to you, telling you I was going to leave instead of not telling you at all!” he snapped.
“And what just leave me and make me wonder where you went for weeks and then come back like nothing?” you cried tears forming in your eyes.
“Y/N, don’t cry please it the last thing that I’d want you to do, but we won’t see each other for so long and only see each other sometimes, so please leave, you can walk yourself out,” he said solemnly, his back facing you now as he walks further into house.
“Ban Ryu I can’t!”
“Why not?!” he asked his back still facing you and continued to walk.
“Because I love you dammit!” you snapped, realization hit you, that was your fist time one of you guys have said I love you to each other.
Ban Ryu realized this as well frozen in spot, he fidget on what to do. He turned around to face you again and quickly walked his way over to you slamming you onto the door.
“Why? Why can’t you just leave?” he croaked having you pinned up to the door.
“Because I never want this feeling to go away, I love you,” you answered as if you were unfazed by his actions.
Cupping your cheeks with one he smashed his lips onto yours, his other hand going through hairs on the back of your neck. Kissing him back with just as much force your fingers tangling between his hair.
Moving away from your lips in a low voice he confesses, “I don’t want this feeling to go away either.”
Your lips connecting again, moving with a great force of passion and love, his hands moving there way down to your waist pulling your bodies closer. Between your kiss you were able to speak out, “you’ll never get rid of me that easily.”
(Next is just a small smut, on what would happen after, but this where I would actually like to end the imagine, but since anon requested smut with it I’m a try and write it.)
Both of Ban Ryu and you made your way into his bedroom hands all over each other. His back facing the bed you pushed him onto straddling him, not once breaking the kiss. Ban Ryu tried to flip you both over, so he’d be on top, but you were not having it.
 Pinning his arms down to his sides and leaning away slowly from this you breathed out, “I’m in charge.”
“You know that’s not how it works,” he growled.
“That’s not my problem anymore,” you retorted, undressing him slowly.
“Where has this side of you been all my life?” he gasped in amazement.
You smirked and continued to undress him, you decided to let him undress you, which may or may have not been a mistake. He grabbed a hold of your clothing ripping it open piece by piece leaving both of you two in just your undergarments.
Too caught up in the moment your lips dived into his neck teasingly sucking on his sensitive spots, which drove him insane. Ban Ryu was on the brink of letting out a loud moan, but he had too much pride to let it out. Kissing down his neck, chest, all the way to his waist line where his undergarments covered him.
He watched you in anticipation, slowly sliding down his undergarments his member started to show, precum already dripping of it. When the cool air hit him he let out a small hiss. Tossing his garment to the side you teasingly decided to move your hand slowly up his thigh always avoiding his member each time you came near it.
“Y/N,” he gritted through his teeth watching you with a look. You know which one, no? Well lets say it’s a sexy look, seeing him such a mess wanting you to do something.
You place your hand on his member and looked at him curiously, “what? you want me to do this?” you started to slowly pump his member gliding your thumb over his tip. He let out a groan/moan and started to nod slowly. “Or would you rather me do this?” leaning your head slightly to the side, you left sloppy kisses all over his member, upon reaching the tip, you took him whole and started to swirl your tongue around him.
He finally let out that loud moan he was holding back, bobbing your head up and down his member, popping him out your mouth at times to tease him. Reaching his climax he started to move his hips to the movement of your mouth.
He gripped his bed sheets tightly and let out continues moans. Moans turning into small screams, which you only knew meant that he was close. Popping him out of your mouth one last time, you moved on top him centered yourself on top of his member.
“Y/N please, please, please,” he pleaded. “Please what Ban Ryu?” you questioned slowly lowering yourself.
“Let me come inside you, fuck me until I lose my breath, I don’t care do something,” he begged.
Lowering yourself on top of him, stretching you a bit making you gasp. You slowly started to move, his hands gripped onto your waist closing his eyes his bottom tugged between his lips.
Moving up and down your pace quickening as you moved, you gripped onto his shoulders for support. You started to let out moans, his name passing your lips multiple times. You felt a queezing(?) in your stomach, you both new you were close and it wouldn’t take long for him to reach his peak.
His hips meeting with yours thrusting faster into, his hands roamed your body leaving a tingling sensation on your skin, lading on your sides he gripped onto you.
“Ban Ryu,” you moaned.
He grunted in response knowing well your letting him take control now, flipping you over onto your back, he thrusted into you at faster and rougher pace than you, running your hands down his back, your nails digging into his skin leaving marks.
You cried out his name and released leaving you panting mess. Not a few seconds later he reached his peak and came inside you, he rode out his high and fell beside you out of breath.
“Ban Ryu?”
“Hmm?” he responded his arms wrapping around your waist pulling you to him, both of you facing each other.
“How am I suppose to get home if you ripped my clothes off?”
“That’s is not my problem anymore,” he said as he dozed off.
“Ban Ryu!”
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 
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At last, I rise from the death called writers' block and no motivation. I know all my imagines before are like SUPER CRAPPY NOT EVEN KIDDING, but hopefully with patience and practice I become better.
Disclaimer: I will be using some scenes from the series, but they will not be following the plot of the actual episode unless requested so. Also, I apologize for any mistakes when using some parts of the episodes if the translation is correct.
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There’s this one scene in Hwarang where the queen yells “WHERE IS THE TEA? WHY IS IT TAKING SO LONG?” - and that’s a fat mood
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hwarang-headcanons · 7 years
Ban Ryu: [confused as hell] Why do people think Soo Ho and I are together?
Yeo Wool: [Smirks knowingly]
Yeo Wool: [Wraps arms around Soo Ho]
Ban Ryu: [Snatches Soo Ho away] MINE!
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whispersatdawn · 7 years
A Flower’s Path | Final
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GIF Credit to: ygo-gx
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2
Pairing: Ban Ryu (Do Ji Han) X Reader
Genre: angst, coming-of-age, slight!romance
Word Count: 4,712
Request: Hi! For the Hwarang scenarios, what about one where you are a great enough fighter that you are asked to be the ONLY female hwarang (but against your will). Once inside, Ban Ryu is constantly complaining about how you shouldn’t be there and how it’s a disgrace for a woman to be in the Hwarang house. The two of you keep bashing heads bc even though you didn’t want to be there, you weren’t going to take that from him. Once the princess gets there she gets jealous that most of the hwarang gets close with the female hwarang and tries to get rid of her. - @starbooks13
I’m going to kill Ban Ryu. I seriously cannot think of any other reason why he would be near the bathhouse when it’s my scheduled time. Maybe he really is a pervert. I should expose him! Yeah. That’ll get him to leave me alone. He didn’t see anything, right? Ugh. I need to confront him about this or else it’s going to keep bothering me-
“Um, (Y/N).”
“Yeah?” your head shot up, and you found five pair of eyes on you. They were talking about the princess, right? “Oh yeah, sorry, the princess. I don’t know. Maybe she’s here to see how we’re doing to give intel to Her Majesty.”
Soo Ho leaned in closer to the table, causing the rest of you to do the same as if he was about to say something that should only be shared among your group. “I hear... that Her Highness is actually coming here in search of a great warrior to be betrothed to soon,” he whispered.
Your brows furrowed. “She wants to wed to a Hwarang? I thought that she would most likely be arranged to one of the princes of the other kingdoms.”
“She doesn’t want to be with a man who has always been sheltered inside his own castle,” Yeo Wool followed up with some realization. He usually caught on quickly. “Princess Sook Myung herself is great at fighting. I think she wants to be with someone like that, but I am not sure why the queen would allow it. Wouldn’t it be better to marry from another royal family to secure an alliance?”
“Her Majesty always has tricks up her sleeves,” Ji Dwi mumbled from the side.
After some more light-hearted conversations with the boys, when it was time to finish up dinner and call it a night, you and your friends cleaned up your trays of food and walked out of the dining room together.
The moon was full tonight, lighting up the sky with million of other stars. Sounds of crickets could be heard from around you. You couldn’t wait to get some sleep from another long day in the Hwarang House. “I’m still envious that you get your own room (Y/N),” Sun Woo revealed. “You don’t know how difficult it is to be together with these guys.”
“I know what you mean,” Soo Ho agreed, nodding his head.
“I am sure you don’t know what he means, Soo Ho,” Yeo Wool chuckled, “because I am sure he’s talking about you and Ban Ryu fighting all the time in the middle of the night. Right, Ji Dwi?”
Ji Dwi turned to you, a small smile his face. “You’re really lucky, (Y/N).” He was the first one to start walking back to the males’ room.
One by one, your friends bid you goodnight and followed each other back into their rooms for the night. Watching them from behind, you realized that you were lucky. Fate might have brought you into a group that you were hesitant to be a part of, but she also brought some people into your life that you can’t find yourself without anymore.
Before, you were usually stuck in your own household. The only person you could share things with was Soonja after your mother passed away. Your father was always busy with meeting with the other True Bones. When you went out to Okta where most of the other royal bloods hung out, it was difficult to get along with the other ladies as you were different from them. So, thinking back to what Master Wi Hwa said on your first day of arrival, you were gradually starting to see that this place would allow you to grow.
Most of the young elites were already heading in the same direction as the others, so you begin to walk to your own room which was in the opposite direction. The days were usually loud Master Wi Hwa teaching class in the morning and the martial arts or performing arts practices in the late afternoon. When the sun fell, making room for night, that’s when you were able to find some peace. The air was quite cool, making your walk more enjoyable.
You were only halfway when you felt a hand grab your shoulder. In surprise, you jumped up and immediately turned around. “Ban Ryu!” you exclaimed.
“Sh!” Ban Ryu placed a finger in front of his lips, signaling you to quiet down.
You looked behind him to see if anyone noticed, and when you found not a single person, you looked back to face the man in front of you. There were times when you both were in each other’s faces, but you never took the time to pay attention to his features more than the insults that were leaving his mouth.
Standing in a spot where the moon illuminated right onto his face, you can see why the other maidens would gush over Ban Ryu despite his cold demeanor. Though you would never let him hear it out loud, he was indeed handsome.
“Have you come to spite me one last time before the day ends?” you snapped. Then you figured you had a more important question. “No, actually, w-why did you enter the bathhouse when it wasn’t your time?”
As much as you hated bringing up that memory, you wanted an explanation. Your cheeks started to become warm again, and Ban Ryu also became flustered once more. You noticed his eyes has never met yours even once since the incident. His own ears were turning red. Who would believe you if you told that the tough, heartless Ban Ryu, son of Park Young Sil, had an expression that was mortified?
“That’s exactly what I wanted to discuss with you.” He was trying to sound as calm as possible, but you found the small waver in his voice. “I honestly didn’t know it was your time! Master Wi Hwa had told us that you had a different designated time from us, but he never specified in fear that some of the men would purposely find you in the shower. He just told us to stay away from the bathhouse until after dinner.”
“Which is making me more suspicious of you...”
“I thought it would be great if I didn’t have to wait to share the shower with the others at least once. I didn’t have any ill intentions, nor did I s-see anything.”
“Is this an apology, Ban Ryu?”
Ban Ryu closed his eyes and sighed. You wanted to laugh at his defeat.
“Alright, I’ll take it as an apology. If...”
“You stop calling me names. And thinking so lowly of me just because I am a woman.”
Ban Ryu finally looked at you, straightening his posture. “That is all you ask of me?” he asked.
“It seems like no big deal to you, but it would mean a lot to me,” you admitted. “I am daughter of Jung Young Sik, the last True Bone of my family. Because I have no brother to later take care of the family, I have decided to do what I can to protect my own. It is not my job as a lady, but I refuse to stay still and helpless. I can cook, I can clean, I can conceive a child. But my role right now is not to be pretty maiden trying to win attention of any royal blood. You have seen me fight during training, Ban Ryu. I am so much more.”
You felt your eyes start to water. Because if it wasn’t for the tough training here and enduring in a house of men, you wouldn’t have seen it for yourself. Whether you are in the queen’s game or not, maybe Father trusted you to become stronger in this place. Home was too small.
“Then I will do just that, (Y/N).”
For the first time, Ban Ryu called you by your name. Between the two of you, you finally felt some sign of respect. Trying to make light of things instead of letting your tears go in front of someone you had been mad at since the beginning, you joked, “Good. Because if you didn’t, I would’ve told everyone else about what you did.” Ban Ryu’s eyes widened. He started to say something but decided to turn around and hurry to his room. You let out a small laugh, watching his retreating back.
It was the day of the princess’ arrival.
After the long practices and training, you felt like you would actually to pull them off okay. Your morning started out great. The usual snarky remarks from Ban Ryu stopped, and you ate breakfast peacefully with your group of friends. Master Wi Hwa reiterated that all of the Hwarangs give Her Highness an outstanding performance.
More than the dance, you were quite nervous about the short sparring show you & Sun Woo would have to perform next. At first, it was going to be you and Soo Hoo as you two were the best warriors among the others, but after you noticed how much Sun Woo improved, you asked if he could take Soo Hoo’s place instead.
“Is it too late to have Soo Ho spar with you instead?” Sun Woo asked, standing next to you in line as you waited for the princess. You noticed how anxious he was by his fidgeting.
“Didn’t know you were such a scaredy-cat,” you said as you continued to look at the top red gazebo where Master Wi Hwa stood along with your martial arts instructor. “You’ll do just fine, Dog-Bird.”
When you saw your chief instructor and martial arts instructor turn in a direction and bowed, signaling the princess’ appearance, the rest of you followed suit. You soon looked up and found the Royal princess. Her aura alone gave off a vibe of authority. She did look like a warrior, just as you’ve heard from the others.
“So,” Princess Seokmyung started, “these are the Hwarangs.”
She quickly scanned each of you.
“Though you have gone through some tests to become a member, I have come today to observe you all myself. I’ll see if you have what it really takes to become a Hwarang. I have the greatest expectations.”
A chair was brought out, and Her Highness took a seat. Those who weren’t performing moved to the side so that those who were performing could take the center. You stood alongside with Sun Woo, and the both of you watched your other friends. “Yeo Wool definitely stands out,” you said while observing the dance.
“You think so?” Sun Woo chuckled. “Look at Soo Ho. I think he just made a mistake. That guy. He should just stick with swords in battle.”
“Ji Dwi and Han Sung look good, too. I saw those two practicing a lot.”
“Ban Ryu, too. I saw him dance by himself. He thought no one was watching, but I saw him on my way to Ah Ro,” Sun Woo commented. “Speaking of which, he’s been acting pretty weird lately.”
You looked from Han Sung to Ban Ryu. He was so focused on the performance, and you never really saw that side of him. You remembered how much he struggled and hated to be a part of the dance group. “Weird. How so?”
“How can you not know?” Sun Woo asked, taken aback. “Gosh, I thought you would be the first to think so considering he’s always verbally attacked you. It’s been two days since he hasn’t done so.”
“Oh. Yeah, I guess I’ve noticed.”
“So, what is it?” Sun Woo asked, a mischievous smile on his face. “Did you blackmail him or something? Did you finally beat him up?”
Instead of answering, the dance had finished, and you decided to ignore Sun Woo and applaud instead. Your heart thumped hard from inside your chest. You were next.
From above, the princess also applauded after the performance ended. Master Wi Hwa watched her expression. “We also have a sparring show for you, Your Highness. I hope you’ll enjoy it. They are great warriors.”
Everyone cleared way from you and Sun Woo. The both of you picked up your respective swords.
“A woman?” the princess questioned, finally taking interest in you when she saw you.
“Yes, Your Highness,” Master Wi Hwa answered. “(Y/N) is Jung Young Sik’s daughter. The other True Bones have spoken of his daughter’s exceptional skills. The Queen was the one who brought her in. She was also the one who brought in Sun Woo.”
“Her Majesty brought those two into the Hwarang House,” the princess said. She carefully watched as the two fighters from below swing their weapons at each other, blocking, striking, defending.
The match went on for another minute or two until you finally hung your sword right in front of Sun Woo, a few inches from his neck, ending the sparring. Everyone around you cheered, and you placed the sword back down at your side. Sun Woo shared a smile with you, patting your head for a job well done, and the both of you returned to your friends’ side who continued to cheer for you. “As expected of the cool (Y/N) and Sun Woo!” Han Sung exclaimed. “Wow!” He brought you into a hug, and the rest joined in. You all jumped around in celebration of a successful show.
Something pang in the princess’ chest from watching you all. She had no idea why she felt the way she did, but she didn’t like the sight of it. Especially knowing that her brother, the king, was among the men. His sister was finally here, but he’s probably giving his attention to another girl.
She continued to watch the group, and her eyes spotted one who wasn’t among the group of cheering joys. From a distance, his eyes was basically glued onto the female Hwarang.
“I don’t like it,” the princess said.
Master Wi Hwa was flustered. He spent all this time training and teaching. He really didn’t expect those words to be what came out. He was ready to be praised. His face fell. “Uh- What did you not like about it, Your Highness?”
“You think that if these group of Hwarangs go out into a battlefield that they’ll be ready to put their lives on the line? What good will a routine do for them? Battles are heartless, cold, raw. They need to fight like it’s life or death.”
“My apologies, Your Highness but-”
“And the woman? Take her out.”
“(Y/N) is one of the greatest fighters. I think her being a part of Hwarang is a great asset to us. I don’t understand why we need to do that. The Queen was the one who asked for us to bring (Y/N) in.”
“Her Majesty may not see it is a problem.” The princess murmured the following sentence. “She’ll do anything to keep the throne and protect herself.”
Her normal voice resumed. “But she does not see what I see. Keeping (Y/N) here will be a distraction to the rest of the Hwarangs. She may be good with weapons, but the whole group needs to be at its best. We can’t expect her to fight well and the others do the bare minimum. They all need to be focused. For the better of everyone, we can afford to lose the girl.”
You stopped jumping when you heard a throat clear from behind you. You quickly let go of the group circle and turned around to find Master Wi Hwa and the princess in front of you. Automatically, you bowed at her presence.
“Jung Young Sik’s daughter.”
“Your Highness.”
“Your fighting skill surprises me if I’m going to be honest. Who taught you how to hold a sword?” the princess asked.
“Thank you for the compliment, Your Highness. I started very young myself but soon found myself a trainer for a while.”
“And you decided to fight instead of what you intentionally supposed to do as a royal blood? Was your father not against this?”
“At first, Your Highness, but he was the one who asked me to join Hwarang. I have decided to use my skills for a bigger purpose.”
The princess watched you without blinking an eye, and you secretly felt intimidated. Why was she interrogating you so much?
“I see. So, you did not intentionally want to become a part of Hwarang, but it was because of your father and the Queen. If you want, I can do you a favor and excuse you from being among these other elites.”
You shifted your position so that you were facing the princess. You frowned, and your brows knitted. You couldn’t tell if she was asking you or ordering you. It made you uncomfortable. The male Hwarangs stood quiet around you. “There seems to be a misunderstanding, Your Highness. It is true that I did not want to come here at first, but I have no resentment towards my father or Her Majesty for being here now. How could I? I... I have lots to learn, and I think I can be someone who can serve the kingdom as well as its people.”
“It has come to my attention that having a woman among a group of men will not help serve the kingdom nor its people,” the princes countered sternly. “We cannot risk having anything cause this group to fall through. You all are here to train and fight. Nothing else.”
“Your Highness,” a voice interrupted from nowhere. You looked to find Ji Dwi stepping up. “My apologies for speaking up. You say that Hwarang was only built as soldiers, but I believe that we are much more than that. We were not taught to kill. We were taught to be loyal to our country, to our parents and teachers, to each other. We don’t retreat from our enemies. We never kill without a cause. Before (Y/N) entered, most of us were arrogant and only thought of ourselves. Despite being judged by many, (Y/N) stuck through the difficult beginnings and showed us that we all have so much work to do.”
“Do you think those morals will help keep you alive in the case of a war?” the princess snapped, angry that someone would dare defend you and speak against her own words.
“How do we win a war if we can’t even work together?” Ji Dwi challenged. “It’s not every man for themselves. It’s us for a whole country, Your Highness.”
“And you don’t think you can do it without her?” The princess glared at Ji Dwi, but he refused to back down.
“As I have said, Your Highness. We were taught to have trust and brotherhood among friends. Since (Y/N) is here now, she is included.”
You were touched by Ji Dwi’s words though a part of you felt anxious that he was talking back to a member of the Royal Family. Did he not have fear?
“I disagree with you. I do not believe that (Y/N) should stay.” the princess said. You watched all eyes fall on you. “But.” You could barely breathe. The princess wanted you to leave Hwarang. You thought since she was a female warrior herself that she would’ve agreed to keeping you. “I will compromise. If (Y/N) can win against me in a sparring match, I will revoke my decision.”
“Your Highness, my apologies, but I do not think that-” Master Wi Hwa cut off his own words when the princess’ personal servant brought the princess a sword.
“This time, it’ll be a real combat. It is only when one of us gets cut that the fight stops.”
You froze. You knew that if you lost, you would have to leave right away. Even though the princess decided the rules, you knew if there was a chance that you cut her, it would still feel like a loss. How could you dare lay your sword on the princess?
Ban Ryu couldn’t believe the princess’ suggestion, either. When he heard how you might have to leave, his heart fell. In the beginning, he would’ve sided with the princess. But now?
You tightened your grip around your sword’s handle. A million thoughts ran through your mind, thinking of many ways this battle could end. You looked over at Master Wi Hwa who stood still, watching you. You looked over to your friends who couldn’t hide their worried expressions. From the side, you spotted Ah Ro who had been watching since your sparring with her brother. You even found Ban Ryu who had an expression you kind of wish you were able to read.
The gong sound rang out, and you quickly returned to your sight to the girl in front of you. You couldn’t afford to pay attention to anyone else except the very person in front of you. The princess stroked, leaving you to dodge her and then block her when she tried again. All anyone could hear was the sound of the two swords clashing with each other.
“I can’t watch this,”Han Sung said, hiding behind Sun Woo’s shoulder.
You could tell that the princess learned martial arts at a young age, too. She was good. Whatever the result, it would be fair. Out of all the opponents you faced, she was the toughest yet.
Avoiding her sword was easy as first, but as seconds went on, your own sword started to feel heavy in your hands. The sweat from your palm was making you lose grip in your sword. You hit Princess Seokmyung’s sword back and watched her grit her own teeth. You took the chance to breathe for a second as she also tried to regain control. Exhaustion hit both of you.
“We don’t have to fight, Your Highness,” you tried to reason.
The princess paused as if she was reconsidering the whole thing, but you heard a few of the guys on the sidelines cheer you on. The princess frowned and brought her sword up again. “I’ll let you know when we don’t have to fight any longer.”
As if ignited by a new fire, the princess pointed her sword at you and started to charge. Your quick reflex blocked the sword right away, but the princess continuously attacked you, pushing you back. Again and again she went until your hand couldn’t hold onto your weapon any longer, and it was knocked out.
Your sword clattered on the ground right next to you. “(Y/N)!” you heard a few voice cry out. You glanced down, thinking of how you were going to pick it back up since you were at a disadvantage. Princess Seokmyung swung her sword in front of you.
“Huh. Guess you weren’t as great as people were making you out to be,” the princess scoffed as if she’d already won. She took the moment to look away from you and at the other Hwarangs. “This is exactly how it’ll be outside. Don’t take your training lightly.”
In that same time, you took it as your moment to quickly retrieve your sword. From the side of your eyes, the princess caught you immediately and slashed her sword against your skin as you did to hers. Master Wi Hwa stepped in. “That will be enough!”
Feeling a pain on your right arm, you grimaced and pulled your sleeve up to reveal a cut. You looked up at the princess and found her doing the same. You exhaled, thanking that it was over though you were still afraid of what would happen next. Princess Seokmyung made eye contact with you. Everyone else stayed silent. Master Wi Hwa was about to say a word when the princess made her own words heard first. “Not many people are lucky enough to land a hit on me,” she said, looking at the blood on herself. Sure, she was jealous of you and the relationships you had with everyone at Hwarang House. The princess herself barely had any friends. Even the brother she was supposed to know, she had never even seen his face. Looking back at you, the princess knew it wouldn’t be right to remove you. “You have proven yourself, (Y/N).” She then called her servant to be take her back to the palace to be treated by the doctor of the Royal Family.
As she walked away, you bowed down to her. “Thank you, Your Highness.”
You watched her walk out of the Hwarang House. Once she disappeared, cheers surrounded you, and you were smothered in your close friends’ hugs. “Wait, wait!” you heard a female voice yell louder as it got closer to you. Ah Ro pulled the males away from you and took you out of the circle. She glared at the men. “Miss (Y/N) is hurt. I need to take care of her first.”
Smiling, you followed Ah Ro into her room and sat down. She sat right next to you and started to treat you right away. “You continue to amaze me, (Y/N),” Ah Ro said. “Even though I was standing quite far, I was so nervous watching you fighting with Her Highness. I’ll never be able to figure out why you enjoy combat so much! You should just learn sewing. I can teach you.”
You laughed. “I was scared, too. I’m just glad it ended okay.”
Ah Ro almost finished bandaging your wound when a knock appeared at the door. When you looked to see who was at the door, to your surprise, you found Ban Ryu standing. “Ban Ryu...” you said.
“I can finish for you Miss Ah Ro.” Ban Ryu walked into the room. Ah Ro had a look of confusion on her face at first but then stood up from her chair.
“Oh, y-yes. Thank you. I was going to go look for my brother anyway.” She handed Ba Ryu the bandages and then looked at you. “I’ll be right back, Miss (Y/N).”
When Ah Ro left, you didn’t know where to look. For some reason, it felt kind of embarassing to look at Ban Ryu. He took Ah Ro’s seat and continued to wrap the cloth around your arm quietly. You gulped, and licked your lips, finding it quite difficult to breathe. This was the closest you’ve ever been to him. You even felt his hand brush softly against your arm. What were you supposed to say to him? “What you did was really stupid today,” Ban Ryu said once he tied the bandage together so that’ll stay in place.
“Going against the princess?” Ban Ryu looked at you, but instead of the intense look he usually showed, his eyes were softer. “It was very stupid.”
“What was I supposed to do? I know everyone keeps wanting me to go, but-”
“You didn’t let me finish,” Ban Ryu told you. He took a breath. “Stupid... but brave. Sort of attractive.”
“Anyway, in a way, I don’t think I can do what you did. Everyone knows I have it tough with my stepfather. Whatever he says, I do. I follow his words and don’t ever think about doing otherwise. I just... I just wished you didn’t get hurt while doing so, (Y/N).”
You brushed the bandage on your arm. “It hurts, but it would’ve probably hurt me even more if I didn’t do anything. Before, I wanted to do things my way and make it easy for myself, training by myself at home. What kind of life would it be if things just came easy? Things will be tough, dirt and all. If I can stand all of the tough things that come my way, I’ll be rewarded with a lot of light in my life. I can grow to be more than just a daughter of a True Bone.”
Soil, water, sunlight - you needed them all.
A slight small smile appeared on Ban Ryu’s face. He nodded his head and stood up, getting ready to leave. Before that, he turned back and called your name. “Yes?”
This time, Ban Ryu avoided your eyes. “Well, you know how we’re free to go back home tomorrow? If you want, we can leave Hwarang House tomorrow. Maybe go to Okta? Anywhere, really.”
You smiled. “I’d really like that. Thank you for asking, Ban Ryu.”
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pyritewitch · 3 years
TGAA Roleswap AU Post
Drabble 1 of an upcoming fuckton of ramblings concerning an AU that won't leave me alone.
I just finished TGAA 1 and 2 so this au is about what would happen if instead of Kazuma, what if Ryunosuke was the one who died instead. This is just a list on headcannons right now but hopefully I can muster up the effort to atleast properly write a few scenarios.
Warning ⚠️ this contains MAJOR spoilers for TGAA 1 and 2
Part 2. Part 3
So yeah first things first major difference starts that instead of Kazuma its our poor boy Ryunosuke who gets klonked on the head.
So instead of a story about a friend trying to pick up were his best friend left off, its about Kazuma trying to deal with the guilt of dragging his best friend to Britain and getting him killed. Also probably trying to delay the whole tasked w/ killing Gregson. (I warned ur ass about spoilers!)
Because I lack imagination, like Kazuma, our boy Ryu lives and escapes the ship with no memories but with the thought of heading to the UK as "someone is waiting for him". Takes a few odd jobs and does a lot of bilingual clerical work (I figure since he's an English major he's probably really good at typing documents and such) to save up enough money to try to enter into England.
Eventually Ryunosuke is caught trying to get in w/o papers and is brought to Stronghart for further action. Noticing his Yumei University pin/badge, puts 2 and 2 together (as he was probably notified about the stowaway on board the ship who died) as what are the chances that 2 Yumei University students are trying to get into England in such a short amount of time.
Seeing his skill at clerical duties and being a quick learner assigns him as Lord Van Zieks assistant with the task of studying law under Zieks tutelage. (Mask and all) As a judicial assistant but trying to convertly get him ready as a prosecutor. Essential treating him as a backup plan.
Even though he is banned from talking and removing his mask, unlike Kazuma, our Runo is still very expressive. To the point where many folks wonder why he bothers wearing one. Is also still very social and he is frequently at crime scenes taking notes, pictures, and asking law enforcement for advice as even though he can't talk he still communicates with people by writing in his notebook.
The reunion is a little tense and unbeknownst to Kazuma, his delaying of the assassination has made both Jigoku and Stronghart uneasy. So now they are falling back unto plan B which includes Naruhodo.
Another note is that Runo arrives in Britain within sometime of those six months that now our man Kazuma is banned from practicing law, cuz u know case 1-5, and also regains his memories within that time frame. Essentially a month or 2 before case 2-3 so yes when he 1st meets Kazuma and Susato he is well aware about who they are. Susato is a little less clear on who he is as they haven't really known each other that long but Kazuma almost immediately makes the connection.
Gonna end it here for now cuz apparently tumblr hates me and deleted EVERYTHING I put after this part and decides to post it even though it was suppose to stay as a draft...its 2am, im crashing, and I can't handle it. But yeah if this is starting to seem less like a headcannon and more like an incoherent outline; that's because it is. I mainly made this as a guide for me for whenever I am actually insane to write some scenarios in this AU.
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redsamuraiii · 3 years
What You Didn't Know about Ninjas
The West
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(Pic Source : SEGA Screenshot)
The first time I knew about Ninja was from my childhood SEGA game, Revenge of the Shinobi. After that I love watching the 80s Hollywood films like Sho Kosugi’s Revenge of the Ninja and Michael Dudikoff’s American Ninja. 
Lucinda Dickey’s Ninja Domination used to freak me out as a kid with those “black magic” scenes. And in the 80s GI JOE cartoons, Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow were my favorite characters because they’re Ninjas!
So I became curious to know what are Ninjas? Where do they come from?
The East
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(Pic Source : Trip Savvy)
Apparently, Ninjas existed since Ancient Japan but only became popular during the Warring Period of Sengoku Jidai due to their prominent roles as spies and assassins that affects the war that will forever change the course of history.
Without spies, Daimyo (Lords) will not be able to make critical decisions that will affect the outcome of the battle and without assassins, key Samurai like Kato Kiyomasa, the guardian of Toyotomi Hideyori will still be alive.
There were a few failed attempts in assassinating Tokugawa Ieyasu. Can you imagine if he actually died during Sekigahara? Kobayakawa Hideaki will not be influenced by Tokugawa and remained with the Toyotomi ensuring their victory.
The Ninjas continued to exist during the peace time of Edo Period, acting as spies for the Tokugawa Shogunate, to keep an eye on the Daimyo (Lords) across Japan to prevent potential uprising that will disrupt the peace.
Types of Ninjas
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(Pic Source : Japan Travel)
There are 2 types of Ninjas : 
Mie Prefecture's Iga-ryu ninja  
Shiga Prefecture's Koka-ryu ninja
From what I understand is that, Iga Ninjas are famous for the legendary Hattori Hanzō, who served Tokugawa Ieyasu and Iga is known for their highly trained and proficient Ninjas that could sneak in anywhere and anytime undetected.
Koka Ninjas are not as highly trained or highly equipped as they are mostly farmers and merchants. They served Toyotomi Hideyoshi, (who used to be a peasant) acting as his spies and keep an eye on Tokugawa and his Ninjas.
Cool eh?
Ninja or Shinobi?
They were known since Ancient Japan as "shinobi". The term "ninja" was only popularized in the Taisho Period (1912 - 1926). 
Speaking in terms of eras, the ninja were called "kanja" in the Warring States Period, and "onmitsu" in the Edo period. 
Looking by the region, they were also called "suppa" in Kyoto and Nara Prefectures, and "shinobi" in Fukui Prefecture.
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(Pic Source : Nindo, Ninja Academy)
Do they still exist? 
Jinichi Kawakami, the head of Banke Shinobinoden, is the second last sōke and only heir to authentic ninjutsu. He is said to be the 21st head of the Koga Ban family, a mercenary, and the honorary director of the Iga-ryu Ninja Museum.
He appeared in You Tube channel, Asian Boss and has his own channel, Nindo Channel. One of his apprentice taught Keanu Reeves for his film, John Wick 3 where his character fought with a Ninja (Mark Dacasacos).
The child in me would like to believe they still exist, continuing their shadowy works to this day, in places that we can hardly see or imagine. 
Like in the recent movie, Snake Eyes where the Arashikage Clan is said to have been keeping the country in checked for generations, to ensure peace.
More info about Ninjas can be found here.
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minty-marshmallow · 2 years
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Synopsis: The names of just a few Hwarangs are recorded in history. Not many people these days truly know about Hwarangs. How did they start? How did beautiful-looking young men become at the center of unifying old Korea's Three Kingdoms? To these countless questions, we look forward to finding the answers. Let's imagine how life must have been for the young people of Silla back in the 6th century.
My Rating: 8/10
My Review:
Before I start: let me just say that this is more of an idol drama so that's to be noted before you watch this. I have found that idol dramas tend to not be quite as good, but some really do pull through like with this one.
This is a great drama in my opinion. It does lean a bit heavy on historical drama cliches but it's got a couple of twists. I wouldn't say it's anything new or refreshing to the drama world. However, that being said, the story is still great and holds its own. The characters are decently fleshed out for a short drama, even including side characters. They could have added more episodes and fleshed them out even more but it's satisfying enough.
The acting is absolutely amazing. You got some really awesome, big-name actors in this drama. Even the ones that aren't, and even the idols in it hold their own.
The costumes are decent and the OST is pretty dang good as well. Although, I have a bit of a bias since Yoseob sings one of the songs haha. I definitely recommend this drama, especially if you are looking for something serious but not too serious. It's a drama but it has a lot of nice funny moments thrown in as well. It never feels too heavy to watch.
My Favorite Characters: Moo Myung, Ah Ro, Han Sung, Ban Ryu, Soo Yeon
My Ships: Moo Myung and Ah Ro, Ban Ryu and Soo Yeon
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katiea03 · 4 years
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❣︎Moving In With The Haikyuu Guys❣︎
❣︎Warnings❣︎: None other then a tiny bit of spice 🤏🏽
❣︎Genre❣︎: Fluff
❣︎Featuring❣︎: Tanaka,Nishinoya,Akaashi,Kenma, and Ushijima
❣︎A/N❣︎: I really like this idea a lottttttt. I decoded to add a random drabble for when you guys are moved in too. It’d be pretty cool if you gusy sent request so send awayyyyyy. Anywhoo Enjoy :)
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Moving in with this man will be just as chaotic as him.
You guys had spent a long time looking at apartments because you guys wanted to be sure it was perfect.
So when you guys finally get the keys, Tanaka will be carrying you bridal style through the door and speeds around the place.
“Can’t babe, we gotta practice for later!”
He continues to speed around the apartment finally stopping in the kitchen.
He places you on the counter and looks at you with the widest smile
“This is it baby, just you and me.”
He gives you the sweetest kiss before throwing off his shirt off
“Let’s do this!”
If it was up to him, he wouldn’t of had you lift anything but you insisted on helping
But that doesn’t mean he’s gonna let you lift anything too heavy.
By the end of the day, you guys have successfully moved in all the boxes and the very few pieces of furniture you guys did own.
But you guys forgot to buy food… so ordering in it is.
I could easily imagine the two of you pigging out on Chinese food on the floor as you imagine how you two are gonna decorate the place.
You both were exhausted so after sharing a quick shower, you both passed out on the mattress the two of you had set up on the floor.
Tanaka held you extra tight that night, knowing every night would be as amazing as this one.
Random Scenario
You were enjoying a little alone time just scrolling through your phone while you waited for Tanaka to come home from the corner store. All you wanted was a bag of chips, so you were starting to get concerned seeing as he still wasn’t back yet. You knew something was wrong. You hear the door slam and you sit up.“What did you do Ryu?”
He comes from the hallway with a cage.
“Okay babe hear me out!”
“What is that?!” You stand up and walk up to him
“It’s a hamster.” You stare down at the cage with the tiny dwarf hamster as its little beady eyes blinked up at you. Shit its cute.
“I got the cage and food and everything she needs.”
Your lips turned into a pout “It’s a she?”
“Yup!” Dammit! You’re supposed to be mad.
“How much did all this cost?” You almost don’t wanna know.
“Don’t worry about it.” Tanaka places the cage on the counter and reaches into a plastic bag.
“Oh- and I got your chips.”
You were probably gonna strangle him… but he’ll live.
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Moving in with Noya… is an experience and a half
And probably the most unorganized if we’re being honest.
This man didn’t label any of his boxes and kinda just threw everything together.
He also has a lot of stuff.
He’s traveled a lot so he has a bunch of knick knacks.
You guys walk into your small but homey apartment and he sighs
He looks back and forth between the kitchen and living area.
“Man the sex is gonna be GREAT!” You smack his chest hard.
“We have neighbors!”
“Oh yea!”
Will your neighbors hate you guys, probably.
Noya has music blasting as you move in all your stuff and it isn’t until after dark you guys get everything.
You close and lock the front door and wipe your forehead.
Noya walks into the middle of the living room and starts taking off his shirt
“Yu what are you doing?”
He continues to remove his clothes until he is stripped down to his boxers
“We have to set some rules in this house! Rule number one, no clothes allowed!”
He goes to remove the last piece of clothing but you run and stop him.
“STOP We don't have curtains!”
Does the night end with you guys “breaking in” the new apartment
Yes, yes it does 😉
Random Scenario
Living with Nishinoya taught you a lot. And you guys definitely learned a lot about each other. One thing is that he loves spa days. You guys have made it a tradition to have a relaxing day together full of face masks and long soaks in the tub every Sunday. He loves it when you tie his hair up with a scrunchie as you paint his face with clay masks. He surprised you one Sunday with matching bathrobes with your initials on it. You excitedly changed into it and followed the same ritual as always. You guys had gotten new bath bombs and best believe the man was excited. He always lets you get in first and he slides in behind you. You place the bath bomb in and lean against him as you close your eyes. He rubs his hands up and down your body as he lays soft kisses on your shoulders.
“You know I love you right.” He softly kisses the nape of your neck.
“Mmhmm I know. I love you too” You turn and caress his cheek.
“I could fall asleep like this.”
“Me too.” You get comfortable laying against his chest and try your best not to drift off in his arms.
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Akaashi would be the most organized when it comes to moving. Everything is placed away neatly in boxes and of course labeled (With his label maker of course).
He would never use garbage bags to pack stuff
He would have everything separated based on category.
For sure the thing that would take the longest would be his books.
This man has a mini library I swear
So best believe it would probably take a day to organize his books the way he likes.
“Oh my god why are these books so heavy.”
“Cause they are all hardcover”
He takes the boxes from you and you quickly realize that a lot of his stuff is his books
Of course you guys are lacking furniture for a while but that’s partially because you guys have a hard time deciding what pieces you should get.
Akaashi needed an office for sure with his job.
You would surprise him with a really nice bookcase, cause there is no way his old one would work here.
Random Scenario
Akaashi is a really hard worker, and though he is not exactly where he wants to be in his career, he still gives it his all. It is a pretty demanding job, so there have been many sleepless nights for him. He usually falls asleep a lot at his desk. Tonight was another one of those nights. You wake up in the middle of the night to see his side of the bed untouched. You sleepily climb out of bed and walk straight to his office. You slowly creek open the door.
“Keiji, are you awake?” You get no response. You walk further into the room to see him slumped over his desk with his glasses hanging off his face. You push the strands of hair away from his face and gently shake him awake. His eyes flutter open and he quickly shoots up in his chair.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep here.” He rubs the sleep from his eyes and sits up cracking his back.
“It’s okay, just come to bed. Your work will be here in the morning,” You take his hand and walk back to the room with him. He quickly slides back into bed and forces himself to keep his eyes open until you’re in bed with him. As soon as you are under the covers he knocks out. You softly brush your hand over his face before falling back asleep yourself.
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Kenma isn’t exactly the easiest person to move in with. Not because of anything bad, but because this man just hates the essence of moving.
Packing up all your stuff to move it and to take it all out again
It really sucks
And it honestly kind of stresses him out.
Especially with his gaming setup. He was sure to pack all his equipment as best he could.
And during the moving process he didn’t have the time to stream so that kinda bothered him too.
But because of all the stress, he is that much more grateful when you guys have finished moving in.
With your help, he managed to put a temporary set up with his chair so he could finally stream again.
When it comes to decorating, he doesn’t really care. If you like it, he likes it.
Probably would ban Kuroo from coming over.
“Kozu, Kuroo is asking to hang out.”
“Tell him no”. He continues to focus on his game.
“Why not? You haven’t seen him in a while.”
“And I would like to keep it that way.”
You wrap your arms over his shoulder and kiss his cheek.
“Well I already invited him for dinner.”
You knew he secretly wanted to see him, he just had a weird way of showing it
And in the end, you three had a great night together.
Random Scenario
You are about to throw the switch at the television as Kenma won another round of Super Smash Bros. He sits back on the couch with a smug grin on his face and you kick him lightly.
“Again! I’m gonna beat you at least once!” You sit at the end of the couch leaning forward as you start the round for the twentieth time tonight.
“ You know, it gets kinda boring winning all the time.” He yawns.
“Oh shut up, I’m gonna win this time!”
“If you say so.”
You are practically slamming your hands against the buttons and it is doing nothing in your favor.
Kenma laughs out loud as your health bar goes down quickly. You quickly retaliate with the same kick over and over, blocking him into a corner. You scream as you get a lead on him and slowly take down his health.
“Stop using the same moves.” Kenma sits forward a bit annoyed as it is actually working.
“Don’t be salty now”
It becomes an intense match but you ultimately lose. You throw yourself over Kenma’s lap as you wrap your arms around his neck.
“It’s not fair!” You whine out as he lays his hands comfortably on your waist.
“You tried your best��� He teased as you leaned in to give him a quick kiss. You lean back with a pout and get off his lap.
“What?” He stands up and reaches for you but you go running down the hall.
“You want a kiss, you’re gonna have to catch me!” Kenma questions whether or not he should take part in your juvenile game but it doesn’t take much convincing as runs after you.
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Moving in with Ushy Gushyyyyyyyyy😩 (I’m sorrry)
Moving in with Ushijima is surprisingly pretty easy
But the one condition was that you had to get house plants
And a lot of them!
But that’s okay, cause they are all your plant babies
(He names them all)
You guys also needed a balcony, it didn’t have to be a big one, but enough to have some plants outside as well as at least 2 chairs.
The apartment was perfect for you both. Plenty of space for both you and him along with all your babies.
Moving all your stuff was really easy and Ushijima didn’t let you lift a finger.
“Toshi can I please do something! There are so many boxes.”
“I told you sweetheart I got it.”
You crossed your arms as you pouted.
But you gotta say, for doing all the moving by himself, he got it done really quick.
And it was a nice view if you know what I mean 😏
Man rolled up his sleeves and mmmmhmmm
The plants were last and you both took your time placing them around the house.
Did you have any furniture
But you have plants so you’ll be fine
Random Scenario
Your mornings started way earlier ever since you moved in. Him being an early riser stuck with you too. You climb out of bed wearing a big T-shirt of his and find Ushijima sitting shirtless with two cups of hot tea on the balcony. You open the sliding door and he turns around.
“Good morning darling.” You lean over and kiss his forehead.
“Morning Toshi.” You sit in your respective seat and he passes you the hot mug,
The sun is slowly rising as you both peacefully sip your tea. You lay your legs over his lap and his calloused hands run up and down your bare legs.
“Have you already watered the plants?”
“Yea, right before you got up.”
You mumble a response and continue looking out towards the sunrise. You listened as he softly went over his plans for the day; he was going to be super busy with practice. But that didn’t matter. In this moment it was just you and him and all your plant babies.
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drama--universe · 2 years
Hi i love your hwarang imagine/story can i request an hwarang story about suho bc i love him so much and i dont see many of imagine about him so can you pls do an imagine about him being upset about always losing in soccer games bc the reader has a crush on ban-ryu and she always has her attention on him, so suho wanted to prove the reader that he is better than ban-ryu by playing soccer . And can you make the reader she/her pls😁🤗😘
Hello, here is the story. Hope you like it :)
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angelsvoice1love · 3 years
In The Moonlight (pt 1)
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You walked down the path to the tea shop, from the place we stayed. You heard someone yelling causing me to turn, you saw to men running my way.
Eyes wide, you wasn't sure what was happening when one grabbed my hand as he pulled me aside so that the horse wouldn't hit you.
Y/n: AHHH! You screamed, as you were picked up, and pulled to the side.
The man held you in place, only for you to catch a glimps of a attractive young man wearing a straw hat. Your hand was on his shoulder, as he still held you in place gently setting you dow.
Man: Are you okay?
Y/n: Y...yes. Thank you. W-
Other man: Come on we need to go. He yelled, making the man in front of you bow and run away in the same direction.
Frowning you made your way to the tea shop, going to the private room where your friend was waiting.
Y/n: Forgive me for being late. I had an incident. You said, sliding the door close.
Sam Maek Jong/Ji Dwi: Are you okay? The king asked, as he ran over to you grabbing your shoulders in his hands.
Y/n: I'm fine. I didn't get hurt.
(King) Sam Maek Jong/Ji Dwi: What happened?
Y/n: I was on my way here when someone screamed. Two men came running my way, I assume someone was chasing them...but one of the men pulled me away and to safety to prevent the horse from hurting me.
(King) Sam Maek Jong/Ji Dwi: What a relief. I don't know what I would have done, if you'd have gotten hurt. He said, as you felt his hands shaking on your shoulder. Your my best friend y/n, I cannot loose you too.
Y/n: You will always have me around. I promise. You replied, as you placed your hands on his cheeks. Trust me.
The King smiled, as he nodded composing himself as he walked back to drink his tea. One thing he didn't know was the butterflies he let loose in your stomach, when he held you close to him. But alas you knew you shouldn't have these feelings for your King, you were sent away with him since your family were the richest in the kingdom. She sent you away, to protect your life as well and to the fact that you were best friends before being sent away.
Taking in all the facts, you straightened out your dress, and sat down across form the King pouring him a cup of raspberry tea. Not making eye contact with the King at all. Noticing this, he placed the cup down as he moved to sit next to you.
(King) Sam Maek Jon/Ji Dwi: Is something wrong? He asked, as he pulled your chin up to look at him. You can tell me anything.
Y/n: N...no. No, I can't.
(King) Sam Maek Jong/Ji Dwi: Y/n...are you in trouble with someone or something?
Y/n: No. It's just...your the one person I can't tell and at the same time, your the one I want to tell this the most. But I realized that it's better if I didn't. You said, replied as you straightened yourself out.
(King) Sam Maek Jong/Ji Dwi: What do you mean?
Y/n: Shhh. It's a secret. You said, as you smiled lightly. I should go to my room, tomorrow your going to the Hwarang house and since I was asked to be a pidiatrician along with another girl, we'll see each other a lot.
The King simply nodded as you exited the room, curious as what you were keeping secret. He was going to make it his mission to find out what your big secret was, even if it meant digging into your personal life which you were open towards him. But this was a secret he had to know.
2 months later
With all the training, practice, discipline, and much more he still hasn't figured out what was going on. But he realized that you were getting closer to a certain someone. Yes, he was glad it wasn't Sun Woo, but he wasn't extactic about the part where you were becoming close with Soo Ho.
Everyone knew Soo Ho's history, he was a player and the ladies loved him. Ji Dwi knew, you knew of Soo Ho's history, but it didn't seem to bother you with the way you were talking.
Out of nowhere, Ji Dwi walked over to the both of you grabbing your arm as he dragged you to the storage room.
Y/n: Ow! What was that about, Ji Dwi? That was very rude. You said rubbing your arm.
(King) Sam Maek Jong/Ji Dwi: What was that?
Y/n: What was what?
(King) Sam Maek Jong/Ji Dwi: With Soo Ho. Why were you so comfortable with him? He's a player y/n, and I don't want you anywhere near that.
Y/n: Near what? Since I met Soo Ho, he hasn't once tried asking me out, flirting with me or anything else. He's my friend Ji Dwi. I'm friends with Sun Woo, Ban Ryu, Han-Sung and Yeo-wool. Why doesn't it bother you when I'm with them, but it bothers you when I'm with Soo Ho?
(King) Sam Maek Jong/Ji Dwi: Y/n, I don't like seeing him around you. He makes you laugh, he...it feels like I can't do that anymore.
Y/n: What do you mean Ji Dwi?
(King) Sam Maek Jong/Ji Dwi: Because...i want to make you feel that way.
Y/n: But you always make me laugh. Your there when I need to be comforted, when I need someone to be silly with, you trained me. Ji Dwi, your my best friend. What else could there be?
Ji Dwi pushed you against the wall, as he captured your lips in a kiss as tears rolled down his face.
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You could feel the tears drip on your face, as he held you tight while kissing you. Your eyes were wide open, as you looked at the site in front of you.
This was the first time in ages that you've seen Ji Dwi cry, and now he was crying in the kiss he was giving you.
Pulling away softly form his kiss, you made eye contact with Ji Dwi feeling tears creep up in your eyes but you did all you could to keep them from falling.
(King) Sam Maek Jong/Ji Dwi: I realized I want you. That's why I don't want Soo Hoo to go near you o-
Y/n: Ji Dwi...i can't. You said, lying to him and to yourself. I don't want this...your my best friend, and soon to be king. Not to mention the fact that you have an arranged marriage... I love you Ji Dwi but not this way. I'm sorry. You whispered, as you pushed past him leaving the room and leaving him confused and hurt.
You ran to your room that you shared with A-ro, as you stepped inside the room and closed it tears streamed down your eyes as you cried from the event that just happened.
You loved him more than anything in your life, but this...this you couldn't do. The queen, gave you clear instructions to keep any and all woman away from him and that's what you were doing. You knew you could never marry the king, and therefore you needed to move on even if he just confessed his love.
1 week later
It's been an entire week, since you've gone through the events of that night. You were at the river, enjoying the cold feeling of the water against your skin. You thinking about all the lovely days you had here with everyone, but particularly one person who you still couldn't get your mind off. You've been avoiding him the entire week, everytime he came to the phesisians room, you would hand it over to A-ro and leave.
A-ro was confused, but helped you anyway. Now you were here again, enjoying the sun setting slowly when someone sat next to you.
Soo Ho: May I join you?
Y/n: Please do. I hate watching the sun set alone.
Soo Ho: What happened?
Y/n: Excuse me?
Soo Ho: Between you and Ji Dwi. When you arrived you both were best friends, now you've drifted apart. Why?
Y/n: Its a long story, and personal. Also the fast that he didn't want me to date someone, he didn't approve of. Which didn't make sense, but in someone I guess it did. Ji Dwi and I've know each other, our whole lives...that's why we're so protective of one another. But it gets frustrating at times. I can date if I want...cant I?
Soo Ho: From your point of view, your right. But see it from his prospective too, he just doesn't want you to get hurt.
After Soo Ho said that, you realized that he was telling the truth. But something inside you took over your body, as you dove forward and kissed him.
Y/n: Sorry. You said fast, as you jumped to your feet feeling uncomfortable.
Soo Ho, stood as he pulled you in as he returned your kiss.
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Unbeknownst to you, in the woods Ji Dwi saw everything sadness filling his heart as he slowly walked off.
He didn't know you loved him just as much, but you needed to move on. Not only that, if you went against the queen she would hurt your family, those were here exact words.
This is why you did this, but some part of you enjoyed kissing Soo Ho. This felt real to you, even though a part of you wished it was Ji Dwi...but the other part of you wanted it to be Soo Ho.
Pulling away from the kiss Soo Ho, smiled down at you as he kissed your forehead.
Soo Ho: I've been wanting to kiss you for 2 weeks now, after I realized I liked you I wanted to make you mine. That's why I've been different lately.
Y/n: Different?
Soo Ho: I realized I had to change my ways. Yes...i was a ladies man. But I don't want to be anymore, i want to be with you. If you'll let me. He whispered, as he's hands moved to your waist.
Y/n: I would love that. You replied, as you kissed him again.
Ji Dwi, swallowed, as he walked off not wanting to show any sign of him being there. Once he reached the House, he went straight to his room laying down as he looked up at the seeling.
Sun Woo: What's wrong with you? Sun Woo asked, as he sat on his own bed looking at his friend.
(King) Sam Maek Jong/Ji Dwi: Nothing.
Yeo-Wool: Really? Then why are you sulking? Ever since the day we met, you've never been like this.
(King) Sam Maek Jong/Ji Dwi: It's-
Soo Ho: Hi. Soo Ho said, with a huge smile plastered on his face.
Ban Ryu: What's got you so happy?
Soo Ho: Y/n, agreed to be my girlfriend.
As soon as Soo Ho said that, Sun Woo looked over at Ji Dwi instantly knowing what was bothering him. Sun Woo, was the only one that knew of his feelings for you, besides yourself and here you were giving another man a chance in dating you.
The question that kept playing on in Ji Dwi mind, was what would have happened if he played his hand sooner?
Would you be with him right now?
As well as other thing, would you be happy with Soo Ho? Would he treat you like a princess? Would you be the only one he wanted around?
All thought that played, as he shook his head. Yes, you chose someone else but this only meant that he had to be there for you as a friend.
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imagine getting banned from social media for saying what the kyurangers did to ryu commander
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join-hwarang · 8 years
Defense (Hwarang Scenarios)
Summary of Request: teaching their child(ren) defense moves
Gifs are not mine, credit to owners 
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Moo Myung (Sun Woo): Boy/Girl
Child: “Appa what is the point in teaching me this?”
Moo Myung: “That way you can protect yourself and you mother when I’m not here.”
Child: “That will never happen, right appa?”
Moo Myung: “Let’s hope not.”
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Sam Maek: Girl
Sam Maek: “See this way you can keep boys away.”
Child: “But, appa how will I find a boyfriend, if I keep them away?”
Sam Maek: “Nuh uh no boyfriends!”
Child: “Appa!”
Sam Maek: “No no, I have to protect my princess from those evil men, you are my little girl I can’t have anything happening to you.”
Child: “Oh appa” *hugs him tightly*
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Soo Ho: 2 Boys
Soo Ho: “So you have to hold them in place like this.”
Boy 1: “Like this appa?”
Soo Ho: “Yes, so then you-” *accidentally knocks down a vase*
Boy 2: *gasps*
Boy 1: *laughing*
Soo Ho: “Don’t tell your eomma.”
*you enter your home at that moment*
Y/N: “Don’t tell me what?”
Both kids: “Appa broke a vase!”
Soo Ho: “I can’t even trust my own children.”
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Ban Ryu: Boy/Girl
Child: “I’m tired appa.”
Ban Ryu: “Come on, a few more times.”
 Ban Ryu: “I have to keep you safe” *thinks to himself*
*watches as his child continues to practice moves, smiling proudly on how far they have come*
Child: “Was that okay?”
Ban Ryu: “It was perfect C/N, let’s go home, your eomma is waiting for us for dinner.” *nodding and smiling*
Child: “Food!” 
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Han Sung: Boy/Girl
Child: “Appa I thought you said you we’re going to teach me defense moves not dances moves.”
Han Sung: “I know, but look how nice your appa dances!”
Child: “Aish appa.”
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Yeo Wool: 2 children Girls/Boys/Both
Yeo Wool: “Aish, what will your mother say about this mess?”
*he looks around the messy room with both your children running around*
Y/N: “What happened in here?!”
Children: “Uh oh, appa you’re in trouble!”
Yeo Wool: “Why you little.”
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Disclaimer: I will be using some scenes from the series, but they will not be following the plot of the actual episode unless requested so. Also, I apologize for any mistakes when using some parts of the episodes if the translation is correct.
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