#banana bread costume
promptastical · 1 year
“Wake up! The pumpkin patch opens in ten minutes.”
“I was thinking we could hand out tooth brushes instead of candy this year.”
“I don’t do haunted houses.”
“Which costume works better?”
“The hot apple cider’s ready if you want any.”
“Are we going modern or retro for the scary movie marathon tonight?”
“Who throws a Halloween party in the middle of nowhere?”
“Don’t scare me like that!”
“Why doesn’t Michael Meyers just run?”
“Should we put out orange or black pumpkins for the porch?”
“Please tell me that’s not a recipe for blood red chocolate banana bread?”
“These decorations are going to terrify the kids in our neighborhood.”
“Newsflash: ghosts aren’t real.”
“You need to work on your scare technique.”
“Vampires are overrated.”
"I think we're too old to go trick or treating."
"I just heard something outside."
"We have to go on the haunted hayride!"
"The candy eye balls are freaking me out."
"Nightmare on Elm Street is Freddy and Friday the 13th is Jason, right? I get the killers mixed up."
"Are you going to the office Halloween party?"
"These kids costumes seem ... weirdly violent."
"A cobweb table runner seems excessive."
"I made green punch with fake severed fingers."
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melrodrigo · 1 year
Hey Angel - Tardy Drabble
Tara Carpenter x F!Reader
Summary: You throw a welcome party for the whole university, where you meet a certain someone in an angel costume. Things happen.
Warnings: Underage drinking, parties, fluffy stuff
Word Count: 1.5k (yes this was supposed to be a drabble)
A/N: I wrote this while listening to hey angel, one direction rocks man. The start is a little iffy, but it gets better. This is set before the first chapter btw!
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“YN! YN! YN!” The crowd roars your name, cheering you on as you eagerly chug the rest of the beer.
Once you finish the 10 bottles they had filled the keg with, you let go of the tube and raise your hands in victory.
You let out an unintelligible sound, and the adrenaline that rushes through you at the sound of people still cheering your name is like nothing you’ve ever felt before.
You’d arrived to the party, your party, fashionably late. But once you stepped foot downstairs your friends were already ushering you to to the kitchen and challenging you to a drinking game.
That was how you ended up here, damn you and your competitive streak.
But the consequences of your actions had caught up quick, because not 10 minutes later you’re starting to feel a little queasy.
“Um…guys, I’m going to go sit down for a while.” You say to no one in particular, and try to make your way through the sea of teenagers to sit down on your couch.
You feel a little bump at your side.
“Woah- sorry about that.” A girl’s voice squeaks from underneath you. You blink, looking down and realizing that she had probably ran into you. Or you into her, probably the latter.
She was an angel, wait no- she was wearing an angel costume. White feathery wings extended from both sides, and a halo placed on her head.
She was so pretty. Like, so so pretty. What other adjectives are there to describe pretty people again?
“Uh, are you okay?” The girl asks again, and you realize you must’ve been staring at her a little too long.
You try and smile, but the queasiness mixed with the oncoming headache you know is about to hit makes you grimace.
“Sorry. Really….drumk.” You manage, and watch as a small smile makes its way to her face.
She touches your arm gently, and it sends a spike of energy through you.
“Do you wanna go sit somewhere? I have an amazing cure for hangovers.”
Hangover…yeah that might just be what you were having. How did you already have one?
You nod, happily.
She grabs your wrist and leads you to your original destination, the couch.
“Your hand is so soft.” You mumble on the way there, not meaning for her to hear. She perks up, and looks back at you for a moment.
You nod seriously, “Soft hands are a major thing. It’s the highest of compliments, I love hands man.”
The girl chuckles, shaking her head slightly.
She sits you down onto the couch, tells you she’ll be right back. When she returns, it’s with a different variety of things in her arms. Bananas, a couple of slices of pizza, a full loaf of bread, and a mint.
You’re struck with the realization that you don’t even know this girls name, and that you should probably ask her if you ever want to see her again.
“My name’s YN, and you m’lady?” You slur, trying your best to put on your smoldering face. You extend your hand to hers, waiting for her to reciprocate the handshake.
She laughs in your face, and you frown.
“A handshake?”
“My mom says when we meet someone new we should always offer them a handshake. It’s good manners.” You say, matter of fact-ly.
She giggles, and nods slightly, indicating she’s listening to you. Then shoves the burger and bread into your hands.
“Eat them. Just trust me.”
It might be the alcohol in your system, or the fact that she’s the prettiest girl you’ve ever laid your eyes on, but you heed her orders immediately.
You’re not really sure how to eat the bread, and she seems to realize your struggle. She smiles sheepishly, and runs over to grab a knife and slices you a couple pieces.
When you finish munching on those, she grabs an advil out her back pocket and extends them to you. You take it happily, wanting to get rid of the headache that’s terrorizing you.
She pops the mint in her mouth as she watches you eat, admiring the sight in front of her.
When you start feeling a little better, you turn to her and say, “That’s all you got?”
She raises an eyebrow, amused.
“If that’s what your magic hangover cure is, I can tell you that’s the most basic set of hangover foods ever.” You continue, tone playful.
“Oh yeah? I’d like to see you try better.” She taunts, kicking her feet up to rest them on the table in front of you.
You grin, send her a wink.
“Next time you get drunk, hit me up. I’ll work wonders in under 5 minutes.”
She purses her lips, pretending to think before nodding.
“Okay. You have a deal.”
You guys sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes, watching the party. It’s weird that you feel so relaxed in her presence already, seeing to the fact that it usually takes forever for you to open up to someone.
She looks so good under the party lights, you get the intense urge to kiss her. You decide, fuck it, what’s the harm in trying?
“Hey mystery girl? Can I kiss you?” You shout over the loud music, hoping she can hear you.
You know she does, by the way her eyebrows raise up. She stares at you for longer than you’re comfortable with, and you take that as an answer.
“Okay, that’s- that’s fine. You just look really pretty is all.” You say, somewhat nervous but still flashing a toothy grin at her.
“You know what-“ She starts, moving so that she’s side by side with you. Your eyes widen a bit, obviously taken back that your pickup line actually sort of worked.
When she leans in, your eyes are so wide it’s comical. But once again, your bad luck cuts in, and her phone starts ringing. She jumps a little, seemingly startled by the sound.
You peer at her phone and see the name ‘Sam’ appear.
“Shit.” She mutters, quickly declining and slapping her hand to her forehead.
You frown, could that be her girlfriend?
“Hey I’m really sorry YN, but I gotta go deal with something, i’ll see you around?” She hurries out, already getting up and looking like she’s ready to dart.
You’re stuck in a daze, and way too drunk to remind her that you guys didn’t have any contact. Therefore, it would be extremely hard to ‘see her around’, but you can’t bring yourself to speak.
She leaves your rear of view, and you groan, falling back into the couch.
“Stupid!“ You whisper to yourself, eyebrows furrowed.
It’s not very much fun to watch the party anymore, not without mystery angel at your side. So you decide to call it a night, and walk up the stairs to your room.
You shoo away the couple making out, whining and complaining that they can’t keep it in their pants.
The moment your face hits your pillow, you let out a sigh of relief. It doesn’t take very long for you to fall asleep, mystery girl still fresh in your mind.
You don’t bother to get up when you hear a fight starting downstairs, sure that you’re roommates would be able to take care of it and drift off.
Ring. Ring. Ringgg.
You groan loudly, damn alarms having to wake you up from the best sleep you’ve had in ages. You reach over to silence it but catch sight of a calendar notification at the bottom of your phone.
Eng lit test, 8.00 am
You glance up at the time display, only to find out it’s 9.30 and you’re already extremely late to your first exam of the semester.
“Holy shit!” You yell, and shoot up out of your bed. You get dressed in record time, grabbing at anything that’s clean. You swipe a piece of bread that was lying around and sprint out your front door.
You don’t know why it takes you so long to notice that you don’t have a headache, which is strange because you always end up with one after getting shit-faced.
“Guess it’s my lucky day.” You mumble, now in front of the hall room door where you’re having your exam. Wiping your hands on your shirt to try and relieve some of the nervousness, you push open the doors.
In your hurry, you forget that your shoes are untied, and somehow trip over the laces, stumbling into class like a wild animal.
Eyes burn into your head immediately, everyone turning to look at the commotion. You try and smile, signal everyone to look away.
A giggle sounds from somewhere at the back, near where you are.
You lock eyes with the perpetrator, and are struck with someone who looks somehow familiar and not familiar at all.
“Take a seat please YN.” The teacher from across the room booms.
You nod eagerly, and move towards said girl.
When you sit down next to her, still eyeing her, it’s like déjà vu.
Déjà vu for what you can’t seem to remember. You shrug the feeling away, thinking if you ever saw a girl this pretty, you would’ve remembered her right away.
Oh well, you’ll figure it out later. Right now you have a test to ace.
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stevie-petey · 9 months
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episode nine: the beginning
“No, I understand.” Steve smiles and then points to the wall of comics behind you. “So, if we’re going to be friends, I gotta ask about your Spider-Man obsession.” “Oh, now that’s just too personal. This is like, day three of our friendship. At least ask what my favorite color is, first.” Steve laughs again and nods. “Alright, fair. What is your favorite color, then?” And this is the beginning of your friendship with Steve Harrington. 
summary: BONUS EPISODE TIME ! steve becomes bookstrorindary's favorite loyal costumer, jonathan buys you a bug for christmas, you freak out your poor coworker alex, and suddenly steve is really hot and you're feeling so many feelings (bad ! it's all bad !).
rating: general, some swearing
warnings: swearing, angst ending (sorry gang), fem!reader and use of y/n
words: 6.5k
before you swing in: surprise ! bonus chapter that takes place between seasons 1 and 2. basically, as the title says, it's the beginning of everything between steve and reader. this is where everything starts to take shape, their beginning dynamic, and ultimately the horrible timing of it all. life is hard, steve is hot, and reader just wants to heal her physical and metaphorical wounds. enjoy !
November 15th, 1983
When Steve Harrington walks into Bookstrordinary your first day back, you think your lingering concussion from the monster is causing you to hallucinate. 
You had been struggling to reshelf some books, your crutches being a burden and hard to balance with as you stack, when the bell above the front door alerted you of someone’s arrival. 
“Welcome to Bookstrordinary, how can I help you–” You place the last back in the shelf and turn around, not expecting who you see. “Steve?”
He smiles at you and shoves his hands in his bomber jacket. “Hey, Y/N.”
“What are you doing here?”
“You can’t figure out my nickname if we don’t hang out, right? So,” He shrugs, as if this is just another Monday for him. “I’m here.”
You stare at him for a moment, unsure what exactly to do. While you hadn’t been lying when you told Steve that you guys could be friends, you hadn’t expected him to jump at the opportunity so quickly. His eyebrow is still healing from his fight with Jonathan in the alley and you’re stuck with crutches for the next two weeks. 
Wounds are still healing. You figured Steve would take some time to collect himself, but it appears that he simply doesn’t care, or maybe it doesn’t matter to him.
“How did you know I even worked here?” You ask the boy, now making your way over to the front counter where he stands.
Steve chuckles. “You really can’t give me credit for anything, can you? I pay attention, Y/N. I can be observant.” 
“It’s not like that,” you’re quick to correct, scared that Steve will think you see him as some mean jock. “I just… I’m not used to people paying attention to me, I guess.” 
You pause and make a face, not liking the way that sounds. “That sounded incredibly gross and cheesy, huh?”
“No, I understand.” Steve smiles and then points to the wall of comics behind you. “So, if we’re going to be friends, I gotta ask about your Spider-Man obsession.”
“Oh, now that’s just too personal. This is like, day three of our friendship. At least ask what my favorite color is, first.”
Steve laughs again and nods. “Alright, fair. What is your favorite color, then?”
And this is the beginning of your friendship with Steve Harrington. 
He spends almost two hours the first day at your job, asking you questions about yourself, your favorite food and color and animal, which genre of books you prefer, anything and everything he can think of to get to know you better, Steve asks it.
At first you’re unnerved by his onslaught of questions, but slowly you find yourself opening up to him and enjoying having Steve with you. He makes your last few hours of work bearable and fun. Before you know it, you begin asking him your own questions. You learn that he loves banana bread, secretly enjoys helping his mom around the house, and that blue is his favorite color. 
When your coworker Alex walks in to take over the next shift and finds you leaning against the counter talking to Steve, he almost spits out the milkshake he had been drinking. “S–Steve Harrington?”
Steve tenses for a second and, before your very eyes, he morphs into his King Steve persona effortlessly. You’re not sure what exactly he changes about himself, but he becomes more closed off, guarded, with an air of authority that frightens you a little. “Hey, kid. Do I know you?”
Alex shakes his head, too stunned to speak. 
“That’s my coworker, Alex.” You take pity on the poor kid. He’s only a year younger than you, but you suppose that a junior like Steve, someone well known and admired throughout the school, can be intimidating. 
“Nice to meet ya, buddy. I’m assuming that Y/N here is off the clock now?” 
“Y–yes.” Alex squeaks out. 
The bell above the door rings again, this time announcing Jonathan’s arrival. 
He walks in, distracted with some groceries in his arms, so when he finally looks up and sees you, Steve, and Alex all standing in a circle staring at him, he freezes. “Well, this is an interesting sight.”
Steve ducks his head, his King persona quickly fading away. “Hey, Jonathan.”
“Steve,” Jonathan responds cooly, looking between you and him as if trying to figure out a complex math equation. 
You clear your throat and step away from Steve, heading to the back of the store to collect your things and clock out. “Just give me a minute or two to grab my things, then I’ll be all set to leave, Jonathan.” 
He nods at you, still staring at Steve like he’s some foreign creature, and you quickly hobble away to avoid any interaction between them. You’re not sure why having the two of them in the same room as you feels so wrong, but your head still aches from its concussion and your ribs are so bruised that breathing still hurts, so you really don’t have the time to figure any of it out. 
While you’re gone, Steve and Jonathan continue to stare each other down. 
“Picking Y/N up?” Steve guesses, eyeing the keys in Jonathan’s hand and the groceries in the other.
“Yeah, kinda something I’ve always done.” 
Jonathan readjusts his grip on one of the grocery bags, having nothing better to do as he waits for you. Alex busies himself with rearranging some books at the counter, clearly equally as uncomfortable as the two teens are. 
Steve lets a whistle out and awkwardly stuffs his hands into his pockets. Jonathan watches him in curiosity. The scab on his eyebrow has almost healed over, but Jonathan still gets a kick of pride seeing it. He’d done that. He’d marred King Steve’s handsome face. 
“Are you, like… Y/N’s friend now?” Asks Jonathan, the question heavy on his mind. He trusts your judgment of people, he knows you can read people better than anyone else, but having Steve around you makes him uneasy. The guy had been a grade A dick to you and him for years, especially his bullshit friends Carol and Tommy. 
“We made a compromise,” Steve says, a hint of humor in his voice. 
Jonathan frowns. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Okay, let’s go!” You walk back in, fearful of whatever conversation you’ve interrupted. 
Jonathan watches as Steve immediately turns to you, as if drawn in by your mere presence, and he starts to wonder exactly what the boy’s intentions are with you. All you did was walk into the room, and yet Steve is hanging onto your every word.
He doesn't blame him, god he doesn't. It’s you. You could command a room with just your smile alone, but Jonathan isn’t used to sharing that with others. 
Especially not with people like Steve. 
“Will you be working tomorrow?” Steve asks you, a twinkle in his eye. 
You nod at him. “Mhm, I work every day after school. On weekends I’m usually home doing homework or keeping that one in check.”
You point at Jonathan, who laughs. “Guilty.” 
“Then I’ll see you at the same time tomorrow?” Steve doesn’t even look over at Jonathan, which he rolls his eyes at. 
“See ya then.” You smile wide at Steve and for some reason Jonathan really wants to throw the bag of eggs he’s holding. 
This was not what he had been expecting when he told you earlier he’d be picking you up after getting his mom some groceries. 
And had someone told Jonathan that the rest of sophomore year would go on like this, he probably would’ve thrown the bag of eggs at Steve then.
True to his word, Steve comes by and visits you almost every day leading up to winter break. He becomes a regular, hanging around the counter talking to you about anything and everything. The first few days you had been a bit nervous that your boss, Mrs. Waters, would have a problem with him, but she quickly dispelled your concerns. 
“Oh, that handsome young man? He can stay as long as he likes. I think he’s the reason we’ve been getting so many young customers recently.”
You look around and realize that, yeah, there is in fact a new group of freshmen girls who have started stopping by and browsing the romance section. You’ve noticed the way they stop and stare at Steve while he talks to you, whispering and giggling to themselves. 
Steve pays them no mind, always too busy talking about basketball or his latest issue with Nancy. 
That’s been the one downside to all of this, really.
You’re happy the two of you are friends, but between Jonathan’s moaning about the girl and now Steve’s worrying that he’ll never be good enough, you’re kinda sick of talking about Nancy Wheeler. 
Which is a shame, you actually quite admire the girl. 
“And today she looked at me in the hallway and I think she even smiled–”
“Steve,” you interrupt him, a headache forming. “Like I’ve told you a million times now, she needs some time. It’s only been a few weeks, I think she’s still recovering from what happened at Jonathan’s. She also lost Barb, you can’t forget that.”
You don’t tell Steve about the whole Jonathan and Nancy situation, partly because it isn’t your place, and partly because you’re not sure if it will do more harm than good. 
The boy nods, looking crestfallen. “Yeah, you’re right. I just… I want to get this right, ya know?”
“I know, and you will. Just… let her come to you, but also show that you’re still there for her. Does that make sense?”
“Yes. Got it. Stay at a distance, but in a smooth way.”
You snort. “Not how I would’ve phrased that, but sure.” 
You go back to counting the change in your register, beginning the early stages of closing up for the night. Jonathan will be here in about twenty minutes, you’ve come to learn that if you distract Steve when he’s here, then there’s fewer awkward interactions. 
You’re hoping that once Nancy figures out which boy she wants that you can then all be friends, but until then you’re stuck with being an uncomfortable middleman who just wants to drive home with you best friend in peace after spending a lovely evening with your new and endearing friend. 
Speaking of your new and endearing friend, Steve begins to tap his fingers against the countertop, fidgeting around. Amongst the many things you’ve learned about Steve these last few weeks, you’ve also learned that he absolutely hates silence and standing still.
“Okay,” you place your hand over his fingers, stopping his tapping. “I’m going to start closing, how about I give you a list of the books and comics I need to bring home with me? It’ll make closing go by faster.”
Steve perks up, happy to be given something to do. “Alright, I can do that. What are they for, though?”
“Most of the comics will be for the boys; it'll be their Christmas gifts. The rest, the books mostly, will be for myself. I like to add them to my bookshelf at home.” 
“No way,” Steve’s eyes light up and he leans in close, a teasing smile on his face. “Am I about to get a look into Y/N Henderson’s mind?”
You shoo him off your counter, grabbing your crutches to start restocking books for tomorrow. Steve follows close behind, carefully watching your steps to make sure you don’t fall. “I wouldn’t be too happy, I doubt you’d be able to figure out which comics are for me and which are for the kids. As for the books… well, guess I’ll have to make you sign a contract stating our friendship is legally binding. Can’t embarrass myself.” 
“I’d gladly sign it,” Steve says, without even hesitating. 
You stumble a bit and he’s quick to steady you. Steve does that sometimes, says things that make you feel like you feel hazy and warm. Too warm. You’re not used to his candidness yet; Steve doesn’t hide how he’s feeling, he’s an open book. 
You’re not sure if his open vulnerability is a good thing, but you’re slowly starting to find it nice. Pleasant, almost. 
“Anyways,” you shake your head, trying to clear your mind and ignore whatever cologne Steve is wearing that makes your head spin. “The list is in my backpack by the counter. Grab it and start hunting, soldier.” 
Steve salutes you and does as he’s told. In no time he’s wandering the bookstore, humming to himself as he skims the many shelves and aisles to find everything you need. You busy yourself with your own job, arranging a new shipment of books so that Alex has a calm opening shift the next morning. 
The freshmen girls have long since left, leaving you and Steve alone. Mrs. Waters is somewhere in her office, probably seeing if there’s any way to hire Steve, and it’s nice being alone with him. The two of you work silently side by side, he diligently works on his task and you can’t help but sneak a few glances when he’s not looking. 
Steve Harrington has always been attractive, you can’t deny that, but learning this gentler and nerdier side of him has only increased his attractiveness tenfold. Pair him with Nancy and it’s no wonder the two of them were such a hit at school. They make a beautiful pair, something you almost envy. 
Just as you’ve finished stacking the last of the new shipment, the bell rings in the store. You look up, seeing Jonathan, and feel yourself smile. He looks more tired today, though you suppose it’s because he’s basically become the kids’ chauffeur now that he’s no longer working. He claims that he doesn’t mind, but you know he secretly wishes you were there to help. 
“Rough day, bee?”
He nods, walking over to you and places his head against your shoulder, letting out a dramatic groan. “Dustin insisted I drive them to the quarry to reenact Will’s body being retrieved. It was morbid, and yet… Kinda funny.”
“I…” you’re speechless, in complete disbelief. “Those boys are horrible, I love their freakish little brains.” 
“What’d they do now?” Steve appears, a giant stack of comics and books in his arms. “Hey, Jonathan.”
You gently remove Jonathan from your shoulder and face Steve. “They reenacted Will’s dead body being found in the quarry. A typical Friday afternoon, really.”
Steve’s jaw drops, equally as speechless as you were, and you and Jonathan laugh at him. “They sound insane.”
“If we’re going to be friends, you really gotta get used to the boys.” You tell him with a shrug. 
Jonathan walks over to the counter and grabs your backpack, then goes to Steve and holds it open, motioning for him to place all the comics and books in there. “She’s right, you know.”
Steve lets a chuckle out, a hint of nervousness mixed in with delight as he drops your stuff in the bag. “I know, she’s always right. That’s what scares me.” 
You blush and leave the boys on their own to go inform Mrs. Waters that you’re closing up. You hear them start whispering to each other as you leave, and you make a mental note to badger Jonathan about it on the drive home. While you’re relieved they seem to be getting along tonight, you absolutely cannot have them forming an alliance against you. They’d lose, of course, but still.
Winter break comes and you spend the first half of it with your family and the Byers. Your mom has slowly started letting you out the house again. When you came home with a sprained ankle, crutches, and bruised ribs, she’d almost fainted. You were promptly placed under house arrest, only allowed out for work and school, but you didn’t mind.
It takes some pleading, you manage to convince her to allow you to bike to the Byers’ on Christmas to deliver your treats for them. When she agreed, you were giddy, finally having some time to yourself. 
Though it’s snowing, you enjoy the beautiful serenity of it all. The layer of white, untouched and pristine, falling around the pine trees like a blanket tucking you in after a long day, makes you smile. 
It’s always so lovely seeing Will and Joyce and you wish you could stay longer, but your mom had been firm when she told you to be back within the hour, so you deliver the cookies and bid your farewells before Jonathan drives you home. 
After your conversation, making him promise that things will always remain the same between you two, the car ride is silent once more. You’re okay with this, finding that you’ve come to miss your comfortable silences with Jonathan. They’ve become few and far between ever since Will’s reappearance. You’ve both been busy attending to him and the boys, trying to make everything as normal as possible again.
When Jonathan pulls into your driveway, you unbuckle your seatbelt and lean over to kiss his cheek, but he stops you. “Hold on, I figured we’d do our gift exchange early this year.”
You gasp. “Did you plan this?”
For years now, you and Jonathan have given each other your gifts the day after Christmas so that it’s just the two of you, no one else, experiencing the moment. You love the tradition, it’s become your favorite part of Christmas. 
“Maybe,” he laughs, wrapping around his seat to get to the back. He pulls out a small box that’s so poorly wrapped, you know he did it all by himself. “Here, open it.”
“But your gift is inside, I didn’t–”
“Shush and open the gift, damnit.”
“How sweet,” you tease, but eagerly begin tearing at the wrapping paper. Jonathan has always given you the most obscure and wonderful gifts, every year he somehow manages to surprise you. You tear off the last piece of wrapping paper and open the small box, gasping when you see what’s inside. “Jonathan… you didn’t.”
Inside the box is a beautiful silver necklace. The chain itself is simple, it’s the pendant attached to it that takes your breath away.
Dangling from the necklace is a bee, no bigger than a centimeter or so. 
There’s small diamonds in its wings and the necklace itself is minimal, something you’d only notice if you were paying attention, and it’s the most precious gift you’ve ever been given. You touch it delicately, the metal cool against your fingertips.
Jonathan gives you a boyish smile. “Figured we could match.”
“What–” He raises his right hand and for the first time you notice a ring on his index finger. You gasp again and snatch his hand, bringing it closer to your face so you can get a better look. The ring has a thick silver band, and there, in its center, is a ladybug as small as your bee. The ladybug is all silver, its wings integrated through the ring’s band. “Jonathan…”
“Do you like it? I found the jewelry at a garage sale this summer. Came as a pair,” Jonathan wraps the hand you’re inspecting around your own. “Almost like fate knew I’d find it for us, ya know? Bug and bee, you and me.”
You have so many things you want to say, but the words are stuck in your throat and all you want to do is grab Jonathan and pull him in and never, ever let him go. “You’ve had the jewelry for months?”
“Hardest secret I’ve had to keep from you, honestly.”
You laugh and cry and kiss Jonathan’s cheek a million times. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Things are finally starting to feel alright again. Here the two of you are, parked in your driveway in Jonathan’s rundown car, off in your own little world for the first time in months. It’s just the two of you, no one else, with only the falling snow as your company. 
You couldn’t be happier. You feel complete again, whole, with Jonathan’s pinky promise from earlier as your oath. 
“I feel bad,” you say as Jonathan walks you to your door. “For Christmas all I got you were cassettes. Had I known you were being sentimental this year I would’ve given you a lock of my hair or something.”
Jonathan laughs, and the sound doesn’t hurt you as much as it used to.
Working the day after Christmas has always been your favorite shift. No one ever comes in, it’s always just been you, your books, and your comics for five blissful hours.
Somehow, you should’ve known that Steve would stop by anyways. 
You’re admiring your new necklace in a mirror when he walks in, all bundled up due to the flurry of snow that’s encasing Hawkins. 
“How do you always manage to know when I’ll be working?” You ask him in lieu of a greeting. 
Steve unzips his coat and hangs it up. “A magician never reveals his secrets, Y/N.”
“Boring, I say they should.” 
“Well,” he walks over with both hands behind his back, hiding something, which you raise your eyebrows at. “Instead of my secrets, can we compromise on revealing a gift instead?”
You gape at him. “Please tell me you didn’t.”
“Oh, I did.”
“Steve! I didn’t even get you anything, I hate being empty handed! This is literally my worst nightmare–”
Steve places the box on the counter with a devilish smile on his face. “Just shush and open it, Y/N.” 
“Open it.”
You sigh, very much against this entire thing, but curiosity gets the better of you. Steve has only been your friend for barely a month now, what could he have possibly gotten you? The wrapping is well done, vastly neater than Jonathan’s had been, which you comment on. 
Steve blushes. “My mom sorta helped me wrap it.”
Something warm settles in your stomach at the idea of Steve’s mom helping him wrap his gift for you. “Tell her that I admire her tasteful wrapping skills.”
Steve chuckles and tells you he will, but he’s too focused on watching you slowly unwrap the gift. Inside is a rectangular box, thin but sturdy, and you look up at your friend curiously. “What’s this?”
“Open it and see.” Steve says, giving you a duh look. 
You roll your eyes at him but lift the box’s lid and almost scream when you see what’s inside. 
Steve anxiously studies your reaction, seeing the way your eyes widen comically and you throw your hands over your mouth to stifle a scream. You’re practically jumping up and down in your excitement to hold the framed poster up, and he feels relief wash over him. You seem to love the gift, he finally did something right. 
“How the fuck did you get this?” You exclaim, studying the incredible details on the poster. It’s the cover of the very first edition of Spider-Man, Amazing Fantasy #15. You eyes scan over it and notice scrawled handwriting next to Spider-Man’s leg. “No, oh my god.”
“Notice anything special about it?” Steve leans against the counter with his arms crossed, a pleased smile on his face. 
“It’s signed? By Stan fucking Lee?”
You run out from behind the counter and engulf Steve in your arms. He’s stiff against you, having not expected such a reaction, but you don’t care. You bury your face in his chest and squeeze him, trying your best to exude your immense gratitude. “Thank you,”
Steve slowly relaxes into the embrace and wraps his arms around you, gently patting your back. “My dad knows a guy… Thought you’d like it.”
“I love it, Steve.” You whisper, your words muffled by his sweater.
You’re still wrapped in his arms, standing toe to toe with him, and you’re so happy it almost hurts. Steve’s arms are warm and strong and you feel him hesitantly rest his cheek atop of your head. He brings you in closer, secures his hold on you a little tighter, and you can smell that stupidly expensive and addicting cologne of his. 
Steve is internally freaking out. Not only is he hugging you right now, but he’s surrounded by you. Your hair is against his cheek, your soft perfume overtakes his senses, and the sweater you’re wearing has Steve believing that everything about you is just warm and comforting and lovely. He wants to pull you in deeper, pull you into him, even. 
He’s never been hugged like this before, so openly and with such sincerity. 
He doesn’t want this moment to end, honestly. 
Then your boss comes through the front door. “Well, hello there, children.”
You don’t necessarily pull away from Steve, letting an arm linger around him so that you can face your boss. “Hello, Mrs. Waters. We were just wrapping up, then we’ll be out of your hair.”
She waves you off, winking, and scurries over to her office. “Oh, don’t mind me! Carry on!”
You and Steve laugh, no ounce of tension between you. He seems carefree as always, and you have to refrain from pulling him into another hug. You look up at him, still toe to toe, so your head almost butts against his chin. “I sort the books, you stack?”
He smiles down at you. “Deal.”
Winter becomes spring and somehow you manage to finish sophomore year without any further problems. Jonathan remains by your side, Steve continues to visit you at work, and you even strike up a tentative friendship with Nancy. 
It was hard at first, especially after she got back together with Steve, but Jonathan seemed to do well at burying down his feelings and insisted that the four of you could make things work, so you do. 
Nancy is a joy to be around when you forget about the fact that Jonathan is hopelessly in love with her. She’s incredibly intelligent, cunning, and a great chemistry partner. Following the events of Will, you and her discover that by studying together, Kaminsky’s exams aren’t too difficult. 
You often study together in the library while Jonathan sits across the table doing his own work. Slowly, Steve begins to join in as well. He usually spends your study sessions cracking jokes and bugging Jonathan, but after a while even he breaks down Jonathan’s stoic demeanor and strikes up their own hesitant relationship. 
It’s not perfect, there’s still some underlying tension between you, Nancy, and Jonathan, but it’s enough.
Plus, it’s useful having Steve around whenever Jonathan and Nancy slip off into their own world. It’s become inevitable, something you’ve come to accept, but at least you can turn to Steve now and roll your eyes together. 
It’s really nice, actually. 
He eases the sting of losing Jonathan, even if he doesn’t realize it. Makes everything more bearable.
Summer comes and you don’t see Nancy as often, but Steve makes sure to visit your job whenever possible. 
One day he comes in looking nervous and doesn’t do his usual greeting. He doesn’t wave, doesn’t flash you his signature smile, he just walks straight towards the counter with a frightened look on his face. “I need your help.”
You put the book you’d been reading down and immediately feel dread overwhelming you. Something is happening again, all those contracts you had to sign by Hawkins Lab are coming back to bite you in the ass. Will is in danger again. “Is everything okay?”
He must see the terrified look in your eyes and he quickly reassures you. “Oh, no it’s nothing serious, I just… I need your help with something.”
“Holy fuck,” you let out a breath, feeling your heartbeat start to return to normal. “Dude, after the whole monster fiasco, can we use some discretion when it comes to asking for help?”
“Right, sorry.” 
“It’s fine… So, what’s up?”
Steve looks around the store to ensure no one is listening, which you find a bit odd, but whatever. He leans in close and whispers, “I need your help finding a gift for Nancy.” 
“A gift?”
“Yeah. It’ll be six months with her soon and I just, I don’t know. I want to be a good boyfriend and get her something she’ll like. But I don’t know what she’d like, I’m the worst gift giver ever.”
You frown. “That’s not true. The poster you got me is hanging in my room as we speak.”
“Thanks, Y/N. But Nancy is different, she’s… She’s still really shaken up about Barb and I want to make it up to her. Cheer her up, ya know?” Steve fiddles with his sunglasses, you’ve never seen him so closed off and guarded before.
“Okay, well. What did you have in mind?”
“Something she’ll love.” Steve thinks for a moment. “A diamond necklace, maybe?”
“Okay, woah.” You put your hand up to slow down Steve’s frantic ideas. “I know you mean well, but Nancy is like. Pretty well off. She can afford her own diamond necklace, but besides that, she’s not a very materialistic girl. She wouldn’t like a necklace.”
Steve sighs. “You’re right. That’s um, actually why I’m here.”
“Oh?” You’re intrigued now. 
“Nance has been going on and on about this news article that came out recently. Something about politics, or maybe the weather?” You stare at Steve, urging him to get to the point. “Sorry, doesn’t matter. Okay, basically I know she likes journalism. And you work at a bookstore, so…” 
“You want to get her some books on journalism?” You ask, your heart clenching. Here’s this guy, Steve fucking Harrington, who is gorgeous and kind and shyly asking you for book advice for a girl he so dearly loves.
Somehow you envy Nancy Wheeler even more than you already do. She really does have it all, and you can’t even begrudge her for it. She’s genuinely a nice person, it’d be easier to hate her if she was horrible, but she isn’t.
“Is that dumb? Actually, you know what, now that I’m saying it out loud it sounds stupid–”
You grab Steve’s hand, interrupting him. “Hey, no. It’s actually a really sweet idea. I think… I think she’ll really love it.”
Steve looks relieved and you can’t help but pity him. He’s trying so hard to be better for Nancy, to be all she wants him to be, and yet just yesterday you had to break up a weird staring contest between Nancy and Jonathan when you’d been at her place picking up Will and Dustin. 
Your heart aches for this boy, so in love with a girl you’re afraid may love your best friend. 
You guide Steve over to the journalistic section of Bookstrordinary and tell him some of your personal favorites. It’s not your favorite genre, but you’re familiar enough with it to give Steve a good starting point, which he’s immensely grateful for. 
“You’re a lifesaver, Y/N.” 
“What can I say? It’s a talent of mine.”
Steve starts to search through the books and you leave him alone to get back to work. It’s a slow day today, the mid July heat seemingly keeping everyone at home, so you spend most of your time watching Steve. He meticulously goes through each and every book, spending almost three hours reading their synopses over and over again to ensure that he finds Nancy the best book. 
Occasionally he mumbles to himself, shaking his head when a book doesn’t fit quite right with what he has in mind, or exclaiming with glee when he finds the perfect one. Slowly he accumulates his own little pile of books before he brings them over to you. 
He places the stack on your counter with a proud smile on his face. “I’ll take these, please.”
You whistle at the pile. “Think it’ll be enough?”
“Do you think I need more?” Steve asks, fear in his voice. 
“I’m kidding, Steve. This is more than enough; it’s perfect.”
You start ringing the books up and Steve leans against the counter, back into his usual stance at your job. The price racks up quickly, but you’re sure it’s no problem for someone like Steve. In total he’s selected six books for Nancy, and with each book you scan you feel more tugging at your heart. 
He deserves better, but he wouldn’t listen to you if you told him. 
“Thanks again, by the way.” Steve breaks the silence. 
“For what?”
“For helping me. You’ve always been so patient with me, well–I don’t know. It’s nice.” Steve rubs the back of his neck, sheepish. 
You find yourself blushing as well, his words making you uneasy as always. “It’s nothing, Steve. We’re friends, what else am I supposed to do?”
“Well, I’ve never really had any friends before. I’m still new to this.” He confesses, looking away. 
Again your heart aches for the boy. Here King Steve is, admitting to you that he’s never really had any friends before. You can’t imagine what that must be like, being so loved by a crowd of admirers yet isolated because of it. 
You think about Tommy Hagan, Carol Perkins, and the various people who seemed to flow in and out of Steve’s inner circle of friends. The numerous girls he never stayed with for long, the boys who only used him for his popularity, you never considered how exhausting that all must’ve been. Surrounded by all, yet loved by none. 
Hell, even with Nancy, Steve has confessed to you that he feels like he’s too much for her sometimes. 
“You’re a great friend, Steve.” You reassure him, trying to keep your voice level. You know that any hint of pity will only make him feel lesser than, but you really wish you could make him believe you. Steve Harrington has somehow become your favorite person to be around. “I promise, you’re a natural when it comes to friendship.”
Steve smiles. “You think so?”
“I know so. In fact,” you finish ringing Steve up and deduct your employee discount from his total, dropping the price significantly. “I just gave you my employee discount because that’s what friends do and I know you’ll do the same for me one day. That is, if you ever get a job.” 
He puts his hands in the air. “Hey, the way I see it: why get a job when I don’t need one?”
“Such wise words from a rich kid.” 
“What if the rich kid offered to buy you dinner to repay you?” Steve’s tone is teasing, but there’s openness in his eyes that makes you freeze. He wants you to say yes, he’s almost pleading with you to accept his offer with those big brown eyes that make you want to scream.
You want to say yes, to accept his offer and go out to dinner with him and laugh and tease each other’s food choices and feel like the only two people to exist in Hawkins, but you can’t. 
Steve is looking at you with a softness in his eyes that catches in the July afternoon light, and you see the shift. It’s subtle, but it’s there. He’s looking at you as if he’d do whatever you asked, without any hesitation, because he cares about you in a way that no one quite has before. 
Sure, you’ve noticed it before through his actions, but seeing the deep fondness behind his eyes is something entirely different. You feel this flutter within your chest and you feel heat rise to your cheeks. He’s looking at you as if you’re holding the goddamn sun, and you can’t do it. 
You can’t tell Steve yes. 
He’s Nancy’s. So is Jonathan. 
You can’t develop feelings for yet another guy that Nancy Wheeler has claimed for herself. 
You don’t love Steve, but you know how easily you could fall for him. With him, everything is easier. Your laughs feel freer, your heart a little lighter. With Steve, it feels like you’re coming home after being away for so long. First uncertain of what you’ve left behind, but then so full of love once you’re embraced with open arms as if no time has passed. 
It would be so easy falling in love with Steve. 
That’s why you tell him no. 
“I can’t.” You finally say. It takes everything within you to get the words out, as if your body is physically unable to break Steve Harrington’s heart. But you have to. 
Steve’s smile drops. “Oh, alright.”
You wrap up the last of the books for Nancy, take the cash from Steve, and then inform him that you have a lot of work to do before closing. “You should leave.”
“Already?” He looks so hurt and you want to just kiss his cheek, whisper how lovely he is. 
But he’s too lovely. Too selfless towards you. Too kind and charismatic and easygoing. 
He’s too much for you, but not in the way that plagues him with fear of rejection. 
He’s too much for you because of how easily you could embrace him entirely, how willing you are to make room for him even if you already know there’s plenty of space for him regardless. 
“Yeah,” you busy yourself with a meaningless pile of books. “Just go home, give Nancy those books.”
The words burn your tongue almost as much as your tears burn your eyes. 
But you remind yourself of Jonathan, of how much it hurts to hear him say Nancy’s name like a prayer. How Steve describes her as if she’s the moon and he’s a lowly astronomer tasked with studying her. 
You can’t keep putting yourself through this hurt. 
It isn’t fair to yourself, and for once you need to be selfish. 
Steve leaves, mumbling a soft goodbye, and you vow then and there to push him away. You’ve gotten too used to his company; you came too close to falling in love with yet another person who couldn’t possibly ever love you back. 
So you limit your interactions with Steve. 
You’re dismissive when he comes to your job the next day, then the next, and the next. He seems hurt at first, asking you if he’s done anything wrong, why you’re icing him out, but eventually after a few weeks he seems to let it go. 
You’re thankful for that. For his ability to read you and understand that there’s something more, you just can’t tell him. 
July turns to August and Steve stops coming by Bookstrordinary. 
You go back to only spending time with the boys or Jonathan, rarely ever Nancy. You don’t see much of Steve, and sometimes it feels like last November never happened. Like he never came into your life and flipped it completely upside down. The only reminder that it had been real is the poster that hangs on your wall, taunting you for your cowardice. 
Jonathan notices your change in demeanor, missing Steve more than you thought you would, but you make up some lie and change the topic. You know it’s for the better. It has to be for the better. And yet it feels like you’ve just lost something incredible. Something that could’ve been everything, an almost that you’ll never quite understand. 
But you refuse to fall in love with Steve Harrington. 
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Bloody is a sweet baby!
*Leaves a set of costume butterfly wings for Bloody and a plate of blood-related sweets for him and Harvest. And a loaf of chocolate banana bread for Sun.*
Sun is an amazing mama for them too!
Bloody is such a sweet lil guy
They appreciate the gifts even though Harvest is a bit suspicious of the gift
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orangecarton · 4 months
Nordic Bunny x Reader WP (W.I.P.)
(Sorry in advance ;-;)
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TW: Swearing
Honestly this isn't your best moment. You kinda got scammed out of 20 bucks for what you thought was a cheap cosplay of an alien soldier and when you put on said costume you got screamed at to "get back to the ship" and got kidnapped by some purple fish looking creatures. Next thing you know you're in outer space in, what you can only assume is, some sorta Ren Faire for space dorks. It looked pretty cool, but people kept trying to put you to work and getting you to larp with them, talking about some "Ruler of the Galaxy" and "Nightmare to Humanity". It was all really charming but right about now is when you were starting to get the munchies, so naturally you went on the prowl for some poor vending machine and/or food cabinet.
Without any helpful signs around to guide you through this maze of Star Wars ride at Disneyworld and Metallica's love child, you got lost. After walking for a while you start to hear shouting. A sign of life, and perhaps snacks (or at the very least water. Because GOD DAMN was it getting hot). Walking closer the shouts got louder and you could make out some words.
"Um, you did... sir."
"SHUT UP, DUM DUM! Are you calling me STUPID?!"
You reached the door and it automatically slid open, just in time for you to see one of your fellow cosplayers get zapped and turned into feathers by an extremely tall guitar monster. In this life or death situation you know it is important for you do react with dignity and poise, as to survive and stay alive. So you respond in kind,
Your panicked state causing you to just freeze in place, stuttering and mumbling utter nonsense.
The guitar man struts closer, is it wearing platforms??? He (???) Raises his hand, the one that shot the guy before you (rest in piece). You stumble back and scream,
He falters, and in this moment you take in his appearance. He had a dark robotic and skeletal build, donning some sick ass platform boots, a leather cap, a red tie, and huge shoulder pads. His face was that of an electric guitar, rocking red eyes and scarlet lipstick, and... wait is he just in his underwear?
"What the- You're a human?!"
He lowers his hand and you let out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah... I'm a human. What about it?"
"How did you get up here?! Into my IMMENSELY IMPENETRABLE EVIL HEADQUARTERS?!"
"... I walked."
You both kinda sat in awkward silence for a bit. The issue from before had presented itself once again when your stomach let out a noise that even Godzilla would be jealous of.
"You uh... got any snacks man?" You asked, the fear from before subsiding and your fallen brother in arms forgotten (R.I.P Nathan). Guitar man™ looks at you quizically, then turns around and whispers to himself (you could still hear though because he isn't a very quiet person).
"Sooooo... is that a no?"
He turns back around and smiles wickedly,
"Come now human! I will grant you snacks and in return you will become my friend, hang out with me, tell me all of humanities weaknesses and how to defeat Shred Force!"
"Yeah ok." You shrug.
He grabs your arm and just about drags you with him as he strides down the hallway. You stumble but manage to keep pace.
"Hey what's your name anyway?"
"You, my fair accomplice, can call me Nordic Bunny. RULER OF THE GALAXY AND NIGHTMARE TO HUMANITY"
"Cool cool."
What the hell have you gotten yourself into (Seinfeld credits play)
(Sorry for the bad grammar, here's a little doodle for compensation)
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bonesox · 1 year
OM! Headcannons (Holiday Edition)
a/n: These are going to be more fall related because the weather is changing where i am! Fall is upon us!!
As soon as the first leaves hit the ground the brothers plan to have a movie night. From homey halloween/fall movies to spooky scary movies (of course they skip the movies you don't like!)
Beel is the baker in the family so every Saturday morning there is something freshly baked hitting your nose like banana bread or more holiday treats like pumpkin or sweet potato pie!
Though it may not seem like it they all plan to somewhat match for Halloween. This year they plan on matching as monsters and ghouls from books/movies. Lucifer is Dracula, Mammon is a werewolf, Levi is Nessie, Satan is the Headless Horseman, Asmo is a zombie, Beel is Frankenstein, and Belphie is The Grim Reaper.
Things for Halloween in Devildom are alright, but the human world is where the better celebrations are. Since the time difference between the two worlds is so grand you are able to enjoy both Halloweens! You and the brothers head up to see all of the amazing costumes the humans came up with for this year.
Everyone is helpful during decoration. Levi comes up with the houses "costume" design. Each hallway is scattered with cobwebs and fake spiders. The front yard has a beautiful display of pumpkins and scarecrows. Each window has a flickering candle in it. While Devildom doesn't have a contest for best decorated house... The House of Lamentation definitely takes the cake.
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toxinellebug · 9 months
HESPERIA/BETTERFLY kamikotized heroes Headcanons PART 1
There will be a bunch of these, but I will most likely only do 2 heroes per post.
Let’s face it; no matter what universe, Gabriel and Adrien are cut from the same cloth, therefore you should be prepared for puns.
The following heroes are NOT in chronological order of appearance in the timeline, but I will do my best to give you a rough idea of when they show up.
Some Heroes will have more detail than others.
Mr. Banana becomes…. *drumroll please*
Banana Punch! 
(Or in french, Pain Banane… Ok, hear me out, in French ‘pain aux bananes’ is banana bread, however, the word ‘pain’ is ALSO slang for ‘punch’.)
          Mr. Banana himself is a ridiculous mascot character, with ‘banana’ being a pun in itself for having a big smile, and his catchphrase of “stay peachy” a translation of the french pun of positivity, so naturally it only makes sense that his kamikotized hero form is that of a smiling loaf of banana bread wearing a martial arts head-band, and boxing gloves to punch evil-doers trying to rob some old woman when there are no enforcers nearby.
          Gabriel isn’t proud of it. But his power of Transmission gifts abilities that are best suited to the person’s emotions in that situation.
                  This Hero was a one-off that showed up before Shadybug and ClawNoir were introduced, and since only the old lady and her would-be robbers were witnesses, the act of heroism was swept under the rug for a long time because when Enforcers DID finally show up they just assumed the old lady was having a senior moment, and the two burly men had enough pride left NOT to confess they were bruised up by a loaf of banana bread, and instead claimed they were assaulted by some 6’9”, 230lb steroid fueled vigilante.
                  It took Alya FOREVER to connect the dots on this one, finally tracking down the old woman who was nearly robbed- because of course she would want to try to investigate vigilantes and see if they are tied to any conspiracies concerning a revolt against enforcers or an uprising against The Supreme….but even THIS was too far-fetched for her.  
               A little more digging led to the weirdest interview she has ever had. (There’s just something unsettling about those empty, soulless, banana eyes… *shiver*) But if you have a better explanation for how a scrawny dude in a banana costume can take on two brutes twice his size and walk away unbruised that DOESN’T involve magic, Alya would LOVE to hear it.
         (Think about it, in S4, Shadowmoth had to search specifically for negative emotions that revolved around taking risks, this means he can not just assign any random power he wants to anyone having a bad day- the power has to match their mood and desire to change the situation that put them in that mood. That is one of the limitations of the power of the Butterfly Brooch.)
Funfact: “Akuma” roughly translates to ‘demon shadow’, therefore “kamiko” would most likely be ‘blessed child’, since “kami” is god/divine/blessed and the affix “ko” is ‘child’.
      Betterfly probably sees his butterflies as little children, carrying the light of hope on their wings to those who are deserving of the burden of power for the greater good.
Théo Barbot becomes….
(A combination of monument and conservateur aka preservationist)
       Remember, in this Universe, Paris is “The City of Progress”.
      And Progress does NOT involve wasting money to maintain antiquated buildings and monuments from a bygone era.
      Such prime real estate would be better used for useful things; factories, banks, shopping malls, corporate buildings, apartment buildings, etc.
           But that doesn’t mean one can just go about demolishing historic architecture after selling to the highest bidder. (Not unless you want a riot).  No, no, there must be compromise!
         Nothing lasts forever, everything must go when it’s time has come; this is nature’s law.
             Economics and finances must support modern infrastructure to maintain the progress of society, not dwell in the past.
                   As such, there are no groups that specialize in preserving and maintaining historical buildings and monuments.  Old things are left as is until they have worn out their usefulness. Without specialized upkeep as well as preventative measures, these structures naturally decay and fall apart over time.   Once a building/monument has reached a point where it is considered structurally unsound (it could fall down and crush someone) it is then legally condemned for demolition, afterwards the location will be put up for sale and something new will be built in it’s place.
                     This means that in the last few decades, many of the beautiful architecture that Paris is famous for has been lost, but there are still some left.
For an artist, like Theo, it is painful to simply watch as these gorgeous pieces of history decompose to rubble in indifference.  He dreams of a beautiful Paris that celebrates it’s rich culture and shares it’s history for many generations to come!
          But what can he, a teenager, do? No one will invest money to preserve buildings past their prime. Everyone wants something new and more industrial. They are looking towards the future while turning their backs on the past.
         If only he had the ability to maintain these monuments himself! Then more people could appreciate the beauty of historic architecture and perhaps the aesthetic of a better restored monument would be pleasing enough to convince others that some history is worth preserving!
     Hesperia/Betterfly agrees.
Many of the monuments in Paris were created pre-WW1, with thoughts like hope, love, dreamers, and the enduring spirit in mind. These are not just great works of art- they are symbols of man’s determination to make the world a better place!
     As Monumenteur, Theo becomes a 7 foot tall living bronze statue dressed in French Revolution attire. Equipped with all his sculpting tools and possessing superhuman strength, dexterity, and stamina, Monumenteur is able bound across the rooftops of Paris at night to visit each Historic building/monument, and work his artistry to repair damage and carefully restore architecture, like magic.
        Suddenly, monuments that were literally 24 hours away from being declared “condemned” look brand new???  People are talking!  Opinions are divided; obviously the older generations who were born pre- WW2 feel nostalgic, and of course other generations can appreciate NOT living in a city interspersed with decaying ruins… but the biggest concern is, of course, “That better not be MY tax-money they are spending on this little art project!”  Appreciating art is one thing, but paying out the nose to appreciate it is another!
        Let’s face it, the Arc de Triomphe is lovely, but it ain’t putting dinner on the table, now is it?  (Just like in America, the Grand Canyon is a tourist attraction that generates some money for the state of Arizona, but there are many more things that could be done with that land that would be bigger bread winners if people didn’t care about history or preserving nature.)
There is also the question of “How?” Surely such a big renovation project would make a lot of noise, and take a substantial amount of time… how could such a big undertaking go unnoticed?
                 The Supreme does NOT like it when people notice things.
                       The rich don’t like it when their plans for new construction are delayed indefinitely.
          Shadybug and Claw Noir take it upon themselves to go on a little moonlight stroll to catch Monumenteur in the act. 
       Since this “hero” is big, muscled, and made of metal, it is a perfect chance for them to REALLY let loose and vent out some stress.
They are BRUTAL. 
     Having superpowers is literally the only thing that kept Theo alive. 
        Not once did Shadybug or Claw Noir stop to consider “hey, this is an actual person we are dealing with.”  They only cared about beating the snot out of him, trying to taunt the Butterfly man out of hiding by threatening to destroy the kamikotized object and turning Monumenteur into scrap metal in the process.
        The fight also leads to some visible damage to the buildings/monuments that Monumenteur has been painstakingly working to restore.
Gabriel is not some coward who would let two gang up against one while he sits on the sidelines, and of course comes to Monumenteur’s rescue just as his object is discovered and he is rendered helpless to a swift pummeling before being tossed off the side of the Palais Garnier.
          They narrowly manage to escape.
Theo is badly hurt, broken bones, hematomas, a concussion, and the damage to his hands ensures he will never sculpt again.
        Gabriel’s guilt is immense and he is stuck with a deep wave of self-loathing; How DARE he put a CHILD in such danger?! It is un-acceptable!  This young boy has been robbed of his future for the sake of a battle, the stakes of which, he can not truly fathom. 
      This can not, WILL NOT happen again!
Wars should be handled by adults, and children should be allowed to cherish their innocence!
From then on, Betterfly vows to never burden powers to a minor again (unless it’s something like, a little kid is trapped in a burning building and giving them 5 minutes of super-powers is the only thing that will get them out alive because Fire Suppressors will not make it in time).
            Later on, Alya will have to metaphorically move mountains to convince Betterfly to take her on as an ally and entrust her with powers to help him fight for the greater good. (Much like how in S3, “Feast”, Master Fu was convinced it was better to take back the cat and ladybug miraculous, rather than risk Marinette and Adrien falling victim to the Sentimonster. His fear of being the cause for their destruction as well prevented him from giving them a chance to prove they could overcome anything).
As for Theo, being crippled makes it impossible to have so many part-time jobs, but Gabriel plans to do right by that boy and offers him a part-time job as a gopher-assistant at the Gabriel brand. (It’s mostly just busy-work, but it has the name ‘Gabriel’ attached to it so it carries a small weight of respect that will look great on Theo’s resume. One day, after years of recovery and physical therapy, Theo will obviously want to pursue something more concrete, and this experience will be a rather cushy stepping stone on his career path.)
        Theo has no clue as to why THE Gabriel Agreste would offer him, a kid who hasn’t even enrolled in University yet, a job… All Mr. Agreste said was something about recognizing hidden potential when Theo entered his Derby Hat contest.
As for the property damage; No, Shadybug did not cast her miraculous “cure”.  This was strategic.
        The damage is VERY noticeable, but in a way that please The Supreme.
Soon the news are talking about how all the previous restoration was nothing more than a publicity stunt by radical youths, and the so called “repairs” were nothing more than cheap, hastily thrown together facades…. A cosmetic bandaid that was all flair but no substance, thus explaining how it was done so quickly and why it fell apart just as fast.
        There is even speculation that it was a financial ploy; a delay tactic to halt the sale of the land the condemned buildings are on by rival companies who weren’t pleased knowing they would be outbid.
The public soon grows bored and the secret of magic is preserved yet again.
However, this fight causes the dark, painful black veins to spread to Marinette’s hands, and as a result, she starts wearing fishnet gloves. (They are more practical weather wise and less suspicious than full gloves, and the lace makes the veins blend in seamlessly.)
Adrien has been getting by with make-up and a “Don’t touch me” attitude, that makes sense for a surly teen but breaks his father’s heart.
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c00kiesart · 7 months
Hey, I just wanna say I really like those mha ocs u made! The two girls and that one curly haired guy. Can we get more details on them? Anything u wanna say about them?
Oh yo?? Thanks for showing interest my man?? I’ll put it all under the cut so I don’t flood anyone’s screens
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Let’s start off with my gal! cuki chokochi, she’s in the hero course at UA by the name “Precious pockets” and her quirk is, u guessed it, portal pockets! she can store basically anything inside ANY pocket/bag and be the only one to access it! She even knows how to sew to add more pockets, It can’t be organized for shit so she takes a while to find stuff but she is incredibly versatile on the field! she def keeps you on ur toes! But don’t fret normally she’s sweet as she is fluffy, And fun story actually, the reason why her design is kinda misleading is cuz the first quirk concept I had for her was a beast transformation quirk, but the idea was already taken by a canon character and thus had to be changed xD Izzy actually helped spark the pockets idea, I just liked the design too much to fully redo it. Her horns are unevenly grown and she’s a little insecure about her furry features but her friends reassure her she’s lovely way she is, she likes fairy kei/decora fashion but can’t wear too many layers due to her fur, and her favorite things are waffles and stars. she’s also dating iida, she helps him learn to relax.
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Next up is my bestie @needs-to-stop-looking-at-valves ‘s girl! Kokomo kiri. she’s in the support course and has a real knack for creating countless new support items/costumes. Her signature is brass knuckles lol and her quirk is nightmare noms, She can make nightmares reality just by eating them from her victims minds when asleep, thanks to her eyes she can visually see their dreams. They can even look different based on the contents of said dream. Once eaten, she can conjure up very convincing illusions and use all your senses against you, She’s a master at mimicry and can even make someone fall asleep just by making eye contact, it’s why I designed her eyes to be hypnotic swirls! basically nightmares are her fuel, but if she gets too backed up she vomits a black sludge that if touched can make one more prone to fear. It’s actually why her hands are permanently stained. She also suffers from insomnia, she’s an acquired taste for sure and she speaks very weirdly but she just loves in her own special way! Albeit she’s very crude and impulsive. And very blunt. with a super dark sense of humor too. But I promise she’s nice! She wears a beanie to hide her messy bed head and Her favorite things are banana bread and bats, she’s dating sato. And yes. He makes her banana bread whenever she wants.
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And lastly but not LEAST we have our absolute LAD tomonari jishaku! Him and cuki are in the hero course together! He goes by the name “checkmate”. Cuki gives him confidence whilst kiri keeps him humble. By bullying him. but she loves the nerd, she really does. His quirk is magnet, he has metal protrusions on his chest and arms, with the left hand he pushes and with the right he pulls, he’s super skilled and trains hella hard but if he over uses it’s a lotta stress on his poor nerves. despite his very anxious and quite frankly pushover demeanor, when the time calls for it, he for sure can kick your ass. He just needs a little encouragement?? Don’t we all? He’s a huge video game nerd and he actually tends to avoid cursing, and conflict. his favorite things are pineapple pizza, pink lemonade and photography. He has pictures hung up everywhere and He’s dating tetsutetsu. They’re very homo gym bros
And all together this trio is called the creation crew, like how the big three call themselves. Well. The big three! These guys all create things in their own ways, pretty fitting team name if you ask me, And if you really read this far? I SUPER appreciate it! ✨
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naritaren · 1 year
So a full on post about my craft show today:
I made 69 dollars total (nice) and paid 60 for my spot. Half the vendors didn't show up today and the signage was not great. I did a show in this venue with this promoter last year and also didn't have a ton of sales. I have one more show in this venue in December so we'll see if things were slow because of hunting opener.
I did, however, get a decent amount of crocheting done. I took some scrap yarn and a project I had started this week. I finished the mittens I had started and made 4 cup cozies. I'm currently making cup cozies out of all of my scrap yarn and I plan on making some dog themed tags to put on them. I'm not going to list them on my store until after one of my shows in October.
Last year I did a show that doubled as a fundraiser for the Minnesota Basset Hound Rescue and a lot of people there wanted dog themed items. I'm doing that show again so I'm making cup cozies out of leftover yarn and putting dog related tags on them. The show was a ton of fun and my partner and I agreed that we'll do it every year.
When I was growing up I had a basset hound and they're my favorite breed of dog. Plus! They have a costume contest for the dogs so the whole day I get to see pups in costumes. Even if I don't make any money, my vendor fee goes to the rescue and I get to see cute animals.
Though last year I bought banana bread and forgot to put it in my tote and I stepped away for a second and a pup in a convict costume stole my bread and ate it. Not making that mistake again.
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re-dracula · 11 months
trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!
(also, not a dracula costume, but there are vampires (sort of) in the tenth doctor's run, so i think it counts a bit, like a tiny bit)
I will not be doing the first but you can have something good to eat. Take this loaf of banana bread. (and yes it can count a tiny bit hehe)
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jbaileyfansite · 2 years
Jonathan Bailey interview with the Evening Standard (2021)
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There are worse places to conduct an interview than a park, and at least it’s only drizzling.
The only problem is that people won’t leave Jonathan Bailey alone. Which is to be expected, of course: he’s in Bridgerton, the most-watched original Netflix series in its history, viewed on 82 million accounts in a month since it dropped on Christmas Day. Wait. Did I say people? I meant dogs. They snaffle at his heels and rub against his legs while the humans remain impervious. This is because, devoid of his mutton chops and tailcoat, the 32-year-old actor looks a world away from Viscount Anthony Bridgerton, brother of Daphne; lover of Sienna; friend and foe of Simon, Duke of Hastings.
Today he’s dressed in a nylon jacket and sporting very different hair. ‘Bit of a spoiler for season two — I’ve had a light perm,’ he smiles.
And even if Bailey had spent the past two months in full regency costume, fame would have eluded him until lockdown eased and the usual signifiers — being hassled in restaurants, endless selfie requests — were back on the table. Until then it lies in wait, preserved in aspic.
Having spent lockdown thus far on the East Sussex coast staying home like the rest of us, Bailey admits the disconnect is confusing. ‘I feel like I’m being gaslit on a global scale,’ he laughs. ‘Even today, just meeting and talking to actual people who have seen the show feels weird. To me and all the British cast, it feels like Nasa. Netflix launched this spaceship, and you get launched into space. It’s a brilliantly traumatic thing to experience. The launch only happens once, and then it’s about tethering yourself and working it out. I think that might take a while.
‘The isolation of lockdown has been incredibly hard for everyone, but the isolation of feeling like you can’t inhabit the experience that other people are experiencing around you, while being locked down and not being able to see your friends…’ he tails off. ‘Presumably all it will take to shake it off is a big dinner, or even just having a few pints and going out.’
With a slew of TV parts under his belt (Broadchurch, Crashing, Chewing Gum, W1A) and an Olivier award for his role as Jamie in Company (2018), Bailey isn’t exactly an ingénue. But Bridgerton is one of those rare TV programmes that has bestowed fame on a global scale.
Produced by Shonda Rhimes and adapted from the historical novels of Julia Quinn, Netflix’s genre-busting costume drama reached the top 10 in 189 countries, thanks to a sharp script, lavish costumes and racially diverse cast that saw actors of colour inhabit the highest echelons of 19th-century society in a way that had never been seen on screen before. That this high society is presided over by a black woman, Queen Charlotte (Golda Rosheuvel), might be diversity divorced from any historical context, but the alternative — another costume drama inhabited by white people — has never felt more wrong.
Bailey auditioned for the part in 2018 while appearing in Company, sending off a tape to Rhimes’s production company, Shondaland. ‘I got offered the job on my 31st birthday, 25 April 2019,’ he recalls. Filming started in July 2019 and ended in March 2020, narrowly avoiding any impact from the pandemic. 
‘For me it feels like a lockdown anyway when I’m working, so it’s a long time since I can remember normal life.’ Has he been he a banana bread-baking stereotype over lockdowns? ‘I made more than banana bread,’ he laughs. ‘I started with banana bread but went on to cinnamon rolls, although they looked like turds — terrible. But I made amazing hot cross buns.’
The million dollar cliché: what did he learn about himself? ‘I feel more complicated than I thought I was,’ he says. ‘And then I’ve been affirmed by certain things. I did a lot of cycling between lockdowns, in Cornwall and around Italy last summer — pure recharge, pure perspective. Nature is so important. I know everyone’s saying that, and that some people can just keep going flat out, but I know I need to recharge. And I love a bath. I’ve had weeks where I’ve had a minimum of two a day.’ He suddenly looks horrified. ‘Actually, that’s awful. Don’t put that, ’cause it’s wasting water.’
Barely has ‘what did you miss the most?’ escaped from my lips and he exclaims, ‘Theatre! Not just theatre, but the possibility of theatre. But then, I’ve been watching really brilliant theatre creatives smashing it on TV instead.’ He points out that Bridgerton cast members Rosheuvel, Ruth Gemmell, Adjoa Andoh and Luke Thompson are all regulars on the stage. ‘We should be proud in Britain that there’s a massive crossover between theatre and TV. It’s not a semi-permeable membrane: it’s all one talent pool.’ 
Could the Government be doing more to support theatre? ‘Absolutely. It’s just the people who are making the decisions; if it had been someone who loves theatre, and understood the importance of it, this would never have happened. There are certain things in life where you go, “That’s a marker”, and the [2019] government campaign about Fatima having to retrain in cyber was one. That was a wound that will take a long time to heal. And the other marker of a moment is Ruth Sheen’s performance in It’s A Sin [the veteran actress had a cameo as a hospital visitor who took Keeley Hawes’ character to task in the final episode]. The last year hasn’t been about Christmas and Easter. It’s been about markers like those.’ 
Bailey has been described online as ‘openly gay’. I point out that no actors are ever described as ‘openly straight’, and he laughs. ‘I’d say I’m not openly gay. I’m just gay.’ Although he is wary of discussing his sexuality for the sake of it. ‘Then it becomes a commodity and a currency. I knew that I wanted to be visible about my sexuality, because in all the territories that Netflix goes out in, there might be a boy somewhere that goes, “Wait, what?” Which is what I didn’t have when I was young. All I know is that I’m happy to keep working really hard and if there are opportunities for representation, and to make that point, then that’s something I’ll always strive to do.’
Like just about everyone else, he loved It’s A Sin. ‘It was an incredible way to talk about an awful pandemic, and an absolute tragedy that so many people will be triggered by it. In Ruth Sheen’s character, you have a heterosexual woman who is mother to a gay son, challenging another mother. I found that rage incredible. The gay fantasy isn’t just hanging out in bars and meeting men. The gay fantasy is to have guardian angels of allyship.’
He’s hesitant to say whether he agrees with director Russell T Davies’ assertion that gay people should play gay roles. ‘It’s a big old conversation and one I’ve spoken to Russell about, and many other actors. But it’s really hard to give a sound bite to sum up.’
I tell him I don’t want a sound bite. ‘It’s about redressing the balance of access to roles. There just aren’t that many gay roles, so when straight actors go to take that space up, it’s eliminating the chance for other [gay actors].
‘We know there has been a history of needing to be closeted to succeed and be famous, especially in acting. And the idea of not being able to believe heterosexual relations and narrative, if you know one of the actors is gay… everyone should be able to play absolutely everything. But let’s blow away all the cobwebs, and one of the hang-ups and shadows of the past is that we need to be a lot more open to the idea of sexes playing different sides. There have been amazing performances by straight people playing gay and by gay people playing straight. It’s a moment to think about that, and I think Russell’s point was that there’s a vitality and a joy to It’s A Sin because he cast gay people in gay roles. That’s completely true. It’s not a bad thing to own your narrative.”
He is glad not to have received any flack for playing a straight role such as Viscount Anthony. ‘Bearing in mind the internet is a place where anyone can say anything, there hasn’t been anyone who’s had any animosity, or challenged it, so that’s good. Yes, I’m looking forward to gay actors playing gay parts, but for me it’s so important that everyone at home can see a bit of themselves on screen, to allow them to feel heard and seen, and also allow them to have aspirations.
‘Good actors can do anything, and there’ll be amazing writers who are willing to write for everyone. If there are people who don’t have access to creating their own TV shows or telling the stories they want to tell, then absolutely, everyone has to make space for them. That’s not just to do with gender or sexuality. It’s to do with race, religion and everything else.’ He pauses. ‘The idea that someone could read that and go, “God, that’s just a woke viewpoint,” I find really funny. It’s just basic sense, isn’t it?’
Another dog — this time a cockapoo — launches itself on Bailey mid-flow. ‘We have a family cockapoo. I looked after him in Lockdown 1,’ he says. ‘That was a real baptism of fire. He ate a sock. A full sock. It was a Muji sock. Stripy. And then it came up again three days later.’ What’s he called? ‘Benson, after the village I grew up in.’
His sounds an idyllic childhood. Brought up in Oxfordshire, he eschewed drama school for an Open University degree. Neither his parents nor three older sisters have anything to do with acting, but his interest was sparked as a child after watching a production of Oliver in the village hall. He joined the local drama club and also pootled around at the back of the class while one sister did ballet. ‘I wasn’t really invited, but I remember having Velcro trainers and just squeaking in the back and trying to do some pliés. I stopped dancing aged 12 because of the inevitable narrative — peer pressure. Ballet became a euphemism for something else.’
Was he the sort of kid who always got the lead in the school play? ‘I did play Jolly Roger in Jolly Roger,’ he smiles. ‘But then I was taken down a peg or two when I played a raindrop in Noah’s Ark. You win some, you lose some.’
With Bridgerton likely to run for many more seasons, and Viscount Anthony’s storyline taking centre stage in season two (now that sister Daphne is married off, the plot will focus on his own romantic life), Bailey’s newfound fame isn’t going to dissipate any time soon. He has mixed feelings. ‘You work and strive to be an actor and you can get better at it and enjoy it. But you can’t be good at fame or enjoy it. Some people do, some people don’t. It’s a different cocktail for everyone. There are suddenly opportunities available, which is brilliant, and I’m incredibly lucky. But then I realise this is when people say it’s about saying no, because what you say no to keeps you on the path.’
What also keeps him on the right path is the role itself. ‘Bridgerton is actually delivering on changing the bar, and the standard, of representation. Because of that, I’ve had amazing messages from people who have been able to talk about their sexuality, or people who have seen themselves or their children in the Duke of Hastings [storyline]. For me that’s the thing that’s always going to ground [the experience]. It’s a candyfloss juggernaut theme park ride — like multiple sensory overload.
‘So thank God for family. Thank God for friends.’
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crestfallercanyon · 11 months
🍂Weekly Tag Wednesday🍂 Thank you for the tag, @ohkate ! I wasn't expecting this — been a while since I’ve done a tag game.
Suppose this is as good as a time as any to kind of introduce myself to this fandom I've ducked into, too, haha
Name: crest (not my actual name but that's all you get folks)
Age: mid twenties
Favorite color: dark or silvery green
What emoji best describes your current mood? 😌 it's the end of a long week, but it's been a nice evening thus far.
What season is it where you are right now? Autumn, a bit rainy where I'm at. It’s nice.
Were you up before or after the sun this morning? Before. It stays dark late, but I was also up early.
Are you currently in possession of a pumpkin? No.
Do prefer to carve or paint your jack-o-lanterns? I've carved them, and I enjoy that, and I love having a candle flicker inside. However, I think I'm a better painter, and it's less mess, so probably paint.
Do you have a favorite pumpkin-spice flavored treat? If so, what is it? I actually do like a pumpkin spice latte, no whip though. it's just a nice cozy drink.
What's your favorite season and what's your favorite pie that you associate with it? I used to say autumn, but I think it might be winter -- what I would call true winter. Frozen lakes and blistering wind chill. I understand to most people this sounds fucking awful, but it makes you feel alive when you step out onto a frozen day and get hit by that cold, where you can walk on dark water because it's frozen solid, and the air itself is crisp and makes your fingertips red, and the world is so quiet but echoes the most smallest of sounds, and the wind hums a tune with its chilly air. I adore true winter.
We're having a pot-luck, what are you going to bring? If you need an entree, then I'll make jambalaya, it can feed an army. More of a side? Either pączki bread or chocolate chip banana bread.
It's chilly outside and you need a hot drink in your hands, what are you drinking? either a cup of coffee with a tsp of brown sugar, or earl grey tea with a touch of milk.
Will you be wearing a costume for Halloween? Is it ready? Probably not. I have earrings I've made, I'll wear those, but I also have a job where dressing for halloween would be entirely inappropriate, so.
Finally, what's something you've made or done recently that you're proud of? Um, I joined my community band, and I’m excited to get to playing an instrument again. It’s been a few years, and I was nervous I’d be terrible, but it’s coming back!
Also know I’m late for Wednesday, but hope it’s okay.
I'll tag a few people, but it's an open tag for anyone who wants to participate, and no one has to participate! enjoy your weekend everybody--
@its-tea-time-darling , @hamartian-cathexis , @qlala , @blue-summers , @michellemisfit
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echoes-lighthouse · 11 months
Sorry I continue to only send asks for Them but 🍪 🎃 and 🕸️ for the Slasher Orphanage please!
Yesss I always want asks about them!!! <autumn asks>
cookie ― have you and your f/o ever baked together? what did you make and how did it turn out?
All the time! I like to keep the house full of cookies and muffins and banana bread, and I'll take help from anyone who's around! Brahms, Carrie, and Jason are the most reliable helpers, but I can coax the others into doing some mixing for me. Carrie and Vincent are pretty reliable cooks if I'm busy but the rest are banned from the kitchen for chaotic behavior.
 jack-o'-lantern ― do you like and/or celebrate halloween? if so, what did/will you and f/o dress up as?
But of course! This year, hmmmm, let me think
Me: I'm going as a witch because it's old reliable and I don't have time for anything fancy this year! Brahms: the one kiddo who doesn't like dressing up or going out: I'm going to get him into a soft onesie, if nothing else: maybe a tiger Sadako: sheet ghost (did not ask before cutting holes in the sheets) Michael: wanted to dress as Jason but I told him no, so now he's going as a ninja Vincent: made himself a pumpkin head: I'm not sure exactly what his costume is supposed to be, but it's very cute Carrie: she's going as a doll so she can blend in with all her sibs, Vincent is helping to make the mask for her Jason: going as a werewolf Billy: he's invested himself in going as a specific background zombie from Night of the Living Dead and has been popping up around the house with various fake rotting wounds on his face to see how well his makeup is working Stu: is popping on some fake fangs and a cheap black coat and calling it a vampire costume
web ― do you have any fun autumn-related memories with your f/o? tell us about them!
I've spent a few autumns with Brahms and it's always a pleasure: doing the fall baking, letting him decorate cupcakes. One of the first times he came outside the house with me was in autumn and we went for a little walk in the gardens, it was very very special to me.
Sadako came to us in the fall, so I remember a lot of our first days together when the winds start blowing colder: this is going to be her first year trick-or-treating and I'm very excited that she feels up to the crowd!
Michael also came to us in the fall, but in mid-November: this will be our second full autumn together. Michael gets restless in the fall, but he seems to be a lot busier with all the new faces in the house. That's good for him, I think.
Vincent went a little crazy on the pumpkins last year: we all made one but Vincent made about ten and they were all gorgeous. I was very sad when we had to get rid of them, so he made me a miniature version of one from wood (he's branching out in mediums) and now it lives in my bedroom.
Carrie came to us last November: so this will be her first Halloween with us! Jason has been living in the field for about a year but last year he wasn't interacting with us much yet, so this is our first real Halloween together as well. And Billy and Stu just joined the family four months ago.
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parchmentknight · 9 months
i want to make a "meet the artist" post but i am not in the mood rn so i will write down my hyperfixations instead. enjoy this list of my hobbies that make no sense
fishkeeping/aquascaping/aquatics/aquatic plants
baking (i used to bake lots of things that used quick-rising ingredients ie. baking powder, not really into yeast baking. it scares me. but i like handmaking cookie dough and banana bread and carrot cake and anything i can find on the internet)
costume making. i wanted a costume for the renaissance faire but all the premade ones were low quality, so i went to the thrift store to find something to disassemble and sew together, and i dug around in my linen closet for raw fabric. i made a long-sleeved pirate shirt, took apart and re-stitched a jumper into a outer coat, and made a cloak from old fabric.
also by extension hand sewing plushes!
dungeons and dragons (kinda obvious) i dm for my friends and i have a bulk amount of dice sets for each one of my party members to "rent" for each session
custom keyboard building
fountain pens
handmade card making
cornsnakes and colubrids, but i keep just one cornsake
soapmaking (and candlemaking by association but i find that that bores me compared to making soap.) and not melt-and-pour, im talking about cold process oil and lye
musical intruments! (piano, guitar, voice, ukelele, oboe but i only played for 3 years, and i want to learn more but i do not have the money to afford a trumpet or cello or accordion or trombone or euphonium or my own oboe)
wet preservation of animals (wet taxidermy)
plant keeping and growing edible food like herbs
mixology and bartending (not at a real bar, just at home)
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lilbirdblu · 11 months
*runs up to you in a piglin costume* trick or treat!
this is making me wheeze with laughter at the irony--and i know i havent mentioned it on here before so there was no way to know--but i am terrified of pigs (no worries, i find the situation quite hilarious)
im southern (usa) so for your treat--amish friendship bread :D
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you can bake it in a ton of different flavors but my dad always did pistachio, chocolate, cheesecake and banana nut
its a really dense & moist sweet bread made from a sourdough starter which, once you've made it, after it sets for 10 days you split the starter into 4 parts (sometimes more, depending on how much starter you've got) 3 parts are gifted to friends for them to bake and enjoy and 1 part you keep for yourself :3c
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lgcjino · 11 months
FILE: 지노 _ PLOT CALL _ q4 —  this is totally late but we'd definitely like to plot and get things rolling if anyone still has some room on their trackers. below the cut are some suggestions / ideas to jumpstart a thread ! ◡̈
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new actor trainee, moon jino reporting for duty !
improv study — you overheard jino listening to a youtube video that's verbalizing improv cues, you just so happen to see him right when he's supposed to act out a demoralizing heartbreak or his personal interpretation of a fish out of water -- either or, both are equally as mortifying for him.
acting techniques — specifically the meisner technique: unfortunately for jino he got called on in class to counter react a partner's acting, you just so happened to notice jino, not so in his elemental, appearing quite obviously taken back by such a display. for lack of better word, it's hilarious and something that needs to be commented on after (or more amusingly, during) class.
any other acting mission ideas, welcome!
costume tbd he's going as jock spiderman ◡̈
jino didn't know the candies were fake — sure there were signs, but jino can't read 🤷‍♂️ — and now the candy is lodged in his throat and oh no, is he choking? nah — forcefully dispelling air through the tiny hole in his throat that's currently blocked by a pea-sized fake sweet treat is not choking, is it?
insert thread about costumes that i will update once i 100% narrow down jino's costume options
"i love you, i swear i do, but we're not wearing matching costumes."
idk much about the carpet but best believe jino is gonna will smith-jada moment whoever is beside him at that moment
any other halloween ideas, welcome!
he's in lgc agency as an actor but he got placed with crystallis !
ghost hunting at the haunted high school x excited puppy jino
jino 100% trying to do a hsm! scream parody of troy bolton along the lockers
running into jino on the way to the bathroom a la haikyuu boot camp jump scare w jino being backlit by the bathroom lighting and his tall ass frame he's practically a slenderman cosplay at night
jino standing in the back of the show me your face game ( mostly bc he's so tall and worried about blocking anyone ) until he realizes that's the point of the game and he's gonna be using his huge af hands to block out the faces of his fellow tall giants
jino 100% mingling and moving from table to table during lunch, also him trying to hand off his kiwis to people bc he doesn't like the fruit kiwi
him dumping flour all over the person behind him's head bc his arms are too long and his reach is too high and inadvertently covering them in flour 🤝 jino trying not to laugh as he tries to help them wipe their face w a wet towel after
"i really appreciate that you're getting into the halloween spirit, but it's ten in the morning. please turn off the slasher films so i can eat my breakfast in peace."
"what do you mean you've never gone trick-or-treating?!" — but rather than going door to door it's convenience store to convenience store and jino footing the bill on the sweet or salty treats 😋
"you're like the toughest person i know! am i really supposed to believe that a horror film is enough to have you cowering into my lap?"
"hot cocoa is the americano equivalent for kids!" "your point is?"
"how to look suspicious 101"
someone reporting jino for having a pet. the pet in question: link.
jino burning banana bread in the oven and someone comes over for banana bread but ... it's burnt ☹️
jino watched the greatest showman for the first time and now he won't stop singing rewrite the stars and someone needs to shut !!! him !!! up !!!
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⤷   also i'll be keeping any threads that are still being replied to ( except the lgc au threads ) no matter how old they are unless you'd like to drop and replot, please let me know if that's the case ◡̈
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