hugmekenobi · 1 year
The Bad Batch (5)
Chapter Five: Rampage
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Gif by @bandanaboy
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: You joined the Batch 8 months ago and everything was going well. But then, Order 66 happened and suddenly the galaxy around you changed. Now, not only do you need to be careful given your new ‘social status’, but you also need to navigate your feelings towards a certain Sergeant. 
Chapter Summary: You find a potential ally who can help provide information on the bounty hunter that tried to take Omega. But, the information isn’t free and a deal has to be struck that involves going after some slavers.
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers
Chapter Warnings: Use of (Y/N) (but I’ve limited it as much as I can), swearing, canon-typical violence, talks of slavery and mentions of death, Force bonding and communication works the way I need it to, mild canon-deviation (in the sense of who does what and mentions of past experiences, something that grows more from this chapter onwards), light angst, Hunter being dumb and coming across as sexist (he’s just a bit silly), Cid (after that S2 finale, I just think it’s important)
Word Count (Ch 5): 6.8K
Rating: 18+
Author’s notes: Again, not much to say here. Just want to re-emphasise that I do not think Hunter is sexist lol, he just isn’t very careful with his words and their implications. Also we do have a some fluffy feelings in this chapter, but again, their both kinda idiotic with it. Enjoy!!
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“It’s not an exact fit.” Tech said as he finished attaching the comm to Omega’s wrist.
“I get my own comm device?” Omega said excitedly.
“Technically, it was Crosshair’s, but he doesn’t appear to need it.” Tech said grimly.
“Echo, what’s your position? Over.” Omega called into her comm.
“It’s not a toy, Omega.” Echo chastised.
“Copy that.” Omega replied before Tech continued to modify it.
You chuckled as you watched the exchange from your seat before going to back to finally getting round to finishing sewing the tear in your top layer from the blaster shot you received on Saleucami.
“Why are we going to Ord Mantell? I thought the plan was to lay low?” Omega asked Hunter.
“Not while a bounty hunter’s after you. We need to find out why.” Hunter said, turning away from the control panel to look at her.
“I know an informant there named Cid who might be able to help.” Echo stated.
“And you trust him?” Wrecker asked, pausing his squatting workout with Gonky.
“Well, the Jedi trusted him.” Echo replied.
“The Jedi who are all dead.” Tech countered, standing up.
Hunter cleared his throat and stared at his not so tactful brother.
“Oh, um, sorry.” Tech said, looking at you.
You waved your hand dismissively. You’d have to wrap your head around what happened eventually. “No need, Tech. You’re only saying the truth.” You pulled your top back over you. “I’ve never heard of this Cid, but I don’t hear anyone else coming up with a better option.”
“She has a point.”
You all turned around as Omega’s voice echoed over your comms.
“Right, not a toy.” Omega confirmed.
At least there was one good thing about coming to Ord Mantell. You’d never been here before, Jedi capacity or otherwise so there was no chance of being recognised. Your mask and hood were mainly to cover your rather bruised face and fit in with the rest of the squad as they had all donned their helmets.
“Remember the rules?” Hunter asked Omega as they rounded the corner.
“Don’t wander off, keep my eyes and ears on my surroundings, and trust no one but my squad.” Omega rattled off.
"And if you get into trouble?” You asked.
“Use my comm and give my location.” Omega answered.
You all paused as you reached the door to the club where Echo said Cid was. It was rather depressing to look at. “This is the place.” Echo confirmed.
“How charming.” You said sarcastically before following Echo in.
The club on the inside very much matched the outside. You followed the others’ example as they took their helmets off by taking down your hood. Your mask stayed on to continue the concealment of most of your bruises and you looked around.
It was dimly lit, containing a bar area with seating in the middle, a large holotable, and a bench seat along the back of the room on the side nearest the door. Smaller holotables were available for what you guessed would be the playing of dejarik, and slot machines were arrayed around the sides of the room.
It was also very quiet-aside from two aliens in the corner- and it had a slightly weird smell. Your nose scrunched under your mask as you breathed in. There was another inhabitant- a green Trandoshan female- to your right who was just tidying some things up.
“Which one of them is Cid?” Hunter muttered to Echo.
“I couldn’t tell ya. I only heard about Cid. Never actually met him.” Echo replied.
“That would have been information to share earlier.” Tech pointed out.
“And if Tech is saying that, then you know that’s the case.” You added.
Hunter walked over to the alien that was closest. “We’re looking for Cid. You know him?”
“Cid, huh?” The Trandoshan replied, standing up to look at the soldier in front of her. “Nope. Doesn’t ring a bell.”
“What about them?” Hunter asked, turning to glance at the male Weequay and Ithorian who were now in a tussle over one of the games.
“Was I not clear? You’re in the wrong place.” She replied, tapping her spanner onto the man’s armour. “So, unless you’re here to spend money, get lost.” She walked away.
You studied her carefully as she left.
“Great plan, Echo.” Wrecker grumbled.
“I’m certain this is Cid’s. The Jedi came here during the war.” Echo said.
“I don’t know about this Cid but she’s lying about something.” You said quietly to the others.
“Well, perhaps this Cid heard what happened to the Jedi and fled.” Tech suggested. “Or he was arrested for violating countless health code regulations.”
“Did the Jedi have any other informants? Did you have any?” Hunter asked you.
You shrugged your shoulders. “Several but I wouldn’t know how to find them, that information tended to stay pretty secret and personal to each Jedi for security reasons and as for mine, most ended up dead or they’ll have scurried away somewhere after what happened. Sorry I can’t be more help.”
“So, we came all this way for nothing?” Wrecker asked.
Just then your comms chimed, and Omega’s voice pinged through. In your discussion you’d all failed to notice that she’d followed the Trandoshan to the bar. “I found Cid.”
You looked over at her as she pointed up to the female Trandoshan who looked over at you all, arms crossed with an unamused expression on her face.
You felt like an idiot. You’d sensed she’d been lying but you’d never have guessed that it was about that. You thought you were better than that. You all followed Cid into her back office.
“I had a good thing going with the Jedi.” Cid said, opening her door. “They valued my insights but now that they’re all dead, the demand for my services has declined thanks to this new Empire.”
You grabbed Omega’s arm to stop her from touching a rather sharp looking axe.
“They’re not all-” Wrecker began to say.
You elbowed him in his ribs and shook your head. Cid may have been allies with them once before, but you weren’t too sure about trusting her with this yet.
“Times have changed… for all of us.” Hunter said.
“No kidding.” Cid retorted. “And what’s your story? Why you with these clones?” Cid asked, looking over in your direction.
“I helped them out on a mission, and they offered me a spot, so I took it.” You explained briefly, uncomfortable with the way her yellow eyes continued to pierce through you.
Cid stared at you for a moment before continuing her address to the rest of the group. “I never had clone deserters come to me before.”
“Yes, well, we separated due to a fundamental difference in ideology.” Tech explained.
“That’s cute, you thinking I care.” Cid said dismissively. “Cut to it and tell me what you want.”
Hunter nodded to Echo who stepped forward and programmed himself into Cid’s holotable.
“By all means, make yourself at home.” Cid snarked.  
Echo brought up the image of the bounty hunter from Pantora.
“We encountered this woman on Pantora.” Hunter explained. “Do you know who she is?”
“No, but I know a bounty hunter when I see one.” Cid replied.
“Can you find out who hired her?” Echo asked.
“That depends on what you guys do for me.”
Of course, it does, you thought irritably. The others just stared at her.
“Are you fresh outta the tube?” Cid asked rudely, taking down the image. “You pull a job for me, and I get the information you want. That’s how this mercenary thing works.”
“Mercenary?” Echo repeated.
“Not too quick are ya. Clearly, the kid’s the brains of the operation.” Cid said, sitting behind her desk.
Despite Cid’s attitude, you had to agree with her there. You were not casting yourselves in the best light and Omega had been doing a better job so far. Evidently, Wrecker also agreed since you saw him hold his palm out for Omega to high five.
Hunter sighed. “What kind of mission?”
“A rescue.” Cid answered. “There’s a nice bounty on a kid named Muchi. My sources say she was taken by Zygerrian slavers who are holed up on the other side of the planet.”
“The Zygerrian slave trade was wiped out years ago. Their facility was taken down. They can’t be the ones-” You said.
“Why don’t you let me worry about the details.” Cid interrupted you. “Bring me the kid and I’ll get your intel.”
“Well, who collects the bounty?” Wrecker asked.
“Oh, look. It talks.” Cid jabbed. “We split the bounty 70-30, my favour. Take it or leave it.”
“Hang on a minute-” You began to protest but Hunter laid a hand on your arm. You stopped and took a few steps back.
“Grab a kid from a few Zygerrians? We could do that in our sleep.” Wrecker said with a laugh, walking out with the others.
“Looks like we have a deal.” Cid said with a thin smile before chucking a device over to the clone in charge. “Details of the bounty are on that. Don’t screw it up.”
You biting your tongue and Hunter’s hand pressing gently against your back to keep you moving out the room were the only things that stopped you from snapping something back. How could any Jedi tolerate her? She was infuriating.
“You alright?” You asked, looking over at Wrecker from where you were leaning against the wall next to Hunter as you heard him groan in his chair.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s nothing.” Wrecker said, grabbing the side of his head before walking away.
You and Hunter watched him go before glancing at each other.
“I’m sure he’s fine.” Hunter said to you.
“Yeah.” You replied, nodding your head but not feeling confident in your assessment.
“According to Cid’s intel, the Zygerrian slave traders are hiding in the ruins of Old Ord Mantell city.” Tech announced.
“I can’t believe they were able to start again.” You said, utterly baffled. “I was there to help destroy their facility and believe me; we did a pretty good job of it. How they managed to claw their way back into the slaving business…” You trailed off with a shake of your head.
“What’s a slave trader?” Omega asked innocently as she took up the seat Wrecker had been sitting in, fiddling with her toy trooper.
“Someone who buys and sells people for credits.” Tech replied.
“People can be sold?”
“They don’t have a choice.” You stated grimly.
“They’re captives treated like property.” Echo added.
“That…doesn’t seem right.” Omega said, cradling her doll close to her chest.
“It’s not.” You said coldly, before pushing away from the wall. You walked into the refresher and splashed some water on your face. You had to at least attempt to wash away the feeling of pointlessness you were feeling. A good number of clones died that day, not to mention you couldn’t rescue every slave, and now it all felt like it had been for nothing. You let out a heavy breath before walking back out only to hear Tech.
“…earn a decent amount of credits once the job is complete.”
You let out a scoff as you sat down on your bunk, clearly you weren’t as content with the deal as he was. You’d have done this for free but you needed that information for Omega’s sake so you were prepared to do it, you just couldn’t help but be a little bit pissed off at the rather large cut Cid was taking from it.
“You going to tell me what’s wrong?” Hunter asked, sitting down next to you.
You glanced at him. “It’s nothing.”
“Hey.” Hunter rested his hand on your shoulder. “No more lies, remember.” He pressed gently.
You let out a short breath. “I’m sorry. It’s just a general feeling of ‘what was the point?’ I thought these people were gone, I thought we’d dealt with them successfully but evidently, they were able to begin operating again so why did good men and innocent people have to die in the first place if it would all amount to nothing?”
“It wasn’t nothing. Think of all the people you helped at that moment in time by doing that. If you hadn’t acted when you did, they would be a lot stronger and there would be hundreds of people enslaved at this time. Instead, your actions forced them out for years and they’ve only just started again so instead of hundreds, it’s just a few and we’re going to set them free so these Zygerrians will be left with nothing again.”
You huffed out a sigh as you conceded the point. “You’re right. I guess I lost sight of that. It’s just been harder to remember the slight positives that came out of the war since it was replaced with an Empire, but I see what you’re saying.”
“I also think it’s upsetting because I’ve been at the hands of what these slavers do so getting rid of them was particularly satisfying. But them getting things up and running and exploiting and hurting other people again just really got to me.” You added nonchalantly, tightening the strap that contained the vibroblade that was attached to your thigh.
“Wait what?” Two voices said in unison.
You looked up to see Echo pause as he was making his way past you both then you looked back at Hunter. “Oh right, I forgot you guys didn’t know that. I-” You stopped as you felt the ship land. “Sorry fellas, that’s a story for another time.” You said cheerily, standing up. You made sure your weapons were secure and pulled up your hood and mask as Hunter put on his helmet.
Hunter made himself focus on the task at hand and pushed away the horrible images that were now racing through his head due to what you just told him. He stood up a second after you.
“Let’s go get Muchi.” You said, walking away from his and joining the others as they walked out.
You made your way to the edge of the ledge that the ship had landed on and looked down to the scene below you. You peered through your macrobinoculars, examining each part of the ruins as you searched for Muchi.
“I have a visual.” Tech stated.
You spotted them then too. “I only see one child.” You passed your binoculars over to Omega and indicated where she should look.
“Poor Muchi. She looks scared.” Omega said.
“I’m clocking two dozen hostiles. Multiple entry points with minor fortification.” Tech noted.
“Simple smash and grab like that time on Kuat.” Wrecker said. “Easy enough.”
“I’m in. What are we waiting for?” Omega said, standing up.
“You get back to the ship. You too.” Hunter said, pulling Omega back and looking at you.
“But-” Omega began.
“Excuse me?” You objected as you lowered your mask.
“Someone needs to watch her.” Hunter told you.
“And that has to be me because?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. “You can’t have forgotten what happened the last time you told me to stay back. You go without me; you’re going to get in trouble.”
“I have more people here this time and you’re better to watch her. You’d be better at it.” The expression on your face told Hunter what he already feared after he said that. He didn’t want to sound like a sexist asshole, but it was the only thing he could come up with to end the discussion. He couldn’t exactly say that having you there with him would be too distracting for him since all he’d be thinking about would be if any of the Zygerians were the ones who harmed you or what he’d do if something happened to you on this mission. That would raise too many questions he was not wanting to answer.
“Oh, is that so? And why might that be, Hunter?” You couldn’t believe this was the route he was going down right now.
“We’re not talking about this anymore. You and Omega are heading back to a ship and that’s an order.” Hunter said firmly.
“Yes, sir.” You both replied, Omega’s more disappointed, yours not hiding you anger.
“You know, you could’ve just told her the truth about why you didn’t want her coming along.” Echo said to Hunter as they approached the ruins. “That would’ve been better than whatever that reason you gave was. She’s not going to let that one go.”
Hunter didn’t bother replying to that. They were on the mission now. “Echo, you’re the eyes in the sky.”
Echo resisted the urge to sigh. He knew Hunter was focused on the mission, but he also knew that even if he wasn’t, he wouldn’t have answered anyway. He nodded and made his way over to climb up one of the larger ruin buildings.
“Wrecker, draw the Zygerrrian forces out. Tech and I will grab the kid.” Hunter finished directing.
They all made their way to their positions. Hunter and Tech paused behind one of the fallen pieces of building. “Echo, sitrep.” Hunter spoke into his comm.
“Two roving patrols on speeders.” Echo responded. “First guard checkpoint dead ahead.” Echo signed off but just as he did so, he heard a faint growl. He turned around and drew his blaster. “Hang on, I think I’ve got company.” He spoke into his comm.
“Well, take care of it. Quietly.” Hunter replied. Right as he said that he heard an animal shriek and looked over to see Echo falling to the ground and a winged creature came flying down. Hunter managed to duck but its tail took down Wrecker. He and Tech were able to fire off a few blaster shots which scared it away, but no sooner had they done that, they were then surrounded by Zygerrians and the last thing Hunter remembered seeing was an electric net being fired his way.
“I’m sorry you’re stuck watching me.” Omega said as the two of you walked back to the ship.
Guilt lodged itself in your gut. “No, Omega, I’m sorry. I know how that looked but I wasn’t mad that I had to come back with you. I’m always happy to do that.” You assured her. “I was just annoyed that Hunter couldn’t give a decent reason as to why.” You said with a roll of your eyes as you walked up the steps.
“I reckon it was just because he cares about you, but he didn’t want to say in front of the others.” Omega said, following you in.
“What?” You turned to face the young girl. “Oh, Omega, don’t tell me the rest of them have brought you into their delusions?” You said with a shake of your head.
“They might’ve mentioned it.” Omega said coyly. “But it’s kind of obvious you care for each other. You should tell him how you feel.”
You let out a deep exhale. “Okay, I’m only going to say this once to you Omega, though if the others are anything to go by, it won’t matter what I say, but there is nothing between Hunter and I so there is nothing to tell.” You replied, hoping your denial didn’t sound as obvious as it felt to you.
Before Omega could speak again, you both heard voices approach the ship. They weren’t the voices of your squad. Something had gone wrong. The others were in trouble. “Omega, I’ll hold them off, you get yourself outta here and see what happened to Hunter and the others.��� You told her as you went to draw your weapon but her hand on your arm stopped you.
“No, wait. We can get out through my room and then we can both go help them.” Omega said quickly as the voices drew nearer.
You nodded. “Yup, I like that plan better. Lead the way, kid.”
You followed her to her room/gun tower and squeezed out the hatch at the bottom just as you heard the ship door open. You both hid behind a rock to make sure they left, only leaving when you heard them confirm that the ship was empty before they left on their speeders. “Okay, let’s go.” You said, nudging Omega. “Head for that one over there.” You pointed to another piece of stone. You both ran towards it.
“Hunter, do you copy?” Omega called into the comm on her wrist only to receive static back. “Tech, Wrecker, Echo?”
Your nerves increased. “Anyone?” You spoke into yours, but you also just heard static. You took a deep breath. “Okay, okay. We gotta check out the area we saw earlier. They’ve probably just been captured.” You wouldn’t let yourself think of any other scenario. You and Omega walked over to the ledge you’d been at earlier and you let Omega use the binoculars. “Tell me what you see, kid.”
“You’re right. They’ve been captured along with the Muchi and her family.” Omega said anxiously, putting the binoculars down.
You let out a sigh of relief. “You go back to the ship, I’ll handle this.”
“Omega, I can’t let you-”
“You let me go once before. I know I’m a kid, but I also know you’re the only one so far whose shown that you’re willing to let me learn to handle myself the way the rest of you do. You need to let me help you.”
You sighed. She was right, no use in denying that. “Fine, but the second I think it could get too dangerous, you’re going straight back to the ship. Got it?” You said resolutely.
Omega nodded.
“Alright then. Let’s move.”
All that Hunter could think about as he sat there, shock collar and shackles attached to him, was the amount of ‘I told you so’s’ he was going to get from you when you came by to help. That is, if you came. He couldn’t be sure right now given the way he left things with you. A screech brought him out his thoughts and he looked up to see the winged creature that attacked them earlier. He watched it as it attached itself to one of the ruin buildings and that was when he noticed another Zygerian, most likely the one in charge, looking down on them. He had a scar running through the centre of his face and he was blind in one eye. “What our odds out of this, Tech?” He asked, turning his attention back to his brother.
“I am not certain.” He replied.
“So much for being smart.” Wrecker grumbled.
Tech sighed. “This is not a standard military operation and seeing how we’ve never been tasked with rescuing a child from slave traders before, there is no data I can compare it to. It would be reasonable to assume that (Y/N)’s arrival would be helpful given our current situation.”
“We need to signal her and Omega before their scouts find them.” Hunter said.
“Except our comms are over there with our weapons.” Echo pointed out, indicating his head over to the rock where all their gear was being guarded.
Something caught the corner of Tech’s eye, and he glanced up. He noticed you and Omega getting ready to cross over a gap between the ruins. “We won’t need a comm to signal them.” He said to Hunter, tilting his head up in your direction.
Hunter followed his direction to see you both.
You looked down and reached out quickly towards him. Hmm look it happened again. I told you so. You sent over to him, not concealing the smugness you were feeling.
Yeah, there it was. Hunter gave you a subtle shake of his head, half a smile on his face. He was just glad you were here.
“Come on, we gotta get across.” You muttered to Omega as you saw a group of Zygerrians walk towards Hunter and the others.
“Look at what we have here.” The slave leader said as he walked over to the new additions. “Four new slaves to add to my collection. Strong ones too. You should fetch a good price.”
Hunter darted his eyes up to see you and Omega pulling yourselves across the wiring that was bridging the gap between the two buildings.
“The Republic outlawed slavery.” Echo said angrily.
“We’re not in the Republic anymore, skug.”
Echo looked up to see you and Omega watching what was happening from on high. “You’re lucky we don’t have out gear because this would go very differently for you.” He said, a tad louder than what was necessary.
You looked down below you and saw where their gear was being stashed. “Come on.” You climbed down first, making sure Omega followed you without any problems, and quickly but quietly dashed across a fallen pillar. You slid down the end of it first and, avoiding the loose rocks, rounded the corner to give Omega room and you watched as she made her way down. She wasn’t quite as careful, and her foot nudged some of the rubble loose. You grabbed her quickly and pulled her next to you, holding her tight against the wall as you remained still, hoping they wouldn’t send anyone up to check the area.
Wrecker kicked a boulder in the direction of one of the guards to get the leader’s attention away from where you and Omega were. That action resulted in him getting whipped.
The leader turned back to look at the man who caused the disruption. “We can make do with one less slave. Maybe I’ll feed you to my pet.” He looked up towards his brezak which let out a piercing shriek. “As for the rest of you…”
You stole a glance round the corner and saw that every Zygerrian’s attention was back on the squad and the rest of the slaves. “Okay, we’re good.” You whispered, nodding to Omega to begin the descent. You both used the ridges of one of the vertical support structures and landed on what seemed to be… a cage? You heard a faint growl and guessed they were back to dealing in exotic animals too. That gave you an idea though. “Omega, do you think you can-”
“Unlock this while you get their gear and help unchain them? No problem.”
“Huh, not bad kid.” You gave her a half smile before jumping down, using the Force to help you land silently. “Be careful.” You uttered back to her before cautiously making your way closer to where their gear was.
As you drew nearer, you heard cries of panic and looked behind you to see that Omega had been successful in her task and she appeared to have released a young and rather angry Rancor. Well, that would be distraction enough. You ran out as the Zygerrians were dealing with the creature to help the others.
You saw Wrecker had already been successful in getting rid of the chain and his own binds, but you came over to begin helping the others.
You approached Hunter first. “How’d having more people to help work out for you?” You said, unable to contain the smirk or triumphant tone out of your voice as you subtly used the Force to undo his restraints.
“Help now, gloat later.” Hunter said, running over to grab his stuff.
While Wrecker helped Tech with his bonds, you ran over and undid Echo’s. “You good?” You asked him.
Echo nodded before going over to other slaves.
You followed him and you and Echo undid their cuffs. You noticed the shocked look in Muchi’s eyes as you undid hers. You knew why but you didn’t take her or her family for the type to report you. If anything, you still had your hood up and mask on and they had no idea who any of you were so even if they did, you doubted it would amount to much. You just gave her a nod as you undid her collar. “It’s okay, Muchi.”
“We’re here to take you home.” Omega added as she kneeled down next to you.
Suddenly, the older male of the group came in front of you both and started speaking to you in a language you weren’t familiar with, but it wasn’t hard to miss the meaning behind them as he was pointing to the rampaging rancor behind you all as he yelled. “Muchi! Muchi!”
You undid his binds the same way you did the others and hung your head in aggravation as you stood up. “You’ve got to be joking.”
“The rancor is Muchi?” Echo said, looking back as the rancor continued to wipe out Zygerrians despite the blaster fire it was taking. He finished undoing the woman’s collar and stood up as Hunter chucked his stuff at him.
“Gear up. If we don’t capture her, we don’t get our intel from Cid.” Hunter said as he, Tech and Wrecker approached the rest of you with their weapons and helmets back on.
“Omega and I will get the slaves to safety. You find Muchi.” Echo said.
“Right. Go for the speeders at the south entrance.” Hunter ordered.
As Echo and Omega left with the slaves, the rest of you ran in the direction Muchi had gone off in.
She wasn’t difficult to find. Muchi had left a trail of unconscious bodies and broken rocks in her wake. The four of you paused as you came onto the scene in front of you. Muchi was surrounded by Zygerrians. They were attempting to whip her into submission, but she was not having it. Zygerrians were continuing to fall victim to her.
“She’s doing fine on her own.” Wrecker stated.
You smiled to yourself as you heard the hint of pride in his voices but that quickly vanished as you saw the winged creature come down and attack her, the Zygerrian leader on its back. You managed to dodge his whip and its tail, but you couldn’t stop them from attacking Muchi.
You watched as its tail whipped around, sending Muchi crashing into a rock, rendering her stunned and you watched as the leader brought his whip up, swinging it around a few time in preparation to bring it down on her. But then you saw Hunter run over to him and jump, tackling him to the ground.
Then your own, very improvised, plan formed in your head. Anakin would be proud, you thought to yourself before you leaped on to back of the creature before it went after Muchi. Time to practice again.
This was a mistake, this was a mistake, this was a mistake, you thought in a panic as you opened your eyes again after another unsuccessful attempt.
You had thought that bonding with this creature would mean that you could get it to stop chasing Muchi which would then help calm her down but sufficive to say, this creature wasn’t too fond of you being on its back, so it kept trying to throw you off which meant you had to use every ounce of strength you had to hold on to the reins. You could only use one hand since the other was placed on the back of its head to try and bridge a connection between you both.
You closed your eyes and went for it again. You reached out and felt for its Force signature and when you reached it, it was filled with chaos. You began to send feelings of calm and made sure you were perceived as a non-threat. Please, listen to me. I’m not going to hurt you. You repeated that over and over again.
Then, you felt something begin to happen, you slowly felt something shift. Your connection was building, the resistance from the creature was decreasing, you managed to open your eyes to see that its pursuit of Muchi had begun to slow down. However, right before you were sure the connection would be completed and sustained, Muchi snapped around and smacked her fists into its face and it was all gone.
The creature and Muchi began going at each other, with you caught in the middle of it. Each attack Muchi did, and each response of your animal had meant you felt your grip getting looser and looser until one particular attack by Muchi sent you flying off.
You were able to use the Force to land of your feet, but you still stumbled back a few paces. You rubbed your left palm to get rid of the cramp that was beginning to form and watched as Muchi bested the winged creature and sent it retreating. You noticed that Tech and Wrecker had now caught up to you. “Nice of you boys to join me.” You said, slightly out of breath. “My plan was a bust so Tech, any ideas how to stop that thing. I don’t think me bonding with her will work right now.”
Tech brought out his datapad. “Rancors adhere to a social hierarchy. You have to challenge the alpha for authority.”
“You’re up, Wrecker.” You said, lightly smacking his shoulder in encouragement.
“Oh, that I can do.” Wrecker said confidently, dropping his blaster.
You and Tech watched on as he and Muchi began their battle.
A good number of minutes passed and both sides were growing wearier by the second. Muchi was no longer a major threat, so you and Tech walked closer as Hunter, Echo and Omega also came to join you.
“How long’s he been at this?” Echo asked as he stepped off the speeder.
“Too long.” Tech replied.
“He’s losing his touch.” You added with a light laugh as you saw both Wrecker and Muchi take exhausted swings at each other, most of which were now missing their mark, but you could tell Muchi would be the one to fade first and sure enough, after a couple more swings, she was down for the count. You gave a soft round of applause. “Well done, Wrecker.”
Wrecker only groaned tiredly in response as he stood up, swaying on his feet ever so slightly.
“Aw. She’s kinda cute up close.” Omega said.
“Come one, let’s get outta here.” Hunter said.
You sat down on your bunk as the ship took off.
“Hey, can I talk to you?”
You looked up to see Hunter standing in front of you. “Certainly sir. Is there something I can clean for you? Maybe a touch of light dusting? Or do you want me to use my feminine gifts to think of ways to brighten this place up for you?” You asked sarcastically.
“I’m sorry.” Hunter said sincerely. “That wasn’t what I meant when I told you why I wanted you to stay behind, and I shouldn’t have implied anything like that in the first place.”
“So why did you?”
“Because I wanted to give another reason and that was the first thing that popped into my brain that would get you to go, even in anger. The real reason wasn’t anything like that.”
“Okay…so what was the real reason?”
“Oh, eh- well.” Hunter stammered awkwardly.
“Hunter, if I stop lying to you, you gotta stop lying to me too.” You pointed out.
Hunter sighed; he knew you were right. He just hoped this wouldn’t make things weird between you. “I was worried about you.”
“Oh.” You said softly. That sentence carried a lot more weight to you than he could possibly know. In your mind now, that meant he cared about you, perhaps more than what was professional, but you knew that was something you would have to unconvince yourself of later but right now you might just enjoy that concept for a little while.
“It was after you mentioned your history with those people. I just got worried that something like that could happen again and I knew that would distract me on this mission which I couldn’t have since we need this intel from Cid, and I thought not having you there would make it easier. But that was my problem, not yours and I need to learn to deal with that. I implied something stupid that I most certainly do not believe and I’m sorry.” He waited a minute for you to say something and when you didn’t, he spoke again. “I didn’t mean to make things awkward or anything-”
“No, you didn’t.” You reassured him. “I just uh, never took you for the concerned sergeant type, that’s all. Just a little bit surprised by it.” Yes, that’s what to go for, you thought to yourself.
Concerned sergeant. Yeah, that’s what this was, nothing more. Hunter thought to himself before speaking again, “Are we alright?”
You nodded. “But for the record, I prefer concerned Sergeant Hunter a lot more than possible sexist Sergeant Hunter.” You said, smirking at him as you stood up to pat his shoulder before making your way over to the cockpit. “Oh, and I’m never sitting out again, no matter what excuses you give me. Today just cemented the fact you need me out there.” You called back over your shoulder.
“Consider myself told.” Hunter replied, smiling to himself as he watched you pick Omega up out her seat only for you to sit back down but with her on your lap this time.
You were greeted by some strangers but judging by the way they were pleased to see Muchi, you figured they were the ones you were getting her back for. You then saw Cid make her way out and speak to the head of the group.
“See, Bib? All is well. Now, about the matter of payment.” Cid turned around and received the cases of credits that she was owed.
You watched as Omega hopped down and let Muchi go off with her owners. You and Omega waved goodbye.
“Bye, Muchi.” Wrecker said, a hint of sadness in his voice as she roared back affectionately.
You patted his shoulder as Muchi and her owners walked away. “Don’t worry Wrecker, I’m sure she’ll be well looked after.”
“Gotta say fellas. I wasn’t sure you could pull this job off.” Cid said.
You glared at her. “You could have told us we were going after a Rancor.”
“Hmm. Must’ve slipped my mind.”
“I’ll bet.” You mumbled.
“You, dark and broody. My office.” Cid said.
Hunter just looked around, his eyes then staying on you.
You just shrugged. She’s not exactly wrong. You teased gently.
Hunter stopped himself from reacting since that would raise unwanted questions and looked back at Cid and followed her inside.
“Your bounty hunter is Fennec Shand.” Cid revealed, bringing up a holo-image of her. “She’s new to the scene but she’s already proven herself to be cunning and ruthless.”
“Who hired her?” Hunter asked.
“Unknown. My sources in the Guild say she’s working on a direct commission. With someone like her nipping at your heels, you’re going to need two things: friends and money. Mostly money.”
Hunter faced her. “Well, we’re not swimming in either at the moment.”
“I guess it’s a good thing ya met me then, isn’t it?” She turned off the hologram and gave Hunter a case with the credits in it. “Here’s your cut. There’s more where that came from… if you’re looking for work.”
Hunter picked up the case. “I’ll think about it.” He replied, turning to go.
“It’s interesting a bounty hunter of Fennec’s calibre being after you. You fellas must be pretty valuable, especially with a Jedi on your squad.”
Hunter turned around quickly. “How did-”
“A woman came into the bar not long before you showed up. Started spewing about how she’d been kidnapped by slavers only to be rescued by a group of soldiers and a young woman who was able to unbind the others with what seemed to be her mind and an unseen force. It was easy to put the pieces together from there, I noticed how she stopped the big one from talking earlier and combine all that with her knowledge of the Zygerrians and her rather distinctive weapon of choice…” Cid trailed off.
“If you say-”
“Don’t worry, bandana. It’s like I said, I liked the Jedi so I’m glad they’re not all dead which is also why I made sure that woman wouldn’t go around relaying that story to everyone in her path. I’m good with secrets. Both the kid’s whereabouts and your girlfriend’s ‘affiliations’ are safe with me. Though a change in her attitude wouldn’t go amiss.”
Hunter didn’t say anything. He couldn’t even bring himself to correct Cid on her use of the word ‘girlfriend’ since, if this was any indication, she would just start saying the same things the others did but only in a much less charming way. He just wanted out of there. He had no choice but to hope and trust that what Cid was saying was true.
Next Chapter>
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @tpwkcalli, @fuckoffthanos, @arctrooper69, @graciexmarvel
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taleinthetail · 5 years
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Who's this stunning boy? 😍😍😍 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #leothelab #saturdayvibes #saturdaysarefortheboys #goodlooking #outdoorfun #tunning #fetch #bandanaboy (at Las Palmas Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B30bqr-pvUm/?igshid=yv3iz1pt0hmi
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backpackershru · 4 years
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Stay protected with these cool 3D UV protection animated face and neck covers! 😎 visit wagsnpurr.com for more design options! 👉🏼 Easy to use and clean 👉🏼 Perfect for the outdoors Grab a gift today: https://wagsnpurr.com/ ‐------------------------‐-------------⠀⠀ Follow for store deals - @wagsnpurr ⠀⠀⠀ ‐------------------------‐-------------⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ #wagsnpurr #bandanastyle #bandanabib #bandanababy #bandanalucu #bandanasfordogs #bandanaspet #bandanapremium #bandanascarf #bandanadog #bandanaprint #bandanagirl #bandanaboy #bandanaswag #bandanagang #facecoveringmask #facecoveringuk #facecovermask #facecoverup #facecoverchallenge #facecoveringselfie #facecoveringsforkids #facecoverd #facecoveringsrequired #facecoveringsforsale #facecoveringsuk #facecoverage #facecoveringforsale #facecoveringrequired #facecoversforsale https://www.instagram.com/p/CDxb44-pG6Q/?igshid=lvukr7jpu2kq
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jamiesonwolf · 5 years
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Anakin is looking fabulous in his bandana! #Anakin #bandanaboy https://www.instagram.com/p/B7OuIouH_zI/?igshid=12q0mkga5il88
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‘A bandana my son actually wears... He has three types of hats and caps, but this is the only thing he wears. Good stuff’ - Thanks to the mama for this sweet review and photo! Une autre maman qui écrit que mes bandanas sont les seules choses que leur enfant accepte de porter pour protéger leur tête du soleil... #babybeachwear #bandanascarf #bandanaboy #handmadebandana #etsyseller #etsycanada #designyourown #mylittlepoppyseed https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Eiw7OHA6x/?igshid=8m2b0wfay3sf
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naenaefeathers-blog · 8 years
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dinbeskarbaby · 3 years
Breaking news-
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[creator is @bandanaboy]
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scarlettrose9901 · 2 years
Okay this quiz is insane!
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No pressure tags: @photogirl894 @tech-deck @thisistheendtimes @bandanaboy @nahoney22 @neon-junkie @darthzero22 @oneshot-one-kill
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photogirl894 · 3 years
Have you made any friends on Tumblr, and are there any in particular? Have a nice day!
Thank you, anon!! 💜💜
Oh I have made SEVERAL friends on Tumblr!!
@stormyskydancer and @phantomessangel are my longtime friends from years ago when I first joined Tumblr!
Then over the past few months since I came back, I've made so many more new and good friends: @moonstrider9904 , @darthzero22 , @tech-deck , @bad-batch-supremacy , @nimata-beroya , @samspenandsword , @fantasyproductions , @thisistheendtimes , @scarlettroseog , @echos-right-arm , @the-sad-batch , @loth-wolffe , @nahoney22 , @theoneandonlyslick , @marveloushunter , @critical-endangered , @degreeinsimping , @wompratslair , @kybacrystal , @a-crazy-starwars-fan , @ladydiomede , @bandanaboy , @robustmyaft , @athrivingpadawan , @mrskenobi677 , @pentowrite-wingstofly , @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s , @monako-jinn-stories , @d1n0-dan , @oneshot-one-kill , @captainmrsbridger , @incognito-lezbean and so many more!! 💜 Truly, these guys are all my friends and I love each and every one of them so much!!
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taleinthetail · 6 years
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Am I old enough to drink? I'm not too sure 🐶🐶🐶 . . . . . #leothelab #bandanaboy #dinobandana #dinosaurprint #dogbeer #pawrignon #petwinery #drinkup #drink #humpday #puppyeyes #sceptic #instacute #dailyfluff #cutedogs #buzzfeedanimals #dogoftheday #labradorable #labradorlove #dailylab #labs_of_insta #petblogger #dogblog https://www.instagram.com/p/BofoOsyl6s0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m2zs9t6xq7ot
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sunnirunt · 5 years
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Here is a picture of my cat. His name is Elvis and I love him :)
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hopeaterart · 4 years
Me: puts Badass Holly in Family reunion.
My good friend Bandanaboi, every single person in the comments on AO3, probably the people who liked the post on this hellsite and also me:
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chipmunkfanno1love · 4 years
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This is a concept poster for my upcoming Varian spin-off fanfic “Varian and the Secret of the Portals”. I give most to the credit to my husband in helping me make the poster with the use of Paint.net and the animation program blender to make my own version of the Demanitus Portal. I had the references and ideas, but my husband was the one who helped me bring this poster to life, and I’m grateful to him for his help in this.
I give credit to YouTube artists Daria_Sound and Надежда Сергеева whose original ideas gave me my own ideas for a Varian spin-off title page. Check out their videos here.
Daria_Sound title: https://youtu.be/ncoMMDCeP3w
 Надежда Сергеева title: https://youtu.be/-m4-3G__Ak4
I give thanks to @bandanaboys for all the help and feedback she’s given me so far with my story. I’m very grateful for her help.
I give thanks and praise to God for giving me all these great fanfic ideas, and hope and pray He’ll continue to help me in working towards completing my story. I look forward to sharing my ideas with you guys, and hope you’ll give my story read when I finally publish it on Fanfiction. I’ll send my chapter update links here when they are done. https://www.instagram.com/p/CA9scS2FPz0w9U8tzrJ_Y9aMaHBeaAELkU5az40/?igshid=1t0t2y9qe6f7v
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ayearoferewhon · 5 years
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#Repost @dustinthewind6
At one with nature. The most rejuvenating feeling for me 🍑 swipe for a hump day treat!
#nature #hotsprings #nudist #bum #bandanaboy #sunbathing #adventures #bodypositivity #hikingadventures
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stefanzhu · 7 years
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selfie in the morning, after the party, before the afterparty 🤙 #toocoolforschool #bandanaboy #rotterdam (at BAR)
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curiouscast-a-blog · 5 years
[text] tell me again why i agreed to this? ( lucas @ max )
[ sms ⇢ bandanaboy ] because you have no other friends[ sms ⇢ bandanaboy ] c’mon don’t be a wet blanket[ sms ⇢ bandanaboy ] if you don’t wanna stake out the creepy house then don’t come[ sms ⇢ bandanaboy ] but when you don’t have any cool stories on monday that’s on YOU@didntlie
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