#bara underswap sans
freshieautoybox · 1 year
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hes a lorge boi
BB is a bara Underswap Sans that loves cuddles!! among other things ;D
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hanzidanzi · 1 year
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Just some sans🙇‍♀️
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spookuzm · 2 months
So uh I'm just gonna post my one shot from three months ago here
You can also read it on AO3
I'm kinda nervous for sharing this but I hope you guys will like this...
Tw: Brief mention of abuse, slightly suggestive (aka flirting)
You had been living with the skeletons for a while now. You get along with most of them, thankfully. Then one day, the skeletons decided that you were trustworthy enough to let you in a very big secret— all of them were the same two monsters; Sans and Papyrus!
And if that wasn’t shocking enough for you... They were also hiding their other alternates! The bigger versions of themselves!
Nervous to meet them was an understatement. Especially Red’s bigger alternate self. Just the thought of that made you terrified to your core. Red alone was scary enough for you, thank you very much.
Read under the cut
“So wait,” you started, baffled by this. “The Multiverse Theory is true, and all of you are the same two monsters? Like, no joke?”
“yep,” Classic said, popping the ‘p’. “i may be a comedian, but there are some things even i won’t joke about. and this is one of them.” he gestured to himself and then to Blue and Red. Blue waved enthusiastically with a beaming smile as Red scoffed at the attention.
This was insane but the proof was literally right in front of you, and Classic himself even showed you the machine that pulled them into this timeline.
“But why..?” You muttered under your breath, gaining the trio’s attention. “Why trust me?”
“dats cause yer pathetic,” Red said harshly as you shrank from his words. Blue sent him a disappointed glare before turning to you with a gentle smile.
You felt your heart warm up as you blushed slightly, giving him a soft smile. Blue has always been a positive guy, always spreading cheer to anyone around him. And the same goes to Creampuff. The three of you were the best of friends.
Red grumbled bad-temperedly as he left the room, Classic just shrugged at the interaction before teleporting away.
Blue lets out a ‘tsk’ before grabbing your hand as he begins to lead you to somewhere. “LET’S GO TO THAT RESTAURANT WE WERE TALKING ABOUT EARLIER, BEFORE THE WHOLE MULTIVERSE REVELATION THING.”
You arrived at where the skeletons parked their vehicles. Blue’s ride was a blue motorcycle, and he calls it ‘his precious’.
“Uh, sure,” you agreed, watching as Blue hopped on his motorcycle and put on a helmet.
“AND, FRIEND?” he said your name nervously as he gave you a helmet and you put it on, making sure it’s secured onto your head. You adjusted the straps, feeling the reassuring click of the buckle.
Blue inserted the key and brought the motorcycle to life, the roar of the engine echoing through the quiet lodge. “Yes?” you replied, hopping on the back.
He looked at you in concern, frowning. You stared at him for a moment before chuckling as you pat his shoulder in reassurance. “Blue, it doesn’t change a thing at all. You guys are so different from each other despite being the same person. I still see you as the Magnificent Blue. Classic as his punny self, Black as his calm and collected self, and Red’s a jerk.”
Blue sighed in relief before smiling once more. “LOOKS LIKE MY WORRIES WERE FOR NOTHING THEN.” he said as he revved the engine, propelling the motorcycle forward with a confident twist of the throttle.
It was now the next day since they revealed their shocking secret to you. Nothing really changed, it was still the same as ever. And you aren’t planning to tell anybody.
You made your way to the kitchen, wanting to get some coffee as you stretched a bit. You glanced around as you recalled when you first got invited to live in with the skeletons. Blue was the one who instigated that invitation when he witnessed you get kicked out from your abusive ex.
You bumped into Black along the way as you stammered out an apology. He scoffed indignantly at that before he spoke. “HUMAN, I SUPPOSED THAT THE INSUFFERABLE VANILLA FINALLY TOLD YOU THE TRUTH?”
You tilted your head in confusion. “Vanilla? Do you mean Classic?”
“YES, NOW ANSWER MY QUESTION, HUMAN.” he spat as he crossed his arms, waiting for your answer.
“If you mean all of you being the same two monsters, then yes, he did.” You replied.
He nodded solemnly. “GOOD. NOW, THAT’S ONE WEIGHT OFF OUR SHOULDERS.” he stated vaguely, looking thoughtful.
“Huh? What do you mean?” You asked him as he stared at you for a moment.
“WOULD YOU BELIEVE ME IF I SAID THAT THERE ARE OTHER SANSES AND PAPYRUSES WE’RE HIDING?” Black told you with a smug grin, which caught you off guard. This was the first time you saw him having a different expression other than a neutral scowl.
You stepped back from shock, feeling a migraine coming from this sudden revelation. “Oh for star’s sake, dude, really?” you asked exasperatedly as he laughed, amused from your reaction.
You sighed tiredly, rubbing your temples. “Well, at least you told me now rather than later. I really don’t want to suddenly see a new skeleton and not expect it.”
You went past him, wanting to grab a coffee. He followed you to the kitchen, and requested for coffee as well. You gave him it and cooked breakfast with Black for everyone in the lodge.
You placed all of the pancakes on the dining table, knowing full well that the lazy or laidback skeletons will wake up soon.
“So, how many of them are there? And what are they like?” You questioned him curiously as you took a sip from your coffee, sighing contently.
You hummed, nodding along. “They are pretty much clones.” you couldn't help but comment.
“INDEED,” Black nodded as he drank his coffee. “BUT OF COURSE, THERE ARE SOME DIFFERENCES…” he trailed off for dramatic effect, making you anxious.
“Like what?” You asked, sweating slightly.
“Holy shi-” You backpedaled when he narrowed his eye sockets at you. “Schnitzel! That’s crazy!” You quickly said.
He snorted in amusement as you slumped in your chair, staring at the ceiling. You wondered what they are like. Are they the same as the skeletons you know in terms of personality? Then your thoughts eventually landed on Red— the guy who always seems to despise you, perpetually in a sour mood every time you see him. Even his brother, Edge, managed to be friendly with you, despite his backhanded speech.
What was the bigger version of Red like? Was he the same as Red? Just imagining Red, but so much larger, looking down at you with scorn… The thought of it terrifies you.
“I don’t know, Black.” you muttered, uncertain about meeting them today.
You thought about it once more, once again terrified meeting a larger version of Red. But after a few moments, you eventually nodded. Black huffed as he finished his coffee as Rus walked in, yawning.
Rus was a very quiet guy, only speaking when Black addressed him. You watched as Black yelled at him to get his own coffee, and Rus complied.
Rus took Black’s empty plate and mug, and surprisingly, yours too. He usually doesn’t want to involve himself with you, always so distant. Maybe he’s just in a good mood, You deduced.
You shrank in your seat, disappointed yet understanding. “Alright, I’ll go do just that. Thanks, Blank, it was nice chatting with you.” You said sincerely. If Black didn’t have his back turned, you could’ve seen the purple blush on his face.
You heard him huff before he left the room, leaving you alone with Rus.
You tried to start a conversation with him, but he only ignored you. You supposed that it was okay, the silence was comfortable anyway. You eventually decided to find Classic or Blue, to take you to the other skeletons Black was talking about. You waved Rus goodbye before going on a search to find Classic or Blue.
You couldn’t find Blue and Classic anywhere. You went to their rooms but nothing. You even go to their favorite spots in the lodge, also not finding them there. You were getting a bit frustrated trying to find them before you bumped into Red.
“so what got you all worked up, huh?” Red spat, looking at you in disdain, and you felt yourself getting irritated by his gaze.
You clenched your jaw, trying to maintain your composure. “I’ve been looking for Classic and Blue, but I can’t seem to find them anywhere.”
“they’re visiting their friends together,” He shrugged.
“Their friends?” You asked curiously, calming down a bit.
“yeah,” he said simply. “and what do you need them for?” Now it was his turn to ask.
“Black told me that I should go meet the other skeletons you guys are hiding.” you told him bluntly. “And he said that I should go ask Classic or Blue so I can meet them.”
Red scoffed, crossing his arms. “of course that fucker did.” he grumbled. “if ya want to find classic and blue, they’re actually with the others right now.”
You deflated. “Oh, okay then.”
Red stared at you, then groaned, running a hand over his face. “aight, stop making that dumb as fuck face, i’ll take you over there instead. i was gonna go there anyway.”
“Really!?” you beamed, grabbing his hands in your excitement.
“yes, now can you let go of my hands.” he scowled at you, sweating a bit.
You blushed slightly before letting go of his hands, embarrassed. Red sighed before walking to the door that leads outside.
“ya coming or not?” he called out as he opened the door.
You ran up to him.
You and Red were walking deep into a forest, surrounded by the sublime sights of nature. You were starting to think anxiously— thinking that Red was planning to murder you or something, finally getting rid of the person he despised.
As you look around your surroundings, you couldn’t help but glance at Red every now and then. He was ignoring you as he walked forward, an awkward expression on his face, sweating.
Ok, maybe you’re overthinking things; maybe Red was really leading you to wherever the other skeletons were, and not planning to kill you. But it was extremely awkward— you couldn’t muster up the courage to start a conversation with him at all. It was just that awkward.
But this was so much better than his usual demeanor; completely standoffish around you.
Red suddenly stopped in his tracks, and you followed suit, albeit in confusion. Then he pulled out a futuristic-looking device, pressing a couple of buttons. You watched as the trees in front of you shifted into a large mansion, making you gape.
“WHAT?!?” you screamed, trying to process what had just transpired. If you were looking at Red at that moment, you could’ve seen him looking slightly amused at your reaction.
“a big house for big idiots,” Red stated as he walked towards the mansion. You stood there for a moment before catching up to him.
The two of you eventually reached the fancy-looking front door as Red rang the doorbell. You heard loud noises coming from the other side, making you nervous. You watched as the door swayed open, revealing Blue, but he was much larger, making you feel tiny.
“Oh, Red! And You Have Brought A Friend Along!” his voice boomed. He had the same volume as Blue, thankfully. Though you had a feeling that it wasn’t his real volume.
“fuck no, they ain’t my friend.” he scowled.
“So, Just Acquaintances?” Larger Blue questioned, tilting his head in confusion. Red nodded at that as you sighed.
“Yeah, we’re just acquaintances, uh-” You trailed off when you didn’t know his name.
“Oh! I Forgot To Introduce Myself, Silly Me!” He chuckled heartily as Red went past him, getting inside the mansion. Larger Blue ignored him as he beamed at you. “I Am The Grand And Dashing Azure, At Your Service, Maiden!”
Aww, that’s such a fitting name— Wait, Did he call you maiden?!?
You blushed slightly as you told him your name. He knelt down as he kissed your hand gently, making your face explode, flustered.
He chuckled as he gestured for you to come in, a warm and welcoming smile on his face. “Come In To Our Lovely Abode, Dear Maiden. No Need To Be Shy.” You snapped out of your daze as you stepped in.
“Uh, Azure, have you seen Classic and Blue anywhere?” You asked as you watched your steps, feeling unworthy of walking around in such a grand mansion.
“They’re In The Living Room, Informing Us About You, Actually.” Azure hummed. “They Have Told You About Us Being All The Same Two Monsters, Right? Sans And Papyrus?”
You nodded as you smiled up at him, he smiled back but with a faint blush in his cheekbones.
He led you to the living room. If he weren’t there to guide you, you definitely would’ve gotten lost. You looked around in awe, spinning around. You caught Azure looking at you with adoration; you swear you saw his blue eye lights become hearts for a second.
You then suddenly got tackled into a tight hug. You knew who was hugging you, after all, he was the only person to tackle someone into a hug.
“MY FRIEND! YOU’RE HERE!” Blue exclaimed happily, making you giggle.
“Indeed I am,” You said as you hugged back.
Then Classic and his bigger self approached you, curious about the commotion. The gaze of Classic’s larger self landed on you, eye lights dilating. You don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. Blue stopped hugging you as you looked between Classic and bigger Classic.
“sup, kid. looks like you’re here.” Classic greeted you, his trademark grin on his face. Bigger Classic continued to stare at you, his eye lights wobbly, blushing slightly.
“Mhm. Red helped me get here, actually.” All of the skeletons present were genuinely surprised at that.
“MWEH HEH HEH! IT SEEMS RED IS FINALLY OPENING UP TO YOU!” Blue laughed as the others chuckled.
You blinked, recalling Red’s face as he led you earlier in your mind. “You really think so?”
You giggled at that, before looking up to the bigger Classic, who seemed to flinch at your gaze, his blue blush became brighter. The others were trying really hard not to laugh, they would feel very bad for him if they do. 
You watched as he started to sweat nervously, looking away from you. You feel bad for this sweetie, he was just really shy and anxious to meet strangers like you. You were like him once, but you got over your anxiety after you met Blue. He was very gentle with you, always soft spoken back then. 
You don't want to scare this guy.
“What’s up, big guy?” you greeted softly, smiling gently.
“um- uh, hi!” he squeaked before pulling his hood up, hiding his face from the world.
Classic nudged him gently, a smug grin on his face. “kid, we call this sweet guy ‘marsh’.” you heard Marsh groan in embarrassment at Classic’s statement.
“Aww, his name is cute! He’s really mallow out.” you giggled at your own joke. If he's anything like Classic then jokes would make him open up, right?
“oh stars- marry me.” he muttered under his breath, but you could hear him just fine, your face turned pink as you looked at him in shock.
He immediately backpedaled, his eye lights dilating in horror. “wait! i didn’t mean-!”
Classic burst out laughing, clutching his stomach, and the others followed suit. You hesitantly chuckled along when Marsh laughed awkwardly.
“ay, what’s all this ruckus about?” A deep and gruff voice interrupted, gaining your attention. You immediately shrank, already intimidated by this new large skeleton. Oh god, you dreaded this, but you need to be brave.
You were already sweating a lot, just his presence was enough to scare you. Big Red’s gaze landed on you before smiling, his red eye lights seemed to soften, which caught you off guard.
“heh,” his expression screams ‘I’ve been waiting for this moment’. “do you have a map of this place? i keep getting lost in your eyes.”
“What?” You said, dumbfounded.
He reached out to you, placing a gentle hand on your cheek, making your face explode in red. He chuckled as he spoke. “do you have sunburn in your face, or are you always this hot?”
You were stunned by the difference between him and Red.
He withdrew his hand, grinning wolfishly. “but damn, i wish i had a picture frame with me, ‘cause, sweetheart, yer picture-perfect.” He said, his voice low and suave.
The other skeletons were watching this unfold, some were amused, and some were jealous at the easy flirting.
You sent him a pointed look, pointing your finger at him. “Stop,” he chuckled as he raised his hand in surrender.
“the name's crimson. can i get yours or can i call you—”
“Oh my god, please stop.” You pleaded, groaning as you covered your face.
“aww, don’t hide your cute face, sweetheart.”
You glared at him, feeling extremely embarrassed. The skeletons in the background (except Blue, he just stood there in shock) were watching this like a romcom show, entertained, making you groan in exasperation.
Blue snapped out of whatever stupor he was in. “ALRIGHT! ENOUGH OF THIS, CRIMSON! YOU’RE MAKING THEM VERY UNCOMFORTABLE!”
But this was okay with you... You had expected the giant skeletons to be intimidating, but they weren't like that at all; they were charming, sweet, and giant softies.
Red was watching this from the background, appalled and disgusted. He just couldn’t believe that this guy was a version of him! He’s just a complete idiot!
He was embarrassed to be in the same room as Crimson. He didn’t want to be compared to that idiot.
B̶u̶t̶ ̶C̶r̶i̶m̶s̶o̶n̶ ̶ia ̶l̶i̶t̶e̶r̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶,̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶was brave enough ̶to show h̶i̶s̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶ ̶s̶e̶l̶f̶
H̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶s̶h̶e̶d̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶b̶r̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶C̶r̶i̶m̶s̶o̶n̶.̶
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wishingstarinajar · 1 year
Plz help me. I'm a staving traveler looking for sans bellies to feed my hunger plz help
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Dinner is served~
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kitsvoidcorner · 5 months
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Uhhhhhhh new year- heres some doodles of skeletons—
Silly guys indeed
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shitpostmultiverse · 2 years
runaway and hope you don’t get caught! good luck!
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“Aw hell, that boy ain’t in no real trouble Goldie. Now don’t you go getting him in none with that there suggestion.”
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0sleepforme · 3 months
Blue = Already exists
Red = Unsure if it already exists or not
Orange ☆ = From my dreams
Green = Group
Pink ○ = I don't know the name of the Au
Purple □ = Different or new Names for the look-a-likes, from New/old/Unknown Au's
White = means nothing
( But if a Pacific Au already exists, then I'm sorry, because I haven't found it anywhere)
List of who is going to be in ' Hope '
Undertale Sans: Classic
Undertale Papyrus: Papy
UnderSwap Sans: Blue
UnderSwap Papyrus: Stretch
UnderFell Sans: Fell
UnderFell Papyrus: Edge
BaraTale Sans: Bara
FellSwap-red Sans: Razz
FellSwap-red Papyrus: Mutt
Swapfell-Purple Sans: Black
SwapFell-Purple Papyrus: Rus
ReaperTale Sans: Reap
ReaperTale Papyrus: Syth
HorrorTale Papyrus: Sugar
DustSwap Sans: Phantom
DustSwap Papyrus: Orange
DreamTale: Dream
FreshTale Papyrus: Papsi
Nightmare - Papyrus: Mid
DreamSwap: Quill
Bad Sans's: Nightmare, Dust, Ash, Killer, Error and Cross
MafiaFell sans: Ruben
MafiaFell Papyrus: Noir
StoryShift Chara: Chara
MafiaTale Sans: Colt
MafiaTale Papyrus: Sniper
UnderLust Sans: Lavender/Lave
UnderLust Papyrus: Charm
FellSwap-Gold Sans: Wine
FellSwap-Gold Papyrus: Coffee
YandereFell Sans: Red
LustFell Sans: passion
AfterTale: Geno
ScienceTale: Sci
InkTale Sans: Ink
StorySwap: Toriel
FellSwap-red: Slim (but from genocide route)
( Both are jumping spiders )
SpiderTale Sans: Flip
SpiderTale Papyrus: Nip
VampireTale Sans: Dark
VampireTale Papyrus: Fang
BirdTale sans: Crow
( Different versions of:
lavender = Orch
Sci = Flor
Classic = Onyx
Crow = Arrow
Fell = Thorn
Geno = Peir
and Reaper = crescent )
OverFell Sans (GenderSwap): Mal
????: Unfresh, (Both fell verse) pallet and Goth.
Bitty MerTale Nightmare: Night
HorrorSwap Sans: snackers
HorrorSwap Papyrus: Carrot
Glamour Swap Sans: Berry
ButtonTale/Coraline Au:
( Different versions of
Edge, = Thread
Stretch = Belldam
Papyrus = Cotton
and Mutt/Slim = Stitch )
Fell snake bitty, Papyrus: Spicy
Fell snake bitty, Sans: Pepper
I need some help with new names on this Au, please 🙏
Bara - PoliceTale:
(Different versions of
Classic =
Papyrus =
Fell =
Edge =
Blue =
Stretch =
Razz =
Mutt =
Horror =
Nightmare =
and Error = )
I'll draw out new faces once they appear in the book!
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Shark bitty: UnderSwap Sans
UnderSwap Sans Shark
Name: Lemon
Species: Lemon shark
Size: 2 - 4 feet total, 8 - 10 inches standing(Fullsize), 12 - 18 inches total, 5 - 7 inches standing(mini), 12 - 15 feet total, 5 - 7 feet standing(bara)
Personality: Super affectionate, easily jealous at times, cuddly, playful,
Likes: sand, colorful items, affection, praise, a heat lamp or sunny window to shin where he can lay in the mornings or a heating rock, head pats, pets, affection, attention, warmer waters,
Dislikes: being ignored, being alone for to long, colder grounds, colder waters, pushy bittes, or ones that mess with their colorful rocks without permission,
Compatibility: These bitties are super tolerant and rarely bite! And even when they do it wont really hurt you much-
They are super affectionate and often get jealous of those they've bonded with if they arent in their pod! Or what they consider to be their pod
It's good for their mental health to have sand to hide in in their tank! They dont care if they arent the same color as the sand either! They still shimmy in and they love to pop out at other bitties and their owners!
They like being man-handled a little lol, like being spun or even gently tossed in the water if they can be lifted! As long as it doesnt hurt they love it and will always come back for more! Shake em like a salt shaker for enrichment,
They love colorful rocks, and love to sort them and then mix them back up again!
They prefer larger homes, with bitties in and out of water!
They prefer being able to see other bitties when they can eat and need at least 3-4 other mer bitties in their tank with them!
In the morning when they wake up, this will go to a more secluded area of the tank, and lay down to 'exercise' to wake themselves up while their Remora clean them for the day! Since they constantly need to pump water over their gills when they sit still it takes more energy to do that than to swim!
Bara lemons will often get sand and rocks all over the place, so put their tank in a room dedicated to it!
Lemons often need praise and affection very frequently, and are very proud of who they are!
Feeding habits: Shark bitties are carnivores, though can eat other things as they are made of magic!
They arent super picky but often burry themselves half under the sand to eat! Though they love crunchier foods!
Additional info: All Shark bitties need their tails to be hydrated though can be out of water for short periods of time, but its recommended to let them stay in water for as long as possible when transporting,
Shark bitties are salt water! and can become bloated and ill if in fresh water for to long! though fresh water baths can help kill off salt water parasites,
They can survive in fresh water for a short amount of time!
Zone: Ocean,
In Universe: They’re the most popular behind Alarks, and are seen as eccentric but very cute bitties to own!
Difficulty: Basic
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undertale-museum · 27 days
Behind the Stacks
Part 2 / Part 3 (here) / Part 4
Being X's notes are interspersed with mine, Guide. Also, I did not realize but some of these exhibits Being X archived as early as 2019 Oct, only a couple months after ze joined fandom.
Note: We are not 100% sure these accounts are dead and haven't just changed usernames. Take our RIPs with a grain of salt, like we're RIPing the inconvenience of being unable to find their account.
Nekophy accidently deleted their original blog. They have salvaged some of their posts which is how the Museum acquired the ones we do have. Unfortunately, it makes the Being X notes entirely useless. :/
Comic Dubs:
Comic Dub (Goth Origin) His Story Episode 1 Part 1-3 (Ongoing) by Nekophy
[Being X] Note: For Goth origin story, watch this first, then the 21 dubber after this video.
Dead End Movie【 Undertale Comic Dub 】
[Being X] TW: Character death, Papy crying
Goth's Family (Undertale Comic Dub)
His Story
Afterdeath Part 2
Guide: His Story and Afterdeath are both part twos of comic dub series. Comic dubs are rarely deleted so the part one's are probably floating around.
Wind Walker Part 1  / Part 2 by onebizarrekai
RIP onebizarrekai
Windwalker is a comic that started in 2016, was completed by the time Being X read it in 2020 or 2021. It features Cross, Dream and Nightmare Sans with a page marker of "alot" in Being X's notes, probably indicating it's over 100 pages.
[Being X] Note: Also, it doesn’t have a super satisfying ending but the meta jokes are AMAZING.
[Blue Print Origin] / Part 2 by pepper-mint
Blue print, Blue, Ink -- InkBerry
Note: Blueprint's Birth - Undertale Au Comic Dub | ft. MrAmazingVA | / Part 2
Poetax/skeleton games
The Orb has archived some of Poetax's newer work like How to Greet a New Pal, Itty Bitty Problems and Little Story. The following links may include some of those but I believe some predate those stories.
(A001_1)What if Sans got their own Bitty?
P: 2017/9 __Pages: 4
C: HT!Sans, UF!Sans, US!Sans, UT!Sans ___ Sequel: The Itty Bitty Problems
(A001_2) The Itty Bitty Problems
P: 2017/11 _Pages: 4
C: HT!Sans, UF!Sans, US!Sans, UT!Sans
(A001_3) Bitty Papyrus ___ P:  2018/1 ____ C: UF!Papyrus, UF!Sans
(A001_4) Meet Bitty Horror… ___ P: 2018/3 ___ C: HT!Sans ___Sq: Snack
(A001_5) Bitty Berrisment  __P: 2018/6 ____Pages: 1 ___ C: UF!Sans
(A001_6) Bitty, Basic, Bara
P: 2018/6 _____Pages: 5
C: Sans, UF!Sans, US!Sans
(A001_7)Fun Times with Edgy and Red  / Part 2 /one/ Part 3
P:  2018/8___Pages: 3
C: UF!Sans
(A001_8) Snack ___ P:  2019/5____Pages: 1 ___ C: HT!Sans
(A001_9)Worth It / Must Not Pet
P:  2017/6_____Pages: 2
C: UF!Papyrus, UF!Sans
(A001_10) The hell were you expectin'
C: UF!Sans
(A001_11) Stuck in a Wall ___
(A001_12) Christmas Light Sans
C: UF!Sans
[Group Fun]
(A001_14) Ask: Gift ___
UF!Sans, US!Sans, UT!Sans
(A001_15) Clothing Swap ___
UF!Sans, US!Sans
(A001_16) Kiss and Make Up
UF!Sans, US!Sans
(A001_17)A Magnificent Halloween  ___ P:  2018/10___Pages: 1 __C: US!Sans,
(A001_18) Happy Late New Years  P:  2019/1 ____Pages: 1 ___ C: Sans, UF!Sans, US!Sans
(A001_13) How to Greet a New Pal
P:  2019/1___LU:  2019/9 ___Status: Unknown ___Pages: 6
C: UF!Papyrus, UF!Sans, UT!Sans
(A001_19) Oira Sans P:  2019/3 ____ Pages: 1 ____ C: Oira!Sans, UF!Sans
(A001_20) Fluff ___ P:  2019/6 ____ Pages: 1 ___ C: UF!Sans, UT!Sans
(A001_21)Special "Magazine" Fluff __ P:  2019/10 ___ Pages: 1 ___ C: UF!Sans, UT!Sans
Best Bitty Sans Compilation【 Undertale Comic Dubs 】
P: 2018/7
Happy Late New Year (8:26)
P: 2019/3
How to greet a new pal and cute sans【 Undertale Comic Dub 】
P: 2019/3
(A003_1) Cool Kustard Comic P:  2018____C: UF!Sans, UT!Sans
(A003_2) Believe in Yourself P:  2019/10_____C: US!Sans
Believe In Yourself! [Motivational Underswap Comic Dub]
(x) Something New
Killer Sans
[Being X] TW: Papy character death
Guide: rahafwabas left the fandom
Notes: [Genocide Warning] Undertale : "Something New" by rahafwabas
[Being X] Archive: They have a bunch of good short comics. I’m only listing one with dub.
(x) Dream's New Weapon
Dream, Ink
(x) Dream's New Costume
Dream, Ink
Note: Funny Undertale Compilation (4:00)【 Undertale Comic Dubs 】
RIP Silver Siris
You created a comic called "His Hope" in 2018 that was 13 pages long. It featured Error, Paperjam nd Science Sans.
[Being X]: It may be short but Paper Jam is very cute. Also, there is a story in Russian that might be translated into English that could be investigated.
Smashed Peaches
(A002_1)Day 8
P:  2017/10___LU:  2017/12 ___Status: Unknown ___Pages: 7
C: UF!Sans, UT!Sans    Warning: part 5 not sfw
(A002_2) [Animation] P:  2018/1____ C: UF!Sans, UT!Sans
(A002_3) Your Internal Sickness
P:  2018/1___LU:  2019/10 ___Status: Ongoing ___Pages: 17
C: UF!Sans, UT!Sans
(A002_4) [Blue Bad Dream] P:  2018/9____ C: UF!Sans, UT!Sans
(A002_5) [Flower Exchange] ___ P:  2018/7 ___ C: UF!Sans, UT!Sans
(A002_6) That’s why they can’t sleep well at nights  ___ P:  2018/2____C: UF!Sans, UT!Sans
Note: Funny Undertale Shorts Compilation and Best Sans Part 18【 Undertale Comic Dubs 】 [7:40] and [6:14]
[Being X] TW: tumblr page contains a lot of sui*cide imagery, (3) self*harm cutting, alc*ohol consumption
[Being X] Note to Self: The fourth one is pretty and the beginning is really heart warming but unless in good spirits, don’t check it out. Internal Sickness (3) is pretty good and has a tone that is dark and improves as Edgy and Classic work on their relationship.
Hungertale by Sonocomics
P:  2015/10 ___Pages: 62+
Note: Dub Undertale Compilation: Bacon/Hunger Tale (Full Series)
[Being X] Note to Self: I haven’t read the comic yet but generally the dub is light hearted.
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2tiredgal · 1 year
I am still looking for 18+ roleplay partners that can be active and at least do one or two paragraphs in response! My current fandom is Undertale and all its AUs (Bara Sans are fucking most welcome!). I ship only fontcest, sanscest, and papcest. I do not accept genderbents or do f/m ships. I will list all the characters I can play as down below. If this interests you at all please message me on my discord at 2tiredgal. I do have an OC and do take Ocs, though I do prefer doing fontcest, sanscest, and papcest.
Sans; Undertale (Comic), Underlust (Sugar Plum), Underfell (Pepper), Horrortale (Blackberry), Nightmare, Underswap (Blueberry), Fell Lust (Red Velvet), Error
Papyrus; Underlust (Passion), Underswap (Stretch / Honey), Fellswap (Hickory)
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toothlespoggers · 1 year
Okay, so you know how some people are like "Fanon swap sans is better!" and others are like "No, Canon Swap sans is better!"(i'm not sure if they still argue about this.) what if we combine canon and fanon swap, and we get a swap sans that pretends he hates puns but still makes them, but also has a childish attitude(I feel like i'm describing bara swap-)
I’m confused on why you’re asking me this as I’m not a swap creator and not sure how to respond to this but that’s cool! *pretends to understand underswap aus*
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wishingstarinajar · 2 years
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It's mah bestie @stankychee's birthday so to celebrate, I drew a few of our 'canon' ships for her. 
We have:
Orange and Chromie
Boulder and Shard
Hex and Indi
Emperor and Slasher
and lastly, Knight and Monarch.
Happy birthday!!!
~*~ Underswap belongs to the Undertale AU community Cybertales belongs to Stankychee Error!Sans belongs to crayonqueen | loverofpiggies Ink!Sans belongs to Comyet | Mye Bi Killer!Sans belongs to RahafWabas Shattered!Dream belongs to Galacii | Dreamtale belongs to Jokublog Cross!Sans belongs to Jakei
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underswapcolor · 11 months
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The official blog for Underswap!COLOR, an Undertale AU created by @wishingstarinajar and inspired by Popcornpr1nce's Underswap and its fandom iterations. Here you'll find Underswap!COLOR-related art and fan art, answered Asks and other things.
✦ Main tags:
#big blue (#bara sans) and #orange
#Q and A
#underswap!color fan art
✦ Asks: Open on @wishingstarinajar! Feel free to ask any questions about the AU and its characters there.
✦ Trigger warnings: There might be some sanscest/papcest/cross-au fontcest here.
✦ FAQ: Currently under construction. You can read the general FAQ here.
✦ Several story arcs and moments in Underswap!COLOR are a collab with Cybertale's creator @stankychee. ====
⦾ Gift and fan art of Underswap!COLOR are supported. Please tag/credit me so I can give it all of my love! ⦾ Please DO NOT roleplay as my characters or make character AI/chatbots of them. ⦾ Please DO NOT repost, edit, trace or sell my art and designs.
Undertale belongs to Toby Fox. Underswap belongs to Popcornpr1nce and the Undertale AU community.
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sourbitties · 6 months
Underswap Sans Octopus Bitty
Name: Flapjack
Species: Flapjack Octopus
Height: 1-2 Feet (Fullsize), 7-8 inches (Mini), 3-4 Feet (Bara)
Personality: Passionate, Dutiful, Driven
Description: Flapjacks are great for people who need someone to look after and take care of other bitties in their tanks!
These bitties are loyal and always have a need to do something, whether it be patrolling their tank or playing with other bitties! If not given something to do, they’ll often try to… improvise.
From cleaning their entire tank— which, if you’re taking care of them properly, can get pretty big— to trying to escape their tank to cook something, these bitties are passionate about what they do and will keep doing what they’re doing until either the task is done or they’re told that they can stop.
Flapjacks are for owners who can give them things to do at all times, so floaty toys and enrichment activities are a must! Things like structures they can play hide and seek in, or can swim laps around, are needed for these bitties!
Diet: Octopus bitties primarily eat seafood, such as clams and mussels, snails and sea slugs, crabs and lobsters, and other fish!
Octopus bitties often don’t like being fed by hand— rather, they’d prefer it if you put their food in their tanks and let them grab it themselves!
Additional Info: All aquatic bitties need to have their tails/tentacles hydrated at all times! Though you can remove them from water for very short amounts of time, they should be kept in water for the majority of their lives!
Octopus bitties are saltwater! Putting them in a freshwater tank for too long may result in them getting sick or bloated. However, short amounts of time in freshwater can help kill parasites!
Reputation: These bitties are very common with aquatic bitty owners, especially ones with rowdy bitties who need to be looked after!
Difficulty: Easy
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shenzcorner · 4 years
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Are you happy now @rofa1309? You got me out here drawing this and my heart is threatening to explode.
I think I’ll call him Buck. 
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vex-bittys · 4 years
Adventures in Baratale: Feelin’ Blue (BONUS chapter)
Baratale AU and characters by staxurst.
WARNING: NSFW (18+ only), language, explicit sexual content, public sex, outdoor sex
As Blue’s official datemate, you had absolutely no complaints about your love life. Blue might very well be the perfect boyfriend, yet you suspected that some of his excessive generosity as a lover stemmed from the way you’d started your relationship. Blue felt guilty about meeting you- and having world-shaking sex with you, multiple times- during a dominant heat, and every action he took as your boyfriend now seemed like an attempt to make up for it.
Blue always listened thoughtfully to the things you told him, and because of his attentiveness, he always took you on the most spectacular dates. At first, he had been tentative in the bedroom, obviously not wanting you to assume that he only wanted you around for sexual reasons. You reassured him enough to discover that, when not fueled by his heat cycle, Blue was the type of skeleton who preferred to focus on his partner’s pleasure. All in all, things were going great...
… except that you often felt like you weren’t contributing much to the relationship. Blue planned and paid for all of the amazing dates. Blue curled your toes in the bedroom and made your throat raw from screaming in pleasure. You just went along with his ideas, and you didn’t enjoy being what amounted to a relationship freeloader. Blue deserved a datemate who could be his equal, especially in the “spoiling your partner” department, so you did what any loving datemate would do.
You devised a clever ruse to lure Blue into a perfect date of your own diabolical creation.
First, you enlisted the help of a friend, swearing them to secrecy. Next, you joined your partner in espionage to choose an outfit suitable for the occasion. You laid the trap for Blue the next time you talked to him.
“I just found out that the National Park has a pair of baby deer who were orphaned. You can actually watch the little fawns being bottle fed at the Visitor Center,” you told Blue, nearly jumping up and down in excitement. Blue watched you with gentle eyelights, smiling at your enthusiasm. He may have been a big, burly skeleton monster, but he adored baby animals. There was no way he could resist your invitation. “Let’s go see them this weekend. Please?”
“OF COURSE, HUMAN. ANYTHING FOR YOU,” the sweet skeleton replied, just as you knew he would.
Walking through the Visitor Center hand-in-hand with Blue almost made you forget that the focus of your plan was showing Blue a good time and eventually seducing him. You ran from display to display, and Blue followed along, laughing at your exuberant antics. You stood together, marveling at an exhibit showing various animal skulls then laughed at each other’s attempts to mimic the bird calls from another exhibit.
A voice over the PA system announced that the twin fawns would be making their appearance in a matter of minutes. Blue feigned helplessness, letting you pull him by the arm to a huge bank of floor-to-ceiling windows that provided a viewing area for the wildlife programs. Blue slipped one strong arm around your waist as you watched the baby deer drinking from bottles held by their handlers. One of the fawns sneezed and sprayed milk onto the person feeding him. The other fawn tugged and chewed at his bottle, impatient to fill his tiny tummy.
You ended up enjoying the date portion of your scheme as much as Blue did. As the handlers led the baby deer back to their enclosure, one of them looked up at you and gave a discreet thumbs up, the signal to initiate phase 2 of the seduce and destroy mission.
“This way,” you called at Blue over your shoulder, heading through the gift shop to a set of double doors that led out to the hiking trails. Standing outside in the summer sunshine, Blue’s eyelights regarded you with uncertainty.
“ARE YOU SURE YOU CAN HIKE COMFORTABLY IN THAT OUTFIT?” he asked. Blue had noticed your oh-so-short skirt; in fact, he’d been ogling it the entire time the pair of you had been in the Visitor Center. Fortunately, Blue cared more about your safety and comfort than about sexy appearances. The big skeleton didn’t want to risk poison ivy, bug bites, or scratches from thorns causing you even the slightest bit of discomfort or harm.
“We’re just going to the wildflower field, silly,” you told him, poking him playfully in the tummy. “And don’t act like you don’t like the skirt.”
Blue chuckled, and it sounded like a lion’s purr. “I THINK I MIGHT BE ENJOYING THAT SKIRT A LITTLE TOO MUCH, ACTUALLY. IT’S DIFFICULT TO CONCENTRATE ON OUR DATE WHEN YOU’RE DRESSED IN SOMETHING SO TANTALIZING,” he admitted, and a bright blue blush sprang to life on his cheekbones. Silently, you cheered. Everything was working out just the way you’d imagined it. All you needed to do now was steer Blue towards the wildflower field and its convenient benches.
“This way!” You pointed to a sign at a trailhead. You didn’t need the sign; you’d been to the wildflower field many times before. The trail bordered a huge clearing where a variety of wildflowers grew, a natural display of vibrant rainbow colors. Honey bees swarmed to the field in late spring and early summer, pollinating the flowers and generally ignoring the guests. Sometimes you could even spot large, round bumblebees lazily trundling from flower to flower.
You had chosen this location for its beauty but also because there was only one entry or exit point and plenty of benches tucked away between the few tall trees that flanked the field. You darted over to one of the benches and pulled Blue down beside you. The wildflowers perfumed the air around you in the scent of classic romance, but you weren’t here for austere romantic overtures. You were here for some wild, kinky sex.
“This area sure is secluded,” you said innocently, watching Blue’s reactions out of the corner of your eye.
“IS IT?” Blue asked, catching on to your game immediately.
“Yup, you could do anything you wanted here, and nobody would even see it.”
“ANYTHING, HUH??” Blue’s hand snuck up to cup the back of your head, and he kissed you deeply. Ever the gentleman, Blue assumed that this area was for passionate, but chaste, makeout sessions, and as much as you loved the feel of his mouth and tongue against yours, you wanted more. You wanted to offer him a guilty pleasure that he enjoyed but rarely indulged in- outdoor sex.
Pushing Blue back, you straddled him, pressing your skimpy panties against the rapidly growing bulge straining at the fabric of his pants. His breathing sped up, and his hands slid down to your back, supporting you. Reaching up, you unbuttoned your shirt to show off a bra that matched the panties- skimpy and lacy… and easily shoved down to expose your breasts. You leaned in close to Blue’s ear canal and whispered: “Fuck me.”
The big skeleton didn’t need any encouragement. His hands found your ass and grabbed on tightly, lifting you. You tugged at his waistband, struggling to pull it over his throbbing cock. Blue quickly nudged your panties aside and spread your slick pussy lips with his fingers, his breathing rough and hot against your neck when he felt how wet with arousal you were.
Slowly and gently, Blue lowered you onto his cock, and you guided him inside you, gasping when his thick shaft stretched your pussy wide and slid into you. Blue kissed you again, letting you taste his moans as he began to rock his hips, shallowly thrusting into your tight little hole. Your breasts bounced with every movement, erect nipples brushing the soft fabric of Blue’s shirt.
“CLEVER HUMAN,” Blue murmured, burying his face in the curve of your neck.”EXPLOITING ALL OF MY WEAKNESSES.” 
You opened your mouth to deliver a clever response, but Blue increased the speed and power of his thrusts. His cock slid in and out of your pussy faster and faster as he lifted and lowered you in rhythm with the bucking of his hips. The thick shaft left you overfilled and desperately empty in turns, and each time he buried himself inside of you, he penetrated you so deeply that you wanted to scream with pleasure.
“SHH,” Blue said softly. “IF YOU’RE NOT QUIET, WE’LL BE CAUGHT.”
After he spoke, Blue let his mouth wander up your neck to your jawline, then to your mouth. You opened your mouth to let his tongue in, but he nipped your lip sharply, making you gasp. The sound made his cock twitch inside of you, and you instinctively angled your hips for even deeper penetration. Sweat beaded on Blue’s skull with the intensity of his thrusts, the sensation of dragging his cock along every slick, sensitive inch of your pussy, and the way you tightened around him in response as if your entire body wanted to hold him inside of you.
One of Blue’s hands stayed splayed across your lower back and the other rose to frantically knead at one of your breasts. Your moans mingled in the insignificant amount of space between you. You wanted to throw your head back and be as loud as you could, crying out his praises to the sun and sky, and only pressing your hand over your mouth kept the sounds from spilling out.
Blue raised his eyelights to meet your gaze, staring at you with a mixture of blazing desire and boundless love. “HUMAN,” he groaned, his entire body shuddering, “HUMAN… I’M… I’M SO… CLOSE… I'M GONNA…”
“Cum inside me,” you ordered, the command barely audible but instantly obeyed. His cock slammed into you, and his mouth covered yours to swallow your cries as your pussy swallowed his thick loads of cum. His cock throbbed, pouring more and more of his hot seed into you. Your body shook then stiffened as your own orgasm rocked you. Your fingers dug into Blue’s scapulae; your pussy clamped down on his cock,and a fresh shudder of pleasure rippled through Blue’s huge body.
You fell forward onto Blue’s chest, panting and satisfied, and he wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head while his cock throbbed, still hilted in your pussy with your arousal and his cum dribbling down onto it. A voice drifted over to you from the trailhead, interrupting your peaceful moment of post-orgasm bliss.
“Welcome to the wildflower field,” your friend bellowed at a volume level that would have been unnecessary unless they knew that a human and her skeleton boyfriend were fornicating on the park benches. “Before you check out the trail, you’ll want to grab one of these pamphlets to help you identify the different types of flowers.”
By the time the bewildered hikers, pamphlets in hand, wandered down the trail to your bench, you and Blue had separated. Blue sat with one leg crossed over the other to hide any telltale dampness on his pants. You were on the other end of the bench, hoping that you’d buttoned your shirt correctly and that nothing incriminating would spill down your legs. Once the hikers passed, you made your escape.
Blue swept you up into his arms, insisting that your legs must be tired from the “hike.” He carried you back to the gift shop and offered to buy you a bottle of water if you needed it. You did, but you insisted on paying for it, though Blue didn’t put you down once during the transaction. You sipped your water, scowling without any real malice behind it.
“It was my turn to arrange a perfect date for you,” you scolded gently. 
Blue’s chest rumbled against your body with another of his deep chuckles. “SILLY, HUMAN. I AM THE REIGNING CHAMPION OF ROMANCE! IT IS MY SWORN DUTY TO PROPERLY COURT YOU!”
You narrowed your eyes in an adorable fake glare. “I’m going to take your title someday,” you warned playfully, shaking a fist at him.
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