wraithdolll · 5 months
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sandwing garbo
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pigeon-dyke · 1 month
[Patient Checkup Report, from the office of M. Washington M.D.]
Today is the fourth monthly checkup for “Pigeon” [LEGAL NAME REDACTED].
Pigeon (as it would like to be called from now on), has been taking an experimental variation of HRT, or Humanity Removal Therapy, for the last four months. This has been undertaken with the goal of transforming her into an anthropomorphic pigeon-human hybrid. Notes on its transition status are as follows; 
Physical Changes
The most notable change so far is the patient’s feather development. The quill growth was noted extensively in its last visit, but they have sprouted and developed barbs and barbicels at an unprecedented rate. Many of the patient’s primary feathers have now fully formed, and the amount of bare skin visible is decreasing daily. 
I expressed my concerns about this quickened pace of transition, and suggested that the dosage be lowered, but the patient says it prefers these fast changes. As long as there is no physical danger in this dosage, I will follow the patient’s wishes. 
The shape and structure of Pigeon’s skull has begun shifting, with the beginnings of a beak evident around its mouth. The patient has described a dull, ache of a pain, but says it is nothing she “can’t handle”. I have prescribed her low strength painkillers as a precaution, as the discomfort is likely to increase steadily as the beak takes shape. 
The patient has also described “weird” feelings in its arm joints, likely the start of wing formation. According to measurements, its arms have grown roughly 3 inches longer since the last visit, and close observation shows that thick flaps of skin are developing between the patient's forearms and brachia. I have made a note to monitor this area closely in future visits. 
Mental Changes 
Going through the mental changes with Pigeon has been a somewhat complex process; many inherent species instincts have appeared, and, rather than directly questioning them, the patient seems to accept them with little to no thought or anxieties. This is obviously the ideal way for mental shifts to happen in an animal transition, but it does make cataloguing individual changes rather challenging at times. 
One such example is, Pigeon neglected to mention her new, more intense nesting instincts until near the end of the visit, when she casually mentioned stopping at a store to acquire new components for her nest on her way home.  
After some directed questions, the patient also spoke about its recent, heavier prey instincts. These included deep discomfort and anxiety around large cats and birds of prey, as well as increased feelings of safety in higher, secluded spaces.
A change that she did take direct note of, however, is the newfound desire to consume insects. She phrased her discomfort with the idea as “being a bit weirded out”, but after some advising, she stated that she would try incorporating them into her diet. I have made a note to ask about progress on this during its next visit. 
Overall, Pigeon reports that she is feeling happy, and optimistic about these changes. Its transition is coming along very smoothly, and I see no need to change any medications or schedule additional checkups on top of the current monthly plan. 
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Next Part (Coming Soon!)
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fallstreakfeathers · 11 months
MORE Urogi Headcanons (+ molting)
(More) General Body HC’s
Has some downy feathers and contours on his chest that peak between his pectorals. They blend with his skin tone pretty well, but do lighten near the tips
Urogi has soft, long-shafted feathers on his upper legs, instead of furry hakama. They are most similar to an ostrich and Silkie chicken
The feathers on his thighs gradient up his lower back, eventually disappearing and leaving just his skin. They also gradient lowly on his hips, and up around his naval- covering and protecting his genitals. This is also why you can’t see his balls when he’s flying above you :) 
Chicken-man is Naked. 100% naked. Except for the string of pearls he wears as a joke because Sekido complains about his nudeness.
His hair is actually feathers that lack barbicels (like a Silkie chicken, but much longer!). Very soft to touch.
Urogi’s feathers can raise or lower as his muscles flex, which has several functions. It also makes him look a bit like a Ghibli character since his ‘hair’ poofs when excited
The scales on his arms gradually give way to flesh. They don’t suddenly stop like a glove.
Has a little finger claw under his alula, like some chickens (or a hoatzin, without the terrible smell). You likely wouldn’t know unless you messed with his wings, though.
He does raise his feathers when he’s upset to appear bigger/more intimidating…not that an Upper Rank demon is ever NOT a bit frightening to be around
Though he dives a lot during battle, his wings are meant for passive soaring and he is quite slow unless he gets enough height first. He often soars high above the other clones to scout large areas. His vision is also incredible- not quite as powerful as a bird’s but close enough that nothing really escapes his sight. Has several calls to alert the other clones of what he sees, down to specifying between a single Demon Slayer or a group, or a wandering citizen. Sharp hearing, too. If he is high enough for a good stoop, you will not see or hear him coming. Always be vigilant if you hear a bird of prey calling in the night.
Molting HCs
Molting time is the most miserable you will EVER see him, especially if it’s a full molt
Itchy bird itchy bird itchy bird itch-
Molts approximately every 4-6 physical months (accumulatory/ the time he is in psychic-baby-jail doesn’t count) Full molts are rare and, obviously, affect him the worst
Useless in battle because he cannot fly, which he relies on, and his itching is extraordinarily distracting. Urogi is left at the hideout during this time.
Preens all the time (very prideful) but it is absolutely incessant when he molts. Almost compulsive.
This is the only time he wears any sort of undergarments and it’s really just a loincloth  or something to cover his (now bare) arse, so Sekido stops complaining (Aizetsu complains too) about seeing their counterparts…sensitive bits. They also complain about how odd it looks.
Tends to hide away because he thinks he’s too ugly to look at when he’s missing so many feathers and it upsets him a lot. Doesn’t like the bald spots. Especially on his bum.
Does NOT like to be touched during this time, but simultaneously wants comfort and cuddles?? Cannot decide what he really wants. He’s even more restless than usual.
Easily irritated and can get territorial or aggressive. Has at one point been irate enough to attack Sekido. Unless Urogi comes to you, it’s honestly best to leave him alone for your own safety
His feathers grow back quite slow, especially compared to his ability to regenerate his limbs (his wings ALSO regenerate incredibly slowly. Having his wings sliced off is a huge deal to him! If you are fighting him, avoid cutting his wings because you will find that nothing you could possibly do will piss him off more… )
He was beginning a molt in his battle against Tanjiro
His wings have taken up to four days to fully regenerate with complete feathers after being sliced off. Feathers alone can take around a day and a half.
When he molts, he also loses the extra keratin on his scales along with the barb casings on his new feathers, so you’ll have a bunch of loose keratin all over the floor
Very hungry before and during the molt, needs a lot of protein. If knowing he’s eating more humans than usual bothers you, it’s best if you leave until the molt is over.
He will sleep more during the day, both because molting takes so much energy and to avoid how awful he feels
More vocal than usual during molts. Expect to hear a lot of frustrated squawking and even some tantrums. Try to have sympathy.
How to help (?):
Do NOT laugh at him! He’s already 5 kinds of miserable, already kind of self-conscious. He doesn’t need you making fun of him, even if he normally would laugh too. Assure him that he doesn’t look as bad as he thinks, even if it’s a complete lie.
On that note: try not to draw attention to anything particularly weird that he does to try to relieve his discomfort. Yes, it’s…concerning that he’s biting his own foot. Everyone is wondering why he’s chewing his talons like a mangy dog. Go about your business. Pretend not to see it.
Do NOT try to touch or help him unless he comes to you first. He is most irritable during molt and may snap or lash out at you unintentionally. He’ll apologize when he’s better, but an apology may not mean much when you have several inch-deep lacerations on your arm… However, if he wants cuddles, or for you to help him: do not refuse. He’s clingy (and bossier than usual) and he won’t hesitate to lay all his weight on you and pout until you agree to help.
Don’t pull hard on his feathers! A gentle brush with your hand is all that’s needed, and that way you don't pull any newly grown ones.
If you care about him at all, you will NOT pet his pin feathers against the grain. In fact, it’s probably a good idea not to touch his pins at all unless he says to- he would enjoy it if you would help gently release the feathers from the casing when they’re ready. 
Definitely do not intentionally injure his pin feathers. It hurts, they will bleed profusely, and he isn’t likely to forgive it.
Warm baths are great for his itching- the itching, of course, is from dander, keratin flakes, and also the pin feathers coming through his skin.
Stop him from over-preening his new feathers, as he is liable to do in his effort to distract from his discomfort.
Get him a soft blanket that won’t catch on his pins; he’s probably a bit colder than he’ll tell you!
I hope you have a good broom because you’ll be sweeping daily, if not every couple hours. It is a mess, and he actually doesn’t enjoy walking or living in the aftermath of his molt.
His scales get itchy too as the keratin falls off, and he’ll want something to rub them against
Don’t be afraid to offer him some good moisturizing lotion for that.
 Light spritzes of water also help if a bath is out of the question at the time.
Does not care that much if you happen to want to keep a feather he’s lost so feel free to snag some nice crafting stuff. Honestly it might make him feel better if you make something out of his loose feathers that you can wear- if you find yourself friends with him then it’d probably behoove you to wear his scent anyway- it will keep you safe from any lower rank demon with a functional brain :)
Praise him praise him praise him praise- Tell him how gorgeous he looks when it's over. He knows he’s pretty, but he wants to hear it from you, and he is going to show off regardless. Stroke his ego.
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simplepotatofarmer · 11 months
I have a chicken question: do the extra poofy ones like Harlow actually have fur? Is it both fur and feathers or no?
they have feathers!
the difference is, silkie feathers don't have what's called barbicel which is like.... you know with a regular feather you can kinda pull it apart and then smooth it back together? they're like little barbs that hook the feather follicles together. so silkies don't have them at all!
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so it looks like fur rather than normal feathers!
they do have regular feathers on their wings but that's primary wing feathers so they genuinely can't fly like other chickens because of their feather structure.
but it LOOKS like fur and it's so so soft. if you ever get a chance to pet a silkie, definitely take it <3 <3
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backyardchickennews · 7 months
Can Silkie Bantams Win At the Alabama Fancy Feathers Poultry Show? If you are looking for a great place to exhibit your silkie birds, the Alabama Fancy Feathers PoULTRY SHOW is the place to go. The show is held each year in Montgomery, Alabama and has become a popular destination for poultry enthusiasts from all over the world. Silkie Bantams are a unique breed of chicken, with feathers that resemble silk and quills. Their feathers are composed of a web made up of tiny strands held together by small barbicels. https://backyardchickennews.com/can-silkie-bantams-win-at-the-alabama-fancy-feathers-poultry-show-2/?feed_id=3821&_unique_id=65cf5120705d4
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neurotypical-karen · 4 years
You’re just jealous of my extra toes and lack of functioning barbicels
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Wow!  Thank you😁❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Silkies are known for their unique genetic twist which gives them an additional 1 or 2 toes per foot. While most types of chickens have 4 toes, silkie chickens have 5 or even 6.
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They also have black bones and muscles and dark reddish black wattles.  This unusual feature is referred to as melanism (development of the dark-colored pigment melanin in the skin, an opposite of albinism) which goes beyond the skin, penetrating the bird’s connective tissue.
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The only other breed that has black skin is the Ayam Cemani, which is completely black, both inside and out, while Silkies have a combination of black and turquoise blue skin (the blue skin tends to be around their oval-shaped earlobes.)
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      While their fur-like feathers are different from other chickens, it’s super soft and very fluffy to touch. In fact, while the feathers don’t provide much protection from the cold, they do make the silkie a great choice for a pet chicken since children adore the fine feathers that resemble the down on chicks. 
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Why are silkie feathers so different? Well, the feathers lack barbicels (minute cartilage hooks that holds each strand down), so the feathers fly freely.
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pangur-and-grim · 6 years
was Velociraptor fluffy, with lace-like wings? 
when sussing out the life-appearance of dinosaurs, it’s important to read up on fresh, tasty developments! that said, here’s a recent paper I found interesting
Paraves is a family of non-avian dinosaurs closely related to modern birds (Aves) - they’re known for bearing wings, and famous members include Velociraptor, Troodon, and Microraptor
Saitta et al. 2017 analyzed the feathers of Anchiornis, a crow-sized paravian dinosaur, and found the following:
the contour feathers (which form the body outline) appeared ‘shaggy’, open-vaned and bifurcated, with long barbs attached to a short rachis 
wing/tail feathers were pennaceous but symmetrical, lacking functional barbicels (though not barbules), at least partially open-vaned. a modern comparison is pigeons with the ‘silky’ gene, which lack zipped barbules
the stages of feather evolution below, illustrated by Emily Willoughby, should help clarify what this means: stage 3 feathers have barbs but no barbules, and symmetrical stage 4 feathers have barbules, but are not fully ‘zipped’
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how does this impact artistic depictions? well, related paravian theropods could have had a shaggier/fuzzier appearance than typically depicted (modern paleoart largely shows smooth, aerodynamic feathering comparable to modern birds), with ‘lace-like’ wing and tail feathers (image source)
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HOWEVER a relative of Anchiornis, Caihong juji (also crow-sized), was found with asymmetrical wing feathers, implying ‘zipped’ barbules. complicating the matter, in modern birds 'advancements’ in feather texture (from hairlike to smooth/aerodynamic) have been made and lost repeatedly in different lineages, and some (ex, chickadees) show a mixture of different feathers stages, with hairy bods & modern wings.
so was Velociraptor fluffy, with lace-like wings? it’s impossible to know with current evidence, but it’s a reasonable possibility.
Saitta, E. T., Gelernter, R., & Vinther, J. (2017). Additional information on the primitive contour and wing feathering of paravian dinosaurs. Palaeontology, 61(2), 273-288.
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countrymadefoods · 6 years
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Pig and Hen Tattoo Ideas
Why is 2019 the Year of the Pig? How the Chinese zodiac’s 12 animals were chosen
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“According to legend, the heavenly Jade Emperor wanted to segment time into cycles of 12 years with an earthly animal guarding each cycle. He sent word that the fastest animals to reach the Heavenly Gate would be chosen, ranked accordingly and have a year in the cycle named after them. Sensing an opportunity, the animals raced against each other to win the emperor’s favour.
The goat, monkey and rooster arrived after crossing the river on a raft they had built together, taking eighth, ninth, and 10th places respectively. The dog was a late 11th having stopped to enjoy a bath in the river, and the pig, who had stopped for a nap, sauntered in for the 12th, and final, place. There are many versions of the legend but they all agree the rat made sure the cat did not finish the race by either tricking him into sleeping through the event or by pushing him into the river. Due to the rat’s treachery, the cat failed to finish and was not recognised in the zodiac. Naturally, the cat never forgave the rat and Chinese legend holds this to be why they are natural enemies.”
(via Why is 2019 the Year of the Pig? How the Chinese zodiac’s 12 animals were chosen | South China Morning Post)
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Watermelon-fed, $350 chickens in diapers bring the farmyard to the Bay Area
“According to a new report that credited the Mercury News with spotting the emerging Silicon Valley backyard-chicken trend back in 2015 — before it was co-opted by wealthy poultry-poseurs.“In the Bay Area — where the nation’s preeminent local food movement overlaps with the nation’s tech elite — egg-laying chickens are now a trendy, eco-conscious humblebrag on par with driving a Tesla,” the Washington Post reported last week. These days, Bay Area chicken-wrangling hobbyists are spending as much as $350 for a bird, $20,000 for a high-tech coop and $225 an hour for a “chicken whisperer” consultant...“It’s not uncommon here to see chickens roaming in their owners’ homes or even roosting in bedrooms, often with diapers on.”
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”As might be expected from chickenists and chickenistas in the tech capital of the universe, housing backyard birds here is often not a matter of hammering together scrap lumber and metal screening. Coops may feature solar panels, automatic doors and “video cameras that allow owners to check on their beloved birds remotely.” A Redwood City chickeneer told the paper he used an app on his smartphone to control his coop’s temperature, ventilation and lighting. The man is fond of sharing videos of his birds, and particularly recommends the bed-time action when they “jostle for position before settling down.”
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“Pampering, naturally, is called for...gives him a weekly bath, followed by a blow dry “which he LOVES”...“Despite their relative privilege, even these chickens are circled by predators like hawks, coyotes, raccoons and bobcats”...And there can be hazards specific to chickens living in wealthy enclaves. One “beloved” bird ventured into a Marin County backyard pool, with fatal consequences.”
(via Melon-fed, $350 chickens in diapers roam Bay Area yards | Mercury News)
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Silkie Chicken: All You Need To Know
“It is believed by some that the Silkie dates back as far as the Chinese Han Dynasty, in 206BC. The Chinese name for the Silkie is wu-gu-ji – meaning black-boned. An alternative name for this bird is the Chinese Silk Chicken...It was first mentioned by Marco Polo (around 1290-1300) on his remarkable journey across Europe and the Far East. Although he did not see the bird, it was reported to him by a fellow traveler and he reported it in his journal as “a furry chicken”.The Silkie made its way westward either by the Silk Road or by the maritime routes, likely both.” 
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The next mention we have is from Italy where Aldrovandi in 1598 speaks of a chicken that has “fur like a black cat”. When the Silkie was first introduced to the European public it was said to be the offspring of a chicken and a rabbit – a not so unbelievable thing back in the 1800s! Many unscrupulous sellers sold Silkies to gullible folks for curiosity and it was used as a ‘freak show’ item in travelling side shows and exhibited as a ‘bird-mammal’.”
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”They have oval shaped turquoise blue earlobes and dark colored wattles. Their beak is short, quite broad at the base, it should be grey/blue in color. Eyes are black. As for their body, it should be broad and stout, the back is short and the breast is full. They have five toes instead of the usual four found in chickens. The outer two toes should be feathered. The legs are short and wide set, grey in color.
Their feathers lack barbicels (those are the hooks that hold the feathers together), hence the fluffy appearance. The main feathering looks just like the under-down of regular chickens. The fact that the feathers do not hold together means a Silkie cannot fly. It also means that the feathering is not waterproofed and so a wet Silkie is a pathetic sight to see. If they do get significantly wet, they need to be towel dried or even blow dried – which they enjoy if it is done on a regular basis.”
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“As for their temperament, silkies are known to be calm, friendly and docile – even the boys. It has been recorded by several people that the roosters will ‘tid-bit’ for the chicks! This docility can lead to them being picked on by other more ‘pushy’ flock members. 
Despite their fluffy feathering they do tolerate the cold fairly well – wetness is something they cannot tolerate. If your climate is very cold in the winter, they would benefit from a little supplemental heat. They are content to be confined, but if allowed to free range are great little foragers. The area in which they forage should be a ‘safe zone’ since they cannot fly to escape predators. Silkies are more renowned as being pets, brooders and ‘ornamental’ birds...Silkies are quite robust and will usually live for 7-9 years, longer with lots of TLC!”
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”A Silkie is the ultimate in kids’ chickens. They are cuddly, fluffy and tolerant, love sitting in your lap and even enjoy cuddles. They are a very friendly, calm and docile bird and interact very well with people – they will follow you around and ‘talk’ to you. This docility can lead to them being picked on by more aggressive flock members, so try to keep an eye open for bullying.
Silkies are notoriously broody – the standing joke is that a Silkie can hatch a rock! They also make great mothers. Many folks keep Silkies in order to hatch out other eggs. A Silkie in ‘broody mode’ will usually accept any and all eggs (including duck) placed under her. If you live in an apartment and want to have chickens as pets, the Silkies are a very good fit since they are pretty quiet too.”
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”The Silkie chicken always brings a smile to peoples’ faces. This ‘odd-ball’ and slightly unusual bird is certainly a crowd pleaser! Although they won’t keep you in eggs, they will supply you with lots of love, smiles and cuddles. When they become bonded to their owners they can be described as ‘dog-like’ in their devotion. They will follow you, talk to you, check out what you are doing and ‘help’ too!...All in all, these funny little birds are a joy to have and give much pleasure to their owners.”
(via Silkie Chicken: All You Need To Know | The Happy Chicken Coop blog)
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What is "silke"
“n. (obsolete spelling of silk English)”
silk (n.)
“ c. 1300, from Old English seoloc, sioloc "silk, silken cloth," from Latin sericum "silk," plural serica "silken garments, silks," literally "Seric stuff," neuter of Sericus, from Greek Serikos "silken; pertaining to the Seres," an oriental people of Asia from whom the Greeks got silks...Chinese si "silk," Manchurian sirghe, Mongolian sirkek have been compared to this and the people name in Greek might be a rendering via Mongolian of the Chinese word for "silk," but this is uncertain. Also found in Old Norse as silki.”
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Lavender Japanese bantams
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Japanese Bantams
“Japanese (or Chabo) Bantams are real show birds and go back a long way in history. It is thought that they first arrived in Japan from China in the early 1600’s when they started to appear in Japanese paintings. In Japan, they are called “Chabo” which means “bantam” or “dwarf” in Japanese but is also the old Japaneses name for South East Asia. They are thought to have reached the UK in the 1860’s.”
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”They are a true bantam which means they don’t have large fowl counterparts and are very distinctive with very short legs and very long straight vertical tail feathers with a relatively large comb and wings that are held low, touching the ground. Japanese Bantams should be kept inside on clean, dry bedding in all but the best weather to maintain good feather condition. Feathers (especially white) will stain easily on the wing tips that drag on the floor if let out in the wet.”
(via Japanese Bantams | Poultry Keeper)
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5 Reasons to Love Sebright Chickens
“Sebright chickens are unique and exotic looking ladies with sweet temperaments and a penchant for curiosity. In the early 1800s Sir John Sebright - a member of the British Parliament and avid animal keeper - set out to create his vision of the perfect chicken. The resulting fantastically feathered fowl was the Sebright bantam and these small but perfectly formed birds became popular with highfalutin poultry fanciers across the British isles and beyond.
Sebright chickens are a sight to behold and a wonder to watch. These pretty birds, with their wonderfully patterned plumage and delicate features, make an exotic and unique addition to any backyard flock. Sebright chickens have small and compact bodies with short backs and prominent breasts, sporting perfectly preened gold or silver almond shaped feathers that are delicately laced with bold iridescent black...If you are looking for a backyard chicken to admire, the Sebright chicken is a mesmerising choice.”
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“Not all bantam chickens are created equal. Bantam breeds can be categorized into two types - true and miniature standard. Miniature standard bantams are chickens that have been bred to be smaller versions of their larger chicken breed namesakes but true bantams have been developed as unique breeds that have no standard sized counterparts. Sebright chickens are one of the oldest recorded true bantam chickens and these adorably small birds are often a favourite with exhibitors and hobby keepers due to their unique appearance. The Sebright bantam diminutive size and distinct colouration and patterning make them a delightful and space saving spectacle to have in your flock. If you have a small backyard, Sebright chickens truly are the chicken of choice.
While some poultry enthusiasts keep a backyard flock as a source of fresh eggs, there are those who insist no coop is complete unless it’s full of fancy fowl to admire. If you are looking for a chook that will give your chicken run an exotic feel, the Sebright chicken is just right. These avant garde girls shouldn’t be relied upon to provide a regular bounty of eggs - they are more interested in foraging and curiously eggs-ploring their backyard kingdom than laying... Not only individuals in their looks, Sebrights are keen to stand out in the crowd when it comes to temperament and behaviour too. Given the opportunity, these fiercely independent chickens go off the beaten path, strutting self-importantly through the garden and preferring to roost in trees when the sun sets on their day. To ensure the Sebright chickens’ freewheeling nature is safely contained it is necessary to have a tall fence or secure chicken run, as these hens are quite skilled flyers.”
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“If you want to keep a small flock of pretty and playful birds the Sebright is a great choice. These beautiful bantams prefer the company of one or two chicken friends and while independence is important to the Sebright chicken, that doesn’t mean they are cold hearted! Sebrights are well known for being sweet and inquisitive birds. True, they are not as cuddly...but these girls are unassumingly friendly, giving out enough love but never cramping your style. If you’re not one to smother your pets in kisses, but still enjoy delightful interaction on a daily basis, the Sebright is the perfect pet for you. Much like any shy chook, you can establish a firm bond with Sebrights by giving them some delicious mealworms or other tasty treats. They will delight in receiving gifts from their keeper but unlike other breeds, Sebrights won’t overwhelm you every time you walk out your backdoor.
The Sebright is not interested in raising baby chicks or anything associated with motherhood. Why sit on a nest all day when you can be egg-sploring the garden and quietly roosting on out of the way branches? Heaven to a Sebright is a day free of parental responsibilities, an open schedule to fill with whatever takes their fancy...Sebright chickens are perfect poultry pets for a keeper who is as happy to admire their girls in the garden as they are to interact with them. Sebright chickens are a breed with personality and need a coop with character. If you’re thinking of starting your own flock of sweet Sebright bantams be sure that they have a secure and safe space in which to egg-splore.”
(via 5 Reasons to Love Sebright Chickens | Backyard Chicken Coops)
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Green Envy: The Fanciest Chicken Coop in the World
“Neiman Marcus has you covered with a veritable Taj Mahal for fowls. The Heritage Hen Mini Farm comes with a $100,000 price tag, and is one of the high-luxe items featured in the retailer’s famously opulent 86th edition of the Neiman Marcus Christmas Book.”
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“This “Beau Coop” as Neiman Marcus calls it, features a multi-level roost for your uptown chickens and a chandelier to remind them there’s no place like home. There’s also a library stocked with chicken and gardening books for the chickens’ pet humans to enjoy.”
(via Green Envy: The Fanciest Chicken Coop in the World | HGTV)
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11 Doggie Mansions That Will Make You Re-Evaluate Your Life Choices
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“This Victorian-style doggie mansion cost a cool $20,000 to build. It’s home to three fabulous dogs, Chelsea, Darla, and Coco Puff. The home is a smaller version of the owner’s historic Victorian home. She commissioned the project after an owl almost kidnapped one of her Pomeranians. The structure is large enough that she can enter and visit her canine neighbors.”
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(via 11 Doggie Mansions That Will Make You Re-Evaluate Your Life Choices | Bark Post TV)
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Housing Your Pigs
“There are many options when it comes to the way that you house your pigs. There is no right way or specific materials that you must use. You can be as creative as you imagine or as simple as you wish. Be sure to incorporate things such as toys or other items for enrichment to ensure happy and active pigs...Shelters should be free from extreme drafts and protect from rain and sun. They should allow enough space for your pig/pigs to turn around and comfortably stretch if necessary. If pigs are housed in multiples, you should have enough shelters for each individual pig or the shelter used should be large enough for multiple pigs needs.”
(via Housing Your Pigs | American Mini Pig Association)
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colisevmhouse · 6 years
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F E A T H E R . Feathers include the smaller down feathers and the larger contour and flight feathers. Larger feathers consist of a shaft of (rachis) bearing branches (barbs) which bear smaller branches (barbules). . These smaller branches bear tiny hook-bearing processes (barbicels) which interlock with the barbules of an adjacent barb to link the barbs into a continuous stiff vane. . Down feathers lack barbules, resulting in fluffy feathers which provide insulation below the contour feathers. . How is it that the feathers developed? . Watch the video to understand. . https://youtu.be/hPLgfGX1I5Yf #feathers #epidermal #plumage #birds #species #dinosaurs #integumentary #structures #vertebrates #premier #example #evolutionary #characteristics #flight #shaft #rachis #bearing #branches #barbs #branches #barbules #barbicels #barbules #vane #fluffy #insulation #instafeathers #instabirds #instagram @colisevmhouse
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alexis813713-blog · 7 years
Dandenong Parents Attacked In Violent Melbourne House Infiltration Yahoo7 Information.
You are going to desire to be content and within your comfort area while putting on one thing that's trendy as well as modern good enough for the famous time. I mean, if 500 individuals receive on-line to observe my art work today the upcoming art work is 5,000, and the next painting is actually 3,000, and the next paint is actually 40,000 and also the upcoming paint is 2,000 that is actually Http://Onlineblog-Fit4U.Info/Hendels-Black-Goji-Berry-Belakang just the technique that is actually. When I divulged my misuse to my mom back in 2001 I then became withheld off her and my family. When completing your mama eulogy aim to leave the listeners along with a favorable details like an exclusive factor that happened that will create them laugh so they leave behind the funeral on a lighter details. That seems to me, that experts which are a lot more knowledgeable about retailing stress one part from the business's service, those which are even more paid attention to THIS naturally are attracted to comments concerning Amazon.com Web Companies (AWS) and others yet with skills in media and also entertainment have the tendency to pay attention to the firm's projects in those areas. Partaking the dock along with her partner, the mama rubbed tears from her skin as her sis recollected loving and playful times at property with Joseph. Heritage determined mom and also infant keep constrained for a time from eight times, throughout which the nana took command of the house. Eco items are bio degradable which indicates, they mix along the area of the planet making that very easy for Mother earth. Hesketh pointed out recognizing the factors that affect the partnership between mother as well as kid exercising could aid analysts establish courses to enhance task total. Unbeknownst to her, the flow had actually been on-line because at least July 27 and also had felt like 571 opportunities. I listen to her and I examine her behavior like she is actually somebody I recognize, however undoubtedly certainly not my mom. The normal brood of tigers is 2 to 6 cubs as well as the mom will typically increase these cubs with little bit of to no help off the papa. Making use of essential terminology, a person's back links level of attraction can always be referred to as the amount of Internet internet sites that are actually typically back linking to one websites. And yet as significant as these numbers are, they are actually simply a short walk along the elements in the collection from Natural Varieties, as this set endlesses. Forty percent of family members goinged through an unmarried mommy in the United States live in poverty, compared with simply 22 percent of family members headed through a singular daddy as well as 8 percent of couple families. Thanks for discussing these Mommy and Son Songs for Weddings, Dances, Birthdays & Other Occasions, good lens. I am actually not sure what failed along with my mommy as well as I. I merely constantly felt I could never ever please her regardless of what I carried out, so I lost hope attempting. Way that the mom to-be would be actually showered along with gifts off friends, and also often merely gone to by the girls. You can commit this song to your mama as well as figure out exactly how this talks about the flowers as well as roses for your mother to cheer her up on present. Irrespective of if you used a mutual server or like the personalization from devoted web servers, there are actually numerous things that you need to check for in a webhosting supplier prior to doing business with them. These are a few of a couple of recommendations that a mama could utilize to be able to provide an extremely much-appreciated speech during her daughter's wedding celebration. Silkie plumes do not have these barbicels so the personal hairs of the web go every which way.
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fitanddangerous · 7 years
How To make allowance for grassy Cake! purring & golden rule venal Cake with a vengeance fetal confide & featherweight
New Post has been published on http://www.happybirthdaycake.org/how-to-make-allowance-for-grassy-cake-purring-golden-rule-venal-cake-with-a-vengeance-fetal-confide-featherweight/
How To make allowance for grassy Cake! purring & golden rule venal Cake with a vengeance fetal confide & featherweight
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Date: 2017-02-21 16:02:36
It’s the Lasts of #FANLOVEFEB. Comments #FANLOVEFEB In Yous Vid & I’ll Select My S Next Week! Click The Bell To Get Freshest Baking Vids: Hot Out Of The Oven! Get Us To 3 Milly By My Birthday! New Vids Tues! Subscriber:
Hi, I’m Yolanda! Some people me the Beyoncé of . I my drool-worthy, jaw-dropping Caking creations Tuesday at 11am EST! LOOK Dislike Yous Favorite Food-plant to my Mash up Layers UPON Layers of Goodness – I dream in cake!
week, I’m into the carnival Moods for , is why I caked up the Ultimate Festivity – Layers of purple, green & gold Velvet cake filled With Creams Cheeze frosting and Covered With the same fondant. I Even Decorated each cake With Colourful quins, Paint Them in the Time-honoured Mardi Celebration Colourful and Topping Them off With Some Struthious Barbicel and Masked to Enhanced the fun & Festival Celebrations!
Got an idea for a cake? I’d love to Audioception it – Subscriber & comment below!
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THE HOW TO IT TEAM Editor: Orchan Shumla Cinematographer: Jeremy Kohm Producers: Joscelin & Connie Contardi T-Shirt:
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patricka63 · 7 years
Au bord du fleuve entre dunes de sable et forêt émeraude nous nous arrêtons pour la pose déjeuner dans un petit hameau de 3, 4 cahutes, là une tribu de capucins pas très farouches sans doute dans l'attente de chiper quelque nourriture nous surveillait du coin de l'oeil. Une aigrette pas plus farouche me laisse l'approcher de si près que les barbules et les barbicelles des plumes fines et aériennes sont bien nettes sont les photos.
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definited · 10 years
Im jealous of your mom because you've been inside her.
this one is kinda creppy......................................
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backyardchickennews · 8 months
Can Silkie Bantams Win At the Alabama Fancy Feathers Poultry Show? If you are looking for a great place to exhibit your silkie birds, the Alabama Fancy Feathers PoULTRY SHOW is the place to go. The show is held each year in Montgomery, Alabama and has become a popular destination for poultry enthusiasts from all over the world. Silkie Bantams are a unique breed of chicken, with feathers that resemble silk and quills. Their feathers are composed of a web made up of tiny strands held together by small barbicels. https://backyardchickennews.com/can-silkie-bantams-win-at-the-alabama-fancy-feathers-poultry-show/?feed_id=3429&_unique_id=65ae5a3baa911
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neurotypical-karen · 5 years
you are just jealous of my extra toes, black bones, and lack of functioning barbicels.
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