#barry bitch u are so crazy !!!
cuddl3z · 1 year
Har har
Hello there
I have returned
Call me Cuddles. I am the owner of the hospital and I committed mass murder, don't tell the police lol
I am Autism creature 4 all my autism to start screaming
I drink some uhhh grape soda so If you don't mind imma just sit here and order a Grape Soda from McDonalds (imagine all of ya'll work at McDonald's. And I order a Grape Soda, you're gonna to to the kitchen / my inbox and send me some grape soda)
@wowiexist0 @the-phobia-doctor @puppyclownz @p1co-s1mp @peepaw-william-says @astralix13 @artzy-bro @softie-flaky15 @dangerousskeletoncoptree @friendlyfox34 @jotas-vent-acc @zethuseslatinoamericano486 @chipsoapart @violet-of-the-stars @neneandhanzoukinnie @neon-draws-sometimes
@fl33tway-sup3r-s0n1c @cuddl3z @s1nk1ng-s0n1c @un1-c0rn3l1us @fl33tway-ss0n1c @barry-1ll @ta1lz-3x3 @newgrounds-weirdo @fl33tways-bruh-acc0unt @azk-the-horror-aus
ok uh Muse list;
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Pico / tbh-cr3atur3-p1c0 / autism pico
15 years old (almost every tbh creature in the au is over 2 years old and below 21-)
No sexuality in this au!! We don't want the p3d0ph1les to start going crazy!!!!!
His father died and was raised by casandra, he gets even more abused by her
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Nene / tbh-cr3atur3-n3n3 / autism Nene
12 years old
3"4' (everyone here has the same height too)
No sexuality or the rule 34 artists go brrrr!!!
Raised by casandra, she hates everyone
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Piconjo / tbh-cr3atur3-p1c0nj0 / autism piconjo
19 years old
No sexuality! Rule 34 artists: NOOOOOOO
Not raised by anyone, he's a grown ass adult
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Alucard / tbh-cr3atur3-alucard / autism Alucard / me!!
9 years old
No sexuality lmao try me R34 artists
Member of the goff punkz and leader of the boiz
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Boyfriend / tbh-cr3atur3-b0yfr13nd / autism boyfriend
3 years old
try me bitch
Lol uhhhhhhhhh hold on
*loudly digs through my images*
Ah, here.
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Now with this out the way, I hope u enjoy life wit the tbh gang!!!
Also uhh image with Cyclopz and hamzou
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Everyone raised by casandra lol-
Anyway uh bye see ya soon
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Seeing Dokken/Lynch Mob/Ted Poley (Danger Danger) in concert
this was just at my normal go-to venue 50 minutes away
I was VERY PREPARED THIS TIME and bought a chair, blanket, hat, gloves, scarf, wore 2 pairs of pants, and my GOOD JACKET
yes this meant ppl were judging me I JUST HATE THE COLD OK
i made line friends again this time we're gonna call them Dan and Barry and they're Elder Metalheads and told stories about protecting their wives and other children at shows
Ted Poley granted me a photo pass but no one from his management gave a fuck and didn't tell the venue so I didn't get a pass :( he's such a sweet guy tho
so this guy I was hanging out with at the Sonic Slam show last summer turned out to be my one insta friend's COUSIN LOL so the two of them plus his mom got me up at the barrier LMAOO it pays off to make friends in line
I was extremely disappointed in the merch. there were literally 3 (three) shirts to choose from. That was it. Plus you could buy a CD if u wanted. They also weren't taking card. Fuck that. I bought a double vodka cranberry instead.
due to personal reasons I think I gotta stan Danger Danger now
literally I never heard a single song by them until a week ago but Ted is just so nice and fun and he put on a hell of a 30 minute show
he also threw balloons into the crowd that we had to blow up ourselves it was hilarious
there was also this little kid next to me the entire time and Ted threw him a balloon but he didn't catch it so he knelt down in front of this kid and threw like ALL the balloons at him it was so sweet ;-;
just wanna say for the record that I was there for like at least 8 core memory moments for that child last night and that balloon story was one of them
for Don't Walk Away, Ted came into the crowd bc he said 'it looks like you're having so much fun out there, I'm gonna join you!' and i couldn't find him like the entire time eoirngwoergnwerg
he also spit like a ton of times over his head and idk what it is about concert but it always makes me want men to spit on me
honestly Ted's set was the height of the show
Lynch Mob was really good and their singer... 👁👄👁
he's got crazy eyes, he's got long curly dark brown hair, and he's a petite little bitch
he also looks like Derek Day from Classless Act and Rami Malek's lovechild
his pants were TOOOOOOO LOWW 👁👄👁👁👄👁👁👄👁 i could see pubes 👁👄👁
watching George Lynch play is an otherworldly experience
at the end of their set, their drummer threw his drumsticks into the crowd and the little boy next to me caught one and everyone around him EXPLODED with joy (another core memory moment)
at one point their bassist threw his pick and I ended up getting it off the floor and giving it to this boy too
his mom thanked me secretly rogwrgtpmrtg
idk why everyone says Don Dokken can still sing I'm sorry but he can't he's worse than Vince Neil like he was literally monotone the entire time I was disappointed
despite that we were still bangin and goin nuts
Don did smile at me 3 times tho and wave at me ;-;
his stories were funny too trpptprptg like he said in Germany they eat french fries with mayo and that's the only thing he knew out to say in german in the early 80s and it's all he would eat bc of that
also he kept gushing about the crowd and the venue and how much he loves Penn's Peak and the crowd is always wild and how the venue is in the middle of nowhere (which is very correct)
there was also a red flag where Don introduced Dream Warriors with how big Patricia Arquette's boobs were when she was 16  🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩
also based on everything I've heard from Ted, Dokken and their team don't sound like very nice people erogneorgtgpptt
I wanted to meet Ted afterwards but I didn't wanna push it ;-; he emailed me today offering me a pass at his show in NJ on Friday but I declined bc 1- I would have to leave straight from work 2- I would have to drive through Philadelphia 3- how is he sure they'll actually listen to him this time and 4- it's over 100 miles away so I'd have to invest in so much gas :( sorry Ted i want to but it's it's just not gonna be worth it
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afaimscorner · 1 year
The Flash 9x12
Well this was ... not as bad as it could have been, but ... everyone in this cast must be so vain it hurts. Why is Iris the only one who is a little bit of grey in her hair and why does that make her look older then Cecile? (At least they did make a joke about this, when Present!Cecile did pop up in the future). I guess all the wig budget went to the Nora West-Thawne Wig.
Sadly as expected the writing became incredible weak and cheap when it did matter. Yes, having a voice in your head makes you crazy, but still, this is not how Season 1-Eddie would have reacted. I mean, to be fair, the writers knew they had to do both: *) Have Barry leave him in the right moment so that he can’t say the right thing at the right moment to stop him from saying yes to the Negative Speed Force and *) Have Iris reject him very definitly. But still: Future Iris is a stone cold bitch in this moment, which seems strangly Ooc for Iris, and Eddie would never just say yes only because Iris rejected him. Like I feared: Character Assassination.
I mean, they could make it right in the last episode, but I am not sure I have hope for that.
Personally I am tempeted to actually write one more Arrowverse-Fic for “A New World”, because done right this one could have been a killer season, especially if they would have taken the timeline breaking down which is going to happen in the next episode seriously and would have gone wild with that in Season 8 of “Arrow”-Style. Just going back to each Season and the Greatest Hits, which means we could have gotten all the Wellses back, Caitlin and Frost, Wally, Joe, Cisco, Julian, Sue, maybe even Ralph, Nora 1.0 as well as Reverse Flash, Zoom, Savitar, Godspeed, Ramsay and everyone else who would have wanted to or could make time for it. Eddie would not have had to be in every episode for this to be Season 9. And guest appearances like Ryan Wilder, Nia and Dig would have made much more sense if you would have used them like that.
But anyway, the episode would have been done right, if Eddie would have sayed yes to the Negative Speed Force to save Barry from Nora. And then he would have become Cobalt Blue and gone wild. That would have been a killer moment and a stellar set up for the Finale, with both Barry and Nora suffering from immense guilt and it would have saved Iris from that OoC-Moment. That would have been interesting and so much an Eddie-moment.
I mean, what we are not getting, but what was hinted at in this episode is of course the way to get the Negative Speed Force ouf of Eddie: Barry has to kiss him. Sadly going by their scene in this episode, we will not even get Present Day-Iris kissing him to save him next week, but it is canon that this is what would probably save the day.
But they are probably going to fuck it up, because it’s Eric Wallace, it’s Season 9, and they proofed with this one that the writers do not understand their own characters most of the time again. Because again: Cecile is right, but since it is Season 9 Chester talks her out of it (I mean, yes, she has to act, but she is right, damn it! Why did he not just tell her that she can change the future by resorting her prioritiers after the crisis on hand?!).
I can’t believe there will be only one more “Flash” and Arrowverse-related rant after this. And I can’t believe the Legends are still im time jail, which was confirmed in this episode by the way, and will never get out (because Barry making out with Eddie to save him is much more likely to happen in the Finale than the Legends popping up or even getting mentoned directly).
It’s surreal to think that the whole franchise is going to go out with a probably mediocre at best final episode of “The Flash” without Cisco, with no final scene between the members of the League and with no Oliver there and with Mia still searching for William and the Legend still in jail. And “Justice U” finally dead it seems.
No one would have thought we would go out like this two years ago, we would not even have thought it would be this bad one year ago.
Such a shame. Over of a decade of my life wasted. And I can’t seem to stop wasting it with a Franchise literally no one is interested in any more.
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calypsoff2 · 3 years
Seven. Part 2
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Watching TJ walk off to go on my jet, oh that wasn’t what I thought was going to happen. I am stood with my mouth hung open in shock, TJ did a u-turn and jogged back over as I am still stood here in utter shock to my core, am I allowing this asshole to be this way. I am only remaining calm for my man; I don’t think he understands that part. I am literally going to go crazy on this man, I am just going crazy “look, I am sorry. I don’t want this beef with you, you’re a sister to me Robyn. I have said things that I don’t mean but I feel attacked, you’re a big persona and I understand you feel like I have done bad by Chris, but I haven’t, I ride for your husband to the end. I love him so much; he has done so much for me, and I am blessed by that. I don’t want this between us because I know you have a lot of power over things” crossing my arms across my chest “what did you come back? To just say that to me?” I am confused “because I feel bad, but I feel like you got beef with me. I have always supported Chris, even with Barry. It’s me that was there for Chris, always. I know how much he loves you, from jump” I need to show him how a real bitch is “didn’t you call me forehead in school? Or was I dreaming that? Didn’t you want me to not be around, you always made jokes about me. You went out of your way to make Chris not see it for me in school. I remember it but I let it go, you were nasty to me. Now you’re the same niggas lusting over me, I suggest you apologise. And you do it in front of Chris. While on the jet I am paying for, got it?” Looking down at him, I am like squaring up to him, but he has angered me a lot. I did like TJ but now he’s being a dick for no reason, he didn’t need to be like this “your husband just came out of hospital and you’re stressing him out? Your lifestyle ruined Barry, and Chris lost him. Still, Chris misses him and you making him do that again? It always makes me think that my friend has any balls, but he just leaves them in your hands, maybe I was right about you then. I am here trying to apologise, and you can’t even accept that. Mel is such a good person to live in your shadow, I know your vibe. Pretty girls are the worst, light skinned ones actually. I don’t really see how you both worked, I don’t get it because my friend, my Chris. He was the boss, and his ego would have overpowered yours, you broke that down. You sat there looking at me like shit; you had no right when I did nothing wrong Chris chose to give me that, we have that bond. We boys, he can speak to me about a lot, I don’t know about you miss busy” oh I want to punch him “can we just get on, sorry” balling my fist up “what is going on here” Jen said, I want to kill him, I really do.
I just felt like I was in school there, I had a major flashback to when I was at school. I didn’t have a good time at school in general, the only time I did have a good time was when Chris was there for me, just honestly it was Chris that made my school life bearable, but it was short lived, and he honestly is a good guy with shit people around him. He was always kind of talked out of being with me, friend wise and he always said it’s because you’re pretty that is why “earth calling Robyn?” Jen said, bringing me back to the fact I am stood in the middle of the hanger, and everyone is on the jet “what happened?” She said again, looking at the jet “just, I.” I paused saying “I don’t know what to do” I openly admitted “about what?” Jen is confused, she doesn’t know what has happened and I don’t blame her “I think we should go on the jet, we can talk then” Jen’ face softened “hey, oh my god. Why are you sad” waving her off “don’t” I said, I don’t need to be crying right at this moment. Suck it up Robyn, Jen held my hand as we made our way to the jet. I don’t want to hold the jet back now, but TJ and I really don’t speak like that anyways. I keep him there and I am here, I don’t agree with Chris paying for him all the time so I just stayed away from the situation and stuck to what I need to do but it’s too much and this really hit home, Camron is not my son and I feel like he’s making jibes at me thinking Camron is owed a life and owed to be in my family because I can’t give Chris that, I am sick “sorry girls” I held the jet up, Rylee looks unimpressed “mommy I want to sit next to daddy, or you are?” Rylee asked, shaking my head “I need to speak to auntie Jen, I’ll be in the back ok. You can sit there” making my way to the back “but Camron is there” I let out a deep sigh, of course he is there “then sit with Tianna, she is watching YouTube” I don’t have the patience to say anything right at this moment, I am just going to snap if I speak on it.
Jen turned to me “speak, what was that all about? All I heard was about having balls and the conversation seemed really deep into it?” I am of course going to tell Jen, that is my best friend, and I will always confide in her “we have the time, so Chris and TJ are friends, you know the whole background on that. They came up together that whole story thing, Chris gave TJ his clothing line to handle which I have no issues with, then move on a few years. Seiko, now this is Chris’ ex that loved him a lot, maybe still does love Chris but she actually got pregnant by TJ to piss Chris off now that shit popped off bad, I remember when it happened. Chris was hurt by it, it’s a bro code thing but it was over with, all forgiven so like we moved on. Seiko was neglecting Camron, I felt bad to hear that. She was using the child maintenance on not so good things but come to think of it, TJ never put them in a nice home. He paid and that’s it, Chris came to me and said I am upset, that is nephew. He comes here and has a good time but goes back to shit, school has been saying he doesn’t go and stuff. So I gave my lawyer, they won the case. Me, I did that, but Chris was happy. Don’t forget Chris has given the business to him, keep that in mind. Now we did this case, my lawyer, my bill. I didn’t get a thanks, no. It was Chris, he said a thanks, but I have other shit going on anyways so it’s whatever. Then Chris tells me oh TJ is living in the apartment complex just down the road, ten minutes away. Oh right ok, oh I erm just helped him to get it. He needs the help; Black Pyramid is behind. I said right, then help him silent partner. So TJ started to sell tees where it had Chris’ face and designs on, they sold out quick and he promoted it, I go Chris is he paying you back, oh yeah yeah. He didn’t, then Chris comes and says Camron is amazing at Basketball, you know people” Jen gasped pointing “you called me to say about the academy, it was for him?” Jen said, nodding my head “mommy I want juice” I was so deep in the conversation “Imani, please go to daddy. Ask him” I want to finish this conversation off.
Nodding my head “it was for him, I helped him. Got him into it, Chris thanked me. And this situation happened because Chris went to the Fenty Christmas party with TJ and Camron, Mel was there. He gave the SUV to them to go home, Mel was unwell apparently. I say that because Mel didn’t say that to me, she said they went out for some food. They went out in that SUV all around New York, knowing Chris needed that SUV, it was his. He got in the Uber because of them, Mel was literally is being shady as fuck about this. But anyways, so deep inside I am fucking angry. I am giving sly looks, TJ caught on. Because why is my husband putting himself out there for a child not his? So TJ pulled me to the side and said you been looking at me crazy, it’s not nice. I said it to him what it is, you are using my man, that is your child. He started speaking on me, he said maybe if you gave him that son” my voice broke “maybe if you give him what he wants maybe he won’t do that, he just started poking at it knowing I lost the baby. Then out there he mentioned it, like sorry I said what I said but me and Chris are close we speak on things. If you give him that, like pressurising me for this” Jen shushed me because my voice is now becoming even more strained “say something?” Jen said “he mentioned I broke their relationship, then leave my husband with no friends. He adores him Jen” her face softened “but you’re his wife” she retorted “and maybe I should have stayed in my place, I shouldn’t have gave him looks, you know” I sniffled “I get it but he has no right to speak on your body, you have lost two babies. That is some nasty ass shit to say, I want to knock his fucking block off” I laughed a little “he wasn’t always a fan of us to be honest, I kind of got in the way in school. It’s just like the same vibe, I kept out of the way, I have been too busy for this shit. Now I am home and here, I see it. I just left it alone, I did” wiping my tears, Jen’ eyes widened looking behind me. Looking to the side of me Chris is just hovering over me. I feel like I got caught “what is happening here?” wiping my tears “we are just having lady talk now Chris, come on” Chris frowned “my wife is crying, why? Robyn why are you crying” now I am panicking because I just don’t want to do this, I am here trying to open up to Jen “Robyn, hey. Talk to me” I can’t, getting up from the seat. He is making me want to cry more “What happened Jen? Robyn” making my way to the toilet, I am not really wanting to speak to Chris.
Chris is stubborn, he won’t leave me until he knows I am ok and he will keep asking and asking and he will wait outside this door until I come out. Taking in a deep breath opening the door “seriously?” Chris stared at me unimpressed with how long I took “what is it? I am ok, Jen and I was just speaking on things. I cried happy tears, you know how it is when I speak on my dad” Chris is searching my eyes, he is wanting to know the truth “yeah but you been like that at the hospital, also what was you speaking about to TJ? You been really odd since then actually” clearing my throat “we just spoke on things, that is all. Look I am just having a talk with Jen ok? It’s fine” he is not believing me, but he will have too “ok” he touched my shoulder and then placing his hand on my cheek “I got you” he breathed out, he is annoyed like he lowkey doesn’t believe me either “I will sit down then, I got an eye on you though Robyn” Chris turned walking off “on god” he said, Jen smiled at me awkwardly, I didn’t think Chris was watching me like that actually. Making my way back to the seat “Chris kept asking what I said, what happened. Why is she crying, what did I say. Anyways back to the part where I murder him” I breathed out laughing “not that now, I just think I don’t want Chris to lose another friend in this. I feel like Chris is saying something to him for him to be saying this, Chris must be speaking on this a lot, you know?” Jen nodded her head “they all talk, these men do. But he has no right to repeat it, he has no right to speak on your fertility. Same with Chris, it’s tiring for you Robyn. You are working so hard, I have two boys and dealing with this. You have three girls and dealing with being the face of the company, my ass can skype a meeting, you are literally the face of it, here and there. You both still have time, things will calm down, but he has no right. I want to hit him” Jen will do that for me, I love her.
I have caught Chris twice look over at me to check if I am ok, I adore him a lot “am I weak Jen? Be truthful with me?” looking over at her “erm, pre mommy Robyn I think you would be ripping his ass, but I think you are more thinking of the bigger picture, you see that this weasel is close friends with Chris. School years too, you’re stuck between telling Chris or just keeping it to yourself, but I would mention to Chris that you want that boy to not be paid for, he has nothing to do with you. That has to stop, that is your empire, your money. That ends, he may dislike it but then you take it from there. You will see his true colours, meaning TJ. If he kicks off then it will be about the money” nodding my head “he keeps throwing that Chris pushes to have it, but as a man he can say no too” I added “exactly but always remember this, you have the power to destroy that friendship and I think he hates it. He is envious of that; I think he is. I understand what you are doing but don’t ever let that weasel think he has one over you, because he doesn’t. You will pounce when it’s good and ready, but I would reign it in. Say to him that stops, then we will see TJ’ true intentions, let’s see. If he doesn’t kick off and he does it then maybe he was right in a way but do that” nodding my head, he is a bastard and I will expose him, or shall I say he will expose himself.
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hartigays · 3 years
maybe this is me just looking for crumbs, but barry seems a little concerned in the boat scene when he realizes that rafe is carrying a gun. i know he still betrays him anyway but i can't help but think that he was worried in some capacity
no ur so correct bestie omg like we all talk abt how barry looks at rafe like “oh shit this bitch CRAZY crazy” in the boat scene bc like yeha true but at the same time like. it’s the subtle way barry looks at him throughout the entire boat scene u can 100% see his concern like it’s just palpable
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allforhader · 4 years
The Unexpected
Bill Hader x (F) Reader
Requested by: Anon
Warnings: Langauge
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Bill having three kids already, he should be experienced in those stressful situations where you’re going to have to drop everything when your wife goes into labor. But he also didn’t plan for Y/N to not make it to the hospital when she delivered. LA traffic is a bitch.
When Y/N and Bill got married, they didn’t really plan ahead for anything. Bill went back to filming for Barry after their honeymoon and Y/N was a writer for the show so she had to get her job done. The two found few energy filled moments when they had a day off from Barry and when the girls were with Maggie.
The day Y/N found out she was pregnant she didn’t tell Bill right away. She needed to confirm it without relying on store bought tests. And she didn’t know exactly how he’d feel about having another kid. So it wasn’t until she was around three months when she finally wanted to tell Bill.
Y/N wanted to tell him before the work day started but he jumped right into filming and she didn’t know where to find room. Until Sarah Goldberg and D’Arcy Carden gave Y/N the wildest idea of having a surprised script change. The two only knew she was pregnant because Y/N told her mom over the phone as the two over heard.
“Yo! Hader, there’s been a script change” Sarah states handing Bill the new pages as he instantly looks at Y/N confused.
Y/N shrugs for the most part before standing beside Alec to watch the take be done.
“Was this your plan Y/N?” Alec asks her as Y/N rolls her eyes before whispering to him what’s going on. “Well, if he gets a heart attack from excitement. I’ll blame you”
“You’d blame me when I would probably have one if he does” Y/N gave Alec a look before laughing a bit. Alec moved his stuff from Bill’s director’s chair letting her sit. “Not my idea”
“Actors have crazy ideas. I’m not surprised that this came from the two” Alec states before nudging Y/N to look at Bill look at the script after rounding up who he needs.
“How much you want to bet he’s going to scream?”
“You want to make a bet on my husband’s reaction?” Y/N laughs a bit before relaxing. “Let’s not”
“Ok ok”
Bill stares at the two he got not really understanding how the scene they shot before lead to this one. Or where this scene will be but he froze when Sarah grabbed his shirt.
“You have no idea?”
“What?” Not scripted.
“This is going to be life changing! Get excited!” D’Arcy states as Bill stood there even more confused before looking down at the change.
Sarah suddenly took it from him when he was supposed to have it in the first place. Y/N face palms hearing Alec laugh.
“Get excited about what?!” Bill stares at the two as they have each other a look while the other actors for Barry grew confused on what the fuck was going on.
“Can I be first to say congratulations?”
The “script change” was really just Sarah and D’Arcy getting up in Bill’s personal space trying to see if he can connect the dots before stating the obvious.
“I did not write this, Im just gonna make that clear” Y/N tells Alec as he knew it was them. No brainer.
“Come on Berkman! How the fuck do you not know?”
“This is really exciting we heard it from your lover”
Bill really is oblivious and kept looking over at Y/N and Alec expecting something. But all he got was a shrug from Alec and a smile with a thumbs up from Y/N. Thanks. Very helpful.
“Can I Uh get the script back”
“Goddamn Berkman!”
“How did you not know she’s pregnant!” Fucking. Finally.
Bill stares at the two confused before being handed back the script and reading the last bit. He froze in place feeling like an idiot for not catching on, even though Sarah and D’Arcy at first weren’t helpful. He immediately looks over to Y/N watching her nod to confirm it as he started getting emotional. Bill handed the script back before quickly heading to Y/N and holding her in his arms crying happily.
“Should we call it a day?” Alec asks knowing for damn sure the two were having their moment. “Alright! We’ll pick up with the actual script tomorrow!” He states letting the two have the rest of the day.
So now Bill knows. It’s a good thing but something he didn’t take into consideration is, this is Y/N’s first and possibly only pregnancy. So even if Bill does know what he’s doing and is willing to take care of a lot of things in preparation. But when Y/N was finishing her second trimester heading into her third, she got extremely anxious over everything and would stay up unexpectedly startling Bill when he’d come home late.
“Shit-“ Bill whisper yells as when he closes the front door around 1 in the morning. Staying at the office to make adjustments to a few scenes, was a mistake.
Bill hangs up his jacket setting his keys down and before he could sneak up to bed. He stops seeing the shine of a screen distract him in the living room.
“Y/N...?” He asks walking around the couch seeing her sitting on the floor with her laptop on the coffee table open to a number of things. “Why are you awake?” He frowns moving himself beside her seeing the scariest shit he’s ever seen looked up about pregnancy. “Okay—Hey?”
“Hm...?” Y/N turns to him looking extremely tired as she was protectively holding her belly. “When did you get home?”
“Not even a minute ago. It’s one in the morning why aren’t you in bed?”
“Well, I was working on...a scene. Then got distracted by a number of things. Also you try growing a human. I can’t get up easily so I stayed here” Y/N sighs watching Bill get up moving the coffee table. He moves in front of her holding his hands out which she took to get help off the floor. “Did you know that 1.61% of births aren’t in a hospital?”
“That’s a very low percentage”
“It equals to 62,228 births, Bill”
“Okay and why are you looking that up?”
“What if I’m part of that one percentage”
“Y/N...I can promise you. When you go into the labor, you’ll make it to the hospital. I doubt you’ll have the baby in the backseat of my car”
“Are you implying that it’s a possibility?”
“Y/N. No”
“Bill it can happen. It probably would knowing my luck”
“What do you mean by that?”
“If you don’t agree with me I’m going to be even more anxious than I was before”
“We’ve gone over this...You get anxious when I do agree with you sometimes” Bill laughs a bit before bringing his wife into his arms. “I highly doubt you’ll have the baby in my car”
“Mmm...better prepare for that possibility Bill” Y/N sighs resting her head against his chest feeling him kiss the top of her head. “The baby is healthy and is on track. But one small thing can fuck everything up”
“Giving birth anywhere other than a hospital won’t fuck up everything. It happens. But still. I promise. It won’t. You’ll have our little one in the comforts of a hospital”
“Just know if fate says otherwise. I’m yelling at you”
“You were going to yell at me regardless baby” Bill smiles resting his chin on top of her head feeling her grip onto his shirt. “It’s going to be okay. Okay?”
When the time actually came, Y/N didn’t realize that her water had broke until Bill asked pointed out. Guess she didn’t think about it when it happened. Bill helped her into the backseat thinking she wouldn’t be cramped if she was in the front. He put the hospital bag in the passengers before starting to head to the hospital.
“Just take deep breaths, we’ll be there soon—shit” Bill frowns seeing the traffic start to become bumper to bumper. “Shit. Fuck. Okay, how close are they?”
“U-Uh. Uhm. Shit—“ Y/N couldn’t really think at this point when she thought the contractions would be more elongated. But they were coming in more expectedly.
This baby isn’t waiting and Bill is trying to find a way out of this traffic and to the nearest hospital.
“I. Fucking—-Told you Bill”
“Y/N—I can’t predict the future!”
“But people—jinx it” Y/N moans in pain unbuckling herself which startled Bill but she knew they weren’t moving any time soon.
As traffic started to lift a bit, just enough for Bill to rely on surface streets. Y/N had already positioned herself comfortably in the backseat trying to “keep it in” until they get to the hospital. It wasn’t until Bill parked in the ER load off that Y/N couldn’t wait. Bill ran inside hurrying over to the nurse’s station.
“I uh. My wife is in the back of my car—She has the baby—“
“Someone get a wheelchair!” One of the nurse called as Bill stopped the nurse.
“She needs more than a wheelchair”
“Sir did your wife get hurt-“
“She had our baby in the backseat” Bill blurts out as the nurse he was talking to went to get an ER doctor for the time being along with a gurney before paging OB.
After two hours of making sure mom and baby were perfectly okay, Bill was let into Y/N’s hospital room finding a very tired wife holding a little bundle of joy wrapped in a blue blanket. The two wanted to be surprised and indeed it was.
“Sorry I killed your all girls streak”
“That’s the first thing you say...?” Bill laughs as the tears of joy started streaming down his cheeks kissing Y/N’s temple before admiring the little boy she’s holding.
“Told you Id be part of the one percent”
“Oh shut up” He smiles kissing his wife lovingly before climbing into the bed beside her.
Y/N instantly handed their little boy to Bill watching him still be shaky when he’s had three before this one. It was honestly and will always be an amazing experience. This one definitely having quite the story to it. Y/N rests her head on his shoulder looking down at their little boy watching him instantly ease into Bill’s arms.
“Wow. A natural” Y/N jokes as she smiles nuzzling close to her husband. “So, the third?”
“William Thomas Hader the third? Wouldn’t that be a mouthful?”
“Bill, really?”
“You know I’m just teasing”
Bill couldn’t stop smiling at their son as after some time of holding him, Y/N had fallen asleep against him. He loves this, and can’t wait to start this new chapter.
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calypsoff · 3 years
Sixty Three.
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This is exactly my worst fear, I am just so glad the Grammys are over but now I got Chris’ birthday to contend with, but my fucking ankles look the worst, my god. It’s the extra weight I get it, but I am crying out for help with this because no, this is a no. My mother is telling me to relax, I am like relax for who? I have a home to run and business to deal with, not only Chris’ birthday, I have my Puma event, and top of that Chris’ event. I have a few events to contend with here but one at a time, I need to just process them. At hand I am just working on Chris’ birthday, on my own too. It’s so weird having the house to ourselves, we don’t have anyone here I am literally running the house alone and I like it, I am just trying to get used to it, but my ankles are not letting me. My pelvis hurts and my back on top of that but living alone is just weird, I think I am used to my team being around me. Having a full house constantly and now it’s just me and Chris, Chris is quiet well when he wants to be. I am going to stuff these clothes down Chris’ throat, when I tell him not to throw his clothes on the floor look what he does “idiot” picking up his top from the ground, jist throwing shit in the walk in closet “Robyn” turning to him “what?” looking up at him “the attitude? Is that part of the pregnancy” throwing his top to him “what?” tilting my head to the side “what I tell you about putting clothes on the floor, we spoke on this, but you do it still. I don’t do that over here, maybe at your momma house yes but not here Chris, I don’t know where this habit is coming from, I have told you so many times about this, pick up your shit. Grown ass man” he is staring at me like I am crazy “it’s a top, so what. I am not perfect all the time, it is what it is. If I put my top on the floor then I put my top on the floor, stop making a big deal out of it. I came here to actually speak to you” he balled up his top and threw on the isle in the middle of the walk in closet, like it makes it any better when he knows where he needs to put it.
Crossing my arms across my chest “ok, what is it?” I can’t be bothered to battle him on something he knows but chooses not to do “I am going to Canada this weekend, Drake invited me to his crib to just have fun and play basketball” squinting my eyes at him “so you’re leaving tomorrow to go to Canada? Are you asking or telling me, or better yet discussing this with me. I am unsure on what you are doing right now?” Chris placed his hands on his hips “well this is discussed at the Grammys he invited me, it’s Drake so what is the issue? I didn’t know I had to pre-warn you? It’s not an event just that I am going to a friend’s house and that is it, just the weekend and I will be back” I dislike his tone “you’re not going to your friend’s house that is down the road nigga, you are going to Canada which is first of all away from me. If you fucking told me I could have told Tina to come to the house, I have stopped people from coming because I am with my husband, we are having us time but here you are having these plans, the fuck? And first of all Chris, and we have spoke on this. You don’t tell me what you are doing not when you are hanging around single rich men, Drake likes you and thinks you’re cool, but it doesn’t mean he’s not going to have women there, you think he will stop that for you. You’re a married man, you speak to me about these things!” I spat, he angers me so much “I am not a kid” putting my hand in his face as I walked by him, I don’t want to hear it.
I am not a bad wife, I of course cooked him food. I made Lasagne and I was hungry, but we haven’t spoken since I walked off, I told him food is made but here I am sat at the table on my own. I can’t believe he is going and leaving me alone in this home, I am struggling right now with the quietness, there is nobody here and I just miss Mel, I miss her being here. Chris at times is not here, like now. He is leaving me alone in this home “sorry, I was speaking to Cena about the website party whatever” he apologised “it’s ok” I breathed out “I don’t know if your food is cold now anyways” I mumbled “it’s cool” he sat down “can I speak to you without you biting at me, just like hear me out. I want to say sorry, because I am sorry but. Also I just didn’t see an issue with just telling you because it’s just Drake, he was at my wedding and we are having fun. I am sorry, I get it. I should have said it earlier to you and asked if we weren’t doing anything either” nodding my head “but you do this a lot, like you’re going away to Canada now to have fun. I could have got Tina to come here, I am alone in this home and I am struggling because I have really always had someone with me, constantly. You can go, have fun but you need to discuss this with me. I don’t care where I am, you call and tell me” he can’t do what he is doing, he can’t just up and go “when we have our baby Chris, I don’t want you to up and go, actually. Since I am your wife I do come first, just don’t come to me and tell me what you are doing. Never do it again” Chris nodded his head “I won’t, but things come up. Then what?” I swear he can annoy me so much “I accept business wise but if it’s fun then I don’t want to hear it, I am telling you again. Do not come to me telling me things, you discuss it ok? Got it? Good” shaking my head at him.
Oh Chris is excited to go to Canada, like very excited. He was up already early; I saw him get out of bed, but I went back to sleep and just woke up. If he has gone without telling me I will go crazy on him, sitting up on the bed half asleep. Placing my hand on my bump as I did “morning” looking up at Chris “you were packing all this time” he is excited “yeah, I just finished” nodding my head, getting up from the bed “when is your flight?” I am not happy he is going; I just feel I wasn’t prepared to be on my own all weekend “I am leaving now, I was going to wake you” that is even worse “right, well have fun then. Be good, call me when you get there” I am being cold with him “I will, I will be back on Monday” extra day now” nodding my head “ok, take care then” walking over to him, hugging him “take care, just call me ok?” he better call me and keep in contact “I promise, I will miss you and the baby” I laughed moving back “sure, you better go. You get the SUV?” he shook his head so that means he got an Uber “I keep telling you to get the SUV, I need to use the bathroom so bye poppa” walking off to the bathroom, I am so sad. I feel very sad that he is going and I am alone in this home.
I feel deflated as fuck that he has gone, I really dislike being in the home on my own alone. I called Rorrey to see if he is in Cali and he isn’t, so I am now trying Mel, so I hope she is around or something “and you called?” Mel said down the phone “you miss me be quiet” she is lying “mhmm how is my baby mother? I am currently soaking up the Barbadian sun and you are doing what exactly? Housewife” such a bitch “whatever, I am in bed sad. I have nobody here, Chris has gone to Canada, do you believe it? After making sure nobody is here because I thought I would spend time with Chris but no, he left me so you coming?” I might as well get on with it “oh now you want me? Bitch, erm I can come. Guess who called me” I can imagine who “yes Barry” she said “oh god, how come? What did he want?” his nasty fucking ass “apologised and then just said how much Chris has let him down, he is sly, and I said sorry I am putting the phone down, that is family. So I put the phone down, he is trying to call me all of the time” pulling a face “so when are you blocking his number?” she is so dumb “I am, so you want me to come? Shall I bring Noella, I miss your face anyways. So why did he go Canada? Left my baby home alone” rolling my eyes “to see his new love Drake, he told me too. Didn’t even mention it to me, so yes I am pissed but I still said bye and hugged him and stuff, I had too” it’s just still annoying.
Here I am trying to get people to come to my house, I am so fucking lonely which is funny to me because I haven’t felt that since I don’t know, Rakim I think. I thought I would start preparing Chris’ birthday, get the themes out there. I have the party planner on the line and we have the venue “well you know we can make a venue anything you want it to be, so how about we make it elegant. Poppy nightclub has the minimum for that anyways but what if we make it elegant and it’s like a good get together and then also a section where you can have a party. You said he likes basketball; we can use that theme still but make it more elegant. It has to be like draft day, you have to wear suits on the day like you’re being drafted, I think we can do that. In my mind this looks amazing. I think it’s better then making it just a club and having fun. The night before we can do the club up and make it basketball draft themed” she knows what she is doing, I will leave it to her “girl, you know what you are doing so I will leave you to it. I will let you run with your vision, you know I trust you” she knows damn well I do “thank you so much, I promise you it’s going to be so dope. Trust me Rihanna, you’re going to love it” she is always trying to please me but she already does that, she has done so many events for me.
Mel is the love of my life; she has woken me up in the middle of the night because obviously she came rushing here for me but the fact she did this when she didn’t need too. I adore her for this, I have been feeling so low about everything, even went to bed at nine, I had my food all alone. I hate the silence, Chris is quiet but he’s there and he wasn’t there, and I hated it, he hasn’t even told me he landed either, I am not saying it to him because if he can’t be bothered to even mention it why should I go out of my way to tell him. Opening the door and we both screamed out “bitch!” hugging her close “your bump! You are fucking growing oh my god, I am so excited” Mel picked me up, she is my wife “you better be” kissing her cheek “ugh, I have missed you so much” she put me down slowly “I missed you more Robyn, I am feeling better. I am ready to start getting back into things, maybe look to get a man? I don’t know but yeah, I am happy and here I am with you” I cooed out, she touched my bump “it’s a girl, I know it. My niece is screaming out to me” poking my bottom lip out “it’s mixed, I get a boy and then it’s a girl. I can’t wait to find out actually” walking into the house “have you seen the mess of my ankles, like when I have them up it’s ok. As soon as I start doing some kind of work this is what I get, look at them” Mel pulled a face “ok, they look terrible. Come on then, let’s go to bed again. I will spoil you, also you can sleep on Chris’ side” Mel always says this, knowing damn well I dislike his side “fine” I mumbled.
My ankles are really upsetting me, I hate it “wiggling your toes like it’s going to make your ankles go down” Mel cackled “bitch!” I spat side eyeing “just dislike it, thank you though. It means so much to me that you came, you did not need to come. You could have easily said no, especially this quick. Thank you” Mel grinned at me “stop it, I will run to you. I didn’t want my sister being alone, what happened anyways? Chris just went to Canada like that? He has a real bromance with Drake, it’s kind of ugly” I chuckled “it’s a real ass bromance, he is dead ass far up his ass. I told him don’t ever come to me and tell me you are doing this; you discuss it with me. How dare he, I let him go because I didn’t want to see his face being all sad about it, he is at a point in his life where he now has a verified account, he is getting this attention and he is enjoying it, I don’t wan to be overbearing but he needs to learn. He needs to know that me and the baby come first, he can’t make plans just like that, equally like me. I can’t just say I am going London tomorrow you need to look after the baby, it’s wrong. Just yeah, I was annoyed but guess what? To piss me off even more he hasn’t told me he got there, he hasn’t even messaged. He forgets about me when it comes to Drake” Mel gasped “no way, see that is a mess. Why hasn’t he called? Mhmmm, men” she can say that again, men can be so annoying at times.
Mel is looking for something to watch even though it’s like two in the morning, but I am awake now, I asked her to find something. I actually like his side of the bed, it smells like him which is making me miss Chris so much “shall we finish watching Pretty Little Liars” shaking my head as I tapped on Instagram “no, I want something juicy. Something drama filled, better then that” the very first post is fuckyopictures, my husband can post but not text. Putting the volume up on my phone, this isn’t basketball, but it sure does look like a house party “who that?” Mel looked over “aye, Breezy. You ain’t tell us you can dance” the girl shouted “it’s a secret, that is my secret move” he said in the video “I can dance better then this nigga now” Drake came up from behind him looking at the caption ‘OVO compound’ so he just going to repost a video with a female talking now, tapping on his profile and going into his tags and seeing these videos of him at Drake’ home “ok then” I mumbled, tapping on the video “we got breezy here, aye Chris” this guy said in the video and Chris turned around “looking fresh, oh ok. I see the ring now riri went all out boy” Chris grinned with a blunt in hand “she wifed me up nigga!” Chris spat and they all laughed “but the drip, look at you!” Chris looks high as hell “how about we don’t snoop on want he does, let him have his fun. It’s for the best” tapping off the video, Mel is right let me stop.
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cardest · 3 years
Seattle playlist
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Seattle and Twin Peaks, all in one playlist. This is the one! Think of it as an vacation in Seattle, you spend time in the city, you dine at the Salmon House, you get around town with this playlist. Then, you head out to Snoqualmie and see the Twin Peaks filming locations, grab a bite at Twede;s Cafe and go up Crystal Mountain, coffee at a Drive thru Big Foot Java and head down to Mt St Helens, boat ride out on Puget Sound and see members of Wolves in the Throne Room doing a forest dance in the Olympic Nat Forest! This is that Seattle playlist! Enjoy! For the songs to listen to, click here at the link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC193HJs9M2yvjz03VeeChqxt
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001 Foo Fighters - Come Alive 002 Alice in Chains - Them Bones 003 Soundgarden - Loud Love 004 Heart - Crazy On You 005 Pearl Jam -  Spin The Black Circle 006 Seattle - Perry Como 007 Nevermore -  My Acid Words 008 Nirvana -  In Bloom 009 Melvins -  Honey Bucket 010 Trap Them - Hellionaires 011 Mother Love Bone -  Stardog Champion 012 Mudhoney - Touch Me I'm Sick 013 Paul Westerberg - Waiting For Somebody 014 Jimi Hendrix - May This Be Love 015 The Green Hornet   Main Theme   016 Screaming Trees -  More Or Less 017 Metal Church - Ton Of Bricks 018 Tad - Grease Box 019 Butt Trumpett - I Left My Flannel In Seattle 020 KMFDM - Moron 021 Soundgarden -  Sub Pop Rock City 022 Dinosaur Jr. - Pierce the Morning Rain 023 The Simpsons TV Show - Monorail song 024 Year of the Cobra - Persephone 025 Blondie - Under The Gun 026 Foo Fighters - Breakout 027 Autograph - Turn up the Radio 028 Neko Case - South Tacoma Way 029 Queensryche- jet city woman 030 Pearl Jam - Breath 031 Audrey Horne - Cards With The Devil 032  Blake Shelton - Sunny in Seattle 033 Swallow The Sun -  Ghost Of Laura Palmer 034 Fantomas -  Twin Peaks-Fire Walk With Me 035 VUM - Laura Palmer 036 Jimi Hendrix -  Little Miss Strange 037 Anthrax - Black Lodge 038 Willow - Seattle 039  Kenny Rogers - My Washington Woman 040 TWEAN PEAKS TV show - Falling 041 Church of Misery - I Motherfucker (Ted Bundy) 042 Alice in Chains - We Die Young 043 Temple Of The Dog - Pushin' Forward Back 044 Nine Inch Nails -  She's Gone Away 045 David Lynch -  The Line It Curves 046 Patty Loveless - Chains 047 Sir Mix A Lot - Baby Got Back 048 Screaming Trees -  Shadow Of The Season 049 ANGELO BADALAMENTI - Twin Peaks Theme 050 Nevermore - Bittersweet Feast 051 Duff McKagan - Seattle head 052 Helms Alee  - Spider Jar 053 Talking Seattle grunge band Todd Snider 054 Robyn Hitchcock - Viva! Sea Tac 055 Indian Handcrafts - Bruce Lee 056 Anti-Flag Seattle Was A Riot 057 Marcy Playground - The Shadow of Seattle 058 Presidents of the United States of America - Lump 059 Mudhoney - This Gift 060 Bell Witch - Judgement, In Fire: I - Garden (Of Blooming Ash) 061 Black Breath -  Forced Into Possession 062 The Material - Moving To Seattle 063 Lou Reed - Last Great American Whale 064 King Dude -  Satan's Ghost 065 Jane's Addiction - Ted, Just Admit It 066 Mommy Long Legs - Bitch Island 067 21 Jump Street - Theme song 068 Mentors - Rock 'Em Sock 'Em 069 Queensryche - Empire 070 Mad Season -  X-Ray Mind 071 Bloodbath - Anne 072 Heart - Heartless 073 Pearl Jam -  Go 074 Mother Love Bone -  Holy Roller 075 Old Man Gloom - Eden's gate 076 Tom Petty and the Fart Breakers - American Girl 077 Melvins - The Bit 078 Sunn O))) - The Gates of Ballard 079 My Sisters Machine - Enemy 080 Earth - Harvey 081 Alice in Chains -  Dam That River 082 Bikini Kill - Rebel Girl 083 Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio ? - Close But No Cigar 084 Bing Crosby - Black Ball Ferry Line 085 Hammerbox - Hed 086 the Accused - martha splatterhead 087 Temple Of The Dog - Hunger Strike 088 Native American Indian Artist Harold Alfred Kwakwaka'wakw Pacific Northwest Coast Art 089 Naomi Punk - Thru The Trees 090 Soundgarden -  Rusty Cage 091 Jerry Cantrell - Between 092 Brothers Of The Sonic Cloth - I Am 093 Casual Hex - Zorcho 094 Millennium - Millennium TV theme song 095 The Jimi Hendrix Experience -  Red House 096 Heart - Rock Deep 097 The Fabulous Wailers - Wailers House Party 098 La Luz - Brainwash 099 Sanctuary -  Arise And Purify 100 Soundgarden - Spoonman 101 Tad - Wood Goblins 102 Alice In Chains -  Rainier Fog 103 Attilio Mineo - Boeing Spacearium 104 Vouna  - Drowning City 105 The Monkeywrench - Flashy New Dance Steps 106 U-Men  - Gila 107 Gillan: - Puget Sound 108 Nirvana - Drain You 109 Wolves in the Throne Room - Angrboda 110 Drug Store - The Dwarves 111 CHRISTIAN MISTRESS - Open Road 112 Weird Al Yankovic - My Babys In Love With Eddie Vedder 113 Heir Apparent - Another Candle 114 Candlebox You 115 FAUNA   - The Golden Circle 116 JOHN BARRY - Game of Death _ 'Main Theme' 117 ZEKE - On The Road 118 Jimi Hendrix - Spanish Castle Magic 119 Quayde LaHüe Man In The Purple Robe 120 Hole - Rock Star 121 Beta Boys - The Zoo 122 Tomahawk - Totem 123 Earth -  Rise To Glory 124 Book of Black Earth - Cross Contamination 125 Wolves In The Throne Room - Woodland Cathedral 126 Audrey Horne -  Volcano Girl 127 Old St. Helen Song by Billy Jonas 128 Brothers Of The Sonic Cloth - Lava 129 The Bangles - I Got Nothing 130 Neil Diamond ~ Glory Road 131 POTUSA - Volcano 132 Weird Al Yankovic - Smells Like Nirvana 133 Eye of Nix - Keres 134 Mad Season - Locomotive 135 Vio-lence -  Serial Killer 136 CEREBRAL ROT - Repulsive Infestation Of Cadaver 137 Jackyl - The Lumberjack 138 Old Man Gloom -  The Volcano 139 Rbbie hill's family Affair - I just want to be 140 Nirvana - Stay Away 141 Foo Fighters - Subterranean 142 Public Image Ltd - Seattle 143 The Accüsed - Barracuda 144 Drawn and Quartered - Nefarious Rites 145 Sleater Kinney - Light Rail Coyote 146 DEATH - Crystal Mountain 147 FETID - Consumed Periphery From Steeping Corporeal Mess 148 Primus - Last Salmon Man 149 Pixies - Trompe Le Monde 150 Alice In Chains - So Far Under 151 Mos Generator - Shadowlands 152 The Lovemongers - Battle of Evermore 153 Big Business - Grounds for Divorce 154 Summoned by Giants - Ouch 155 MORTIFERUM - Funereal Hallucinations 156 Master Musicians Of Bukkake - A Mist Of Illnesses 157 Botch - To Our Friends in the Great White North 158 Tenacious D - The Metal 159 NUDITY -  Lectric Motions 160 Anhedonist - Estrangement 161 Blackouts - Probabilities 162 Wolvhammer - Clawing into Black Sun 163 Mamiffer - All That Is Beautiful 164 King Buzzo (with Trevor Dunn) - Science In Modern America 165 The Makers - I Just Might Crack 166 Forced Entry - Bludgeon 167 Sandrider - Rain 168 Soundgarden -  Let Me Drown 169 Isenordal - The Sorrow of a Shadowed World 170 Giants in the Trees + Kim Thayil - Drone 171 Theme From Get Carter OST 172 Heart - Dear Old America 173 Hole - teenage whore 174 Sunn O))) - it took the night to believe 175 Alice in Chains - secrets unknown 333 Queensryche - Anarchy-X 666 Screaming Trees - Nearly Lost You
Have I left out a band or song? Let me know! Cya at Dick’s Drive-in!!
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berkmansimagines · 4 years
Can I please be THAT petty bitch and request any prompt from that list you haven’t done yet/one you wanna do, with dad!barry and wife!reader??? I’m dyinnng for some family fluff thank u you are THE BEST!!! ❤️
A/N: Yessss queen!! Thanks for this request! I had a lot of fun writing it and tried using most of the prompts that weren’t already requested. Hope you enjoy 😊
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“It’s okay, little one, mommy’s here.”
You gently place your daughter back into her crib. She’s been crying for hours and you’ve tried everything, but nothing has calmed her down. After putting your daughter in her crib, you grab the baby thermometer from the drawer and put it underneath her arm.
“Just taking your temperature to make sure you’re okay,” you whisper to your infant daughter.
Before putting her back into her crib, you felt her forehead and she was a little warm. Being an overly cautious new parent, you want to make sure if your daughter has a fever or not.
“Hey, is everything okay?” 
You turn around to see your husband, Barry, standing in the doorway. He had just arrived home from a job and looks exhausted. He steps inside and notices the thermometer you are propping up under the baby’s arm.
“Is she sick?” Barry asks with a concerned look on his face.
You take Barry’s hand and put it to your daughter’s forehead, “Am I crazy or is she a little warm?”
“You’re not crazy,” Barry says quietly.
“She’s been crying for the past few hours. What if she’s sick?” you shake your head, you’re just as exhausted as Barry, “Today I took her on a longer walk than usual. I’m such a fucking idiot…”
“Don’t say that,” Barry takes his hand off his daughter’s forehead and puts it on your shoulder, “It’s not your fault.”
Your daughter is crying so loudly that you almost miss when the thermometer starts to beep. You pull it out from underneath her arm and read it. She’s 100°F.
“Oh my God!” you gasp. You’re in full on new parent panic mode right now, “What are we going to do?”
Barry turns you around so you can face him. He’s looking you directly in the eye and trying his best to remain calm for you.
“I’m here, I’m right here,” Barry softly reassures you, “I’m not going anywhere for the rest of the night. I’ll help you.” 
“Ok,” you nod, taking a deep breath. Your husband always had a way of knowing exactly what to say to calm you down.
“I can get the baby book,” Barry offers, “There has to be something in there about-”
Suddenly you remember a conversation you had with your sister a while back. The same thing happened to her son a few months after he was born. You know what to do…
“Cold bath!” you interrupt your husband.
Barry raises his eyebrow, confused. 
“We need to give her a cold bath. It will help bring down the fever,” you explain, “My sister told me about it. It works!”
Barry nods and rushes towards the door.
“You get her ready, I’ll start her bath,” he tells you as he leaves the baby’s room.
You pick your daughter up and move her to the changing table. She’s still crying as you take off her little onesie.
“It will be okay, baby, mommy and daddy will take care of you,” you coo, rubbing your daughter’s little belly.
Once she’s undressed, you pick up your daughter and head towards the kitchen. Barry is already there, with the baby tub at the sink. The water is running and he has his hand underneath to test the temperature.
“It’s ready,” Barry nods.
You gently place your daughter in the baby bath and let the cold water wash all over her. You keep rubbing her tummy and Barry softly strokes her head, trying to help your daughter calm down. The crying begins to slow down.
“I think it’s working,” you whisper to Barry.
“Me too,” Barry agrees.
A few minutes later, the crying has completely stopped. Your daughter is still awake and the calmest she’s been all night.
“I think we should take her temperature again,” you suggest.
Barry nods and turns off the running water. He grabs a towel and lightly wraps it around his daughter as he picks her up. The two of you go back to the baby’s nursery. Barry places her on the changing table as you once again put the thermometer underneath her arm.
“If this doesn’t work, I think we should go to the Emergency Room,” you say nervously.
“It’ll be fine,” Barry wraps his arm around your shoulder.
The thermometer beeps and check the temperature again: 98.6°F.
“She’s okay,” you sigh in relief.
Barry kisses your forehead and lightly rubs your daughter’s stomach. She looks like she’s about to fall asleep. You reach for her onesie, but Barry grabs it first.
“I got this,” Barry offers, “You’ve been taking care of her all night.”
“Okay,” you nod, “I’ll clean up in the kitchen.”
Barry gently changes his daughter back into her little pjs. She falls asleep before Barry finishes changing her.
“All better,” Barry says softly.
He picks up his daughter and places her back in her crib, careful not to disturb her. She’s finally calm. Barry hoped that should would sleep through the night. 
He watches his daughter peacefully sleeping in her crib for a few minutes. Now that she was okay, he could finally relax. You return to the baby’s room and slowly approach your husband standing over the crib. You look down and smile at your sleeping daughter. 
Barry wraps his arm around you and pulls you close. You nuzzle your head into his shoulder. 
“I don’t think I could’ve done this without you, babe,” you confide in your husband, “Thanks for calming me down.”
“This was all you,” Barry reassures you, “You knew what to do, I was taking your lead.”
“We make a good team,” you give your husband a small smile.
Barry kisses your forehead and the two of you stand over your daughter’s crib a little while longer, watching her sleep.
Well this was the last request in my inbox! Thanks so much for everyone who reached out!
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poguesofthebau · 4 years
Hey! I saw you were ships! I have long brown wavy hair, bright green eyes, and olive skin, I’m 5’2. l love reading, listening to music, surfing, jet skiing, and partying. I’m definitely the risk taker in my friend group and I’m up for a spontaneous adventure 24/7! I’m sarcastic and a hopeless romantic. Fun fact about me I lost my leg a couple of years ago from a stroke so I wear a prosthetic now. Thank you in advance (:
(based on this description + ur url...... u sound like the baddest bitch ever)
i ship you with jj!! (honorary mention: you’d definitely be inseparable from kie, and the two of you would spend all of your one-on-one time having deep ass convos about boys and global warming and love and everything in between)
okay there is no doubt in my mind that you would bring out jj’s logical, safe, ‘don’t do that because you might get hurt’ side. the combination of your medical history and your willingness to risk your own life solely to have fun would just trigger something in him, and, even though he would take whatever risks you would when it came down to it, he was always asking if you were positive about your decisions to do stupid shit. the rest of the pogues would love having another adventure seeker on their team (can you imagine going on that stupid treasure hunt with them? you’d be like ‘yeah john b let’s break into the motel room. kie, it’s not that big of a deal that jj stole a gun and a wad of cash! hell yes, let’s steal ward c’s scuba gear fuck him. let’s do all the crazy shit!!!’).
while jj did tend to worry about you a little more than he did about himself or anyone else, he would also love having a girlfriend who was always right next to him for all of the most psychotic things he’d ever done in his life. like, when he insisted that everyone take a trip to barry’s house after he tried to rob them? you would definitely be riding shotgun for that, not exactly supporting the idea, but also not willing to go against jj because you knew how much it meant that you stuck by his side. so when he was in the house digging around for shit to steal, john b would send you in first to see if you could calm him down at all. you’d catch him right as he was storming into the bedroom, and as he was throwing money from barry’s bag into his own, you’d catch his arm and force him to look at you. “are you sure that this is what you wanna do, j?” and, i mean, we all saw how heated he was in that moment, so he wouldn’t hesitate to yank his arm out of your grip and look at you with this disbelieving, offended expression that would make your heart drop to your ass. “you’re asking me if i’m sure? if i’m sure that i wanna take some money from the guy who just put a gun to my head? to your head? yeah. yeah. i’m fucking sure. i don’t blame you if you’re not sure, but--” “jj, when have i ever let you make a stupid ass decision on your own?” his eyes would soften for a second at that, and then the determined look would return. “i got your back on this, j, even though it’s easily going to be the dumbest shit we’ve ever done. i don’t really wanna die, and definitely don’t want it to be at the hands of a bitch ass drug dealer, but it’s a risk i’m willing to take. the others, though? you know they’re on a totally different page.” it would be then that john b finally decided he should follow you two in, remembering how truly committed to jj and all his psycho ideas you were, but it was already too late. and when the three of you exited barry’s a few minutes later and an argument ensued, you would be storming off with jj. maybe it wouldn’t end well, but anything with jj was a risk you’d be willing to take.
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mandoleksiak · 6 years
and the avs :)
ok magn, i’m a bitch who is lazy too and i only chose players that i could actually comment on – also links for you! enjoy!
tyson barrie: my son!; i love him and would die for him even if he does have the shortest sideburns in the nhl; also terrorizes friends w power tools! – i think about this daily!
erik johnson: big horny ‘horse girl’ ej; i just want you to meet my grandma ( @hockeybuns ) so she can bake u cookies to fit in between your tooth gap
sven andrighetto: sings! baby! as! a! karaoke! song!; small but would definitely kick my ass; THE! BOY! HAS! A! SILVER! MEDAL!
alex kerfoot: a harvard grad; tries to maintain his Frat Boy™ persona and all i can think about is this
blake comeau: my colorado dad – that is all
nikita zadorov: IS! SO! ADORABLE! especially w his kid which is so crazy to think about bc he looks like he’s 19 and not 23
tyson jost: ’my sweet boy let me show you the world’; also my son! 
colin wilson: sings ‘shoop’ as a karaoke song; how Iconic™ amirite?; saved from the preds sorry magn
nate mackinnon: sid’s Summer Boyfriend™ and any boyfriend of sid’s is a friend of mine; my heart melts when i see him w dogs 
jt compher: he could honestly get it from me any time, any day, and in any way
mark barberio: he is so very attractive and that’s purely the only reason he made it into my commentary
gabe landeskog: the sassiest swede whom i would sacrifice myself for 
mikko rantanen: ’can’t knock [him] over with a pail of water’; a! finnish! puppy! dog! who! deserves! the! world!; additionally, i would die for him 
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zprinklez · 6 years
OC Interview meme
Interview with my dwarf inquisitor boy!!! Sorry the spacing is awful, i kept hitting the character limit. I put it under a read more half way down so i dont bug people :)
- What's your name?
"Rocky Cadash!"
- What's your real name?
"...Ser Inquisitor Cadash. Don't call me that."
- Do you know why you were called that?
"Because i jumped out of the fade and fought Corypheus and decided to lead an army yadda yadda. Anyone could do that shit with the right luck. I dont like to be considered better than anyone, so i like to just be called Rocky."
- Are you single or taken?
"Very happily taken by the one and only Iron Bull."
- Have any abilities or powers?
"Uhm, i can kind of control the door to the afterlife with my hand. So i'd say yeah. I can also fit into very tiny spaces, if needed."
- What's your eye color?
"Bluish green. Varric described them as 'soft like the smoothest river, yet fierce and wild like the harshest jungle' so if im being honest id prefer to call them that."
- How about your hair color?
"Don't tell anyone, but it's dark brown. Tadahn taught me how to make an alchemic mixture that turns it white. I kept it that way because i love how it looks, but now everyone thinks my white hair is part of the prophecy and a sign that i was chosen by Andraste, so i can't let the secret get out. I've really dug myself into a hole here."
- Stop being a Mary Sue.
"No. I don't know who that is, but she sounds lovely, and i'd be honored to take her visage."
- Have you any family members?
"Many, but none of them blood related. I grew up with four other misfits and we basically raised each other. They're my closest family. But i also have all of my companions and advisors. We're a family, even if some of them wouldn't like to admit it. Cassandra is the mom and Varric is the dad. Solas is the stern yet loving step father who makes a bunch of rules the kids don't like but he's TECHNICALLY their father now so they have to listen. And Cole? Cole is my son."
- What about pets?
"I have a pet nug i stole from some dead nobles house when we went to investigate. I couldn't just leave it in it's cage to die! His name is Barry, and he runs around my room freely. Love you, Barry."
- Tell me something you don't like.
"Honestly? My job. Wait, ok, i love leading, i love planning battles, i love strategizing and spending time consulting. I love all of it except the killing. If there was some way to experience the thrill of battle without taking a life, i'd do it. But i can't stand waking up every day knowing i'm going to get more blood on my sword."
- Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
"Don't tell anyone, but i like to write songs. I play guitar in my room sometimes. I wrote a song for Bull, but I don't know how he'd feel about that lovey dovey bullshit. Oh HAHAHAHA BULLSHIT! Amazing! I've made my own day."
- Have you ever hurt someone?
"Wow way to bring me down off the high of my own joke. Unfortunately, yes. I don't know if you mean emotionally or physically, either way, it's still yes."
- Have you ever killed someone?
"...a lot. Too many to count. It's my job, after all. Storm the castle, find the hideout, kill the grunts. Occasionally i have a dramatic face off with someone higher on the food chain. There's so much death all the time. I like to think the main job of the inquisition is to fix that, to bring peace, but somehow the only way to do that is with more death. It doesn't make sense to me, but if it keeps people safe, sometimes you have to become what you hate. Greater good and all that."
- What kind of animal are you?
- Name your worst habits.
"I hide my real personality. See, when i first showed up, i obviously wasn't in the mood to crack jokes. But then everyone got it in their head that the Herald of Andraste is some stoic warrior sent by the Maker himself. It drives me crazy not being able to be myself, but i doubt Cullen would enjoy planning our next battle with me very much if i spilled my thoughts, which are usually an elaborate string of dick jokes. I also cry very easily, another thing i hide. I also hate myself, and think im not worthy of this job. I panic easily and half of the 'heroic' things i've done have been pure instinct. So i guess my worst habit is: i'm a mess."
- Do you look up to anyone at all?
"My best friend Samahl. He's been through so much, but always comes out the other side smiling. I've learned a lot from him."
- What's your sexuality?
- Do you go to school?
"HAH, LAUGHABLE. I was born and raised in Dust Town. I never even learned to read until i turned 14 and met Samahl. Thank Stone those elves love their books so much, otherwise i would have been helpless."
- Do you ever want to marry and have kids some day?
"If the Inquisition does what it's meant to do, yes and yes."
- Do you have any fans?
- What are you most afraid of?
"Reaching a point where violence stops being a tool for the greater good and starts being something i enjoy. I don't want to hurt the people i love."
- What do you usually wear?
"Anything fancy or flowery. I even had custom armor made that looks like a noble's costume for a masquerade. I never got to experience things like that growing up, so i cherish any chance to wear something delicate or pretty. I insist all of my companions are dressed their best when they accompany me. Cole, Varric, and Dorian are the only ones who let me put flowers in their hair. I tried to glue some onto Solas once and i'm pretty sure he put a curse on me."
- Do you love someone?
"I love everyone as long as they're not trying to murder me."
- When was the last time you wet yourself?
"Laughing too hard at a dead darkspawn. It fell down some rocks and landed in a complete handstand. Absolutely stunning."
- What class are you? (High class, middle class, lower class)
"Is there something lower than lower class? Something like 'grew up in the basement of a brothel in Dust Town and didn't learn to wipe myself until i turned 10' class?"
- How many friends do you have?
"Uhm, let's see, Tadahn, Samahl, Varric, Blackwall, Ser Morris, Dagna, Quartermaster Threnn, Cullen, Josephine...uhh, let's just say 'a lot', because we could be here all day. I don't know if they consider me their friends, but i consider them mine."
- What are your thoughts on pie?
"I. Will. Eat. Anything."
- Favorite drink?
"...chocolate milk. Don't tell anyone you heard that."
- What's your favorite place?
"THE EMERALD GRAVES. It's so beautiful, i honestly wish i could live there! I get so awestruck seeing all the beautiful elven ruins, and oh my, those trees? Pure beauty. If the inquisition goes well, and i ever get to retire, i'm moving there in a little flower covered cottage. I don't care how much Bull complains, we're living that fairytale life, bitch."
- Interested in anyone?
"You think?"
- What's your bra/dong size?
"Big...for a dwarf. Do with that knowledge what you will."
- What's your type?
"Someone who could pummel me to the ground. So basically, everyone. I have a thing for people with a good sense of humor and a soft side. Looks don't matter to me very much. Except Solas, he's ugly."
- Do you want this interview to end?
"Why does it have to end? I love to talk!"
- Now it's over!
"Oh, that sucks. Well have a lovely day! Be safe! See ya!"
Ok there it is!!! Im gonna tag @fleshwerks bc you were the person who posted this and id love to share my answers!!! Our characters couldnt be more different lol
I don't have anyone on my tumblr i can tag to do it but im gonna send this to ace. Also, @sassmastermeg u wont do this but like, read about my baby boy, you cuck.
If anyone answers this please tag me!!! I wanna learn about peoples inquisitors!!! Or if anyone just wants to talk abt da in general hmu, i need more friends who like it ),:
I can send anyone who needs it the blank form of the questions for you to copypaste!!!
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ac-ars · 6 years
i know that no one cares but i just came back home and this is my opinion no one cares about and no one ever needed but welp thats my blog xDDD dont expect anything smart hehe justice league thats it (if you care about not reading spoilers or cant handle dumb talking without punctuation and capital letters just dont its not a place for you)
batman is creepy like i dont feel a vibe and this weird voice like listen i respect the guy i wish i had his superpower (which is "rich") and then he bought the bank and like he was an asshole to diana, but his crazy idea to bring the superguy back in tights was actually cool
i love diana even if i didnt watch wonder woman movie (judge me however you wanna just dont threaten my mom) and i needed to get used to fact she is wonder-ful and lowkey dramatic but i love her
my son barry allen like i adopted him the second he appeared i love him deeply he is a lost baby wanting pizza and friends and he was so anxious to save people i wanted to hug him plus it was nice to see him focused on shit (while being a dork) and not focused on joe or iris to save (thank u @directors for no iris west here) and the animations a+++ really
cyborg is a cool dude from zero to hero bless his soul i gasped when his leg went out like what bitch leave him alone besides i loved all tech shit bc im tech trash and yk i just love all cyber stuff like he was spinning around hologram of earth my aesthetic got +++ like in the sims2 when you buy pretty couch
aquaman from zero to hero!!!! like my fav along baby barry honestly i couldnt stop staring at his chest and im super jelly that he can pull h2o just add water and jump in the water and this super fast swimming plus this battle scene i loved that truly he is crazy bitch and like i wanted to touch his hair becuse its not thors hair ofc but it was pretty mess and well thats a good moment to stop anyway i love him he in my top2
superman was like xD because he woke up all shirtless i mean i could mostly focus on the question in my head how its possible to be so attractive like i wasnt really into it but the face itself like wtf wow okay no questions every lois lane scene made me look for more caramel popcorns in my bucket (probs because i havent really watched superman earlier because i never really cared judge me here) and like i knew his eyes can be lasers but damn after watching 1 (one) episode of supergirl i just snorted bc no pls
anyway the movie was cool me likey and im not really attached to this universe like listen i like nice movies so if it carries some super™ fan™ of dc universe™ just leave me alone pls i had fun and the battle scenes were super cool the movie was lowkey annoying and highkey dramatic at points but it was not much to handle
plus i teared up on barry plus dad job talk i loved that
thanks for reading byeeee
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jimiin · 7 years
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name meanings: ayesha: alive; she who lives; life, woman → “ what is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and still lives ”
heh....this is where the aesthetics dont matter !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH ur 21 u can...legally turn tf up ! now if we lived together i’d be making u buy me stuff i bet ur happy i live all the way in florida huh /: DCVDVGF god what can i say....i still cant believe its been almost 3 yrs or like 3 yrs since we met & became close ass friends thanks to the night goblins chat....time really does fly wtf. just yesterday eloise was throwing shoes at cody....& now we’re here :’) honestly im not one to get emo (lies) but im so thankful i met u even if we’ve had ups & downs bc who the heck else would i go to for crazy ass plots ??? especially crazy ship plots like we truly do the most there will never be anyone else on the same page as me djcbdjfbgu speaking of ships thank u for playing naveed & giving me probs one of my fave of not my fave ship i’ve ever had in an rp that we literally took MONTHS to develop without even planning the ship in the first place like that was truly an experience i’ll never have again like....U DID THAT <3 thank u for adopting me even if i did try to run away & had a weird beethoven phase & then a barry the bee phase except its not a phase hes my mans...........dmcbjdbjfbj all my keysmashes look the same bc my broken ass keyboard but WHATEVER !! uh tbh ur an amazing person who deserves the world ok u got a big ass heart & even if sometimes u feel like thats a bad thing just know its not ok u got a lot of love to give & ur gonna find urself a mans who appreciates that one day (mayhaps ur old man barista? (; ) literally ur gonna be the best teacher like those kids are gonna be lucky af to have u they’re gonna be so loved!!! adulthood is scary but girl.....u got this!! ur smart & talented & kind & hardworking so no matter what life throws @ u i know u have it in u to get back u again & keep on being u <3 alright i gotta meme it back up again this is getting......too real.......pls enjoy some naveen fanfiction below:
naveen diary entry #1 i h4te my br0th3r h3 is s0 l4m3 !!!!!
naveen diary entry #2 4ur0r4 is s0 h0t why is she d4ting n4v33d ????
naveen diary entry #3 h4h4h4h4 !!! sn4tch3d.....sh3s mine l0l 
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emoney2708-blog · 7 years
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The Glove that Rocks the Cradle!
Thoughts and outburst while watching:
WTF Officer Barry!! Don’t think we forgot that deleted scene of you letting Charlotte escape your police car!!! You sir are shady as fuck!
Spencer is not stupid, Marco will get zero answers from her! Damn he’s harsh!
I know alot of people don’t believe Ali is pregnant but I 💯percent do! How cute Em started with the nursery, god I wish Ali would just tell Em how she feels!! Just say it… I love you!!!
Eww, Ali and Hanna are being straight up assholes to Spencer… like seriously Hanna?? After what you put Spencer thru you have the nerve to be up her ass?? Get a grip! Poor Spencer man, she just keeps getting thrown wrenches left and right.
Fuck Jillian! I would not make the love of my life feel like shit just to please people, fans or whatever.
It’s about time Hanna realizes she fucked Spencer. Like for real, you do owe her. And don’t play stupid Caleb, you both did Spencer wrong and broke her heart! (Even tho i hated u two together)
Spencer is being so nosey questioning what’s happening between Emison!! I love it.
Hanna really doesn’t think Lucas has anything to do with this?? Like how much proof do you need?? He is obviously shady but still prob definitely not A.D.
Oh Lord! Spencer did not go to Marcos apartment lol she is talking to him like he’s Toby, they did not date that long! What the he’ll is wrong with her?? She is basically admitting that she and the Liars are involved!! This is crazy! Is she on drugs again??? What the hell… a Lucas flash drive!! Take that shit Spencer!!! Take it take it!! Yessss!! Now what the fuck is on it??
Oh HELL NO!! This shady mother fucker just took back the Liars alibi!!! Is he being blackmailed??? Omg he did not just say he wouldnt be surprised if the Liars killed Charlotte?!?! Damn Hanna is still defending him??? Girl has faith!!! WTF LUCAS??? I never saw that coming… What a dick!!
Oh shit bahahahaha I totally thought/was hoping that Aria was going to tell the girls what she was doing!! Damn!
Emily is legit like mothering Ali about this pregnancy. It kind of feels like an old married couple lol
Aria looks so suspicious in ever scene lol if one if the girls would look at her they may notice it!
A Spaleb moment… does he still have a thing for her?? Lol god I hope not.
Finally Mona!! Preach sister!! You always are saving their asses and they show zero appreciation!!
Hmm Aria is M.I.A…. wrecking the nursery looking so good in that hoodie lol
God I swear this girl is not Ali!!
Wait how do they keep missing A.D.?? Did A.D. legit just knock Ali down??
Oh shit!! Catch her ass!! Aria is legit the worst A ever!! Bahahahaha make a bunch of noise much??!! Damn it!! I wanted Em to catch her ass so this could be over!!
That was super sweet of Ezra!! He really is in Love with Aria! He refused to hurt her just to help book sales!
God Aria looks so guilty LMAO
HOLY shit!!!! Aria dropped her earring!! Worst A ever!! Hahahaha no wonder she was never on the A team… A.D. would of been caught by now with all the noose she makes and evidence she leaves behind lmao good lord aria!!
Yes Caleb! Burn those credit card receipts!!!
What??? Mona is saying Em and Ali chased her and then took off?? Okay, Mona is being shady… is she the one that pushed Ali??? Or was somebody else chasing Mona???
Eww Marco!! Talk about being a dick! Totally not the guy I thought he was. I feel like he’s going out of his way to be an asshole. Like showing no compassion what so ever! But I guess that is his job.. to catch killers…
Yes bitches!! These girls cornered Lucas’ ass and demanded answers!! But did anybody else get the feeling he knew Aria trashed the nursery? I damn sure did!! Aria is killing me lol Again, that feeling that, that IS NOT ALI!! She was looking like, god I am not the mean queen that treated you terrible!!
Another book??? Never finished?? I really get the feeling Charles could be doing this… maybe Lucas isn’t involved like that…. wait… why is Lucas leaving his own loft like it’s not his?? Hey Lucas… you live there buddy, if anything you could make Hanna go… guess he’s not so bad after all. Damn man, this kid is legit in Love with Hanna… I really feel bad for Lucas. I hope he returns in the next episodes… maybe to reunite with Wren… I mean Charles.
Oh give it a rest Marco, she ain’t fucking talking!!
You’ve always protected me Em, ever since I met you I knew I could count on you!! THAT IS NOT FUCKING ALI!!
Omg, Emison happens… I was never an Emison shipper cuz I never liked Alison… but this ain’t Ali… this is somebody I actually like and I got excited for Em and Ali in this scene!! They are in love!! Awww, I’m kind of really happy for them!
Damn Aria… I feel bad for her… I know she’s doing some shady ducked up shit but damn man.. can u imagine holding all that in?? She feels like a piece of shit for what she’s doing but she doesn’t want to lose the love of her life and send him to jail….
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lolacism · 7 years
well idk if you've watched that 70's show but it's my favorite show atm. and i adore fall out boy and panic! at the disco but i also love frank sinatra and dean martin so my music taste varies lol. i still feel like i'm doing this wrong omfg but i just hope this year will be better for everyone in general than 2016 was
i’m so sorry this took me a billion years, i’ve seriously had it drafted with all but the written out answers for at least a good two weeks but?? life is hard & i’m a weakass bitch™ but at least it’s still january for a few more days so i guess it still counts :’) anyway, thank you for your patience if you still have any!!! plus that 70′s show is my FAVE & i have so many feelings about that i need to share tbh — but now i made just rewatch it from scratch bc it’s always a good time for that :’)))))
vodka: german vodka / polish vodka / russian vodka / czech vodkabob’s burgers character: bob / linda / tina / gene / louise / crazy af mr fishoederold school crime show i love: quincy m.e. / murder she wrote / magnum p.i. / simon & simongr8 john travolta movie: saturday night fever / grease / look who’s talking / pulp fictionbook i love: lolita / tender is the night / pride & prejudice / the bell jar / transparent thingscancelled/concluded show: pushing daisies / desperate housewives / wicked city / the astronaut’s wives club / charmedmatt daddario quirk: calling a phone a ‘machine’ / knocking sunglasses off of an innocent cactus / being a real life snow white / cherishing cows more than any of uband i saw live & loved: we are scientists / the nbhd / mothxr / mumford & sons / pawsthe godfather character: michael / sonny / kay / vito / fredo / apolloniagr8 al pacino movie: the panic in needle park / the godfather / serpico / scarfaceour lord & saviour barry miller in: saturday night fever / fame / peggy sue got marriednicolas cage starring as: blonde cage / crazy cage / luscious hair cage / sexii hawaii shirt cage / stache cage
a compliment: ok sO first of, you obvs have very refined taste in shows & i love the parts of your music taste you mentioned!! (sorry if my song recs are still kinda random btw i can’t bring myself to listen to anything but this rn so i tried to find sth half fitting?) you seem like a really sweet & nice person & i really enjoy the stuff you post so i’m v glad i got to follow you thanks to this! x
song rec: i. dream girls — moses gunn collective ii. trouble — girl ray iii. heavy jesus — honus honus
good wishes for the new year spell: may your year be filled with positivity, success, love & health for you & everyone you hold dear! may you achieve everything you set your mind on & make memories worth cherishing! ♡
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