#bart simpsons dracula
k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 11 months
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icemankazansky · 11 months
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Some of the most iconic books-that-were-made-into-movies-like-a- bunch-inspired horror villains from The Simpsons
Treehouse of Horror
@pscentral event 20: antagonists
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softsoftmoonwitch · 2 years
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jukeboxofjellycat · 2 years
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toonlegion · 9 months
Nineteen-Ninety Something [Bart Simpson's Dracula Parody]
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[NOTE: If you can't read the dialouge, right click on the image and select "Open image in new tab". That should make the image big enough to do so. You can also read it here.]
Fanart done for jbwarner86 's webcomic, Nineteen-Ninety-Something for 2023's Halloween. The year in the comic at time was covering 1993 which is the year when Treehouse of Horror IV aired, and that included one of my favorite segments, Bart Simpson's Dracula. So I just thought it be fun to have some characters from the comic act out a few scenes in the style of the comic's humor (or as close to it as I could get anyway, ha ha).
It's not one for one of the segment, just something done on the quick and not meant to be serious, which is why there's some OOC moments here, just for the sake of comedy. Really I see this as a dream Kendra is having after binging on some Halloween candy and falling asleep as the segment was airing.
If you're familiar with the comic, some role explanation:
Jenny and Eric in the Bart and Lisa's roles. Makes sense seeing as they're still kids and Jenny especially being a trouble maker similar to Bart. And yeah, her devil may care attitude would likely get her caught by vampires and turned. Plus I have no doubt she would very likely enjoying being a vampire.
Ronald and Phyliss in the Burns' and Smithers role. He's one of the more unpleasant folks in the comic despite Phyliss and he being extremely conservative. So I loved the irony in Ronald being a vampire master and Phyliss just following his lead as a bloodsucker. Honestly fits him too since he's such a control freak. The Simpsons ep likewise did some irony too (Flanders as the Devil in the first segment), so why not.
Everyone else is still more less in character from the comic, just reacting the craziness around them. Ho-hum.
I might add one more page to it as I still got an idea for a joke where Ronald comes in to bite Jenny and she's still mocking him even with the threat of losing her blood. Likewise I wanna throw in a few more of the comic's jerks as some of undead brood. We'll see if I ever get the time. For now though, enjoy!
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ultrakillblast · 11 months
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Bart Simpson's DRACULA (1993)
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excitementshewrote · 7 months
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otterandterrier · 11 months
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Since you did Tales of Terror, here’s a request.
Bart Simpson’s Dracula, or in this case Alix Kubdel’s Marcula.
“We come to the most terrifying painting in the Louvre,” Alix narrates. “To even gaze upon it is to go mad!” She points to a picture of the Mona Lisa. Adrien shrieks when he sees it.
“It’s horrible! What’s she smiling at?!”
Alix rolls her eyes as he runs away screaming. “We had a story to go with this painting, but it was far too intense. So we just threw something together with vampires. Enjoy!”
Lightning crashes as the title of the episode appears on the screen written in blood, Marcula.
While the rain pours down from the cloud-filled sky, the students of Mme. Bustier’s class are all gathered in their classroom looking down at their phones. Their brows furrowed with worry as they watch Nadja Chamack delivering some news.
“Another Parisian has been found dead,” she reports. Her skin is noticeably pale, but despite that, she keeps a calm disposition. “Drained of his blood with two teeth marks on his throat. The only thing found at the scene was a silver studded belt chain.” An image of said chain appears on their screens. “The police are baffled, and hope their investigation can come to and end soon. For more news, I’m Nadja Chamack, thank you for watching, and stay safe.”
With that, the live feed ends, but the students are still clearly on edge.
“Who would be sadistic enough to suck out someone’s blood?” Nino can’t help but ask.
“Oh, you won’t believe the American serial killers Zoé’s told me about,” Chloé shudders. “There’s plenty of freaks out there.”
“Yeah, like vampires,” Kim remarks, getting some skeptical looks. “Come on! Two teeth marks in the guy’s neck, his blood is gone, it was a vampire!” Marinette only pats him on the shoulder and says, “Sure.”
Ignoring that, Ivan turns to the resident genius. “Max, what do you think?”
“Well, I’d have to go with Chloé’s theory,” he answers, and the blonde preens a bit while Kim’s feigns a look of betrayal. “There are some messed up people in this world. Why, as of this moment, one of them could be right in this very school-”
“Hey, guys!”
The students all jump out of their seats by the sudden voice, only to calm down when they just find Nathaniel at the door. He awkwardly smiles as he wasn’t expecting that sort of reaction. “Sorry, didn’t mean to-“
“Ah, it’s fine,” Alix assures. “So, what’s up?” The redhead looks like he can barely contain himself.
“So, remember my long distance boyfriend from Transylvania?” Right on cue with his word, thunder and lightning crash outside.
“Wicked,” Juleka whispers.
“Oh, he’s real?” Chloé smirks. “I thought that was just a ploy to make you seem less pathetic.” Interrupting her taunting laughter is Marinette throwing a crumpled piece of paper at her. “Hey!”
“Proceed,” Marinette tells him.
“Well, Marc is real, Chloé, and he’s here permanently because his mom got a job at the blood bank that recently opened, so I want you all to meet him!” Rose can help but gush at how excited he looks. Alix gets up from her seat to sling an arm around him.
“Well, as long he’s treating you right, then I’m gonna like him. So, when does he get here?”
A voice cuts through the room, “Right about now.” This startled his classmates, but Nathaniel beams and immediately goes to hug the noirette standing at the doorway. “Hi, Nath,” he greets in a distinct Transylvanian accent.
“Hi, Rainbow.” Wasting no time, he seizes the taller boy by the front of the shirt and pulls him in for a kiss. “God, I’ve been waiting to do that.” The two are so wrapped up in each other that they almost forget about Nathaniel’s classmates until Adrien clears his throat, making the two look awkward as their faces heat up. “Everyone, this is my boyfriend, Marcula Anciel.”
Kim nearly chokes. “M-Marcula?”
“It’s a family name,” the green-eyed boy explained with a kind smile. “I go by Marc for short.”
Alix steps up to him. “Well, Marc, it’s nice to finally meet you; I’m Alix, Nath’s long time best friend.”
“Yes, he’s told me so much about you,” he beams. “Oh, real quick. Would someone mind inviting me in? My family’s quite big on manners, and I-”
“Say no more; come right in.” Accepting Marinette’s offer, Marc steps into the classroom, unaware of Kim’s skeptical look. “We’ve got about ten minutes before classes start. I’d say that gives us enough time to learn a bit about each other! First, I need to hear how you two met.” Before Marc could answer, she says, “Oh, you’ve got something on the corner of your mouth.” She points to a red stain on Marc’s face so he can wipe it off with his finger.
Nathaniel takes his hand with a worried expression. “You didn’t get hurt, did you?”
“Don’t worry, love, it’s just ink from my pen.”
“Marc’s a writer,” Nathaniel says in a lovesick tone and giggles, staring at Marc as if he were some sort of deity. This startles a few as they’ve never seen the redhead look so happy… Or giggle. Though, it was nice seeing him look so happy.
Marc kisses his hand, and this action has quite a few of the girls smiling. “I’ve written my sweet nightshade several poems going nonstop about his beauty, compassion, his talents in the visual arts, so so many more qualities, it would take the whole day to name them all.”
No one heard what Nathaniel had to say, as his words were muffled when he hid his face in the fabric of Marc’s hoodie.
“Aaaw,” Rose, Sabrina, and Mylène coo.
He points to Marinette. “And to answer your question, Nathaniel and I met a year ago while my family and I were visiting the city. He looked so breathtaking under the moonlight.” By now, Kim was looking around to see if anyone, anyone was hearing what he was… Or seeing, because Marc’s fingers is just all over Nathaniel’s neck right now! “We’ve kept in touch ever since, and soon began dating.”
“And I have loved every second of it.” Nathaniel captures Marc’s lips for a kiss once again, only this one doesn’t last as long when the bell rings. “Damn,” he curses. “You just got here.”
“I know, but I need to leave.” The second he kisses Nathaniel’s cheek, a peal of thunder is heard followed by the lights in the room going out. When they come back on, Marc is nowhere to be found.
This scares his classmates a bit, but Nathaniel thinks nothing of it. “Isn’t he great?” The way he heads to his desk looks as if he’s walking on air.
“A little weird,” Alya whispers. “But Nath seems happy with this guy.”
Kim nods. “Yeah, they’d be a match made in heaven, if Arc weren’t a blood sucking creature of the night.” He hisses out a curse word when Alix reaches up to slap the back of his head. “What was that for?”
“I should be asking you that.”
“Marc is clearly a vampire,” he says as if it were so obvious. “The neck touching, blood banks, needing to be invited in, and dare I point out? He had a belt chain that is an exact match for the one found at the crime scene!” Alix shushes him.
“Do you want Nath to hear you?” The students all turn to see Nathaniel smiling at something on his phone, no doubt a text from Marc. “Marc’s a nice guy, and he makes Nath happy,” Alix continues. “Hell, if he were a vampire, I’d still approve as long as Nath’s smiling.”
“But vampires don’t exist,” Adrien reminds her.
She waves him off. “Yes, Adrien, vampires don’t exist. We know.”
“If he is, I wouldn’t mind being his undead servant,” Juleka murmurs.
Later at lunch hour, Kim is still staring at the new student suspiciously. Already, he’s become well acquainted with his new classmates. They’re hanging off his every word and Nathaniel is sitting with them, clinging to Marc’s arm… Well, if that doesn’t say ‘vampire mind tricks,’ he doesn’t know what does.
“Kim, I know what you’re thinking, and cut it out,” Max drones. “What would a vampire even come to France for?”
“Fresh blood because he sucked Transylvania dry?”
Not having an argument for that, Max pulls his friend to his usual table. “I’ll admit, Marc has his quirks, but so does everyone else.”
“He is literally drinking blood out of a bag.” He gestures toward Marc, who is doing just that.
“… He probably just recycles.”
“Oh my God.” Once they’re at the class’ table, Kim slams his head down and groans. “When he sucks you all dry, don’t come crying to me.”
Ivan rolls his eyes. “Again with that? Kim, there is no such thing as vampires.”
“Hey, guys.” The students all scream in fright when Marc and Nathaniel suddenly appear by their table. “Marc and I were talking, and since you didn’t really get to know him, he’d like to invite you over to his house tonight. His classmates are coming, too.”
“Well, I don’t know-“ Kim wheezes when Alix elbows him in the gut.
“We’d love too!”
“Count me in, dude.”
“I’ll be there!”
“Great, it’s decided,” Marc beams. “Oh, and be sure to wash your necks.”
Nino quirks an eyebrow. “Why?”
“… Transylvanian custom.”
“… Well, who are we to disregard your customs?” Kim sputters. “My neck’s gonna be so clean, you can eat off of it!”
‘Well, don’t tempt him!’
~Later that evening~
“… When Nath said ‘house,’ I wasn’t expecting… This.” Marinette gestures to the four story manor before her and her classmates. It rivaled even the Agreste’s mansion.The only thing that stood between them were the iron gates with a golden cursive A welded in the middle. “God, he’s modest.”
Alya smirks. “And Nath’s gonna be marrying money. Up top!” She and Marinette high five before she rings the doorbell. A low voice is heard on the speaker.
“Youuuu… Raaaang?”
“Yes, we’re here to see Marc… Hello?” Before Alya could ring the doorbell again, the gates open with a loud screech that seemed to wake up a few bats and ravens nestled in the trees so they’d fly off into the night. The students all make their way toward the manor. “Shit, Chloé’s gonna regret missing out on this.”
“Aaw, there’s a little bunny in that bush.” Rose points to the backside of the animal poking out of some shrubbery. Little did she know, the front end was caught in a bear trap.
They make it to the beautifully carved double doors, but before one of them could knock, a door slightly opens and out steps a young boy with silver eyes. In his hands, he holds a doll with a missing head.
Adrien blinks, confused, but then kneels down to his level. “Hey, little guy. Are you Marc’s brother?” Rather than answering out loud, be whispers something to the blonde before going back inside, leaving Adrien pale.
“What did he say?” Ivan asks.
“… I think he just predicted my death.” Before anyone could question that, the door opened the rest of the way, and the students were all immediately drawn to the rest of the manor. The exterior was nice, but the interior was absolutely stunning. It had a bit of a vintage gothic charm to it with black picture frames, two statues on either side of the staircase, a gorgeous chandelier, and more.
Nino lets out a low whistle. “Damn, I had no idea Marc lived in the lap of luxury.”
“It’s not much.”
Once again, they all scream when Marc (And Nathaniel) seem to appear out of thin air.
“Jesus Christ, man!” Nino yells while checking to make sure his heart is still beating. “We gotta put a bell on you!”
Laughing fondly, Marc replies, “Oh, but where’s the fun in that? Let me show you to the dining room. My classmates are already waiting.” He walks off with Nathaniel on his arm, but his shadow seems to linger, making rude gestures at the guests before following Marc and Nathaniel. Kim gulps.
“Guys, do you notice anything strange?
“Yeah, his hairdo looks like a bird’s nest,” Nino whispers.
Marc hollers back, “I heard that!”
“It was Kim!”
They all arrive at the dining room, and once everyone is seated, a tall man with sort of this thousand yard stare makes his way into the room with a cart of drinks colored a bright red. Kim, thinking it’s only punch is about to take a sip…
Ismael takes a swig of his drink. “Kinda coppery.”
… Only to have second thoughts and “accidentally” spill what he knows believes to be blood. And it seems Alix had the same idea. She shoots him a look that’s says, ‘Don’t you dare,’ but Kim is most definitely going to rub it in her face later that he was right. “Whoops! Alix and I have to go wash up.”
They both leave without another word and walk down a corridor.
“Okay, so what if you are right? If Marc was a vampire, we're not gonna stumble on his secret hiding place.” Right as Alix leans against the wall, her shoulder presses against a hidden button, activating some sort of mechanism that causes the wall to move to the side and reveal a staircase. After a beat of silence, they both go down some steps into a dark dungeon-like room. There are several coffins lying about.
Kim can’t resist. “Satisfied?”
“Big deal!” Alix huffs. “It's no different from Juleka’s dollhouse when we were six.”
Groaning, Kim pokes around the room for any sort of evidence. A log book of all the people whose blood Marc drank, empty blood bags, paintings of him with historical figures, a Twilight novel being used as a dart board... All he comes across is a book titled "Yes, I Am A Vampire" by Marcula Anciel.
“If this isn’t damning evidence, I don’t know what is!” He flips through a few pages. “Whoa, this is dated back centuries ago.”
While he reads, vampires rise up from the coffins, but Alix is the only one to notice, and tries to get his attention.
“Hold on, Alix… Hey, this is dated today. ‘Finally going to make Nathaniel mine?!’ We gotta get out-” A vampire suddenly rips the page. He screams, grabs Alix’s hand, and they run up the stairs. They would’ve made it if not for one of the vampires pulling Alix by her ankle and dragging her back down.
“Kim! Go on without…” Her voice trails off when she sees him going the rest of the way. “Well, don’t make such an effort!” The vampire who grabbed Alix restrains her as a bat flies in, morphing into Marc. “Oh, shit, Kim was right.”
Marc’s fangs extend, and he dives for Alix’s neck. Meanwhile, Kim runs back to the dining room to tell everyone what happened.
“Guys! Marc is a vampire and he has Alix!”
“Well, that’s ridiculous.”
“OH MY GOD!” Kim screams and grips at his chest when Marc suddenly appears behind him. With him is Alix, looking pale and with two holes in her neck.
“Alix is right here.”
In a trance like state, she says, “Hello, everyone. I missed you during my uneventful absence.”
Kim feels his eye starting to twitch. “Nath, you notice something off about her, right?”
The redhead’s not listening. His mind’s been reduced to pretty much nothing when Marc starts kissing up and down his arm.
Later, at the stroke of midnight, Kim is tossing and turning in his bed when he hears banging on his window. Reluctantly getting out of bed, he moves to his window and opens his curtains to find Alix and the Science Kids floating outside, all of them vampires. He screams.
“Kim, you gotta join us!” Lacey squeals. “It’s so cool! I can walk on walls, not get hurt, and I get to stay up all night drinking blood!”
Ismael adds, “And if you say you're a vampire, they give you a free small soda at the movies… You know, after you hypnotize them into giving you one.”
“No!” Kim backs away and tries to reach for a weapons. “I’m not joining you guys!”
“Dude,” Alix sighs. “It’s not like you have a choice here.” With that, she crashes through the window and tackles Kim to the ground. With her fangs extended, she’s about to bite his neck when Lê Teo and Kayode Ature barge in.
“Alix!” Kayode thunders. “We have told you many times not to bite- Wait. You’re a vampire!”
Kim’s grandmother, Tracy Ature barges into his bedroom “Quickly now! We have to kill the girl!” She brandishes a wooden stake and hammer.
“How do you know she's a vampire?” Teo questions.
“She's a vampire?” Tracy drops her weapons and runs off screaming, providing Alix a distraction to turn into a bat and escape.
Kayode, we have to do something,” Teo says. “Today she's drinking people's blood, tomorrow she could be smoking! I refuse to let that girl go down the wrong path!”
Kim gets up from where Alix tackled him. “Well, usually only way to get a vampire back to normal is to kill the head vampire. Marc!”
“Kill a teenager?!” Teo exclaims, aghast. “Do I dare give into everyone’s darkest fantasy?”
The family arrive at the manor. Teo, Kayode, and Kim walk down to the basement using the secret passageway Alix found earlier, and approach Marc’s coffin. Which was easy to find because it was fancier than the others and the lid was engraved with his initials. When Kim opens it, he lets out a breath of relief when he sees that Marc is asleep.
“You gotta drive the stake through his heart,” Kim reminds Kayode when he sees him looking hesitant.
After a moment, Kayode places the stake on Marc’s chest, readies the hammer, and, “Take that, you vile fiend!” He thunders, only for Kim to clear his throat.
“Uh, dad? That’s his neck.”
“What? Shit.” He pulls out the stake and tries again. “To hell with you!” This time, the stake goes through his shoulder. “Are you kidding me?!”
“Baby, you gotta wear your glasses,” Teo gently chastises.
“No! They make me look old!” He tries again, and finally, he drives the stake right into Marc’s heart. However, this (And not the other tries) wakes him up, screaming in agony. He quickly begins to lose consciousness and falls back into his coffin.
“And that takes care of that,” Kim says proudly.
The next morning at school, Kim walks into the classroom looking much more relaxed. Though, he does wonder how he’ll break the news to Nathaniel, but that’s a problem for the future.
“Morning everyone!” As he’s about to take his seat, a bat suddenly flies into the room and transforms into Adrien. “What the fuck?! Adrien’s a vampire?!”
Mylène shoots him a fanged grin. “We're all vampires.”
Horrified by that announcement, Kim starts to back away, but his classmates advance on him. “No! My dads and I killed Marc!”
“You have to kill the head vampire!” Juleka exclaims.
Kim gasps. “You're the head vampire?! It all makes sense!”
“Oh, I wish.”
“She’s not,” Nathaniel scoffs and stands atop his desk. “I'm the head vampire!” He bares his fangs and hisses.
“Nathaniel?! How?!”
He shrugs. “Hey, I’ve got hobbies besides art, you know.” His expression turns dark. “And this is for killing my boyfriend! Get him!” The students all fly at Kim, fangs extended while he screams when the screen suddenly freezes.
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dorothydalmati1 · 1 year
The Simpsons Season 5 Episode 5: Treehouse of Horror IV
Directing assistance by Swinton O. Scott III
Directed and main segments storyboarded by David Silverman
Wraparounds written by Conan O'Brien
Wraparounds storyboarded by Dominic Polcino
The Devil and Homer Simpson:
Written by Greg Daniels & Dan McGrath
Terror at 5½ Feet:
Written by Bill Oakley & Josh Weinstein
Bart Simpson's Dracula:
Written by Bill Canterbury
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disneydarlin · 11 months
The Best Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Segments - Part 1
The artworks in this post are either comic book cover artwork or fanart.
Inst. I, Season 2: Bad Dreamhouse
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Inst. I, Season 2: Hungry are the Damned
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Inst. I, Season 2: The Raven
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Inst. III, Season 4: Dial 'Z' for Zombies
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Inst. IV, Season 5: The Devil & Homer Simpson
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Inst. IV, Season 5: Terror at 5½ Feet
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Inst. IV, Season 5: Bart Simpson's Dracula
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Inst. V, Season 6: The Shinning
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Inst. V, Season 6: Time & Punishment
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Inst. V, Season 6: Nightmare Cafeteria
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To see more, scroll down for part 2.
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newtoarlen · 1 year
Tell me which ship that includes my Rebecca Simpson OC, you want to see my best art of.
1. Sideshow Bob X Rebecca
2. Krusty X Rebecca
3. Milhouse X Rebecca
4. Moe X Rebecca
5. Mr. Burns X Rebecca
6. Principal Skinner X Rebecca
7. Sean Bont X Rebecca
8. Apu X Rebecca
9. Barney X Rebecca
10. Blake Black X Rebecca
11. Bode Wright X Rebecca
12. Chief Wiggum X Rebecca
13. Colin X Rebecca
14. Jack DeForest X Rebecca
15. Frank Grimes X Rebecca
16. Superintendent Chalmers X Rebecca
17. Ol' Gil X Rebecca
18. Hank Scorpio X Rebecca
19. Hubert Wong X Rebecca
20. Ralph X Rebecca
21. Jacques Brunswick X Rebecca
22. Jimbo X Rebecca
23. Professor Frink X Rebecca
24. Julio Franco X Rebecca
25. Karl (Simpson and Delilah) X Rebecca
26. Lenny X Rebecca
27. Luke Stetson X Rebecca
28. Sideshow Mel X Rebecca
29. Ned Flanders X Rebecca
30. Nelson X Rebecca
31. Brenden Biederbecke X Rebecca
32. Nick (the Daughter Also Rises) X Rebecca
33. Stonecutter Number One X Rebecca
34. Otto X Rebecca
35. Grady X Rebecca
36. Lucas Porter X Rebecca
37. Snake Jailbird X Rebecca
38. Thelonious (Trilogy of Error) X Rebecca
39. Troy McClure X Rebecca
40. Freddie Scorpio X Rebecca
41. Lionel Hutz X Rebecca
42. Hugh Parkfield X Rebecca
43. Dr. Nick X Rebecca
44. Cecil Terwilliger X Rebecca
45. Fat Tony X Rebecca
46. Edmund (Tweenlight) X Rebecca
47. Reverend Lovejoy X Rebecca
48. Todd Flanders X Rebecca
49. Walt Warren (the Bob Next Door) X Rebecca
50. Willie X Rebecca
51. Bart X Rebecca
52. Herbert Powell X Rebecca
53. Homer X Rebecca
54. Jack Lassen X Rebecca
55. Artie Ziff X Rebecca
56. Jack Crowley X Rebecca
57. Dwight Diddlehopper X Rebecca
58. Mr. Bergstrom X Rebecca
59. Freddy Quimby X Rebecca
60. Comic Book Guy X Rebecca
61. Bleeding Gums Murphy X Rebecca
62. Cletus Spuckler X Rebecca
63. Disco Stu X Rebecca
64. Larry Burns X Rebecca
65. Officer Eddie X Rebecca
66. Hans Moleman X Rebecca
67. Mayor Quimby X Rebecca
68. Michael D'Amico X Rebecca
69. Bartigula the Jerk (I, Carambus) X Rebecca
70. Dr. Marvin Monroe X Rebecca
71. Wayne Slater (The Falcon and the D'ohman) X Rebecca
72. Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day) (The Simpsons Movie) X Rebecca
73. Kent Brockman X Rebecca
74. Carl Carlson X Rebecca
75. Langdon Alger (Simpsons Comics) X Rebecca
76. Charlie (Oh Brother, Where Bart Thou?) X Rebecca
77. Portuguese Boy (A Totally Fun Thing Bart Will Never Do Again) X Rebecca
78. Peta (Dry Hard) X Rebecca
79. Pita (Dry Hard) X Rebecca
80. Martin Prince X Rebecca
81. Kirk Van Houten X Rebecca
82. Blake (Three Dreams Denied) X Rebecca
83. Corey Masterson X Rebecca
84. Dolph X Rebecca
85. Donny (The deBarted) X Rebecca
86. Digby Diggs (Diggs) X Rebecca
87. Kevin (Stealing First Base) X Rebecca
88. Zachary Vaughn (Bart Gets a Z) X Rebecca
89. The Rich Texan/Richard Texan X Rebecca
90. Rainier Wolfcastle X Rebecca
91. Marv Szyslak X Rebecca
92. Michael De Graaf X Rebecca
93. August Steffan X Rebecca
94. Homer Simpson (Not It) X Rebecca
95. Erik X Rebecca
96. Moe Szyslak (Not It) X Rebecca
97. David (Treehouse of Horror XVI: Bartificial Intelligence) X Rebecca
98. Roger (Treehouse of Horror XXI: Master and Cadaver) X Rebecca
99. Hugo (Treehouse of Horror VII: The Thing and I) X Rebecca
100. Vampire Burns (Treehouse of Horror IV: Bart Simpson's Dracula) X Rebecca
101. John (Homer's Phobia) X Rebecca
102. Mike Wegman (Go Big or Go Homer) X Rebecca
103. Lyle Lanley (Marge vs. the Monorail) X Rebecca
104. Roger (Every Man's Dream) X Rebecca
105. Devil Flanders (Treehouse of Horror IV: The Devil and Homer Simpson) X Rebecca
106. Harry Potter (Treehouse of Horror XII: Wiz Kids) X Rebecca
107. The Fat in the Hat (Treehouse of Horror XXIV: The Fat in the Hat) X Rebecca
108. Reaper Homer (Treehouse of Horror XIV: Reaper Madness) X Rebecca
109. John Frink Sr. Robot (Treehouse of Horror XIV: Frinkenstein) X Rebecca
110. Mutant Burns (Treehouse of Horror VIII: Homega Man) X Rebecca
111. Hansel Bart (Treehouse of Horror XI: Scary Tales Can Come True) X Rebecca
112. Noir Homer (Treehouse of Horror XXXI: Into the Homerverse) X Rebecca
113. Dracula (Treehouse of Horror XX opening & Treehouse of Horror XXI: Tweenlight) X Rebecca
114. Stephen King (Treehouse of Horror XXIV opening) X Rebecca
115. Vampire Bart (Treehouse of Horror IV: Bart Simpson's Dracula) X Rebecca
116. Dr. Bartley (Treehouse of Horror XV: Four Beheadings and a Funeral) X Rebecca
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kittekat420 · 3 months
fictional crushes over the years
grim from the grim adventures of billy and mandy
bart simpson
jake long from american dragon
naruto, sasuke, kakashi, kiba etc (i was a whore for almost everyone in naruto, wattpad quotev brainrot)
ranma (girl and boy version) and shampoo from ranma 1/2
ben tennyson
robin from young dracula
jessica rabbit
lola bunny
marceline from adventure time
zero from vampire knight
ichigo, renji, grimmjow, kenpachi, yoruichi, mayuri (everyone in bleach is so fine tf???)
robin, luffy, zoro, sanji, smoker, ace, usopp (everyone is hot in every anime all the time ever what)
etct etcte ctctctcttetetetete etc tec
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softsoftmoonwitch · 2 years
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digitalbyte357 · 11 months
Spooky Video Game Music No. 296: Vlad All Over- The Simpsons: Night of the Living Treehouse of Horror (GBC)
In this game on the Game Boy Color, you play as different members of the Simpsons going through levels based on different segments inspired by the Treehouse of Horror series. In Homer’s first level, it is a reimagined version of Bart Simpson’s Dracula. Here, Mr. Burns who is a vampire, has been stealing blood from the people of Springfield and it’s up to Homer to go all Castlevania and stop him. In Mr. Burns’ castle, it’s armed to the teeth with many obstacles like knights, rats, guards with spears, ghost hands and some toxic water. Will Homer go through all of that and defeat his boss before sunset arrives or will he be the next victim of Mr. Burns’ hunger for blood?
For a game based on a show that’s funny as the Simpsons, you think we would have some silly song to go with this level. Surprisingly, this song manages to sound intimidating with its gothic atmosphere and slow tension. The song manages to give a sense of dread with the many obstacles and the mission to stop Mr. Burns. Even with its slow pacing, it has a sense of emergency, letting you know about stopping Mr. Burns before sundown happens. The fact it’s all done in 8-Bit makes it very impressive to have the song chills and terror. The game may be ok, but this song sure knows how to be scary and intense and it’s all in a game based on everyone’s favorite animated family. 🎃
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faline-cat444 · 2 years
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Go look up Dracula Ants
November 19-20 Episode trivia #1
November 21 Episode trivia #2
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