#based on an Egyptian goose
pumpkin-magpie · 1 year
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Woe, Goose be upon ye
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roosterbruiser · 2 years
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𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨: 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐌𝐞
𝐚 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐀𝐊𝐀 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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"So, what now?" You ask.
You're laying beside Jake, fingering the sheets that he has on his surprisingly comfortable bed. The sheets are nice, like really nice. Before, you would've never wondered about if he had nice sheets or not. But now that you know that he does, now that you know that he probably knows the difference between Egyptian cotton and linen and knows what thread-counts are, you think that it fits him. Of course he knows these things--he cares. Even if he pretends like he doesn't, he does. And as you've teased him about before--mainly during his movie theater snack choices of gray goose shooters and expensive beef jerky--he's kind of got bougie taste. Like all his posters are framed, he invests in velvet hangers, he has a Roomba, and he has a bidet in every bathroom in his house.
You like that about him, honestly. You like that he's so put together. You like that he lives alone, but still takes care of his things without the insistence of someone else. You like that he likes to cook and honestly makes some of the best steak you've ever had--which you did tell him and yes, it did go straight to his head.
"Give me about ten minutes and I'll be ready to rumble again," Jake teases, his fingers lazily drawing stars on the naked skin of your arm.
He sighs contentedly, a grin biting his lips when your tired laughter rings out in his bedroom. It's a sound he's grown to really, really like. And he can't help but think that it only sounds natural in this bedroom, a sweet song that could get lost between wrinkles of bedsheets and under the mahogany armoir. He isn't sure what it means that he's thinking this--surely it has something to do with the quickening of his pulse when he sees you or the glances he keeps stealing around base.
But right now, he doesn't have it in him to dissect his peculiar feelings. He just wants to lay here with you.
"Yeah, that's definitely what I meant," you sigh back, chuckling.
Not that you would necessarily mind another round, though.
Your fingers are still in his hair, albeit your grip is much softer now that he isn't throwing you into an orgasm. You're just very softly combing through his locks, scratching the clean skin of his scalp, inhaling that nice shampoo he uses.
Jake is smiling tiredly as he blinks at his ceiling fan, his arm firmly holding your naked body against his. He's tired--those Stellas are catching up with him--but he's happy. He's like really, really happy. Happier than he ever thought he could be around Wisteria Kazansky.
He thinks he knows what you're really asking. What happens between the two of you now? How do you go forward? Are you friends with benefits? Are you lovers? Are you something else entirely? He's wondering the same thing--especially since the sex tonight felt monumentally more intimate than the first time.
Honestly, it's the most intimate sex Jake can remember having in a long time. He had brought you to another orgasm with his cock buried to the hilt and his fingers circling your clit with an expert precision. His forehead pressed against yours as you repeated his name like a chant: Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake. You were very warm and soft beneath him, body ebbing where his was flowing and nipples pert against his skin. He had felt every moment of your orgasm, the warmest part of you wrapped around the hardest part of him, and had watched the lovely way your mouth parted and your eyes squeezed shut.
"So pretty when you cum, baby," he had whispered to you, continuing in the slow and steady pace that had brought you there, crashing his hips against yours. He pet your cheeks, felt the flush beneath his fingers, and kissed your face very wetly. "Love making you cum."
The sex was probably the best you'd ever had. Like you told Jake, you'd known some monsters. You'd known your fair share of men who didn't deem your orgasms necessary. And now you've fucked Jake Seresin--who you previously thought was worse than all those other monsters combined--once and had sex with him once and finished both times.
The orgasms that flooded you this time were unlike anything else you'd felt with other people--not only that, but you had given Jake more than you'd ever given anyone else. Even if any of the other people were as skilled or as precise or as in-tune as Jake, you wouldn't have been able to let go the way you did with Jake. There was something about his hand holding the middle of your chest, keeping you down, keeping you safe that made it easy to let go. There was something about his pink lips pressing open-mouthed kisses to your face and whispering that he loved making you cum that allowed that orgasm to wash over you.
"I have it in me to go again," Jake breathes, pulling your body closer to his and suppressing the groan that threatens him when he feels your bare skin pressing into his. "Think you can keep up?"
You grin, stretching your neck and laughing softly. When he presses a few lazy kisses to the crown of your head, you pretend like it doesn't ignite a little ember of adoration in your chest.
"Can't you let a lady rest?" You whisper, nuzzling your nose into his chest. You inhale softly, trying not to let your eyes water when his hand comes up to hold the back of your head, when his fingers tangle themselves in your hair.
"Sure I can," Jake sighs, basking in the warmth of your lips against his chest. "Know any?"
You are laughing, the both of you, a laughter that rumbles both of your chests. If he'd have said this to you a couple months ago, you'd have had the urge to claw his cheeks. But now the two of you can laugh at it--he's teasing you. He's chiding. And it feels good--comfortable.
When a silence settles over the two of you again, he's itching to ask you what happened that made you come here tonight. He wants to ask how your dad is and if the hospice nurses have given you any updates. He wants to ask you if your fucking Aunt Lisa said something again because he swears to God, he's gonna have a talk with her himself if she doesn't knock it off. He wants to ask you if you need anything, because he really would give you what you need: another round, a bottle of tequila, a night out of town.
The words are practically clawing at his mouth now, begging to be let out. And just as he starts to open his mouth, just as he starts to ask you what he can do for you, you smile up at him. He loves that smile; it's wide and bright, even when your eyes are swollen with exhaustion or tears. He can't help but swipe his index finger along your cheek, can't help but let his heart squeeze when you lean into his chest.
"You hungry?" You ask.
He's not that hungry--but how could he say no to you when you're leaning into his touch, biting your lip, blinking up at him so pretty?
"Yes," he answers. "What'd you have in mind?"
It must be well past two in the morning now, hours after you showed up at his door. Before you came, you felt like you were drowning in IV stands and extended cousins and rubber gloves and tears and casseroles. That was why you'd come to Jake's: you just wanted to stop feeling like your dad is dying, even if only for a little while.
You never would've pictured yourself sitting on Jake Seresin's very nice sheets in his very clean bedroom, wearing one of his old Navy sweatshirts and nothing else, eating a greasy pizza while some terrible horror movie plays on the TV. Not only would you never have pictured yourself here, especially not cuddled up beside Jake with the pizza box open over his legs, but you never would've imagined that you would be happy as you are right now.
Things just feel easy right now. The pizza is almost explicitly cheesy, the movie has more pairs of tits than jump-scares, and you don't want to go home. Like, you really don't want to go back home at all. Even though you're tired right now, even though you know that you really should drive home before it gets too late, you don't want to.
"How's the 'za?" Jake asks, watching with a fond smile as you devour a third piece.
"Incredible," you mumble, your mouth full and your eyes drooping. "Didn't know that you're the kinda guy that calls pizza 'za."
Jake laughs--so do you.
"I don't," he admits, which is true, laughing. "I don't know why I said that."
"Maybe I've bewitched you," you tease with a sigh.
"Lucky me," he breathes.
Something twitches in your chest when he says it. This is all getting dangerously close to a crush--you can feel it happening. This is the way you feel whenever you're about to start liking someone. The feeling is something you've had sparsely and you feel like you have to dust it off, but it's there. It's definitely there.
Jake feels it, too--he just isn't quite sure what to call it yet.
You don't say anything. You feel too giddy suddenly to say anything. And it's good, too, because Jake's fondly peering at you with a smile tugging at his lips--which he keeps doing.
"Want something to drink?" He asks.
You nod, yawning.
He's only gone for a few minutes. The horror movie is droning on and the pizza is sitting hot and heavy in your gut. You can't help but feel the utter domesticity of this night: you and him, greasy food, bad movies, comfortable bed. You've grown so close over the past two months, closer in a way no one on base knows about yet, and it's been sweet. It's still throwing you for a loop--just how easy it is to be around him, how easy it is to fall into this.
Downstairs, while grabbing two lemon-lime Gatorades from the fridge, Jake is thinking the same thing. This has all been so very easy. He's not someone that's regularly fallen into the position of boyfriend and he isn't precisely sure what it would look or feel like for the both of you--but he feels very affectionate towards you right now. He is almost certain you're going to spend the night and the prospect of that alone fills him with great excitement. He's excited that you're going to be there when he wakes up and that the two of you might have sex again. But he's also just excited to know if you like to sleep on your back or your belly; if you snore; how you like your eggs; if you prefer tea or coffee.
He's elated because he knows, deep down, that you're using him as some sort of release. Not using him in a big, bad way--no, maybe using isn't even the right word. You're just finding some sort of...peace in him and his house and his body. And he's okay with that, really, he's glad that you are.
So maybe this is what it feels like to be your boyfriend. He could get used to this. And it wouldn't take long at all.
"Lemon-lime?" You ask softly when he comes back into the room, sweatpants very low on his hips.
He's grinning, his hair messy and his eyes shining in the dim glow of the TV. You're sitting on the bed, pizza box on the floor, blankets pulled up to your chin. You look cute--it makes his heart squeeze.
"Only the best for my guest," he says, placing the bottle in your hands.
You hold it, inspecting it carefully. It's cold. You know that he must've grabbed it from the fridge downstairs. But it is mildly perplexing to you because you've never seen him drink one unless he's splitting it with you. But here it is now, stocked in his fridge apparently.
"You're a lemon-lime guy, then?" You ask, trying to sound casual, as he resumes his position beside you.
His arm is around you again and his body is radiating a sweet heat, one that makes you want to take his sweatshirt off your body. You lay against his chest and he makes a sound, one between a sigh and a hum.
"No," he answers honestly. His heart is sitting in his throat now and his pulse has quickened. He wonders if this is too much--if he's being too honest. "More of a Cool Blue guy."
You blink up at him, the bottle bated at your lips. He's staring straight ahead, at the TV, and there is just the slightest bit of pink on his cheeks.
You're confused. You even almost open your mouth to ask him why he seems to have an unlimited supply of lemon-lime then. But just as the words touch the back of your teeth, it clicks.
It's for you.
That's why he always has it.
And then it dawns on you that he must keep your morning Gatorades at his house--he doesn't get them from the vending machines at all. He buys them at the store, takes up room in his fridge, and remembers to grab one for you every morning. That isn't the Jake you knew a couple months ago, the one that called you nepotism baby and told you that you had it easy. This is the Jake you know how--the one who will let you eat in his bed and make you cum twice.
There's an overwhelming urge in your gut to jump his bones. You want to straddle him and ease him into you and ride him nice and slow and look into his aspen eyes and let your body cum again beneath his fingers.
But instead, you just hold the back of his head, tangle your fingers in his hair. And he looks over at you finally, his face awash with a sleep-tinted happiness. He smiles at you, hums softly whenever you scratch his head. And then you lean in--very slowly, very carefully, leaving him ample time to retreat. But he doesn't retreat; he meets you halfway, cups your cheek, presses his lips against yours.
This kiss conveys something neither of you are brave enough to say. It is a soft and long kiss, one that is wet and kind. It is not desperate and it is not trying to propel your intimacy in any other capacity. It's just a kiss. The sole purpose of it is to just press your lips together.
That's what you both need.
When you pull away, breathing hard, Jake can taste the citrus on your tongue. He rests his forehead against yours, strokes your cheek softly with his calloused thumb.
"What was that for?" Jake whispers, a smile tugging at his lips.
He swipes a drop of Gatorade from your bottom lip the way he wanted to in the pharmacy parking lot when you were both drenched in neon light as Joni Mitchell crooned.
"I just really like lemon-lime Gatorade," you whisper back.
You both laugh--quiet and ardent little tufts of air.
You don't have to say it and he doesn't have to hear it. You both know--you both understand. Things are different now. They're going to keep being different now.
And that doesn't scare you. And it doesn't scare him, either.
So that very Monday, when you let Jake pick you up from your family's home, you can't feel anything except excited. It's an excitement that you can feel in your bones, one that settled there over the weekend that you two spent together.
Things in your life are complicated right now--and downright gloomy. But this--riding into work when it's still dark, holding hands over the center console, fiddling with the radio and settling it on an oldies station--this doesn't feel complicated or gloomy.
As soon as the two of you pull into a parking spot, you're spotted. Rooster and Phoenix spot you seemingly from a mile away--squinting and blinking rapidly to make sure they're seeing what they see.
"No fucking way," Phoenix whispers to Rooster, brushing her hair over her shoulder and putting her hands on her hips. "No way!"
"Well, I'll be," Rooster mumbles back to her, watching as Jake opens your car door and takes your hand as you hop down. Jake is grinning--so are you, even if yours is a more tentative grin. "That's not something you see everyday, is it?"
Phoenix nods dumbly, her lips parted in shock.
"Oh, fuck them," Rooster adds whenever Jake carefully tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and pats your cheek. It's the most tender he's ever seen Jake do anything ever--and he's seen Jake hold a newborn baby. "PDA already?"
In your slight defense--neither you or Jake had spotted Rooster and Phoenix by their cars on account of it being so dark outside. And the two of you weren't actively looking for spotters. Plus you're just happy--blindingly, seriously happy.
"I can't wait to tell Floyd," she whispers, a smile tugging at her lips.
Bob has been telling her since interrupting yours and Jake's little tiff on the tarmac that there's something going on between the two of you. Phoenix disbelieved him entirely at first--until you started sitting beside Hangman every morning at briefings. Then she was a little curious. Then you started inviting Hangman to things, like really every thing. Then she was suspicious. Fanboy claimed to have seen the two of you out at the movies a while ago, but no one believed him entirely.
But now Phoenix feels like she's witnessing history. Wisteria Kazansky and Jake Seresin are bumping shoulders and acting chummy as can be as they walk into base together.
"Weirdly, they're kind of like...not a bad looking couple?" Rooster says, his eyebrows knit.
Phoenix nods immediately.
"Hope he knows to keep himself in check," Phoenix mutters, adjusting her backpack as her and Rooster start for the building. "Cause Wisty's got an entire army behind her if he fucks this up."
Just as the two of you enter the building, a gust of cool air conditioning goosing your skin, Jake reaches down and takes your hand. He squeezes it softly, smiling down at you. You smile back, squeeze him.
And for the first time in two months, you feel like you can breathe.
𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭: 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐈𝐭
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actual image of me writing this for you guys!! your response on this series has been nothing short of gorgeous!! thank you all so much!!
I think I am officially making this a series?!!?!!!! what do we think about that, how do we feel???? anything you want to see specifically??
𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐱 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
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bonefall · 1 year
Tell us about the Clanmew slurs!!!
SO, most Clanmew slurs tend to be based on animals that Clan cats don't like. They attack characteristics of half-clan cats and outsiders by comparing them to unwanted animals, be they invasive, poisonous, or distasteful.
I tend to make them up as I find animals that fit that bill, but here's a couple very insulting terms so far;
Common Striped Woodlouse (Philoscia muscorum) = Gishooi Said to be a hybrid between Millipedes and Rollypollies, but because of the very different natures of its parents, doesn't have the strength of either. Used against mixed-blood cats.
Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiaca) = Habaka A very aggressive sort of goose that is loud, attacks for no reason, and displaces native fowl. Sometimes called the 'rogue goose,' their populations need to be managed. Used against cats branded as dangerous or bullies, is not always a slur, but when applied to ex-outsiders it's absolutely intended as one. RiverClan-exclusive.
Gray Squirrel = Chakchak The ThunderClan-version of 'egyptian goose,' but it's a LOT stronger when ThunderClan uses it. Gray squirrels are an active threat to the red squirrels that they value so much, and are killed on-sight.
Cuckoo = Hug'koo Listen to me. Listen to me. Never call another cat this, especially not if they've invoked Queen's Rights for their kittens, are suspected of being half-Clan, or have brought an outsider into the Clan. A cuckoo is a brood parasite, which lays an egg that hatches into a violent invader, killing all of its innocent siblings in the nest. It's the singular most detested animal in Clan Culture, used against anyone suspected of undermining the Clan.
Drypaw = Sheshepwyyr An apprentice of RiverClan that won't get their paws wet, but also applied to cats of other Clans who can't swim. RiverClan-exclusive, of course
Turnclaw = Kignak'kach Turning-Claw. The word that Berryheart will be using to describe cats changing Clans. Comes from Turned/Turning/Will Turn: Kignaka/Kignak/Kigna
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brooklynmuseum · 2 years
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We began work on January 28, but the highlight of this week was the January 31 visit to the site by Anne Pasternak, the Brooklyn Museum Director, and members of the Museum’s Board of Governors. We were thrilled to be able to show them the site where Brooklyn has worked for the past 40+ years. We hope they enjoyed their visit.
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As promised last week, here are the members of our team. Our foreman again this year is Abdel Aziz Farouk Sharid (left). He and our inspector, Haitham Mohamed Sa’ad el-Din are discussing the season’s work. The Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) assigns an inspector to every expedition to act as liaison with the SCA and help facilitate the work. We are happy to have Haitham with us this season.
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Besides Abdel Aziz, the Qufti who working with us this year are Abdel Aziz’s brother Ayman Farouk Sharid (center), the foreman for the Johns Hopkins University expedition who works with us when Hopkins isn’t in the field; and Mamdouh Kamil, who has worked with us for many seasons. All are from the village of Quft (ancient Coptos), which has a long tradition of archaeology going back to the late 19th century. Ayman and Abdel Aziz are the sons of one of the great Egyptian archaeologists, the late Farouk Sharid Mohamed, who was a beloved friend and treasured colleague. His sons are worthy successors to him.
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You are looking northwest at the first court of Temple A, which stands northeast of the Mut Temple. We are working in two areas of the court this year. In 2019 we were able to confirm that that the row of limestone features on the court’s south side were sphinx bases. This season we want to see if there are remains of corresponding bases on the north side (right). We are also clearing the corridor between the south colonnade and the south wall of the court (left).
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By the end of the week (February 2) the results in the north square were equivocal. Looking north, you can see an area of decayed limestone on the right side of the square that might be the remains of a sphinx base. On February 1, Mamdouh uncovered the round, dark feature to the left of the “sphinx base” that might be a tree hole. Sphinx avenues often had trees planted between the sculptures.
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The work on the corridor was more productive. By the middle of the week Ayman had cleared a mass of broken stone and revealed the lowest course of the court’s south wall (left) and the footing of the temple’s 2nd Pylon. Both sit on a sand foundation that you can see below the blocks of stone. It was common to use sand in the foundations to level out uneven ground.
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On February 1 our Dutch colleague, Jacobus (Jaap) van Dijk joined us for another season. First thing on the morning of February 2, Ayman called us over to show us an interesting find: a large relief-decorated block. Jaap immediately got down to have a look.
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The block has a beautifully carved relief of Amun that clearly is Thutmoside in style, that is, from the reign of Hatshepsut and/or Thutmosis III, of the mid-15th century BC. What makes it particularly interesting is the small, shallowly carved graffito of a God’s Wife of Amun facing the Amun and dating stylistically to Dynasty 25 or 26, about 700 years after the god’s face was carved. God’s Wives of Amun were priestesses, usually the sisters or daughters of kings, who wielded great political power in the Third Intermediate Period and later.
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Just west of the Amun block was smaller cube of stone with a sunk relief depiction of a man’s foot on base lines with the top of a cartouche and the “son of Re” title below. The style of the foot (very long) and the vertical element of the cartouche date it to the reign of Akhenaten. It probably came originally from his temple in East Karnak, built before the king moved the capital to Amarna. The artist paid attention to detail when painting the relief, painting the head of the goose (“son”) blue but its beak and eye red. The Brooklyn Museum has an interesting group of Amarna Period reliefs showing a pastoral scene.
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By the end of the week Ayman and his crew had cleared the bases of the first 3 columns of the colonnade, working from west to east. The blocks of the bases are large: 70 cm by 125 cm and almost 100 cm thick.
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We are also planning on restoring 2 fallen columns in the colonnaded porches in front of the Mut Temple. The one in the East Porch is shown here as it was found in 1979. Work hasn’t started on these yet; there will be more about the restoration next week.
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One of our favorite birds is the tiny, bright bee eater, so called because it catches insects in mid-air. This is the first we’ve seen this season.
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An unusual cloud formation seen at sunset one night. Angels? Extraterrestrials?
Posted by Richard Fazzini and Mary McKercher
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deitiesofduat · 1 year
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For those who don't know from my general art accounts, I got myself an eInk tablet that I use for organization, and also for doodling!
These are just a few that are DEITIES-related -- since they feature Set, Sobek, Bastet, and Yamm -- but they're mostly involving AU interactions with others' characters. Some were friend requests, while others were just cuz \ e v e )/
These are moderately cleaned up in Clip Studio, but I kept the monochrome greys from the tablet. Some more commentary details can be found in my ongoing Twitter thread for my eInk sketches, and in my Ko-fi gallery -- but I'll share them under the cut as well for posterity.
DEITIES Website: deitiesproject.com
...Y'know, just in case anything happens to twitter in the near future ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[1] Pirate!Set -- who's outfit was originally designed by @oiichyo -- and Pirate!Cy, who belongs to Jinkzdraws @ Twitter.
[2] Set and Rami shenanigans, the latter also belongs to Jinkz. This is the same fox kid from my earlier pencil sketches from last year.
[3] Sobek with several of his feline friends, including Bastet and other kitties belonging to Jinkz. For anyone wondering -- clockwise from the top it's Bastet, Soleil, Anahi, Lalaca, and Haiku in their cat forms.
[4] Something that would have even worked for Mermay lmao. Jinkz's Indra and AU!Yamm (emphasis on "AU") indulging in some banter.
[5] A duc-- a goose deity name Jorah, who belongs to Whotisthisart @ Twitter, interacting with some other divine friends (Shazi, Indra, and Sobek). No public art to link to yet, but his markings here are based on the Egyptian goose.
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wanderlust-----witch · 9 months
3, 7, 12 and 20! polytheist asks >:D
Oh you want me to THINK? You want me to use my BRAIN??? You are EVIL Cheshi lol
3: Is your practice more ritualistic or casual? What does it look like?
Oh my practice is extremely casual. I always hated the strict religious upbringing I had. "You do it this way, or else!". Nah fam, that's not cool. Everyone is gonna have their own way to worship, have faith, and perform religion (Yes I believe religion is a performance, but that's for another time lol). Anyways, I don't generally do much in the way of ritual because that's so much fucking work. I prefer just kinda chilling with Nyx on the full moon and calling it a night lol.
7: What does your ideal altar look like?
Chaotic, unhinged, and personal. I don't need it to be set up perfectly or invoke certain vibes, unless trash fire goblin is a vibe lmao. I really just put whatever on my altar I think fits. Right now, unfortunately, my altar isn't exactly what I want, because I don't really have space and the last time I set up an altar, Goose knocked it over. She was a brand new baby then, but even so I'd rather play it safe. I have this great cabinet at my parents house I plan on repainting and using when we have a house of our own. Its a really great size, glass doors so I can see what's inside, and bonus: cat's won't break any glass bottles on my altar lol. Rn I just have this very cue little moon shelf about 3 inches wide on a windowsill.
12: How important is mythology in your practice? How much credit do you give it?
I mean, mythology is the sourcework of all of my beliefs. I wouldn't have found Nyx, Hekate, Athena, and Artemis without Greek mythology, Bast without Egyptian mythology, or Loki without Norse mythology. Do their stories have any bearing on my beliefs? Not really. Them being the deities of their respective realms is all I really need. I know Nyx as the night, Hekate as magic, Athena as wisdom and intelligence, Artemis as the protectress, Bast as the keeper of cats, and Loki as chaos. How I interact with them is more based on my needs, versus what they have "done" in the myths that survived. Myths aren't any bit literal, just like any other religious text. We as humans are always interpreting things based on our own preconceived notions, our own beliefs, and that's not always what the original source intended. In fact, I'd argue that any human interpretation of the divine is automatically wrong. No single human belief can 100% be accurate. We will all have our own ideas of how things work. I, as a singular person, should not put any undue influence on myths that I personally think are worth "more" just because they are considered to be valid religious texts (cough cough Christians and the Bible cough cough). Myths are stories. They're fun, its fun to imagine our deities in various human scenarios. But the Divine are much more complex than their myths. I give the myths the same level of credibility I would any other that indirectly influenced my way of viewing the world. I wouldn't be who I am without the sum of the things I've read and learned over the years.
20: List a few of the deities you worship and associate each with a quote you think represents them best!
Oh lordy, you're killin me with this one Chesh lol.
Nyx: "I see the moon and the moon sees me/Nyx bless the moon and Nyx bless me" (see what I did there lmao?)
Bast: Specifically the same noise my cat makes when shes singing in the mirror. That it that's the quote lol.
Athena: All that bullshit about "tomato is a fruit but you don't put it in a fruit salad" lol. Also "Ho don't do it... oh my god" for whenever I do something (even mildly) foolish lol
Loki: OKAY SO little bit of backstory here: when I was just getting into my paganism, I was in a really shitty spot in life, physically, mentally, you name it. I came up with this phrase to help get me through it, and I generally proclaimed that anything wrong in my life was because of Loki (AS A JOKE, THEY LOVED IT). The quote was: May the deity who looks upon me in disdain look upon you with favor. It got me through shit, still does, and I still love Loki, even if they aren't my main deity anymore.
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blue-pastel-cat · 1 year
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SO you are saying that Al-Ahmar is AMUN!!!!
FINALLY WE GOT A SOLID REFERENCE!! I have seen theories videos where they all guess which dirty Al-Ahmad is based on. Some says Horus, some says Ra. But now we got a solid name.
Amun was known as God of Air and one of the 8 primordial deities of Ancient Egyptian god. Later on, his identity is merged with Ra, the Sun God (Due to change in Religion change due to political shift and merging etc. it’s hard to explain lmao I mostly read from museum notes). Which makes sense because in Genshin lore, Al-Ahmar is said to be the Lord of Sun and Sky. Amun started off in the scripts as God of Air and later throughout the different era of Ancient Egyptian his identity changed from God of Air to Sun God.
He’s sometimes depicted as animal such as Ram, Snake or Goose etc. Sometimes he has blue skin. As Ra, his siblings is freaking Apep. Also, do you know who else is related to Ra? Anubis.
In the very old script, Anubis is Ra’s son. INTERESTING LORE! Might dig future when I brush up my old Ancient Egyptian history that I learned in high school LMAO
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kiturnix · 3 years
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little project where I drew some birds based on different cultures’ folklore for them... magpie, european wren, egyptian goose 
(you can also buy these in my inprnt shop linked in my sidebar <-)
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new-dinosaurs · 3 years
Miotadorna catrionae Tennyson et al., 2022 (new species)
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(Type humerus [upper arm bone] of Miotadorna catrionae, from Tennyson et al., 2022)
Meaning of name: catrionae = for Catriona Drummond [the late mother of one of the study’s co-authors, Nicolas J. Rawlence]
Suggested common name: Catriona's shelduck
Age: Miocene (Burdigalian–Langhian), between 15.9–18.7 million years ago
Where found: Bannockburn Formation, Otago, New Zealand
How much is known: A distorted right humerus (upper arm bone).
Notes: M. catrionae was a shelduck, a group of relatively large, often somewhat goose-like ducks. The only other species of Miotadorna that had been previously named was M. sanctibathansi, also known from the Bannockburn Formation. M. catrionae was larger than M. sanctibathansi and the base of its humerus was relatively wider. In fact, along with some unnamed fossil geese, M. catrionae is the largest waterfowl that has been found in the Bannockburn Formation, being about the same size as the extant Egyptian goose (Alopochen aegyptiaca).
Reference: Tennyson, A.J.D., L. Greer, P. Lubbe, F.G. Marx, M.D. Richards, S. Giovanardi, and N.J. Rawlence. 2022. A new species of large duck (Aves: Anatidae) from the Miocene of New Zealand. Taxonomy 2: 136–144. doi: 10.3390/taxonomy2010011
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nesutbity · 3 years
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Seated Statue of Ramesses II (c.1292-1190 BC) Penn Museum
This statue greets you when you walk in to the Egyptian gallery at the Penn Museum. It���s made of quartzite and is 8 feet tall. It certainly makes an impression on everyone who sees-- which is probably exactly what it was intended to do. 
The statue depicts Ramesses II, though it is possible that it was carved during the Middle Kingdom and simply repurposed by Ramesses. Ramesses the Great is one of the most prolific Pharaohs of ancient Egypt. He ruled Egypt for 66 years during the nineteenth dynasty. In that time he negotiated a peace treaty with the Hittites, fathered over 100 children, and commissioned dozens of temples. Future generations of Egyptians would refer to him as the “Great Ancestor”.
The second photo is of the left side of the king’s throne. Notice the top of the third column where there are two suns, one red and one a little more gray. That is an ancient Egyptian typo. The sculptor was supposed to carve a goose with its head facing towards the back of the statue (and a sun disk behind the goose’s head), but accidentally put the sun in the wrong place. The sculptor covered it with plaster and carved the glyph a second time. Museum conservators picked away the plaster during conservation and inadvertently exposed an error covered up for three thousand years. In hindsight I wish I would’ve taken a picture of the right side for comparison, but there is a picture on the Penn Museum’s Website where you can make out the right side of the base. I find it fascinating that hieroglyphics could be written in mirror image, all in the Egyptian’s pursuit of symmetry and aesthetic perfection.
(Source) (Source)
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poptod · 3 years
The Breeding Kings, pt. 8, (Ahkmenrah x Reader)
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Description: Search and creation. In a desperate bid to protect his identity, he convinces you you're not safe in the cities of Egypt, thus assuring you further that your place in life is far away from Egypt––where he was trying to keep you in the first place.
Notes: okay i try to stay as true as i can when it comes to the egyptian language and how hieroglyphs are pronounced but theres so little information on the indus valley. we still dont know how to decode their language but we know the closest language is a form of a modern indian dialect so thats what ive been using hope thats alright WC: 6k
Pounding like a hammer on his cranium brought him back to the land of the living in a dizzy, sickeningly fast whirl. He returned to his body and at once felt the aching of his joints, his throat bereft of water, and the headache reaching from his temple to the base of his spine.
As he blearily opened his eyes, the dryness of them making it rather hard, the pounding of warhammers on his ears continued in clearer and clearer beats. It was then, his hand already covering his eyes from the sun, that he recognized the inside of a bell swinging above him, the massive metal gong sending vibrations throughout his whole body.
"Oh dear Gods," he moaned, the awful sound thrumming everywhere he could feel.
Hazy memories of the night before returned slowly to him, injured only by the continued swaying of the bell above him. After finally filling your stomachs, you drowned yourselves in beer, going from storeroom to storeroom to take whatever they would be willing to give.
"Yogi?" He said in a rough voice.
You let out a long, low whine.
"No talking," you mumbled.
"Oh, you can't stand my talking but you're fine with the bell?"
"Aganu, I can not stand anything right now," you said in the most helpless, exasperated voice that Ahk couldn't help but laugh, even with his head hanging off the edge of the belltower.
His laugh faded away the longer blood was allowed to rush to his head, till he had enough of the pressure and turned onto his stomach. In the very least the bell was not rocking as much as it previously was, swaying instead of swinging back and forth. Below, however, the people had gathered at the foot of white limestone steps that gleamed in the morning sun, their eyes directed to a speaker standing upon those stairs.
Ahkmen squinted, attempting to make out the person's identity.
"-and the decree of the Pharaoh is thusly," they said, their voice faded from the height Ahk sat at.
The moment the words were spoken, Ahk's eyes bulged, his expression dropping from casual humor to dead horror.
"My soldiers have seen my son leave me," they said as they read from the papyrus in their hands.
A hand on his shoulder made him jump, but he relaxed when he saw you, if only for a moment before he was once more petrified by the fear of you discovering him.
"He has gone towards the mouth of Hapi. See my son––the Prince Ahkmen––is not with you. See my son, if he is with you, to me."
"Ahkmen?" You said with a small frown. "Who is Ahkmen?"
"Just some stuck-up Prince," Ahk said quickly.
"Ah, so like you," you said, grinning as you nudged him with your elbow.
"That is... so rude," he said as he only half paid attention, his eyes focused on the crowd below. In a straight voice he continued his teasing with, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to abandon you now."
"You will not make that, you are too full of old beer. You need my potion," you said.
"Maybe so," he grumbled, all too aware of his headache. He looked down, attempting to gauge the tower for an escape. "How.. the hell did we get up here? We must be fifty spans in the air."
"Have you rope?"
"No, I –"
You raise your hand, revealing the rope in it.
"It is on the side, where you forgot it," you chuckled, handing him the long rope. He glared playfully as he took it.
The descent down the perfectly polished walls was, needless to say, interesting, and made less difficult by the removal of your sandals. Ahkmen went first, followed by you, and he immediately took off the moment you landed on the ground. He looked over his shoulder as he turned the corner, spotting one last flash of the scribe calling the name of the missing Prince.
Murmurs of conversations that surrounded him spoke of the same thing––a lost prince, oh how strange!––behind the veils of widows and children who heard the words of the Pharaoh. The ache in his neck worsened as he turned rapidly back and forth, constantly scanning his environment for any surprised faces. Your own, shorter legs barely kept up with his pace, sometimes barely landing back on the ground before you were pulled continuously by Ahk's grasp on your hand.
The edge of the city must've been 5 iteru away––longer than either of them could run in their state. Realizing this, Ahkmen pulled off into alleyways as he had the day before, and hid within the tall, vacant walls.
He panted heavily as the two of you slowed, skidding on the sandy ground before you both fell down in exhaustion. Your chest heaved like his, eyes concentrated on a purely blue sky, as his remained centered on the single exit from the dead end; the only direction you could be approached from.
"Who do we run from?" You finally asked, irritation lacing the knot in your brow.
"Soldiers," he answered instinctively. You had a fear of them––it might subdue your curiosity. "And the town officials. We're a little young to be on our own and I don't want them to falsely accuse us of anything, or put us in any situation where we have to talk to them."
"Uh..." you scanned his composure thoroughly, "okay. I see your fear, but we must think, not run."
"You're right," he said, just barely rising to his feet enough to stumble over to you, kneeling at your side. "You're right. We need to get out of here, but not like this."
"I have one – one potion, of all my potions, in my bag," you said as you looked around, trying to find the packs you'd entered the city with. "The one for the, the – the getting drunk sick, thing in the morning."
"Hangover," he said.
"Etuvaka. Where is my bag?"
"Your what––oh, shit," he went quiet with his last words, grimacing as the blistered memories of last night returned to him in one-scene flashes.
"What?" You whipped round to look at him, a dead panic in your eyes. When he didn't answer, you scooted closer and cried, "what??!"
"We found a loose brick in the street," he said, closing his eyes and leaning back with deep regret in the breath he drew, "and to hide our stuff while we went drinking... we put our bags underneath it."
"Oh shit."
"Verily," he breathed out with a nod.
Several minutes of astonished silence passed before he croaked out, "I had most of our wares in there."
"And my potions," you said, similarly collapsed as he was. "Do you know any else?"
"No, I'm surprised I can remember that we hid our bags at all," he said, running a hand through his unkempt hair.
"And my cat!" You cried.
"Your cat came with us?"
"Yes!! All from Memphis!"
"No, I mean, she came into the city? When did she leave? Or do you even remember?" He said, assaulting you with an onslaught of questions.
"Young, by the wall for the city," you said in almost a whine, leaning against the alley wall.
"Maybe she can help us," Ahk suggested, shifting to sit up straighter with the idea in his head.
"She can not speak Egyptian, dumb head!" You scolded.
"But she doesn't have any eyes," Ahk said, and you opened your mouth to explain that isn't exactly pertinent when he continued with, "so her nose might be much stronger. I hear that when you lose one of your senses, the others grow stronger."
You seemed, at best, dubious of his claims, but spoke after a moment of contemplative silence.
"Okay. But we must to find her, then the bags," you said slowly.
"Absolutely, of course," he said with a nod. "Does she answer to her name?"
You looked to him with a flat expression.
"Does any cat?" You asked.
"Fair point."
"We must have a - a.. a pot, and I will make her food. I need.. fish," you began to count the ingredients on your fingers, "fish head, oil, skin of the goose, and milk."
"That sounds disgusting," Ahk admitted honestly.
"It is. And it is good we will not eaten it."
The most difficult part of your plan ended up being the very first step––finding a place in which to mix all these horrid smelling ingredients. Neither of you owned anything in the city, and staying out of the public eye led Ahk to sacrifice several different ideas, landing you with a final resort.
It was already midday by the time you stood outside one of the city's temple's baking kitchens, the heat of the sun blocked by tarps of orange and yellow swinging from rooftop to rooftop. Already the scent of searing meat and baking pastries filled the air, wandering through little chains of markets all throughout the city, and leading you to one of the biggest kitchens you'd seen. They would not remark upon the absence of one pot, would they?
"There's a way in, back there," Ahk whispered to you, the both of you peering over empty crates. "It's just a tent so we can flip it and get inside."
"And who will we get?"
"Whichever one is closest, I presume," he said, offering no more advice before he ducked out of the hiding spot, heading discreetly across the street.
You followed in a stumble, taken surprise by his sudden movements. When you caught up with him, you knelt to hide behind the same abandoned cart, once more checking the positions of cooks and cleaners occupying the bakery. Most people were sitting at the side of a tall fountain, enjoying the midday break for food.
He left, this time signalling for you to follow him. Without pause you did, crouching down to sneak beneath the tent flaps and into the kitchen, where you were faced with a cauldron half your height. Before either of you could exchange words, you were both grasping the handles, hauling it off the small fire and out towards the space behind the tent. Another makeshift alleyway.
"Do we have to heat it?" Ahk asked, peering into the heavy bowl.
"No, it is not a good for the nose. Borrow the fish, in there." You pointed to the tent. "I will get milk."
The wretched scent stewing below you bathed your face in its' fumes, but remained nothing more than a hint of your actions to anyone further from the pot. Ahkmen had been holding his nose manually the entire time, his voice nasally, which didn't help when you laughed and drew in breaths that tasted of fish milk.
"We're going to have to pour this in the street, aren't we," Ahk said, one hand pinching his nose and the other on his hip.
"Yes, and we can not... soldiers, can not see us," you said, glancing between him and the pot.
"Right. Drop and dip."
"... okay."
Oil was eventually hard enough to find that you forwent the ingredient, leaving you with milk, goose skin, and fish head mixed up till it all softened. The look of it alone made Ahk queasy, and if he ever attempted to breathe too deeply, he lurched with sickness, clutching his stomach. You just laughed.
"Not good, is it?" You said with a toothy grin.
"How many times have you made this shit?" He asked, his face pale as he leaned against the nearest solid wall.
"I make it... not much, and it is smaller many times, so... I am.. dear God, this smells," you grumbled.
"Just get this over with."
The two of you lugged the heavy cauldron out of the alley, shuffling past the temple to dump the product of your work. Your head pounded as you strained, dry and hungry, till you managed to toss the pot out into the crowded streets.
The reaction was instant. Questions and groans rippled through the people who split as the white mixture flooded down the road. More shouts and exclamations followed when the scent truly set in, wafting from the milk already baking in the hot sun. Ahk turned to you to find you laughing, stumbling back as you hid your grinning mouth.
"What's so funny?" He asked, but he was already chuckling with you.
"You rich people," you said as you pointed to a couple fleeing hand in hand, their silken white robes lined with rotten milk. "It is funny to see you run, and scream."
"Alright, you've gotten your kicks. Where's your cat?"
"Quiet. She comes soon."
From the many different streets coalescing into the center outside the temple, cats came, some hairless like yours and others furry and large. They gathered at the spill, sniffing curiously at the strange mixture before ultimately licking away at it.
"You know, I didn't actually expect them to like it," Ahk said above you, both of you peering out from behind the kitchen tent.
"You do not trust me?"
"It's not that," he said with a frown that disappeared at your chuckling. "I just.. it's astounding anything can stand that close to it."
"We did."
"Shut up, Yogi."
It took a little while, but by the time soldiers discovered the debacle, you and Ahk were chasing Sephys down another, smaller street. Her missing eyes were of no consequence as she darted between boxes and legs, jumping over a small mouse who cowered near the wall. Ahkmen's heart was already racing from the proximity to royal guards, doubled by his chasing feet, following after you following a blind cat.
Sephys' luck ended as she ran into a man's legs, bonking her head and fluttering back with an unsteady tail. You knelt, swooping her up to coo and pet her head, cradling her like a baby in your arms.
"Uh, sorry," Ahk apologized quickly to the man Sephys had run into. He glared but said nothing, continuing to lug crates of vegetables out of a nearby doorway.
Ahkmen jogged back over to you, looking over your shoulder at the cat.
"Do you think she'll be able to find it?" He asked.
"What?" You looked up at him, flinching away when you found how close he was to you.
"Our bags."
"Oh! Yes, yes. Sephys," you held her at eye level, her gangly limbs stuck straight down, "we must to find my potions. My bag."
She looked blankly to the side of your face. Her nose twitched.
"Good," you said before dropping her.
She trotted off with hunched shoulders, her thin body jumbling her steps. You ran after her, motioning Ahk along when he didn't immediately follow you. He sighed but obeyed, winding back through the streets to the spill, where Ahk attempted his best at hiding his face as he ran by. Fortunately you were only there for a split second before you running off down another street, following the light-footed Sephys.
When she stopped, she pawed at the ground, sniffing the dust that had blown over. You slowed to a halt, kneeling down beside her.
"Atu inke irukirata, Sephys?" You asked as you caught your breath.
"Did we find it?"
"I think, yes," you said, gently pushing Sephys aside and digging your short nails into the loose brick of the street. Ahk knelt at your side and aided you in moving the rock.
Soon, the brick was raised enough for you to pull it out the rest of the way, revealing a pocket within the earth containing leather and fabrics reminiscent of both yours and Ahk's packs. Both of you exclaimed, looking to one another with big grins that devolved into laughter.
"We did it!" He said, pulling the bags out of the tiny hole. He handed you yours.
"We are smart, we know," you said with a sly wink, tapping your temple. "And cat knows."
"Right," he chuckled as he moved to his feet. "Shall we?"
"What we?"
"Uh... never-mind. We should go soon. The guards are nearby."
"I know."
Sephys was the first to jump into the stranded boat, followed by you and then your collective bags. Ahkmen stayed on solid ground to push the canoe back into the water, jumping in as it floated away, and grabbing the oar to resume your travels.
Without the canals of streets that trapped sunlight in alleys and beneath tarps, the cool wind could distract you from the burning sun. Your fingertips returned to grace the water in shallow strokes, breathing slower, and basking in the stillness that could not exist within cities. While you relaxed in the boat's bottom, Ahk remained on his feet and rowed you onwards.
"We have bread, magic, and good friends," you said, a long sigh leaving you as your head tilted back. "We are cakes."
"We're what?"
"You know. He is the... the head, of Egypt," you said.
"Ohh, you mean Kings."
"Etuvaka." Your head fell back down onto the floor of the canoe.
You set off in the afternoon, leaving you little time to travel before the nighttime would set you away. Much deserved sleep was collapsed into, your blankets splayed across the nearest flat, dry surface. The boat was just barely pulled onto the shore, but the thought never crossed his mind as his eyes fluttered open to see you facing him. Already you were dozing, anywhere from a second to a minute from deep sleep.
"Yogasundari?" He asked softly.
"Mm," you breathed out.
"I don't think we should stop at any more Egyptian cities," he said, his voice cracking.
You shifted slowly to your side before you spoke, just barely opening your eyes.
"It was a close call with those soldiers," he said, scanning you for any hint of emotion beyond tired. "I don't want to lose you so soon."
"We have made okay with more.. scary people, and.. more danger. Soldiers are little to me," you mumbled, eyes fluttering shut as you finished.
No, you're little to soldiers, he thought, but said nothing, and relaxed back into the blankets.
"I hope you're right," he said.
Breakfast consisted of bread and what little you could find along this stretch of the Nile. Ahk managed to spear a fish with a sharp stick, but neither of you could manage to eat much after yesterday's snafu. The fish ended up being eaten mostly by Sephys, who purred happily at your discomfort, playing with the bones of her prey. You and Ahk watched in mild disdain.
By midday you were back to burning in the sun, lamenting the lack of shade present in the middle of a kilometer wide river. Despite your discomfort, you continued to wear your longer robes, insisting they helped in keeping the sun off. Ahkmen took a different approach and removed most of his clothes, to your humored surprise.
"Any time you can take off it, you do," you said, laughing as you threw your head back behind loose shoulders. "Bad little boy."
He had to slap a hand over his mouth to stop himself from yelling––well, that or laughing. He couldn't quite tell what was bubbling in his stomach but it seared your name onto his heart. You could make him curl up and die in a single sentence, something Ahk was used to being, not receiving.
The signs of civilization appeared much earlier than they had when arriving in Heliopolis, beginning with trading and passenger ships passing the two of you by. Ahk always looked away. His uneven breathing gave way to anticipation, waiting for the appearance of the city, where his attention would constantly be heightened to perceive every person around him.
It was a cold return to royalty––the state of constant awareness, keeping your posture straight, your gaze steely, your brow firm but not stern. After days spent with you, it was already an alien stature to his body.
He squinted through the bright sun to the distant walls, remarking upon little else besides the pure white of the stone. Tanis was an unremarkable place known only for being a city at the mouth of the Nile river. That made it a trading port, but few people actually lived in Tanis, and much of the population was made up of travellers and traders who never stayed more than a week, or three months at most.
"There it is," he said, raising his hand to shield his eyes from the sun's glare.
"The next city?" You asked as you moved to your feet.
Wind pushed you about as you moved, nearly rocking you over on the gentle boat. Ahkmen was forced to grasp the oar with both hands, steering you through the choppy, foaming waves.
"Tanis," he said. Technically a safer city to be than Heliopolis, but still ruled prominently by the generals of Egypt. "It's a, um.. a military town. Lots of soldiers and such."
He bit his tongue as though it served as a punishment for his little lies. It was for your benefit, right?
"Oh," you said, drawing your knees to your chest. "Are they mad to me?"
"Not... particularly," he said, hesitating after noting your shrunken posture. "Foreigners aren't treated too badly here, since there's a lot of merchants. It's just... you were taken by the Pharaoh's men. What if they're looking for you? I mean, I don't know that they are, but I'm just worried. Do you understand that?"
"You are so scared of me being hurt –"
"For the night," he interrupted you. "Stay outside the city for tonight. Tomorrow we'll need to get camels... start off into the east. You can come then."
You frowned but curled back into yourself.
"Okay," you said.
Early evening settled itself in the skies around you when you reached the city, stopping off on the opposite side of the shore to ensure your 'safety'. Ahkmen's muscles strained, already aching from the multiple efforts to pull the canoe safely onto shore. This time he only pulled it halfway up, leaving it to help you set up a tent for the evening, hidden in a grove of date trees and vines.
"I won't be gone for long. I promise. I'll bring back some actually good food, um... beer, of course," you grinned at that, and he couldn't stop his own smile, "maybe a tarp."
"A tarp?"
"For shade, when we stop for breaks. I think it'll be good if we're going to be travelling by land, we'll be wanting to stop quite often, I think."
"Okay," you said with a nod. "I will see to find maybe things for my potions."
"Perfect. Do you have a sword? Or, a dagger?"
"Yes," you chuckled.
"Alright. I'll see you soon."
Time passed achingly slow without Ahk, sharing the company of no one but your cat. That had been your life for a time, but things were different now, and you had gotten accustomed to his company.
Sephys followed you as you roamed about the trees and bushes, looking for any plant of specific necessity. The ingredients of your potions ranged anywhere from common fruit to materials so rare many didn't believe in their existence.
What Ahk had yet to find out were the uses of your potions––not so much practical as they were fantastical. The hangover cure was the most useful, but given the right ingredients and the right amount of time, you could also fashion mixtures that allowed you to hear the Gods' and Goddesses' words, or to see the stars and know your direction even in daylight. Considering the sun was still a thing, the latter wasn't one you made often.
Flowers played an integral part in a few of your brews, though the role was usually outshone by other, more exotic ingredients. Roses could be used to enhance your lusting potion, as well as the Commander spell and the To Shadows mix. Blue lotus lillies that grew within the Nile had a magic all their own.
You settled down on the riverbank, pausing in a space between overgrown bushes that led straight to the shore. Mud and sand crawled up from the softly rippling waves, carrying rocks and tiny fish that Sephys batted at, blindly attempting to use her dull claws.
"Stop that," you said, hitting her gently on the head after she splashed you.
Lily pads, their roots and stems towering off the river's floor, slowed the already feeble current passing by your side of the shore. There were few flowers among them, and the moss that surrounded them were a more vibrant green than the pads, but you still traced your fingers over the tops as though you would walk across them. Someday, perhaps; out of all the incredulous things you had encountered in your time, giant lily pads didn't seemed quite a normal thing in comparison.
Reaching for one of the purple flowers, you began to pull, attempting to uproot the vine that grounded it. In the end you twisted the stem till it thinned and broke, allowing you to free the lotus. You spun it round on your fingers, entranced in the symmetry of the petals, till you tucked it aside and reached for another flower.
Altogether you spotted four blue lotus flowers, each boasting vibrant purple and pollen as yellow as the sun. The true properties of the blue lotus were subject to your active imagination, as they appeared to boost one's connection to the divine, as well as intensifying both romantic and lust-filled thoughts that hid in the corners of the drinker's mind. Commonly it was brewed into tea used for Egyptian ceremonies––you made syrup out of it, or boiled it into potions that altogether cancelled out the sugarpea-like taste of blue lotus.
You decided to leave two of the flowers as they were, and left with two of your own. Sephys followed you as you stood from the shore, returning inland into the groves of trees, to where Ahk had originally left you and your bags. There you knelt in the dirt again, setting one flower aside and crushing up the other with a mortar and pestle. Occasionally you dripped a few strands of honey from your glass bottle into the mixture, allowing the petals and the pollen to mix easier, into yellow-ish paste that would last as long as you boiled it and kept it bottled up. With that, you set up the fire, allowing it to bubble before you slowly poured the mixture into an empty bottle, and corking it up once you were satisfied.
"Wonderful. Now I'll never use it," you said to yourself, cheerfully, and in your own native language.
Sephys sniffed the mortar in which you had ground up the flower, licking when she realized there were traces of honey inside. You didn't bother to stop her––if she wanted to get sick, she could, and if she wanted to get high, she could do that as well.
The other flower you set out to dry in the spotted sun shining through palm leaves, and left it alone to return to the river. It was there you remained until evening, watching ships stop and leave on the opposite shore, stopping by the city Ahk found himself lost in. Worry did occur to you, though you had little time to dwell on it before a small canoe was making its' way back across the river.
By then the sun had lowered to a point in the crystal-clear sky that rays of gold and red reflected off the water's surface, bouncing back in shimmering waves. The rowing of an oar within water marked Ahk's return, and you waited patiently at the edge of the river, watching as he made his way back with a grin that lit up the moment he saw you.
He splashed as he jumped out of the boat, hauling it onto shore before wrapping you up in a tight––and very wet––hug.
"Look at you!" He said as he pulled away, his hands on your shoulders and his eyes on yours. "You're still alive!"
"You are mean, Aganu," you said, grinning as you stared up at him with that same starstruck look.
"You're right up there with my mother on that belief. I've gotten what we need, but I also brought something for you," he said, motioning you over to the beached canoe.
You followed him, looking over his shoulder as he rifled through the bags and protective fabrics tossed into the raft's bottom. First he pulled out a clay jug, which he set down gently beside him, before returning to pull out a large, orange tarp.
"Garish, but... only color they had," he said, handing it to you. You took it with mild confusion.
After several cases of food, he drew a lute, handing it to you with great care to notice your reaction. Your mouth fell open part way, eyes widening as you twirled it around in your hands.
"This is... money," you said slowly, your brow furrowing as you traced the thin strings.
"It did cost a little, but I'm sure we'll get plenty of use out of it," he assured you.
"You can.." you motioned strumming it, but were reluctant to touch the strings, "do the, uh... music?"
"No," he said, his face falling into a slight grimace. "No, not really. I mean, I can make it make sound, but whether or not those sounds are good are, well, um.. up to the listener. I was thinking you could play it. It seems like something..." he sucked in a breath, "... you'd like."
"You will do the words," you said, suddenly energized as you took his hand, dragging you over to the little fire you'd made hours ago. "I do the music."
"You want me to sing?" He asked with a soft chuckle.
"Yes!" You nodded ardently.
You pulled him with you as you sat down, your legs stretched out across the blanket you'd set out earlier. He followed, crossing his own legs as he watched you fiddle with the position of the instrument, accustoming your arms to the feel of its' weight.
When you at last plucked a string, a single, high note hummed throughout the grove of trees, silencing the bugs and birds that inhabited the riverside. You looked up, glancing around at the sudden quiet. Your eyes fell to Ahk, who nodded with a smile, gently encouraging you.
A finger on the fret board and the tone changed, growing higher in a pentatonic that appeared to clash without the other notes making up the hymnal. So you slid up further, creating a minor tune that still thrummed in the lute's echo chamber. You breathed in shakily, hoping to calm yourself before you continued.
Ahkmen, sensing your nervousness, decided to stand and gather fallen twigs and branches for the fire to lessen the stress of an audience. His absence allowed your shoulders to release from their tightened state. With that, you stroked all three strings in a swoop of your thumb, discordant but not unpleasant in its' reverb. Different positions on the wooden board brought about different notes, sliding up and down in crescendos that sounded not unlike the instruments of elders played by the side of the road. A single string worked better for you--at least for now--than attempting to use all three, especially at the same time.
A string twanged when you accidentally pulled the string to the side, and you flinched, looking up to Ahk with a worried look. He didn't seem to mind, so you continued.
He began to hum as he returned to your side, tossing in the smaller twigs to restart the embers of the fire. You tried to ignore him until you realized he was singing in harmony, no words in the tune, but twisting around your lute like vines overgrown with roses.
A burst of fire sprouted from the stone circle, reaching up higher than you stood on your feet. Ahkmen jumped back with a yelp, covering his face automatically with his hands, though he landed back with no more injury than a bruise on his bottom. Your mouth fell open and you dropped the lute, rushing over to his side.
"You are good?" You asked in a frantic voice, your shaking hands hovering above him.
He clasped his head, groaning as he sat up.
"I'm alright," he assured you, patting your knelt thigh. He started to chuckle, "I'm just sort of stupid."
"No, no," you said, but could offer little comfort besides that.
That alone made him snort, his head falling back down to the ground as he laughed. You giggled with him, your shoulders shaking as you covered your mouth, hiding your smile from view.
As you both calmed, he asked something that had been on his mind for a good while.
"Why do you cover your smile whenever you laugh?" He asked in a soft voice, one that demanded no answer.
You paused, your lips parting as your posture straightened.
"I... I do not know," you said, looking away. "It is.. something to... I do not want soldiers to see me smile. They think I am.. 'up to something'."
"Why would they think that?" He asked with a frown.
"I think it is my home, my clothes," you said.
"Where you're from," he mumbled, sighing as he shut his eyes. "I've never liked those damn soldiers. The only people who want to be my father's soldiers are the ones who will abuse the power, and those who abuse power are not good people."
"What do you say?" You asked, furrowing your brow.
"You've probably already realized this, but there's quite a lot of nationalism in Egypt. A lot of my people don't like foreigners," he explained. "It's a crude and primitive frame of thought. I'm sorry."
"It is not for you, to say sorry for," you said, meeting his eye as he turned to you, still lying flat on his back.
"I know," he grunted as he sat up. 
But I am the Prince. Can I claim that? 
"Here, though, there is nothing but us," he said.
He scooted closer to you, resting his palms on your knees.
"You don't need to do that anymore," he said. "I want to see you smile."
"I do not -"
His fingers crawled like spiders up your shirt, teasing your sensitive stomach with light brushes that brought you far too easily into cackling. You fell back, your hands subconsciously coming up to cover your mouth, much to his disappointment and amusement. He reached up, pinning your hands above you with one arm while the other continued to tickle up from your waist and onto your chest as you laughed helplessly.
You continued to writhe in his grasp, your smile wide and blushing as he sat on your hips, pinning you further to the ground. Your legs kicked against the floor, sometimes budging against Ahk's back. Ahk continued to grin at your laughing stupor.
"Stop! Stop!" You cried through the laughter, attempting to wriggle out of the hands pinning you down.
Tears blurred into the edges of your eyes and he finally ceased, leaning back with cheeks aching from his smile.
"And I'll do it again if you don't stop covering yourself up like that," he said, ever so slightly leaning in closer, till he hung over you like the sky.
Nothing but silence from you––the words couldn't form in your head or on your tongue, so you simply nodded, eyes flickering across his features. He fell into a similar silence, scanning your near vacant expression. Close enough to feel your breath.
Your gaze drifted upwards. A halo of stars glowing around him. Above you, pinning you down, as he had weeks or months ago––sneaking you across a river turned into sneaking you down a river, painted stars became the heavens, speaking of your laughter rather than the Gods and their stories. But your eyes remained the same, staring into one another, puzzled by your hesitance to part.
"We must sleep," you said softly, making no move to get up.
"Yeah," he said, and he appeared to be just as reluctant to move.
The fire crackled beside you, now burning through larger branches and leaves that emitted smoke high into the starlit sky. Dancing flames illuminated the dips and rises of his face, the long eyelashes surrounding cold, grey irises, and the curls of his growing hair nearly overtaking his eyes.
You dared not breathe.
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orthodoxydaily · 3 years
Saints&Reading: Thu., Jan. 27, 2022
January 27_January 14
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There were two occasions when the monks and hermits at Sinai and Raithu were murdered by the barbarians. The first took place in the fourth century when forty Fathers were killed at Mt. Sinai, and thirty-nine were slain at Raithu on the same day.
Mount Sinai, where the Ten Commandments had been given to Moses, was also the site of another miracle. Ammonios, an Egyptian monk, witnessed the murder of the forty holy Fathers at Sinai. He tells of how the Saracens attacked the monastery and would have killed them all, if God had not intervened. A fire appeared on the summit of the peak, and the whole mountain smoked. The barbarians were terrified, and fled, while the surviving monks thanked God for sparing them.
That day, the Blemmyes (an Arab tribe) killed thirty-nine Fathers at Raithu (on the shores of the Red Sea). Igumen Paul of Raithu exhorted his monks to endure their suffering with courage and a pure heart.
The second massacres occurred nearly a hundred years later, and was also recorded by an eyewitness who miraculously escaped: Saint Nilus the Faster (November 12). The Arabs permitted some of the monks to run for their lives. They crossed the valley and climbed up a mountain. From this vantage point, they saw the bedouin kill the monks and ransack their cells.
The Sinai and Raithu ascetics lived a particularly strict life: they spent the whole week at prayer in their cells. On Saturday they gathered for the all-night Vigil, and on Sunday they received the Holy Mysteries. Their only food was dates and water. Many of the ascetics of the desert were glorified by the gift of wonderworking: the Elders Moses, Joseph and others. Mentioned in the service to these monastic Fathers are: Isaiah, Savva, Moses and his disciple Moses, Jeremiah, Paul, Adam, Sergius, Domnus, Proclus, Hypatius, Isaac, Macarius, Mark, Benjamin, Eusebius and Elias.
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Saint Stephen lived during the eighth century, and was born into a family in Cappadocia, who raised him in great piety. As he reached maturity, he was greatly impressed by reading the lives of the holy ascetics, and so he visited many monasteries in Palestine in order to observe their way of life. In the wilderness he visited the monasteries of Saints Euthymios the Great (January 20), Savva the Sanctified (December 5) and Theodosios the Great (January 11), studying the Rule (Typikon) of each monastery.
Later, during the reign of the iconoclast Emperor Leo the Isaurian (717-741), he visited Constantinople. The holy Patriarch Germanos (May 12) had a high regard for Stephen, and aided him in building a monastery in Bithynia in which he could establish a monastic Rule based on the great lessons that he had learned in the course of his many years of experience. Saint Stephen founded the Monastery of Khenolakkos [“by the goose-pond”], which was northeast of Triglia (near Moudania in Asia Minor). Many monks were drawn there by reports of his virtue.
Saint Stephen was distinguished for his paternal administration of the monastery, and for his moral influence on the monks. After many years as the Superior of the monastery, the holy ascetic foresaw his own death. When he fell asleep in the Lord, some of the brethren were found worthy to behold the glorious departure of his soul into Heaven, escorted by angels.
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MARK 10:17-27
17Now as He was going out on the road, one came running, knelt before Him, and asked Him, "Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?" 18 So Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. 19 You know the commandments: 'Do not commit adultery,' 'Do not murder,' 'Do not steal,' 'Do not bear false witness,' 'Do not defraud,' 'Honor your father and your mother.' 20 And he answered and said to Him, "Teacher, all these things I have kept from my youth." 21 Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, "One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me." 22 But he was sad at this word, and went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. 23 Then Jesus looked around and said to His disciples, "How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!" 24 And the disciples were astonished at His words. But Jesus answered again and said to them, "Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God! 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. 26 And they were greatly astonished, saying among themselves, "Who then can be saved?" 27But Jesus looked at them and said, "With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible."
JAMES 1:19-27
19 So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. 21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. 22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does. 26 If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one's religion is useless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
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bonefall · 1 year
Have you made anymore clan swears/insults from the ones in canon?
I made a LOT based on ecology and end up forgetting them after I use them once, because there's so much cool stuff to talk about
Curlew = a person who chooses a controllable danger over freedom, because curlews have a habit of nesting VERY close to huge raptors so that other predators leave them alone. Raptors still DO eat them.
Cuckoo = Slur. Most serious insult Clan cats have for a cat who betrays their brethren
Egyptian Goose (Habaka) = A jackass who is aggressive for no good reason. Also a slur in some contexts.
Gray Squirrel (chakchak) = See above; ThunderClan useage
Todd/Fox/Vixen = In Clanmew this is a sliding scale of severity. Todd is just mischief, foxes are bad, vixens are malevolent.
"Shineless" = No class in a blasphemous way. You annoy god himself. I actually really like giving Clan cats religious insults with their star-based religion, implying all holy things shimmer.
Matte Fight = Specific useage of above; used to imply you're fighting in a way that is stupid, pointless, and does not honor StarClan. Houndstar loves this insult for other leaders. She is my bitch.
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eggysimblr · 4 years
Eggy’s guide to Egyptian Pantheon.
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ANUBIS: He’s a good boy, he Guards your tomb after your death. Also keeps balsamists from goofing up on the job.
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BAST: She’s a happy Kitty who likes to party, she’s the goddess of the home, and, like a real cat, she keeps vermin away.
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ATUM: The Big Daddy, who created other gods by jacking off. No, seriously.
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SHU: Son of Atum, God of Air. Pretty boring.
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TEFNUT: Shu’s wife, Goddess of Moisture. Yes, MOISTURE. Let that sink in, MOISTURE.
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GEB: Son of Shu & Tefnut, God of Earth. He has a goose on his head. The Goose’s name is Steve (not really), and it has rabies (Propably).
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NUT: She’s the Big Lady in the Sky, except she actually IS the sky, With Geb, her husband (And Steve the Rabid Goose), lying under her.
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OSIRIS: You know him, you love him, It’s the Lord of the Dead! And Vegetation, that’s why he’s green. He got chopped into pieces by Seth, who scattered his body parts, then he was brought together again by Isis and Nephtys, got embalmed by Anubis, and avenged by Horus.
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ISIS: AKA the best Mythological MILF, Change my Mind.
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NEPHTYS: Isis’ equally sexy sister, she’s the goddess of... Death, I guess? And Magic, and, amusingly enough, Beer.
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SETH: WTF Is his fursona anyway? A Tapir? A Donkey? An Anteater? The big bad of the Osyrian Myth, and the god of Desert and storms, and Desert Storms.
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HORUS: Son of Osiris. Captain Falcon over here was a pretty big deal, he was the patron god of Pharaoh, and Egypt in General.
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HATHOR: Horus’ wife, Daughter of Ra. Her fursona was that of a cow, but here she only wears horns. She also was a Party girl, and goddess of Love.
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SONS OF HORUS: These rapscallions protected mummy’s extracted innards. And only poor Imsety doesn’t have a fursona.
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RA: Ra-Ra-Rasputin lover of the... No, wait. Birb Boy here is Ra-Horachty, AKA: Horus LARPing as a Sun God. Ra in general was the Sun, and he had a pimpin boat in which he cruised the sky.
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Khepri: God of the Rising Sun, His head is a scarab, because just like a dung beatle rolls a ball made out of shit, so does Khepri rolls the sun. Ewww...
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AMUN: The big boss of Thebes. He became the main god during the Middle Kingdom. His name means “Hidden”. Good luck with hiding while wearing such a huge hat tho, idiot!
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MUT: Amun’s lovely wife, with a dead vulture on her head.
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KHONSU: Amun’s son, he’s the God of the Moon. He sometimes had a falcon fursona.
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ATEN: This stupid frisbee with hands, is a result of King Akhenaten being a fucking hipster, and trying to create “A nEw mOnOtHeIsTiC rElIgIoN, Hurr Durr”. Good Riddance.
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PTAH: Basically Osiris, but without a fancy Atef crown, this guy was the main god of city of Memphis (the one by the Nile, not Mississipi). He also was a patron god of artisans.
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SAKHMET: Unlike Bast, this Kitty here is an Angry pussy (Watch your wording Eggy!). She is a goddess of War, after all, and somehow the Eye of Ra? I dunno, Egyptian Mythology is weird.
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MIN: Basically Osiris, but with Amun’s hat, and a raging boner. Why he has a stiffy you may ask? It’s symbolic, cause he’s a god of Fertility, you pervert!
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HAPI: The androgynous personification of River Nile. That’s why he/she’s Blue dabadee dabadai.
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SOBEKH: The God of water, who decided to be original, and instead of being a furry, he became a scalie. XD
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TOTH: Another Birb-boy, this time based on an Ibis, was the god of science (however oxymoronic it sounds), and was the one, who invented Hieroglyphs. Gee Mr. Toth, couldn’t you invent a more coherent system of writing? Because it’s really freaking difficult to read those little pictures, have you heard about an ALPHABET?
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MA’AT: Goddess of truth and law. Her feather was not just a fancy hair accessory, but also acted as a counterwight for the deceased heart, during the judgement of Osiris.
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TAWARET: The Hippo Goddess of childbirth. That’s why she THICC yo!
There were many MANY others, but these guys are the most important/interesting/well known. Hoped you liked it.
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dansnaturepictures · 3 years
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27th June 2021-Petersfield Heath Pond
I made my first ever visit to Petersfield Heath Pond this afternoon and started up a little tradition of visiting ponds to look for birds in a part of Hampshire I am less familiar with on the Sunday after coming back home from holiday after a visit to Fleet Pond that stuck in my mind after returning from Norfolk last September. This bird we quite wanted to see here today was a Ruddy Shelduck that had been reported a lot. We knew it was likely to be with Egyptian Geese based on previous experience of seeing them, I’d seen Ruddy Shelducks with Brent Geese at Farlington Marshes in 2010 and with Egyptian Geese at Rutland Water at the last physical Bird Fair in 2019. And there were Egyptian Geese galore on this impressive pond nestled in nicely among a precious heathland today, there really were hoards of them on the lake and it’s shores. It was fantastic to take this in as I saw more today than I ever had before. Great to see this with a bird I had struggled with this year as my bogey bird so the one I usually see quite easily in a year but don’t for whatever reason. Their exotic looks were charming. I took the first picture in this photoset of these. 
Then we spotted the beautifully beige and bright coloured Ruddy Shelduck. We got some brilliant views of this pretty bird as it swam initially alone then with the Egyptian Geese quite closely. When we first saw it I didn’t even need binoculars to make out the bird well it was that close, I did get the bins up as a farewell view, with it a bit further away before we left though. This was a great moment, and a real gem of a bird to see to add to this week off well. I got the third picture in this photoset among others which I tweeted tonight of this bird. 
A collection of more great wild moments followed for the rest of the walk; some mallow, bindweed shown in the second picture in this photoset which I saw just before the Ruddy Shelduck , green alkanet, cow parsley and oxeye daisies in terms of flowers all looked nice throughout the whole walk. I saw my first Mute Swan cygnets this year a key moment of any spring for me which was great. And they weren’t alone with Egyptian Goose, Canada Goose, Mallard and Coot all nicely with young on the lake some I had and hadn’t seen young of yet this year. I enjoyed seeing the young Starlings in the garden again this morning great to be reacquainted with them and this evening when I took the ninth picture in this photoset of one. Back at Petersfield Heath Pond I got great views of a male Blackcap with food on its mouth and a Common Tern over the pond one of the stars of this week, as well as yet another favourite bird of mine during the week off with a Green Woodpecker flying nicely over as rain came on hard as expected out on the heath the first I had seen for a while. I took the fourth-seventh pictures in this photoset of moody views here today on a dark and showery afternoon. 
When home I took the eighth and tenth pictures in this photoset of some lovely purple buddleia on the bush out the front there is a great bit of buddleia coming out in nice colour on the bushes in the back and front garden which is very exciting as its a key stage of the summer having this in flower for the insects to utilize, as well as a lovely snail I noticed on the balcony tonight which looked great a real rainy day scene as it was a rainy evening. There were some beautiful scenes with big lines of red poppies on the roadside verges on the way back and it was interesting to see two Lesser Black-backed Gulls and a Herring Gull in the field of my old secondary school a place that does attract a few birds.
Wildlife Sightings Summary for Petersfield Heath Pond: My first Ruddy Shelduck of the year, one of my favourite birds the Green Woodpecker, many Egyptian Geese, Greylag Goose with some having a lot of white and looking quite big, Canada Goose, Mute Swan, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Coot, Herring Gull, Common Tern, Blackcap and Grey Squirrel.
Well that is the end of nine days off work and what a fantastic time it’s been with that incredible Anglesey holiday and some solid trips over this weekend. Thank you so much for all your kind interactions during this time, especially with the amount of photos and stories I had from the time. I really appreciate it and enjoy sharing it all. Have a great and safe new week.
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idril-la-wiccan · 3 years
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Pantheons InkWash 2021 - 1st Week
If you're unsure about what InkWash is and its rules, go here.
Day 1 - Crystal // Charon
"A soul is not unlike a crystal. If it is cracked or broken, it can't just be fixed. Not easily, at least. And marks will always remain after that... This is why I always brings as many souls as possible to the other side at once. Unlike what most mortals believe, I need no obol. I appreciate the gesture, but I have no need for it..."
Day 2 - Costume // Hathor and Hera
Hera seems to like Hathor's dress a lot. All these complexe patterns look wonderfull. Though Hathor admits herself simplicity can be nice too. So she likes Hera's just as much.
Day 3 - Vessel // The Spirits of the canopic jars
Also known as the Sons of Horus, they are in charge of protecting the deceased's organs. Imsety, protector of the liver ; Duamutef, protector of the stomac ; Hapi, protector of the lungs and Qebehsenuef, protector fo the intestines.
(I'll be honest, except maybe for the last of the four, I don't really have much ideas on what kind of personality I could give them...)
Day 4 - Knot // The Fates
"... How did this even happen ?" asked Lachesis to her sisters.
"I swear it wasn't like that, earlier !" exclaimed Clotho, a bit panicked.
"You know," started Atropos, "maybe we should cut this short before the life tied to this thread gets tangled into whatever mess this knot might represent ?"
"No need," Lachesis affirmed, "I'm sure there is a way to undo this... Or at least, make it smaller..."
Day 5 - Bird // Geb (feat. Bheb)
You thought I'd just draw one or all of the bird-like egyptian gods, didn't you ? Nope ! Have Geb and his pet goose !
Yes, I made what is originally the hieroglyph on his head an actual goose, and she's his pet. You can't stop me ! BHEB IS A GOOD GIRL-
Day 6 - Spirit // Medjed
Boy oh boy... That rascal.
Not much is actually known about Medjed except that they are also know as "the Smiter" and can apparently... *checks wikipedia* shoot laser out of their eyes ??? (That's funny because I didn't know this when I made that drawing...)
But anyway, because of some play on the words in my own language (based on them being some kind of spirit AND a "smiter"), I have decreed they are some sort of poltergeist. A deified poltergeist that still can do good, but are very chaotic neutral in their behaviour.
Oh and of course, they like to look scary. (they don't usually show their teeth unless they want to look menacing.)
(I have imagined more about them but this entry is long enough already...)
Day 7 - Chill // Hermes and Anubis
They're besties and you can't convince me otherwise. I don't think I'd really be able to explain why I think that ! (Except from the fact that the greeks kinda associated Anubis with Hermes in some ways...)
And... Yeah. I can see them just chillin' together from time to time, especially since I see both of them as being rather laid back (Hermes more than Anubis, though).
They'd also hang out with Thoth too if it weren't for the latter being very busy and, most importantly, him not wanting Hermes anywhere near his study OR library.
If you know, you know...
||Second Week>>
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