#basically a retell but
aye-of-newt · 7 months
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somegrumpynerd · 7 months
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Everyone sleeps in dadmare's bed for the night
Well, almost everyone sleeps
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Favorite niche book genre
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dekusleftsock · 7 months
Mha fandom when you say that Izuku’s biggest fic mischaracterization isn’t making him twinky:
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Like yes, twinkifying one male character in a ship can be annoying—it can perpetuate heterosexual roles onto same sex relationships (“who’s the woman in the relationship/who wears the pants in the relationship?”), BUT LET US BE CLEAR:
WHEN in the ever loving FUCK did that somehow translate into “the twink has to be the stereotypically aggressive one so it doesn’t abide by queer stereotypes”. HOW DID WE GET HERE.
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retellingthehobbit · 9 months
Belladonna Took and Bungo Baggins, in The Hobbit comic adaptation Chapter 1:
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vs Chapter 15!:
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sickfreaksirkay · 4 days
Hi! Arthurian legend is one of my favorite subjects but I have trouble figuring out which books to read. Do you have any suggestions?
hi!! here's a couple of popular texts which i'd recommend to start with:
sir gawain and the green knight
culhwch and olwen
the perilous cemetery/l'atre perilleux (for prime gawain antics)
any chretien de troyes
the vulgate cycle (personally i skipped past the history of the holy grail when starting since it's very long and doesnt really have a lot of the more famous characters and events)
any gerald morris books (he does retellings aimed at children but they're very very funny and very enjoyable even when you're not a child)
i feel like i have to suggest malory's le morte d'arthur because it's le morte d'arthur and a lot of later stuff is based on it but to be honest a lot of it is not that great. book 7 specifically is my favourite section and i would definitely recommend it!!
these are just my personal recommendation for starting out as they're very popular ones and in my opinion quite accessible since they're the ones i started with (and the first four are quite short)
i would definitely suggest also looking at @queer-ragnelle's medieval literature list for links to a lot of different texts including the ones i've mentioned!!
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peonycats · 1 year
did i just see someone hc South Korea to be the child of North Korea and America post-WWII
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rawliverandgoronspice · 4 months
so of course I then thought about Impa some more, and about how the way I write impa is: everybody around her is like this all of the time
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#thoughts#impa#shitpost#impa oot#thralls of power#litany of betrayal#descant of greatness#(maybe I need a unifying name for my AU/retelling btw)#Hyrule's Most Tired Babysitter#even ganondorf is kind of like the horrible kid that wants to burn you with cigarettes and *will* throw a full chair at your face#and you gotta be sooooo patient and remind yourself that the poor kid's home life must be a little rough#even though he *definitively* is hiding a knife behind his back and *will* stab you if you give him the chance#it's kind of funny because the way I write her is#everybody kind of treats her like garbage?#they don't mean to like I don't think they realize this#but they all fully take her for granted and expect her to be a pillar of strength always which in the context of the story#is COMPLETELY unreasonable to expect from someone who has basically been holding on by a thread for the best part of a decade#but she has been groomed on all sides to accept this as her lot and a reasonable expectation to uphold#BUT#at the same time#she might be the most morally gray character out of every single one of them#her semi-subjugation kind of eclipses this fact about her#but I think that on many regards she's harder to forgive than ganondorf#ganondorf is a bitch and delights in his own violence far more than she does#but at least he's consistent in who tends to get hurt and what for --and the cause itself can be argued as meaningful#meanwhile impa wronged SO many people for BAD reasons#I don't *blame* her all of the situations were shitty and almost none of them were actively her own fault#but she still participated at every turn and kind of hid behind the system partially by pretending she didn't have agency#which is... it's not *not* true but she still facilitated or participated in the murder/oppression of many people#and had agency in not seizing it for herself if that makes sense
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fictionadventurer · 11 months
Story = External Events + Internal Change
External Events = Happenings that change the situation outside the individual character. The characters go to a new place, solve a problem, raise and answer a question, etc.
Internal Change = The character's internal reaction to these events, which changes their beliefs or personality
A story needs to have both. A story with only External Events is just Stuff Happening. A story with only Internal Change is just navel gazing.
Plotting is just figuring out how External Events can drive Internal Change, and how Internal Change can affect the character's approach to External Events.
Decide on a starting and ending point for External Events. What is the problem, and how is it resolved?
Decide what the character's personality is at the beginning of the story, and decide how you want them to have changed by the end of the story.
Figure out which External Events along the course of the story will bring about the Internal Change you want to see.
A story can be driven by a character's refusal to or determination not to change, but we must be aware of that interior state and its effect upon External Events.
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theboarsbride · 9 months
🐍💙𝕋𝕖𝕞𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 & 𝕄𝕣. 𝕎𝕪𝕣𝕞💙🐍
"Would you still love me if I was a wyrm?"
In a loose (and bloody) retelling of the King Lindworm folktale set against the backdrop of 1980s Milwaukee, two people try to navigate their unorthodox romance while an arcane, snake-like infection afflicts, and starts to change, one of them.
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I've started posting chapters of TAMW's draft on ao3 and Tapas! Will update every Saturday!
Here's a version of the 'cover' without the text:
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“Dead. He’s dead.”
“No.” The eunuch’s voice seemed deeper. “He is here. Aegon has been shaped for rule since before he could walk. He has been trained in arms, as befits a knight to be, but that was not the end of his education. He reads and writes, he speaks several tongues, he has studied history and law and poetry. A septa has instructed him in the mysteries of the Faith since he was old enough to understand them. He has lived with fisherfolk, worked with his hands, swum in rivers and mended nets and learned to wash his own clothes at need. He can fish and cook and bind up a wound, he knows what it is like to be hungry, to be hunted, to be afraid. Tommen has been taught that kingship is his right. Aegon knows that kingship is his duty, that a king must put his people first, and live and rule for them.”
(ADWD Epilogue)
Varys’ words to Kevan Lannister about Prince Aegon are so interesting because of the overarching insinuation that the boy has had a slew of advisors and teachers who have carefully and extensively prepared him for the task of ruling. His listed examples to that point are rather peculiar, however: a knight to train him in arms, a septa to train him in the faith, and various tutors to train him in history and languages.
Now there’s nothing inherently wrong about Aegon’s educators but one has to ask, what do these people even know about actual ruling? What have they seen about the nature of ruling and the nitty gritty of it? What experience do they have? And if they themselves don’t really know what it means to rule, what does that say of their young prince’s education?
It’s an important question to ask when we consider Aegon’s narrative foil: Jon Snow. Jon does not have the expectation of ruling. In fact, as a bastard, he knows that he can never ever get a lordship let alone a crown/throne. Yet Jon has, unlike Aegon, a crew of experienced tutors who have shown him the nitty gritty of ruling. Every single one of his on-page mentors is either a ruler or a leader of men; in addition to the other tutors he had growing up.
So I wanted to take a look at Jon’s mentors and the positions they have held to contrast their experience (and thus the validity of the lessons that they give Jon) as opposed to the lack of experience in Aegon’s crew.
Ned Stark - Jon’s first and (arguably) most impactful mentor. While teaching Jon important lessons about rulership, he was serving as the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North; thus making him one of the most powerful men in the entire realm. He then went on to serve as Hand of the King - the most powerful official save for the king. The irony is that Ned didn’t teach Jon as a successor. Robb was the one meant to succeed him. Yet Jon absorbed his lessons all the same.
Benjen Stark - we don’t actually see much on-page mentorship from Benjen, yet he still is one of Jon’s many father figures in the series. He is a a man of the Night’s Watch so he is sworn to hold no lands or titles. Yet as First Ranger, he is undoubtedly one for he highest ranking officials in the Watch and potentially a skilled warrior. He takes on the role of the knight or leader of men among Jon’s teachers.
Tyrion Lannister - despite being an ‘outsider’, Tyrion comes to hold considerable power. He is an exceedingly learned and intelligent man and managed to impart important life lessons during his short time with Jon. He rises to become Hand of the King and later Master of Coin. Though he doesn’t actively teach Jon how to rule, he’s still an important part of Jon’s character development.
Maester Aemon - one of the anomalies in this list. Yet his impact on Jon’s life cannot be understated. He is a teacher to Jon; we have various references to Jon going to Aemon for advice on how to lead. Aemon also gives Jon advice meant for kings: “kill the boy and let the man be born”. What makes Aemon an interesting addition is that he is a would-be king. And an interesting contrast between Jon and Aegon is that both parallel Aegon V; Jon more organically, Aegon rather artificially. If we remember, Aegon V was a hidden prince who ultimately became king. This is the very same trope that Jon and Prince Aegon are following. And it’s interesting that Aemon, Aegon V’s brother, gives advice on governance to Jon; the same advice given to the unlikely king. So it’s Jon who is carrying the torch of kingship from Aegon V, not Young Griff.
Jeor Mormont - one of the most direct mentors in Jon’s arc. Not only is he a surrogate father to Jon, he does what Ned never did: he directly grooms Jon to be his heir. Jon gets to watch Jeor actually govern the NW as his steward but it’s interesting that he shadows the LC through servitude. Though Jon is intended to succeed the Old Bear, he has to humble himself; he has to follow before he can lead. It’s a contrast to Aegon who would hold power over most (if not all) of his tutors.
Donal Noye - the other anomaly save for Maester Aemon. He is a humble Blacksmith. Yet he has been in the service of kings (having served the Baratheon boys who would all end up as kings). He plays an important role in bringing Jon’s ego back to earth and helping him sympathize with those less fortunate than himself. Despite his humble origins, he does briefly take command of the Wall during Mance Rayder’s attack and then transfers that command to Jon, purely because he believed in Jon’s ability to lead (and he was right).
Qhorin Halfhand - another who takes on the role of a skilled master at arms for Jon. He is an undoubtably powerful warrior. But he is also a leader of men. He teaches Jon important lessons on leadership during their time together beyond the Wall - e.g., to lead your men you must first know them. And in true ‘fridged mentor’ fashion, Qhorin dies so the young prince can take over and grow as a leader.
Mance Rayder - the King Beyond the Wall and one of the most important leaders in the books despite spending all his time in the North. Mance’s role as a mentor for Jon is doubly important given that he also takes on the role as a Rhaegar proxy. Despite Jon coming to him as an (undercover) enemy, he’s still able to impart powerful lessons on how to command an army and wrangle support from different factions of men. Jon learns a lot about diplomacy from observing and being under the KBTW. Mance is a skilled warrior, commander, and politician. A charismatic and gifted man - the picture perfect king for Jon to emulate.
Tormund Giantsbane - a leader of the freefolk who rises to become an unlikely ally for Jon. A skilled warrior and proven leader (we know that he took charge of a couple of thousand of freefolk), Tormund becomes important when there’s a transfer of power from Mance to Jon as leader of the freefolk.
Stannis Baratheon - by law, he is the rightful king of the seven kingdoms. According to prophecy, as Melisandre says, he is the promised messiah. Despite a less than ideal personality, he’s still an important part of Jon’s political arc in ADWD. Arguably a man of immense administrative potential, Stannis is also one of the most successful military commanders in the series; which is great for Jon since he also learned from Ned, who ran an undefeated streak as a battle commander.
The total count now comes to: two kings, two Hands of the King, a ruling lord, three warriors, one wise maester (who has counseled a king), and one commander. That quite a resume for Jon. All these men have some experience leading men and commanding armies, however big or small. So Jon’s preparation has been quite thorough.
What a stark contrast between the two boys, then. Varys’ words give us a roadmap of a “perfect ruler” (or as perfect as one can be) yet when we actually take the time to examine what we see in the text, Aegon is not at all suited for that role - Jon is. In fact, not a single character in ASOIAF has had the intensive preparation to rule that Jon has.
It’s beautiful irony. The prince, the one promised to rule, is actually quote underprepared for the task of it. Meanwhile the bastard, who is at best promised a life of servitude, is the one with the most preparation (and experience) for rulership. It’s the way Aegon, as a narrative foil to Jon, acts as one who validates Jon’s journey. There are certain things needed of a ruler. Jon has them, Aegon doesn’t.
Winds isn’t out yet so we don’t yet know for certain where these two boys will end up. But I’m almost sure that young Prince Aegon is doomed and though he may hold the throne for a while, he will not be the king at the end of the story. And it just might be his inexperience that ultimately dooms him. So what does that say for Jon then? Aegon can’t hold the throne as he’s unprepared for it, but what about Jon who is?
#jon snow#aegon vi targaryen#young griff#asoiaf#valyrianscrolls#yes I am a Jon will be king at the end of the story believer - that’s the archetype#and so far he’s been following it despite several diversions#he’s the closest character we have to a true to form retelling of King Arthur#Aegon is there to validate Jon’s rise to kingship - he’s not the ruler we should be looking for because Jon is#Aegon is what happens when you make a young boy take on such a terrible task without adequate preparation#he is what happens when your prince in hiding relies almost entirely on blood and his father’s name#which is ironic given varys’ insistence that aegon isn’t entitled - we see that he actually is#Jon is what happens when you actually prepare your king to rule#a prince in hiding who relies on ability and experience - that’s why it’s so important that adwd serves as a training arc for him#and more poignant is the subversion to the trope#unlike most princes in hiding who learn of how special they are quite early in their journeys#jon still knows himself as a bastard - one with no entitlement to anything#Aegon is similar to many fantasy princes because the story starts out with him already knowing who he is#so basically Aragorn#His story has already been written as far as he knows#‘and king Aegon took the throne and ruled wisely for ever and ever’#He knows he’s special and he expects that specialness to carry him to greatness#Jon doesn’t have that so he can only try - try to rule wisely#he can try to rule kindly and equitably#and he’s not perfect - he fails as we see in ADWD - but he tries anyway#remember Aragorn? Perhaps the most famous hidden king in fantasy?#well who do you think answers the question ~what was Aragorns tax policy?~#spoiler alert - it’s not Aegon!#my stuff
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nerdygirl2023 · 11 months
Odyssey AU: what if… Telemachus was late?
It’s not angst I promise!
But this idea has been bouncing around in my head for while and i figured that now that i have tumblr ha finally have place to share it. Enjoy!
In this AU, the majority still happens.
Odysseus still takes 10 years at sea to get home after losing his entire crew, still gets disguised as a beggar, his old nurse still recognizes him and aids him before he goes up to the castle and sees Penelope, you know how it goes.
But, in this version, when Athena tells Telemachus that he should head home, something delays him.
Maybe the king he was talking to was being too hospitable. Maybe Poseidon was still salty with Odysseus and made him take longer. Either way doesn't matter, just know he takes a while longer then normal. But even without Telemachus, Odysseus still beats the suitors and kills them. But what happens next…. :
A servant comes and gets Penelope, who after talking to this 'mysterious beggar,' locked herself away in her room. "Come quickly your highness, someone has defeated all the suitors, they are all dead!'
Penelope rushed out to the main courtyard. (Athena chooses this moment to take off Odysseus beggar disguise. Maybe Aphrodite had something to do with that) Penelope couldn't believe it.
"Odysseus... it's really you..?” She had been suspicious that he was almost home but, she still couldn't believe her eyes. 20 years had done a lot, but it was still clearly him.
When he heard his name Odysseus turned around. It was her. After all this time. He made it. Relief washed over him. "Penelope..”
The couple ran into each others arms. Odysseus spun Penelope around. They both forgot that the rest of the world existed. They look into each others eyes. Odysseus caressed him thumb against her cheek. Penelope moved a strand of hair out of his face. They slowly leaned in until they closed the gap between them. They have been waiting for this moment for 20 years, and they would be damned if anything was going to ruin it.
Meanwhile, Telemachus finally made it home. He walked up to the castle…
Something was wrong. Different. It was quiet. Too quiet. “Where are the suitors?” Telemachus asked the guards.
“We heard quite a lot of fighting inside the courtyard.” Telemachus looked shocked. The guard tried to defend himself. “ we don’t move from our posts out here unless we are called. Our jobs are to look out-“ Telemachus didn’t let him finish his explaination. He ran inside.
Where’s mom?! What if she’s hurt? What if the suitors got fed up with waiting? What if-
Telemachus was thrown off by the shear amount of bodies scattered through the hallways. He didnt care that the suitors are dead, but who did this? And where was mom?
Perspective is a funny thing. When Telemachus enters the courtyard, he couldn’t she his mothers expression. He didn’t see the happy reunion that had just occured. He didn’t see that this man holding his mom wasn’t hurting her. All he saw was that this- this STRANGER was touching his mom. Enough was enough. Telemachus was done letting these suitors walk all over him.
It all happened so fast. In the matter of seconds Telemachus ripped his dad this stranger off of Penelope and pinned him to the ground. Telemachus pulled out his dagger and held him at knife point. “Get away from her.” He growled.
Odysseus was a bit more than peeved. After 20 years of blood and tears shed to get to this moment, being interrupted and held back by the gods themselves was getting REALLY old. “Excuse who are you to-“
“I am Telemachus, son of Penelope, heir to the Ithacan throne, I demand to know WHO you are before I slit your throat for trespassing.”
Penelope snapped out of her state of shock. “Telemachus wait there’s a-“ Odysseus signals her to stop. Penelope looks at her husband quizzically. Ody softened upon realizing who this boy was. (Boy is a loose term, hes roughly like 20-)
“I am Odysseus, husband to Penelope, the reigning king of Ithaca… and your father.” Telemachus is taken aback. “Hi, son.”
Telemachus looks to his mother for reassurance. Her warm, geneuine smile was all he needed. He got up and put his dagger away before helping Odysseus up. “Wow.. you’ve gotten so big.” The mans pride swelled. This was his son. That baby he had left all those years ago was now standing before him, all grown up.
“Yeah…I- uh…I’ve heard a lot about you…” Telemachus big and scary fasad crumbled as soon as he realized. This was his dad. The legend he’s been learning about for so long. The man his mother has been waiting for all this time.
“All good things I hope.” They both chuckle. The two lock eyes before Telemachus embraces him.
Penelopes eyes get misty, and Odysseus opens his arms so she can run in and join the group hug. “My boys.”
“Together at last. And I wont let anybody take that away again.”
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caliburn-the-sword · 9 months
NO ONE TALK TO ME i am still obsessed with winter's visions of the castle bleeding and "Out, damned spot;" macbeth my beloved <3
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rappaccini · 2 months
... feeling some kind of way about how basically all greek mythology retellings coming out these days are just 'female character from a greek myth grows up in a terrible misogynistic society, is ignored and mistreated by every man in the story, is surrounded on all sides by rape and violence towards woman, bears witness to it all and suffers from it all, and may occasionally say "wow this is terrible and we deserve better" but never rebels or subverts it, and never escapes. do you get it yet? do you realize that the men in this greek myth were Actually Bad?'
or 'female character from a greek myth grows up in a terrible misogynistic society, is ignored and mistreated by every man in the story except for the romantic lead, who is either conveniently the exception, or who is just as shitty but gets away with it bc the female lead wants to fuck him, and she Liberates Herself through... making one speech or having one internal monologue about how women deserve better and then immediately having unprotected straight sex with the male lead, marrying him, bearing his children and becoming either a queen or goddess of whatever he rules over. we can't get rid of the patriarchy, but ladies, if you Choose Well, you can have a cushy spot near the top of it!'
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bookshelf-in-progress · 3 months
It's so weird when you have a story whose plot problems you've been unable to tangle for years, and then suddenly you come back to it and bash your head against it for a while, and it turns out that the answer was so simple and it was there the whole time. Am I supposed to be happy this came together or embarrassed that it took me so long to find the obvious answer?
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stannussy · 5 months
Mmmhh that one time a fandom darling basically showed their whole ass to me bc I wanted to talk about how someone that'd been sexually harassing me and others but tell me not to on the pretense that the person harassing us might hurt themselves just bc they were autistic 🤦🏽‍♂
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