#basically every apple drawing i do has her at around 6 ish
apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
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day eighteen: aliens
purpled’s telling her about how much of a killing machine dogchamp is. it’s hard to believe him when said dog has been nothing but a sweetheart to you since day one
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leahxx129 · 4 years
The Last Descendant (Sam Winchester x Reader) pt.2
Summary for pt.2: You wake up in an entirely unfamiliar place but soon run into a familiar face. As the days pass, you grow closer to each other but every good thing has to come to an end, right?
Warnings: cursing, careless medication use
Word count: 2.850-ish
Read Part 1 HERE.
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You wake up with a headache and an unusually dry throat, but these are minor inconveniences comparing to the fact that the room you’re in strikes you completely unfamiliar. You have no idea where you are. You throw off the covers and try to get up, but a painful throb in your left leg slows you down a bit. You examine the aching limb just to discover an apple-sized deep purple spot on it.
„What the hell happened?” you mutter under your breath. Eventually, you bring yourself to get up and limp over to the bathroom. 
„Well, you look like crap, princess!” you compliment your reflection and decide to wash your face, which, you conclude, doesn’t help at all. 
You find some painkillers in the nightstand drawer and pop a few pills, not caring to read the instructions regarding the dosage first. You find your stuff on a chair in the corner but decide against putting the skintight jeans on. Your leg definitely isn’t in the condiotion to be sexy, so you just slip into your ankle boots that go surprisingly well with the oversized male plaid shirt you’re wearing. Walking gives you a great deal of trouble, but being the stubborn ass person you are, you choose to ignore it and leave the room anyway. The corridor is way too lit and it gives off a hospital vibe, but you can tell this place isn’t one. There is a strange symbol on each door which seems remarkably familiar, but you can’t quite put your finger on it just yet. You wander aimlessly through the corridors that follow each other until you hear a noise coming from a room. When you limp closer and peek in you can see a man standing in what appears to be a kitchen, back turned to you.
„Best defense is a good offense, so here goes nothing…” you think to yourself as you creep up behind him as quietly as possible. You grab a frying pan from a hanger and just as you are about to give it a swing, the man turns around and grabs your wrist.
You stand there speechless for a second but regain your composure considerably fast.
„Abercrombie?! What are you doing here??”
He rolls his eyes.
„I thought we’ve established it’s Sam and I live here.”
„Then what am I doing here?!”
„Y/N, just calm down, okay? I’ll explain everything-”
„Well, I’m listening!” you cut in nervously.
„Give me the frying pan first, before you hurt anyone!” he commands, and you hand him the kitchen utensil despite your unwillingness. „Great. Now take a seat, I doubt your leg is already as good as new.” he comments, his eyes lingering on the purple spot. „Want some coffee?”
„Sure.” you sit down on the chair closest to you „I drink it with two loads of sugar, sprinkled with a little bit of an explanation.”
He gives you the most authentic bitchface you’ve ever seen in your life as he sits down across to you and hands you your coffe.
„It’s kind of a long story.”
„I’m listening.”
„Well…in a nutshell, you forgot something in the hotel room and when you came back for it, I invited you to have a few drinks as a sign of my gratitude for saving my ass. Then after a few too many we caught up on that kinky wild sex you had joked about before.”
You stare at him doumbfounded, which he finds very entertaining.
„We drank absinthe, didn’t we?” you finally manage to say while running both  hands through your hair „I mean I love that shit, but it can fuck me up real bad.”
Your comment seems to break him, and he starts chuckling.
„What? What’s so funny, Winchester?” it takes a couple of second before it dawns upon you „This didn’t happen, did it?” you ask through gritted teeth.
„Nope. But you should’ve seen your face.” he shoots you a content smile.
„Quit messing with me because bad leg or not, I can still kick your 6”2’ ass.”
„Is that really the way you’d treat someone who saved your life?”
„What do you mean? And I want the truth this time.”
He sighes and his expression turns grim just in a matter of seconds.
„Remember the blonde chick with the vampire you killed?” you nod „Turns out she wan’t a victim you saved from becoming monster snack. She was his mate.”
„Oh, okay. And?”
„And… you could say that she was kind of pissed off that you decapitated her one true love. So, when you took off on your bike and turned on the interstate road, she hit you right in the side with a truck. It’s basically a miracle that you got off with nothing more than a fractured leg bone.”
You gulp your coffee slowly.
„Based on that look on your face, this is not the end of the story, is it?” 
„No.” his voice is barely above a whisper „She then took you to a nearby abandoned warehouse and… and she wanted to turn you. That’s when I arrived. You see, the part of you forgetting something in the hotel room wasn’t entirely a lie. You left your machete there. I went after you immediately, assuming you left the way you did as that’s the only way out of that town. I saw your bike in the bushes and the signs lead to the warehouse…. I was just on time.”
You can feel tear drops forming in the corners of your eyes, so you wipe them off before they have the chance to surfice. The fact that he cared enough to save you stirs up so many unwanted feelings, feelings you thought died a long time ago.
„No problem. You did the same for me.”
A long silence falls on the kitchen.
„When I fought with the vampire, something weird happened.”
„Yeah. When I cut her on the arm with your blade, she just… froze. Like… almost as if something was already killing her from the inside.”
You hesitate a little. Should you tell him? After all, he saved you. He deserves to know. Certain parts, at least.
„It was forged with dead man’s blood. Incapacitates those fuckers just long enough for hunters to cut their heads off. Real piece of work, might I add.”
He nods as if he’s confirming a theory.
„One more question… where’d you get it?”
„Every girl’s gotta have her secrets, Sam.” you smirk at him mysteriously.
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You steal quick glances at Sam whenever he’s not looking. And when he’s researching, he rarely looks at anything but the lore book. What is it about this man? What is it that makes you sit here and help him instead of running? What happened to staying out of everyone’s business? A few hours ago he told you everything… he’d been drunk the night you met, because his brother’s in trouble and he has no idea how to save him and he just lost it. But the worst part came when he mentioned the Men of Letters and that you’re currently at a safe house of theirs. This only should’ve made you grab your stuff and get gone, but the part involving angels and Michael above all is kind of the main reason for leaving and never looking back. And yet here you are, helping him, convincing yourself it’s because he saved you and your leg still needs time to heal… You shut the book you’ve been reading a little too fast, drawing his attention to yourself.
„If I have to read one more sentence, I swear my eyeballs are gonna start spinning around in their sockets and I’ll see my brain.” you say quickly in your defense, looking as innocent as possible. The right corner of his lips curls into a barely visible smile.
„Go get some shut-eye. You’ve been very helpful, Y/N, thanks.”
„Yeah, I’ve been helpful at finding nothing….” you murmur in response.
„Hey, you went through an entire book in just a span of a few hours! I call that help, even if there is no relevant information in it. Sleep well.”
„Will do.” you force a smile knowing exactly how big of a lie your reply is.
You limp back to the room you woke up in and read the manual on the painkilling drugs.
„Shit!” it’s not strong enough to knock you out for the entire night. „Well then, Sam might crap his pants later this night when the show starts…” you whisper to yourself and take a couple of pills.
The fatigue and the warmth of your blanket soon sends you to sleep. You don’t know how long you usually go without dreams, but at one point they always appear. First, they start off nice, mostly memories of your family. You, your father, mother and brother having a barbecue in the backyard, or just watching TV in the living room, anything basic you enjoyed doing with them. Then there’s a turning point when everything goes to hell. They appear and slaughter your whole family in front of you, one by one. Your father is the last one. He sees you hiding and tries to mouth something to you, but he’s choking on his own blood and you can’t make out anything, at least not until it’s too late. Every scream, every death rattle stops once and for all and that’s when you realize what he was saying. And you do it, regardless that it’s almost no use. You always wake up exactly when this happens, sweaty and screaming, but this time it’s different. There is someone calling your name.
„Y/N, wake up…Jesus, Y/N, wake UP!!” you hear a deep manly voice. Still in the haze of your recurring nightmare, you’re not able to identify who and you do what any person in this line of job would – try to incapacitate the intruder. In a blink of an eye you pull the person onto yourself, then shift so you would be on top and point the gun you got from under your pillow in their face. You’re seeing stars from the pain that shoots through your leg as a result of your swift movements, but you do your best to ignore them and supress the urge of crying out. The only thing disturbing the heavy silence is your panting.
„Sam?!” you finally recognize him.
„Uh, yeah!” his hands are in the air, his gaze is shifting between the gun and your eyes. „I heard this awful screaming coming from your room and I thought something happened…”
You let the gun down and avert your eyes.
„Yeah, not so much. I mean, when people witness this, they freak out, but it’s just another typical night of fucked up sleep for me.”
„You were tossing and flailing and… it honestly sort of looked like you could hurt yourself.” he adds in a low tone.
„Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don’t. It’s fifty-fifty.” you admit, which quite frankly surprises you. You don’t really open up to anyone.
„I see…” his eyes then slowly travel all the way down your body from your face to your thighs as you are still stradling him.
Feeling your cheeks heat up, you slide off him to his right side.
„Sorry about that. And, well, for the whole thing.”
„Oh, don’t be, it was nothing at all. I’ve seen a lot worse actually.” ha pauses for a second, but can’t keep himself from asking „Hey Y/N…Was this…was this about the reason you got into the life?”
„Make a guess.” you respond sarcastically, and he draws his brows together in confusion, awakening some guilt in you. Sam is just trying to be there for you to which your reaction is pushing him away.
„I’m sorry.” you sigh „Yeah. It was about the reason, damn straight. You know how everybody gets into the life by losing someone?” he nods „Well, try losing your whole family at fourteen. Now that can mess your head up real bad. Even though it’s been more than a decade now, my subconscious makes sure I never forget what happened.”
„You know, if you’d like to share-„ he starts but you jump in.
„I appreciate it, Sam, I really do, but I don’t think I can do it.” 
„Of course, it’s fine. „ he gets off the bed and starts towards the door but stops halfway and sits down in a chair. You look at him perplexed.
„Uhm, Sam? What are you doing?”
„Nothing. Just making sure that if you fall asleep, you won’t hurt yourself.”
„By sitting there and watching me sleep like a weird-ass creep?”
„Now that you say it out loud, yes, I admit it sounds way worse than it actually is-”
„Sam, I don’t need a sleeping nanny. I’m a big girl, I can handle a few bruises every now and then.”
„Y/N, please. I’m pretty sure that seeing my naked butt added to your trauma, so please let me do this for you. Let me help you. Or at least let me try.” he pleads. You suddenly realize the weight of his words. He really wants to do this for you and for himself. He couldn’t help his brother, and this chance strikes him as a step on the path of redemption.
„Okay. I hope you don’t snort.”
He smiles at you gratefully. You replicate his expression and turn to the other side and try to fall asleep again. You have no idea how much time has passed but you can’t take it anymore. You sit up abruptly.
„Okay, this isn’t working. I can’t fall asleep knowing that you’re sitting there and staring at me.”
„What? I’m not staring, don’t be ridiculous.” he scoffs.
„You know what? Come here.”
„Beg your pardon?”
„Sit here beside me. Or lay down. Or whatever. This way the whole thing won’t have that creepy stalking vibe.”
„You sure about that?” maybe you’re imagining it, but his voice sounds a bit higher than usual.
„Yup. Although I might kick you a few times, which I apologize for in advance.”
A couple of second pass when you feel the bed sink in a little bit on your left side.
„We can share my blanket if you’d like.”
„Thanks.” he whispers, and you feel him tug on the fabric.
„Good night, Sam.”
„Good night, Y/N.”
When Sam lays beside you, he makes sure to keep a certain distance between the two of you. But during the night when you wake up, you find yourself a little too close to him. Your head is on his chest, your right arm is around his torso. One of his arms is around you, his lips brush against your forhead. You can feel his hot breath fanning your face. Your very first intinct is to jump out of the bed as far away from him as possible, but somehow you don’t follow it. What the hell’s wrong with you now? Or was something wrong with you earlier when you thought cutting everyone out was the only way? You have no idea. And the fact that Sam’s hold around you tightens does not aid you in finding an answer.
The next morning you prepare breakfast by the time he wakes up. None of you mention the proximity you’ve experienced the previous night. The day goes by with researching. You try to crack a joke occasionally and it appears effective – he rewards them with a smile, even with a laughter once. 
Later on, your attempt at a peaceful slumber is again ruined by your restless subconscious. Sam bursts through the door. This time you don’t pull a gun at him – your shaking hands and tear-blurred eyes wouldn’t even let you - but sternly express your desire for him to leave. Being a Winchester, he does the exact opposite, this time not bothering to keep a distance.  Somehow your figure and his fit perfectly. This goes on for a few days, but you decide to leave. The research isn’t going anywhere, but Sam’s Mom and a friend named Bobby supposedly have a lead on his brother. Plus, you have your own business to run, you can’t keep on playing vacation and miss out on everything.
As a surprise, Sam’s fixed your bike that got trashed in the accident.
„I’m nowhere near my brother, but I did learn from the best.” he says shyly, scratching the back of his ear.
„No, Sam, it’s perfect. Couldn’t have done a better job myself.” you say as you stand on your toes to press a kiss on his cheek. Your lips may linger a little longer than they should. „Thanks. For everything.” you add, your voice scarcely a whisper. He smiles down at you, not saying anything.
You walk to your bike, but before you put your helmet on, the words basically just fall out of your mouth. 
„Hey, don’t be a stranger, Winchester. You should call sometimes.”
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thesportssoundoff · 8 years
A lot of good fights with a wacky main event: a preview of the UFC’s return to Brazil
March 8th, 2017
So the UFC's PPV offerings haven't quite delivered the excitement you'd hope for---but their free shows have been pretty damn solid. They may have lacked name value but they've delivered on the action quotient with some big finishes and shocking moments relative to the card quality. So now we move on to the UFC's FIRST offering from Brazil, a really solid card both in terms of name value AND card quality. The headliner is oddly intriguing; a fight that shouldn't make a lot of sense but somehow it does and it figures to be fun until it ends however that may be. Beyond that, you have a REALLY REALLY good back to back co-main and tertiary fight in Shogun Rua vs Gian Villante and Beneil Dariush vs Edson Barboza. If you move beyond that, Bethe Correia vs Marion Reneau figures to be a testy back and forth brawl given how both women tend to do their best work coming forward. MAYBE even a potential #1 contender fight at flyweight? Oh and Tim Means is going to fuck some shit up vs Alex Oliveira who seems to enjoy fucking shit up/people in wacky fights. Let's get on to the getting on:
Fights: 12
Debuts: 2 (Paulo Henrique Costa, Davi Ramos)
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 4 (Ion Cutelaba vs Luis Henrique cancelled/Kyle Bochniak vs Godofredo Pepey cancelled/Max Griffin out, Davi Ramos in/Alex Nicholson out, Garreth McClellan in)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 9 (Alex Oliveira, Shogun Rua, Vitor Belfort, Kelvin Gastelum, Jussier Formiga, Bethe Correia, Edson Barboza, Josh Burkman and Beniel Dariush)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC: 3 (Vitor Belfort, Garreth McClellan, Josh Burkman)
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC: 11 ( Joe Soto,  Rani Yahya, Mauricio Rua, Kelvin Gastelum, Edson Barboza, Beneil Dariush, Jussier Formiga, Ray Borg, Kevin Lee, Francisco Trinaldo, Michel Prezares)
Stat Monitor for 2017:
Debuting Fighters (Current number: 7-6)- Paulo Henrique Costa, Davi Ramos
Short Notice Fighters (Current number: 5-7)- Davi Ramos, Garreth McClellan
Second Fight (Current number: 4-9)- Jeremy Kennedy
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1- So let's begin with this the obvious. If this fight sees round three or so, it's probably not going to go well for Vitor. Hell I'd draw the line at 3 minutes into the second for Vitor's chances to win. Gastelum is a workhorse when fights stretch and while he's not a concussive one punch knockout artist, he can absolutely positively overwhelm guys with his aggression and his output. The KEY is the first eight minutes of the fight. Gastelum can get caught cold; he lost the first round to Niko Musoke, lost the first to Woodley (IMO) andd while I don't think he lost the first to Tim Kennedy, he certainly wasn't very sharp. He started slow vs Means as well. This is a fight between a guy who has fought somewhat successfully at 205 lbs (Vitor) and a natural-ish 170er who loves good food (Gastelum). Gastelum thus far, ironically enough, has had his best performances at 185 lbs but this is a dangerous fight. At least early.
2- Is the UFC going to keep Vitor around until he retires? Or will they let him become a Bellator fighter and risk him becoming a ratings popper for their competitor?
3- As much as we ALL love to giggle and sniggle about it; facts remain that if Shogun wins this fight, he'll have the third longest winning streak at 205 lbs behind DC and Cirkunov. Think about that, kids.
4- As much as Cirkunov vs Shogun would've made sense from a "Create a star" perspective, Villante vs Shogun is a perfectly well put together action fight. Both guys are explosive early, hittable throughout, low on chin but high on recuperative ability. I greatly approve of this fight from a gawking perspective.
5- I'm calling Ray Borg vs Jussier Formiga a #1 contender fight for one reason; anybody who beats Jussier Formiga eventually fights for a title.  So if Borg can a) fucking make the weight and b) beat a super tough Brazilian grappler in Brazil? He's got a chance to fight for a title. I just hope Borg's striking has made some sort of progress.
6- Sergio Moraes vs Davi Ramos should just be given GIs for this fight. Don't strike (even though when Moraes commits, he can crack folks).
7- Bethe Corriea vs Marion Reneau is a really interesting fight. Reneau is  far, far better than her so-so 3-2 UFC record. She beat the uncrowned Bellator 145 lb champion in Alexis Dufresne and beat the future (don't @ me) 115 lb champ Jessica Andrade in Brazil.  One of her losses was to Holly Holm (no shame in that) and then a decision loss to Ashlee Evans Smith don't @ me. She's a lot better than people will ever give her credit for and could definitely be a top 6 or 7  women's bantamweight. Bethe is one of those wacky ladies who seems to always be in exciting fights. Reneau doesn't always fight with clean fight IQ (although her punch technique is superb) and s we could be in for something crazy.
8- In many ways, Rony Jason is proof positive of the UFC's stumbles in Brazil. When they first started cultivating Brazil, Rony Jason was one of the guys who seemed destined for superstardom as the UFC marched its way into Brazil, the winner of their inaugural Brazilian TUF season at featherweight. Jason got off to a hot start with back to back finishes in front of a massive crowd----and then Jeremy Stephens happened. Since that Stephens fight, Jason has gone 2-3 with a no contest due to steroids thrown in. He's a really fun exciting fighter but like the UFC in Brazil, it feels like he never found a way to bridge the old generation of champions with the next generation. Jason is your FS1 headliner and he faces Canadian grappler Jeremy Kennedy in a fight he should win and do so impressively.
9- Speaking of that TUF Brazil season, Francisco Trinaldo was a key piece to that season. A monstrous hulking middleweight, Trinaldo was built up as a big beast on the season----but he quit on his stool in the opening fight. Despite being a super muscular dude, Trinaldo has since dropped to 155 lbs. He started off pretty slow in the UFC, racking up a so-so 4-3 record vs chaffe but since then? Seven straight wins against reputable names like Ross Pearson, Paul Felder, Yancy Medeiros and Norman Parke. He'll face the very great Kevin Lee who is riding a streak of his own.
10- Joe Soto, good luck. If you beat Rani Yahya you'll be the biggest hero of all the times.
11- How could Beneil Darisuh beat Edson Barboza? Edson's such a great wrestler (really underrated) so unless Dariush can outbox him, which is possible, what's his immediate path to victory?
12- Alex Oliveira's career in the last six fights:
Super duper short notice fight vs Joe Merritt; like a fight in ten days.
Shmelted Piotr Hallmann in the third round of a 50K winning performance.
Short notice step up vs Donald Cerrone in a "Cowboy vs Cowboy" fight where he tapped like two minutes in.
Fight with James Moontasri where he hit him in the dick like three times.
Potential career defining win for Will Brooks where he showed up 6 lbs overweight and then taunted Brooks afterwards.
Illegal knee no contest vs Tim Means where Oliveira was basically wheeled out.
Dude loves the strange.
Must Wins:
Ray Borg
The 125 lb division needs a guy who can stand out. Ray Borg was on a hot streak as a wacky squirrely grappler with Mexican ties and a little bit of swag to him prior to weight issues and a loss to Justin Scoggins. He's got a massive chance to tip the apple cart at flyweight if he can beat Jussier Formiga. Again, EVERY LOSS FORMIGA HAS HAD HAS LED TO TITLE FIGHTS FOR THE WINNER! The weird thing is that if Borg's striking has tightened up in any capacity, his ability to scramble and his athletic upside suggests he absolutely positively could win this fight.
Kelvin Gastelum
This is a weird fight for Gastelum. Sort of kind of. Gastelum should beat Vitor Belfort---but you simply can't overlook that Gastelum's a slow starter fighting probably outside of his weight class in Brazil. It's not a perfect fit and there's no obvious path to victory. Is he strong enough to take Vitor down? Maybe possibly. Can he avoid a Vitor Blitz? Rafa Cordeiro's done some amazing work but Gastelum's head movement is never going to set the world on fire. Does he has to win impressively? Vitor's been finished in his last three losses and all within two rounds. Gastelum's in  a tough spot but I don't think it's a big ask to suggest that an impressive win is really important to him.
Gian Villante
In some respects the "Shogun" Rua decline has been overstated. The division in general is old and at 35, Shogun's not THAT much older than say DC, Glover, Bader, Rumble or Jimi Manuwa. Shogun's 3-4 in his last seven fights but outside of that "the fuck?" loss to Chael Sonnen, the other guys were awful stylistic matchups for him. Villante is a kill or be killed low cardio slugger aka the sort of dude that Shogun should have a theoretical path to success against. Again IF Shogun wins, that's THREE wins in a row and you could legitimately start talking title picture. Yes, title picture.
Five Underlying Themes:
1- So is going/fighting in Brazil still a big thing? Will the crowd see it as a big thing?
2- The Shogun/Villante potential FOTY slopfest of all the times.
3- Whether the UFC can find SOMEBODY under the age of 32 to become a star or a face in Brazil as they move forward.
4- Whether Edson Barboza, a serious prodigy for so long, can finally turn the corner and stamp his arrival as a top 5 lightweight.
5- A REALLY deep undercard featuring some Brazilian veterans and one new middleweight who they expect to open some eyes.
Predicting (Bonus) Winners!
Current record: 16-19 (Missed on: Houston card, UFC 208, the Canada card. Went 4-7 on the last show I did, UFC on Fox)
Kelvin Gastelum Shogun Rua Edson Barboza Jussier Formiga Marion Reneau Tim Means Kevin Lee Sergio Moraes Rani Yahya Michel Prezares Rony Jason Paulo Henrique Costa
FOTN: Shogun Rua vs Gian Villante POTN: Edson Barboza, Kelvin Gastelum
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