#basically saying person A did nothing wrong and i cant change how people are and how i have to keep my emotions under control
nervousmonolith · 2 years
i am annoyed
#Big rant incoming maybe idk#basically my mother once again blamed me or made me out to be the shitty person in a convo earlier#basically saying person A did nothing wrong and i cant change how people are and how i have to keep my emotions under control#and how its ''All On Me''#she's right about the not changing people but i can fucking criticize their shitty fucking actions all i fucking want#ESPECIALLY IF THEY SAY A FUCKING SLUR THEN ARE LIKE '' ITS TO SHOW YOU THAT PEOPLE WILL SAY THINGS YOU DONT LIKE SOMETIMES'' LITERALLY#DID IT ON FUCKING PURPOSE TO GET A FUCKINY REACTION BUT NOOOOOO ITS FUCKING ALL ON ME?????#fucking choke die die fuck you die choke#<- sorry had to get that out of my system fr#but yeah she also said Me getting sent to a doctor was going to get her sent to a doctor <- paraphrased#YEP.#also saif some other shit that idk how to paraphrase#anyway i regret ever opening up ever 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶.#ALSO SHE GOT FUCKING MAD AT ME FOR ALL THIS SHIT ALSO SHIT OUT OF MY FUCKING CONTROL AGAIN#apparently the principal called her and said to take me to ane and get me put in a ward because i was seeing things which i NEVER FUCKING#SAID THEN SHE GOT MAD AT ME FOR IT#also not a great fucking idea principal a shitty one infact considering i didnt fucking know SHE SAID THAT UNTIL TODAY#i fucking hate it here so bad i will fucking kill and maim#any rant over time to seeth in rage and cry#i feel better after typing all that#crazy
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Nimona headcanons I wrote instead of sleeping
Sometimes the boys forget that Nimona isn’t human 
Like they’re used to the shifting into animals aspect of Nimona because she does it as often as she breathes
But sometimes she’ll do some really creepy shit like make her arms longer to reach something when she’s too lazy to get up
One time they shifted just their neck to be like an owl so they could turn their head 180 degrees instead of just turning around cause that was “too boring” 
Or he’ll mimic people’s voices without realizing it 
Sometimes he’ll tell a story and suddenly he’s using Bal’s voice 
The first time she did this Bal searched the whole house cause he was convinced that Todd has snuck in
Or she’ll grow an extra arm to hold more shit and they take a moment to realize “oh yeah we adopted a little weirdo” 
They get used to it after a while and the arguments surrounding it are always funny because both the boys will complain and say “I don’t sound like that” and they have to be told “No love you do you really do” 
You know those videos of babies reacting to their parents shaving their facial hair or putting on glasses 
That’s Nimona's reaction every single time the boys change their appearance even the smallest bit they cant shave or wear their reading glasses because if they do he freaks out 
Talking some “help me Nemesis I heard bosses voice but I can’t find him” while Bal was standing right in front of them 
It was the first time he shaved his face in years and he’s never doing it again 
Mostly cause Ambrosius kept telling him he looked like a teenager and it was freaking him out 
I feel like Bal and Ambrosius are those kinds of people who will tell people about the little injuries but neglect the big ones 
Like Bal mentioned that he thinks he sprained his ankle during the fight at the institute but he won’t mention that he’s pretty sure he got a concussion 
(I’m bout to wrap this man in bubble wrap and give him a helmet because wtf) 
Ambrosius will complain the whole day about the fact that he has a paper cut
But will completely neglect to inform his doctors “Oh yeah I can’t move my left arm higher than my waist without pain and I can’t see that well out of my left eye or hear that well out of my left ear do you think that’ll be a problem?” 
It isn’t until Nimona makes an off handed comment about how this super weird that the laser did basically nothing to him that he told both of them
They literally dragged him to the ER because “Who thinks those symptoms are normal Nemesis what is wrong in that pretty little head of yours!!” 
When Bal tells Nimona she’s being a bit of a hypocrite (cause who refers to an arrow as a splinter?) she turns to him and says “I know you’re not saying something Mr. Human battering ram” 
It took literally everything in Ambrosius not to break down laughing
After that she forces them to have frequent checkups with the doctor because these dorks wouldn’t go otherwise
Honestly I'm fully convinced that some people in the kingdom don't know who Nimona is and are constantly confused why they let this little weirdo follow them around 
And finally the curiosity will eat away at them and they’ll finally ask 
Sometimes the boys will give some “normal” answers like “Oh that’s Nimona” and they won’t elaborate at all
Sometimes they’ll give funnier answers like “Oh that’s a raccoon we found in the garage who turned into a person one day” “I don’t know they just showed up in our living room” and their personal best “You see her too?” 
And their favorite that they only started using a couple of years down the line “Oh that’s our kid”
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Adrien's amoks!!! Oh my gosh, she didnt notice the wedding rings!
Marinette almost killed Adrien! The entire time their conversation went down Marinette didnt realize that she was holding Adrien at gun point! That changes the entire nature of the situation! Dont tell me that it doesn't, it absolutely does!
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Oh gosh this was so much worse that I thought! I need to further look into this. I was already of the opinion that believing that Gabriel gave Marinette his BLESSING after she basically told him in nice words that she will for the greater good let Adrien, as a then orphan, pay for all of his family's sins and mistakes on a disastrous globally scale is absolute insanity or blatant denial, but THIS???
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look closer:
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You can see Adrien's rings, oh my god...
Gabriel is talking about the day Adrien was born and how happy he made Emilie and him - that he was there little miracle - and Marinette is here not realizing that Gabriel knows exactly that she's ONE word away from making Adrien met his death in a mere second! Even Gabriel and Nathalie still had longer life-spans than the few moments Adrien was at the risk of having left if Gabriel made a wrong move or said the wrong thing!
No wonder Gabriel behaved as well as he did! And no wonder that all of this so quickly became entirely about Adrien while Gabriel kept catching glances at her hand resting on his:
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"And Adrien will be miserable"
How have we gotten so far by now that I'm agreeing with Gabriel's faces here?? Adrien would be DEAD! She's even saying that her powers cant remedy any of this, how is this real?
Bug Noire is currently the threat towards Adrien's entire existence. The episode almost had Marinette kill Adrien/ Chat Noir with his own Miraculous! With PLAGG! Gabriel had to end up playing along to de-escalate the threat that SHE posed to Adrien!
I'm stressed right now!
Girl, take that hand away!
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Thank you...
Oh gosh, this was so much worse than I though. Marinette is absolutely screwed and she doesn't even know why! Don't think for a second that this didn't had consequences via Gabriel's wish! Gabriel's love for his son very much exists and always has and it's by far the worst thing in Adrien's entire life!
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I don't care if you truly think the scale of the wish is nothing but on the smallest dimension of 1:1 just because that's the damn berry explanation Gimmi gave for an easy understanding while obviously being characterized to be annoyed with humanity for how they treat them and how pathetically trivial the things are for Gimmi the humans wished for in the past, and the ending didnt immediately present you with the grand answer of how every chain reaction worked.
It's a reality changing wish after 5 seasons of built-up from the one damn person the show explained to you in ever way possible that it would be an world ending catastrophe if he got his wish!
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If there is one bastard who didn't use Gimmi for something small and noble its the fucking MAIN VILLAIN before he dies and the hero almost killed their child who is the hero's love interest!
Come ON people!
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crazysodomite · 12 days
older lgbt art and writing is so refreshing because it's just. honest, fun, filled with love for other people in the community... some of this art was made during the toughest times for lgbt people and they still found love and support for each other.
people on social media are so needlessly cruel and mean spirited. its like the only thing people care about is how to let everyone know what they hate and what annoys them about other people and everyone just wants to find the meanest cruelest thing to say so they look like the Coolest Radicalest person in the room unlike those Cringe Lamers :/// its so fucking exhausting. as a person who has no community irl and lives in a place where lgbt people have no rights its so fucking exhausting to see how people in western countries do nothing all day other than talk about how much they hate other people who frankly did nothing wrong other than be mildly annoying (in their own subjective opinion).
people online get off to making others feel bad about themselves.
in my country being lgbt can end up with you being slammed face first into the floor by cops in full riot gear and going to prison afterwards. but full grown adults should talk more how obnoxious they find trans furries or whatever the fuck the "cool thing to shit on and find annoying of the week" is. i dont feel safe talking about anything online. and i don't. there's no community online or offline. just. constant immature bullshit.
i dont really want to tie this into something specific. just the general pattern. people follow 'trends' because they want to interact and be in community with other people. not everyone is trying to be Cool and Not Cringy by being irony poisoned and nihilistic or cruel 😐not everyone is pursuing the goal of being cool and better than everybody else. the constant fucking neverending stream of "xyz is so annoying" "omg finally someone said it i hate them too 😂" "theyre so embarrassing and make me feel homophobic/transphobic😂" (real funny joke btw) is so exhausting.
i really am just tapped out of social media. people (especially in western countries) act like lgbt oppression is basically no longer a thing because in Some countries there are Some lgbt rights. even though even in most 'progressive' countries those rights are constantly under attack. even though lgbt people still are being killed all around the world. people talk about being radical and yet they will not step up when someone experiences oppression because they were 'annoying'. lol. because they are constrained by their own embarrassment and cruelty.
whatever. i consider it quite pointless for me to say anything about this so i usually don't. because nothing i say will change anyones mind or behavior so im just speaking into the void.
i am happy when lgbt people are expressing themselves and idgaf if it's annoying or uncool. because im a fucking adult person living in a place where you cant even go outside as an lgbt person. 😐 social media is not safe and no one is to be trusted.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
y'know, im usually against using screenshot of people doing bad stuff in the past to "prove" that they are bad people nowdays; for example, when they try to get some youtuber cancelled because he said a slur 6 years ago or something.
Because that just negates the fact that us humans commit a lot mistakes, sometimes we do mean stuff, but that doesnt make us terrible humans that are incapable of redeming themseves, most of us grow out of those ugly behaviours, and learn to be decent human beings.
However, with miss Vivziepop its a different story, i like the fact that that we are still finding screenshot of her doing heinous things in the past, for 3 important reasons:
First, The things she did are like, actually really bad.
Its not like most cases where its like "omg this dud said the n-word when he was 12 and didnt know what a slur was! We must cancell him!1!", no, the things Vivziepop did are always when she was a grown ass woman that know what she was doing, she was just being evil.
And then you have her fans insisting those arent "that bad", thats its "a nothing burger", etc. And like, yeah, they ARE bad, those things are really mean and people arent evil for pinting it out.
It is important for growing up to reconise that our past behaviours were not good, thats how we learn better.
Defending a stranger on the internet will just lead you to repeat those behaviours of your idol because you conviced yourself those arent "that bad", until you do them and then you get hit with reality because, thanks to those behaviours, people dont like you anymore and see you as a rude toxic person.
Second, she proved many times she NEVER changed.
She still shows those gross behaviours, unlike most people she never learned to be a better person.
For example: that catcalling comic was made years ago, so, i guess it doesnt represent her views anymore, right? She is no longer misogynist, right?
Well, the way she treats her female characters, plus how she gets mad at people pointing out how badly written they are, proves she never stoped having those mean ideas about women.
Or how about those aboit how she was shaming a fan for not paying her what she wanted and making them feel bad for it? Obviously she grew up and never did something so mean like that again...
Oh wait! No she didnt, every once in a while we see her throwing a fissy fit about people criticising her work and liking tweets of her fans saying people are EVIL for not loving her and giving her all the support in the world.
And about those abuse allegations... wait, those are not even old, most of them are from less than a year ago. You cant even "those were years ago" out of this one.
So fuck the "those were long time ago, she changed!", thats total bs.
And finally, every time she responded or "apologised" for these acusations, she keep proving that she didnt belive she did anything wrong and its just "the haters" being mean.
Anybody remember when she made a weird ass apology that started with "i would apologise for existing, but i know people would get mad at me still"? Her responses are always full of "actually, YOU are the mean one for calling me out, look how bad i feel? Dont you feel any shame?".
One day she will def make a shitty youtube apology video where she admits everything but with the classic "i was in a bad place", "i didnt know what i was doing", basically painting everything as "just a mistake" and not her being an evil asshole. Then half of the video will be her ranting about how this whole situation that SHE created is making HER sad, she will probably said something like "i just wanted to make cartoons and people are being mean :(((" to victimise herself.
Mark my words, we will have a Vivziepop ukelele apology in any day of 2024, im really sure.
All I can say is that after everything she's put people through, she'd better have a damn ukulele.
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stingrayloveblog · 4 months
Whee side order
My thoughts on it! THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!! Youve been warned.
So, here are my honest thoughts. Let me just start by warning further that this is mostly negative.
Took me about two hours and one attempt to beat all 30 floors. Was pretty fun. I used splattershot though because i suck at dualies.
But... it felt very quick. Felt like there was a whole lotta nothing plotwise, too. It was fun, but the plot is pretty weak. Its just another rogue-ai-tries-to-assimilate-everyone plot. Which has already been done. For some reason they keep trying to do octo expansion but again and they keep failing to do that.
Taking everything into consideration, acht really had no reason to be there. You could remove acht entirely and have the same results. And im not just saying that because i dont like dedf1sh. They dont add anything to anything.
I havent unlocked all marinas dev notes but so far theres been her motive of saving the sanitized octarians which......... i have my own personal issues with that. They seem to not be able to decide how they want sanitization to work.
Doing the pallets, i assumed they would give you some memory thing related to the associated character, but you just get a stupid little comment from the post-final boss that doesnt really add anything to the plot or the characters. Also murch is on luna blaster for some reason. I was speculating a lot on who luna blaster and octobrush could be assigned to, but seems like theyre just doing anyone. Murch is very irrelevant to everything as a whole so its kinda just like whatever.
That being said, i feel extremely bad for agent 4 fans. Those humanoid red eyed things with one of them looking like 4 and then them not doing anything with that at all was a huge fake out.
From what i saw, a lot of people were theorizing and expecting things based on all the evidence we got that we never did end up getting because they went an entirely different route. No agent 4 being possessed or whatever (unless thats still true and just unlocked much later, which im hoping because it would make everything a lot more interesting), no implied body swapping, no copybots.
And most of all, nothing from the first trailer we got. With all the concept art. I know it was just CONCEPT art for a reason, but surely you cant just show off all these things and then have the final result be absolutely nothing like it? Then again, splatoon 3 has had more than enough false advertising already, so i guess it was wrong to expect things to be as shown. I just really really liked the giant hostile architecture black spikes picture. And theres none of that at all.
Basically, everything that was expected was significantly cooler than what we got, and to be completely honest, i dont think it was worth splatoon 3 being in really bad shape for such a long time. I dont think it really justified the amount of dumb things that happened over the past few seasons.
I do still think its fun, and i absolutely am going to try to collect everything, but it was significantly less interesting overall than i anticipated.
I do think the final boss attacks syncing with the rhythm was cool. But other than that the level design is extremely repetitive and there really is no variation. Im only enjoying it now because ive used weapons that i like/dont mind using, but once i have to start using weapons im bad at i just know itll be insufferable.
Overall, i am unfortunately disappointed but i still have hope that maybe there is something more, because surely that couldnt have been it.
Also just because it doesnt go along with any of my oc stories at all and i am absolutely not changing anything on my end because frankly im sick of doing that
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gadunkie · 1 year
spiderverse 2 sucked shit and was performative twitter.com fuckery. hi reddit in this rant Im going to talk about why I think the second spiderverse movie gave me a queasy uneasy feeling after I left the theater. spoiler warning and all that.
Ive been seeing a lot of praise for this movie lately and a lot of fan stuff and while that is cool I think spiderverse 2 really doesnt deserve it. to me it feels like baffling performative bullshit where they checked off certain "woke" categories and forgot about everything else. Im bad at formulating rant posts so Im just gonna randomly bring up my feelings on certain things.
ok so first of all the number one thing that pissed me off was the in-movie dialogue of people telling miles, the first black spider-man, that he was never supposed to be spider-man in the first place. that is incredibly tone deaf, especially when the first movie's message was that anyone could be a hero, regardless of who you are. you could argue that this story beat is used to reinforce that message being that miles' reaction to that line is rejection and finding his own way to become spider-man after all. but thats stupid because, again, anyone could be a hero no matter what, even if theyre not supposed to be 'canonically' a spider-man. what this tells me is that theyre going for the same fucking message, again, but this time its padded out in 2 movies rather than the one that weve already seen.
second, and this one was much more brief, there was a disabled spider-man amidst the roster of the multiverse spider-mans whose only line of dialogue was making fun of their own disability. thats some travis mcelroy bullshit, I thought we were past the point of making disabled character's only personality being their disability. to me that was also incredibly tone deaf and just completely unneeded.
third, there was an Indian spider-man by the name Pavitr Prabhakar whose only personality was that he was Indian. of course theres nothing wrong with Indian culture or just being an Indian person, but to me its like if they had a Japanese spider-man and made them only talk about katanas and sushi. theres no way that indian people act like that and constantly boost about their own nation, it just rubs me the wrong way and makes them feel less human.
fourth, that "gwen is trans" shit is utter queerbait, I cant believe anyone is fucking falling for this shit. it literally infuriates me that I see fellow queer people look at the most basic off to the side decoration in a room / police officer's uniform and jump to the conclusion that what we are seeing is trans representation. like sure she could be trans! but it can also be read as her just being an ally, same with her father. "what ally has a trans flag in there room?" are you fucking kidding me? like are you being serious? hey heres famous content creator Ludwig, who is cis and has a trans flag in his room:
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fucking anyone, literally anyone could have trans iconography anywhere in their house regardless of their gender. side bonus, heres how you can have a real confirmed trans character in your art without it being bait! - have them taking transition medication in a scene - have them wear gender affirming clothing, like chest binders - have them tell another character that theyre trans - have them literally look into the camera and say "Im trans." crazy how easy it is to do all of these things and yet gwen did none of it! dont fucking search for crumbs and pretend that its a feast.
fifth, theres a character called spider-punk who goes by Hobie and his entire character is being a punk and making fun of The Establishment™ and Capitalism™. I thought he was dumb because it just reminded me that anti-capitalism is just a form of entertainment now and not a real message to start a change.
sixth, there was so much fucking nostalgia pandering and repetitive dialogue. there were many scenes showing footage of older movies, cartoons, or real life actors that were only there to be pointed at the screen by audiences. next, the dialogue was so expository that any time miles' parents were on screen they would only talk about miles and how worried they were about him. I swear to god that 70% of spider-man 2099s dialogue was about his disturbed past and wanting to capture miles. at several times throughout the movie I thought "ok I get it" and hoped that were was something new to be seen in the next 5 minutes, which wasnt the case most of the time.
seventh, evil miles was fucking stupid. you cant just reveal such an easy counterpart villain and expect me to believe that he has any bearing on the story whatsoever. that shit was so laughably bad that I can easily imagine him getting defeated in the same old hero vs villain shit in the next movie. here let me have some fun and say that miles is going to do the most predictable "Im going to fix you to become good" trope only for evil miles to deny it and fuck off forever in some weird way.
anyway this post is already too fucking long so Im just gonna add personal peeves onto it because Im on a roll. I had a hard time paying attention to several fight scenes because they were mixing with too many visual styles, like the vulture scene at the beginning of the movie was too disorienting for me. I think there shouldve been subtitles, sometimes characters were inaudible for me and the audio mixing during some scenes didnt help either, unless there was a slow moment in the film I just couldnt understand what the characters were saying.
I thought the movie sucked so bad that what they got right in certain aspects (cast diversity, parent and child struggles, etc.) felt like nothing to me after how they treated the parts that Ive listed. its like they fucking checked off a Progressive Bingo Sheet and left everything else in the dust.
I left the theater disappointed and feeling worthless because all I felt was that these movies were just trying to sell me something and didnt push for a change like the first one did. what a fucking shit show.
conclusions. if you liked the movie, awesome Im glad, and you should decide for yourself how you feel about it and what it means to you. Im simply just putting my frustrations into a little text post because that is how I feel. Im not in charge of your enjoyment and you should decide that on your own regardless of my opinions. be responsible with your enjoyment.
but I wont, if you try to argue with me on any of these topics then Im blocking you forever and if you dare type "let people enjoy things" on my post then Im killing you,
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trickstarbrave · 6 months
How is Norse Mythology incompatible with the Elder Scrolls?
the elder scrolls cosmology is fundamentally one focused on life after death. afterlives, honor in death, great cosmic wars at the end of time. a lot of faiths, including norse faiths, share similar stories. but the fundamental difference is the elder scrolls cosmology is built upon stuff like gnosticism. there IS a higher power--even above gods--called the godhead and nothing else is REAL. or rather its just about as real as the godhead and all really interconnected (also kinda hinduism but im not as well versed in that and kirkbride who developed a lot of the deep lore is a self admitted gnostic. bigger difference is gnostism is most often christian so that will factor in more but he was also inspired by hinduism and other faiths).
that might not mean fucking much in the way i am explaining it bc i am sleep deprived. esp given dominant western culture is very christian focused which also puts heaven emphasis on the afterlife and moral rules and regulations to get into a good one or everlasting torment. and a lot of people assume norse faiths follow this formula--they have vahalla! surely that must be viking heaven, the ultimate paradise (and is what sovngarde is based on) but uhhhh no.
in the norse faith there is much more focus on the here and now. the afterlife you will spend doing what you already did on earth. folkvangr and vahalla were most like consolations to grieving families--if you died on a raid, they probably couldn't take your body back home for burial. but the average person did not want to take up the job of being a viking (and it was a job specifically) just to get into vahalla. there were still death rituals and veneration of ancestors but there was no focus on morality or "fighting in the great war of ragnarok" or anything. the gods were also more down to earth and the differences between "spirit", "god", "ancestor", and other categories was uhhhh very blurry to non-existent. for instance there are a lot of pieces of evidence that loki might have been a common hearth spirit before he was a god. or maybe he was always just a very popular one so prolific he is basically a god. maybe several gods or local spirits used to be someone's ancestor. hard to say. there is also no strict hierarchy and rules of practice as it was entirely non-centralized. even saying stuff like "odin is the god of wisdom" isn't accurate as the norse gods don't really have "domains" like we think of in the roman or greek sense.
so its really a bunch of things that make it really incompatible but god does TES lore really try to shove it in there. they take a lot of elements but in the pop-cultural and ultimately christian interpretation of them that does them a disservice. or does things like "well the nords are based on vikings and vikings are raiders obsessed with battle and are brutish uncivilized barbarians so... lets just give them a bunch of "uncivilized" things that don't really make sense interconnected like totems and face paint and unsophisticated leather clothes because they are brutish savages!" which is. all really racist ideas at their core. not even racist to norse ppl just racist against BIPOC who have had these stereotypes built from bastardizations of their cultures by colonizers. which is just. not great.
hence why the adaptation of alduin being based on nidhogg was so. rough. you need a big scary world ending dragon, but he cant JUST be akatosh. bc the ending of oblivion and other established lore. and it would be a cop out to just say "actually the nords were wrong and alduin/akatosh who would be the same person in this case are great" bc then you dont get scary evil world ending dragon like they wanted. so they gotta make alduin his son and don't think through why nidhogg is even a thing in norse mythos bc norse mythos is only being used for aesthetics in TES lore. which sucks bc i wish they would have kept the theme of rebirth and change and renewal which is so prevalent in norse stories. norse mythos is focused on the natural world and cycles after all, but why do that when you want big buff white men with axes wearing furs and killing elves (who are totally not ever going to be repurposed by white supremacists as stand ins for irl minorities. nope. never.)
if you are more interesting in norse mythology bc my explanation makes no sense i recommend @skaldish who has various resources and websites and blog posts that break it down in more understandable ways. without me inevitably butchering it bc i have too many ideas rattling around in my brain
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popstart · 7 months
Dropping a Heathney ask for the ship bingo bc I’m clinically insane
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THEY MAKE ME INSANE OKAY. they are sooo rivals to lovers. Theyre both so good at the game that the other person drives them insane with how she can one-up her. They can one-up eachother SO BAD. The constant need to do better than the other person to both get what they deserve (Courtney for being unfairly kicked off, Heather for her elimination which she no doubt sees as unfair) the mutual hatred for the show, chris, and everyone there in general. World tour is THEIR SEASON OKAY. but only the really spesific version that exists in my brain.
Every time i watch world tour i get all 😮that these girls actually fucking hate eachother. Why did they not team up im not over it. Theyre canon to me in the way that ive deluded myself into thinking they have this really gay rivalry going on when their canon rivalry is the straightest shit ever . ok😭😭
They think theyre the only normal people on that show. You know. Everyone else here is inssne thank god im normal. Shut up ill reuse my jokes all i want. They definitely think the other person is crazy but in a way that bennefits them so they can appreciate eachother for that. Then that mutual appreciation grows and grows into smth more.
They could have suuuch a mutual respect for eachother. Like, canonically it was just to make her look better, but heather pointing out how courtney was wronged and how she feels her pain. Heather comforting courtney after getting cheated on... insane. INSANE..OKAY. WHY DID THEY DO NOTHING WITH THAT.
"Heather is a formidable competitor, but i can't say I approve of her tactics" she wants to fix her sooooooo bad. Courtney could be corrupted by her so hard too. Like a pep talk of how much she doesnt deserve to be wronged, causing her to throw caution out the wind and use any tactics possible to win. Basically just becoming far less filtered in the ways she wants to win
I think their relationship mostly works with a foundation of something they can work together towards but also see very differently about. They both crave leadership and cant stand giving it to someone else. If they could work together at something they would be unstoppable. Courtneys ability to organize and plan, heathers ambition to get it done. But their mutual Need for control is their downfall. BASICALLY. Its so tragically doomed and delicious.
I dont realisitically see their relationship being longterm unless something changes between them tbqh. Like sure heather is mostly only mean because of the competition and courtney's emotions are thoroughly exacerbated because of the competition but they would just butt heads a LOT. Theyre doomed and toxic yuri but theyre MY doomed and toxic yuri.
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sweetsickheart · 9 months
hey! I just saw your response to that huge reblog I left on that person's post!
Dude, I am so sorry! All of that was directed at the OP, not you, but I forgot to reblog from them instead of you! D: I'm so sorry for attacking you like that! I swear I didn't mean to direct all that at you, it must have been very intimidating to be faced with that wall of text, I'm so sorry.
And also, you're not wrong at all. This issue is basically all meaningless hypotheticals, we can all debate ourselves in circles until the end of the world, but we're not going to come to an answer with the information we have. There’s nothing we can use these arguments for, the only action worth taking is waiting to see what happens so we can get more information. Until then, there is no right answer!
And the OP was right, the fixation a lot of boobers have is weird and creepy and inappropriate in some cases. OP was just missing context that explained it, if not excused it. And I was very excited to give context haha
Anyway, I find the way the fandom is navigating this issue, and the social politics of it all, to be fascinating, so I love to discuss it. And I am way too invested in it and get way too anxious about it because I have no life. All that is to say, I actually really enjoy theorising and discussing this stuff, so that long reblog wasn't me being angry, it was me trying to figure out how I felt about it all myself, and the mechanisms behind what was going on. So again, I am so, so sorry for seeming threatening or like I was attacking you. You're not wrong! You don't have to take it back if you agree with OP, there's no right answer and I can handle people disagreeing with me KEKW. Also, I enjoy the contents of your blog a lot and have been enjoying vibing with you thus far. You are a poggers mutal :3
lmao yeah i get what your saying!! i have about 2 people irl i rant to and its a lot when you cant find people to talk to it about. you actually did change my mind on the subject and im totally chill with it. it is really interesting when you think about how things are so complicated over this one little thing and its crazy how different people interpret things!! but yeah, no harm done, im cool with people correcting me, having a different opinion, or changing my opinion. you're really cool and sweet and i hope you know that!
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cosmicjoke · 1 year
Hi! I hope you are doing well :) I really like reading your opinions about attack on titan, i think the show is about the cycle of hate/war never ending. About Eren there is something that always comes up in my mind, i know he is doing something evil for his own selfish view of ‘freedom’ but im always reminded that not only his idea of the world outside the walls was ���disappointing” (i’m using his words) but that he can also see the future and probably see everyone on the island die, because honestly speaking i think they where going to die either way (even if Eren did nothing), since everyone outside views the island as inherently evil (if i remember correctly once they even said ‘even if they are not evil what do you think they would do to us after what we did to them?’ basically trying to justify not stopping the war, but maybe i’m remembering it wrong?). The only thing i can see that could help is what you said: destroying only the military sites. But its all about the cycle never ending so after years they would have new military sites and everything will continue again. I cant see a good resolution, people outside the walls were committing genocide and Eren is committing genocide. What Eren is doing cannot be justified, his actions are evil (literally killing most of humanity), but it still makes me have a bitter taste in my mouth when i think the people on the island are doomed either way (and to think that Eren knows that too). I know Eren is doing all this because he wants to do it but i think his character is more complex than simply say he is inherently evil, i believe both extremes of ‘he is evil at his core’ and ‘he is justified to kill everyone’ is wrong, his actions are wrong of course but say that he is a sociopath is a bit shallow in my opinion. I admit im not a very bright person so maybe you have some opinions that can help me reflect on this more? Im sorry if i made any mistakes, also english is not my first language so i apologise in advance if i misspelled something. I hope you have a good day! And im sorry for the super long ask…
Hi there, and no worries about the long ask.
About Eren seeing the future, the thing is, he couldn't see a future beyond the Attack Titan's existence. He knew he would die, because his ability to see the future ended with his death, so he wouldn't have seen the island being destroyed in the distant future, as we got to see in the last pages of the manga. He didn't even know how, exactly, Mikasa would ultimately lift the curse of the titans, he just knew she could, somehow. So his scope of the future was very specific and limited. Also, the world of Attack on Titan has a set timeline, meaning that the future can't be altered. Whatever the future is, it's one which can't be changed, no matter what you do. There are no alternate realities or timelines which can be achieved. The future Eren saw, of him destroying the world outside the walls, he sees that future because it's the only future there is. And it's the only future there is because he made the choice to enact a full scale Rumbling, no matter the circumstances leading up to it, or whatever decisions he made leading up to it, that was the choice he made. It happened because he wanted it to happen. It wasn't because he saw a future in which the island is destroyed and everyone dies, and he was trying to stop that future, or that he felt there would be no other alternative to doing so. It was because it was a choice he'd already made. He knows it too. He knows the future he sees is because of him and him alone, his own choices, which is why he's so down on himself while walking through Marley. He knows, from having seen it, that he goes through with it, even as he's horrified by himself and his desire. He himself wills that future into being through his very nature. Of course, an overarching theme of AoT is the cycle of violence, and particularly, how human nature perpetuates that cycle. More so then just the island being doomed to repeating the mistakes of the past, it's really a condemnation on humanity as a whole being doomed to repeat the same cycle again and again. AoT isn't some feel good, sugar coated story, that's for sure.
I agree that Eren isn't purely evil, or a sociopath. He's unwell, and he's selfish in the extreme. But I believe the remorse and grief he feels for his actions is genuine. I also believe he genuinely did love and care about his friends and comrades. But in the end, for whatever darkness there was inside him, he couldn't stop himself from placing his own, personal dream of freedom above everyone and everything else, and that's part of Eren's tragedy as a character. He was driven by some kind of void within him which he could never fill. He wasn't ever going to be free, because he was a slave to that void, to trying to rid himself of that feeling of being trapped he suffered with at any cost.
Anyway, hope that helps, and thanks for the ask!
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babymorte · 2 months
Well if you say it's good it's gotta be at least decent 😊. I think I'll add it to my ever growing list of "games I need to play" while I keep playing the same old ones 😂
But also you are right. People are trash and from the sounds of it you did nothing wrong. Just someone who took advantage of your kindness and spoiled a friendship. And that really pisses me off when someone has something good and just let's it go to shit. I'm sure you'll find a lot better people to become friends with and hopefully after you heal a bit you'll be able to open up with people again. I know that last part is going to be really hard but I believe you'll get there eventually 😊
Sending a virtual hug from an random internet oddball 😊
it is on gamepass if you have ea play though. that way you don’t have to pay for it although im not sure if its only on console. that’s how im playing it. you don’t get the extra outfits from the dlc though which is annoying but they’re just cosmetics so you don’t technically need it. i just liked having them when i played on 360. im definitely in the same boat though. i have so many games im trying to finish and i just keep going back to my comfort games. especially now with everything going on i cant keep focus for more than maybe 10min. my plan was to play some dead island but my character has just been standing idle for the last like 5hrs
thank you though i really do appreciate it. i don’t know that i want to open up to anyone anymore though. im too old and too exhausted to keep going through this but who knows…i’ll never say never. I just have a hard time making connections with people so my circle was already extremely small and now it’s basically nonexistent. but they always say in failed relationships you need to look at the common denominator and that common denominator is me so regardless if im actually doing something wrong or not the problem is definitely me or something that im doing. im not trying to complain or beg for pity it’s just an objective fact or sorts. ive made the realisation and now i need to take responsibility and accept it. im making changes and while i may not necessarily like said changes or the person they are forcing me to become i know its for the better and it needs to be done.
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Girlies im here to update on my tinder adventures. i had my 2nd call with another tinder dude. It lasted two hours 😃
Hes okay! But maybe i am picky dear Allah please so help me but theres just something about him that gives me the ick. Well not ick but like eh... he might not be the one.
heavy smoker: wont smoke in front of me out of courtesy but doesnt believe the science that inhaling toxin can legit kill you all bcause his grandma whos also a heavy smoker died of something else and not cancer. Like he doesnt care about the consequences at all.
2. privileged af and so ignorant about it: hes travelled once for a month last dec and will be traveling again THRICE this yr and he thinks that going for umrah is not a vacation/“travelling” bc its a spiritual journey like do you hear yourself and how in your bubble you are. Anything thats going out of the country for something thats not work AND going for a peace of mind is VACATION. his mom shops for branded stuff and he gets bored waiting around and sitting inside the store. Like some of us wouldnt even dream of stepping in. and i told him honestly, do you know how privileged you sound (entitled actually) and he said what do you mean?? and I'm like most people don't get to experience going out like that. and he was like yeah I'm thankful, grateful. mmm......
3. mansplainer (biggest ICK): he said hed bring me outdoors and i told him i cant and i dont like it and he said that he will force me but will bring an umbrella. Then i told him i have eczema and he gaslit me saying IT CANT BE THAT BAD. HIS EX HAD IT WORSE IT WAS SEVERE And i was so pissed. And so i said. Well. I had been admitted three fucking times for it and was on 4 different medications for it and going to biweekly appointments and blood tests and so i said im SURE. CERTAIN that i have it MUCH WORSE than your ex. he did not spare me a breath and came up with his own conclusion. also he says that eczema HAS A CURE. HES CERTAIN OF IT. bc he's saw it in his ex. and I'm like ............................ i had it since i was a baby. the fuck you mean there's a cure. there are treatments for it okay but not cure. i hate when people who don't have eczema say nonsense like that.
Which brings me to point no. 3: religious. Nothing nothing NOTHING wrong with someone who’s religious, i am a practicing muslim. I pray 5 times a day and i value my relationship with god too. But what i dont like is how he pushes his personal religious values or agenda onto me like i dont know shit. Your relationship with god, and my relationship with god is no ones business, its your own so dont try to police how i do it with god. Like i told him i “had” to quickly pray before calling him. And he stopped me saying i shouldnt say “had to” bc that would mean being forced/its an obligation so i have to change that bc “context is everything”. Like its something to fix. i really HAD to make it quick or else i wouldnt know what time i'd be praying.
4. With that being said, he is also homo/phobic..................... well yes and no? i don't know. he said he doesn't want to talk about it bc its controversial and he is against t/rans ppl and its changing the essence of what god has created for you. i just don't like that argument because . if there's one thing you cant change about me, it's my morals.
5. hes so into himself that he was basically pitching himself like a project. but ok, its my fault, i asked. but was there any reciprocation? did he ask me back about me? not really. i found myself having to jump in and add in what i had to say. he would say things like, I've been through a lot, you have no idea. and I'm like don't we all??? you arent the only one whos experienced the lows of life. you arent the only one who had a hard time.
6. his approaching his 30s and he treats me like I'm a kid bc I'm 26? "oh huwaina you still so young. when the pandemic hit, it was like 3 fucking years of my youth taken away from me now I'm almost 30" and i jumped in and said like "yeah me too" and he was like "no, I've already reached 30, there's no more 20s for me but you do. you still have time to experience things and enjoy life. i was 21, 22, 23 when covid happened i felt like i didn't experience the life i was supposed to at my early 20s. also does life end at 30 ladies and gents? he keeps telling me how gen z i am, and I'm like okay????????????
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mxdotpng · 8 months
to me i think, like. the worst thing about vesperia is how good yuri was in the beginning and some of the middle of the game. his very first scenes on screen include him talking about how the people of the upper quarter - with all of their money and all of their luxeries - see with their eyes every day what happens to the people of the lower quarter and they choose to look away. and how yuri thinks they have no soul for it. his rage against the people in charge, the people with power, eventually leading to him finally making choices of his own against them and murdering them was good. however they chose to frame this as something villanious rather than morally grey which is where the problem starts - because i feel like it just keeps extending from there. its like the writers in the room saw this story about how rich people & corrupt people in power are bad and went "wait a minute. our boss is a rich person. we cant let him see this." and wrote it so that yuri was in the wrong, despite one of his victims being... lets see... ah, yes, the man with the murder mansion. and then they... completely backed out of it.
like i think vesperia as a whole has a real problem with commitment, since they really rarely stuck to a single overarching story plot. first it was flynn's assassination attempt (that never came up again?), then it was the murder, then it was the entelecheia, alexei, then duke... this wouldn't be a bad thing if they were all connected outside of something surface level but they aren't. they all feel entirely separate from one another. you could argue that vesperia had little room under its feet for story since the beginning - yuri's tendancy to murder whoever's bothering them at the time is something that does make it a bit hard to have an overarching villain- but i feel like with how character driven this game is it could've been avoided. but that problem with commitment is what eventually made yuri out to be. very pro people in power? which is. Not. what he was. like i dont think spending some time with estellise is going to change that.
obviously i think a lot of it can be traced back to flynn. i know what they wanted to go for with his character but i don't think he was ever written well. its clear they wanted to go with the mirrors trope with him & yuri, but i feel like having such a dynamic character be dynamic... off screen... would have failed its purpose even if he was done well. which i cannot in confidence say he was. even despite all that yuri had revealed about the people flynn worked under he never once wavered in the idea that maybe. the entire system is corrupt and needs to be dismantled? in fact i think his short revelation that what he was doing was corrupt and he needed to change was worthless because. in the end. he didn't. he did not change. nothing he did changed. he just became the boss instead. which. i guess was supposed to fix things? but obviously. doesnt.
i feel like i'm going off on a tangent here but really basically. vesperia had a good idea. and i think parts of it was done okay at least. but they were too scared to lean into it, so they dropped it as is and scurried away. which is unfortunate, because i haven't seen a protagonist like yuri lowell in this genre in a really long time.
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abysmaldaemon · 1 year
I dont know why..im so angry, about what happened. It's my fault, really. This isn't..
I'm to blame. I, fucked up. Again. I think im angry at myself, and I take it out on others.
Then you come into my fucking life and show me what REAL LOVE IS..hah, how..
How could I not fuck that up?
A damned soul, who blew out the blessing thats lit upon him. How.. how?! HOW?! HOW?! I THOUGHT I WAS DOING SO MUCH BETTER, AND YET I STILL HURT THE ONES I CARE ABOUT!!
I did love you and care about you. To be honest I always knew I did in my own fucked up way. But I did, even if, it's not the way you wanted or what normal people would perceive love as. I worried about you, i wanted you to be happy, and still do. You still haunt my dreams, my thoughts. I wanted, so much for you, but when I was around you, I was nothing but selfish. These feelings of affection, love, and just basic fucking physcial contact like a hug, I was deprived of for so long. I mean what the fuck did I ever even do for you, seriously? I say I wanted all these things for you, and I DID BUT I DID NOTHING BUT TAKE. I thought..
I thought I was a better person. Why do I direct this anger at the people who don't deserve it when it's myself I'm angry with.
When it's my fault. Clearly, the 5 years of hating myself, hurting myself, wasn't enough. I told myself, every fucking GOD DAMN DAY I would never love anyone again for so fucking long. And you come and break down these walls I spent SO LONG BUILDING AROUND MYSELF..like it was fucking nothing.. I spent so long alone, in pain, suffering cause I didn't want to hurt anyone else and I fucking caved at the first person who actually treated me like I was..special hah. Like I wasn't a fucking piece of shit I knew I was and still am. I got so addicted to the affection you gave me, I slowly fell in love with each and every part of you. Flaws and all, I didn't care.
I, I, im so fucking sorry. It's my fault. It always my fucking fault. You deserve so much fucking better than me, I KNEW you did and I was STILL SO FUCKING SELFISH.
I haven't learned, a fucking thing. I fucking.....I fucking don't want to be alone again. I, I, I dont man. It's hard, it's so fucking god damn hard I can't I can't I can't I can't!!! I don't even know who the fuck I'm crying out for or why, it's my fucking fault, ITS ALWAYS MY FAULT AND I DONT FUCKING LEARN.
What is wrong with me...how, HOW CAN I BE SO FUCKING GOD DAMN STUPID BRO..
It's fucking insane..im fucking insane.
Man, im so fucking selfish..im so fucking dumb. I hate myself...I hate myself so much I don't want to fall back into this hole, I dont, I dont, I dont, I dont, I dont..
I'm so sorry to not just you, but everyone...
I have done nothing but caused you and the past ones I've loved pain...and I never learned anything from it..
I can honestly say I'm ready, im so fucking ready to die. I do nothing for no one, I do nothing but cause pain. I've done nothing to help anyone. I haven't grown at all since highschool. I'm fucking useless. I told myself I was worthless than dirt for so long and that hasn't changed. Not one bit. I'm not sure when, and I'm not sure how. But hopefully soon, one day I will break. I already have such a hard time keeping the pain bottled up. I will break, and I will end my life. That is how I will go out. But until then, I will suffer. In this life for as long as I can and the many after it, for the pain I've caused to the ones I loved.
I will carve this into my soul. I will say this every second of every day until I pass.
"I will never love anyone, ever again. I will not get close to anyone. I will be alone, I will suffer alone, and I will die alone. Not for me, but for others. For the ones I've loved, the ones I hurt. I am undeserving of love.
I will kill myself. I will die and rot alone."
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cartoonkitten · 1 year
ngl. can I like, throw out some ric and cherry (and garth sorta) villain/antagonist arc hcs or something
I’m gonna assume they were in the same bunch of students at howlington when they were 14. but ric wasn’t initially friends with cherry and garth (cause let’s be real, those 2 have been besties since then), but eventually became friends with them. I’m gonna contrast him to freddy for a sec and say he was kinda bullied, but unlike freddy, he ended up taking the wrong path in life and glorified the destructive and absurd behaviors of the wilder wolves in secret, and to cherry and garth he did give sorta weirdo vibes, being sorta reckless (even more so than garth but actually intentionally and not accidentally lol), but he never explicitly seemed like a bad guy, so they did become friends. I wanna say after howlington was wrapping up for them and they had just graduated into the night patrol is when ric sought out real wilder wolves for whatever weird reason, but was never taken seriously by them either. now the part that really set him off into deciding to be evil im not all that sure of, but maybe I’ll just say that he was just pissed off and frustrated that not only his own pack thought he was too reckless but his ‘icons’ (for lack of better words) simultaneously thought he was too tame/not really wild and had no good use, and it tore him. idk I’m really working with crumbs here. but basically he decided to form his own wild pack out of spite, while still maintaining an image as part of the pack to infiltrate and catch off guard. eventually just deciding ‘yeah fuck this I’m officially against y’all’. admittedly I sorta lost what I had going for this idea but really I cant come up with very good ideas I fear. but i wanted to make his arc kinda ironic in the end, cause his mind was so clouded with arrogance and frustration that he forgot that despite all he had planned to be evil, right in front of him (or his facade really, but still, it’s still /him/, like /his/ personality nonetheless, just masking his villainess) he still found people who respected him, like his new night patrol crew, flashheart, cherry and garth, his students who looked up to him sm. he could’ve changed for his own sake and the sake of others, like cherry, but kept falling into his anger and let himself grow more power hungry, leading him to his death, contrary to freddy, who held his father’s, mutton’s, and batty’s (his closest family) words close to his heart the whole rest of his life to guide him down the right path and find his place that made him happy, and look where that lead him.
as for cherry i genuinely have no idea what to do for her. like she has 0 character depth I have to work with so I’m just gonna make up some shit. maybe she doesn’t feel strong enough, or smart enough, or like she’s pressured so much it makes her wanna go ape shit a little, who knows, just /something/ that could give her a reason to turn against the protags. now, this might be a wee bit random, but ngl, it would’ve been so cool of 100% wolf if they made cherry’s character a message on untreated mental illness. cause they could’ve totally hinted more towards her having some sort of mental issue and have her fall down an awful path due insecurity and anxiety n such. fucking hell, going back to the first 3 suggestions, it could literally be lead from any of those and still be some sort of reference to that. it can deliver the idea that nobody struggling deserves to go unseen when they’re at their lows, and that doing nothing will only make things darker. your friends are here to listen to you, to pull you up, and be there for you, only if you let them, and allow yourself to support yourself moving forward as you heal, and you will feel better, you’ll grow a different view on life. again, it’s literally another reference to the whole franchise’s theme, only slightly more unique. leaving us with "I wanted to be wild, but turns out I’m not" isn’t how you write something that’s clearly supposed to be compelling and interesting. give us some feelings within her, some internal conflict, something we can relate to that isn’t so nonexistent and bland. idc if the mental illness idea I had even makes sense, I literally just want some cherry development cause there’s no way they really left us with that little info 😭
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