#i fucking hate it here so bad i will fucking kill and maim
nervousmonolith · 2 years
i am annoyed
#Big rant incoming maybe idk#basically my mother once again blamed me or made me out to be the shitty person in a convo earlier#basically saying person A did nothing wrong and i cant change how people are and how i have to keep my emotions under control#and how its ''All On Me''#she's right about the not changing people but i can fucking criticize their shitty fucking actions all i fucking want#ESPECIALLY IF THEY SAY A FUCKING SLUR THEN ARE LIKE '' ITS TO SHOW YOU THAT PEOPLE WILL SAY THINGS YOU DONT LIKE SOMETIMES'' LITERALLY#DID IT ON FUCKING PURPOSE TO GET A FUCKINY REACTION BUT NOOOOOO ITS FUCKING ALL ON ME?????#fucking choke die die fuck you die choke#<- sorry had to get that out of my system fr#but yeah she also said Me getting sent to a doctor was going to get her sent to a doctor <- paraphrased#YEP.#also saif some other shit that idk how to paraphrase#anyway i regret ever opening up ever 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶.#ALSO SHE GOT FUCKING MAD AT ME FOR ALL THIS SHIT ALSO SHIT OUT OF MY FUCKING CONTROL AGAIN#apparently the principal called her and said to take me to ane and get me put in a ward because i was seeing things which i NEVER FUCKING#SAID THEN SHE GOT MAD AT ME FOR IT#also not a great fucking idea principal a shitty one infact considering i didnt fucking know SHE SAID THAT UNTIL TODAY#i fucking hate it here so bad i will fucking kill and maim#any rant over time to seeth in rage and cry#i feel better after typing all that#crazy
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junkiee · 1 year
Love when my neighbors threaten to shoot our animals :) perks of living in the boonies i guess :)
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vaguenotions · 4 months
Oh, yes, I just love your unannounced sleepover where you both come back from the bar after carefully avoiding telling me that's where you were going, and also neglecting to tell me when you'd be home! I definitely do not want to knock you on your ass and take a bat to your dome! That would be rude and unnecessary :)
Oh yes, please do start talking about shit amongst yourselves and make me feel isolated and othered in ny own room! These moments are what I live for, of course. Naturally. Who would ever have any issues with this arrangement at all?
#txt#might delete this later but i also might not because my irritation and rage is real and i shouldnt have to so constantly discard it#i am so tired of constantly putting it aside#i want your blood in my fucking teeth. and it's your fault i want it there- certainly- because I TRY. I try so hard not to feel this way#but eventually you get tired of those little games too#okay I drafted this for a minute bc idk if this fucker is actually spending the night or not i just know he took off his belt. BUT THEN ONE#+ OF THESE FUCKERS DECIDED TO START TALKING ABOUT SPIDERS. A THING THAT I HAVE A VERY BAD PHOBIA ABOUT. I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU#thinking of killing and maiming and maiming and killing and killing and shredding and tearing and killing and-#seriously though what. the fuck. you even go ''oh they're not gonna like this'' THEN HOW ABOUT YOU DONT FUCKING SAY IT#ohh and now you're sitting here making plans for when you go out without me next! I'm going to make you a bloody smear on my fucking floor#i am going to Dissect you. I'm going to rip you apart and feed you to the local strays and csrrion birds.#not even getting up and leaving right fucking now would assuage me. i wish i wasn't so full of fucking hate but you just keep adding fuel +#+to the fire#im so tired. I'll come back with a ''im fine now'' if he fucking leaves but im going to seethe now. im so fucking angry.#how do you fucks continually just bounce between the topics that makes me feel Most Violent Towards You? literally how do you not realize i#+ want you dead at this point? how do you not realize the grave you've dug for yourselves in my mind?#i dont fucking mask it that well. i know i dont. and still you fucking do this#((part of why it being a bar specifically that bothers me besides the very deliberate and careful avoidance of mentioning it to me is that#+*one of you is at serious risk for becoming an alcoholic. why the fuck are you being enabled this way?*))#((if i was dating someone with a genetic predisposition of alcoholism i would make your regular dates nights- idk- NOT THE FUCKING BAR +#+ DISTRICT. DO YOU EVEN FUCKING CARE ABOUT THEM? DO YOU? This fucking boils my god damn blood.))#(ultimately its their decision if they want to fucking drink yeah sure whatever YOU DONT NEED TO REGULARLY AND READILY ENABLE IT. BASTARD.)#(If they want to drink so fucking bad- if they push for the bars- JUST BUY SOME ALCOHOL AND BRING IT FUCKING HERE. It limits how much they+#+can have for one- and it would isolate me from you two less! just as an added fucking bonus! but no very unreasonable of me. what was i +#+thinking? clearly not about them 🙄)#i might be a little out of line here. i can admit that. but if anyone spent a week in my fucking shoes back when they first got together +#+and then now? you would fucking understand.#and they just. keep. talking. to eachother. no attempts to include me. not even glances my way. like always.#''oh nothing will change'' IT FUCKING CHANGED. I want to hurt you so bsdly for that lie with ever passing day. do you even know it was a li#do you? anyway was abt to post this and noticed a gif i have of a woman ripping her shirt off so im going to stare at that until im calm ig.
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nessaivyselena · 2 years
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orbital-obvious · 26 days
Throwing my hat to the Team Black/Green Discourse
I'm bad bound due to shoulder pain, and I've been reading Team Black/Green takes and you guys, it's so fun. Here are my personal takes:
While exploring the changes from the book (and the reasons those changes were made) is interesting in a meta way, you can't assume book only details apply to show characters. What you see is what you get, for better or for worse
The show clearly favors Rhaenyra and tries to weave this "girlboss won't let the MEN put her down" narrative, and at the same time does her a great disservice because Rhaenyra and her faction are boring as fuck as a result. The greens faults are not only acknowledged but highlighted - which make them more interesting, human, and multidimentional, but then again the narrative goes and minimizes their fears and hurt, so, well, double edged sword.
Aegon only cares for his legitimate children. I also don't think the greens as half as unified as they are precived to be.
The question of "Did Aemond steel Vaghar?" is actually "are dragons property?" with extra steps.
Aegon was a usurper, and the Greens (Otto, if we're real) used the inherent misogyny of Westeros to instill him on the throne.
WITH THAT BEING SAID, I have a hard time thinking Rhaenyra is this feminist queen. It's freedom for Rhaenyra, and maybe other women with dragons. I think it makes Rhaenyra a better character, actually.
How can Alicent or her children trust Rhaenyra which never acknowledged that Luke maimed Aemond, and acutally DEMANDED Aemond to be further hurt via questioning? The messege in Driftmark was clear: Rhaenyra (and by extention, her children) are more important than you, they can hurt you, maim you, even kill you, and you will STILL be at fault. There's an element of survival in the Green's usurpation, not only greed.
Rhaenyra suffers from misogyny. I don't think she would have no problem ascending the throne if she were a man and she is one of the most privileged people in the realm, but there are challenges she faces for the crime of being a woman alone.
I don't think Alicent thought that by serving the patriarchy she'll be the exepction - not consciously, anyway. I think this requires an understanding she does not possess. and, again, Rhaenyra being put on the throne isn't a big win to all women, just Rhaenyra. To side with Rhaenyra meant siding against her family -that was Alicent's decision in my eyes. The world is bleak and one must use any power that they have - same way Targaryan used dragons, Alicent + greens used the built in sociatal norms.
I don't know who needs to hear this, Aemond is not a little kid anymore. I'm not saying his life is perfect and no one is mistreating him, but he is not defenseless and he does have that cruel streak to him and he did very much undermines his brother, grandfather, and mother.
Aegon is implosive, Rhaenyra hardly acts. Aegon coronation started the war, and his decisions have propelled the war forward . Rhaenyra refusal to act pushed team black into a position where the only advantage they had was dragons, ergo, they had to get dragons involved and voila- bloodshed.
Daemon would not have let the Greens live, even if they had bent the knee. TBF, Daemon would probably find a way to kill Rhaenyra's older children to put his on the throne. "Rhaenyra would never allow this!" Rhaenyra can't control Daemon. We've seen it time and time again.
I really hate the "Rhaenyra put her children at risk because their bastards". Rhaenyra was married to a gay (possibly infertile) man and if she had no heirs of her own, it itself would weaken her claim more than having bastards (ask if most of the realm would know or even give a shit they are not legitimate - that's mostly house Valeryon's problem and people in their immidiate surroundings that see it as "immoral").
No, Rhaenyra did not put her children at risk for having bastards. She put her chidlren at risk by having trueborn, perfectly blond and Targeryan children with Daemon.
I said it in my last post, I'll say that again: Raehnyra fucking off to an undercover mission in King's Landing and not telling ANYONE about it was a dumb move in a list of dumb move. She essentially left her side without a ruler at a time of WAR, not to mention the panic of a queen being gone closely after an assassination attempt on her life that was barely stopped.
Alicent was one of the most powerful people (if not the most powerful) in the years leading up to Viserys death, practically running the kingdom while Rhaenyra never visited even once. Alicent was changing Kings landing in her own image (changing Targ decoration for the Seven symbolism). Alicent had power, authority and the ability to rule that neither Rhaenyra nor Rhaenys exhibited.
Viserys failed Rhaenyra for not teaching her how to cement her throne and make connections and allies. Rhaenyra grew into an adult who never had to fight for what she was given, a so called heir who sceluded herself in Dragonstone and never bothered to cement her claim which she would have needed to do even if she was born a man. The cycle continues, with the hints she never worried about securing Jace's spot or his legitimecy (Jace wanted to learn high Valerian and was clearly concerened, Rhaenyra doesn't see the issue and that itself is a problem)
Honestly kudos for Jace for securing the North/Vale. The show paints supporting Rhaenyra as "the right thing" and we never got to see Jace working and using his diplomatic skills. God forbid the boy will have a personality.
Criston Cole was a man of ethnic minority (Dornish, most cast is Andal/Valerian) from lower class and the power imbalance with Rhaenyra would not have flown if the roles would've been reversed. She pushed him to sully his own life work (becoming kingsguard) and he is right to be hurt about her not taking it as seriously as him - she does not have to face consequences, he does. I'm not even talking about the weird state of consent of the relations between them.
WITH THAT BEING SAID, that does NOT justify Criston Cole calling Rheanyra "Whore" and "Cunt". He uses her gender to hurt her - the only power imbalance in his favour in this relationship is him being a man and her being a woman, and he weaponizes it. "but it's accurate to the society he lives in!" cool, the society is shit.
There's probably more, but I'm tired and need to lie down. So. yeah. Feel free to comment, I'm interested in others thought about it.
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poppy-metal · 2 months
TW: DUBCON SENTIMENTS … tentatively.. and gently.. a note under birdies door. a polaroid even. arts cock, his angel cock, gripped at the base by his man hands, hands that belong to a man, long and wide. his fat plump balls. his lean torso, beat into perfection by years of throwing himself into tennis so he doesn’t throw himself off a cliff. his face, no, the bottom half of his face, graced with pale stubble and perfectly angular. he’s looking down. his lip is curled, in a snarl that may have been playful. if it weren’t for everything. you are so shocked you don’t even think about your throbbing clit. you flip it round. sure enough, there he is scribbling away in his tiny, precise, efficient hand writing.
this is what you need. you’re bad. you made me bad. i’m gonna make you good. i hate you so much it makes me want to die. but i live. because one day, you’re getting this whether you like it or not. because you begged me for it, you broke me for it, now it’s yours to have. i wish you showed me your own cunt. because then i would know what to picture when i think about destroying you. you aren’t a virgin are you? i’m gonna make you bleed like one.
you touch yourself for the first time since forsaking him. here he was. giving you permission. you felt alive for the first time in years. you felt reinvigorated. all those years you passed alone were not for nothing, you shouldn’t have killed yourself. you were alive for a reason, and that reason was clutched between your pointer and your thumb. it stung to know he hated you, but it was no less than you expected. hate was better than indifference. if he hated you, you could work with that, you could receive it, relieve him of it. you could do anything he told you to. you would hurt yourself, debase yourself, maim yourself, kill yourself. anything if it meant he looked at you warmly. you deserved it, you hurt him. you hurt him and you deserve nothing. but you were weak, you were pathetic, and anything he gave you would take like a starving dog. you would take his cock, you would let him rob you of your magical first time, you would give him the blood he craved. the blood that was his from the very first time you met. you cum to the thought of him breaking into your apartment and splitting your virgin cunt open. you imagine him cutting you and kicking you and punching you. you cum harder than you’ve ever cum in your whole life.
please birdie is so ecstatic. guilty, afraid, excited, she refuses to touch her cunt - hasn't gotten off that way in so long. you make yourself hump your bed, or a pillow, or a plushie. you can't put your fingers inside yourself - you don't want anything inside you that's not him. that's not art. still, after all this time - you're saving yourself.
you test yourself once or twice - just to test your tightness - you can barely dip two fingers in before it starts to burn - after that you withdraw. rub your wet and weeping pussy against your pillow as you think about art forcing himself inside you - tearing you apart - drenching his cock in your virgin blood. it would hurt so bad - you'd fucking love it. you shove your face into his picture and rock your hips back and forth - thinking about him, thinking about how he'd punish you - how you deserve to be punished-
you think sick things. him kicking you in the stomach - slapping you - wrapping his hands around your neck - you think about him carving his name into your skin with a knife and digging his nails into the wound while he fucked you. you want to be black and blue, beat up on his cock - forever changed by him, claimed by him.
you hate that he thinks the pictures you sent him of your pussy back then weren't real. you'd told him they were of someone else to hurt him, but you wish he knew the truth. you wouldn't tell him though - it was your fault regardless. and you wanted his anger. you wondered what you had to do to get him to snap - pictures weren't enough. you'd missed him so much - you wanted to be touched by him. god.... art, your art, touching you..... your body tingled at the thought.
hate me, art, you think. make me feel it.
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Murder Sibling Tuu
So concept
Yuu is the eldest and comes from a HUGE family with lots of siblings that are part of criminal legacy. Literally all of them are some sort of mafia boss, assassin, drug lord, or bank robber except for Yuu.
This isn't because Yuu hates it, nope its just not their thing. Their little siblings always go to Yuu for ideas on their next murder/heist/ect and they always give the best advice ever despite not being a criminal.
When they get isekaied, they didn't know that their family also came with until its too late.
Let's say they're dating Floyd since that was the original context. Under cut cause length
It's Vargas camp and as things come to a close there's another attack, the masked person overpowers Vargas and locks onto a group.of Yuus friends, chasing the first Years, Riddle, Malleus, Jade and Floyd.
The others scatter, just to get stuck in (non lethal) traps to be picked off later. The killer is smart and though Malleus is powerful he is outwitted when he caught in magic resistant trap— this damn killer was PLANNING it.
Floyd and the group fight back. But they are all beat up pretty bad, thankfully, there is no stab marks as the psychopath seems to be dragging this out for their enjoyment.
As they kick Floyd onto the ground as they spill the first drop of blood of the night as the killer slashes them and leaves a "superficial", but concerning wound on Floyds abdomen.
Jade screams out at his brother in horror, show more emotion than he ever has in this damn life, despite where he's trapped, he risks blot and shoots out a simple spell at the killers head just for them to dodge.
"You want to see my face that badly?" The voice was filled with a sickeningly honeyed tone of amusement. "I guess that's fair since I intend to kill you... may as well let you see who killed you."
"You wont get away with this!" Sebek shrieks. The killer takes off the mask just to see... Yuu?
"Yuu? No...nonono not my shrimpy... why?! Why would you—"
"Wait wait wait. Did you say Yuu? How the fuck do you know that name?" The killer asks but something was off, this wasn't yuus voice.
Just then Yuu comes out and slide in front of Floyd protectively, ready to fight before freezing.
"Yuu?! Oh God, oh shit. Don't tell me these are your friends..."
"You stabbed my fucking boyfriend!"
"Fuck! Sorry I didn't know— oh geez...." Tuu facepalms. "Hold on, I actually have a few healing potions..."
"Um... can you explain???" Riddle wheeze.
"Everyone this one of my my Octuplets, Tuu."
"OCTUPLET??" Sebek shrieks.
"Yeah that's not even all my siblings either, don't ask I lost count"
"Damn I'm sorry about that everyone, I would have never attacked if I knew Yuu was here. But dammit, I had it all planned out and everything! I would kill off some of you and leave your bodies out so that others would warn of this place and bam! A buncha idiots would explore and I get to practice my assassinations and murder techniques! Can't believe I wasted all that time though now....".
"Wait, Yuu why aren't you surprised?" Ace gawks
"Oh big sibling Yuu over here is weird. Literally everyone in our family's a murderer EXCEPT yuu which is suprising since they always have the best ideas for maiming!" Tuu giggles
"Wait... if your here does that mean—" a new voice interrupts Yuu
"Sort of! I assume our entire family is out in this new world but we haven't all been able to find each other. Thankfully, me and Tuu happened to be summoned together!"
"Who the fuck is that?!" Jack barks
"That's Kyu." Kyu stands proudly in their formal attire that's decades old as they twirl a cigar.
"Why didn't you reach out to me? I know Tuu is to busy murdering things but I know for a fact you knew where I was. Im the oldest! You report to me!" yuu scolds
"You're older by 10 minutes." Tuu interrupts as they pour the potion on Floyd.
"Shut up!"
Kyu shrugs. "I'm building a criminal empire."
"What" Deuce blinks.
"I said im building a criminal empire. I was the leader of several mafias and other organized gangs back in my world and now its back to square one! I need my underlings I'm not just gonna light my own cigars now, cmon!"
"That sounds like Kyu alright..." Yuu sighs.
"Plus then I'll be able to magically enroll our whole family into NRC just with a little blackmail as we learn about this world!"
"Crowleys pathetic you don't need a criminal empire you just need 5 dollars" Epel sighs.
"Perhaps." Kyuu shrugs again and takes a puff. "But having an interdimensional drug empire once we find away home is an opportunity I must not let pass by. Speaking of which, give me your phone, Yuu."
Yuu hands over the phone to Kyu. "Now you should be able to contact us and I'll keep you updated once I find the whole family. Oh yeah, be sure to send pictures of all your friends to the group chat along with their full names so we know who not to kill, maim, target—"
"I get it." Yuu sighs before helping Floyd up. "I love you guys but damn!"
"You love th—" Ace covers Deuces mouth.
"Sorry Floydie!" Tuu chuckles cuteley. "I hope this doesn't make things awkward between us! Oh just forget about this encounter! I can't wait to meet you when Yuu brings you home for dinner!" Tuu waves
"Eat shit." Floyd huffs. "Awe you're adorable, just take good care of Yuu! If you break their heart ill slaughter you like the damn animal you are!~" tuu practially sings
"Yuu can do that on their own." "But they won't that's the issue"
Tuu sighs again. "Now im gonna have to release everyone from their traps now ueueueu... there were so many boys with such wearable skin! I already had the suit planned out for when I got them!" Tuu mopes.
"Right just tell our parents—" "bosses" "tell our bosses i love them and to please take it easy with all the murder please."
"No promises Yuuie!~ bye bye!~" Tuu cackles and they run off into the woods and Ryu dissapears
The rest of the night is Yuu profusely apologizing and having to skirt around questions for legal reasons
And also
"Why are all of you named Yuu or something similar"
"My bosses named the second oldest Tuu. Do you really think they're good with names?"
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mid-nightowl · 11 months
untitled lil fic #1 (jason todd and gotham war)
here's some gotham war rewrites i needed to get out of my head, the brainrot was killing me omg
warnings for violence, cursing, whatever the hell Bruce is doing (just Bruce as a full warning tag, the man is more unhinged than Joker in this)
“Oh Jason. How I’ve missed you, my sweet boy.”
The words are sickeningly sweet, poison-saturated words falling from bloody red lips. Delivered with a crooked smile, Joker looks up at him, uncaring at his position. His fingers curl in the clown’s suit collar, lips curling with a snarl.
Jason punches him again, the clown’s jaw cracking and his body straining against the ferry railing. Joker merely giggles, head lolling around through the air before his mismatched eyes meet his mask. 
“Shut the fuck up!” He snaps, unholstering his gun and digging the muzzle into Joker’s cheek.
His murderer raises his hands, waggling his fingers in surrender, grinning and smirking and smiling. 
He hates it, he hates it, he hates it. 
“I want you to think about this real carefully,” He digs his gun into his skin. “This could be the last joke you ever make, you understand? That’s what you want to go with?”
“You know,” His nightmare giggles, chuckles like a wind-up toy before he wipes the amusement off his face. The clown looks up at him, head tilted, pleased and patient and thoughtful. There’s not a single sliver of hate and destructive menace, or anger or disappointment or suspicion. 
Wrong, wrong, wrong, he thinks. There’s something wrong here. There’s something wrong with Joker—and not in the usual way. 
“The best jokes deliver a difficult truth, but hide it with a fun fiction,” Joker explains, smushed but coherent words strung together despite the gun halfway in his mouth. “Without humor all we have left is being mean and lying.”
“What?” He can’t stop the words before they stumble out of his mouth. He doesn’t let the gun go lax in his hand despite the way the clown’s words throw him off guard. 
Off-kilter is a genuine feeling that digs into him, shocking him to the core. The clown does this, he knows it. He knows this is how he does things, how he worms his way out of every situation and every attempted manslaughter, he knows how the clown operates, intimately. 
Jason knows him. 
Joker, historically, has been so many things. But he’s always been a psychotic, impulsive mass-murderer. Someone without restraint, without limitation. 
It’s why he’s always been Batman’s true nemesis. Bruce, he needs a fine-tuned control of everything and everyone. He is someone who has limits and restraint. 
Controlled, focused, and without limitations—Jason is almost the happy medium to both of them. 
The three of them are similar, different, opposites and identical. It’s like walking in one of those mirror mazes where you can’t tell who the real you is. 
Who is the real Bruce Wayne? The man who cherishes his children or the one who maims them?
Who is the real Joker? The cold, purposeful mass murderer or the dumped-in-acid man who can’t tell the difference?
Who is the real Jason Todd? The bloody crime lord or the declawed crowbar wielding vigilante?
Joker simply smiles and pats his arm, as if Jason’s not trying to kill him.
He slams the clown against the railing again, snarling. 
“Enough games!” He growls and flips the safety off. The noise doesn’t even phase Joker, if anything he grins harder. His mismatched eyes—one red-brown, one green—flick above them before returning to his. 
“Are you really going to use that big bad gun of yours with Daddy watching? He’ll be so mad at you.” His murderer grins, letting his head hang limply in his grasp.
“What? Batman-!” He jerks back, head snapping up to the ferry roof cover. 
Empty. No looming monster demanding a painful compromise is here.
Joker’s hands push him back, and he grunts, stumbling into the ferry wall. The clown tumbles over the railing, disappearing from view. His laughter haunting the air. 
“No!” He shouts, dashing to the railing. 
The clown is gone under the waves and ice, sinking into the dark of Gotham Harbor. 
He’s not dead. He can’t be dead, Jason thinks, gripping the ice-cold railing, I haven’t killed him yet.
He’s not dead.
But that was mean. 
The last words Jason hears remind him of his grave. 
No, not the one he was buried in. Six feet of dirt above him and smothered in satin, watched over by that stupid weeping angel.
There’s a memorial in the cave with his name. ‘Good soldier’ and nothing else but his name. Both of them: Jason Todd and Robin. 
A monument to Bruce’s failure, his greatest mistake, a grave to his complicated teenage years, his love. 
“You’ve always been a good soldier. Rest now.” Bruce told him, jabbing him in the neck with the needle. 
A grave, a memorial, a monument. It makes him sick. The reminder that he will always be the dead Robin, the sad Robin, the angry Robin. 
Dead, dead, dead.
The violence done to him, inflicted and imprinted into his skin and bones was more important. The guilt and the lesson were more important than his cries for justice, for his life’s blood.
The monument and altar, raised after his murder, were never for him, but for Bruce.
He was dead, why would he care?
The story Bruce will tell would never be the truth, just excuses and wrong-doings. He would take accountability after the fact, but not before. 
Bruce would let his murderer walk and let him rot. 
Maybe that was why he buried Jason six feet under, so he wouldn’t have to face the decay and decomposition. That he could keep this golden, blurry image of him as Robin, as the straight A student, the good son. And not a weightless body splinted a thousand different ways to look human. 
But now that he’s resurrected—not in Bruce’s image, but as something broken and jagged, something lost and filled with dirt and green-green-green—Bruce refuses to acknowledge him. Refuses to believe this is who he is. 
Refuses to believe that he remade (destroyed) himself from the ruins, from the broken bones and empty veins and black thread that mended his corpse back into the image of Jason Todd. Refuse to think that if a girl can come back as a soothsayer, that a boy can come back as a gun. 
“Hnnng…Bruce,” Jason groans softly, heaving himself off the couch. 
Batman turns to him, looming with his face mask in his hands. The fluorescent lights, a nauseous lime-yellow, cut over his figure, his face, his mask. Almost a green-green-green, almost a pool of rage, almost a pit of madness.
His mask crackles alive in Bruce’s hands, Selina’s voice wavering between annoyance and worry. 
“Red Hood? Hood, please check in and let me kno-” Batman clicks his comm off. 
The resounding silence smothers him. 
His exhale comes out shaky, his heart beating too fast behind his bruised ribs, a chill crawling over his exposed skin. 
Something’s wrong. Something is very wrong. 
“...Batman? You…” He swallows roughly, mouth filled with dirt and blood and thread. “Wha…What did you do?”
“Nothing I’m proud of, Jason.” 
His heart sinks and skips a beat at the same time, stomach twisting with anxiety and fingers trembling against the ugly brown couch cushions.
He pushed too much.
Taking Selina’s side?
He went too far.
Hood didn’t kill anyone?
“Hh! Ho…” Jason croaks, getting his boots on the ground. “Y-you…you..”
“Take deep breaths, Jason.” Batman turns back to the computer hub glowing behind him, ignoring his attempts to speak, to demand answers. 
His arms shake as he holds himself upright, but when he tries to stand instead he chokes, falling to his knees in front of the couch. Gasping for air, he lays his palms flat against the cool tiles. His legs are quivering, heavy and unable to hold his weight. 
His whole body trembles with it, this feeling unfolding through his blood and bones, engulfing his head and voice. 
Fear, fear, fear.
“Years ago I created my backup personality, Zur, using techniques I learned from an old mentor and this machine that I built,” Batman starts, monitoring the screens in front of him with one hand on the keyboard and the other on his belt.
Bruce doesn’t turn to look at him, to face him, someone he calls son, someone he considers family, and explain what he’s done to Jason.
He never has. 
“I can’t change your personality with it, Jason…” Batman sighs, low and quiet. “But I can add to it. A small thing: your failsafe.” 
Failsafe. He slams the heel of his palm on the floor, cheeks tingling with his telltale sign of tears. A failsafe?!
Because Red Hood needs a failsafe instead of justice.
“What?!” He tries to snarl, to hiss and yell and scream his rage. But his voice fails him, anxiety chewing at his throat and tongue, voice tilting too high, too unsteady, too weak. 
“Now when you have heightened adrenaline, when you’re about to do something dangerous, your fear kicks in,” Batman continues explaining. “It…I’m sorry Jason. But it’s the only way.” He clenches his eyes shut—inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale—and tries to ignore his rabbit heart battering against its cage, pounding to the frantic rhythm of fear, fear, fear.
“I love you.” 
The words feel like gunshots, the knuckle prints on his skin after the two of them fought over Penguin, the smack of Selina’s whip against his fingers, the crowbar on his skull, his legs, his ribs, over and over and over. 
“I love you, but you are a murderer,” Bruce condemns him, over and over again. “You’re a bull in a china shop and I go round after round with you, trying to figure out how to help make you a better man, to heal you.” 
“H-heal me?” He whispers, rage cut off at the roots. “This isn’t…this isn’t you, Bruce.”
Batman, finally, turns to Jason. He looms, tall and foreboding, darkness dripping around him, drenching him in fear, fear, fear. 
Batman takes a step forward and he crashes back against the couch, spine digging into the wooden frame painfully. 
He can’t breathe. Batman moves and he knows it in his bones, knows it down to the scars Gotham and its guardian have left on him, that he’s not here to save him, to help him. 
“I got you a new identity. A place in Metropolis.” Batman keeps walking forward, despite Jason’s growing hyperventilation, despite the way his blunted nails scratch at the floor. Despite the way he shakes, black stitches snapping apart, the pieces of him falling to the floor of this slaughterhouse, at the feet of his butcher. 
“B-bat…Batman,” He whimpers, hand twisting into the fabric of his suit. 
“You can live a normal life. Fall in love, do meaningful work. This isn’t punishment, Jason,” Batman kneels in front of him and removes the cowl. “I love you.” Jason shrinks back, shoulders back and legs curled to his chest. Bruce’s face is sharp and pale, with bags under his eyes and days old stubble on his jaw. 
His eyes are dark with absolute rage. 
Batman is going to hurt him. Batman is going to hurt him.
Bruce is going to hurt him again. 
“This is a gift. Any way you look at it, you should be in prison for all the people you’ve killed,” He chokes at Bruce’s words, barely smothering the terrified cry in his throat. “This is me saving you from that. Save you from yourself.”
Jason can only stare at the man before him—the man who took him in, who raised and trained him, who loved him—does his best to bury him.
fear, fear, fear. 
“Please..don’t…please,” Jason pleads, covering the girl with his frame, caging her in with his bruised and burnt arms.
“Let’s begin.” Scarecrow’s voice reverberates, it shakes through air to match his erratic breathing.
“P-please, I’ll do anything you want, anything,” He begs, fear, fear, fear burning in his veins. “Please. Just stay…stay away.” 
Scarecrow closes the gap between them, rocking back and forth on his crooked, long legs. His mask distorts and mutates, a familiar green-green-green splashing over the darkened void of his gas mask.
“You’re going to die tonight. I know you know this,” Crane looms over him, green-green-green trickling out his eyes, gushing out like an open wound. “But we can still have fun, can’t we.” 
The girl trembles underneath his chest and Jason tries to smother the whimper begging to pour out his lips. It’s gnawing at him—rabbit heart frantic in his chest, hands trembling from the burning pain and anxiety, smoke and ash gathering in his lungs—fear, fear, fear.
He can’t think of anything else. 
“Those fools were right. Your terror…it’s real and it isn’t mine,” Scarecrow sneers, kneeling in front of him. “There is no thrill in driving terror into the heart of a baby bird.” 
Scarecrow takes his jaw in his hand, needles tickling at his exposed skin, forcing Jason to look at him. He can’t help but jerk his head at Crane’s touch, needles pricking into his cheek when Crane holds him tighter, another inescapable cage around him. 
His chest heaves with every shaky inhale-exhale, his anxious fear fanning over the rogue’s mask. Scarecrow leans in closer, the glass over his eyes gleaming, reflecting the fire roaring around them. Jason can hear the screams in them, watching the shadows morph around them and the straw on Crane’s shoulders wiggle. 
“This is my moment of triumph, and it is snatched away from me by..by him?!” Scarecrow shakes Jason’s head in his hand, needles scratching into his skin but still not drawing blood.
Scarecrow lets his head drop, needles disappearing from his sight before they’re clawing at his throat, wet and cold against his clammy skin. Jason whimpers and clenches his eyes shut, unable to do anything but beg. 
He knows praying for someone to help him is futile. 
No one is coming to save him. 
“Never let it be said Scarecrow has no pity,” Crane says, voice cutting in and out his head like radio static. “I will quickly finish what your daddy started.” 
“Doesn’t mommy get a say?”
A voice slices through the flames licking at his skin and the fear smothering him. And when Jason’s gaze finds him, he can’t help the tears. 
“Step away from the vigilante, pervert.” Joker grins, dark red lips stretched too wide, too thin. Ash rains down on his green-green-green umbrella, rolling down the crooked dark patches and shamrock-colored nylon. 
“You’ve already killed him once. It’s time you learned to share, Clown.” Scarecrows speaks with thin, razor-sharp disdain, glaring over his shoulder at the newcomer. 
“You should know this by now, Doc. I don’t play well with others.” The clown throws aside the umbrella, knife materializing from thin air as he descends upon Scarecrow.
“You’re not even really him, are you? Do you think I don’t know about you? Delusions and megalomania with-” Scarecrow baits and taunts the clown, before the two of them are ducking and weaving and slicing at each other with barely concealed rage and annoyance. 
“Blah, blah, blah. Do you know why you’re always going to be a C-List villain, Johnny?” Joker jokes and Jason can imagine the sharp grin on his face. “Because doctors aren’t scary. They’re annoying.”
He ducks his head down and curls tighter around the girl. She cries underneath him, hiccups soft under the roar of flames closing in on them, the screech of metal on metal and creaking of deteriorating wood. 
He can’t move. He can’t do anything but try to breathe. But all he tastes is smoke, choking him, billowing down his throat and in his lungs. His heartbeat is so loud, jumping under its bone-cage, a heady, heavy thing—badump-badump-badump-badump. It’s too fast, erratic, out of control.
“You’re a bull in a china shop and I go round after round with you, trying to figure out how to help make you a better man, to heal you-”
Always out of control. Jason whines, hands scrambling against the wood below him. It burns, seering through his fingertips. It hurts-it hurts-it hurts, he can’t do this. He can’t.
He can’t breathe.
“Ahhhh! Ack! Achhhhh!” Scarecrow screams, guttural and wobbly and when he looks up, Jason can only watch as Crane crashes through the fifth story window. 
Tears continue to stream down his face, his heart trembling in his chest and the realization strikes him then, cracking down on his skull like a crowbar, over and over and over. 
Joker saved him. Joker saved him. Joker saved him. 
His murderer saved him.
 “A-are you real?!” Jason cries out, fingers curling into the withering floorboards. “Is this real?!” 
“Oh, don’t worry about him. I didn’t even give him a real dose of Joker Gas. I ran out. Heh!” Joker laughs, rubbing at his jaw. Blood and green-green-green stain the edges of his mouth, smeared down his chin and throat before disappearing under the orange sweatshirt he’s wearing. 
“But now, it’s just you and me. And…your daughter? Did you have a daughter and not tell me?” The clown tilts his head in question, tucking away the green-green-green gun in his hand. He steps closer, uncaring of the flames licking over his pale skin.  
Jason can’t tell if it's real or an illusion, can’t tell if his murderer is here and saving? rescuing? tricking? him. He can’t tell if this is just another nightmare he’s trapped himself in, or if this is the real punishment Bruce promised him. 
“She’s just a kid. Please…don’t,” He pleads, the tears searing down his ash-stained cheeks. 
Joker leans down, bringing his face close to Jason’s. His mismatched eyes—one green, one red-brown—bore into his and the clown smiles, too wide, too cracked and broken, too bloody and green-green-green. 
He sobs, cracking under everything. He can’t do this, he can’t. 
“My, my. Even like this you still think you’re the hero. Batman would be proud if he didn’t hate you,” His murderer says, before his bony hand is cupping Jason’s face, calloused fingers dancing over his skin. 
Jason clenches his jaw when it threatens to wobble and tremble, but knows the fear is shining in his eyes. Knows the clown can see it, knows he recognizes it in his baby-blues. He’s been here before.
They’ve been here before, together. 
“But don’t worry my sweet boy, I’ll find a way to fix you. Nobody is going to hurt you. I won’t let them. Because I need you.” His voice is honeyed and threatening, curling and clawing and cloying into his head like a sickness. Joker pets his hair, gentle and caring, and Jason knows he means it. 
He’s going to fix him. He’s going to heal him. 
He’s going to save Jason.
“Don’t worry, sweet boy. We’ll see each other soon,” Joker pats his cheek with a crooked green-green-green smile. “I promise.” 
His heart beats frantic to the words—fear, fear, fear—eyes unable to look away from Joker.
Jason believes him.
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starry-eyed-steve · 5 months
Okay, so normally, I scroll past any ridiculous Steve takes, especially when it comes to death theories or theories about s5 in general. However, I just saw such a bad take that it actually made me angry, I need to make my own post. (Warning, this gets a bit petty towards the end)
Basically, the OP claimed Steve needs to die in s5 for the following reasons:
He has nothing going on in his life. He works a minimum wage job and is stuck in his hometown
He only has Robin and the kids, nothing else
It would not be satisfying if he lived
Steve can't grow more as a character because he already had too much development, so it would be better to end it there
He's only useful for protecting the group and nothing else
His death would be great for other characters because if he scarifices himself, the others are then able to go out in the world, live their lives, and do great things
Okay, that's a lot to unpack here, and I'm kinda speechless people really have such a low opinion about him.
First of all, saying Steve has nothing going on because he works a minimum wage job and doesn't have a concrete plan for the future is such a weird thing to say. He has a job, and even if it's not the best paid one, he still has an income. It's not like he's has nothing to do after he graduated (which he did the first time). If you think Steve needs to have it all figured out by 19 in order to be allowed to live, kindly fuck off. Almost no character has a concrete plan for the future. We never see Robin talk about her plans as well. Besides Nancy wanting to go to Emerson, we don't really know anything about the other characters' plans. The idea that minimum wage jobs are considered as something not worth pursuing or that your life must suck if you have them reeks of privilege. Not everyone can or wants to get a college degree. The people who work in customer service or have manual labor jobs are very valuable members of society, and to imply just because Steve has a minimum wage job working at a video store, so he better dies, is a horrible take. But also again, he is 19 (!!!) and should be allowed to have opportunities to figure out his plans for the future. Plus, he explicitly told us his end goal, he wants a loving partner and kids, and that's reason enough to keep going. (Even if he wouldn't have this goal or plan, he deserves time to figure things out, seeing as he lived his life in survival mode for the past 4 years.)
I also really don't get the second point. What is wrong about Steve having a real friend and a group of people he cares about? Shouldn't that be reason enough for him to keep living? Shouldn't having friends who you care about and who care about you automatically count as something that is enough. Besides, again, he also has a job, likes to go on dates, and it's implied he's still into sports.
The other characters also have each other. They hang out all the time to play their dnd games. Jonathan only has one friend (who now isn't even in the show anymore) and a gf. Nancy barely has any friends as well, besides her bf, who wants to slow mo break up with her. Should they die because they only have like 2 people they are close with? Or is it different because they want to go to college and do well in school, which is the only good purpose characters are allowed to have in order to be deemed worthy of living?
Imo it wouldn't be satisfying if Steve would die after everything he has been through. The show beats him to a pulp every season. He was tortured, maimed, and he sacrificed already so much for the group. He has the most physical trauma, besides Hopper. Even if the show doesn't address it, it's still there. (I hate it sm, but also I blame mostly on limited time that almost no character gets to explore their trauma.) It would be such a disservice to his character if he went through all of that for nothing. What kinda message is that? Killing off the character who is the most hopeful despite everything he went through is not satisfying. None of the main characters' deaths would feel satisfying after going through the horrors like that. (Besides Murray because fuck him)
If you think a character or person can only grow so much until they reach some arbitrary point where they are the perfect version of themselves, you're pretty naive. Nobody stops growing. Even if someone goes through growth, you don't stop your whole life. Maybe start rooting for an arc for Steve, where he gets even better. Where he gets to figure things out, where he becomes a better version of himself. You wouldn't say this to any other character. Just because his growth arc was more noticeable doesn't mean all your other faves didn't grow. Do you want them to stop living because they made choices to be a better person?
You're really underestimating Steve's relationship to the group if you think he's nothing more than a punching bag to them. How can you watch the show and really think this. He's Robins best friend, he helps her grow and be comfortable. He's Dustin's older brother figure. He gives him comfort, and he will most likely help him in s5 with his grief over Eddie. Even with Max, he functions as a brother figure, especially in contrast to her stepbrother. Yes, his primary role in the group is fighter and protector, but he is more than that. He's a friend and important to so many characters.
I think the last point was the thing that made me angry the most. All those other takes I've seen time and time again, but this last one is just disgusting. First of all again to imply that Steve can't do great things because he doesn't have a career plan at 19, which is just gross. And then if you also think the other characters would be so appreciative of this as if they don't give a fuck about Steve. Like Robin and Dustin would be devastated, how much of his death would affect them and their plans to do amazing things? They would be severely depressed and untreated (lets be real mental health issues were not taken super seriously up until recently) they will live with those impacts for the rest of their lives. Trust me I know how terrible depression is and how it fucks with your life plans. Maybe some characters who are not super close to him might use his death for motivation and to achieve those "great" things. But for most parts, his death would have a negative influence on them, on top of the trauma they already endured. If you think his death would only benefit the group, you're underestimating his impact on people. Like Dustin already has a hard time getting over Eddie, Robin would lose the only person who completely understands her, Max would lose another brother figure and a chance to bond with him more. Nancy would lose yet another person who was close to her. How many people should she lose until she snaps completely? But again, it's the implication that Steve's life is worthless because he doesn't go to college or has a shitty job or only has a few friends, that gets me. His life is worth less than other characters' lives because they seemingly have things figured out because they are (book) smarter than him. And btw Steve has a dream for the future, he wants a family and peace, he wants to be a better parent than his own parents were, and if you think that's meaningless or less great, then fuck you!
With those points and logic, Jonathan should also be a contender for character death in s5 as well. He doesn't have a job, he gets high with his only friend who won't be there in s5, he didn't apply for his dream university, he's about to break up with his gf. Jonathan only has his family and barely any growth over the seasons. He is a very stale character. In other words, according to those points made by OP, he has nothing going on and should sacrifice his life for the group as some form of character development.
Or Robin should also die in s5 according to those points. After all, all she has going on for her is a minimum wage job she works with her best friend, school, and a so far miserable love life. We don't know any of her future plans so fuck her I guess. She better sacrifice herself for the group. Or is she allowed to live because she's smarter than Steve (which is a pretty ableist thing to say) and gets to embark on a romantic journey next season?
To sum it up, stop saying Steve has to die because you think his life is meaningless because he's a teenager who hasn't things figured out. Stop saying shit along the lines that Steve isn't smart enough to get to have a life. Stop implying that intelligence is the most valuable thing a person can have and anyone who might lack it is deemed as less worthy of living. Stop saying Steve can't do amazing things if he doesn't go to college and therefore shouldn't be allowed to live. And stop deeming Steve's dream of a family as less meaningful (or meaningless) than academic/career successes. He deserves to live like every other character in the show.
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thenixkat · 26 days
superheroes well known for being easily lead or inspired by a singular person
its not like they're famous for popping up largely independently and doing their own thing for years before even running into another superhero even if there's multiple running around the same city
so the writer has made Superman's second coming the second coming of Christ and thus the kickstarter to the end of the world b/c… that says great things about superheroes in yer superhero book
again very heavy Christian themes that i dont care for and don't mean anything good for this lackluster story
are we gonna pretend that there arent superheroes like Praxis running around in teh main DC universe at the time who was just as openly racist as this ultra patriotic 'superhero' here?
like, just, Superman and the like dont give a shit mostly about the dark edgy superheroes in teh mainstream DC universe except for stories not unlike this where the main thing is criticizing the fuckers.
oh no the bystanders! It not like I've read a story featuring SUperman being perfectly fine with demolishing peoples' homes on account of he can just rebuild shit later
i think this writer might be unaware of all the fuckers who died or got maimed or injured in normal superhero fights back in the day just cause the artists and writers never showed the collateral because superman was neccessary for all these heroes who started independently of him to get off their asses and protect more than just one small area
b/c we all know that SUperman is the bestest best boy in the universe and every hero needs him as inspiration to be heroic Fascinating how Red Robin is shown as one of the good heroes of yester year when he's rightfully contemporary of Lightning, Black Lightning's daughter shown as one of these reckless youthful metas with no morals
it's not escaped me that all of our great heroes of yesteryear are white. And a good chunk of our amoral young metas are notwhite, and also the majority of heroes that were aquired from other companies. Strange that~ Totally a coincidence and not something to look into
I just kinda hate this story. I dont think its good. It's giving 'the good old days'/Make DC Great Again vibes. The only reason I picked it up is to get more info on Ted in this universe b/c the wording on his beetle armor has me unclear if its actually armor made by Khaji Da or just powered by it
and of course fuckers pulling a Batman and acting like fuckers need to be sanctioned by them to be allowed to be superheroes b/c that's how superheroes work
Batman's mansion is run down. His identity got exposed a while ago. The Batcave is half flooded
actions to disparage the amoral youthful heroes for: Blowing up the torture prisons where supervillains get turned into slaves with bombs implanted in their heads and normal criminals get lobotomized
sure they should not have also killed the prisoners. But destroying the prisons? go for it
also love how stories of this type always play the superheroes as the problem. Due to wro
ng methods and shit when superheroes are largely just a symptom of the issues plaguing society as much as the crime they fight
less crime would mean less superheroing of all regards, less poverty and war and shit would mean less crime but also just saying that more metahumans is just going to lead to shit going to shit is just such a bad message for a superhero comic given how much of folks becoming metas is a stress response and/or saying that superheroes shouldn't breed b/c their superhuman offspring will fuck shit up
yeah Batman generally seems inclined to turn shit into a police state in his brand of superheroing like that's good
helpful or desirable and Bruce calling Clark out for his tendency to turn totalitarian when shit goes sour
like both of you are terrible in yer own ways
i feel like Green Arrow and Blue Beetle should not get along as well as they keep being shown too in shit like this just cause they're teh same type of superhero. Especially Mr. Problems with authority Blue Beetle
why are yall relying on Batman's plans yall are just as smart if not smarter and way better with people
I hate this story so much. Both Superman AND Batman were the bestest of the best the pinnacle of superheroing. Makes me want fucking vomit
also I love how often Wonder Woman is just fucking chopped liver in the stories like this that ride Batman and Superman's dicks they're getting paid for it Dr. Mid-Nite can fly??
like for some reason Diana isn't allowed to be the pinnacle of paragon or truth or justice and has to try convincing Superman to lead them all into a better future and how she just dips into bloodlust when things go poorly like…
Also none of the younger new heroes are allowed to be viewpoint characters yet b/c this is a propaganda piece an we cant humanize the fuckers we wish to disparage
we get supervillains, the old guard supervillains of course, as viewpoints b4 we get any of the youth that's being disparaged
It's also 90% white in this old guard important villain's meeting.
so a good chunk of these amoral young metas are villains
a group of mostly white elderly villains actively making shit worse, to provoke a war between regular people and super people b/c sure people will somehow benefit
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faetaiity · 2 years
Okay so, someone asked if they could get a Chameleon or Komodo Dragon Mutant Reader, and I chose Chamelon for the One-Shot, I went with that, BUT I forgot they wanted a One-Shot, so here's the story ver instead of the HCs, but honestly, I'm just gonna do both because why not. (Komodo will be for the HCs)
Dark AU! Turtles x Chameleon Mutant! GN! Reader
Format: One-Shot
CW: Long set up for the story, Implied that the turtles believe Y/N says hurtful things/gaslights(?) Kidnapping, Blood/Gore, Implications of murder/maiming, OOC Characters (I ain't ever written for some of these bitches, gimme a break) and bad writing (Haven't written anything in like a month, because being burnout as someone with ADHD and Autism fucking SUCKS.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You hated Guard duty.
You helped out Repo-Mantis and the other mutants keep the Repo Yard a safe place for Foot Clan and Big Mama's targets. Humans, Yokai, Mutants, they were all welcomed here as long as they left their weapons in the Hands of the people who run the Yard, as a safety precaution, of course.
You hated Being lookout and Guard, as sometimes you'd have to turn people away, effectively killing them, sooner or later, you'd hear on the news of them brutally attacked and put down in the streets like animals.
You fumbled with your Kevlar vest, the material making your recently shed skin feel itchy and mildly painful, sometimes you wonder why you even accept when you're assigned guard duty, but then you look at the Mutants you've started to call friends and remind yourself 'They saved you.' You groaned, knowing that you owe them for taking care of you and keeping you safe while you were injured.
Manticat came over to you, nuzzling into your face and purring, as much as the Giant Cat Mantis Mutant made you nervous sometimes, she was a sweetheart, she stayed for a few minutes before resuming her patrol around the Yard
It was a few hours before the day patrol came back, clearly beat, their human cloaks bruised and bloodied, clearly, they just wanted to take the cloaking brooch off, inform the night patrol of their findings and pass out, you couldn't blame them, you've only been on City Patrol once, and you have scars from it.
You never gave them trouble when they tried to enter the yard, they had already been through enough shit in the 8-12 hours they had been in New York City.
"Bad day?" You asked one of the Sando Bros, he only grumbled in response, Repo was another one out of patrol, he walked up to you and said "Sorry 'bout him, got his ass beat by that Jones girl in the Foot Clan." you snickered in response, shaking your head, Warren passed by without saying anything, you think out of all the Mutants here, he considers you one of his least favorites, maybe not, but it's the impression he gives off.
"Hey Repo, Who's on night patrol tonight?" You asked, making sure that you weren't on it, Repo's been trying to get you to do another Patrol but your first (and only) one was pretty bad, Repo thought for a minute before speaking up "Should be Hypno, Meat Sweats and GhostBear" he responded, they always took the stronger ones out at night because of the Turtles, you nodded "But...." 'goddamnit, here we go' you thought bitterly, Patrol was scary at night, you've only been out on patrol during the day, that Mantid bastard better not- "Sorry, Y/N, you gotta shadow them, you can't always be in the yard."
"Can't I do tomorrow?? I've been out on Guard duty for SIX HOURS; I can't do another 8-12 in the CITY!" you whined, he sighed, knowing that this isn't the best timing, but he has to get a fourth person on Night Patrol
"I'm sorry, but you KNOW patrol policy, four people out during night, you're the only one who can do that, Kendra and Harold got injured last week." you groaned at those words, "Fine, can I at least go rest? It'll take them 30 minutes to 2 hours to explain everything they saw on day patrol" he nodded and made a motion for you to go to the barracks, you ripped off the Kevlar vest and threw it at Repo, running full speed to your bed, throwing yourself on it and passing out without needing melatonin (Or any other sleep aid you use.)
You were woken up about an hour and a half later by Hypno, at first you considered him intimidating, but he's a pretty decent person, you groaned and gave a thumbs up, signaling him to leave so you could put on your gear, after a few minutes of fumbling, you walked out to the exit of the Yard, joining the other three, they nodded in acknowledgement to you, after a minute of making sure everyone's gear was ready, you four walked out of the Yard and made your way toward NYC.
Due to protocol in City Patrol, (ESPECIALLY Night Patrol) nobody is allowed to talk unless necessary or split up willingly, the only exception for the talking rule is whispering or ASL, you walked in between GhostBear and Hypno, with Meat Sweats in front of you three.
Once you four reached a decent scouting point in the Middle of the City, Hypno whispers in your ear "You think you can make it to the skyscraper up there and give us access?" you nod and say "I can try" a good thing about being a Chameleon Mutant is that you can blend in with your surroundings (NOTE: irl chameleons don't do this, their skin change is for emotions but because Reader has the intelligence of a human, He uses it to sneak around) as well as climb rough vertical surfaces such as most buildings.
You breathe in and let out a heavy sigh, your scales shift colors and make you vanish, you climb down the building and quickly bolt over to the Skyscraper, due to your time as a young, rather stupid and bored kid, you know how to pick locks, which did get you into a metric fuckton of trouble sometimes.
You climb up the Skyscraper, you always hated climbing up larger buildings that are more than two or three stories, because if you fall, you're dead, it takes about thirty minutes before you make it 75% of the way, another twenty until you reach the top. Heaving a sigh of relief, you get out your Walkie-Talkie and speak into it "I'm up here, it might be another hour before I can get you guys inside" ....
No response, maybe you're too far away? You shouldn't be! These are Professional grade! They should be able to reach one or two miles!
you look over to where you saw them last, they're... gone? That's not protocol! they should be waiting for you to get inside!
You try to reach them for a few more minutes, getting more and more irritated as time passes, you can't stay invisible forever, so you let your guard down for a few minutes, your scales returning to their normal color, after a few MORE minutes, you growl angrily, looking down to where they should be!
You hear someone trying to sneak up behind you, not good, you try to give off the impression that you didn't hear them until they rushed up behind you and placed a sword across your neck
"Don't say anything, Handsome~" The voice hissed out, you remember it from your first Patrol
He attacked you as the sun went down during that blasted patrol and you almost got killed, He and his brothers would try to sneak into the yard several times, always getting chased off but there had been reports of them trying to get into the Sleeping barracks where you were healing, you heard three other people walking over to you two, you knew who they were.
"H-Hello." You croaked out, trying to sound brave but honestly, you were scared shitless, you had no backup and no weapons, you were basically at the mercy of a Sociopath. You heard Leonardo laugh, if you didn't know he had a sword up against you, you would've said his laugh was almost affectionate
You knew better though.
"Cuff 'em, I don't want our little lookout getting away~" he purred out, you felt one of his brothers cuff you, oddly enough he removed his ōdachi from your neck, you looked over to him, clearly confused
"You can't evade us for long if you have cuffs on." He elaborated, rather bluntly too, despite being bigger than him, he easily picked you up, instinctively, you wrapped your tail around him, fully expecting him to throw you off the skyscraper, Instead he handed you over to Donatello, he looked at you oddly, it was mostly disgust, but also content, Donatello activated his Battleshell, after a few seconds he lifted off, making you squeak loudly and wrap your tail around him tightly, making him growl in disapproval.
"I'll meet you all back at the Lair, don't fuck up the Tank, gods know you three are shit drivers" he hissed out, flying over the edge of the Skyscraper, you started shaking at the sheer height, holding onto Donatello harder, nuzzling into his neck, trying to not look at the ground, you couldn't see it but there was a small ghost smile on him
It took about fifteen minutes before you were back on the ground, he opened up the Manhole cover and awkwardly let you fall down onto the floor, you curse under your breath as he gets on the ladder and covers the manhole once more, he drops down next to you, as you struggle to get up, he sneers and places his foot on your back and adds pressure, making you fall back down, in response you growl and sweep your tail under his feet, making him fall, he doesn't react other than a snarl as he gets back up.
He lifted you over his shoulder and walked you into the lab, ignoring Master Splinter's questions of who you were, once in the lab he chained you up to the wall and waited for his brothers to join him
After a few minutes his brothers come in, instantly Michelangelo bolts over to you and gets into your lap, you cringe as he is covered in blood and smells awful, he churrs affectionately as he nuzzles into your neck, smearing blood all over your scales.
You freeze, unsure of what to do, the last time you met Michelangelo he seemed fully intent of hurting you, Leonardo seems to notice this and says, "We're not going to hurt you unless necessary." you are baffled, his tone is unnaturally soft, typically from what you've heard people say about him, he's actually a really bad egotistical dick, but ever since you got into the lair, they have shown more normal traits
'Most likely a facade' you think, unwilling to think they've changed, especially with blood on Michelangelo, Raphael comes and sits beside you, making you flinch, he seems unaffected by that and he rubs your back, Leonardo and Donatello don't come close, but they seem jealous.
"O-Okay... I'll bite... what are you guys' planning? none of you are.... ever this nice." they all seem to stiffen before Michelangelo coos "Nothing, darling, we just want to keep you"
you stay quiet for a few seconds, his words slowly starting to register in your brain "Keep... Me...?" you ask, shaking slightly, Michelangelo perks up "Yeah! Ever since we first saw you, we just couldn't get you out of our minds!" you stiffen, Michelangelo purrs as he nuzzles into your jaw, suddenly you become hyper aware of his affection and try to recoil from it, which doesn't end well as he growls and pulls you closer, as well as becoming hyper aware of his touch, you begin to notice how... affectionately his brothers are looking at you
"N-No! I... what makes you think I'd reciprocate?!" you hiss, actively trying to push Michelangelo away, he snarls as he holds on tighter, there's a second before you feel him bite into your neck, making you scream in pain, He starts losing his cool, and fast.
"NO! you WILL love us; I'm not taking no for an answer!" He screams, once he finishes his sentence you can hear him sniffling, like he's on the verge of tears or a meltdown, Donatello comes over with a Syringe, "You'll learn to accept this, Y/N, we love you, no matter how hurtful your words toward us are." you try to say something but before you can, he shoves the Syringe into your shoulder, you cry out as the contents are emptied into your bloodstream, you start to lose consciousness as you hear someone say "You belong to us, love."
yeah, sorry it's ass lmaooooo
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lucius-morningstar · 4 months
You're what?!
Lucius finds out he's an uncle, first panic then asking for help. ----- Lucius: Please tell me I didn't hear that. Husk: Kind of feels like you want to tune it out. Lucius: Well how else am I suppose to react. Babies don't belong in hell! Angel: *Snorts* Looks like you're shit outta luck then. Uncle Luc- Lucius: Shut up! Just shut up!, Maybe I was hearing things. Husk: We heard it, so sorry to burst your bubbl- Lucius: Yes but you two are either drunk or high so I can't take your word for anything. Angel: Wow.. Low blow Lucius. Lucius: You like low blows. Angel: Only when I do em. Husk: *Sighs* Look, face facts she's pregnant. Better get over it now. Lucius: Ugh.. Angel: Why are you so bummed about this. Lucius: Its just a lot okay, I don't want Charlie to overwhelmed. She's already dealing with quite a bit right now. Pregnancy on top of all that. Angel: Honestly out of the two of them I think Charlie is the best choice.. Picture Vaggie being pregnant. Lucius: No, Thank you. Husk: We can either make the best of this or you can continue to panic and overthink i-.. And he's gone. Angel: Wonder where he's going. Husk: Two options. Either to Charlie or their dad but both I find extremely unlikely. Angel: Who else would he go too then? ----- Carmilla: Why are you here. Lucius: Well, as surprising as this might sound you're the only mother figure I know whose good to her kids in Hell. Carmilla: Gee thanks. Lucius: That sounds bad but just listen for a minute. The only mothers I know who live in hell either went on a "Hiatus" or outright hate their kids. You not only have a good relationship with your daughters but love them unconditionally. Carmilla: That doesn't tell me why you're here. Lucius: Can you swear on your daughter's lives you won't say anything. Carmilla: ..Don't make me kill you. Lucius: Charming but I'm serious, this cannot get out. Please. I have literally no one else to go too. Carmilla: Fine I won't say anything, now what. Lucius: My sister is pregnant and I have no idea how to handle this. Carmilla: ..Are you the father- Lucius: Fuck no, why would you even ask that. Carmilla: Cause most uncles don't freak out over their sister being pregnant. Lucius: Well in case you forgot this is literal hell. A baby has no place in hell. So I need a motherly perspective from someone who gives a shit about her child. Carmilla: You think Charlie won't, you think Vaggie won't-.. How did they e- Lucius: My guess is magic I didn't ask for details. And it's not that I don't think Charlie won't be a great mom, I think she'll be great at it, I'm more concerned on what to look out for or you know stress mothers go through and how I can help her a bit. Carmilla: You realize it's been quite sometime since I had a baby. Lucius: I can tell. Carmilla: I'm going to ignore that for your sake but if you're actually intending to want to help your sister, maybe take on more of her work load. Less stress the better and maybe try to make an effort to get along with her partner. Lucius: Ugh.. Carmilla: Oh grow up she's not that bad. Lucius: You've only met her once. Carmilla: She's been coming by more often honestly if you'd been around maybe you'd know that. Lucius: If you didn't threaten to shoot or maim me every time I come to see your daughter then maybe I would. Carmilla: The fact you know why I threaten you should tell you more then enough. Lucius: I wouldn't hurt her- Carmilla: You already did but that's neither here nor there, if you want to be of use and be helpful then start by acting nicer to her partner and helping out more around the hotel. See where it goes from there. Lucius: Wait what do you mean I already did. Carmilla: Sorry that's not part of our discussion and I've got a meeting to attend too so either leave or I will make you. Lucius: ..Fine. Thank you for your help Carmilla. Carmilla: You're welcome. Lucius: I never wanted to hurt her, I hope you know that Carmilla: Then prove it. Words mean very little to me. Lucius: *nods* Alright I like a challenge. See ya Mila! Carmilla: Do not!-.. And he's gone.
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ronaan · 1 year
i started watching the movies (for the first time) after finishing reading the hobbit and lotr, and here is my take on the thirteen dwarves' design after seeing an unexpected journey:
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thorin. why does he look like a model? it's not exactly uncanny valley (like a certain other drawf i will be mentioning later), but he still looks instantly out of place among most dwarves. i wish they at least did something wild to his beard. but he does look cool and my gay ass isn't immune to a hot guy, even if he probably shouldn't be hot, so i'll give you that. 6/10
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balin. WHY IS HE SO FUCKING OLD? this feels like a hate crime. he is literally canonically younger than thorin, and he looks like he is one foot in the grave. like, i understand that they are both a little under 200 years old at this point, but pick a fucking struggle?? either make thorin look like an old wrinkly man as well, or make balin look younger. also, the design itself is boring as fuck. 2/10
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bofur. this one is my favourite. he looks very cozy but also a little scary. he could be heading out the back with an axe to chop some wood for a nice little fireplace. he could also be an axe murderer. he's actually the sweetest dwarf you'll ever meet. he reminds me of my grandpa. 11/10
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kíli. WHY THE FUCK IS HE YASSIFIED? he literally looks like what i imagined aragorn to look like while reading lotr. he barely has a beard, his hair is just... long. this is some fucking guy. not a dwarf. i do not care that he has a romance plot - you don't need to yassify a dwarf for him to be in a relationship with an elf, just ask gimli. 0/10
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fíli. this is a solid design of a younger dwarf. he has more braids in his hair than i can count. he has a weird long ass mustache and it's also braided. i can see him growing into a more unhinged look that most dwarves clearly have as he becomes older. but i do feel like he was cleaned up a little for a lesser contrast between him and his brother. 7/10
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ori. he looks very cute. his design instantly makes him stand out and i feel like i already know his personality just by looking at him (which is great for a trilogy with such a huge cast). he's a silly little dwarf. perhaps a little naive. must be protected. 10/10
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nori. somehow, i feel like this was the last design they worked on. what is going on on that head. is he the inventor of middle earth hairspray? if he is, he's doing the worst possible thing he could with it. this isn't quirky or interesting - it just looks bad. the beard is kind of cool, but there is still something off with it. 4/10
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dwalin. this guy is here to maim and kill. i feel like his haircut choice isn't even due to male pattern baldness. he just wanted as much hair as possible AND head tattoos. he found his look. he has a scar on his face. 10/10
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glóin. i haven't seen lotr yet but i know what gimli looks like in the movies and the goal with gloin's design was clearly to make him look as much like gimli's dad as possible. this guy is already walking in his son's shadow, but i don't mind. overall, a solid dwarf look. i love the metal thingies in the beard. 8/10
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dori. when i look at him, i have that "look at this distinguished gentleman" sound in my head. he's got a very intricate braiding situation going on in his hair, and i kinda love it. he has clip on piercings on both his ears and he has clearly constructed his whole look so he could show them off. 9/10
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óin. we are evidently starting to run out of personalities, because this guy is also here primarily to maim and kill. to be fair, that's what a lot of dwarves are, so i'll allow it. i like the two giant beard braids - i'm pretty sure he has more facial hair than i have hair on my head, which is exactly the kind of impression a dwarf's beard should be giving. 7/10
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bombur. he reminds me of obelix from the french cartoons. he has an entirely insane beard-works-as-a-moustache-extension situation going on as well as a huge circular braid which i can't even tell where that's coming from. it's a nice unique design. 8/10
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bifur. he's got an orc axe stuck in his head. i forgot that was a detail in the book and i also did not understand what it was until i googled it. i thought it could just be an accessory choice. but i might just be stupid. i can, however, tell that he had an emo phase and he still meticulously dyes strands of his beard jet black, so he could have a trendy dark-and-silver look. 7/10
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
Another thing I hate about Hawks killing Twice is that usually when someone on the side of good does something like actually killing someone, there're consequences.
Like the character loses respect from their peers, they start to think badly of them, their image is tarnished and now the character has to find a way to prove otherwise.
But here with Hawks? He loses nothing.
He's still seen as a hero and no one gets onto him for murdering a potentially mentally ill person. And when the twice clones do show up... he literally has no reaction to it and what he's done.
It all really solidifies the glorification of heroism and that they really can do whatever they want and get away with it, from family abuse to literal murder.
Hori REALLY needs to learn that in order to make themes and plot points like these work, there needs to be actual consequences and backlash.
Hi @theloganator101 👋
Exactly. Exploring consequences to things that happen in his story is something that Hori does really poorly but this is especially shown and salt is rubbed into the wound here with what happened to Twice.
Personally speaking, I liked Twice. He was funny, a sympathetic villain and someone who really could have used a hero reaching out to save him (like how other heroes are reaching out to save his friends at the moment - Touya, Toga and Shig.) So to see this character who fell into villiany through a combination of bad luck and mental illness - who has been canonically shown to be easily manipulated time and time again reach his end by - being manipulated one last time. Being outmatched by Hawks (who he considered a friend) be quite literally stabbed in the back by him. That was already a very bitter pill to swallow.
Hawks lost me after that. He showed no guilt for killing Twice, he looked very cold during his press conference and not one of the press doubted his actions.
No one - not even the other heroes despite the no kill order heroes have - looked down on Hawks for murdering a mentally ill man. A villain who was clearly outmatched by him. And thanks to his double agent gig, Hawks could have knocked out and took to prison easily at any time Twice's back was turned.
He didn't lose his wings - or even his looks despite being burnt to shit by Dabi. All he's got is one new facial scar, shorter hair and being briefly unable to talk for a time. Hawks legitimately got NO long lasting consequences for murdering Twice in cold blood. And this angers me.
Hawks used Twice's memory (who he calls in his head by his first name in a very entitled move) to justify supporting a known child abuser who abused one of Twice's friends into villiany (lmao fuck right off Hawks.) Then from that point his 'guilt' is forgotten - Hawks evolves into an Endeavor bootlicker to an extreme degree so much so Endeav's shoes must be constantly shiny. It's just sad and pathetic to see.
Even Toga at the moment is too busy having an identity crisis to use her Twice clones on anything more distinctive than "Kill all heroes" or on having a identity crisis.
She is meant to have been Twice's best friend.
Honestly how I would have improved this arc would have been by:
Narrowing down the Twice Clones focus to "DIE Hawks!" as Toga's identity crisis takes place. Meanwhile, having Hawks look distraught at the fact that Twice's clones are back. He killed a good guy for nothing and have him constantly evade Twice clones taunting him for having killed him.
If I were in Hori's shoes I would have done that instead of having Hawks fighting AFO. AFO vs Hawks had no personal undertone. It was a fight I didn't care for other than lowkey wishing AFO would kill / actually maim Hawks the entire time.
Meanwhile, Twice Clone army vs Hawks that would have been juicy and made this arc 10x more interesting.
TLDR - Hori dropped the ball hard with Hawks character and the impact of Twice's death. I feel like this comes down to Hori writing what he wants and if the consequences of the plot point he wants to explore is something he deems uninteresting (Midnight's death) or doesn't want to explore (Twice's death, Endeavor's child abuse) - logic be damned - he just doesn't.
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bells-of-black-sunday · 4 months
Okay, SO
A really eye catching thing about your portrayal is the amount of research and attention to detail you put in your characters.
OC and Canon, you can immediately tell where you started putting pieces together and really dug deep on the time period and culture. Hell dude, you made whole ass structural world buildings for your OCs. Do you know how fuckin hardcore that is? I can give you a handful of AAA titles that slap a little plot here and there and go "oooOOOooo, it's a MYSTERY" as they continue to keep contradicting themselves.
Not only that, but the tag team between you and Egg bringing in a romantic relationships that deepens and changes y'all's character perspectives and priorities? (The WHOLE situation on why Tar has to say 'His Wife' as a form of protection, how now he would prefer to die peacefully instead of in battle, The out at Sea au, I JUST-)
Look, it's just very evident that you take a lot of time Screaming talking about your characters. And seeing that makes me excited for/about them, because now I go 'Huh, i never thought of it that way. Damn, they cookin' as I grab a snack and start reading.
(This was so long, im so sorry. TL;DR: I think your portrayal is Neat. )
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What sticks out about my portrayal? | Accepting
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This is so fucking sweet!!!! I'm honestly really happy that a lot of people seem to enjoy my ocs, it's honestly so refreshing coming from a rpc like L.eague where ocs were often overshadowed or treated as a burden / not to be interacted with and then coming to d.bd / horror in general where not only is the community a lot nicer I feel, there's so many wonderful ocs I get to read about and view from afar. It's nice to see people come together and be like "yeah if you don't interact with ocs you're really weird sorry", because I've never seen that??? Not that the l.eague rpc has been bad recently, it's come a long way, but it's been pretty dead since R.iot themselves said they don't care about their lore anymore and I can't blame people for leaving when the company that owns the game you enjoy doesn't care about it anymore.
But genuinely I'm just really happy that others can enjoy Tarhos as much as I do? I genuinely thing he's one of the more deep and complex d.bd has especially if you're willing to acknowledge the contractions in his lore and don't just take everything at face value. Things from his model obviously showing wounds and damage that his armor doesn't reflect and how that contradicts someone who would claim the fog is paradise to even within his lore itself there's a weird pull between him being described as this monstrous man who only wants to maim and kill vs him hating everyone around him for being cowards who lie to themselves about what they're doing.
It's really interesting and I think opens up a lot of doors to talk about how him being a slave and raised in this highly violent environment really shaped how he'd turn out and I still can't really tell how much of it was that upbringing vs how much of it was the entity. I tihnk about him a lot-
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kotamagic · 1 year
A little late again, but here's this week's Lore Olympus post, and oo... it's loaded!
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Let's start with Demeter coming to talk to Hades. King of the Underworld definitely doesn't want to, but he keeps it straightforward and civil. He even states that it's not his place to speak on Persephone's behalf, but he will tell it as he sees it.
Demeter has blown so many chances to have a healthy relationship with Persephone. Maybe the message is finally getting hammered home. Or, maybe it isn't. We shall see.
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It's a drunk and tired kind of night at Hermes' & Artemis' new apartment. With Thanatos finally found, Hermes can take a breather from dealing with the deceased.
Artemis hates being left in the dark, and Hermes knows it, so he's forthcoming not only about Apollo looking for his sister, but also about Dionysus. Hermes also doesn't want bad shit happening to Artemis from Apollo, so he's being proactive by asking, in a way, how he can help with an inevitable situation.
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OMG! I can't get over this part!
Hades firmly told Leuce to fuck off. Then, Persephone essentially told Leuce to fuck off. What I feel the need to point out is that rather than take out her anger at Leuce on Hades (which in some relationships, that happens), she addressed it with the perpetrator in the first place.
Persephone was wrathful (as seen by her red eyes), but she still kept it under control. Rather than killing, maiming, or "planting" Leuce, she addressed the problem. Maybe not the BEST idea of letting animals run amok in Leuce's house, but if the worst part is a scare and some animal poop on the floor, I'd say Leuce got pretty damn lucky.
And Hades was HOT for her assertiveness!
(Also asking again....where tf has Dionysus gone?)
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Definitely a mood killer.
That is the face of someone delivering a message they don't want to deliver or believe.
Persephone acknowledges that she can't avoid her mother forever. She does have responsibilities in the Mortal realm, and she'll have to cross paths with her mother inevitably.
How does she plan to contend with that?
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Persephone is returning to therapy, and she is dragging her mother into it as well.
While the love and support from Hades, Hermes, and Eros is a huge help to Persephone, having a trained therapist (if I recall, the name is Chiron?) mediate the issue is also critical. I've been saying that Persephone needs more therapy to continue her healing process, and requesting this appointment is a step in the right direction.
I just really hope they don't trash the office during their session.....
There will be an additional post to this one! Stay tuned!
Also, thanks for coming to my LO post!
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