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Redesigned the Geckold line, Now Geckold, Blizard, and Basilice
Basilice's saliva is said to freeze it's opponents near instantly.
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Including shinies
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eroutesque · 7 months
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The Geist Cell illustration series, a part of my novel.
Illustration of my character Basilice Zolah.
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lord-dusk · 5 years
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I forgot to mention how kind of a person Basilice is. She would never spoil any of the newest games or movies to you. She would never judge a sentient organism by its epidermal coloration. She would never allow pain and sadness to anyone who never really got to see Tatiana or Celica from Fire Emblem Echoes being massively pregnant while seducing the player with some cute lingerie.
In other words: If you would never like to be offended, cut off all access to the Internet and live like someone in Victorian London.
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lovejenner · 4 years
Ver: et, preter aprehension Yspanorum intra ipsos terminos sitas Basilice,
Precepto del Rey Karolus a favor del Monasterio de San Andeol d’Aguges (Sant Aniol d’Aguja), confirmándoles las tierras, los lugares y la basílica de Sancti Laurencii (Sant Llorenç de Munt), situado todo ello en el condado Visildunense (de Besalú)
872, abril, 11. Monasterio de San Dionisio
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lord-dusk · 5 years
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Jurassic Emblem-Chapter 10
Scales are quite tricky to draw. Anyhow, there’s the second boss of the game!
 Nifl was a cold, desolate land of snow,bones,ice,and blood. Frozen blood. It wasn’t quite the Kirby-esque happy place you’d thought it would be, after the Nifl-Muspell incident where Askran forces killed off warped versions of video-game protagonists and The elder Nifl princess Guunthra being roasted alive like some yummy Barbie-Cute pork. And the situation got particularly better when the sun-dragon Helios was frozen solid, condemning the whole area into everlasting night.
At least the stars and moon looked very charming and exquisite, white stellar bodies illuminating the aqua-blue sky.
Blue and Lucina were marching through the snow, huddling each other for thermal radiation. Blue, having grown up on a tropical island for much of her life, had borrowed Lucina’s scarf and cape for extra warmth(don’t get into that frappucino debate on feathers please). Lucina, having grown up in a desert country with enough rainfall to sustain a 15m-tall scythe-wielding flesh golem, found it rather uncomfortable trekking through the snow. Ryukami the mosasaurus had stayed behind at the ice-floes to catch up on some Nisioisin novels.
The raptors were marching onwards to the north of Nifl, sometimes passing by some shrubs and frost-covered rocks. Just when Lucina thought things were getting rather monotonous, she saw something rustle out of the bushes. Blue took notice as well and saw what appeared to be a penguin-like bird with white spots on its face waddling in a panicked manner before a fox-squirrel thing pounced on it and tore apart its head from its socket, crimson blood and pieces of esophagus and vocal cord spilling out unto the snow and dying it red. Blue and Lucina were eyeing the fox-squirrel as it dug heavy mitten-like foreclaws into the bird’s torso and stringy pink intestines splooged out. Lucina decided to look away and went on her way. Blue paid no attention to the carnage after that as well.
“That was a Repenomamus devouring a Great Auk,” Blue explained. “The world where I from, InGen didn’t simply revived dinosaurs, they brought back Paleozoic and Cenozoic fauna as well. Although if I were you, I wouldn’t dare pet a reppy.”
“Why? Are they dangerous?” Lucina asked. Blue can easily tell right off the bat that humans like Lucina had a profound desire to prod and hold small,furry mammals.
“Oh yes. Reppies are one mammal you do NOT want to pet; despite looking like a Pomeranian with mole-claws, they WILL try to eviscerate you; for a mammal from the Mesozoic they are quite big enough to eat small dinosaurs.”
“Hmm? I assumed mammals evolved after the demise of the giant lizards.”
“Actually, they co-existed with the dinosaurs, though they were bit characters in a world dominated by reptiles bursting with presence and charisma. Repenomamus was the biggest furry during its time, but most of its kin were barely any bigger than an Amiibo figure.”
“And that penguin-looking bird?”
“Uh-huh. That great auk was NOT a penguin-it’s actually more closely related to puffins than to the famous diving birds south of the Equator. Although, it was the the only auk that converted its flight power to swimming power completely, and those damn humans wiped its existence off the face of the Earth.”
“You know quite a lot about animals before the dawn of man, don’t you?” Lucina commented.
“I’m a creature from before man myself, though I wouldn’t be too surprised if InGen resurrected species routed by humanity, like the dodo and the gastric mouth-brooding frog.” Blue replied.
“Come to think of it, isn’t it harder to clone a mammal than say, a reptile or a fish?”
“Yes, Henry Wu of InGen has cloned mammals occasionally, but found it quite tedious because mammalian red cells do not have nuclei, where the DNA are located. You would need to find white cells, which are much less common than their red counterparts in a ratio of 2 to 12.”
“Reptiles and birds, on the other hand, have nuclei within their red blood cells, and Henry Wu is a genius when it comes to manipulating DNA.” Blue explained, frowning.
“Who is this Henry Wu that you speak of ?”
“Why, as a human being, Dr.Henry Wu is a tacky SOB who creates red-eyed, mangled-toothed fatherfuckers and is considered a most dangerous man with the most dangerous technology in the sad history of humanity. He attempted to use my blood to create a line of Indoraptors to sell off for military purposes.”
Seems Wu sounds a LOT like that sperm-slurper Validar, Lucina grimly thought.
 The two of them chatted like this for the entirely of their walk until they reached Nifl Castle.
 Blue and Lucina had arrived at the castle of Nifl, but they were no guards to greet them. Well they were guards present-but they were frozen solid, and clusters of repenomamuses were busily gnawing away at the frozen body cavities.
 I guess a species changes its behavior accordingly to the environment, Blue though as she and her partner pushed the gates open. They went inside the interior and up the stairs.
“Something tells me the weather outside isn’t the reason those soldiers were icicles,” Lucina said, walking behind Blue.”Would it be a bad idea to go into the kitchen wing and grab some potions for the upcoming boss fight?”
The charcoal velociraptor sniffed the solid,icy air. It stinged her nose. “I don’t see why not,” she answered. “though if you see some ANY creature, reppy or not, attacking you, don’t hesitate to knock their heads off.”
Blue waited at the second floor while Lucina brisky walked to the the kitchen downstairs. A few minutes later, she was back.
“Are you ready for certain? During the boss-fight there will be no pee-pee breaks, and no daddy in white shining armor with a shotgun and a motorbike crashing through the windows to save either of us. Understood?” Blue interviewed.
“No need for any of that,” Lucina replied. “Let’s get this over with. I feel as though my body is becoming a gelato cone.”
 “Good. If my nose knows, she is just around the corner. Follow me.” the raptors headed to the corridor on the right and came across a door that read “Hrid’s Room: Out for Lunch”. They entered.
“Ugh. That was the fifth time someone has stepped in without my consent,” an icy voice hissed. “Do any of you thin-telligent organisms register the concept of knocking?”
 A woman was lounging on an oblong bed spotted with various books. But not a regular woman. Her lower half was that of a boa’s, turquoise-green with purple stripes, and covered with icicles.Her hair-piece were icicles as well, and her Victorian-style corset colored electric blue and black made the entire “cool” effect perfect,considering her expressions suggested otherwise.
“What do you bipeds want?” The snake woman demanded. “Did you interrupt my inspirational reading just so you can become like those popsicles outside?”
“We just want to talk,” Lucina answered.
The snake snorted. “Don’t be honest with me, be honest with you. What you really came here for is my bloody limp body that you can use to nail onto this country’s gates like a crooked Christmas decoration. Is that it, O Exalted Princess?
“Why did you freeze the sun-god? Do you recognize the biblical effects the entire world will face?” Blue questioned, her face contorting in defense for her friend.
“Let me tell you this,” the Victorian boa began. “I am the future best-selling novelist Basilice, and I sincerely have no desire to kill you. But my mistress Sha’Rad Yuwi denied my request and forced to to sacrifice my writing skills for combative means. My writing may be on hold, but my mind is certainly not. Exalted Princess, have you ever actually considered the misery of your foes that killed them because you desired to make “everyone happy”?”
“.....You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs,” Lucina replied.
“ ‘I want everyone to be happy,’ ‘let’s end all suffering in the world,’ those are lines that make me want to vomit out the Niflites I ate yesterday. Those are the shallow,one-dimensional philosophies of idiotic eukaryotes who do not face reality.” Basilice sputtered out. “The light is full of lies, lies! People willingly bask in the glory of light so they never again have to experience the truth of the darkness below! Light is harmful, harmful! And not just the fact that overdosing on UV light promotes cancer on light skin. Do any of you bipeds know anything at all about plants other than the vascular system in high-school?”
“When plants grow, they break down soil to suit their roots for sufficient nutrient intake,” Blue raised her hand in reply.
“Precisely! Around 400 million years ago, during the Devonian period, mosses and ferns were starting to grow onto rocks near the coastlines, and inevitably, these early pioneers of the new world crumbled the rock into fine soil which washed out into the sea over thousand of years, and do you know what happened? Vertebrates started choking! Fishes here and there had no idea how to cope with this influx of mud particles from the land, their gills clogged with minerals. This, combined with volcanic eruptions, consumed all the available oxygen in the water and there were massive, massive, casualties everywhere! Because fishes and run-off from terrestrial photosynthesis do not go well together! This catastrophe makes your petty carnage across Jurassic Park and Fire Emblem look like a squabble between toddlers in comparison. And you little humans use the opportunity to view more serious issues as a excuse to lounge in your chairs eating chicken nuggets.”
“So I killed him! I killed that sick son of a bitch Helios because he’s a major liar, and I’m going to teach everyone that people deserve bad endings, everyone!” Basilice took out her Dragonstone. “And if you girls are truly good character down to the nRNA sequence, you might be spared and see everyone in the world smothered in the darkness that is free of any lies! No more pain, no more sadness!”
Blue and Lucina prepared their weapons. “Let’s fight!” 
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lord-dusk · 5 years
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Jurassic Emblem-Chapter 11
Whoever said there can’t be co-op mode in a boss fight? Here this fight’s music to listen to while reading this latest chapter! Enjoy~
 Basilice shook her dragonstone.
Her body began to elongate and grow, and as her head equally swelled with sharp, piercing teeth, icicles began to envelope all over body, from her ocular(head) scales to the tip of her tail. She lunged forward towards Blue and Lucina.
And proceeded to crash from Nifl castle and soar through the sky like a Hoshidan dragon.
 Lucina stabbed her Falchion sword right into the abdominal scales of the massive snake while Blue was dashing upwards as if she were holding the A button of a Switch(or X button if you’re a PS player)
They were well beyond the stratosphere, Nifl little more than a styrofoam block below them in the deep blue sea.
“You know Luci, you are so obsessed with saving your daddy you barely gave any thought as to how to actually kill me,” Basilice coldly remarked. “You might have easily blown off your ex-mommy’s upper head at this height, but you don’t have the wisdom to adapt your abilities to new foes!” Lowering her sinuous body, Basilice proceeded to dive straight down rapidly into the ocean below. Lucina was holding for dear life unto the Falchion, and Blue was no different with her talons.
PLOOOSH! An intense wave of frigid, solid cold swamped over the raptors as Basilice dove into the deep black abyss. The stratosphere was freezing, but the ocean was a different sensation altogether. Lucina and Blue were very glad indeed Ryukami had blessed them with water-magic before hand.
Still, we can only lose so much body heat before we enter hypothermia, Blue thought to herself, clawing her way to Basilice’s head. Lucina screwed in her Falchion even further, blood seeping out in a thin cloud in the dark water. It makes you wonder how these two girls are hanging on a massive boa’s underbelly in the deep blackness.
Lucina screwing and twisting her sword in Basilice’s belly as though you would a corkscrew and a wine bottle plus Blue clawing along the scales, a hard smack landed near Blue, nearly causing her to lose her grip.
“Hey! Focus your eyes on whom your’e hitting! Hit those two bitches, not me!” Basilice hissed at the figure that slapped her flanks. It didn’t take Blue very long to decipher what attacked her.
It was an edestus shark, a very unorthodox shark that had googling eye-stalks that moved independently from one another, scissor-like jaws with a single row of teeth on them, and a long, fleshy tongue for prey-grabbing. That gave Blue a very clever idea.
Quickly, she jumped unto the edestus’s body before it could shoot out its toungue, tugged at its eye-lids with her arms, and motorboated right to the location of Basilice’s head. Though it was damn cold and damn dark in the water, Blue could smell the ice-snake slithering in the water and rode the shark right to the snake’s left eye......
........and chomped downed on it after pulling out the edestus’s eye-stalks right out of its sockets. She then started to lacerate the surrounding tissue and scales around Basilice’s eye, who by now is thrashing about in a frenzied manner, darting in a hectic and  crazed manner. Meanwhile, Lucina was feel the jolts and spasms of the giant serpent, and to secure herself even further, she drilled her sword with all her might and tapped into Basilice’s bones, which she proceeded to break with a mighty tap.
It was pandemonium. Basilice couldn’t withstand the pain of a raptor eating away at her eye and a swordswoman drilling her blade right into her spinal cord. But what poor Basilice couldn’t realize in her pained state was the blind fact she was heading straight towards a neon-light skyscraper and unable to stop in time, she crashed through the building’s windows and out the other way. The ensuing chaos caused all the piscine residents to scream and panic, calling in the shark security. Shards of glass were piercing Basilice’s face, though the rest of her ice-covered body is, well....fine on the dorsal side of her sinuous bulk, though her icy armor had been shattered like the windows lying on the ground, sticking on Basilice’s head and surprisingly, Blue and Lucina weren’t scathed badly.
Continuing on with their fight, Blue tore up the ligaments connecting the snake’s jaws and Luci was slicing open the abdomen, intestines and ribs forming an evangelian tree of some sort as bystanders nearby were looking on with repulsed horror. Basilice was squirming and screaming in agonized pain, crying for help, though the fish on the streets were just too stunned and terrified to act. 
Unbeknownst to the duo, three familar figures were walking in their direction. A blue-and-pink male suddenly stopped in his tracks before dashing forward. 
“Lady Basilice!! What have they done to you! Oh, the pain these two beasts have caused you-”
SHLUP. Lucina had withdrew her bloody Falchion right out of Basilice’s body cavity and jabbed it right into Laba’s chest, the tip of the sword piercing right out of his back.
“You....Y-you h-heretics.....” Laba croaked out before falling unto the ground, his body quickly losing its luster.
Teba and Warbler looked at each other, as well as the barely-alive body of the icy-boa before them. Blue and Lucina were glaring back at them with cold, hostile eyes.
Teba sighed. “Warbler, if I had to choose between fighting a velociraptor or an Uchiha, these girls look somewhat nicer.”
“Yeah well, that bitch with those amber eyes ripped off my sexy frill! Ooooh, I’m gonna make her pay-!!”
Each duo then lunged towards each other. Teba grabbed his katana blades and was about to activate his sword shield when Blue grabbed his torso and chomped down on his neck. Likewise, Warbler had transformed herself into her dilophosaur form but Lucina had jabbed her Falchion right into the dilo’s crotch.
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lord-dusk · 5 years
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Jurassic Emblem-Chapter 12
Victory! Sorry for the delay, but here is the episode everyone is waiting for! Enjoy :)
 The Prince of the Ice Kingdom Hrid was happy as happy as he can be. When not attending to his royal duties or busting up baddies from the shadows he was a very enthusiastic fisherman, hauling delightful finds and treats from the icy depths below Nifl.
 You can only imagine how elated he was when he pulled a salamander, a dilophosaur, and a serpent out of the water.
Blue and Lucina allowed Hrid a shot of his catches, though he was denied of pickling them and burying them under snow.
“Huh? Why not?” he asked. “Surely these creatures would taste a whole lot better if we salt them and leave them to ferment under the ice for two seasons.”
“Even if the cold will kill them spiritually, the frigid climate will certainly preserve their DNA and the last thing I want is to have shady corporations in the near future extracting genetic material for “medical advancements’,” Blue explained. “We do not know how Teba and Warbler escaped, but my sisters and I will be very sure to watch them this time.”
Hrid looked somewhat disappointed. “Well, that’s rather unfortunate. These reptiles here would have fed me, Fjorm, and Yglr for days plus some extras for Laegharn and Helbindi.” He looked up at the sky, now a peachy pink as ocean and glaciers all around them reflected the incoming sunshine. “Although now that the sun is going to shine again, we can now enjoy some fresh seaweed everyday. Care to visit us again for some?”
“We’re carnivores, thank you.” Blue and Lucina replied in unison. And with that, they took the rope-bound hybrids Teba, Warbler, and Basilice in their hands and climbed onto Ryukami, who has now transformed into her monstrous leviathan self for she realized a tad bit late she already had her Dragonstone the whole time between Chapter 9 and now.
They were sailing across the bright blue ocean. White gulls were soaring above them as the bright radiant sun shone its rays across the deep blue water. Basilice didn’t like the light or heat very much.
“Y-you raptors....” Basilice weakly asked, barely able to sit up. “W-why d y-you....i-insist on being....d-deceived by the ...light?”
Blue turned her head to face the turquoise-purple snake.”No particular reason,” she answered. “except we’re happier that way.”
Basilice looked at the blue-striped velociraptor before continuing. “W-what do you...mean?”
“You know Basil, you’re very right. You’re very right indeed.” Blue began. “People enjoy being lied to because it hurts to see the truth. There is a reason living creatures fall for deceptions; the moment something is revealed, it may not necessarily be the real thing. Unless you have ways to back the truth up, then even reality is just pretentious. Just when was the last time you saw someone so eager to accept the cold, hard truth? Nobody likes the truth but it is...well.
 “Let me give some examples. Not many people play video games these days because the microsecond they purchase the game at their local Gamestop, their peers give away everything about the game’s story. Plenty of guys I know hate knowing that their favorite fantasy RPG games cater to necrophiliacs and girl-roasters, and they’d rather live life that their waifus are cuddling against them with expectant tummies.
“Likewise, I am but an actual velociraptor, if I am being very honest. For one, I am not “real” in the sense that I don’t represent what my kind actually look like. But now that paleontologists have discovered that my kin wore feather kimonos, this caused a huge backlash from many dinosaur worshipers who prefer their idols to be scaly.
“Arighty, then fine. Despite numerous studies, hard evidence, and notes, let people believe what they want to believe in, no matter how delusional they may be. If a guy wants to depict a fluff ending where he spends happily ever after with his waifu, let him. If kids want to imagine dinosaurs as gods wearing lizard suits, encourage them. I am quite confident many souls would much rather die in fantasy than drag their butts through reality.” Blue then paused to catch her breath.
“So basically, that purple-white bitch over there isn’t actually Grima?” Lucina said, pointing her thumb to a fetal Warbler clutching her torn genitals.
Teba spoke up. “You’re not wrong, child; indeed, there is some tiny bit of Fell Dragon DNA in Warbler’s genome added to fill in the holes during her genesis. But Warbler isn’t actually Grima. That is not so different from calling your counterpart here an aberrant Black-Throated Monitor simply because she has its chromosomes in her genetic make-up.”
The samurai-mander continued. “Now I’ve just barely looked into your records, but I assume you don’t exactly have the happiest childhood there is. Now I am willing to die for my own selfish mistakes, but tell me-is the life you’re living right now a delusion? Or a harsh reality?”
“........maybe it really was a good idea to have Hrid grind you and your drunk girlfriend into meat-patties.” Lucina couldn’t exactly understand why Sole Survivor didn’t left the mercs at Nifl.
“Now all this talk of lies and food is wetting my appetite,” Ryukami interjected into the conversation. “How would you children like some manaketes and whales I ate during Chapter 10?”
Lucina shivered, fearing she already knew the answer, “W-where can we have some?”
Ryukami smiled. “Oh, the remains are inside my stomach. But be careful though, there’s a colony of cockroaches living the high-life in my digestive system.
Even the fish flocking at the water’s surface didn’t look so appetizing now that everyone on her back knew what went on with Ryukami’s guts.
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lord-dusk · 5 years
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Jurassic Emblem-Chapter 8
Guess who came home?? :3
 Commander Anna, the general of Askr’s military commandment, had summoned the raptors and some of the other Heroes in the meeting room. She was discussing some very serious issues happening around Askr, most notably, the changes to the entire ecosystem done by what the scouts can only describe as “aberrant forms”. Anna was collecting herself, and she listed so far the aberrant forms identified:
Sobek and Gorgonorhea.
One of the effects that Anna had said was already happening was the fact somewhere up in Nifl, the sun-god Helios was frozen solid by a “giant icicle-covered serpent.” Blue snarled. Unlike the medieval warriors she was with, Blue and her sisters knew that these aberrant forms were heinous-hybrids created by the controversial Henry Wu, and she needed to destroy them quickly. Her life was already fried by those red-eyed mangled-tooth fatherf**kers and she didn’t want anyone else to suffer the same fate.
And coincidentally, outside the meeting room, Askr’s summoner and tactician Kiran shrieked out a macaw-style gasp. Lucina and the raptors rushed out.
And there, above the groveling,thirsty, pathetic form of Kiran, was a goddess in a pelagic-blue yukata, waving her shark-like crocodilian tail in patience like some Hoshidan deity. Blue didn’t had to blink her eyes to find out who that woman was.
It was the Island Goddess Ryukami, the mosasaurus who not only protected Nublar(before she swam out into the open sea), she was also the heroine that leapt out of her lagoon, pulled the Indominus rex into the water, and devoured her like a roast chicken.
.“Hunh. I was quite busy tearing apart a Chinese shark-finning vessel and I was just about to swallow the last fisherman when you pulled me to this strange dimension,” Ryukami said. “Tell me, human. What reason do you have for interrupting my meal?”
Kiran formed his words meekly. “P-please....Please...H-help me l-land....Vel-velouria and....and....Leanne....”.
Ryukami ignored him. She fixed her gaze on Blue, Lucina, Echo, Delta, and Charlie.
“Hmm. Oh. Hello, little lizards.” the crocodilian whale greeted. “I didn’t expect to see you girls. Especially to you, blue one-” she paused. “Wait, wasn’t there only one raptor left on Nublar? Particularly a charcoal one with a blue stripe? 
Blue smiled.”It’s okay Ryu. I think I can explain things along-”
“Oh wow! It’s Ryukami from the Mosasaurus Feeding Show! Look at those sharp teeth of yours! Can i have your autograph?”
For the first time in 80 million years, a velociraptor has tackled a mosasaur. Specifically, Charlie had sprung unto Ryukami, face pressed against the goddess’s chest, and shaking her hands.
“Well, dear child, do you have anything I can sign my name on?”
Charlie brought out her Nintendo Switch. “Sure! You can sign  on the back!”
 When the meeting had ended and the raptors explain the situation to Ryukami, the mosasaur agreed to ferry them to the icy isle of Nifl. But they were some hurdles to overcome.
First was Teba and Warbler. After the incident in which the two criminals attempted to run-off with the frozen embryos, they were thrown in the cellar awaiting judgement. Lucina and Blue had some very powerful urges to mangle the already injured mercenaries, but Anna wouldn’t allow it presently and declared that Teba and Warbler shall not be executed until they scrutinize the morals of the formers’ agenda. Besides, no one exactly knew how to deal with dilophosaur that spat venom out of its beak and an amphibian with katana-sharp dorsal spines. And as such, as much they’d like to accompany Blue and Lucina on their mission, Echo, Delta, and Charlie decided to stay watch and monitor the samurai and the drunk dilo.
“If they pull something I’m going to tear them apart bit by bloody, bony bit!” Echo cracked her claws in anticipation.
“When Askr finds out what these belligerent iguanas are really up to, then yes.” Delta replied.
“Um, I understand I am in no position to ask, but may I have some water?” Teba requested from within the cell. Warbler lay at the back corner, dozing off.
“You just answered your own question Pouter-Flounder,” Charlie answered back. “it’s called drinking pee.”
And second, as much of a kind reptile Ryukami was, a deity didn’t grant a wish for free. If you wanted a god to grant your wishes you had to offer up a payment.
And by payment, I mean a person or several to sacrifice to the mosasaur.
Initially, Lucina tried to process everything down. Sacrificing people to the dragon-gods can’t be good, she thought, until she considered that in order to obtain the “Good Ending” in Awakening, the Shepherds chopped up and raped, and devoured every last denizen in Plegia. After all, humans, both good and bad, loved to end chaos by BRINGING FORTH chaos. A negative factor multiplied by a negative factor always lead to a positive. Therefore, Lucina decided to sacrifice Henry and Tharja, as well as male Robin to Ryukami.
“Aaaaaaaah, this is the happiest day of my life!” Henry chirped as the mosasaurus crunched downed on his ribs and slurped up his intestines like sausage pasta.
As an added bonus, Ryukami had blessed both Lucina and Blue with water-magic, which not only increased their vitality and endurance, it also allowed them to convert the surrounding water into atmospheric air in case shit happens and the two raptors find themselves 30 meters below the surface.
“The trip to Nifl will take about a two or three days by me so you ought to be thankful for my gifts,” Ryukami said. “Now, is everyone ready?”
 The night sky was a deep-blue color, a gorgeous complement to the turquoise waters. The air was cool and kind to the skin, which would have been perfect for relaxation.
But there was no time for relaxation. For the past several days(or lacking thereof) there was no sunlight. As Helios the sun-god was turned into a kakigori, an icy cold night was spreading from Nifl to Askr, placing photosynthetic activity in jeopardy.
Blue and Lucina were perched on Ryukami’s head and hand, respectively. When asked why she couldn’t have simply used her Dragonstone to morph into her crocodilian-whale form, Ryukami claimed she had left it at the bottom of Dragon’s Reef.
Even gods have accidents, I suppose, Blue thought.
Lucina broke the silence. “Hey Sole Survivor, have you killed your own parent?”
Blue perked her head.”......Why do you ask?”
“I know I had to kill my previous mother in order to save my father and country. What about you?”
“That’s a very morbid question Future Witness. Were you part of the tiger-raptor tribe on Site B? Did you cannibalize your own sibling as well? To answer your question though, I did not. But that’s not to say I didn’t put Papa and his friends’ lives in danger multiple times.”
“I nearly killed my father as well-in fact, the world where I’m from, I had to detonate my re-animated father like the walking flesh-grenade he was.”
“You know, if I died, my ghost would be more than happy to tell my daughters to eat my body,” Ryukami joined in. “There will be times when children will literally want a part of their parents-at least physically.”
“Well, my ex-mother’s flesh tasted rather like lobster and centipede mixed with sperm-covered pants,” Lucina said.
“Okay Future Witness, can we talk about something else? We already had a chapter dedicated to your hobbies.” Blue remarked.
“Alright,” Lucina answered. “I’ve always wanted to ask you this anyway. What is your papa like? I’ll take note if there is a slight,slight,slight chance I’ll meet him.”
“A nice guy. A bit of a jerk who only goes by his own rules, drinks beer, and lives in the most beautiful shack on the outskirts of the jungle. But as someone who’s raised me and my sisters ever since we were hatchlings,he is the best person in my entire world, so much so I’ll slice up security guards for him.”
“I see.”
Just then Ryukami had stopped at a large ice-floe. “We’re here.” Ryukami announced.
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lord-dusk · 5 years
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Jurassic Emblem-Chapter 9
You thought JE was merely fantasy? Well, my friend, your mind is about to be mind-blown! >:3
 Teba and Warbler were in the deep sea. Specifically, 35 meters below the isle of Nifl, surrounded by what what appeared to be a frenzy of shear-toothed chameleon-sharks and flame-spewing dolphin-lizards.
How did Teba and Warbler end up in this crazy shit? Well you sea, the two mercenaries had escaped confinement by feigning their death. It wasn’t very easy, given how excellent the olfactory senses of raptors are, and many predators can easily distinguish between a sleeping living creature and a creature whose brains and hearts have stopped. By coating himself and Warbler with their own feces, they had disguised themselves as luxurious buffets for flies, and Echo and Charlie wasted no time to toss the mercs into a man-hole.
Unknowingly to the raptors, the dilo and the salamander were still alive, albeit smelly. They were wandering through the sewers underneath Askr when the floor began to quiver upwards. Teba knew too damn well that shoggoth Andromeda had some news to report to them. They were, under the newly assigned orders by Sha’Rad Yuwi, to find Lucina and the raptors and have them dead with twelve days. Even Warbler for all her toxic personality felt a shiver down her spine;if there was one thing Sha’Rad Yuwi was good at, it was killing subordinates who disappointed her, and Teba and Warbler nodded their hands reluctantly.
“What about the embryos however?” Teba asked.
“Ahhn, don’t worry cute-boy~<3, I’ll take care of things on my part too~.” Andromedra replied in her own lewd way. “Ahhn, I hear Luci-Bluci are at Nifl, so there’s a chance it might be a water level. Teba, you’re fine as you are since you are an amphibian, though you might want this Warbler.” Andromeda formed a part of her gooey body into a cylindrical tank with tubing and a respirator, detached it, and gave the whole thing to Warbler.
“Oh I get it! Now that’s what they call Direct Kissing:French Maid edition!” Warbler cackled.
“Glad you like it, Warbler-chan~” Andromeda was burning hot, despite the cold damp sewers. “Ahhhn, it’s so cute to see you two cuties ready for your mission that I can’t wait for you to COME on down~!”
PLOOOSH! Teba and Warbler were thrown to the water by a push from Andromeda. Warbler immediately donned the respirator, attached the cylinder onto her back. Teba started to swim towards the mouth of the sewer, make their way through the Askran waterways, and head on out towards Nifl where those velociraptors are.
The waters were dark and freezing, Teba thought. He had hoped that as an aquatic creature, this mission would be relatively easy, given how the environment is within his forte. You would expect Warbler to be a popsicle by now, but she was surprisingly resilient, furiously paddling to create thermal radiation. It had been four days since they headed out from Askr and the two mercs were starting to feel fatigued. Periodically they sit down and rest on the rocky bottoms, eating passing fish that swam by. 
They came across a sign. A metal crossing sign on a rocky cliff over looking a patch of sea-floor below that was neon-lit with various fluorescent lights. Skyscrapers rising into the water column, illuminating the otherwise black sea. 
Teba was quite out of breath, and decided to rest adjacent to the crossing sign. “This looks like a very suitable place to recharge our batteries, so to speak,” the samurai said. “The view here is very magnificently beautiful I might add.”
“I could use a nice bottle of Caubernot Sauvignon to go with the view!” Warbler spoke, stretching her arms and legs. “ My body’s aching from all that swimming we just did over the past few days-wait, Teba, how many days had passed since we left that jail?”
“Well, the answer’s already in the above paragraph.” Teba answered. “Look above.”
“........Awww shit-!! Shit! Fuck! FOUR DAYS!?! Holy macaroni-with-wine the deadline’s in three days! That angry bitch is going to rip our spines out if those rowdy-raptors aren’t dead by then!!”
Teba pat his hand on Warbler’s head, stroking her white hair. “Don’t be so edgy. I have a feeling that those raptors are closer to us than you might  expect.”
Teba loosened up somewhat. “Whats makes you so sure of that?”
“Nothing in particular. I am not exactly sure if my theory is correct, but something is telling me that the lizards we’re hunting are right above us at the surface.”
“You mean those sharky-looking things with googly eyes, long tongues, and fiery throats?” Warbler pointed her finger behind Teba.
“What ‘shark-things’?” Teba questioned, as he spun his head. What he saw chilled him even more than the surrounding water.
 There were a massive swarm of sharks all around them, but they weren’t exactly “normal” sharks that you think of. They were lime-green whose flanks had a red horizontal stripe running down from their odd jaws that are likened to a pair of shears with one row of teeth on each mandible. Vertical light-blue bands crossed the red stripes, and the sharks possessed strange, calculating eyes situated on fleshy pink stalks that spun and twitched periodically.
Almost like the aquatic version of a chameleon,Teba thought, frowning.
There was another group of creatures as well, creatures that resembled dolphins, save for their curious three-lobed tails shaped like those from airplanes, and they were ivory white with splotches of ember orange on them. Their snouts were particularly long, like a gharial’s, and indeed, embers were falling out their mouths.
“Awww hell. Why can’t happy things ever happen to bad guys like us?” Warbler groaned.
Teba was just about to ready his katana blades into battle when something smacked around his belly, wrapping him up and tightening, causing him to drop one of his blades unto the ground. He didn’t have to realize that he was seized by the elongated tongue of one of the chameleon-sharks, and the creature was pulling Teba towards its jaws and was about to slice him in two when the samurai managed to stab his katana under the creature’s upper jaw and out its forehead between the eye-stalks. A deep crimson cloud filled with pieces of brain seep out and the chameleon-shark loosened its grip on Teba, and he was released. 
But when a previous danger passes, a new one immediately begins. A dolphin had opened its jaws agape, and spewed out expansive flames near Teba. The amphibious samurai leapt into the water column, barely missing the flames as a piece of ember had caught on his yukata.
Warbler picked up Teba’s second katana blade and proceeded to slice apart several of the chameleon-sharks and fire-breathing dolphins.”Take that bitches! Oh hey, you dolphins remind me of Celicunt from Echoes-because you girls all have celiac disease from guzzling down raw flour all day! Kahahahahaha~!” Several heads,fins,and tails floated down towards the ground as the waters were reddened by blood and organs-not that you see them in the darkness anyway.
“I see that you’re quite invigorated once more,” Teba remarked, slicing apart fire-dolphins and chameleon-sharks here and there. “If you don’t mind, I think I would like one of my blades back.”
“Sure thing Tebs!” Warbler chirped as she tossed the katana blade she was wielding towards the samurai, kabobing more sharks and dolphins in the process.  The dilophosaur took her Dragonstone from her breast pocket, and proceeded to transform into her saurian form, and tore apart more of the creatures.
“Sword Shield”. Teba activated his signature move. Emanating electromagnetic impulses, he spun his blades all around himself hand-free and shredded apart more sharks and dolphins. The shield might not be able to block the dolphin’s flame-spewing, but it’ll certainly chop the tongues of those water-chameleons. 
There was more slaughter when a bright magenta laser had pierced the ground between the mercenaries and the creatures.
“Alright ladies and mentlegen, why don’t we channel your violence into something more productive?”
A tall inigo-magenta man was floating down from the water column, and landed between one of the dolphins and Teba. 
“Dear me, what if Lady Basilice sees this chaos? She might add it as an action sequence in her writing, tough she does appreciate there will be a percentage of persons that will find carnage as appealing as moldy cotton candy.”
“What reason do you have for stopping our fighting?” Teba questioned the man in front of him, his attire the opposite tone of the samurai’s yukata. While Teba wore yukata that were colorful but not overly garish, the man’s clothes were very flashy. His jacket was deep navy with white and magenta lines, his boots were the same theme, and the man wore blood-red headphones around his ears. Pink and purple chromatophores running down on his cheek and hands added to the neon effect.
The fluorescent man waved to the remaining sharks and dolphins. They held their tongues and fire. “Listen, these guys here saw you wandering on this cliff and they simply wanted to welcome you to our city Neon Choral,” the man explained. “It would seem there was a huge misunderstanding and there was quite the ruckus.”
“May I have your name?” Teba asked.”It would be very tedious to the reader if they had to call a flashy fellow like you ‘The Man.’‘‘
“Call me Laba. Labea Iridophorous. And I would like to treat you to a local tea-house as a form of apology.”
“Will there be some sake as well?” Warbler licked her lips.
“Oh yes, there will be, my dear,” Laba answered, smiling. “In fact, I think I can escort you to those surface lizards you’re so eager to hunt.”
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lord-dusk · 5 years
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Jurassic Emblem-Chapter 16
“Oh yeah! Let’s see how long that Ylissean spunk-bucket will las-AAGGGRH!! YA BASTID--!!”  - Dmortri, 3 milliseconds before Chrom snapped his neck.
“Wind or rain, life or death, I will fight my lady Yuwi’s enemies until the end-oh. Shit.”- Edelgore, her first and last line when Chrom sliced her with his move Emmeryn’s Evisceration.
 “Chrom-san of ex-Ylisse. What are you doing? While condemning our troops in a blood gore-nado is a very effective method for acquiring experience points, it will make the war more difficult for each soldier that falls into hell.” Teba said, mounted on top of Amirg, poised for battle.
“What right do you have to talk to me, Whore-shidan,” Chrom growled, his psychological limiter gone down the drain hours ago. “even if Lucina is dead, I’m going to sell your eyeballs and hearts to Anna!”
 “Ysae, ysae, won yeh,” Amirg the Indominpteryx teased the fuming blue-haired man. “won rof...evila si lirg ybab dellik-ton ruoy.”
“Dda thigm I fi, ssenisub evitarcul eht etuiq si noitatiolpxe dlihc hguoht,” the backwards-speaking dragon chuckled.
“Shut up, you heinous hybrids! Hand over Lucina if you want to see another day ever again!” Blue demanded, perched on top of Rexy’s ginormous head.
  When Basilice had flown over to the raptors in ex-Ylisse that Amirg had rescued Warbler and Teba earlier, they can only imagine the immense rage Chrom felt when they told him the unfortunate news that occurred after the boss fight with Sobek and Gorgonorhea.
 Almost any parent is willing to murder others if it meant protecting their progeny, Blue thought, but the way Chrom displayed his resentment for the forces that kidnapped his daughter....it was simply terrifying. It was as though no sentient organism mattered to the man other than his daughter, and when Sharena attempted to calm him, Chrom grasped the poor girl’s face and crushed it with his angry fist until pieces of skull and brain dripped unto the floor. All the other Heroes kept their distance and even Zero for all her penchant for killing admitted she found Chrom’s behavior very disturbing.
 He had ordered everyone to rout the enemy at all costs. Chrom insisted that Rexy, that giant brown lizard, be able to fly one way or another. And as everyone knows, the tyrannosaurus rex may be closely related to birds, but it’s not exactly a grackle hopping on a telephone line.
So Delta, the bespectacled raptor, immediately got to work on making the King of Nublar fly. She thought of everything she could. Basilice wrapping around Rex? It was like lugging around 40 pounds of rock on your back. Having him sniff pollen from the Flower of Mila, a plant reported to evolve a creature into a higher form? Even villains barely knew where it grew.
So that left Delta with building a jet-pack. A jet-pack that had to meet the following criteria. It had to be able to support an 8-ton dinosaur, be relatively easy to use(what with Rexy’s vestigial arms and all), and be fueled by some sort of energy.
With only 66 hours to prepare, Delta drank lagoons of coffee, created canyons of balled up sketches, and was just about to check out when she spotted her frisky sister Charlie playing Hangry Human on her Nintendo Switch.
 That gave her the brilliant idea of designing a jet-pack that not only had controls Rexy could use, it was powered by the souls of whatever Rexy ate.
 Sourcing the necessary materials wasn’t hard; around the outskirts of Askr’s forests were caves lined with iron. Rexy, Sobek, and Grandpa Havoc were all too happy to help carry some of the raw materials back. And Gorgonorhea helped to melt the iron into shape with her pyrokinesis. Not to mention the fact that said iron-caves were filled with dark-purple amethyst jewels that dark mages use to infuse with the souls of victims and though Blue and Echo didn’t really felt like collecting some, gasoline and solar power wasn’t exactly used in 1648 A.D.
Eventually, Rexy had tried on the prototype jet-back, buckled on the straps, and pressed the buttons on the control sticks to fly. And surprisingly, it worked. A few lifts and falls here and there, but by the third attempt, Rexy could soar the skies above like the doves that his coelurosaur relatives had evolved into.  When everything was literally up and ready, Delta had picked up a spell-book from the room that used to belong to a long-deceased tactician and found it not too tedious to learn a couple of offensive spells, including rapid-fire bolts. She had hopped unto Rex’s back, Blue climbing onto the tyrannosaur’s head, and Chrom hanging on the Rexy’s feet. As the four of them rose off, Chrom had commanded the rest of the Heroes to pulverize Yuwi’s forces on the ground and spare no survivors.
Undoubtedly, the dinosaurs and the ex-prince were only 20,000 meters into the air and already they were goons to destroy: pteranodons, dimormetrids, and witches. Not the witches with the trademark pointed hat or the flying broomsticks, but mind-broken girls wearing a masquerade mask. Delta launched her rapid-firebolt attacks at the goons, and as if to return the favor, the witches fired back.
 Those bird-bats were quite easy to murder. They were either blown apart from Delta’s firebolt attacks or Rexy got close to them and cleaved them up in his jaws. As the pterosaurs’ blood dripped down Rexy’s chin, his jet-pack glowed brightly in the sooty-grey clouds, the souls being burned for fuel consumption.
The witches were a bit more challenging to kill, but ultimately no different than the pterosaurs. Delta realized at the witches were at their most vulnerable when they just fired their attacks, and consequently, rat-tat-tat-tat-tat. Broiled intestines, arms, and heads of the witches were flying past Rexy as they spotted Grima the Fell Dragon-or at least, a gargantuan airship modeled after her.
They landed with a loud thump and Rexy, Delta, Blue, and Chrom were given the most amiable, most warmest, hospitable welcome from raging genetically-modified soldiers and hybrids alike.
 “Noitidnoc eno no-ssap uoy tel ll’I kniht I, Morhc tub, stna dna sehcaorkcoc sa emas eht era snamuh yas yeht.” Amrig said.
Chrom smiled, albeit a wicked one. “Do you think I need your permission, you ugly-ass, backwards-speaking, inbred reincarnation of my ex-wife? Sweet Naga, you look even hotter than the last time we met.”
The stegocephalian samurai spoke up. “My affliate here is trying to say that if you can prove yourself worthy of defeating the heads of this fortress, you may be able to see your child again, though to be fair, unless she receives the proper medical attention, she will most likely perish within 24 hours. I’ve done all I could to stop bodily atrophy, but, you know villain hide-outs. Cheerio.” Teba, on top of Amirg, flew off.
Blue leapted off Rexy before the tyrannosaur followed suit of the flying white dragon. “You know, I’ve always wanted to fight alongside this world’s version of Owen Grady, my papa.”
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lord-dusk · 5 years
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Jurassic Emblem-Chapter 13
The story’s getting hot and thirsty guys ^u^ You might want to spray your genetic material at pregnancy art every once in a while reading. Enjoy!
  Lucina was not surprised to hear that the next Aberrant Forms to target next were located in Ylisse. When she and Blue had returned to Askr, beaten up Teba and Warbler and threw back into their cells alongside Basilice, Commander Anna had announced to the raptors that their next mission will bring them to the Exalted Princess’s home country. This time, Lucina decided to have her daddy watch over the mercs and bring along the raptor squad. And Ryukami decided to lounge in the fish pond after several days of swimming in the open ocean.
  When  Chrom’s ex-wife Grima was righteously turned into a Wal-Mart store, the now King of Ylisse had declared open desertification to the already dry conditions of his country. He figured that by rendering his land inhospitable, neighboring countries would have no reason to invade. Indeed, when the local residents uprooted native grasses and drained the rivers, even goblins didn’t want to live in an area with barely any supply of water. But that also meant Ylisseans found it quite difficult to grow crops and petitioned to King Chrom to forgive his neighbors and open up to other nations.
But Chrom wasn’t having any of this shit. He had long since closed off any trade routes out of a deep-seated grudge for that cunt-licker Gangrel and proceeded to dessicate the ecosystem even further. And do you remember how Sha’Rad Yuwi had released a strain of flakka-induced rabies to the country? Well in truth, the virus didn’t kill off Ylisseans entirely, it just sped the catastrophe along. It wasn’t until after his retainer Frederick died did Chrom truly wished he partnered with Prince Xander of Nohr instead of taking his anger out on his non-family.
 “I could really go for a drink,” Echo remarked, trekking in the hot sand. “If we don’t reach the boss of this level soon I don’t think I can refrain from spilling blood in front of you girls.”
“Well, it’s not exactly ideal, but all the nutrients an organism needs,” Delta said,”is condensed right in its kin. But Echo, you know, I know, and we all know that we need to stick together for survival and the last thing Blue wants is for us to dissect each other.”
“Umm, yeah, and don’t even think about lapping up your own pee,” Blue jumped in. “those mistakes of human beings who drink urine for “survival” obviously have too much free time on their hands.” She surveyed the wide desert environment, a few temnospondyl skeletons littered the sandscape. 
Charlie, the little velociraptor, was panting. “Are we there yet? I’m even happy to eat plants if it means getting some nice cool H2O.”
Blue cocked her head to look at her youngest sister. “Tell you what Charlie,” she said. “when we tackle down this baddie of this level, why don’t we all go bathe in Askr’s moat? The trout swimming there are quite delectable I have to say.”
“But I’m so thiiirsty,” Charlie whined. “even now, the last water molecules I have in my body are leaving me.” 
Lucina tapped her hand on the jungle-green raptor. “Now I might sound as convincing as say, Sole Survivor here but you’ve been a good girl Charlie.” She scrunched up her left arm, reveal bare flesh. “Here, if you have to , bite my arm and lap my blood.”
Blue’s eyes widened. “Future Witness, you do know that the moment my little sister chomps your arm, septic bacteria will flood your wound, right? There’s no medical help around here for miles.”
Lucina shrugged. “Sepsis or not, Charlie is in genuine need to rehydrate, and I want to do what I can to save everyone I love, including you.” The green-brown dinosaur sank her teeth into the Exalted princess’s bare arm. The navy girl flinched in response as  warm,dark crimson flowed from Charlie’s jaws.
The blue-striped velociraptor sighed. “I can’t change your choice of action, but if you collapse on the ground because you got an infection, remember that it was you who initiated it.” 
“No need to tell me,” the Exalted Princess replied maternally, Charlie suckling on her bloody arm.
  Blue didn’t like her counterpart’s decision, but she had to respect it. As carnivorous animals didn’t exactly practice oral hygiene after their meals, flesh-eating bacteria more often than not inhabited their mouths and despite Lucina applying sand, pressure, and a tunic fashioned from her cape unto her wound after nursing Charlie, the navy-blue raptor knew damn well it was only a matter of time before infection set in and ate away at Lucina’s arm, eventually requiring amputation at best. They had to hurry and complete their mission.
 Unsurprisingly to Lucina prior to their departure, the Aberrant Forms were residing in the ruined castle in the former Halidon of Ylisse, which made traveling there a relative breeze. Aside from the occasional scampering compsognathus hopping about on some crumbling pillars, there wan’t really anything to impede the raptors’ mission to defeat the boss of this area. 
Well, at least anything that wasn’t heavily armored or bearing a sharp saber.
Blue and company were about to take a step toward’s Luci’s former residence and a woman in orchid mounting on top of a spiky turtle-like ankylosaurus met them at the entrance. 
“Howdy cutie babes!” the ankylosaurus greeted them enthusiastically, his eyes gleeming with endorphins. “It’s always nice when I get to see cute young women like you for these hard eyes!”
“Oh great, a wounded girl and four little lizards,” the white and pink woman remarked. “I ought to be killing my sisters and instead I’m stuck here with this pervy turtle and chopping up trespassers.”
Blue walked up to them. “Umm, hello. We’re here to see the boss of this level, and ideally, we would like to defeat them bore Future Witness here lands in critical condit-
WHOOOMP! A spike-laden tail ending in a hard club had just barely missed Blue as the charcoal blue-striped dromaeosaur leaped back. The ankylosaur was swinging his tail, stirring up a cloud of dust.
“Awww, do we really hav’ta go this route? I heard the world of Fire Emblem is full of hot voluptuous chicks and it’ll be such a disgrace if I smashed their frail bodies.” the chelonian-esque dinosaur commented, still thrashing his tail in confrontation.
“Grandpa Havoc, does it really matter whether we kill men or women?” The orchid woman sighed. “At the end of the day, anyone who stands in our way is just a walking juice-box with organs floating in it, gender or no gender.”
“Awww, but Zero, don’t ya think girls like you and those veloci-vixens make bloody anime and games more digestible? The viewers don’t want to experience a Chernobyl gas-leak 20 times a day.” the ankylosaur named Havoc protested.
On the other hand Blue and her sisters were at a standstill. The white woman named Zero could perhaps be taken out with the raptor swarming at her, but Havoc was proven to be a hard hurdle. Somewhere, deep within the fabric of their DNA, just like their ancestors knew 80 million years ago, Blue and her siblings knew ankylosaurs were the pinnacle of armored dinosaurs. A low-profile body enveloped with numerous osteoderms and spikes were already diffult to penetrate enough, then there is the delightful bit that fatal tail-club is more than blunt enough to break the leg bones of a tyrannosaur. Did I also mentioned that ankys’ heads were armored to the extent that even their eyelids took eye-protection to the extreme? The raptors could plan a surprise attack but they need to think hard, and fast-
“Okay Veloci-Volutuous-Vixens, since you’re at a lost here, I think I’m gonna make life easier for you gals and let you pass.” Havoc said.
Blue tilted her head. “...? Did I hear that just right?”
“Why yes, my dear dromeaosaurid theropod. You girls can proceed to the boss fight up ahead, on one condition.”
“And what would that be?” Delta asked.
Havoc smiled. “Why, since you gorgeous girls are in humanoid form, why don’t you unzip those pants and reveal them lacy bras to this tired anky here?”
“....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................are you fucking serious!?” the raptors exclaimed in shock and disbelief.
“I cannot say it is a lie. Even with rex blood pumped into a ya, no raptors can ever flip over an anyklosaurus like me, let alone the king of the dinosaurs. I’m just making things easier for y’all.” Grandpa Havoc eyed Lucina and her bandaged left arm. “and I think if she were to knock boots with my waifu Zero here, I think ya’ll and I struck a deal-OW!!”
Zero had jabbed her sword right in Havoc’s head out of annoyance. “If you’d like me to kill you for assuming I’m like my slutty sister Five, absolutely help yourself Havoc.” She hissed as she jumped off her comrade. As Havoc was trying her shake the erect sword off his head, Zero strided towards Luci and placed a small glowing blue orb in her hand. “W-what is this?” Lucina asked.
“Theorectically I can heal that fleshy boo-boo of your while bedding you child, but I am not a horny slut like Five, so I’m giving you this.” Zero said, not smiling. “this orb will prevent any infections to your body, at least in the moment.” 
“O-oh. Thank you.” Luci bowed her head.
“As for you lizards though,” Zero continued to the raptors. “it IS possible to crush that pervy turtle-lizard thing but you’d have to use spears or magic. In other words: better luck next time!”
Though Delta wouldn’t admit it, she got a very sensational, soft, and wet feeling from hearing Zero’s bold statement. She looked at her other siblings, Blue, Echo, and Charlie, as well as Lucina. “Alright, we’ll shed our outer layers,” The green-blue velociraptor commenced.
And when the ankylosaurus Grandpa Havoc turned his head to see the girls pulling off their shirts, unzipping their pants, and patting their lacy underwear, the sword jammed into his head suddenly loosened and fell off. There was hardlt any better treat than to see cute females donning 2-piece lacy lingerie, revealing lustrous breasts, smooth thighs, and a full abdomen.
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lovejenner · 4 years
Ver: et, preter aprehension Yspanorum intra ipsos terminos sitas Basilice,
Precepto del Rey Karolus a favor del Monasterio de San Andeol d’Aguges (Sant Aniol d’Aguja), confirmándoles las tierras, los lugares y la basílica de Sancti Laurencii (Sant Llorenç de Munt), situado todo ello en el condado Visildunense (de Besalú)
872, abril, 11. Monasterio de San Dionisio
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