c0smicjayy · 5 months
Pink :3
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kahsjahd two people have said im pink im starting to think it must be true
(ask game)
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jamesbranwen · 2 years
I'm sending Neloth right back at you for blorbo bingo
THANKS i am so obsessed with this telvanni motherfucker. stupid old ugly annoying mean hot wizard.
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Eheehee I've been reblogging a bunch of ER headcanons, so I waited to answer this until I was done looking through them all heehee...
I've always headcanon'd that the actual Tarnished you play as is mute. (This is going somewhere, I promise.) Characters reacting to your continued interaction or dialogue prompts are just reacting to nods, head shakes, or maybe even sign language/things written in a journal.
Godrick would be super befuddled by a mute partner at first, even if they aren't mute all the time (like me, selective mutism hehe.) He just?? Why are you so quiet?? Especially if they just choose to be that way. He wouldn't try to force speech exactly, but he would poke at it. Asking questions that are hard to just answer with a yes or a no, that kind of thing. He wouldn't take long to give up and accept the relative silence, but it would confuse him.
Margott would just accept it. I don't think he would even really have the energy to pitch a fit about it. His partner just happens to be very quiet, and that's that. If it's not a throat problem and just a not-speaking thing, he still doesn't bat much of an eye. Sure, their voice functions, but he doesn't see a point to making a big scene about it. He also probably is big on trying to bridge that gap easily and without fuss.
Mohg is a worship-y sort of lover. Maybe he gets a little too into things that would set his partner apart from the average person. He himself is far from the standard. Might even declare any form of mutism its own holy birth. Despite his enthusiasm, he is a little slow on the uptake. It takes him time to really adjust to what living with that actually means. I imagine he'd gravitate towards the journal option, and maybe also start writing back without really remembering that he isn't the mute one here, and they need those pages. He's trying his best.
Varre would be perplexed, kind of like Godrick. He'd be meaner about it at first though. A lot of poking questions. It it's a physical issue, he sees it as "justified" and back a off. Otherwise, he might back off, but he is still going to have doubts about their silence. It's only after long-term exposure that he comes to accept that this is just how his partner is. From there, it's a much smoother adjustment period. If this is just HOW THEY ARE, it is time to bridge the gap after all! I think he'd be above Margott even on that, offering solutions to replace speech up the wazoo. Maybe even some crazy shit you haven't heard of, or wouldn't even be practical. This man is collecting books on magic just to devise spells that would let them do things like write in the air. Once he's hit acceptance, he arguably needs to calm down.
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lovesthecure · 2 years
👾 and 👻
👾 Do you believe in aliens
I FIND IT STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO NOT! I mean, I have dyscalculia bad enough that my Dad once watched me struggle for a good five-ish minutes to do some real basic math. So I'm not a numbers guy. But you're telling me the universe is BWOOOOH big, and there's like some thousands or millions of planets and like... NONE OF THEM HAVE LIFE BUT US? Checkmate Athiests.
👻 Do you believe in ghosts
Yeeees but noooo but yeeeees but nooooo
I'm like some mesh of the machinations of a heathen and an agnostic stumbling through life. So I don't try to go "yes" on stuff like ghosts and gods, and just go "well I mean here's my take, I guess."
I've always figured ghosts exist in some form or another, if not just because like... All that energy's gotta go somewhere, right? Souls and shit. Though to what capacity, less so than other people I meet who believe in ghosts? I don't think the smell in your walls is your dead grandma, but she might be hanging around in a capacity to which you are unable to detect with your sad, mortal body. I hope that makes sense.
I also think there's an afterlife, though the mechanics of such are rather left field and are all "well man I don't know, but here's my guess" and are very nonspecific due to the incredibly pagan nature of my religious beliefs.
That was all probably very wishy washy but I go out of my way to not state absolutes on what cannot be proven.
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absurdumsid · 4 months
Dust with small hands......................... omg <3
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Murder! Sans belongs to ask-dusttale Horror! Sans belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios
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fernlessbastard · 2 months
okk love your blog, so I rlly wanted to send an ask even if its nothing too especific ;-;
soo, since u like tntduo (like me :]) whats your favorite hc for their relationship? I love hearing about hc's, and since your art its so cute, u probs have some cool hc's
Thank youuuuu I appreciate it so much, and by all means flood me with asks! Asks are great, I love asks, be it random thoughts, art ideas, opinions, etc etc, asks are always welcome (unless they're from the 🥝 anon 🙄🙄🙄 /j/loving)
And a favourite headcanon? Hm, i don't know, hard to say. I have multiple headcanons, idk if I favour any in particular
There's one where after revival Wilbur's body is kinda fucked up in the nerves and blood vessels department, so he has some trouble with kinda controlling it, which particularly expresses itself in his hands being unsteady. They're so unsteady, that the first time he picks up a guitar again he can't play right. He blows up over it and has a breakdown, and vows to never play again. He still ends up trying a couple times, but each time he just immediately gets pissed off and upset, and tosses it away. It really breaks him. At some point he's at Quackity's place, and he sees a guitar. He looks at it for a while, but doesn't say anything, of which Quackity makes note. Next time they meet up Wilbur shits on Quackity for not having touched it recently, so Quackity takes it as a challenge. Once the music starts, Wil goes quiet. He's sitting to the side of Q, slightly behind him, and after a while for just a moment he leans against his upper back, and closes his eyes, simply l taking the moment in. This situation repeats, a couple times, and each time Wilbur lets himself relax a bit longer. He starts playing with Quackity's hair as he listens, and one time he l begins trying to braid it. His hands are shaking, he's struggling to divide the thick hair into even parts, he's having trouble keeping the braid even, but what's crucial is that he does it. Next time it repeats. And next time too. And the next, and eventually the braids start to look actually pretty decent. Time passes, they meet up more often, and eventually comes a day when Wilbur takes the guitar. No words are exchanged. No ridicule, but no praise either - no verbal acknowledgement. Instead Quackity just sits slightly behind him, and begins gently braiding his hair. The notes are wonky and don't always sound quite right, and the rhythm is messy, and strumming only goes well sometimes, but he's playing...
Quackity kisses Wilbur's head, right above the new braid. He leans in, partially hugging him, as the other's playing. It's been a bit over a year since he started playing again, and the difference is big. Neither knows if he'll ever fully regain the control and steadiness of his hands, but he manages to keep the rhythm, and the notes now ring out clear a big majority of the time. He plays quicker songs too, now; sometimes they both sing, and laugh when they mix something up. Quackity smiles, closing his eyes as Wilbur once again butchers a random song by changing up the words completely to make it as on the nose as humanly possible. He begins to wonder what they should eat tomorrow for their anniversary breakfast.
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spartyll · 4 months
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Valentine's piece from last year (I've been hella busy so I didn't make a new one)! Happy Valentine's Day (not) from Starscream 💖
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I also like to pretend I'm funny
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cedarsmoke4 · 4 months
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sandwichhut · 6 months
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i love mods, aka i miss my wife tails
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gaycrittercentral · 1 year
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You know what Easter was days ago at this point but who give a shit!! Here’s a lil comic that’s been kickin around in my brain all the way since last Easter at least and just now saw the light of day lmao
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herebecritters · 4 months
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How bout some spicy D&D drama today?
Geshtu and Hopp’s edgy dnd characters: Ilawela and Atlas
Atlas belongs to @ickyguts
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c0smicjayy · 7 months
44 but 5 times, fill this place up with fun facts
(ask game)
my brain suddenly emptied so i dont really have any fun facts? guess you'll just know random stuff about me then, just things that come to mind
1. i have seven pets, six of which I'm responsible for everyday
2. i was engaged once
3. i have an ant allergy
4. I've been ghosted by a therapist
5. there was a whole year where I wasn't sure I graduated highschool bc the school just,, wouldn't tell me or give me a diploma? got it now though!!
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jamesbranwen · 2 years
I wanna to hear about people's skyrim everything all the time
(flaps my hands)
cries... okay yes here she is ☺️
Crowe is my current LDB character and the one I've put the most thought into ever. She's a Bosmer thief/assassin. She has short golden hair and she's slightly on the shorter side. She is blind in one eye from a werewolf attack as a child (she also has scars from this). She was the only one in her village to survive and has been traveling Tamriel alone since. She's very cynical and sarcastic and very distrusting of others (as you can imagine).
Due to her turbulent childhood, Crowe gained a fascination with all things Daedric. She felt in control when researching, and eventually reaching out to, Daedra. She ended up as a devout follower of Namira. The only times she felt safe in her childhood were in places where everyone, threat or not, had already died. Ransacked villages, swept out caves, burial ruins. She took comfort in decay.
She was caught in the wrong place/wrong time when she entered Skyrim, leading to her near-execution at Helgen and her discovering her power as Dragonborn. She decided to stay in Skyrim for the time being because she felt a certain duty to take down dragons. Not for the sake of the Nords, really, she could care less about them, but moreso out of her lack of self preservation and desire to be doing something. She doesn't care much for the notoriety but she likes the constant source of income from odd jobs people have for her and her various titles that come with being Dragonborn.
She met Faendal in Riverwood and took a liking to him. He asked to tag along on her adventures and she agreed, as long as he could keep up with her. She was generally distrusting of him for a very long time, but through adventuring together they grew close. He looked the other way during a lot of murders and heists. And if he ever gets any ideas, she knows his weaknesses. Fortunately, he wouldn't betray her trust.
She settled down (as much as she can, she doesn't really stay for any long stretches at a time) in Riften. She did end up joining the Guild and becoming a Nightingale, but she figures her soul is bound to Namira. She does like the armor. She had/has a rather close physical relationship with Brynjolf, but she can't really bring herself to see the Guild as "family" and trust them like the others seem to. But she's glad to share the coin.
Crowe's current thrill (and what I've mostly written about) is located not in Skyrim, but on Solstheim. She did defeat Miraak and became obsessed with finding Black Books (those being right up her alley with all the Daedra love) and visiting Apocrypha. She wants to know all about Oblivion, Daedra, Conjuration (although she's no good with magic), soul trapping, and anything else related. Maybe she's autistic lol. Like with Nocturnal, Hermaeous Mora wants to claim her as their "champion" but she is rather devoted to the lady of decay. What will happen after her death is a mystery she doesn't dwell on.
Speaking of autistics, her partner in crime in the Black Book endeavor is Master Neloth, of course. She's actually very fond of Neloth, because it's clear that he isn't putting on a face or trying to manipulate her. He says what he wants. Demands it, even. If she doesn't comply, he doesn't care. He'll find somebody else. She gravitates to Tel Mythryn quite a lot for this reason, and eventually Neloth returns her fondness. A little. Okay, enough to make her an honorary member of House Telvanni. She has a bed and a chest there, where she stays a lot more often than she stays in her actual house. She's friendly with Talvas, too. There's a little bit of tension, or maybe just desperation, on Talvas's side, because Crowe isn't Neloth's apprentice, there's not such heavy expectations levied against her. He sees how her and Neloth tease each other and how Neloth sees her as much more of (but definitely not quite) an equal than him. She's happy to be around both Dunmer though and brings back any book she finds.
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✨️, 💕, and 💋for whoever you like
The door to his office opened, and it reminded him he needed to grease the hinges. "Could you have at least kno--" he didn't finish the sentence. He was cut off by a phone being practically launched into his head.
"Ow! What the fuck?"
Kondraki closed the door before Clef could get an answer. Rubbing at what was sure to be a new bruise, he picked up the phone. "Remarkably intact..."
Then he saw the message.
"Ohohoho!" Clef smirked as he reclined back into his chair. He spun himself off his desk with the toe of his boot. "I see why Konny's all pissed off! I got a message, and he probably didn't." He snorted.
"Now what's all this? Three of 'em, eh?"
"First thing's first, um... Sparkles." He squinted. "Favorite thing about Sanya?"
There were a few answers, depending on how he decided to choose. He decided to go with the more light hearted approach. "Fae is really particular about... Virtually everything. A bit of a nit-picker, but fae means well. Doesn't like being teased about it, but every now and then I do a little ribbing."
"Not a lot," Clef clarified, perhaps a bit defensive. "I don't go stressing the poor guy out, but I like seeing faer go off! Get a Transformer's name wrong, it's cute! The little face fae makes, the info dumping... Passionate! I like that."
"As for uh..." He should've read before he kept talking. "The thing that first got me into faer, that..."
Clef had to think. "Was it any one thing?" He had to think a little longer.
"Probably dumb, but we ended up calling each other on the other's bullshit." He nodded. "I called faers bluff, fae called my lie. I never wanted to eh... uh..." He laughed. "Sanya would be embarrassed if I said what I wanted to do to faer then. Needless to say, I was smitten."
Oh. There was a third. He couldn't suppress all of the snickering...
"Favorite place to kiss faer?" There was an answer that would absolutely kill Sanya, assuming Sanya saw these. He really considered saying it, but he was putting forth some level of honesty in these responses.
"Forehead." Clef nodded. "Makes little doll-eyes up at you if you do. Cutest thing since kittens."
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pinkyjulien · 4 months
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Valentin & Mitch | 663/?? Can't resist kissing his sleepin' beauty 🧡
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maviacomic · 1 year
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A Tolkien incorrect Valentines card for @sauroff
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