#bastien trevelyan
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theluckywizard · 8 months
In the Shattering of Things, Ch. 67: A Diplomatic Affair
Summary: Rose continues preparations for the peace talks at Halamshiral learning what she can from Leliana, Josephine and Vivienne. The Game. The players. Tailoring fit for a bard. Dancing. And when all the pressure steals away any hope of relaxing, she finds comfort in the familiar.
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Fic Summary: Lady Rose Trevelyan's idle, aristocratic life blinks out in a haze of irrelevance when the breach destroys the Conclave. She may be soft and coddled when she joins the Inquisition, but there's a fierceness inside her she's yet to fully recognize. Armed with only a few relevant skills and the mark that makes her a legend, she is thrust onto a path delivering hope where it’s long been scorched away and finds comfort in the grumpy, handsome stick in the mud charged with her protection and training. As she stumbles her way across southern Thedas, she begins to realize she's tangled at the center of machinations she barely understands, and she's not alone in that. Enter Hawke.
Excerpt below the cut!👇
Vivienne gazes across the old table between us, the barest crease of concern marking her brow, but I see it. “Romantic entanglements can be a dreadful inconvenience. But they can also be a source of great strength. Certainly I could have pursued my ambitions confidently without Bastien’s support, but his steadiness has been nothing but a boon. It isn’t romantic relations that’s the problem precisely, it’s managing your disappointments,” she says, a little too pointedly. “I’m well aware of how things failed to coalesce between you and the Commander.”
Of course she knows. I open my mouth to speak but she continues.
“I’m also aware of the liaison between you and Hawke that seems to have concluded.”
I gasp a dismayed laugh. “So the gossip reached you too.”
“Not at all, darling. I would have to have been fantastically blind to have missed it.”
So much for being discreet. “It was a fling,” I explain.
She bears into me with another focused look, her serene expression not quite hiding the turning gears of her calculating mind.
“I need to stay focused.”
I fidget under her scrutiny. “Obviously.”
“I’m glad we both agree,” she says, an abiding tension in her voice. “There are also the political implications to consider. Choosing a partner or a lover is a reflection of your priorities and values.”
My breathing tightens as I consider what might have been construed from a relationship with my own general.
“Forgive me my impertinence but consider. Publicly partnering with a templar, the man known to have cosigned on years of Knight-Commander Meredith’s mismanagement and eventual madness? Not that he didn’t single handedly hold Kirkwall together in the aftermath, but that’s a stench that will never quite wash off. I’m sure he’d agree. Still, he’s a general. He carries himself with commensurate gravitas. And he refuses to engage in the machinations of politicians. You can guess what conclusions might have been drawn.”
“And the Champion ? Well that’s another matter entirely. His celebrity could be advantageous. But given his relatively apolitical status, his strange associates and disastrous choices are normally dismissed as curiosities than anything worth careful scrutiny. Aligning with him publicly would change that. You’d be associated with someone who supported mage extremism.”
“I think if you spoke with him you’d find—”
“The truth of it matters little. Only the appearance.”
I purse my lips, prickling in his defense. In my defense. And Maker knows why.
Read the rest here!
Start the fic here!
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daitranscripts · 9 days
Bring Me the Heart of Snow White Pt. 4b
Playing to Win
Vivienne Masterpost First: An Alchemical Formula Previous: A More Innocent Time
Vivienne walks through the main hall of Skyhold with a couple of Orlesian nobles.
Marcelline: I expected ruins.
Vivienne: They were. As you see, the Inquisition has not been idle.
Laurent: Would it be possible to meet the Herald before we return to Ghislain?
Vivienne: My dear Laurent. For you, anything.
She waves the PC over from where they were talking with Josephine.
Vivienne: Allow me to present Inquisitor (Trevelyan/Adaar/Lavellan/Cadash).
Laurent: Your Worship, you do us great honor.
Vivienne: Inquisitor, this is my dear Bastien’s sister, Grand Cleric Marcelline. And his son, Duke Laurent of the Council of Heralds.
Marcelline: I owe you an apology, Inquisitor. I did not trust your motives at first. I am afraid I misjudged you terribly.
Laurent: Madame de Fer speaks very highly of your character. It is a great relief to know the Inquisition is in your hands.
Dialogue options:
General: Glad you changed your minds. [1]
General: Vivienne said that? [2]
General: That’s good. [3]
1 - General: Glad you changed your minds. PC: It’s good to hear you changed your minds. Marcelline: Many of my sister clerics feared the Inquisition. We did not know if you worked for good or ill. So too must Andraste’s disciples have felt when they first beheld the Maker’s wrath against Tevinter.
2 - General: Vivienne said that? PC: Vivienne speaks highly of me? I hardly expected that. Marcelline: She speaks of nothing but you and your holy work. It has been most inspiring to hear.
3 - General: That’s good. PC: Glad to hear it. Marcelline: Now, in our darkest hour, Andraste reminds us that wisdom is gained by learning from our mistakes.
4 - Scene continues.
Vivienne: Would you mind waiting for me in the chapel, my dears? The Inquisitor and I have business to discuss.
Laurent: It has been our very great pleasure, Herald.
They leave the PC and Vivienne to talk.
Vivienne: So, you’ve met the family now. And made a good impression in spite of yourself. Well done.
Dialogue options:
Surprised: You spoke highly of me? [5]
Confused: What was that all about? [6]
Angry: You’re scheming. [7] -Vivienne slightly disapproves
Stoic: What are you after? [8]
5 - Surprised: You spoke highly of me? PC: Wait, you talked them into supporting the Inquisition? Vivienne: Of course I did, my dear. [9]
6 - Confused: What was that all about? PC: I don’t understand. What just happened here? Vivienne: A victory. My victory. [9]
7 - Angry: You’re scheming. PC: Whatever you’re planning, I want no part in it. Vivienne: Oh, you’ve already played your part, darling. [9]
8 - Stoic: What are you after? PC: What is it you want, Vivienne? Vivienne: Nothing, my dear. I already have what I wanted. [9]
9 - Scene continues.
Vivienne: Properly worded, the righteous cause of the Inquisition can be used to great effect with my Bastien’s deeply pious relations. With Bastien’s loss, I have connections to the Council of Heralds and the highest levels of the Chantry. All thanks to you.
Dialogue options:
General: Things worked out, then. [10] +Vivienne slightly approves
General: You always get what you want. [11] -Vivienne slightly disapproves
General: You used me. [12] -Vivienne slightly disapproves
10 - General: Things worked out, then. PC: Well, at least everything’s worked out for you in the end. Vivienne: So it has. And well arranged, if I do say so myself. [13]
11 - General: You always get what you want. PC: You always get what you want, don’t you? No matter who you have to step over. Vivienne: Of course I do, Inquisitor. I play the Game to win. [13]
12 - General: You used me. PC: You used my position as Herald of Andraste to further your personal goals. Vivienne: Of course I did, my dear. That’s the Game. [13]
13 - Scene continues.
Vivienne: Well, I can’t keep Marcelline and Laurent waiting. Thank you so much for your cooperation, Inquisitor. I could never have done this without your help.
Scene ends.
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isobel-thorm · 3 months
I’m a little late but for the DA hype questions I’d love to see your answer for number 6! (Do you have your Rook(s) planned out to any degree? If so, would you share some details or ideas you have?)
6. Do you have your Rooks planned out to any degree? If so, share some of the details.
Answered this one already, but I fine turned the main one I've thought of/am cooking and added the usual "why not both?" approach, so, all details due to change:
Mournwatch / Veil Jumper / Shadow Dragon 1 Name ideas: Bastien "Bash" / Killian / Rafe / Cade Backstory: A childhood friend of one of my Trevelyan, Dirk, and Fairbanks. He was another noble son who wanted to adventure and help people more than he wanted to play politics, but whereas Dirk and Fairbanks made it out of the noble life to relatively morally good careers at least initially for the latter), [Name] is all over the place on the moral scale. He's a smuggler, but one day he could be smuggling goods from one city to another, the next, he's helping slaves flee Tevinter. Fast forward to DA3 and 4, and Name is recruited to help Dirk and Dorian in Tevinter, and then later as one of the Strangers required to help stop Solas. FC: At the moment, Charlie Hunnam Shadow Dragon …2! Undecided name and Gender Dirk and Dorian's adopted kid. In the time between games, the The couple was perfectly happy just taking in some pre-teen urchin who needed help and considered them a younger sibling, but the kid was like "Famiby :), I love my gay dads" and none of them looked back. A bit of an acrobatic gremlin who takes after Auntie Mari (my other Trevelyan). Wanted to join the family business of being a hero. Lord of Fortune "Gentleman Pirate." That's it.
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scurvgirl · 2 years
You know what, Vivienne would have been a FANTASTIC romanceable companion. Could you imagine the intrigue of Madame de Fer mourning Duke Bastien to falling for the young, dashing Inquisitor . Also - talk about a fucking POWER COUPLE. In general I wish she had a storyline that advanced her character more. I wanted a mage Trevelyan to sit with her and talk about their potentially VERY different Circle experiences and why perhaps Trevelyan supported the rebellion. Like you can soften or harden Leliana, this should have been available to Vivienne. She can still be a "loyalist" mage while being sympathetic to the plight of mages. Perhaps the choice here is whether she supports Templars policing mages versus mages policing themselves. This choice, I think, would have very doable within the existing framework of DAI.
But back to my point to her being romanceable. I think it would have been a very interesting option to even characterize the inquisitor - why is the inquisitor pursuing Vivienne? Are they power hungry? Or truly infatuated? And oh man how does THIS go over if she becomes Divine?
I think it would have been a very interesting romance and at the very least forced characterization and progression to happen when it clearly didn't.
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seigephoenix · 2 months
happy friday! For your favorite sassy couple (or non-couple), “You’ve got about as much charm as a dead slug.” from the sarcasm prompts
Happy Friday!! I have a few couples that would fit this prompt. I've done it with Elaina and Nathaniel, so I had to use Alissa and Garrett. Back before they got their heads out of their asses to see how they really felt about each other.
Content Warning: sassy Hawke, even sassier Trevelyan Length: ~600 words
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Garrett stormed through Hightown on his way to one particular estate and one infuriating redhead that seemed to endlessly piss him off.  This time it was that snotty letter she’d sent after she’d sponsored his mother’s bid to get the title back to the Amell family.  I humbly request your presence at the parliamentary session.  Garrett had crumpled the letter and threw it into the fire despite his mother’s chastisement.  She’d gotten a letter similar but it had not been nearly as informal.
“Serah Hawke.”  Her butler greeted him coolly and eyed him suspiciously.
“Bastien, is the lady of the house in?”  Bastien inclined his head towards the parlor and Hawke headed that way.  “Trevelyan!”  He slammed the door open.
Alissa shrieked and dropped the paint palette in her hand with a swift curse soon following.  She whirled on her heel and pinned him with a nasty look.  “Garrett Hawke, this had better be good.”  He returned her glare with one equally as vicious from him.  She bent to pick the palette up and studied the canvas to ensure nothing splattered on it.  She was doing the painting for a friend of hers in Ostwick, as a wedding present.  She set the paint aside and grabbed a cloth to wipe her hands free of any paint.
“What was the meaning of that letter you sent me?”  She gave him a quizzical look as if she couldn’t quite figure out what he was talking about.  “I humbly request your presence at the parliamentary session?  Ring a damn bell?”
“You’re offended over that!?” Alissa demanded as she threw the rag at his chest.  He caught it and tossed it aside as he stepped closer to her until his boots bumped against hers.  She squared her shoulders and straightened to her full height, which was still a foot shorter than him.  He towered over her but she refused to back down.  “Maker’s breath Hawke, if that offended you then you have no chance amid the nobility.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you have the charm of a dead slug?” Hawke hissed at her as she tilted her chin up in challenge.
“Yes, in fact.”  That startled him out of his temper.
“My younger brother has likened me to a dead slug before.  It’s nothing new to me.  You, Serah, have all the charm of a drunk Orlesian noble!”  Hawke drew back in outrage.
“You take that back!”  He reached for her but she dodged him and put her painting stool between them.
“I will not.”  She met his eyes in challenge and Garrett clenched his jaw.  The woman was utterly infuriating.  Why did she consume his thoughts the way she did when all that happened when they were together was pissing him off?  “Can’t handle the truth Hawke?”  Alissa ducked under his hand as he lunged for her.  “Too slow.”
“You are a pest.” Garrett snapped at her but she merely stuck out her tongue at him.
“Tell me something I haven’t heard before.”  She leaned forward as he clenched his fists.  He’d never strike her but the urge to throttle the woman was tempting.  Garrett stepped towards her and she danced just out of his reach yet again to his annoyance.
“How the hell are you so fast?”  Hawke sank down onto her chaise after trying and failing to capture her.
“I have siblings.”  As if that was the answer to his question and the more Hawke thought about it, the more it actually did constitute a genuine answer.  “I’m the middle child, technically the second born as I’m three minutes older than my twin sister.”  She leaned over the back of the chaise.  “Give up yet?”  He glowered at her from his position on the lounge and she merely smirked at him.  “Getting old there Hawke?”
He was saved from answering as Varric strolled in.  “Dare I ask what happened here?”  Alissa straightened with a warm smile for the dwarf and greeted him.  It set Hawke’s teeth on edge.  Why was he so bothered by her warmth towards the others but cool disinterest towards him?
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thedragonagelesbian · 2 months
@hexblooddruid replied to your post “there's a verve to faithful mage trevelyan that i...”:
Gonna be obsessed with their interactions for the whole game
​oh yiseeril is SO taken with viv from the jump; she sees her as what she could have been had she not been made tranquil & what she could still become by correctly leveraging her power as herald of andraste. loves the ambition the aesthetics the Panache.
at the same time, yiseeril is uniquely well positioned to understand the tragedy of vivienne's life too-- to have to rapidly remake oneself under extreme pressure (the herald of andraste; the iron lady), to have to be Perfect to be anything at all, and the parts of oneself that are sacrificed in that metamorphosis (yiseeril's normalcy & personhood; vivienne's intimacy & vulnerability)
it's not a similarity they acknowledge for much of the game because vivienne (understandably!) holds herself at such distance, and by the time vivienne asks yiseeril for help with bastien, i think it'll be clear (ie, that yiseeril's relationship with sera will have progressed enough) that their lives are ultimately on different trajectories-- the ascendant divine-to-be and the former divinity who will choose mundanity instead. but their friendship is still very deep & important to both of them, and vivienne trusts it--trusts yiseeril--enough to show her more of her heart than she reveals to most anyone else
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no12cme · 2 years
Trevelyan Family Tree
Trevelyan Main Branch
Basileus Trevelyan - Great Aunt Lucille’s brother, Maxwell and Evelyn's grandfather. Also, Lady Osher's grandpa. Famed for his martial prowess and a devout heart. Was the former Teyrn's military advisor.
Emalaine Darrow of Starkhaven - Belongs to a house loyal to Prince of Starkhaven and had maternal ties to the illustrious House Dorner. It was later believed that she died in a plot by House Dorner to weaken House Darrow as part of their power bid against the Prince.
Artemy Trevelyan (Leraux Branch) - Maxwell’s father. The First Born. Groomed to follow Basileus footsteps with the military matters. However, Artemy is a stubborn son who 'bedded that harlot from the Circle' as far as Basileus is concerned. He was trained a soldier and became Captain of the Guard in Ostwick. He commands respect and honour, much to the surprise of those who finally knew him, and will get the job done. But after his marriage to the lady of House Motierre (who had plotted against the Teyrn and in turn, the Trevelyans), he was banished from Ostwick, but he left the guard with good ties with his team.
Clarissa Trevelyan Bayart (House Bayart) - The Second Born. The Max and Evelyn's aunt. Married to her childhood friend, Eustace Bayart (the second son of House Bayart, an arling at that time). Mother of Lady Osher. Future Teyrna of Ostwick.
Daniel Trevelyan (Valentis Branch)- The Youngest Son. Evelyn’s father. A courtier of Teyrn of Ostwick with financial matters. Married the daughter of the wealthy Antivan merchant prince, Giovanni Valentis. A cunning and scheming man who secretly operates the underworld through his wife, Sofiya Valentis, and had a hand behind the politics of Ostwick.
Leraux Branch
Mirabella Fauste - a Circle Mage. Formerly the Lady of House Fauste, now a defunct house after all its members die due to House Motierre's treachery. First love of Artemy, whom she had 'seduced' and bore his bastard son (Maxwell) after 'that night' in the Circle Library before his wedding to Yvonne Motierre. Was murdered in the Circle.
Yvonne Motierre - the daughter of the treacherous House Motierre. Her marriage was a ploy created by her father to weaken House Trevelyan, whom they consider the obstacle towards their plans in overthrowing the current ruling house, House Bayart. They failed due to the efforts of Daniel Trevelyan and his wife. Committed suicide due to grief after delivering her stillborn son.
Katerina Leraux - daughter of a minor noble in Ansburg who owned vast plains and granary. Current wife of Artemy. Known to be pious and kind to their people. She loved Max like he is her own son.
Maxwell - A Circle Mage. He discovered he can use magic during the day before of his eleventh birthday when he accidentally turned his water into ice.
Beatrice and Bastien Leraux Trevelyan- Fraternal Twins. Younger half-siblings of Max.
Bayart Branch
Eustace Bayart -
Eowyn and Leia
Valentis Branch
Sofiya Valentis (aka Giulia) -
Hector -
Renata -
Desmond -
Julian -
Evelyn -
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Chapter 70 - Doom Upon All the World
AO3 Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/8129126/chapters/27545046
Bastien fought the bile rising in the back of his throat as he trod through the ash, debris catching on an unseen breeze to flit across the soon to be battlefield. The unsteady pressure radiating from the red lyrium penetrated him to the bone, though looking at his mage compatriots he wagered that wasn’t the real cause. These could be Jean’s ashes I’m stomping on. His brothers remains could be anywhere in this crater, he would never find them, he’d already tried. Even without Jean, they stood on the grave of countless souls ripped from this world, from families like his own, from lovers. But the shouts of guards in trouble wouldn’t wait on his remorse. He clenched his fist, feeling Jean’s ring strain beneath his gauntlet to pinch his flesh, and charged forward. He would avenge his brother, all Thedas, right here, right now. Bastien would not leave until Corypheus was reduced to nothing, even if he had to sacrifice himself to see it so.  
They arrived just in time to save the few scouts remaining, Harding and those who’d been stationed in or around Skyhold moving quickly to collect the wounded and carry them to safety. Corypheus turned his attention to Bastien, his claws scraping against his treasured orb.
“I knew you would come.” He purred, falling to a deep, mocking bow.
“This ends here.” Bastien growled in response, quickly advancing.
“So it shall.” Corypheus murmured before the earth began to shake.
Bastien was thrown to his back as the ground beneath them lurched toward the sky, hurtling towards the breach as it swirled above. He scrambled to kneel, trying desperately to fight against the sudden wave of vertigo as the mountains began to fall away. The moment the ground steadied he leapt to his feet, clenching his sword in a white-knuckled grip as Corypheus stared down at him.
“You have been most successful in foiling my plans, but let us not forget what you are.” Corypheus shook his head and growled, “A thief, in the wrong place at the wrong time. An interloper. A gnat.”
He felt the energy shift as arcs of red lightning radiated around Corypheus’ frame, his low voice reverberating through his chest, threatening to steal the air from his lungs. He clenched his fist harder, the ring digging into his skin, the pain snapping him back.
“We shall prove here, once and for all, which of us is worthy of Godhood.”
“I do not seek Godhood.” Bastien readied his shield, “And I am done talking.”
He felt himself lean forward, matching Corypheus’ hardened stare with one of his own. He was done running, he was done chasing, he was more than ready to dig his sword into Corypheus’ heart. A loud clatter drew his attention upward, as the archdemon crested the stone pillar. He knew Morrigan was waiting for this very moment, but he still flinched when the demon lunged at him, when its massive frame collided with Morrigan to tumble off the edge. He collected himself far faster than Corypheus, however, and reveled in the shock that flitted briefly over the monster’s face.
“You dare.” Corypheus growled, and launched his assault.
Corypheus was powerful, there was no question. But the long year spent hunting him, his men, fighting hordes of demons, the ventatori, and more than one pissed off dragon had turned his team, his family into an unstoppable force of nature created for this exact moment. Now, on the slopes where it all began, that force was directed towards a solitary target. Corypheus’ delay would be his downfall. Everything, past and present, rested on this moment. So many had already been lost, their souls witnesses to this final struggle, they could not fail.
“Corypheus!” Bastien shouted, gaining ground after him as the last of the demons fell, cresting the stairs to an open platform. “Stop running from me!”
Bastien was struggling, it was hard to focus on his target with dragons clashing and mountains floating over his head. His charge skidded to a halt, his feet feeling as though he was glued to the stone. There was no edge, one solid blast and he could easily end up in a free fall.
“Hey Rosie, remember when I said the craziest shit happens to you?” Varric shouted, snapping focus away from the floating mountains, “This is what I was talking about!”
Bastien snorted. Varric had an excellent point, this was some crazy shit. As if on cue, Morrigan and the archdemon dove low overhead, causing everyone, including Corypheus, to crouch and cover their heads before rocketing towards the breach. When she’d gained enough height, Morrigan turned and slammed hard into the archdemon, trying to tackle him to the ground, but at the last second the demon twisted, and in a cloud of dust, Morrigan hit first.
“Morrigan!” Bastien shouted, skidding on his heel towards her. He knew Corypheus wouldn’t leave until this was finished, he wouldn’t have gone to all the effort to lure them here if he planned to just run away. He had to ensure the archdemon was dead first, then Corypheus would be alone with no hope of regenerating.
As he landed, the archdemon shakily stood. Morrigan had done considerable damage, and the hulking frame of the demon shook with the effort to stand. Blood spattered the ground beneath it as it stumbled forward, barely missing Morrigan. When the dragon leapt towards them, Bastien dove, catching Morrigan as he raced toward the edge, tucking her against the wall before charging forward once more. With the full force of the inner circle throwing their all into taking the monster down, it didn’t take long before the dragon began to fall, its final roar cut short when Bastien leapt onto its back and plunged his sword to the hilt in the demon’s skull. Bastien rolled his neck out, shook his shoulders and readied his shield, determination apparent on his features despite the blood trailing from his brow. He wasn’t about to let Corypheus get away.
Wrenching his sword free, he stopped briefly to check on his companions. Some had already rushed to assist Morrigan, the rest were near collapsing. They were all exhausted. First the hastened travel, then Corypheus, then his dragon? It was no wonder half of them struggled to stand. Dorian downed two lyrium potions, but still looked overly drained, leaning too heavily on his staff. He watched the energy leave the demon to be resorbed and felt himself snarl when Corypheus shouted down at him.
“Let it end here! Let the skies boil! Let the world be rent asunder!” His voice faded as he turned, moving closer to the breach.
Bastien dug in his heels and ran hard. He knew he should be exhausted, but the mark was feeding him power from the fade. He should be terrified, he should resist it, but he’d sworn this would be the end of it. If that meant the mark would devour him, then so be it.
He’d gained the stairs and was halfway up when the ground lurched once more, breaking away from the larger piece and, more importantly, separating him from his companions. He froze mid-step, turning to watch as they began to shrink away. He raced back to the base of the stairs and locked eyes with Dorian, saw the panic on his features. He swallowed hard and smiled at him. They both knew this could be the end, and he would take solace in the fact that Dorian, his Amatus, would survive.
He didn’t speak, there was nothing he could say. The moment stretched between them, a million unsaid words, countless unshared moments, the possibility that this could be it hung in the air. Bastien barely resisted the urge to leap back down, fairly certain he would survive the now fifty-foot drop. He inclined his head to Dorian and turned, racing back up the stairs before he could give in. He couldn’t let Corypheus get away, no matter what it cost him. He would avenge his brother and create a world safe for the man he loved. That would be his legacy.
He dropped the few feet to what seemed to be the final arena. They sat just beneath the ever-growing breach, his mark sparking wildly, pouring energy into him as Corypheus forced it to expand.
“Now you have come.” Corypheus roared, energy cracking wildly around him to collide with several stones, shattering them to a million pieces near Bastien’s feet, “I will tear out your beating heart and the world shall see its strongest fall!”
Bastien twirled his sword in his hand and pointed it at Corypheus, “You will not have this world. Even if I fall, more will rise in my place.” He cut through the air with his sword, green energy radiating off his frame as power continued to pour into him, “I am one face among millions, one soldier for our freedom and we will not sit by quietly. I carry their hopes, their fears on my shoulders and I will not fail them! I will see you dead by my hand!”
He raised his shield and charged, exploding forward in a blur. Corypheus’ claws glanced off the edge of his shield, barely deflecting him in time though his sword caught on a rib. As he passed, a few found purchase in his shoulder, catching to toss him towards a nearby pillar, but the throw was weak and he rolled back to his feet with nothing but gouges in his shoulder. The several smaller altercations had left Corypheus weakened, while the breach he insisted on strengthening continued to feed Bastien with more and more power. He knew his eyes were glowing green, he could see his skin glowing beneath the armor. He flicked the blood from his sword, one good hit and this would be over.
Bracing his shield against his shoulder, he barreled forward. Corypheus raised his hand and a beam of superheated energy slammed into his shield, pushing him back several feet before he regained traction. Slowly, Bastien pushed his way forward, closing the distance until he was close enough to sink his sword into Corypheus’ side. The steel tore through his withered flesh, breaking through the crystals until it sank to the hilt. With a twist of his arm, he ripped the blade free, leaving a massive gash in its wake. With a howl, the monster launched away from him, a blood-soaked hand clenched to his side. He gripped the orb, calling upon gods long dead to aid him as he slunk away.
The mark flared, its energy warm and encouraging. It was trying to help him once more, to give him some direction that would save his life just as it had in the Western Approach. He dropped his shield and obeyed, reaching his hand forward and the orb rocketed towards him, slamming into Corypheus’ face in its haste to obey.
For a moment, everything fell silent. The only visible motion the orb itself, spinning lazily in his hand. He felt the power radiating from the object and into the mark, into him as the whispers from a lost age floated in the back of his mind. He knew what to do, the voices were all whispering it.
He held the orb high over his head, pulsing green light radiating around him before exploding upward, slamming into the breach hard enough to push the platform down several feet. The ground cracked beneath his boots but he stood firm, the orb emptying itself into the breach. The world fell silent as the energy subsided, the orb falling uselessly to the ground. Bastien turned his attention to Corypheus, who sat kneeling, weak and winded with his power source gone.
“No…not like this.” Corypheus shook his massive head, reaching towards Bastien, “I have walked the halls of the Golden City… Crossed the ages…”
Bastien slapped away Corypheus’ outstretched hand, pressing his marked palm against the monster’s forehead.
“You wanted into the fade?” Bastien growled, opening his mark and letting the excess energy pour into Corypheus’ skull. He watched as the energy ignited within, wrenching Corypheus’ head back as his eyes began to glow sickly green before disintegrating. He stepped back as the body twitched and broke, crumbling in on itself before burning to ash, only to be sucked away and into the fade, screams echoing against the temple walls.
Bastien didn’t have the chance to catch his breath, to enjoy his victory before the sky came crashing down. He tried to run, to avoid the falling boulders, but with the breach settled and the mark no longer feeding him, his energy began to wane. He barely managed to avoid the massive boulder, but the shock sent him reeling. When he finally came to, the dust had begun to settle. He didn’t dare move for several heartbeats, not quite believing he was alive. He did a mental check, moving small parts here and there before eventually sitting up, shocked he was not only alive, but in one piece and relatively unharmed. He stood shakily and looked around the ruins. He was still alone. Had anyone else made it?
A shift behind him had him spinning on his heel, half expecting to see Corypheus standing there once more, but it was just Solas. He sighed and smiled, stopping short when he saw the clear distress on Solas’ features upon seeing the shattered orb.
“I’m sorry it couldn’t be saved.” Bastien braced a hand on Solas’ shoulder, gripping it firmly as he knelt, lifting one of the larger pieces himself. So much chaos caused by such a small object.
Solas shook his head, “So much has been lost.”
“BASTIEN!” Dorian’s voice cracked through the area, desperate and broken as it echoed off the remaining walls. He was alive. Bastien didn’t look back, rocks and dust flying up behind him as he raced toward the voice, rounding the corner to see most of his companions at the base of the stairs. Dorian was at the front, eyes wide and frantic, stilling when they met his. For a moment, neither dared move. But it wasn’t long before Bastien raced down the stairs and lifted Dorian into his arms.
Dorian, for once, didn’t complain. He wrapped his arms tightly around Bastien’s neck, burying his face against his sweat and blood-soaked hair. Bastien buried his face into Dorian’s neck, and for a long while neither dared to move. Dorian had been so terrified, watching Bastien race off alone. If he hadn’t been so damn tired he would have been able to keep up, able to be by his side for the final battle. But none of that mattered now, he had to keep reminding himself of that. Bastien was here. He was in his arms, he was safe and healthy enough to lift him and spin him around and Dorian couldn’t be happier.
“Wassat?” Sera asked, pulling something from Bastien’s hand. He’d forgotten he was holding a piece of the orb and he smiled, lowering Dorian to the ground but not releasing him. Dorian’s arms remained around his neck, Bastien’s arm holding him tightly to his side as he held the shattered bit out towards Sera.
“Whats left of the orb.” Sera lurched back, and Bastien grinned. “Don’t worry, all the magic is gone, it’s just a relic now.”
“Its actually over? Corypheus is slain?” Cassandra stepped forward, wringing her hands, and Bastien smiled.
“Yes. It’s over.” He pressed a kiss to Dorian’s temple and he let go, reaching for his hand instead.
“And the sky is healed, healthy…whole. There’s just that left to remember.” Cole smiled, peering from beneath his hat to a sky lit with a swirling aurora. For a long while, everyone stood silent, letting the victory sink in. So much had crested to this moment, so much had been lost and gained to allow them to see this day. Bastien smiled and pulled Dorian close once more.
“What do we do now, boss?” Bull asked, sounding more unsure than he’d ever heard him.
Bastien grinned at them all, his family, his friends, they had all survived. His brothers, his sister, all the lives that had been taken by Corypheus had been avenged, the world could finally begin to heal. And so could he. He gripped Dorian’s hand.
“We go home.”
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call-2-arms · 5 years
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Hair | Armour | deshine | no dirt buildup 
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tricksterkathoard · 7 years
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foR @blackberreh‘s BIRTHDAY 
in transparency 
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gwyns · 2 years
Read disenchanted in one sitting because of your posts ^^ What are you hoping for in the sequel?
ok so first off it makes me SO HAPPY to hear that i got you to read this book and that you (seemingly) enjoyed it <3 brianna is suuuper nice and truly deserves every single read she gets.
second, i'm glad you asked! i think i actually have a post on my blog about what i'd like to see in disillusioned but that was awhile ago and i want to talk about them again so here we go! ps sorry if i end up repeating some things from that old post
before i go any further i'd like to say that there will be disenchanted spoilers below so if you haven't read the book but would like to or you've started but haven't finished or whatever else... PLS LOOK AWAY
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(i mostly put that gif there to give people a chance to scroll by but look at him dance. he seems so happy. i wish that were me 😫)
let me start this off with saying SMUT. i want dirty, nasty, bite kink smut. if you asked me this question a year ago i would've said i highly doubt we'd get it. HOWEVER in recent times brianna has mentioned writing smut so it's very possible we could get some 👀
another thing that is high on my list is a big love declaration. garin calls lilac his beloved to the woman he's about to kill but not the girl herself? NO. THIS DOESNT SIT RIGHT WITH ME. GO TELL HER SIR TREVELYAN. i would also just like some cute lil domestic things between them. brushing hands, soft kisses, gazing longingly at the other.... you know the works.
a bastien and lilac brotp. I NEED IT. idc what i have to do to get it. i will pay miss sugalski if i have to.
speaking of bastien i love him..... like a lot lmao so i would like to see him get a love interest. i even had the passing thought that him and ophelia would be amazing together. also hilarious. but maybe him and piper could be cute too but it'd be a little.... awkward i guess but i LIVE for couples who have rough starts but end up falling madly in love.
piper. that's it. that's the post. she's my lil redheaded, baby vampire and i need more of her.
more of the fae and its court(s). i'm a slut for the fae we all know this and one of my favorite parts of disenchanted was meeting kestrel and watching him reveal every little secret he could to his entire court, like damn. those bitches love drama 😭
i want lilac to find freya's children and i want them to BE OK!!!!! I WONT ACCEPT ANYTHING LESS.
more information on lilac's magical, vibrating dagger. and if it can be used for.... other....... purposes ;)
i would also love for lilac to have a talk with her parents about how they treated her and made her feel over the years. i don't want them to just die or something you know? i like complicated familial relationships and i also feel like lilac deserves some kind of closure there.
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Things I’ve  Noticed/Loved
Just some things I’ve noticed and loved while playing DA: I
This does have some Trespasser and Frostback basin spoilers
-During the prologue if you play as Trevelyan, Varric comments on your accent
-If you play as Lavellan, Solas makes some remarks about your Elven heritage
-If you play as Adaar Varric wonders if you’re essentially gonna try to convert them to the Qun. 
-Learned this when I decided to explore more 
-Iron Bull likes hot cocoa with strawberry marshmallows. 
-In Trespasser if you haven’t played as a Fem Qunari, and bring Sera to the meet the Viddasala in the library she giggles and comments on her attractiveness
-I love how flustered Cassandra gets when you talk to her at the beginning of Trespasser and she thinks you’re gonna propose to your LI (Can’t wait to see what she says when I romance her)
-I just about died when Iron Bull mentions doing it from a chandelier with your Inquisitor if you romance him
-Iron Bull and Solas play chess while out in the field and Iron Bull uses Qunari rolls for his while Solas uses knights and mages. 
-Vivienne compliments Cassandra’s fast acting on forming the Inquisition 
 -When you find the Red Jenny Caches (i literally just learned these are all over the world lol) Sera comments on it
-You can definitely here Dorian and Iron Bull getting less antagonistic towards each other as your progress. 
-Same with Cassandra and Varric
-Mid to High approval Vivienne calls your Inquisitor darling, and my dear and I love it 
-I also just found out there is a final cut scene with Vivienne were you meet Bastien's sister and son in Skyhold. 
-Cassandra offers to help Sera combat her fear of magic 
-In the destroyed library when Sera starts to freak out, Cassandra helps her calm down by reminding her they’re fought demons, walking corpses ect and she’s worn their pants on her head
-Does anyone else pick the angry option the final time the anchor flares up  in front of the advisers in Trespasser because that speech? I mean it’s showing both how terrified and angry your Inquisitor is with everything. I always pick it
-Cole comments on the Viddasala calling Iron Bull I think Hissrad(?) before they fave another wave of Qunari. 
-I always smile when you can pick the option ‘just keep up darling’  to Iron Bull (if romanced) and Iron Bull laughs
-Blowing up the gatlock is hella fun
-You can judge Storvacker 
-Storvacker thinks Cullen is a bear cub with mange
if you send the Avvar  Sky Watcher to the Stone Bear hold he and Thane Sun-Hair to the bedroll mambo
-The giant unnamed creature in the Frostback Basin is just a giant bogfisher and everyone laughs 
-Cole asks Blackwall about facial hair
-Dorian has a dance with twelve scarves apparently lol
-Iron Bull thinks you mean literal sex on the dance floor (nothing will change my mind) and I love it
-Solas looks great in his hat
-Cullen automatically says no because he’s been asked to dance so many times and then you dance with him at the end and it was so sweet
-The story your inquisitor tells during the wicked grace game always involves a rabbit and is apparently very scandalous 
-My favorite so far is the mage Trevelyan’s story. 
This came out longer than intended to I’ll stop here lol 
Feel free to add to this post! 
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daitranscripts · 9 days
Bring Me the Heart of Snow White Pt. 4a
Something For You
Vivienne Masterpost First: An Alchemical Formula Previous: A More Innocent Time
Vivienne walks through the main hall of Skyhold with a couple of Orlesian nobles.
Marcelline: I expected ruins.
Vivienne: They were. As you see, the Inquisition has not been idle.
Laurent: Would it be possible to meet the Herald before we return to Ghislain?
Vivienne: My dear Laurent. For you, anything.
She waves the PC over from where they were talking with Josephine.
Vivienne: Allow me to present Inquisitor (Trevelyan/Adaar/Lavellan/Cadash).
Laurent: Your Worship, you do us great honor.
Vivienne: Inquisitor, this is my dear Bastien’s sister, Grand Cleric Marcelline. And his son, Duke Laurent of the Council of Heralds.
Marcelline: Madame de Fer has told us what great trials you faced, trying to save my poor brother’s life.
Laurent: The Maker called my father to His side. It was valiant of you to champion him in his final hours.
Dialogue options:
General: I wish I’d done more. [1] +Vivienne slightly approves
General: It was just a wyvern. [2]
General: Tell me what you’ve heard. [3] +Vivienne slightly approves
1 - General: I wish I’d done more. PC: If only I’d been able to save Bastien. Marcelline: The Circle of Magi told Bastien many years ago that his illness was incurable. It was simply his time. [4]
2 - General: It was just a wyvern. PC: All I did was kill a wyvern. Laurent: Truly, you are too humble, Inquisitor. My family is deeply grateful for your efforts. [4]
3 - General: Tell me what you’ve heard. PC: I’m curious, what has Vivienne told you of my part in the affair? Laurent: She said you faced down the most dangerous of all wyverns in a desperate bid to save Father’s life. [4]
4 - Scene continues.
Vivienne: Would you mind waiting for me in the chapel, my dears? The Inquisitor and I have business to discuss.
Laurent: It has been our very great pleasure, Herald.
They leave the PC and Vivienne to talk.
Vivienne: This has been quite the triumph, hasn’t it? They just adore you.
Dialogue options:
Pleased: They seem very nice. [5] +Vivienne slightly approves
Surprised: You told them about me? [6]
Confused: How was this a triumph? [7] -Vivienne slightly disapproves
Stoic: Why are they here? [8]
5 - Pleased: They seem very nice. PC: Duke Bastien’s family seem quite pleasant. Vivienne: Ordinarily, I would’ve warned you that Marcelline has the temper of a hungry vulture. But she’s quite taken with you. [9]
6 - Surprised: You told them about me? PC: I can’t believe you told them about the snowy wyvern. Vivienne: Of course, my dear. Bastien’s death was a great loss. A dash of heroics was just what they needed. [9]
7 - Confused: How was this a triumph? PC: We failed to save Bastien, and you’re showing his grieving relatives around Skyhold. How is this a triumph? Vivienne: We did all we could for my darling Bastien, and the family knows that. [9]
8 - Stoic: Why are they here? PC: So why exactly are they here? Vivienne: They asked to see Skyhold. I could hardly refuse. [9]
9 - Scene continues.
Vivienne: Laurent is a dear. Almost as pious as his aunt, and new to a seat of great power in the empire. And Marcelline is one of the strongest voices among the grand clerics. Now they will both come to us for advice. The Inquisition is truly a power now, and there’s no telling how far its influence will reach. But enough of this talk. Here. I have something for you. I commissioned this ring from the Formari—the greatest enchanters in all Thedas—for you.
She hands the PC a ring.
Dialogue options:
General: Thank you. [10] +Vivienne slightly approves
General: There has to be a catch. [11] +Vivienne approves
General: I have lots of rings. [12] -Vivienne slightly disapproves
10 - General: Thank you. PC: This is a generous gift. Thank you, Vivienne. [13]
11 - General: There has to be a catch. PC: And what comes attached to this ring, may I ask? Vivienne: The friendship of all the Circle, should you need it. [13]
12 - General: I have lots of rings. PC: I have enchanted rings. I don’t need another one. Vivienne: You don’t have one like this, my dear. [13]
13 - Scene continues.
Vivienne: Once, it was customary for the Circles to craft enchantments for their staunchest friends and allies. And you have been both. I must go see to my guests now. Another time, darling.
Scene ends.
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johaerys-writes · 4 years
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Chapter 14: Cobwebs and Oathstones
Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairing: Aran Trevelyan/Tristan Trevelyan
Aran and Tristan are childhood friends. Best friends. Brothers, almost. They’ve been inseparable since the moment they met, one rainy autumn day underneath the maple tree in the school playground.
Best friends don’t fall in love with each other. Surely not.
The new chapter of my and @oftachancer​’s collaborative fic, featuring her OC Aran and my OC Tristan is up! Where the Terrible T’s venture into the ancient catacombs underneath the Trevelyan manor, and discover something... unexpected 👀
Read more on AO3,  or start from the beginning :)
“Oh, wow!” Tilly exclaimed, turning her head to look around the catacombs like a curious bird. “This place is huge!”
“It is!” Aran replied. “There’s loads of stuff down here. Last time, Tris and I found this massive set of armour that belonged to a great uncle of yours- was it Trevor Trevelyan?”
“Trenton Trevelyan the Third,” Tristan grumbled, illuminating the corridor before them with the torch.
“Aye, that’s the one! He had this huge sword, too, right, absolutely massive. Tris said he could wield it one handed, but Void knows how he did it because that thing was- Ah! What- Is that a spider?!” Aran spun in a circle, scrubbing his fingers through his hair. “Fuck, fuck, fuck- get it off, get it off!” Tilly gasped and ran to his side, patting down his hair and his back, while Aran’s cries echoed deafeningly down the corridor.
Tristan sighed, wondering whether people would notice it if he locked them both in the catacombs and then fled.
“I don’t see a spider, munchkin,” Tilly said worriedly, biting her lip as she searched through Aran’s hair. “Maybe it was just your imagination.”
“I hate them. I hate them.” Aran twisted to look back over his shoulder, aiming his light at himself. “So many feckin’ legs,” he shivered, tugging his hood up over his head and cinching it tight. He looked to Tristan, biting his lip, fingers flexing in that way they did at school or at parties right before he suggested they find somewhere to go that wasn’t people. Right before he reached for him and tucked his palm against Tristan’s and gave that quiet sigh that was the first of many as hand holding progressed to other things… Aran held his gaze in the dark and shoved his hands and his torch into the pouch of his sweatshirt. “It was a big sword,” he finished lamely.
Tristan swallowed thickly, looking away. He didn't like that he couldn't hold his hand, or kiss him. He didn't like hiding what they had from Tilly, of all people. But it was still so early. Tristan hadn't fully understood what was happening between them himself, and if he told Tilly, she would have questions. He wouldn't last a moment under her scrutiny. And she might tell Mother, or someone else and then...
"Right," he said abruptly, marching ahead. "The room is not too far from here. We can go there first and check the sword after we're done." He would think about it all later. Now was not the time.
"Oh, yes, we should!" Tilly said excitedly. "Swords are so fun. Remember when we went to the Ostwick History Museum with school, three years ago? All those sets of armour! All those swords! Those lances! They were so shiny. And I loved the engravings. Some of them were absolutely beautiful- they don't make them like that anymore. Well, they don't make them at all anymore, which is a pity if you ask me. Oh! Wouldn't it be fun if we had armour and swords made for the three of us? I bet we would all look smashing. The Terrible T's: Fourth Blight edition." She threaded her arm through Aran's, grinning.
“So long as it’s without the actual Blight.” Aran leaned into her, eyeing the webs they passed under with suspicion. “You should see the armor we found down here, too! When we found it, Tris said he’d wear it. You’re pretty tall. Might suit you better.”
“It looked heavy," Tristan said. “Even if both of you got in it, I don’t think you’d be able to lift it.”
“So you’d be able to lift it and the both of us wouldn’t?” Tilly sniffed. “Someone has a big idea of themselves.”
“No,” Tristan rolled his eyes, “I just call things how I see them.” He quickened his step, walking well ahead of them. The sooner they reached the blighted room, the sooner they’d leave. He hoped. “We’re close. Aran, is your torch working?”
“Hm?” Aran was walking with his chin perched on Tilly’s shoulder, his arms wrapped around her. “No hands. Don’t know.”
Tilly laughed, reaching into Aran’s sweatshirt pouch. “Here. I’ve got it.” She switched it on, illuminating the corridor before them. “You know, I learnt a spell last year that gives you light without using a torch. Some mages use it with a wand or a staff, but I can cast it without one! Although Mistress Anaan said it’s dangerous and that she would punish anyone who tried it. Oh, I wish I could show you! If only we were allowed to use magic outside the Circle. Think we’re deep enough into the earth now to not be detected? I’ve heard that when mages go into the Deep Roads, the magic detectors can’t sense them at all, so they can cast as many spells as they like. Regina, the new transfer from the Lake Callenhad Circle, was telling us that many mages from their Circle were sent to the Deep Roads in Orzammar to test out new spells that they didn’t want the government to know about. It was all very hush-hush, you understand. That is if she was telling the truth, which I’m not entirely sure she was. She told Gianna that Bastien asked her out, and Gianna told me, because she knows I know Bastien, and we sit next to each other in my Arcane magic class. So I asked Bastien-"
"Don't forget to breathe, Til," Tristan said teasingly.
"Oh, shush, you," his sister laughed. "Anyway- where was I?"
"What did Bastien say?" Aran asked, blinking up at her.
"Oh, yes! So. Bastien said he only texted her once, and that was to ask her to bring him back a pouch of crystal grace powder that he had lent her. So I’m not really sure what to make of her. Maybe she lies about some things, but not others." She tapped her chin with her finger, then made a vague gesture in the air, shaking her head. "Anyway. Top secret expeditions into the Deep Roads sound very, very interesting, if you ask me. I do hope they’re true. I do hope they send me there someday! I want to do all the research. All the spells! I might even come up with one that sends all the spiders running. I bet there’s loads of them in the Deep Roads. Then I’ll show you how to do it, Aran! Oh.” She paused, frowning. “It’s a pity you’re not a mage. We would have had so much fun together in the Circle. But that’s alright! When I go to the Deep Roads, I’ll take you with me. And I’ll keep you safe from all the spiders,” she grinned, pinching his chin.
“If you come up with a spell that scares spiders of all shapes and sizes, they’ll give you an award and a duchy,” Aran beamed at her. “I will. I’ll found a feckin’ kingdom and hand you the keys to it.” He nudged her with his shoulder, “Anyway, Miri’s there if you want a dose. She’s fun.”
"Oh, yes! Miranda's lovely. I see her from time to time, but she's usually busy. She's working really hard on her apprenticeship. Her blue robes suit her very nicely. I can't wait to get started on my own. Mistress Anaan said I might be able to start early if I pass all my exams with good marks next year. I'm thinking Arcane or Primal. Everyone says they're tough, but I think they're both fascinating. Oh! Is this the room?" She cast the light of her torch on the door that Tristan had stopped before.
Tristan took a hesitant step forward, let his gaze glide over the engravings on the door's surface. "Yes. That's the one."
"Oooh." Tilly's eyes widened. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get in!"
Tristan reached for the doorknob, his heart thrumming in his chest. The door protested loudly as he pushed it open, raising a cloud of dust in its wake. "Okay," he said, standing aside. "On you go. Search to your heart's content."
“You’re really not coming in?” Aran asked quietly.
Tristan let out a slow exhale through his nose. "I am. In- in a minute." He watched as Tilly walked forward, swinging the light of the torch in a wide arc around the room, before stopping at the large stone in its center.
"Oh, my. Sweet Maker! Is that the stone? The oath stone? Quick, Aran, get your notebook out! I need to get a good look at those runes. We should take all of them down- but first, we must figure out what they mean. Some runes activate as soon as they're written in order. Wouldn't want to set something on fire before we've had a chance to study them. Although that would be fascinating in its own right. Do we have any water in case that happens…? Oh, well, we'll just need to be careful."
Tristan sighed, flexing and curling his hands at his sides. "I don't like this. I don't like it one bit. I told you we shouldn't have come down here."
“It’s okay,” Aran met his eyes. He shifted his backpack to his side and brushed his fingers down Tristan’s forearm behind the bulk of it. “We won’t do anything to start it up again. Just figure out what it actually is. You’ll feel better knowing, aye?”
"I don't know," Tristan mumbled, the knot in his stomach tightening. He caught Aran's pinky with his own, squeezing lightly. "Some things are better left on their own."
“But you don’t know what those do until you see what they are, eh? What if-“ Aran lifted his brows, squeezing back. “What if your great-grandad had to do something on this thing to be able to wear that armor or heft that sword? Even if you never want to do it, wouldn’t it be cool to know?”
Tristan nodded reluctantly, worrying his lip. "Okay," he said quietly. "Okay. Let's- let's just get this over with. This place is very… dusty." He scrunched his nose, looking away.
“Aye, it is. Just some notes. And then movies.” His eyes gleamed in the torchlight, the yellow making his soft blue eyes like a summer sky filled with sun. “If you want.”
Tristan swallowed thickly. Aran’s gaze on him and his fingers that threaded discreetly through his sent a rush of warmth through him. “I do,” he whispered. “You know I do. I-”
“Aran! Tris! Come, come over here! I think I know what most of these runes mean. There’s so many of them, oh, dear. Our ancestors worked really hard on this thing. Or whoever made it for them, anyway. I haven’t seen one quite like this before. And you said there was a sword, too? And a book?”
“Yes,” Tristan said, untangling his fingers from Aran’s, “there’s a sword. But I’m not touching it. And neither are you,” he glanced sharply at Aran.
“I brought gloves,” Aran smiled hopefully.
Tristan huffed and walked away from him, coming to stand over Tilly. “Right. What did you find?”
Read more on AO3!
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roguelioness · 4 years
How do you feel about Vivienne?
Ahh, Vivienne. 
How I feel about this character.
I respect the hell out of Vivienne. I think she’s a strong, bold, ambitious woman in a setting that has too few of them. I think she took a look at the hand the world gave her, rejected it, and decided to make her own. Her methods might not be morally clean, but she’s a mage - her options are limited, so I can’t blame her for wanting better for herself, and doing everything she can to put herself in a position where she’s the one in charge.
I don’t like how she’s absolutely insistent that Circles are the only option, and I’m not a fan of her pro-Templar-ness. I don’t know if it’s bad writing or not, but her dismissal of other mages who she sees as not having done enough to improve their own lot is concerning. Not every Circle was the same - just because she was lucky enough to change circles doesn’t mean every mage was able to do so.
All the people I ship romantically with this character.
I’ve never really given much thought to this. Hmm. I think she’d do well with the Inquisitor, maybe? Especially an ambitious Trevelyan who helped Vivienne become Divine. They’d be a force to reckon with.
My non-romantic OTP for this character.
Dorian. Her sniping with him is, I think, something that he welcomes because it reminds him of home. And they’re both incredibly intelligent people. Vivienne would make Dorian feel comfortable in the Inquisition in a way no-one else could.
My unpopular opinion about this character.
She’s not a bad character, she was just poorly written. We only got to see the power-hungry, ambitious side of her, but there weren’t enough moments of her being soft. Even her party banter is abrasive! That isn’t fair at all. She deserved better.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wanted more of her backstory! Bastien was a nice glimpse, but I wanted to know more about how her life was in the Circles, what kind of obstacles she’d had to overcome before she found Bastien, how exactly she rose to the position of Court Enchanter. She’s such an interesting character, it sucks that we learned so little of her!
Character asks
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