silenthillmutual · 6 days
1, 4, 16 for whoever you feel like writing about!
gonna talk about my guy frost >:]
1. are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most?
I tend to associate Frost mostly with hot pink, as that's the color of his eyes. He tends to mostly wear dark colors, though there's not a ton of variety with hunter outfits in Bloodborne. Typically he'll wear a dark coat with a lighter color shirt underneath it, as he doesn't want to overheat. Modern Frost (whenever I toy around with that) predominantly wears black. Goth bf.
4. how crafty/resourceful are they?
Frost can definitely find solutions for most things. He's more dexterous than strong, and relies on his wits and ability to manipulate others subtly to get things that he needs... or wants. He's not an overt emotional blackmailer, but he will make suggestions that sound reasonable or in ways that make his ideas sound like good ones. This is largely done out of self-preservation, and often he does this because he thinks his morals are the right ones and the good thing to do. Doesn't stop the behavior from being manipulative, though.
16. do they have any pets? what do they call their pets?
Alas, no... he would have loved to have a pet. A dog might've made a good service animal, but his life is currently too tumultuous to care for a pet. Maybe in a kinder universe?
ty for the ask!! questions here :]
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ispyspookymansion · 9 months
2, 3, 16, 24 !
2. most recent horror movie you watched and hated
i rewatched the whole saw franchise for saw x and jigsaw still sucks so bad. thats a rewatch so idk if it counts i also watched this dinky diy anthology called “beneath the old dark house” and it sucked real bad it was poorly acted and written and had a lot of meaningless nudity and assault of women
3. most recent horror movie you watched and loved
16. the first horror movie you saw that truly ignited your love for the genre
that would be IT 2017 hands down. gay little clown movie changed my life
24. a horror movie that you love to/would love to watch with other people to see their reactions/etc
copout maybe but i looooove showing people saw 2004 it makes me so happy to share it and i LOVE the response the ending usually gets !!!!
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thefoulbeast · 1 year
❤️🤍💘 for whichever ocs you feel like talking about!
About Maggot, once again, because I honestly could not think of another oc if i wanted to.
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?
He's quite crafty and resilient. Knows how to go with the flow, rather than fight it. Not much for being stubborn - he'll work out what works best for him at the time and do it. He is also quite a fun person to talk to if you hit if off well - he loves chit-chatting about little nothings and wordplay. He and Bottles (guy from his team) are the resident chatterboxes of the team.
(On the flipside he doesn't have a very strong moral compass and is prone to flipflopping but he tries to keep himself in neutral territory with everyone.)
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
Due to seeing his fair share of shit as a stalker, you could say Maggot is somewhat shrewd and callous, though not to the extent a lot of other stalkers are. He can look at death and gore fairly easily, doesn't make him sick or queasy at all, and the misery of other people doesn't much bother him (unless its someone he cares about or like kids and old people). And third, hmm. Well, he has a very active libido and is quite a bit of a slut.
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
(Answered this one in the previous ask.)
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ragsy · 2 years
🚪 for the OC who deserves to rest/chill, ❌ for the most stuck up/particular OC, 🎭 for the OC you draw the least!
🚪 OC in what they wear when lounging around at home
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mark doesn't so much lounge as he does completely pass out from exhaustion. he probably has a comfy pair of old shorts and a tshirt that he keeps around for the occasion.
❌ OC in something they would absolutely never wear
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disgraced former viceroy loraaga dormalath inflatable amongus costume
🎭 OC in another OC’s typical attire
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oriph, tiefling seer, wearing Regular Normal Human Emily's yoga pants & crop top getup. the earrings are lemon slices!! i've literally only ever drawn her once before, and i've had her since like 2018
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bathroomcorpse · 6 months
actually....... what if i made a lil discord to watch p/scop 2gether
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ialpiriel · 3 months
Ye olde rules: If you’re tagged, make a new post and share 1-2 (a few) sentences from your most recent unposted WIP(s) with zero context -- Let your followers guess!
tagged by @anneapocalypse!
These are 1) the thing that's in edits right now, 2) the thing I'm actively writing, and 3) a previous version and part of the framework for the next thing, that I'm currently turning round and round in my mind.
“Can’t wait to see your taste in interior decorating. Hope it’s better than your dad’s.” “I wish I still had those ugly fucking paintings,” Cursor says, and buries her face back in Luisa’s shoulder. “I want the one of the outhouse.”
“Well, you’re our elder, you can enforce good manners,” Abraham says. “You know what good manners are, after all.” “Not my children,” he says, which is petty, but they're not.
“I have a present for you,” the Iconoclast says again, and this time she reaches under her barely-buttoned shirt, and pulls out a small white-wrapped packet, about the size of her hand in all dimensions. The Iconoclast slides it through the crack in the door for her. “You know how to use a cell phone, right?” “What sort of dead rat did you bring me?” she asks, and the Iconoclast laughs.
Tagging @irrigone @bathroomcorpse and @katieaki if you'd like to play :) no pressure!
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oedipuscomplexes · 4 months
Get to know you better game! answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better
tysm @tenderlady for tagging me!! this is v fun i love it :)
last song i listened to:
phil ochs my beloved <3
currently watching:
im terrible at watching shows so im very slowly making my way through true detective atm. also rewatching supernatural with my siblings !!
currently obsessed with:
beatles & simon and garfunkel & 60s music and musicians in general have been eating into my brain for the past few months !!! and ive been getting really into crochet lately !! and its the time of year when i get super excited about gardening and start buying seeds and planning what to plant !!!!!
im tagging @needyourdigitalaffection, @beastofwant, @bathroomcorpse, @adamshallperish, @corneliushickey, @cruelfeast, @orpheuslament, @horrorlesbion, and @degenderates
+ any other mutuals who want to do this !
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tylrbourbon · 7 years
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This one I call: corpse on toilet. Eat it. 🔫💣🛴 #drag #torontodrag #halloween #cherylblossomhashadit #bathroomcorpse #housewivesmurderclub (at Church and Wellesley)
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ispyspookymansion · 9 months
Do you have any Saw themed blogs you would recommend? I'm new to the fandom :)
OUGH GOD THERE ARE SO MANY. let me try to think my little thoughts. most of these wont be saw exclusive but they all love saw and most post a lot of other horror too if thats your bag. sorry in advance to everyone who i tag for being annoying and to everyone i will inevitably forget to tag i love you! okay um some saw enjoyers i know and love are @adrianicsea @inkmaze @rhymingwithpurple @sawtual @carouselcometh @transfagadam @spikeys @lesbiansidney @sadizmas @hidingoutbackstage @glasscoffingirlfriend @itsaaudraw / @carouselshotgun @fragmentalman @mlentertainment @autism69 @spiked-mall-goth @vilecrocodile @vanilladella @ilsrevent @bathroomcorpse
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bathroomcorpse · 7 months
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worm bathroomcorpse / juliusz lewandowski / emil cioran / succession / worm bathroomcorpse / fragrance review / anthropophageartist
[ID: image 1. screenshot of text that reads "he’s frozen in the headlights of fear and lust and self hatred. elias questions him like these thoughts are vile, and they are, and that excites him. it excites them both. “you’re sick,” elias repeats with equal parts desire and disgust." image 2. a painting depicting one man holding another on his lap. the first man has his hand over the mouth of the man on his lap. they are in a morgue. image 3. a screenshot of text that reads "Sometimes I wish I were a cannibal -- less for the pleasure of eating someone than for the pleasure of vomiting him". image 4. a screenshot of roman roy from succession. text on the image reads "Uh... You eat me, I eat you, like they do in Germany". image 5. screenshot of text that reads "auggie on his knees in front of elias’ toilet. elias in the doorway. he watches dispassionately, distantly, as the teenager heaves and pukes and moans. 'you’re lucky i get sloppy all by myself. you’re lucky i'm so easy' auggie speaks, looking up at elias, sunken eyes and a wet mouth dripping with bile. 'i think you should stay here,' elias responds.". image 6. a fake workplace safety sign that says danger at the top. it features an icon of a hand being crushed by machinery. text to the right of that icon reads "you both know you'd like it very much". image 7. a screenshot of a perfume review on a website. the reviewer gives it five stars and titles the review "grotesque". the review reads "Smells like cum, sweat, blood, and rotting fruit. I could not stop smelling it. It actually started to make me feel sick while I was wearing it, but I love the way it smells on my husband. This scent is an obscene, repulsive masterpiece" end ID.]
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oedipuscomplexes · 9 months
@miserableflesh tagged me to list the first 10 songs on my on repeat playlist! ty for the tag <3
A Loving Feeling by Mitski
One Day He Went Out For Milk and Never Came Home by The Paper Chase
Just Lay Still by John Congleton and the Nighty Nite
Lucky Like St. Sebastian by Momus
Father by The Front Bottoms
this is a rape (the flood) by The Paper Chase
American Teenager by Ethel Cain
The Lesson Of Sodom (According to Lot) by Momus
Clean Slate by The Mountain Goats
Said the Spider to the Fly (MP3) by The Paper Chase
im tagging @needyourdigitalaffection, @m0th-gh0st, @bathroomcorpse, & whoever else wants to do this!!
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ispyspookymansion · 2 years
MWAH thank u charlie :]
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