#batman adopt plas please
Plastic Man's Adventures in the DC Universe! Now with undertones of angst!
Eel O'Brian liked to consider himself a simple man. You know, single father, likes to make people laugh, one of the only members of the Justice League that Batman is actively afraid of. You know, normal everyday Joe stuff. He'd tell you his origin, but he's a little embarrassed to tell people that he used to be a goon for Zebra Man of all people. But, that conflicted with his feeling of pride that Batman of all people is basically his parole officer. Overall, when people ask Eel O'Brian what his origin is, he typically just tells them "Zebras". That typically leaves the audience confused enough for him to be satisfied.
O'Brian and Batman had just finished a mission that required him to turn into a key that Bruce couldn't make a conventional copy of. O'Brian was waiting in the Batcave for Bruce to change out of his costume. Some idiot hired the Condiment King of all people and Bruce's costume was completely covered in yellow, red and green paste.
Alred approached O'Brian with a cup of tea in hand
"Tea, Master O'Brian?"
Plas gave Alfred a loving look. Alfred's been nothing but kind to Plastic Man. Plas has honestly considered inviting him to Thanksgiving multiple times. But, he just figured it would be weird.
"Please Alf, you can call me Plas. And is that earl gray?"
Alfred gave O'Brian a warm grin. O'Brian was admittedly one of his favorite Justice League visitors aside from Diana. Everybody else in the league acts awkward when they visit the cave. O'Brian and Diana act their own version of casual around him. It's refreshing.
"Yes sir it is."
Plas took a sip of his tea. He loved it. He morphed his face into a thumbs up
"It's awesome Alf. Thank you!"
Plas' face turned into a question mark
"Ooooo, is that a dash of honey?"
Alfred gave O'Brian a surprised face
"How did you detect that? Not even Master Bruce has noticed the dash of honey."
O'Brian morphed his face back to normal
"Nobody realizes my powers affect my taste buds."
Alfred gave a look of intrigue
The two gentlemen drink their tea in silence. Not awkward silence, but a familial sense of silence. O'Brian morphed his body into random geometrical shapes, it's his equivalent to stimming. Alfred didn't mind. After O'Brian finished his tea, he noticed that Robin was standing in front of a display of a Robin costume
"What's up with Robin? He's normally a lot more cheery than that."
"You're referring to Master Grayson. Master Bruce got a new ward. His name is Jason Todd. Master Bruce decided to adopt him after he tried to steal the tires off the Batmobile."
O'Brian's eyes slightly widened out of pure shock and intrigue
"Master Jason is a little...jaded. Almost reminds me of somebody else I used to know,"
Alfred gave O'Brian a glance
"Perhaps, Master Todd could benefit from hearing from somebody who used to live a life like his old one."
O'Brian gave Alfred a glance
"Okay Alf, I'm hesitant to do this, but your voice normally sounds like my common sense. So, I'll do it."
O'Brian proceeded to morph himself into a slinkie and made his way over to Jason. He noticed that Jason was bloodied up. He looked livid. All he could do is look at Dick Grayson's old costume
"What are you looking at?"
Plas morphs back into a human form
"Are you talking to me or the mannequin?"
Jason gave a scowl
"Take a shot in the dark"
"Wow, so I guess you definitely got Bats' signature scowl"
"What do you want, clown?"
"Wrong character, my derogatory pronouns are idiot/moron"
Jason's scowl turned into confusion
"What the hell?"
"Forget it. I just wanted to tell you that I get what you're going through. And if you need to talk to som-"
Jason snapped
O'Brian stood in silence
O'Brian stood, listening to every word Jason had to yell at him in frustration. He held himself in a composed manner
"Woozy Winks"
"Woozy Winks was my best friend, my literal partner in crime. The day your dad found me was the same day that he died. Just some Joker goon that was feeling spiteful. Shot him three times in the chest. He told me to run off before he reloads. Before that, I had to live on the streets. Doing things that you probably had to do, too. I know you think I'm a buffoon. I probably am. But at the very least, I can tell you that I know what you're going through."
Jason turned red in embarrassment, shame, guilt. He realized that he was shutting himself off like Bruce did. He had always told himself that he was going to be better than Bruce. How could he be so stupid?
O'Brian takes a knee and looks Jason in the eyes
"You're a pretty good kid, you'll get up-"
Jason hugged him and cried. O'Brian didn't know what to do. He only had a kid a couple of years younger than Jason and Luke was never this much. So, O'Brian did the only thing he could think of doing: the thing Batman would do to help somebody crying and in need
"Hey kid, do you wanna join us for dinner?"
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lurkinganon · 2 years
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Plas may have not been Batman first choice but hey second place is pretty good. In Batman list of people he trust.
Plas wants be part of the Batfam! Dc Let Plas be part of the batfam.
Batman adopt Plas now! Your Bat children need a crazy fun Uncle in their lives.
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