jadequarze · 1 year
The Hound is a representation of Laudna's repressed feelings. Like Pate is her Horny Thoughts, Hound is her Romantic Thoughts :D
It's just so funny thinking about it hurgajuaahs,, That it takes being jealous of her own dog that made her realize it, not people. But an Ill Omen hound of her own making.
The dog be like, "If you're not going to make a move, I WILL," and proceeds to be all cuddly and affectionate towards Imogen. Who is very weak for animals (her weakness in my hc)
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acebender · 2 years
Is this some Delilah bs going on???? I don't like it!!
well shit, I hadn't thought of that
I honestly thought it was just some player curiosity since Delilah hasn't made that much of an appearance, but there is a strong connection there if the journal is genuine because Vespin Chloras was a shady asshole
this can be bad
but hey I'm game if we have more Laudna dealing with Delilah
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kda-chat · 3 years
Akali, how can your hair do *waves at her fluffy spiky ponytail* That???
Akali: Hairspray and some ninja swag.
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sniperct · 3 years
Hey question, what's Spock's sacrifice gamble? I've never watched Star Trek so I have no idea what that means
Okay so (spoiler) Spock died in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
But before he died, he mind melded with Bones, transferring his Katra(his mind and soul) into one of his friends.Typically this is something done to preserve memories and etc and there are rituals and stuff involved and in the end it's likely that Spock's katra would have eventually been transferred to a family member(I forget the exact details).
Anyway, here's a key plot point.During the events of TWOK, something called the Genesis Device was detonated. Essentially, this device allowed for rapid terraforming of barren worlds. In this case it blew up in a nebula and formed a whole new planet.
The Enterprise was damaged during the battle and Spock sacrificed himself to repair the engines and allow the ship to escape that detonation, saving the lives of his friends and the crew. His body was later given a space burial in a photon torpedo, which landed on the new planet.
In Star Trek III, Kirk and Co hijack the now decommissioned Enterprise and take Bones to the genesis planet on the slim hope that they might find Spock. It turns out the planet restored Spock's body.
They retrieve him, fight some Klingons who kill Kirk's son(revealed in the previous movie), and bring the mindless Spock back to Vulcan to transfer his Katra into his body.(then Star Trek 4 picks up the last threads as the end of the trilogy lol)
TLDR: The spock gambit is sacrificing yourself but preserving your soul so that you live on and eventually get resurrected.
So Penny *checks notes* sacrificed herself but preserved her soul in a friend’s mind and it would actually be pretty easy to transfer that back into a new body
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wolfish-loup · 3 years
Random suggestions. Tyrande, Sylvanas and Liadrin, Maiev in suits @_@ bonus cookie if (the bottoms) Jaina, Valeera, Shandris, Thalyssra have Gay Attack :3
lol that’s a big suggestion, also a good one. I’ll think about it. ;)
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sir-adamus · 4 years
This week has been wild.... I'm gonna watch RWBY and take a nap...
that is fair
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jadequarze · 1 year
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The lighting tiddies! The lighting THIGHS!!!! skwnfbfbj I can't wait for Laudna to blue screen when she sees Imogen :D
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jadequarze · 1 year
*slams table (gently)* Imogen summons a Aberration Reilora Creature (looks like a Xenomorph but with purple and red energy) and it Absolutely adores Laudna. Just wraps her with it's spindly arms and holds her close, Imogen is like "Wha-it's my turn to cuddle her!!" but she can't move because the Hound Doggo is sleeping on top of her. Meanwhile Laudna is just chilling and enjoying the cuddles. Pate is sleeping on top of Doggo too :D
I raise you,
Imogen gets absolutely piled on by all of their familiars as she was taking a nap. They each coordinate for maximum comfort, without disturbing Imogen. Unfortunately for Laudna, there's no room! She wanted to cuddle with Imogen since it's quiet and all, thinking that their familiars are doing their business elsewhere. But lo and behold, they're not and they stole her place! Even Pate with Sashimi (traitor)
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jadequarze · 1 year
I really *really* wished we had more time to explore more of the lil things bit they haven't had any time to actually rest and really process things! Like it's been moving forward faster and faster with the deadline so close and it also feels like the campaign is about to end and they are not even level 10 *sobs* maybe it's the first act and the second one we go to the moon???
They're running against time and people who are far more powerful than they are. Even with the connections they have, those connections are busy with their own thing/petrified. It's most likely the first arc of the campaign from the way previous campaigns are like. There's a lot of stuff they haven't explore yet (Ashton's lore for one).
I mentioned somewhere too in an old post, this campaign is going to be brutal. It's bittersweet I guess as Matt is not holding back. They did mention this is the biggest campaign. Anything can happen afterwards
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jadequarze · 1 year
*wakes the F up*
ok but what Size would Spectral Doggo be??? It says Medium but Dire Wolves (which uses the stats of) are large?? Now I'm picturing a Humongous Spectral Hound thinking he is a lap dog! Or Laudna riding her puppy while Imogen is on Flora just running through a field *sobs*
Or that meme! Laudna: "ah yes me, my Bestie (girlfriend????) and my Shadow Hound Abomination." And it's Imogen cuddling with the huge doggo :D
(also yes Imogen has a weak spot for animals. I think it's been twice that they avoided killing one after she read their minds. Girl has a heart of gold even if she can't see it)
So, I checked the Hound of Ill Omen and it says it's medium size, using the dire wolves stats. But, just because the rule says so doesn't mean we can't imagine it. Still a heavy doggo, Imogen's going to have a hard time getting up hasugsauhsauhas
OH THAT MEME!! Yeah! Laudna doesn't understand why is she so upset about it and she complains it to Ashton, who just stares at her, with a blank expression. I tweeted this on my alt twitter, the fact that she gave Fearne scritches and coos at her whenever Fearne wild shape. Imogen have a soft spot for creatures/animals and she WILL not hurt them unless it's ABSOLUTELY necessary. Even the big worm that was chasing them, she somehow manage to talk it out. Girl got a heart of gold for animals and very few people, and you know what, mood.
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jadequarze · 1 year
Thank you for the mythology au pic 🥺🥺 it's just what I needed after ep 51
Of course! I'm slowly dusting off Mythology au for comfort now
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kda-chat · 3 years
Does Akali has a tattoo? I think she'd look so cool with a dragon tattoo :3
Akali: Yeah, dragon, so original. Oh wow, Akali, go get a dragon tattoo. So predictable...
Akali: Okay. I have like two small ones. One on my wrist and one on my ankle.
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kda-chat · 3 years
Akali, do you take the girls on rides with your motorcycle? Who you enjoy ride the most with and do you have a foxy seat for Ahri or do you put fox Ahri in a harness?
Akali: Yes. Evelynn. Neither. In that order.
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kda-chat · 4 years
*looks at their shoes* So Ahri and Akali are about the same height?? They Short???
Canonically, Kai'sa is the tallest, followed by Ahri, Evelynn, then Akali. If you take in their shoes, Evelynn, Kai'sa, and Ahri ALL wear high heels, making them obviously taller than Akali.
Kai'sa is 5'6", Ahri is 5'5", Evelynn is 5'4", Akali is 5'3"
Also, canonically, they are all within an inch of each other in terms of height. [So Kai'sa isn't like 6ft and Ahri's at 5ft 5inchs] If Ahri takes off her shoes, she will still be taller than Akali but might look like she is similar in height. If you ever put two people together [irl] who are only an inch off, they will still look like they are the same height until you get nitty gritty at the head.
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So for this example, this height difference [in red] looks almost about three- four inches apart. [Notice I did not added Ahri's ears and Akali's head fluff]
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In here, [I understand my lines are a crooked BUT you should still get the idea], Ahri and Akali look somewhat realistic in height difference.
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Take Ahri and Evelynn for example, who are only off about an inch. They look similar in height but being off by one inch, it doesn't truly make a big difference. We also need to consider Ahri's ears throwing off the scale, hairstyles that makes them appear taller, etc.
When in doubt, know that Riot isn't very consistent in terms of heights and female anatomy, tee hee.
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sniperct · 3 years
How about 20 with SS Endurance? We were robbed with that ship
oh my god you hit my single favorite trope with this ship
…on a scar. 
The nightmare comes to me with the same regularity it always has. That flash of lightning, the smell of fire and burning flesh, Sam screaming.
Even awake, I can still smell it, still hear it. Footsteps alert me to Sam’s presence in my doorway, and she knocks lightly before coming in. After one too many thrown knives she’s learned her lesson, which I appreciate.
I feel her settle into the bed next to me, her weight and warmth a small comfort.
“Scoot over,” She commands, and I obey, letting her in under the covers with me. 
One of her fingers traces a scar on my shoulder, then her lips, soft and smooth, do the same. She was the reason I survived, and she’ll be the reason I keep surviving.
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wolfish-loup · 4 years
*F A N G S!!!*
Ok that scene makes me want a Tyrande vs Sylvanas going all out (and something interrupts them so they dont kill each other 'cause I love them both)
Huge bottom canines too :3 I don’t want anyone to die, but I really hope the two of them at least meet up again. Crazy fight or not, I have a feeling any deaths won’t be permanent, being in the actual afterlife and all. 
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