septusuki · 6 months
You can't help but feel a little bad. That cutesy engineer had bowed, saluted, and even rendered the correct one line binaric hymn as you'd boarded the cockpit. All that, and you'd still given her such a derisive, degrading grimace as the door had closed behind you. From her fluffy, hay-brunette curls to the stodgy freckles on her round cheeks, the engineer had been an adorable angel; a missionary, sent from on high, to upgrade your frame to the newest hardmodel. Even if it was only the meagrest increase of va133.73774 to va133.737741, it was still an upgrade. Something she'd surely worked hard on, given all the rememberance candles and worship oil she'd cleaned off of the floor. A proper dedicant, you decide, deserves something more. You'll ask her name, if - if - you ever see her again.
Looking about your cockpit as you fasten yourself in, you take a moment to smell. No more is there the stink of unnamed fluids. No more blood smears, saliva gobbets or sweat puddles. It's clean, for once. That engineer has treated your frame exactly as it should be; a sacred land, fashioned from glowing relics, with fanatical passion. There's a snicker, and the crudest smirk, as you settle down. Satisfaction seeps through your skin, and you let the moment last for hours as the knowledge that you've been indirectly venerated kisses your every iota.
Psychotime dilates and squeezes itself back to the present as your internal chronometer runs dry. Worth every second. Your inports are peeled and popped open, and a fresh set of cyber-syringes fill them up, plopping into place along your spinal cord like soaking teats. Your shoulder hatches click to attention, and are filled with the reassuring robotics of chitin-harnessing. Even your ponytail - one of your fewer and fewer organic features - is slurped up into a storage nook. As the control visor fastens around your face, you tremble and purr, awaiting your first prescribed dose of dopamine. Oh, it's good being a god. A spoilt god of the battlefield, bathed in fire, baptised in blood, and worshipped by exhausted, battle-frenzied limbs.
But no dopamine comes. None of that oh-so expected, desrved dopamine juice. No rush of excitement, pleasure, or thirstiness. You're just sitting there, dumbstruck for a moment. Instead, clinicthetiques drool down your syringes. Calm is seeped into your system, sinking in deeper and deeper until-- until everything, even the rise-and-fall of your jumpsuit, is suppressed. You can't manage fear, or terror, but a spike of anxiety bites at you. You hadn't read the new manual. You hadn't asked for build notes. That bitch-- That dirty, disgusting, despicable engineer-- She must have done something untoward to your battleframe.
"Blasphemmyy..." You growl slowly, your anger only vented through your iron-tight grip on your joystick. That engineer, this 'upgrade', was nought but the height of heresy for defying your deity-grade dopamine high. "Excecushh--!"
Your next threat is cut off. Your own vocabulary, brutalised by-- by a tube. A thick, plastique, ribbed-- feeding tube. Your gag reflex has been pressed so far down that you don't even buck or whinny as the tube scrapes against the back of your mouth, and forces it's way into your hallowed, holy throat.
The chitin-harness stops you from struggling. What was once a part of your sacred, blessed frame, is now another instrument taking part in this horrific defiling of your god-given body. You feel the end of the feeder plap down into your belly with a fatalistic thud. You go cold, saliva filling your mouth as you try to chew and masticate it. If you ever regain control of this unfamiliar shell, you'll track down that engineer, and--
Dopamine. The tube drips a mouthful of dopamine-fluid directly into your belly. You'd recognise that zesty buzz anywhere, even in this pit of hell. Your legs kick as they're overcome with pleasure. Childlike glee, inescapable and inapproachable. You humm and giggle, looking no-doubt like an idiot with the tube still stuffed in your face.
More. The tube pumps calorie-paste, protein and fat-rich, right into your tummy. You feel heavy - bloated - in an instant. A far shot from anything reinvigorated or energised. You feel sick. The sweat dripping and drooling down your face begins to make the prostyle-paint drawings on your cheeks run. The emblems dotting your jumpsuit begin to squeal as the 'god' beneath it begins to bulge. You try to flatten your stomach by tensing the plentiful musculature buried in your core. No good; you can't look down, but you don't need to, to feel your belly pressing against your frame's console.
Full, and fuller still, of enough rations to last for an entire week's stakeout, the feeder tube decides it's done. Your belly plaps out onto your thighs, still barely clothed in lycra-tight jumpsuit. Your eyes swim in a malaise of tears and sweat. Defiled, your godliness has been all but defied. This frame is a devil. This harness is a torture device. This OS is lucifer incarnate. And you - You are a gluttonous little demon.
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Mass production Zalmos-type combat body. Based on the form favoured by the Titan Haldryg Zalmos during the war to overthrow the Ancient Regime, and widely adopted by their followers in honour of their commander after their fall in battle. Under the Interstellar Governance Organisation, the posthumous pseudo-cults of Haldryg remain active, though they keep monopoly of certain strategic protocols. As a consequence, the mass-production versions of the Zalmos frame are known to erode the conception of freedom in their user; overwhelming purposefulness and dedication. As consequence, beyond the pseudo-cults and the Population Security, use of that specific battleframe has been decommissioned.
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tyrianstranger · 6 years
Tell me more about Tenno, tell me fact, anything.. FEED MY CURIOSITY ABOUT HER.
Allrighty!- Tenno used to have a sister, Zarri, who died when they were way younger. Fresh out of college young. She never mentions her, or how she died.- She incorporates a lot of her imagination into reality, naming inventions and ideas after games she plays, as escapism.- She got involved in an asura gate accident that trapped her in the Mists for close to a year, which perverted her elementalist control into Mist magic affinity. She also occasionally hears and sees Zarri, but not the same way a revenant legend appears to people.- She has the Tyria equivalent of todays gaming channels, on Asuranet, under the moniker Girl Genius Tenno. She does letsplays, vlogs, and livestreams. She actually streams it live whenever she goes out with her adventurer team.- The Mist trip left her with a variation of chronic fatigue, that constantly burns her magic up. Normally, this is not a problem, as she rarely magicks, and thus it regenerates properly to keep balance. But if she fights and uses excessive amounts, her body shuts down and she can’t function at all.- Normal sicknesses make her very vulnerable because of this. She concocted a medicine herself, that acts similar as an energy drink in pill form, to keep herself from fizzling out and becoming dangerously depleted.- She has a self-founded, one-asura Krewe, the Lotus of Maguuma, which was a childhood idea of hers and Zarris. She goes out on occasion, to perform vigilante treks around the Jungle, under this ‘creed’.- Her Battleframes are all imbued with mistmagic conducting crystals. She herself sits in an alcove laced with these, in her home, to keep from fizzling out; while she remote controls the Frame.- She is capable of conjuring a portal merely to swap places with one of her Frames. It doesn’t work to just bring her somewhere, or bring just the suits somewhere; it has to be a swap. It is most commonly how she acts in combat situations.
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theterribletenno · 3 years
Tau Ceti Technology - Homebrew for Lancer
So rather than trying to restrain myself I'm going to overindulge and simultaneously excuse myself from spending time making proper homebrew for Lancer by churning out a whole manufacturing company. And to make sure I get it all out of my system I'm making one for every horoscope. Someone much more intimately familiar with Lancer can worry about the fine details, maybe do a collab.
Tau Ceti Technology (TCT): A mech and battleframe manufacturing company that allegedly made its big break after acquiring and reverse engineering alien technology. These allegedly alien pieces of tech are marked with the Tau tag. TCT unique features and core bonuses include deployable stealth-scanner drones; the ability to treat ally sensor ranges as their own and vice versa; the NEMO-class NHP, an NHP that has limited capabilities but also only gains control of weapons, systems, and tech with the Tau tag in the event that it becomes unshackled; and the pride and joy of TCT the Simulacrum Hardpoint weapon system, which can perfectly copy any weapon system (with some restrictions). Any time the original weapon fires, the Simulacrum Hardpoint can also fire as a free action, or be used separately during a normal action. The availability of Simulacrum Hardpoints varies from model to model, but all TCT mechs possess at least one, with some models innately having two, and a license core option to install an extra one. With enough points in the TCT license core, the Simulacrum hardpoint can even copy the weapons of allies or enemies within sensor range, and with TCT's signature shared sensor ranges it will have no shortage of targets to pick from. TCT mechs and battleframes have an overall disposition towards long-distance combat and high firepower, with many also boasting favorable repair caps.
Aires: An aerial ace with incredible speed the TCT Aires runs circles around its competition. At size 1/2 the Aires is diminutive but deadly, and although its health is low its evasion is high. The Aires is also able to use multiple boosts per turn at the cost of rapidly climbing heat. Beyond its incredible speed and flight capability the Aires' small size and high evasion allows it to share occupied spaces and ignore skirmish. But the Aires has one more trick up its sleeve; at the beginning of each of its turns it automatically dumps all heat, dealing burn damage to any mech near it, allowing for hit-and-run tactics with lasting effect despite being lightly armed.
Taurus: With an exceptionally long range and multiple heavy weapon systems, the TCT Taurus brings massive pain to anything it has line of sight on. Midling stats in most areas make Taurus a well-rounded option with flexibility and strength, only found to be lacking in mobility. The sturdy size 2 Taurus also boasts not one but two heavy weapon slots and two Simulacrum Hardpoints to match them, along with a main/aux slot and built in armaments allowing for massive bombardments. As a signature move, the Taurus can consume a lock-on on an enemy within its line of sight to attack with all weapons systems, accruing heat in the process. The Taurus' other claim to fame is its extended overwatch protocol, which allows its overwatch to trigger as many times per round as it has weapons to fire, giving it the ability to turn choke points into death traps and offer great protection to allies at the cost of increasing heat.
Gemini: One of the most exotic TCT battleframes, the Gemini functions as two units in one, the first controlled directly by an internal pilot and the identical twin operated remotely. At size 1/2 Gemini are small and not particularly durable, but have very high evasion. With a wide sensor range combined with powerful tech attack and E-defense the TCT Gemini confuses and cripples opponents to make up for its lack of heavy ordinance or armor. In the event that the Gemini becomes compromised the main unit has the ability to perform a System Dump which moves most hacks, impairments, and other statuses to the remote twin or to a scanner drone.
Cancer: Another large and heavy TCT unit, the size 2 Cancer is like a bunker on legs. A sizable health pool and armor value allows the Cancer to take a lot of punishment, and its enormous shield plates allow it to act as hard cover for allies at the cost of low speed. To pile on the pain, Cancer's massive arms are ideal for grappling, pinning down any enemy that comes within reach and crushing them into dust while its heavy weapons and artillery bombard enemies at a distance. Although the TCT Cancer lacks fancy bells and whistles it is nonetheless a paragon at what it was designed to do.
Leo: Another less specialized mech, the Leo is one of TCT's most widely used models. Although the Leo lacks the speed of the Aires, the saturation fire of the Taurus, the tech skills of the Gemini, or the armor of the Cancer, it still has a claim to fame among TCT; the highest amount of system points available to any TCT mech. With mostly average stats across the board, slots for a heavy, main, and auxiliary weapon, and an enhanced mobility suite that allows it to ignore difficult terrain and even scale walls and overhangs, the Leo's sheer flexibility and customization makes it suitable to almost any combat engagement and its unusually high heat cap allows it to stay at the center of the action.
Virgo: Built for subterfuge, the TCT Virgo is a stealth hacker unit designed to assault from all directions with light arms and devastating digital payloads that distract and cripple enemy tech. Virgo innately possesses a pair of TCT's signature stealth-scanner drones which are excellent for detecting hidden enemies and pinpointing weaknesses. The stealth-scanner drones along with most other TCT drones are invisible as long as they are not moving, performing regular actions, or attacking (if applicable). Along with the stealth-scanners, Virgo also has access to several other drones such as a set of sentinel drones, each one having its own Simulacrum Hardpoint, although due to their size they can only replicate auxiliary weapons. The Virgo itself is also lightly armed, with only a main/aux weapon slot, but a generous allotment of system points for customization and a wide variety of tech attacks at its disposal. With a moderate health value & evasion, the size 1 Virgo relies on its stealth capabilities to protect itself from harm while using its high tech attack to disable enemies. Virgo's stealth, ability to attack from all angles, and enormous sensor coverage makes it a one-mech army.
Libra: One of TCT's large models the size 2 Libra is not as heavily built as the near-indestructible Cancer but what it loses in armor it makes up for with its ability to take multiple reactions per round, many of them oriented around reducing damage dealt to allies and to counterattcking aggressors. The Libra also possesses more system points than the Cancer, improving its role flexibility. Libra is best used for defense thanks to its improved reactions and high health but it is equally comfortable putting pressure on enemy forces.
Scorpio: The size 1 counterpart to the Cancer, Scoprio trades the Cancer's impenetrable armor for substantially improved speed and greater aggression, including TCT's advanced mobility suite that allows it to ignore difficult terrain and scale walls and overhangs without speed reduction. Able to throw down with the best of them, TCT's Scorpio is known for tearing enemy mechs limb from limb, with multiple ways of leaving enemies' defenses shattered at close range and holding its ground in hectic firefights.
Sagittarius: TCT's personal answer to SSC's Death's Head and Swallowtail, the Sagittarius's low system points make its customization quite limited, but as a dedicated stealth sniper the Sagittarius enjoys its niche. With one heavy and one main/aux weapon mount and two Simulacrum Hardpoints the size 1 Sagittarius is almost never lacking for a weapon to fire. The Sagittarius possesses an enhanced movement suite even greater than the Leo's, allowing it to traverse difficult terrain easily and even scale vertical walls and overhanging surfaces at normal speed, and combined with its stealth capabilities the Sagittarius can be quite difficult to keep track of. Sagittarius also takes advantage of its stealth and mobility to lay down traps such as mines and short-range automatic turrets, making chasing the agile Sagittarius inadvisable. Low health, average tech attack and low E-defense incentivize the Sagittarius to use caution while also forcing its enemies into a defensive position, and the Sagittarius must also be wary of its low repair & heat cap. With innate access to TCT's stealth-scanner drones and an upgraded sensor suite the Sagittarius is well suited to countering enemy stealth units.
Capricorn: At first glance the TCT Capricorn may look like a fairly average mech, with one heavy and one main/aux weapon slot, unremarkable health, speed, heat & repair cap the Capricorn seems fairly bland. However, the Capricorn is known for its stubbornness, and this is reflected in its 2 armor, high E-defense, and equally high tech attack. The stubborn Capricorn is a tech savvy mid-range mech that specializes in tech attacks that cause weapon jamming and impairment, forcing enemies to chose between trying to take lucky shots through partially-functioning systems, or dedicate their time and energy to clearing the Capricorn's hinderances. Meanwhile the Capricorn itself is able to act as a fully independent unit and with a respectable pool of system points it can dig in its heels into a niche hand-picked by its pilot.
Aquarius: The TCT Aquarius may only be size 1 but its impact on the battlefield can be enormous as it's equipped with an entire arsenal not of weapons, but tools. The TCT Aquarius is low on health, armor, and even heat cap but it has decent speed, evasion, E-defense, and one of the highest repair caps ever seen. The Aquarius is the mech equivalent of a combat medic, able to repair itself and friendly units with surprising speed and efficiency and to make repairs even from a distance with its own pair of unique TCT remote repair drones. The Aquarius is still armed with a single main/aux weapon slot as well as a Simulacrum Hardpoint, but the majority of its defense will come from its drones and allies. In an emergency the Aquarius is even able to mount a decent tech attack, and deploy cover with expanding quick-hardening ballistic foam with limited charges. A support unit with ample defense, the Aquarius is one of TCT's most popular models and notoriously pays for itself in repair value.
Pisces: A size 3 behemoth, the TCT Pisces class platform is barely able to be considered a mech, being more similar to an armed carrier. With its massive size, enormous health pool and armor value, high repair cap, and ability to hover and fly at low altitudes, the Pisces is able to provide cover for allies, all of which are offset by an abysmally poor movement speed, weak tech attack & E-defense and a lack of heavy weaponry. The Pisces may not get you there quickly, but it's guaranteed to get you there in one piece.
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miaocosplay · 4 years
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Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars. Anakin Skywalker Darth Vader Costume Jedi Knight Battleframe Movie Star Wars Cosplay for Halloween Carnival Convention bit.ly/3j9j63H
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astral-veil · 5 years
I often wonder, how heavy is an exo even? Whats your headcanon on that?
That is a good question!
i imagine Exo to have a light and sturdy alloy. Muscle is probably carbon fiber or something similar, making them light and efficient. If they were too heavy, they wouldn't be able to sneak and do what they were meant to do, they are heavier than the redjack battleframe, since they have more components and not too far from a human so they dont reject the body and adapt easier.
One thing for sure, they could easily break a human hand if they wanted to, they are stronger than they seems.
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cravitus426 · 6 years
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This evening happens to be day four of IZOC Week, and today’s theme is...
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...A non-Irken, as the screenshot says!
Since it’s a little more plain, unfinished, and character reference-y than usual, today’s a double-feature, and the focuses for tonight’s post are the renegade snack-starved Vortian Guardsman Java, and a redesign of another one of my older neglected brainchildren, BLU.
Once a proud (and well fed) guard of some of Vort’s most luxuriously lazy furniture pieces, Javz’Dar was deposed from his comfortable, perfectly sculpted and luxurious seats after the unexpected and swift conquest of Vort by Invader Larb, prying the old wounds of Tallest Miyuki’s death wide open as it became quite clear that Irk never did trust them after the loss of such a beloved ruler.
For a short time after Javz was part of one of multiple resistance movements, but was captured and subsequently underwent a number of months in time-dilation torture wherein Larb starved his unruly captives.
Whether this was his plan, or whether he just forgot to feed his prisoners for an hour is unclear.
Eventually, Javz was liberated by unclear means, and has been glimpsed among the ranks of a mixed-race mercenary band led by Psi Mydra.
While he hasn’t been able to put meat back on his bones yet, he seems to have replaced his need to feed with caffeine, hence Mydra’s pet name of ‘Java’ for the hotheaded energetic goatboy.
Once a mere spydrone, BLU is known more formally as the ‘Battlefield Longevity Underminer’ - a name that Ave insists was not ‘just made up’ to keep nosy superiors away from his more exploratory projects with Technician Reznor.
Despite floatier, lighter, and arguably cuter espionage origins, BLU is effectively a walking tank to the SIR unit’s gunned-up thermos, using components from a myriad of units such as the Hunter-Destroyer, Dermis Prowler, cyberzombie battleframes, and the mentioned SIRs to create a highly intelligent and highly mobile panic button. Ideally, in the event that Elite Verloc finds himself against odds even he has to admit are quite frankly absolute garbage, BLU can smash through the wall with guns blazing to keep his steamed carcass from staying dead.
The problem is actually finishing it - BLU as a project is in flux, under the table, and likely less-than-legal even in the use of an Irken Elite under an Inquisitor. Materials are not cheap, are hard to get, and scalping some from even the luxurious stores of the Elite isn’t a very good option. Not that it’s stopped Rez or Ave from trying, but difficulties nonetheless.
Rez only has so many hands, robotic or otherwise, and Ave’s apparent blatant disregard for self preservation doesn’t make her workloads easier.
On the plus side, BLU seems to make a great walking oven and also appears quite popular with smeets!
i’ve seriously needed to make java’s design for ages and to be honest i didn’t get around to it until maybe half an hour ago
blu on the other hand has been a constant battle for months trying to figure out what i want to do
when i remember he exists, anyway
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tedntracy-forever · 6 years
From @the17thmuse
1. Villain Name: Dismay
2. Competencies: The usual synthetic life-form characteristics of enhanced durability, computer brain, innate advanced technological know-how, lack of pain and self-repair. I can phase between two particular types of bodies: a civilian one designed to mock human physiology down to the cells, and alight-armored engineer’s frame that has been recently upgraded into an combat-worthy battleframe. I can also create pink force fields that have many applicable uses, and while it’s individually not as strong as the combatant’s variant, I can maintain more elaborate constructs.
Current equipment carried includes a half-skirt that can be unfolded into an extreme temp-and-missile proof square barrier—you can never know when your shields suddenly fail and people start shooting missiles at you or your team, and a very durable laptop briefcase that doubles as a bludgeoning instrument (which I’ve lately been thinking of converting into either a long-range stun gun or a time-dilation device for quick getaways). These two items were given by a…friend. I also have specialties in engineering and will be able to create and maintain equipment. 
3. Please state your reasons for wanting to take down the Avengers: I have no personal qualms against the Avengers and I’m not really into the hero-villain shtick either, but my goal has placed me here. I have weighed my options and working under you means less chance of being interrogated within a byte of my code, studied and hacked for being both an alien and a synthetic. I literally am an ‘illegal alien’. I have papers though. Does that still count?
4. Are you prepared to not end a life in pursuit of your goals?  This is a zero-casualty endeavor: My only combat experience consisted of being a non-combatant mission assist or specialist, but I am looking forward to changing that. I am still a pacifist at core and having anyone killed is the last thing I want.
5. You are stranded on a deserted island with only a pool noodle, a paperclip, and a bag of blue marbles.  What are the first three things you would do? I have no need to eat or sleep, but there is enough silicon in the marbles and sand to create lots of solar panels if my power source somehow dies. I have enough redundant systems to self-cannibalize for parts too, should I need it. But I’d probably triangulate my position via celestial data; determine if I am truly alone; and push my abilities to its limits while making my way to the nearest continental mass via force fields (sliding above water or bubble-walking below) without touching a drop of saltwater. Salt has the annoying tendency of getting in between armor seams, and I dislike the gritty noise it makes when I move.
6. What else should I know about you to help me make a decision? I was a non-combatant engineering technician escorted by a team of combat operatives to fix a problem, but I underestimated the situation and things got really bad. We ended up retreating to the only capable specialist in the sector and somehow got his cover identity and NY office blown up. We were lucky. The damage got contributed to the Invasion of New York which started around the same time, but my friend broke the terms of his forced leave by helping us and is most likely undergoing reprogramming because of my mistakes. I was given a whole human life time to ‘recover’ from the ordeal, but the first thing I did was to get my base frame upgraded to combat-worthy status. I need to learn how to fight and work better with others so that it never happens again. I need to make it up to Rue and the team. Working under you, Sir, is my chance to redeem myself.
Synthetic life-forms face many challenges in today’s political and social climate.  As a member of this organization you will have the opportunity to both improve any skills deemed necessary for your continued safety and survival and to acquire friends and colleagues who will have your back.  I believe you have a great deal to offer.  Welcome to the Winter Soldier Minions!
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radioretrofuture · 3 years
Cavalry in the future of the #AssociationofIshtar
With the introduction of Battleframes, environmental armor, and vehicles, the future of horse calvary was brought into question.
The Armies General staff were eager to increase their prestige by building armored battalions, and mechanized/airborne infantry forces.
However, the bloody cavalry wasn’t willing to say goodbye to their horses. So, during operations horse units were relegated to rear-guard actions and peacekeeping operations while infantry and mechanized units were deployed to the front line hoping that the cavalry would get the message and modernize.
After the collapse grandstanding armies were a thing from the past. Mechanized units, though still a popular concept, became high maintenance units too expensive for the shattered nations to keep operational without taking severe shortcuts.
Also, the priority shifted from conventional warfare to Rift containment. War, had changed. Guarding against human invasions were no longer the priority. Patrolling the remaining highways and railroads were. States didn’t need expensive mechanized units to ward of political rivals. They needed flexible and mobile units that could stay in the field for prolonged periods of time without logistical support. Ergo, the Outriders became one of the most common military formations next to infantry.
Platoon sizes units would scourge the periphery, living off the land. They could track and hunt down wandering Outsiders. And threat they would report through wireless telegraphs and track the target until heavier mechanized units arrived, and radio in artillery.
Owning a horse became once again a status symbol. Some kingdoms even made it mandatory for all able households to own a maintain a horse that was stabled in public stalls.
The old-fashioned lance and saber, although still used in some places, were mostly replaced with firearms, throwaway explosives like grenades and bomb lances, and bludgeoning weapons.
Body armor and horse barding gained some popularity again as well, but is mostly reserved for officers and command units and not for Outriders.
And so it came to be that noblemen once again got to relive their fantasies of fighting dragons from horseback. Huzzah!
On our Discord we have channels where people can add their own ideas to the universe of Cosmic Mystery and Steampunk Adventure
For more. Check out https://www.assocationofishtar.com
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cosgeeker · 4 years
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Red Arrow Roy Harper from Arrow. Arrow Superhero Red Arrow Roy Harper Battleframe Cosplay Costume for TV Series Halloween Carnival Convention bit.ly/2TQHwV1
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entme · 7 years
ENTP Care and Handling User Guide and Manual
This manual is part of a series brilliantly thought up by @intpboard
Congratulations! You’ve come into possession of a rare and often exhausting ENTP unit! Now that you have your very own ENTP here are a few helpful tips and tricks to maximize the fun on their maelstrom of…. stuff…..
Your ENTP comes with:
Four everyday outfits
One extra snazzy suit for special occasions
One mobile device for research and communication purposes
One laptop for next-level research and communication
One gaming console and accessories
Five complex strategy games
Your ENTP comes preprogrammed with the following traits:
Ne: Your ENTP can generate 45,673 ideas per minute, change subjects at a rate that will make you dizzy, and is always interested in anything and everything. Loves to make comparisons or analogies that make no sense but they will insist it works perfectly.  
Ti: Your ENTP unit will want to analyze and understand ALL THE THINGS. If interested, will demand as many details as possible. They may process by arguing to see all sides of a situation or idea. Favorite questions are why? And what do you mean?
Fe: Your ENTP has the uncanny ability to pick up on other’s emotions, and will occasionally push to see just how far they can go socially. Low-key cares about people and their opinions and doesn't really like conflict among friends or loved ones (but good luck getting them to admit it).
Si: As this is their lowest function, your ENTP unit will struggle to keep track of things and lose their keys frequently. Also, makes them prone to buck tradition in favor of doing something novel, but may have strong attachments to certain memories or people.
Getting Started
Place your ENTP in front of an open computer with the internet browser open.
Tell them that they can’t accomplish something.
Show them your favorite meme.
Challenge them to beat you at your favorite strategy game.
If your ENTP unit has not booted up yet, bring 2-3 friends to talk about their nerdy interests or favorite TV shows.
Eccentric Scientist Mode (default): Your ENTP will get very excited by whatever random idea or talent or skill happens to catch their eye and obsessively research it on the internet for a good 2-3 days. Then they will dedicate their life (and a considerable financial investment) to master this project. Within two weeks it will be added to the clutter of abandoned or “In progress” projects in favor of something new.
Tony Stark (default): Your ENTP will fire up their impressive mental capacities to whirr through countless ideas and possibilities to find the best possible solution for nearly any situation. Be forewarned; just because an idea makes sense to them and they are convinced that it’s amazing, doesn't mean it’s actually foolproof.
Manipulative Bastard: When your ENTP brings their tertiary Fe out to play they can be manipulative little bastards.They are scarily perceptive of what others are feeling and thinking. On the innocent side, they’re sassing you back within hours of meeting you. On the devious side, they know just how to pull your strings to get what they want.
Detached Robot: Activated when your unit is angry, stressed, or sad. If your ENTP unit refuses to “talk about it,” complains bitterly that life always sucks, or removes themselves from society to bury in a project, then things are BAD. Resist the urge to push ENTP to open up about it or fix their problems for them. Chances are your unit has already been overthinking the situation and needs a mental escape. To restore to default mode: keep them company and try to redirect their attention to a favorite project or interest.  
Relationships with Other Units
NF: Your ENTP unit will often appreciate the depth and understanding of the NFJ’s and enjoys the random and giggly fun that comes with the NFPs. Caution is advised, however, as NF’s care quite a bit about their feelings and opinions, which your ENTP may find to be boring or muddled.
NT:  Relationships with NT types can go one of two ways for your ENTP:. They will either be in mutual delight over how logical and similar the NT’s brain is or your ENTP will reject the NT as useless, arrogant, and not worth tolerating. They can either end up as an awesome power duo or a cold rivalry.
SJ: Your ENTP will most likely view SJs as useful tools to uphold society, but not good for much else. Your unit will tend to be aggravated by their reliance on tradition or repetition but could stand to learn a thing or two about order and stability.
SP: This combination is double trouble. Your ENTP secretly admires the SP mastery of their physical environment and will often attempt feats that are beyond their abilities when around SP types, especially XSTP.  Generally, they get along well but don’t leave your unit unsupervised with a group of SPs.
Your ENTP will forget to eat if not reminded. When left to their own devices, will often skip meals and then wonder later why they are dizzy, grouchy, or exhausted. Feed regularly to ensure they maintain a balanced diet and peak mental efficiency.
Your ENTP will often put effort into picking out outfits and combinations, only to throw on whatever works for that day and cover the rest with charisma. Remind your ENTP to brush their teeth, shower, and exercise, as they often forget to do so for periods of 2-3 days.
Your ENTP generally views sleep as a waste of time and do so only when absolutely necessary.  The preferred sleeping pattern is to stay up through the night and catch up by taking naps throughout the day. ENTP will stubbornly insist that this works (it doesn’t). Send them to bed anyway.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do ENTPs like talking with people, even those they aren't particularly fond of? What do they find in that?
Your ENTP’s Tertiary Fe enjoys watching people react to things, especially things the ENTP causes. They derive a certain smug pleasure from watching people react predictably (Ti) to purposely offensive, crazy, or outlandish actions or claims. On a less sinister note, your ENTP most likely views pretty much everyone in the world as a potential friend or resource, so they are more than happy to connect and see what happens.
My ENTP won’t shut up about season 6 of Battleframe Nebula. What do I do?
Your ENTP unit is very excited about their newly discovered interest and likely is one of the most knowledgeable persons in existence on the subject. Ask two or three generic questions about their new interest, such as what do you like about [insert name of new interest]? Or ask them to explain it. Above all, do not panic: within two weeks they will have forgotten about Battleframe Nebula.
My ENTP has decided that organizing or planning things is a waste of time. How do I fix it??
Your ENTP unit has most likely decided that things will work just fine if they go with the flow. Your unit has a preference for keeping their calendar in their head, which is subject to constant change. Point out to your unit that a keeping a written schedule helps them see where they are budgeting their time and helps others know when the ENTP will be available for socializing.
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miaocosplay · 4 years
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Halloween 2020 Sale! From Sept. 10th to Sept. 30th. Anyone who ordered costumes can get up to 15% Off. https://miaocosplay.com/pages/halloween-2020
Domino Costume Battleframe Movie Deadpool 2 Cosplay for Halloween Carnival Convention bit.ly/35CCZN1
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magitec-rp-hub · 6 years
Invasive species (Open Rp)
Gun fire and explosions hailed over head. Another warzone, another realm, another HVT to abduct. Doll was getting hammered, this new race had meddled in rift tech and forced open a breach, one she was now forced to close lest the rift devour the new realm.
It should be just a simple pacify, assess, and eliminate procedure, but theses reckless interlopers were proving a challenge and had caused a stalemate. They were breeding new soldiers at the same rate she was constructing additional battleframes. She needed an edge, focusing she locks onto a target and abducts them without warning.
“Listen, I need your help, if we don’t push these bastards back reality itself will pay the price.” She calls out hoping they will listen and help, if not she’ll put them back and erase their memory.
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domaindro · 6 years
My Business is Failing….What Now?
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Have you ever had a time when you feel like your helpless? No matter what you do nothing seems to work and yet, those around you seem to be doing incredibly well. This is what it’s like to be in the grip of a business failing.
Running a failing business is a scary proposition. There isn’t enough cash to pay all the bills and creditors start hounding you for money. You never know whether you should answer the phone or not because you’re not sure if it’s someone about to bring some business in or someone chasing you for an outstanding debt.
The stress levels at work increase dramatically and this often impacts loved ones as the days disasters spill over into home life. Is running a business supposed to be like this? Isn’t the reason why you’re working so hard is to provide a better life for your family?
If the business completely fails, then what is the outcome? Many people (especially males) tie their self-worth to their businesses and they end up getting more and more depressed as they scramble to save what is often unsaveable.
The first thing a business owner needs to realise is their self-worth has NOTHING to do with their business but has a LOT to do with their personal integrity while going through the tough time. The measure of a person is how they behave during adversity not how they act when things are going well.
Over the years I’ve helped a lot of business owners out and without exception they believe either; 1. A big deal that’s just on the horizon will solve their problems OR 2. If that investor just put a lot of money in then all will be good.
The reality is those two answers rarely happen (if ever) and they are more of a pipe-dream. There is a solution to this problem and it will involve a lot of humility combined with making some really tough decisions.
The first thing to do is get everything on the table….warts and all. This means getting all the financial records together and most importantly, who you owe money to and who owes you money. From this you can put together a cashflow that will form the basis of a plan moving forward (or not).
From this position you will be able to see if the business should be immediately closed, put into receivership or you should declare bankruptcy. The law in Australia is actually quite forgiving (check your own country out) when a business fails and, in many respects, wipes the slate clean in the event of receivership or bankruptcy. What it’s not forgiving about is if you trade while insolvent……this can end up with jail time (not good). Whatever you do, get some good advice on this!
Assuming the business still has some legs in it what should you do? The first thing I would recommend is personally meeting with each of your creditors, showing the problem and outline the plan moving ahead. This may mean you will be asking them to get of your back for a period of time so you can focus on the solution. You will then need to commit to getting back to them on a regular basis on the progress you are making in the plan.
Most business owners will respond positively to this approach as one hundred percent of nothing is not a good outcome for anyone. Depending who the creditors are, there could be some other options as well…..such as swapping the debt for equity etc. If they are a supplier this could be a good outcome.
While you are doing this cut all expenses you possibly can. What you’re trying to do is reduce your monthly outflow. As an example, leases can be great to reduce your tax when you’re profitable, but they can be a noose around your neck when you’re not.
Also, most small business owners that get into a financial stress rack up massive credit card debts. This is REALLY BAD DEBT! If you possibly can, restructure this debt to move it off the ridiculous interest rates. Don’t think getting another credit card to pay off the first credit cards is a solution to the problem.
The lifeblood of any business is how it manages its debtors. If you have people stretching you out, then you may need to pay them a visit to understand what’s going on. It may be worthwhile providing an incentive plan to get the cash in on a regular basis…..or even the right to automatically bill their account to a credit card.
Let me share with you a personal story. A couple of decades ago I was thrust into a really tough financial situation when I didn’t receive a couple of million-dollar payment. To cut a long story short, my wife and I sold our nice car and drove an old bright yellow Mazda 121, we took in overseas student borders and rented out our living room to another business.
We also sold anything that wasn’t nailed down (including the kids playground in the backyard), cancelled extracurricular activities and slashed our household budget. It's amazing what she cooked with cheap mince meat! In the end we saved our house, built several new thriving businesses, and have a LOT of empathy for those that are doing it hard.
If you are going through a tough financial time remember to get some good help and be prepared to make some difficult decisions. I think that too often we focus the “successful people” when the reality is that it’s through adversity that all of us can shine.
If you’re going through a tough time now, then feel free to reach out to me if you need an empathetic ear. Have a great weekend.
Michael Gilmour has been in business for over 32 years and has both a BSC in Electronics and Computer Science and an MBA. He was the former vice-chairman of the Internet Industry Association in Australia and is in demand as a speaker at Internet conferences the world over. He has also recently published his first science fiction book, Battleframe.
Michael is passionate about working with online entrepreneurs to help them navigate their new ventures around the many pitfalls that all businesses face. Due to demands on his time, Michael may be contacted by clicking here for limited consulting assignments.
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gamesdownload-blog · 7 years
Project Nimbus Mac OS X Free Download
Project Nimbus Mac OS X Free Download
Project Nimbus Mac OS X
  – Release name (Cracked by) : Project.Nimbus.MacOSX-ACTiVATED
– Compression : .rar
– Platform : Mac OS X
– Language : English (Multi-Language)
– Files size : 1 x 3.62 GB
– Total Size : 3.62 GB
– System Requirements : MINIMUM:
OS: MacOS X 10.6.6 or higher Processor: Intel Core Duo Processor (2.6GHz or better) Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 / Intel Iris or better
Project Nimbus is a high speed mech action game set in a post apocalyptic world. Players control ‘BattleFrames’ – humanoid battles suits armed with an arsenal of weapons. This is a mech game that lets you fly freely in the sky, dodge and intercept incoming missiles with machine guns, fight armies of hostiles with every kind of modern weapon you can imagine, Battle against numerous powerful colossal opponents with the power to annihilate armies, engage with many ace BattleFrame pilots, each has unique fighting styles and stories.
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skidrowgamez-blog · 7 years
Project Nimbus PC Game Free Download
Project Nimbus PC Game Free Download
Project Nimbus PC Game Free Download
Project Nimbus PC Game Free Download Game Project Nimbus is a title with a very high-speed mechanical robot, which narrates the action environment in the post-apocalyptic era.
Project Nimbus PC Game Overview
Gamers have control over BattleFrames that are equipped to combat human beings with a selection of guns.
This game allows you to fly freely in the sky,…
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