mage-elive · 1 year
Shanghai.exe fail
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robug-lyon · 2 years
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Digital Roo in a big cyberworld.
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xenonlemonvt · 1 year
Tonight I'm playing Mega Man Battle Network. Come hang out and keep me company.
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galaxyharlot · 2 years
Weird dream I just woke up from. I got hired to be a system administrator for a think tank trying to study neutrinos and solve medical issues caused by storing them incorrectly.
Neutrinos in this world were some kind of particle that could break the barriers between time and space but needed to be stored in a vault that could easily explode.
The think tank was under constant threat of cyber attacks trying to steal their research, as it was very easy to weaponize.
Some of the names in it were Battle Network references. The neutrino project was called Project Darkloid.
The characters were all from Angelic Layer I think. The head researcher was at least anyway. She was the mom from Angelic Layer and she couldn't leave the room that houses the vault due to an explosion that did one of the aforementioned weird things. The explosion gave her a full body burn that also made her temporally unstable. She had to live in some kind of healing pod and had to train her husband on everything she knows.
Another part of the dream featured two kids who gain random superpowers that I assume change every episode based on the humor they share. During this episode it was night time and they gained he powers of a Mutant Shark and Mutant Fox. They were both very confused about what makes them Mutant.
I think the only way they could activate their powers was by getting into the head researcher's room. Something about it activated them. The kid with the mutant Fox powers was a medical expert and knew how to operate the healing chamber the head researcher was in and was studying phenomena specific to her issue.
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I edited this but to my Elsword and Megaman fans, I just had to lol.
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This is Edit 2!!!! I ADDED MORE
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YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PRICELESS IS SO GOOD RIGHT... LOVE THE ENDING FOR THAT... and very much anticipating First Penguin's... which I am DETERMINED to continued today... I feel bad for falling behind because I ended up binging a whole anime yesterday since the secondary protagonist was based on Tsutsumi and lost track of Fucking Everything 😭😭😭he is so cute though😚
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OH BUT YEAH I played DQXI's demo [the first ten hours of the game or so]... yeaaahhhh... definitely that kind of game for me too... but I hope whenever you get back to it you have a good time! I may not know a thing about Metroid but I am also happy to hear it was an enjoyable experience overall :] I enjoy the tag rambles very much :]
AND YOU'RE JUST NOT GOING TO DROP THE TITLE so mean telling me about all these interesting things to watch and not sharin the title (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
TEN HOURS FOR THE DEMO ??? long as hell demo... OH BUT NO i love the games a lot !! ive followed the series for a while since. i do have that dragon ball/toriyama fanatic in me unfortunately even if i dont like toriyama himself ☠️☠️ i only really got to actually start one of the games last year when my bro got DQXI for me and ive been loving it so far (* ̄▽ ̄*)ミ|Ю
i've BEEN enjoying it so far !! i'm just about to start episode four tho i AM gonna lose my mind if this hospital arc goes on one more episode bro this half the series already ☠️
#snap chats#joking of course.... haha unless--#if this is the chara you mean then he seems like a nice fellow :) i trust his vibes already..... he seems like a chara i'd like...#OH BUT PRICELESS WAS SOOOO GOOD AND SO LOVELY TYSM AGAIN FOR RECCING IT... i hope you enjoy the rest of first penguin !!!!!#NO WORRIES BOUT RUSHIN IT fair nuff theres no deadline !!!! id rather you take your time and enjoy it on your own terms anyhow :)#but SPEEEAAKING of DQ im actually playing it rn LMAO. i only stopped last year cause i just had an awful exp with a boss#and then i got busy with Life but itd been bothering me that i just stopped so i finally decide to get back into it#the boss wasnt even that hard this time around... tho i think thats just cause i went in Prepared this time ☠️#i dont remember why my bro got me DQXI.. i think he was just using some gamestop deal he had and got himself something too..#NOOO UGH i dont know if its in the demo but the boss was arachtagon and he's who i thought of while making that ichi and masato comic LMAO#of course i couldnt reference that fight since.... that wasnt the DQ game of the time... but still we get the point i think...#nono i love dragon quest and playing it's something i'm happy i finally get to do#it definitely requires you to think a lot more and be more careful with what you do#i mean itd PRRROOBBBABLY be easier if i did sidequests but i have a terrible tendency to wanna finish the game first...#in any case. i am playing it while watching SP because i was thinking of the next part of the game and was stuck on it#and when i looked up where to go i was like 'no i already checked that spot' and i was just gonna leave it at that but now i cant stop#but i ALSO really wanted to watch SP today but fortunately i can multitask#not like i need to pay a LOT of attention to dq rn.. im just grinding. cause im broke ☠️#oh but im glad you enjoy the tag rambles :) i have too many thoughts for my own good#like how when i was at the game store i saw DQ treasures AND metroid dread AND the megaman battlenetwork collection..#i was fighting real demons that day not to empty my wallet....#luckily my bro was with me so i felt like him being there was a way to keep me in check. even if he prob wouldnt have opposed ( ̄▽ ̄;;)#IN ANY CASE. i have multiple medias to consume lest i let The Thoughts take over my brain again for even a second ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶#inoue's chara is so funny like He's Super Human um doc... i think he's just autistic lowkey..... he still a baller regardless tho
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is there a data sora in the au with nakery sora i like to think data sora would just be like a custom shimeji that riku made
netnavi :)
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alunaloverworld · 7 months
Cyber Knight Starstream EXE. OPENING STORY
Astro Stellar died while growing up with a terminal illness that could not be cured. Dawn and Sirius Stellar were devastated that their son died, so Sirius Stellar contacted one of the government friends which they did and agreed to help the Stellar family out by agreeing to have their son's DNA merge with the data and artificial intelligence to the Cyber World where he would grow up. But the government also wanted Dawn and Sirius's souls transferred to the Cyber world so that Astro knew his parents and also allowed Dawn and Sirius to watch Astro while growing up. What they didn't know was that Astro was going to be Cyber Knight a hero that saves Cyber World 3x at age 16 and made Dawn and Sirius proud of.
Astro Stellar died as a baby during the time of pregnancy with Dawn Stellar. Dawn Stellar and Sirius Stellar were devastated that their baby died, the government officials told them there was another way for their son to live by going through Cyber world a simulation world they created set in the future for him to grow up and agreed for the son to live and take their son DNA to put and merge with data as well as AI and data of Astro's memories. The parents also agreed to put their soul into Cyber World to help him grow up alongside them but without memories of who they are. What they didn't know was that their son was going to be a hero to Core town in the digital world of the Cyber world known as Cyber knight.
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brinelakes · 1 year
any megaman fans in the crowd. any mega man mutuals out there
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sethwindam · 4 months
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The froshell from megaman battlenetwork! made for an art collab over on the bird site
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the-togepi-man · 4 months
Which MegaMan universe would you want to live in?
Oh hands down Battlenetwork or Starforce. I love the idea of having a navi, I love the idea of traveling places, I love pretty much everything about those series haha
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jolikmc · 11 months
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My take on Sheepman.EXE! by Alunna on Reddit's r/BattleNetwork
Look.  At this.  Cute.  Little.  Bleater.
 When I think of a "SheepMan.EXE", this is all I'm going to think about, now.  I already have so many head-canons for him… Small. (Shorter than MegaMan.EXE by about half a head.)  Fluffy, of course.  Kind of "cool" toward most people, but kind of shy, too.  And of course, when he gets excited or nervous, he ble-e-e-e-eats, which just flusters him further. I also think he and Roll.EXE would be good friends, somehow. She likes animals. Right? She likes Rush… Maybe he'd have a little crush on her, but she just sees him as kind of a "little brother", taking him under her wing and teaching him how to Net Battle or something. I dunno, heh.
This is the best fan-made NetNavi, hands down.  Even better than my idea for SpringMan.EXE. I just wanna cuddle him all up and watch him get flustered and bleat-y. Ba-a-a-a-ah~ 🐑
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virtualgirladvance · 8 months
Do you have a favorite video game?
Do you have a favorite album?
Do you have a favorite tree? :3c
If I had the energy to play rn I'd play Armoured core 6. But my favourite of all time would leave me stumped tbh, really enjoyed the megaman battlenetwork series so I guess that?
Fav album is definitely Hurtbreak Wonderland by World's end girlfriend
I haven't met many trees personally so I can't compare them yet :3
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kiora006 · 9 months
I hope they make a mini revival with MegaMan StarForce like they did with BattleNetwork with its Legacy Collection. I remember loving StarForce 3 so much but it turns out apparently it flopped in sales hence why StarForce 4 never happened.
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starboyroli · 1 year
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Lil piece to commemorate the Megaman BattleNetwork collection
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lucid-bug · 1 year
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Designed a character for a ttrpg my friend is making!! It’s a Cose Lyoko/MM Battlenetwork inspired tabletop game. She’s been working SO hard and I can’t wait to play!
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