#baylee x melody
3l4sacc · 7 months
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Lesbian Couple☝️
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justsomerandohere · 7 months
aaf sketches
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tokimeki167 · 7 months
My AAF doodles/art stuff
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buggi-gutz · 11 months
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Doodles :3
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mimikunzuu · 2 years
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I love them
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felixthefish · 2 years
i will not be giving context for any of these💓
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camzeecorner · 2 months
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Summary: Baylee loved music and frequently visited her favorite record store, where Matt worked. Over time, Matt developed a crush on her, noticing her every time she browsed through the records. She was drawn to the music, and he was drawn to her.
Warnings : none!
matt x fem!reader
(A/N: (this was supposed to be a blurb)..what??? Also this is HEAVILY based on Matt’s Panera bread girl era anyways enjoy hot mamas)
Baylee was crazy about music. She loved everything from records and jazz to hip hop, rock, nu-metal, and R&B. Music made her happy. Her dad was in a band when she was little, and he showed her how amazing music can be. Over the years, she learned to play different instruments and how to sing.
She made weekly trips to her favorite music store, they sold everything she loved. It was heaven to her, perfect in every way. She would stay there for hours playing different tunes and melodies on the keyboard. Testing out different instruments hearing how they each sounded. She was so in love with music she couldn’t ever find herself to leave until closing time.
Baylee found herself walking to ‘Notes’ smiling like a little kid on Christmas. She had just gotten paid so she had lots of money to spend today. It was about a 15 minute walk from her house, she never drove in that case. Seeing the store in a distance her footsteps seemed more eager and louder rushing to get there.
Ring!! 🛎️
Matt’s pov:
The bell on the door rung, signaling another customer had walked in. Seeing the familiar brown-haired girl, I smiled lightly at her. I greeted her more happily than I would with any of our other customers. “Good afternoon, hope you’re doing wonderful today. Looking for anything specific?” She was one of our regulars, coming in every week and staying for hours, adoring the music. I loved seeing how passionate the music made her. It was cute. “Thank you, I’m doing well. I’m not looking for anything specific right now, just browsing,”she smiled at me. Her smile was so beautiful. Watching her walk away, I caught myself staring at her from afar. Baylee was truly something special. She had a way of getting lost in the music, and it was clear that each note meant something to her. I found myself looking forward to her visits, just to see that spark in her eyes.
I would always catch myself thinking of her during my long shift, waiting for her arrival. She always came alone, so I figured she must not have had too many friends, also assuming she was single. She never talked much to me or anyone. I never had the courage to formally speak to her either. I was afraid deeply I would embarrass myself, stuttering over my words. It was best if I just stayed silent, admiring her.
I had told my friends about this ongoing crush, getting the advice I wanted to hear, hoping it would allow me to listen. 'Go talk to her, Matt.' 'Get her number, Matt.' I just couldn’t. Every time I saw her, my heart would race, and my mind would go blank.
She was like my perfect dream girl. The perfect girl who would giggle at my awkward jokes, the perfect girl who would blush when I called her pretty, the perfect girl who would sing me songs every night. The perfect girl I couldn’t have.
Every time she walked in, it felt like the world paused for a moment. She had this aura about her that made everything else fade into the background. I imagined what it would be like to hold her hand, to share stories and dreams, to be the reason behind her beautiful smile. But those were just dreams, and reality kept me at a distance.
Getting caught in my own thoughts, I saw her slim figure walking towards me. Getting ready to talk to her, my breathing became more intense, feeling my throat dry up. I coughed in hopes of getting better. 'Hi, I wanted to buy these.' She looked up to me with her light brown eyes. Smiling a little, she bit her lip in a nervous way. 'Yea.. yea okay,' I spoke quietly, cursing at myself in my head for sounding so stupid. I smiled quickly at her, grabbing the items in her hand. Feeling our skin touch, it was like fire.
As I rang up her items, I could feel my hands trembling slightly. She stood there, waiting patiently, her eyes occasionally meeting mine. I wanted to say something, anything, to keep her there a little longer. 'Do you come here often?' I blurted out, immediately regretting how cliché it sounded. She giggled softly, a sound that made my heart flutter. 'Yeah, I like the atmosphere here,I’m Baylee by the way” she replied, her voice gentle and soothing.
Handing her the bag, our fingers brushed once more, sending another jolt of electricity through me. 'Thanks,' she said, her smile widening. “Matt.. I’m Matt.” Oh my god matt please not now. I silently spoke in my head. “Maybe I'll see you around?” I nodded, too stunned to form a coherent response. She handed me her phone with her contacts open. “Put your number in” she giggled softly. She wanted my number? Quickly putting my number in her phone I handed her the phone back with a smile. As she walked away, I watched her go, a small spark of hope igniting within me. Maybe, just maybe, this was the beginning of something more.
Baylee’s pov:
Walking out of the music store, I checked the time on my phone. ‘9:02 pm’ my bright screen lit up. Stuffing my phone back into my pocket, I began making my way back to my apartment. The wind outside made the air feel refreshing and cool. Unlocking my door, I quickly kicked my shoes off and walked to my bedroom. Running my hand up and down the wall, finding the switch, I turned my light on, walking to my bed and setting my bags down. Walking towards my closet, I grabbed some shorts and my white long sleeve. I ran the shower while stripping out of my clothes, taking my hair out of my braided pigtails. Looking in the mirror, I inspected myself. ‘It was always right before showers when you felt prettier,’ I thought to myself. Stepping into the shower, the water hit against my tan skin. Relaxing in the water, I leaned my head back, allowing the water to run down my face. Soaking in the warm water, I began to lather soap on my loofa. Quickly stepping out of the shower, I placed my clothes on me, brushing my hair afterwards. I let my natural curls bounce on my shoulders as I walked back to my room. Walking back into my bathroom, I brushed my teeth and washed my face, doing whatever was needed before I could relax in bed.
Matts pov:
Settling into the comfort of my bed, I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my messages, hoping to see a text from her. Nothing yet. I sighed and placed my phone on the nightstand, trying to push thoughts of her out of my mind. The gentle hum of the city outside my window was calming, almost like a lullaby. I pulled the covers up to my chin, feeling the warmth envelop me. My mind wandered back to the music store, to the way her eyes sparkled when she smiled. I couldn’t help but replay our brief interaction over and over, dissecting every word, every look.
Just as I was drifting off to sleep, my phone buzzed. My heart skipped a beat as I reached for it, hoping it was her. And there it was—a message from her. 'Hey, it was nice seeing you today. Maybe we could grab coffee sometime?' A smile spread across my face as I typed back a quick reply, 'I’d love that.' Placing my phone back down, I felt a sense of excitement and anticipation wash over me. Maybe tomorrow would bring something new, something more. With that thought, I let sleep take over, dreaming of what could be.
Time skip!!!!!! - next morning
Waking up, I yawned and stretched, still feeling groggy. I almost fell back asleep but managed to get up and head to the bathroom. Splashing cold water on my face, I grabbed my toothbrush and began brushing my teeth. My phone pinged, and I pulled it out of my pocket to check the message. ‘Hey, you free today?’ she had texted. I quickly replied, letting her know I had nothing planned.
After getting dressed in some comfortable clothes, I decided to tidy up my place a bit while waiting for her next message. I started by making my bed, then moved on to picking up some stray clothes and organizing my desk. The morning sun was beginning to fill the room, making it feel fresh and inviting.
I checked my phone again, but there was no new message yet. To pass the time, I decided to vacuum the living room and wipe down the kitchen counters. It felt good to keep busy, and it helped ease the anticipation. I knew that today could be the start of something special, and I wanted everything to be just right.
Baylee pov:
I get up starting to get ready for my day, washing my face, brushing my teeth, and cleaning up. I paced around my room, picking up things that were out of order. Pulling my phone out, I message Matt. ‘How does 11 sound, meet me at *****’ I put my phone back onto my desk. Walking over to my closet, I began running my hands through the different colors of clothes. Deciding on my favorite fall sweater, it was green and blue. I threw some loose blue jeans on top with my platform high-top converse. Spraying my perfume, I check the time and my phone, seeing Matt messaged me back. ‘Sounds perfect I’ll see you in a bit :)’. I smile at the smiley face; it was adorable. I had 15 minutes until it was time for me to leave, deciding to feed my cat before I left.
I walked into the kitchen, where my cat, Whiskers, was already waiting by his bowl. "Morning, Whiskers," I said, scratching him behind the ears before filling his bowl with food. He purred happily and started eating. I grabbed a quick snack for myself and checked my reflection one last time in the hallway mirror. Everything seemed perfect.
With a few minutes to spare, I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. The cool morning air felt refreshing as I made my way to the coffee cafe.
Walking out my house to my garage, I quickly get in my car shutting the door behind me. I turned the radio on smiling to myself as I hear ‘clay pigeons’ playing softly. Turning the radio up I began making my way to the cafe.
Pulling into the parking lot, I take my keys out putting them in my bag getting out of my car. I walked to the door, entering hearing the bell I was all too familiar with ring. Scanning over the crowd of people I spot Matt quickly.
I wasn’t even sure why I had gave him my number, or asked him to get coffee today. He was cute but we never really talked much. Only having brief interactions and conversations when I was at his job. Even then I didn’t really make time to bother him. It must’ve been a spur-of-the-moment decision.
Walking over to Matt I sat down catching his attention. “Hey” he spoke to me. He looked and sounded nervous. I found that endearing. I smiled at him, feeling a light blush creep on to my face.”Hi Matt”
No one’s pov:
We exchanged pleasantries, and the initial awkwardness started to melt away. After ordering our coffees we settled into a comfortable rhythm. Matt leaned in curiously, “so why do you like music so much?” He asked genuinely interested.
I took a moment to think my finger tracing the rim of my mug. “Music has always been a big role in my life. It’s like a soundtrack to all my memories and emotions. Whenever I’m feeling something deeply, there’s always a song that matches perfectly. Plus it’s a great escape, you know?”
Matt nods his head agreeing with her. “You seem to be really connected with music. Everyday when you came in just.. always seemed really focused.” Listening to him speak, she was surprised at how well he paid attention to her. “What you stalk me?” She asked with a small laugh. “No no, I didn’t mean it like that, I just see you a lot-” He stopped when he heard her laugh at him. “I was only joking. I know you’re not stalking me.” She looked into his eyes smiling at him. He smiled back at her softly.
They continued their conversation quickly learning they were alike in many ways. They spent about 2 hours talking with each other. She learned he was a triplet, being the middle child. He studied music which is why he chose to work in a music store. He found joy in watching YouTube videos, so much he actually gave it a shot too every once in a while. He learned she didn’t have any friends, was also studying music and she an only child. Her life sounded lonely so when he offered to keep her company when he was free she quickly accepted his offer.
Over time they got closer, he introduced her to his brothers, who also became her friends quickly too. She invited him to her home, where they spent a lot of their time at. Matt’s small crush grew more and more over time. Wondering when he would tell her.
Sitting on her bed they were watching a documentary. Turing his head to look at her, he took in all the details about her that he found unique. “You’re really pretty, you know that?” Matt spoke quietly. Barley hearing his voice you turned to him. “Really? You think so?” Watching Matt nod so calmly made her wonder. “Thank you” she sat there looking at him. Watching his face waiting for a reaction. Minutes had passed time going as they just laid limp on her bed.
Matt felt his eyes burning into hers quickly shifting his gaze onto her lips. She took notice of that feeling herself pull her body towards him. Matt felt his breath get cut short. Feeling the heat from her face radiating through her mouth. Her skin so close to his. Their mouths hovering over each other. She thought if this was a good idea.
Feeling her lips softly press against his, he stayed stiff full of shock. He stayed there for a little until he felt himself kissing her back. Cupping the sides of her face to bring her into him even more. Pulling away foreheads still connected, they panted lightly out of breath. She smiled at him pulling him into another kiss this time returning it faster than he did the first one.
The night had been filled with cuddles and kisses here and there. Enjoying the feeling of their skin pressed against each other. The warmth in their bodies keeping them both comfortable. Matt never thought he would see himself laying in the same bed with the girl he had been obsessed with from a record store.
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jassygay · 2 years
I going to make some ocs in next year I had no time for them so pick a ship for them
Slappy x Mary Ellen (goosebumps: type this 🎃👻)
F x N (alphabet lore: type this 🧡🖤)
Noob x Guest (roblox: type this 👾)
Oswald x Felix the cat (type this 💙🖤)
Baylee x Melody (Andy’s apple farm: type this🐝🌙)
Diego x Shira (Ice age: type this 🧊🏴‍☠️)
1 x 2 (number blocks: type this ❤️🧡 or 1 2)
bye :)
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robo-rai · 2 years
I'm gonna dump my previous art here, starting with my honeymoon one.
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spellboundspook · 3 years
Tw blood and gore 👇👇👇
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So this is The Hanahaki disease au if you don't know what Hanahaki disease is then this is a kinder long explanation
(if you like someone but they don't know or don't like you like that you could get the hanahaki disease it has the same symptoms as the flu at first but the person with the disease will start to throw up blood and flowers they can grow in the heart, stomach or the lungs the only way to cure the disease is if you get them removed by a doctor or the other person gets romance feeling for you)
This is a Melody x Baylee au
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alarmclockticktock · 2 years
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comic thing i did not too long ago… i love them sm <3
race headcanons;
claus - british
baylee - white or french?
melody - japenese or korean?
andy - white hhh
felix - native american, navajo to be specific
margret - african american
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justsomerandohere · 1 year
gay ppl
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Yeah I ship them
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rosejigglypuff76 · 2 years
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Andy's Apple Farm x Miraculous Ladybug AU
Kwami of Friendship
Miraculous Holder: Sam Watson
An energetic and supportive bee kwami that is always ready to help.
Currently resides with her owner Sam, and is best friends with her kwami pal Melody.
Baylee inhabits the wearer's pearl anklet, allowing them to transform into a bee-themed hero.
Kwami of Justice
Miraculous Holder: Isabella Eastwood
A playful and kindhearted bunny kwami that can be very lovable at times.
She met Isabella in a local library, and stuck by her side as a sort of therapy bunny.
Melody inhabits the wearer's necklace, allowing them to transform into a bunny-themed hero.
Kwami of Desire
Miraculous Holder: Thomas Eastwood
A shy and nervous little deer that can only trust his kwami pals and kind humans.
He's severely afraid of Thomas, but has no choice but to obey him after being captured by the strict game developer.
Andy inhabits the wearer's ring, allowing them to transform into a deer-themed hero (villain for Thomas' case)
Kwami of Independence
Miraculous Holder: Kameryn Eastwood
A very brave and hardworking mole kwami that never messes her duty as one.
She currently resides with Sam and (most of) the other kwamis, and is often given to Kameryn when needed.
Margret inhabits the wearer's earrings, allowing them to become a mole-themed hero.
Kwami of Laughter
Miraculous Holder: Louis Marine
An extremely silly fish kwami that always finds a way to make his kwami pals smile.
Currently resides with Sam, and is often given to Louis when needed.
Felix inhabits the wearer's glasses, allowing them to become a fish-themed hero.
Kwami of Elegance
Miraculous Holder: Arther King
A pretty elegant little kitty kwami that can be a bit too honest with his own feelings.
He was the only kwami that's still owned by Arther, after the other kwamis were taken into Sam's care.
Claus inhabits the wearer's pocket watch, allowing them to become a kitty-themed hero.
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