#bb Kakashi
dahtwitchi · 1 year
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Happy belated Birthday @kalira!!!
Your emotions about snekwolf family feels flow over enough I have a soft spot for them, too, and this be an excellent occasion to draw them some! :D
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silicate-draws · 2 months
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childhood moments
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Half-Baked (Heartfelt)
For shinobi, the one thing important above all else is teamwork. (Ch. 240). Discord 30 Minute Gift Exchange (Comrades of My Heart) for @tomicaleto  | Prompt: Taiyaki
“Remind me again how this is a mission, sensei?” Kakashi asks flatly, ask he cracks an egg into a bowl. 
Minato smiles widely. “It’s one that I have specially requested. And you and Obito are the shinobi I want for the job.” 
“But you know how to cook already,” Obito points out, rifling through one of the cupboards. After a moment, he emerges victorious with a bag of flour, which is hefty enough that he falls back on his rear, a puff of white powder hitting his face. “Told you I’d find it, Bakashi!” 
“Don’t waste the ingredients,” Kakashi tells him.
Chuckling, Minato says, “Nice work, Obito. You can portion what we need into that bowl while I finish up the filling. Kakashi, keep working on the wet ingredients.” 
Both boys nod, and their fleeting glance at each other tells Minato that they’re going to compete to finish their tasks as fast as possible. They’ll have to add clean-up to the mission parameters, he thinks, caught between amused and concerned for the future of his kitchen. 
Even as he is racing Kakashi in a contest of who can get more of their ingredients outside of their bowls, Obito’s curiosity persists. “But what’s up with all of this, sensei? Why’d you send Rin and Kushina-nee away? If it’s about teamwork, shouldn’t we all be here?” 
Minato reaches for the sugar with a sigh. Folding it in carefully into the pot on the stove, he asks his students, “Well, you remember last month when Kushina and Rin gave us those chocolates, right?”
“It was a holiday, so they were supposed to,” Kakashi says, folding his arms. He nods at the mixture in front of him. “I’m done.” 
“Of course, I remember!” Obito says, almost indignant. “I’d never forget to thank Rin for a gift! How’s this, sensei?” 
Obito tilts his bowl in his teacher’s direction, and Minato determines that what’s inside of it is enough to form a batter. “You’ve both done well. Now you and Kakashi can put the batter together.” 
There is some debate between Kakashi and Obito over whether Obito’s ingredients should be added to Kakashi’s bowl or the other way around, but luckily, Minato is able to mediate by asking them to put it into whichever is bigger. With fewer causalities to his kitchen than expected, they manage to get their taiyaki ready for the moulds.
When the boys have settled down, Minato explains, “Today, it’s our time return the favour and give something back to them. We don’t want to leave their feelings unanswered. “
“You’re marrying her, sensei,” Kakashi says, raising an eyebrow. “I think Kushina-san knows you like her.” 
Placing a hand on both of his students’ heads, Minato leans down with a grin and says, “That’s true. But when you care about someone, you should tell them, alright?”
Both Kakashi and Obito turn red and mumble out replies. Minato asks them to speak up, and Obito mutters, “Married people are embarrassing,” while Kakashi nods his agreement. 
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kalira · 1 year
Spurring Words
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T; 2.3k Sakumo/Orochimaru, Dan(/Tsunade)
The words on Sakumo's arm are a reassurance, a link to his mate even when they're apart, and . . . sometimes, a push even when he little needed one.
Here begins my 2023 Valentine’s Spectacular! I’m going back to my roots on it and there will not be a lot of plot or complexities this time, trying to relax and fluff and little else . . . and also not posting every day or on a schedule, though you should expect more scattered through February. X3
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fruitchakra · 1 year
the world does not need another minato one shot manga 🙅‍♀️
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
Cry laughing, you telling Kakashi to move over ON HIS BIRTHDAY 😤
Kakashi: P-p-pwesent? For me? On my biwthday??? Maybe some pwetty art? Some more fic? P-pwease -
Me: move bitch, get out the way
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inkykeiji · 1 year
Do you like the Uchihas? 👀
yES HEHE i have a very big crush on itachi (*/ω\*)
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akamikazae · 20 days
is what Kakashi and. Akami have children?👀
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Yes they do ! 🥰 Though the kids only exist in Au's (where I am nice to them lol) In their main storyline, from my long fic, they only adopt Sasuke and don't have other kids. But aside from Sasuke -20, the next oldest is Obito -10, Kaori -4, and bb Mitsu<3
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linggluu · 5 months
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naruto bb's kakashi plush that he sleeps with<3
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kidsinsaturn · 2 years
Which wingman would you get to know itachi with the most?
wingmen to get to know itachi
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[🗼] okk I hope I got this right, and sorry for the short hc, I just got home but I wanted to have something done !!
characters: itachi uchiha; shisui uchiha; kakashi hatake
genre: sfw
warnings: none
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-apart from his baby brother and his parents, itachi always tried to spent time with shisui, whether he was training with him or just taking his day off with him
-apart from his baby brother and his parents, itachi always tried to spent time with shisui, whether he was training with him or just taking his day off with him
-apart from his baby brother and his parents, itachi always tried to spent time with shisui, whether he was training with him or just taking his day off with him
-and because beautiful boy shisui is intelligent af, he reads itachi so good it is enviable
-you would have to confess, though, that you want to get to meet itachi more because you are taking a liking of him. shisui is sometimes a little shit and he enjoys seeing people flustered and all
-he wouldn't judge you,,, no nonono, and as soon as those words leave your mouth, shisui is your most trusted wingman and he will help you with everything and answer your questions
-if you are in trouble, trying to find a good outfit, or a good place to take him out, baby shisui is there to help you !! you aint getting rid of him until you are married to itachi bb
-very gentle boy who admires you for liking itachi lmao
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-kakashi is second best option because he spent like a year or so with itachi in anbu, so he knows him
-he doesn't know him as much as his bestie shisui, but more than anyone else
-kakashi is also very observant and is always looking at people, so he knew some of itachi's intentions
-I think kakashi would tease you if you told him about your liking–or crush hnjadjl– of itachi, questioning why you take an interest on such a weird boy lol
-but after all the teasing and soft judgment, he would help you, but he would help you in a weird way hahaj like you would ask him for advice and he would just give you puzzles like please kakashi go home
-gentle and patient wingman who just answers your questions about itachi but not so good because he leaves you with more doubts
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mayskalih · 27 days
I know you’re not doing any requests at the moment but if you do, pls pls pls, this is very KakaTsu coded, especially if Kakashi is unmasked!
Ahh yes, I do see KakaTsu here! Unfortunately, I'm soo busy with the zines, bb and other things I signed up without thinking through so my free time is so limited T_T
(and I saw todya a random dream about Roy Mustang and Riza.. i don't have time for this rabbit hole)
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nattyontherun · 4 months
Hey! I have a question, hope you don't mind. In Hearthfire Ino and Sakura say that Kakashi can be petty... is he really, though? What has Kakashi done that they consider petty?
fun question! and one i've been waiting on someone (other than @emberswrites lmao luv u bb) to ask!
so HF plays a lot with perception - as in, how characters view the situation at hand (Shisui coming back to life), themselves in relation to the situation (this answers why I chose "revolving closer - to collision" as the series name, yes) and each other.
to ino, sakura (though hardly perfect) is sorta the victim here? imagine it from her perspective: long time bestie, potential love of her life, shags up with the love of her life, they have a few blissful years of marriage (because why would sakura reveal that she's having problems with sasuke because of his mental health??) and then they break up ("mutually") only for said love of sakura's life to immediately move in with kakashi? the fact that sasuke gets SOME side-eyes and maybe a few whispers is literally amazing??? that's how you know ppl are scared of him??? because trust, if he were some commoner chuunin he'd get dragged to FILTH for this.
and so that's ino's perspective. she's already predisposed to thinking less kindly about sasuke and kakashi - kakashi in particular because, considering the beach and kakashi's age and literal job as hokage - it's easy to point at him and go "hey, this is the mfker who caused all this" so when kakashi lashes out in little ways: giving sakura the cold shoulder, some extra work maybe, or distancing himself or sasuke physically from her sometimes, that all just comes off as petty as fuck!
as for sakura - i like to think that HF sakura at least understands exactly why their relationship broke apart. it's this weird juxtaposition of knowing it wouldn't have worked out whether or not KKSS became a thing, yet hating specifically that KKSS became a thing because kakashi was sasuke's shoulder to cry on, so to speak. so she's in a position where, when ino points out something kakashi did as "petty", she doesn't /want/ to disagree, but she can't really /agree/ either, so she just lets ino do all the talking for her and lets the truth sit between them like still water.
so that leads us to that final scene between sakura and ino in HF, where ino asks about kakashi's pettiness and all sakura can do is *proverbial shrug*
i do wanna say though that, especially early on in the SSSK "separation", i do think kakashi has a strong need to be very very petty and that he indulges that need. it's small things ofc. like i said: cold shoulder, extra work, avoidance. without context, it goes from petty to downright mean, tbh... with context, from sakura's perspective at least, it's kakashi lashing out in a way that least disrupts their lifes work while making it abundantly clear how upset he is at her. so all the rumors start and die this way, early on, without context.
ino does learn bits and pieces about sasuke's illness over the years... but smth smth first perceptions, smth smth kakashi and sakura aren't really/friends/ anymore in that point in time. like i said FUN stuff!!
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kalira · 2 years
Good Cause
Written for @kakashiweek​ - Day 7, prompt 2: Ink!
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T; 2.2k Sakumo/Orochimaru, bb!Kakashi, Danzou, summon snakes
Danzou just knows there's something valuable in Orochimaru's private notes, if only his cipher teams can crack the very odd coded references Orochimaru has layered over them. Meanwhile, Orochimaru realises there may be unexpected and unusual advantages to allowing one's summons and toddler to play in one's study. . .
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strawberrystepmom · 10 months
on the topic of clones, how do u feel about kakashi using shadow clones? esp if he can pleasure you more like that?
you spoil me by even asking 😚 thank u bb!!!
i think kakashi, while a perfect gentleman, harbors some very interesting proclivities that he tries to keep on the down low until he can feel out how comfortable you are with him. when you pass the shibari test with wide, excited eyes he feels as though he can move to the next “crazy” thing he wants to do.
he floats the idea while you’re fucking first. a mean little “don’t you wish i could fill you here too?” while stuffing two fingers between your lips while he thrusts from on top of you and when you nod pliantly, he tries again.
“could eat your pussy too if there were two of me,” while fucking you from behind. spreads your cheeks and looks at your ass, the thought of filling you there too enough to have him almost cumming on the spot.
you suggest it though, finally. maybe even a little undignified the way you ask, base and precious from on your knees while he stands.
“wish you could cum on my face twice, kakashi”
(i will also never miss a chance to plug this fic by my beloved @rookie98writes so please go read it if u like shadow clone banging)
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axreliono · 10 months
rules: make a 24-hour poll with the names of your WIPs, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner got.
tagged by: @cregan-starks tysm bb <3
tagging: @redrocketpanda @spacejammie-eimmajecaps @spooky-kakashi @ashlingnarcos @shitzuumi151 and anyone else who wants to do it !!!!!
to the ends of the earth is my haikyuu star wars au!!!
"when empire defector sakusa kiyoomi crash lands on miya atsumu's planet, both their lives are turned upside down. between a missing rebel leader, a civilisation-destroying imperial weapon and an underworld that wants them both dead, the two must set aside their differences to save the galaxy — and each other."
sooo excited to write and share some vip content w you 👀
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seina-star · 4 months
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Did you know—? Well, you don't 🤭
Seina had a Kisekae model which I used for my first oc ref sheet comms and those are the models above! Pretty cool, huh? I couldn't make her outfit so I settled for burning my money instead which is WORTH IT.
I probably still would have burned my money anyways because I love her, she's my bb and I ship her with Kakashi so much pls oml
Um my ship in five minutes soon?? Maybe when I have the artist to do it, I can't edit for ffs
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